#fuck im just cracking up at that anon GOLD FUCKING STAR
cdroloisms · 9 months
bubbles judgehangman is my friend
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ohdeerfully · 6 months
hii! i just read everything you've posted and am obsessed. can you possibly write an alastor x fallen angel!reader? i would just love to see the interactions! -🐈‍⬛ anon
HIII 🐈‍⬛ im sorry this took one hundred thousand days to write. but at least its fairly long!!!!!! 4k words
honestly i cant imagine alastor warming up to an angel very quickly, like he would probably haaate reader for a long time before being like "actually u know what <3"
though that being said this can definitely be read as a platonic story since theres no romance (though maybe ill write a romantic fallen!reader someday)
anyway hope u enjoy!! mwah!
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Welcome to Hell
alastor x reader TW: heavy descriptions of gore WITH the reader, reader is heavily wounded, alastors a dick, cursing obviously, thats it i think join my discord!
PLS READ: im putting the story immediately under a read more because it jumps really quickly into gore, so if ur uncomfy with that please dont read on!
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“Hey, bitch,” A dangerously whispered voice spoke in your ear after you shooed away a small demon, sending all the warning bells in your body ringing. You stood and braced yourself to run, but—
The sensation of bone and arteries being savagely torn from your shoulder blades sent flaming, white hot pain through your body, setting every nerve ablaze and prompting a scream of agony through your lips. Your throat quickly became sore with the intensity of your cries as you crumpled over yourself, tightening your arms around yourself in a useless attempt at comforting the pain away.
Knife-like sensations rolled through your body, leaving you struggling to catch your breath and see through tears. You lifted your gaze from your trembling, bloody-gold hand onto the two who stood above you, one looking down with a twisted smirk and the other a disgusted sneer. The man still held your ripped wings between his claws. You could barely hear the ambience of terrified screaming that surrounded you through the heartbeat in your ears.
“Angels like you sicken me,” Lute said, chin tilted up in superiority. “You don’t even deserve that title.” She brought a foot up and then down onto your shoulder, shoving you onto your chest. The movement made you scream as another flash of pain ignited in your back. You balled your hands into fists, pulling them against your chest as you pressed your forehead against the hot ground, trying to catch your breath once again.
You sat, hunched, for what felt like hours. Maybe it was hours, as when you finally came to your senses the atmosphere was eerily silent. Adam and Lute were long gone. You only heard the faint noise of cannibalistic demons tearing apart bodies, and the occasional rustle of trash or paper being thrown in the wind across a deserted street. The recognition made you sit up—oh, shit, too fast. Your vision practically vanished as your head became light. You tried to catch yourself with your hands before you fell backwards, but considering the nature of your wound; ripped flesh directly over your shoulder blades… your elbows buckled at the intense sting.
I’m so fucking stupid, you cursed yourself as you contemplated your situation, deciding that it would be better to not try to stand up and walk around right now. Honestly, you’d be surprised if bloodloss didn’t kill you, considering the glistening puddle that had formed around you. You had managed to slowly scoot into a somewhat secluded corner and rested your head against the brick wall. Uncomfortable, but all things considered… it might as well be a five star hotel bed to you. Your eyes shut.
“Come on—...never know-”
“If you think— unpredictable—”
The two things you noticed when you came to were a broken conversation and an uncomfortable prickling sensation on your skin. You struggled to crack open your eyes, dried blood nearly pasting your left eye together. When you finally managed, you still had trouble focusing.
Two blurry, tall demons stood in front of you. Despite the fact they were demons, it felt considerably less imposing than the two that were in front of you earlier that day—was it still the same day? Still, you were on high alert and grabbed for where you thought you had left your weapon. You palmed at empty concrete. You cursed both at the lack of your tool for self defense and at the fact the two noticed you were now conscious.
“I do hope you don’t mind,” An amused bark of laughter erupted from the taller of the two, which forced your gaze back towards them. “We confiscated your little prong for our safety.” You blinked rapidly, squinting slightly till you could finally focus your eyes and actually get a good look at them. Surely enough, your trusty spear was held tightly between red claws.
To your right was an oddly friendly looking girl with blond hair and the reddest cheeks you had ever seen, who stood with a slight bend at the hip and hands on her knees as she peered down at you. Her brows were turned up and furrowed with what you guessed was worry, although the thought was shocking considering… the circumstances, you mused gravely when another rush of throbbing pain coursed through your body, reminding you of the giant wound on your back. You hadn’t noticed yourself wince, but the woman in front of you did, what with the way her hand shot forward as if wanting to help you. She paused, unsure.
You turned your head to the voice, taking in the demon next to her. He was just a bit taller, and incredibly… red. Red coat, red hair, red eyes… a little excessive, maybe—though, it didn’t really matter what you thought of his fashion choices, because the overwhelming and ominous feeling of dread ensnared your thoughts. He bent at the hip in a similar manner to the girl next to him, though the movement seemed somehow much less natural. The ever-present radio noise in the air increased in volume as his face inched closer. Meeting his gaze seemed to cause your mind to fill with a buzzing emptiness, prickling your entire being and causing your skin to tickle with goosebumps. Although you’ve never met him before, you knew by aura alone the power he held, especially over you in this situation. It was frankly obvious that he knew, too, for he stood with practiced leisure, leaning his weight onto his cane with one hand as he fidgeted curiously with your spear in the other. You immediately switched your gaze towards the friendlier of the two, who still seemed to be fighting a mental war, her still outstretched hand twitching as she considered her next move.
