#fuck YES fuck YESSSS DUDE this RULES
foxcassius · 10 months
GUESS who finished the SWEATER
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zoe-is-amazingg · 1 year
You're just not my type Prt 3
Jock!Ethan Landry X Guitarist!F!Reader
W/C - 1.5 K
Summary - Ethan definitely has an idea about what you think about him
Warnings - just making out.
A/N - I'm so happy i'm trying to finish this rn. im also done wit the flashbacks sooo
Last part * Next part *
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You slowly walk into school, your headphones over your ears, it's been a week since you've last seen Bryce and you're living for it. You practically wanted nothing to do with him and recently, someone else was definitely trying to get in with you.
Ethan, that is.
He has been interacting with you all week, talking to you, flirting with you, he even has been asking you about your guitar. You weren't used to all this male attention surrounding you. Ethan's friends were slowly talking to you, finding you interesting and asking things about you too.
But out of all of them, Ethan is the one that you seem to like the most. He seems caring and kind and nice. He was cute as hell, but you really didn't want this to be another Bryce situation where he ends up being a dick to you in five days.
You're walking and just minding your own business when someone pulls off your headphones and you turn around. Of course, it was Ethan.
"Ethan give them back!" You huff as he puts them on his head. You really wanted to go to art early. He nods his head and hums to the tune of the song just a little bit before he takes them off and puts them around your neck.
"Is that...Your own music?" He asks you, looking deeper into your eyes than anyone else ever has before. He had this strong cologne on and on top of how his hair looked it the sun, it was intoxicating to you. You wanted to rip the varsity jacket off and kiss him.
"Uh, yes, actually. It's just something I've been working on for the moment, nothing too special." You state and He nods. He smirks at you and then steps back.
"That's really good," He states, and you blush, what the hell was happening to you. In a minute you'll start giggling like a fucking schoolgirl. "Can I meet you in the music room after this class. I really want to hear you play in person." You shake your head, and he sighs. You look into his eyes for a moment and groan. "Fuck it, sure, I'll see you there."
You slowly walk away and sigh as you put your headphones over your ears. You arrive at art, being a bit over 5 minutes late, you were never late and by the way everyone was looking at you, you could tell their thinking the same. You take your headphones off and take your seat at the back.
"Gentlemen and Gentlewoman, I really want this next piece for your portfolio to really tell me about your emotions." The teacher says. You weren't one for emotions really, but maybe these new feelings for your browned haired friend could bring out some good work. "I want this to reflect what the past month has been like in about three to five paintings, show me your emotions and the journey that your emotions go through."
"What the hell." You mumble. This month for you has been terrible, except for the past week. Your friend, Casey, looks at you. He was a great artist and an even better friend; he calls you constantly.
"I know you're not good with your emotions, but you should really use your feelings for Ethan. Their only blossoming into new for you, Bryce was a shit dude. Ethan seems like he's good for you. You seem happier." That was deep as hell. What the fuck.
You will admit to yourself that you do seem happier ever since Ethan's come into your life. So maybe that party was worth it. "I don't know, he asked me to meet him after this class to get him to watch me play. I don't know if I should go." You mumble.
"Y/N. I swear to god. If you don't go, you'll wish you did because I'll legit kill you." Casey says and you groan. "Fuck you, fuck it. I'll go!" You groan.
"Yessss! Please do! He loves you! It's so obvious." Casey rolls his eyes. You roll your eyes and get up and walk away. You put on your apron and grab 3 paint brushes, a cup of water and some light blue, pastel purple and pink and yellow. That's what you felt like doing at the time anyway
You go back to your desk and sit down. You place all the objects onto the table and slump back down into your seat. You turn around with your chair and grab a canvas and paint palette.
You turn back around to your desk and place the canvas and palette down. You squeeze a little bit of each color onto the palette and wet the smallest paint brush you grabbed. You dip it into the pink paint, someone in the corner of the classroom catches your eye. You slowly take off your headphones and put them into your bag.
"I'm here for Y/N." Ethan says. Your jaw drops. What the fuck is he doing? You don't come to his basketball practice. You were painting, you're not packing up because you just started. "Why does Y/N need to come with you?"
"Something important has come up and I really need her to come with me Mrs Warner." Ethan says. He looks at you and you shake your head. "Sure, go ahead, take Y/N. I'm not fighting with 21-year-old about a girl leaving class early."
"I'll pack up your stuff." Casey smirks at you. You grab your bag and leave with him. You both walk in silence for a moment, you're finding the right words because in your head, everything you wanted to say was mixed together.
"Where are we going?" You ask. He shakes his head at you and chuckles. Fuck. He is not taking you to the studio. "By the way your face expressions are, I think you just realized." He chuckles at you. You didn't want to play for him, you were planning on not showing up. But what's the worst that can happen?
You walk with him for a moment and then you both arrive at the studio. You really weren't keen on playing for him. He opens the door and there's your guitar, in all its beauty. "Y/N. Look, if you don't want to play for me, that's fine, I don't want you to feel like you have to." He says to you, clearly it was obvious that you were nervous to play infront of him.
"No, I want too. I just haven't really played my own music in front of someone before." You mutter, you both go inside the studio, and he closes the door. You pick up the electric guitar and set it up so it can make noise from the speakers. Ethan looks at you and slowly pulls the guitar out of your hands and lightly rests it on the wall.
He grabs your hands and looks at you directly into your eyes. He slowly rubs circles into the back of your hands. He drops onto his knees, and you can't even believe this is happening to you. "Are you okay?" He asks.
"Fine, fine. Don't worry about me." You whimper. He nods, clearly not convinced with your answer. He hands you back the guitar and you turn the volume up on it lightly. "Just pretend I'm not here."
You close your eyes. Fuck why is the this so damn scary. You start playing a little bit to see if it's tuned. It is and now you can't waste any more time. You slowly start with a hammer on and start playing. You play for about two minutes before you stop. Ethan's jaw is wide open and shocked.
"That's really fucking good." He mutters. You didn't know what to say. He did not just say your good. It felt like a praise. It was a praise. God, you wanted him so bad. You hand him the guitar. "Sit down, I'll give you a lesson." You say and his eyes light up. "Really?"
"Yes, now sit down before I change my mind." You sigh. He nods and sits down. The guitar is placed on his lap, and he picks it up the way you did before. He puts the strap over his shoulders. "What next ma'am?" He asks jokingly. You walk over and stand over him. You grab his hands and use your hands lead where his are going.
You let him play a little riff and then stop. He looks up at you and says "Fuck it, I cant pretend anymore." He mutters and you tilt your head.
What is he on about? Your thoughts are cut short when his lips connect with yours. Your lips move and fit perfectly together. He slides the guitar off him and places it onto the floor. You slowly move your body so you're standing basically on top of him. You slowly get pulled onto his lap and you hook your hands around his neck.
Someone opens the door, and you break the kiss to look at the person. It's the one person you did not want to talk too.
Taglist - @idky5
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goodmorningdove · 2 months
Just watcged ep 1 of revolution girl utena. Thoughts below the cut the tldr is i fucking loved it.
i realize i dont know who utena is. Anyway. Banger intro, lots of queer themes.
Huh that prince story is something ill need to remember, it obviously carries narrative weight. Also the prince character looks like the other girl from the cover.
Wakaba either has a girlfriend or wanted her friends to think she's “just a normal girl hehe not waiting for my partner in battle” i dont know what actually the main plot is. I know they fight. Saw that in the banger intro.
Fancy ass school. I dont know if i should trust it tbh
Ah so utena is the girl with the pink hair. Based. I had it wrong lol. Also she has a point. Thats the way it goes!
Wait are Wakaba and Utena dating? (Or at least does Wakaba think they are dating?)
Hell yeah utena! Be a prince that saves princesses!
Utena has amnesia??
Anthy Himemiya! I thought she was utena tbh. Before i started watching.
Hey dont diss Anthy Himemiya! The fuck wakaba she's literally taking care of the roses.
Fuck yeah get Saionji’s ass. Dont let him be mean to Himemiya.
Im sorry the student council exists by the will of the end of the world??? The fuck is this school.
The end of the world is people. Okay. Sure why not.
Fuck you saionji
Lmao. Onion forehead.
Oh no why would you make me laugh at wakaba having an onion forehead then show her heart getting broken (btw what the hell are the dating rules at this school?)
Anyway im going to kill saionji. Lets go murder a guy utena.
Sorry im sorry i find forbidden forests hilarious. I know i have a forbidden forest but like. They are objectively a hilarious concept. You cant ban people fron the wilderness.
Oh shit its the fucking rumor uwasa girls from magia record iroha get over here
What the fuck is this forest
Are the end of the world people living in here
I mean the song keeps saying “absolute destiny: apocalypse” so. I assume that yes the end of the world people are here
Epic inverted castle
Oh that cgi. For the spinning castle. Its not good. Not immersion breaking tho i think i only notice it bcz im a Nerd.
SAIONJI BRO SHES EXPLAINING THE RULES. DUDE. this is kinda like getting to the point of being comically evil tbh. Utena if you dont fuck this guy uo im gonna be so dissapointed in you
Wait so Himemiya just has to marry whoever is the champion duelist thats so fucked up. End of the world people I do not like you.
WOAH SHE HAS A SWORD IN HER. saionji The imagery says you are killing her. I mean the text is saying that too but the imagery is saying that you will be her downfall if you are not stopped. I would stop if i were you.
Oh yeah dont bring a wooden sword to a real sword fight. Utena please. I believe in you!!!
Oh fuck Himemiya with the killing blow “cheer up schoolmate” ahshshahsjkdhsjaj yessss kill him
Touga Kiryuu what the fuck. Utena is not going to like you i think. Are you the next mini villain.
“Better just forget about it” GIRL. YOU SAW SO MUCH SHIT.
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Cock in a Box (part 1)
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How they convinced me I’ll never know. Well, that’s not true. The allure of free alcohol after dropping nearly $17k on my upcoming wedding certainly helped fuel my willingness to participate in this embarrassing contest.
Without going too far into a back story that I’m sure you guys don’t care about, this past weekend was my bachelor party. I was taken to Atlanta by a group of my good buddies and the 7 of us in total were living it up for a long, 3-day weekend in and out of bars, hotels, and strip clubs. It was our first night there when Kevin heard about a bar with an unusual game: Cock in a Box.
The gist: there’s basically a line of glory holes that you stick your junk through for the audience to vote on which they like best. All participants get 2 free drinks (well, of course; no top shelf stuff) BUT the chosen winner gets free drinks all night, whatever they want.
The downside is that if you’re chosen to be the winner, you have to accept the award so everyone would know it was YOUR dick. Apparently pictures are allowed at this bar. 
With enough liquid courage in us we all reluctantly agreed to give it a go, some of us probably more excited or terrified than the others. I thought to myself, I’ll get two free drinks and some people will have a picture of my dick but no way to link it back to me. I mean, my cock was fine, Sarah didn’t seem to have any complaints, but I knew I was average at best. I assume the crowd will go for the biggest one and I wager one of my buds is packing something bigger. I’d hate to be them. Or would I? I guess I wouldn’t mind a couple extra inches.
Anyway, we got to the bar and it became clear pretty quickly that this wasn’t a bar catering to female clientele. 
“It’s a fucking gay bar, guys!” Brad exclaimed when we got there.
“Well,” Rodger said, “I guess that makes sense. I’ve never really seen a lot of women vying to see a bunch of dicks.”
“That’s not the impression I got from your wife,” Dan joked.
“Oh ha ha ha.”
I spoke the first words of hesitation, “do we still want to go through with this?” It was one thing to be showing my dick to a bunch of female strangers, it was another thing for them to be gay men.
Kevin doubled down, “It’s still free booze. Who knows, someone might even buy me some drinks in an effort to get lucky!”
The group razzed him on that and how not even a troll would find him hot, but I did have to admit he had a point. Our group was, generally, good looking. We’d all taken care of ourselves in the  years following college sports and while some of us packed on a few pounds since the glory days we were all still big. I knew gay guys liked that at least.
“It’s Ben’s big weekend, let him make the choice,” said Mike.
Sean, my little brother, was the last of our group to speak, “I’m not a big fan of this idea either, but if Ben’s in… brother solidarity.”
I leaned into the crap Sarah was always spouting out about ‘live in the moment’ or ‘enjoy the ride of life’ and said, “fuck it. Let’s get some free drinks.”
At the front part of the club, Kevin expressed our interest to participate in the game. It quickly surfaced that we were a bachelor party of straight guys and that seemed to tantalize the person taking covers. He let us in for free!
Once we were inside one of the staff ushered us over near the back of the club and explained what we were to do. Apparently we had arrived just on time as the game starts around midnight on Fridays only.
There were 10 boxes near the back part of a stage where I assumed drag shows or beauty contests or something went on. You could get into them from behind the stage so no one could see which one you got into. They were basically just telephone booths made out of plywood. Not super appealing but I guess did the job.
The staff member said once we were in there the MC would start the show and more or less we’d be told what to do from there. They would narrow down contestants by number, which was painted on the outside of the boxes as well as the inside so we knew what number we were.
The guy checked us all out, salivating, and recommended we play with ourselves a bit when we get into the booth to ‘fluff up a bit.’ That idea sort of grossed me out and I knew I wasn’t going to be winning anyway so I already decided this crowd would be getting a soft, limp anonymous dick in exchange for free booze. 
It’s probably worth noting that all my buddies and myself included are white(ish). I’m not racist, I swear, but at the small Tennessee college I went to there weren’t many people of color. I say this only to demonstrate that I felt like I had a good level of anonymity since it would be my dick against 9 other dicks that probably looked like mine.
The staff guy said to choose a booth when Sean asked where the other 3 guys were. There were 10 booths and we only made 7. “Oh,” he said, “when management heard you seven were together and straight, he decided to make it just you guys.”
We looked at each other and silently decided if we were still okay with this but I guess what does 3 other dudes matter. I guess now we knew one of us would be getting free drinks. That is, if they accepted their win.
