#fucken karen
smokestarrules · 11 months
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strohller27 · 7 months
Me: Oh boy! Can’t wait to go to work today!
Me at work today:
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2-wuv · 2 years
I'm keeping Count of how many times the duffer brothers did me wrong in s3 we're halfway through episode 1 and the counter's already at 3
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duckapus · 16 days
Oh hey it's been a while
Diana: The real secret to immortality? Not dying. You want to be immortal? Okay, easy. Just don't die. That's it. Refuse to die. There you Go.
Bob: "But how?" you may ask. Easy. Just don't do it. Refuse to. Say no thanks.
Tulip: The hardest thing about realizing you're bi is that no one tells you what to do with the beam attack you have now. Like how do I even use this thing?
Timmy: With a diffusion lens you can cook with it.
Tulip: See where was this advice when I came out?
Laharl: Literally why can't I have short hair and long hair at the same time?
Sally: On all levels except physical I am heart shaped.
Franky: This might be controversial but if I came across a beaker of glowing green liquid I would give it a little taste.
Saiko: Bath tubs that can't submerge an entire adult body should be illegal.
Tari: Okay I know what you meant but you sound a bit like a murderer.
Mario, balancing precariously on a power line and messing with the boxes at the top of a telephone pole: Your cable company doesn't want you to know this trick.
Karen: You know what? I don't want to know that trick either.
Bob: If I die my funeral's gonna be the biggest fucken party and you're all invited.
Boopkins: If?
Clench: Great, the only party I've ever been invited to and he might not even die.
Mario: After filling the washing machine with hot dogs, I momentarily hesitate before turning the knob to "Delicates."
Mr. Puzzles: "Obviously, we have a lot of problems we need to address," I say, referring to one specific problem, which I created, alone.
Valiant: Undefeated in wizard duels thanks to my devastating countermagic where I close the distance and punch them in the chest 14 times while they try to read a paragraph from a book the size of a briefcase. This sorcery shit is easy as hell.
Effi: Hey, don't cry. Endless possible futures spanning out in front of you like an infinite spiderweb, okay?
Effi: Just realized this is actually quite horrifying and not a comforting thought at all. Sorry.
SMG3: A customer just came in and ordered a flat white with six shots in it. For clarity that's like. A whole cup of espresso with maybe an inch of milk sitting on top. This mf is trying to meet the Hat Man.
Irene: I'm a proud owner of an iq of 5 (and a half!)
Jayin, programming the Meme Suppression Bullets: Not for long!
Irene: Please it's all I have
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some-random-bird · 2 years
My thoughts on Spooky Month 5 in order:
I love Bob’s smile. Gotta love those smiles that tell you “I wanna kill somebody”. Idk why but I just wanna hug him. He looks huggable. I know I will die, but it would be worth it.
What the hell happened to that green screen vampire guy? I know he dead but like... how did he die?
That has to be Roy’s mother... aslo she a karen.
Why doesn’t Roy’s family want him to hang with his gang?
Robert’s so caring :)
EDD, MATT AND TOM ARE IN THIS (in the background)!?!?!?!
Roy be like ‘,:3
Ross is nice too... in a way :)
Homeless Captain and Steve :)
Bob just being himself :)
The clay Bob made me lose my shit-
Lila's scared shitless now... I think. I would be.
Bob’s a part of the cult?
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pastafossa · 1 year
Three things you’re getting tonight to help with the angst:
Karen including The Closet Fuckening incident in her notes
Jane koala-ing on Matt’s back while he tries to be serious
Foggy telling Matt if Matt had feathers, he’d hold an injured Jane on his feet under the feathers like a baby penguin
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nobody7102 · 2 years
Normally I don’t post shit like this but it’s come to my attention that some people A) Don’t know how to have a civil discussion and B) Don’t know how to hate on characters without hating on actors(unless the actors actually have done something to deserve it)
(This is a targeted post)
Everyone is allowed to have opinions, in the US that’s the whole fucken point of the first amendment. HOWEVER, when you do clearly use that for your points without any regard for other people’s opinions and belittle others for their opinions that’s when you become hypocritical and the issues start.
You can dislike characters that’s fine, but unnecessarily hate on the actors who’ve done nothing wrong is different(separate Actors from Characters!)
You post your own opinion yet you have no respect or regard for other people. You ignore the valid evidence and reasons others try to show you and spew utter bullshit when actually asked for valid reasons for the hate you give.