With a brief, sideways look towards her companion, she smiled gently and outstretched her hand in your direction. You eyed it suspiciously, gaze flicking between her and her hand. She had to have ulterior motives, right? Maybe she was just leading you somewhere where you could be finished off. Or something. Adam always insisted that the demons were far to “fucking stupid” to know how to hurt, let alone kill an angel, but that doesn’t mean they wouldn’t resort to various strange experiments and tests. They were demons, after all. In Hell.
Though, you had to admit to yourself with a sigh, at this point, I’m not any different than them. You figured “fallen angel” could even be a worse title than demon, because how horrible of a being do you have to be to fall from holy stature? Was saving the life of a demon, a child, at that, so evil?
It wasn’t worth thinking about, you decided. You were here. In Hell. Fuck.
You raised an embarrassingly trembling hand and cautiously received her own, and fought yourself to keep from ripping away as her slender fingers wrapped over yours. You were watching her movements sharply, nearly flinching when her black manicured nails glinted as they caught a light. Even still, her expression regarded you with so much undeserved compassion, a softness in the subtle curve of her eye, that you let your shoulders relax. She pulled you gingerly to your feet, and caught you against her steady shoulder when you nearly fell.
“I’m Charlie, by the way,” She said. Although she seemed hesitant earlier, every minute that passed seemed to confirm some unknown idea in her head as she slowly grew more vibrant and excited. Even still, she remained otherwise calm and gentle, her body holding strong to support nearly your full weight. She shot a look at the other demon.
“Oh! I apologize for my manners,” You weren’t even lookin at him—his voice alone sent a weird feeling down your back. You turned to look. “Alastor! A pleasure to meet you my dear, quite a pleasure!”
You finally turned to look, and noticed he didn’t hold his hand out, but rather the blunt end of your spear. When you reached to grab it, maybe to yank it away from him—not that you had any intention of fighting back at this point—you found that he still held a vice-like grip to it. When your fingers closed around the stick, he merely shook it, as if the weapon was an extension of his own hand. You weren’t really sure whether or not to take it as an insult.
Charlie seemed indifferent to Alastor’s antics, and you started a bit when she seemed unable to control herself any longer, and began blabbering about some hotel and some plan she had. She spoke with such a furious speed that you wondered if anybody could decode her words. She paused, suddenly, to take in a long breath, but the other demon interrupted her before she could begin again.
“Charlie, while I love watching you try so desperately, I’m not sure beings of their ilk are fit for your idea.”
Ilk? Sure, you understood him holding caution to your presence, considering you were an angel, but come on! Circumstances have changed for you! You opened your mouth, planning to make some retort (that you had not yet planned out) but Charlie quickly beat you to it.
“No! Alastor, come on, I know they’re… was one of them, but that gives them all the more reason to want to follow my plan… right..?” She looked down at you, where you still leaned heavily on her shoulder as the three of you slowly walked down the street. You honestly weren’t sure what they were talking about—you barely managed to catch a single word she rattled about earlier. You gave a weak shrug and a nod, just to be agreeable.
Alastor only gave a dismissive ‘hmm’ in return, and picked up his pace to walk in front of Charlie and you. In fact, he kept his pace and just continued walking away, down the sidewalk, around a corner, and gone. Personally, you didn’t mind. The air was noticeably lighter without his presence.
Charlie sighed in defeat, but didn’t mention it. She seemed accustomed to his behavior. You silently expressed your sorrows for her; even if he was nicer than he appeared, which you doubted heavily, he was likely still an exhausting guy to be around. 
The walk was long and unbearably painful for you, each labored step sending pulses of sore pain through your body, and your back occasionally exploding in needles that would halt you in your tracks. Charlie was incredibly patient, and you couldn’t even begin to word how thankful you were for her. Being one of two demons you had encountered since falling, you began wondering what else was in store for you down here for what you assumed may be the rest of your eternity.
You didn’t have long to ponder, as it seemed enough time passed since the extermination for demons to start their usual routines. And man, what routines they had. If you weren’t in imminent danger, you would find the scene almost comically chaotic. There were projectiles smashing through windows, sending shards everywhere, and fires erupting from said windows. Your eye caught the glinting of weapons in the hands of various demons, which some were… actively using to stab another demon. And, of course, when bodies fell there were at least two pit-eyed cannibalistic creatures that would descend on the corpse like starved dogs. You clung close to Charlie, who seemed unnervingly calm in the situation. Surprisingly, even with the lack of a weapon or any means of self-defense, nothing came at you.
Seeming to sense your unease, she looked at you with a calming smile. “Charming, huh?” She joked lightly. She grimaced slightly at the sound of a scream being cut short by a loud bang. “It’s not usually… this bad. They’re just worked up after extermination. That’s when the crazies hit.”
Yeah, you silently mocked. Yeah, starting fires and murdering people is being ‘worked up.’ Cool. You only nodded in response, not really finding anything nice to say. And, honestly, anything you said would probably seem hypocritical given the fact you were an exterminator mere hours ago. Luckily for you, she seemed content enough at that. She started to talk again about where she was taking you, a bit slower this time, obviously half focused on keeping you supported.
“So, my Hotel kind of just started, and Alastor is in the process of making a commercial to get some attention. I think he said it would be done today.”
