#fuk gender
crazy-so-na-sega · 1 year
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(NON) andate in pace. (cit)
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lazirayxi · 1 year
Animaniacs s3 spoilers ahead!!!!
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Fruity ahh rodents ‼️
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iwasbored777 · 2 years
When someone tells me Lila and Félix are nothing alike:
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dothwrites · 1 year
I had this interesting thought the other day that Dean might just as well be pan. I think as long as he's having fun, the other person is having fun, bonus for sexy rules, he's up for anything and anyone. Thoughts? (maybe you don't differentiate bi from pan, and that is valid too)
for whatever reason, this reminds me of a conversation i had with my mother about a week ago where she, apropos of nothing, looked me dead in the eye and said "i don't think you're gay; i think you're bi" in front of my elderly father, who immediately said "I NEED TO WATCH GUNSMOKE" loudly and clearly, to let us know that he wanted to change the subject
i will firmly admit that the labels between bisexual and pansexual are admittedly difficult to discern (i have not been able to do so) and i have identified as both throughout my time. i DO headcanon dean as a generous lover, no matter who he is with, and an appreciator of the human form in all facets. (i also headcanon that dean eats pussy like a fucking CHAMP, so do with that what you will). i also agree that he is very much a "as long as everyone's having fun who cares" kind of guy. i don't think he ever labels himself. if he does, he does so in an "i like the person, not the genitalia" kind of way.
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scemogirl · 8 months
gender stuffz is so stupid as a system RAAHHHHGGHH!!!! !!!!&
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xxtwelvii · 2 years
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*y/n-ifies your batim*
here ya go nerds doodles that ii dont really like lmaoo
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faindri · 1 year
if my dad ever finds out im trans im gonna tell him it's his fault bc 1) he's a shitty dad but 2) he tried to raise me like a son anyway and failed miserably bc he just made me cry a lot LMAO
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chibifox2002 · 2 years
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For some reason a ponytail has made me feel more confident than I have ever felt for the past couple weeks
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Blood in the sink, fuck what you think, You don't even know my name, what you know about me? (!!!!!!!) You can't see a thing but I know these things, And they creep in the dark tryna pull my strings. (!!!!! <3333) One-one life, don't live too cautious. Woke up to your text now I'm nauseous. Three strikes, our trust, we lost it. .45 to my head then I pop it (fuck) (!!!!!!!! <33333 :]]])
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da-ambivertartist · 3 months
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Harper Callaghan 💔
"Haiiii! X3 waves rapidly I was in the middle of re-dying mai hair, why'd you have to barge in >:( !! Now I have to start all over you fukking moron stabs 300 times Oops XP Now I gotta hide da body in my taco-mobile X3c" -Harper
Pronouns & Gender: Trans Demi-Girl. She/They/It
BDay: April 11th (Aries)
Ethnicity: Irish/British
Weight & Height: 5'4 and 101 lbs
Age: 18
Many call Harper a human anomaly, Although she sees herself as the embodiment of the internet scene girl, she's pretty nihilistic towards everyone she meets. Sometimes her internet personality seeps into her real life and when the two mix; that's when she really becomes unpredictable.
At night, Harper plays a character called "Envy" in a band called "The Soul's Final Pulse". The band's music is an exploration of the 7 deadly sins and subversion of expectation of what you'd expect the band to be. 'Envy' plays the electric guitar and sings the main vocals.
Harper's band is not only a creative outlet for her, but it also serves a second purpose. Harper comes from a family of music producers. For a couple of years, they've been secretly buying out indie bands and muddying their vision the moment they hit studios. Harper's band is a calling for other stage artists to rebel against corporate conformity. Harper also believes this band could be a warning to her family's reign in the music industry.
Harper's hobbies:
💔 DJ-ing. At first, she picked up this hobby mainly for side money, but she started to become genuinely passionate about it.
💔 Painting. Harper picked up painting for her album covers. She does Finger-painting and Acrylic Pours.
💔 Ballet. Her childhood dream was to become a ballet dancer, to this day, she dances during her shows as 'Envy'.
💔 Nail Art. One of her favorite pass times is having Nail Nite while watching shitty soap opera's with Valerian.
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MLP HARPER >:333333
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crazy-so-na-sega · 1 year
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alexoreality · 2 years
Me: Watched Prince of Tennis.
Others: Oh a tennis anime??
Me: Yeah, still haven't finished it but...
Others: I'm listening??
Me: What would you say to an AU where Ryoma's a girl disguised as a boy because her experience of tennis in America overrided her mind set where 'only boys can freely play tennis' and those arrogant bastards insulted fem! Ryoma's dad too so she beat the fuk out of them in a match. Then they get revenge by forcefully cutting her hair off, like really violently to the point she get cuts on her head and now she's traumatized and won't let anyone touch her head and that's why she wears caps.
Seigaku finds out her real gender and takes them by surprise and horror when she practically begs them to not kick her out.
Echizen Ryoma was afraid of doing her own tennis.
That's why.
