#Lydia martin x male!reader
malereader-inserts · 2 years
The Trifecta
Fandom: Teen Wolf Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x Male!Reader x Lydia Martin Summary: Jackson is confused about the sight he sees before him Word Count: 1,015
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Jackson looked confused, though no one really clocked in - it’s been years since they last saw him and he was the intruder of the group. Then again, the people before him are people he knows - well, some of them. He doesn’t know why he feels out of place but then watching the group in front of him baffled him.
"So, how did you and Ethan meet?" Scott asked, drawing Jackson's attention away from the trio, though it wasn't enough as Jackson stared at the Alpla mutely before his eyes lay back onto the trio.
"I'm sorry, when did this happen?" He spoke suddenly, even he was surprised to hear his own voice, "When did this become a thing?"
You looked up from your laptop as Stiles had his arms draped over your shoulders, resting his head on top of your head whilst Lydia was next to you, her head resting on your shoulder. If anything, the three of you were a tangled mess that just made sense. All three of you paused in your leisure searching to stare at Jackson.
"Huh?" Stiles asked, confused why Jackson was asking, "We've always been a thing."
"No, we haven't," Lydia corrected her boyfriend.
"Ah," You spoke up, ready to correct your girlfriend, "we've always been a thing in terms of having crushes on each other, but we've not been dating for that long."
"It's been like six months," Lydia says.
"Oh, if you think that's a long time, then I do wonder what years feels to you," You teased at her as she rolled her eyes, taking her head off your shoulder, but that made Stiles hug you closer to him as you fitted perfectly under him.
"It was a long time coming," Scott added, shrugging his shoulder as he sits next to Jackson.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Stiles asked, pretending to be offended, knowing full well that his best friend knew his ten-year plan to be the boyfriend of either Lydia or you, but Stiles shut up immediately when both his significant other stared him down.
"It was bound to happen," Scott clarifies, clearing his throat, "You three just draw to each other, like a moth to a flame, like I said it was a long time coming and that's not a bad thing."
"I think it's cute," Derek emerges from out of nowhere, "I mean look at them, "Lydia the brains, Stiles the emotions, and (Y/n) the brute."
"Thanks," You replied dryly at the comment from Derek.
"You know what I mean," Derek jabs back at you as you give him a smirk, rolling your eyes that he might have taken it to heart.
"I mean you are the main protector of your relationship," Malia spoke up next to Scott, massaging his shoulders, Scott sends an appreciative smile to his girlfriend, "Like how many times has Stiles gone to save Lydia and he got himself in a situation that you always come saving."
"Well, it's unsettling how it's happened more than once," You give your boyfriend a pointed look as he pouted back at you, causing both you and Lydia to chuckle at his reaction.
Jackson knew of Malia, Stiles' ex-girlfriend, he's heard a few stories here and there since he arrived back in Beacon Hills - he still wonders how Stiles managed to date her as well - perhaps Jackson is still imagining Stiles as this skinny boy he was when they were in high school together.
"But, how did it happen?" Jackson pressed on, as Lydia sighed.
"It's complicated," She replied honestly, before shrugging her shoulder, "How did you and Ethan get together?"
"It's complicated," Jackson replied, before realising, he nodded in defeat that no one really wanted to disclose what happened.
"I still think it's a dream," Stiles says after a few minutes of silence, he was squirming under the silence that he had to say something, "I mean, have you seen the two of them?"
Everyone make a noise of amusement and agreement before Stiles looked somewhat offended, he was hoping no one agreed to it, but come to think of it - he doesn't know how he managed to end up with the two most beautiful people he's ever met.
"Come on, Stiles," You softly tug him down into the seat next to you, "You're just as important in this relationship as Lydia and I."
You really did have a way with words that made both of your significant other smile to themselves. With that, everyone gathered that the conversation was done when Lydia gasped as she spots something on your laptop as you were scrolling.
Jackson was left to watch his ex-girlfriend, the guy he bullied and the guy he was always jealous of just work so well together. The three of you matched each other's energy so well, the three of you could keep up with each other. He watches as he sees Stiles starting to smile with a tease as he makes a loving snarky comment about Lydia's excitement about whatever was on your laptop.
He watches as Lydia had a spark in her eyes, ones he never received when he dated her, as she rambles the ears off her boyfriends' ears. You listen intently as you nodded along whilst Stiles was riling her up. He sees you smile to yourself and Jackson could see the fondness of your heart.
"Hey," Ethan says, rubbing his hand on his boyfriend's lap, the only person that could draw Jackson's attention completely somewhere else, "You okay?"
Jackson's happy, he found his someone and when he looks over your way, he's happy for the three of you for getting your happy ending. Even if it was a confusing combination, he could see how content and loving each person in the relationship was.
He sits back, gazing upon his old friends and new friends, who accepted him so quickly, he sighs happily being in a pack again. He looks at his boyfriend with loving eyes and a smile to make him swoon.
"Yeah, I'm okay, I'm more than happy about where we are now."
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zaceouiswriting · 1 year
Lost Love
Character: Derek Hale x male reader, Death/Dea (original) x male reader, mentioned Lydia Martin, Jackson Whittemore, and Eli Hale. (Scott never gets a mention)
Universe: Teen Wolf
Warnings: None
Authors note: Hello. I've finally dealt with another request, (Only three months after receiving it, I'm really late with my requests) and well, I may have to apologize. I had a lot of creative issues with it, from the timeline to all of the characters that were supposed to be involved. I might also forget a character, but since it's been three months, I don't feel like rewriting everything again. So I’m sorry @arekmaximoffkq but I hope you can enjoy it anyway.
"We can't win this alone!" That was a statement no one would have ever expected from their fearless True Alpha. No one ever thought that Scott McCall could feel hopeless by a threat. That was until the Legions of Darkness and the Hunters under Monroe, who could never be stopped, made a pact. It was a fragile one considering the Legions are supernaturals.
Either way, they found a common enemy. Scott McCall. Although the Legions have made massive strides to dominate the world, beginning in North America, he causes them too many problems with his alliance network.
"Before anyone says anything, I've already asked the Asian Dragons Alliance and United European Tribes, but apart from a few smaller groups within them, they can't help us much. They also fight the Legion on their continents.”
"We've never lost to anyone, Scott. Why should it be any different this time.”
"Because he's not here anymore, Liam." Derek was the one who reminded everyone of what had happened nearly fifteen years ago.
The room went silent from one moment to the next. A deadly atmosphere hung over their heads. Liam couldn't understand what was happening. He never understood when his pack went silent like this after something remembered them about someone he never got to know.
Lydia was the only one who never looked as sad as the others, she always did her best to look that way, but if people watched her closely, they could tell the subtle difference. She was also the only one who offered to help Liam and the other people who weren't around at the time.
Everyone accepted, even if it was just about getting out of the room. In Scott's kitchen, she was surrounded by a larger group, all staring at her, desperate for answers. And she told the tragic story. About her husband being possessed by a Nogitsune, causing him to more or less kill several people.
Scott had saved his girlfriend Allison but instead damned Derek's fiancé. The sword intended for the archer pierced the older man who was there only to protect the youths. Before Derek could reach him, his body dissolved, hatred in his eyes as he died. But worse, it didn't save Allison for long because just moments later, as she nocked another arrow on her bow, she was stabbed from behind and died in Scott's arms.
Since then, Derek hasn't been able to look Scott directly in the eye without wanting to kill him. Instead of just one death that day, there were two. And one of those deaths was so much more important than the other. Allison was just a formidable archer but useless in the long run. Even Lydia had to admit that as her best friend.
Derek’s fiancé - a powerful mage - did everything for them, protecting and even making sure that the threats they faced never got out of control.
To say the next generation wasn't impressed would be an understatement. They always looked up to Scott, his supposedly strong moral compass. But now they knew his true intentions; selfishness.
Lydia knew from day one you saw Scott for the vile person he actually is. She only saw it after a few years of being separated from him. Being under the same roof with him now made her sick. She could only see her best friend's dead face and Derek's broken face.
Now more and more people have been able to see it, although it doesn't change anything because Scott is still their Alpha. But at least now they know that most of his decisions are selfish and not for the greater good.
"So what can we do?" Mason asked Lydia, slowly getting restless himself.
The look she gave him, and the whole group spoke all the necessary words. "I don't think we can do anything. We can only hope it doesn't get any worse."
Lydia should never have said those words. Mere days later, the sudden appearance of the Oni, quickly followed by the Nogitsune they thought had been killed, and then someone who broke their fragile pack even more apart.
She had no choice but to get help herself.
With the rest of the pack still at home, Scott tried to keep everything together while getting his Allison back. Lydia was in Jackson's car with him and his husband. "Who are you looking for anyway? I thought the supernatural council already told Scott we couldn't help."
But she said nothing. Not ready to say anything.
Ethan had the idea right away, but his husband didn't. Jackson kept nudging Lydia. To the point where his husband put his hand over his babbling mouth before Lydia would overturn the car.
They spent the rest of their journey in absolute silence until they came to a private road. "Please wait here. Don't follow me, and please don't ruin this, okay?" Without even waiting for an answer, she exited the car.
As she walked up the street in high heels, her arrival could be heard far out. She never intended to be secretive, which worked well enough for her.
She could feel the heavy air everywhere, filled with so much raw magical power that she kept marveling that the animals that lived there didn't suffocate. For example, she never had trouble breathing, but once she got there, she could never take a single proper breath.
“If this is not Lydia Martin. We haven’t seen each other in a couple of years!“ Your voice suddenly called out to the banshee. Already used to your antics, she turned around but could not see you immediately. “Turn around again.“
And she did, slowly, but she did. With a big smile, you stood before her, a crown of flowers with red and white roses, without thorns in your hands. Without hesitation, you crowned her again as you normally do whenever she comes by.
"You never change, do you?"
"Nope." With another big smile, you pulled Lydia into your arms. "It's so nice to see you again!" After their brief hug, he put her arm around his. "Now tell me why you are here. Our next meeting was only a few months away.”
Lydia would have been a fool to think you didn't smell the need for her to come to you so early. She was many things, but stupid wasn't one of them.
"A lot of things happen, and I know you don't like it when I talk around, so I'll just ask you. Could you come and-"
"Dad!" The panicked voice of one of your sons jerked you away from Lydia. Before you could react, however, your two sons stood before you and Lydia, with someone you knew and someone you didn't. "We found these intruders and- Aunt Lydia, what are you doing here?"
"You two have grown." She was utterly surprised to see them standing so tall, which made her slightly uneasy, knowing she would have many questions that the man she was meeting would most likely won't like.
Luckily Jackson - who was brought by one of my sons - was doubled-over from feeling sick because of the teleportation.
Shaking your head in amusement, you couldn't hold back your snarky thought: "Jackson, are you still not used to this?" Your voice froze him in his tracks.
Slowly, very slowly, almost scarily he raised his head, his eyes though still fixated on the floor. Standing almost straight again he still did not dare look at you. Lydia told him that he could and with her reassurance he finally did. His eyes quickly filled with tears as he locked them with yours. His baby-blue eyes shimmered with shock but in a happy way.
Without warning, he lunged forward at a pace neither your sons nor you could do anything about. He pulled you into his arms, much more muscular than you remembered. Now he feels and looks a lot like a young Derek. Thinking about him always made you sad, which not only your sons felt this time.
Only Jackson was apparently unaware of this. "This is Ethan, my husband!" he told you excitedly, smiling cheek to cheek, ignoring the fact that you were not dead and standing still alive in front of him.
You gently cupped his face, which now looked much older than yours. Just another curse of your existence. "I will meet your handsome husband in a moment. But before, how are you and your parents?" His face darkened. "You forgot what you promised me, didn't you?" Shame crossed his face for a short moment. He became the little boy you met when you moved to Beacon Hills, who just found out he was adopted again.
You saved him from getting hit by a car, talked to him, and brought him back to his parents in the evening. For years you tried to get him to see them for who they are; but you were unsuccessful. You finally got through his thick skull, but you died before Jackson, his parents, and you could meet again.
"Then we must do it soon. They are not getting any younger and deserve to be loved by you. After all, they raised you. But I also have to blame them for spoiling you little shit!” You jokingly shook his head with your hands, ruffling his perfect hair. It eventually brought a small smile to his face.
Booping his nose brought back many sweet memories with little Jackson and even moody teenager Jackson. Slowly you pulled your hands away from him. In the same movement, he turned and looked at the other man, who finally rose from his slouching position.
"Ethan is your name, right?" you asked in a dangerously low voice that sent a cold sweat down his son's back. He nodded and swallowed hard. "I think this little rascal over here told you about me?" You glanced back and forth at the couple with a raised eyebrow.
"My big brother," Jackson whispered to his husband to refresh his memory. Suddenly, Ethan's eyes widened with shock and realization.
His body suddenly went stiff. He even held out his hand to most likely properly greet you. 
“Hey, little brat?“
"How come you've got not only a handsome man but also a well-mannered one while still being the same obnoxious brat?"
He could see your cheeky, teasing grin that had torn holes in his heart so many times before, believing the hurtful things you said until you made it clear it wasn't meant like that.
However, Ethan knew nothing about it.
"Because Jackson is an amazing man, passionate, gentle, romantic-"
"He didn't mean it like that. He complimented us both."
"What? He attacked you!"
Both Jackson and you looked at each other, giggling at his words. "Brat is my nickname for him because that's what I called him the first we met. He is and remains obnoxious to me because although he has a hard, unfriendly demeanor on the outside, he has a heart of gold. I'm just glad he hasn't changed."
Horror filled Ethan's eyes as you explained the rather adorable things you had to say about his husband. You could see that he wanted to fall into a hole right then and there.
Without a word, you suddenly stood before him and put one of your hands on his cheek. "If you hurt my little boy, I will kill you and destroy your body on a molecular level, dissolve you, and destroy every memory anyone ever had of you, understood?"
At first, he seemed amused by the innocuous-sounding threat, but when he looked into your eyes, he knew it wasn't a joke. Eyes wide, you pulled him into a hug. "Welcome to the family!" In your arms, you whispered something else in his ear, a threat he couldn't ignore, but you made sure no one else could hear.
As you pulled away smiling, Jackson smiled too without looking at his husband, who looked pale, horrified at you.
"Now, can someone explain why you're all here?"
“Scott needs your help.“
"No." You turn and motion for your boys to come with you. Even though they were intrigued by the name Lydia mentioned, they followed you anyway.
"We need your help," Jackson pointed out. Looking into your eyes melted your heart a little, but you still couldn't.
With gentle eyes, you looked at the boy who was like a little brother to you. You still had to say it, even though you didn't want to: "No. I'm sorry, but I can't." 
Jackson's face twisted, hurt at my refusal to help him. "If you had asked me, I would have done it immediately, but not with this boy and possibly the man who let me die." Suddenly the ground shook under your words, and time flew by, just for you to reverse it again.
"No one would be safe without your help!" Lydia tried again, but you waved your hand and teleported her back to their vehicle. Your boys wanted to know what it was about, but you couldn't tell them. They only know the bare minimum, and you want it to stay that way.
Days went by without Lydia trying to contact you again. You have feared for the safety of those who have been good to you, but you cannot save them every time they get into trouble. You were working on the ranch when you felt something strange.
One moment you were standing in one of the barns, and the next at the edge of your property. "What do you two are doing there?"
Your sons were jumping around in utter fear. One of the few rules they have to follow is that they can't leave the property without you.
"We have to help them!" the elder twin said bluntly while his younger brother had his eyes on the floor.
"You want to see your father, don't you?" That question silenced him immediately. "Don't worry. He won't die. He's like a cockroach. He comes out of everything with a few little bruises and maybe a few wounds.”
But they were determined to help Scott's pack. You could see it in his eyes and later even in his brother's eyes when he finally looked up at you. When they saw your eyes glow purple, magical energy flowed around you, and a moment later, the bubble that kept the ranch hidden from supernatural beings. It as well saved it from natural disasters.
They stared at you in surprise as your eyes went back to normal. "Then go. But not with all your abilities. You can teleport to them but not back or anywhere. Your powers will be minimal."
After that, you just disappeared, hurt, disappointed, and proud simultaneously. Being able to feel your boys teleport away, a strange pain immediately filled your chest. At first, slowly, and then suddenly, you winded in pain. Somehow able to suppress it, you walked back into your house, taking a book out, trying to just forget about it.
Just a sentence in, you were unable to concentrate anymore. For minutes you just stared at the filled pages before you threw it away, awaiting to hear it land on the floor.
All the alarm bells went off in your head at once because that sound never came. Ready to rip some heads off, you were suddenly frozen in place. "Finally, we meet again!"
"That's impossible!" you called out loudly through clenched teeth. "I killed you!"
Suddenly there was a child in front of you and next to him a middle-aged man. "You killed one of us and we want his powers back, you filthy mortal!"
The child was about to touch you. His small hand was outstretched to do whatever he wanted to you when suddenly a spear pierced his head. Blood splattered everywhere. Gasping in shock, he fell to the ground and disappeared. Only to reappear shortly thereafter. "I am the past! You cannot kill me!" Anger emanates from the small body, much more than a child should be able to feel.
You had an intense desire to contest this but believed it might be a while before you would find something that could actually kill this spoiled brat.
In complete contrast stood the middle-aged man. "We just want grandfather time back. After that, we'll leave you alone... forever."
Anger surged back through your body, reminding you of how they tried to erase your existence multiple times, the first being right at your birth. "No!" you told him after lashing out with your powers and destroying his body in no time.
"You'll see," the same middle-aged guy suddenly told you from the other side. “Maybe you can kill my son, the past because the past is quickly forgotten. And maybe even my father because the future hasn't been written yet." Out of nowhere, without you even feeling him move, he leaned in with his mouth next to your ear. "I am the present, omnipresent, unkillable except when the universe implodes in on itself."
The anger you were feeling did not subside. It even became worse, as his words felt like a looming threat to you. „What if I kill your son as well? Wouldn’t I be the controller of the present, through manipulation of past and future?“
The man smiled for the first time. "You're a lot smarter than I thought." After that, his voice softened a lot. "I allow you to keep the future, but use it wisely. You are a part of me now, and I am one of you, don't risk the balance of nature. At least no more than you have already done. You perversion of nature!"
You fell over as time worked again and lay on the floor while the middle-aged man crouched in front of his arms on his thighs. "You and your sons are abominations, an error of a magical nature. Therefore, in order to have the foresight of future events will be useful, but you must protect the universe with your power and that of your children! If not, we will find a way to kill you like we did the one who freed people's minds giving them absolute freedom."
Now that a real threat was being uttered, chills ran through your blood went cold – almost as cold as ice – you could already tell that his words were not empty.
You agreed with him. Though you knew you were powerful, you doubted there was any chance for you to win against something or someone so fundamental to the workings of the universe itself.
He smiled at you. A smile so malicious that fear was no longer the right word; you were horrified by this man. Somehow he must have sensed this because he turned to his son: who glared at you but took his father's hand.
They disappeared suddenly and without a trace; no magic, not even a smell.
Startled by this event, you fell back in your seat, exhausted and angered by your passive behavior. Maybe it was finally time to show everyone just how powerful you really are and not just give them some showings of lesser magical abilities you harbor. But where?