We all walked up and into our respective booths. Kevin was beside me to the left and Dan was to my right. The other guys filed in. When I got in and drew the curtain behind me for privacy, I realized that I was NOT in box “3” like I thought I would be but “5.”
I heard Kevin yell, “I guess they randomize the box order too.”
Then Sean called out, “That’s good, I was worried you’d be sad when they talked about how small #2’s dick was and we’d all know it was you!”
Laughter among the guys, including myself, rang out.
In the box, there wasn’t much and not a lot of room. There was the infamous hole on the front side about three and a half feet up. I wondered what shorter dudes would do but then I also saw the wooden blocks stacked up on the side. I guess that’s for them to stand on if they don’t reach the hole.
The hole.
I looked at it timidly. My nerves were starting to climb as I realized what I had signed up for. What we had all signed up for. The plywood had been sanded smooth around the lip of the hole so my fear of splinters was gone but not my fear of the unknown number of gay dudes on the other side eagerly awaiting to look at our dicks. MY dick!
I was starting to second guess this whole thing and chicken out. The guys may not let me live that down. Well, I’m not going first at least.
The music faded out after the end of the song and someone cleared their throat into a mic.
“Gooooood evening, queers, steers, and bears. Oh my! Welcome to this week’s Cock in a Box competition. I’m your host, Anita Gudphuck, and we have a super special treat for you men tonight.”
My palms were getting sweaty.
“For you see, tonight we only have 7 contestants…”
Boos erupted from the crowd along with vocal pleads that they wanted to see more dick. I swear, gay people.
“But the seven we have are… straight guys on a bachelor party weekend!!!”
The original distaste for the limited offering turned into an uproar of cheers and whistles. What’s the deal with gay guys liking straight guys so much anyway?
“But, we’re all in for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity if we all agree to play by some secret, sexy rules. Will you all play along?”
More cheers from the audience. What did he mean by ‘secret’ rules?
“Okay, now, no one shout out the secret rules as we don’t want our mystery men to know. Up on screen there, you’ll see what to do.”
There was a few moments of silence and then some laughs, some ‘oh my goods,’ and a ton of applause and cheering.
“Do  you think you can all follow those rules?”
“YESSSS!” the crowd yelled.
“Okay, well then let’s play Cock in a Box! Straight boys back there, are you ready?”
I didn’t want to shout out but I guess none of my buddies did either. Maybe that would reveal us when we had to go out and get our drinks.
“I’ll take silence as a ‘yes, ma’am!’ Now, get your cocks in hand and ready to be judged! I recommend a few pumps and shakes to liven the guy up.”
I can’t believe I’m doing this. How did I let Kevin convince me to do this? How did he convince all of us to do this? I undid my jeans and shucked them down my thighs. Looking at the bulge in my boxer briefs I took a deep breath. There’s no way I can do this right? No way any of us could do this, right?
“Okay boys, Let’s! See! Those! Cocks!”
I stood there for a moment, unwilling to be the first in case this was some sort of prank. The seconds felt like eternity.
“Are all you straight boys shy? Or are you just embarrassed by your tiny dicks?”
The audience laughed and started to call out things along the lines of ‘show us what you’re working with.”
I was sure we had all gotten cold feet when the crowd started applauding.
“There’s our first contestant! Ooo and what a nice dick!” Whistles in the audience agreed with her statement.
“Oh and another! And another! That’s three straight boy dongs right there.”
They’re actually doing it. Fucking hell. Well, tipping my metaphorical hat to Sarah’s dumb slogans, ‘when in Rome…’ I reached into my briefs, pulled my dick out and stepped forward, guiding it through the hole. 
Even more cheers through the audience, louder than the others it seemed like. 
“Four, Five! That’s some nice looking -- oo Six!”
“Come’on last guy, don’t be shy. Your friends all took the plunge.”
I wonder who was getting cold feet. I noticed now that there was a mild warmth on my dick which I now wagered was spotlights making sure people got good looks.
A final round of applause, “and there he is. Nothing to be ashamed of there, number 8.”
And just like that, we all had our dicks out to a crowd of gay guys on my bachelor party weekend. I didn’t necessarily want to be on the other side, but imagining the site was ridiculous. A long plywood wall with seven cocks sticking out of it with numbers crudely painted above them.
Dicks of straight men in a gay club, selling out the exposure of our junk for a couple free drinks. This would make a weird story to tell in the future I guess, at least among ourselves. I wasn’t planning on sharing this with anyone else.
Little did I know how weird, embarrassing, and hot the night was going to go.
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lost-in-jessiland · 3 years
Jeff From Omegle
You're now chatting with a random stranger. 
You: hey
Stranger: Hi
You: whats up
Stranger: M 19
Stranger: Im fine
Stranger: U ?
You: sweet I'm a woman and I'm 10 years older than you. hows life kid?
Stranger: Eh well im growing up
You: how so?
You: I need life advice
Stranger: Feels like life ahead is gonna be hard
Stranger: From me
Stranger: Okay shoot
Stranger: I will try
You: just like what do you mean by growing up? I feel like i need to grow up
You: but what is growing up lol
Stranger: Im figuring it out lol 😅
Stranger: U tell me
You: okay fine, do you work? lol
Stranger: Nope Student
You: major?
Stranger: Electrical
Stranger: Engineering
You: oh so what do those guys do? lol fix laptops or build rockets?
Stranger: Nah Just build system which keeps flow of electricity
You: like what lol
Stranger: Yupp thats true
Stranger: Its sucks
You: it sounds hard lol
You: i didnt go to college
Stranger: Oh
Stranger: Hey can ask u something
You: yeah always
Stranger: A relationship advice
You: okay hit me
Stranger: Are u married ?
You: no lmao
Stranger: Okay
Stranger: When do i know i found that person
You: when you've seen someone at their worst but still think they are amazing. still think they are beautiful.
You: not like grumpy morning, i mean pressures on, balls to the wall at their worst.
Stranger: Damn Wow thats some very mature stuff there
You: haha well thanks
Stranger: Thanks for enlightening me
Stranger: Lol
You: oh i do my best
You: ill be here all week
You: $.25 enlightenments
You: just need ur social security and moms maiden name and I can enlighten your day!
Stranger: 😂😂😂
Stranger: Ur funny
Stranger: Hey u wanna ask something ?
You: thanks. thats my strong suit
You: and whats that young grasshopper
Stranger: U said before u needed a advice
You: nope I just need advice on life. like omg I am a mess
You: you have no idea little one. stay in school and get a good job. find you a beautiful, loyal hunny and settle down lol
You: parties are bogus
You: lol can you build a time machine?
Stranger: Man feels like u had a hard past
You: absolutely not
You: My life aint tragic, thank you for askin
Stranger: Ohh
You: yeah lmao I a mess is all
Stranger: How so
You: omg lemme tell you what
Stranger: Is it a relationship ?
You: what? no? lol its the wrinkles
You: men don't rule girl world lol
You: if youre a smart girl
Stranger: Ohhhh
You: yeaaaaaaaaa
You: is u a virgin?
Stranger: Ahh
Stranger: Well yup
You: i'm sorry grasshopper, but maybe you do a party
You: get out there and put ur dick in something
You: male female it dont matter just perferrably human
Stranger: Well that's the plan
Stranger: 😂😂
Stranger: Ur funny
You: again thank you
Stranger: When did u lost ur Virginity
You: psshy
You: I was 17
You: blow jobs werent enuf anymore
Stranger: Damn
You: after a year I had to give it up
You: or this slut Robbi was gonna steal him
You: her name is ROBBI thats a boys name who sleeps with a chick named after a dude
You: i bet robbi would sleep with you
Stranger: Hahaha 😂
You: for free too
Stranger: Oh thanks thats a very generous offer there
You: shes like a year younger than i am
You: tho she has had twins
You: but hey find a wall and stick to my friend
Stranger: Where u from
Stranger: Us ?
You: the great united states
You: wby
You: you seem like a canadian
Stranger: Israel
You: omg
You: whyyyy
Stranger: Im original from Europe
You: i thought you were cool
You: ughhh Jeff, can I call you Jeff?....Jeff this sucks
You: why Jeff why?
Stranger: 😂😂
Stranger: Yeah go for it
You: Listen Jefffffff
You: dont hack my computer okay
You: I have lots of sick porn you dont wanna see
You: and some pretty awesome cat pics too
You: my cats are awesome'
You: Jeff you would love them
Stranger: I love cats
You: Captain Kush and New Jack are their names
You: they are the best things ever
Stranger: Wow
You: but if you get close they will claw you
You: cause they only like americans
Stranger: Cats are the most cuttest and adorable animal on this planet
You: they are racist cats
You: :/
Stranger: 😂
Stranger: Yeah is that so
You: oh yess
You: if you wear your head cover, they will make sure to rip it to shreds'
You: they wanna see your forhead
You: they get sus when they cant see ur forehead
Stranger: I can imagine that
You: yeah
Stranger: Lol
You: do you like foreheads
You: jeff do u like forheads
Stranger: Yup
Stranger: Its a kink or something lol
You: foreheads are your kink
You: jeff are you lying to me
You: jeff dont lie to me
You: we have a history jeff
You: listen jeff
Stranger: Sup
You: dont lie about kinks
You: those are serious stuff
Stranger: Whats ur ?
You: huh?
Stranger: Im kidding
Stranger: U don't have to answer
You: you didnt ask me anything Jeff
You: Try google translate that shit is legit
Stranger: Ok
You: whats ur ? Jefffffah
You: ?????????????
Stranger: Hmmm
Stranger: Idk
You: whatever Jeff
You: You can Call me other Jeff
You: okay
You: Jeff?
Stranger: Hey other jeff
You: thats my kink
Stranger: Wtf 😂
Stranger: Wow
You: what is other Jeff wearing
You: ;)
Stranger: U asking me ?
You: yeah what am I (other Jeff) wearing when you picture other Jeff?
Stranger: Wait a min
Stranger: Its confusing
You: okay anyting for Jeff
Stranger: Im jeff
Stranger: Lets call u Larry
You: yes and I am other Jeff
You: no
You: thats not sexy
Stranger: Okay fine
Stranger: Haha
You: ;)
You: yessss
You: that makes other Jeff happy
You: and horny
You: happy horny other Jeff
Stranger: U horny ?
You: other Jeff is so horny for Jeff
You: thinking about sweating forheads while Jeff thinks of what to say next makes me wanna wipe it off with my hand and make Jeff lick it off of other Jeff's hand.
You: then you can lick the sweat off of other Jeff's forehead
Stranger: Man that's Gross
You: you
You: said
Stranger: Really
You: forheads
You: were your
You: kink
Stranger: Nah
You: other Jeff was trying to be sexy for Jeff
You: the fuck
Stranger: Thast gross 😂
Stranger: Okay
You: so lick the forehead sweat Jeff
You: or other Jeff will spank you
Stranger: That sounds gross
You: okay fine what syour real kink then
You: dont lie this time
You: fucker
You: other Jeff can be real sexy
Stranger: Hey can i ask u something?
You: anything Jeff
You: u know that
Stranger: Hey can i ask u something ?
You: omg yes
Stranger: Its kinda sexual
You: yes Jeff
Stranger: How does a pussy taste like
Stranger: The fluid
You: hahahaha
You: hahahhahahhahahah
You: hahahhahah
You: og
help him see the light
Stranger: Yeah pls
You: you are the worst man I have ever met
Stranger: My pleasure
You: bow to God and beg that he forgives you JEff
You: Jeff
Stranger: Will do
You: may I ask a question?
Stranger: Shoot
You: what do you think pussy juice tastes like Jeff?
Stranger: I dk
You: guess stupid
Stranger: Sweet sour ish ?
You: okay then it tastes sweet sourish Jeff, Hope you like those Sour Patch Kids 
cuz thats what ur in for Jeff
You: you honestly got boring so fast Jefff like ugh . why? you suck at being a towel head.
You: islamijeff
You: orwhereeveryousaidurfrom
Stranger: Im not
You: likeugh
You: ihateyoujeff
You: istgihateyou
You: omg
Stranger: Bye then
You: i love you
You: dont leave me
Stranger: Me too
You: you love me JEFF
You: wil you move to america and be with me JEff
Stranger: Nah im bored . Thanks for talking .
You: go to the airport and say my name is Jeff
other Jeff has paid my ticket to Merica.
Stranger: Bye byee
You: b
Stranger has disconnected.
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dayas · 4 years
15 + jiara
15. “Don’t tell me you’re fine, I can see the blood!” 
Ah yes, the angst. The angst meant specifically for me. K’s angst.
NO BUT FORREAL ty for sliding me this! The moment I saw it I was like YESSSS.
So let’s get it!
Kiara Carrera is many things. A coward isn’t one of them. She likes to think she’s one of the best of the Pogues when it comes to being under pressure. The honor of Baddest Motherfucker With The Coolest Head goes to John B, seeing as he doesn’t ever let panic blind him. He’s quick on his feet, always lurching forward.
Kie’s second merely because her jitters tend to show a little bit. When she gets scared, she’s a little antsier. Far from bouncing off the walls like the Maybank pride and joy she knows and tolerates (read: way more than tolerates, but that’s beside the point). She tries to stay calm and keep everything under wraps, but she’ll glance around, run her hands through her hair, little things.
Pope is third, because despite his ever present, “We’re gonna die!” whenever shit gets a little too real, he’s eerily cool and calm in a crisis when he needs to be. Anything medical he can handle, slicing through his panic like he will when he’s got a coroner’s scalpel in his hand one day. Kie’s gotta hand it to him; when Pope is truly needed, he always shows up.
That leaves JJ, and the reasons go as follows. One, that boy cannot keep a cool head to save his life. Panic seems to engulf him, sharpen him in some ways, soften him in others. His regular fidgeting and antsiness turns up to a thousand, and it’s all he can do to keep himself from sprinting off and leaving them in the dust.
(She doesn’t realize until much later that he stays with them because he would rather face whatever comes together. Even with the choice to run away, he stays.)