You nodded wordlessly. Part of you felt a little guilty, not having much to say despite Charlie’s efforts to welcome you and take care of you, especially compared to her constant rambling. She didn’t seem to notice, though.
She re-explained her whole idea, undeniably proud of her plan. Sinners working on themselves to get redeemed? To leave Hell and climb those glittering steps to Heaven?
Absolutely unheard of.
Maybe it was your internal biases talking, but you could not imagine the possibility. If it was possible, why hadn’t somebody showed up at the gates from Hell before? You held back a roll of your eyes, feigning support and interest to the best of your ability.
After an achingly long journey, you finally reached the stone path that led to a rather plain, but tall building. It looked sleek and well built, but you couldn’t help but notice the tacky blinking lightbulbs that formed arrow shapes towards the entrance and the huge, spelled out name of the hotel. 
Hazbin Hotel.
You stifled a laugh as you looked up at the signage.
“Well! We’re here!” Charlie announced, brandishing her arm forward and sweeping it in a ‘viola’ motion. Your eyes traveled over the expanse of the property, noticing how many windows lined every wall. Were there that many demons here?
You were answered nearly immediately when Charlie opened the door to the hotel and you found yourself in a nearly empty lobby. It was kind of sad, honestly. There was a cat-like bartender and a long-limbed pink demon splayed across the couch, but other than that…
The demon next to you scratched the back of her head, and gave you a light smile. She jerked her head towards the door as if inviting you, but to be fair you didn’t really have any choice but to go wherever she led you.
“Ooh, fresh meat,” The pink-ish demon with a striped top shot upright, eyeing you wryly with a cocked brow. He stood and took long strides forward, one pair of arms on his hips and the other crossed under his rather… voluptuous chest. 
“Eyes up here, toots,” He snapped a finger, but when you met his eyes you could tell he was all jokes. You gave him a tight smile in response.
You heard the sound of quick steps and an already aggravated looking face appeared from the upper level, quickly descending the steps. You felt an ice-cold feeling of familiarity when you saw a gray-skinned, white haired angel—or, well, fallen angel at this point—stop in front of you. She apparently felt a similar feeling, though her response was much more rapidly aggressive. With a narrowed eye and tense shoulders, she manifested an angelic spear and held it at the ready. You tried to remove yourself from Charlie’s hold, desperate to be able to defend yourself even in your sorry state, but her protective grip held you fast against herself. You struggled only for a moment, but the exhaustion coursing through every vein stopped you. Man was she strong.
“What is someone like them doing here,” The other questioned in a hiss, her lips curled in a sneer. She eyed you up and down suspiciously, likely analyzing your capacity of harming anybody in the room. Admittedly you couldn’t blame her caution. 
When your lips parted, planning to shoot an accusatory in retort, the tip of her spear shot to your lips, effectively shutting you up. There was a look in her eye, behind the rage and caution, that you somehow recognized as a silent plea. A plea for what? To stay quiet? Not state the obvious recognition you two shared? Did the others somehow not know she was an angel? Whatever it was, you obliged and swallowed a lump in your throat.
“Vaggie, please,” Charlie spoke in a tumble, rushing her free hand to press the point of ‘Vaggie’s weapon away from your face. “She’s practically one of us now. Don’t go threatening my new guests every time they walk through the door! We can’t scare them away…”
“Angels aren’t guests Charlie,” Vaggie’s voice seemed strained as she held pinched fingers on the bridge of her nose. “We literally just had an extermination.”
“I know,” Charlie pressed, the tone of her voice conveying some sort of desperate ‘just go with it and calm down.’ “But… obviously she was an outcast, unwanted by Heaven. Just like us, right?” 
You furrowed your brows and looked at her through the corner of your eye, but decided not to fight for your dignity. She wasn’t even wrong.
Vaggie seemed easily defeated by Charlie’s words, yielding quickly to her words and putting her spear away. You briefly wondered where your own was. Charlie gave Vaggie a thankful smile, a light kiss on the cheek—to which the angel blushed—and led you carefully into a nearby room. 
It seemed to be some type of medical room, and Charlie quickly got to work dragging a warm rag over the dried blood that left streaks down your skin. You grabbed her wrist, and she looked up at you, a little confused.
“I can wash myself, I’m not that useless,” You argued, using your other hand to pull at the rag.
“But, you can barely—” 
“Charlie,” You said, more stern than you meant to, which you immediately regretted after the taken aback expression on her face. Considering you barely spoke a word since meeting her, it was no wonder she seemed surprised at your sudden brash tone. You tried to speak more gently. “Please, just let me wash myself off. I’ll need your help dressing my wounds, anyway, it’s the least I could do.”
She pondered for a moment, but nodded, smiled, and left you to it. She left the room with a quick ‘call me when you’re’ done, closing the door with a gentle click. You sighed, finally enjoying a moment of privacy. You looked at yourself in the mirror, a sick feeling churning in your stomach.
It was still you, staring back, but it somehow at the same time wasn’t. Golden streaks tainted your gray skin, crusts of blood still grabbing at the corners of your eye and matting your hair. You briefly brushed a hand through the strands, but promptly gave up after your fingers caught on multiple knots. You’d have to wash it out.
For now you focused on just wiping the blood and grime off of your skin, especially around the wounds. You were incredibly tender when you reached your back, elbow bent awkwardly over your face as you tried to reach the marred flesh. You tried positioning your arm under your armpit, hoping for a better angle, but it was still no use. Even when you managed to get close to the wound, every touch sent stinging pain down your back. On top of all that, you could barely see where you were dragging the damp cloth, neck struggling to crane enough to look in the mirror.
