#fuel cell evs
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What a difference 31 years makes juxtaposition of Renault Scénic Concept, 1991 and Renault Scénic Vision Concept 2022. The original Scenic concept previewed the first generation Scenic though the concept bore little resemblance to the production car. The new Scénic Vision Concept is a prototype for production hybrid SUV that will goes on sale in 2024. It will be powered by a front-mounted electric motor producing 215 hp with a range-extender hydrogen fuel cell generating 21 hp. This configuration allows the vehicle to use a battery half the weight for the same range
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If we take a look at the full-year results, it turns out that hydrogen fuel cell car sales decreased in 2022 by 19 percent year-over-year (from a record level of 3,341 in 2021).
In terms of models - all are down year-over-year, and as far as we know, nothing new is coming in 2023.
Sales in 2022:
Toyota Mirai - 2,094 (down 20%)
Hyundai Nexo - 408 (down 5%)
other models - 205 (down 27%)
Total: 2,707 (down 19%)(..)
P.S. Hydrogen fuel cell cars are waste of money and resources:  These vehicles are expensive, overall bad energy efficiency, and lack of refueling infrastructure..., and hydrogen is expensive...
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entertainment-and-you · 4 months
Hydrogen vs. Batteries: Why Lithium Reigns Supreme (for Now) in Electric Vehicles
The dream of clean transportation powered by hydrogen fuel cells seems straightforward: burn clean fuel made from water. However, a closer look reveals significant energy losses throughout the hydrogen life cycle, making it less efficient than lithium-ion batteries, the current leader in electric vehicles (EVs). The Energy Drain of Hydrogen Production: Separating hydrogen from water…
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evcarsinfo · 6 months
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jcmarchi · 6 months
Volvo Software to Reduce EV Battery Charging Time by 30% - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/volvo-software-to-reduce-ev-battery-charging-time-by-30-technology-org/
Volvo Software to Reduce EV Battery Charging Time by 30% - Technology Org
Volvo Cars has made an investment in the UK startup Breathe Battery Technologies, aiming to leverage its battery software to achieve a 30% reduction in charging time for the upcoming generation of electric vehicles (EVs).
A Volvo car – illustrative photo. Image credit: media.volvocars.com.
The exact size of the investment from Volvo Cars Tech Fund, the company’s corporate venture capital arm, has not been disclosed.
Breathe’s technology is expected to be integrated into new Volvo EVs within the next two to three years. The partnership aims to address challenges related to power intake limitations in EVs during rapid charging, providing customers with a more efficient charging experience.
Breathe Battery Technologies’ CEO, Ian Campbell, highlighted that the company’s charging software, based on algorithms, offers enhanced visibility into the health of individual cells within a battery pack. This enables electric vehicles (EVs) to charge at full power while ensuring safety and without altering battery chemistry.
Campbell emphasized that this marks just the beginning of a substantial shift in batteries as they increasingly rely on software-defined solutions.
Faster charging times are crucial in encouraging more customers to adopt EVs. Breathe is also developing software to enhance battery durability and performance, with plans to make it available for EV batteries, aligning with automakers’ priorities in extending battery life.
Written by Vytautas Valinskas
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techdriveplay · 7 months
The Green Revolution: Eco-Friendly Cars and Their Benefits
Eco-friendly cars have emerged not just as a trend but as a necessity to combat environmental challenges and reduce our carbon footprint.
In the 21st century, the automotive industry has seen a significant shift towards sustainability, marking the advent of the green revolution. Eco-friendly cars have emerged not just as a trend but as a necessity to combat environmental challenges and reduce our carbon footprint. This comprehensive guide delves into the world of eco-friendly cars, highlighting their benefits, innovations, and the…
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sw5w · 10 months
Where is Master Anakin?
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:02:51
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japanbizinsider · 1 year
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nrspeculator · 1 year
Will the future of cars be hydrogen or electric?
