#fuck tumblr for removing Palestine from the trending
muslimintp-1999-girl · 11 months
Everything hurts
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Hey im assuming you already know about the "callout" post about you being a bot since you changed your url, but they linked to your new one in the comments :/
Is this the one that's like 3 weeks old?
What's wild is when I look up my blog the first result is a video of a young Palestinian boy holding up their phone to the camera to show my blog on their screen to prove they're real. In fact, most of what pops up under my URL are Palestinian accounts needing support who tagged me cuz I have reach.
But I hate Kamala so that means I'm a bot who needs to be removed from the site.
I genuinely fucking hope everyone sharing that post kills themselves. There are a million better ways they can be spending their time (and honestly more valid complaints to make about me) and instead their time is spent trying to get my blog deleted when I already planned on deleting it this year ANYWAY
This is literally why I'm deleting it. I'm sick of Tumblr. It used to be cool and left and anti-capitalist. But then I got pregnant and had a life and when I came back in 2020 Tumblr was full of liberal ass losers who thought buying 40 checkmarks in a row from Tumblr was somehow a dunk on Elon musk. And now tumblr accuses ANYONE further left than a Swiftie girlboss Democrat of being a psyop??? And those posts Actually gain traction????
There is a psyop on this site in my opinion and it's my opinion that it's using fear mongering and paranoia to target leftists and get us deleted.
This is not the same Tumblr I was on in 2012 at all.
People used to be politically involved.
The amount of PowerPoint type educational posts about things like systemic racism or being trans or accepting LGBT people was wild. I remember Gaza trending here in 2014 and that's how I learned about Palestine, my newborn on my arm at the same time. I remember seeing posts being shared that linked vine accounts where you could See what was happening and that proved that the media wasn't covering it correctly, where you could see Actual people on the ground explaining. Radfeminism spread so fast cuz fucking everyone on the site was a feminist who said "fuck men" back then. EVERYONE.
that's another thing, in 2014 if you weren't politically literate you were shamed for it. Like I said there were PowerPoint style posts that allies were making to educate people. Nobody gave a shit about your mental health back then, if you were racist or sexist or homophobic then there was literally no excuse for it. I saw white liberals bully racists off this site, I'd even say that was a normal occurrence. It's honestly part of why radfems are so nasty, their platform was built during an era where it was The Thing to be unapologetically hostile to oppressors.
Because in 2014 Tumblr understood that was the only correct way to treat an oppressor.
In 2024 liberal tumblrinas are targeting me and trying to get removed from the site for *checks notes* saying Kamala should be held accountable for supporting genocide.
.....like I said I planned on deleting this anyway.
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Free Palestine
i know this isn't something that i normally post but i have more reach here than any of my other blogs and i need my voice and the voices of the people to be heard
if you are in support of israel during this genocide, get the fuck off my page
yes i will be hostile about this i don't want you here, you're filthy and supporting the murder of men, women, and children across the seas and i am disgusted by your presence and continued ignorance of the situation
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israel is trying to censor any and every post about this situation. people are being banned left and right, tags in support of palestine are being DELIBERATELY REMOVED from trending tabs, including right here on tumblr
the world wants you to watch in silence as an entire region is actively being wiped off the face of the earth
you cannot remain "neutral" in this argument. silence is complacency, it is support of the oppression and genocide
if you follow the link below, you can click an onsite button to donate to help the people of palestine
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shivasdarknight · 10 months
one thing that frustrates me still is how quickly people on this platform handwave instances of suppression on platforms like tiktok and twitter when it's been a well documented problem. it's been documented since youtube and y'all believe it because the white people got hit, but the second it occurs on a platform built predominantly by a non-white userbase (eg: twitter prior to the facebook and tumblr migrations, black twitter Built Twitter) suddenly it's "your content just sucks". tiktokers only seemed to be believed when it was visibly autistic users that were also white, but black tiktokers who range from every background from dance content to political stuff or just artists get suppressed constantly and their stuff "just sucks" now, huh? it's not real and it "just sucks"? trans women get suppressed on tumblr, but tumblr has no censorship? the site that removed all instances of gaza and palestine from the trending pages?
like, look at this fucking comment section that reminded me of this
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we got a black woman explaining the UN ruling about Gaza (the video can be found here), and these are the comments. Why are these the comments.
