#fulfillment companies arent
nori-the-cat · 2 months
hii is hanni and anton dating or have they dated before?
shaking my head rn LMAO. you're one nosy anon, arent ya? *chuckle*
Remember anon. Tarot readings should be taken with a grain of salt.
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Q. Did RIIZE Anton and NewJean Hanni date?
cards pulled: strength, page of wands, the sun, ten of swords rx, and the magician
They’re lowkey pretty chill about it. They were okay too with me posting this. But my spirit guide is a bit cautious. So, I’ve decided to post this as a secret reading.
They had a strong bond. The bond they had reminds me of teenagers in love. They were both young, naive, and full of life. It feels like puppy love.
They also enjoyed each other's company. It was a happy and fulfilling one. However, their connection had to end. Something happened and it caused them to fall out. The fallout caused pain to both of them. They tried to move on from the situation and started focusing on themself. Now, they both have moved on from each other happily.
So, no. They didn't date or were in a relationship.
Q. Did RIIZE Anton use to like NewJeans Hanni?
cards pulled: 4 of cups rx, the star rx, page of pentacles rx, 7 of wands, and ace of swords
OKAY, Anton. LMAO. He was okay with me doing the tarot reading and was okay with me posting it. He’s like “Meh”.
He did like Hanni. He had feelings of interest and attraction towards her. But, there were moments of doubt and uncertainty. Although his feelings might have been mixed and were evolving over time. He liked her.
The 4oC in reverse here illustrate a situation where he liked someone else while he was crushing on Hanni. He started to develop feelings for someone else amid his own uncertainty. So, he was probably unsure of pursuing Hanni.
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d4rkpluto · 4 months
in my experiences a lot of young women seem to pick and choose other women who they deem either too weird to like them or they pick something to dislike them for and then avoid interacting with that person. its like you can have "friends" but they still wont feel legimate. for example in school one of these "friends" was more boy obsessed and another took my friends away, made them her own friends so i think the concept of friends is bogus.
i should be able to be happy in my own company but so many times i keep yearning for a close connection however it never comes. i dont feel comfortable with my own generation if i wasnt doing something that other girls were doing in school they singled me out or made fun of me for no good reason. now i stop relying on other women for friendships cause they never seem to last long enough. i could join groups but people my age are rarely there cause they have their own life or theyre past the point of needing activity based groups sorry for rambling but the topic of friends in general is a load of bs and lies.
every other person seems to have something special about them that means they can make more friends regardless of what they doing in their life, its not the case for everyone though and i think people who are pretty attracyive or handsome or popular they dont get what its like on the other end of the social ladder. idk why society make it so hard in general either. like every little thing has dozens of steps that u need to fulfill in order to fit in with the rest of the people.
sorry for rambling but yeah i dont know why women arent exactly too supportive these days of other women.
sorry for the late response, and reading the first paragraph and thats so true, i've seen it happen around me when i was younger. i also yearn for a close connection with, specifically with a best friend [moon in 11h girlie] and i never seem to get it
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and it is okay for rambling here, your comments are valid as you can see the issue people within friendship groups have.
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gwagwagwagoogoo · 1 year
Beastars AU time hi. Sulemio beastars
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(yes im using their canonical school outfits but they arent in space, theyre on earth and there isn't any space conflict but THERE is still cooperate clashes.) Asticassia is the name of the school as opposed to Cherryton, well known for recruiting the world's most famous Beastars, it's pretigious Suletta transfered to school finally, after being deprived of an education for years. (Though it's unknowingly to be Prospera's pawn, to be groomed into the Beastars position, to give Prospera power for her vengeance) Asticassia keeps a few things, the main funder of the school is a snow leopard by the name of Delling Rembran. And considering he has massive influence due ot keeping the school alive, and formerly being a Beastar himself - he can decide the school's rules and has massive political influence. Fights between carnivores are encouraged, in these little duels, to see who could prevail upon top and also to settle matches. Herbivores are rarely allowed to partipcate in these duels, as it could lead to an increase of herbivore predation (and also it's believed that they cannot handle the fighting conditions and are seen as 'lesser' and 'weak').
Delling's support of the dueling system is that every animal must embrace being an animal, and conquer that insticintual part of them, to show true and utter restraint. RAAH REJECT MODERNITY BE ANIMALS RAAAH. It's still a very odd and weird system regardless. Delling is a Sublime Beastar himself so yknow. MEGA loser L
Miorine is the daughter of Delling, and is also a hybrid. Her late mother, Notrette Rembran, was an arctic hare. Miorine looks more snow leopard, but she has these subtle herbivore features (duller teeth, duller claws, softer eyes, shorter tail, taller ears) that make it obvious to others that she is simply not the same as them. Especially to her father, she feels like a complete object. It annoys her, she's not taken seriously by either Herbivores or Carnivores. So she pushes others away, focusses solely on herself because there is no one else to distrubte her focus to. Carnivores will only see the prey in her, and herbivores will only see the predator in her. So why waste her time? Instead, she wanted to escape this school and run away from the Rembran name completely. Try to find solace, live a simpler life.
And she was going to, until Suletta Mercury came upon the scene. MIorine had tried to escape the facility of the school, one day, by crawling out her window and sliding along the sides of the wall. Perfect, dangerous, subtle explain plan. If Suletta had no noticed someone up so high, in such a dangerous place-- and not sprung into action. Somehow managing to 'save' Miorine- and MIorine was livid! Unfortnately school staff caught hold of their ruckus, and escorted them into their dorms.