The future of cars and trucks is evolving rapidly, and the pivotal question remains… As governments worldwide mandate zero emissions, companies are juggling as they try to determine which technology will prevail. At LiquidPiston, we are confident that hydrogen holds great promise, in addition to electric, placing us ahead of the game either way. And hydrogen is not that far away – look who’s…
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zvaigzdelasas · 8 months
Clean energy contributed a record 11.4tn yuan ($1.6tn [USD]) to China’s economy in 2023, accounting for all of the growth in investment and a larger share of economic growth than any other sector. The new sector-by-sector analysis for Carbon Brief, based on official figures, industry data and analyst reports, illustrates the huge surge in investment in Chinese clean energy last year – in particular, the so-called “new three” industries of solar power, electric vehicles (EVs) and batteries. Solar power, along with manufacturing capacity for solar panels, EVs and batteries, were the main focus of China’s clean-energy investments in 2023, the analysis shows.[...]
Clean-energy investment rose 40% year-on-year to 6.3tn yuan ($890bn), with the growth accounting for all of the investment growth across the Chinese economy in 2023.
China’s $890bn investment in clean-energy sectors is almost as large as total global investments in fossil fuel supply in 2023 – and similar to the GDP of Switzerland or Turkey.
Including the value of production, clean-energy sectors contributed 11.4tn yuan ($1.6tn) to the Chinese economy in 2023, up 30% year-on-year.
Clean-energy sectors, as a result, were the largest driver of China’ economic growth overall, accounting for 40% of the expansion of GDP in 2023.[...]
The surge in clean-energy investment comes as China’s real-estate sector shrank for the second year in a row. This shift positions the clean-energy industry as a key part not only of China’s energy and climate efforts, but also of its broader economic and industrial policy.[...]
The growing importance of these new industries gives China a significant economic stake in the global transition to clean-energy technologies.[...]
In total, clean energy made up 13% of the huge volume of investment in fixed assets in China in 2023, up from 9% a year earlier.[...]
The major role that clean energy played in boosting growth in 2023 means the industry is now a key part of China’s wider economic and industrial development.[...]
Solar was the largest contributor to growth in China’s clean-technology economy in 2023. It recorded growth worth a combined 1tn yuan of new investment, goods and services, as its value grew from 1.5tn yuan in 2022 to 2.5tn yuan in 2023, an increase of 63% year-on-year. While China has dominated the manufacturing and installations of solar panels for years, the growth of the industry in 2023 was unprecedented.[...]
An estimated 200GW was added across the country during 2023 as a whole, more than doubling from the record of 87GW set in 2022[...]
China experienced a significant increase in solar product exports in 2023. It exported 56GW of solar wafers, 32GW of cells and 178GW of modules in the first 10 months of the year, up 90%, 72% and 34% year-on-year respectively [...] However, due to falling costs, the export value of these solar products only increased by 3%.
Within the overall export growth there were notable increases in China’s solar exports to countries along the “belt and road”, to southeast Asian nations and to several African countries.[...]
China installed 41GW of wind power capacity in the first 11 months of 2023, an increase of 84% year-on-year in new additions. Some 60GW of onshore wind alone was due to be added across 2023[...]
In addition, offshore wind capacity increased by 6GW across the whole of 2023.[...]
By the end of 2023, the first batch of “clean-energy bases” were expected to have been connected to the grid, contributing to the growth of onshore wind power, particularly in regions such as Inner Mongolia and other northwestern provinces. The second and third batches of clean-energy bases are set to continue driving the growth in onshore wind installations. The market is also being driven by the “repowering” of older windfarms, supported by central government policies promoting the model of replacing smaller, older turbines with larger ones.[...]
Despite technological advancements reducing costs, increases in raw material prices have resulted in lower profit margins compared to the solar industry[...]
China’s production of electric vehicles grew 36% year-on-year in 2023 to reach 9.6m units, a notable 32% of all vehicles produced in the country. The vast majority of [B]EVs produced in China are sold domestically, with sales growing strongly despite the phase-out of purchase subsidies announced in 2020 and completed at the end of 2022.[...]
Sales of [B]EVs made in China reached 9.5m units in 2023, a 38% year-on-year increase. Of this total, 8.3m were sold domestically, accounting for one-third of Chinese vehicle sales overall, while 1.2m [B]EVs were exported, a 78% year-on-year increase.[...]
China’s EV market is highly competitive, with at least 94 brands offering more than 300 models. Domestic brands account for 81% of the EV market, with BYD, Wuling, Chery, Changan and GAC among the top players.[...]
