kanai-ward-census · 1 year
Raincode Tournament: Dominic Fulltank Vs Waruna
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bluthewind · 6 months
Do you have the sittings of the Peacekeepers? I need to see their seats.
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Here you go! Colors will be a little off since I'm just using my phone camera
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highoncatfood · 10 months
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amaterasu posting cuz ive finally figured out how i wanna draw them all
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loremaster · 8 months
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that time i drew the peacekeepers without reference
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rararazaquato · 4 months
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haiiii hello haiiiiiiii
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snivyartjpeg · 11 months
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the peacekeepers said its their turn on the fursona beam
rain code furry au: 1 | 2 | 3
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creampuffiemina · 9 months
stayed up just for this guy HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAKOTO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
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i love this guy. i hope he explodes and and yeah
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also some silly doodles too
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i think after all that bday celebration and shit, they play gartic phone as an activity to do together. since its his bday i think, its funny to think about
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and a few funnies too, cuz why not
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burn-fire · 6 months
Electrohall sleepover!
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A few minutes later with the guys:
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Makoto put on his bath robe the wrong way because he was rushing, that's why they thought he was a ghost.
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mmani-e · 1 year
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Recently finished watching @aretmaw play raincode, and I love all the designs for the big bads. Decided to sketch them out last night, enjoy!
Guillaume is my favorite she's just so <3
Click read more for full image and spoiler content
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wackpedion · 9 months
guys i figured out the plot to raincode
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bonus doodle ft. charlie radiohead
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martina-electro · 9 months
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save me rain code memes. save m
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cochidinh · 10 months
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Internet war
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tobiasdrake · 10 months
Rating Rain Code Characters on the Fight Me Bruh Scale
Here we go. We're ranking all of the major characters in Rain Code based on how confident I am that I can beat them in a fight.
Swank Catsonell
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I want you all to know that despite what the rumors may suggest, I absolutely did not pay him to take a dive. This was a fight I won fair and square, because I am very principled and masculine.
<.< >.>
Seth Burroughs
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For all his bluster, Seth is the least threatening man in Kanai Ward. The only thing threatening about him is his control over the Peacekeepers. He does nothing for himself, even needing one of his men to carry a megaphone around for him.
Seth feels like he'd go down so fast, I'd almost feel bad for him. But then I'd remind myself that he's a fucking fascist and hit him harder.
Yakou Furio
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Despite his name, Yakou's not very tough. He gets routinely floored in every fight he's in. He did manage to shank Huesca with the element of incredible surprise, but that was more a product of crafty premeditation than formidable brawling. Even when he jumped his wife's would-be assassin, we next see him beaten to hell so clearly that fight took a turn after she (and we) bailed on it.
His file says he weighs 165 lbs but I have no idea where he puts it because his body type is skeletal. A stiff breeze would knock him over.
Yomi Hellsmile
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Yomi reeks of paper tiger to me. As much as he loves throwing his weight around, he's too chickenshit to throw down himself. Even with guns in both hands and people he wanted dead right in front of him, he inexplicably returned the guns to his soldiers and ordered them to shoot everyone instead.
Yomi's fighting style is to run for his life and try to find someone else to fight in his place. But those other people who would fight for him, would already be fighting instead if a fight was happening. By definition, if I'm fighting Yomi, then there's nobody around to stop me from fighting Yomi. If this fight takes place then I win it. There is no version of the fight where Yomi fights and doesn't lose.
Desuhiko Thunderbolt
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When he was faking the Master Detectives' deaths, Makoto figured that Desuhiko would barely even make it out of the starting gate. He judged correctly. Desuhiko is not a fighter. He's scared of blood and sticks to undercover intelligence.
His best shot at victory would be to show up to the fight Disguised as someone tougher than him. But it's not super clear whether that would actually help him.
Vivia Twilight
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From what little we see of him in action, Vivia's incredibly quick on his feet and holds his own next to Halara. He moves blindingly fast and shitstomps cops with the best of him. But that's when people he cares about are in danger.
If we're just duking it out in the street, there's a strong chance Vivia goes down with the first punch and then mutters something to the effect of, "Oh well, you got me. Guess I'll just lay here now. Maybe the small bruise from your fist will kill me. Wouldn't that be nice?"
I only win this fight if Vivia isn't motivated enough to snap my neck before I know what hit me. But I don't plan to do anything that would motivate him to do that, so this is the most likely scenario when Vivia and I throw down. I'm not proud of it but I'll take the win.
