fullmoonimagines · 5 years
hi im so sorry i haven’t been on in so long!!
quick q: should i start writing again? and if so, should i branch out into other things?
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Hi again! I read all out your stories and was wondering if you could recommend some other accounts to check out. Thank you so much! Keep up with your great writing! 🌻Carley🌻
Hi again! Sorry for the answering sooner! So, if you’re interested in Teen Wolf and Dylan writing blog, here’s a few!
@mrs-mitch-rapp93 @mummybear @sassysweetstories @mf-despair-queen @writingsbychlo @thelittlestkitsune @roscoeknows @princess-cordelias-writingblog @were-cheetah-stiles @fullmoonimagines @ellie-bee242 @huntersanonymous @lovefilledtragedy @twilightparker @sarcxstic-stilinski @redstringlovers @bilesbilinskix @itsbilescallmebiles
there is many more, but none I can actually think about! Sorry if you I forgot anyone!
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hawkins-hoe · 6 years
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itsamberh · 7 years
11 questions game
I was tagged by @fullmoonimagines (thanks by the way) 
Rules: post the rules, answer the questions given to you by the tagger, write 11 questions of your own, and tag eleven.
1. what’s your favorite scent?
I actually have a lot of favorites scents but I would say orange, lemongrass, cinnamon and verbena.
2. if your could play any role in a movie who would you be and why?
Probably Hermione Granger in Harry Potter bc she’s such a strong female character.
3. would you rather be able to sing like beyonce or dance like jlo?
Sing like Beyoncé, I’m always singing so that would be better for my friends’ ears lmao.
4. are you team pink starburst or yellow starburst? (very important questions here ok)
We don’t have those where I live so I can’t tell you sorry haha
5. spotify or pandora?
6. if you could live anywhere in the world where would it be and why?
Oh god that’s a tough one um... I’d say either the UK or Ireland or LA or NYC (even if I’ve never been yet).
7. if a genie gave you 3 wishes, what would they be?
1) to live in one of the places I’ve mentioned before 2) to travel to Australia or Thailand with my friends 3) 
8. what’s your favorite book and why?
Central Park by Guillaume Musso, because the story takes place in NYC and the plot is amazing and because the main character story is really touching.
9. if you could have any pet, what would it be?
If it’s any pet as any animal I would say a cheetah or an otter. 
10. who is your all time celebrity crush?
Niall Horan without a doubt. (DOB is pretty close though)
11. what is your dream job and why?
Actually, I don’t really know but I’d say a job where I can travel a lot would be amazing bc that’s basically all I want to do.
My 11 questions : 
What’s you favorite season, why?
Which song can you listen on repeat without getting bored? 
What’s a weird habit of yours? 
Do you collect anything, if yes what?
Do you speak a foreign language? Which one?
What’s your favorite movie, why?
It’s almost Christmas, do you have any anecdote about one of your Christmases?
Which 3 series/movies characters would describe you the best?
What is your biggest dream? 
Give one of your qualities.
If you could be a super hero, who would you be and why?
Finding 11 questions was not that easy haha, they’re not really original but well... So I don’t know 11 people on here so I’m gonna tag people that I know or that I’ve already talked to.. But feel free to answer the questions even if you’re not tagged.  @lovefilledtragedy @mrs-mitch-rapp93 @rideforafall @dalilia @cathobs 
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1987vampire · 7 years
kissing tag meme
I was tagged by the lovely @fullmoonimagines!! The ten characters I would make out with if I could sell my soul to the devil would be…. (not in any order !!) (also, idk if im wierd or not with some of these xD) 1. Jughead Jones 2. Castiel 3. Stiles Stilinski 4. Newt 5. Edmund Pevensie 6. Enoch O'Conner 7. Theo Raeken 8. Lucifer 9. Newt Scamander 10. Peter Pan
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I tag @danny-the-coolest @hanktheswaggyhonkeydonkey @thelittlestkitsune
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fantasyshows · 7 years
Imagine blogs recs?
Yes absolutely these are one of the best imagines blog I follow @gayeggimagines@bonniebird @myriadimagines @lotsoffandomimagines @imaginesofeveryfandom @steverogershield @imaginesbutgay@alloftheimaginesblog @celebrity-imagine @fullmoonimagines @iimagineoffandoms @majestic-imagines @obscure-imagines @vividimagines @avengersimaginepreferences (Btw hi to the people that never met me im April I love your blogs they're amazing!)
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artfulreid · 7 years
i was tagged by the lovely @redstringlovers!!
rules: put your music library on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, tag 20 people! 
1. Seaside, The Kooks
2. Emperor’s New Clothes, P!ATD
3. Mr. Brightside, The Killers
4. 7/11, Beyonce
5. What Makes You Beautiful, One Direction
6. Tyrants, Catfish and the Bottlemen
7. R.I.C.O, Meek Mill ft. Drake
8. Venus, Lady Gaga
9. Kiwi, Harry Styles
10. All You Are Is History, State Champs
I’m tagging some of my favorite followers, blogs I follow, and friends from my secondary blog, @fullmoonimagines! @steph-oliveira @rememberstilinski @bonniebird @parislight @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @rosecoloredshawn @royalisaac @alisonslydias @stilelydias @captain-snark @lydstilinsk @pevensiedmundd @obriens @littlexstargazer @bitch-ivyxx  and anyone else who’d like to do it!
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fullmoonimagines · 6 years
Stars in Your Eyes // Derek Hale
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he looks so good in navy blue ok damn
@iamabeautifulperson18: 29 and 13 from festive prompts list with Derek please! The one about gifts and then being alone. If you don't have time to write it then please don't worry! Thanks for reading this!
29. “I thought we weren’t doing gifts!”
13. “You didn’t really think I’d let you spend Christmas alone, did you?”
((i know it’s like february (and i hope everyone is having a good new year so far) so i  made the executive decision to change “Christmas” to “Valentine's”.. sort of.. you’ll see okay, just read it.. if you want to))
My apartment was filled with the soft sound of Sinatra as I finished placing a set of candles on the table. I had a date coming over tonight, we’d been seeing each other for a couple weeks and I was looking forward to seeing them again. While I had dinner in the oven and a timer set on my phone, I hurried back into my bedroom to get ready for the night.
Thankfully the timer went off, or the curling iron in my hand would have burnt a piece of my hair off. I run my hands through my hair one last time before leaving the room, and I must say I look damn good.
I rushed to the kitchen and pulled the dish out just in time, placing it on the counter to cool. I checked my phone to see if I had any messages from my date, seeing as how they should be here in just a few minutes, but with nothing new in my messages I filled up an ice bucket and placed it on the table. Nothing’s more romantic than champagne, right?
After I made sure everything was perfect, I sat in anticipation, waiting for a knock on the door.
And waited.
And waited.
After an hour and two unanswered phone calls I finally gave up and surrendered to my sweatpants. I can’t say I’m surprised, just disappointed. The pinging of my phone made my heart jump and I was relieved to see it was Lydia.
“How’s the date going??”
I can’t lie, my heart did ache just a bit as I read and responded to her text. “They were a no-show. Looks like it’s just me and Netflix tonight”. With that, I tossed my phone to the opposite side of the couch and pressed play.
A couple episodes of Stranger Things later, the candles on the table were burnt out, my phone was dead, and the ice bucket was dripping all over the place. I finally get up, running my hands over my face, and decide I should probably clean this stuff up. I shove all the uneaten food in the fridge and grab the sealed champagne bottle from the now melted ice. Just as I was making my way back to the kitchen, there was a knock on the door.
Leaving the door chained, just in case, I open it to see none other than Derek Hale standing in the hallway. “Derek?” I asked, confusingly as I close the door back to unchain it, opening it again to be met with his green eyes. “What are you doing here?” I questioned, opening the door further, inviting him in.
“You didn’t really think I’d let you spend Valentine’s alone, did you?” he said with a slight smirk, turning around to face me, watching as I shut the door. My brows furrowed, eyes narrowed, and the gears in my mind began to turn. “Lydia told you about my date, didn’t she?”. He became silent and a slight blush ran across his cheeks, I walked past him and grabbed the bottle of champagne off the counter. “That’s what I thought, now make yourself useful and open this please. I don’t think it’s a good idea for me to drink it all myself” I told him with a small smile.