The door opened suddenly, and with it a sense of impending doom and static sensations encased you. You froze, eyes darting towards the entrance. Even though you knew exactly who would stand there, you still couldn’t help the sick surprise that twisted your gut.
Alastor stood in the entrance, eyes half open and brows raised as he examined you bent in so many awkward ways. 
“How’s our new vulture doing,” He asked suddenly, eyes lighting up in an overly cheerful manner. He entered the room without much invitation, circling you. You felt like prey being stalked and toyed with by a wolf. Your eyes diligently followed until he took up a spot behind you. “Charlie got caught up in something, so she asked me to help you.”
You watched him in the mirror as he looked down at the torn flesh of your back, his long, clawed finger tapping at his chin while his other hand thrummed against the head of his cane.
“A ghastly sight you are,” He commented, meeting your gaze in the mirror. His hand pointed down at your back. “That wound of yours is rather unpleasant, too.”
You frowned and opened your mouth to shoot something back, though you didn’t know if you wanted to throw curses or insults back at him. Any words you may have said died on your tongue as the look in his eyes darkened, and his smile curled impossibly higher, more sinister. 
He leaned down, positioning his head just next to yours, still meeting your eyes in the mirror. Every inch of proximity caused the prickling on your skin to increase, and the static in your ears to grow louder.
“Let’s patch you up, then!” He straightened himself out, walking towards a cabinet and quickly grabbing various tools from different shelves. “While I’m not in the business of playing doctor to someone like you, I can’t deny the Princess.” His voice seemed all too cheery for the rude words he spoke, and that smile on his face never faltered. You briefly thought about him referring to Charlie as “princess,” but quickly dismissed it. You’d think about it later—right now, you had to be ready to make a run for it in case that feeling of doom that loomed over you came to fruition.
Alastor approached you again with a small tray of medical supplies, and pulled thin gloves over his hands with a brief snap, saying something about the importance of being sanitary, but part of you wondered if he was just making more jabs at you regarding his disdain for angels.
Surprisingly he seemed to know what he was doing, working quickly with different types of wipes and stitches and gauze. He was being rougher than likely necessary, pretending to accidentally poke a claw into your open wound and pressing his tools far too firm against your sore skin. You bore it with gritted teeth and narrowed eyes, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of putting you through a miserably painful half hour. 
After it was finally over you drew out a long sigh and watched as he discarded the gloves and washed his hands. And washed his hands. And washed his hands. And… still he’s washing his hands. You began to wish you counted the seconds.
He turned to you after finally finishing up, shaking water off his hands. He didn’t seem to recognize that he was flicking droplets directly on you. If you weren’t in such a weak state and absolutely terrified of him, you probably would’ve made some effort to stop him, but now… you opted to let him get away with it. For now.
“Now, if that’s all…” He turned, waving a hand at you dismissively. “I’d prefer you keep out of my business from here on.”
No fucking problem, you agreed to yourself. He didn’t even have to ask. You couldn’t imagine bearing to be around him unless absolutely necessary. Though, in an effort to maintain pleasantries…
“Thanks, though,” You called, not trying to hide the hint of dislike in your tone. Your words made him stop, hand just barely hovering over the knob to the door. After a brief moment, his head turned slightly, just enough for him to look at you out of the corner of his eye.
Although it was brief, you saw a glint of what you assumed was malice in his eye as his lips twitched and curled, momentarily revealing the black of his gums. His face quickly returned to his regular facade of cheer. He opened the door, not saying anything in return, and quickly took his leave, slamming the door behind him.
You drug your hands down your eyes, looking at yourself once again in the mirror. Cleaner now, but still rough. You thought deeply about what your future here would be like, especially around Alastor. If he was truly Charlie’s right-hand-man, you doubted avoiding him would be easy, despite how desperately you wanted to.
Yeah. This is Hell.
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I saw your post that ya don't have many prompts and I thought I'd try??? So Like I love love love sick betty and honestly I just want all of her precious friends worrying over her and my heart just melts omg..
(I love me some Betty Cooper anon, she’s my princess and pride and joy thanks for the prompt!! Also sorry my Beronica shipping ass can’t stop whoops!!)
Betty Cooper was the girl who did everything for everyone, and never herself.
She was a giver, and was the ray of sunshine in everyone’s lives. She was the friend who was always there for others, and it was practically impossible for anyone to dislike her.
Betty Cooper was there for Archie Andrews his whole life, supporting him with his music career and listening to his songs always. She gave him feedback, lifting his spirits.
Betty Cooper was there for Kevin Keller when he felt frustrated or upset, and was always there to reassure him that there was nothing wrong with him and made him feel safe.
Betty Cooper was there for Jughead Jones in his lowest days, offering him love and kindness when he clearly needed it. She defended him from the whole town when he was ostracised for matters out of his control, his shining light that made him feel like he belonged.
Betty Cooper was there for Veronica Lodge every day. She was destined to be with her, souls intertwined by some greater force. Betty supported Veronica and served as a light when all things in her life seemed to go dark. The bit of purity when all things seemed to become corrupt with filth.
And of course, her friends loved her back.
So when Betty was in need, it was only natural for all her friends to give back.