Two, his movements. They become grainy, lost in translation muffled by shaking, creating the first rains for a hurricane of panic. He’s always jumpy for a few moments after the danger has passed, too. Kie’s spine doesn’t soften until he exhales afterwards, head back, eyes closed.
Three, the final storm. The hurricane of panic, when it blows, is as gut wrenching as it is illuminating. It’s a different sort of torrent than when he’s angry and brings a firestorm in his wake. He closes in on himself, makes himself smaller. It’s kind of funny in a sick way, Kiara thinks, because JJ can never be small. He’s too big of a person to hide, and she figures that’s why he fights. Even if he’s freaked out, his fists will fly and land, consequences be damned. They always come, but if it calms him down, she can’t be too mad. She hasn’t quite figured out a healthy way for him to release all that anger yet.
But this isn’t about him. At least, not entirely. It’s about her, and it’s about fear. Kiara’s chilling at the Chateau when her phone lights up in a text. Then another, and another, and pretty soon it’s dinging every second. She scrolls through, heartbeat slowing when she reads them all. It’s just JB and Pope in the groupchat, trading puns and jokes. JJ’s silent, but then again, he could be off doing a JJ Thing. So Kie rolls her eyes (both at herself and her friends), sends off a few remarks and laughing emojis before settling back in. The book she’s reading is for school, which is a little out of pocket for her. Doing her homework at The Chateau isn’t Kie’s style. This place is Pogues Only; Kook trinkets aren’t welcome here, be they backpacks or books. But she hasn’t been able to put the story down.
And yet, she can’t concentrate.
Every time her phone lights up, she checks it. At the slightest noise, she’s glancing around. Is this what paranoia feels like, she wonders bleakly as she attempts to return to her book.
You need to calm the fuck down. Now.
She takes a few deep breaths, remembering a few exercises from a project she did on stress her freshman year. God, that was ironic. It takes an hour and a half, but she’s finally to the point where she can read without her brain scattering at every wayward thing in the background. At least, until the door damn near pops off its hinges as it bursts open, slamming against the wall.
Kie’s book flies off of her lap, open pages fluttering as the spine hits the ground when she leaps up off of the couch. She turns quickly, exhaling in relief when she sees a flash of blonde.
“What the fuck, JJ, you scared m — ” she begins to exclaim at his back, following him into the kitchen, only to stop dead in her tracks when he turns around. There’s a gash on his forehead the length of her hand, fingers to wrist. From what she can see, it isn’t deep enough to need stitches (Thank God) but it’s still able to be considered serious. He’s favoring his right leg over his left, left arm awkwardly cradling his side. The pieces click in Kie’s mind as she traces the bruises she can’t see, and one hand reaches up and yanks on her hair.
“What happened?”
She curses the way her voice quivers, but she can’t help it. This looks really bad, all of it.
“Nothin’, Kie,” JJ shrugs, swallowing. She catches a dot of red on his lips and steps closer, shaking her head vigorously. An exasperated sigh escapes her lips, snapping out through the air like a rubber band.
“I’m serious. Don’t worry about it.” His words do nothing to tamper her sudden blaze of attitude.
“This is not nothing, JJ.”
“Dude, chill out. It’s cool, I just got into a nasty brawl with some kooks, and one of those fuckers pulled a knife on me. But it’s all good.”
“What about this is fucking ‘all good’?”
“Everything, Kie! I’m fine!”
“Don’t tell me you’re fine, I can see the blood!” 
Siezed by a strange urge, she rushes up, grabbing paper towels and pressing them against his head wound. It’s still bleeding, and she knows they bleed a lot and she knows Pope would be better at this and she knows she still has to clean him up but she can’t leave well enough alone and right now, she’s all he’s got.
Kiara’s trembling now, with rage, with frustration, with fear. Panicking around a person who needs help is never good, but she’s understood since they were kids that when it comes to JJ, every single rule gets thrown out the window. She’s closer than she needs to be, her body gently pressing his back against the edge of a counter while she applies pressure through the blood soaked paper towels.
“Did your dad do this?”
She has to know. It’s none of her business and it won’t change the situation, but that doesn’t stop her from asking about it. They’ve never really talked about what his dad does to him, but he’s never come home as fucked up as this.
Kie watches a tear fall from his eyes and she forgets about what she’s doing. Red and white hit the floor as she wraps her arms around his neck, holding onto him. She doesn’t squeeze, mindful of the injuries that could be underneath his shirt. He doesn’t seem to care, arms curving around her waist and pressing her to him. She cards her fingers through his hair gently as he shakes in her arms. Her hair is a little wet, but she couldn’t care less about it.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers to him, and it’s not about pity. It’s about how fucked up it is that the person who’s supposed to love and protect their child could almost kill them himself. It’s about the fact that he has to face this and there’s nothing anyone can do about it, because if you live on The Cut and the DCS comes knocking, nothing good ever comes of it.
“Me too,” JJ mumbles into her hair, and she fiercely responds, “Don’t ever apologize for that bastard. Ever.”
“For scaring you,” He ammends quietly, and her Oh reverberates around the room silently.
“You didn’t scare me,” she lies and she thinks she hears some remnant of a chuckle when he says, “You damn near ripped your hair out when you saw me like this. You were scared shitless, Kie.”
She doesn’t let his words sink in, because if she does, she will be tempted to do something both of them will regret. Even so, the little rebellious part of her brain tilts her head and presses a kiss to his neck. She thinks she feels him freeze so she holds him tighter, and she hopes her gesture is forgotten. It’ll live in her head rent free for the rest of the week at least, but if it makes her friend feel better, she can deal with the fallout.
After an eternity, she pulls away. Their hands link as she leads him to the bathroom, cleaning him up. He’ll be limping for a couple days due to the injury he sustained on his leg, but it should heal up fine.
When Sarah finds them tangled up on the futon together the next morning, she doesn’t say a word. She pulls a blanket over them both and heads out to distract John B and Pope until they can wake up.
It’s a strange sort of feeling, panic. Sarah felt it walking in and seeing them. Not for herself, but for them both. Panic is what curls Kiara against JJ. It keeps their legs interlocked and her head on his chest. Sarah doesn’t have to know what went down to know what two people holding onto each other for dear life look like. She and John B had the same thing after the Phantom went down. So she goes out of the Chateau and does what she needs to do.
In her sleep, Kiara smiles.
That’s all for this ask! Thanks for asking!
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tfw-no-tennis · 3 years
mtmte liveblog issue 36
time travel arccccccccccccc yessssssssss
I have been waiting SO LONG to reread this arc hhhhh yessss
starting off strong with the sexy roller cover. nice
I love the disconnect of ‘orion pax: outlaw’ compared to the last time we saw him in shadowplay where he was orion pax: supercop
he’s still punching people for JUSTICE or whatever so I guess not much has changed
oh my god this is the issue with the many many two-page spreads...the first time I read this issue I didn't realize that was a thing and GOD I was SO fucking confused. there's already a lot going on in this issue/arc but this made things so much worse hvbhjkdfbsk. I powered thru and still managed to understand most of the arc despite reading half this issue out of order (essentially) bc the website I read it on split the pages up and I couldn't tell they were supposed to be doubled (and also I'm dumb so I didn't figure it out)
anyways, the actual issue...windcharger is out here using his powers to rip a dudes arms clean off. wow!
and there's skids getting punched in the face. Ls
and glitch! a totally minor character of course...
MANNNNN I SO adore the panel of all the lost lighters appearing in a cloud of purple smoke, all posing epically....SO fucking good, peak sci-fi coolness vibes, A++
as usual jro killing it w/the titles, ‘elegant chaos’ is such a great name for a time travel arc
also reading the tfwiki has shown me that many of jros titles are song or album titles, to which I say - that's epic and I love it. with jro doing it, I feel like it straddles the line between referencing music and the very fanfic-esque ‘title things after music’ vibe. I love it
oh god I forgot they use bs cybertronian time units in this sometimes lmao...I mean of course they do but still like, what the fuck is a cycle. is that a day. I feel like these words all have no meaning/the meanings change drastically depending on continuity. I cant keep up and also I'm lazy and don't care enough to try
I love rodimus did u know
poor riptide looks so confused lmao
IS....IS REWIND PIGGYBACKING TAILGATE...THATS SO FUCKING CUTE....I cant fully tell bc of the page layout but ooomg so precious. minibot buddies
whirl saying ‘chuff’ just reminded me how british jro is hvbhakjhdsfbs sometimes it just Jumps Out in mtmte and I'm like Oh God Britain Is Real
I really like the mtmte approach to time travel and paradoxes and whatnot. its just complex enough to be interesting but not too convoluted that it bogs down the story. perfect sci-fi fun!
mannnn chromedome talking abt brainstorm :( I'm sad abt those two hhhhh
and I love how at this point, nobody in the cast ACTUALLY knows brainstorm well enough to know what he’s really doing - including chromedome, who’s ostensibly his closest friend, somebody he’s known for a while - and even the readers don't really know what he’s up to...I like the mystery tbh
cant believe rewind wrote orion pax’s biography, omg. completely forgot abt that detail
cd saying ‘I love it when he talks history’ about rewind....hhhh I love cdrw so muuuuch
godddd the line rodimus says abt whirl - how they need people like whirl around who are ‘happy to get in the way’ of danger and death - that shit haunts me man like...rodimus is basically saying that he’s bringing whirl along to potentially die in place of someone like orion pax (nevermind the fact that whirl dying would ALSO fuck up the timeline)...like, how deep does it go?? is he saying that bc he knows whirl has been trying to get himself killed for a while now, or just bc whirl likes violence? mannn I cant...the character intricacies...man
anyways...I love rodimus he’s such an interesting character. you have that fucked up moment and then in the next panel he’s saying ‘if you want to call it a time phone, I wont stop you’ about the quantum walkie-talkie. he has the RANGE
oh and then rodimus casually volunteering chromedome to do mnemosurgery on anyone who might accidentally find out about them time traveling, which is again fucked up on multiple levels. the raaaaange
vjaksbhdhfusajbfdjk that panel of the lost light squad just standing there like idiots reminds me of that post where someone said abt that panel ‘these characters have a collective 3 brain cells’ or something hvbjadkfnksfdl
rodimus IMMEDIATELY breaking his own rules by trying to reassure pax that they're good guys by pointing at his autobot badge, even tho the autobots DONT EVEN EXIST YET at this point...my boy PLEASE go purchase some brain cells from the store 
and the fact that rodimus introduced himself to pax w/his real name...shouldn't he go by an alias or st??? that seems like a good time travel rule since optimus and rodimus definitely know each other later 
and like, did they not anticipate that some of the people in the past would recognize some of the lost lighters hgbajkhdjfnjksf like cd and whirl get Instantly recognized...great job guys
they are all SO bad at this hvbahskjdhfbasjkf I cantttt luckily for them the orion crew is handing them easy alibis 
‘the dugout’ is that a baseball reference????
also I love the scenery here, the bg looks like rock but there's metal piping and stuff running thru it, its so cool...really adds to the whole ‘cybertron biomes are made of metal’ thing
‘ancient history’ rodimus are you KIDDING ME-
cyclonus time travels to the past and IMMEDIATELY finds a window to stare broodingly out of. icon
tailgate thinking orion pax is SUPER COOL continues here from shadowplay and I love it...tailgate is so cute
and the tg saying ‘don't you think that's awesome, cyclonus?’ hhhhh so cute
one reason I love this arc so much is that this is the arc where the gay Really amps up 
TRAILBREAKER.... oh man ;_;
are you telling me that this outlaw base they're in has ONE bed for all of these people. what the hell vhbaksjhfnsal
cant believe rung sampled roller’s steroid juice box
also cant believe robot steroids exist. except yes I can and I love it
oooh roller’s a 0/1%er? I forgot abt that 
cant believe orion pax just grabs some random phone that belongs to these weird new people and answers it. WHO does that
goddddd megatron and orion’s conversation....destroy me
HHHHHH like...the HISTORY....the regret...the missed opportunities...its all so palpable....goddddddd
and of COURSE, the whole thing is steeped in tragedy...the ideological differences that will become the foundation for a 4 million year long war...megatron, who believes that you need to burn things down and start again to really make change stick, and then orion, who says ‘reform is the answer, not revolution’....AUGHHH the intricacies. mannnn
‘you sound lost’ 😭😭😭
‘its tragic.’ yeah, that about sums up their relationship, especially at this stage and in this continuity 
anyways. [cries about old man megatron talking to young naïve orion pax] goodbye
AUGHHH and then we jump to rodimus ONCE AGAIN breaking his own rules and trying to save trailbreaker...IT HURTS MAN...god I love rodimus, I feel like him being broken up about crewmembers like trailbreaker dying is one part regular sadness over people he knows dying for tragic reasons, and one part personal guilt at someone under his command dying, even if he’s not involved/at fault. I love the dichotomy of this emotional reaction that comes only partially from empathy/emotion, but also comes from a kinda self-centered need for success as measured by people under your command staying alive. and taking into account rodimus’s life it totally makes sense that he’d act like that...GAH I love it. the complexity of it all!
orion pax saying ‘you should read [megatron]. it’s powerful stuff’ I'm screaming, so many LAYERSSSSS
I fucking love time travel AHHHHHHHHH like the opportunity for interactions like these....chefs kiss
‘hey, best friend! miss you!’ rodimus is such a shit hvbdajkfksjhfd 
‘very sus’ rodimus ahead of his time w/the among us lingo
oooh and then they realize that the senate is trying to kill the sparks...gotta save the babies!
tailgate scolding cyclonus for bluntly stating that you'd wanna be subtle when killing newborns...hhhvbhsdfhhhhhh I love them sm
ooooh and rewind has an interesting suggestion - that the senate is actually trying to irradiate the sparks into being outliers...rewind is so smart I love him
and the fact that he’s using history from his database...love it
rodimus sending cyclonus and whirl out like pokemon
also wow this is literally the 5th (I think) double page spread in this issue...the confusion I felt the first time I read this...lmao 
and now this is literally one of my favorite issues so I'm glad I know what's going on lmao
oh man rodimus telling cd not to erase trailbreakers memory even tho that could jeopardize the entire timeline... :( 
oh man I didn't even notice but roller getting debris blasted into his face like that makes the whole ‘roller is tarn’ theory even more legit considering tarn’s face scars....