He came and took the large bottle from my hands, and I couldn’t help but notice how his navy colored shirt hugged his arms as he opened it. Now that I’m thinking of it, how could Lydia send him over here like this? It’s a bad idea to date someone in the pack, especially since I’m one of the only humans in it. And the whole reason I’ve been trying to date other people is to get over my crush on him.. But by the way he’s looking, he’s not making it easy for me.
I bring two glasses out of the cabinet and place them on the counter, watching fondly as he pours slowly into each glass. Taking each in my hands, I lead us over to the couch to sit, where we sip silently and enjoy eachothers company while a movie plays in the background. While the movie plays we both steal glances at the other, until I look over at Derek and he doesn’t look away. I shot him an inquisitive look until he finally speaks. “They didn’t deserve you, you know” he said quietly, “You could do a lot better”. My heart fluttered as I gave him a soft smile. “Thank you”.
I shifted my eyes from his gaze, feeling my cheeks beginning to warm up, as the silence between us grew. “Oh, before I forget, I got you something” he stated, pulling a small card out of his pocket, handing it to me. “I thought we weren’t doing gifts! Stiles’s secret Cupid idea didn’t go over too well last year” I told him.
“Just open it”.
I peeled back the envelope and pulled out the card inside. The dark blue background had a picture of my favorite constellation and the paper beside it was a certificate for a named star, with the exact coordinates. Named after me. I took a deep breath and tried to control the tears welling up in my eyes.
“You got me a star?” I asked, almost breathlessly.
“Yeah, I thought since it wasn’t a material object, it wouldn’t break the whole “no gifts” rule” he said quickly, rubbing the back of his neck with his palm.
I was still almost breathless as I continued to stare down at the card in my hands. I wiped one of my hands under my eyes before shifting my gaze to meet Derek’s. “I love it”.
“You do?” he asked, sounding relieved. I didn’t trust myself not to cry so I just shook my head excitedly before wrapping my arms around his neck. I didn’t notice how close we really were until his arms were around my back and my excitement had calmed. I knew he could heard my elevating heart rate but at this point, I didn’t care. I had the power of champagne running through my veins and a deathly attractive man in my arms, and I’ll be damned if I let him go. I could feel his breath running down my neck and one of his arms running up to my shoulder to pull me closer to him. I move my legs to straddle his waist and run one of my hands through his hair. I bring the other to his cheek and meet his gaze, I let myself get lost in his eyes just as I’d wanted to many times before. I finally brought my lips to meet his and can’t help but smile.
When the kiss broke, our foreheads met as we tooks deep breaths. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that” I whispered, as he smiled. We sat there in a comfortable silence, stealing kisses and making up for lost time. “Do you want to know why I got you a star?” he asked, looking at me affectionately as I nodded.
“They’re all I see when I look in your eyes”.
Writer’s Note: Hi everyone!! I’m finally back a writing again (at least this small piece) and hope to get back into the swing of writing regularly again. @iamabeautifulperson18 , thank you so much for your request, and I'm so sorry that it’s so late (I also hope you don’t mind that I changed it up a bit)
Forever Tags: @redstringlovers @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @hoodforcalum @rosecoloredshawn @barrett86861  (let me know if you’d like to be added to a tag list via ask!)
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fullmoonimagines · 6 years
Like Me Better//Liam Dunbar
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this is my entry of @lovefilledtragedy ‘s writing challenge (finally, i know i’m sorry)!! thank you so much to Audrey for hosting this writing challenge and letting me be apart of it.
check out other submissions to the writing challenge here!
the song i chose was “i like me better” by lauv: you can listen to it here. (it comes into play more at the end, not really the whole thing whoops)
warnings: swearing?? (is that even a warning with me tho)
Another pack meeting, another night in which I sat quietly beside Mason and tried to block out the rest of the world. Being one of the only humans in the pack was hard, but what was even harder was watching Hayden put her hands all over Liam. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have a problem with PDA, I have a problem with her.
I’d had a crush on Liam for a few months before he and Hayden started dating, but I kept quiet because she made him happy. That is, until I couldn’t take it anymore. Mason is the only one who knows about my feelings for Liam, and how I feel towards Hayden. Seeing them so happy all the time almost killed me, but when they started fighting I felt even worse. He was one of my best friends and I couldn’t even help him because of my own damn feelings.
I climbed the stairs up to Derek’s loft and with every step closer to the door, I could feel my stomach twist. When I entered, I was relieved to see Mason already there, talking to Lydia on the couch and scanned the room for the rest of the pack. Scott was in deep conversation with Derek, probably discussing why we were all summoned here on a Friday night, while Stiles and Malia were raiding the kitchen for snacks. I brought my gaze back to Mason and Lydia, but before I could greet them, the front door swung open only to reveal a nicely- dressed Liam and a very angry looking Hayden.
“Guess someone had a date tonight” Lydia whispered, as I tried not to laugh. They entered the apartment and all that was heard was the loud tapping of Hayden’s heels against the hard floor. Luckily, the awkward silence was broken shortly thereafter when Derek and Scott started the pack meeting. To be honest, I wasn’t paying much attention, but trying to clear my head and steady my heartbeat. Sitting in a pack of werewolves while trying to avoid emotional confrontation wasn’t exactly easy. I could feel his eyes on me while mine were glued to the wall, but out of my peripheral vision could see Hayden pulling on his arm, forcing his eyes back to Derek. Great, another thing for her to yell at him about later.  I couldn’t help as guilt washed over me just before Derek called for a break in the meeting.
As soon as the word “break” left his mouth, Hayden had her hand on Liam’s arm, pulling him to the balcony with her while everyone else splits up to talk. Mason glanced over to me and gave a small smile and a pat on the shoulder before getting up from his spot on the couch. I pulled out my phone and began to aimlessly scroll in an attempt to clear my mind, yet it proved unsuccessful. Just as I was slipping my phone back into my pocket, loud shouting came from the balcony and I didn’t need heightened werewolf hearing to understand what was being said.
“You tell her you’re no longer friends or we’re done Li”.
I could feel the tears welling in my eyes and forced myself to look at him. Even through the glass doors, I could see his face perfectly, and although it was covered with shock, he remained quiet. I glanced over to Hayden, who looked incredibly satisfied with herself before looking back to Liam. His blue eyes met mine and a deep breath released from his chest, no words coming along with it.  
Without another thought, I rushed out of my seat and towards the door, letting it slam behind me. The sound of the metal stairs echoed through the corridors as I made my way out of the building, but before I could open the door, a hand grabbed ahold of my arm. I spun around only to see a frantic Mason standing in front of me, slightly out of breath. “Y/N! Where are you going?”.
“Where does it look like Mason? I need to get out of here. Excuse me if I’d like to have a breakdown by myself instead of in front of the whole pack, and I’m sure as hell not giving Hayden the satisfaction of seeing it” I spat back, tearing my arm from him grip. I pushed the door open and the cool autumn air wrapped itself around me as I made my way into the night. My feet slammed against the cold, hard ground and was the only noise to be heard in the darkness.
When the tears stopped falling, and my body became tired, I found myself at the lacrosse field. The empty field at night was almost eerie but the hum of the lights that illuminated the bright green grass gave off a nostalgic vibe. I sat on the cold bleachers and thought of the first time I’d seen Liam play on this field. I’d come to a game with Mason and he introduced us afterwards, and ever since we’d been as close as ever. Another tear slipped from my eye as I quickly wiped it away. I sat there alone for what felt like hours, reminiscing about Liam and I’s friendship. The crunching of leaves brought my attention back to reality and to the field in front of me. He was standing there, in the middle of the field and when I looked up at him, a wave of relief came over his body. I ran my hands underneath my eyes one last time, even though the puffiness due to tears still lingered. I took a deep breath as he walked over and knelt in front of me. Before he could speak, I cut him off: “I can’t do this, I can’t sit by and watch you be with her anymore”. I could feel the tears welling up again and my words getting caught in my throat. I avoided eye contact with him as much as possible and instead focused on the way he held my hands in his. “She’s not good enough for you Liam. You deserve so much better--”.
“We broke up” he said quietly. My head shot up in hopes of meeting his gaze and a sharp breath entered my lungs, but it was his turn to avert his eyes. I leaned forward and brought my right hand to his cheek, “I’m so sorry, Li”.
