#fully not ready for that heartbreak
paperglader · 2 months
imogen: *is known to have suicidal tendencies*
Me, as of late, whenever she shows any glimpse of those suicidal tendencies: NO BITCH YOU STOP THAT!! YOU STOP THAT RIGHT NOW!! YOU HAVE TO LIVE MF!! YOU HAVE TO LIVE FOR ME!!
(i love her with my whole entire heart)
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catlucked · 10 months
*      @batisms​​    /   continued   from    here  !
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selina  lifts  a  brow  in  response  to  bruce’s  words,  her  temples  throbbing  as  a  combination  of  annoyance  and  confusion  begins  to  boil  the  blood  in  her  veins.  the  brash  music  blaring  from  the  fancy  sound  system  above  only  adding  up  to  her  irritation.  part  of  her  wants  to  grab  him  by  the  shoulders,  yank  him  up  and  give  him  a  good,  firm  shake.  this  isn’t  the  bruce  that  she  knows,  and  she  can’t  help  but  find  this  entire  scene  concerning.   ❝   uh-huh,  sure…  does  alfred  even  know  that  you’re  here?   ❞   she  asks,  emerald  eyes  fixated  upon  her  friend.  or  should  she  say…  stranger?  she  doesn’t  recognize  the  boy  sprawled  in  the  lounge  before  her,  champagne  in  hand,  or  whatever  it  is  that  he’s  drinking,  she  can’t  really  tell  in  this  light.  girls  laying  their  hands  on  him,  giggling  like  they  have  no  more  than  two  brain  cells  in  their  thick  skulls.  she  does  her  best  to  ignore  his  companions,  but  this  entire  thing  is  so  absurd,  so  out  of  character  for  him,  that  her  gaze  involuntarily  keeps  drifting  towards  them.   ❝   mind  telling  me  what  all  of  this  is  about?  you  know,  you  can  just  fake  a  cold  like  all  the  other  teenagers,  no  need  to  get  infected  with  gonorrhea  if  you  want  an  excuse  not  to  go  to  school  on  monday.   ❞
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navree · 1 year
i do love how many people either forget or just straight up do not know that superman is in death in the family almost entirely because he's in the stupid part of death in the family
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basingstokemercury · 1 year
Hey it's morning I'm allowed to wri-
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actual-changeling · 7 months
we do not talk enough about the moment right before crowley puts his sunglasses back on. the "nothing lasts forever" is devastating and if you're like me your eyes were so full of tears you couldn't see the screen the first time you watched it (just like crowley, look at us all twinning in sadness!).
there is a shift that happens in his eyes and i think it is absolutely fascinating and heartbreaking at the same time.
we begin with crowley averting his gaze from aziraphale's face and staring off into the distance instead, and you can see his spirit break. that crowley just lost the one thing in the world he cannot live without and we can see it written across his face like a neon sign.
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then, as you'd expect, he gives into the need to cover up his pain, to try and make himself less vulnerable, and even before he lifts his glasses he looks down so aziraphale can no longer see his eyes.
now, the next part is what would not let me out of its grasp all day. we know it happens because of his demeanour afterwards and up until the kiss, but you can actually watch as crowley makes himself numb to the world.
i am intimately familiar with dissociation as a trauma and stress response, and while you can never fully control it, you do eventually find the switch in your mind that makes you snap back into the haze. crowley has had six thousand years to get really, really good at leaving reality behind when he needs and/or wants to.
that's exactly what he does.
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he still looks sad, and yet there's just something distinctly distant in his eyes, the shift from openly heartbroken to "i don't want to feel any of this let me leave".
glasses? on
emotions? off
hotel? trivago
i have stared at those four frames more than any person probably should and i don't know if it's the light, if i am going insane, or if there is a single tear sliding out of his right (our left) eye. i'm probably insane and the light is a bitch so if anyone has some high resolution shots or anything that could answer that question without a doubt PLEASE do add it.
by now you are probably ready to threaten me with a knife in a dark alley but before you do that or drive your car off a cliff, let me tell you the best part:
aziraphale notices.
they might be communicating on two different frequencies but aziraphale knows crowley. he knows and loves him, and, most importantly, over the last few years he has gotten used to seeing crowley without his glasses. aziraphale could probably write a book on the expressions in his eyes alone and watches that shift happen and is devastated.
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he tries to make himself hope the same second, tries to convince himself crowley is putting on his glasses so they can leave together, but he knows.
aziraphale sees the light leave crowley's eyes, sees crowley leave, knowing that he is quite literally running away from him. you and me against the world, angel, but in that moment crowley firmly pushes him back to "the world" (or tries to, anyway).
the entire season we see crowley take off his glasses whenever he enters the bookshop to the point where he's running around without them on in broad daylight with jimbriel right there.
can you imagine how hurt and confused aziraphale must be?
because what crowley is telling him, if we really, really break it down, is that aziraphale is no longer a safe person for him. and repairing that trust is going to take time and work, no matter how much crowley loves him, how badly they love and need each other.
anyway to seal this off and really rub in the pain - how it started vs. how it ended. <3
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oh one last thing: now crowley no longer has a single person he can be himself around, no one that knows him, no one he trusts. no one in whose presence he can take his glasses off.
and outside of the bentley and his own flat, he no longer has a place to do so either. the bookshop was theirs. with aziraphale gone, is it really a safe place anymore? is it somewhere he can just let himself be knowing he will be looked after and protected?
easy answer: no.
alright, off i go. see y'all on the next angst post or in the tags.
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veryintricaterituals · 9 months
This whole season was the Nandor loves Guillermo back season. He loves him so much. He adores him. We had so many moments, big and small.
He realized something was wrong and organized a birthday dinner.
He bought him a present (foot locker) that Guillermo used as a coffin.
He asked him for bedtime stories and enjoyed Guillermo doing his hair
He got so jealous of Laszlo getting a bit of attention that he flew to outer space
AND admitted he was only doing it to impress Guillermo.
He tried and failed to replace him with Alexander just because Guillermo didn't want to go to the gym with him
and THEN he still took him to the movies with him
When he got in trouble with the news he kept looking and calling for Guillermo and got so angry at him for not being there
How giddy and proud he sounded when he spoke about Guillermo killing a theater full of vampires just to save him
The way he pleaded for his life to the Baron
The way he clung to the Baron's cloak just to stop him
His ridiculous plan with Nadja to kidnap them both and negotiate
The fact he spent the whole episode doing EVERYTHING in his power to save him
And he was so relieved to find him safe and sound in his own coffin
His little speech when he was begging for the Baron at the end, just saying over and over that Guillermo was true and loyal
His safety blanket being one of Guillermo's sweaters
The little boop at the end
The fact that he had Guillermo's card memorized and could recite it (he probably has it saved somewhere)
"I know you better than anyone" and he proceeds to prove it in the last episode
The way he kept including Guillermo into the family dynamic all season
How he wanted to hunt with him and kept calling for him, first to hunt and then for help
His face when he found out he'd been betrayed
The fact he was the only one who'd thought about the Van Helsing DNA interacting with the vampiric transformation (because he'd thought about it so much beforehand)
The way he had to turn the heartbreak to anger
He was a scorned lover
Him destroying Guillermo's things (he destroyed the pillow)
All his dramatics
How he went back to Panera Bread to wait for him night after night
The way he realized he loved Guillermo too much to kill him
How for all his dramatics and threats, he knew from the begging how to get Guillermo to come to him and didn't do it until he knew he wasn't going to kill him
How he probably sat and hung out with Guillermo's mom for a while, probably making conversation
The fact he was looking at his baby pictures (because he's Guillermo's significant other and Sylvia could tell)
Him promising Guillermo he wasn't going to kill him. His word as a vampire, his word as a warrior (season 3 episode 1 parallels much?)
The way he formally introduced him as fully fledged member of the family to the other vampires
How he, again, was the only one who knew what Guillermo needed to complete his transformation
The fact he gave him human blood (he helped transform Guillermo in the end)
The way he knew, almost straight away, that Guillermo wasn't going to be happy as a vampire
How he tried to get the Djinn to fix it for him
How he managed to do WITHOUT the Djinn's help
How he made up a whole ceremony to turn him back
The way he asked Guillermo if he'd rather be a vampire or a human
How he killed Derek when Guillermo couldn't do it
The fact that he knew Guillermo so well that he had his old glasses ready for him
The way he comforted him in the end.
Last season's theme was be careful what you wish for and this one was just love.
And Nandor loves Guillermo so much. And he knows him, he knows him so well.
I think, I think we ARE getting Nandermo next year. There's no other way the show can go on. There's no other direction for these two characters to go.
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zriasstuff · 4 months
Them asking you to be their Valentine
The Slytherin Boys x reader (just in time for Valentine’s Day :))
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Valentine’s Day at Hogwarts always comes with a lavish ball, so go ahead and choose the white knight of your liking to accompany you :)
Mattheo Riddle:
Mattheo’s way of asking you to be his Valentine for the ball was very straightforward, yet effective. The second after the announcement dropped, he went to find you in the schoolyard, and approached you in front of all your friends.
“Hey, wait up!”, he’d shout to get your attention, already sounding determined.
“What do you say, you and me at the ball?”, he spoke out his confession, short and sweet.
Cheekily, he adds “I think you and I would be the best looking couple at the ball”. You notice him shyly tucking his head down as he said that, but he still sounded self assured.
Everyone was patiently waiting for your reaction, and you noticed how all your friends started gushing over him. Mattheo seemed unfazed by everyone else and only had eyes for you.
Even though you had only talked to him a few times in the past, you noticed that there was this easy-going chemistry between you two.
His profession certainly came as a surprise, but you liked guys who were direct. Besides, he struck you as a bit of a player too, who seemed to be used to asking girls out.
“Sure, I’d love to go with you”, you chuckle out, knowing you’d have a lot of fun with him.
He slickly throws you an air kiss, grinning from ear to ear, before all his friends start jumping on him to celebrate his win.
Tom Riddle (extremely delusional):
Tom definitely wasn’t one for the romantics, in fact he was strictly against the idea of a Valentine’s Day ball.
What he told you, when you asked him if he had a date already was:
“The ball is just an excuse for undisciplined students to commit shameful acts such as drinking alcohol and doing magical substances, when they should really be focusing on their education instead, which they are in desperate need of”
“I see, so you don’t have a date”, you sum it up for him.
Truthfully, you only asked Tom that question because you started catching feelings for him, and you wanted to know if you had a clear shot.
But clearly, he wasn’t interested at the moment.
He seemed to be carefully analyzing your reaction to his statement. Seconds later, he indifferently states “You want me to ask you out, don’t you”
You, shocked at first, embarrassingly nod afterwards. Full of curiosity, you wondered how he had managed to read you so accurately.
“Fine, to save myself from a week of listening to your heartbreak or potential soulmate, I am going to do you the favor of accompanying you to the ball. I am only doing this to save myself.”, he explains elaborately, which earns him an eye roll of yours.
You still wanted him to actually ask you and mean it, but for Tom Riddle, this was a big gesture already. Besides, you were aware from the beginning that you would have to deal with his peculiarities.
“On the day, be ready at 8pm sharp, and don’t you dare get drunk or high”, he lays down his conditions. Even if he wouldn’t say it, you knew that deep down he cared, otherwise he would’ve never even indulged in this.
Theodore Nott:
Theodore had found himself in a bit of a slump. Due to the excessive quidditch training, he didn’t have a date for the ball yet, which would be in 1 day exactly.
Subconsciously he fully believed that he'd find a date, no matter what time it was, which is why he took his sweet sweet time.
But now, with growing desperation, he ran around, asking out every girl he saw. And each time, the girl rejected him because they already had a date.
As he grew more and more frustrated, he asked you for the second time again, to be his date. You already told him that you had plans with a guy from Gryffindor, which he ridiculed.
“Come on, please ditch him for me?”, he’d repeatedly ask you with puppy eyes.
“Please just do me this favor, I don’t want to be the only guy in our friend group to not have a date.
You’d tell him that it was his own fault, but eventually you felt a bit bad for him. And you were indeed good friends, so maybe you could do him a favor. It wasn’t like the Gryffindor boy and you were in love. Surely he’d get over it…
“Fine, I’ll go, but you owe me”, you finally agreed. Truthfully, you found Theo much more attractive and charming anyway.
You had only agreed to the Gryffindor boy in the first place because you were afraid that no one besides him would ask you out anymore if you said no.
Theo, full of excitement and relief, cupped your face and kissed your forehead as a thanks when you agreed to be his date.
“I promise you, you won’t regret it”, were his last words before leaving you alone.
Blaise Zabini:
You only had one more tedious potions class of Snape's to go through, before you could finally enjoy the rest of your day.
As the clock ticked, you stared down on your blank parchment paper, counting the minutes to go.
Catching you off guard, you feel Blaise’s finger lightly tapping your arm. You needed a second to get conscious of the situation because you had zoned out.
He slides a small, blank piece of parchment paper towards you and points his head down, signaling you to turn it around.
When you do, your mood immediately lifts and you begin blushing. It was kind of childish, like something you’d do in year 1 or 2, but it was also cute.
The paper was filled with the classic “will you be my Valentine”, and there were three boxes to cross. The three being “yes”, “no”, and “maybe”.
Blaise observes your reaction delightfully, waiting for you to tick a box. As this was the highlight of your day, you decide to give the guy a chance and tick “yes”.
When class ended, Blaise waited for you to pack up and proposed a hang out at astronomy tower with you, which you agreed to with pleasure.
Enzo Berkshire:
It was a Sunday, exactly one week before the ball, and all the Hogwarts students were enjoying their time in Hogsmeade.
On this peculiar day, your seating partner Enzo from Transfiguration asked you to go to Madam Puddifoot's Café with him. The location was definitely romantic, and you already suspected where this might be going.
But—you didn’t want to get your hopes too high yet. Enzo was unquestionably a cute guy though.
During your coffee date, he didn’t drop any hints or said anything suggestive. You just talked, gossiped, and joked around, and you figured he’d be cool as a friend too.
Though nearing the end, the waiter came to your table with a small buttercream cake.
You shot a confused glance at Enzo, and he seemed clueless.
“I don’t believe we ordered that”, you tell the waiter, but he insists and puts the cake in front of you. After the waiter leaves, you keep eye contact with Enzo, but he tells you to eat the cake.
Still dazzled, you comply and look down, seeing that…
“Will you be my Valentine”, was written on the cake in cursive font with pink buttercream. Overcome by joy, you couldn’t be happier that your suspicions from the beginning were right.
“So what’s your answer”, he asks eagerly, eyes sparkling with excitement.
“Of course I will, this was so sweet”
You believed that no girl could’ve said no to this.
Draco Malfoy:
You and Draco never slacked off on your prefect duties, which also included the nightly walks around school, to ensure that every student has gone to bed.
It is the perfect time to talk after a long day, and to exercise your power of course, but mainly the walks had brought you two very close, and you exchanged plenty of secrets already.
Although he could be a bit of an asshole, which you also told him, you still saw that he had a caring, more hurt side to him.
A week before the ball, he suggested a different route than the one you usually took.
He told you to close your eyes as you were walking, and led you by your hand. Innerly, he was as nervous and jittery as one could get, and couldn’t wait to see the reaction on your face.
When you got to the mysterious destination, he told you to open your eyes
As soon as you opened them, you saw the room of requirements, decorated with pink and red flowers, hundreds of candles, and a banner reading “will you be my valentine”.
It had been Draco’s plan for weeks, and he was so glad that he pulled it off.
He also made sure that you wouldn’t get a date, before he asked you out, which included cursing guys who got close to you.
“Oh my, yes of course Draco, I can’t believe you did this”, you’d say full of joy.
“You just made me the happiest guy in this school”, he’d reply and you knew it was true.
Immediately he brings you closer to kiss you, and you spend the rest of the night cuddling inside the room of requirements (insert the scene of Dean and Rory cuddling in GG if yk what I mean).
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littlexdeaths · 2 months
strange love - s.h.
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king steve harrington x loser fem reader
everybody wants to know, if we fucked on the bathroom sink…
warnings: underage drinking (everyone is 18+), mean!dom steve, steve is a major asshole, public sex, light degradation kink, unprotected piv sex, cream pie, steve makes reader cry, some good ole’ angst
a/n: this is a reworking of my first steeb fic i ever wrote on my old account. i hope you enjoy xx. and thank you to @stveharringtn for looking this over and hyping me up. ily cherry 💕
based on strange love by halsey
word count: 2.4k
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You shouldn’t have come to this stupid party.
And you wouldn’t have, if Steve hadn’t practically begged you to make an appearance. It was only going to lead to more heartbreak for you, having to watch him flirt with every girl in the room. The night would end with you going home alone, wondering why you weren’t good enough to be on his arm.
Despite all that you go anyway, your heart severely outweighing the logical side of your brain. You even made sure to wear your best dress, hoping it would capture his attention. But the male didn’t glance your way the entire night, and you felt utterly defeated.
Why you didn’t leave after an hour of being ignored is beyond you, a small part of you still holding out hope. Leaning against a wall in the hallway you watch with disdain as your classmates drunkenly grind on each other. It was one of the last parties of the summer before college classes started, and everyone seemed to be making the most of it.
Everyone except for you.
“This was a stupid idea,” you mumble to yourself, glancing down at your drink with a deep sigh. Swirling the now lukewarm beer around in your cup, no longer interested in people watching. Drunken laughter pulls you from your sulking, watching in utter annoyance as Tommy attempts a keg stand in the middle of the living room.
A large crowd has surrounded him, giving you the perfect opportunity to find Jonathan and leave.
However, feeling a piece of paper being slipped into your hand stops you dead in your tracks. Your eyes searching for the source of the note. A familiar flutter starts in your lower belly as you catch sight of him, the male now halfway up the stairs. You quickly unravel the crumpled page to find a few words written in his messy script.
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You immediately crumple the note in your palm, downing the rest of your beer before you make your way up to the second floor. Despite the large and somewhat confusing layout, you navigated the dark halls with ease. As you knew the male's house far too well now, having found yourself in his bed more times than you liked to admit.
This wasn’t supposed to happen like this, it was only meant to be a one time thing. To get back at your cheating asshole of an ex-boyfriend, Troy. After finding him tangled in the sheets with Vicki Carmichael at a party quite similar to this one. All because you weren’t ready to have sex with him. As much as it stung, a bigger part of you was incredibly relieved.
Something never fully cliqued with him, and deep down you didn’t want him to be your first. Troy and Steve were very good friends, and played basketball together. So it seemed fitting to ask Steve to be the one to take your virginity. Telling yourself it would royally piss Troy off, knowing you’d give it up to Steve and not him. But the truth is you’d always secretly had a thing for Steve for years.
That was your real reason, not that you’d ever admit it.