‘tighter the better’ hhh don't say that orion. but also, that’s the companion phrase to megatron saying ‘the deeper the better’ hvbhasjkhdfbaksjlf
I do love the semi-campy action hero antics that orion pax gets up to. its just so fun, even when the stakes are high and things are serious
‘this is the greatest thing I have ever seen’ tg ily
THE REVEAL THAT THE SPARKS WENT TO NYON...so rodimus just saved himself, basically...time travel is so trippy
oh man that last panel of trailbreaker holding up roller’s juice box...iirc the first time I read this I thought that was roller (cause of the juice box I guess? idk I'm an idiot) so I was like oh ok he must've come back or something. very much related but I didn't really think about tarn being a particular pre-established character and totally didn't read the whole ‘roller is tarn’ thing that was going on 
which in my defense ruth also didn't pick up on any of that while reading this and eventually like 2 issues before the reveal I had to prompt her like ‘you should maybe be wondering WHO tarn is’ vhbahjksdfbaksjdf
so! issue 37! this issue is a solid favorite of mine, id say definitely top 5 or even 3. I'm super biased bc I fucking LOVE time travel, it’s seriously one of my favorite tropes ever, and this issue hits all the time travel beats I love. characters traveling to the past and interacting with people they know! conversations that have multiple meanings bc of TIME TRAVEL! trying to save someone who meets a terrible fate in your future! fun time travel action! the time traveling characters being generally terrible at hiding the fact that they're time travelers! ITS SO GOOD. 
and I love the clever way everything is tied together here - where we get a nice continuation of shadowplay, with this taking place shortly after that with a lot of the same cast, and time travel classics like the good ole ‘if we hadn't travelled back in time and done what we did, the future we came from wouldn't have existed at all,’ in the flavor of ‘rodimus saving his baby self’ and ‘rodimus NOT saving trailbreaker’ and ‘everyone forgot about roller :(’ 
ok but like, did the lost lighters just go ‘oh well, guess rollers gone now.’ like they DID realize that the outlaw crew would have no idea what happened to him if they got their memories erased, right?? did the lost lighters figure that since roller never reappeared after this time period, that was how history was ‘supposed’ to go and they shouldn't mess with it? am I overthinking it? as usual: yes, probably. I love overthinking about comics, in case that wasn't obvious
basically...I love this issue soooo much. so so good and a bunch of fun tropes that I love. I mean the whole arc is like that for me since I love time travel so much. so I cant wait to (re)read more!!
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Blood Red Heat prt 40
For the last night planet side, the pack had piled into Green for a sleep over. Krolia, Allura, Romelle, and Coran, all invited, even if they didn’t feel what their pack felt. Sitting between Hunk’s legs, Hunk was helping Lance keep up with the weird card game he and Pidge had tried to invent that was somewhere between poker and uno. Coupled with Pidge, the three of them had crushed Keith and Shiro, who didn’t actually know the rules of the game. Keith’s alpha struggling seeing Lance seated between Hunk’s legs, but he’d managed to keep his temper with how happy Lance seemed to be. They’d all noticed it now, the pauses and the weakness. Coran had suggested a group walk out to where they’d found a wide piece of stream that was better for water collection that further down and closer to camp, Lance stubbornly tried to keep up the “relaxed pace” Coran had set, his hand on Kosmo for support . When Lance had stumbled, Hunk had thrown himself down dramatically with an exaggerated sigh and demanded a time out from training. Pidge caught on quick, their gremlin also asking for a break.
Upon seeing so much water, Lance had wanted to go swimming. Coran having to be the one to break it to him that swimming wasn’t advisable as they had to boil the water for drinking due to some potential parasite. Sitting on the bank of the stream, Lance had told him all about growing up surfing. Keith had never been surfing. Living in a land locked state would do that to you. Lance promised to teach him when they finally got back home, explaining how his next oldest brother was totally a grommet... whatever that was. Keith was simply happy to hear Lance talk so enthusiastically about something he clearly loved. It was then that Lance decided to also tell him about his older sister Veronica who worked at the Galaxy Garrison. Lance might love his siblings, yet the way he talked about Veronica, it was clear she was the one he was closest to out of the brood...
The alpha feeling semi-bad that he couldn’t recall Lance’s family from all their forced upon mind melding. He wished he could keep up with it all. Lance taking his silence the wrong way, apologising for “rubbing his family in his face”. Maybe he had, but Keith wanted to know. He wanted to make sure he didn’t make a fool of himself when he finally told Lance’s family that he had the honour of courting him.
Scrunching his face as up as he went cross eyed at his cards Lance was being cute again, Keith ducked his head to cover the slight blush setting in. Not missing anything, Shiro nudged him with his elbow, whispering in his ear
“Quick, Lance breathed, you better blush”
His brother could go jump
“Fuck off. Like you and Adam were any better”
“Hey, we raised a kid together, we were allowed to be gross. We needed each other with how often you got in trouble”
“It wasn’t always my fault, you know”
“I do. He seems happy”
Throwing a card down, Lance craned his neck to look back at Hunk who nodded supportively
“He is. He still has his moments, but the game really did knock out the hardest part of the apology”
“I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who apologised as much as him. Is there any way to get him to stop?”
Keith snorted, if Lance praised him any more, or apologised for something not his fault one more time, his brain might just short circuit
“Try dating him... You love to apologise for everything, don’t you, babe?”
Lance wasn’t listening until he heard “babe”, worry coming to his face as he tilted his head
“I said you love to apologise”
Lance seemed unsure, hesitantly nodding, but trusting Keith
“I’m not going to apologise for kicking your butt”
“You’re not going to show me any mercy, are you?”
“Nope... not even if you’re my alpha”
Shooting Lance finger guns, Keith grinned stupidly thinking himself smart
“That’s my omega”
Lance groaning as he blushed. Pidge and Hunk both shocked he’d ever shoot anyone finger guns
“Babe, nooooo”
“I think you mean, “Babe, yessss””
Pidge rolled her eyes at them, surprisingly she was still quiet quite with her teasing, sometimes it took her a moment or two to reword what she was going to say, this time she was straight to the point
“Let Lance keep his finger guns... It doesn’t look right when you do it”
Keith pouted, huffing
“There’s nothing wrong with my fingers”
Lance choked on thin air. Keith blushing hard as he tried to fix what he said
“I didn’t mean it like it! I mean they work and they do their job! Babe, help!”
Shiro patted him on the shoulder
“Keith, kiddo, brother of mine, please just stop”
“I’m... you guys suck”
Continuing their game a little longer, Lance dropped his cards as he rubbed at his head. Hunk casting a worried look to Keith, who placed his cards down and crawled over to his omega. Krolia and Coran both on edge in case there was something wrong. Allura and Romelle stopping their gossip session of how Altea of the old had been. Feeling Lance’s forehead, Hunk gave a small shake of his head, Lance not feverish
“Babe, you okay?”
“Red says it’s time I was asleep... I dun wanna sleep. I think I’m finally getting this”
“Wanna come give me a cuddle for bit then? Maybe you can teach me how to play?”
Lance reached for him, the pack adjusting around them so Lance could sit in his lap and still be included in what was happening. Thinking he was whispering, his boyfriend failed hard
“I don’t think Pidge and Hunk know how to play... I’m so confused”
Hunk and Pidge both groaned. Hunk, shaking his head
“Honestly I think I’ve had enough. Do you want to try fish instead? We all know Pidge cheats at poker”
“It’s not my fault I’m graceful and charming”
When no one immediately agreed, Pidge kicked Keith in the ankle, Shiro chuckling
“She is style. She is grace...”
Lance adding on, as if this “song” was a “well known thing”
“But mess with her and it’s a foot to the face, or her little gremlin fangs in your ankle”
Pidge smiled proudly at Lance, wiping a fake tear from her eye
“Awww, dude, that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said”
“I do try to be nice”
Shiro reached over to ruffle Lance’s hair. This was what pack nights had been like before he’d left, only now he had Lance and it seemed a thousand times better for it
“We know, kiddo. You going to play, or do you want to watch?”
“I wanna watch... You guys should teach Coran”
Introducing Coran to “fish”, Coran started explaining the aquatic animals that’d called Altea home. He wasn’t sure why humans called it “fish”, and seemed to think they should all have tiny little rods for picking up the cards. Too preoccupied teaching Coran, Hunk, Pidge, and Shiro, failed to notice as Keith slowly drew out of playing to watch with Lance. Hands holding each other’s, as his omega started to doze off in his arms. The game would have continued if Lance hadn’t accidentally kicked his leg out, knocking the pile of cards over as he sighed in his sleep. Lance had always been a heavy sleeper, once he got to sleep, Keith content as a human pillow as Pidge collected up the cards. Shiro being the responsible “Space Dad”
“We really should call it a night”
Hunk smiled at his best friend, probably happy to be free from Coran’s story
“I’m pretty tired, I think Lance has the right idea”
Pidge nodded her agreement, ignoring Coran’s pouting at the game coming to an end
“Mhmm... I could sleep. It’s been ages since we did anything like this as a pack”
Between their night under the stars and the day spent triple checking everyone had everything and rations were fairly divided, Keith felt it too
“It’s nice. You guys got all your bedding?”
Pidge answered for all of them
“Yep. We made sure we had everything before we started playing cards. We even set you and Lance up with your own bed”
There was mischief in Pidge’s tone, Keith not surprised at all
“Thanks for that... but we’re probably going to crash right here. He’s already completely zonked out”
“Fiiiiine, put all our hard work to shame. I dibs sleeping closest to Lance”
Hunk immediately spluttered
“I’m his best friend”
“You got to cuddle him all night. We all need pack time, Hunk”
Hunk sighed
“Fine. Next time I’m sleeping next to him”
“We’ll see. Shiro, you good?”
“I’m going to use the bathroom before everyone else. Keith, you need a hand?”
“Nah. I’ve got him. I’ll save brushing my teeth for the morning”
Pidge wrinkled her nose up
“I swear I’ll shoot you if you come at me with your morning breath”
“I’ll save it just for you, Pidgeon”
Their bantering continued as everyone got ready around him and Lance. The floor of Green not the best bed, but he did have the best cuddle mate in the pack. For Romelle and Krolia this was new experience, Coran had taken to watching over the pack when they’d had their sleep overs, falling asleep upright on the castle sofa as the rest of them slept close. Now Coran was sleeping near Allura and Romelle, with Krolia the one choosing to take the position of silent guardian. His mother really didn’t get how pack dynamics worked, but she was prepared to accept that this was what they all needed right now. His mother so thoroughly his mother that as she watching, she was oiling her blade. As everyone settled in, Green’s lighting switched to emergency lighting, filling the space with a soft glow. Hunk mumbling
“Pidge, I need the light on”
“Don’t look at me, that was all Green. I think Green agrees with Red that it’s past our bed time”
Black nudged into Keith’s mind, his own lion also in agreement. It’d be hard having to pilot Black away from Lance, but Krolia, Romelle, Allura, and Coran all agreed they were happy to swap having shifts in Red so Lance and Kalternecker would never be left alone
“Yeah, Black’s telling me we should be sleeping. What about Blue and Yellow?”
Allura giggled happily
“Yes, I do believe our lions have all ganged up against us”
“Maybe there as anxious as we are to get back out there?”
A pillow flew over Keith’s head, hitting Shiro, as Pidge grumped
“Personally, I could sleep for a month and that still wouldn’t be enough”
Keith snorted. Pidge was forgetting the one thing that made her more excited than anything else
“Now, now Pidge. Your dad probably has all sorts of new tech waiting for you”
Pidge spluttered, still thinking of her witty reply as Lance snuggled closer to Keith, letting out a loud rumbling content purr that they all heard. Hunk asking
“Dude, was that Lance?”
“Yeah. He’s got a good purr on him”
“I’ve never heard him purr like that before”
Pidge’s pillow was lobbed back over his head, Keith assuming she’d caught it as she didn’t complain about being hit. Closing his eyes, Keith buried his face against Lance’s back. Lance liked being the big spoon, yet seeing he was sleeping, Keith got to be big spoon, which the alpha preferred seeing it didn’t end up with Lance having a face full of his hair
“That’s because he’s all snuggled up with Keith. Don’t you two do anything gross in Green or I’ll kick you both out”
“Shut up. We’re not that gross”
“I’m just saying, we’re already hunting for a sun and if I see something I don’t want to, I might just yeet myself into it”
As Keith mentally sighed, Coran seemed to think now was the time to join in
“Not in Green you won’t. She’s a fine lion who deserves more than that. I’m sorry, Pidge, but I must insist you not do this “yeeting” of which you speak”
Pidge huffed, though her scent showed no trace of actual annoyance
“Look, now you made Coran cranky”
Keith trying to sound as deadpan as possible
“Oh no. Whatever shall we do?”
“Kosmo will teleport me over at the first sign of a potential yeet. You kids need your sleep”
There was a choruses of “Yes, Mum”, Krolia probably hadn’t expected to suddenly be called “mum” by all of them. She didn’t have a smart reply to that. Still, it was nice. To have his whole pack there, and for them to accept his mother, and his mother to accept Lance... all of it so damn nice that he could cry... but he wouldn’t. He loved his pack, for all its weirdness. They really were, and would forever be, his family.
** Three Years Later**
Lance had stood by Keith’s side for all of it. From coming back to Earth, to kicking the Galra off their home planet, to showing up wearing what seemed to be a full set of saucepans because Coran had been talking to him about Altean courting customs, Keith helping his omega unpan himself as they’d watched the sunset sitting atop black. Things hadn’t been easy. Lance nearly dropping when his second heat had come, due to the trauma before his first heat.