The pain that was gone came back a thousand times stronger than before. A scream so high you thought your vocal cords would eventually tear apart came out of you. It felt like your heart was exploding into a million pieces.
In a panic, you suddenly found yourself in a school that you had to attend many times considering you were - under normal circumstances - still would be, the mother figure of a pack of supernaturals.
Only now, you see older versions of all the teens you helped grow, broaden their horizons, and more. They fight the same enemy you died against. Right in the middle were your children - they were more of a hindrance than a real part of the struggle. Without much of their powers, they are almost useless.
You were watching the fight, but soon a girl - the cause of your death - snuck up behind the group and your sons.
You watched wide-eyed as she put an arrow in her bow, drew it, and let it fly. Your eyes followed the line of it exactly. As you realized where it would end up, a burning hatred began to flare in your veins. Not only was she the cause of your death, but now she was after your children?
A burst of raw magical energy shattered the illusion of the time - in which you were being held. With the smell of revenge in your nostrils and the tingling in your fingers, your scene changed again, only this time it was your own doing.
How can that be? Where did these two guys come from? And why do they look so like... him? My mind was racing as two boys about eighteen suddenly shoved Eli and me out of the way of danger, and then their hands glowed in that familiar color.
With only a few movements of their hands, they threw away the Onis with absolute ease. It reminded me even more of him. Honestly, everything reminds me of him, especially these days. Watching Eli grow up didn't make it any better. Maybe he would have stayed, even after what I did. But no, I had to be selfish and believe that she would stay with me.
Before I could ask them if they knew of him, they had summoned magic to forge weapons and engaged the Onis in sword fights.
Soon most of the Onis came to their comrade's aid and pushed both boys to their limits. First, their magic began to flicker before it just…disappeared.
As I watched them fight against those who had killed my one true love, I had this strange feeling, as if it was my duty to protect these young men as if they were my own flesh and blood.
"Get out of the way!" The boys only looked at me in shock, not moving at all. It forced Eli to suddenly transform, to push the other boys to the ground. Even though no blood was spilled or flesh pierced, my heart stopped even thinking that any of the three might have been injured.
Just as I wanted to scold my son, I froze in place, seeing the light-breaking shine of the sword rushing down.
A growl escaped my dry lips, my sore throat already dying, but not even that could stop the Oni from its hatred-filled attack against the three.
Since my body was too weak to move, even as a werewolf, I became too tired after hours of fighting. I could only watch as my son, the only good thing in my life that I ended up doing, would die right before my eyes.
Tears were already welling up in my eyes as the sword went deeper and deeper, now piercing his skin.
A sudden burst of violet light blinded me from seeing the death of my only loved one left. Screaming his name on a tongue that scolded and disciplined him more times than was necessary. I couldn't hold back my tears over the death of my son! He had to die without being able to see me: his father. Even though I was the worst father imaginable, I was still his father. Not being able to comfort my son in his last seconds of life will be the second worst experience of my life. It was hard enough living without the light of my life. But without my son? I could make my own life there!
"Don't go near my sons, you hellspawn!"
I... I know that voice! That voice... so soft and yet stern at the same time, it put all my hair up almost immediately.
I could only hear its magic crackling and things colliding. I could only imagine what had happened. But slowly, very slowly, the blindness - from the bright light - wore off. From blurred eyes, I saw a silhouette fighting like a monster against the real monster attacking us.
"Are you both all right?" His voice again, his beautiful voice. "I warned you, outside of the bubble, you will not be able to use your full power. As my sons, your powers are immeasurable. Therefore, it will take time and discipline to unlock your abilities again!” 
Hearing his voice scolding these young men and calling them his "sons" almost broke me. They seem so old! How is that possible? Did he have these kids before we met?
Before I could ask, however, I felt a burning pair of eyes on me and saw one of the twins pointing at me. When his eyes met mine, it was as if I hadn't been dazzled by his striking entry: my eyes could take in all of him. I could see its raw beauty right in front of me. He never had to do anything to look good, but now? He was gorgeous, just as young as I had met him.
But his eyes didn't show me the same love as they used to. There was disgust and anger in them instead. Of course, I deserve both, but it still hurt me.
"Dad, are you okay?" Even though I've never treated Eli the way he deserves, he still cares about me, which made my heart skip a beat.
"Dad? How old are you?" My veins turned cold, freezing even, hearing the angry voice of my true love. I just realized that if he knew Eli's age, he would know the whole truth.
At first, Eli didn't realize he was being addressed like the clueless boy he always was. It warmed my heart a bit. But soon, he must have felt the twinkling eyes on him because he turned and asked his question again. Eli, almost forced to speak now, looked at me confused, almost scared, but I nodded, not wanting to know what he would say or do.
"I-I'm fifteen, s-sir."
Sir? Eli was never that well-behaved or reclusive person who respects strangers.
His eyes widened instantly, and the anger turned to pain as his hand flew over his heart, pinched his skin, and even a tear found its way to the corner of his eye.
"Who was it, Derek?" He was speaking to me, speaking directly to me, and I could hear him! But does that mean... he's alive? 
Just now, realizing that I wasn't actually hallucinating, I nearly shit my pants lying on the floor, bruised and sore.
"Who did you cheat on me with? Fifteen years..."
There was no way I could lie to him again as I had so many years ago. "It was Breadon."
"Are you serious?" There was only disappointment in his eyes, and I could only feel the same. I feel ashamed of myself every day. Even though Eli came out of it, I still feel terrible.
"She died ten years ago. But she left right after the birth, leaving Eli and me alone. I thought if you weren't there, my heart would be hers. But we soon realized that neither of us loved the other, and I didn't date anyone else after..." A lump in my throat kept me from spilling out everything I could think of.
"You betrayed me? Let me die like I didn't mean anything?" He could hardly contain his anger but did his best, most likely for his sons and not for me. "You know what the funniest thing is? I was so in love with you that I would have forgiven you for cheating on me and getting a woman pregnant."
It was like a dagger piercing my heart when I heard that. Hearing those words of love once more, I realized in the next moment that my life could have been so much sweeter with that man. A man so deeply in love with me to forgive the worst betrayal of all.
When you saw Derek again, you felt a sudden outburst of hatred, but hearing that his life was so bad made it... subside, just like that. He's a lot worse off than you are now. It gave you a kind of satisfaction you never knew you needed.
"Get up, you pathetic man, and fight. I won't do it all by myself." Derek looked up in surprise when you spoke to him in a disgusting tone like that. "As I did with the hunters and the Legion of Darkness!" you mumbled softly afterward.
Derek stared at you in absolute shock. He knew you were strong fifteen years ago, but this?
A hiss came out of nowhere. A tone Derek and all other werewolves know all too well. You heard it often before as well. Far away was someone you knew should be dead. The arrow she released was in line with you. Without even trying to get out of the way, use your magic to surround the projectile to deflect it in a different direction or stop it mid-air. 
Knowing this was the only way it could go: you turned back to Derek. Only for the arrow to pierce your shoulder. It only got stopped by your bone.
For a second, you were shocked, only to feel the dark magic of another being. The Nogitsune - a powerful spirit - could not simply be killed, as you now know.
“Hmm… I should have been prepared for that. After all, his disgusting smell is all over this damn place!”
"Dad, what are you talking about?"
"That stupid Nogitsune. As always, Scott can't do anything right.”
Just as Derek opened his mouth, you stared at him, effectively silencing him before he could even utter a single sound.
"Huhu... Death, where are you?" Your voice sweet as sugar. Your sons already know this sound, and Derek did it too. Only Eli was confused, but even he broke out in a terrible sweat. "Do I have to go up there and beat your ass again?"
Just as your threat sounded, an extremely low chuckle could be heard from somewhere. A smile graced your beautiful face when you heard it.
"I think you got it the wrong way around." His heavy footsteps echoed through the school corridors.
"Uncle Dea!" your two sons shouted and jumped into the man's arms.
He laughed heartily at this warming gesture; A six-foot and seven-inch-tall man was tall enough for your two boys to hold on to, and his muscular torso, wrapped in a himation - white lose clothes - showed off his big, muscular pecs and his eight-pack. In your eyes, he was and always will be the most handsome man in any world or realm.
Soon he was pulling your sons away, his eyes fixed on you. "What did I do to annoy you this time, sweetheart?" His deep bass voice is so dark it sends shivers down your spine. He slowly moved towards you while your knees were already weakening. "It's so nice to see you again after all these years."
"I'd say the same thing... if there wasn't someone you promised me the last time we saw each other is dead and in heaven." Irritated, especially by your disrespectful tone, he slightly angled his head, almost as if he wanted to warn you. But as he followed your outstretched index finger, his eyebrows suddenly jumped up in confusion.
"What the hell is she doing here? Her soul should be at peace!” he muttered angrily to himself as a book appeared in his hand. As he flipped through it, more and more arrows flew in your guy's direction. Strangely enough, your magic still couldn't protect you from them. All you guys could do was evade them.
Until the atmosphere suddenly changed, darkness blossomed from a place where you only knew warmth. Death glowed in that atmospheric-changing darkness, ready to devour all life.
"Someone stole her soul and gave her a new body!" he roared loudly, his voice deafening, exploding all the windows and even doors around us. It even threw Allison off balance, forcing her to the ground and snapping her bowstring.
"Can you do something about it?"
"Do I look like a wizard?" After a moment's pause, his dark eyes met yours, "Don't answer that, or I'll have to spank you later."
An angry blush appeared on your face. "Not like a wizard, but a really hot farmer, at least with the scythe."
His dark eyes swallowed you whole; it was pure lust, but deep down, also love. "Even if your god were still alive, not even he would be able to save you from me when I get you later alone." He licked his plump lips, causing an immense lump to form in your throat, making it impossible for you to breathe effectively. "But I can't do anything at the moment. Someone has to kill the body the hunter girl is in before I can take her soul this time, so she can never be reborn.”
Cracking your fingers and neck, your eyes were solely on the huntress. Knowing that only you would kill that bitch, because everyone else is riding Scott’s dick, trying to make this joke of an Alpha happy.
Before you could cast a single spell at her, the same useless Alpha had his claws rammed into your chest. Determination in his eyes as you two looked at each other, on eye level.
"No!" suddenly, a familiar voice sounded behind you. In a flash, dark hair pushed Scott away from you. His claws ripped from your chest before the Alpha had a chance to crush your heart.
Breathing heavily in pain, you bend over to hide the true extent of the pain. "Dad!"
"Don't worry. I'm okay. Angry, but okay." You smiled at your two sons, who immediately came to your side, each holding an arm. Just then, you glanced over at them. "Lydia? Jackson? If any of you ever come to me to ask for another favor and still be associated with Scott... you'll wish you had jumped into lava because the death you would suffer at my hands will even make the devil blush! "
Lydia has known for a long time that you hated Scott, and over time she realized that your hatred was not unfounded. Especially after Stiles' death, which was also his fault, leaving her with two young children, the last born a month after her husband's tragic death.
Jackson wasn't even a part of the McCall Pack, but as an old ally and somewhat friend to the 'True Alpha‘ he still does his bidding if asked nicely.
They both looked at each other, their friendship still there, even after all these years. They talked silently before nodding at each other. They quickly switched from Scotts' side to yours.
In all honesty, you knew these two would come to your side before you even issued that ultimatum. Especially Jackson. If he didn't already know, he would soon learn that you've always taken care of him.
"Please, look after my boys. I'll take care of this devil spawn!” Allison was Lydia's best friend. You knew it was hard for her, but she had cried after her long enough. She's a smart cookie and aware that Allison is dead, and it isn't okay that she is back, especially not for nature, to which Lydia is close herself.
Using your magic, you lifted yourself into the air and flew to where Allison was last seen.
But when you got there, only her ruined bow was left. Before you could react, a knife was in your thigh. Groaning in pain, you pulled out the dagger and threw it at her, only hitting the wall behind her. Because she was already gone again, cursing under your breath, you began to search for her again.
A massive salvo of knives hit you quickly, your entire left side being scratched, punctured, or sliced open by them.
At that point, you had it with these games. You jumped from room to room with your powers and found them soon enough. With your magic around her neck, you imprisoned her; Before you could finish her little game by killing her stolen body, someone or something pulled her back and cut off the magic holding Allison in place. You were confronted with a being that had once been human, mummified, but it was still obvious.
You were the only person who could fight the Nogitsune. In your opinion, Stiles was always useless, but you have to give him one thing: he was an intelligent guy and the only one who could outwit a dark being like this. Without him, only you and your brute strength could be an enemy to him.
Meanwhile, the others tried to capture Allison despite her being faster, smarter than ever, and most horrifically deadlier.
"I swear by all the dead gods, if Scott had ever been responsible enough to kill his damn enemies, none of this bullshit would ever have happened!"
With renewed anger, even hatred, seething so deep in your soul that something strange happened, something painful.
Your magical core, which many people call 'soul' exploded, not in a destructive but an opening way as if nature had accepted your requests and could finally see the value in your existence.
Even the dark being, fueled by hatred, fear, and anger, suddenly became afraid. Your son's, just as you experienced something similar. Their eyes glow a purple hue, just like yours. But unlike you, their other side - they inherited from your ex-fiancé - has broken away from the many walls you built inside them.
For the first time in fifteen years of their lives, they transformed. The boys knew they could have done that from birth because of their vast magical abilities. But as they did so, the walls around them crumbled with their enormous size.
At that moment, you pulled yourself out of your pain and helped your sons control their magic that could shatter the very fabric of existence. Although slightly smaller, they are still at least five times larger than a regular wolf. In unison, they howled loudly, startling the nogitsune even more and making it tremble with terrible fear. You gathered magic in a ball of violet energy and threatened the dark being that tried to flee but failed this time. As it slowly began to warp into the shadows, you blocked the shadow, isolating it from everything else. Shocked, the Nogitsune tried to escape, but the magic-like handcuffs pulled on all four of his limbs.
"What must I do to keep you away from the mortal realm?" you asked him, sighing heavily. You looked away from that for a second, mostly for dramatic effect, over to Dea. Strangely, he pointed to where the Nogitsune was. But when you looked back, he was gone again. "Are you fucking SERIOUS?" Your voice echoed loudly through the school hallways, alerting everyone that something was beyond wrong.
Pissed off, you were going to blow up the whole building. But out of nowhere, the younger of your twins pulled something out of a shadow. A leg. But only one leg, not the whole dark being, but at least part of it.
Frantically, the leg tried to get out of his sharp teeth, but your son held it tight and carried it over to you with a toothy doggy grin.
Instead of pulling it out, you put it in a purple magic prison. Separate it from his body. Immediately after that, it stopped moving but stayed there. Although it was no longer bound to his body, it still existed.
It wasn't long before your younger son was carrying Allison, also in his mouth, mauled by him. A gasp could be heard from the sidelines, a hurt, irritated one. "If you dare touch one of my sons, Scott, I will maim you in ways you can't even imagine!" You didn't even look at him, but your voice told him the threat was real and near. So he quickly withdrew.
Your son threw Allison to your feet; her body was bleeding badly. "Finally, I can do what was supposed to happen!" Without guilt, you formed a sharp weapon in your hand and raised your arm to strike. As the blade swung through the air, but you had to stop as Scott jumped in front of his ex-girlfriend. You weren't shocked at all. He built everything around her, and she is with him now. Jumping from girl to girl, even dating his former best friend's ex-girlfriend, like a cliché player in romantic high school movies.
Instead of killing her, you sliced him with the blade. He cried out in agony as his skin began to burn slightly. “It won't heal, Scott. Any cut I give you with this blade that might heal will leave permanent scars.”
But he didn't seem to care because he stood there, teeth clenched. So you slashed him again and again... and again. You soon found yourself enjoying causing pain to this narcissistic little boy who never grew up.
"My love!" His deep voice finally snapped you out of your crimson thoughts of revenge. Dea's hand on your shoulder, his eyes looking at you with concern.
A slightly embarrassed blush rose to your cheeks. You averted your eyes far from him. But he pulled you into his arms. As you began to sob softly, your two sons came to your side and wrapped Dea and you in their united arms. Warmth, a happy and hopeful warmth, welled up in your broken heart.
When all eyes were on your little family, even the pain and jealousy of your first love, no one heard the bloody gasp at your side. Not even you until you felt something drip down your arm. Looking slightly down, there was a red substance. As your eyes looked around some more, you found the origin.
Scott sat up, his mouth bloody and a blade sticking out of his body, piercing his heart. "The mage is right. You really should have killed me when you had the chance!" An ominous chuckle followed those words.
Your eyes widened in shock as they flew toward the magical prison. Only one leg remained from the bandaged leg: a female leg. As your eyes darted back to Allison, you could see her skin slowly peeling off, revealing the Nogitsune.
When you tried to hit it with your magic sword, it disappeared. Leaving its blade pierced in Scott's chest. But you didn't give a damn; his alpha status should never have happened anyway. Maybe now someone more worthy could be elevated to this status.
At that moment, there was something more urgent. Telepathically, you told your sons to look for the real Allison. It didn't take long for them to find her: hiding behind some desks. But they just howled, which meant they couldn't carry her, so you walked past the dying Scott into the classroom and closed the door.
Soon you came out again, not a hair out of place. “Our work is done here. Lydia, Jackson, and even Ethan, you know where to find us. I'd be happy to host you whenever you want. Maybe next Christmas?” Ignoring Scott, who made his death so melodramatic.
Before you could leave, however, Derek pulled you aside. "Why didn't you ever tell me I had children?"
"Why didn't you ever tell me you cheated?" I stared at him for an answer. "Of course, no answer. Due to my short death, I had to put more magical energy into them. Their bodies became too weak to sustain the immense magical pressure. I had to kill one of the three gods of time to force their bodies to age to keep them alive. I suffered great pains to give birth and keep them alive. Now they look like eighteen-year-old men but are actually only fifteen. I'll keep them sealed for another three years, then if they want to have contact with you, they can. But I won't."
"Neither will we." your two boys said in unison as they look at their father in disgust.
It brought a smile to your face. As you teleported back up with your sons, you looked at Derek one last time. "I wanted to tell you the day I died. At least the blade cutting me down showed me the real you. I hope you never find love again and die despised by most.”
Before that day, you never told your sons what happened, only that something happened that forced you to get away from their father. You always wanted them to form their own picture of their father.
He tried to grab you, but luckily you got away just in time. Derek stayed there, his hand grasping air.
"Three more years... I have to train more people to be able to retire by then and finally marry this man!" Death himself murmured softly. It immediately caught Derek's attention. "Oh, I am sorry. The man you cheated on and I've been with for several years. I fell in love with him when he won against me: the first time anyone's won, for that matter. At least I'd never betray him.” The smug grin on Death's ice-cold face had been enough to make Derek wince in fear.
Unfortunately, you didn't witness his fear of your one true love: a man, an otherworldly being just like you. But no matter how much you despise Derek, you will forever be grateful for your relationship with him for giving you your two beautiful boys.
However, for now, you will most likely have to cuddle them to make the day's horrible events go away.
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First time you ever listen to me.
So this is an imagine that I wrote at 1am and I feel is not good at all. But here it is.