Suletta's never been to any type of school before, she's been with her Mother as long as she could remember. Just her Mother. But she's excited! Excited to prove herself-- but so nervous at the same time. Absolutely terrified of the unknown... but if you run, you gain one. If you move forward, you gain two! She tried to keep that moto, to keep herself motivated. Aforementioned mother being Prospera Mercury, owner of a small yet rather high-ranking company. Prospera Mercury has... slight ulterior motives. Other than fulfilling her daughter's wishes. Being a Beastar, it holds such unpresented power. A title that solidifes a leader, unites herbivores and carnivores together. It wasn't her intention fully at first, but when the oppurinity arised and Suletta was simply at the right time and place. She couldn't help her investment.
and as you can guess. Being titled a 'young beastar' is a bit differently than in the original series, you gotta DUEL FOR IT BITCH!!!!! For the chance of position
The former holder of potenital 'Young Beastar' was Guel, until Suletta came in and kicked his ass!! For Miorine! And as per Dellings little set you, you'll never guess what being 'Young Beastar' also meant. LOL get ENGAGED LOSER!!!
SULEMIO TURBULENCE. I TELL YOU. i'll get more into the sulemio insanity but i had to establish the SETTING FOR MY AU LIKE A COMPLETE FREAK.
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Species List thus far:
Suletta - Racoon Dog/Bernese Mountain Dog
Miorine - Snow Leopard/Arctic Fox
Prospera - Bernese Mountain Dog
Delling - Snow Leopard
Guel and Lauda - Lion
Shaddiq - Leopard/Aubrac Cow (Hides being a hybrid)
Nika - Eastern Bluebird
Chuchu - Toy poodle/Flamingo (do not let her around shrimp)
Martin - European Hare
Nuno - Bulldog
Ojelo - Bighorn Ram
Till - Roe Deer
Aliya - Kiko goat
Lilique - Syrian Hamster
(if you wanna know about a specific gwitch character's species pls ask me about it!! ask abt my AU in general it makes me soo happy :sob:)
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i-sveikata · 2 months
I don't want to ask about the next chapter date, but I really liked when you'd talk about future chapters here, even when it was just mentioning the percentage of writing done or any small detail. So, if you don't mind and enjoy answering questions about it, what was you favorite scene to write and the most difficult one? Anything funny/interesting about it or the writing process? Have you decided where you want the next chapter to end? Was there a scene you weren't really looking forward to writing, but it needed to happen for the sake of the plot? I hope this isn't too spoiler-y, it can be as vague as you like! Hope you have a great day ✨️
hi anon! ha thats great cause i dont know it!
totally happy to talk about the chapter! lmao i got no idea about percentage done only that (as always) the chap is likely to end up longer than i expected ahhahahaahahah.
ive been writing a lot of smut scenes so most of the overall vibe of the chap has been pretty horny lol. its always a different experience writing sex scenes because youre trying to fit a lot of working parts together like what are the main emotions being conveyed? is it sexy and sensual? is it raw and messy and violently passionate? and then there's all the practical considerations like where are their hands at? who took pants off first? did you remember to remove the socks? are they actually in the kind of position that would be physically impossible in real life? lmao. i find the most important part is making a sex scene believable because youre not going to get a reaction from an audience who doesnt believe in it. and if its not believable then even that has its own function and is fulfilling some kind of narrative purpose in the moment to underlay an unaddressed tension. it feels like there are a lot of layers to the characters in this fic and honestly that comes across into the sex too!!
so in this chap they're in a very interesting new dynamic now where pete has been the one sort of chasing Vegas (and it kind of blew up in his face a little) like sure he's admitted to being angry but he hasn't quite admitted to what that did to his trust in vegas. pete offering himself to vegas was a BIG deal and vegas running off anyway was a deep cut to pete (even if vegas also gave him the ring). and that hasn't been sufficiently addressed as yet- so pete is already falling back into old habits of being a little more guarded with himself again. and vegas is such an emotional mess at the moment he's trying to deepen their intimacy as much as he can. he wants to feel close to pete but hes at least self aware enough about his chances for that which is why hes so intent in doing it through physical means (sex and bodily intimacy). i think vegas is very sensitive to any changes to petes behaviour around him so its not going to take very long for him to pick up theres something affecting the previous easy comfort they were finding in each others company before the coup. which is also why hes coming on a lot stronger in the sense of being possessive of pete and his time around people who arent a threat to him (i.e his brother and pete's family) and then being openly hostile to people who have some kind of claim to pete (like his childhood friend poom who isnt romantically interested in pete). basically vegas is feeling insecure of their relationship just as pete is feeling a little insecure about his ability to trust vegas- they're just showing the effects of this in different ways!! (well pete isnt quite showing it as yet but he will)
hmm favourite scene atm is their messy bathroom hook up tbh it is really off the wall for them. i wouldnt say theres an especially difficult scene- i dont normally view writing like that but i have been reworking a lot of that bathroom scene because its actually going to include both POVs and ive been trying to figure out the best place for that POV shift to transition (but i think i've finally decided on a point that im satisfied with). for scenes im interested in most i tend to write those first and then build on them long enough that they end up linking together with other scenes into a comprehensive storyline so there's not really scenes i'm not looking forward to writing if that makes sense? theres obvs like the research details which i end up having to search for but i usually put in placeholders so it doesnt affect the flow of the writing whilst im doing it. i guess for your question then that it would just be the scenes that i get to last? but that doesnt necessarily mean i dont like them or arent interested in them or don't want to write them. it's weirdly a lot less conscious decision making in regards to that. im mostly just filling in scenes that i havent written yet at the moment. i usually like the ideas i come up with for the sake of the plot so there's really not that much reluctance in those plot decisions tbh!! like i came up with a connection/ backstory to the minor family/ main family rings which tankhun is planning to use to his advantage (and get petes help to do so) and it ended up tying in really well with the characterisations of Mr Korn and Mr Kan so that it slotted very neatly (imo) into the fic! i dont mind being too spoilery if people don't mind being spoiled!! but i know ppl have different standards for that so it's better (and sometimes more fun!) to be a bit vague.
thanks for the questions!! it was great to think about. hope you have a great day too! :)
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skuthus · 2 years
Products I love
Seldom do you find an item or service that works so well, you don’t need to get another one. It’s a rarity these days to find anything of permanence, and it seems the concept itself has been eschewed by consumers and capitalists alike, both preferring a model of impermanent, infinite upgrades to a be all, end all product that lasts a lifetime.