When Altea and Diabazaal had come back into existence, and with Honerva and Sendak both finally as dead as they deserved, slowly their pack dynamic had changed as they all sought their own paths. For Lance and Keith it’d been time on Earth, helping Lance’s family reestablish their farm in Cuba. Keith really didn’t like the first time he’d been invited to dinner by Lance’s Mami Miriam. The woman quick to share so many embarrassing stories about his omega. Lance shaken, but bold enough to stand up for himself and ask her to stop. His boyfriend talking him out to see Plant City, as most of the refugee families had been there at the time. Their time on Earth feeling like one big arse term at the Garrison. Keith finding himself “the future” as Lance had called him. Being the first Human-Galra, and the Black Paladin of Voltron, Keith found himself thrust into the spotlight that he’d never wanted.
For a time Lance worked with the Blades to help rebuild Diabazaal, as well as working as Earth’s ambassador to Altea. Coran refused to have it any other way. Lance was there for all of them. When Shiro had learned about the loss of Adam, it was Lance who kidnapped the pair of them from the awkward wake held for all the heroes lost when the Galra attacked. They wound up on some shitty beach in the middle of nowhere, but somehow that was everything Shiro needed. It was also Lance who helped to encourage Shiro to find happiness with his new boyfriend Curtis. Slowly as things had settled, Lance picked up teaching on Altea. His omega such a natural with the children that “laughed at his funny ears”.
Getting a call out of the blue from Coran, Keith broke every rule regarding wormholing off of Diabazaal. The stupid Blades had needed him for some stupid stealth mission. Keith well and truly over pockets of resistance that kept popping up trying to bring back Zarkon’s legacy. As far as Keith knew, Lance was on Earth. One of the perks of Pidge working at the Galaxy Garrison was the new gun tech coming out of the place. Lance had only been joking about being her official tester, yet almost every time Pidge upgraded some kind of gun, Lance would be the first one she’d call to her lab, even when the damn thing didn’t work, and the facility went onto lockdown because they’d tripped the fire alarms... He was supposed to be on Earth, with Pidge, and Pidge’s somewhat scary mother Colleen, planting a new crop of something or other resistant... Honestly, he still didn’t get farming talk, but Lance was meant to be in Cuba and now he was on Altea on that wasn’t okay, especially not when Coran had told him to come straight to main medical centre.
Landing on Altea, Keith flicked off the engines of his pod, out the thing before it’d finished spooling down, still in his Blade stealth suit, or his “onesie of justice” as Lance called it, as he bolted for the medical centre. Alarmed Alteans had no clue what was going, Keith nearly smacked into the glass doors, narrowly barrelling through the with only catching his shoulder instead of taking out the door frame. Hitting the admin desk, the Altea behind gave a small squeak as she rolled back
“Where’s Coran?!”
Timidly the woman pointed him down the hall to the left, Keith taking off jogging. Instinctively he wanted to keep running, yet Lance would smack him for running in a hospital.
Finally finding Coran, the alpha grabbed Coran by the shoulders. He wanted to shake an explanation out of him, but first he had to catch his breath
“Keith, my boy!? What a pleasure to see you again...”
“Lance... where’s Lance...”
“Uh, yes! Now...”
“Coran, don’t tease him! Keith, I’m okay”
Coran was kind of shoved slightly backwards as Keith tore away from the Altean, darting into the room he’d been standing in front of. Sitting on the bed, his omega looked exhausted as Keith rushed over to him. Wrapping his arms around Lance, the alpha let out a shaky breath. Yeah. He’d gotten a bit better with his rashness and impulse control, but that always went out the window when it came to Lance. Scrambling to tear his mask off with one hand, he didn’t want to let his omega go
“Babe... thank fuck...”
Chuckling softly, Lance smiled at him as Keith forced himself back to see his omega’s face
“Are you okay? I thought you were in Cuba. Coran messaged me that you were here...”
“And you came running... Babe, I’m okay. Something Coran should have told you”
Scrunching his brow, Lance being “okay” only made him confused
“I... if you’re okay, what are you doing here?”
“I... uh, started feeling ill. So I came for a check up... and hold on, let me show you...”
Pouting at Lance letting him go, his omega fished something out his pocket, Keith had no idea what the hell it was... until he was passed it
“You might want to be careful, I pissed on it”
Pee... on a stick... oh... oh... OH! What... how...
Lance snorted, then kind of sobered. His omega had to be terrified. Even with all the tech they had, he’d still had so many issues with everything growing and settling. Lance’s chances of contraception raising, but severely damaged by his red heat
“Don’t worry, I have a stack of them at home... I wanted to get it confirmed. Coran wasn’t supposed to freak you out”
Stabbing Lance less than romantically in the eye as he took his omega’s face in his hands, Keith’s heart was racing
“And... are... you...?”
“Yeah. We haven’t done an ultrasound, but... blood test and a quick examination confirmed it. I put off coming when I first started feeling sick... but today I started throwing up and it... yeah. I must have brought every test in the shop... I know... we didn’t think and... I’m sorry...”
No fucking way was Lance apologising for this. This was best news he’d had since Shiro and Curtis got engaged. Kissing his omega happily, Lance relaxed into the kiss, stick still right up against his eye.
Behind Keith, there was the sound of a party popper, confetti falling over their heads. For a moment Keith panicked, Bob and his fucking game show haunted him for a long time, so, for an instant, he thought he was back there. Instead, as he whipped his head around around and moved to protect Lance, Coran was beaming at the pair of them. Incriminating party popper remains still in hand
“Oh, I’m so proud of you, my boys!”
Knowing the cause of his distress, Lance tugged on his arm until Keith turned back to him
“You know he’s been addicted to them since Shiro first told him how to use one. I’m okay, tired, kind of nauseous, but I’m okay. Are you?”
Relaxing under his omega’s calming scent, Keith was very very okay...ish. God. He was nervous more than anything... The way Lance stared at him... even after three years, his omega sent his heart all funny
“Yeah. Yeah, babe... a pup... we’re having a pup of our own”
“We are... I know I shouldn’t get my hopes up, but... fuck... I said I wouldn’t cry...”
“Sweetheart, I think I’m crying too...”
Yeah. No. He definitely was... This was actually happening... This was finally happening for them, not that they had been trying, but they hadn’t exactly not been either. Shiro knew all about from making the mistake of walking in on them after one particular tedious briefing. Shyly, his omega asked
“So... you’re... this is... okay?”
“Oh, I’m very okay”
“Good, because this baby and me, we’re both gonna need our big strong alpha”
Inside his alpha was screaming with pride. He was going to be a dad. Lance was going to be a dad. They were going to be dads...
“You and our pup... you’re going to be so loved you won’t know what to do”
Both of them were messes, the pregnancy stick finally dropped as they nuzzled into each other until it was impossible to tell who’s tears were who’s. Lance letting out a barked laugh at the state of them. They might have grown plenty, but no matter how many years had passed, you only had to put them together and they turned into emotional idiots
“Now, yes, well, Lance came for a scan today, perhaps you’d be so kind as to let me patient lay down?”
Giddy, Lance giggled. Both their scents were kind of making Keith giddy too
“Coran begged me to let him do the scan. I think our Space Uncle is excited for us. He probably now knows more about my condition than anyone...”
“If you trust him, you know I trust him...”
“I wouldn’t have come here if I didn’t. You’re the second to know... well, third. The man at the store probably suspected with all the tests I bought...”
“When do we tell the others?”
“When we know both me and this little one are going to be okay... which we won’t know until Coran does the scan”
“Oh, I guess I better let you lay down”
“Yep... you have no idea how much water I had to drink for this scan, you better not keep me waiting any longer”
That didn’t sound fun... Everything anything to do with birth, and male omega’s, came out of Lance’s various appointments and therapy sessions... however, he didn’t need a fancy education to know having to pee sucked
“I promise I’ll never keep you waiting again”
Humming sweetly, Lance would never not be the most amazing and sweetest omega he’d ever met. A pup with his big blue eyes... His heart was melting at the thought of them
“Mmm. I might just have to hold you to that, but first, let’s meet our baby...”
He was never going to tire of hearing that. Their baby. Theirs... made by them...
“Our baby...”
The novelty never had worn off, no matter how many times he told everyone and anyone repeatedly. No matter how many times Lance teased him about all their friends knowing. Keith was proud as quiznak right up to the birth, and prouder even still when he finally got to hold their first pup in his arms.
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knightotoc · 4 years
Higher Ground Blogging 7
- a.k.a. the prequels if they had a single ounce of hope
HGB 1 (eps 1-3), 2 (4), 3 (5-7), 4 (8-9), 5 (10), 6 (11-13)
Last time on HGB: The good: SHELBY!!!; Anakin jealously chopping wood; Anakin anxiously knocking over chess pieces; Anakin getting called “alpha male”/“the all-American boy”/“an emotional crashsite”; the ending of episode 4; “sorry i’m late, dude, ah, I had to lay off a couple thousand employees” The bad: the music; the slo-mo; the indigenous-remains and fertility-game subplots; the grownups’ stupid will-they-won’t-they; the quality of these youtube videos The disappointing: a CGI bear tried to kill Peter-bi-Wan and didn’t even get one hit on him; the horse seems to have vanished; sometimes Hayden mumbles :( and the others do too but I don’t care as much
ep 14: - THE AMERICANS ARE BACK AND THEY’RE WORSE THAN EVER!!!!! - “yeah it’s amazing how everybody just wants to protect me” scott😭😭😭😭 - i think scott’s shirt is bulky enough to qualify as a poncho - is the music...........good???!!!?!?!?!? - omg juliette gave her bacon to auggie so shelby gave hers to scott😭😭😭 - omg shelby tried to lie to protect scott’s pride and he DID NOT LIKE THAT - this has the most serious a-plot vs silliest b-plot so far, but at least the b-plot is funny - scott sulking in a freezing room so you can see his breath when he cries... hiding his sobs with his shivers..... in a massive dark flannel.... with that jedi temple slats-lighting....... damn he is never not on point! - american: how you like that! *claps in scott’s face* / scott: *grabs his collar and shakes him* NOT NOW, MAN.
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unimpressed canadians
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new pfp???
daisy: so does anybody play the piano? SCOTT? me: um WHAT all the kids: woooo yeahh👏👏👏👏 scott: pfff pshhh nahhhh me: UM WHAT!!!!???? scott: *shrugging and hiding* kids: come onnn wooo scotttt scott and shelby: *sit on piano bench together and play piano* me: DARTH VADER PLAY PIANO
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ep 15: - omg evil journalists??! is this SPICE WORLD??? - someone just said “sorry” all accented yessss - shelby just called peter-bi-wan “my captain” yes queen got im
scott: i dunno what i did to make her [shelby] so mad :( daisy: did it ever cross your mind that maybe it isn’t about you? scott: *probably the stupidest expression ever made by a member of the human race*
- anakin in a jacket is such a good look that is absolutely nowhere to be found in the entire star wars franchise. absolutely forbidden. - scott believes in peter-bi-wan so much more than i do. it’s really endearing - peter-bi-wan made up a drug called “jojo” to trick the journalist, that is not how you make a jojo reference my dude but i still appreciate the effort - i did not expect a sarah palin flashback today - ohhhhhhhhh scotttttt YOU FUCKED UP oh no ohhh NOO!!! - the hugs are off the CHAIN in this ep. but guess who walks dramatically away from the group hug (it’s scott) - “he catches touchdowns and he goes out with cheerleaders and he thinks that’s the world” omg shelby you don’t mean that💔😢 - “those sweet eyes” hrnghrhgnrhgrnghngh - oh wow this ending. incredible. fantastic!!!! - when girls say “you remind me of my old friend” to each other that’s the shit that gets me good ahhhhh sally bowles who?
ep 16: - the thumbnail on this one is a creepy doll. that is the opposite of scenic! - scott and shelby do the dishes together more than any onscreen couple i know -  “well when you do figure it out, when you slither back in, let me know” -- shelby dragging scott down into hell as he deserves oh my god you guys my otp does not go well - "butt out, morticia, it’s none of your business” -- scott to daisy the goth who hates him rn - peter-bi-wan’s dad trying to make him join the family business exactly like dooku trying to get obi-wan to join the capitalists in AotC - awww another really canadian “sorry” - ohhhh the gay vibes are vibing - okay so all the kids are on solitary meditation tasks but guess who is breaking the rules to hang out with his (ex?)girlfriend (it’s scott) - peter-bi-wan: “i’ll beat the storm” HELL YEAH JEDI KNIGHT - omg SHELBY IS LOST IN THE STORM??!?!?! - DAISY VS SCOTT OVER SHELBY IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! - okay this doctor is, for no good reason, a very sexy ice queen - “i don’t have to do anything for you. and besides, you’re beyond help” -- daisy strongly disagrees with the ending of revenge of the sith - “jock-o” yas another for the pile - GUESS WHO IS GOING OUT INTO THE STORM TO LOOK FOR SHELBY
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what a completely unexpected twist! i do dig it tho for real holy shit oh my god - this is the second time scott’s girlfriend has been lost in the wilderness in this show, it is simply the perfect story
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FOREHEAD KISSES?!? just slay me in twain hrrrkk - they played piano AND had forehead kisses in the rain
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shelby’s himbo boyfriend and witch girlfriend - daisy: maybe you’re not totally useless after all - scott: maybe you’re not either - ot3 confirmed
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i seriously cannot with these two right now, pass the fucking smelling salts HES ALL TUCKED IN!!! ARE YOU SEEING THIS
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staliasjeronica · 4 years
Riverdale S4 Ep11 Thoughts *Spoilers*
- I’m excited about the quiz show but I wish it wasn’t just to show off how smart Betty is. I know she’s smart, all the girls are, but if they dumb them down to make Betty look good…
- Archie has such a good heart ugh the greatest boy in Riverdale and nobody can compare to him!!! 🥺❤️
- Jughead mentioning Bret after him and Betty have sex. We love Bret x Jughead lmao
- Betty looks so good though can she please have her hair down all the time pLEASE 👀❤️
- Betty looks like Lili way too much and I don’t like that… Bughead is basically just Sprousehart and that’s not a good thing
- NOT CHERONICA ASKING ABOUT ALCOHOL TO AN ADULT AT THEIR SCHOOL NO LESS??? Whatever, they look good so I’ll let it slide for the best girls in Riverdale
- “Boy in the river” is too soft but serial killers, which has probably been done so many times, isn’t…? The desperation to cling to the black hood is potent
- TOM’S BEEN WORKING CONSTRUCTION??? SINCE WHEN??? Also not Archie replacing Tom with Frank?? And with NO warning??