Yuma Kokohead
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With a Truth Sword in hand, Yuma is incredibly formidable. He's outfought countless Mystery Phantoms and even outmatched Makoto in a swordfight. However, it's not super clear how transferrable those skills are outside of the Labyrinth setting. Most of the time when Yuma's cornered, he's powerless; However, most of the time when Yuma's cornered, guns are involved, so that's not a fair comparison.
What it amounts to is that Yuma's ability to hold his own in a street brawl is difficult to gauge. That said, his stature is intimidating in and of itself. I'm always leery of fighting someone whose height easily allows for a full-body haymaker to the junk. Short people have no chill.
Kurumi Wendy
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Kurumi doesn't get many opportunities for action but given what we know of her, I don't envy my chances. She's had to evade pursuing Peacekeepers in the past, which implies she's pretty scrappy and quick on her feet. She also managed to get in and out of Dohya District while it was under a counter-terrorist lockdown, skirting through Guillaume and Dominic's police state with so little effort that it put Yuma and Fubuki's attempt to do the same to shame.
So even though she never gets to throw a punch in the entire story, she fucking scares me. I start shit, she is going to sucker-punch me in ways I couldn't possibly see coming. There is a feral beast inside of her waiting for an excuse, and I'm not talking about her homunculus biology.
Martina Electro
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This woman scares me. She's Yomi's right-hand, which means she does all the physically-intensive things that he doesn't. She's in the field leading from the front and, unlike Seth, we see that she's entirely willing to take matters into her own hands.
I have no basis for saying she could probably fold me in half and feed me my own spine, and has likely done exactly that to people in the past. But I believe it.
Dominic Fulltank
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Are you joking? This man is 500 lbs of solid murder.
Let me paint you a word picture. I throw a punch. I break my fist on his rock-hard abs. Then he picks me up and rips me in half with his bare hands.
Guillaume Hall
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Are you joking? This girl is 150 lbs sopping wet.
Let me paint you a word picture. I throw a punch. I hit her right in the fucking face because she's not a fighter. Then goddamn Dominic appears out of nowhere, picks me up, and rips me in half with his bare hands. But with extreme prejudice this time; Before, he was just defending himself, but now he's defending his boss.
Makoto Kagutsuchi
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If I could define Makoto in one word, it would be cunning. Makoto has no reservations about doing whatever it takes to win, and his ultra-genius intellect is constantly plotting and scheming. He's so physically unimpressive that he looks like he'll collapse with a rough shove, but by the time fists start flying, he's already figured out 11 different ways to kill me.
Even if he might seem to be on the backfoot at the moment, Makoto is always in control of every situation he's in. He chose the place, he chose how we fight, he chose what happens to be on hand to use in the fight, and he chose who wins. He merely let me think that I chose those things.
Fubuki Clockford
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We see precious little of what Fubuki's capable of in a fight. But she's no stranger to it. When Yuma first asked her to clear out the coffee shop patrons, her kneejerk go-to was to try violence. He had to talk her into a distraction instead. So she's clearly been in fights before.
Her biggest asset is her ability to save scum, though that has its limitations. It takes a lot out of her every time she turns back time, often leaving her winded and gasping for breath by the second reset. The stamina cost offsets the advantage of temporal prescience, especially in a street brawl.
But that advantage is powerful nonetheless. Do I feel confident that I could take Fubuki in a fight? Sure. Do I feel confident I could take her in five out of five fights? That's much more intimidating. Fubuki only has to win once. She decides which match "counts".
Halara Nightmare
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Halara can take Fubuki in five out of five fights. Halara can take anyone in five out of five fights. Consecutively. Simultaneously. However you want to go, you'll regret it fast. We see them in action plenty and it's always the same: Halara Nightmare is violence incarnate.
Some fighters hit like a sledgehammer. Some hit like a truck. Halara hits like hospital anaesthetic; You blink and then wake up seven hours later with your kidney removed and no idea where the time went. They put me down so fast that I spend the rest of the day trying to figure out what even happened. Like a Hangover movie but instead of being drunk I got my ass kicked.
They are, and shall remain, the reigning champion of violence in Kanai Ward.
Real Yuma
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I want you all to know that despite what the rumors may suggest, he absolutely did not offer me free ramen in exchange for taking a dive. This was a fight I lost fair and square, because we are both very principled and masculine.
<.< >.>
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highoncatfood · 10 months
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they were in fact not normal
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loremaster · 8 months
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….and here’s the fusion prompt i gave myself for today. she might be my new fave!
i’m only about halfway through the requests in my inbox - gonna try to get through the rest tomorrow! (no more for now please!) thanks all!
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teddybearty · 10 months
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The silliest gorl of all (ft her buff bestie) ✨✨
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