Warning: there are mentions of drowning
Yn was stiles stilinskis adopted sister. Being 2 years younger than him made stiles want to protect her from everything that had started to happen in their life's.
Yn was adopted by the stilinski family when she was 4, having been abandoned in a random house she had been brought to the sheriff's station. That day the sheriff's son was there and took a liking to the sweet shy 4 year old. The sheriff and his wife had always wanted to have more kids but couldn't so when Claudia met the little girl who had dark brown eyes and a sweet smile she completely fell in love with her and begged along with stiles to the sheriff to keep the girl.
So that's how you stilinski began her life, she was a smart kid who always had a smile on her pretty little face, but she always liked to be with her big brother no matter what, and stiles liking to have her around at all times placidly complied. When stile and yn met Scott they became inseparable and it was usual to see the two bigger boys and a young girl playing together.
Yn was close to her adoptive mother so when she became sick, and had to stay in the hospital it became normal to all the nurses and doctors to see brunett little girl with a small bouquet of flowers walking toward the room A13
When Claudia died when Yn was 8 she grieved the loss of her mother so bad that the sheriff got worried about the girl who refused to eat and sometimes stayed sitting staring at a wall, her mind somewhere else. Since then Yn became even closer to Stiles and every night she would go to his room holding Mr.bear and climb up to his side.
Years went by and Yn had a pretty normal life till her dear brother decided to go search for a dead body in the woods. That nightt was the time Yn's life would change for ever from that day on she had been included into her best friend's mayhem. Him becoming a werewolf, werewolf hunters, Derek. And the most recent supernatural creature. Kanima. Except they didn't know it was a kanima then.
Yn had been included in the plan to get the bestiary, which they had all formed to see what was the creature who had been lately roaming the streets of beacon hills. The plan didn't really go as expected and yn found herself by the swimming pools.
She had heard voices and went to see who was there. She came into the room just in time to see stiles and Derek go under the water, she went to help them, but her path was intercepted when a horrendous creature in all fours and a tail, pretty much like a lizard. She screamd and ran the other way. She though she could get out of there safely when she heard a snap and felt something slice slightly the back of her neck, right when she was beside the diving pool.
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Yn felt her limbs go numb and she fell into the water.
Stiles had just resurfaced. When he though he heard a scream but he couldn't have actually heard it while holding a splashing and very much useless Derek up
"Did you hear that?" Stiles asked Derek whilst holding him up, which became more complicated by the minute.
" couldn't have heard anything while I was bellow the water" he gruffly answered.
Well you're not the one holding us both up"
Derek just grunted in reply when he saw the Kanima wasn't near their pool.
"Where's the lizard?" He asked trying to turn around.
"It was right ther- what's it doing near the diving pool?" Stiles started cutting himself out as he saw the lizard like creature looking into the water one pool away
"You can't expect me to answer that do you?" Replied a very annoyed Derek spitting water our of his mouth.
While stiles and Derek were complaining, Yn was fighting against her own body to get to the surface. She felt her lungs where going to explode as she begged her body to function, but she had kanima venom in her system and it wouldn't wear off in a while. She tried to think, to scream for help knowing that Stiles would come and get her. But the only thing that got out of her mouth were boubles as she sank further in. She felt her head go dizzy at the lack of oxygen. But she refused to open her mouth till the very last moment. She felt herself grow tired as she felt he lungs would collapse, and she let the water in. After a while she didn't feel anything. She fought against the darkness that tried to consume her. She though about her family, her new friends, of her future life. And for a while, it helped her fight. But she soon realized none one was coming to save her. That maybe it was for the better altogether, she'd miss her family. But it was for the better. It was all for the better. And then she closed her eyes and let the darkness consume her.
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Stiles felt himself being pulled out of the water and into the ground. He grunted as he hit the floor and he heard derek grunt as well as he fell beside him. Stiles looked up at Scott " thank God, I was wondering when you'd come!"
His best friend gave him a small smile down at him.
" it was a kanima, " Derek said" that's why it turned around when it saw its reflection"
"Where did you leave Yn?" Asked stiles sitting up.
" what do you mean? I left her here with you?" Scott replied furrowing his eyebrows at the boy
"No Scott she left with you." Stiles started to get worried
"Stiles when I leaved I left her here"
"Stiles didn't you say you heard something?" Derek asked him stiffly sitting up
"Yes, I thought I heard a-"Stiles cutting himself up when the truth hit him "oh my God" he quickly lifted himself in his feet and ran toward the diving pool" God please don't let her be in the pool" he quietly muttered to himself.
Scott had quickly followed him helping Derek up.
But surly stiles saw at the bottom the frame of a body. He didn't think twice abou diving in. He quickly took the small frame in his arms and swam back up.
He pulled Yn's body out. Scott looked down at the girl and saw that her lips where blue and her face deadly pale.
Stiles saw it to but he denied the truth, he gently shook Yns body
"Yn common wake up" he said" please don't live me, Yn please common baby wake up" he gently slapped her face but nothing, stiles felt fear gripp him" no, no no no, common Yn, you need to wake up".
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Scott was already on the phone calling an ambulance and Derek, being the adult of the group, he quickly took stiles arm." Start doing Cpr"
Stiles could vaguely remember how he started pounding aging Yn chest"one,two, three..." and giving her mouth to mouth. He didn't remember how the tears slid down his cheeks as he tried to bring back to life his little sister.
He started sobbing when he saw she wasn't answering any of his pleads for her to fight. He hit her chest when a gentle cough came from the girls blue lips as the ambulances sirens was heard in the distance.
His eyes widened and he looked back to Scott who had been o the phone whith his mom and giving stiles directions on how to keep doing the CPR properly. " mom she coughed"
" her heartbeat's slow" derek told him and in that moment the paramedics burst through the pool room and to Yns side.
Stiles didn't remember how he ended up in the ambulance in the way to the hospita, holding yn-s cold hand in his. Or how his dad had to hold him from going in with the paramedics while they took Yn to a room to try and bring her back because her heart had stopped again.
Stiles sobbed into his dad's shoulder, dripping wet as he was " it'll be all right Stiles" his dad tried to comfort him when the truth was he was as scared as his son, that they would lose Yn.
Scott was whith them in the waiting room with his mom ad well as Lydia, Allison, Isaac and Derek, who had arrivquickly after Scott's mom called them. They were all extremely worried for the girl that had brought so much happiness into their life's with her shy way, the way she smiled and the way she was always there for people when they needed someone.
Aftera few minutes the doctor came out with sober look in his face. " we're sorry but Yn haven't survived." Everyone in the waiting room gasped at the words, everyone's eyes watered at the though that such a young life would be ended so unexpectedly. Stiles looked up tears falling from his eyes.
" Can I see her?" He asked quietly as he cleaned his cheeks from tears only for new ones to take place.
The doctor nodded and stiles went into the room where his sister laid motionless. He chocked a sob put as he looked at the once face that was so full of life a few hours ago.
"Why did you leave?" He whispered to her." Please fight, Yn I need you, please, you can't go. Don't live me like mom did."
Stiles took her hand in his and gently squeezed it as he cleaned his face with the sleeve of his shirt, only to realize he was still wet form half hour ago.
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Then out of nowhere a gasp came from Yns lips and she shot up from where she laid . Stiles jumped away from her in surprise and the doctor and his dad rushed to the door of the room to see what was happening.
"Yn?" Siles whispered to his supposed dead sister.
When Yn turned to him stiles saw that her eyes were glowing violet but quickly faded to their natura brown color when she saw him.
"Stiles" she gasped out before stiles tackled her in a hug holding her close.
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" I thought you were dead" he said against her damp hair.
"I heard you telling me to fight"
" well first time you ever listen to anything I say" he muttered holding her tighter against him.
So part 2? This took me so long to write. Hope you guys like it
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Tread Carefully ~ S.S.
Request: “Stiles x male reader, reader getting hurt trying to protect stiles from a werewolf” by anon
Word Count: 1400+
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Stiles had been harboring a crush on Lydia Martin for as long as he could remember. Even longer than Scott had known about it; and that was ages. So when he actually became friends with her, he'd thought he'd had a chance.
And then she'd dated Allison.
If he was honest, Stiles really hadn't ever considered that before. I mean yeah, he knew about queer people. But every time he brought it up, people had brushed it off and dismissed it. Stiles especially just wasn't - according to everyone. So he had never thought about it, until his old crush became one of his best friends and then she was taking about it all the time. Telling him about how happy she was, and when he asked, about how she'd realized she was into women. And suddenly he realized something he'd never considered before: he'd one hundred percent had a crush on Scott when they were kids. 
He didn't tell anyone for a long time. Well, anyone but Lydia. She was a fantastic confidante and an even better secret keeper. And she was good at keeping Stiles' sexuality a secret... until he developed a crush on her brother.
Y/n Martin was very different than his sister. They were a unit, they always had been, but where Lydia leaned into expectation to make herself popular and as perfect as possible, Y/n had leaned away from it. He didn't have a lot of friends, outside of the kids in the programming club, and some people he'd met over the internet. He was the type that knew high school was stupid, and thought that made him a little bit cooler than everyone else.
Stiles thought he was awesome. Y/n was putting as little effort into school as possible, focused less on college and more on learning to program and prepping himself to just do that forever. He was smart, which meant he knew that school didn't actually teach you anything you needed to know - as long as you knew what you were heading into. He often talked Lydia's ear off about how school was just preparing you to be part of the machine of society, and rolled his eyes when Lydia tried to get him into a "better outfit" or take him shopping.
But that was actually why Stiles liked him. They had math together, and Y/n made jokes under his breath and talked about how stupid it all was, and then leaned over and gave him pointers and help with the work in a way he could actually understand. He never ran out of patience and didn't find Stiles' burst of energy or hard time focusing or burn out annoying. He encouraged Stiles and hyped him up and when he did a good job and Y/n was leaning over his shoulder grinning at him, whispering compliments to him and joking about having to reward him one of these days, Stiles couldn't help but think that all he wanted in that moment was to kiss him.
Lydia picked up on it too fast. She was at first a little hesitant, making Stiles promise this wasn't about her, because her brother deserved better than being a replacement, but Stiles promised that wasn't it. And he proved it too, even if the pining looked the same. He talked to Y/n and became friends with him and fought against werewolves and other big-bads, and they bonded over being the only two just-humans on the team, but Stiles never reached out to him to tell him how he felt. Stiles didn't want anything from Y/n that he didn't want to offer; which was sweet except Lydia wanted to see her best friend and her brother happy.
So what was she to do except play match maker?
Her butting in was helping, too. Y/n was telling her all the time now about how he liked Stiles, how well they got along, all the stuff they were doing together. About his eyes and his smile and his laugh and how brave he was. About how they made so many plans together and learned to trust each other. About how nice his voice was, and how they studied together and often fell asleep late into the night and woke up next to each other.
And yet... it took Y/n almost dying for either of them to do anything about it.
It was a shit storm like all the others they had to live through. A battle, injuries all around, and Stiles and Y/n trying to find each other because this time they'd gotten separated. It was never good when those two got separated, they were both idiots.
Something that showed more than ever when Y/n rushed into the room, saw Stiles being cornered by a werewolf, and screamed at the top of his lungs. It was a faceless beast at this point, mind controlled by a spell that a witch had cast. She was making their lives hell, and this was only the most recent of poor bastards that had been mind controlled and sent their way. The only way to break the spell was to find the object that mattered to them most and destroy it. This worked because the witch had to cast the spell on such an object, and destroying it broke the spell. But she was aware of this, so she often sent her subjects after whoever found or had the object at the moment.
And right now, that person was Y/n.
So the werewolf turned, getting on all fours and shooting after the teenager, who's eyes went wide as he turned sharply and began barreling down the hallway as quickly as he could. It was a ploy to save Stiles' life, and it was a good one, but it couldn't last forever. The werewolf swiped at him, sending him flying one way and the thing he was carrying flying the other way. Derek arrived that moment, having been tied up before, and managed to fight the creature off while Stiles scrambled onto the scene and burned the object.
It was over.
But the damage had been done.
The pack brought them to Deaton, who immediately launched into stitching the poor boy up and lathering something on him to fight infection and help him heal faster. Then they were all left to simply wait and hope Y/n would wake up. He still had a heartbeat, but shock had hit his system and he still might not make it. A lot of blood lost, a really bad concussion...
Stiles of course never left Y/n's side. Y/n woke up to the boy asleep on his little make shift hospital bed, head on Y/n's leg, holding his hand. Y/n smiled, exhausted and sore and feeling like shit, but unable to deny that Stiles still looked adorable when he was asleep. Y/n ran his hand through Stiles' hair and the boy jolted up. "Oh." He blinked sleep out of his eyes, rubbing his face and shaking his head to clear it. "Hey."
Y/n laughed. "Hey, Sleeping Beauty," Y/n joked. His voice croaked from disuse and he flinched. "Jesus I sound like I died."
Stiles' smile withered. "You almost did."
There was silence at that. They couldn't meet each others' eyes, couldn't pass that stiffness and awkwardness. Neither of the boys were good with silence and always tried to scramble to crack jokes or entertain or cheer up, but Stiles' bluntness had shattered that. And it was kind of nice. Vulnerable.
"Stiles," Y/n began. "I... liked you." He sighed, shoulders dropping. "Like, really really like you. And I know it might ruin everything, and I don't want you to say you like me back because I almost died. I don't even need you to say anything right now, just, know I like you. And everyone knows you've always liked my sister but-"
At that, Stiles broke. He caught Y/n's face between his hand and pulled him into a kiss. They both sighed, smiling into it, and all the unspoken things seemed to be understood without any of the words needing to be said. They often communicated like this, with just an understanding, and no need for specifics or long rants. Leaning their foreheads together, Stiles still did say one thing. "I like you too." They both laughed, and all the tension melted away from both of them.
"Maybe next time you two need to talk about your feelings, one of you doesn't need to die for it?" Lydia sassed from the doorway. The boys parted, blushing, as she tackled her brother in a hug. But all of them laughed, and for now all of them were okay, and that... that could be enough. After all, they still had a witch to kill.
Male Readers: @ravenpuff-oli @sortzz @fadedver
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Heart of the Ocean 💙 | Teen Wolf Miniseries Part 1
Takes place in between 3A & 3B of Teen Wolf
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Teen Wolf Masterlist | part 2
Characters & Pairings: Hale/McCall Pack x supernatural!reader (female/platonic), eventual Peter Hale x reader (romantic), reader x male!oc ( past romance) & reader x supernatural!reader (platonic). Characters in this imagine: Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin, Allison Argent, Isaac Lahey, Derek Hale, Peter Hale.
Content Warnings: light angst, profanity, references of historical event disaster, mentions of death, blood, murder | afab!reader (she/her pronouns) | wc: 3.1k
Requested 📨 yes/no (rules for requests)
Premise: Suspicious deaths were a common occurrence in Beacon Hills—especially after things seem to be actually looking good when a previous problem is fixed. Now Scott and the pack are having to investigate a string of murders happening that not only reek of supernatural, but linked to an renowned event they’ve learned in history class.
Note: I’m hyperfixating on Titanic as of late so I have a lot of ideas involving AU’s and retelling with various fandoms. I just did a TGM au with Bradley Bradshaw and currently have a Twilight one in the works so expect a lot of Titanic in my works when I’m not writing requests.
Riddles were a tricky little thing. And when used in a malevolent way where to find the answer to a solution one must crack the code, riddles can become a person’s worst enemy.
And the one laying on the table of Derek’s loft was becoming their enemy.
Murders, which was becoming a common occurrence lately in Beacon Hills, were happening where the people were nearly drained of their blood by cutting their throats and wrists before letting them hang upside down. Stiles' father was overwhelmed with stress. Not to mention he was having to come to terms with the reality his town was a beating heart for supernatural creatures. Like how his sons best friend since childhood was a fucking werewolf.
And while it was presumed a human serial killer was responsible for the murders, the pack had an inkling it was more sinister. Investigating on their own they found more suspicious reasons to believe it was supernatural.
Only problem, they had no clue who or what it was.
They were all gathered over the table—save for Peter who was nestled on the couch. Stiles was rubbing a thumb over his lip, becoming frustrated as he was usually on top of solving riddles. Lydia was beside him, deep in thought as she read over the paper silently.
“He just left this here?” Scott glanced at Derek, who was standing with his arms crossed on the opposite side of the table.
“Right outside the door. Like he wanted us to find it.”
“And you heard nothing?” Stiles’ question earned him a glare. “Super hearing and you didn’t hear someone stabbing a piece of paper into your front door?”
“If I did you think I would’ve let him leave the damn note?” Derek spoke harshly.
“—knowing all it is is a distraction so he can kill more people.”
“It’s not just a distraction,” Allison interrupted the two bickering, staring hard at the note. “It’s an order. He’s asking us to find someone.”
“Yeah,” Isaac scoffed, “who we have no idea is.”
“Read it again,” Scott sighed, running a hand through his hair. With a huff, Stiles took the paper in his hands, clearing his throat before reading aloud for all to hear.
Have you figured it out yet?
Were my clues not enough?
You’re thinking too hard now,
Let me show you it’s not so tough.
Our faces the same,
As they were the day we changed.
Only the eyes no longer its color,
A price for the exchange.
You’ll find it almost disheartening,
When you learn of what we do.
Our nature is uncanny,
But it’s not so far from you.
Find the one I’m looking for,
And I’ll stop the chaos and the pain.
Are you ready?
Here’s your hint.
Time is of the essence,
So you better make it quick.
Wearing the Heart of the Ocean,
She’s closer than it seems.
For I seek the one I turned,
Who was on the Ship of Dreams.
Silence fills the loft, everyone thinking hard of what it could mean. There were so many clues but so vague it was difficult to puzzle them together.
“Well we know it’s someone supernatural,” Isaac hummed, attempting to lighten the situation.
“Yeah we got that genius,” Peter muttered.
“And he’s looking for a woman,” Allison added, ignoring Peter’s sarcasm. “Someone he turned. And was on a ship?” It comes out more like a question, “that could mean a lot of things.”
“Could it be a werewolf?” Scott turned to Derek
The man shook his head, “I don’t think so.”
“But the thing about the eyes—.”
“Many shapeshifters' eyes are like ours. That doesn’t mean it’s a wolf. Plus he said they’re not wolves.”
“How do you know?”
Derek rolls his eyes as though it were obvious, “he wrote, ‘our nature is uncanny, but it’s not so far from you,’. If they were wolves he would’ve said so.”
“Maybe another Kanima?” Allison suggested, “the master looking for his puppet?”
Stiles cuts in, narrowing his eyes on the last verse, “Why would he bold the first and last line of the last clue—these ones,” he places the paper flat on the table. Lydia, the closest to him, leans in as his finger points to the verse. “Heart of the Ocean and the—.”
“Ship of Dreams,” she finishes, voice going low as realization hits her. All eyes turn to her, confusion in their gaze until the name leaves her lips. “Titanic.”
“What?” The question came from Scott, but all were thinking the same. There’s no way she was talking about the most famous shipwreck in history.
“Titanic,” Lydia repeated, this time more confidently. Her own finger came up to point where Stiles' finger had been. “They used to call it the Ship of Dreams.”
“Titanic?” Isaac’s tone was full of doubt. “You mean the ship that sank a century ago?” He couldn’t help but add, “And the movie Leonardo DiCaprio dies in.”