Steve was more than happy to fulfill your wish, not knowing your motive behind it. But what neither of you expected was that he would keep coming back for more. Once he had a taste of you, he couldn’t get enough. You had him wrapped around your finger, without even realizing it. However you both made a promise to keep the whole thing a secret, any plans of revenge now being thrown out the window.
Now that you weren’t dating Troy you had gone back to your quiet loser status, which you much preferred anyway. But Steve couldn’t have that ruining his reputation, so instead of arguing you went along with it. Agreeing to a secret friend with benefits relationship, despite knowing you’d want more. Feelings aside it didn’t stop you from hooking up with him multiple times a week, which brings you back to the present.
Your breathing was labored, partially due to the hand covering your mouth. You could hear the bass of the music from outside the bathroom door, so there was no need to be extra quiet.
But with Steve it was a necessity… especially in such a public place. Where anyone could press their ear to the door and figure out what was happening.
You found yourself bent over the bathroom sink, Steve fucking into you with such a ferocity it made your knees wobble. He had barely let the bathroom door shut before he was on you, tugging your panties down your legs. Tugging his shirt over his head, not bothering to take off his jeans in his impatience to have you.
“God you’re such a little tease you know that? Wearing this fucking dress, getting me all worked up.” He growled in your ear, whimpering against his hand as he pounds into your soaked heat.
The male is gripping your hip so hard you know he’ll leave bruises behind, but the harsh action only turns you on more. Knowing how desperate he was to have you, made you putty in his strong hands. Your own hand drifts between your thighs, finding your bundle of nerves and encircling it with your fingertips.
Glancing into the mirror in front of you, you watch his face as he continues to ram himself inside you. His honey brown hair sticks to his forehead, no longer styled in the perfect swoop he had it in before you entered the bathroom. His dark eyes meet yours in the reflection, a knowing smirk playing on his lips as he watches you intensely.
“Hm, look at how pathetic you look honey… letting me use you like a whore.” He grunts, leaning in closer and tugging on your earlobe with his teeth, “But you like that don’t you? You like being my whore?”
You find yourself nodding, unable to speak. Partially due to the hand still covering your mouth, but you knew even if it wasn't there it wouldn’t have made much difference. The male had fucked any logical thoughts from you at that point.
But you can’t deny the way your body reacts to his words, your walls tightening around him at the mere mention of belonging to him… and him alone. Something Steve doesn’t miss either.
“That’s cute baby…” he chuckles, letting his lips graze along the exposed skin of your throat. “Glad she knows exactly who she belongs to.”
Tears of pleasure blur your vision, mascara streaming freely down your cheeks. Your fucked out reflection stares back at you as he continues to pound into you from behind. Hooded eyes drift to gaze at him once more, seeing how his mouth falls open in a moan as you continue to pulse around his cock.
His sun kissed skin was beautifully flushed, his days spent as a lifeguard at Hawkin’s community pool were treating him extremely well. It made you want nothing more than to leave a trail of dark bruises along his freckled neck— effectively marking him as yours.
But you knew that couldn’t happen, he wouldn’t allow it. His reputation as the town’s local biggest player was far more important to him than you could ever be. At least that’s what he wanted you to believe.
You watch in awe as his head tilts back, exposing more of his throat to you. His adam’s apple bobs as he moans, fighting the urge to push him against the wall and taste the sweat that’s coating his skin in a glossy sheen.
Steve just looked so pretty like this, on the edge of release. While you had witnessed it many times now— part of you still was so mesmerized by him.
You can feel your orgasm bubbling up inside you, continuing to rub your clit faster. You cry out against his hand, the whimper of his name now muffled by his palm. Your eyes nearly roll back as your orgasm crashes over you. But Steve doesn’t let up his pace, your knees almost buckling as he fucks into you harder.
“I know you can cum harder than that honey, do. it. again.” He growls lowly in your ear, dropping his hand away from your mouth.
Quickly knocking your own out of the way to continue rubbing your overly sensitive clit. You’d barely come down from your first high before he had you hurtling towards another one, his cock hitting that sweet spot inside you with acute precision.
Your eyes meet once more in the reflection, a cocky expression crosses over his features as you feel yourself falling over the edge again. Gripping the counter with both hands, biting down harshly on your lower lip to stop the scream that wants to escape your lungs.
In your euphoric state you don’t notice the way Steve’s eyes watch you possessively, pride filling his chest knowing he’s the only man who has ever seen you like this. The only man to ever make you feel this way, and he planned on keeping it that way. Selfish as it was.
The blissed out look on your face is the thing that finally breaks what little composure he had left. The male burying his face in the crook of your neck as he paints your inner walls with his release. Stilling his hips at your deepest point, in an attempt to keep his cum buried inside you.
Steve’s secret way of marking you as his.
As both of you attempt to catch your breath, the sounds of the party carry on as if nothing happened. When Steve finally releases your hips, you grip tighter onto the counter to support yourself. Knowing your knees were far too wobbly to keep you upright. A soft whimper leaves your lips as he slides out of you, suddenly feeling empty. In more ways than one.
The male is quick to tuck himself back into his jeans, roughly pulling your panties up your legs. You can feel his cum beginning to pool in the lacy material, the dirtiness of it makes your body feel hot. You let out a shaky breath, turning to face him as he finishes tucking his polo back into his levi’s.
“Wait a few minutes before you come back downstairs, yeah?” Is all he says before he’s slipping out of the bathroom, running a hand through his tousled locks.
The door closes softly, and that familiar feeling of shame washes over you again. You shouldn’t be surprised by it at this point, as your little hookups always ended the same way.
With Steve thoroughly pleased with himself, and you all alone.
You can’t stop the moisture from flooding your vision, carefully sitting down on the edge of the tub. Gripping the hem of your dress in your fists as you ruin whatever makeup was still left behind. Shoulders shaking as silent sobs rack through your chest.
In that moment you made a promise to yourself, you wouldn’t let any man— especially someone like Steve fucking Harrington make you feel this way again. It wasn’t worth it. He wasn’t worth it.
You continue to let the traitor tears fall for a while before returning to your feet. Glancing back in the mirror you barely recognized yourself, your usual bright eyes were dull, bloodshot and puffy. The little makeup you had done was now smeared across your cheeks. With a frustrated sigh you attempt to collect yourself before returning to the party.
Cleaning the black streaks from your face, adjusting your rumpled dress until you looked somewhat presentable. Taking a deep breath you finally leave the safety of the bathroom, descending the carpeted stairs on shaky legs. No one pays you any mind as you make your way back into the sea of people.
But what you find in the living room feels like a punch straight to the gut.
Steve is on the couch, another girl already straddling his lap with her tongue down his throat. His large hands that were previously gripping onto your hips were now splayed across her bare thighs. Inching higher and higher up as she tangles her fingers in his hair. You can only stand to watch for a moment longer before bolting out of the room and into the kitchen in search of another drink.
Thankfully the room was almost empty, except for a familiar brunette who was sipping on a can of Pepsi. You don’t say anything to him, grabbing an open bottle of vodka off the counter and bringing the rim to your lips. Enjoying the familiar burn as you greedily gulp down the clear liquid at an alarming fast rate.
Jonathan looks at you concerned, immediately rushing to your side in an attempt to grab the bottle from you. You quickly dodge him, shoving him away with a dirty look.
“Jonny stop! I’m having fun, see?” You roll your eyes before dramatically taking another large swig. Your best friend had seen you drink plenty of times before, but never like this. He knew you well enough to know there was clearly something wrong.
Before you can go back in for another drink he grips onto the base of the bottle, wrestling it from you with a grimace. Before slamming it back onto the counter, making you wince slightly at the sound of the impact.
“That’s enough now. I think I should take you home.”
His tone is stern, but laced with worry. You find yourself pouting in response, a small hiccup leaving you as he sighs. The only reason Jonathan was even here in the first place was to be your ride, he hated these parties. And he especially hated Steve Harrington.
But he was your best friend, and he would’ve done anything for you. And right now anything consists of getting you home before you do something stupid, “Fine dad… take me home then.”
Jonathan rolls his eyes at your childish behavior before wrapping his arm around your waist to help guide you through the house to the front door. The vodka you had just chugged was definitely starting to take effect, as you stumbled alongside him. Now suddenly a lot more grateful for his help.
What you don’t notice in your tipsy state was a pair of honey eyes watching you both from across the room, jaw clenched in jealousy as Jonathan helps you out into the warm summer night.
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kalki-tarot · 5 months
Your Future spouse's Late night Feelings
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Pick only one picture that calls you out the most. Meditate and stay calm. 🤍✨️
This reading is only meant for entertainment purposes and kalki tarot is not responsible for any decisions you make in your life on behalf of these readings. The future is not set in stone and can be changed by only you. You have your own free will and you should be responsible for it.
This reading will talk about anything that comes through about what your future spouse thinks and feels late at night. Please take what resonates and leave the rest.
PILE 01.
First of all, they think of how they can become a better partner for you. They try to analyse themselves and think about how to please you more through their efforts. They think of giving you their love and affection but their inner conflicts stop them from doing so. They nay have anxiety or overthink a lot. They argue with themselves in their heads most of the times.
They think about their career too and what they can do to achieve more in life. They think of what higher education they should take up. Something heartbreaking must've happened in the past with them and they try to avoid these thoughts surrounding that painful situation but they can't help it. They get emotional and yearn for justice for what pain they have to go through.
I heard "conversations with god". If they believe in some higher power, they do talk to it and try to not cry. But they are overcoming this slowly. There is a woman in the picture, it can be you also, if you are in a relationship. They want to mend things with you. They want to start new. They are ready to give you what you want.
If you're not in a relationship then this person had a woman in their lives who broke their heart. They were too invested in it. They thought of them as their world but they broke their trust. They had arguments and shady fights. All these thoughts surround this person at night.
PILE 02.
This person is very lonely but not in a bad way or you can say that they are usually by themselves most of the time but they are actually comfortable in this silence. They have a hard time sleeping, it may take an hour for them to actually sleep. Very light sleep.
Most of the times when they are lying in their bed at night they criticize themselves. They want to do a lot of things and they think of plans and strategies. They don't really think about love, maybe you haven't entered in their life yet. They may have past lovers but they are over them fully. They are mature and grounded, very understanding person. They don't stay stuck in places. They think of their karmas and their destiny. Where would life take them next?
This is the best pile, they don't seem to worry about anything. Very peacful and no drama energy. I like this! They are comfortable with themselves. They may read books at night. And they create new stories in their heads. They think of how to make themselves a better human being. They also self introspect alot.
They think of starting something new or just doing new adventurous things. They also meditate late at night so they don't really have thoughts and significant feelings at night lmao. They try to heal themselves through this. They are slowly getting over a lot of things currently. It's their 'no drama only positive vibes' era.
PILE 03.
First of all, this can be a twinflame connection or you guys mirror eachother a lot. You feel what they feel and vice versa. 11, 22, 33 can be significant. This person definitely feels heartbroken in love.
I don't know but there is a 3rd party who's giving me energy sucker vibes. This person who you are asking about is a vercy compassionate human being and gives others more than they deserve. The same they did with this 3rd party but they used them.
They feel heartbroken because of this situation and now they are just focusing on their career. They are forced to leave this connection but there is something which is blocking them from doing so. Their guides are not letting them be in a toxic situation but they are not understanding the signs as these signs lead them to you. And they feel hella confused outta this situation.
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katakaluptastrophy · 4 months
Continuing to think about the horror of what happens to John, and the horrors of love...
When Alecto has first been created, she says to him "I picked you to change, and this is how you repay me?" and "What have you done to me?"
They're heartbreaking questions she has every right to ask, but there's something awful and ironic about them too. Because John also might have asked "what have you done to me?"
It's easy to get distracted by the cartoonish awfulness of John's own narration: "talk about police abuse", "come on, love. Guys as careful as me don't have accidents," "love a working tram system." But all of these comments come after moments where John has unwittingly come into proximity with violent death, an experience he repeatedly likens to having drugs forcibly injected into him; an omniscient, dream-like, out of body experience that seems to propel him forward through his basest impulses. The first time this happens, he's brought back from "the verge of something insane" by being shaken violently by P-. Lines like these aren't revealing John's diabolical plotting. They're a man who would rather own atrocities as premeditated than admit that he was losing his grip.
The second is when he encounters the soul of the earth. His human mind makes contact with the incoherent, furious soul of a planet. In any other context, this would be straightforwardly Lovecraftian. And everything he describes after that is full of elipses, jumbled, and detached. His friends are shot by gun-toting cultists and he says it was like a dream.
Hearing the earth screaming, feeling his friends' deaths under his skin like a drug, he might well have asked "what have you done to me?"
Alecto said to him, "I picked you to change, and this is how you repay me?" But as everything collapses, John says:
"I thought you were going to take me, somehow. Purge me. Use me as an instrument. But you didn't say anything...I was babbling, Show me. Come on. I'm ready. You kept screaming and screaming..."
John has spent months becoming something terrifying, an entity with yellow eyes and uncanny powers. He's discovered that death has an overwhelming impact on him that he cannot fully control. Everyone was relying on him to do something. And he did so many things: well-meaning things and stupid things and things that were lashing out in rage and frustration. Hundreds of people have died because of him. His friends have died because of him. Surely, surely there was a point to this. Surely there was meaning. Surely whatever did this to him, made him into this, had a greater plan.
But there is no plan. There is no great revelation. He tries to hurt the earth, to provoke some kind of answer, but the screaming continues. And when P dies, the person who snapped him out of it the last time, John lets go and the whole world dies.
John is kneeling on the grass vomiting up dirt and tearing out his own ribs, saying "there was still too much of me that was just a human being...", trying to swallow the soul of the earth. And by the end, the one shred he has to hold onto is a memory of playing with a doll as a child. That, and his anger...
The earth tried to reach out in the only way it could, amidst its incoherent suffering. And John tried to use the abilities it gave him, but he was only human. Fallible and proud and angry.
She said, "I still love you." And the horror; the horror of love, the horror of this story, is that to begin with they did this to each other.
To be clear: I don't mean to diminish the awfulness or the very specific forms that John's violence against Alecto takes, and continues to take across the story. I don't mean to excuse his own self-mythologisation. I certainly don't think he's blameless for the decisions he made and the agenda he pursued. But if there's one thing that happens over and over again in TLT, it's that the horror of love is not a one-way street.
And I wonder, in light of what we now know about the permeability of the soul, quite where John ends and Alecto begins. And when that blurring began...
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entername322 · 3 months
Someone like you
Chaewon (ex Izone, Le Sserafim) x Male Reader
Length: 17666 words
TW: Abusive relationship
Next part
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Pain, that's all you can say about yourself. Why does falling in love always have a risk of heartbreak? Sometimes you wonder if the risk outweighs the gains. For your particular case, it doesn't, it never has. “...... and then I came home to see him decorated the whole place with flowers and candles. Isn't he so romantic?” Right, flowers and candles, you know where that was going. “Yeah, that sounds great Chae”, It felt like your heart was being plucked out of your heart and set on fire. Why is your love stronger than your heart, if only your love breaks before your heart does. “He's so romantic sometimes, I love him so much-, Awwww”, Her cries of pain distract you from the twisting feeling your chest feels.
“I'm sorry Chae”, You steady your hands and continue stitching her wounds. “It's fine, thanks for this Pup, I owe you a lot”, You cringed a little hearing her nickname for you. “Chae we're both grown up now can you please stop calling me that?” It's a cute nickname, which only hurts you more realising that this is as far as you can get from being with her. “No, you will always be the cute little puppy”, Yes you are, who's a good puppy? The guy who keeps simping for his crush even after she's been in a relationship for a year now. It's you by the way, you're the good puppy, so loyal to your master. “There, all done, now just the bandages”, A good puppy who has graduated from medical school, hey that means you can take care of your master even better now. “Is it really okay for you to do this for free?” What dog would ask their owner for money? Alright let's lay off the dog jokes, you're still lame by the way.
“It's fine, they're cheap”, Even if they aren't, you wouldn't charge her anything right? “Thank you, I really mean it. I don't know how I can even repay you pup”, Chae grabbed your arm, her warm palm felt like a red hot iron that scorched your skin. “Yeah, it's fine. It's my job to care for people's lives after all”, You tried your best to smile at her, to show her you're doing this out of the goodwill of your heart. “You're just so, kind and stupid sometimes. If only he can be more like you”, She muttered the last part but it was loud enough for you to hear it. It fucking hurts, so fucking painful hearing something so ignorantly brutal. “So, how's work? Everything is fine in the hospital?” If Chaewon noticed your pained smile then she doesn't show it. “Nothing interesting is happening so far, although there's an offer for a transfer. I haven't read much about it but it will be a year long ‘voluntary work’. It's not fully voluntary though because we're gonna get paid decently, and we're gonna be working with a few other volunteers from all over the country”, Chaewon tilted her head curiously, “Are you gonna take it?” You were surprised to hear her words. It caught you off guard so you didn't get to hear a little hint of anxiousness in her words.
“I don't know, it's interesting”, Maybe that's what you need, a time away from your crush. “Oh, I'm sure you'll do great in it”, Chaewon smiles encouragingly, which only hurts you even more. Honestly, what were you expecting? Did you think she would ask you to stay here? Tell you how much she needs her and doesn't want you to leave? Come on bro, she's not like that. “Yeah, I was thinking about taking it”, You didn't really mean that when you say that, however seeing her genuine encouraging smile made you really consider it for real. “Well, I need to go home, thanks again for today pup, I owe you a lot”, Chaewon stood up with a smile on her face ready to leave. “Yeah see you later Chae”, You just sit there watching her leave your place while a storm is brewing in your mind. 
“Fuck”, You muttered to yourself, completely unaware that Chaewon is also cursing herself once she left your house. “Goddamnit pup why do you have to leave. You idiot”, The stinging pain in her arm is gone, covered with the sour mood she felt in her heart. “It's been years already and you're still waiting for me”, Oh, she does notice your feelings it seems. Of course she does, the two of you have known each other for years now. The memory of your meeting plays very differently between you and Chaewon's mind. For her she remembers how clumsy and cute you were, stumbling over your own words, overdosing on teenage hormones because of talking to a girl. For you it was an embarrassing attempt at making a friend on your first day of highschool, something that would keep you up at night with cringe.
“Idiot”, She kicked a can on the road out of frustration, but it's not enough so she started stomping on it with the hope of burying down the guilt that's building inside her. It's not that she wanted to use you, but…… she's just busy, or so she thinks. Her boyfriend, uhhhhh his name is irrelevant, is a hassle to deal with. She loves him, he's kind and caring and honest and cute and kind….. it's just sometimes he loses his tempers. Sometimes he would, lash out and accidentally hurt her, but he never meant to do so. It's getting better now (It's not) his outburst is getting less frequent (Pretty sure the ideal and normal frequency is 0) and he always tries to make it up to her (With empty promises and lies). 