We understand, you have so much hatred and disrespect towards anyone that isn’t Matt Murdock/Charlie Cox. The double standard you have are amazing, truly.
Normally I’m not one to police in the Marvel fandom because lord knows so many people already do it but when you spew so much bullshit to the point where I can’t tell your mouth from your asshole, then yeah I’m gonna say something about it.
A) First and foremost leave actors/character’s appearance out of the conversation/equation when you try to make a point. As soon as you bring up how “ugly” someone is you’ve fucken lost, apperence is never a valid/good argument (regardless how “ugly” a character or actor may be)
B) You get so pressed when other fans/people express their love for characters/actors(EX: Foggy Nelson and Karen Page) yet you expect people not to get pressed whe. You show hatred for the character and their IRL counterparts? How the fuck dose that work?
Again I’m not normally one to say “oh that’s not comic accurate” or “go look at the comic/have you even read the comics” bc lord knows I don’t read all the comics, but when you show so much disregard not only for the people/actors who provide you with the content/storylines you are so blatantly scrutinizing I’m gonna be a little bit of a gatekeeper.
Foggy Nelson was the whole reason “Nelson and Murdock” was even a thing to begin with. Foggy was Matt’s only friend until Karen was introduced, he has kept Matt on his feet and out of so much fucken trouble. Without Foggy who the fuck knows where Matt would be.
Karen Page was their first case. Without Karen “Nelson and Murdock” would have ended after they left “Landman and Zach” because they weren’t getting cases. Yes Karen is an amazing investigative journalist, she is the reason we/the public know everything we do about Wilson Fisk. Sure she didn’t “earn” her job at the Bulliten but she sure as shit proved that she deserved to be there.
Not to mention Season 3 Episode 13, Titled “A New Napkin”: after Fisks incarceration Foggy, Karen and Matt sit down in “Nelson’s Meats” and Foggy writes down “Nelson, Murdock and Page” implying that Karen will/wants to become a lawyer or at least help further in some way other than just being an assistant/office manager.
Foggy and Karen helped shape Matt as a character. Don’t disregard their efforts.
Yes character make stupid decisions all the fucking time: the whole point of the show is showing Matt Murdock being a fucking dumbass as he saves the city/Hells Kitchen.
But Matt isn’t the only character that saves the city, sure he does by being a vigilante but Karen and Foggy help the people of the city by being a voice for them as well as with how they help Matt.
Don’t even try to belittle actors because without actors you wouldn’t even have shit to shove in your mouth. The actors are fucking phenomenal so don’t belittle their work because I know you wouldn’t want someone to belittle your work. (Also Deborah Ann Woll and Elden Henson are fucken hot)
Yes everyone is allowed to have their opinions.
But if you disregard THE SOURCE MATERIAL of the effort which you hate upon as well as the efforts of the actors/people who provid you with the content, AND show so much disrespect towards them and other fans. You loose that right the moment you become a bitter bitch about everything.
There is so much evidence that proves how vital Karen and Foggy are to Daredevil/Matt’s story.
Just because they’re small parts doesn’t mean that their efforts are.
(Also quick edit: Elektra is “dead” her not coming back isn’t racially motivated(coming from an Asian American I can speech first hand about expressing racial motivations) it’s The Hand preparing her for rebirth and to come back as Black Sky, calm the fuck down. Not to mention: ELODIE YUNG’S CAREER IS GROWING! She had other projects and priorities currently(yes they could recast her but I’m sure she’s probably open to coming back) she has her new show on Fox, and she’s very clearly invested in other things currently)
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mursakisstuff · 8 months
"Do you condemn hamas?"
Nah bitch I do not
Why the fuck would I condemn the right of people to fight against oppression with whatever means they got!
Most of these hamas fighters were children who survived the horrors of oppression
Those are the rock kids who stood up to tanks with just some rocks in their hands
Calling people who fight for the right to get their own homes back terrorists is such a white thing to say especially when it was said about my people more than once (and every other country that was once occupied by whities)
Cause how dare these barbaric people defend their land against us the white saviors, the superior race
Same rhetoric shit was used on countries occupied by the British, the French, etc, they called the people fighting for their freedom terrorists, barbaric animals who don't deserve to live
So get off your fucken high horse, and educate yourself instead of being ignorant piece of shits who parrot whatever their white media tell them
It is wild to try and demonize people who ran out of options to peacefully protest this injustice and have no other way than to fight fire by fire
"They are terrorizing civilians"
Settlers are NOT civilians!!