She rolls her eyes, “I don’t recall any other having the same name.”
“The anniversary is coming up,” Derek starts to say, deep in thought like it was all coming together. “It would make sense.”
“Wait—hold on,” Stiles lifts a dramatic hand. “We’re talking about THE Titanic—like Isaac said—that sank a hundred years ago. A hundred,” he repeats to show his point. “Anyone who is alive—even if they were a werewolf or shapeshifter or whatever the hell you want to call it,” he glances at each of them, “would pretty much be on their last breath of life. If this woman were a newborn baby at the time she’d be at least one hundred years old by now.”
In the debate none had noticed Peter moved from the couch to the window. The chuckle leaving his mouth caught their attention. Stiles makes a sound, “I’m sorry, do you wanna share with the class what you obviously know that we’re missing?”
“Our faces are the same,” he says the opening line of the second verse, only drawing confusion and annoyed looks from the others. “As they were the day we changed.” The man pauses, letting it sink in before continuing, “If the woman he’s looking for was on Titanic then she likely was an adult. Considering he turned her, probably by saving her from freezing to death or drowning, and she wears the same face she did the night she was turned…” Peter steps away from the window, now facing the group.
“She’s not aging. At all. Meaning…..she’s immortal.”
The silence following his confession is eerie, eyes flicking over each other to see if they were reacting the same. Immortal. Though the term was familiar it felt almost foreign. Never had they dealt with someone immortal. Unable to die and was walking the Earth acting as though they were human. Now Beacon Hills had two in its possession. They needed to work fast and the riddle only had pieces of the puzzles.
So who—or more like what, was immortal?
"What are you getting to?” Scott narrowed his eyes, Wanting a straightforward answer to what they were dealing with.
Peter clasps his hands behind his back, slowly inching forward,” It’s not shapeshifters you’re looking for.” He takes a step closer, “or a Kanima and its master.” Another step, “or a dark Druid.” Another step brings him right next to Derek, eyes flicking to the paper. “There are few creatures blessed with immortality—or cursed if you look at it another way. But most of them are born with it. Take Gods and fairies for example.”
“Oh my God—those exist?” Stiles feels his mind implode, “Are we about to fight Gods?”
“No,” annoyed at being interrupted Peter rolled his eyes. “I just said those are immortals that are born with their powers. And I don’t know if they exist, I’ve haven’t met one yet. Anyway, this one—.” His finger touches the riddle, “was turned. And likely the person who did was too.”
“So what is it then,” Scott was becoming impatient. And who could blame him really. For all they know it someone was already being drained of their blood at that very moment. “What’s the immortal that’s turned not born?”
“Come one,” he scoffs, like he couldn’t believe they hadn’t figured it out. “Ever wonder why the victims were drained of their blood?” The one question had everyone's face become colorless. “Has Stiles's father not caught on the wounds were made after they were dead?” Why their throat was slashed….but had two little puncture holes on either side?” Peter glances around at every person, catching the nervousness of their gaze as though they already knew what he was about to say but wished it wasn’t.
“The creatures you’re looking for…..are vampires.”
The rest of the night the pack was gathering as much information as they could about the passengers aboard Titanic—all 2,240 of them—while also trying to figure out any other clues within the riddle. They still couldn’t believe it was a vampire responsible for the murders. And that he was hunting someone he created who, still to their shock, was a passenger aboard Titanic.
And with 2,240 people on the ship during its ill fated maiden voyage…they were in for a long night.
“Okay so we know they’re vampires—our killer is the one who turned the woman he’s searching for into a vampire. She was on Titanic when it sank meaning—,” Stiles wrote furiously across the notepad, the riddle next right beside it. “He was on it too. Now we could narrow this down several ways. Either by searching through the passengers class or going through who survived because as Lydia pointed out,” the hand holding the pen points to the redhead, “RMS Carpathia recorded the names of the survivors before they reached New York.”
Either method was good, but there was a problem with the latter. As Allison pointed out, “but what if they never knew she was there? I mean having a newly turned vampire on a ship filled with people is a recipe for disaster.”
Derek nods, agreeing with her, “Her eyes would’ve made it obvious.”
“How so?” Asked Isaac.
Peter is the one to explain, “Vampires in our world are different from what you see on TV. They aren’t these pale, corpse-like, individuals who look like they belong in the morgue. They’re rather human-like if they’re equipped with a special glimmer that allows them to come off as mortal.”
“Glimmer?” Lydia raised a brow, finding the word a bit comical given the creature they were dealing with.
“We’ll get to that. But any vampire who’s newly turned will have red eyes—blood red eyes.”
“How fitting,” Stiles couldn’t help but groan. “So what, are you saying she’s likely wearing contacts to hide her eyes.”
“Possibly,” Peter hums with a shrug, “wouldn’t be surprised if she is. This day in age makes it easier for vampires to conceal their nature. But considering our little vampire was turned in 1912…her creator probably hid her on the Carpathia—or as outrageous as it sounds, swam her across the remainder of the Atlantic ocean.”
Derek closes the book in front of him, detailing the events of the RMS Carpathia rescue of Titanic’s passengers. “However he saved her can wait,” he leans his hands onto the table, “We need to figure out the last clue of this riddle.” Moving the riddle to him, Derek reads, “Wearing the Heart of the Ocean, she’s closer than it seems.”
Lydia bites her lip, typing away on her laptop. “If I didn’t know it any better…it sounds like he’s trying to reference a piece of jewelry. Probably a necklace or something.”
Peter rubs his jaw deep in thought, “That could be the source of her glimmer.”
“The necklace?” Stiles wonders aloud.
“Usually most vampires would prefer a ring or bracelet,” he waves a hand, “It’s small and concealable. Very easy for a Druid to enchant the item and allow the vampire to give off the effect to other supernatural beings they’re human. Prevents them from being obliterated by the sun. That’s their glimmer. Sealed within the jewelry to act as a camouflage. So long as they have it on,” he shrugs lightly, “you’d never know what they truly are.”
“And she’s been passing off as a human in Beacon Hills. For God knows how long,” Lydia opens a separate browser, hands hovering over the keyboard. “If her necklace has a name like Heart of the Ocean it shouldn’t be too hard to find. We find the Heart of the Ocean, we find her.” Her words have Allison come over beside her, realization crossing her face.
“Isn’t that the name of the necklace Rose wore in the movie?” Right as she finished her sentence, the image popped up on the screen of said necklace after Lydia typed the name into Google. “So it was real after all?”
“Appears to be,” Lydia was just as amazed. Stiles leans over her other side, eyes bulging at the sight of the large blue heart-shaped diamond surrounded by tiny little white ones.
“That’s gotta be worth a billion dollars.”
“350 million to be exact,” Lydia reads off. “At least today it is. Back then it was worth probably not even a quarter of that price—but still big for its time.”
“So…” Isaac taps his finger to his mouth, glaring up at the ceiling from where he was seated, legs perched on the table. “We’re looking for a vampire—probably at least 120 give or take a few years—who is passing off as human because of a magic necklace worth more than our entire lives. Wonderful.”
Scott takes a glance, letting out a whistle, “That had to have belonged to a first-class passenger. I’d say we start there.”
“On it,” Lydia begins to search records of the names aboard Titanic with First-class tickets. While she’s doing that the pack gathers to the makeshift board Stiles had created, adding notes to it as they go.
Stiles tapes the new information on the necklace to next to the verse on the copy of the riddle they made. “Heart of the Ocean a.k.a the magic necklace making the vampire appear human. To be honest, if someone were wearing a necklace that extravagant in Beacon Hills it’d be noticeable.”
Scott agreed, “She’s probably keeping it under her clothes. I mean I would. Lydia, did you find anything on who it belonged to?”
The redhead makes a huff, “from what the article says,” she clicks on a link, “it belonged to American socialite Y/n L/n as a gift from her husband Theodore Ford on their wedding day. He had it custom made overseas on a trip to France.” Lydia’s eyes widened at the next line, “She was the niece of John Rockefeller and he was the nephew of Henry Ford.”
“Good God,” Stiles made a sound, many of the others showing a similar reaction. “What a match made in heaven…and money.”
“Great,” Peter plops onto the couch, “our vampire was a once billionaire socialite—well maybe not billionaire. That’s a far reach. Since she was only the niece of Rockefeller and her hubby was a Ford she probably only had a snippet of their families fortune.” The man rolls his neck, hands clasped on his lap with his legs kicked up. “She shouldn’t be too hard to find then. All we need is a picture.”
Derek gives his uncle an annoyed look, “We don’t if it’s her or not. Maybe the necklace was stolen by her creator and that’s how she got it.”
“What else does it say?” Allison turns her attention back to her best friend. In her head she couldn’t help but feel there was something missing. That they were so close to the answer.
Lydia continues on, “It says here that they married in 1901–Y/n aged nineteen and Theodore aged twenty-one. They had a son, Benjamin, born 1905 and Theodore died six years later in 1911 from a car accident.” She scrolls down a bit, brows furrowing a tad and makes a sound of ‘eureka!’ “Y/n was gifted two First-Class tickets for her and her son aboard Titanic by her uncle John Rockefeller. They boarded the ship during Titanic’s first stop to Cherbough, France….survivors of Titanic recall last seeing Y/n place her son Benjamin into a lifeboat before being denied entry since it had reached maximum capacity,” a feeling of heartbreak fills the redhead, soon followed by defeat as she reads “It is believed Y/n L/n drowned as the ship submerged beneath the surface on April 15, 1912, as her body was never recovered as one to have perished from hypothermia in the freezing waters. Nor was she listed on the records of survivors on RMS Carpathia. Her son Benjamin was soon taken in by her mother where he remained in New York City until his sudden death in 1918 by influenza.”
A moment of silence passes as they take in the information. For Allison and Lydia, they couldn’t help the sadness for the woman they didn’t even know. To have to say goodbye to your child, likely promising them you’d get on the next boat and would be reunited shortly, only to never see them again.
The redhead suddenly straightens her posture.
“What is it?” Scott hears her heartbeat quicken. Worry takes his features when Lydia appears as if she saw a ghost. Everyone else looks the same when she brings a hand to her mouth. “Lydia?” There’s a slight tremor in her hand when she pulls it away.
“She’s closer than it seems.” She whispers the line from the final verse. Tone filled with near distraught.
Allison takes a hesitant step forward. From where they were all standing they could also see the light of the screen hitting Lydia’s complexion. Whatever was on it was hidden from their view. “Lydia…”
“I-I thought it meant that by finding the Heart of the Ocean we’d be able to spot whoever was wearing it. That we’d have to maybe knock on every door in Beacon Hills until we find whoever is hiding it—as stupid as that sounds. Because who in their right mind if they knew they were being hunted would just hide in plain sight? But….” her breath picks up, slight horror and astonishment as she stares back at the screen. “He knows where she is—h-he wants us to find her, because she can lead us to him.”
“Lydia….” Stiles slowly draws closer to her. Peter moves to stand from the couch, expression unreadable as was Derek’s.
But Lydia’s eyes never move from the screen. “The riddle—it was just his game. He knows exactly where she is. He has to. Because she’s been under our nose all along—closer than we could’ve imagined.” Finally the redhead looks up to the anxious eyes of everyone, revealing the shocking truth with the slow turn of the laptop.
“She boarded Titanic as Y/n L/n,” the screen shows a sepia image causing Allison to gasp, Isaac to mutter ‘holy shit’, Stiles to drop his marker, and Scott to feel his stomach drop. Derek and Peter shared a look, Derek more anxious than his uncle. “But she’s been living as Loretta Andrews.”
There on the screen, listed as the socialite Y/n L/n and wearing the jaw-dropping necklace called the Heart of the Ocean, was a woman whose face the teenagers had seen every Monday to Friday for the last three months. Who looked no older than the age of 30 like in the picture and had arrived in Beacon Hills shortly before the spring semester.
Their English teacher, Loretta Andrews.
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lazydoodlesandfanfic · 4 months
Escaping Theo's Pack (Scott McCall X Male!Reader)
Looking Out (Scott McCall X Male!Reader)
Senses (Scott McCall X Reader)
Change In Appearance (Stiles Stilinski X Sister!Reader) (Feat. Sheriff Stilinski.
A Boy And His Mother (Derek Hale X Fem!Reader)
Interuptions (Derek Hale X Reader)
The Pack's Little Sister (Corey X Sister!Reader)
Resurrected (Corey X SIster!Reader)
Watching Out (Liam Dunbar X Male!Reader)
Pickup Lines (Lian Dunbar X Fem!Reader)
Back Home (Theo Raeken X Fem!Reader) Pt 1/ Pt 2
Staying (Theo Raeken X Fem!Reader)
Gone (Theo Raeken X Fem!Reader)
It's My Job (Theo Raeken X Fem!Reader)
Scarf (Theo Raeken X Fem!Reader)
Join The Pack (Theo Raeken X Fem!Reader)
Not The Only Banshee (Theo Raeken X Fem!Reader)
Hiding (Theo Raeken X Fem!Reader)
Keep You Safe (Theo Raeken X Fem!Reader)
Helpful Hand (Theo Raeken X Fem!Reader)
Blind Love (Theo Raeken X Blind!Male!Reader)
German Transfer (Lydia Martin X Fem!Reader)
Position (Lydia Martin X Fem!Reader)
New Teacher (Coach Finstock X Fem!Reader)
Overqualified (Coach Finstock X Fem!Reader)
One Smart Cookie (Coach Finstock X Teen!Reader)
Being Coach Finstock's Daughter And Being A Beast At Sports Would Include...
Not Feeling Good (Jordan Parrish X Reader)
Moving In (Chris Argent X Teen!Fem!Reader)
Have You Ever Heard Of Knocking (Peter Hale X Male!Reader)
Under The Weather (Peter Hale X Male!Reader)
Protection (Scott McCall X Male!Reader X Isaac Lahey)
Photographs (Corey Bryant X Sister!Reader, Theo Raeken X Fem!Reader)
The Flu (Teen Wolf X BabyBrother!Hale!Reader)
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heliads · 1 year
Male reader x Scott where the reader confronts Scott on his savior complex and asks him why he keeps throwing himself in danger to protect everyone
scott mccall you will always be my favorite
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It is nighttime in Beacon Hills, and once again, you are about to die. This is the sort of surprised realization that should have left you long ago, same with the self preservation instinct that seems to have been burned out of everybody else after one too many trials of fire. Beacon Hills will always be dark, deadly, and full of too many people and monsters who wish you harm. 
In your defense, this sort of thing used to scare you a lot more than it does now. Death is made of scared children, bloodthirsty adults, all the creatures and humans who wish you harm. It is also something you see on a daily basis. Both facts can coexist, and they do, better even than the supernaturals and men in your own hometown.
You are lost in the woods and someone is chasing you. It is not a nightmare, even if this story seems too familiar to be anything but a vision from your own head. Your nightmares stopped being mere twisted fantasies the moment one of your closest friends, Scott McCall, told you that he was bitten by something strange in the woods many years ago. Everything since then has been all too dreadful a reality.
Twigs are snapping under your feet as you sprint towards your best guess at the end of the trees. The Beacon Hills Preserve has a way of guiding you back to it time and time again. Perhaps that’s because of the Nemeton lurking somewhere in the dense underbrush, using its supernatural strength to cause all problems to be rooted here along with it. Perhaps it’s just because the woods have far fewer chances for its victims to escape. Either way, you’re here, and so is your would-be killer.
This time, you’re not being pursued by a supernatural but a regular person, just like you. Lydia Martin predicted that there would be an important gathering of the hunters some time soon, that Gerard Argent would whip everyone up into a frothing frenzy just like he always does and set them loose on whatever werewolf or banshee or chimera was in their way. Someone would have to go and get some intel, and, seeing as you’re one of the few regular people in your friend group, you volunteered to do it.
It’s not like this was anything new. These sorts of opportunities tend to crop up every month or two, providing you with a fresh chance to risk your neck. You never enjoy the ever increasing likelihood that you’re not going to make it out alive, but what has to be done must be done. Your reluctance is important to guide your conscience, but it cannot control you, no matter how strong a voice it can have.
That cannot be said for every member of your pack. Scott himself is the one who’s most out of control in that aspect. Scott, the bravest man you’ve ever had the privilege of meeting, the one who would lay it all on the line to protect a stranger. Scott, whose need to save the day will get him killed sooner rather than later. Scott, who knows that and jumps wholeheartedly into danger anyway.
In the end, that’s the main reason why you agreed to go spy on the hunter encampment:  you knew that Scott would try to do the same thing if you didn’t. Despite the fact that a werewolf encroaching on so many hunters would basically be suicide, as there would be enough wolfsbane and other traps that they would smell him coming away even without supernatural senses, Scott would do it in a heartbeat if he thought going would protect his friends.
He had half a mind to do it anyway, you only just managed to talk him out of it. Lydia announced her latest vision at the weekly pack meeting, casually bringing it up as she reached for one of the cookies Melissa McCall had left out as an apology that so many members of her generation were trying to kill you. In between powdered sugar bites, your resident banshee told you how you were all going to die if you didn’t figure out what was going on.
Lydia may have grown accustomed to her visions, but the rest of you were less accepting of that fact. Lydia doesn’t want you all dead, of course, she fights just as hard as the rest of you to stop that fate, but Lydia sees your deaths all the time. You’ll only see it once, and then you won’t see anything at all.
So Scott had volunteered to run the espionage trip. Of course he did; it was the latest chance for him to show off his heroism and save the day. Scott doesn’t do it for a purposeful ego trip, he’s too damn good for that, but that didn’t stop your hackles from rising any more than if he’d done it intentionally.
“No,” you’d argued, “that’s a terrible idea and you know it. The hunters are used to spotting wolves. They’ll kill you before you can even hear them say hello.”
Scott had folded his arms across his chest. “Do you have a better idea?” He’d asked, unable to keep a small touch of resentment from his voice.
“I do,” you’d answered calmly, “I’ll go.”
That had upset Scott even more than being robbed of a chance to protect his friends. You’re human, after all, unable to heal yourself or fight like a supernatural, like Scott. Despite his best arguments, though, the rest of your friends saw your side of the argument more clearly, and Scott eventually had his complaints drift off into empty silence, curling up the ceiling like too many coils of smoke.
He’d apologized to you after. He always knows the right time to say the right things. You have a habit of lingering in the McCall kitchen after pack meetings, waiting for everyone else to go so you and Scott can have a secret debrief without anyone watching. The pack is made up of your best friends, your family, but Scott is something more than that. Neither of you are willing to call it what it is, so you let the comfortable stillness of dropping used glasses in the dishwasher and cleaning up someone else’s mess do the talking for you.
“I trust you,” Scott had said as he swept unused napkins off of the table, “you know that, right? This isn’t about that. I know you can do this.”
“I know,” you’d replied, “you don’t have to fight every fight, Scott. Let us do some of the fighting too.”
“I don’t want you to fight,” he’d mused, “I can take more punches, remember?”
You’d rolled your eyes fondly as he pretended to settle into a boxing stance. “How could I forget? You’re out challenging the hunters almost every other day.”