Chaewon stops stomping on the poor can and just stares at the sky, finally realising it won't help erase the guilt she's having. On her defence she wanted to help you get over your crush for her. She cares about you, and she wants what's best for you. She wanted to introduce you to her friends, let you fall in love with someone who will love you back. Sometimes she thinks about a future where you date someone else, then you and her can be platonic friends, a brother from a different mother. It's just that, when her boyfriend got mad, and she got hurt, she can't run to the hospital because they would pester her about it. She can't run to most of her friends or family because they would also pester her, you're the only one who can help her. You were, the only one who would enable her. Young people, they're so dumb sometimes, both you and her included.
“Haaaaa, why can't we just be friends”, Chaewon sighed, she's not blaming you for your feelings, it would be hypocritical for her to judge someone's feelings when she's being chained by her own feelings. When you told her about the project she wanted to say don't take it, she wants you to stay here, to help her. Thankfully she recognises how selfish she is, and encourages you to leave, to get over your own feelings. It hurts, it feels wrong, seeing you break away from your feelings. Perhaps she yearns to have the courage to break free of her own chains. “I'm back”, Chaewon put on a smile as she got back to her place, “Welcome back babe, how was your day”, Of course for now she can only put on a smile and let herself fall deeper into the abyss.
“Are you sure? You know it won't be an easy trip right?” It's been a week since that talk with Chaewon, and today you are finalising your proposal of joining the volunteer work to your boss. “I'm sure sir, beside…… I need some time away from this place”, Is running away considered a solid reason for joining a harsh voluntary work? “Hmmm, well, if your only reason for taking this job is just a getaway from whatever shit you're dealing here, I suggest don't”, You flinched hearing your boss. “I think I can handle the job boss”, You tried to sound tough, “You know, I always pity you”, That's kinda harsh. “You are a good guy, smart and very nice. You're just too nice I sometimes hope you didn't get scammed and used by other people”, Yeah that sounds kinda familiar alright.
“I want to try something new. I think I can handle the work, and it might help me too”, If you say that with a little more conviction it would sound cool you know. “Haaaaa, youngsters with their self-finding journeys”, He shook his head and signed the form, “Comeback here, in one piece”, A smile form on your face before you quickly nod and bow to him. It's odd, you don't exactly feel excited about it, but you don't feel scared or disappointed about leaving everything behind, you're just numb to it. “Stop daydreaming and prepare the other documents you need”, Your boss slammed his hand on the desk waking you up. “Ahhh right, thank you boss”, He shook his head and sighed seeing your awkwardness, “I really hope you didn't get shot out there”, He's joking right?
After submitting the rest of the paperwork you went back home, had a nice call with your mom where she absolutely desecrated you with her words. “Are you insane? You're doing volunteer work in an active warzone?” Holy shit you are? “I'm not working in the warzone itself, I'm just a civilian mom. I'll be at the refugee camp, away from the battlefield”, That's the word you keep repeating to her for hours before she finally calms down. “Just, tell me it's not because of that Chaewon girl”, 2 hours and 16 minutes into the call your mom finally asked the right question. “No, of course not mom”, You can't lie to your mom, she's the one who teaches you how to lie to your dad. “Are you an idiot? Did I spend months carrying you around and 20 years plus feeding and taking care of you just to have you die somewhere because of a heartbreak?” Oooffff, why can't you be more like your mom?
“No mom, it's I think I-”, A knock on your apartment door can be heard, “Hey pup, are you there?” Speak of the devil. “Mom I'll call you later”, Your voice came off shaky and anxious, the time has come to test your resolve of running away. “Yeah, just a second”, Take a deep breath, calm your nerves and try not to lose your composure.
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“What happened?” Come on now, you know what happened, “It's not a big deal, just a scratch”, You reached out and grabbed her face, inspecting her cheek. Chaewon smiles seeing your concerned face, you've always been awkward and shy around her, except when she's injured. When she got a scar you would just disregard your shyness just to make sure she's fine, it's a cute gesture she always likes about you. “I guess, it really is just a scratch”, You sighed relief seeing it wasn't a deep cut, then you realised how you are holding her and immediately let go as your face turns into a tomato. What happened to maintaining your composure?
“So?” Chaewon just tilted her head cutely, “Are you gonna invite me in?” That's a pretty ambiguous question, would you let her in again? “Right come on in”, You're hopeless sometimes. Chaewon sat down at your living room, silently noticing the packed up bag you had in your room. Her heartbeat rises as she realises what it means, some part of her wants to deny it but the other part knows that your leave was inevitable. “Tea?” She smiles and nods as you go and prepare her some of her favourite tea, of course you have her favourite tea at your house. “So, what happened?” You asked after giving her a warm cup of tea, “You know, the usual. He had a stressful day at work, I was also kinda tired from mine and we just clashed”, Usually the ‘clash’ that happens is between her and his fist.
“Well, you know what I want to say right?” Chae shrugged before she stood up and walk towards your cat, “Little Luna is getting fat aren't you?” Chaewon picked her up and started pinching her stomach. “She's gonna cut your face you know that right?” Chaewon laughed and sat back next to you while still holding Luna. “Well, I'm sure you trained her not do that right?” Her smile is such a deadly weapon to your conviction. “It's a cat Chae, you don't train them, they'll train you”, And to hammer this point Luna let out a loud meow and scratched Chaewon's hand. “Luna '', You scolded the fat cat as she jumped off Chaewon's lap, “Hehehe, one day I'll make her enjoy my cuddles”, Chae laughed as you examined her arm.
“We should clean this up”, It's really not that bad, it's just a little cut on the epidermis, “It's really not that deep bro”, You flicked her head and cleaned up her hand as she teases you for over your perfectly reasonable hygiene. “So, can I crash the night here?” Her question made you stop in your tracks, not because it caught you off guard, but because you know she only asked if things really went bad at her place. “Pup?” Chae was taken off guard seeing how quiet you've become, “Chae, I…… can't do this anymore”, She raises her eyebrow hearing you. “Do what?” You sighed and finished cleaning up her hand before sitting in front of her.
“I can't, keep letting you hurt yourself because of-”, You start talking without thinking and Chae immediately bites back, “Stop it, I don't want to hear that from you”, She felt awful for raising her voice but she really doesn't want to hear those things. “Well this might be the last time you ever hear it from me ever again”, You blurted out, making her heart stop for a moment, “What?” Her voice sounds squeaky and vulnerable. “Chae, I'm leaving”, Seeing her suddenly had glassy eyes made you second guess yourself. “For how long?” It's hard for her to accept it, “The volunteer work is one year long, but it might be longer since I'm gonna arrive early to have some field training”, You can't look her in the face, it's painful for you to see her so hurt with the notion of you leaving. 
The two of you sit in silence for a while, Luna moves to your lap and starts purring as if she realised you're having a tough time right now. “Is it-”, Chae’s voice broke and she took a second to calm herself down, “Is it final already?” Yet it still came out all squeaky. You didn't answer for a second, hearing her concern for your leave felt nice. It's a dangerous bait, she's giving a false hope that getting her is actually plausible if you stay here. “Yes”, "Oh you actually didn't take the bait, good job, “I already submitted the required paperwork and they already approved it. My flight is in 3 days”, In your mind, you just think Chaewon is trying to use you.
After all this time you finally opened your eyes and saw that she's out of reach, she was never going to like you the way you like her. Obviously you don't really see the complex feelings she has for you but hey at least you're taking a step in the right direction. “How long were you planning to keep this away from me?” Seeing her being aggressive made you feel bitter, you hate seeing her with this new lens. “I didn't know how to tell you, besides…… I didn't think you would care”, Suddenly Chae grabbed your face forcing you to look at her. 
“You're my best friend, of course I care. Just because I encourage you to go doesn't mean you should just leave without saying anything”, It's painful, finally realising that the person you care the most is inherently toxic. You're not saying that she's in a toxic relationship because she's also toxic, but she has certainly dragged you into one because she is selfish. Chaewon needs you, because you're the only one who would enable her Stockholm syndrome. “It's just…… I don't know if I can face you”, You pull back your head away from her grip and look back at Luna who's acting cute to cheer you up. “What was that supposed to mean? You can't tell your best friend for, 8 or 9 years that you're leaving? And you just want me to accept that suddenly you went missing without saying anything?” 
“Chae….. you know I liked you right”, Silence fills the room, you anxiously wait for her responses, hoping that somehow she can break the new image you had for her. Yet the silence was long and the curiosity you had is too loud to ignore, so you raise your head and look her in the eyes. She wasn't surprised, or confused, or angry, she just had the look of understanding, “I know”, Those words flowed out of her mouth. It was so quiet that it was barely a whisper, yet it echoed through you like a thunderclap. When the ringing subsided the only thing you can hear is the loud crash of your heart breaking into a million pieces. She knew, this whole time she knew about it and never said anything. Had she enjoyed watching you squirm and dance for her while your feelings laid bare like an open wound? Was it some cruel game to her?
Chaewon felt regretful, seeing your heart break right in front of her is tormenting her conscience. It's inevitable, yet she was not prepared for how painful it was for her as well. “I know, and I'm sorry I never said anything-”, Chaewon saw you stand up and stop talking. “I….. god, this whole time?” Tears start to flow down your cheek, “I never meant to use you, I just, don't know what to say to you”, Chae reaches for your hand, her touch sending shivers down your spine, but not the comforting kind like it used to. It feels calculated, manipulative, a stark contrast to the warmth you once associated with it.
Chae sees the disdain you had in your eyes and it made her scared. Scared of losing you, scared of seeing you lose your temper, and worst of all, scared of having to confront the consequences of her actions. “Pup-”, You pull back your hand making her flinch, “Don't call me that. You….. you like seeing me like that didn't you? Being a good puppy, chasing you around, wagging my tail like a loyal dog”, Your words came out as a thunderous roar that made her squirm in her seat. “No, of course not, please I'm sorry, can we talk this out first”, Chaewon reached out to grab your hand again before pulling you to sit back down. “I….. I can't, you're just…….. I….. this whole time…..”, You just keep muttering to yourself. “Please sit down, I'm sorry I messed up okay? Can you please hear me out first?” Chae pleaded as tears also started to pour down her face. Those tears, they're real, but not to you, you think you know better and managed to see through her ‘manipulation tactics’. You grabbed your phone on the table and just stormed off the apartment, running as far away as you can from her.
Chae wanted to stop you, to reach out and grab you, yet her vision is blurred and she can't even see you leave the front door as the floodgates burst open. She can't even hear you slam the front door as she starts to cry her heart out. Her actions can only lead to one outcome, and she knows the longer she stalls the confrontation the worse the fallout is going to be. Unfortunately in her delusion she hopes that one day you'll just let go of your feelings and everything will be good. Your apartment, once a safe haven for her, is now empty and devoid of your warmth. The ‘beautiful friendship’ built upon the unspoken words between the two of you has crumbled like a house of cards by a single gust of wind. Hours passed away before her tears finally dried out. Chaewon lay down on the couch devoid of energy, all she can do right now it's just text you hoping that you'll answer her. 
You on the other hand are being absolutely ripped apart by your mom, “You ran all the way here?” Her voice boomed around the house. “Haaaaa, Haaaa, haaaaa, nooo……” Your whole body is drenched by sweat, your mom's place is like a 30 minute train ride and you just ran there like a mad man. “You idiotic rascal, tell me what you did”, Your mom starts slapping you as you are dying from exhaustion. It took a while for her to calm down and give you a drink. Throughout your recollection of what happens your mom keeps the same expression, it was the ‘I told you so’ expression. Once you finished the two of you just sat there in silence, you wanted to say something but words just couldn't come out of your mouth. “Haaaaaa, go take a shower and get some rest darling, you're all sweaty and smelly”, You nod before going back to your childhood bedroom.
As you finish a long hot shower you see Chaewon has messaged you almost a hundred times already alongside a few missed calls. You just stare at the notification, too scared to open it. In the end your fatigue overtake you and you slowly drift off to sleep without reading her texts. The next day you silently join your mom at breakfast, she sees that you're not ready to talk yet so she just silently acknowledges it before giving you farewell as she went to work. The day passes by slowly,  it doesn't help that you were just laying down on the bed as you rethink what happened last night. Is Chaewon really a toxic bitch, or was she just a product of her environment. Are you seriously trying to give her a pass for what she did? Okay yeah she's your friend for years now and you've seen her slowly turn from this confident and unapologetic girl into a meek abuse victim. However does that excuse her behaviour of leading you on for years? 
No, I need to give her the benefit of the doubt. I need to hear what she has to say at least. One chance, after all I'll be gone soon and I might not be able to see her again for a long time.
Alright, if that's what you want, just know you might lose yourself in her eyes again. “Mom, I need your opinion on something”, That's not exactly a polite way to greet your mom when she gets home. However she nods and follows you to the living room where you recounted your dramatic talk with Chaewon. “Darling, look at me”, Your mom grabbed your hand, “You are being an idiot a hundred percent”, Jeez thanks mom. “But if she is as manipulative as you said she was then it's also not fully your fault. After all, you can't really blame a victim fully for being taken advantage of”, Hey that's not an encouragement for your stupid idea. “Yeah, you're right mom….. I guess a toxic environment would make toxic people right?” Fucking hell you're hopeless. “What? Are you letting this slide already?” Thank fuck your mom wouldn't let such stupidity pass, “No, I just…. I guess I want to understand why she did it. After all I'm gonna be away for a year at least and if I don't get this straight then I might spend the better part of my time being distracted by her”, That's not a convincing argument, at least not for your mom.
“ARE YOU BEING SERIOUS RIGHT NOW? You just said she's a manipulative bitch and now you want to run back to her with the risk of you falling for her trap again?” It felt kinda nice, channelling the pain you're having in your heart with your mom's beating, however you should stop her before she accidentally kills you. “Mom, I just want to leave this place with some peace in mind, okay? Can you just trust me this one time?” The answer is no, but she took a deep breath before she examined you slowly. “I'll trust you just this once, how do you plan to meet her again?” Relief and determination washes over you seeing that your mom has agreed to let you have closure. “I'll text her tonight hopefully we can have lunch before I leave in two days”, Solid plans, surely nothing bad would happen. “Fine, now go order something for dinner, I'm starving”
You: Hey, sorry about yesterday 
Chae: Where are you? Why did you ghost me for the whole day? Do you have any idea how worried I was?
You: No sorry Chae I'm at my mom's house already. Sorry for running off like that yesterday 
Chae: It's fine, are you coming back?
You: Not today, I need some sleep to clear my mind.
Chae: Then, can we talk tomorrow?
You: I hope so. Can we meet up at lunch?
Chae: That would be nice, I'm sorry too.
You: Yeah, guess we were too hot headed last night 
Chae: Yeah, I'll see you back here at your place tomorrow then?
You: You're still there?
Chae: Duhhhh, you left with your keys dangling on your phone, what am I supposed to do? Leave the door unlocked so someone can break in?
You: Oh yeah, I forgot. I'll come by at lunch then, I'll see you tomorrow.
Chaewon has been spending the day with her mind full of anxiety. She's scared that you might do, something drastic. The fact that you didn't answer or even read her text made her think of the worst possibility. However when you finally reply she lets out a sigh of relief knowing that you're fine. Tomorrow, she has to apologise to you, she has to make sure you leave on a high note. If things go wrong and you leave before she can mend this friendship then the two of you would never recover from it. She can't let that happen, after all you're also an important part of her life. Even though it wasn't in the way that you wanted it to be.
You see, the thing about life, it has a humorous side. To whom might the humour cater to? Nobody knows really, but it certainly wasn't aimed at you and Chaewon. “Chae come home now”, Those words are the things Chae feared the most. After every fight her boyfriend has two possible routes he will default too. One, surprise her with gifts and romantic gestures to make sure she remembers how nice he can be. Second, he can double down and try to ‘reason’ with her by making her accept that his outburst is just part of who he is. Unfortunately, today he decided to take the second option, which means if Chaewon didn't comply there's gonna be a second fight. “Can I see you after lunch, I'm-” Her hand is shaking anxiously when she says, “NO, come home now”, And when he interrupts her she almost drops her phone. “Babe please, I have an appointment at lunch”, She pleaded, “Babe…… come home”, He used his cold voice which is the final warning, and Chaewon can only curse her own luck, “Okay, I'll be there as soon as I can”
Chaewon quickly scrambled throughout your apartment, “Fuck me, why the fuck can't anything to right for once”, She glance over the flight ticket you had and memorise the schedule before quickly wrote a note on pen and paper. “Fuck, pup please, for the love of god please understand, I promise I can make it up to you”, She pray, to whomever would listen and grant her wishes. As she writes some tears start to fall down her eyes and stain the paper. It was supposed to be a short note saying how her boyfriend suddenly called and she hopes you can reschedule lunch. However, due to her frustration she ended up writing a long essay saying how much she's sorry and even writing out about the things she wanted to tell you in person. During this she was interrupted with a text message from her boyfriend asking her where she is. Chaewon haphazardly finishes the note before bolting out of the apartment, leaving the door unlocked.
A few hours later you anxiously knock on your apartment door, waiting for her to open the door. Every second felt like an eternity and as time passes your stomach starts to twist making you feel like you want to puke. “Chaewon?” You tried to unlock your door to find it was unlocked, walking inside you call up to Chaewon but the only response you get is Luna purring on the couch. It was clear, she wasn't here, “Fuck”, For the first time in forever you actually yell out your frustration. On the coffee table you find a stack of paper, glancing over it you easily recognise her handwriting. 
This is it? This is how we're parting ways Chae? With a stack of notes?
Take a deep breath, calm your nerves and sit down on the couch, try to read the note with an open mind.
Hey pup, sorry but babe wants to meet me. You know how it is, I don't want to make him mad. I really, really, really, like I mean really feel bad for leaving you this note but I sincerely hope you understand. I know I don't deserve to ask for another chance but I hope we can reschedule our lunch tomorrow. If you don't want to, I get it. It'll hurt but I get it. The thing is pup, I never want to hurt you, I really don't. You're kind, strong and smart, I always admire how mature you are and how you can get your shit together. It's hard for me to say this, but I'm sorry that I never felt any romantic attraction towards you.
I don't want to make this cliche but it's not you, it's just me. I know you're cringing right now but just know that sometimes people just aren't made for each other. I love you, as my friend. Sometimes I dream of a different life for us. One where you and I can stay as friends, one where you're my shy, innocent and diligent little brother and I can be your caring and teasing older sister. I know it's hard for you to read this but just know even though you and I are not meant to be, you still have a special place in my heart. And I'm sorry, I never say anything about this.
I was scared, I was confused and I was distracted. Fuck it sounds so bad but I really wanted to help you get over those feelings pup. It's selfish I know, but I want to fix my relationship with my boyfriend before I start making things up for you. You know I have a lot of friends, I know you've been eyeing Kazuha some times, and I know she is interested in you. Fuck, I really wish things would go a different way. I wish we could be best friends forever, you and I, confiding in each other. I hope it doesn't sound too harsh but you and I are special, it's just, not in the way you hope it would be. 
