#fuck whedon but also 😭
raisedbythetv89 · 2 months
Me when the manipulative character manipulates irl viewers into ignoring all the bad and only seeing the good and then treating me like I’m the crazy one because I see through the manipulation and see the characters for who they really are instead of how they want to be perceived
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aahsoka · 5 months
just finished the final cordelia episode
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scavengerssuccotash · 5 months
What are your thoughts on a Clint x Nat baby? I’ve read some fics where Nat accidentally gets pregnant and debates between keeping the baby or not. But I’ve also read a few fics where they both desperately want a baby and excel as parents once they have one. Personally I think Nat would be terrified if she was pregnant but eventually come around to the idea, because it’s a lil part of her and Clint, and be a great mom.
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How did you know about my Sims 4 Clintasha save file?
(They have a daughter named Katya. And she’s fucking adorable.) 😭
Kid/baby Clintasha fics are definitely a real guilty pleasure for me. While I don’t agree with how Whedon presented that bit of character backstory for Natasha, I think taken with in universe logic it would make sense for the Red Room to sterilize their Widows. (It’s one of the few things that is canon that I’ve kept for my fic Sightline.)
(I ALSO have a real big problem with the tone in which it was discussed and handled in the Black Widow movie but let’s just skip over that for now.)
I think Clint and Nat would be exceptional parents. Extremely doting and highly protective I must admit I see them a bit of a helicopter parent duo. At least until the age of ten I want to say, when they start to loosen up their reigns as they finally start to believe that their child is safe. I think they would also retire from both SHIELD and Avenging, I don’t think Natasha much less Clint would be able to handle the separation and uncertainty in leaving for missions for months at a time. Clint is also immediately a girl dad. (I can’t help but picture Jeremy Renner a bit as I type this. Which hilariously shines a glaring light on my own father issues, but like in a ‘awww I wish o had that!’ way.)
I think it’s rather a cliche in the fandom to imagine them having a little girl, and I’m firmly one million percent within that camp. I genuinely can’t picture them having a boy for their first kid. (Yes, I said first. They have two! A girl and a boy roughly three years apart. They live in my head as a happy little family on a farm in the cornfields of Iowa and I love them very much.)
As for the pregnancy—it was fucking brutal! For my headcanon of a non-sterilized Natasha the Red Room kept them continually supplied with birth control and other hormonal blockers to the point that it was actually assumed that she would not be able to get pregnant or at the very least it would be rare. That one in a million chance happened after a particularly nasty fight when Natasha ran into the line of fire to save Steve. Cue a couple of thrown dishes and Clint growling into her ear and pinned to the bed.
“I’m not fucking losing you, do you hear me, Tasha!”
It was very hot and very intense and oops!
What really was difficult about the pregnancy, you know besides being pregnant (her back hurt like a son of a birch) was the emotional torrent that it brought. Sleepless nights, constant worry, questioning if she even wanted to keep it, followed by a surreal disbelief that she was even pregnant. It was a body horror watching and then feeling a tiny baby growing inside her. In the end she decided to keep it, partly as one last fuck you to the Red Room and her past but also because it was part Clint too. When she told him, it was in the middle of a firefight. (He would later tell her that her timing was shit.) As soon as the words left her mouth he looked at her for a good five seconds, blinked and then nodded to himself. He then, without any of the fanfare, dispatched the ten guys shooting at them, clean kills. All ten headshots. One right after the other with the cold efficiency she’s only ever seen once before when she was captured and tortured for three months.
Katya Philomena Romanoff-Barton was born November 16th. Three months premature, and weighing two pounds and thirteen ounces. She has blue eyes like her father and the freckles and red hair of her mother. They were able to bring her home after a year in the NICU.
She starts her Freshmen year at Princeton this year, double majoring in International Politics and Psychology, with an applied minor in History. She has one championship trophy in Olympic Archery and does Ballet in her free time.