Scott grimaces slightly, hand drifting unconsciously to a spot on his side that must have gotten injured the other day. His ailments may heal themselves within moments, but that doesn’t stop the memory of the pain from lingering.
“That just means I need to stay in practice. I don’t want you getting hurt, Y/N.”
You know better than to say that you won’t get hurt, that’s impossible. Instead, you smile, and let the dim half-light of Scott’s kitchen wash over you in waves of buzzing fixtures and the lingering scent of vanilla extract. “I’ll try my hardest.”
Trying, that’s what you do best. Not succeeding. If you had truly succeeded with your goal of avoiding injury, you wouldn’t be sprinting through the forest as fast as you can, cursing your legs for feeling like they’re going to give out at any second. Lydia’s vision had been true, there was a hunter conference, but she failed to see the exact setup of the event.
Another group of hunters had come as you were settling into a lookout position. They’d wanted to know why some kid was hanging around the premises, which had caught the attention of Gerard Argent. He’d recognized you instantly as one of Scott’s friends and sounded the alarm. Now you’re being pursued by a good many hunters, all freshly armed and full of righteous anti-supernatural propaganda. You’re not a supernatural yourself, but you’re allied with them, and that makes you as good as dead to the bloodthirsty crowd currently chasing you.
They’re closing the gap, too. You’d gotten a decent head start, but against these sorts of numbers, there’s only so much you can do. Unable to keep up the energy any longer, you duck behind a tree, gasping for air through exhausted lungs. It’s pitch black outside, and although your eyes have been adjusting for some time now, you can still barely make out anything beyond a few feet of trees. The dense branches above block out any hopeful tendrils of light that would have otherwise made it down from the stars.
The sound of crashing approaches as the hunters gain on you. You need to start running again, but your chest is heaving so hard you think your ribs might shatter. Just as you’re about to force yourself to get going, though, you hear something else. Something different from what you’d been hearing all this time. Something that sounds like a scream.
You pause a moment, wavering on lifted feet, then the scream comes again. It sounds like it’s from someone else, a different victim than before. The screams start to multiply in number, faster and stronger and drawing ever closer. You hear the hunters calling out to fall back, and only once the running starts to turn in the opposite direction do you dare look out from behind your make-do shelter.
Instead of many silhouettes coming towards you now, there’s only one. You don’t have it in you to be afraid, however; you know this boy, you know him better than anyone.
“Scott,” you breathe.
It’s him. Of course it is. As if Scott would ever pass up the chance to be a hero. As if he would ever be able to live with himself if something happened to you.
You walk over to him, ready to do who knows what, probably chastise him for coming out here or make fun of the hunters, but all words fail you when Scott stumbles once, twice, then collapses on the ground.
You’re next to him in an instant, kneeling on the packed forest floor, heedless of the pinecones and twigs digging into your legs.
“Scott. Scott?” Your voice sounds more desperate the longer Scott takes to respond.
He does so at last, indulging in a painful groan that ends with him coughing up some blood. You still can’t see all that well, so you fumble for your phone and hurry to turn on the flashlight. Scott winces at the sudden onset of light, raising a hand to block his eyes, but you’ve already seen far more damage than you’d like. Scott is covered in cuts, scrapes, arrow wounds, every possible ailment that could befall him.
You curse and douse the light. Scott must be able to sense your horror, because he chuckles quietly in the gloom. “I take it I look just as good as always?”
You shake your head slowly, chilled. “You can’t keep doing this. You can’t.”
“Of course I can,” Scott says weakly.
“No,” you argue, “you’re going to end up dead, and for what? So you could show the hunters up one more time? It’s not worth it. I don’t know why you keep feeling the need to save us all every single day, but it’s killing you. What could possibly make it worth it?”
“You,” Scott whispers through broken and bloody lips, “that’s why. You were hurt. I needed to stop it.”
It makes you sick to your stomach to think that Scott is bleeding out because of you. “That’s not a good enough reason.”
“It is to me,” he says, “always has been.”
You know why. He does too. The two of you have always been rather good at dancing around your feelings, and you’ll do so now. Maybe this is the closest you’ll ever come to a confession, maybe you’ll manage something a little better once you’re certain that Scott is going to pull through. Either way, you take his hand and hold it until he squeezes back. It doesn’t take long. He’s always been a little too eager to please you. That means something, too.
“Just come home with me,” you choke out, “you owe me that much.”
Scott chuckles. “Was saving your life not enough?”
“Not if you’re not here to live it with me,” you declare.
That makes him pause. You get the feeling that Scott had accepted his fate already, that so long as you got out, to hell with him, but you aren’t going to let that happen. It’s both of you or none of you, and so you tell him yourself.
This, at last, is enough to make Scott try again. He sits up slowly, stands with your help. It isn’t easy, getting both of you out of the woods and into civilization. Scott leans on you the whole way back, and stays by your side the whole night, his head tucked against your shoulder. It wasn’t entirely due to injury, however. Scott has always been a fast healer.
teen wolf tag list: @thatfangirl42, @rogueanschel, @lovesanimals0000, @rafecameronswhore, @bellabadacadabra, @watchreadfangirlrepeat, @23victoria
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froggywritesstuff · 2 years
character list
the title is self explanatory. this is a list of the characters i'll write for. it'll probably change over time, and if you see a character you'd like but don't see them on the list, just ask cause i might've forgotten about them
Eliza Schuyler
Angelica Schuyler
Peggy Schuyler
Maria Reynolds
Alexander Hamilton
John Laurens
Philip Hamilton
Hercules Mulligan
James Madison
Thomas Jefferson
Aaron Burr
Umbrella Academy
Viktor Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Allison Hargreeves
Luther Hargreeves
Five Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves (Umbrella or Sparrow)
Sloane Hargreeves
Jayme Hargreeves
Stranger Things
Will Byers (non female readers only)
Mike Wheeler
Lucas Sinclair
Dustin Henderson
Eleven Hopper
Max Mayfield
Robin Buckley (non male readers only)
Nancy Wheeler
Jonathan Byers
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
21 Chump Street
Justin Laboy
The Goldfinch
Boris Pavlikovsky
Theodore Decker
Peter Parker (any actor)
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Sam Wilson
Sprite (platonic only)
Steven Grant
Marc Spector
Layla El-Faouly
America Chavez (non male readers only)
Kate Bishop
Yelena Belova (platonic only)
Riri Williams
Kitty Pryde
Peter Maximoff
In The Heights (movie version)
Usnavi de la Vega
Nina Rosario
Sonny de la Vega 
Veronica Sawyer
JD (Jason Dean)
Heather Chandler
Heather McNamara
Heather Duke
John Doe
John Doe
Ride The Cyclone
Noel Gruber (male or nb readers only)
Ocean O'Connel Rosenburg
Mischa Bachinski
Constance Blackwood
Ricky Potts
Paul Matthews
Emma Perkins
Ted Spankoffski
Bill Woodard
Ruth Fleming
Pete Spankoffski
Richie Lipschitz
Max Jagerman
Grace Chasity
Lex Foster
Ethan Green
Hannah Foster (platonic only)
Charlie Spring (non female readers only)
Nick Nelson
Tara Jones (non male readers only)
Darcy Olsson (non male readers readers only)
Elle Argent
Tao Xu (non male readers only(headcanoning him as bi or pan is disrespectful and transphobic))
Tori Spring
Imogen Heaney
Isaac Henderson (platonic only)
Do Revenge
Eleanor Levetan (non male readers only)
Drea Torres
Wade Wilson/Deadpool
Wednesday Addams
Enid Sinclair
Bianca Barclay
Xavier Thorpe
Ajax Petropolus
Eugene Otinger
(young) Morticia Addams
(young) Gomez Addams
Lydia Deetz
Tomorrow When The War Began
Ellie Linton
Lee Takkam
Fiona Maxwell
Homer Yannos
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse/Across the Spider-Verse
Miles Morales
Gwen Stacy
Pavitr Prabhakar
Hobie Brown
Margo Kess
Miles G Morales (earth 42)
Miguel O’Hara
Maze Runner
Newt (non female readers only)
The Broken Hearts Gallery
Lucy Gulliver
Nadine (non male readers only)
Nick Danielson
Treasure Planet
Jim Hawkins
Enola Holmes
Enola Holmes
Lord Tewkesbury
Turning Red
Mei Mei
Raising Dion
Nicole Warren
Tevin Wakefield
Dion Warren (platonic only)
Julie and the Phantoms
Julie Molina
Luke Patterson
Reggie Peters
Alex Mercer (non female readers only)
Abbott Elementary
Janine Teagues
Jacob Hill (non female readers only)
Gregory Eddie
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Jake Peralta
Amy Santiago
Rosa Diaz
Love Victor
Victor Salazar (non female readers only)
Benji (non female readers only)
Felix Weston
Pilar Salazar
Lake Meriwether
Mia Brooks
In Treatment
Kurt Kunkle
Once Upon a Time
Emma Swan
Regina Mills
Killian Jones
Mary Margaret Blanchard
David Nolan
Henry Mills
Mulan (non male readers only)
Neal Cassidy
Peter Pan
Dash and Lily
Juno MacGuff
Paulie Bleeker
Summer Days Summer Nights
Debbie Espinoza
Frankie Espinoza
Scream (1 through 6)
Sidney Prescott
Billy Loomis
Mickey Altieri
Roman Bridger
Jill Roberts
Charlie Walker
Sam Carpenter
Tara Carpenter
Amber Freeman
Chad Meeks-Martin
Mindy Meeks-Martin
Quinn Bailey
Eddie Brock
Honest Thief
Ramon Hall
Beth Hall
Wild Child
Poppy Moore
Freddie Kingsley
Monsters and Men
Manny Ortega
Marisol Ortega
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
Trevor Spengler
Phoebe Spengler (platonic only)
Error 143
Micah Yujin
Abed Nadir
Troy Barnes
Annie Edison
Jeff Winger
Britta Perry
The Obession
The New Girl
Lia Setiawan
Stacey Hoffman
Mythic Quest
Poppy Li
Brad Bakshi
Adventure Time
Princess Bubblegum
Marshall Lee
Prince Bubblegum
Flame Princess
School Spirits
Charley (non female readers only)
Dungeons and Dragons: Honour Among Thieves
Simon Aumar
Disventure Camp
Aiden (non fem readers only)
James (non fem readers only)
Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies
Jane Facciano
Olivia Valdovinos
Nancy Nakagawa
Cynthia Zdunowski
Richie Valdovinos
Ted Lasso
Ted Lasso
Roy Kent
Jamie Tartt
Keeley Jones
Sam Obisanya
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts
Noah Diaz
Elena Wallace
Helluva Boss
Stolas (non female readers only)
Verosika Mayday
Hazbin Hotel
Charlie Morningstar
Vaggie (non male readers only)
Angel Dust (non female readers only)
Alastor (platonic only)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (rise + mutant mayhem + tmnt 2007 + tmnt 2012)
The After Party
Yasper Lennov
Space Force
Tony Scarapiducci
Teddy Lobo
Robert Montague Renfield
Bill Hoyt
Amazing Digital Circus
Parks and Recreation
Leslie Knope
Ben Wyatt
April Ludgate
Andy Dwyer
Jean-Ralphio Saperstein
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja
Randy Cunningham (18+ people DNI unless requesting platonic stories)
The Earliest Show
Josh Bath
House of Lies
Clyde Oberholt
Mean Girls (movie + musical + movie musical)
Cady Heron
Regina George
Gretchen Wieners
Karen Smith/Shetty
Janis Ian/Sarkisian/Imi'ike (non male readers only)
Damian Hubbard (non female readers only)
Warm Bodies
Peep World
Nathan Meyerwitz
Your Boyfriend
Peter Dunbar
Mark Grayson
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c1eepypas1a · 2 months
C1eepypas1a's masterlist №¹:
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(a/n: my first ever masterlist!!!, fluff/smut/angst/dark, I do it all just ask ❤️❤️❤️)
Dean Winchester:
Sam Winchester:
None yet xo
None yet xo
Charlie Bradbury:
None yet xo
Jo harvelle:
None yet xo
Claire Novak:
None yet xo
None yet xo
None yet xo
None yet xo
None yet xo
The vampire diaries:
Elena Gilbert:
None yet xo
Jeremy Gilbert:
None yet xo
Damon Salvatore:
None yet xo
Teen wolf:
Scott McCall:
None yet xo
Stiles stillinski:
None yet xo
Jackson Whittemore:
None yet xo
Lydia Martin:
None yet xo
Kira Yukimura:
None yet xo
Liam Dunbar:
None yet xo
Theo raeken:
None yet xo
YouTube people/influencers?
(a/n: I write for male/female, I could try non-binary and I do write for trans people!!!, also I will be posting all my fanfics on Wattpad!!)
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malereader-inserts · 2 years
Glimpse of Us
Fandom: Teen Wolf Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x Male!Reader/ Lydia Martin x Male!Reader Summary: I'm only here passing time in her arms, hoping I'll find a glimpse of us Word Count: 1,027
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"I'm sorry, Malia," Stiles softly caressed her face, moving a bit of stray hair back behind her hair, "It's not you-"
"It's about Lydia, isn't it?"
"No, absolutely not, well-"
"It's fine, I promise," She replied, just as soft, almost understanding as Stiles looked hopeless, a little bit defeated.
It wasn't Malia's fault at all, his heart was still in love with two other people, one half was with Lydia. He absolutely adored her, he thought she was too smart for her own good. She's his anchor, and he wouldn't want to change that in any way, because he knows whenever he's lost he would look for her, as a sign of reassurance.
Lydia knows her place, though, sure she had a hidden crush on Stiles for many years. She knows that cannot fill the rest of his heart, and she respects that. She dreams that one day she can make him as happy as the first person Stiles fell in love with, she doesn't care if she's technically second to you, because she had seen what Stiles was like.
Stiles watches his now ex-girlfriend walk away down the hallway to their next lesson, he leans his back against the locker with a thud. Scott approached him with a confused look on his face.
"You okay?" The alpha asked his best friend, tilting his head and eyebrows furrowed together.
Stiles merely sighs, "I can't get over him, you know? And I don't have any hope with Lydia either and at this point, I'm thinking I'm going to be single forever."
"Hey," Scott softly spoke, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder, "You lost a person, Stiles, no one can tell you how to grieve them, it might take you months, years, and that's okay."
"I just feel selfish, you know? What if, by some miracle, I get with Lydia and I do the same thing I just did with Malia, everything just reminds me of him."
"He was your first love, Stiles, no one can really forget their first love."
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"Truth be told," Lydia hummed, placing her chin upon her boyfriend's shoulder, "I was jealous of you and (Y/n)."
"Why?" Stiles asked, grinning at her, he was still in awe that he managed to date one of his biggest crushes.
"Well, because I wanted to know how it would have felt to be loved by you and him," She spoke honestly, she gives him a look as he return the look, "I feel your love now and I do wonder how it would be different if we had (Y/n)?"
"You would honestly have a polyamorous relationship?"
"I loved him like you did, I was just envious that you had him."
Stiles looked at his girlfriend with awe, "Truthfully, I think he liked you back, he never got annoyed that I was also pining over you during our relationship, maybe that's why I couldn't hate him. He understood me, and back then, not many did."
"He sounds like a dream."
"Now that I think about it, I wonder what it would like to be dating the two of you together, I don't think I would have believed it."
"I think it would be chaotic, in a good way," Lydia laughs, sitting up straight as she runs her hand through his hair.
"He was something of a sort, wasn't he?"
"He made a big impression, I'll tell you that," Lydia smiles at him, before lying back in bed, "Come, babe."
Stiles lies back as Lydia cuddles up to his side, he wraps one arm around her shoulders to pull her closer. Lydia smiles to herself as she can hear his heartbeat.
"Tell me about his love," Lydia says, tracing her finger over his chest, "Please."
Stiles tenderly smiles to himself, he wonders how he managed to have the most amazing person lying by him. He wonders if there is a place called heaven and if you are watching him. He wonders if you're proud of him for moving on and finding his happiness.
"Well, as you know, he was understanding but he's more than that. He listened to me and always had the best thing for my interest. He..."
Stiles stops, unable to find the words. Lydia doesn't rush him at all, as she sinks into his comfort.
"He was everything anyone could ask for. I didn't fall in love with him because he was pretty, though he was beautiful. I fell in love with him because of the way he made me feel. It caught me off guard and never have I imagined he'd be the person I would fall for and I never thought he'd fall for me too. I fell in love with him because he made me fall in love with myself as well. Well, I think that's the beauty of love."
"Yeah?" Lydia spoke, "Tell me more!"
"He was warm and loving, his hugs were tight and secure like they shielded away the horrors of the world before we even knew there were werewolves and all. He had a way with words, mostly they were compliments and little encouragement, and I believed in those words because, now that I think about it, he believed in me."
"You underestimate yourself, Stiles," Lydia expressed, "You put yourself last, you're selfless, he knew you were capable of anything and everything."
Stiles smiles to himself, "Yeah, I wish I could thank him for that."
There was silence in the dark bedroom, sometimes Stiles wishes he could be selfish. Such as wishing Scott didn't become a werewolf, maybe then you wouldn't have died.
"And, you just feel familiar, like you feel like home to me - just like he was before. I know, many people don't want to hear this, but every time I look into your eyes, I see a glimpse of him and me, a glimpse of us. And, because of that, you're comfort for me. You're a safe place and I don't want to lose that."
"Well, I'm happy to be your safe place, I'm glad you see him in me, you deserve all the happiness, Stiles, I intend to bring it to you."
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taeswolfie · 4 months
𝑱𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒂 𝑭𝒆𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 : 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚-𝒐𝒏𝒆
☽︎𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝑮𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒅☾︎
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Ch.20 - Ch.22
Series Masterlist
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x fem!Reader
Word count: 4.4k
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Lydia stands under the shower head, letting the warm stream of water rinse off her troubles. "Lydia." A male voice whispers to her. She turns off the water in confusion, now hearing faint cheering that had blended in with the running water. She slowly reaches out and hesitantly pulls back the shower curtain.
She's standing in the middle of the lacrosse field, completely dry and wearing her dress from the formal. The stands are filled with people cheering and clapping for her, some hold signs saying WE LOVE YOU LYDIA. The cheers fade and she sees a girl sobbing and fearful in the bleachers. Lydia turns and sees Peter walking towards her. She turns to run but he pulls her down to the ground. He climbs over her as she tries to crawl away. He goes to bite her.
Lydia sits up with a gasp in her bed, tears staining her cheeks. She tries to breathe for a moment trying to calm herself, but it fails when she looks down and hastily shoves her blanket away to find dirt caked in her sheets. She closes her eyes, a tear falling from her eyes. She opens them again and looks ahead of her. "Leave me alone."
Peter lays in her bed beside her. "Unfortunately, I can't. At least not yet."
"Are you real?"
He sits up and looks at her. "Interestingly... That question can also be answered, 'not yet'. I promise everything's going to get back to normal, Lydia. All that you have to do..." He raises his hand and lays it on the side of her face with his claws out. "Is every single thing that I ask." He trails his hand down a little, making her gasp when he lightly digs his claws in her skin. "Timing is key here, Lydia."