When you said about this volunteer work I might encourage you, but deep down I was scared. I know one day you'll finally snap and confront me about this weird dynamic between us. When you say about an opportunity to leave and get out of your shell I was scared that you'll leave me and come back as a different person. I was scared, because in this fucked up and chaotic world you were the one who made me feel safe. Someone that would understand my struggle and help me through it. However on the other hand I wanted you to break off your shell. This whole time you've been living for me, for the hope that I'll be yours. I wanted you to find your own path and find yourself, get away from me so that you'll find a way to let go of your feelings.
Now, writing this whole thing I realised, I can't keep being selfish. I hurt you enough, dragging you down to a toxic relationship unintentionally. So, if you're looking for a farewell, I'll give it. Go out there pup, save people's life, realise that you're much more than what you've given yourself credit for. I hope you'll break free of the collar I've put on you this whole time. You're an amazing person, and I hope you can live up to your potential. Maybe one day, once you come back you'll find a reason to forgive me. For the pain I cause you, for all those medical supplies you've spent for me, for ditching our last meeting with these notes. I know I don't deserve to ask anything from you, but this time, I ask you to be happy. I ask you to let me go, and just, find someone who can love you as much as you love me.
Fuck I've been rambling for too long already. Pup, if you do feel like meeting me before you fly away just text me. If you don't, I'll understand. I won't let you go without saying goodbye to your face though. I remember your flight schedule, so if you don't want to meet me again I'll go there and just, wave you goodbye. Stay strong pup, I hope we can meet again.
Chaewon's tears that have stained the paper are almost gone, replaced by your own tears that almost render the paper unreadable. Is this the closure you wanted? Was there some sliver of hope you still hold on to thinking Chae might actually have some form of romantic feelings towards you? It's bittersweet, although the sweetness is nowhere to be found, you know one day you can see this note with fondness. Maybe this note will be the catalyst of your change. But for now, you just had to swallow this bitter pill and move on. Well, cry your heart out first, let the catharsis calm you down after.  “Fuck Chae, I don't know if you'll still be here after I come back though”, Yeah that's a fair point. “Don't die, please don't die while I'm away”
The whole day, and the day after, you just felt this new energy flowing through you. There's still some pain and bitterness there but you understand, it's the first step towards the right direction. Your mom also seems to be pleased with the outcome of this. “Okay, maybe she's not as bad as I expect her to be darling. She's pitiful, that's the best way I can describe her”, Just like how you are attached to Chaewon, your mom also had some attachments toward her. After all, Chaewon was the person who has been keeping you safe from bullies and was one of the only genuine friends that is still in contact with you after all these years. “Mom, can I ask you a favour?” Your mom nodded confidently, she knew what you wanted to ask. “I know darling, I'll take care of Luna while you're away. And I'll make sure that your dear friend will still be in a recognisable state when you come back”, The lady part needs some better wording but that will do.
“Thanks mom, and if she contacts you, can you just give her these?” You hand her a little gift box, “Darling, this isn't a therapy appointment, she won't need this”, Hopefully you can find your mom's sassiness within you in this year long journey. “Just, give it to her okay mom? I'll be off”, She nods and kissed your forehead, “Don't die out there sweetie, I love you”, She smiled at you, a mother's encouraging smile is an over powered buff, “I love you too mom”
Let's move back to Chaewon, she knows it's your departure day and she read your text saying that you won't mind seeing her wave you goodbye at the airport. However, like usual she is being held back by someone. “Chae I need you to stop lying to me okay?” The calm tone her boyfriend is talking in is unnerving. It was like an ice pick that's being stabbed to Chaewon's fresh open wounds. “I'm not lying babe, he really is just a friend”, Chaewon cried, she doesn't want to cry because- “Liar”, He would scream at her, *CRACK* a loud smack echoes throughout the room as he slapped her with all his might. “I wasn't, babe please believe me. He's leaving for a year. I promise I just want to say goodbye to him”, Chaewon cried out as she lay on the ground while her body was screaming with pain. “I know you spent the night with him, Chae, don't lie to me. I let you off this whole time because I know that pussy won't be brave enough to make a move on you. But you, I know you fucking sluttyness knows no bounds. You were giving him a farewell gift, weren't you? You let him have sex with you after years and years of simping for you. Now you want to go there and make him rethink about leaving so you can keep him. I know a fucking bitch like you would keep a side man, a second option”
After a while he just left her in his house. Chae lays down on the floor, face messed up with tears and bruises, her body is exhausted from the mental and physical torture she's been subjected too in the last two days. She lay down there for god knows how long before she finally regained her consciousness. Looking at the time it's already an hour past your departure. Her tears are already dried up so she can't even let out her frustration anymore. “I'm sorry pup, I really do”, Not long she heard a knock on the door, “Hello, anyone in there?” It was a familiar voice but she can't remember who it is. Chaewon tried to stand up but her body could barely move. She wanted to say something but no words came out of her mouth. “Hello, I'm looking for Kim Chaewon, is she here?” Chae realises that whoever's behind that door is trouble, but her voice, Chae could swear she knows her from somewhere.
Chaewon tried to stand up but she failed and just fell down and caused some of the empty beer bottles on the table to fall alongside her and shatter on the floor. “Hello? Is everything alright?” It wasn't, some of the glass shard hit Chae which made her let out a barely audible painful whine. “I'm coming in”, Then a loud slam can be heard from the door before it opens. From the floor Chaewon is laying on she can finally see the person that's looking for her, it was your mom. “Jesus, what happened”, Your mom immediately ran up to Chae, her mind racing with concern, and hatred for Chae's boyfriend. “Ma'am, what are you doing here?” Chae flinched when she felt the older woman's hand examining her wounds. “I'll tell you later, did your boyfriend do this to you?” Chae flinched hearing that question, it's not the first time she heard her ask that. “Fine, don't answer if you don't want to. Let's get you to the hospital”, In one swoop she grabbed Chaewon and just carried her away. Usually she'll refuse this type of help, but now you're no longer there to help you, and she's too weak to refuse so she just let herself get taken away. 
Your mom lay Chaewon in the backseat of her car before she took her radio and contacted the nearest hospital. “Dispatch, this is Unit 23 responding. Requesting immediate medical assistance. One injured victim, multiple bruises, possible head injury and a few lacerations due to glass shard on her arm”, Chaewon struggled to stay awake and ultimately went unconscious again before she even reached the hospital. “Hang in there kid, my son gonna kill me if he come home to find you dead”
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A few hours earlier you were waiting at the airport, hoping for Chaewon to show up and wave you goodbye. However as the time for departure was nearing Chaewon was nowhere to be seen. You text her and she didn't read it and when you finally boarded you ended up calling your mom to check on Chaewon. As you were busy worrying for her, a girl suddenly sat down next to you, “Hello, are you also here for the volunteer work?” Oh shit, Chaewon who? “Oh yes, I'm from Serenity Medical Institute, nice to meet you”, Hey maybe moving on won't be that hard after all. “Nice to meet you too, I'm Minju from the Oasis Regional Hospital”, Minju gave you a weird look when you heard where you came from. 
“Serenity Medical Institute huh, I didn't know they sent anyone for this”, Seating next to a beautiful girl like her made you feel nervous yet somehow she looks more nervous than you. “I am the only one who's going”, You smile a little embarrassed. “Really? That's surprising”, Minju smiled, “Well how many people went from your hospital?” She thinks for a second, “Probably 12?” Is your hospital just very stingy? “That's a lot, I didn't expect so many people would actually be interested in doing these kinds of stuff”, Would sending 12 medical personnel cause some problem in the hospital? Wouldn't it get crippled due to the lack of personnel? “Yeah well, it's not like we're short on people, also doing this will give our hospital some subsidies that would help a lot”, Minju looked at your confused face and got confused herself.
“You get subsidies? I don't think I read that part in the application form”, Do you even read the form though? “Well yeah the form is made asking for international aid. The subsidy is our government's way to encourage the nation’s medical personnel to help”, Did they just send you for the government money? “Although I don't think Serenity would care about that type of stuff”, She was sending some jabs to you but you didn't catch it. “Really? Why do you say that?” Minju furrowed her eyebrows trying to see if you're messing with her, “Well, because it's the rich people hospital”, Your genuine confusion took Minju off guard. “Really? I never knew”, Minju stares at you for a second, “How did you get a job there?” This is a good time to point out how clueless you are at everything.
“Well, after I finished college the owner, well I think he's the owner, came to me to offer me an internship. He said he knew my father and owe him once”, Pretty sure you never met that guy again, also your mom tore you a new hole after you accepted the offer thinking it must be a scam. “See, there's almost no way for people to get in without nepotism. The place has such a service fee that most of its clients are millionaires”, Minju saw you even more confused which frustrated her. “I thought the hospital was the best hospital in the country. I mean, wouldn't that be the reason for the high price?” She clicked her tongue hearing your response.
“Yes, but also because the benefactors and clients are some of the richest people in the country. Most of the people working there have been working there for generations already. It's almost impossible for someone to start working there fresh off college. Any new recruits needs to have at least 10 years of experience in any other prestigious hospital before they have a chance for an examination by them”, You are very clueless about most things. “Huh, I never knew about that”, Minju pinched herself to see if she's hallucinating, there is no way someone is this dumb right? “What's your parents job?” Could it be, you're just a savant in the medical field that attracts their eyes? “Well, my father was a firefighter, and my mom is a cop”, That doesn't sound like a rich person's job.
“Huh, then….. Did your father save someone's life and that person happened to be a very important person?” You shrugged, seemingly not caring about that, “Maybe, I mean he died when I was a kid and mom said he saved a lot of life so maybe he saved someone important and the guy gave me a job out of gratitude?” Minju was baffled with how little shit you're giving about this. “That's…… I'm sorry about your father but do you know how lucky you are? There's people who would die to have a job at your hospital”, This rubs you the wrong way. “Why? What's the difference between your hospital and mine? I mean you and I still both save lives regardless where we work so it wouldn't matter right?” Minju was taken off guard again, you sounded so genuine with your words that she felt embarrassed for forgetting the main job of a doctor.
“You're right, sorry I didn't mean to come out as a materialistic person”, You felt guilty seeing how embarrassed she is, “Oh no don't be, I'm sorry I didn't know most of those things so thank you for telling me this”, Minju smiled at you. “You're just an innocent puppy aren't you?” Eeeehhhh, are you an actual dog? How come two beautiful and completely different girls can see you the same way like that? “I guess”, She laughed seeing you reluctantly accept her nickname. “So, since we'll be working a lot closer from now on I think this would be a perfect time to get to know each other right?” This whole thing feels nostalgic, it's a deja vu for the first time you met Chaewon.
No, I can't keep living in the past. Come on, I'm on this trip to break free of my shell. Be more confident, talk to her. Fuck what if I fall for her and it end up the same way as I did with Chae? Fuck I'm not gonna find anyone if I keep being scared.
“Of course, why don't you start first?” Minju did start first, and she also took the majority of the speaking time because you're too shy to speak up. In the middle of it you got a text from your mom informing you of Chaewon's condition. “You're okay?” Minju said after seeing you turn catatonic for a while, “Oh, yeah just, something came up”, Your voice sounds shaky and you turn around to watch out the window. Minju stays silent after realising that you're not in a talking mood, although she is curious about the situation. Moreover she's curious about you, she finds you to be pretty cute and attractive, and your innocence has some charm to it.
After a while your mom texted back informing you that Chae is stable for now and sent you her medical report. You read through it extensively, the more you read it the more you regret going on this trip. Without you there Chae would probably run back to her boyfriend after being discharged from the hospital. Well, even if you're there you won't be able to stop her from going back to him. It's like you are Sisyphus and she is your boulder, no matter how hard you try, she will always stumble down the hill into her boyfriend's arms. “Hey, you're okay there?” Minju decided to speak up seeing how distraught you've become, “Ahhh no, something came up”, Having someone to talk to would be nice, but would she care to hear a story of a complete stranger? “I don't mind listening you know, if you don't mind sharing of course”, Minju smiles at you, “Well, I have this friend, her name is Chae…….”
“Uggghhh”, A pained groan escapes out of Chaewon's mouth before she even gets to open her eyes. As she tried to sit up a hand stopped her from moving, “Take it easy now kiddo, you're still hurt”, This time she immediately recognised your mother's voice. “Ma'am, I….. where am I?” Chaewon tried to open her eyes but the room was too bright for her so she immediately closed it again. “In the hospital, you were pretty rough when I saw you”, The first thing that came up in her mind was to run, anything involving hospitals is bothersome, from the bills to the questioning she'll get. Thankfully she's well aware that your mom wouldn't let her run so easily, so she just lay back on the bed trying to regain her stamina.
After half an hour or so she is able to open her eyes and sit on the bed, looking around the place she realises where she is right now. “No, my son already left”, A quick reality check from your mom completely buried her hopes of having you delay your departure. “Why……. Why did you come to my place?” It's hard for her to look at your mom in the eyes. Unlike you, your mom has this dominating aura around her that shows she takes no shit from anyone. “My son asked me to check in on you when you didn't show up to his flight”
Oh right, I ghost him again. Fuck how can I keep messing this up?
“Listen kiddo, I never liked you. For years I've already told my clueless son that you're leading him on and he never listens. I would've confronted you but I digress because he always told me not to”, It's really jarring feeling the difference between you and your mom. Her words and piercing gaze made Chaewon shivers in her place. “And worst of all you actually push him to take a dangerous job off country just because you two can't be a grown up and talk about your feelings”, Just for the record, your mom was trying to not be overly hostile, she just came off that way. “I'm sorry”, Chae said weakly, “However, after he came to me with your notes I got a glimpse of your side of the story and, somewhat open to listen to the whole thing. Today, after I see you laying down half dead on that abuser's floor I think I understand enough”
“He's not an abuser”, Chae immediately bites back, as those words left her mouth she immediately flinched and felt scared for going against your mom. “Kiddo, I've been in this line of work for the last 25 years already. I've seen your story play out a thousand times. I promised my son that I'll keep you safe, so I'm taking you away from that whether you like it or not”, That's illegal right? “But he's not, he was just having an episode. Sometimes he just lash out, he can't help it, that's just who he is”, Chae is way too far down in her own hell to realise the exit is right in front of her. “Really? You're blaming this on his mental state?” Your mom wasn't taking any of that, “He's bipolar okay? He can't help having drastic mood swings”, He was never diagnosed, Chae just read some online article and associated him with that disorder to rationalise his sociopathic behaviour. “Blaming that maniac’s behaviour on mental disorders is an insult to the people who actually have mental disorders. Kiddo, I don't think you understand how irredeemable he is. What he did to you today is unacceptable, and if you don't want to fight for your own sake then I'll fight for you by bringing him to court”
Panic starts to set in, Chaewon can't let her do that, “He's not like that, I promise, please just give him a chance”, Seeing how pathetic Chaewon is, your mom wonders how you can enable her behaviour for so long. “Let’s have this talk in the morning. It's late and I need to get some rest. Go get some sleep, I'll be back here tomorrow morning. If I didn't see you here tomorrow morning I'm coming back to your apartment with a warrant for your boyfriend”, It's not your mom's first rodeo, she knows girls like Chae would care about her boyfriend’s feelings over her own well being. “Okay then, I'll see you tomorrow ma'am”, Not even a thank you, so rude.
Fuck why did things got so complicated now. You were always so caring but this is too much pup. Your mom is gonna be the end of me. Fuck how do I convince her to drop this, I can't let her make babe mad. I need to convince her.
How would Chaewon convince her? Well, with a stupid idea, “Are you being serious right now? You want me to talk with your boyfriend?” Downright idiotic honestly. “Please, it's just one talk. You'll see that he's not as bad as you think he is”, Your mom is absolutely flabbergasted with this request, this little girl actually wanted her to have a nice and civil discussion with an abuser? “I don't think you understand, assault and battery isn't just a civil case. The law enforcement such as myself have the right to pursue this case, you know that right?” This also means if she talks to Chaewon's boyfriend and he loses his composure your mom can use his incriminating words against him. 
“Trust me just this once okay? Please?” No way in hell your mom is gonna trust Chaewon, she sees Chae as an even more clueless person than you. She wants to say pathetic but she's not heartless enough to consider her own son pathetic. “I’ll drive you back to your place, I'll ask him about what transpired yesterday and that will be it. That's all the chances he's getting”, Although honestly she does see this as an opportunity to gather more evidence. “What? I need to tell him about this first”, Chae didn't have her phone, he broke it yesterday so she can't contact him, “Tchhh, so you can warn him? No, I'll give him this one chance so I can see him being unfiltered. So get your ass up because we're leaving now”, Despair, that's what Chae feels right now. 
Your mom led her to the receptionist where she signed the paper for discharge. Since you were working there she used her family member card so that Chaewon's hospital bills would be reduced to zero, and that's a good price. Throughout the ride Char can't stop herself from biting her nails, her legs are all jittery and her heartbeat is beating irregularly, she's scared out of her mind. Once they arrived back at her place she was so nervous your mom had to wake her up from her thoughts. “Ahhhhh, oh sorry, you scare me”, Chae tries to calm her breathing down while your mom is staring at her, then the latter gets out of her car prompting Chae to follow her.
Chaewon knocked on the door, after all your mom didn't exactly search around to pick up her personal things such as wallets or keys. “You do know I broke the door yesterday right? The locks haven't been fixed”, Chae blushed hearing this and just opened her door, going inside she called up for her boyfriend but there was no response. “He must be out”, There was some relief in her voice, hopefully your mom would just leave the place so she can brief her boyfriend about what's gonna happen. “That's unfortunate then-”, However Chaewon's dreams were short lived as the older woman's words were interrupted by some ruffling sounds from the bedroom followed by some footsteps. 
“Who the fuck are you?” Really? That's the first thing your mom said in her mind. She's completely baffled that Chaewon would ruin her own life for someone like that. No body shaming of course, the guy was good looking, but he looks like the most generic fuckboy ever imaginable. “I'm here to talk to you, I am Officer Hwang, last night I find…….”, She trailed off letting silence fills the room. The reason for that is because a girl walks out of the bedroom he just came out from. Seeing how minimal their clothing is, it's quite easy to grasp what they were doing. “Who is this?” Chaewon's fear and anxiety is replaced with unbridled rage as if he just crosses the line. “None of your business, and why the fuck did you bring a cop here huh? Hwang? Is it that retard’s mom?” He's so eloquent, no wonder Chaewon fell for him.