However, for me, ownership matters. Being able to keep and reuse something without having to reactivate or repurchase it is essential to how I interact with the world around me. I find great pleasure in mastering an object, learning every way it can and cant be used, and once understood, using it like an extension of myself.
Many companies have spent lots of money convincing consumers that long-term ownership is antithetical to being wealthy, fulfilled, and productive. They of course have a vested interest in this position: If they can convince you they are right, they succeed in duping you into spending a lot more money on the latest products, or attaching yourself to an upgrade cycle that keeps you invested in their ecosystem, on their terms.
Their commitment to this position goes deeper and can be even more sinister. Some companies will even design their products with timed obsolescence, either with hardware that wears out or fails (batteries, backlights), with hardware checks or verifications (touchID buttons, processors) or most immorally, with software locks, like the inability to upgrade the product or inability to install a different OS.
If you think they do this for your benefit, you are a fool. Many arguments could be made: “the battery becomes dangerous after a certain amount of time”. Maybe so, but then why did the company *glue* the battery into the phone, and why isnt it easily replacable? “TouchID security has improved, its insecure to use a phone with the old system” Okay, but then why isn’t the consumer given the option to boot the phone with a different OS to use in a way that security isnt a factor? Such as a webcam or door bell or any number of infinite uses the phone still has. “We prevent the computer from being reused if its owner has not removed activation lock, rendering it into a brick” Sure, it might deter theft for now, but what about 10 years from now, when it sits in a closet, activation code and login long forgotten, and ends up at the local donation center? Will it never be reused again? all that goes into the trash?
I reject the notion that the company knows better than I do what to do with the product I purchased. I reject that I should essentially shackle myself to a product ecosystem for my own protection, and that I am somehow incapable of operating without the hand holding of some mega corporation who thinks of me as a number. I reject the condescending, hostile attitude companies have towards me, which makes them think kneecapping a products capabilities is in any way appropriate.
With all that being said, there is hope. Not all companies are as hostile towards users, though you still shouldn’t trust them farther than you can throw them. There are diamonds in the rough, that purposefully make products that last a lifetime, and treat their customers with the dignity and respect a paying patron deserves. Here is a small list of products I swear by, why I trust them, and how I use them.
1. Casio/G-Shock - I have owned Casio watches my whole life, some as long as 20 years. Between the two, G-shock has the more ‘lifetime resilient’ products, but standard Casio watches are so damn affordable, its impossible to fault them even if they arent as resistant to water or ballistic damage. Even their entry level watch, the F-91W, boasts 30m of water resistance, and is used by CEO’s and terrorists alike. Unbeatable for ~$10.
2. Leatherman - Leatherman tools have been a staple for tinkerers and handymen for 40 years. The tools they make are hyper functional, affordable, sturdy, and have a lifetime guarantee. For ~$100 you can get a tool that you will never replace, never break, and never regret. Any leatherman will do.
3. Gerber Shard. It’s $7, sits on my keys, and never fails to open boxes. I dont even think about it. It can go on the plane. It’s perfection.
4. Nintendo DSi - Probably not the nintendo product you expected to see on this list, but hear me out. The DSi is cheap (~$70 these days), its hackable, its very durable, and it can play GB, GBC, GBA, DS, DSi, and NES games with ease. The over/under on usability to price is insane. Get one, hack it, never get another one.
5. Kindle/Kobo - Whichever you choose, if you get the newer waterproof variants, you wont be disappointed. This is essentially a single use product, but it does that thing perfectly. Carrying my entire life of reading in my bag, to be accessible whenever I have a few minutes, is sublime. The screen, if you can call it that, looks like paper and once you get used to it, is superior to a book due to the backlight. If I died tomorrow, you would find this somewhere on my person.
6. Logitech Keyboard. Doesn’t matter the model, but choose carefully. The one you buy will literally never break. I have a K120 I bought in 2010, because it was $8 and I needed a starter keyboard. I used it until 2015, at which point I brought it to work, where it stayed in use until 2019, where it now sits in a box as a backup keyboard. It has far exceeded 10 million keystrokes and shows no sign of wear. It will outlive me.
7. Thinkpad X200/s - Thinkpad’s early ought compact server laptops remained a standard for infrastructure workers for a decade, which means companies around the world purchased millions of them. I purchased mine from a failed accounting firm in 2011 for $50. I upgraded the RAM and hard drive, disassembled the machine for cleaning, and rebuilt it completely in about an hour. To this day it powers on, works quickly, and runs modern operating systems. The resolution of the screen is 1600x900, which is more than enough to feel modern. Computers are often thought of as not being future proof, but Thinkpads prove that this is only true if the company building them doesnt give a damn.
8. Minaal Carry On Travel Bag. This one is on the expensive side (~$300) but I have never had a better experience with a product. Fits in carry on, carries 14 days of clothes and a laptop/tablet/ebook. Zips open like a suitcase, for packability. Comes with a rain jacket for the bag. Has a lifetime warranty, but is so incredibly durable that you probably wont need to replace anything other than the zipper pulls. I use it for every trip I have taken since purchased in 2013, and I will never stop using it.
9. Fisher space pen. The only pen I own, and it stays strapped in my bag for the occasional use. It was $15, is small, all black, and indestructible. Has a nice patina after years of sliding in and out of a bag. Ink is replaceable and cheap.
10. Doc Martens. These boots are legendary, hardly worth mentioning due to their absolute ubiquity. You probably already own a pair. If you don’t, get one. They are perfect, indestructible, fashionable, and affordable. Forget about Red Wing, forget about Timberland. This is all you need.
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taki118 · 10 months
Soooooo Wish is a story about IP right?
Like i saw a clip for Disney's new movie and I was like "They arent seriously doing this are they?" and then I read the wikipedia page and was "Oh yeah that is def what they are doing."
In the clip MC Asha is talking to the King in the room he keeps the unanswered wishes, his vault if you will. He says these wishes won't be good for the city but Asha argues that now they can't even fulfill the wishes on their own and the king is like well they wouldnt even have the resources to do it I'm doing them a favor and like you get what i'm saying right?