- Veronica is such a cutie we love!!! And finally solid proof that Toni is smart!!! Betty taking Cheryl’s answer though smh isn’t there usually a rule against that??
- Betty talking about Bret to Charles gives off enemies to lovers vibes. I don’t genuinely ship it but the idea of it though is interesting. Anything to shake things up. Also, is she really trying to get Charles to help her cheat just because she feels entitled to getting into Yale??
- “Brown Hood” ew… also none of those other interesting stories were good enough but we’re going to STILL have to hear about the dumb black hood? LET IT GO
- It’s kinda funny how much Betty is like Bret, Like, entitled, selfish, pretends to be higher than everybody else, etc… anyways enemies to lovers 😜😜😜
- Of course Bret bought his way into everything, wasn’t it obvious?? Also how exactly did Charles get information on that if the dad wouldn’t have wrote it down??? Like, the only way Charles would have been able to get that would be if he snooped around. It wouldn’t be official (or hidden and official) paperwork...
- So Betty can milk her father being the black hood but jughead can’t use it as a story despite technically being a victim of it himself?  I mean I get it but like… is it really THAT BIG of a deal? 
- NO THE SPEAKEASY?!!!?!!? Hate that Veronica never wanted to be a criminal but now she’s illegally going to sell alcohol and knowing her annoying ass father and how much the writers love this boring rivalry, he’s going to find out and ruin it.
- Fangs 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 It’s good to see that he’s still alive smh. But, damn, they really had to ruin any possibility of Kangs like they never even got a true chance to be good :(
- THIS DUDE LOOKS LIKE HE’S IN HIS 20′S??!?!?? KEVIN???!?!?! SIR?!?!?!? BE CAREFUL?!?!!?!?
- Betty hounding Jughead for lying when she constantly lies to him I—
- This “make Tom a second father to Archie” is so weird like—other than Harv getting into a fight with one of the writers on Twitter (which made my thoughts on it more negative lol) it’s just… he has his own son that he never talks to (especially after being in a CULT) and it rubs me the wrong way… it’s nice for Archie to have a father figure but they were kinda setting FP up to do that and now suddenly out of NOWHERE it’s Tom?
- Betty not getting into Yale because of who her father is and not her grades :( That would such. But it makes sense...
- Jughead, you act like Bret would care if Betty found out that you’re using her father for a story without her permission.
- YESSSS BETTY DESTROYING HAL’S GRAVE EVEN THOUGH IT WON’T DO SHIT AND SHE WAS LIKE HIS BEST FRIEND A LITTLE BIT AGO BUT WHATEVER. See, people, this is a badass scene. THIS. Her actually being angry and venting, not destroying others for no reason. This. 
- Tickled…..?????? 5 GRAND??? SHIT THAT’S... mmhm, Sounds kinda creepy but 👀
- I feel like Bughead is doomed because suddenly they’re actually being kinda cute and like 1% interesting and usually when that happens the person or couple I don’t like ends up either dead or something
- So how the fuck can Betty get into Yale considering she said in the flash forward she’s in Yale?
- CHERONICA DANCING WE LOVE TO SEE ANOTHER DANCING SCENE!!! We love the best dressed and most beautiful girls in Riverdale!!!!
- See, this is why you don’t tell Hiram SHIT but the writers insist to make them seem dumb (so Veronica can come up with a plan and make it perfect but she tells her enemy/father what she’s doing so he can stop her? Sure… makes TOTAL sense…) so that Hiram can come in and fuck everything up. I get that it can’t come easy because this is a TV show but for the love of God Hiram will never fucking leave will he???
- He really has to destroy it???? What a fucking loser lmao he’s such a baby
- Ooh Veronica is pissed! She looks hot when she has that angry look I say that’s my baby she’s gonna retaliate!! 
- I’m low-key scared for Kevin… like he’s always used by his dates.
- Cheryl being the smart bitch she is we loveeeee!!!
- YES REVAMP THE BROTHEL. There’s nothing that says female empowerment about Penelope but um whatever this is actually a really good idea… WE LOVE A CHERONICA TEAM UP
- I know Cheryl’s gonna ask Toni but Toni’s a part of—wait… PENELOPE?? No. JUST FUCKING LET HER DIE OFF PLEASE. Lmao but just imagine if someone decided to go have sex in the bunker and Penelope is just like “oh hey”
- FRANK JUST FUCKING ATTACKED TOM??? So the ex-sheriff isn’t gonna press charges?? Umm okay
- Frank literally stfu don’t guilt him into not feeling bad for you, you’re a fucking thief
- I legit just cringed when Betty said she was Jughead’s cheerleader that was… ew
- Mmhm… would Betty cheat?? Maybe. Also WHY would Alice fucking do that? I mean I guess it matches season 1 Alice but it’s still dumb that her s1 personality came out of nowhere and was villainized
- Oh Betty totally cheated didn’t she………… “THE LIMIT DOES NOT EXIST” MEAN GIRLS!!!
- WHY IS VERONICA GIVING IT TO BETTY WHEN SHE’S THE ONE WHO’S ANSWERED ALL OF THE FUCKING ANSWERS? But lemme guess they’re making it seem like she cheated but suddenly she’s smart enough to answer all of the questions
- Yup, Betty was suddenly a fucking genius mmhm I knew they were gonna pander to her smhhhhhhhh
- YES ARCHIE STAND UP TO FRANK!!!!!!!!!! And please apologize to Tom 🥺🥺
- So how does she get into Yale if they think she cheated?
- WAIT KEVIN IS HELPING FANGS GET MONEY WE FUCKING LOVEEEEEE?!???!!?!?!? HE CAN PAY FOR HIS MOM’S SURGERIES!!! Fangs family background info coinciding with Toni’s here we go!!! Also Fangs stop being a cutie challenge!!!
- The camera making Bret look monstrously huge lmao
- Jesus not a fucking duel….
- So is this scene before or after Betty “hits Jughead”
- BARCHIE HOLDING HANDS. In the gif shown before the episode there was nothing platonic about that look. Of course with context… it’s kinda… inappropriate but YESSS BARCHIE RISE!!!!!
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shirtlesssammy · 5 years
14x08 Bullet Point Rambles
And we jump right in with Dabb's quote of the day: “Don't give me that meant to be crap.” Oh, Dean Bean
“What happens next?” Jack asks. Sam LIES and tells him he doesn't know but man oh man hello all three of these dudes are experts on death
Oh NOOOOOOOOOO Dean didn't get to say goodbye and neither did we. (Boris: I'm not ready yet!)
Oh lord Sam's about to do something stupid
Yessss, Cas and Dean are driving in Cas's car. They find Sam sitting in the road. A crossroad's deal??? Oh, Sam says he was trying to build a pyre. (Sam, that's green wood – it ain't gonna burn fast.)
Cas tells them that Jack's death doesn't feel natural – especially since he was taken before Cas (Boris: technically not true – you were recently dead my friend around the hour of Jack’s birth.)
AAAAWWW they're eating nougat and drinking to mourn Jack – god DAMN IT
(Boris: God damn it.)
Um. Is Jack in Heaven hunting with all his dads? I AM ON BOARD
Heaven begins to glitch...and Jack quickly finds his door and leaves. (Natasha: he clearly read the manual)
Black GOO starts to chase Jack down the hall. Oh. Crap
Wow, old Lily Sunder was cast really well. She's here to read Kevin's angel tablet translations. Interesting
Whoa, Lily suggests using Jack's soul to power his resurrection. Daaaamn. Lily's bartering her help for a spot in Heaven.
So...it's a heist / resurrection episode? 
Oh, Anubis decides who goes to Heaven or Hell – not Reapers. I like this. Added layers to Heaven the stretch beyond the usual
“You can do that? You can summon a god?” “Done it before”
HOLY SHIT Jack goes to meet Kelly. HELP US WE'RE DYING OF EMOTION. She finds out he died and I...am getting some tears here. I thought I was ready. I was not.
Cas returns to the bunker, very worried, to report that all of Heaven's gates are open – even the ones closed by Metatron - and Heaven’s broadcasting a distress signal
Dean makes Lily tell him what she gets out of the deal. She has a sliver of soul left and she's going to use it to get up to her daughter in Heaven
Cas talks to Duma who gives Cas some super nebulous information about the black goo that attacked. Cas and Duma head off to look for Jack
Naomi sweeps into Jack's Heaven with the answer. The Shadow – the thing that rules the Empty is causing trouble. OH YES I’m so glad The Empty has come into play at last. I KNEW it had to come back
“The Empty considers Jack his property” since he’s part angel. Jack has to be given up to the Empty for the attack on Heaven to stop
Meanwhile the Brothers Winchester and Lily prepare the spell, totally unaware of all the shit that's going down. Anubis pops in.
“Pushing pencils, damning souls. Tough work.” Anubis likes Dean, I think. He must have seen him an awful lot, right?
Your choices determine your fate – Anubis tells them. Oooo nice
Cas and Duma find their way to Kelly's Heaven. Jack's ready to defend his mom <3
Jack and Cas hug and share a reunion. DAMN IT. EXPERIENCING. FEELINGS
Cas wants to resurrect Jack so that the Empty gives up and leaves. Kelly looks like she's ready to stab a bitch at the thought of taking some of Jack's soul to do it, though
Duma walks in and...OOOPS she's the Shadow
Sam and Dean confront Lily about her sudden unwillingness to help the Winchesters bring Jack back and appeal to her maternal feelings of loss
Better hurry because the Shadow is kicking Cas's ass. They pray to Cas at last - they’re ready to do the spell
Cas tells the Shadow to take him instead of Jack. DAMN IT
(Boris: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo)
AND our jaws just dropped. The Shadow will make Cas suffer. When he's at his happiest...that's when the Empty will take Cas away. HELP US THIS IS HORRIBLE AND AMAZING
Cas tells Jack not to tell the Winchesters, because of course
God, Kelly. You continue to just slice right into my heart with your heartfelt goodbyes
The commercials are so cheery but we're still going HOLY SHIT. CAS! I mean, our brains immediately think about love confessions and expressions of belonging and home and then DONE. I don't even want to be pulled out of this pit to think about anything else
Okay guys. This whole time we're rooting for Cas to find self-actualization and happiness and now we don't want that anymore because it means Cas goes away. This is fucking brilliant. I love it AND hate it (but mostly love it)
(Dudes...Did Lily just use the last piece of her soul to save Jack?)
OH LOOK Lily gave up her soul to save Jack and gets into Heaven. Oh damn it. Now I actually am crying (Side note: I hope we see Anubis again. I like him.)
Dudes. This episode completely made me forget about Michael. Like, I had to struggle to try to remember who the big bad of this season was because I kept thinking about the Shadow and what’s coming
Jack's wearing Dean's robe and eating a burger while his dads all look on. Team. Free. Will. <3
God, this is like the best, angsty fan-fic I AM READY
Boris: I am not ready
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dangermousie · 5 years
So, I finished Prince of Dogs and Sanglant x Liath is better than your OTP ever could be
“...the heap of garbage beside the altar, which now stirred, woken by that scuff or by the perfume of her secrecy or by the music of the flutes, to reveal dogs and some kind of ghastly creature, surely not human, heavily chained and clothed in the tattered remains of a tabard marked with a black dragon. Yet it had substance and weight, unlike a daimone; it had unkempt black hair as tangled and ratted as that of a filthy ascetic who has sworn off the trivial clothing of human grooming. It had arms and legs, hands and feet, very humanlike, and a cast of skin made dark by grime. It was a hideous thing, so matted and foul that it might as easily have been a grotesque illusion born out of Bloodheart’s vile magic. Or so she hoped. Then it swung round, shoulders bracing as against an attack, and she saw its face. “God have mercy,” she whispered, the sound forced from her by a shock so profound that she forgot everything, everyone, and even her purpose for being here: The Eika chieftain who sat, unwitting, below her, an easy target. “Sanglant.”
YESSSS. Liath is the one who finds Sanglant! And the one who frees him by killing the evil magician who tortured him for a year!!! OMG I loved the trope reversal there. (Though the fact that Sanglant, after almost a year of torture, still was with it enough to try to take out the wizard on his own - I love him. But he is not a magician so...)
I also love that she realizes that OMG she vowed to love no other when she thought he was dead, which was all well and good and very safe, except now he is alive and she has to deal with a living man, and one who is quite different to the shining knight sans peur e sans reproche she used to know but is now a feral and not entirely sane wreck.
Also, this was glorious. Fucked up as hell but glorious. I am always a fan of the feral nutcases.
 She nocked the arrow, but Sanglant and a half dozen Eika dogs hit the melee before she could get a shot off. He had nothing, only his hands, to fight with. Without thinking, she swung a leg over the railing, meaning to drop down, to save him—
His attack was as swift and as brutal as that of the Eika dogs. He had laid two Eika out flat and ripped one’s throat out with his own teeth while she gaped in horror. An Eika swung hard at him, but a dog leaped between them and took the cut meant for the prince while the rest of the pack swarmed the would-be killer, bearing him down to the flagstones. The other Eika retreated.
Liath has her work cut out for her though because in addition to the whole “Henry will buck all tradition and will make bastard his heir because he loves him so” (father - son reunion made me sniffle, btw, though not as much as Henry sitting in Sanglant’s tent, comforting his nightmares) which means he has to marry an appropriate person, not a possible magician with no kin especially due to the dynastic fight this will cause, he is also deeply and long-term messed up - he forgets words, he has nightmares, he scours his skin raw, he growls like a dog half the time, and he refuses to stop wearing his iron dog collar as a reminder of his torture, among many other things. Dude is understandably a complete mess.