They live in stolen land, stolen homes, the rightful owners were kicked out of their homes so Karen from NY can have her "right to return" which is their way to say "hey come to this country where you can kick whomever you want from their home and call it yours and no one will stop you in fact we will cheer on you"
If you willingly came to Palestine knowing very well how you will get a house and who will pay the price then you are not a civilian nor innocent
Those people cheer on seeing Palestinians getting butchered they will save seats and watch it like it's a movie, it's one source of their entertainment, seeing Palestinians being dragged out of their homes
They will spit on Muslims on Fridays during prayer and Christians on Sundays, they will attack any Jewish who speaks against their atrocities
So excuse me if I don't have any sympathy for people who dance while people are being butchered
Cause no person with conscience would ever agree to live in a stolen land, how do you sleep at night?
(this is not for Americans, you already live in a stolen land so sit your ass down)
Imagine this, you are living in your house since the day you were born, it's your family house, generations had lived here, then one day a stranger came and said to you "this is my house now you need to leave" and this stranger is not alone they brought their old neighbors who felt guilty because they wronged said stranger so now they will do anything to earn their forgiveness even if it means dragging you and your whole family out of your own house and don't you dare to argue with them about your right you don't have any and you can't fight for your right to get it back cause that would make you a criminal, such a barbaric animal who is frightening this innocent stranger how could you be so cruel, why don't you just give up and go live with one of your neighbors or cousins they have plenty of rooms don't be such a nuisance ugh unbelievable
"why don't they just go live in other countries? Why the countries neighboring them won't open their borders?"
It is their home!! Why would they leave their homeland?
And neighboring countries know exactly what would happen if they took them in, it would be another nakba!! There will be no Gaza to come back to! One thing you never do is trust any word Israel say, they never keep their word and they lie
And Palestinians would rather die than go through another nakba Never Again
The sense of belonging to your land, it's not just a place where you live, it's part of who you're, your heritage, your own being
(Again not for Americans you won't get what that mean, not native Americans tho ILY)
"They beheaded infants"
They did Not
"They raped women"
They did not
"They took hostages"
Yes they did, but they didn't torture them, strip them down and humiliated them like the Israeli ones are doing and they are not even hiding it they are flaunting it on their media "look at the animals we caught"
Meanwhile the ones who were let go by hamas said they treated them well
The woman who the media said was raped and killed? Is fine and was treated in a gazan hospital, her own mother said that, later the woman herself talked about how they treated her, her clothes? That's how she was wearing and they gave her clothes and no one touched her
The burned infant? The beheaded infants? The first is AI and cheap one at that and the other is a complete lie that they themselves denied cause the lie was getting bigger, the reporter who first said that came out again and say how she was mistaken
But you what is not a lie?
More the 500 Palestinian children being killed in the hospital in just one day
The infants being killed, bombed, shredded to pieces everyday but none of you fuckers is ready to hear that, they are not your white blue eyed blonde haired type of people so why would you even care
A man carrying pieces of his kid in a plastic bag
A man carrying a beheaded infant
The 4 siblings who were killed yesterday, just one month old
The woman carrying the body of her baby boy while the doctor is trying to save her baby girl only to announce her dead too
The sweet angel they found hiding in the rubble afraid to even breath or make a sound
And many many others
You got to be a vile piece of shit to even try and defend something like that
Israel posting daily on their socmed all types of dehumanizing ways to describe Palestinians, calling them animals, children of darkness, barbaric terrorists, anything and everything but never humans, never people
"It's jew vs Muslim"
Judaism ≠ Zionism
Anti Israel ≠ anti semitism
Zionism = Nazism
Zionists hate Muslims
Zionists hate Christians
Zionists hate Jewish people who are not Zionists
"why can't they live together in peace"
Oh they did, the three religions were doing just fine tell the whites came and ruined it for everyone
Now what we have is one side trying to stay alive and avoid being annihilated while the other is uh bitching they can't find gluten free flour
One side is trying to survive a GENOCIDE while the other is the one commiting it
"The right to return"
What a fucken joke, return to what exactly when most of you have dual citizenship cause surprise surprise you're a just a whitie from Europe or America, indigenous to the land my ass
Psst there's a reason why holocaust survivors are pro Palestine cause they have seen this shit before they lived it and survived only to see their own people doing the same thing to others
FYI black Jewish doesn't have the "right to return"
Why don't you read about what they did to Ethiopian women?