He shook his head, and I could feel his jaw clench before letting it drop. “Don’t be. I didn’t like who I was when I was with her and I’ve done some things I’m not proud of, but one thing I will never do is lose you”. He brought his baby blue eyes to meet mine and stood up, still holding my hands. He began to walk towards the sidelines of the field, pulling me with him until he stopped and turned back to me. “Do you know what happened in this exact spot?” he asked, my reply being silence and a confused glance. “Right where we’re standing is where we met for the very first time, and a few months later is where I realized I loved you”.
His words made it feel as though all the air had been taken from my lungs. “You what?’’ I asked, voice low and eyes focused on his. “I do. You make me happy, you’ve made me a better person. And you’re the only person I want to be with”.
Damn, I like me better when I'm with you
I like me better when I'm with you
I knew from the first time, I'd stay for a long time 'cause
I like me better when
I like me better when I'm with you
As he spoke the last word, I brought my hand to his cheek and firmly planted my lips to his. In no time, he did the same, and I snaked my other arm around his neck. Our lips moved together in perfect harmony and with such passion. When the kiss finally broke, we both took a few deep breaths before smiling at the other, foreheads pressed together. “I love you too”.
“Good”, he let out with a sigh of relief and a chuckle. “How did you even find me here in the first place?” I asked, but was met with a quiet and frown-faced Liam. “Mason told you didn’t he?”.
“He said you come here when you want to be alone” Liam replied softly, it was sweet he went to Mason. “It looks like I’ll need to find a new spot for future use” I teased, giving him a playful smile.
“Trust me, you won’t need it”.
Writer’s Note: sorry this took so long Audrey!! but I hope you like it! also I'm trying to finish the Christmas requests in my inbox atm so we’ll see how that goes :’)
Forever Tags: @redstringlovers @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @hoodforcalum @rosecoloredshawn @barrett86861 (let me know if you’d like to be added to a tag list!)
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fullmoonimagines · 6 years
To Us//Lydia Martin
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this is the only gif that semi-worked ok sorry
anon: hellllloooooo!!! could i request a male!reader with lydia martin. the reader and lydia both like each other but none of them will make a move and malia and scott are getting sick of it. eventually they say they wanna hang out with you two but they end up saying they were “busy” and left you two on your own. eventually lydia makes the move and kisses him and reader asks her to be his girlfriend. (if you could sorta make it lengthy that’d be cool but if you can’t that’s also okay! thank you!)
warnings: swearing oops, also i made it christmas-y so sorry if you didn’t want that but here it is (also this is my first male!reader and first lydis x reader, so i hope it doesn’t suck too bad)
Morning classes came and went as the chilly December morning passed into the afternoon. The halls of Beacon Hills High were quieter than normal, maybe because many students were just ready for winter break, or exhausted as a result of studying for upcoming exams. I weaved through the busy corridors to find part of the pack sitting at our usual table in the cafeteria. On one side of the table, Malia sat uncomfortably in deep conversation with Lydia, sunset orange curls cascading down her back. I took the empty seat across from her, next to Scott, who was giving me a weird smirk. Before I had a chance to ask him about it, Malia grabbed everyone’s attention. “Y/N! Good! You’re here! Sorry Lyd, but now that he’s here, we can finally talk about the bake sale!”.
Lydia and I both shared a confused glance before I spoke, “What bake sale?”. Scott shot me a quick smirk and explained, “Every year, the school does a bake sale around Christmas time to raise money for the community, and this year we thought it might be fun to all get together and make cookies or something” he shrugged, looking around at all of us, Malia already nodding along. “That’s really sweet Scott” Lydia said, “my mom has a bunch of recipes we could use, do you guys want to come over tonight?”. Scott and Malia automatically agree and the pit in my stomach tingled as she looks at me.  “Are you in?” she smiled. “Y-yeah, yeah, I’m in” I replied, as I could feel a blush creep onto my cheeks.
Lunch continued as normal, and soon everyone resumed their previous conversations but I couldn’t help but notice the pink still staining my cheeks. I ran the palms of my hands over my face in an attempt to even out my complexion, hoping no one would notice, when the deafening noise of the bell rang signaling that it was time for fourth period. The day drug by slowly, and my concentration in each class was clouded by thoughts of her. The way her soft, sunset orange hair hung delicately on her shoulder as her ruby red lips spoke made my heart race. The loud sound of the last bell pulled me from my daydream as I began to pack up my bag as students filled the halls.
As soon as I got home, I threw my backpack to the floor and let the door shut behind me, racing upstairs to change clothes before heading to Lydia’s house. I grabbed a navy blue t-shirt that hugged my biceps a bit more than usual, pairing it with a red and blue flannel. I pulled a few different options out of my closet, but decided against them when my heart jumped as I checked my watch: I needed to leave now. Jumping in the car, and driving over to Lydia’s house took about fifteen minutes and by the time I parked on the street in front of her house I noticed the buzzing of my phone in the center console. It was a text from Scott that read: “Can’t make it tonight man, have fun ;) “.
Damn it. He knew how I felt about Lydia, so why would he leave me hanging like that? At least there would still be Malia there to act as some kind of buffer, but to cancel last minute? Real dick move.
I stepped out of the car and made my way up the long sidewalk towards the Martin residence, trying to settle the racing of my heart before reaching the door. I took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell and all that had been done to settle my fastly pacing heart had been completely tossed out the window when she opened the door. Her long hair tied up in a messy bun and her school clothes replaced with leggings and the lacrosse hoodie I let her borrow a while back. I should’ve known I wouldn’t be getting it back anytime soon, and to be quite honest, I didn’t care. “Y/N, hey, come in”, she smiled.
I enter through the doorway and am immediately enveloped by the sweet scent of cinnamon. Glancing around the Martin household, the Christmas spirit is as alive and as vibrant as ever. The tree is lit, and there’s a small fire burning in the fireplace. I greet Lydia with a small “hello” and a smile, as she lead us back into the kitchen. While on the way through the hallway, she looked over her shoulder before speaking, “Oh, Malia said she couldn’t make it tonight. She has a test to study for. Do you know when Scott’s coming?”. Shit. My heart dropped and I could feel my cheeks start to burn and my palms start to sweat. Apparently I had stayed silent for too long because when we reached the kitchen, she leaned against the counter and looked up at me with concern. “About that.. he can’t make it either”, I said nervously. Within a split second of the words coming from my mouth, she replied and looked almost, relieved? Happy?
“Well, looks like it’s just you and me then. Good thing too, I’m going to need your help getting some things from top shelves” she joked. The anxiety I had melted away when she smiled at me that way. I don’t know what it was about her that made me feel as though I could truly myself.
I watched as she pulled out the recipes and different utensils we’d need, helping when she’d let me. That is, until one of the ingredients really was on one of the top shelves and she refused to let me take it down for her. She stood on the tips of her toes and even did a few small jumps trying to get the container out of the cabinet. I smiled when she refused my help a second time and this resulted in Lydia climbing onto the counter herself to retrieve the ingredient. “Lyd, you’re gonna fall” I plead, walking over and placing my hands right above her knees to steady her legs.
Once she pulled the container out of the cabinet, she bent down to sit on the counter; my hands moved from her legs to her waist to keep her from falling and they stayed there until after she sat. There was a faint blush on her cheeks as she thanked me, biting her lips softly. I realized my hands were still connected to her hips and quickly pulled them away. “You-ah you’re welcome” I told her, rubbing the back of my neck and lowering my head just enough to avoid her gaze falling upon my fiery red cheeks.
After that, the tension got higher and the amount of conversation got lower. All the dough was mixed up but needed to be rolled out and cut into shapes. I removed the plaid shirt I was wearing and took a large ball of dough, rolling it out while Lydia went through all the cookie cutters and decided on which shapes to use. The only thing to be heard was the rolling pin, the clattering of metal cutters, and the Christmas music playing softly in the background. Every once in a while, I’d steal a glance at Lydia, and every once in a while, I’d catch her already looking at me. Just as I could feel her eyes on me, I could feel the sleeves of my t-shirt hugging my arms every time I rolled out the dough.