“Lady her your clothes and get out”, The random girls immediately sprint back to the bedroom, “Who the fuck is she?” Chaewon screamed at her boyfriend. “Fuck you, who is this? You brought a cop here? Are you insane?” Seeing him refuse to answer, Chaewon raises her hand and slaps him. It is unprofessional to laugh at someone who's getting ‘assaulted’ but your mom can't help but crack open a smile. “Are you crazy, bitch?” The slap has taken him off guard, never in his life did he think that Chaewon would have the balls to do something like that. The random girl came out of the bedroom wearing her pants with some of her underwear being stuffed into her bag. “You were cheating on me?” Chaewon roared, she looked at the random girl and was ready to pounce on her but thankfully your mom swooped in and pulled the girl outside.
“Move, I need to talk to that bitch”, Chaewon tried to push your mom away but the latter hold firm, “I think you should deal with this one first”, She pointed at her boyfriend. “Shit fucker, look at me”, He roughly pull Chaewon's hand making her body ragdoll to the ground. “You think you're hot shit because you have a cop here?” This guy has issues, “You were fucking some random girl? AFTER YOU SNAPPED BECAUSE YOU THINK I WAS CHEATING ON YOU?” Huh, maybe Chaewon's final line is just cheating. It's impressive that he never crosses that line for the last few years. Seeing how Chaewon wasn't being a scaredy cat like usual hurts his pride, so he raises his hand to hurt her in return. 
“You should stop that”, Your badass mom just grab his hand before he can slap Chae, “You fucking disgusting pig, HOW DARE YOU CHEATED ON ME”, But she didn't stop Chaewon from slapping him. “You fucking whores”, His pride really can't take this anymore and he took one of the empty bottle on the table. “I warned you”, With a bored tone your mom pulled out her taser gun and just shot fade him. Immediately he fell to the ground, the bottle thankfully didn't break and cut his skin, despite how much your mom wanted that to happen. “You asshole”, Chaewon walks to him and just kicks him in the ribs, “Alright don't do that, you're gonna get in trouble”, But her words don't reach her like usual. Chaewon tried to kick him again prompting your mom to just drag her out of the house.
“Let me go, I need to kill that bastard”, She was taken off guard seeing how Chaewon just flipped a switch out of nowhere, “Well it's better than before I guess”, She muttered before pushing Chae to her car. “Stay here for a second, I need to clean this mess”, Well at least her menacing glare is enough to stop Chae from struggling. “Here, go busy yourself while I call up the medic”, She shoved a little gift box you prepared for Chae to her lap. Chaewon immediately recognised your writing and opened it, inside is a note and she immediately read it.
Hey Chae, I was writing this note because I feel like that's just gonna be our thing from now. Let me start by saying, it hurts. Reading your notes was painful and really fuck me up. However, I do understand where you're coming from. I can't force you to like me, although I really want to, I realise it's just not possible. I guess we were both an idiot, so caught up in our feelings that we ended up hurting ourselves. I just want to say, I don't hate you, I understand where you're coming from, I really do. I hope one day when I come back home we get to sit down together and talk about this further. I hope once I get back we can have a civil and mature conversation about our friendship and other things.
However, for that to happen, I need you to still be around when I come home. Yes I helped you throughout these years because I loved you. But it would be wrong if I say that was the only reason why I helped you. I was scared for you, this relationship you had with your boyfriend isn't healthy Chae. When we first met you were this badass girl who never backed down from anything. Now you're just this vulnerable girl who is being dragged through hell because you can't let go of your feelings. You know I'm right, all your friends have given up on you already because they can't bear to watch you destroy yourself. You say something about setting me up with Kazuha yet the last time you talked to her was already 2 years ago. Chae, I'm scared, I'm really scared with the idea that you won't be alive by the time I come home. I wrote this note because I want you to let him go.
No, I wasn't saying this because I feel jealous of him, I'm saying this because I care about you. I'm on this “journey” in hope that I can let go of my feelings, in hope to “break my chains” as you put it. Now I'm asking you to break yours as well. I know you're tired of hearing these words but you're sacrificing so much just by staying with that guy. I might sound biassed, but you can get any guy in the world and you're choosing the worst option. I never thought I'd say this, but it's also hurting my pride knowing you prefer staying with an abuser rather than, me. Fuck that sounds so bad, but if you were dating some rich handsome guys I'll have my heartbreak way earlier than this and probably move on. Chaewon, you're a beautiful, talented and strong girl, you can do better than him. It hurts seeing your mental toughness that I always envied are being used just so you can tolerate him. Please, now that I'm gone I can't keep you safe any longer. For the love of god please let him go Chae. I don't want to come back home seeing you six feet underground.
I might just be beating a dead horse but I hope you can see where I'm coming from. In this box there's my apartment keys. I already pay rent for the next 4 months so you can stay there if you need to. And finally, there's a hospital card here, you can use it in Serenity and get treatment free of charge. I hope you'll never need to use it, but I also hope for a lot of impossible things. Anyway I've been rambling for too long, I hope mom didn't go too hard on you. Stay safe Chae, stay alive. I hope we can meet again once I'm back home. I'll miss you.
It took her almost 30 minutes rereading that note you left her. It all boils down to, “Chaewon your boyfriend is trash, leave him already. Here take my keys”, But she keeps rereading them hoping there's more. She needs more, she needs you to write something, anything that could comfort her. “Fuck pup, why can't I just listen to you”, But alas there's none, after all you never expect this messages to actually change her mind. It technically didn't, her boyfriend's act of crossing her line did but this note is the nail in the coffin. A certain word rings in her mind, “If only he can be more like you”, So fucking cliché, yet sometimes clichés came from real life things.
Why the fuck did I say that? You're so fucking stupid sometimes Chae. Why ask for someone to be like him when he's already available. God what have I done.
No point of crying over spilled milk, but that doesn't stop her from ruining your notes with her tears. Is this your thing now? Sending notes and soaking them with tears. “He’s not a problem anymore, just in case you're wondering”, Chaewon jumped back at her seat when she saw your mom had rejoined her back in the car. “Right”, Chae wiped her tears and put the notes back in the box, “You want to go somewhere or do you want to go back to your house?” Chae glanced back to her house. It was inherited to her after her parent's death a few years ago, it was around the time she started dating that pig. Those beautiful childhood memories, all tainted by his presence. 
“No, can you take me back to your son's apartment?” It's not that your mom wants to snoop around, but she's just curious and has checked the gift before she hands it to Chaewon. “Got it”, Your mom thinks it would be a good idea for Chae to stay away from her house for now, 4 months is a pretty long time to cool down. However Chaewon had different plans, “I'll wait for you to come back pup. I can fix this, I can fix us. I'll wait for you to come back, then we can start over”, Her barely audible whispers float off to the wind. A promise for a better future, no matter what it takes.
“Babe you need to stop dozing off”, You were woken up from your daydream with a gentle touch to your shoulder. “Right, I just feel weird. I can't believe a year passed already”, Yeah, it felt like a year just passed in an instant. “Come on, don't tell me you're thinking about staying here?” Minju wrapped her arm around you, “Of course not, I'm just a little sad that I'll have to go already”, Minju smiled and gave you a kiss. “There, I don't want my little puppy to be sad anymore”, She said teasing you, “Don't call me that, please never call me that in front of other people again”, It's bad enough that she calls you that in front of her coworkers, if she pull that name in front of your friends, or even your mom, you'll die out of embarrassment.
“Heheheheh, I won't promise anything. Now come on I need your big muscular arm to help me out the bags on the truck”, Living with no reception has bore you a lot, which is why you start working out alongside the soldiers that keeps the area secure. So needless to say, you've grown into a Chad, after loading the luggage you sat down with the rest of Minju’s coworkers. “So, what are we eating once we get home?”, Jaehyun, one of Minju's coworkers, asked the group. “I want some junk food, like 10 big macs covered with cheese dips type of junk food”, “No way in hell, we're eating something fresh, I want sushi”, “I don't care what we're eating but we need alcohol. Like a lot of them”, You've been pulled to be part of their friend group, although most of the time you and Minju would just fool around somewhere else. “Let's vote then, what does everyone want?” Voting with friends is such a bad idea, “I'm down for anything”, “Yeah me too, I don't mind”, “I don't really crave anything so I'll just follow what everyone wants”, In the end Minju just pull you to the passenger truck and sit with you at the back while her friends are busy discussing.
“So, we're going to meet your mom once we land?” It's hard to communicate with the people back home, you can only send her a letter every few weeks or so. Well except last week when you were given a satellite phone to arrange yours . “Well she did say she's gonna pick me up, so maybe we can have dinner with her after”, You haven't really told your mom about Minju so you're kinda nervous, “I don't think I'm down for thay babe. It's a 10 hour flight and I would rather go home and have a good long bath. Maybe we can have dinner tomorrow night”, Thankfully she rejected the dinner. “Guess you're right, I'm sure mom also wants to ask me about what I did for the last year”, It would be awkward to tell your mom that you actually got shot here. “Yeah, don't die okay baby”
“I told you you're gonna get shot”, You're like an inch away from getting shot by her out of frustration. “But mommmm, it was just an accident, some stray bullet from the soldier's training”, They even send you money for the inconvenience, or to shut you up. “Haaaaaa, I'm really this close to losing it. You didn't think about telling me in one of those letter you send me?” This is certainly a welcoming party, “ I'm sorry, I didn't want to make you worry”, She sighed and just shook her head. “Mom, where's Luna?” You tried to change the topic, “With Chaewon, that fat fuck want to stay at your apartment over here”, You raised your eyebrow in confusion, “Chae still living at my place?” 
Your mom does send you some update about her in the first few months, most of it just saying how Chae is getting better and has been reconnecting with her friends. “You should go there and talk to her”, Right, the long awaited reunion is due, “I should, tomorrow we're having dinner with Minju so I guess I could come over now”, Time zone difference fuck you up because you left around sunset and arrive back at your home around 8 AM, which isn't fun. “I can drop you off at your place if you get ready right now”, As you took a shower you can't help but feel nervous. For the last year you didn't really try to reach out to Chae and your mom didn't say anything if Chae tried to reach out to you. Going back to the living room you immediately noticed how tight your outfits has become. “That usually happens when you build up muscle darling. You should go and get some new clothes”, You remember Minju said she is a shopaholic so you made a plan to do a shopping run later with Chae. Just as a friendly reunion right? Right?
“Congratulations on your promotion by the way mom”, You pull out a gift for her, “Ohhh? What's this? The bullet that they took out of your body?” Damn that would actually be a pretty good gift for her. “Uhhh no, it's just a knife one of the refugees gave me”, Without hesitation she ripped open the box and pulled out a pristine military knife. “Ohhhh, good job darling, I'll put this on my desk”, She smiles happily before strapping the knife into her waist. “Now come on, I'm gonna be late”
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You stand in front of your door, feeling anxious and nervous. If any of your neighbours see this they're probably gonna be weirded out since you’re just standing there for 5 minutes. Suddenly the front door clicked open and you saw Chaewon. She was going out and she bumped into you, “Sorr-.......” The two of you just stare at each other silently. The first thing you noticed is how healthy she looks, her cheeks are no longer hollow, her skin isn't sagging, she looks better. “Hey Ch-” Chae jumped to hug you before you finished your sentence, “It's you, you're home”, Even her strength is back, enough to suffocate you. “Chae, calm down for a second”, But she doesn't want to calm down, “You're back, you're really back, I miss you so much”, Chae hugged you even harder without any intentions of letting go.
“Chae let's not do this in the hallway”, She suddenly felt your arm wrapped around her body and picked her up with ease. It was at this moment that she noticed you don't feel so scrawny anymore. “You've grown”, She let go of the hug as you closed the door behind you, her eyes travelling all over your body. “Yeah well, I got a lot of free time there”, Your cheeks turn red as Chaewon shamelessly feels up your arms. “Meow”, Luna walked out of the bedroom and the moment she saw you she immediately ran to your leg. “Hey there Luna, did you miss me”, You picked her up and she immediately purred in your familiar embrace again.
“Well come here take a seat. Don't be a stranger in your own apartment”, Chae smiles and pulls you to sit down on the couch. Looking around you notices she has done a few furnishings, the place still looks familiar, yet there's some of her touch painting the whole apartment. “You like it? I don't want to change too much but I feel like your previous decorations were kinda bland”, Is her snarky remark making a return as well? “Well the place does look less grey”, Chaewon sits closer to you, “So, how was your trip? Come on tell me everything”, She leaned towards your arm and rested her head on your shoulder.
“It's a long story, weren't you just leaving to go somewhere?” Bering with Minju for a while you've grown immune to women's advances due to how flirty she was. “I was just about to get some breakfast. Have you eaten anything yet? We can order some food”, Chae notices your lack of embarrassment and it makes her, happy. “Well I ate some airplane food earlier, so I wouldn't mind going out for some actual good food”, Luna let out a growl as if she understands that you're leaving already. “Come on let's just eat here, I want to hear everything that happened to you”, Chae pinched your cheek as she leaned even closer to you. 
“Come on let's go out Chae, I also need some help. I actually gained some weight and my old clothes are getting too tight for me. Can you help me do some clothing runs?”, A date, Chae is ecstatic that you wanted to have a date with her the moment you return. “Yesssss, let's go then”, She stood up and pulled your hand, “Hahahaha, sorry Luna you're gonna have to wait for me again”, Luna let out a protest meow before jumping off your lap. “She's gonna be fine, let's go pup, it's shopping time”, Surely Chaewon won't take the whole day to help you get some new clothes.
“So you were actually shot? Like with a real bullet?” Chae is filled with concern hearing your story, “Yeah, it was just a ricochet so it's not that deep but it still hurts”, Don't cut off the fun part, tell her you cried like a baby as they tried to stop your bleeding. “That's terrible, I swear to god I'll kill that idiot who dares to shoot you”, It pisses her off, she could've lost you because some stupid drill. “It's fine, I was too close to the training yard anyway”, You can't help but smile seeing her angry face. It reminds you of the time when she used to get angry every time someone tried to pick on you. “Tchh, I'm only letting it go because you're safe and you got a cool scar from it”, Chaewon continued looking at your arm, rather, your bicep.
“Yeah, it does look cool”, You trailed off as you checked your messages that Minju had sent you. Chae furrowed her eyebrows seeing you've been busy chatting with someone on your phone throughout this breakfast. She wants to know who's making you smile and what those texts are, but she refrains for now. “Well I hope your feets are ready, we're giving you a makeover”, She'll ask you about those texts later, after all she has all the time in the world with you.
The shopping was hellish, Chaewon keeps pulling you to every clothing store there is and has you tried every single piece of clothing she can find. Then to top it off you had to bring all the luggage yourself. Well you don't have to, but you don't want to make her carry it so you just swallow the pain and move on. “Chae can we stop here? I think this is enough'', Chae does notice your suffering but she can't help herself to dress up her boyfriend. “Alright, let's put it back at our place, we can order some food for lunch”, Our place? You're gonna say something about that? “Our-”, Unfortunately your phone rings before you can ask it. 
“I need to answer this call first, can you order a cab for us?” Now, Chae is not exactly a nosy person, but she feels irritated with how much you were on your phone during this date. “Fine”, She doesn't want to make a scene so she'll just frown as she watches you walk a way to answer your call. “Hey babe , I was thinking that maybe we can grab some lunch? Or are you still dealing with jet lag?” Minju said, “I'm outside right now, having a reunion with Chaewon”, A little slither of guilt can be heard in your voice as you felt bad for refusing your girlfriend’s invitation. “Oh well, did everything go well?” She doesn't mind though, “Yeah, I think we're having a good day so far. I'm kinda happy seeing her revert to her old self. Although I think I would rather have her tone down her occasional jab. Physical jab, she's one of those people who like to playfully punch you and it hurts”, You hear Minju laughed out loud at your complaints. “Oh no, my poor baby can't take a woman's punch? Even with all those muscles?” PSA: Domestic violence is not a joke, please seek professional help if you or someone you know are dealing with one. 
“Hey listen she's not your average girl okay? She used to be the badass tomboy who beat up guys bigger than him. Besides you should see her biceps, they're huge”, Chaewon can't hear you but she is certainly not happy with the smiles that's forming on your face. “I would love to, is this an invitation for me to join your reunion?” Ahhhh shit, what did you just do? “Well”, You look back at Chae and are surprised seeing her hostile glare, “Maybe not today”, You're not sure why she's mad but you think it's best not to ask it for now. “Well, hopefully I can meet her soon. I'll see you tomorrow okay babe? Pick me up for the date please, you can buy some used car with the money they gave you for the bullet wounds”, You can't concentrate on what she's saying and hurriedly end the call before walking to Chaewon.
“The cab will be here soon”, Oh no, she's using her cold angry voice again, “O-okay”, The two of you awkwardly stand there waiting for the cab. Throughout the whole ride Chaewon was looking out the window trying to calm herself down. However the moment she hears you typing on your phone she immediately turns to you and lets out a vicious glare. Feeling your life might be in danger you put down your phone. Anxiousness starts to rise within you, it's not the first time you see her this mad but it's still terrifying.
What the fuck did I do now? Chae only got this mad when I did something stupid and hurt myself. Think Mark, think. Whatever it is, I should try to apologise once we get home.
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The two of you silently walk back to your apartment, as soon as you walk in you hear Chaewon slam the door behind you. “Put it there”, She pointed at the floor, you obediently put down the groceries trying to find words to calm her down and inquire on what you did wrong. “Who was it?” Her voice, cold and piercing just like her eyes, “Who was what?” That's not an answer, so she walks towards you and pushes you to the wall. “Who were you talking to on the phone? The whole day you were busy talking with someone. Throughout our fucking date you were just chatting with someone else. Do you not respect me at all? Your girlfriend is in front of you yet you were busy with whoever it was in your phone”, Alright, what the fuck?
Let's break this down, first she doesn't like you talking to someone, which is understandable since it was pretty rude to be busy with your phone while you're hanging out with someone else. Then she says date, you didn't think it was a date, friendly date possibly but isn't that just a hangout? Lastly, girlfriend, this one actually takes you out of it. Hearing her referring to herself as your girlfriend is not something you ever thought you'll hear. This time, after a year of spiritual journey, you actually don't want to hear her say that.
“Chae?” Seeing that you're not answering she just digs her nails into your arm. “ANSWER ME. Who was it? And don't fucking lie to me”, Her voice echoes throughout the whole room, yet it feels so distant, as if this whole thing is just a dream to you. “That's…. I…. I was talking to my girlfriend”, Chae was about to scream back saying you weren't talking to her enough, then she realised you weren't referring to her. “Your. Girlfriend?” Her face contorted as she spat those words, “I guess I haven't mentioned her yet. Her name is-”, Your words are interrupted by her slap. 