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cruelsister-moved2 · 1 year
Was it u posting abt how u couldnt get into gideon the ninth? If not PLEASE disregard but it didnt seem like my thing but i tried it bc people seem really into and i was literally still so disappointed 😢 its like if a percy jackson book could say fuck or smth but honestly worse i truly dont understand how ppl are getting all this out of it 😭😭😭😭
yes it's me 💜💜💜 ur not the only one like I've had other people say the same thing. I literally feel like it's so missold because I've seen people who actually read it explain that it's basically just a glorified murder mystery and most of the sci-fi/fantasy elements are basically poorly thought out gimmicks. I'm sure that it gets better as the series goes on and the author develops competence but like. you should be developing that BEFORE publishing your first book, not after 💀
it does feel like a conspiracy because people will claim it's some like super deep masterpiece with like religious significance but then you read it n it's glorified homestuck fanfiction referencing memes that have already aged like milk. I can't stand the quippy thing in particular, wasn't there that article abt whedon speak a while back pointing out the issues that 1.it gives all ur characters the same voice + sense of humour and 2. it's hard to take stakes seriously if the characters are clearly unbpthered enough by them to make quirky one liners constantly? I have like never read anything where quippy characters didn't immediately make me soooo aware of the hand of the author going "haha that's so funny, put it in" rather than considering if like. the character would actually say that in this situation-_-
i also like have an issue with my impression of the way the author approaches masc women, both within and without the books, but I don't have the energy to go there.
ultimately disappointing because I'm only 21 and it already feels like a book that im too old for? I like have no problem if you're like, I like that it's funny and zany and has a masc woman protag like. if i didn't find it straight up unreadable I would probably be a fan because when it comes to masc women I am willing to eat crumbs off the floor. but like, dont act like it's some great work of literature please I cant take it...... smart people will say INSANE things about it and then you look and it's CLEARLY written by a homestuck fanfic author and it makes me feel like i must be losing my mind
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alirhi · 2 years
reposting from an ooooold fb post
this just popped up in my memories on facebook from 5 years ago, and I still stand by every point I made here, so fuck it. I'm reposting it here:
While I really do love Joss Whedon's work, I'm not surprised in the least that his attempt at writing a Wonder Woman movie is being ripped apart for being sexist. Has anyone ever actually WATCHED Buffy the Vampire Slayer? I mean, really? It's a great show if you don't think too deeply on it, but... Every single female who shows the slightest bit of strength and independence is immediately ridiculed and slut-shamed, including the goddamn title character! Here's just the examples I can think of off the top of my head:
1) Buffy's entire. Fucking. Arc. She can't have a functional relationship because in Whedon's mind that's aaaaaalllllllll about sex, and there is an ENDLESS trope of "girl who enjoys sex must be punished!" Angel turns evil, Parker's a douche, she and Riley (UGH, Riley! *barf*) trigger a massive haunting that nearly kills all their friends, Spike is UTTERLY DESTROYED as a character on EVERY level, and everyone shrugs off his attempt to RAPE HER as just "eh, whatever. he went crazy that one time, but it's all better now." Oh, and she can't date a normal human boy because - god forbid - his fragile wittle ego might get all bruised!
2) Faith. omfg Faith. What he did to her should be a CRIME. Here is a girl who is comfortable with her sexuality and LOVES what she does. She's powerful, beautiful, and she knows it. In Whedon's mind? CLEARLY INSANE. TURN HER EVIL IMMEDIATELY. But not really evil, no. A truly evil woman is just too interesting. No, make her crazy, and then make her flop like a fish out of water back and forth over that good/evil line, just dipping her toe in on either side enough to make her feel like utter shit at all times.
3) Kendra is smart and has been properly trained. Can't have that! She's a stuttering robot and dies the DUMBEST WHEDONVERSE DEATH EVER. (well... maybe second-dumbest *side-eyes Wash in Serenity*)
4) Drusilla is actually interesting and nuanced and kind of a badass? Eh...quietly remove her and make her boyfriend whine about her for all eternity. No one will notice. (I noticed, Joss. I noticed and was NOT PLEASED.)