I smiled a bit to myself, silently thanking past me for the outfit choice when I looked up at her. Her eyes met mine a few moments later but this time I didn’t look away, I didn’t want to. “What?’’ she asked, with a sheepish smile. I just shook my head at her, not knowing what to say, smile still remaining on my lips. “Tell me” she said with a bigger smile, yet I remained quiet. The next thing I knew a white powder was flying towards me and covered my shirt and neck. I gasped as I realized what she’d done.
She bit her bottom lip before shooting me a toothy grin. “Oh it’s on” I told her, dipping my fingers in the flour beside the dough and fligning some back in her direction. She squealed and tried to run but before she could get very far, the flour hit the garnet colored hoodie and I wrapped my arms around her waist, not allowing her to run from the war she had just started.
She turned around quickly in my arms and had flour at the ready, sending it straight into my hair and onto one side of my face. We laughed together for a while until we realized how close our bodies were for the second time in one night. Her hazel eyes were locked on mine but flickered down to my lips. She brought her right hand up to my cheek and brushed away some of the remaining dust, her thumb wandering to run over my lips. “You-um, you have something right here” she says, running her thumb over the corner of my mouth, eyes on mine. She slowly brought her soft lips to mine and it felt as though a huge weight had been lifted off my chest. My hands came to rest on her back, then in her hair: anything to bring her closer to me.
When the our lips broke, and our breathing steadied, all I could do is smile. “You know, if you wanted to kiss me, you could’ve just asked” I teased. Lydia laughed as she rested her head against my chest, “Yeah, I guess so. Sorry about your hoodie”.
“Don’t be, if you’ll be my girlfriend, I’ll let you flour as many hoodies as you’d like..?”. My heart was racing, and when she lifted her head off my chest to look at me, I knew. She just nodded and giggled before placing her lips back on mine. When our lips broke, Lydia looked at me with a content smile and wrapped her arms around my flour-covered torso. “Remind me to thank Scott and Malia for canceling” she said.
“Yeah, Merry Christmas to us”.
Writer’s Note: Merry Christmas everyone!! I hope you liked it anon, and I'm sorry it took so long. I probably won't be active tomorrow or the day after but still have two more Christmas themed requests :)
Forever Tags: @redstringlovers @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @hoodforcalum @rosecoloredshawn @barrett86861 (also tagging @lovefilledtragedy because I know Audrey is a sucker for Christmas fics lol luv u)
let me know if you’d like to be added to a tag list!
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fullmoonimagines · 7 years
Nowhere but Here//Isaac Lahey
Request: nope! but you voted and ye shall receive! Everyone misses our fellow scarf boy, so hopefully this will help
Word count: 1,670
Warnings: none??
Autumn in Beacon Hills was one of the most beautiful places in the world, and one of the most stressful. The amount of work given this year, even in the first couple months of school had been rough. Stacks and piles of various reading assignments and worksheets could often be found scattered along my bedroom floor. I’d stayed up so late last night trying to study for an upcoming test, that by the time I looked at the clock on the wall, the numbers were blurred and my eyelids felt so heavy that I hadn’t had the energy to lift them again.
The next morning, I waited outside of the school for Isaac. I took deep breaths of the crisp fall air and watched as the red and orange leaves fell from the trees. The quiet rustle of the leaves was calming and my eyes once again began to feel heavy. I crossed my arms against my chest and leaned back against one of the stone column near the main doors. I let my eyelids flutter shut, but before they could close, I caught a glimpse of a curly haired boy coming towards me.
My arms fell to my sides and my eyes opened wide at the sight of him. A small laugh escaped my lips when I took in the full sight of him. His curly hair messily atop his head, bookbag and lacrosse bag slung over his shoulders, motorcycle helmet and lacrosse stick in one hand and a tray of coffee in the other, he truly was a beautiful mess, wasn’t he?  
I shook the thoughts of him out of my head and brought my eyes to meet his as he continued to walk towards me. As he got closer, my mouth began to open, expecting to greet him happily, but instead was replaced with a gasp. One of his long legs stepped up towards me, as the other was left behind and made contact with the curb of the sidewalk. A cup flung from his grasp and met the front of my shirt, hot liquid drenching it, and undoubtedly leaving a huge stain. I grabbed the hem of my shirt and held it outwards, away from my body in hopes for it to stop dripping.
Isaac regained his balance and looked up to see what had happened. His jaw dropped, and began apologizing profusely. “I am so sorry Y/N” he said quickly, eyes wide, as he brought his arm around my shoulder and escorted me inside. It took me a minute to understand why he’d been acting so weird but I quickly remembered the shirt I had been wearing was white. And you could see everything underneath. Wonderful.
Isaac fumbled with the zipper on his bag before rummaging through it and pulling out a spare jersey. “Here, wear this” he said, extending his arm out to me and bringing his azure eyes to mine. Afraid that I couldn’t string together a coherent sentence with the way he was looking at me, I gave him a quick “thanks” before rushing into the bathroom to change.
After slipping the soft fabric over my head, I took a minute to admire the way it looked in the small mirror hanging on the wall. The hem of the jersey stopped a third of the way down my thigh and the number fourteen draped across my chest. My fingers twirled through the fabric, letting my mind fill with thoughts of him. The way he smiled, the way his arms wrapped around me every time he hugged me.. My heart was full but also ached, he was just a friend and that was all he would ever be.
The sound of the door opening and a group of girls walking in broke me from my trance as I took a deep breathe and made my way back into the corridor. He stood there waiting for me, people watching in the hallway, only noticing my presence when I placed a hand on his arm. His eyes came straight to me, and scanned my body before speaking, “Lookin’ good, you ready?”. I nodded my head and broke eye contact, not wanting to see all the dirty looks and scowls that inevitably came with wearing Isaac Lahey’s lacrosse jersey.
After what felt like forever, we finally reached Scott and Stiles’s lockers. They stood there deep in conversation, only to be silenced when we walked up to them. They gave each other a look and then switched their gaze to Isaac and I. Oh no. My eyes went wide and I tried to stealthily shake my head “no” before they said anything, but I was too late. “So, Y/N, you finally told him huh?” Stiles teased, looking in between myself and Isaac. “It’s about time!” Scott added in, giving Isaac a pat on the shoulder. I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks and almost flinched when I heard Isaac’s voice.
“Told me what?”.
We all sat in silence for a few seconds before Scott directed his attention to me. I gave him a head shake and I could tell that he understood. The smile dropped from his face and right as Stiles began to speak, “That she- ow!” Scott elbowed him in the side. All three boys were now looking at me, my cheeks red, and tears starting to form in my eyes. The sound of the bell ringing allowed me to exhale the breath that I’d been holding in for so long, and gave me an excuse to leave. As I walked away, I could hear Isaac call my name, but I hadn’t any energy to deal with this right now.
Hours passed, tests were taken, and I was still avoiding Isaac. I couldn’t deal with the fact that after he knows, it could ruin our whole friendship. I care so much about him, and the thought of losing him made my heart ache even more than before. After school, the best thing I could think of doing was to hide under the covers, away from the world, so that’s what I did. That is, until Lydia showed up and pulled the comforter off, demanding I come to the lacrosse game with her.
“It’ll help take your mind off things Y/N, c’mon! Come with me!” she pleaded.
“He’ll be there Lyd, how is that going to help?” I question, looking down at the jersey I was still wearing, running my fingers over the fabric.
“Yes. He will be there. So either you can tell him how you feel, or get over him and scout out all the hot players on the other team” she says, pulling my hands into hers. “Plus, you’re already dressed for the game”.
After many more arguments with Lydia, I end up going to the lacrosse game with her anyways. I can’t feel like this forever, and if he doesn’t feel the same way back, why not try to move on already?
The bright lights shine over the field, as fans pile into the stands. The gentle breeze flies through the bleachers, and through my hair as we find our seats and wait for the game to start. As the players run onto the field, the crowd cheers, and the moonlight shines. The referee blows the whistle for the game to start and Coach Finstock rounds up all of his starting players, Isaac and Scott being two of them. Scott finds Lydia and I in the crowd and shoots me an apologetic look, to which I respond with a nod and a small smile. Isaac, however, tries to figure out what Scott was looking at, and to his surprise, finds me. I muster up a smile, and he looks away. I can’t tell what the expression on his face was with his back turned, but I can’t imagine it was a happy one.