Replace Wishes with movie/show ideas and kingdom with company and you got a pretty 1:1 allegory for content creation with a large company.
And like on paper this makes sense for the company's big 100th anniversary movie as the tag line to disney has been about making dreams come true but.......its insanely hypocritical when you know like ANYTHING about Disney's IP hoarding tendencies.
Like this movie can only end one of two ways either they're like "You know the king is kinda right not all wishes should be granted" or "We've freed the wishes now You can fulfill them on your own!" Which is what's more likely to happen and we stick with the allegory this would be a pro indie production/public domain movie wouldn't it? for a company that hoards IPs that their creators want just cause they'd rather let it rot than let it possible make money somewhere else.
Its like hey Disney why don't you follow your movie and
Let Dana Terrace have the Owl House back so she can contiue the story
Give Daron Nefcy Star Vs so she can do it without studio interference
Let Sting release the music he did for Kingdom of the Sun that you nearly drove him insane over
Why don't you let Pixar go since you don't seem to really care
Why don't you let the literal 100s of pitches you picked up dropped go so their creators and pitch it elsewhere
And this is just my passive notes but i know theres more of this nonsense they've done, I think the only studio that would be hypocritical were they to produce this would be WB and that says a lot.
But hey maybe i'm wrong....I don't think i am but maybe we'll see how this ages.
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kozykricket · 3 months
knight ramblings
alright so, im watching this video on how theres not only one knight, and going in im like. YEAYEA everyone is "the knight" for their own reason... and im only 3 minutes in and. well, the stuff talked about gets me thinking, and i pause at 3:27-ish and... i comment this: oh my god its gonna be the WILL of the knight is probably the only thing they know. she was GUESSING based off the knights ACTIONS of creating a dark fountain (and thus their will, their desire to delve into fiction) ...that they want more. that they desperately need even more escapism taken literally, this is a computer seeing someone reach out to them as a form of escapism and being like "this person WANTS to spend ALL of their lifetime enveloped in fiction." aka they must clearly want the world enveloped in darkness... heck maybe the will of the knight ends up... having the knights desires be given to the darkners, and their desire is . that theyre sick of the light world and the way it treats them. that they subconsciously DO want the roaring, even if they dont know its the roaring. they want more fantasy
and also... re-reading queens monologue during her fight... (also thanks to the video) soon the world will be covered in darkness... and then no one will have to suffer THATS OKAY YES I KNOW ITS VERY OBVIOUS WE ALREADY KNEW DELTARUNE WAS PLAYING WITH ESCAPISM AND FICTION BUT LIKE GOD "NO ONE WILL HAVE TO SUFFER" is SO on the nose how didnt i think of that its. when you just step back and look at the narrative as "this is toby tryna tell a story about how fiction can be great, but it can be dangerous to just get absorbed solely in the world of fiction." "also hey what if the fiction you get absorbed in... was sentient and actually believes you want or need more, to stop your suffering..." like honestly. thats a more innocent take on the messed up way tech companies design social media. like. oh, you need MORE distractions to be fed your way... so that you need not suffer. we will bring you all the comfort of never having to face the real world.
these are all just.. toys, games, and other things, that see our desire to escape from the real world using them... and who will gladly accept that role. but end up tryna take it too far when they try to fulfill our subconscious desires to stay enveloped in fiction. one can argue that since King doesn't believe in serving lightners, this falls apart... but still, maybe he... sees the knight as a Special lightner, and . thinks that the other lightners are those who dont want to "play" who just want to cast them all away. and THATS why hes against serving them. because he thinks if hes just a temporary escape for them (one to be thrown away when we're done with him, like a card game) ...then well, ofc he doesnt trust lightners. but someone who wants to just... not live in reality, and live in a world like the card kingdom forever? that'd be someone he'd appreciate, and gladly try to help. even if they didnt TELL him that they *wanted* that... maybe its just a thought they, again, subconsciously have and queen takes it in a more innocent way where shes just like oh dam yea lightners r all kinda sad arent they. hm. and hm im gonna continue watching the video, even though they're kinda getting onto a different point about the knight(s) involving how... the king and queen knew each other. hmmm. dont entirely agree? but i still think there are multiple knights, for plenty of reasons. i just think the "agenda to cover the world in darkness" and the name "roaring knight" just come from the will of a lightner who crave escapism. though ...admittedly THAT truly falls apart when you consider queen didnt know what the roaring was. yet still calls them the roaring knight. why would she call them that, unless they specifically called themselves the roaring knight? edit: upon further watching the video, i dont really agree with who they think the knights are exactly... the reasoning feels fairly off however yes alvin will definitely be making a fountain lol i do think its very plausible noelle was the knight in ch2!! if we ignore the uh, knight calling themselves the roaring knight.. but like, i think its REALLY funny to envision. noelle. doesnt know what a dark world even is. but shes just really determined to ... take a break from the stresses of home life. wants to stay at the library. and in some frustration at a question on her homework, she stabs her pencil onto the table. and opens up a fountain. and then berdly and noelle just both kinda forget wtf happened
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dballzposting · 2 years
I think I'm too tired to properly spin this yarn but
Well Chichi is a heterosexual woman.
She is a woman who wants very much to live traditionally and love loyally. Her satisfaction from life stems from having a stable lifelong partner and from being the matriarch of her own family.
She is also, perhaps predictably, a very romantic person. Shes predisposed to it, jumping on it when it enters her worldview, and as a kid, she becomes committed to Son Goku.
She was very upset when he didnt play the romance game with her, and continues to be upset when he isnt the present family man that she needs him to be.
So. Becasue of all of this, you would not consider her a candidate for a romantic triste (that may be the wrong word but I mean, like, an affair). And yeah, true! She just wants to be loyal, and for her mate to be worthwhile, god damnit! It's the taurus in her!
But listen. She is a very traditional and high-strung woman. And theres this phenomenon where people who follow very strict rules may break strange ones, becasue everyone breaks them every once in a while, and if everything is a big deal to you, then you lose sight of what REALLY shouldnt be broken.