Read about the different ways you're treated in Israel according to what type of Jewish you are
"I can't be with Palestinians they kill people like me"
Queer Palestinians exist!!
Or you only support your white queers
And the whole Israel approve of gays? Is just a propaganda, a fucken lie
Their government is the far right the og conservatives so yeah good luck with that
Zionists lie, that's a fact
Every word coming out of Israeli mouth is either a lie or something out of a nazi propaganda (look at their media they are recycling Nazi media it's crazy) or straight up Mein kampf quote
Don't be an ignorant person parroting what the media is feeding you, look up history, listen to people who actually lived it and still living it
The fact that people all around the world are marching the streets for Palestine should be enough to know which side is the right side
Don't believe anything just because your favorite celebrity said so, stop with the dickriding and use that empty brain of yours, don't be a prejudiced asshole!
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Karen: wya
Foggy: My limit, I’m at my fucken limit.
*matt face down on the floor bleeding out*: hey…
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akajustmerry · 1 year
can i ask for your honest opinion on the djats characters? would love to hear your thoughts on camila, daisy, simone, and karen. maybe also warren.
camila - i would love her if she existed in a vacuum and not in a world where Taylor Jenkins Reid, a white woman, wrote a story where Camila as a woman of colour exists as this enduring symbol of moral fortitude to do emotional labour for white characters. like she exists to better the lives of all these white people while they disregard her feelings. her feelings only are important insofar as they help Billy and the others with their problems. the fact that she dies and her last act is to bring together her white husband with the white woman he fully admits on record to being more in love with is just infuriating. Just because she expresses herself within the confines of the subservient wife of colour that doesn't mean she isn't racialised in a truly disappointing way.
daisy - she's a fun amalgamation of a bunch of sad talented it girls from throughout the decades. don't think the novel or the show interrogate her privilege enough though and opt instead to be like "but it was so hard for her to have it so easy when you think about it." boo. boring. riley keough is a fun bit of meta casting tho hehe
Simone - I wouldn't want tjr to do it because I don't think she's very good at writing non-white experiences but it would have been nice to have Simone be more fleshed out and not just the Black Best Friend™. the book glosses over her being a pioneer in several genres of music but zeroes in on how she serves as Daisy's saviour and cheerleader. Bottom line is I would've loved just more insight into her as a character outside of Daisy.
Karen - adore Karen, my fellow childless by choice no long-term relationships no marriage pls leave me by myself LEGEND. no notes except if they'd made her gay and in love with Camilla and she and Karen left Daisy and Billy to their whatever that would have been so galaxy brained.
Warren - as someone who grew up with an older sister whose been a drummer and bassist in several bands, I've met several Warrens and can say he's a very accurate proximation of the bandmate whose mostly there for the music and stays out of the politics. Many times I'd read his parts like good for you, guy. Warren treats the band like a job more than a life and I like that about him.
Hate Graham, have nothing to say about it. Billy is annoying but integral to the plot and I ultimately find him an extremely tired overdone kind of character. I think the book and show demand way too much sympathy for him. He's the fucken Ted How I Met Your Mother of this story whose only interesting because he surrounds himself with interesting people. I have a soft spot for Sam Claflin though from watching Love Rosie every week for a year when I was depressy. Will it be enough to make Billy interesting to me? We shall see.
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Perhaps you can call your Ozai simp oc Karen
I mean.
If I.... I don't know how to put this. But names in ATLA aren't usually common irl, but they do resemble different culture names with the Fire Nation being Japanese.
And /technically/ if you pronounce it right, 'Karen' is a Japanese name.
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@demigirljoycebyers and i have been spending all day getting screenshots from stranger things trying to build the wheeler house on the sims 4, and omg the satisfaction and vindication you get from doing this is *chefs kiss*.
we had an argument about what the house looked like from the outside and i just pulled up google maps for my receipts and proved a bitch wrong.
the weirdo on maple street had a fantastic scene where you can see over the stairs into the kitchen, and finally the layout was confirmed. we were screaming at 1am over this. we are using fucken lamps as reference images, why are we trying to decode the blurry shit behind karens head.