He now leads her down the stairs. "It all needs to happen by the next full moon. Do you know what they call the full moon in March? It's called the Worm Moon." Lydia pauses on a step and starts gasping as she looks down. Worms crawl and writhe over her feet. "They call it that because it's the last full moon of winter, and the worms would literally crawl out of the earth as it thawed." He turns to her and she gasps a bit in fear. He's covered in mud with a couple of worms on his head and shoulders. "Kind of has the feel of a rebirth, doesn't it?"
"But the full moon is on Wednesday." Lydia follows him to the living room, both clean and worm free. "That's my birthday."
"Exactly." They stand in front of the doors to her patio, a scene of people partying and having fun shown to her. "And Lydia's birthday is always the party of the year, isn't it?" She sees herself serving drinks to everyone. The other Lydia makes sure to keep Y/n near her if not by her side. "Everyone wants to go to Lydia's party. So we're gonna make it a very special party."
"And what if I don't?" Suddenly people are dead and bloody, screams echoing.
"I think it's best that we just make a plan and stick to it. That way no one gets hurt." Everyone is alive and standing, staring at her.
"Why me?"
"Because Lydia Martin is not only beautiful, not only incredibly intelligent. She's immune."
"Immune to what?"
"Oh, that's right. They haven't told you, have they? Your precious Y/n is the only one to even clue you in at least a little bit. Bet you've felt like the last to know for a long time. Doesn't feel good, does it? You deserve to know everything. It's probably best if I just show you."
Peter's gone and Lydia gasps at his sudden departure. She slowly looks to her left at a window where a hulking figure with glowing red eyes stands. She screams and the beast bursts through her window.
Y/n sat upright in bed. "Lydia!" She gasped out. When she took a moment to breath she shook her head in confusion. She was having a dream, but she couldn't remember what it was about. All she can remember is hearing Lydia scream. Y/n had a bad feeling about something, something she couldn't quite pinpoint, but it must have something to do with her friend because her stomach twists when she thinks about her. She sighed and laid back down, plagued by her worrysome thoughts.
Later that day Lydia had showed up with several Macy's bags in her car and swooped Y/n to Allison's house to show off what she had bought for her birthday party. Just the mention of it had Y/n's gut turning. Something was going to happen, but she'd be there for it. Lydia sped into Allison's room with the bags in hand, holding them up to the girl. "Clear your schedule." Lydia said chipperly. "This could take a while."
Y/n peaked her head over the strawberry blonde's shoulder. "Might take all night if we're not careful." She joked making Allison smile. She got up from her desk as Lydia placed the bags on her bed, Y/n taking a seat on the other side.
Allison chuckled. "How many outfits do you plan on wearing tonight?"
"It's my birthday party." She held up a short, grey striped dress. "I'm thinking host dress," she set it down, "evening dress, then, mm, after-hours casual." Lydia mused.
"I noticed that you didn't send out any invites."
"Biggest party of the year, Allison. Everyone knows." She continued to lay out the dresses she bought.
"I was wondering if maybe this year things, you know, might be different."
"Why would anything be different?"
"Just 'cause things have been off lately. Things and people. Like Jackson." Y/n raised a brow at the kind-of-subtle mention of the boy.
Lydia looked up at Allison, something sharp in her eyes. "What do you care about Jackson?"
Allison gave a smile, brushing it off. "Do you know if he's coming tonight?"
"Everyone's coming." Lydia then picked up another dress, getting back to her chipper state. "This one's American Rag." She held the tannish dress up to herself. "Mm, I love it. For me, not you. This one's Material Girl." She picked up a pink flowery dress and held it up to Allison. "It's for you." Allison smiled as she took it. "And this one's for you." She held up an outfit that she had picked out for Y/n. There was a knock on Allison's wall and the girls looked over. "Ms. Argent. What do you think of this one?" Lydia held up yet another dress for herself.
"Oh, it's lovely." Y/n tensed a bit when she saw the woman, remembering the other night when she attacked Derek. Although when Victoria didn't seem to recognize her, she allowed herself to relax just a bit. "Allison, uh, can I grab you for a moment to talk? Just the two of us." Y/n frowned at the feeling she was getting from Victoria. It was something like… Sorrow.
"Um, can we do it later?"
"Actually, uh, to be honest, sooner would be- would be better." She lightly touched her left shoulder.
"Party's at 10:00." Lydia chimed in.
"Um, will you be around before then?"
"I think so."
"You think so."
"I don't know." Allison sounded a little annoyed at the questioning. Lydia continued to hold up stuff for Allison. Victoria just smiled and turned to leave, taking one more look at her daughter.
"Allison, maybe you should talk to her." Y/n said. She had the feeling that that talk was very important.
"I can't right now."
"I'm sure you can spare a few minutes."
"I can't." She insisted and Y/n just nodded.
"Okay." She couldn't force Allison to go but she couldn't help but feel that Allison was going to end up regretting it.
Lydia took Y/n back to her house to get ready, insisting that she wanted to help her with her hair and makeup. Y/n didn't object because it was the birthday girl's day, she'll let Lydia do whatever she wanted to her face and hair. When Lydia was done Y/n admired herself in the mirror with Lydia behind her. "I'm a genius." Lydia praised herself making Y/n laugh.
"Both in the educational and fashion sense. Thank you, Lydia."
Lydia shrugged it off. "It's no biggie. It's a special night after all."
"Speaking of special night." Y/n went to her bag and fished out the small box wrapped in metallic pink wrapping paper. She presented the gift to her friend. "This is for you. Happy birthday."
"You didn't have to get me anything." Lydia gently took the offered item.
"I didn't have to but I wanted to. Just open it."
Lydia had a small smile at the gesture as she quickly unwrapped the black box underneath. When she lifted the lid she found pretty gold hooped earrings that had pink, heart-shaped glass leaves dangling from them. Lydia gasped a bit at them. "These are so pretty! Thank you." Lydia quickly pulled Y/n into a hug making her chuckle.
"I'm glad you like them."
"I'm putting them on right now." Lydia took off the simple silver hoops she had been wearing in favor of putting on her gift. Lydia beamed at her reflection. Then the door bell went off. "And so it begins." Y/n followed Lydia downstairs, the red-head picking up her silver tray of plastic cups filled with punch she made herself. With Y/n by her side Lydia answered the door and found Stiles there with a smile and a small wrapped gift.
"Happy birthday- heyyy." He trailed off and became a bit distracted when his eyes darted to Y/n and stayed there. The girls smirked at him and Lydia strutted off.
"Don't forget to try the punch!" She called over her shoulder.
"Like what you see?" Y/n asked while putting a hand on her hip in a little pose. Stiles immediately nodded, eagerly showing his approval of his girlfriend's attire. She chuckled and pulled him in, giving him a kiss before leading him to set down his gift for Lydia.
After a while Lydia swooped in to steal Y/n again to greet a few more guests that had arrived. Scott eventually showed up and he walked around with Stiles. "Have you seen Jackson anywhere?" Stiles asked Scott.
"No. Have you seen Allison?"
"Where's Y/n? I figured she'd be here by now."
"She is, but Lydia's been glued to her side. We should probably tell her and Allison what we found though."
"I'm still kind of not sure what we found."
"I figured out it has something to do with water. You know, the fact that all the victims were on the swim team, the way the kanima reacted around the pool."
"So whoever's controlling the kanima really hates the swim team?"
"Hated the swim team. Specifically, the 2006 swim team. So it could be another teacher. Maybe like a student back then. I mean, who are we missing? What haven't we thought of?"
When they got to the patio Allison walked up to them, giving a small smile in greeting, soon joined by Y/n. "Hey, Scott." Y/n smiled at him and he nodded back.
"Uh, Jackson's not here." Allison informed.
"Yeah, no one's here." Stiles noted.
"Maybe it's just early." Scott offered.
"Or maybe nobody's coming because Lydia's turned into the town wack job."
"Hey." Y/n lightly hit his arm in warning.
"Well, we have to do something, because we've completely ignored her for the past two weeks." Allison said.
"I haven't."
"We don't owe her a party." Scott denied.
"What about the chance to get back to normal?" Allison asked.
"She wouldn't be the town wack job if it wasn't for us." They all looked at Lydia across the way, trying to look as if she's unbothered by the lack of guests.
"I guess I could use my co-captain status to get the lacrosse team here."
"Yeah, I also know some people who can get this thing going. Like, really going." Stiles grabbed his phone.
"Who?" Allison wondered.
"I met them the other night. Let's just say they know how to party." Y/n smirked at him. She knew exactly who he was talking about.
When Lydia answered the door at the next ring she found several drag queens. "And you are?" She asked.
"We're here for the party." The drag queen in front answered.
Lydia was quiet for a moment before she gave a welcoming smile. "Well, come on in." She held the door for them as they cheered and a large group of people piled in. Lydia chuckled as a guy passed. "Don't touch anything." She warned.
The party was now very active. Y/n chatted with Allison a bit, Lydia walking by and handing them both a cup. Scott and Stiles were across the pool from them. "Are you gonna apologize to Allison or what?" Stiles asked.
"Why should I apologize?"
"Because you're the guy. It's, like, what we do."
"But I didn't do anything wrong."
"Then you should definitely apologize. See, anytime a guy thinks he hasn't done anything wrong it means he's definitely done something wrong."
"I'm not apologizing."
"Is that the full moon talking, buddy?"
"Probably. Why do you care anyway?"
"Because, Scott, something's gotta go right here. The only good thing so far is I'm in love with a badass witch. But, I mean, we're getting our asses royally kicked, if you haven't noticed. People are dying. I got my dad fired. You're gonna be held back in school. But if on top of all that, I gotta watch you lose Allison to a stalker like Matt, I'm gonna stab myself in the face."
"Don't stab yourself in the face."
"Why not?"
"Because Jackson's here." Scott had looked over at the blonde making Stiles do the same.
Lydia turns and spots Jackson, going over to him and handing him a drink. "Glad you could make it." She gave him a small smile and went back to the punch fountain. She ladled the pink drink into the cups and looked at her guests. She dipped the ladle in again, avoiding the wolfsbane petals strewn about the liquid. Lydia looked up just as Y/n started making her way over.
"Hey, Lyds, you need any-"
"Nope. All done." She scooped up her tray and moved Y/n away from the table so she wouldn't see the purple garnish of the punch.
People are starting to act tipsy, kissing and dancing everywhere. Lydia has changed into her second dress of the night. She hands a drink to Matt when he shows up and walks away to give another to Y/n. Matt went to take a sip when he spotted Allison, tossing it instead when she walked away from him.
Scott looked down at his hand, flexing it a bit. Lydia put a drink in his hand. "Uh, I can't drink tonight." He said looking up at her and Y/n by her side.
"All right, what is with the two of you?" She asked.
"Oh, no, Stiles is drinking."
"She doesn't mean Stiles. She means you and Allison." Lydia nodded to Y/n's words and Scott glanced at the brunette across the pool.
"I don't care why you have to keep your little love affair so secret, but right here and right now seems like the perfect time just... To have a good time."
"You know something?" Scott stood up. "You're right." Lydia chuckles and watches as he takes a sip of the punch.
"See? Isn't it good?"
"Actually, yeah. Really good." Y/n hums in agreement and takes a sip of her own drink while Scott polishes his off. Lydia leads Y/n away again and Scott looks for Allison but she's not where she was a moment before.
She had gone with Matt and let him have two minutes to explain his creepy "candids" of her. He continued to brush off the creepiness and became upset when she mentioned it was practically stalking. She then spotted a suspicious figure behind him. Wanting to follow (and not wanting to be around him anymore) she went to leave. He grabbed her arm to stop her and her Hunter reflexes kicked in, knocking him on his ass. She followed the figure dressed in black into the hall. She lost them for a moment, but then saw them slipping through the crowd in her direction. That's when she noticed a crossbow in their hand.
"No. No, not here. Scott." She called out for the wolf. "Scott!" The figure raised the crossbow and let loose an arrow that buried itself in her stomach. Allison doubled over with gasps as she held herself around the arrow, blood staining her hands. She looked up and the figure stepped into the light revealing... Herself.
The other Allison looked at her mockingly. "Look at you. Yelling for help. Always yelling for help. It's pathetic, Allison. You- you have no idea how much I've been looking forward to this." She raised the bow to Allison's head and pulled the trigger.
The world trembles.
The other Allison was gone.
The arrow was gone.
Allison was fine.
Scott and Stiles walk through the party outside as people become even more erratic. "You feeling okay?" Stiles asks because Scott seems to be having trouble with something.
"It's not the moon. It's different." Scott walked off and another voice caught Stiles' attention.
"Why am I wearing black? What are you, an idiot? I just came from a funeral. You know, people wear black at funerals." The angry voice of Noah Stilinski is heard and Stiles goes over to see his father indeed dressed in black, a bottle of booze in his hand and yelling at a guy.
"Dude, chill. It was just-"
Noah shoves the guy away. "Get out of my face." And then he sees Stiles and raises the bottle to him. "It's you. It's all you. You know, every day I saw her lying in that hospital bed slowly dying... I thought, 'how the hell am I supposed to raise this stupid kid on my own? This hyperactive little bastard who keeps ruining my life'? It's all you. It's you, Stiles." He says his name mockingly then points at him. "You killed your mother. You hear me? You killed her. And now you're killing me." He throws the bottle at Stiles and he flinches back.
The world trembles.
His father is gone.
The bottle is gone.
Stiles hastily wipes his tears.
Y/n walks through the house, smiling at people as they pass. She's become like a second Hostess to the party since Lydia has kept her by her side the whole time. She paused in the living room, looking around for Stiles or Lydia, when she suddenly stopped and her eyes widened at the person in front of her.
M/n stood looking at Y/n with a cold expression, the lightness and love in her eyes gone. "I'm disappointed in you. You have all this ability yet you do nothing with it. Your friends get hurt because you're not powerful enough." Y/n's breath was knocked out of her. She couldn't do anything but take in shaky breaths as her eyes cloud with tears. M/n's voice raises. "I died because you didn't do anything to stop it! What kind of a witch are you? A weak one! They're all going to die because you. Are. Weak!"
The world trembles.
M/n is gone.
Y/n falls to her knees in shock.
Peter kneels next to her and she barely registers the hand he laid on her shoulder. "You are more powerful than you think. And I have a way to prove it. Prove it to yourself and every one else that you are a powerful witch."
Y/n slowly looked up at him. "How?" He smiled.
Lydia kneeled next to her, a comforting hand on her back as Y/n wiped her tears. "Are you ready?" Y/n looked at her in determination and nodded.
People are insanely drunk now, stumbling and bumbling like laughing idiots. Scott stumbles his way up the stairs and pauses half way up to take a breather as the world seems to thrum. He looks up the stairs and finds Jackson on top of Allison on the window seat, heavily making out together. He starts to get upset when Jackson kisses her chest. Scott squeezes his eyes shut for a moment and when he looks back up Jackson is now the kanima. Scott's eyes shift and his fangs come out with a growl as the two kiss more. They then turn their heads to look at him.
The world trembles.
He struggles to gain control.
They're gone.
He pants in confusion. "Lydia. Y/n."
Jackson finishes off his drink and looks down at the cup. He blinks and looks around as he seems to wake up from a trance. The cup drops to the floor. "His name is Jackson. We're looking for Jackson Whittemore." A woman's voice floats over the party din followed by a man's.
"Has anyone seen Jackson? We're his parents."
Jackson looks to see Lydia turn to face an older couple, their backs are turned to him. "Mr. Whittemore?"
"No, we're his real parents."
"No, no." Jackson shakes his head.
"Could someone tell him we're here?" The woman asks.
"Tell him we're his real parents." They turn to face him, but their faces are blurred and undefined. Suddenly Jackson's face is like theirs. Blurred, undefined. No identity.
The world trembles.
The couple are gone.
Jackson's face is back to normal.
"You guys seen Lydia? You know where Lydia is? Or Y/n? Have you seen Lydia? Lydia and Y/n?" Scott asks around the party. He receives no answer, everyone is too busy sucking faces that they don't acknowledge him. "Where's Lydia and Y/n?" The girls he's looking for are walking down the street together away from the party. Scott finds Stiles sitting against a pillar next to the hot tub, dazed and drunk. He holds an open bottle of water as he tries to stir the boy. "Stiles, look at me. Drink the water. Stiles, drink it. Something's happening, and I need you to sober up right now. Come on, Stiles."
A girl comes up on the other side of them. "What do you think you're doing?" She asks. "You want to sober him up fast, that's not the way to do it."
"You can do better?"
"I can do best, boy." She grabs Stiles and dunks his head in the hot tub for a moment before setting him up again. "Whoo." Stiles gasps and stammers as he's suddenly no longer drunk. "How do you feel?"
"Like I might have to revisit my policy on hitting a girl." Stiles responds.
"He's sober."
Derek steps off of the old train having just dealt with Erica and Boyd going crazy on their first full moon. Isaac didn't really have much trouble because he had found an anchor. Derek turned his head at movement and found Lydia and Y/n there. He looked at them in confusion. Lydia lifted up her hand and opened it to reveal purple powder. She blew the crushed wolfsbane into his face and he fell to the ground unconscious.
Scott and Stiles separately comb through the drunk and crazy guests looking for Lydia and/or Y/n, meeting up after a bit. "Hey, I can't find them." Stiles informed. "And, dude, anyone who drank that crap, they're freaking out." Someone jumps into the pool causing a couple others to as well.
"I can see that." Scott says.
"What are we gonna do?"
"I don't know, but we gotta-"
"I can't swim!" Someone suddenly yells over the cacophony of partygoers. "No, no, no, no, stop, guys! I can't swim! I can't swim!" Two guys toss the yelling teen into the pool despite his protests. He flails around and tries to stay afloat as he cries out. Jackson reaches in and helps haul the guy onto the side of the pool where he coughs up water. He stands up to reveal a sopping wet Matt. He looks around at the people gawking at him. "What are you looking at?" He growls out. He sees Scott and Stiles, walking past them with an especially hard look at Scott.
Siren's wail and the crowd scatters from the police presence. Scott goes out onto the street and spots Matt across the road glaring at him. His eyes go wide when the kanima crouches next to Matt with its tail wrapped protectively around his legs. Matt and the kanima disappear when a group obstructs Scott's view of them.
Y/n's eyes glow as she and Lydia walk into the Hale house. Y/n pulls Derek across the ground behind them with her magic. He stirs a bit at the movement. "Lydia." He dazedly looks around. The floor boards have been pulled up where Peter was buried. "Y/n." She sets him next to the hole where his arm can dangle in. "Guys, stop." Lydia kneels down and positions Derek's arm to where it's in Peter's grip. "You don't know what you're doing." Y/n's eye's flash as she binds them together, making sure Derek can't move even if he was strong enough to with a band of energy around their arms. Y/n stands at the top of the hole and holds her hand palm up as Lydia goes over to the mirrors she had set up. Y/n creates a slash in her hand, closing her fist and turning it to drip blood onto Peter and Derek as Lydia turns the mirror, making a beam travel between the glass and point down into the hole.
Y/n mutters a few words in Latin, words that compel Peter's spirit from the other world and bind it back to his body using the power of the moon, the life in the blood, and the will of the witch. Peter's claws dig into Derek's arm drawing blood. Peter's eyes open and Derek groans in pain. Peter twitches as he's reanimated and Derek gasps, his eyes wide and glowing red until they fade. Lydia looks scared and Y/n pulls her behind herself as Peter bursts from the floor and stands, completely healed and covered in dirt.