And Chichi, yknow, we all know her, yknow? Shes romantic. Shes strong and forceful. Shes a consummate lover, man, I feel like she just really needs that emotional and physcial satisfaction, yknow? Of course it all happens in the privacy of the home of the married couple because THATS PROPER ! And that's how she wants it to be.
But listen, man, ms Chichi? She's a little off her rocker, yknow?
Hey, listen. I do believe that Ms Chichi is heterosexual. But in a lifestyle that does little to develop base pursuits, sexuality means nothing. Who cares what you feel about whom. All that matters is that you find yourself in the family structure that you need to have, with a partner who can help make it happen. Those feelings of physcial attraction - while are nice to feel and to have satisfied - arent a prerequisite to the stability and fulfillment she would get by a life partner whom she likes well enough otherwise to make her happy and fill her needs. My point is that it's like 1950s USA all up in her shit and sex is an underdeveloped reality, unexplored and underappreciated for its versatility and nuance. Therefore, it holds almost no bearing over her practical mind.
But make no mistake - our Venus-in-Taurus Chichi is a strong and physical woman who does need some lovings from time to time.
LISTEN, OKAY? You may feel that what I am about to say is contradictory but hear me out.
If Ms Chichi got hit on by a woman she would not tolerate it to start. She would have her fists on her hips and she'd be glaring and she'd be like "Uh huh. Okay. I've heard of this. Every now and then you get a woman who thinks it's her place to talk to another woman that way. To speak in such a manner - it degrades the whole sex, doesnt it? Better than having the men hear you speak like that, I suppose - but I for one wont disrespect myself by standing here listening to it."
See Chichi wouldnt snap at a woman in her current age the way she would always snap at a man becasue, well, her women are her fellows. She'll hear them out. She knows theyre smart.
But listen. Man. Goku's been fucked off training with Oob for forever. Piccolo wont visit since Goten got older and no longer needs the extra parental guidance (and Goten has frankly become intolerable company and we all know that thats why Piccolo wont visit but that's beside the point). What's a woman like Chichi supposed to do?
Shes ran a tight ship and a good home. She controls her own life. No one even cares what she does anymore. No one has looked at her in a long time.
She has strong beliefs and she reaps self-esteem from playing by them, romantic loyalty is a huge deal to her. But loyalty to whom? What about loyalty to herself?
Hey, this other woman may have spoken to her that way, but she was a sharp-eyed and witty woman, and good company is hard to find these days!
Chichi is not so prideful that she cant see eye to eye with her fellows. It's been a while since she delighted in fresh feminine connection. Women get it, you know?
It's been even longer since shes had physcial satisfaction. She used to be a martial artist, but she hasnt maintained it enough to keep her joints from aching, and with her husband gone, her life is just void of all physicality. Maybe she just wants to be GRABBED, yknow ?
Shes her own woman. Goddamn.
What I'm trying to say is that if she was hit on by a woman, she would assertively disagree and respectfully hold her volume, and she'd leave.
And then later she'd circle back.
She'd come back with her fists on her hips, still glaring at you strongly from under her titled forehead, and be like "Oye. You got seven minutes." Meaning that you've got 7 minutes to impress her and make this worth her time.
If you dont impress her than she would be set in her conviction and leave with full confidence and zero regret or curiosity.
But with that reality looming, she'll stick around for 7 minutes to see what you have to say. She'll give a fellow woman a chance. And if you impress her, maybe you'll get more than just 7 minutes of conversation out of her.
Becasue Ms Chichi is fearless, becasue again, when everything is vulgur, nothing is. Henceforth she'll refer to you as a "close friend" to others and humour you in raunchy conversation. Or depending on your personality or on what you did together, she'd prefer you to be a bittersweet midnight lover, never to return again ...
Ms Chichi everyone
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edalynn · 2 years
Even if the huntlow shippers are right and every frame where they stand next to each other and every bit of crew art was part of some complex metanarrative hinting at how theyre totally in love and how the crew was being suppressed by disney from overtly developing a m/f couple for some reason. That. Still isnt a good way to write a ship? You straight up cannot build up a good romance only from longing glances or whatever if we never actually see them talking to each other. Especially since hunter and willow are both main characters.
Like even if you take the things theyve said AT each other after the flyer derby episode (which was the last time they actually had a conversation btw) and twist it into flirting i still have to ask...why would they flirt with each other? We havent seen them talk about anything important AT ALL since the first time they met so what kind of bond are they supposed to have with each other? Beyond just friends/teammates? Hell we never even see them just be friends onscreen without their other friends there except for i guess the haircut scene. Even as friends willow and hunter are not each others most important friendships. Id even argue theyre both closer to literally every other member of the hexsquad than each other.
Ppl freak out over flirty scenes or longing glances from other ships because theres actual substance behind the ships. The funny flirting and the frames where they maybe stand next to each other are supposed to enhance an already existing relationship. Where the characters actually talk to each other about important stuff and find comfort in each others company or whatever. If its meant to be a background easter egg or the characters arent important to the story or its just for audience speculation its fine if it doesnt have that. But huntlow shippers think these two major characters will actually start dating and have their romance be an important part of the story. And idk how to tell them that building a relationship out of longing glances with nothing to hold it together is uhhhhhhh bad! It would not be well written! Yes a ship doesnt HAVE to be complicated and yes huntlow doesnt HAVE to be exactly like lumity or raeda but if theres no equivalent scenes for me to get emotionally invested in their potetial romance then like. What are we even doing here! Just because you CAN write a totally shallow ship where they never talk but sometimes look at each other doesnt mean that kind of writing wouldnt suck shit!