The analysis assumes that EVs accounted for all of the growth in investment in vehicle manufacturing capacity [...] while investment in conventional vehicles was stable[...]
Meanwhile, EV charging infrastructure is expanding rapidly, enabling the growth of the EV market. In 2022, more than 80% of the downtown areas of “first-tier” cities – megacities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou – had installed charging stations, while 65% of the highway service zones nationwide provided charging points.
More than 3m new charging points were put into service during 2023, including 0.93m public and 2.45m private chargers. The accumulated total by November 2023 reached 8.6m charging points.[...]
China is rapidly scaling up electricity storage capacity. This has the potential to significantly reduce China’s reliance on coal- and gas-fired power plants to meet peaks in electricity demand and to facilitate the integration of larger amounts of variable wind and solar power into the grid. The construction of pumped hydro storage capacity increased dramatically in the last year, with capacity under construction reaching 167GW, up from 120GW a year earlier.[...]
Data from Global Energy Monitor identifies another 250GW in pre-construction stages, indicating that there is potential for the current surge in capacity to continue.
Construction of new battery manufacturing capacity was another major driver of investments, estimated at 0.3tn [yuan].[...]
Investment in electrolysers for “green” hydrogen production almost doubled year-on-year in 2023, reaching approximately 90bn yuan, based on estimates for the first half of the year from SWS Research. [...]
China’s ministry of transportation reported that investment in railway construction increased 7% in January–November 2023, implying investment of 0.8tn for the full year. This includes major investments in both passenger and freight transport. Investment in roads fell slightly, while investment in railways overall grew by 22%. The share of freight volumes transported by rail in China has increased from 7.8% in 2017 to 9.2% in 2021, thanks to the rapid development of the railway network. In 2022, some 155,000km of rail lines were in operation, of which 42,000km were high-speed. This is up from 146,000km of which 38,000km were high-speed in 2020.[...]
In 2023, 10 nuclear power units were approved in China, exceeding the anticipated rate of 6-8 units per year set by the China Nuclear Energy Association in 2020 for the second year in a row. There are 77 nuclear power units that are currently operating or under construction in China, the second-largest total in the world. The total yearly investment in 2023 was estimated for this analysis at 87bn yuan, an increase of 45% year-on-year[...]
State Grid, the government-owned operator that runs the majority of the country’s electricity transmission network, has a target to raise inter-provincial power transmission capacity to 300GW by 2025 and 370GW by 2030, from 230GW in 2021. These plans play a major role in enabling the development of clean energy bases in western China. China Electricity Council reported investments in electricity transmission at 0.5tn yuan in 2023, up 8% on year – just ahead of the level targeted by State Grid.[...]
China’s reliance on the clean-technology sectors to drive growth and achieve key economic targets boosts their economic and political importance. It could also support an accelerated energy transition. The massive investment in clean technology manufacturing capacity and exports last year means that China has a major stake in the success of clean energy in the rest of the world and in building up export markets. For example, China’s lead climate negotiator Su Wei recently highlighted that the goal of tripling renewable energy capacity globally, agreed in the COP28 UN climate summit in December, is a major benefit to China’s new energy industry. This will likely also mean that China’s efforts to finance and develop clean energy projects overseas will intensify.
Globally, China’s unprecedented clean-energy manufacturing boom has pushed down prices, with the cost of solar panels falling 42% year-on-year – a dramatic drop even compared to the historical average of around 17% per year, while battery prices fell by an even steeper 50%. This, in turn, has encouraged much faster take-up of clean-energy technologies.[...]
The clean-technology investment boom has provided a new lease of life to China’s investment-led economic model. There are new clean-energy technologies where there is scope for expansion, such as [Hydrogen] electrolysers.
Mind-blowing is the only word for it rly [25 Jan 24]
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What is a favorite fact that you like but feel like you never have a chance to share? More than one favorite is also totally acceptable.
This is a tough one because as soon as I learn a new fact I tell everyone around me that fact repeatedly. Some of my favs:
Our fuel doesn't come from dinosaurs as the internet likes to say but actually mostly fossilized algae and plant matter!