It's almost like TikTok so heavily suppresses content by black creators or anything that explicitly names Gaza or Palestine or even just 🇵🇸 that in order for information about the situation to even get out to people, intentionally wrong tags and comments have to be used. The 🍉 and 🫒 emojis are used a lot too, and now there's talk of using 🦋 for Congo due to that being suppressed, too.
"What's your favourite color?" and all of these recipe comments are engagement bait and ways to put this on things like baking tiktok or craftsy tiktok spaces. Because anything that looks like Palestine gets suppressed and drowned out. Comments that want to talk about this have to be vague like the one from Anim, and further down they were talking about recipes with watermelons because gee what has the watermelon represented since the 70s with regards to suppression of information? 🤔
I've watched as activists I follow get so heavily suppressed that by the time I finally see them again, the entire comment section is just "where were you, I thought you died". And you can see them go from ~20k per video down to 800 out of nowhere on an account with 100k+ subscribers. It's been proven countless times on tiktok (like the black woman who wore blonde wigs and did a valley girl accent on wednesdays to see if she could prove a point about her algorithmic success and found that all of her wednesday videos did MUCH better than her usual content when the only difference was the wig and accent - more so when a white person was actually on screen), on twitter, on youtube (do y'all not remember nerdcity's entire study on what keywords get you demonetized?), and even here on tumblr. But why do you only believe it when it's a white creator on a predominantly white platform that gets hit, and not the dozens of black creators that get suppressed just for being visibly black on screen on apps that were In Effect built by their black userbases?
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hextechmaturgy · 1 year
i'm sorry but you and the person in your replies are stupid if you think "we all agree israel should be kicked from the show ❤️" is a good excuse to watch and fund by viewing a TV show that OPENLY supports israel and zionism, going as far as even having a ZIONIST SONG win one of the contests. what you're basically saying is, "Yeah, we all agree, amazon should treat its workers better ❤️" then ordering next day delivery. european or not, you're dismissing the struggles and suffering of palestinians and funding a show that openly supports israel and zionism. saying, "i disagree with israel and want them off the show," literally isn't enough. but honestly, this is the most european attitude to have towards the situation, so i honestly don't know why i'm surprised. also - some contestants holding a flag for palestine doesn't negate the support the show itself gives to israel. you need to remember that the people suffering in palestine are real and more important than a competition show for, historically, the most racist countries on earth with shit music on it. the fact that you stating "indeed!" and the user in your replies stating you're both aware of the situation is worse than being ignorant and unaware. i will block you just because you are clearly going to die on this hill because what does it matter to you, a white european person, if brown people die so long as you get to watch your silly little music show, which you know, is still openly supporting israel by not excluding them from the competition despite russia's removal. i suppose the white victims of russia are easier to empathise with than the brown lives lost in palestine. i'm embarrassed that i ever bought any of your art.