Jughead was first to take action when Betty walked into the Blue and Gold’s offices, pale, all colour drained from her face besides fevered cheeks and dark circles.
She had come in about forty five minutes before school, feeling bad she hadn’t had much progress done on an article so decided to get a head start. Luckily, Jughead had already been there about 10 minutes prior, due to Archie dragging his reluctant ass over to school because of early football practice.
“Betts!” Jughead exclaimed, rushing towards her and feeling her cheek with the back of his hand.
“You shouldn’t be here!”
Betty smiled at him reassuringly, “Im fine, Juggy, just didn’t get a lot of sleep..”
“Didn’t get a lot of sleep?! It looks like you haven’t slept in days!” Jughead exclaimed, watching as she began to walk shakily.
“Jug, I need to finish this article for Cheryl..she really needs it,” Betty rasped. Following Cheryl’s suicide attempt, she needed the support of her friends more than anything. Her and Jughead had decided to get all the people who cared about her to write a little something for her, and Jughead had done more than he should’ve for the article already. She needed to finish this.
“Then I’ll do it, Betty!” Jughead insisted, rushing to her side as he watched as a wave of nausea hit her, wrapping an arm around her waist to support her. He lead her to the couch and dropped her gently there.
“No, Jug! You’ve done way too much already, Jug. It’s not fair on you–with all you’ve been going through..” Betty attempted to sit back up but Jughead gently pushed her down so she was lying down.
“No way, Betty. Let me take care of you for once,” Jughead pleaded.
“Jughead, you’re a great caretaker, really, but you’re going to get sick! You know your immune systems awful!”
Jughead shrugged, pulling his phone out and shooting a text.
Fuckhead Jones III: Yo Betty’s sick meet me at the blue and gold
“Well, I won’t be your only caretaker,” Jughead smirked.
Justin Gingerlake: Omw lemme get reg out of my way
Kill me Keller: What?!?!?!?! Coming!!!
Ronnie Weasley: I can’t believe jughead jones is saying “Yo”…anyway I’m coming
Betty groaned, “Jughead!”
“What?” Jughead said sheepishly.
She softened, curling up and snuggling herself, “Jug, you got your computer? ”
“Hmm, yes, why?”
“..Can you please read out one of your poems to me? They’re very relaxing.”
“Hmm..they are a peer into my melancholy emo soul, completely exposing my vulnerable, despairing being contemplating our very existence..” Jughead joked.
“But for you Betty Cooper, of course.”
Jughead opened up his laptop and opened up a file, clearing his throat as he recited a hopeful poem, a complete different take than he usually took in his art, in his clarion, dramatic tenor voice.
Betty closed her eyes and immersed herself in his art.
Archie arrived first, a glass of water and his guitar bag in his hands.
“I brought you some water, Betty,” Archie grinned, drenched in sweat.
Jughead fake gagged, “Ugh, Arch, you reek! Clean up, will you?”
“I would have used perfume, Jughead, but you’re severely allergic, remember? Do I need to remind you of the Andrews Construction Dinner incident of 2016?”
Jughead groaned, “Don’t.”
Betty laughed hoarsely, “You’re a saviour, Archie Andrews. Also, I don’t smell a thing, Jughead’s just being a dick.”
Archie laughed then pulled a chair towards the couch and helped her sit up, far too weak to do it herself. He propped up a pillow so she was comfortable, sitting next to her and rubbing her back comfortingly as he helps her drink up the glass of water.
Betty winced as her head began to ache intensely, her head throbbing and pounding.
“Archie, you’re really a star,” Betty thanked quietly, as to not strain her voice.
“A star that’s going to be big one day,” Jughead said softly.
“In fact..Archibald over here’s written a new song, would you do the honours and play it for Elizabeth here?” Jughead grinned.
“Oh..it might make the headache worse,” Archie said.
“No, Arch, please..I love your songs.”
Jughead raised his eyebrow and smiled, watching as Archie unpacked the guitar and started to pluck melodically at the strings.
Kevin came in on the last chorus of Archie’s song, holding a damp towel.
“Oh, Kev!” Betty cooed.
“The moment I heard my best pal was in need I came as quickly as I could,” Kevin smiled and squinted at Archie.
“Not quick enough,” Archie teased.
“Fuck you, Andrews, and your annoyingly toned body,” Kevin hissed.
Archie laughed, packing away his guitar and sat down on the table with Jughead, typing away on the computer.
“Betty, have you been overworking yourself?” Kevin cooed softly, helping her lie back down on the cushion and gently draping the damp, cool towel over her forehead.
“Yes she has,” Archie and Jughead said in unison.
Betty released a soft sigh of relief at the cooling touch of the towel, some of the discomforting heat slowly melting away.
“Kevin, you’re the very best..”
“No Betts, you are. You’re always working for others, but you gotta give back to yourself sometime. But don’t fret, we’re right by your side,” Kevin smiled kindly, as he dragged a chair next to the couch.
He cracked his knuckles to which Betty let out a noise of delight.
“Kevin, are you about to give me one of the infamous Keller Massages?”
“You bet I am, for my best gal,” Kevin grinned, as he softly massaged Betty’s temples, circulating them so that the intensity of her headaches slowly subsided. He rubbed slowly and gently, easing away her troubles and sorrows so she was only surrounded by love and support.
Veronica was the last, but the moment she burst through the doors of the Blue and Gold, in complete sweats, all their questions regarding her tardiness was answered.