Barnacles may have the largest penis to body size ratio of any animal.
Our mitochondria was actually it's own little organism before "we" (the single celled ancestor of all eukaryotes) swallowed it up and instead of digesting it, put it to use. That's why mitochondria have their own set of DNA. All human mitochondria can in theory be traced back to a "mitochondrial Eve" because we inherited 100% of our mitochondrial DNA from our mother and there is very little recombination compared to the rest of out DNA. There is also a y-chromosome Adam but that's only traceable in much more recent history because of more recombination and mutation, and also because only half the population have y-chromosomes.
Antlers are actually technically a type of cancer! In a simplified way, antlered animals have evolved to use these cancer cells and not be killed by them!
Soap is made from fats! Therefore bodies decomposing in specific cold low oxygen environments actually "turn into" soap in a process called saponification!
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Global plugin vehicle registrations were up 38% in June 2023 compared to June 2022, rising to 1,260,00 units. In the end, plugins represented 19% share of the overall auto market (13% BEV share alone). This means that the global automotive market is firm in the Electric Disruption Zone. 
Full electric vehicles (BEVs) represented 70% of plugin registrations in March, keeping the year-to-date tally also at 70% share.
As a side note, fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) are down 25% year over year (YoY), and if 2023 ends with a drop in fuel cell vehicle sales, it will already be the second year in a row with falling sales. Was 2021 the peak year for fuel cells?…
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
The U.S. Department of Treasury’s gift to electric-vehicle shoppers (and global automakers) for the new year was to make many more EVs and plug-in hybrids eligible for the federal tax subsidy of up to $7,500 — including vehicles built outside North America — as long as drivers lease them or buy used rather than buy new.
EV credits and [rules] took effect Jan. 1.
One category extends the former credit of up to $7,500 for consumers buying new EVs and PHEVs, but it puts new limits on vehicle price and buyer income and will soon add requirements for the sourcing of EV batteries and materials. Additionally, since August [2022], it has required that the vehicles be assembled in North America.
A second is a new credit of up to $4,000 for buyers of used EVs.
A third is a “commercial” credit for businesses acquiring EVs. It offers up to $7,500 for light-duty vehicles (under 14,000 pounds) and up to $40,000 for heavier vehicles. Significantly, the commercial credit does not have the origin, price or other restrictions of the credit for consumer buyers.
On top of all that, the Department of Treasury guidance released at the end of December allows the less restrictive commercial credit to also apply to vehicles leased by consumers; that means most plug-in and fuel-cell EVs currently on the market can qualify, including those built in Europe or Asia. The credit goes to the leasing company — the vehicle owner — but it can be passed to the consumer in the form of lower lease payments.
The new federal rules do not affect state and local subsidies available for EV buyers [which may be able to get you even more savings].
-via Cars.com, January 12, 2023
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thatpodcastkid · 5 months
Magnus Archives Relisten 9, MAG 9, A Father's Love
Julia Montork.
That's it end of post.
Jk jk this is my MAG 9 analysis. Spoilers ahead!
Facts: Statement of Julia Montauk (not Montork) regarding the actions of her father, serial killer Robert Montauk (not Montork). Statement given December 3rd, 2002.
Statement Notes: This episode utilizes two horror tropes that are rather common, but not often seen together. This is a Serial Killer horror story, but also a "Discovering A Family Member" story. Serial Killer stories are self-explanatory, following the vicious actions of a single killer, drawing fear from the nature of their deeds and the fear that anyone could be next. "Discovering A Family Member" is the name I use for horror stories in which someone discovers that someone in their family is a monster, literally or figuratively. Think Mom and Dad or We Need To Talk About Kevin. The combination of these two tropes makes it so the audience witnesses a serial killer story from the inside out. We aren't afraid of who the killer is going to get next because we don't need the other characters. Rather, the fear we feel isn't that of attacked townspeople, but of a child. We are not afraid because we might be attacked, but because the person who's always protected us might be the thing we need protection from.