Exactly. Even if this was something Dana intended and planned out from the start for these two characters (which if she had, why hasn't their relationship developed more than speaking once or twice on screen for more than a few words?), it's not good writing. It's not a well-written relationship. Just because it's a boy and a girl doesn't mean it's automatically a fulfilling and intriguing relationship, or important to the plot. We genuinely, really haven't seen them have a full, important, or one on one conversation since ASIAS so it fucking baffles me how people are so convinced they're in love and "already canon". Because, yeah, longing glances (from only one party in the ship at that) don't mean fuck all. They can easily be read as embarrassment or admiration or nervousness rather than a crush or inherently romantic. Like. Do they think Willow showing any type of interest in something Hunter is clearly passionate about romance? Because if so she must also be in love with Gus, Luz, Amity, and Vee. And vice versa, anyone that shows interest in Hunter's interest must also be in love with him. Which obviously is ridiculous and doesn't track.
They rarely interact in the latest episode, too. Willow has more development with Amity and Vee than with Hunter, and like you said, is clearly depicted as being much closer friends with Gus, Amity, and Vee with Hunter kind of being slightly outcasted in the friend group (not maliciously or anything, obviously, but it's pretty clear). We obviously have the haircut scene and implications that they've all hung out together in the time that they've been in the human realm, but they're only shown one one one ONCE in the montage of all things. And that scene is entirely happenstance, not a planned or intentional hangout. Willow walks in on him cutting his hair and helps him, they weren't intending to spend time one on one- Willow was just being a good friend and stepping in because she happened to be there. Both Hunter and Willow are closer to every other person in their friend group than each other.
They barely have any interaction, there's hardly any actual canon content for their "relationship", and we only have two episodes left as both characters actively grow closer to their other friends. There's nothing there to get invested in, like you said, other than fan content where the characters' personalities are totally changed. Sorry hunt/lows but your ship is sinking and you're all ankle deep in the water singing and shouting about how canon your ship is as they actively do not even speak to each other.
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echoesofadream · 1 year
ok, now, I am obviously not impartial or objective in the matter at all, but like. first of all this would mark like the first time a couple in kpop who revealed themselves so openly, at least that I know of. only that is pretty remarkable. secondly, taehyungs album is coming out. bts has stopped their group activities and the company is probably scrambling for people to still care about them. it does seem counteractive since dating is seen as a scandal but mediaplays arent unheard of. im just saying its a possiblity. now say hypothetically taehyung is gay. this would also be a scandal, wouldnt it. a pretty huge one. although im sure a big part of the fandom are taekookers... well, idk. 
of course the least complicated answer to all of this would be that taehyung is dating jennie, and theyre sick of hiding and not being able to live normal lives as idols. fair enough. maybe taehyung feels less responsible to the group during hiatus. their more western ties are notable here as they could be trying to normalize celebrities dating more freely like in the west. but jennie has been in two other dating scandals that I know of, and the way things have revealed in parts is weird. first some rumors and a picture, then lots of pictures that look super photoshopped but also add up, things like backgrounds of their homes that we couldnt know, that we hadn't seen before the photos came out but then then we get to see it, or the bruise on taehyungs leg, clothes and accessories etc. im not too sure about the details because the whole thing has given me anxiety since the beginning. im also not really into invasion of privacy so lets leave those pics at that. 
this is just speculation on my part but one theory could be the gurumi thing was an inside job, maybe to cause a scandal since I saw on twitter (haven't fact checked) that taehyung – and jungkook – antis are part of hybe staff and attempting to harm them by leaking information, creating rumors etc. and that who knows, maybe taennie/their companies are trying to take advantage of the rumors. if that was the case it would have been better to just let it die though since I feel like most people just disregarded them as fakes. but then there are also a group which size I am clueless about who ship taennie or at least supports them and would be happy for them and maybe whose interest in either of them or their groups would increase by them dating. would this group outnumber taekookers/other fans who dont want to see their idols dating? no idea, maybe not. but would a lot of fans be happy to see taehyung with a woman to fulfill their fantasies with him? you tell me.
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auspex · 1 year
∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ and ill listen to all of them in compensation for mcr-ing at u
NOO UR GOOD LMAOOO i am listening to the alien album and i am able to tolerate it and it takes me at least 2 listens to decide i Like a song so I will listen to it again later and see if any stick alksdflkdsjf and oyu dont have to listen to these lkdsjfsd but now i am. shuffling more so they arent shit songs. anyway
Woe, 80s be upon ye.
Gloria / Laura Branigan
(this would be a good song to base a malk off of btw)
Gloria, don't you think you're fallin'?/ If everybody wants you/ Why isn't anybody callin'?/ You don't have to answer/ Leave them hangin' on the line
Sixteen Tons / Tennessee Ernie Ford
my mage ST based a demon OC off of this! the chorus is sooo goood working class hours <3
You load sixteen tons, what do you get?/ Another day older and deeper in debt/ Saint Peter don't you call me, 'cause I can't go/ I owe my soul to the company store
(here ismore 80s now)
One Thing Leads to Another / The Fixx
This one a malk was based off of and we accidentelly got him killed in a pre session, rip Jonathan im sure u would have been a real 1 if the stupid brujah didnt make you have a mental breakdown and kill urself on accident... ouch
Then it's easy to believe/ Somebody's been lying to me/ But when the wrong word/ Goes in the right ear/ I know you've been lying to me
Who Can It Be Now / Men At Work
Yes this became a meme song but its good ok! and i had to fulfill the 80s promise so. 3/4 are 80s yay
I've done no harm, I keep to myself/ There's nothing wrong with my state of mental health/ I like it here with my childhood friend/ Here they come, those feelings again!