hello again :) first of all, i appreciate that you're passionate about this topic, it's a good cause to champion and i'm sure there are a lot of ignorant ESC fans that could use the reminders, lord knows you can't escape the zionists on twitter. alas, you don't know me personally, and i don't know you at all, so our back and forth here on tumblr dot com asks seems a bit pointless, especially if you're blocking me anyway? hence my brevity before, but maybe that came across as me generally not giving a damn about anything, and if so, i am sorry
eurovision's 'apolitical' stance (as if anything can be apolitical) is and always has been bullshit, whether it's about how hip europe pretends to be regarding queer issues, misogyny, and other major conflicts like the ones you brought up, such as the war with russia and, of course, israel and palestine. this really isn't a well kept secret, and neither is the response this incites in activists everywhere. there have been protests, petitions, boycotts, there's a heated discussion about eurovision every time we have eurovision, and rightly so, i fully encourage them. the sad truth in my eyes is that people people can only do so much to set things right. EBU is in this to make money and they're fucking great at it. nobody fixed russia by booing and banning them from the show, it was just more profitable to throw them out than keeping them in because 'communism bad', which is a trend among western countries
i've watched eurovision almost every year since i was a little kid, and it's pretty obvious that my stance on this whole thing is privileged. war has never been loud outside my door, i have a reliable supply of food and water every day, a sturdy roof over my head. i can spare myself some respite, and music is a big part of what constitutes my peace, always has been. i'm an enthusiast of foreign arts, of songs and languages that are difficult to get exposed to with how american-centric the music charts are nowadays
and so, the way i see it - and i understand if this is a line you're not comfortable drawing - the artists performing at eurovision aren't the EBU. i watch it for them. many of them who are just young singers looking for their big break, many others who are older and confident using their platform to say the uncomfortable things the organizers want to keep on the low. they're all gathered in one spot to represent a different culture, many singing in different languages, sharing traditional garb and dance. ethnic and LGBT minorities take to a huge stage that connects them to every point of the world, and i'm sorry if this all sounds quite silly in the grand scheme of things, but this is the one thing the show can do right in it's current state. europe is diverse, and sometimes it looks like even europe doesn't know that
i'm sad to see you go, but i respect that you've drawn this line, and i'm thankful to hear you've supported my art in the past. keep fighting the good fight, and may the world be a little less shitty sooner rather than later
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sugainmycoffee · 7 years
Yoonmin Fandom Metrics
 Last month a survey was conducted to analyze the metrics of the Yoonmin fandom. Here are some of the responses:
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Of these 903 responses, 826 of them (92%) of the respondents had selected that yoonmin are their only ship, their main ship or one of their main ships. This group is the one that will be focused on for the rest of this analysis. (Also was that one person lost? Did you get home okay?)
Of this focus group who mainly ship yoonmin, the bias distribution was:
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Unsurprisingly, Min Yoongi and Park Jimin, the two individuals responsible for the YOON and the MIN in yoonmin, came out as the top two biases’. 
However, Min Yoongi, with a staggering count of 453 votes (55%) heavily outweighed all the other members, hereby proving that he was in fact not fucking around when he claimed “Sorry mom, your son’s too popular,” in his Mic Drop verse. 
As a follow up to these results, respondents provided their second bias (if any) to help the other members stand a chance against Rap God Min Yoongi. 
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(He still took a whopping 23% of the votes). 
The most interesting part about these graphs is that it alludes to the fact that most yoonmin stans bias Yoongi (not Jimin, although he is obviously second in rank). This is probably due to the fact that of the “popular” bangtan ships, Jimin’s name comes up multiple times. Thus Jimin stans are more evenly split in who they ship Jimin with, but there are not that many “popular” Yoongi ships.
A little more detail on the focus group and how they came to stan bts and ship yoonmin is summarized in the following graphs.
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BTS’ popularity has grown exponentially, with the greatest increase seen from 2014-2015 due to the release of their HYYH series. A parallel trend was observed in this analysis with the growth of the Yoonmin Fandom.
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The next part of the survey focused on “Secondary Fan Creations” as Mr. Bang likes to call them. This includes but is not limited to: fan art, fan fiction, photo edits, video edits, blog posts, memes and so forth.
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The results show that 99% of us are on Tumblr for the right reasons.
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In terms of creating fan content, 31% of the respondents bless us on the daily with their contributions to the fandom. (Amen.) The rest of the majority enjoys and wishes to contribute to doing the lord’s work. 2% of the respondents who consider yoonmin their main or only ship do not create or want to create fan content because they think it is wrong (and that’s okay - to each their own). 