ALSO OMG THE SCENE WHERE HE ASKS LIATH TO CUT HIS HAIR OMG. And these sentences Then, and finally, as if only when he had scrubbed himself clean of the breath of his captivity dared he acknowledge her, he looked up to where she stood half hidden among the rest. He had known she was there all along. ‘Liath.’  basically did me in.  And I love that he’s a total scarecrow and a mess and she’s still wants him so badly:
He knelt suddenly and with a sharp sigh. A tang of the old smell, the reek of his imprisonment, still clung to him and no doubt would for some time, but standing this close was no punishment. Ai, Lady, his hair was coarse and too matted to be truly clean yet, but when sometimes she had to shift him to get a better angle for cutting, she touched his skin and would bite her lip to stop herself from trembling, and go on.
Like, you guys, I ship this so hard and it KILLS ME that nobody among my followers read these books, which are amazing and shippy and whumping heaven but also dense enough to be a Sharon Kay Penman historical novel if the history was real and not a fantasy take on it.
Oh, and I screamed when I got to this, literally screamed:
“May God have mercy on us all,” murmured Henry. He took Sanglant by the elbow and helped him rise. “How did you survive?” As if in answer—the only answer he knew how to give—Sanglant turned his head to look at Liath.
Like - she is his savior in both literal and metaphorical way and in every way that matters. My heart my heart my heart.
Also that scene at the feast where he sees food and goes crazy is awfully painful, especially since he recollects himself and then With an effort made the more obvious by the way his hands shook, the prince commenced eating again, only very, very slowly and with such painstaking care that anyone would know he could barely stop himself from gobbling down his food like a savage. Like I need a whole book where it’s just Sanglant recovering and getting better and normal and getting rid of that awful collar and having meals. Hahahahaha yes epic fantasy I am not getting that. Also I did love Alain being so good and understanding with him - I rag on him for being so saintly as to be boring - but so far he’s proven to be Liath’s savior and Sanglant’s helper. He’s a really really good dude. Though I still get bored with him.
Also, this:
He had endured hunger for a long time. He had dreamed of her, but she had been a shade, a remembered shadow given brightness by his own despair and need. Now he touched her on the cheek, as she had once touched him in the silence of the crypt. She did not respond, she did not draw back, but he felt the rhythm of her breathing. His was not so steady.
“Marry me, Liath,” he said, because it was now the only thing he knew to say to her. Hadn’t she cut his hair, back there by the stream? Hadn’t she freed him from Bloodheart’s chains? Hadn’t his memory of her been all that kept him from drowning in madness?
I knew it! Old Sanglant, who was 100% sane and functional, was never going to propose marriage or seek a relationship even, but the new Sanglant has been so broken down to basic needs, he doesn’t care for societal rules at all. Though the fact he thinks she may not want him because he’s not what he was :(
And I loved that when Hugh tried to abuse her again, Liath, who normally gets utterly paralyzed and can’t say a word, called for him and because of his insane hearing and their soulmateyness he heard and went to the rescue and she was saved, the first time during all those awful encounters she was saved. And I find it deeply symbolic that she fought so hard not to give that magic book to Hugh and he had to brutalize it out of her, but here she voluntarily gave it to Sanglant for safe-keeping (he had no idea what it was even) even if she normally refuses to even mention it.
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makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 040: Deku VS Todoroki (Conclusion)
Previously on BnHA: Oh god. Shouto flashed back repeatedly to his horrific childhood. Deku decimated basically his entire body in his quest to get Todoroki to finally use his left side. Like, he literally chose the most perverse and insane possible way to do this. For reasons I can’t begin to fathom, none of the adults bothered to intervene in this bloodbath. My god it pissed me off so much. Anyway, Todoroki finally did realize that his power is his own and he can use it without it automatically meaning that he’s giving in to his evil father. It made him very happy and was a very powerful moment tbh. BUT AT WHAT COST.
Today on BnHA: Deku and Todoroki nearly blow up the stadium and each other before the U.A. faculty FINALLY steps in. Deku is blown out of bounds and the fight ends. Endeavor is all, YESSSSS, JOIN ME AND TOGETHER WE CAN RULE THE GALAXY AS FATHER AND SON but Shouto is just, WHATEVER, I DON’T EVEN CARE ABOUT YOU and it’s the best. All Might and Deku have an emotional moment in the nurse’s office while Recovery Girl is just like, “smdh.” Basically the manga shyly offers me an apology and a bouquet of flowers for putting me through all of that bullshit in the last chapter, and LIKE A FOOL I fall for it hook, line and sinker.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 94 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
so here we are at chapter 40. officially about 20% of the way through the story so far. a lot has happened! Deku has learned to control his powers! somehow it’s made absolutely no difference in terms of how frequently he’s been gravely injured! in fact if anything it’s all gotten much, much worse!
oh my god Endeavor is jumping up in the stands and fucking SCREAMING about how Shouto’s finally accepted his blood and now he can finally fulfill his (Endeavor’s) ambitions
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someone push him down these stairs
oh my god the chapter is titled “Emancipation.” lol I assume it’s metaphorical, but what I wouldn’t fucking give for Shouto to somehow legally tell his dad to just fuck off forever
Mic calls Endeavor a “doting parent.” that’s... a take. possibly the most ironic fucking thing anyone has ever said
Aizawa seems to know a little bit more about Shouto’s history with his dad though, since he’s thinking to himself that they’re not on good terms. but maybe he just figured that out from Shouto’s insistence on not using his left side
Todoroki is completely thawed out now and on fucking fire and Deku is grinning and Shouto asks him what the fuck he’s smiling about lol. he’s smiling because he helped you, silly! but yes you’re right he is totally fucking screwed
can we get this match ended at last please?? can we get a fucking mercy rule implemented into this fucking tournament
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please help me out here, U.A. as unfathomably badass as Todoroki is at full power, I really don’t want to sit through another whole fucking chapter of Deku doing insane things he really shouldn’t be able to do
you know what I would enjoy, though? a quick cut to show how the villains are reacting to all of this. or Deku’s mom, for that matter! assuming she hasn’t passed out or anything. but even if she did, she said she was recording it, so
(ETA: lol are you guys sick of me speculating about Deku’s mom every five paragraphs yet)
and finally Cementoss is springing into action. JESUS CHRIST. TAKE YOUR TIME WHY DON’T YOU. honestly, both he and Midnight -- and really the entire faculty -- are lucky if they’re not charged with child endangerment after all of this
(ETA: well I’m glad U.A.’s student safety record does actually become a plot point later. but slightly annoyed that no one had any problem with this particular spectacle and that it only became an issue after the second villain attack)
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having no self-preservation instincts isn’t a fucking superpower and it isn’t something children should be aspiring to
fucking look at these idiots
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jesus there was like a fucking shockwave. that was all Deku, I’m sure. the giant fire tornado erupting from the stadium is all Todoroki, though!
I’m pretty sure everyone in the stadium just collectively shat their pants
lol forever if a single one of the heroes in the stands even thinks about having the audacity to think they could ever claim either of these two as a sidekick after this. no matter who it is, THEY’RE THE ONES WHO WOULD BE THE FUCKING SIDEKICK
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fucking I don’t even know, Mic
so who fucking won. was it a tie?
there’s so much fucking steam from all of the suddenly-melted ice
that shit should be scalding Deku and Shouto both. but we’ve long since torpedoed past the boundaries of realism within this particular fight
there’s a panel of Deku’s shoe but not showing the rest of him...
so Todoroki moves on to round three
no matter who wins in the Shiozaki/Iida match, they should just fucking forfeit afterward lmao
the audience can’t understand what Deku’s strategy was. there’s no point in trying to understand it, he was basically just trying to make his friend feel better to the point that he became near-suicidal in that pursuit
still, would anyone in this crowd actually want to fuck with him after witnessing that??
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lol do you still want these two as your rivals though. and Deku went and made your job even harder for you
and he overheard that conversation earlier, so he understands the significance of what just went down better than anyone else in this audience
oh look, Shouto is being confronted by a walking piece of flaming shit. what an interesting sight
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he says Shouto is finally ready to replace him. fucking get over yourself. I’m trying to think of truly awful things to compare you to but I’m so mad I can’t even come up with any
but he seems to think that this means Shouto is done “rebelling” and has anyone ever been so wrong before I wonder
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aaaaand the nurse’s office again!!
so just how dead is Deku this time
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shit. I hope they maxed out his painkillers, this poor stupid fucking kid
and okay but, can you please stop putting it on All Might though. yes he put pressure on Deku, but Deku’s inner fire has like a psychotic edge to it that even he couldn’t have ever anticipated. All Might told him to go out there with a smile, not screaming like a madman and methodically breaking all of his bones one by one
also, he didn’t anticipate Shouto’s involvement in all this and just how far Deku would go for him
which, by the way, I know there’s a sizable chunk of the fandom that ships TodoDeku (or really it’d probably be the other way round wouldn’t it), and like, it’s hard not to see why. you know I’m all about that BakuDeku ship, but Deku clearly has a lot of love to go around. lots of terrifying, violent love
anyway, the point is this wasn’t All Might’s doing. he’s not fucking Dumbledore manipulating the poor kid left and right. he’s still new to being a mentor and he vastly underestimated his protege’s propensity for getting himself deep into the shit
Recovery Girl says All Might better not praise him for what he did. okay, yeah, that I can 100% agree with. it wasn’t healthy or sane or smart by any stretch, and it accomplished absolutely nothing that a couple of sessions with a halfway decent therapist couldn’t have done. though from what I’ve seen, I’m not sure if this school believes in things like therapists
and here comes the fam
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oh shit I just realized All Might is still in Skinny Steve form
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apparently they took a break to repair the arena
this piece of shit is expressing an opinion I happen to agree with. it happens
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but that’s okay because Deku doesn’t need to be some stupid shitty so-called pro’s shitty sidekick. I hate like 90 percent of the pros outside of the U.A. faculty anyway
well. but Best Jeanist though...
now Recovery Girl is chasing them all out and saying he’s about to have surgery
sdlfkhl damn it and Deku’s apologizing now
he’s so fucking out of it, I can’t be mad at him even though I was so fucking mad at him!!! you idiot!!
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All Might, hey, hold it. wait up. dude. you don’t get openly emotional and you never have up till this point so don’t start now when it’s so late and I’m not prepared. if you lose it even the slightest degree I will literally be a mess
and now All Might is realizing Deku was trying to get Todoroki to get over his hangups
and Deku’s saying yes, because “it was just too sad...”
does All Might know what he’s talking about? he can probably guess some of it, but he doesn’t know just how bad it was with Todoroki and Endeavor
Deku says he tried to mind his own business, but he couldn’t take it
“it was so frustrating.” kid, I 100% agree. but like, you and I have different approaches to solving problems like this oh my god
anyways so he completely forgot about his goal of winning the tournament and “lost himself”
well at least this exonerates All Might from having had anything to do with this outcome. just in case he was prepared to blame himself
Deku hasn’t cried once during any of this, incidentally. is he just too exhausted
he needs huuuuuuugs. surgery and then hugs!!
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you know what could have changed what happened. literally anyone intervening at any point before the match actually ended
ooooh just like that I’m starting to get mad all over again lol. but not at you, All Might. and not at Deku, who was clearly out of his mind, just totally off the rails with his psychotic good intentions
“however, giving help that’s not asked for... is part of what makes a true hero.” awww ;_;
look, again, I don’t deny that Shouto needed help in some shape or form
and I guess all’s well that ends... sort of... okay
just. wow, what a fucking outcome. what a train wreck of a battle. that was something, all right
“Midoriya Izuku... finished in the top eight”
and the chapter ends
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looks like we’re done with character profiles for the time being! NOW IT’S COSTUME COMMENTARY OH GOODY :D :D :D
how much of this did Bakugou design himself, I wonder? he probably just explained how his quirk worked and what he wanted the gauntlet thing to do and that he wanted it to look cool (by his weird definition of cool)
I really love Bakugou’s quirk. I don’t know if I’ve said this. but it’s probably my second or third favorite, after Ochako’s and possibly Aizawa’s. just something about explosions. I’ve been a Gokudera fangirl for too long lol. and I also love his fighting style and his blasting all over the place
look at the thought that went into even the fucking grenade pin design
Bakugou can fucking blow shit up with his knees?? holy shit. I thought those were just weird Mad Max style knee pads lmao
(ETA: I think maybe by “kill with his knees” they just mean he could like. crush some poor dude or something. just bludgeon them or some shit. how violent)
and he can put his explosive sweat into the grenades on his belt too. “what’s the point?” well, you never know. plus it looks cool to have the grenades there on his belt
“all in all: heartless” this guy never stops shitting on my favorite character lol
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666shiki · 6 years
85 Questions tag
i was tagged by @saphore love you babe MWAH
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people
2. phone call: my brother........ the call lasted for literally 17 seconds lmao
3. text message: man i get you............
4. song you listened to: NCT 2018 - Black on Black
5. time you cried: yesterday..... bc i was really soft for seungkwan.. LISTEn i saw a really cute gif of him i cant help it
6. dated someone twice: nah
7. kissed someone and regretted it: yea : D
8. been cheated on: noo
9. lost someone special: yep
10. been depressed: hasn’t everyone? (lmao caroline this is so accurate im just gonna leave it)
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: noo i usually feel like throwing up the next day
favorite colours:
12. neon red/blue/yellow
13. lilac
14. mustard yellow
in the last year have you:
15. made new friends: yea !
16. fallen out of love: yea:D
17. laughed until you cried: also yea
18. found out someone was talking about you: what.. no? what does this even mean SJODFOKSD
19. met someone who changed you: YESSSS GODD and im thankful for every single one of them
20. found out who your friends are: yeah
21. kissed someone on your facebook tumblr friends list: nope
22. how many of your facebook tumblr friends do you know irl: 2
23. do you have any pets: a tortoise and two dogs !!