also i just meant serizawa in mob psycho and omg htis song is so him
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xelsjournal · 2 years
december 11 2022 2:12 pm
i think i got it backwards again. like for a while i was laying around like hmmm how to i attract change cuz i feel happy quite frequently and in general am content but im a bit bored. so i decided to switch up everything, my routine, my habits, my intentions, my affirmations, my mindset and see where that would take me. at the very least i can enjoy the voyage and all the newness. and for a while, i had a blast, lots changed, very interesting times, lots of ups and downs. and ive come back to a place of like stability and contentment, but also boredom again and like a looming concern of stagnancy. like im at a start of a long journey and im making my slow and steady progress but im like antsy. but i know that im at the beginning of something in one part of my life and the end of a cycle in another part of my life. i can feel the the dissonance in my joints and i feel restless. i want to rush to somewhere and get there fast, but i know thats not the right way and frankly i cant speed up the pacing of this voyage. i think i just revealed to myself that i need to exercise to relieve the sensation of wanting to expell energy but needing to redirect it. but thats not what this journal was about. anyways back to the topic of change and happiness, i asked myself again recently if i was happy and i said hmmm not really. im not sad, nothings wrongs but im just kinda going about my business, living life. it felt like i was waiting to be happy, like waiting for something to be happy about, for something outside of my to come along and set off a chain reaction that would bring me the ultimate wish fulfillment. so i went all grind mode, gotta-change-up-my-path-so-i-can-change-up-my-life, and i put my happiness somewhere else, somewhere ahead of me in some distant land. and i left and i lived. and i had a fucking blast lmaooo i put my joy in all those exhilarating moments, in those inconveniences, in that sensation of newness. i had been so anticipating it and finally making it happen and deciding to experience it fully and openly, and then having it all play out in such a fun way, so to have it come to what felt like such an abrupt stop and redirection was kind of jarring. i was still committed to enjoying myself until i could get back to somewhere else but then it continued. and continued. and continued some more. and the longer i spend here (realistically im being v dramstic cuz its mostly been these past few days), the more im wondering when tf im gonna go again lmao. cuz like the people im round rn arent making me happy or bringing me peace. if anything 80% of the time theyre feeding my own anger and discontentment. for a while i didnt notice it but since i noticed it like two days ago, every interaction is becoming an obstacle course as i dodge hooks into aggravating conversations or implicit requests for verbal drama dumps. and it has me thinking,,,, do i even wanna be here around these people!?! i think not! cuz why my day gotta be ruined just cuz urs is? but also at the same time im literally here and i cant escape that reality. so do i wait to be happy again? and i kinda subconsciously determined i would have to wait for another voyage to get my happiness back. but i came across a post a few minutes ago that said something about having “to find happiness in the little things all around you” and that had me pause bc damn yeah my life doesnt have to be bleak “until” anything. theres so many things i enjoy, my own company at the top of the list, theres just no reason my happiness needs to only look like one thing of be associated to one thing. i can find my happiness in this very moment. then it had me remembering the law of attraction and how this is kind of a good hack. if i want to be happy and living in excitement, i need to start doing so now. me being happy and exhilarated attracts. more and more opportunities for it to me, so it can open the doors to the joy im seeking by experiencing it in the now. this us a word salad and idc.
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dojaeyonghyuck · 2 years
tldr this isnt a new idea
1. Intro
so idolizing culture isn’t exclusively kpop- we see it in a lot of celebrity culture, religious culture, sports, media, etc
and usually with things like actors, musicians, the red carpet celebs in western media it feels like they accept it with grace, theyre above the idolization , it’s like of course people would idolize them they cant help but follow them? because of their talents or whatnot
and of course japanese idol culture is its own ballgame/separate thesis/a mess
but as a (thorough imo) enjoyer of kpop - i feel like they are given and accept the label of idol and really like fully encourage the act of idolization (ofc this is run by Thee System but that doesnt mean the idols arent actors in Thee system)
ie; - fansigns (buying 500+ copies to meet them for 2 minutes)
- buying food for fans who wait outside music shows at 1am-5am to cheer for them
- the companies telling fansites when their flights are
- encouraging fans to go to multiple concerts
- fanculture of pcs, signs, banners, collecting
- fanservice videos acting like bfs, etc
Anyway. There is Thee Idol and Thee fan.
2. Thee fan
i feel like there’s an addiction to meeting Thee idol, like continuing to go their fansign, following them to all their fansigns, seeing glimpses of them leave their cars
( ofc not excusing sasaeng behaviors bc that borders weird; tho ofc born out of Thee system + lack of ability to make repercussions )
so Thee fan has this idea in their head that they feel fulfilled after seeing their idol, a normal human being, that they can wait 2-3 days overnight on the sidewalk to get front row seats to [___]
(harries are like this too.) you saw your idol, that you have consumed, learned, feel like you /know/, but yet see as an… overarching comfort character? a deity? a phantom person?
3. Acceptance
with both sides of the relationship accepting their roles, is this thus a toxic or healthy relationship?
can it be healthy to have a powerdynamic so skewed?
will occasional fansigns demands/requests for aegyo, meowing, and humiliation, potential of large group boycotts for having a kid, pressure to stay single, straight, perfect looking, and perfect behaviors actually make the power balance given to the fans?
and thus comes how idols are different — the intimacy of dedication fans give to the idol in turn, because the idol is your deity you will sacrifice for, this supposedly creates an idol who has to give whim to the collective’s desires: what one gets one must give
4. Exhilaration
my conclusion to all of this is: this is kind of obsession obviously only applicable to a niche group, such as the GMA nct 127 overnighters who have too much time on their hands and exceptional will. but often i do think about the dynamics and the ultimate thought of not needing to deliver some Amazing Album/Performance (tho yes) (no one in this audience even had the GMA stream out/cared abt the 2baddies performance) but of holding the moods of a lot of people in precarious balance/riding the thin line of deity and regular person.
they are in a lot of ways creating a reason to live (seeing them/being entertained by/hope of a notice, a mention, reading vlive comment, replying to twitter question, making eye contact) , an all encompassing cycle that keeps a lot of people in the system of getting more hits of the high (seeing Thee idol) and getting Thee exhilaration, the suspense, the excitement, the adrenaline.
these are all emotions you can have perhaps, in love (romantic or not, wonderful experiences, etc) - but this Dynamic and their acceptance, encouragement, and Thee system creates those strong emotions when you have such a system that has such devotion, obsession, idolization.
this type of thrill + emotional turmoil is both a hit of happiness and yet the un-fulfillment of fully knowing/having perhaps… the ‘y/n moment of ur dreams’. but are these hits enough positive net for this relationship to be good? are they doing us a favor of continuing such a cycle of edging pure exhilaration? is this fulfillment the modern day catharsis?