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catherine-sketches · 2 years
The Aegon II that lives in my mind (the one that is NOT a rapist, living his hedonistic Dionysian life of party, food, sex, and wine to cope with his feelings of inadequacy) has being ping ponging on my thoughts for some time now and tonight, as I put my Crack Ship Goggles™️ on, I came up with an idea.
You see, Aegon and Rhaenyra are supposed to be foils of one another. Both having their fate dictated by their gender were one is denied the crown they want because they are a woman and the other having the crown forced upon them, even when they explicitly said they don’t want it, because they are a man.
So I thought “you know what would be really ironic?”
What if a similar situation happened, of a Kingsguard and a Royal having a night of passion. Of the Kingsguard listening as the Royal complains about their lack of choice. What if the Kingsguard ask the Royal to run with him, to Essos, far away from the pressures of court.
But now the answer is a resonant “YES”
This is all to say that my brain found a way to ship Ser Erryk x Aegon with a speed bordering the inhuman.
Imagine episode 9, where Otto can’t find neither Aegon OR Erryk to go after Aegon. Ser Arryk has no idea were his brother is, Aemond and Criston can’t find him anywhere and by the time any of them thinks about going to the dragon pit, Aegon, Erryk and Sunfyre are already hours gone.
Maybe they go to Dragonstone in their way to give Rhaenyra Blackfyre and tell her what the fuck is going on the capital. Aegon will ask her to have mercy on his siblings and on the children; Nyra can be really confused because “why da fuk would I start my reign with kinslaying who told you that?”; Ser Erryk is a Black Supporter so they may stay in Dragonstone to help Nyra and Dae Dae wreck house and clean shop.
The sight of Aegon supporting Nyra’s claim is going to wreck so much of the Green plans you cannot believe. At some point Aegon probably gives Aemond his blessing to be with Haelena since she will be a widow when he goes and “““““dies””””” in Essos “the children are already yours, now you just make it official” (because I’m a Healena’s kids are Aemond’s trueter) the Dance ends before it truly begins and the gays once again live happily ever after in Essos
….. Should I write this?
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beeceit · 1 year
So far for the gender squad Blue- transmasc Leo- transmasc (secret) Splinter- trans man Baron Draxum- gender fell into the ooze Casey Jr- transmasc Casey Sr- Lesbian (yes, lesbian can be and is a gender) Orange- I don't get paid enough for gender Mikey- Wait, you guys have feelings about gender? Donnie- Purple Purple- Purple the sequel: cowboy (gender neutral) Red- Dude we're in the middle of an apocalypse, no one has time for gender thoughts Raph- Thinks 'wow, I wanna be her' about literally every female character he gets attached to (has not put 2 and 2 together) Usagi- no, samurai is not a gender (yes it is fuk u)
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mizusjawline · 3 days
Let 👏Girls👏 Experiment 👏Freely👏With👏Their👏 Feminity👏
Let girls wear makeup
Or not
Let girls dress feminine
Or not
Let girls wear pink
Or black or blue or red or purple or whatever fukking colour we want to wear
Let girls choose which gender roles they'd like to conform to
And which gender roles not
Let us do all these things without ridiculing us, patronising us, without making hypocritical statements like "you look better without makeup on"
Forcing femininity on us is misogynistic
But taking femininity away from us is also misogynistic
Let girls experiment freely with their feminity. And provide us with a safe space to do so
(radfems and terfs DNI)
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muz-s-kompasem · 1 year
Tedy. Vidím, že jdu s křížkem na zmrtvýchvstání, ovšem viděla jsem Tajemství staré bambitky 1 a hodlám vám všem nacpat svůj názor.
Frit a Hedvika
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Hedvika a Frit jsou totálně dva asexuálové. Oba vzdali myšlenku, že by někdy mohli najít lásku, která je nebude pořád jen otlapkávat a teď si tak kolem sebe žijí a pomalu přicházejí na to, že jsou na tom vlastně stejně a že by přecejenom romantická asexuální láska mohla fungovat... Uznávám, že tohle je hodně volání do prázdna po jenom kapce reprezentace. (Ne? Pěkně prosím?) Ale. On jí dal prvně pusu, načež oba začli myslet na jídlo?
2. Libuše
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Nic, to jen proto že mě osobně anarcho-lesbická teta Libuše trochu zasáhla.
3. Anička
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Pojďme hovořit o Aniččině genderu. Spíš než trans nebo fluid bych tvrdila že je nebinární. To že jí narostla prsa jí sice překvapilo, ale neurazilo. Do mužského oblečení se převlékla bez větších emocí, nijak se nepozastavila nad tím, jak strasně jí to sekne, natož že by v něm konečně našla gender. Koneckonců v písničce Holka nebo kluk uznává, že je to asi fuk, páč obojí je jí stejně cizí. A ne že by kterákoliv z možností pansexuálního troubu Jakuba zaskočila...
Kudykoliv, tohle jsou všechny reálný fakty, co jsem měla na srdíčku k prvnímu dílu. Tady jsou dva gay páry pro lepší den:
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