As the game went on, thoughts of Isaac whirled through my head. And when it was over, he was all I could think about. Lydia and I stayed back after the game ended and watched as all the other fans dispersed. Only a few people remained on the field and both teams were packing up their equipment. Lydia found Scott and Stiles, who both gave me an apology before leaving, as I stayed and waited for Isaac. I leaned against his motorcycle and waited for him to emerge from the team locker room. I waited there for what seemed like forever, looking down at my hands, letting my thoughts take over.
His voice broke me from my thoughts, and his appearance left me speechless. His curls still messy, and his lean figure engulfed in a lacrosse hoodie, blue eyes meeting mine the closer he came to me. I shifted my gaze to anywhere but his eyes, needing to be able to think clearly. “Look, Isaac, I know what Scott and Stiles said earlier made things a little awkward but I-”
Just then, he brought his hands to my cheeks and his lips to mine. The kiss was passionate, just as I’d imagined it would be. I brought my hands to rest on his forearms, as our foreheads pressed against each other. “-Like you” I whispered, finishing my sentence. “I didn’t know what to say to you, but I couldn’t lose you Isaac. Not you”. I let the tears in my eyes spill over, not being able to hold them in any longer. He pulls his head away from mine to look at me, wiping away any stray tears with his thumb before wrapping his arms around me. “You won’t Y/N, you never will”. With his strong arms around me, shielding me from the chilling autumn wind, I finally felt free. I have him by my side and there’s no other place we’d rather be.
Writer’s Note: Thank you all for voting on the Isaac imagine and I hope you like it! As always, a special thanks to my girl Sammie for beta reading and for moral support :)
Isaac Tags: @parislight @royalisaac 
Forever Tags:  @redstringlovers @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @hoodforcalum @rosecoloredshawn @barrett86861
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fullmoonimagines · 7 years
Chains (Part 1)//Theo Raeken
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this was the only gif close to what i wanted ok bare with me here 
Request: @redstringlovers: can you do an imagine with theo and reader where like maybe they have been dating for a while and he wants to propose to her so he plans out this really sweet evening and stuff? Thanks😘Sammie I love you so very much but I took your request and fucked it up. I’m coming back from my hiatus and hitting y’all with a two-parter. This is not what you asked for but it’s halloween month bitches, so it’s time to get spooky. If you wanna get even spookier with it, you can go listen to these songs on youtube: here and here
*this is also very loosely inspired from a scene in Penny Dreadful
*also I have no idea what kind of “creature” my villain is ok he’s just kind of a jumbled mess
Darkness. Darkness was all I saw when my eyes fluttered open. My head tipped upwards from where it was hanging in front of me to try to observe my surroundings but proved unsuccessful. The muscles in my shoulders ached as the chains around my wrists did nothing but tighten each time I tried to maneuver out of them. The cold chain swiping my back along with the shadowy surrounding gave me chills. Moonlight began to shine from the cracked skylight above, illuminating the otherwise dark and dank room. The stone of the walls beginning to chip and the grimy floor covered in what I could only imagine to be dirt and dried blood.
The stink of mold clouded my head as I tried to think of what had happened before I was brought here. The last thing I remember was being at home. I don’t think I was doing anything particularly important, but I don’t remember much after.. Wait- as I put myself back in that moment, I began to see flashes. My brows furrowed as I tried to concentrate. I saw myself back at home, putting my textbooks back in my bag as he grabbed me. The chains on my wrists pulled but didn’t budge as I tried to call out to her, but they were gone. His dark cloak wrapped around her body and the vision disappeared just as fast as it had come. Tears fell from my eyes as I tried to settle my heavy breathing. I couldn’t see him in the moment but he was there. He took me from my home.
The sound of leaden footsteps coming from behind the old wooden door made my heart race as I held my breath. The footsteps stopped in front of the door, and I saw the shadow of feet in the low moonlight. After what seemed like an eternity of silence, the door handle began to turn, and the creek of the run-down door made my spine crawl.
The slight moonlight casted shadows upon his face, his eyes sunken and jaw sharp. He entered the room slowly with a small, enigmatic smile. “Finally, you’re awake.” he said, while circling around the room. He stopped in the far corner to the right of me, still making sure that he was still in my eyeline. His persian blue eyes, illuminated by moonlight, locked onto me as I sat in a defiant silence. His eyebrow raised slightly when he realized that I had intended to keep silent so long as I was being held captive. “I didn’t bring you here to hurt you Y/N” he spoke, pushing his body off of the wall and walking behind the chair I was chained to. He leaned his head over my shoulder, and I turned my head away before he whispered softly in my ear. “I want you to join me” he said. My head snapped back in his direction, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape. Join him? Hell of a recruiting technique.
He returned to towering over me before beginning to circle the room again. His hands joined behind his back, the same dark cloak from before draped over his shoulders, and silver hair almost glowing in the low light. “Join me Y/N and you can finally use your abilities like they were intended” he told me, with a small smile, “that so called “pack” doesn’t appreciate what you can do. You’re just as powerful as they are, if not more so, and you don’t even have to sprout fur”.
My eyes followed him as he walked along the perimeter of the room, his eyes running over me like a predator looking at its prey, stalking me almost. He’ll dip into a shadow along one wall and appear coming out of another, eyes still locked on me. Although the pack doesn’t always listen to the advice I give them after a vision, they still appreciate it, don’t they?
“No” I said harshly, averting my eyes from his. He quickly comes to stand in front of me, squatting down and bringing his hand to my chin and forcing me to face in his direction. His eyes boring into mine as he spoke: “And so she speaks”. After breaking eye contact and jerking my head from his grip, he stood up again and towered over me. A frustrated sigh escaped his lips, and a seemingly calm wave came over him. He began circling yet again, before stopping to stand against the door. His arms crossed against his chest and his chin lifted to take in the luminescence of the sky. My heartbeat began to settle, but sped once again after I spoke. “I’m not afraid of you” I told him, in a steady voice. His eyes were once again drawn to mine and his arms fell from his sides, a small grin on his lips.
“You don’t have to be” he said cooly, “because I know something that you want. A longing, really”. My heart dropped at his words. No. He couldn’t know. No one knows. “Let me show you what I can give to you Y/N, so long as you stand by my side”.
“No” I replied quickly, jerking my head away from his approaching hand, “no”. But his cold hand reached my forehead and my eyelids fell heavily, head left hanging in front of me.
The moment my eyes opened, they immediately shut again, having to adjust to the bright lighting. After a few moments, I finally sat up and scanned over the room. I was in my living room, sitting on the couch when my attention was captured by noises coming from the kitchen. I walked through the house and peeked through the doorway, only to be hit with scents of garlic and basil. Pots and pans were strewn across the counter tops and ingredients were placed near their appropriate dish. In the midst of my kitchen confusion, two strong arms came to wrap around my torso, and a face buried itself in my neck. “Good morning princess, or should I say night”. I recognized the voice immediately and butterflies erupted in my stomach. I turned myself in his arms, bringing mine around his neck, my eyes meeting his emerald ones. “What’s all this for?” I asked him, laying my head on his chest.
“Our anniversary. I know it’s a little early, but I wanted to surprise you” he said, as a blush crept onto my cheeks. I pulled my head away from his chest and scanned around the kitchen before speaking: “You’re making me dinner? Are you sure you don’t want to go out?” I said with a giggle.
He pressed his hand to his chest, pretending to be offended and replied, “I’ll have you know, Y/N, I happen to be an amazing chef”. We both broke into a fit of laughter and only stopped to catch our breath. I looked around the kitchen once more with wide eyes. It really was a mess in here. “Are you sure you don’t want any help?” I asked, optimistically.
“No, no, no, I got this, I promise” he replied with a cheeky smile and a laugh. He shooed me out of the kitchen, and I sat in a bar stool on the opposite side of the counter admiring him. The shirt he wore hugged his muscular body so well, even watching him cook was like a work of art. He turned and made his way around the kitchen clumsily, making an even bigger mess in the process, but who could be mad when your chef looks that good? He stood in front of me, on the other side of the counter, with flour on his nose. I giggled and tried to wipe it off for him but he had another idea. He grabbed my face with his floured hand and kissed me. Not only getting flour on my nose, just like his, but on a whole other side of my face.