The next question was the most revealing and one of the most important to this analysis. Of the 861 responses, 640 voted that the reason they ship yoonmin is due to their relationship / interactions themselves. Only 2-4% of the respondents said they shipped yoonmin because of how they look together/aesthetics, fan content, external influences, or the availability of yoonmin materials in the fandom itself. This outright disproves the common (and tired) anti-yoonmin stan (and “rare pair” stan) claims that yoonmin is usually shipped for these reasons.  
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Of the 30 respondents that chose “other” their reasons often eluded to specifics moments / interactions by yoonmin. Some of the more notable mentions are:
“They look like they understand each other’s struggles.“
“Their real and supportive friendship, they know each other's limits and share their vulnerabilities, so soft for each other, involve each other in the most intimate parts of their life.”
“Everything?? Idk they just vibe with me best, they're lovely and sift but also savage and have a really fun dynamic that i enjoy best.. they calm me when I’m upset as well which is like surprising bc I don’t calm down easily. +their soft moments like the earlier answer.” 
“Because Yoongi is so whipped for Jimin and they look at each other like they have galaxies in their eyes“ 
“They look like they are real / they act like they are married / they honestly seem like they’re in love.” 
“the way they are with each other in general. platonic or not, they love each other, care for each other a lot and it's nice to see. “
“From what I saw, it felt very real. Like yeah, I could get that super unbreakable bond with all of the BTS ships but for some reason, Yoonmin just stuck out for me and it felt really genuine and not just for fanservice.“ 
“Just...everything” (Many of you said this or voted for multiple categories from the above so everything x 10)
“You Know” (thank you Anonymous, I do know :’). 
There were so many other great ones yoonmin is such a soft ship with even softER STANS istg but I won’t post them all here but you can see them in this supporting post.
It is commonly believed that ALL yoonmin stans only ship them because of the “typical” subby bottom jimin/ dom top yoongi stereotype. The data below proves this is untrue - as 34% of respondents don’t care at all or like all dynamics equally, and 18% prefer a more balanced switch relationship dynamic. Combined, the votes for these categories make up over 50% of the responses, signifying that, no, not all yoonmin stans, in fact not even the majority of yoonmin stans, ship them for this reason. 
It should be noted though that, of the 48% of fans who expressed a preference for a specific relationship dynamic, 5% preferred top jimin and 43% preferred top yoongi (so yeah, top yoongi is more popular, but only to the minority group of the stans who actually have a specific dynamic preference).
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Similar results were observed for which dynamics yoonmin stans feel are most realistic.
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Special thanks to my partner in research @syubd​ ♡ who organized and compiled the below lists of fandom faves.
Note, I have removed the “N/A” and “All” from the rank to more accurately reflect individual favourites. Furthermore, I have removed myself from the rank to eliminate an obvious bias as it is my survey most of the people who took it would be my followers (but thank you to all the people who chose me as their fave!)
N/A - 260 votes
All YM Blogs - 107 votes
@yoonminist​ - 182 votes
@yoonmin​ - 97 votes
@foolsyoongi​ - 64 votes
@yoonminficrec​ - 48 votes
@parkjizzmin​ - 41 votes
@softeyoongi​ - 37 votes
@jimiyoong​ - 27 votes
@yoonminedit​ / @yoonminfiction​ - 25 votes (tied)
@mintysugasweet​ - 22 votes
@yoonminnet​ - 19 votes
Other - 217 votes - LIST OF OTHER MENTIONS
Comments: Congrats to all of the above! The real winner is “N/A” and “All YM Blogs” so tbh if you run a ym blog, don’t be discouraged, you all out here being amazing and we appreciate it!