Peter looks up at the girls. "I heard there was a party. Don't worry. I invited myself." He smirks.
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wrenniebaby · 2 years
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!¡ DNI !¡
minors, idc if you’re almost 18, you’re not. racist, homophobic, transphobic, sexist, terf, blank/ageless blogs.
if you’re gonna send hate. if you’re drama-centric, gonna start unnecessary drama/problems
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!¡ BYF !¡
I will post/reblog dark and sometimes unsettling content, please read all warnings before interacting if you’re easily triggered. it is your own job to only interact with content you like. hate, harrassment, or bullying will not be tolerated by any means.I am free to block people as I see fit, if that bothers you, go away :) I can decline any request as I see fit
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requesting blurbs !¡
please send at most 2 prompts per request. do not be rude. do not send me the same request, you've sent other writers. do not ask for a character that I do not write for.
I write angst, smut, fluff, and dark, feel free to ask for any of these, but please note I'm allowed to deny any request I feel like I'm not able to write.
I will not write : parents walking in on you. pegging/rimming. male reader. abuse, self harm, eds. fuck/neglect. if you do not know whether I will write it or not, ask and I'll tell ya!
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requesting ships !¡
you may ask for a moodboard with it. if you want a moodboard I need physical descriptions to make it fit you. feel free to include as much information as you want, the more information makes it easier to ship you. please make sure you include the fandom and gender of your person in your requests. you can give me your mbti, astrology (up to big six), gender, sexuality, any facts you wanna add and the fandom
ex req. I'm a 5'7" nonbinary, I'm bisexual, and I want both a female and male ship from teen wolf. I'm a taurus scorpio cancer and a istp. I like baking and smoking weed , I'm also a teacher. (not my information)
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requesting moodboards !¡
ship moodboards (reader x character). please include what race you'd like the reader to be, if you don't include that I will put both white and woc. feel free to include any things you'd liked to be included for the moodboard, the character you want, and an au if you want one of those.
ex req. asian!reader x vampire! eddie munson (enemies to lovers au)
astrology moodboards. you can give your big three or big six. your gender and race is preferred so I can make it fit you personally.
ex req. aries sun gemini moon scorpio rising white girl.
aesthetic moodboards. please include aesthetic such as dark academia, and anything else you'd like for me to include such as a specific race for the aesthetic, colors, and gender.
ex req. fairycore black girl with pink
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who I write for !¡
stranger things.
eddie munson. steve harrington. nancy wheeler. robin buckley. jonathon byers. jim hopper. joyce byers.
teen wolf.
stiles stilinski. scott mccall. lydia martin. theo raeken. derek hale. malia tate.
the vampire diaries.
jeremy gilbert. kai parker. elijah mikaelson. klaus mikaelson. rebekah mikaelson. kol mikaelson.
john b routledge. pope heyward. jj maybank. rafe cameron.
criminal minds
aaron hotchner. penelope garcia. spencer reid. emily prentiss.
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6rookie-writer0110 · 2 years
The Master List - 59
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Just Joy - Lydia Martin x Male Reader (Smut)
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Black Gold -Maxwell Lord x Male Reader (Smut)
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Wrong Signal - Catra x Reader
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Greek Holidays - Galatea x Male Reader
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. headcanon for being an old friend of Connor’s and dating him (Male Reader)
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spiderman-4 · 2 years
I typically write characters x male or non-binary reader but I’m open to writing x fr reader but they will usually be platonic. (Someone highlighted in green mean I will write them strictly platonic)
I do both nsfw and sfw stories and feel free to request either or both. 😁😁😁
I also usually write a top!reader or dom!reader so if you would like a sub or bottom reader please specify that in your request.
Rules for requesting:
Ships I write for
Theo x Liam (teen wolf)
Scott x Issac (teen wolf)
Nolan x Brett (teen wolf)
Mason x Corey (teen wolf)
Dean x Castiel (supernatural)
Tony x Steve (marvel)
Thor x Bruce (marvel)
Newt x Thomas (the maze runner)
Ian x Mickey (shameless)
Draco x Harry (Harry Potter)
Serius x Remus (Harry Potter)
Eddie x Steve (Stranger Things)
Will x Mike (Stranger Things)
Characters I will write x reader
Teen Wolf
Theo Reaken
Liam Dunbar
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Corey Bryant
Mason Hewitt
Jordan Parish
Derek Hale
Allison Argent
Lydia Martin
Malia Tate/Hale
Kira Yukimur
Tony Stark
Steve Rogers
Peter Parker
Ned Leeds
MJ Jones
Bruce Banner
Theo Odinson
Loki Laufeyson
Pietro Maximoff
Wanda Maximoff
Clint Barton
Natasha Romenoff
The Maze Runner
Ian Gallagher
Mickey Milkivitch
Lip Gallagher
Carl Gallagher
Jimmy Steve
Kevin Ball
Liam Gallagher (PLATONIC ONLY)
Fiona Gallagher
Debbie Gallagher
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Bill Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Ginny Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Neville Longbottom
Pansy Parkinson
Blaise Zabini
Stranger Things
Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington
Will Buyers
Mile Wheeler
Eleven “Jane” Hopper
Dustin Henderson
Lucas Sinclair
Max Mayfeild
Jonathan Buyers
Robin Buckley
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lupindawg183 · 2 years
as much as i love writing and want everyone to have a chance at getting their ideas out there - there are things i do not want on my blog or am not entirely comfortable with. some boundaries are for others and some are for me specifically.
what i will write -
some kinks
celebrities x reader (if boundaries permit it)
character x character, character x reader
platonic or romantic (!readers or !characters)
violence (only fights between characters, not too detailed)
mostly male readers or gn readers. (i am horrible at fem readers but i can attempt if requested)
^ this includes
head canons
one shots
multi chaper fics
what i will not write -
suicide/ attempts of suicide/ self harm
non-con/ con-noncon/ sa
drug addiction (weed use is okay)
eating disorders
adult x minor ships
detailed violence (torture, death)
detailed abuse (mentioned or light moments are okay)
homophobia, transphobia, racism, etc. (any -ism or phobes against specific groups)
male readers for canonically lesbian characters or female readers for canonically gay characters
hcs/canons/ships for certain characters -
-stranger things
female reader x robin buckley only
male reader x will byers only
male/gn reader x eddie munson only
will write (ships)
robin buckley x nancy wheeler
steve harrington x eddie munson
will byers x mike wheeler
others if requested
won't write (ships)
vickie x robin buckley
steve harrington x nancy wheeler
eddie munson x chrissy cunningham
-harry potter
male reader x sirius black only
will write (ships)
hermione granger x ron weasley
remus lupin x sirius black
james potter x lily evans
james potter x regulus black
lily evans x mary macdonald
others if requested
won't write (ships)
draco malfoy x hermione granger
draco malfoy x harry potter
lily evans x severus snape
mary macdonald x sirius black
male reader x eddie kaspbrak only
male reader x richie tozier only
will write (ships)
richie tozier x eddie kaspbrak
others if requested
-teen wolf
male reader x theo raeken only
male reader x liam dunbar only
stiles stilinski x lydia martin
theo raeken x liam dunbar
others if requested
-criminal minds
spencer reid x jennifer 'jj' jareau
others if requested
sorry for the long list haha. feel free to request if your idea fits these guidelines!
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Heart of the Ocean 💙 | Teen Wolf Miniseries Part 2
Takes place in between 3A & 3B of Teen Wolf
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Teen Wolf Masterlist | read part 1 here
Characters & Pairings: Hale/McCall Pack x vampire!reader (female/platonic), eventual Peter Hale x reader (romantic), reader x male!oc ( past romance) & reader x supernatural!reader (platonic). Characters in this imagine: Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin, Allison Argent, Isaac Lahey, Derek Hale, Peter Hale, Chris Argent, Alan Deaton.
Content Warnings: light angst, profanity, references of historical event disaster, mentions of death, blood, and murder | female!reader (she/her) | ws: 6.4k
Requested 📨 yes/no (rules for requests)
Premise: with the riddle solved the pack now have to face the truth their English teacher is not who they thought she was. To find out who’s responsible for the chaos in Beacon Hills they have no choice but to confront Y/n about her identity and nature. Even if it could cost them their lives.
*tick* *tick* *tick*
Scott’s eyes were on the clock, flickering over to Stiles who wore an expression similar to his. Filled with unease and wondering if what they were about to do was a mistake. The minutes were ticking away as the school day approached its end. Glancing to Allison and Lydia in the front of the classroom he could see in their neck and shoulders how tense they were, Allison nervously chewing on the tip of her pen. All throughout the lecture none could stay focused. Not when the person teaching had a harrowing secret they were about to confront.
How would she react? Better yet, how were they going to even breach the subject.
Scott could see them fucking everything up in the blink of the eye. He couldn’t help but recall Peter’s warning from the night before. “Vampires can be hostile creatures—especially if they haven’t fed for a while. They can go maybe….weeks without drinking blood before they start to lose their control. Considering Loretta—or should I say, Y/n, has been in Beacon Hills a few months I can only assume she is getting her blood by some other means than preying on its citizens. Still, approach her with caution if you decide to confront her. If I was a 130 year old vampire who was a wealthy socialite that survived one of the most famous shipwrecks in history and was being hunted by my creator…well let’s just say I wouldn’t let you leave still breathing.”
The more the seconds ticked by the more Scott was regretting the plan. After much debate the pack wanted to get to the bottom of everything quickly and that meant confronting Miss. Andrews at school. Which was very unnerving. Discovering she was a vampire only made her more intimidating after already establishing herself as someone who came off as unapproachable. Though they had few interactions, Scott found Miss. Andrews to possess an aura that reads, ‘better to wonder in silence rather than search for answers.’ Appearing no older than the age of thirty, sometimes she’d say words or phrases that made her seem much older.
Thankfully their English section was the last period of the day. Isaac wasn’t in the class but he had Miss. Andrews that morning and kept his eyes out for the necklace, however, he was unable to tell if the woman was wearing it.
The Heart of the Ocean.
What led them to her.
If she was wearing the necklace it had to have been beneath her high collared shirt that was paired with a black blazer and dress pants. Now knowing what they know, they realized Miss. Andrews always wore clothing that was sophisticated and concealed her neck area. Whether it be a turtleneck or a collared shirt, they wondered why they hadn’t found it odd before. California was hot even in the early months of the year—especially in April as they approached summer.
Peter’s words echoed in Scott’s mind, “Vampires are cold-blooded creatures. The warm weather has little effect on them and though the glimmer acts as a camouflage to other supernatural creatures it doesn’t change their nature. They’ll be cold to the touch. Faster than the speed of sound. Stronger the older they are. And some even have little gifts that separate them from others.”
“Abilities. Very rare among their kind but those who possess them are more enhanced in every aspect than others. I’ve heard stories about one who can read minds. An old…acquaintance, of mine said he once encountered a vampire who could compel anyone to do anything for them. Let’s hope neither your killer or his little creation have any talents. Otherwise your odds of coming out of this in one piece are going to be very low.”
The hairs stood on the back of Scott’s neck when Loretta…Y/n… passed him as she walked in between the aisle of desks. It was like his senses were trying to warn him despite his others unable to detect she was not human.
“What people fail to understand about Romeo and Juliet…” Loretta moves between Lydia and Allison, missing how both girls tense up. “Is that it is not a romance despite having a prominent theme of love thorough out the play. To be considered a romance it must have what you would call, ‘a happily ever after,’…” Turning to face the class, Loretta leans her back against the desk with her arms crossed over her chest. Scott almost perches up, straining his ears to see if he could pick up movement around her neck.
Her eyes scan across the room, lingering on Scott and Stiles when they quickly look away, “Specifically for the protagonist—or protagonists in this setting. Romeo and Juliet die at the end of the play, therefore there is no happy ending. Yes, their families end up putting past their differences due to the loss of their loved ones. But the protagonists did not get to ride off into the sunset and live out their lives in peace. So the more appropriate term for the play would be a tragedy. A genre focused on human suffering and sorrowful events that happen to the protagonist. And as we have learned these past weeks, Shakespeare was known for his tragedies. Romeo and Juliet is just one of his many—Macbeth, Othello, Julius Caesar to name a few.”
There were only two minutes remaining in the class. Scott tapped his pen against the book anxiously, eyes back on the clock as Siltes sent him another look. Isaac’s scent soon filled his nostrils, indicating he was outside the door. And glancing over her shoulder, Allison gave a slight nod of, ‘it’s gonna be okay,’ to try and ease his nerves.
“Tragedies can be inspired by an array of things,” Loretta moved her arms so her hands were clasped in front of her. Again, Scott couldn’t help but listen for the rustling of jewelry. All he got was a usually steady pacing of her heart. If that even was her heart.
“Personal lives and historical events.” Lydia and Alice glance at each other as do Scott and Stiles. “They dive into the catharsis of their audience. Bringing pleasure through pain because we as humans—,” the teens share another look, “cannot help but find a sense of enjoyment in seeing the main character fail. Witness their downfall. Does that say something about us in how we view others?” The question was rhetoric, Loretta watching the students think in silence before shrugging. “That is for you to decide.”
*ring* *ring* *ring*
In a hurry students gather their belongings and make their way out the door. For the four teenagers planning to stay they are slow in their movements.
“Don’t forget tomorrow’s quiz is on Act five,” Loretta shouted lightly, pushing off from the desk only to walk around it. “Then we will begin our unit on Poe so be sure to have your textbooks with you.” As Loretta starts to erase the chalkboard the teens draw to the back door of the class to make it look like they're leaving but really they stop once Isaac enters. Then with a nod, “let’s do this,” they make their way back into the classroom.
Reaching the front row of the desks, the sound of Stiles bumping into a chair catches the woman’s attention, turning to face the group with perplexed eyes making them freeze like deer in headlights.
“Well hello,” Loretta places the eraser down, surprised to see five of her students behind her. “Wasn’t expecting you all to stay after the period ended. Everything alright?” She connects eyes with all, sensing their distress.
Scott is the first to speak, “We’re sorry to bother you when you’re busy, Miss. Andrews,” he felt his heart pick when he nearly addressed her by her real name. “We were just wondering if you could help us with something.”
“Is it about tomorrow’s quiz?” Loretta is calm, collected, and shows no signs of nervousness. “Because unfortunately if that’s the case I can’t—.”
“It’s about our history project,” Allison cuts in, causing the boys to give her a look that read ‘what are you doing?’ She gives a smile when Loretta tilts her head.
“Are you asking me to read over your report? Check for any grammatical errors? That I can do for you if you have a rough draft.”
“No,” Lydia rubs her neck, watching Loretta take a piece of chalk in her hand while bidding a glance at her lesson plans on the desk. Lydia licks her bottom lip, “more like we would like some advice if we have the facts right on it.” Loretta makes a sound between a laugh and scoff.
“I think you’re better suited asking your history teacher,” she raises her brow at them. Her heartbeat is steady against Scott’s ears, the werewolf catching Isaac’s eyes to see he heard the same. “I’m afraid my knowledge on whatever the topic of your project is will be limited compared to your teacher.”
“Actually,” Scott swallows, “We think you’re the best person there is to help us.”
Lorretta makes another sound, smirking lightly like the teens were humoring her, “Oh really?” Chalk in hand she faces the board to begin writing Friday’s plan. “Why is that?”
“Because it’s about Titanic.”
Instantly they watch her hand stop mid air, clutching the chalk in a grip they’re afraid it was going to snap in half. In fact, it did break in half. Not even two seconds after the words leave Scott’s mouth, however, her hand remains in the air. A slight tremor replacing the chalk as it clunks to the tile floor.
Silence fills the room as all time stops. Loretta was paralyzed where she stood. Back facing the group where they couldn’t see her face. But considering she was frozen like a statue, it wasn’t difficult to assume she had the same expression they did when they saw her picture the night before.
Scott takes a hesitant step closer, tone cautions as he mutters, “Y/n.” Her low gasp fills his ears, physically reacting to the name. Behind him the others tense, Isaac consciously moving closer to Scott as Stiles pushes the girls back. They all wait for her next move.
Slowly her hand comes down, head dipping slightly, “How do you know?” The question sounded like Y/n knew this day would come. That in a town where supernatural beings resided she was bound to be discovered but hoped it would be some time before she did.
The teens couldn’t hold back the shudder when Y/n faced them. Her eyes lacked any color. Pitch black like onyx and void of friendlessness. It made them wonder if she was wearing contacts or the glimmer had seeped away to show what her real eyes were. They prayed for the former, for Peter had mentioned when a vampire was hungry their eyes would darken.
Her jaw clenched and Scott instantly straightened to prepare for any sudden attack. She was stronger than him—he knew just from Peter’s warnings. While he had Isaac and Allison armed with a silver dagger, they were no match for a 130 year old vampire who could move faster than they could blink. And if she had abilities….they were straight fucked.
Instead Y/n’s voice went low, repeating her question, “How. Do. You. Know.”
Scott gulped, finding his voice, “Stiles,” with his hand out he motioned for riddle. Stiles fumbles through the front pocket of his backpack, finding the paper and passing it over as Y/n stares the entire time. Carefully the alpha drops the riddle onto the desk, using his fingers to slide it towards her and watches as she picks it up. They are silent the entire time Y/n reads the written words, her mouth tightening as though she recognized the handwriting the moment her eyes met the first line.
Her eyes then close when she finishes the final verse. “He’s found me,” she doesn’t need their confirmation, “it’s been him all along.” Him all along referencing the murders. “I should’ve known.” Her eyes open and lock on Scott, “When did he leave you this?”
“Last night.”
“U-uh Derek Hale’s loft.”
“Hale,” Y/n whispers, the name familiar on her tongue. “Thalia’s son.”
“You know them?” Stiles was flabbergasted. “Y-you know what they are.”
“Of course I do,” Y/n sounded offended, causing the teen to wince. “I’ve been alive 130 years. I knew of the Hale pack when Thalia's grandparents were the leaders.” There’s a pause as her gaze moves to Scott, “And I know Scott is an Alpha. Isaac is a beta. Allison is a hunter—part of the renowned Argent family,” there was a hint of distaste behind Y/n’s tone causing Allison to stiffen. Y/n rests her eyes on the redhead before ending with Siles, “and Lydia is a banshee. But you are the only human, Mr. Stilinski. Which might I say is quite the surprise.”
Stiles scratches his neck, “R-really?”
“Yes. Usually humans don’t last long with supernaturals. Would’ve thought you’d be a beta by now—seeing that your best friend is an alpha.” Seeing his friends become uncomfortable with the assumption, Scott switches the subject.
“Next week is the anniversary of Titanic sinking,” her expression instantly changed. “You were there.”
“I was,” it came no louder than a whisper, a distant look within her eye indicating Titanic was still a painful memory for the woman. “And you know then—from this,” she holds up the riddle, “What I am? What I do?”
Each of them nod, “we do.” They still couldn’t wrap their heads around it. That their English teacher, of all people, was an immortal who was aboard Titanic.