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jewpacabruhs · 2 years
i was rlly rlly enjoying that it felt like s11-esque SP again which, my personal fav seasons are like s6-s12 n around there so i was having a blast and then that ending just. pulled down its pants and projectile-shit all over me. it wasnt bad ig it was just. gross which i mean i'd expect nothing less but. yeah idk this is my way of saying cartman nipples ruined a whole special for me. that being said tho that was. probs my fav special yet? ending aside gkfkf
cartman went back to his roots a bit and i LOVED it (pointing guns at people, correctly deducing a situation like a little genius but then drawing a wildly inaccurate conclusion about it like a little moron, I MISSED HIMM), he even bullied butters into helping him like the good ol days n the cartmanbutterstoken combo like christian rock hard made me SO happy theyre such a good trio. cartman w the two boys who call him by his first name... speaking of i love how token calls him eric even tho he hates him.
i love token sm actually he was so good in this special. hes been rlly good lately in general actually, the one good thing to come out of the weed plot has been the black family (...ahh...) getting more screentime and development. tokens highkey the stan of craig and those guys which rlly Makes the rival weed farm parallel bc theyre both just. the normal ass kids next door dealing w insane bullshit. i LOVED his compassion for the little. chuck chuck creature it reminded me of the goonies and it was cute. cartman scoffing in the background was funny but it was rlly sweet n did remind me a lot of goonies which. childhood nostalgia always good. also im a child and the thing squirt-shitting made me laugh KGFKFK toilet humor will always get me bc im a 8 yr old boy ig
it was cool to have an overarching villain again i do think SP handles narratives with like. Big Bads well? idk i never see it praised but i personally enjoy those plots and i liked how it was done here. tho this is a bit morbid, the, er, conclusion of pipi's story reminded me of that ummmmm verruckt incident in kansas (if u kno u kno; if u dont and u google, sorry) and it made me wince. im sure it wasnt intentional but my macabre lil mind drew the parallel n i cringed fff. but i enjoyed the rest of that story
and oh my goodness it was nice to see south park shit on celebrities again FKFKF like TRULY getting back to its roots. felt like classic sp mockery i loved it a ton
ummm what else. OH RANDY oh my lord. when he went back to normal i was like. holy hell i missed this. tht was nice to have back. modern randy can be plenty funny but he's overwhelmingly annoying and played out and the meta behind his plot made me wonder if m&t agree w that sentiment? ik they started using randy as a mouthpiece for themselves once they hit. 40 or 45 or whatever idk when it started but them acknowledging the weed shit was played out (when previous recent eps had had more of a "haha we know u hate the weed shit and WE DONT CARE LOL!!!" stance) was kewl. ik randy reverted by the end but im hoping maybe smth might carry over. and it was nice to see the marshes being. normal n supportive n smiling again. i dont rmr the last time i saw sharon smile ;( and the sacrifice stan made of letting randy do what he needed to do... he sounded so sad. he'd only jus got his dad back. man i luv stan hhh poor kiddo
the karen shit actually made me laugh i thought it was funny. i don't hav any deep thoughts on it it jus amused me
ummm anything else. oh the fucken. cartmans boobs fkfkf just the boob physics. the way they bounced i was so distracted by them FKDKFK that was cursed but also real af tbh
ok thats all goodbye til more sp content luvs
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stupidmanscamera · 7 months
Oops, Somebody's grumpy! Oh, but you ARE a highschool emo, you see, i KNOW you. I know what you've been through, what you've been. What you've done.
Let that weigh down on you for a moment.
Moment over!!!!!! Do they let you sneak fries out?
... You scare me.
And also yes, depends whose the manager though. Luckily fucken Karen got fired caus' she tried to hit a disabled customer due to "FAKING A DISABILITY" And Rumor has it is that She actually was stealing most of our damn ssalaries but im
So Bob is the new manager and he's pretty chill about that, just need to make sure to tell him before him.
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ladyzubat · 8 months
My father is a male Karen... I have accepted this... Don't mean I FUCKEN like it!
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roguestarsailor · 9 months
I fucken hate couples!!! Am sitting on a quiet bus and literally this couple got on and the girl just keep giggling and laughing loudly and occasionally kissing loudly and djdjdnd ew get that shit out of here!!!! Like he’s not that funny and it’s gross!! It’s like those sounds that are not LOUD but like near your ear type of thing and djdjdndfjdjd I want to Karen about this!!!!!
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