"Girlfriend?" she spat, her voice laced with disbelief that morphed into a chilling possessiveness. "Don't lie to me, babe. You're mine. You've always been.”, Words are stuck on your throat, after years of following her shadow with the hope of getting a whiff of her warmth you managed to get it at the worst possible time. The name ‘babe’ rings like a distant lullaby, those words that you crave from her felt like venom to you now. “Chae when I was there I got close with Minju. We-”, Her hand flies quickly to grab your mouth, silencing your words that's about to break her delusion. “No, that's not right at all babe. I see now, you're confused and tired. Serving there must've been very tiring for you babe. You were just homesick and miss me, yeah let's get you some rest babe”
Chae leaned and kissed your cheek, yet her eyes are challenging you to refute her words. “No, Chae I have-”, The second slap was much more painful than the first one, because this time she put her back on it. “Baby I really think you're just tired, come on let's get you to your bed. You must've missed sleeping on your bed right? I'll accompany you, we can eat lunch later”, Chae grabbed both of your hands, tugging them for you to follow her to the bedroom. “No Chae, she's real. Minju is very lovely you'll like her”, This whole situation was so odd for you that you're also in denial of Chaewon's transformation. 
Chaewon's eyes narrow, trying to pierce through your skull to inspect your mind, then a humourless laugh escapes her mouth. “I see now, you had a rebound girl while you were away. I don't think I appreciate that babe, but for now let's get you to rest. I can punish you after you get some sleep”, The room was silent as if it was waiting in horror to see your next move. “No Chae……. I love her. I love Minju”, Your muscles stiffen, trying to brace for her next slap. Yet it never came, there was only silence.  “Love her?”
Alright, stop denying, you know what's happening right now. “Chae I-”,  You were once again interrupted by her, this time with her lips that aggressively crashed into yours and sealed it shut. This is it, the dream you've always wanted to achieve, a kiss from the girls that has held your heart for years now. Yet the kiss brought a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. On one hand, it ignited a dormant flame within you, a spark of the yearning you'd harboured for Chae for years. The warmth of her lips, the familiar scent of her hair, it all felt like a dream come true, a gift from god for all the good things you've done. On the other hand the sweetness was quickly tainted by the bitter reality. Your heart, now entwined with Minju's, ached with guilt and betrayal. This wasn't supposed to happen. Chae had friend-zoned you, leaving you to move on and build a new life. This sudden shift, this desperate claim of ownership, it sent your mind reeling. 
Is this the Chae you know? The one who has explicitly told you that the two of you can never work? Or was that Chae a fake one? You've never heard those words outside the notes she left you. Perhaps those notes are just her denial of the feelings she actually had for you. Denial that was hidden by the guilt she had for using you all this time? Is this confusion you're having is just a pathetic rationalisation for your own feelings for her? Was Minju truly just a rebound girl? Did you leave your heart here with Chae this whole time and only notice it now that you're back with her?
So many questions yet no answer. You didn't try to think of an answer, after all there's a fight going on within you right now. Your body has been yearning for these moments and responded instinctively. Your heart screaming with protest as it was being torn apart by the guilt you harbour for Minju. Each agonising second felt like an eternity. You wanted to pull away, to break free from this confusing entanglement. Yet with each second passing Chae's grip tightened, her kiss becoming desperate, almost pleading. It was like witnessing a damsel in distress, someone drowning in a sea of their own obsession, and a part of you, the part that once loved her fiercely, wanted to save her.
“Haaaaa”, Finally she broke the kiss, her head pressing against yours, her hand still tightly gripping on to your collar. Her eyes are filled with ecstasy, she's in a trance, for a moment you wonder if this is what you would look like if she kissed you before you left. “You're mine babe, you're mine and mine alone”, A hushed whisper can be heard flowing out of her mouth. The kiss, it was a culmination of all the obsession and longing she has for the last year. Your absence in her life was a hellfire for her loneliness, forging her into this, thing. Day by day her longing got more and more intense until it slowly turned into a need. Now that you're here those feelings only become more intense, like a sword that has finished sharpening and ready to be used.
While she was lost in the vortex of her own emotions you finally connected the dots. Despite her rejection she has explicitly said that she has special feelings for you. A love that was strong in every way but romantically. However it would change once she finally broke free of her chain, of the collar her boyfriend has put on her. Lost, confused, exiled, her only source of hope was you. After all her friend left her the only person she can rely on was you. Yet you were already gone, left to find your own love. Of course, that's why she is still here, living in your apartment with the thought that you two can reconcile after you return. Funny how life works, Chaewon finally has the same feeling you've been ‘hiding’ from her for years just right after you lost those feelings. 
“You know you love me babe. Whoever that Minju girl is, she's irrelevant. We belong together, and I'm so sorry that I hurt you for so long. I promise I'll make it up to you. Just be patient okay babe, after all we have our whole life to be together. Nothing can separate us anymore, I love you”
“I-”, NO! 
Your mind managed to take control of your body before you answered her. “I...” Chaewon smiles thinking you were just too shy to say it back. “Chae, it's too late”, Desperately you tried to bury back those feelings, you can't hurt Minju, and for some reason there's this voice warning you that whatever Chae is feeling right now, it's dangerous. “Baby, you know how much you hurt me by saying that”, Her face formed a disappointed frown as her tone turned sour, her eyes turned glassy as if she was about to burst into tears. “I can't Chae, I'm sorry”, It hurts seeing her like this as well, you never thought you'd make her cry by rejecting her. 
“You don't mean that pup, I can see it in your eyes. You didn't move on and I know it. You have loved me for years already, how can you just let go of all those feelings in just one year”, Her vulnerable tone and pained expression was nothing but a calculated move. Loyalty and charity, those are your two strong suits, and she knows acting hurt and vulnerable would be an easy way to change your mind. “I….. I can't Chae”, She also knows, despite your physical growth, mentally you wouldn't even hurt a fly.
“Why are you lying to me pup? I can feel your body is calling for me”, Her hand slips inside your sweater. As her cold and slender fingers feel up your abs you can't help but feel like the inside of your stomach is twisting. This is all you ever wanted yet it terrifies you. “You've grown pup, I like it”, With inhuman strength she just ripped apart your flimsy sweater. “Chaewon no”, You try to stop her, your mind does,  but your body is much more honest. “Did she do this to you?” Chae pressed her finger towards the hickey you had on your collarbone, “Chae stop this”, You pleaded again, but your words aren't coming through to her. “I'll hide it babe, I'll hide it with my make so you'll forget that whore”, Chae leaned in and bite on your collarbone.
The pain, you're not even sure if it was physical or emotional. Out of all the way that you could have her you never expected that it would be done through, rape. Is this rape? Do you truly hate this? “Who was that?” Your phone buzzed making Chaewon stop her marking session. “I-”, She didn't bother waiting for your answer before rushing through your pocket and finding your phone. The name Minju was written on the screen showing she just texted you something. “Forget about her”, Chae throws away your phone before diving back to your shoulder. 
I don't want this. I don't want this at all.
You pushed her away but it was so weak she barely moved. “Stop doing that”, She mumbles as she continues biting you. “Chae stop this please”, You push her again but this time you managed to put some power into it. She doesn't budge, her teeth still hooked into your flesh refusing to let you go. “Chaewon stop”, Finally raise your voice, she stops biting you yet her body is still pressing you to the wall. “Baby, I need you to stop playing so hard to get okay? I know you want this”, Come on tell her no, tell her she's wrong. “See, you need to stop lying to me”, Her hand caressed your bulge, “I know you more than you know yourself”, She whispered in your ear.
Do I actually want this? Was I overreacting when I call this rape? Chaewon would never do that. She's a kind and loving person. She would never do anything to hurt me. Right?
She fucking gaslight you so easily? “My god, you're so big baby”, You glanced down and realised Chaewon was already kneeling in front of you, your pants already pulled down exposing your cock. “Chae”, She smiles, your tone is much more meek now, she knows she got you by the, well, balls. “It's okay babe, I'll be gentle”, Her slender fingers gently wrapped around your cock as her lips kissed your tip. Your body shivers with the sensation, her gentle touch was enough to make you leak some precum. Chaewon smiles proudly, “I'm flattered babe, you've been missing me too right?” Her tongue sticks out and licks your tip. 
The more she licks the more you leak out. Her hand starts stroking you as she licks your cock like a lollipop, savouring the taste of your precum. Not long after that she kissed your tip again before pushing it into her mouth. “Ohhh fuck”, You moan, her mouth was too small for it and despite her best effort she can only go halfway. Feeling defeated she pulls away before spitting onto your shaft, her hand continues stroking and coats your cock with her saliva. If she can't take all of your length she will be creative. So as her head bobs up and down her hand jerks you off with the lubricant she just applied. Wet sloppy noise echoes throughout the room, accompanied by the sounds of your grunt and moans. 
“Chae, fuck”, Feeling your cock starts to throb she got even more intense. Her hand and head go in sync as she tries to milk you. “Chae, I'm cumming”, Your hips buckled forward forcing Chae to choke on your cock as you unload down her throat. The sensation of your thick and warm cum travelling down her throat gives Chae a sense of victory. Her eyes never leave yours for a second and she watches every single emotion you went through this whole time. She knows, you can't run from her.
“You taste so good babe”, She moaned once she pulled out your cock. Then she just let it rest on top of her small and pale white face, a view so arousing yo8r body starts screaming for round two. “Chae, I-”, It only took five seconds and your guilt already came back, this displeases her. “Come here baby, let's continue this in our bed”, She stood up and grabbed your hand. Now that your mind is clear, the post nut clarity should help you make your decision. Should you run now? Or should you just let yourself fall deeper into this, abyss.
“Come on babe”, Realising you're second guessing yourself, Chaewon grabbed your hand using both of her own while using her cute and innocent face. She hates to do this, she really does, because right now she's using a strategy that her ex used on her. “I……” Yet seeing you falter made her happy, there's always a silver lining in everything. Right now, she won't mind personifying her ex’s attitude if it means she gets to make you stay with her. “Hehehehehe, come on let's do a quick one babe, we can have lunch after this”, With one pull she managed to crumble down your common sense.  So you follow her, right into the dragon's nest. Inside your room you can see it's pretty much the same. The only difference was her makeup and dirty clothes that filled up the room. “I don't want to change too much, after all I want you to go back home to a familiar sight”, She smiles before pushing you to the bed. Chaewon takes off her skirt before jumping on to you. She pushes your erect cock into her stomach, “Look babe, you're gonna split me in half with this monster”
Seeing how quiet you are, Chae just takes off her top before leaning towards you. “Don't be shy babe, I know you've been dreaming for this moment for years now”, Her hand pulls yours into her breast, “Feel it babe”, She whispered in your ear. Overtaken by lust, your hand gently squeezed her tits making her moan, “Yeah baby, just like that. Don't be shy anymore okay? I know you like this as much as I do”, Chae raises her waist and aligns your cock with her wet entrance. “I love you”, And with that she lowers her waist, struggling to take your cock. “Fuck”, You grunted feeling how tight she is, “It hurts so much babe”, She moaned before leaning into your neck. “You're really gonna split me apart”, Her breath has become shaky as she continues pushing more of you into her. 
“Chae”, You whispered, “Yeah baby? Do you like it?” She bites your ear, “Take it slow” Oh no. “Hehehehehe, I'm not fragile you know”, Hearing your submission gave her a new source of energy. Her lips crashed on to yours as both of her hands hugged your head, not letting you move. As she managed to take your full length she didn't bother to rest a little and start moving. “I'll get used to this babe, I promise. We're made for each other, you and I”, She moans while her lower body is screaming in agony, but she couldn't care less. Her mind was already overtaken by lust, all those sleepless nights from missing you has caused her to have so much pent up stress. “Fuck Chae, calm down for a second”, You moaned feeling how aggressive she has become.
“No baby, you have no idea how much I miss you”, Chae presses her head against yours, you can see her eyes are filled with nothing but madness. “Those sleepless nights, all those times I woke up in the middle of the night, dreaming that you'll be there with me on our bed. Now you're back baby, and I will show you, just how much I've been missing you, how much I needed you”, She rode you even faster, making you let out a moan. “Yeah, do you like it baby? Do you like my pussy”, Chae whispered in your ears, “Grab my ass baby, I know you've always liked them”, She said before she started kissing you again.
In for a penny, in for a pound. Your hand reached down to grab her ass cheek. The first thing you noticed was how soft and smooth her skin feels, and as you squeeze them you find yourself enjoying the firmness of it. “Do you like it baby?” Chaewon moaned, “I….. do”, Chae smiled hearing your words. “Well don't be shy, use me however you like babe”, Her words are way too potent for you, “Fuck, Chae I'm about to-” Feeling your cock throbbing inside her Chae closed your mouth with her hand. “No baby, you need to hold it in”, Your eyes give her a protesting glare as Chae continues riding you. “I know it's your first time, baby, but I need you to be strong”, She loves seeing your panicked face thinking that you are having a hard time holding it in, but then you open your mouth. “It's not my first time”, Her waist sits on you as she stops moving, her eyes clearly filled with hatred.
“My baby, my innocent baby boy was corrupted by that WHORE?” Chae wanted to scream at you, to slap you for allowing yourself to get used by some whore. “Haaaaa, that bitch, I won't let her get close to you ever again”, But then she continued moving again, “Chae?” You on the other hand are struggling to hold your ejaculation, god knows what she's gonna do if you fail to follow her commands. “I guess it would be selfish for me if I wanted you to stay virgin. But that's okay right babe? Even if it's not our first time, what matters is that from now on we will only do this with each other”, Chae finds her rhythm back, riding you aggressively. Slowly the feelings turns into torture for you, “Chae I really need to-, Fuck”, Everytime you begged her she would just bite your chest, “You can hold om just a little more right babe? I want to finish with you so wait for me a little more baby”, Chae gives you a cute pouting expression, completely contrasting how her lower body is riding you like an animal. 
“Fuck Chae, please?” You whined again, this time you lost control of your face making it contort into a pathetic pleading expression. “Haaaaa, you look so cute like that”, Of course this whole thing is about the power play with Chae. She loves seeing you struggle and suffer just so you can please her. “Chae please?” you whined, “Call me babe”, Chae feels her orgasm is building up as well. “Babe, let me cum please?” Oh yeah, she's awakening a new kink right now, “Tell me you love me”, She whispered in your ears. “I love you babe”, You can feel Chae start shaking, “Tell me you'll leave that whore for me”, Last change bucko, will your rational mind return? “I will leave her for you babe, I love you”, Guess not.
“Haaaaa, then cum baby, cum inside me. Fill me up with your love please”, Hearing your total submission sends her over the edge. As your cum starts to shoot inside her, Chae kisses you again, desperately biting onto your lips as she's also having her orgasm. Your mind went blank for a moment as it short-circuited. “Haaaaa, haaaaa, haaaaa, welcome back baby, I love you”, Chae kissed your cheeks as the two of you were catching your breath. “Can you, get off me Chae?” She shakes her head, “Call me babe okay? I'm your girlfriend now so I need you to call me your baby from now on”, On top of that she kinda likes having your dick inside her. “Baby, can you get off me?” But of course, being the perfect girlfriend she will do anything to please you.
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You tried to stand up when she got off of you but her hand immediately grabbed onto yours. “Where are you going?” Her voice filled with annoyance and a tiny hint of threat. “I need to wash up”, Her smile came back as she stood up with you, “Then let's have a shower together, I'll clean you babe”, She wrapped her arm around yours and pulled you to the bathroom. Once the two of you finished the shower Chae pulled you back to the bathroom and cuddled up with you. Her head rests on top of your shoulder as her finger is drawing around on your chest.
Now, how do you deal with this situation? Would you pick her over Minju? Or would you come clean to Minju that you just cheated on her. Your mind wanders around to the countless times you spend the night with Minju. Her warmth, her smile, her….. love, do they feel the same as what Chaewon is doing to you? Those memories hit you like a truck, alongside it are the guilt that just tearing you apart. Looking down at Chae, you see her smile at you before moving on to caress your hair. It really does feel like a fever dream, having her like this with you. Maybe it was a sign, Chaewon is just a dream and Minju is the reality? 
Your conflicted expression doesn't escape Chae, she knows that you're having second thoughts again. It pisses her off, but she doesn't want to push you too much, after all her ex tends to use a much more delicate approach when she's being, defiant. “Baby, I feel so tired right now. You really did a number on me you know?” She wrapped her arm around you, caressing your cheek and pulling your head closer to hers so she can kiss the other one. It feels wrong, her touch, this all feels so, artificial. You stay quiet, trying to organise your mind. Chae sighed before she cuddled up closer to you, “Let's get some rest baby. You said you just got off the plane this morning right? Get some sleep baby, I'll order us food for later”, Her leg wrapped around your waist. You of course managed to read between the lines, “You are not leaving here”
“Meow”, Luna? Where did that little shit throughout all this? “Come here Luna”, Chae said, Luna jumps up onto your bed and comfortably snuggles into Chaewon's torso. Huh, that's weird, is this an omen? Chae looks at your bewildered face and starts letting Luna, “I told you I'll make her enjoy my cuddles” And I'll do the same to you, babe.
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antimony-medusa · 4 months
Anyways, prompted by nothing in particular (lies, prompted by a scroll through the tag this morning, that was bracing), I think it might be good to remember the things we like about other people in the community.
For example:
BBH fans are some of the most consistently hilarious posters on this sight. Absolutely fantastic mpreg posting, and the art is incredible with your guy on the whole spectrum from creechur to in drag. He has the range. I hope your guy gets pregnant in canon for you, you deserve it.
Tubblings, you post some of the most interesting meta concepts out of moments I have sometimes been in stream for and entirely missed. You are always watching and always ready to take a throwaway line and go "let's unpack that" and bring something heartbreaking out of it. I love getting out of stream and checking up on what Tubbo is up to and finding a) hilarious clips of the creator being out of pocket, b) some new analysis of a tubbo moment that turns me into the crycat meme.
Wilburians, your ability to take like nine streams and *continue to make content out of it* is inspiring. Your guy may not stream, but by god you are keeping the flame alive and you will be ready when he comes back. Please come back, Wilbur, there are so many men you could flirt with here. Leave New York alone, Wilbur, come back and talk to your daughter.
Mariana fans, not only do you have simply fantastic photos to share of your guy looking like a butch lesbian, those enrich my dash every time, but also I have laughed at jokes in a language I don't speak because your guy is so funny and the clips you are make and share are so good. The "mariana unpacks period products" is sincerely one of the funniest things I've ever seen, thank you so much for sharing it.
Etoiles fans, your art is SO GOOD. Like oh my god the Etoiles art is like 100% a banger EVERY TIME. Which is as it should be, your guy simply is that cool, but oh my god, the art is so good. I don't have more words here I am just flailing at the camera. The art is SO GOOD.