“And you’re not running for the hills,” she hums, not sure whether to find them idiotic or courageous. “How interesting.”
“Well when you live in a town like Beacon Hills…you try to get used to it,” Stiles shrugs, a little terrified when Y/n’s expression reads that of, ‘you think you’ve seen it all? You have no idea what else is out there.’
“This is how we found you….” Lydia removes the printed article with the picture of Y/n wearing the necklace. Handing it to the woman, Lydia sees her face soften, eyes lingering on the pictures of her with Theodore and Benjamin.
“Forgot this existed honestly,” Y/n mutters, finger brushing over the image. “It’s the only picture we ever took as a family. And this one,” she points to the one of only her, “this was the first and last time I had a portrait done.” A hand comes up to her neck area, all eyes following the movement where they watch her remove the Heart of the Ocean from beneath the material. It was more exquisite in person than they imagined. A stunning blue diamond in the shape of a heart surrounded by white diamonds and all along the chain.
No wonder she kept it hidden. Anyone would’ve been drawn by the beauty of the jewelry if they were to see it. Then of course there was the tiny fact it was worth 350 million dollars and the link to her past.
Y/n lets out a pained chuckle, “I’m impressed you managed to piece it together. So quickly might I add.” Her finger runs along the surface of the diamond, “but then again, Heart of the Ocean is not something you hear everyday.”
“It’s the source of your glimmer, isn’t it?”
Y/n narrows her eyes at Scott’s question, “How do you know about the glimmer?”
Stiles is the one to answer, “Derek’s uncle seems to know everything about supernatural creatures. He was the one who figured out you and your creator were vampires. Then he explained how you were able to pass as human—why they wouldn’t be able to pick up on your scent.”
“He said vampires will sometimes wear enchanted jewelry,” Allison’s gaze went back to the necklace, flicking back to Y/n who had straightened her posture, “That Druid’s can make it so you’re not affected by the sun and give off a human scent. He suspected the Heart of the Ocean was it for you.”
Once again Y/n appeared impressed, “well he was right. Which is unfortunate for me,” she mutters almost annoyed, eyes going back to reread the riddle. Scott leans more against the desk.
“We need to know who is doing this, Y/n—Loretta, if that’s what you prefer,” he corrects when her hand flexes. “And why. He gave us this riddle to find you and now that we have we have no idea what’s gonna happen next. Do you have any clue why he’s doing this?”
Y/n let out a loud exhale—prompting Scott to remember it was for show since vampires didn’t need to breathe. Having to put up the facade of being human for so long likely had the mannerisms come naturea. The riddle drops onto the table. “His name is Sebastian Lavigne. Don’t bother trying to find him on the records of passengers aboard that night—,” Stiles’ hand pauses as he jots down the name. “Sebastian didn’t have a ticket. He was a stowaway who snuck aboard when the ship docked in France. Disguised himself as a crew member so he wouldn’t get caught.” She paused to sigh again, “Quite frankly I’m not even sure if that’s his real name—he’s likely going by another alias.”
“Kinda like you?”
Y/n made a face at Stiles’s question, but answered nonetheless. “If you haven’t noticed, Mr. Stilinski, I do not age. If we stay in a place too long people start to suspect, therefore we have to move consistently and with that comes an identity change. But I always knew him by Sebastian though to the public he went by a different name. And so did I,” she glances at photos of her. “I couldn’t go by my real name after Titanic because of who my family was and everyone thought I was dead. Then of course the fact I was now a blood-sucking creature.
“Sebastian is a deceitful man. And this riddle—,” a finger aggressively hits the paper a few times, “is just one of his many games. He knows exactly where I am and only did this to mess with you. Probably because he knows you’re onto him. He wanted you to figure out what he was. Leading you to me…it was to warn me he’s coming.”
Lydia tenses, feeling a wave of dread course through her, “why is wanting to find you?” Y/n crosses her arms over her chest, glaring at the floor.
“Because he’s angry I left him. That I broke away from him. Vampires are usually nomadic—hardly ever join up together. Kinda like how werewolves have packs to make them stronger, well….a group of vampires would decimate anything that stood in their way. Sebastian’s a man who desires power,” Y/n rubs her hand on her forearm. “And together we were powerful—especially with our gifts.”
“Gifts?” Scott’s heart skipped, thinking of Peter’s warning. “You both have gifts?”
“Yes,” Y/n didn’t sound proud of it. “Sebastian can compel you to do anything—you’ve heard of him,” Y/n’s shoulders slumped at their reaction.
Stiles flexes his hand, unease in his voice, “Peter told us about a vampire like that. Said he knew someone who encountered them. Is he the only one who can?” Y/n’s nod of confirmation only increases their anxiety.
“As far as I know, yes he is. His gift is powerful, but it only works close range. Meaning in order to be affected you have to be directly in front of him. Sebastian has to stare into one’s eyes to compel them,” Y/n glances to her feet again, “but once he does they have no choice but to do what he says. And combined with mine…..” she shudders, making them frown. “No one could stand a chance against us.”
“What can you do?” Allison asks, a little unsure if she even wanted to know.
“Make you see anything I want. Whether it be tapping into your memory or my own, I can conjure illusions. Illusions derived from your greatest fear causing you to become incapacitated,” everyone’s demeanor became that of concern. “As you can imagine it came in handy when traveling with Sebastian—especially against our enemies,” Y/n comes around the desk so she’s closer to the group, “or more like his enemies since it was always him who had to instigate conflict.”
Lydia’s eyes draw in suspicion, “Why’d you leave him?” It was the question everyone wanted the answer to. And Y/n didn’t appear happy to answer it.
“He’d been keeping things from me. During my time with Sebastian he liked to isolate me—keep me from interacting with others of our kind. He didn’t want me to know I could feed without preying on humans. Or about glimmer which is why I spent most of my days locked in doors and only came out at night. He kept me from my son,” her lips tightened, “I understood why at the time…but then I found out his motives.”
The air thickened in the classroom.
“Things that could have made my fate turn out different than what it was,” her voice turned cold, eyes darkening even more. “Yes, he pulled me from the water that night…but he didn’t have to turn me into this to save me. There was another way and he chose to turn me for what I was worth to him. So when I found out decades later the truth—that he had turned me for his own selfish gain. Robbing me of the life I could have had with my son and family…”
Y/n’s hand moves to the jewelry on her neck, “I found the closest Druid I could find and had them enchant this. That way he’d lose my scent and be unable to track me.” Her hand comes back down with a sigh, “But somehow he always manages to be a step ahead of things.”
“How long ago did you escape him?” Scott wonders aloud.
“Forty years ago.”
Stiles’s jaw drops, “He’s been hunting you for four decades?”
“Likely so. With me he was more powerful. With me he was more rich,” Y/n explained, tone bitter with each word. “Shortly after we returned to New York he compelled me into robbing my own home. The amount we stole still hasn’t run dry—at least not for me,” a tinge of a smirk indicated Y/n left him with nothing when she escaped. “So I wouldn’t put it past him for devoting this many years to find me. But it’s not to get me into his good graces, no, he wants to punish me. And the best way to punish me is to play games like this,” lightning fast her hand grasps the riddle and crutches it between her fingers. “To cause chaos and hurt innocent people because he knows how much I hated it when we did. The murders. Leaving you this riddle. He won’t stop even after he’s got what he wants.”
Scott’s shoulders drop slightly, “And what does he want?”
“To kill me. Scott,” Y/n’s words send a shiver along his body. “I’ve made a life of myself without him—one where I try everyday to make up for the things I did with him. Preying on humans. Torturing the minds of those Sebastian hated. He wants me to feel that shame and regret before he finishes the job. Because that’s what he does, however, now that he’s brought you all into his game there’s not going to be an end until he’s satisfied. Once he’s through with me you will become his prime source of entertainment. Or, he’ll see you as a benefit and want to corrupt you. Just like he did to me.”
Silence fills the room as the teens take in the new information. All deep in thought wondering what to do or say next. The reality of Sebastian’s cruel nature and games proves beyond their expertise. They weren’t sure exactly how to go about it. Finding Y/n was the first step, but from what she’s told them it would not be enough.
He’ll still kill. He might even target them next—especially if they refuse whatever offer he could be planning. Y/n didn’t have to go into detail that Scott’s status as a True Alpha with a pack of unlikely allies would be something Sebastian would want to control.
And with his gift of compelling….
“We need to know what he looks like,” Scott’s the first to speak. Determination fills his gaze, “He’s got the advantage right now—a-and if he’s glimmered like you then he’s probably been passing as human.” He turns to Y/n, pleading with her for help. “You said you can show illusions. Ones that can be from your memory—can you show one with him?” The sound she responds with is one of defeat.
“He compelled me, shortly after he turned me, to erase his image from my memory because he was paranoid about us running into vampires who could read minds or Druids who could make me tap into my subconscious.” Everyone deflated at the news, but then Y/n perked up causing them to do the same. “But….he when did, he only said, ‘from this moment on.’”
Scott took a step closer, eyes full of hope, “What does that mean?”
“It means I can show you,” Y/n’s voice is low and tainted with slight dread. “I can show you the night he turned me. The night Titanic sank.”
Later that evening the pack gathered at Deaton’s clinic. It was just after sunset, around 8pm and some were starting to become impatient.
“Is she coming?” Peter grunted from where he stood leaning against a wall. “Or was this all a distraction.”
“She’s gonna be here,” Scott insisted, eyes narrowed slightly. Truth be told he was starting to worry. Y/n had promised she’d be at the clinic by nightfall but had yet to show.
“Well the clock is ticking,” Stiles fiddled with his fingers nervously.
Allison looks at the man beside her, who was checking to see if his gun was loaded with the proper bullets. “You know you didn’t have to come, dad.” Chris raises a brow, putting the safety on and placing the weapon back in its holster.
“And leave you and your friends alone with a gifted vampire who’s the reasons a psychotic one is causing hell around town? Not a chance.”
“Have you ever hunted one before?” Her voice drops to a whisper, though it doesn’t do much for those with enhanced hearing. Derek, Peter, Scott, and Isaac heard the question loud and clear.
Chris shakes his head, “No. They’re rare and not many are in America—but your great-grandfather came into contact with one in the fifties. Left us with what to do if we ever dealt with one.”
Allison gives her father a look of warning, “You can’t hurt her, dad.”
“If she gives me a reason to, I will.”
“She won’t,” she presses, aware Scott and Derek had their eyes on them. The former looked anxious.
“You don’t know how unpredictable and manipulative vampires are, Allison. None of you do.”
“She’s been in Beacon Hills for months. We asked her how she gets her blood and she said she’s been taking bags from the ER—not feeding on the town’s people,” the teen pleads, surprised with herself for defending Y/n so easily. Maybe it was the fact the vampire had been robbed of her life that made Allison sympathize. Or because she could feel the anger and fury Y/n had for her creator that she believed Y/n would stop at nothing to take him down. “And she hasn’t given any reason for us to believe she’s been working with Sebastian. She hates him, dad.” Chris doesn’t appear convinced.
“She was with him for sixty years—.”
“And she’s been without him for forty,” Allison cuts him off, promptly ending the argument. Another minute passes before all freeze at the sound of Deaton’s door chime ringing. Motioning with a hand, the doctor enters the lobby where he is met with a woman wearing a tan trench coat and boots. She spun around when she heard him approach, allowing Deaton to see the stunning jewelry around her neck. Instantly he felt the magic running through it.
“You’re the Druid,” were the first words from her mouth. “Scott told me about you.” Deaton offers a small smile.
“You must be Y/n,” when she visibly reacted to the name he apologized, “I’m sorry, would you prefer to be called—.” Her hand lifts to stop him.
“No, no. It’s fine—I’m just getting used to hearing that name again. It’s been so long since anyone other than ....” She trails off, not wanting to say his name. Deaton understands with a light nod, moving to open the gate.
“You don’t have to explain. Please, come in.”
“Did Scott inform you what to prepare?” She asks as she passes, receiving a nod from the man.
“Yes. I’m quite familiar with its effects—but I made sure to not make it too strong.” Leading Y/n into the back room, she stills at the sight of those she didn’t recognize, namely the man beside Allison and the two leaning against the wall. Everyone straightens when she arrives and her eyes go straight to Scott.
“You didn’t say we’d have guests.” Her tone is weary, making Scott move closer to show her it was okay.
“That’s Derek Hale and his uncle Peter,” a finger points to the two, glaring when he notices Peter’s eyes linger on Y/n’s figure. While he couldn’t blame him given Y/n’s striking beauty there were more important matters at the moment. “He’s the one who helped us figure out what you were.” He hears the woman make a sound similar to ‘hmph’, causing Peter to smirk and give a mock wave. Scott rolls his eyes, motioning to Chris, “And that’s Allison’s father, Chris Argent.”
Y/n’s expression tightens, appearing slightly uncomfortable with the lineup. Four werewolves, two hunters, a Druid, and a banshee? Vampires were strong creatures but even they could become intimidated. “Quite the party we have going on then.”
Stiles clears his throat to appease the tension, “uh what took you so long?” The question snaps Y/n out of the intense staring contest going on between her, Peter, and Chris. She removes her gloves to place them in her pocket.
“Well considering I’ve been out of practice I needed a pick me up to ensure my power would be at its best,” lips curl up, almost menacing which has Chris inch his hand closer to the holster. She sees the gesture and raises a brow in challenge, “Don’t worry, hunter. I didn’t sink my teeth into anything other than a donation bag.” She pays no mind to his glare, instead removing the Heart of the Ocean from her neck.
When Y/n does this a new smell enters the room right as the unusual steady pacing of her heart stops beating. The aroma is overbearing with vanilla and lavender—even for those without an enhanced sense of smell. For the werewolves, they perked up as they had never smelled anything so delightful.
“You smell that?” Y/n closes her eyes as she drops the necklace into the other pocket.
“Yeah.” Scott takes another waff of the scent, turning to her only to draw back in surprise when she opens her eyes to reveal deep red eyes replacing the color they once were. The lights from above almost made them glow. “Woah.” From behind Scott the others react to the changes of Y/n’s appearance.
Stiles and Isaac had to do a double take to make sure what he was seeing was real. Lydia and Allison shared a glance, both shuddering when Y/n made eye contact with them. Chris straightens his posture again, only amusing the vampire and Peter appears rather intrigued.
“Vampires have to lure their prey somehow,” She starts to explain. “It’s stronger for you wolves, but even you who are not are drawn by it. Makes you want to get closer, huh?” Y/n steps away, moving towards Deaton who reappears after going to the back closet to retrieve an object resembling a goblet.
“I can’t hear your heart anymore,” Scott’s tone is laced with confusion at the sudden decrease of heartbeats in the room.
“You never did. It was an illusion from the glimmer—so any creature I come into contact with would think I’m human. My heart stopped the night I turned,” the smirk she wore fell to a tight frown, “it won’t ever beat again.”
An eerie silence fills the room, her words lingering in the air. No doubt causing suspicion now that they were aware Y/n could lie and they would have no way of knowing. She could’ve been lying about everything honestly. Now they were left to wonder if any of what she said before was true.
But why would she lie? She’s made it awfully clear of her resentment for Sebastian.
The attention goes to Y/n as she removes the scalpel from Deaton’s tray and raises it to her palm. “W-what—what are you doing?” Stiles nearly gags when the skin breaks and a dark liquid like blood flows from the wound. It spills into the goblet, where a smell that could only be described as death replaces the once vanilla aroma. Deaton begins stirring the substance with a spoon while Y/n explains.
“As I’ve mentioned…” The cut disappeared without a trace not a second after Y/n lifted her hand away from the goblet. “I haven't used my power in ages—and while I fed earlier it may not be enough for it to be at its full potential. So to do this I need to remove any mental barriers from your mind.”
“And we have to drink your blood for it to work,” Peter rolls his eyes at how ironic it sounds, “how fitting.”
Y/n narrows her eyes at the man, “If you’re worried about it becoming a vampire you need not to worry. There’s no venom—that only comes from a bite. Sound familiar?” The air becomes thick and Scott moves between the two when Peter's eyes flash blue.
“What’s it going to do, Y/n?”
The vampire takes the goblet from Deaton, passing it to the teenager first, “Open your mind. To do so my blood is mixed with decade old sap from the Nematon and a rare form of wolfsbane. You’ll feel some discomfort,” she points out when all the wolves instantly become hesitant at the mention of wolfsbane, “but it won’t kill you. I need your mental state to be vulnerable. Ignore the smell—I know it’s revolting but it’ll taste like dry, bitter wine.”
Scott stares at the goblet before taking it in his hands. Inside the contents was a dark liquid with a smell that made him want to gag. He couldn’t help but ask Deaton, “You’re sure about this?”
“I’ve never worked with this before but I know someone who has. It’s potent but short lasting and won’t affect you once it’s out of your system in a few hours.” Deaton gives a look of assurance, “You might feel a pressure in your head that’s like a headache.”
Y/n adds on to the vet, “that’s so show your mental walls are dropping. But like your emissary said it’s temporary. Allowing me enough time to show you my memories in the form of illusions. But I must warn you all,” she pauses to glance at each of them. “My illusions are like vivid dreams. Where it feels real. Your body will remain paralyzed here, but your mind will be somewhere else. Not only will you see what I have to show you,” Y/n’s entire demeanor becomes serious once more. “You’ll be able to hear everything. Feel everything. The sun's rays. The cool breeze. The freezing waters…..It will be as though you’re experiencing it in real time.”
There’s a pause, letting the reality sink in on what the vampire was implying. “My question is….are all of you wishing to see what I have to show you? Now is the time to step out if you’re having second thoughts.” When no one objects, despite all looking relatively nervous, Y/n clasps her hands in front her. “Well, Scott, start us off.”
“We all have to drink it?” Stiles cringes when he’s passed the cup, Scott letting out a gag after the taste hits his tongue. Y/n smirks as she nods.
“Unless you would like to sit this out, Stiles, then yes.” Groaning, the teen plugs his nose and takes a swig before handing it to Isaac. Even after taking several gulps of water the awful taste of iron and wood remained.
One by one each person took their turn of downing the potion, with Deaton as the last one to do so. Within seconds it took effect, the most notable sign being the headache forming. Then a light feeling started to swirl all along their body. Like they were on cloud 9.
“Is this what it’s supposed to feel like?” Derek moaned, squinting when the light suddenly started to become brighter.
“You’ll get used to it in a moment,” Y/n’s closes her eyes, taking a deep breath despite not needing one. It was mostly to calm her nerves as she allowed the memory dug deep within her mind to surface. A moment later the warmth of the sun hit her skin. The smell of fresh paint and sea salt filling her nose. And the sound of a ship's whistle and people shouting echoed in her ears.
The others gasped, making Y/n open her eyes where she found them all, mouth agape and eyes bulging as though they couldn’t believe what they were seeing, staring at whatever was behind her. And when she turned around, Y/n’s lips curled up into a sad smile.
Seeing the ship of dreams again after decades filled her with an emotion she couldn’t describe—she couldn’t imagine what the pack were thinking. Probably wondering if it was a dream and they’d wake up any second. The memory was as clear as the day it was made—everything around them was exactly like it was that bright sunny Wednesday afternoon.
It was like they traveled back in time to April 10th, 1912.
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