N/A - 474 votes
All YM Artists - 107 votes
@knart95​ - 144 votes
@artofennun​ - 52 votes
@yuniizu​ - 42 votes
@kkumri​ - 30 votes
@finny-red​ - 22 votes
@NanoNoonie - 19 votes
@askjeon​ / @min_x_minmin - 14 votes
@kharys​ - 10 votes
@colorcalamity​ - 8 votes
@thaidesu - 7 votes
Other - 109 votes - LIST OF OTHER MENTIONS
Comments: Congrats to all of the above! Special shout out to literally all fan artists that share their talent with us on the daily. You make this fandom what it is!!
N/A - 342 votes
All YM Authors - 122 votes
@MissterMaia - 161 votes
@Sharleena - 71 votes
@sugamins/BabyLove - 70 votes
@mintsoda - 43 votes
@PrettyBoyKiller - 35 votes
@springrain21 - 29 votes
@momora - 28 votes
@staticscreen- 22 votes
@jflawless - 19 votes
@Elemir - 16 votes
Other - 475 votes - LIST OF OTHER MENTIONS
Comments: Congrats to all of the above! LOOK AT THE DAMN OTHERS LIST. SO MANY GOOD AUTHORS TO CHECK OUT!
N/A - 9 votes
All -  23 votes
Spring Day - 41 votes
Intro: Serendipity - 24 votes
Tomorrow / Blood Sweat & Tears - 20 votes
Autumn Leaves / Save Me / Mic Drop 16 votes
Young Forever - 13 votes
Rain / I Need U - 11 votes
Pied Piper - 10 votes
Let Me Know / Baepsae - 9 votes
Lie / Sea - 8 votes
Love Is Not Over / House Of Cards / BTS Cypher 4 - 7 votes
Others - 140 votes
Comments: This category was added to the survery much later and therefore did not have as many responses as the others above. Nonetheless, there’s seems to a correlation between who you ship (yoonmin) and fave BTS song. Many of the songs on this list have “yoonmin parts in the MV/Choreo” like Spring Day and BST, or are song’s where the two have particularly shined and / or produced. (They might also just be on this list because they’re lit songs in which case truuuu I agree). 
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Overall, there were ym stans from 74 countries and/or regions that participated in this survey. The below countries were home to 10 or more respondents:
USA - 292 respondents
Germany - 44 respondents
Canada - 33 respondents
UK - 29 respondents
Brazil - 26 respondents
Australia - 24 respondents
Philippines - 24 respondents
England - 20 respondents
Indonesia - 20 respondents
Mexico - 20 respondents
France - 18 respondents
Portugal - 18 respondents
Italy - 14 respondents
Singapore -12 respondents
Sweden - 12 respondents
Turkey - 10 respondents
In addition 15 respondents declared “N/A” to opt out from providing their location information. 
Other - 195 respondents (Click To See Complete List of Respondent Countries)
Argentina - 5 Armenia - 1 Austria - 7 Bahrain - 1 Belarus - 1 Belgium - 2 Chile - 9 China - 2 Colombia - 5 Costa Rica - 3 Croatia - 5 Czech Republic - 5 Denmark - 5 Ecuador - 1 Estonia - 6 Finland - 9 Great Britain - 1 Greece - 6 Guatemala - 4 Hong Kong - 2 Hungary - 5 India - 8 Ireland - 7 Israel - 1 Jamaica - 1 Japan - 1 Kuwait - 1 Lithuania - 1 Macedonia - 1 Malaysia - 9 Maldives - 1 Malta - 1 Morocco - 2 Nepal - 2 Netherlands - 4 New Zealand - 5 Northern Ireland - 1 Norway - 3 Pakistan - 2 Palestine - 4 Peru - 1 Poland - 8 Romania - 6 Russia - 1 Saudi Arabia - 2 Scotland - 2 Serbia - 2 Slovakia - 5 Slovenia - 1 South Africa - 3 South Korea - 1 Southeast Asia - 1 Spain - 9 Switzerland - 4 Thailand - 3 Trinidad and Tobago - 2 Ukraine - 2 Vietnam - 2
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