5) Willow, immediately upon discovering that she has a natural affinity for magic, is punished at every turn for pursuing that. Giles talks down to her and tries to hide things from her without even explaining why he thinks they're so dangerous for her, if she doesn't get something perfect on the first try, every goddamn character around her except Tara (who is the ONLY ONE with a leg to stand on, here, as the only other witch in the series - not counting Amy the rat) ridicules her for it, and when she finally gets a good solid handle on her abilities? BOOM. "Addiction" (thus proving Whedon has NO FUCKING IDEA what magic really is, what it does, or how it works), hurt Dawn, lose Tara (😭 MY HEART), and then make her "evil", and the only way she can be back with the good guys is if she's TERRIFIED of her power and lives in eternal shame of it, because I swear to god, WHEDON IS AFRAID OF WOMEN.
I was going to say something about Cordelia, but that's a whole rant on its own, because she was AMAZING on Angel before Joss ruined everything AGAIN... and I'm trying not to delve into Angel right now. I'm too tired for that shit lol. And Anya...eh. Everything about her and her relationship with Xander is pretty much just one big sexist trope. Also too tired to get into that.
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cinnabeat · 3 years
i forgot to say this yesterday but im impressed that the zack snyder cut of justice league had like almost zero substance and yet i still cant imagine it being any shorter than it actually is
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ok tumblrinas are u ready. btvs live blog go
LMFAO can’t get over the 90’s ass voice over in the beginning literally making me laugh out loud
heehee intro as a whole …. with the rock like yasss slay
guys the jew representation in this show is off the charts. sarah michelle gellar and the other main character is willow rosenberg? no one ever talks about this. this is a jew show irl
alyson is so cute it’s so funny that they try to make her “nerdy” with a shitty outfit like. what???? she’s still like. so pretty.
meet cute mome with buffy and xander .. classic
also buffy’s first day outfit is soooo cute n so is she. love
xander’s sheer shirt is like boygirl chic supreme. loveee again
free my bitch willow she aint done nothing but be sustainable
love him already (giles) why is he like this
giles is boygirl supreme actually i’ve decided or maybe he’s just british
sometimes joss whedon writes shit and like. u just have to sit and think
did people talk like this in the 90s
i love how buffy is like fuck this shit like yes girl fuck this shit
no bc the way that it must be so hard to hold this secret and have to watch her destroy not just her life but her mom’s and everyone around her’s…
yasss girl live in ur dark cave, chant ominously and give us nothing 😍😍
“hi! im an enormous slut!” pissing myself
if this was me and i was 16 i would not be allowed to go to a club. like? girl do u care abt ur daughter at all?
this dude in his velvet coat….. and being destroyed by buffy instantly… yeah… yeah…
if this is the place to be in sunnydale i think i’d just never leave my house if i lived there
WHEN DOES WILLOW BECOME A LESBIAN 😭😭 i know she does i just can’t wait
ok but jesse literally can’t catch a hint like leave her alone
FREE MY BITCH WILLOW make her a lesbian now so she doesn’t fall for this vampire dick
“what is your childhood trauma” the way i have fully said these words before but in an entirely different context
the vampire makeup is sooo funny tho i think we need to bring back practical effects exclusively so we can have gold like this again
i know by young and fresh they mean virgins and i just don’t know why they don’t just say it
kinda love how they chose this dark ass place to hide the shitty fight choreography and makeup
thinking about how joss whedon went on to write parts of the MCU and u can literally hear the quips starting now LMFAO
love the overarching plot explanation now… we need that structure yasss
wow literally forgot this was a 2 parter but also they put their whole pussy into this shit
the amount of christian mythology here does give it negative points for being a jew show :/
dirty cave back 😍😍 we love to see it… candle lit, large throne, perfect for all
this show is soooo acab like yes the police cant do anything and only come with guns 😍
this show is actually so feminist because the 4 main protagonists are all women
fuck this guy (the principal)
i love her (buffy)
the cross is so ugly but i know they had to make it this big to show up on the shitty fucking quality of the tvs in the 90s
velvet coat guy’s name is angel and it’s like they want u to trip over the plot
sooo true xander i would also skip chem class
when she’s experienced and is willing to cut someone’s head off with an x-acto knife
fuck that guy (cordelia)
i love her (willow)
girlies RUN….