Something that really stood out to me in this episode is how much Julia expects of her childhood self, repeatedly pointing out things that should have bothered her or made her realize what was happening. Of course, hindsight is twenty-twenty and it's easy to see all the clues after the mystery's been solved, but there was no way for her to know back then. Especially because she was a literal child. This is a very real feeling though. It's common for people to hate or blame their childhood selves for doing things wrong or not knowing enough, even though there's no way for a child be as intelligent or mature as an adult. Julia expresses a very genuine feeling, if not an entirely rational one.
The heartbeat audio at the end of the statement was so incredible. Such a gradual and effective sound. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe this is the first time an outside noise was used to create effect in the series.
Entity Alignment: This is the first Peoples' Church of the Divine Host Mention, and a pretty solid Dark episode, but there's some stuff that doesn't make sense to me.
(Unrelated, but one of these things is the Church's name. We have "The Cult of The LIGHTLESS Flame" and the " Peoples' Church of the DIVINE HOST." One of these groups worships darkness and one of them has a person acting as a spiritual host for all their desires and it's not the ones you think.)
The shed glows when Robert Montauk performs his ritual. For a Dark ceremony, this doesn't really make a lot of sense. The only explanation I can really think of is that this glowing area is somehow "stealing" the light from others. But I don't fully understand how the murders and heart collection truly fuels the Dark. There's probably another aspect that occurs during the tortures Julia sees in the photographs, but I guess we'll never really know.
It's never confirmed that Montauk is a member of the Church, but it is confirmed that at least some of his victims are. Additionally, the light goes out in his cell when he is murdered. I theorize that even if Montauk was a member of the Church, he wasn't killing for the Dark, but rather targeting its members to get revenge for his wife and to protect his daughter. The ritual may offer protective forces against the Dark, which is why the shed glows.
The line that really stuck with me in this episode was "The Darkness was inside." The idea that the darkness isn't an absence of light, but a presence of something else. In a weird, poetic way, Julia foreshadows that the lights going out isn't something that just happens, but fear entering a room.
I also love the use of the Dark as a childhood fear throughout the series. Even in episodes where it attacks adults, many of them still cite feeling like a child again. This is because fear of the Dark is a very primal, instinctual thing engrained in our psyches from the moment we are born. It also makes the stories so relatable. When Julia says she "did as I was told" and went straight to bed, only wandering out to get a drink of water, when the fear crept in, that's something every kid has gone through. It keeps with the recurring fear of the mundane in the Magnus Archives. It's not during the big moments that the fear will get you, but the during the little, everyday ones.
Character Notes: I love Julia. I love her. I think about her all the time. That's it end of post.
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jcmarchi · 9 months
A First Look Inside Li-ion Batteries - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/a-first-look-inside-li-ion-batteries-technology-org/
A First Look Inside Li-ion Batteries - Technology Org
A new technique developed by researchers at McGill and UQAM offers an unprecedented view inside lithium-ion batteries, potentially leading to dramatically faster charging times for EVs, computers, and phones.
Image credit: Isabelle Beaulieu, McGill University.
What if you could charge your electric vehicle in the same amount of time it takes to fill a gas tank?
In a new paper published in Joule, researchers from McGill University and the University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM) announced the development of a novel method that enables researchers to peer inside Li-ion batteries and, for the first time, track the physical processes that take place in both the liquid and solid parts of the battery cells as they happen.
The breakthrough sheds new light on the factors that influence the speed at which Li-ion batteries can be charged or discharged and could lead to fast-charging capabilities in some of the most essential and widely used electronic devices and vehicles, from laptops and cellphones to electric bikes, scooters, and cars.
The research team, led by chemistry professors Janine Mauzeroll at McGill and Steen B. Schougaard at UQAM, in collaboration with the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), used highly concentrated X-rays to look inside Li-ion battery cells and found that the technique succeeded in mapping changes in lithium concentration, in real-time, as the batteries charge or discharge.
“As a Li-ion battery charges or discharges, lithium travels inside the cell in both a liquid electrolyte and a solid active material, and how fast this happens generally depends on how fast the lithium can move from one side of the cell to the other through both these phases,” said Jeremy Dawkins, who worked on the project as a PhD student in Schougaard and Mauzeroll’s labs.
“This work is the first report of a method that can map lithium in both the solution and solid phase of a Li-ion battery during the operation of the battery, allowing us to quantify the performance of a cell at the molecular level.”