Veronica was carrying a multitude of items, a luxurious furry blanket, a packet of medicine, a thermos of soup, tea bags and a box of chocolates.
“Well, that was not expected,” Archie blinked.
Jughead smirked, “That was the only thing that was destined to happen, Archie.”
“I’m so sorry I’m so late, Betty! The moment I heard you weren’t feeling well I tried to get everything ready ASAP and I ran all the way here!”
Veronica set down all her items onto a table and approached Betty, kneeling down so she could be in eye-to-eye level. She frowned at seeing her so ill and weak. Betty Cooper did not deserve to be sick. She was too good to be sick.
Betty chuckled fondly, “Ronnie..you didn’t have to..”
“Oh Betty! My poor angel,” Veronica frowned as she ran over to the table and draped the luxurious blanket over her entire frame, tucking her in to the blankets protectively.
“Are you warm enough? You must feel awful,” Veronica doted.
“Ronnie..I’m fine,” Betty giggled, feeling a lot better by Veronica just being there.
“I even got you these chocolates from Belgium, trust me, you’ll feel a lot better..”
Betty could only giggle, “Ronnie..”
She cleared her throat, “..but we are going to be late..”
“What?! No, Betty, you’re going home!” Veronica insisted.
“Can’t–my mom is away on a reporter story and my dad is out of town on a different story,” Betty explained.
“Then just stay here and I’ll give you a ride home later!” Kevin butted in.
“I can’t stay here!” Betty protested.
“We’ll tell the nurse you’re comfortable here, and don’t feel up to moving up there,” Archie suggested.
“She won’t listen to you, Arch!” Betty chuckled.
“I’ll tell her,” Jughead piped up, the gang knowing full well how soft the old nurse was on Jughead, seeing as how often he ended up in her office.
“I’ll even get us all excuses to look after you!” Jughead offered.
“No way! You can’t all look after me!” Betty protested.
“Well, at least Veronica,” Archie butted in.
Betty and Veronica blushed.
“U-uh, w-what?” Veronica stammered.
Kevin laughed, “Oh my god, let’s all stop this hetero bullshit, we all know that Veronica here is the best option here.”
“Agreed,” Jughead and Archie nodded.
“Well, we’ll leave you guys to it! I’ll drive you home later today and we’ll all check up on you later, yeah?” Kevin beamed, heading out the door as Jughead and Archie said their goodbyes as the two headed over to the Nurse before class.
Veronica chuckled as they left, and gave her a warm smile.
“Have you eaten anything today?”
Betty shook her head, “..I kinda forgot..I was in a huge haze this morning.”
“Well, I’m here to the rescue,” Veronica said kindly, her voice so warm and loving Betty swore her chills were abating.
Veronica began to boil some water in the kettle Betty had brought in for Jughead’s coffee addiction, and when it was done used it to make her a nice peppermint tea.
She opened up the soup in the thermos and passed it to Betty, who had managed to sit up while she had done so.
Betty sipped at the soup with delight, the flavours absolutely delicious and creamy, “Veronica, this is great..”
“Anything for my best girl,” Veronica cooed, watching in satisfaction as Betty ate up the soup.
Once Betty had finished, Veronica began to pop open one of the medicine packets and passed her the pill along with the peppermint tea, to which Betty obliged. Betty sighed in contentment, eyes closed in satisfaction as the aroma and tastefully sweet tangs hit her.
“Veronica..you really didn’t have to do this all for me..You’re the best,” Betty whispered softly.
Veronica blushed lightly, “..Of course..Betty, you know I…really care about you.”
“You know, you’re like this..oh jesus..this is really stupid..but you’re like the best thing in my life right now, this absolutely perfect light..”
“..Ronnie, I’m not perfect,” Betty whispered weakly.
Veronica softened, “Of course. That’s not what I meant, but in my eyes..all of your faults and little things..they add up into this beautiful beautiful person who feels like perfect. Someone so..wonderfully crafted, yet flawed..but always striving for the good.”
Betty smiled softly, “Veronica..”
“You give all the time Betty..I’m just..so glad I can give back for once. To thank you for blessing me with your company,” Veronica said softly.
“I like being with you too, Ronnie..it all feels so nice..just me and you here..” Betty whispered.
Veronica felt her heart soar and insides melt, completely warm and tingly. She couldn’t help but begin to stroke her hair softly, brushing each strand of luscious blonde hair carefully and tenderly, like she was made of magic. To Veronica at least, she was made of magic.
Veronica fondled with her hair for a little bit, taking in all of the wonder that was Betty Cooper in this beautifully silent moment. This was all a reality, and she wasn’t just some princess from a fairytale, she was real.
Betty broke the silence, a smile coming to her lips, “..Veronica..come here..”
Veronica hesitated, stunned, but was pulled in by Betty who began to cuddle her lovingly, a little influenced by the fever but genuine all the same.
“Sing to me, please?” Betty mumbled.
Veronica blushed, but finally controlled herself enough to lightly sing.
“If you be my star, I’ll be your sky,you can hide underneath me and come out at night..when I turn jet black and you show off your lightI live to let you shine..I live to let you shine..But you can skyrocket away from meAnd never come back if you find another galaxyFar from here, with more room to fly,but leave me your stardust to remember you by…”
“That’s sweet,” Kevin whispered by lunch time as he walked in, Archie and Jughead right behind him, smiling along as they admired the sight.
A sight of two sweet girls intertwined with each other, holding each other close, never to let go.