24. do you want to change your name: no i actually really love my name
25. What did you do for your last birthday? nothing.. went to school? dskksf i dont really care about my birthday
26. what time did you wake up today: around 10am
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: idk probably was crying at the cute seungkwan gifs
28. what is something you can’t wait for: UHH.. nothing? i never rly wait for anything since nothing happens anyway
29. what are you listening to right now: Seventeen - Oh My!
30. when was the last time you saw your mom: like 2 minutes ago she gave me french fries :]
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: noo i dont think so
32. something that gets on your nerves: EVERYTHING LMFAOOOO im constantly mad about everything even tho i dont always realize it but most of all myself
33. most visited website: youtube and tumblr
34. hair colour: black? that kinda looks like dark brown in the sunlight
35. long or short hair: uhh.. short? medium? im like debating whether i should cut my hair or let it grow sdfkjsdf
36. do you have a crush on someone: i mean aside from idols uhh..... hmm idk kinda? kinda not.. im trying not to let my feelings grow for them ssjhsjhdhsdh
37. what do you like about yourself: my eyes and my eyebrows >:) my friend said that she likes my eye shape? and i fking died love YOU
38. want any piercings: YESSSS god PLEASE but the problem is i would forget to take care of them
39. blood type: idk dude
40. nicknames: raada and raadamus occasionally huora
41. relationship status: been living that single life for 16 years
42. zodiac: scorpio
43. pronouns: she/her
44. fave tv shows: riverdale atm i guess.. i rly love ahs and oitnb too
45. tattoos: no even tho i REEALLY want one:( or two.. or five
46. right handed or left handed: right
47. ever had surgery: nope
48. piercings: none
49. sport: that’s a silly word :) (caroline.. MOOD)
50. vacation: i want to travel to northern finland and japan ! and recently i just really want to go see caroline even tho thats unrealistic but a bitch can dream
51. trainers: the fuck are those
more general:
53. drinking: SPRITE BABEYY
54. i’m about to watch: idk bitch probably gonna see if my fav youtubers have uploaded anything
55. waiting for: DEATH
56. want: ohh dude sooooooo many things.......
57. get married: unrealistic!
58. career: i want to do art idk what kind but id love to be a character designer for games or something. GAME ART! thats what id love to do but again .. unrealistic
which is better:
59. hugs or kisses: depends on who the person is
60. lips or eyes: both
61. shorter or taller: either
62. older or younger: older
63. nice arms or stomach: idk either??
64. hookup or relationship: relationship
65. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
have you ever:
66. kissed a stranger: no
67. drank hard liquor: noo ive drank normal liquor tho
68. lost glasses: i dont have any sdfsdf
69. turned someone down: kinda?
70. sex on first date: no
71. broken someone’s heart: i hope i havent
72. had your heart broken: idk.. kinda
73. been arrested: no
74. cried when someone died: yes
75. fallen for a friend: no? no
do you believe in:
76. yourself: man... on good days. yes
77. miracles: yes
78. love at first sight: yes
79. santa claus: he died years ago
80. kiss on first date: yeah
81. angels: yes !
82. best friend’s name: Jemina and Julia..... and another Julia
83. eye colour: green babeyyyyyy
84. fave movie: it used to be As Above So Below but tbh i havent seen it in years so idk
85. fave actor: Choi Minho best actor of all time
i’m gonna just tag @jenofiles and @lukkilucas
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teazensstuff · 6 years
85 Questions!
85 Questions!
whoooppsss I got tagged by the awesome @peachyxuxi thx love <3
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people (lmao I don’t even know that many ppl on here :(( )
♤ Last…? ♤
1. drink ─ water, because my ass needs to get hydrated when I die for school. ( I mean look. You have to look a little bit better when you die)
2. phone call ─ Alina, after I wrote my german exam
3. text message ─ was a group message about my exam tomorrow. ;-;
4. song you listened to ─ Get it - Pristin V, because one need to appreciate good stuff
5. time you cried ─ 1 month ago when I aced my drivers test
♤ Ever…? ♤
6. dated someone twice ─ lol. I haven’t dated yet thoo
7. kissed someone and regretted it ─ uh duuuuhhhh kissed myself in the mirror I would say. But that’s only to entertain you
8. been cheated on ─ how?
9. lost someone special ─ yes
10. been depressed ─ but only because of school
11. gotten drunk and thrown up ─ nope, that’s kinda a miracle...
12. fave colors ─ white, black, baby blue and lilac
♤ In the last year have you… ♤
15. made new friends ─ YEEEESSS
16. fallen out of love ─ Duuhhh I fall out of love every 2 months
17. laughed until you cried ─ Would be weird if I haven’t
18. found out someone was talking about you ─ damn yes
19. met someone who changed you ─ YESSSS
20. found out who your friends are ─ kindaaaa
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list ─ I don’t use fb
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl ─ as I said I don’t have fb, srryy
23. do you have any pets ─ I wish I had...
24. do you want to change your name ─ you know my full name’s like Quynh Nhu Anna and I kinda wanna change the order. So I can be Quynh (aKA QUEEN) Anna Nhu. Even if it doesn’t make sense. But you know I’ve been throwing jokes with Queen Anna.....
25. what did you do for your last birthday ─ drank vodka at 2 am while watching some show, because I had a depressing birthday
26. what time did you wake up today ─ 6am
27. what were you doing at midnight last night ─ Sleeping
28. what is something you can’t wait for ─ when my exam period ends
30. what are you listening to right now ─ firewalking by ma idol producer dudes (BUT WHEN IS 9% DEBUTING)
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom ─ yeah he was really funny guy who was a drug dealer. I DROPPED SOME FACTS
32. something that’s getting on your nerves ─ when someone’s doing things that involve me without my conscious. LIKE NO KEVIN DEVIN CAN’T SIT ON MY GODDAMN CHAIR. AND I DON’T WANNA SIT IN THE LAST ROW ALONE LIKE A POTATOE. I WANNA STUDY WHILE HE’S JUST READING COMICS.
33. most visited website ─  tumblr, twitter, instagram and youtube
34. hair colour ─ it’s black
35. long or short hair ─ long
36. do you have a crush on someone ─  at the moment everyone from my friend’s group has boy problems while I’m out here looking for some. So no I sadly don’t have a crush on someone
37. what do you like about yourself ─  my eyes
38. want any piercings? ─ naaahhh
39. blood type ─ idk
40. nicknames ─  QUEEN ANNA, Ms Ivana Prada, Anno, Minnie bc I’m not the tallest, quinniee
41. relationship status ─ married to my bed and fridge. Not even biases can’t compete with them. Sry everyone
43. pronouns ─ she/her
44. fave tv shows ─ Riverdale, American Horror Story, Once Upon a Time and then there are also a few kdramas and shows that I forgot
45. tattoos ─ nope
46. right or left handed ─ right
47. ever had surgery ─ nope
48. piercings ─ none
49. sport ─ basketball, but also baseball (actually only because some jerk got the balls hit his dick)
50. vacation ─ been to US last year but I wanna go somewhere coool. Maybe my friends and I will go somewhere fancy after graduating next year
51. trainers ─ Excuse me
♤ More general ♤
53. drinking ─ water
54. i’m about to watch ─  nothing. GOTTA FOCUS ON SCHOOL
55. waiting for ─ a sugar daddy to come so I can rely on him if I ever fail school (jk)
56. want ─ good food, good grades, my biases, nine percent’s debut, f(x)’s comeback. sry
57. get married ─ yessss
58. career ─  something artsy or has to do with writing
♤ Which is better ♤
59. hugs or kisses ─ GIMME HUGSS
60. lips or eyes ─ Eyes
61. shorter or taller ─ Taller
62. older or younger ─ OLDER
63. nice arms or stomach ─ Arms duuuuu
64. hookup or relationship ─ idk what both is lmao
65. troublemaker or hesitant ─ Troublemaker, I’m here for the drama
♤ Have you ever ♤
66. kissed a stranger ─ wHaT
67. drank hard liquor ─ ehhh yes
68. lost glasses ─ never. Can’t see without them (I even lose my balance without them...)
69. turned someone down ─ lol turned down the exchange student. He was like I love you and I was like duhhh. I love myself too.
70. sex on first date ─ eXcUSE me SIR
71. broken someone’s heart ─ yes
72. had your heart broken ─ you can’t break my heart. Fall too fast in and out of love
73. been arrested ─ o.o
74. cried when someone died ─ yes
75. fallen for a friend ─ when I was in kindergarten lmao
♤ Do you believe in…? ♤
76. yourself ─ kindaa??
77. miracles ─ Oh yes
78. love at first sight ─ yes
79. santa claus ─ no
80. kiss on a first date ─ I think?
81. angels ─ Duhh my biases are angels. Jk
♤ Other ♤
82. best friend’s name ─ I have a group of best friends....sryyy
83. eye colour ─ dark brown. Almost black
84. fave movie ─ NEMO, I’m emo for that movie
85. fave actor ─ I don’t have one
Here I am tagging: @yukhis, @yukheible, @little-xikan, @evanismyking, @phoenix-9999 and everyone who wants to do this!
Remember that you should do it if you want to!💕
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moonbelt · 7 years
I don'tknow if you already answered this but do you have any anime recommandation?
i’ve never been asked for anime recommendations in my inbox before usually i just recommend some to ppl that message me or my friends irl but IM ACTUALLY REALLY EXCITED TO DO THISSS -
okay here are 15 anime i’ll recommend to you anonie :)
these are in no specific order 
1: Boku No Hero Academia - character develoment? check. Non-neglecting of side characters? check. Bomb af graphics? double check. Loveable best boy? yep yup. Great fandom that collectively hates Mineta? yesh
2: Diamond no Ace - sports anime that actually shows the struggles of different teams? yesss. epic scenes that are so great it could be a meta anime but it still retains the basic functions of baseball? huehue double yes. the mc is such a ball of energy and genuinely wants to be the Ace and has so much development as a character that you honestly start wanting him to get that number? yes yes yes yes yes
3: Nichijou - one of the greatest work anime has produced. really its so effing hilarious and it really pinpoints the things everybody does in everyday life. like flip a police officer for mistakenly confiscating your boys love manga. accidentally stabbing your thumb with a mechanical pencil, the struggles of ordering at Starbucks or even..
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yeah.. ordinary life ha
4: Magi - a smol baby boy tryna bring peace to the world? check. fucking strong girl that can beat any kind of wild beast there is? heck yeah! magic? yup. loads of backstory that actually makes sense and relates to the arcs? checkity check. villiains that really arent villains and good guys that truly are the bad guys? ho boi yessss. a magical recorder? you got it. also the graphics are great
5: Mob Psycho 100 - another smol baby boy just tryna navigate middle school. blessed with amazing psychic powers but powerless in terms of popularity and friendships. truly such a great anime that teaches a lot of moral stuff and has A M A Z I N G fight scenes. our boy mob is such a freaking god and the art style is very different but so expressive 10/10 would recommend
6: Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou - [Daily Lives of High School Boys] like nichijou, this is another anime that is at the height of comedy gold. every episode is such meme worthy. the main protag really isnt the main protagonist, so many puns, great side characters, and i cant express how much of a feel good anime this is
7: Bakemono no Ko - okay this is a movie. and when i say this is such a fascinating movie, i mean it. this really smol boy gets adopted by a bear after he runs from home. this big bad bear™ is actually so pure and best dad. the uncles are great and so punny i cant. okay, they also have some really epic sword fights.. i really cant explain this movie without giving spoilers lmao but go watch it if you want, you wont regret it
8: Hunter x Hunter - young fisher-boy and young assassin-boy walk into a hunter exam together, who survives? friendship.. and the newly acquired dads they found along the way [honestly go watch it, i was skeptical at first but i never loved anything more in my life] also the arcs are so monumental, really great plot and friendship!!
9: Yuri On Ice!!! - edgy ice skating and gay couples that reaffirm what love is? check. little smol bean yurio tryna act all mighty and tough? yep. amazing soundtrack? heck yeahh! great characters that in no way hate on homosexuals? you got it. amazing graphics? best boys? well dang, you got it!
10: Shokugeki no Soma - food. food. food wars. great scenes that have food giving you orgasms? basically a sports anime but about food? great mc that really deserves all the love he gets. when they tie a bandana on their forehead, shit is about to get started. food. food. food wars.
11: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - as i write this, i cry. this was so good and i was wary of watching it bc there was/is so much hype around it but alas IT WAS SOO GOOD I CANT. like two brothers? amazing morals? the fact that nothing is as it seems? kickass female characters. alchemy. the hype is real with this one, but its so worth it and i 10/10 would lower you down FMA hell.
12: Katekyo Hitman Reborn! - [also known as Reborn!] i found this by mistake and my life really hasnt been the same. mafia story. first few eps are just comedic and really dont tell you jack shit about the storm thats coming afterwards. holy heck, a main character that set standards for how to demolish your enemies? friendship! fight scenes that make you wanna fite anyone? so many powers that actually make sense? checkity check. friendship!!
13: Bungou Stray Dogs - hidden powers that main character doesnt know about? check. good dad dazai. another mafia story. a mafia boy tryna kill the mc because of his powers and dazai has become mc’s dad instead of his [okay i’m trolling lmao] but really this is a great mafia anime. theories. villainous characters that have been blackmailed into being bad.. really it has it all
14: Haikyuu!! - small chibi boy just wants to play volleyball in peace. “i can jump™” meets skyscraper black-haired blue-eyed god who rules the court. [trollingg] but honestly, this has to be one of the most accurate sports anime i’ve watched. spiky main and side characters that are completely adorable and its kinda hard not to get sucked in, but you will
15: Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! - gamer dude dies [by mistake] and on his way to the afterlife, he’s given a chance by a goddess to go to another world and defeat the demon king. grants him the possibility of taking any one thing to this new world, my guy picks the goddess [fukin dead] and whoops there ya go lmaoo. but no honestly, its great and funny and the explosion/action scenes are beyond E P I C. also best girl, Megumin, is there so you should def check it out
— obviously these recommended anime are in my opinion. im not some anime god but thanks anon for giving me a reason to finally do this *finger hearts* —
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