Bagi posters, your cubito is one of the most compelling actors on the server, for real, and you are so generous with translating whole speeches done in languages I don't speak. I sat just transfixed during that whole conversation with Cellbit after they discovered their relationship, because the emotion in the argument was so real, and then I scrolled down and found a whole translation and went oh thank you, now I know what people were saying. I'm sorry Empanada lost a life, but your creator's response to it was one for the record books in terms of emotional reaction, and I have seen some fully incredible animations made of it. You take amazing content and make something even cooler out of it, and I'm always so impressed but what you're up to.
Now you go. Tell me something you appreciate about another sub-community.
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bblovetarot · 6 months
{✧} What makes you beautiful?
ʚ ═══・୨ꕤ୧・═══ ɞ Pick a Pile ʚ ═══・୨ꕤ୧・═══ ɞ 
. ༄paid readings . ༄
。°⚠︎°。follow your intuition when choosing a pile. if you're drawn to more than one pile, that's okay! you may have messages in more than one.
。°⚠︎°。tarot readings are not 100% accurate, and do not dictate your future. please keep in mind that you have free will. these readings are also general and aren't specific to one person, so please take what resonates and leave what doesn't! 
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Pile 1
Pile 1, you exude a captivating allure, often dressing up and turning heads wherever you go. There's a fiery attitude within you that refuses to let people play with you or diminish your presence. Despite this, there seems to be a hint of self-confidence issues, perhaps rooted in past experiences of hurtful words or actions from others. It's crucial to recognize that your beauty, both inside and out, is not determined by the opinions or projections of others. While some may have tried to bring you down in the past, their negativity reflects their own insecurities, not your worth. You are genuinely beautiful, and it's essential to shed the illusion of self-doubt. The journey to self-confidence takes time, but you deserve to see the beauty that others recognize in you. This pile seems to attract secret admirers who are genuinely obsessed with you. Your energy is alluring, drawing people in, though it also means you might encounter energy vampires. Your sensitivity and emotional nature contribute to the beauty of how you love and care for others. While you may be aware that you give to those who don't deserve it, it's crucial to find a balance that preserves your energy for those who truly appreciate you. You have a wild imagination and love daydreaming about your fantasies. This imaginative side of you, however, might have led to heartbreak or situations that made you want to suppress your loving and romantic nature. Embracing this free-spirited and fun-loving aspect of yourself is essential. Your passion, creativity, and the joy you find in the smallest things in life make you truly beautiful. Don't be ashamed of the part of you that loves adventure and new experiences—it's what sets your soul on fire. Embrace your inner child, run off to daydream, and don't dim the unique light that makes you who you are, Pile 1.
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Pile 2
Pile 2, when it comes to love, you're deeply committed and possess an open heart that radiates healing energy to those fortunate enough to receive your love and light. Your strong moral convictions shape your beliefs about love, possibly rooted in ideas of soulmates or twin flames. While others might find it challenging to fully comprehend your spiritual perspective on love, they are intrigued by your unwavering commitment to your beliefs. Your beauty lies in your steadfast dedication to your principles, whether they stem from religion or spirituality. Your outlook on love is a beacon that makes people ponder their own choices, and your expression of these beliefs extends into your daily life, from the way you dress to the content you share. You exude a sense of knowing what you want in life and wear your heart on your sleeve, yet you maintain strong boundaries. Your fiery nature is apparent, making it clear to others that crossing those boundaries comes with consequences. Although you may grapple with indecision at times, possibly struggling to decipher your intuition and occasionally acting impulsively, it's evident that you're working on harnessing self-control and making more considered decisions. Your passion for fun and adventure lights up the worlds of those around you. You are generous, always ready to offer help and advice to others. However, this giving nature can be a double-edged sword, leaving you at risk of overextending yourself. The universe is urging you to take time for yourself, allowing others to nurture you as you do for them. Recognize your own worth and beauty, Pile 2. It may be challenging for you to receive rather than give, but understanding your value is crucial. Taking care of yourself is not a sign of weakness but a necessity for maintaining your well-being. Allow others to be in your corner and nurture you so that you can shine even brighter. You deserve the same care and attention that you so willingly give to others.
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Pile 3
Pile 3, your beauty lies in your incredible resilience and determination, especially in the face of mental health struggles. Despite dealing with challenges, you refuse to let negativity and apathy take control of your life. Your strength is evident in your ability to quickly lift yourself out of low moments and not let your inner critic hinder your progress. You've encountered manipulative energies that sought to hold you back and hinder your opportunities, but you've maintained control and resisted stagnation. This resilience is a superpower, showcasing your ability to combat negative forces that try to confine you. Your refusal to succumb to self-sabotaging behaviors and your dedication to staying in control are truly admirable. It appears you've gone through a challenging healing journey, confronting toxic behaviors and striving to overcome them. While you may have experienced tough times recently, you're learning to be in full control of your life. It's essential to recognize that healing isn't a linear path, especially when dealing with mental health issues. You radiate beauty through your dedication and grounding in your own life, even amid hardships and internal battles. Despite projecting strength externally, you may feel chaotic inside, yet the universe wants you to acknowledge that you truly have things under control. Seeking help when needed is crucial, but your ability to navigate self-sabotaging habits and resist manipulation reveals your strength. You are creative at heart, with an inner child that is patient and curious. The universe encourages you to express yourself through art or any creative activity you enjoy. Whether you write, draw, sing, dance, or engage in any form of creative expression, doing what you love will reveal the beauty of your own mind. Embrace your resilience and perseverance, recognizing that it's not the need for motivation but your enduring spirit that propels you forward in life. You embody true strength, beauty, and a remarkable ability to overcome challenges.
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omegalomania · 1 year
the full apple music interview with zane lowe is out! we got snippets of it when love from the other side dropped, but they finally rolled out the full thing. here are some highlights that stood out to me :)
patrick describes pete's lyrics as what gets him out of bed in the morning. if pete doesn't send him lyrics, he doesn't write a song.
andy and pete used to draw fake snake tattoos on each other using magic markers as kids omg?
so evidently patrick was the one who got covid during hella mega tour. and he hated it and he was miserable and that's when he called neal avron about the new record lmao
patrick says that joe was hesitant at first and he was the one who said that for this record he wanted to make something that they could all savor and spend time on and patrick was immediately on board with that
pete says patrick's job is to interpret him because pete calls his mentality a "little bit off" but patrick is capable of understanding him and translating it
patrick describes his and pete's creative relationship as "twin speak." it's not linear and it's like living in his brain a little bit. he calls it the "weirdest thing i've ever seen" when pete can just Tell that some words that patrick adjusted weren't ones he wrote despite not remembering writing them. patrick says he's gotten better at connective tissue and knowing how pete would say things
pete: back in the day patrick was like, "what's the difference between cry and weep i will KILL YOU. THEY'RE THE SAME THING. I'M GONNA KILL YOU RIGHT NOW."
zane says patrick's vocals are next level for this album. pete agrees that he kills it on this album and said he never would've expected that voice coming from him when they first met. zane says patrick could sing a recipe and it would be good. he then passes patrick a recipe and patrick. sings it???
patrick: i'm not gonna belt it. (starts belting) NINE INCH PIE PLATE ROLLING PIN
patrick says that pete doesn't mean to have rhythm to his words but there's a rhythm to them all the same and patrick can find this syncopation in his words and thinks it's amazing
more talking about patrick and pete's Magical Mystical Transcendent Soul Bond. patrick says "if we were one guy, we'd be an INCREDIBLE DUDE"
patrick and pete say that interviews with all four of them are hard because it's chaos and everyone's talking at once but it all makes perfect sense to them and no one else. zane says that sounds like fun flkjdfd [i agree please do this more it's a joy]
pete says joe really stepped up and wrote a lot for this record!
patrick: "joe is kind of a conundrum because he's this really talented...he's a brilliant writer, a brilliant player, but pete and i became the "team" and it wasn't really a plan, but that's just kind of how it happened. [brief tangent about the hiatus] we come back from the thing and joe is this fully-formed writer with a very distinct - he has one of the most distinctive writing voices. when i hear his parts, when i hear his ideas, i could pick them out of a crowd. like i know the way joe writes, and it's VERY joe." part of the process with post-hiatus was integrating him into the writing process more.
discussing the hiatus and fame and pete says his life kind of "blew up" and took it pretty hard. apparently during production for folie paparazzi actually broke down the gate to neal avron's house
patrick goes on a big tangent about how bad things got during the height of pete's fame. "part of my role is to tell his story. i'm a composer. that's what i like to do. i work on movies, i work on shows, and i work on pete. pete has a story that needs music, and if he's removed from himself, if he's not even able to access himself because he's behind all of this stuff, i don't have a story! so not only did i not have my buddy, which was heartbreaking in its own way, but then i also don't have a purpose as an artist."
patrick says that andy is always ready to play but when you get him happy to play, it's another level
"and trohman, there were these moments where he...he got so excited."
patrick describes writing what a time to be alive as wanting to write the saddest, most desperate song you could hear at a wedding. pete bursts into laughter and calls it "so twisted"
talking about other endeavors outside the band - patrick talks about composing and said joe's been super busy with his book and writing for tv and because there are so many deadlines for stuff like that, it's what hammered home to him that fall out boy needs to not be that. "there's something special about this that can't be...this has to be passionate and art."
discussing how scared patrick was of his own voice while the band took off. patrick was really scared of the song saturday at first because there are some really exposed vocal moments. he describes saturday as a song where everyone in the band lets each other go for it.
zane calls fall out boy the "emo blueprint" and says they were unapologetic in being emotional. patrick immediately says, "that was pete. i don't think we could've done that without him." he and joe were basically kids and patrick was too anxious to talk on stage.
zane says, "i remember interviewing you in the early days and i felt like every time i asked you a question i was bullying you." pete IMMEDIATELY loses his shit.
"in another life where i didn't have a pete...cause saturday, i did write most of that by myself...so there's a world where that song exists without the band. there's no world where i sing it in front of people without pete."
pete says every night before they put out a new song he calls patrick up and gets really scared and wants to back out and patrick talks him down every time
they talk about how scary it was when arm's race released and performing it at the amas. patrick starts laughing rly hard as they get into how there were giant crickets on stage and the crowd was just stone-faced and utterly nonresponsive and their stage manager was utterly panicked
towards the end patrick really loosens up and starts swearing more dlkfjdfd
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reiding-writing · 7 months
erotomania [ s.r ]
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02 - avoidance
Your guilt over bringing Spencer into this ordeal leaves you making a painful decision for the sake of his own wellbeing.
WARNINGS: details of grievous bodily harm, hospitals, mentions of panic attacks, miscommunication for a good cause
pairing: spencer reid x gn!bau!reader
genre: ANGST
wc: 5.6k
main masterlist!!
a/n: lol shoutout to @takethetongue for letting me rant to you for many consecutive hours about my plans for this chapter and stealing multiple of your ideas 🫶
series masterlist!!
01-exhortations, 02-avoidance, 03-revelations, 04-confession
taglist (slashed blogs couldn’t be tagged): @starzqzi @duhduck @liveitdoll @alovesongtheywrote @bumblebea-xo @wolfstar-17 @yoonglestime @summerknights @spencer-reid-obsessed @rebloggiest-reblogger @blackbeautyiloveyouso @quackie15 @haileycannotcometothephonern @wittle-bunny420 @minhosdoormat @takethetongue @flowersfromautumn @holymusicalmothman
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You reach out your right hand to knock as Morgan reaches your side, but as your knuckles come into contact with the wood of the door it creaks open, the hinge pin of the door not fully closed.
Oh no.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Morgan’s eyes shift at the door being ajar, his attitude immediately changing as he realises that your paranoia may actually be founded, and his voice drops an octave as he instinctively brings his hand down to un-holster his pistol from his hip. “I’m going in first, are you with me?”
His voice is barely more than a whisper as he stands with his shoulder to the oak frame of Spencer’s apartment door, and you give him a short nod before you’re readying yourself on the other side with your own gun firmly held in your hands.
Morgan pushes the door open quickly with his hand before entering the main room of the apartment gun first, you following shortly behind him in the same manner.
As you move through the apartment, your eyes dart from corner to corner, searching for any clue that might lead you to Spencer or indicate the presence of the stalker. The silence is deafening, amplifying the weight of your anxiety. Every sound, no matter how small, sends a jolt of adrenaline through your veins.
You approach the kitchen, your grip on the gun tightening. The sight of a shattered coffee mug on the floor makes your heart skip a beat. Could there have been a struggle? Is Spencer hurt? Your mind races with possibilities, each one more terrifying than the last.
Morgan follows soon after, splitting off from you to check the small office space Spencer had fashioned himself out of a spare bedroom, his eyes scanning the room with equal intensity.
You continue your search, moving from room to room, hoping to find any sign of Spencer's whereabouts. Each empty room fuels your worry, and the silence becomes suffocating. Time feels like it's slipping away, and a sense of urgency settles in your chest.
You make your way to Spencer's bedroom last, your footsteps almost soundless on the carpeted floor. The door is slightly ajar, and you push it open slowly, trying to minimise any noise as you enter with your gun raised to your eyes, index finger held against the trigger.
The sight that greets you is both chilling and heartbreaking. The room is in complete disarray, the curtains drawn shut, books scattered across the floor, shelves pulled off their brackets. But what catches your attention is the lump in Spencer’s bed sheets.
You approach it slowly, removing the blanket with your left hand to reveal what was causing the lump underneath it, and the sight almost makes you drop your weapon.
Spencer Reid. Unconscious, bloodied and beaten.
His face was gaunt and littered in dark purple bruises, a red stain on his left temple matting into his hair, and his nose bridge closer to a ‘v’ rather than the straight line it’s supposed to be.
His torso was no better, his wrists red-raw and his shirt ridden up to reveal a large bruise on his left side, a dark maroon in it’s centre fading to a yellow-green up over his ribs. You didn’t even want to imagine what else was hidden under the fabric of his clothes.
Your blood runs cold as the realisation hits you. The gravity of the situation weighs heavily on your shoulders, and a knot forms in your stomach. You can't help but blame yourself for dragging Spencer into this dangerous game.
“Morgan…” Morgan arrives at your side almost before you have the time to call out to him, concerned at how long you’d spent in Spencer’s bedroom.
That concern grows into full blown worry as he catches sight of Spencer. “Oh my God..”
He lowers his gun down to his side as he approaches you slowly, “Oh Jesus, Spencer..”
Morgan’s reaction confirms that you’re not dreaming.
You fall into immediate anxiety as you let your gun drop to the floor, falling to your knees soon after to place two of your fingers on the pulse point of his neck.
He’s still alive…
An unconscious sigh of relief leaves your throat as you feel the fast-beating, shallow pulse under your fingers, although it doesn’t do much to quell the shaking of your fingers or the uneven beating of your heart. “Call an ambulance-“
Morgan snaps out of his shock at your plea, and within seconds he’s holding his phone to his ear whilst on dial to the emergency services.
“Spence? Spencer… Please?…”
You shake his shoulder slightly to try and get him to regain consciousness to no avail, and as his body shifts under your hand you spot a small piece of paper sticking out of his balled up wrist, and you gently remove it to read it for your self as you rub your thumb over Spencer’s forehead.
It’s a torn scrap of lined paper housing only six words. The same six words that had urged you to involve Spencer in this mess in the first place.
These violent delights have violent ends.
You crumple up the piece of paper in your hand as your eyes spring with tears, and you let both of your hands fall onto Spencer’s mattress as your mind sends you into a state of dissociation.
This was your fault.
This was all your fault. You’d gotten too comfortable with Spencer and accidentally lead your stalker right to him.
You were broken from your thoughts when you hear the sound of sirens and see the flashing lights shining in through Spencer’s curtains, and before you know it EMTS come running up to you, with Morgan explaining the situation as they load Spencer onto a stretcher.
You watch as Spencer is rushed out of his apartment with hot tears running down your face, anxiety and guilt overtaking every sense in your body as he’s taken around the corner and out of sight. “Hey, hey, he’s breathing, he’s gonna be okay.”
Morgan tries to soothe you, but his own anxiety is plain on his face and in his eyes.“You need to stay calm, okay? Can you do that?”
“This is all my fault-” You remain on your knees at the side of Spencer’s bed, a trembling hand covering your mouth as your body sends itself into a fit of hyperventilation.
“Hey- hey...” Morgan kneels down at your side and embraces you, rubbing your back as he helps you breathe through this moment. “This isn’t your fault. Okay? This wasn’t your fault.” He repeats in a calm, slow voice.
“No you don’t understand Morgan-” You push your arm against Morgan’s chest as he attempts to coax you out of your impending panic attack. “I- I’m being stalked and I confided in Spencer about it and I lead him here- I- put Spencer in danger because I was paranoid about my own well being and now he’s- he’s-“
Morgan takes a small step back and holds your shoulders. “Wait wait, you’re being stalked?” He looks at you with serious concern in his eyes. You hadn't mentioned that you'd had a stalker to anyone else on the team.
“I didn’t want to tell anyone… I thought I was just being paranoid, but I got scared and Spencer let me spend the night here a few days ago… and- I told him everything and- I lead my stalker right to him…” Your voice cracks as you speak, and you force yourself up to take a seat on Spencer’s bed as you try not to lose your composure any further than you already have.
“Hey-“ Morgan continues to kneel in front of you, putting his hands firmly on your shoulders. “Hey, look at me... look at me, okay? You are not at fault for this. I'm not gonna let you blame yourself for this, you hear me?” His voice held a more commanding tone than he would usually use around you.
“How can I not blame myself for this?” You take a sharp breath in through your nose, wiping the back of your hand over both of your eyes in attempt to rid your cheeks of the dampness of your tears.
"Hey, listen to me." Morgan holds your shoulder firm and he leans in so that you can't break eye contact with him. "This is not on you, and I don't ever ever want to hear you say or think otherwise."
He seemed incredibly sure of himself. Morgan had been a rock for you for a very long time now, and he'd always been right.
He wouldn't fail you now would he?
“we have to tell the rest of the team…” Morgan urges solemnly. "…and they're gonna ask questions... especially about why you didn't go to them before. Are you ready for that?" He was trying to prepare you for the onslaught of questions that were about to be dumped on the two of you in the next hour.
You give him a small nod as you take in a slow, shaky breath, trying to regain a regular breathing pattern. “Mhm…”
“Hey... look at me?” He shakes his hand against your shoulders slightly. “You’re not alone, okay? I’m here with you. The team is with you.”
Morgan looks at you with a small smile. “We’re not gonna let this sonofabitch get away with anything.” He’d already started mentally planning the investigation he was about to launch into finding your stalker.
“What about Spencer? I need to make sure he’s okay…”
“He’s in good hands. He’s going to be fine. We have to focus on tracking down the one responsible for this. Okay?” Morgan’s plea sounds more like an order as he pulls you to your feet, keeping his hands braced on your shoulders in case you were lightheaded from crying.
“Okay-" You muster up a small nod, taking a shaky breath in through your nose.
“C’mon, let’s go tell the team.”
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The team had reacted how you’d expected them to.