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roxiera · 8 years
of weddings and confessions // newt scamander
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request: you being like late 20s and your parents wanted you to get married soon, so they arranged a marriage with the Scamander family, to Theseus. (Okay so at this point in time Newt is like your bestie but you have this extremely huge crush on him and you’re also pretty close to Theseus [obviously closer to Newt]) and so Theseus knows also about you and Newt’s mutual crushes and he secretly plots to get both of yall married instead (?) or, alternatively: Newt crashes yours and Theseus’ wedding and confesses? (by @embracingtheinnerweaboo )
a/n: THE TAGGING ISNT WORKING OMF WHY KEWRGBKEBGTBG also ! we received a similar request a few days before this so we’re just going to assume that it was from you as well BAHAHHAHA but if it isn’t and the anon wants another imagine then send us another message to let us know !!
You had always known that this day would come.
You should have gotten married years ago - you were the only one left among your friends that didn’t carry a ring on that finger, but you weren’t going to remain single much longer.
But why Theseus?
(a/n: his name cracks me up everytime it sounds like thesis and honestly im so done with school)
Theseus was wonderful, for sure, but he wasn’t him. The older Scamander brother was every woman’s dream - tall with broad shoulders and strong arms and a heart of a Gryffindor and a war hero, no less - but he wasn’t what you wanted.
Your heart lay with the youngest Scamander son - the one with the yellow-and-black scarf and adorable freckles that looked like the stars had found their way onto his face and a heart purer than gold - and now you were getting married to his brother.
You didn’t know if Newt had found out yet and you didn’t want to tell him because he would start giving you the cold shoulder and pushing you away and you didn’t want to lose him.
You couldn’t lose him.
Newt found himself in his room, shards of glass and porcelain sharp and glinting from their places on his carpeted floor, his desk bare of the mess of crumpled documents and worn books and broken quills that had previously been swept to the ground in a fit of rage.
Why you?
Theseus was the family’s pride and joy - his parents could have chosen any woman they wanted and they just had to choose you.
You were beautiful and your smile could make any man weak at the knees and you were one of the best people he had ever met and you were too good for Theseus.
You were too good for anyone.
You had been the only person in a long time who made Newt feel like he was someone special, and of course, Theseus - perfect, golden-boy Theseus - had to swoop in and take away one of the best things that had ever happened to Newt.
Newt knew that this wasn’t his brother’s fault - or anyone’s for that matter - but he wanted you and he needed you and he needed someone to blame, for Merlin’s sake.
The both of you had been the best of friends for over nearly a decade and he couldn’t imagine being as close to someone as he had been to you; he didn’t want to lose you.
He couldn’t lose you.
(a/n: my attempt at angst is failing why am i doing this during english lel)
Theseus knew.
Not that it had been very difficult to realise, considering both Newt and (y/n) were absolutely terrible at hiding their hilariously obvious feelings for each other.
He liked (y/n), sure, but you had always been like a little sister to him, and Newt’s heated glares and sour mood when both of you hung out told him enough.
Theseus would never want Newt to hate him; he didn’t want to live the rest of his life knowing that he had taken away his brother’s best friend - most likely something more - and that he had married someone who didn’t love him at all.
Theseus lay in bed, unable to fall asleep as unrelentingly loud thoughts buzzed incessantly throughout his alert mind, blinking at the darkness thoughtfully.
Perhaps he could do something about this.
You found yourself knocking on the Scamanders’ door early next morning, desperately wanting to see Newt. Mrs Scamander had eagerly welcomed you in, promptly shoving you up the stairs in the direction of Theseus’ bedroom.
“Enjoy, darling! Just go straight in - I’m sure Theseus is already awake.”
You winced slightly at the loud volume so early in the morning. Hesitating slightly, you found yourself striding toward Newt’s door the instant the sound of footsteps faded away, your knuckles rapping lightly on the dark mahogany as your breath hitched in your throat, heart twisting uncomfortably.
You stared at Newt’s sleepy figure tersely, mind blank as your throat tightened with suppressed sobs. Your limbs felt disconnected and horribly foreign as your rushed into Newt’s room, pulling said man along with you, the door closing with a soft click.
“I can’t do it, Newt.”
You buried your head in your hands, fingers weaving through tangled hair, tugging at your own scalp painfully as tears left your eyes, your cheeks wet and sticky as your shut your eyes tightly.
“I can’t marry Theseus. I can’t, Newt. It’s you I want to marry and I can’t do anything about it and everything’s just wrong.”
Your disorientated flood of words disappeared into ugly sobs as you registered Newt’s firm, lean arms wrapping themselves around you, pulling you close as you buried your face in his chest, your fingers digging into his back as you cried, your emotions, having been pent up and suppressed for the past two weeks, having finally beaten you.
(a/n: kwbjrb this is so fucking crap im sorry)
“It’s going to be alright, (y/n). I’ll talk to my parents and your parents and we’re going to sort this out and I promise you that I will marry you and we don’t have to care about what anyone thinks-”
“Nice to see to hear how much you care about me, Newt.”
You jumped slightly at the sudden interruption, blood roaring in your ears as Newt tightened his grip around you, pulling you closer to him, clenching his jaw as he glared at the unwelcome intruder.
“What the bloody hell are you doing in my room?” Newt snapped, scowling slightly as his brother, who had a terribly obnoxious shite-eating grin on his face.