After laughing at each others floured faces, and finally cleaning them off, dinner was finally ready. Bringing the completed dishes onto the table, we ate, and I complimented him on his cooking skills, while also chuckling out an apology for my earlier comments. Once we both finished eating, we cleaned up the kitchen together in a comfortable silence, smiling at the other if they caught our eye.
The last dish was put away and Theo suggested a walk. I took his warm hand in mine as we started out the door and onto the wooded trail behind my house. The cool autumn breeze blew and the colorful leaves fell. Everything looked so beautiful this time of year. The trail was covered in red and orange leaves, crunching underneath our feet. The sun began to set and the soft twilight gave everything a sort of glow. I was lost  in the wonderment of the trees and hadn’t noticed Theo taking us down a different path than normal. The trail dead-ended to a beautiful gazebo covered with fairy lights. I lead us to stand inside of it and let go of his hand to spin and take in the beauty of all the lights.
“Theo, what is this place?” I asked. Had he been here before? A few seconds passed, and he was still silent. “Theo?”. Once I turned around, my heart dropped. I felt light-headed and tears came to my eyes. He sat on one knee in front of me, holding out a velvet box containing a diamond ring. The butterflies in my stomach fluttered so much so I could barely breathe.
Just as I opened my mouth to speak, everything in front of me began to fade away like a mirage. Theo, the trail, it was all gone. It felt like the air had been sucked out of my lungs, and my heart was torn out all at once. He was gone. He was never mine. The tears spilled from my eyes, not from happiness like before, but hurt and anger. I looked up at the shadowed man and pulled against my chains. “You are cruel” I told him.
“No, Y/N, this is kindness. That’s what you truly want isn’t it? To be normal? To be loved?” he replied. My body relaxed amongst the chains. It is what I want. “He doesn’t see you now but he will. I can give you a happy life, so long as you stand by my side Y/N”. He moves his body off of the door and circles me once more, stopping in front of me and bringing his hand under my chin and tilting my head up, this time without any struggle. “So what do you say, Y/N?” he asks, deeply.
“Will you join me?”.
Part 2
Writer’s Note: Sammie, I know this isn’t what you had in mind but I hope you like it regardless. If any of you are confused, I made the readers character clairvoyant, she’s not just crazy I promise. I’m also thinking of adding a bit of witch in her, what do y’all think?? This is my first two-parter, and first Halloween inspired writing and would really appreciate some feedback and hearing what you guys think! (also there will be more Theo in the next part, i promise!)
Theo Tags: @steph-oliveira @lydiascreams
Forever Tags:  @redstringlovers @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @hoodforcalum @rosecoloredshawn @barrett86861
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fullmoonimagines · 7 years
Chains (Part 2) // Theo Raeken
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This is Part 2 in a three part series. You can read part one here.
*i can’t remember if theo can hear heartbeats, but if he can’t then he can now ok deal with it
Warnings: swearing
Theo’s POV
The crisp autumn breeze blew as I walked up the front steps towards Scott’s house. I’d received a frantic text from Mason not twenty minutes earlier calling a pack meeting at the McCall residence. I knocked on the door only once before it opened quickly in front of me. As I stepped into the living room, I noticed everyone was already there. The text said 3 o’clock, so I know I couldn’t be late but the way everyone’s head turned slowly to look at me with worry in their eyes made my heart race. My eyes darted to Mason, who stood at the front of the room, palms rubbing together anxiously.
“What is it?” I asked, my voice low and eyes wide. I held my breath awaiting his answer, and as I shifted my gaze to others in the room, they would quickly look away.
“It’s Y/N… she’s gone”, he replied in a whisper. At the moment her name came from his lips, my head felt as though it was spinning. My mouth opened to question what he had said but nothing came out. The breath I had been holding was released and the pace of my breathing from then on was heavy. I looked to him in confusion, wondering as to where she could have gone, and who could’ve taken her there.
Mason recounted what had happened when he arrived at her house earlier that day. The door was left unlocked, the lights were left on, and her car keys were still on the table near the front door. He searched the whole house for her, calling out her name, but got no answer in return. He finally decided to call her phone which lead him to the kitchen table downstairs. Her phone laid on the table along with a few books, but what stuck out the most to him was the papers strewn across the floor, along with the chair pulled out from the table. She’d been there, but where had she gone?
Everyone packed up their things and we headed to Y/N’s house. When we arrived, everyone spread out, hoping to find even the smallest bit of a clue leading us to where she’d gone. Malia and Lydia searched upstairs while Scott, Stiles and Liam searched outside, leaving Mason and I alone. We looked around the house in silence for what seemed like forever until I couldn’t take it anymore. “Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked, “about Y/N. Everyone knew but me”. He turned to look at me, and the despondent look on his face hadn’t changed. He quickly broke eye contact and went back to searching before responding. “I didn’t want to worry you”. My jaw clenched and my knuckles turned white. Worry me? Was he kidding? “It’s a little late for that” I spat back at him, forcing myself to leave the room before my anger got the best of me.
I walked down the hallway to the table where she was last. Tears began to fill my eyes as I ran my hands through my hair and took deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. I step closer and let my fingers run over the pages of the open books on the table, over every crease and corner. Her writing on the pages was almost calming, as if I could hear her voice in my head, reading me every line. The sweetness in her voice practically matched the sweetness in her soul. She’d help anyone in need, but hurt the ones she loved, and she could be as fierce as a lion. Someone like that could never have any affection for me, not after the things I’ve done, yet the yearning in my heart had not ceased.
The sound of footsteps brought me out of my daze, as I quickly wipe away the stray tear that had fallen from my eye before turning around. Liam came in through the back door and gave me a weak smile before he spoke. “I could hear your heartbeat from all the way outside. Are you okay?”. He already knew the answer to that question, so what was the point in asking. I opened my mouth and took a deep breath, placing both of my hands on the table in front of me, and letting my head hang in between my shoulders. He stepped closer to me and placed his right hand on my shoulder. “We’re going to find her, you know” he told me, squeezing his hand. We stood there in silence for a few moments before Scott walked through the door: “I found her scent”.
After hearing those few words from Scott, the search for Y/N hadn’t stopped. We’d followed her scent through the woods, across the city, and finally to the outskirts of town. Standing before us was an old, abandoned brewery, shut down over nearly thirty years ago and never reopened or demolished. The shell of a once beautiful and lively building stared back at us as we approached slowly. Broken glass and rubble covered the floor and the aged brewing kettles stretched from wall to wall, collecting rust. The dim moonlight shone through the windows lining the top of the building, illuminating the catwalks above. The sheer size of the building itself was overwhelming. Y/N’s scent was lost outside, and she could be anywhere in here. We decided to split up and look for her, trying to cover more ground.
I turned a corner around a row of rusted brewing kettles when a staircase caught my eye. The spiraling staircase lead down into what appeared to be a wine cellar. Old barrels lined the walls, the smell of mold hitting my nose almost immediately. The dark and damp stone of the ground echoed the tread of my step as I walked along the rows of barrels, each one older than the last. At least, that’s what I thought. A barrel at the end of the row looked.. Different, somehow. It looked more polished than all the others. I stepped towards the barrel and brought my hand to it’s side to wipe away the little dust it had collected to see the year printed when it.. Moved?
The polished barrel and the shelf it was on along with it, push back into wall, like opening a door. I glanced down at the floor and noticed that dirt had been swept inwards with the door before, meaning I wasn’t the only one down here. I leaned my head through the doorway and looked down the dark corridor. The only light came from the occasional lantern hanging on the wall, illuminating the entrance to hallway after hallway. How was I ever going to find her down here?
I began moving down the dimly-lit passageway, and just as I was going to turn down one of the hallways I heard her voice. “No” she stated harshly, grabbing my attention. “No!” she said again, this time with venom in her voice. I quickly follow the direction of her voice, trying to move as quietly as I could with my heart almost beating out of my chest. Her voice fell silent for a few minutes but that didn’t stop me from continuing to follow where it had once been. I stopped when I heard the rattle of chains and yet again my heart beat skyrocketed. How dare anyone chain her. My breathing sped when I heard her voice again but my jaw clenched once I heard what she had said “You are cruel”.