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greyssell · 2 years
Newstream enterprises sucks
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NewStream is located in Springfield, Missouri, as well as in Joliet, Illinois. Our workforce is well informed and highly engaged in our business, creating a culture that is dedicated to Quality, Reliability, and Cost Savings for each customer. From materials management, to direct order fulfillment, NewStream becomes a seamless extension of your business. NewStream Enterprises is an employee-owned company that practices open-book management. if you arent a good candidate, then you dont get a call back. NSE manages supply chain processes through kitting and packaging, assembly and sub-assembly, or warehousing and distribution services. They will read newspapers to see which companies are laying off that will create a new stream of qualified candidates that they can sell to hiring companies.30 answers 3 votes: The company is legit. We have service offering in 3 areas: Kitting and Packaging, Assembly and Sub-Assembly, and Supply Chain Management. Our services are customized to fit your requirements. NewStream Enterprises (NSE) is a comprehensive supply chain management company delivering unparalleled services to the world’s leading on and off highway original equipment manufacturers. NewStream Enterprises, LLC is a comprehensive supply chain management company, delivering unparalleled services to the world’s leading On and Off Highway original equipment manufacturers (OEM). NewStream can manage all or any segment of your supply chain process. NewStream’s reputation of exceeding customer needs has created opportunities for the organization to venture into new areas including our most recent business expansion into government kitting and packaging. Furthermore, we can significantly reduce liabilities in labor, overhead and inventory through this shared investment. Nearly 30 years later, NSE continues to offer supply chain management solutions to companies in a variety of industries. , was formed in 1990 to provide comprehensive supply chain management to the world’s leading original equipment manufacturers (OEM). Increasing Efficiency and Reducing Costs Product managers looking to outsource their kitting and packaging needs ultimately care about meeting KPIs like on-time delivery, fill rate, quality metrics, and inventory accuracy. NewStream Enterprises, LLC (NSE), a subsidiary of SRC Holdings Corp. Our unique business model provides OEM’s superior cost control, enhanced throughput and service levels, and greater utilization of assets. NewStream Enterprises, LLC provides comprehensive supply chain management services that increase efficiency and reduce costs. NewStream offers OEM’s customized product flow management specializing in the On/Off Highway Transportation Industry. If you want the good wages and positions this Employer. It is an employee owned company which truly believes in the power of a workforce when each has a stake in outcome. Overall this is still a decent company to work for although it continues to suffer from rampant nepotism. NewStream Enterprises, a subsidiary of SRC Holdings Corp., was formed in 1990 to provide comprehensive supply chain management to the world’s leading On and Off Highway OEMs.
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qqweebird · 1 year
i think its kind of funny that both men and women on the internet will say something along these lines:
woman: men aren't held to the same standard as women! they just have to be rich and we are expected to be beautiful, wear makeup, shave every inch of our bodies, subservient, slim-thick, fit but not muscular, be a housekeeper, have kids...
man: women aren't held to the same standard as men! they just have to look nice and we're supposed to be 6' tall, earn 6 figures, be muscular, live on our own, have good hygiene, do chores...
and like, both of them are right, we arent held to the same standards. we are both held to many standards but these arent equal standards!
the most equal standards are the ones that are physical. no, you can't do that much to change your height without surgery, but thousands of women undergo really dangerous cosmetic surgeries to fit a standard of beauty set by male-run media. you have to go to the gym to be fit, but that's also an equal standard for women with roughly equal difficulty of being achieved by either sex. fatphobia is a problem for both women and men.
however, the standards that are NOT equal are... largely beneficial to a man's quality of life. men get upset because women want them to… wash their face? wipe their ass when they shit and clean it in the shower? take care of their nails?? those are things that are going to make a man's life better. AND THEY GET MAD ABOUT IT. not shaving isn't at all detrimental to one's hygiene as long as they, like, shower properly. wearing makeup doesn't improve your hygiene either and can actually cause worse acne and irritation, aka, "ugly" and "dirty" things.
additionally, when a man doesn't look like the Beauty Standard, he's not going to be harassed NEARLY as much as an Ugly Woman. woman are absolutely torn asunder online for not being sexually attractive to men. they're denied jobs and shit for not wearing makeup. a man who never wipes his ass could be a fucking CEO while a woman who doesn't wear lipstick and mascara might be rejected as a receptionist for the same company.
a woman might want a man to have a high-paying job, but... does any man... NOT want to have money?? does any man not want to be financially independent?? being expected to be rich IS shitty like most people won't be able to earn 6 figs but barring physical capabilities and assuming only lack of desire to do it, if you Gave In To Your Gender Role you would be stacked. like ohh no the horrible women wanted me to make money! im so oppressed! grow up dude
the traditional jobs women are expected to have are mother and maid. obviously, these can be extremely fulfilling and rewarding jobs, but they don't pay well or provide any financial freedom. not every woman wants to be a housekeeper. if a woman is pressured against her desire to be a stay-at-home mother, she's not benefiting from that in any financial way. it's stripping her of freedom and mobility!
so anyway the thesis here is that the typical standards for men vs woman are extremely biased against women and largely serve the purpose of keeping them subservient, out of public influence, and always available for the sexual pleasure of men. men are free to address the shitty standards they are held to but if you imply that you somehow have it WORSE than women with these standards you are not worth listening to. the end
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yandere-romanticaa · 2 years
I do wanna ask lilia (and Malleus) if theyre ever tired of living like, your lifespan is sooo long arent you bored of it? Theyd probably just say that faes feel time differently than humans as always
They don't strike me as the types to say that, especially Lilia. Lilia strikes me as the type that has learned many life lessons and is more than happy to share them with the people around him. Malleus has his responsibilities and he's probably ok with fulfilling them. However being alive for so long is only tolerable if you have good company, people and allies you can rely on. If you don't it's probably a different story, a downright miserable existence.
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