(a/n: do british people say shite or am i just retarded lel)
“I think the real question is, brother, why my fiancée is in your room instead of mine, in a very interesting position.”
(a/n: lmao ppl getting all salty over hugs are so funny like broo calm dOwn)
You gripped Newt’s forearm tightly, tugging him back lightly, not wanting a fight to erupt among the two brothers, which would eventually lead to a rift between the two families.
You looked pleadingly at the older Scamander sibling, desperation evident on your face as you felt Newt tense even more through his thin shirt.
“I’ll speak to Mum and Dad. You two’ll get your wedding,” Theseus announced, smirking slightly. You tried to suppress the hope blossoming in your chest, but you could already feel your worry dissipating, your lips beginning to angle upward slightly at what Theseus had just announced.
You glanced at Newt with bright eyes, who now looked slightly less upset, scowl softening considerably as he glanced at you, both of you thinking the same thing - that perhaps everything would work out and you and Newt could be together.
“But honestly, you two have to let those Billywigs out during the wedding.”
a/n: disgusting and shitty aka me and theseus so extra like me its vv lowkey funny !! its 1am and i have tuition tmrw fml ok rest well everyone :-)
- roxanna
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billy-batson · 8 years
first off i'm black so you get off you're high horse the east coast vs west cost anon literally wasn't that deep but since you wanna act all high and mighty. the east coast (particularly new york) has always been the scene for music (jazz literally stared in harlem), fa shion, arts, literature, etc. literally so many movements started in new york people get university degrees on it. so many slangs are east coast slangs : deadass, no lie, alright, fuck outta here, you buggin, peep this, +
+ come out your face, good looks, grimy, gotchu, talmbout, L's, no doubt, on deck, paper, no doubt, etc you telling me never used any of those? and you're really going to act like gentrication isn't an issue in the east coast? like brown culture isn't exploited by white folks? the state where latinx students are the most segregated in the us is, surprise surprise, califonia and the city that takes the crown is L.A!!!!!! are we going to act like the lapd isn't fucking vile?? i mean nypd isn't  isn't much better... and a lot of latinx didn't "move" to california, arizona and etc because it was mexico until the us decided to move the border, are you really going to act like mass deportation and a heavy crack down on undocumented isn't an issue in the east coast?? the meth epidemic started in east coast and is a big problem in the east literally google it (there's a national geographic documentary if ur interested i don't remember the name but just type meth national geographic)  plus california isn't literally going thru a drought. Latinx are so marginalized in the california and the east coast it's insane but their culture especially mexican is exploited and gentrified and deemed unworthy when its used by latinx but cool when its used by whites. california legit ain't shit. and also new york is the most culturally diverse city in the united where there's something like over 350 ethnicities and there's neighbourhoods where immigrants are the majority. we got our issues  in the east cost and most of them are due to systematic and institutional issues the united states faces as a whole so which also affect california so idk where the fuck you get the delusion that california is a safe heaven for poc. no one is born social aware and you have A LOT learning to do so idk why each time people try to educate you or call you out on it you send vitrolic responces and get ur minions to validate u by calling u "queen of discourse" or whatever else nonsense.
this is so funny...this ask is hilarious to me. there are so many things to say lmfao.
you wanna be petty. okay. it’s *your, not you’re high horse, sweetie. and bitch i will fucking ride this horse until i die so shut the fuck up you cant tell me what to do you arent jack shit to me.
did i say fashion didnt happen in new york. bithc where. “people get degrees on it” on WHAT. new york??? wow, didnt know that was a major.
new york slangs....did you really just call aave new york slangs....really.....really.... did you.....
what the fuck is a gentrication. i mean, theres gentrification? anyway? yeah theres gentrification on the east coast. you literally just admitted it lmao. but i guess you tried.
yeah theres issues with the college system?? the findings have been shown for UCLA. ill admit that but like. are you really gonna ignore the countless of other segregated schools on the east coast that are filled with prejudice? like?
why would you say lapd is vile and then say nypd is too. whats the point of bringing that up.
the us....moved the border...well over a hundred years ago..............i didnt say that the latinx people werent already here.......................just that there were a lot of them already.....here.....because mexico.....is right underneath......
oh look the meth epidemic. you literally just said it was an east coast thing lmao 
if youre black why arent you speaking up for us. like. you say lantix’s are being made into fashion statements. my first thought, as a black person, is “as are black people”. youre not gonna mention anything about our culture appropriation in your little spiel i guess.
california isnt in a  drought??? this is so fucking dumb and ignorant oh my god you sound like one of those “climate change is fake” dumbass people. shut the fuck up nancy 
california aint shit. OKAY. stop watching all movies and television shows that come from hollywood. bc apparently hollywood, which is in california, is shit. so all films and shows and everything is automatically shit.
 wow...its almost like youre wrong? because new york isn’t the most diverse city.  guess whats number three on that list? oakland california. oh, wheres new york city? number six. lmao. embarrassing.
i have a lot of learning to do? i have a lot of learning to do? bitch, of course i do. im still seventeen. of course i got shit to still learn. and so do you.
who calls me out. like for real....who, bc im curious. all i get are anonymous dumbass asks who get off on trying to paint me as something im not. nice try though gold star for effort.
oh and another thing? dont talk to me or my friends and call them minions. youre a fucking annoying ass person who hides behind anon to try to “”””call me out””””. you know what? if you have such a problem with me, block my ass, because youre literally nasty.
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