It’s a development that could have far-reaching implications, from the highly specialized battery research community to just about anyone who uses an electronic device or vehicle.
“This work is interesting because it provides a substantial new tool for researchers to study Li-ion battery performance, and it opens a lot of doors that were previously closed off,” Dawkins said.
“We hope it will lead to accelerated battery research, for example by obtaining superior electrode architectures much sooner. This could translate to better performance of the batteries we use every day.”
According to the researchers, the project was a COVID-19 success story. Although the McGill and UQAM teams are based in Montreal, the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, where the measurements were made, is in Grenoble, France.
In 2020, when the pandemic hit and governments began implementing travel restrictions, the project was uncertain.
“The Faculties of Science at McGill and UQAM granted key travel exemptions to make these measurements possible,” Mauzeroll said. “Our collaborators at the ESRF in France did everything they could to measure our samples during the peak pandemic years,” Dawkins added. “Through willpower and more than a sprinkle of luck, our limited measurement time ended up being successful.”
Source: McGill University
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silky-silks · 7 months
The Trees
(Im going to respond to my ask soon guys after March 11)
The run for Mario is coming to a close everybody! And as much as I want to continue sadly Mario day is where the finale is revealed. But Im having tons of fun with this, and i have learned a lot of things in theese short span of few days. A part of me wish I knew of Mario day earlier, but enough of my lamenting. Back to story time.
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Uncertain if Nina is truly dead or not, Silky tries to comfort and give everyone hope as Nina might actually be alive. Silky however had no idea just how enrages Eric could get. She turns and see's the blinding rage on Eric's face. She freezes as his glare looks...so similar to someone else she known. (And it's not Bob). She does not know what to do, doesn't even know what to say as for countless times even therapist can soothe his pain. So she sits very still, and hushes everyone in the room (Silky is no expert at this, so take her response to how in Puss in Boots: The last Wish when Perro helped Puss during a panic attack. ) She stays at the calmest expression she can until eventually Eric is able to get pass the anger faze.
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Eventually the air does become a bit calm, and Silky hesitates to hold Eric close to her soft fur, she is grateful he doesnt yank it off. But not that it matters, her fur is not important: Eric is. Her extreme fluff drowns out the sound of the room, as it was all so incredibly "loud" earlier.
At this Time, Patches is trying to process the news and find something to help Bob with, but everything falls apart when Mono hurries out of the observatory. King Boo yells for her to come back but Patches is already at her trail.
The Black Hole
(idea from @22a-girl-from-galaxy22, and it's amazing)
Somehow and in someway, Mono finds a black hole and jumps into it. This is dangerous, incredibly dangerous but by sheer luck she makes it to the other side. Hell Valley, and Patches it as her side.
There they find Nina in a cell, and are overjoyed to know she is alive. But just like Eric, Mono probably should have thought of the escape plan. Nina however is depserate know if her family is okay and is relieved to know Bob and are safe. But hearing of Eric's breakdown broke her heart. However this little reunion is about to end as.....{REDACTED} shows up with a bit of a cosmic drip.
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_it's Ducifer....Mono readies her weapon but they are surronded.
(To be continued tomorrow as soon as possible or probably at midnight)
Whew okay we almost there guys! Man I'm going to miss this little series a bit, but I'm resting after all of this haha..
But some notes yes, Ducifer is the bad guy because everybody loves Ducifer! (Did I say that right?) Hopefully he is able to survive the wrath of Silky when she gets there.
Nina originally was going to look petrified but i made her angry. Already having met this dude some time ago, and now seeing him back with him trying to kill mono, herself, patches, and is the main cause for all of this pain fuels her with anger.
I dont know much about PTSD so i had to tread very lightly with it as i did not want to end up making something very offensive. Hence why i reframed from Silky doing a whole "Oh let me hug and talk to you" as I know in some cases, talking and hugging can be one terrible thing for some folks.
And finally Patches is horrified of Hell Valley trees. I mean look at those things, if her friends were there they would be fighting like hell cats. Anyway, im going to eat some food, and prepare for the finale!
Patches Bashful belongs to @eve-pie
Eric Velseb @night-light-artz
Mono and Ducifer @22a-girl-from-galaxy22
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