jesse is infinitely more interesting as a vampire and im happy they freed him from being boring
giles in rolled sleeves is strangely attractive to me. actually i think i just think giles is weirdly hot in general. maybe it is because he is british.
phantom of the opera ass score like DUNDUN DUN DUN
who wrote that essay about the inherent sexuality of vampires. yeah… yeah…
“the thtarths themthelveths will hide!” please
i do feel so bad for buffy tho like fr society if she just could be normal
crying over the heads of garlic just there in her supply box. like how would be use those to stop them 😭😭
ok but like. is them going to a club and drinking the drinks there implying that they are always drunk at the bronze at 16 year olds??? it’s so weird
cordelia needs to listen to goodbye earl by the chicks and i think that would fix her
90s censorship laws be like. no blood allowed! but yes to 16 year olds at clubs!
ok maybe i do rly like this show like a lot
buffy should be included in discussions of feminism fr like she walked so y’all could run
giles immediately getting taken down by a vampire is truly the most camp and hilarious thing he could do
the master lying and screaming on the floor no is so me core!
angel shut the fuck up have faith
u averted the apocalypse for now
i love how buffy has friends like :’) yay she’s not alone anymore
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wormregards · 6 years
I want to talk about last jedi. THIS CONTAINS SPOILER!!!
The visuals are a mess, the editing is a mess, special effect looks cheap, too much scenes going on, cheap jokes (did whedon write this?), porgs are the new ewoks, and heteronormativity galore, but plenty to talk about.
Ok so some of the throwbacks hit me in the fucking face. Twin suns as the parallel to Luke's first and last (?) Appearance??
The old Leia tape??? The old Leia tape holy shit, that was such a low blow even for me, I didn't expect that at all 😭😭😭😭 i cried so much in the theatre and I didn't even notice the "hint" at the last scene?
So the kid was one of the force sensitive child Luke told us about?? I didnt notice shit, my stupid memory compared him to when c3po told their story to ewoks in ep 6, but apparently he used the force to grab the sweeper??
Anyway, leia. LEIAAAAAAA. Carrie fisher i love you so much, she (leia) was much much calmer, we see more of politician Leia and it's a shame we didn't see what Leia was up to when Luke trained his little jedi academy.
I wished they took some time to address Han's death in the hands of that traitor because I'm still not over that! When Luke talked to chewie god, that's when I lost it. Chewie!!! I wished we see more of him, he's a rebel legend and no one gives a sHit about him. His best best friend just died and no one gives a shit OK, fuck off.
Oh, and I hate that we got queerbaited so bad at the start of the movie (poe's "finn is naked and dripping wet" or smthn) , and the "how did you two meet" which i got major jealous vibe from poe only to have rose kissing him at the end? Totally unecessary, esp when you two met like 2 days ago, but OK maybe that's just me being a storm pilot trash. But there are lots of their interaction which are cute as hell but most of it felt like fan service.
Ok poe following the fox gives me major flashback to Ezra's connection with animals. Prove that the force does not belong to jedi (thank you, luke), but to all living things.
Rey. REY oh my god. She's so powerful it's scary to see! How do you have such raw power when your parents are common thiefs? ? That's the magic of star wars universe. It's good to see that not only the skywalkers are the most powerful force wielders in the star wars universe. Prove that kylo didn't wipe them all, and there are STILL force powerful kids around. My dude rey might be talented/gifted with the force but her fighting style was a mess, it's still raw and I love it!
Amazing that Luke died as a jedi, which means he can return as a force ghost, and maybe train rey while being a force ghost? Idk?
YODA. Oh my god YODA. I screamed when we first saw the back of his head!! And he was such a little shit for burning the old jedi writing, knowing full well what it would do to Luke. And that he called Luke "young luke"!!!!! Fucking hell i hate whoever wrote the script.
Now, kylo. Kylo i feel sorry for the dude but as Luke said, he was tempted by the dark side even before, what would any of them would do?? As he said, the jedi order let palpatine rise to power and didn't even realize it until its too late, if Luke killed him it would save many life, it would torment his soul but it's for the greater good. It's as if dumbledore killed tom riddle when he was a student (but worse since kylo is his nephew).