I tried to concentrate as I listened to Y/N’s heartbeat, and whoever else was in that room with her. Whoever it was, the bastard was calm.. Too calm. “No, Y/N, this is kindness. That’s what you truly want isn’t it? To be normal? To be loved?” The sound of his voice causes my knuckles to turn white until his words register in my head: to be loved. I moved closer to the door as he spoke again: “He doesn’t see you now but he will. I can give you a happy life, so long as you stand by my side Y/N”. He? By his side? She’s not a pet, you asshole. She’s powerful. “So what do you say, Y/N?” His words once again made my heart stop. No, no, no, Y/N. I love you. I need you. My thoughts rendered me paralyzed as I awaited her reply. She wouldn’t agree to anything he said, would she? I was caught up in my own feelings when only a few words cleared my head, and made my heart drop once more:
“Will you join me?”.
Writer’s Note: HELLO EVERYONE YA GIRL IS BACK A SECOND DAY  IN A ROW. I really hope you like part two and would love to hear what y’all think. What do you think is going to happen in part three?
Theo Tag: @steph-oliveira @lydiascreams 
Forever Tag: @redstringlovers @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @hoodforcalum @rosecoloredshawn @barrett86861
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fullmoonimagines · 7 years
* = drabbles
(italics are written by the former writer, Lexie, whom I love very much)
Isaac Lahey
Nowhere but Here
Good Enough to Eat
Safe in my Arms
Happy Ending
Jordan Parrish
Safe with You
Theo Raeken
Chains Part 1 Part 2
Never Stop
I Believe (ft. brother!Stiles)
You Comin’?
Never Be Afraid
Close Your Eyes
25&50 *
Thank God for AP Chem
Under the Stars
Derek Hale
Stars in Your Eyes
Sneaky Santa
I Know
Breaking the Ice
Sourwolf Envy
Not Such a Secret
Coughs, Cuddles and Sniffles
Closet Kisses
Stiles Stilinski
Something in the Water
Maybe in the Mud
Turning Pages
Anything for You
All Yours
The Bite
Not Such a Secret
Rainy Days
Study Buddy
Meeting Him
Liam Dunbar
Like Me Better
Dating Liam would include
It’s Not Right
Puppy Love
A Mutual Feeling (Part 2 of Infatuation)
Scott McCall
With You
Batting Skills
Puppy Love
Brett Talbot
Sex with Brett would include
Dating Brett would include
The Pack
Anything for You
Allison Argent
Of Course
Lydia Martin
To Us
Love Sick
**none of my work is to be posted without my permission!!
*if any of the links don’t work, please let me know!!
also, you can follow my writing on wattpad!
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fullmoonimagines · 7 years
Safe with You//Jordan Parrish
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@thesaraaaaahpfan: Hi I have a request💕(hope yoy request are still open) Can you do a Jordan Parrish imagine where he has a nightmare (like every other night) but the reader is there for some reason, you choose one, and she comforts him and after that or the next morning they kiss cause they like each other Tag me when you'll do it so I can like it and tell you how much I loved it right away 😉💕 (Last thing, please do it cute but not too fluffy, I'm not really into fluff, I find it too unrealistic)
cute but not too cute, you got it babe! (well, i’ll try)
It was a late night at the station, and my eyelids were becoming heavy. Being a part of the sheriff’s department in Beacon Hills was rewarding work, but came with its share of paperwork. The stack on my desk had been finished hours ago, but the stack of papers for my partner had taken longer than expected. I knew Jordan’s secret, and with all that’s been going on in Beacon Hills, he needed a break. After twenty minutes of arguing with him, and reassuring him that paperwork was no big deal, he finally went home, hopefully to catch up on the sleep I could tell he’d been missing.
After filling out the last line and stapling the pages together, I rose from my desk and grabbed my keys. While sliding one of my arms through the sleeve of my coat, Sheriff Stilinski walks out of his office, ready to leave for the night as well, and says a quick goodbye while passing by. Just after passing Jordan’s desk, he turns around and picks up the cell phone that was almost hiding underneath the keyboard. “This belong to Parrish?” he asked, holding it up for me to see.
“Yes sir, I believe it does. I’ll drop it off at his place on my way home” I replied, zipping up the jacket I had put on. I grab my bag as he gives me a small nod, handing me the phone before joining me as I walk to the parking lot. A cold winter’s breeze blew, and the few leaves that remained in the trees shook. I said a brief goodbye to the sheriff before getting in my car, making sure to turn the heat up as hot as it would go.
The drive to Jordan’s house was quick, thoughts of him rushing through my mind. We’ve been partners for so long, I can’t even remember when my feelings for him started to change. Ever since we’d been paired together at orientation at the police academy, we’ve been inseparable. We do everything together, he’s my best friend, but over time my feelings began to change. The sparkle in his eyes made my smile grow, when he looked at me there were butterflies in my stomach, and just the thought of him could alter my mood. The more I thought of him, the more miserable I became. I could never have him. He was my partner. We were suppose to have each others backs, and keep each other safe, not fall so unwillingly in love that any sight of him turned a police officer, with a duty to protect, into a lovesick puppy.
I settled my mind before parking outside of his building, and taking a deep breath before getting out of the car. I walked up the steps, his phone in hand and reached his door fairly quickly. I’ve been to Jordan’s apartment before but this time felt different.. Maybe because it was so late. I reached my hand out of my pocket and up towards the door when I heard a strange noise coming from inside. The groans of distress coming from the apartment startle me as I reach for the key Jordan had given me. As I push the key into the lock, a disconcerting yell comes from behind the door, causing my heart to drop. I unlock the door quickly before unholstering my gun. I quietly enter the doorway, silently shutting the door behind me before starting to sweep the apartment. I’d cleared every room except the back bedroom. I held the doorknob and gently pushed the door open.
What I saw was no intruder, but a very sleepy Jordan Parrish. He laid tangled in sheets, tossing and turning in his bed. I returned my gun to it’s holster and let out a deep sigh. The expression on his face was one of discomfort, his brows furrowed and his forehead sweating. He mumbled in his sleep, somethings I couldn’t make out, but then one word I could: my name. After that, he began to struggle more and more, his breathing sped and body moving erratically. I made my way to his bedside and laid my hand on his arm. “Jordan” I said, trying to wake him.
“Jordan” I began again, shaking his arm a bit, trying to pull him from whatever trick his mind had been playing on him.  After a few more unsuccessful attempts at waking him, I begin to panic. Without thinking, my legs are up and running to the kitchen. I grab the closest thing I could find and began filling in up with cold water under the sink. I bring the now filled bucket back to Jordan’s bedroom and nervously dump the entire thing on his head (and maybe the bucket too). After realizing what I’d done, my heart rate sped and my eyes went wide as Jordan finally awoke from his dream, very confused, and very wet. His head snaps in my direction, his eyes filled with fire, but return to normal once they meet mine. “Y/N?” he asked, confusion covering his face, “what are you doing here?”.
“You left your phone at the station and when I came to return it, I heard a yell from inside, I thought you were in trouble” I replied, gaze dropping to the floor.
“Then why exactly am I wet?”. Shit.
“You were having a nightmare, and wouldn’t exactly wake up any other way” I explained, voice low, and still avoiding eye contact. He looked at me and just nodded before standing. I helped him remove the now soaked linens from his bed and carried the empty bucket back into the kitchen. I hopped up to sit on the counter and waiting for him to come back from getting a spare set of sheets. Jordan entered the room, laying the new blanket he had on the counter opposite of me and stood quietly. After a few minutes of silence I decided to break the silence.
“Do you want to talk about it?” I asked him softly. A few moments pass before he looked into my eyes, his kelly green eyes filled with sorrow. “They were about you” he confessed, “in every one I’ve had, it’s always been you”. I stayed silent, letting him speak freely, not wanting to push my bounds.
He looked at me once more, this time with disappointment. “I couldn’t save you Y/N” he said, voice so low it was almost a whisper. He turned away from me and placed both his hands on the counter in front of him, letting his head fall in between his shoulders. The sight of him so disappointed in himself made my heart drop through my chest. I leapt off the counter and went to him, placing my hand on his shoulder, causing him to look up at me.
“You don’t have to save me” I whispered to him, my gaze shifting from my eyes to his lips, and back up again. I brought my other hand to his cheek before speaking again, “because I’m safe, right here with you”. He slowly brought his face closer and closer to mine until my lips met his. Jordan’s strong arms wrapping around my waist, deepening our already passionate kiss. When our lips separated, the look on his face was one of wonder. The small smile on his lips growing with every passing second, before laughing. I gave him a questioning look and he explained himself: “I’ve never been so happy to have someone splash me with water”. He gave a laugh before he continued “if you could even call that a splash, I got soaked!”.