But a lot of the scenes are predictable, like kylo and rey's connection with the force (which is cringey af btw, like a 4d video call in space? Space Skype? Force Skype?) that was orchestrated by snoke (familiar like order of the phoenix lol), and Luke's "hologram" from the beach (because there was no ship left there and you can't like, fly so far away using the force, it was obvious), but kylo lmao the dude must've given so much shit in the star killer base for using all that fire on Luke only to have him being in other planet 😂😂😂
also what the fuck, all that build up on who's snoke and THAT'S how you chose to kill him??? Lmao what the fuck are the guards doing lmao were they all focusing so much on the drama (tm) and didn't realize there's a fucking lightsaber facing their leader???
Reylo shippers must have been rejoicing at this movie, and fuck rian johnson for giving them the reason to. When rey saw kylo shirtless (lmao why the fuck was he shirtless on their force skype) and she yelled for kylo to wear a shirt, WE LOVE A LESBIAN QUEEN! Seriously, reylo is trash and at the force skype when they held hands I almost threw up in my mouth.
Summary of the movie is that vine "I'm a bad bitch you can't kill me"
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kyotosummer · 7 years
My Thoughts When Watching Wonder Woman
MY FIRST DCEU MOVIE. HERE WE GO. (Quick FYI for context: I'm a Marvel fangirl who also likes to poke fun at these same Marvel movies.) ~ I want to live on this island ~ Are we not getting her mom's and half-brother's backstory?! I SAW THAT ANIMATED MOVIE. I KNOW WHAT'S UP. ~ Little Mermaid reference- OH GOD NO ~ NO WHAT WHY NOT HER!!!!! 😭 ~ "the less she knows, the longer it will take him to find her." I am beside myself with her foolishness. Also her knowledge does NOTHING about his detection of her. He knew who she was immediately. This is literally just said so we don't question the plot twists later on. ~ I'm very upset that outfit is not stated as her ambassador outfit. ~ So first, a man named Chris is playing a Steve in a World War period Superhero piece. Then we meet his secretary, who is LITERALLY the same as Rose from Agent Carter. I can't help but feel the comparisons coming up, except the writing here is 10x better than the Agent Carter show. ~ I'm surprised she didn't find an outfit with pants. ~ "this is supposed to make her standout LESS." WTF THAT OUTFIT IS PERFECT HOW IS SHE STANDING OUT?!? ~ AH YES. GOTTA GET OUR HOWLING COMMANDOS. ~ Quick note: These guys are fun, but they really don't compare to the Howling Commandos. ~ Damn, it's like 50 freeze frames/ Slo-mo shots in a row for these fight scenes. I know everyone's upset about Whedon taking over the Justice League movie, but if the Batman and Superman stuff do this too, I totally get why they wanted him. (If you haven't paid attention to the MCU movies, both Avengers movies do this, but Age of Ultron does it to a noticeable level.) ~ What is that shield MADE OF?! ~ "HE'S ARIES." Nope for a couple of reasons. 1) Aries wouldn't need the super-soldier serum. 2) it's too easy. ~ My guess is either Ms. Poison or the British guy helping them. Poison would be cool as it would make the main villain also a woman. British dude is obvious plot-twist choice. ~ Quick note: Fight scenes are a little too CGI for me. Kinda wish they did more practical stuff. Like how in Incredible Hunk, they had a treadmill thing hidden that the dude ran on in the same direction so it actually looked like super speed. Also probably the only positive thing you'll hear me say about Incredible Hulk. ~ SWORD DRESS I WANT IT. ~ STEVE YOU'RE A FUCKING SPY GET YOUR HEAD IN THE GAME FOR FIVE GODDAMN SECONDS ~ "It's not about who deserves it. It's about what you believe." WOAH THAT'S POWERFUL. 💕 ~ WELP, NOW WE KNOW WHO ARIES IS ~ WAIT, is he implying that Diana was NOT made from clay?! ~ Actually, this makes sense. Her mom said Zeus used up his life force to defeat Aries and make the island. If that's the timeline, then either she lied about Zeus being dead, Diana was born before the war, or she lied about the clay thing and Zeus is her biological dad. 