“That was your own fault! Who even keeps a bucket in their kitchen?”.
Writer’s Note: Thank you so much for the request! I hope you love it! As always, a big thank you to @redstringlovers for being my beta reader, motivation coach, and title consultant lol :)
Forever Tag List: @redstringlovers @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @hoodforcalum @rosecoloredshawn @barrett86861
(if you’d like to me added to a tag list, please send me an ask and I will happily add you to a list!)
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fullmoonimagines · 7 years
Never Stop//Theo Raeken
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(gif from https://alcantara420.tumblr.com/)
@steph-oliveira: Hii 💖 Can you please do from the prompt list the number 2, 5, 7, 52 with Theo Raeken with a happy ending? Thank you very much! 💕
2. “I love you, I knew it the minute I met you.”
5. “I want all of you, forever, you and me, everyday.”
7. “Loving you kept me alive.”
52. “I never thought it was possible to love someone too much, but maybe it is.”
*I changed #52 a bit, hope you don’t mind!
Warnings: swearing
My brain hurt. I mean, literally, hurt. I’d just spent the last hour and a half in AP Calculus and the equations were whirling through my head, going a thousand miles a minute. I don’t know how Lydia does it. She can sit in class and understand everything right away, while I sit in the back scribbling down notes as fast as I can. Unfortunately for me, this means that most of my Friday nights were spent late in the library of Beacon Hills High. In fact, that’s where I’m headed right now instead of going home like a normal kid.
I walked reluctantly down the hallway, trying not to drop all my notes as hundreds of other students filled the halls, ready to start their weekends. I was almost to the library when a kid jammed me with his shoulder, sending me straight into the set of lockers to my right. Luckily I didn’t hit anyone, but when the open locker in front of me closed, my stomach dropped. There in front of me stood the most gorgeous green eyed boy I’d ever laid eyes on. Theo looked at me with surprise and a slight smirk.
“You finally come to accept my dinner offer?” he teased, eyeing me up and down.
“You wish Raeken” I retorted with a grin. The students rushed by so quickly, it looked like a highway. I guess I’ll just have to stay here and talk to Theo until things slow down. What a shame.
“Oh c’mon Y/N, you know you’d love it. What do I have to do? Recite some sappy movie quotes to you?” he said, still smiling. I raised my eyebrows at him in response. I didn’t take Theo for the romantic movie type. “I want all of you, forever, you and me, everyday” he recited, hands moving as he spoke over-dramatically. I smiled at him and gave a small laugh. Noticing the lack of rushing students in the hallway I figured it was time to actually get to studying.
“The Notebook, Theo? Really? I think you can do better than that” I said before walking away from him, looking back to see him smiling at me as I entered the library.
A few hours later, my eyes began to droop and the words on the page in front of me became blurry. I yawned and stretched out my arms before dropping the heavy books into my bag. My keys jingled in my hand as the cool autumn breeze hit my face as I walked outside. The sky was getting dark and red and orange leaves scattered the pavement. My car was one of the only ones in the parking lot, so thankfully it wasn’t hard to find. All I wanted right now was to be in my bed, causing me to walk a little faster to my car. The string on my keychain broke due to my speed and my keys tumbled onto the asphalt. I sighed heavily before bending down to pick them up, when all of a sudden all I could see was black.
My eyes slowly fluttered open, and my head was pounding. It took a minute for me to remember what had happened, and that I didn’t recognize my surroundings. My arms and legs were duct taped together as I sat on the floor of what looked like an old warehouse. The shelves on the walls were empty, the lightbulbs in the fixtures were broken, and metal door was rusted. The smell of blood grabbed my attention as I felt around to find the source of it. There was a needle mark on my neck that had blood around it, that son of a bitch drugged me.
I sat in silence for what seemed like hours, trying to find something to cut myself free. I found a scrap piece of metal in the corner and tried to release my legs when I heard voices outside, causing me to only saw away at the tape faster.
Theo POV
Thoughts of Y/N drifted through my head as I continued to run down the cracked sidewalks of Beacon Hills. The fall leaves cracked under my feet and the soft breeze ran through me. I ran without any destination, just trying to clear my mind. Turns out, my destination was Beacon Hills High, conveniently where Y/N was the last time I talked to them. I slowed my pace and eventually stopped in front of the parking lot. Was that Y/N’s car? What time is it?
I checked my watch before jogging over to the only car left in the lot. It’s way too late for them to still be here. I walked around to the driver’s side door when I stepped on something hard. I moved my foot over to find a set of keys lying on the ground, Y/N’s scent all over them. I looked around, but there was no sign of them, making my heart drop. I could only assume the worst had happened, and began to follow the scent. I can’t lose Y/N.
I’d been tracking the scent for about an hour, which led me to an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town. I don’t recognize the dark SUV parked outside but at this point I didn’t really care. Y/N was in there and I was going to get them back.
I took a deep breath before extending my claws and showing my teeth, ready for a fight. I busted open the old wooden door to find unsurprisingly in front of me, a hunter. His plaid shirt and shot gun didn’t scare me, but I can sure scare him. “You know, if you wanted me to kick your ass, you could’ve just asked instead of kidnapping my friend” I told him, smirking.
“Oh we both know they’re more than a friend” he replied, smirk dropping from my face. “You never thought it was possible to love someone too much, but maybe it is. You’re the only reason they’re here. What you are, is the only reason they’re here. You did this to them”.
His words made my blood boil. I was here to save Y/N, not hurt them. The anger became too much for me as I charged towards the man. We struggled for control until I grabbed the shotgun out of his hands and struck him with it. I quickly took the keys from his pocket and unlocked the rusty door behind us.
The duct tape wasn’t budging as I tried harder and harder to saw through it. The sound of voices outside the door only made me more anxious as I tried to find another piece of metal. I searched the floor frantically until I heard a struggle from outside. I waited for my kidnapper and probably his accomplice to come through the door but they never came. Instead, I heard the struggle end with a loud thud, and then silence. The jingle of keys made my heart race once again as I held onto the old piece of metal even harder. If he was coming in here, I was going to fight.
I heard the click of the lock and prepared myself for the worst. The large tarnished door began to open, and a single tear fell from my eyes. I wasn’t prepared for what I saw. Theo. The breath I was holding released and the metal piece fell from my hands. He ran over to me and broke me from my restraints, then took my hands in his and looked into my eyes. We sat there in silence for a moment until he spoke. “Let’s get you home”.
Theo shielded me from seeing the man in the other room and started to walk with me back to the school. We walked slowly under the stars and streetlights in silence, the only noise coming from passing cars the next street over and the faint whistle of the wind. The crisp autumn leaves broke under our feet, as neither one of us spoke of what had happened only moments before. I felt like he wanted to say something, but nothing came from his lips. The softness of the streetlights made the features of his face almost glow. Why had he come for me? I marveled up at him until he caught me staring, and gave me a small smile.
We both returned our focus to the sidewalk in front of us, but questions still filled my head. I decided after a while that I was tired of the silence. I turned to face him, but he was already looking at me, his green eyes already locked with mine. “Why’d you come find me?” I asked in a whisper, almost afraid of his answer. He broke eye contact with me and his gaze shifted to the ground below. It took a few minutes before he spoke again, “Because I love you, I knew it the minute I met you” he replied, voice just as low as mine. I stopped walking and turned to him, his gaze still on the ground. I took his hands in mine, causing him to look at me. The tears in my eyes began to well up as I brought my right hand to Theo’s face, slowly bringing his lips to mine. He brought his hands to cup my cheeks and when the kiss finally broke, with our foreheads together I told him: “Loving you kept me alive”.
“Then never stop loving me” he whispered, before bringing his lips back to mine.
Writer’s Note: Hi loves! Sorry I haven’t written in a while, but I’m back! Requests are not open at the moment, but they will be soon! Let me know what you think! Also a special thanks to @redstringlovers for being an amazing beta reader and motivational coach :)
Theo Tag: @steph-oliveira
Forever Tags: @redstringlovers @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @hoodforcalum @rosecoloredshawn @barrett86861
(let me know if you’d like to be added to a tag list!)
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