😳 ~ What is Steve- OH NO. NO. FUCK NO. NO YOU DO NO- OH GOD. ~ I'm screaming with you, Diana. ~ WE WON BUT AT WHAT COST My final verdict: ~ Character-wise, Diana is bae and life goals, which is perfect because I'm still mad at Steve Rogers for Civil War and needed a new icon. ~ I'm officially convinced the filming style and tone of the DCEU are really not my thing. I love this movie and will probably buy it on bluray, but that's only because of Diana and Steve. Not that the MCU doesn't do this, but Age of Ultron is the closest to this film style and it's my least favorite MCU movie. Guardians does the freeze frame slo-mo thing too, but 95% of it's for comedy, with maybe ONE moment for badassness, so it's more tolerable. It's not a bad-movie vs good-movie thing, I'm just not a fan of that style. I'm more of explosions and witty/funny banter kinda gal. Anyway, that's what I got for Wonder Woman! Let me know how Justice League goes and if Diana has a prominent enough role to make it worth seeing! 💕
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raisedbythetv89 · 3 months
I just started watching White Collar for the first time and a realization about most male written and directed media smacked me DIRECTLY in the face which is that SO MUCH media written by a for men is genuinely just male nerd self insert, non-canon compliant, AU fan fiction??????
Like them writing and creating stories is just “ok so these guys are soooo smooth and well dressed and women just flock to them at every turn and they can get away with anything and everyone believes and supports them when they do mess up and everyone thinks they’re sooooo brilliant”
This media isn’t just portraying women “for the male gaze” it’s EVERYTHING. Everything in these stories is supporting and uplifting mens’ delusions about who they are, how they’re perceived, and how they should expect to be treated. Which is incredibly ironic because anytime media portrays women or the world in the female gaze in a more “in my ideal world things would be like this” instead of portraying us as nothing but weak, broken, unloved, traumatized, victims OR one dimensional sex symbols with no needs or emotions they’re screaming, crying, throwing up about how stupid and unrealistic the story is….
This explains SO MUCH about how male characters are handled in shows like Veronica Mars and Buffy. Even though they’re shows staring women all the “good guys” get the delusional self insert, y/n, AU fan fic treatment (Buffy still wants Angel in season 3 and Riley in season 6 even after everything they did and Xander is CONSTANTLY forgiven for all the atrocious shit he says and does and is wanted by all women besides Buffy. Veronica forgiving Duncan and getting back together with him and even CONSIDERING Piz could truly only be born from men being delusional AS FUCK. Writing how they want men to be treated by women rather than being based in reality and the woman having even an ounce of self respect.)
Which is why the “bad boys”, Logan and Spike are such better characters. They’re so much more realistic, they get held accountable by the women in their lives, have better growth and are just way more appealing and attractive because they’re not the walking embodiment of what MEN want men to be treated and act like.
Oh god this feels like such cursed knowledge to have like it’s important to see this media for what it really is but now watching it feels that much yuckier like finding the porn of someone you DO NOT LIKE but like their emotional porn “this is what life would be like in my fantasies” and they’re the fantasies of the grossest men alive 😭😭😭😭😭
Also it shows their emotional maturity like all of these things are what 13 year old boys fantasize about not actual mature, grown men….
Also just realized this is why the Star Wars sequels were so hated. It wasn’t just Rey being powerful and loved by her found family and Kylo. It was that the movies showed the reality of men like Kylo. They destroyed the male fantasy Darth Vader created. They aren’t super cool, powerful badasses. They’re extremely sad, broken, temper tantrum throwing lost little boys who just want love and acceptance but have lost the ability to accept it because of the dark side (aka the patriarchy) which is the reality and that made me SOOOOO ANGRY lololololololol and this is why Joss Whedon THOUGHT making Spike into a sad pathetic mama’s boy of a poet would make the audience not like him because that DOES work on misogynistic men who enjoy the male gaze but does NOT work and only humanizes and makes Spike even more complex and lovable to the female gaze 💀💀💀💀 oh good lord
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