They were surprised and bewildered by the situation, especially Prentiss, who just kept saying:
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
Morgan, on the other hand, was already a step ahead of the rest of you and was briefing Hotch on how he would start searching for your stalker, one of the pros of being an expert on obsessional crimes.
“I’m so sorry…”
JJ gave you a reassuring smile, although accompanied the ‘I'm gonna have a serious talk with you about this later’ look.
Hotch then brought attention to you, seeing that you were struggling, your eyes still red and slightly bloodshot. “Okay... We’re gonna put together a profile to track down your stalker... but for now, go home, alright? You need to get some rest.”
He looked to Morgan who gave an affirming nod, agreeing with Hotch's decision. “I need to see Spencer first-“
Hotch turns to Morgan, gesturing for him to join you. “Go with her.”
Morgan has no objection to Hotch’s order, and he quickly makes his way across the room to join you on your way out. You can sense the protective, domineering aura radiating from him as you two walk out of the conference room, ready to take the trip to the hospital where Spencer was being treated.
You take a short stop on the way to get some flowers. It’s a little cliche but you wanted to do something to express your regret over what happened to him, and flowers were the only thing that came to your mind.
You leave Morgan in the car as you step into the quaint flower shop around the corner from your house, greeted by the sweet aroma of blossoms and a kaleidoscope of colours from the arrangements of flowers covering the walls.
“Oh hello sweetheart, it’s been a while since you’ve given us a visit.” The sweet voice of the flower shop’s owner calls your attention, and you give her a soft smile as you walk over to her, giving a short wave to her two children also working behind the counter. “Hi Mrs Fontana, yeah it really has been a while huh? How’s everything holding up?”
You loved the homey vibe of the shop, family-owned businesses always appealed to you for some reason, it made them feel more genuine, rather than a large corporation solely focused on making as much money as possible.
“Everything’s well my dear,” She gives you smile as you walk over. “What can I get for you today?”
“I’m not actually sure yet, I’m looking for something to bring to a friend of mine in the hospital,”
“Hospital? Is everything okay?” Your confession caught the attention of Mrs Fontana’s two children, who joined the two of you in your conversation with shared looks of mild concern.
That was another thing you appreciated about small businesses like this, it meant you could form a friendly relationship with the people who ran it.
“He was pretty badly injured, so I just want to get something to show my sympathy you know?”
Rachel, Mrs Fontana’s daughter gave you a soft nod with a sympathetic look of her own. “Yeah i get you, one of my friends ended up in the hospital a little while back through a car accident so I know how it makes you feel,”
“What happened? if you don’t mind me asking of course, it might help us pick out a proper arrangement for you,” Mrs Fontana’s son Riley piped up next, leaning his hands against the counter.
“He got into an accident, he was rushed off to the hospital a few hours ago and I’m on my way to go and visit him now, joys of being in the FBI I suppose,” You keep the details of the origins of Spencer’s injuries to yourself, not wanting to dump all of your problems on the three, no matter how well you’d become acquainted with each other since you’d started frequenting the shop a few months ago.
“I can imagine-” Rachel reaches over the counter to place a comforting hand on your own.
One furrowed expression of consideration later, you were being led towards the back of the shop to have a look at some of the flowers. “Traditional sympathy bouquets usually contain tulips, carnations, and hydrangea, but there’s no real ‘rules’ for what can and can’t go into them,”
You give a small nod at Riley’s explanation as he pointed towards a few collections of brightly coloured tulips. “Yellow and white are the best colours to go for if you’re looking for a symbolic bouquet, although I know that some people don’t really believe in colour symbolism so it really is up to you,”
You mull over your options for a moment as your eyes flicker across the different collections of possible flowers.
“Or if you’d prefer something more simplistic, roses are always a great option, they can mean so many things depending on the context in which they’re given,” Rachel shrugs lightly as she walks past you and Riley to grab a few clusters of lily of the valley for a separate bouquet that she was putting together.
You end up choosing a mix of purple tulips and roses, Spencer’s favourite colour, and you watch as Riley organises them into a neatly wrapped bouquet. “Thanks Riley,”
You give him a soft smile of appreciation and he returns it with one of his own. “It’s no problem at all,”
You bid the three florists a goodbye as you rejoin Morgan in the car, propping the flowers gently in the backseat.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
You absentmindedly mess with the brown paper wrapping of the bouquet as you enter the hospital, leaving Morgan to speak to one of the receptionists to find where Spencer had been roomed as you focused on keeping yourself from falling into another potential panic attack.
“He’s in room 315, up the hall on your right, although he’s still unconscious.”
Morgan and you make your way to the room, and when you get there the door is slightly open. You can see Spencer lying on a bed with bandages all over his abdomen and one over his nose.
He’s fast asleep.
You sigh softly as you walk into the room, half relieved he’s stable and half guilty that he’s in this position in the first place, and you pull up one of the plastic chairs from the corner of the room to take a seat next to his hospital bed, carefully leaving the flowers on one of the side tables.
Morgan stands back, his eyes flicking over to you as he leans against the wall.
It was a weird thing to think, but... Spencer looked quite peaceful when he was asleep, considering the circumstances of the situation.
You hesitantly take one of Spencer’s hands in in your own, the frigid coldness of his fingers again becoming apparent compared to the warmth of your palm as you cupped his hand between both of yours.
“Can I- have some privacy for a minute? Please?” You give Morgan a half pleading look as you squeeze onto Spencer’s hand slightly, to which Morgan responds with a small nod of reassurance, stepping out of the room and closing the door behind him.
The minute the door clicks shut you feel the tears threaten to spill from your eyes again, and you take a sharp breath in through your nose in a fruitless attempt to combat them.
“I know you can’t hear me right now but I just want you to know that I’m so sorry…” The first tear falls hot against the skin of your cheek, landing against the back of your hand as you lower your head towards the floor. “If I’d’ve just kept it to myself-“
You cut your ramble short as your voice cracks.
“I put you in danger because I was being selfish instead of thinking logically, and I’m so sorry…”
Spencer makes a slight but noticeable movement, his eyes fluttering open slowly as they adjust to the harsh white lighting of the hospital room.
He blinks the sleep out of his eyes and his vision focuses... eventually landing on your tear-streaked face, and he mutters out your name in a mix of drowsed-confusion and concern at the fact you were crying at his bedside.
“What the- hey, you- what’s wrong?”
Of course the first thing Spencer would ask whilst waking up from a grievous assault was if you were okay.
“What’s wrong with me? You’re lying in a hospital bed half beaten…”
You remove one of your hands from his to wipe your cheeks with the back of your hand, trying to regain a fraction of composure instead of breaking down in front of him.
“Hey- Hey no-“
Spencer’s face is filled with concern and worry as he sees you on the verge of a breakdown, and he tries to sit up for a moment, but he grimaces when he feels his wounds. “Hey, it's okay, okay? I’m okay, please…”
“Spencer don’t sit up-“
You get out of your seat to encourage his shoulders back down against the hospital bed as he tries to comfort you despite him being the one that is actually in need of comforting. He begrudgingly obliges to your gentle insistence as he moves to lie down again, although propping himself a little higher up against the angled head of the bed so that he wasn’t completely lying down, and he puts his hand gently on your cheek to wipes away a tear that you’d missed. “Please don’t cry...”
His hands are oddly comforting, like a cold shower on a sunny day. You don’t know why, but something about these small touches that you had with Spencer felt comforting in a way that you couldn’t even begin to fully comprehend.
“Hey, please... I’m okay. You need to be calm, okay? It's okay. I’m okay.”
Was that his go-to line for comforting someone when he himself was clearly hurting? If so, you found yourself rather endeared by the whole thing if not more guilty.
That soft, velvety voice of his saying, “you need to be calm.” was weirdly soothing.
“This is all my fault I’m so sorry-”
Tears freely cascade down your cheeks as you shift to take a seat on the edge of the hospital bed, squeezing one of his hands in between both of your own as you apologise.
Spencer looks at you with concern in his eyes, but he tries his best to reassure you. “Hey, look at me. Please don’t cry. This is not your fault. I promise you that.”
He brings your hand to his chest, gently pressing it over where his heart is as he rubs his thumb over the back of it.
Feeling the gentle strokes of Spencer’s heartbeat under your palm helped a little, but it didn’t stop the guilt from flowing through your mind, overwhelming your senses. “I lead him right to you…”
“Hey... hey look... look at me.” Spencer lifts your chin up and makes eye contact once more. “You don’t know if that’s what happened. Okay? You don’t know.”
Spencer sounds so soothing and genuine, it’s hard to doubt what he’s saying.
As you make eye contact with him you see something in his eyes that you hadn’t seen before. It was small and subtle, but there was something there... a longing of some sort.
“No Spence I do know-“
You wipe the sleeve of your free hand over your cheeks in another attempt at wiping them from the dampness of your tears. “He left a quote from the book, in your hand,”
Spencer pauses, and the corner of his lip tugs into a frown at your revelation. “...what?”
You can see Spencer’s eyes flicker with concern as he takes the information in.
“I never should have brought you into this I’m so sorry Spencer…”
Spencer is surprised how much you’re blaming yourself when he doesn’t think the situation is entirely your fault at all.
“Hey.” Spencer brushes the hair away from your face. “Stop saying sorry.”
For a moment, there's an electric moment between the two of you as Spencer continues to touch your face. His eyes linger over the remnants of tear stains on your cheeks.
“He’s escalated from sending me things to hurting people that I care about…” You lean your cheek into the palm of Spencer’s hand.
“You’re hurt, because of me."
Spencer’s eyes continue to flit over your form as the silence between the two of you hangs heavy in the air.
His chest rises as he takes a deep breath, his hand still lingering on your cheek. He looks down at your face as his hand traces an outline against your cheek and jaw line. “It’s not your fault… I promise. You couldn’t have known.”
“I just- You mean so much to me Spencer, and I-“ You cut yourself off with a deep breath through your nose, trying to calm yourself down enough to word your sentence properly.
“I can’t bare to see you like this… Especially when i’m the reason it happened…”
“Hey no... listen... I’m okay.” Spencer gently caresses your cheek with his thumb.
“I know… I just-“ You let out a soft sigh at the gentle sensation of his thumb on your cheek.
“I’m so sorry…”
Spencer continues to look at you for a moment, his eyes taking in your appearance before locking with yours.
There are flecks of light green throughout his golden brown irises, and you find yourself on the verge of getting lost in the way the colours shift in the overhead lights.
Spencer gives a soft sigh, muttering your name softly under his breath. "It's okay. Stop apologising."
“Sorry-“ You cut yourself short as you instinctually apologise for apologising, pursing your lips together with a nod instead.
“I just wanna put this guy behind bars… Before he hurts anyone else…” Your fear that spencer is still in danger begins to make you feel increasingly regretful about coming to visit him.
This guy had obviously attacked Spencer because he was a ‘threat’ of some kind to the stalker’s objective of forming a romantic relationship with you, and you feared that you continuing to see him would only put him in more danger.
"I know you do..." Spencer’s hand moves from your cheek to caress your hand slightly as he speaks, his voice barely above a whisper. "And we will. We will do everything we can to do that."
Spencer’s eyes flicker downwards in the briefest of glances before locking his gaze on yours again. "Please... please stop blaming yourself."
“I’m sorry…”
“No more sorries,” Spencer’s voice is soft as it caresses your ears. “You did nothing wrong.”
Spencer tugs on your hand gently with his fingers so your eyes flit back to his. “I’m okay,”
His eyes are clear and they are only gazing at yours.
"I just- I love you a lot spencer, I just want you to be safe…" You feel a few more tears rolling down your cheeks as your guilt threatens to make you cry again. “I’m putting you in danger just by being here…”
Spencer lets out a small sigh and tilts his head. "Hey... hey, listen to me."
Spencer caresses the back of your hand with your thumb to get your attention.
"Stop apologising and just... stop beating yourself up, okay? None of this is your fault, okay?"
Spencer's voice is soothing as he speaks to you, and he makes eye contact, caressing your arm gently. "If I had the choice to go back, I would let you stay over all over again."
“No, listen to me. I would not change a single thing. I’m just sorry I couldn’t help you solve this earlier so this didn’t have to happen.” You can see something in Spencer's eyes as he interrupts your attempt to chastise him, a hint of longing as though there’s something he’s trying to keep hidden.
There’s a soft smile on his face as his eyes flicker over your face.
Spencer slowly props himself up on his elbow as he can look at you properly, ignoring your soft plea for him to remain lying down.
Your eyes flit between Spencer’s chest and the buttons of his hospital gown as they shift with his body. It makes your stomach tingle. You can see the steady rise and fall of his chest, and a part of you wants to collapse into his arms and let him tell you that it’s all going to be okay.
“Can I ask you something..?” Spencer’s question is quiet and hesitant, and if your ears weren’t hyper aware of his voice your not sure you would have heard it.
You give him a small nod, eyes flickering away from his chest to look at his eyes once more
"What does... love mean to you right now?"
Spencer’s eyes lock with yours like they did before, although this time there’s a silent insistence in them.
"Because right now, you’ve said that you ‘love’ me, and I don’t know what that means to you."
You blink a few times as you pull away from him a little further, straightening your posture to sit up properly again as your mind computes his question.
You can almost see the thoughts spinning through Spencer's head as he monitors your expression. His eyes still flicker between yours, and you can hear the heavy breathing of his chest as he stares at you.
The longer you sit there staring at each other, the more you start to realise how close Spencer's face is to yours. Even his breath is so close to yours that it's making your heart rate rise to the point where you can feel it in your throat.
"I- You’re one of my closest friends Spencer…" You instinctively dry swallow as if it was going to help you get out of the conversation "I don’t want to lose you- I can’t risk that, not after everything we’ve been through,"
Your words seem to have triggered something in Spencer's mind, as his eyes quickly fix on yours, your name falling from his lips as he shifts himself to sit up further.
Spencer leans in towards you slightly, his lips slightly parted. "I can tell that whatever 'love' is to you... it's not the way that friends love each other. It's different. And I think... I think I'm starting to understand why." The words seem to fall out of Spencer's lips like they're burning to be let free.
"I... love you."
Spencer blurts out the words with genuine emotion, his eyes filled with warmth and compassion, his eyebrows furrowed together.
"I love you, and... and the feeling I get when I'm around you... it's different than anything else I've ever felt, and-" Spencer cuts himself off before saying anything else, his voice breaking towards the end as if he's trying to hold back tears.
His words cause your heart to drop in your chest. But not the type feeling you’d get after your anxiety lifts after solving a case. Not the type of feeling you’d get after the man who you’d been subconsciously pining after for years has just confessed his love for you.
It was that feeling you get when you expected something bad to happen and it turned out even worse than you could have possibly imagined.
Your simple utterance of his name seems to cause Spencer to lose any restraint he had left.
“I'm so goddamn in love with you…" he whispers so softly you can barely hear it.
Spencer's eyes are locked with yours, a deep passion in his eyes that he doesn’t think you’ve ever seen from him ever before.
"I-" Your mind seems to short circuit as he doubles down on his confession, and you feel as though you’re going to throw up from the pit you’re feeling in your stomach.
"I can’t do this- I’m sorry-"
You shake your head as you stand up from where you were sat on the edge of Spencer’s hospital bed, a sudden wave of lightheadedness washing over you as you do.
"Please don't do that." Spencer’s voice is gentle as he tries to reach out his hand towards you. "Don't just... hide from this because you're scared, okay?"
Spencer pauses for a moment before speaking again, his voice a bit of a murmur. "You... you love me too, don't you?"
The words are quiet and uncertain as he seems to question himself, his eyes never wavering from yours.
"I’m sorry Spencer-" You subconsciously retreat from his outstretched hand, pulling on your sleeves with your own. “I should go-”
"Wait-" Spencer’s voice is filled with emotion, his beautiful hazel eyes silently begging you not to leave as they glass over with tears.
"Please... Can I please have a moment to just..." Spencer pauses for a moment, searching for the words he wants to say.
"I don't want to let you walk out of this room so you can pretend you don't feel the same way that I do." Spencer takes a breath and tries to calm himself. "Please... please just stay... let’s talk about this…"
"Get some rest Spencer…" Your voice wavers as you walk away from the bed to leave the room.
“No, wait, don't-”
Spencer's voice trails off to a murmur as you close the door behind you, leaving him alone in the hospital room.
Spencer drops back against the bed, and as he spots the bouquet left on the side table the tears that had welled in his eyes finally trickle down his cheeks.
Was he making a mistake...?
No, what is he thinking?
You just need time to process everything... that's all.
Spencer sighs and closes his eyes, trying to keep his mind off of the fact that the love of his life had just walked out the door.
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reminiscingtonight · 7 months
What She Doesn't Know Won't Hurt
Lia Wälti x Reader
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: Fully inspired by all of the team pics with Myles
[WOSO Masterlist]
She’s gone. 
Despite nearly spending all your time joined at the hip, Lia’s not here. 
While normally heartbreaking and unbearable, today it’s exactly what you were hoping for. 
“Make sure to be quiet.”
The sound of something instantly crashing to the ground has you shooting a withering glare at the younger girl by your side. 
“What did I just say?” you sigh, knowing very well you’re going to have to clean up whatever just spilt later.
Alessia gives you a sheepish smile. “Sorry, hazard that comes from having long limbs.”
You ignore the dig at your height. “Do you want to see the surprise or not?”
She perks up at that, quickly scrambling to keep up with your pace. 
When you push open the door to the guest room, there’s a quiet whine before a sharp nose pokes out. 
You’re instantly plowed over by a brown blur, wet tongue dragging all over your face. Laughing, you have to fight to get back to a seated position, fingers digging through short fur. 
Next to you Alessia’s staring, barely able to hide her excitement at the sight of your new puppy. “Oh my god, he’s gorgeous,” she gasps. 
“You want to pet him? Bear doesn’t bite.”
Alessia reaches out without hesitation. Bear takes one look at the striker before his mouth closes around her fingers, lightly nipping at her digits. 
“Much,” you grin as Alessia yelps in surprise. 
She shoots your dog a dirty look as he sits down next to you with a proud look. “Aw, don’t be mad, Lessi. He’s just a baby.”
Whatever Alessia’s going to say is interrupted when he tilts his head at her, beady eyes trained on her face. You can practically hear her gulp, the blonde stiffening in front of you. 
Scooching forward, he gives Alessia an exploratory sniff. 
Whatever Bear finds next must satisfy him because suddenly he’s rolling over, offering up his stomach for some scratches. 
Alessia hesitantly reaches forward, smile breaking out on her face when he wiggles around in excitement at first contact.
For the next hour or so the two of you give Bear all the cuddles and love he could want. He’s all tuckered out, curled up in his dog bed with a new toy when Alessia finally gets up to grab her jacket, ready to leave for the day. 
“Remember, we have to keep this a secret.”
Alessia’s just slipped on her shoes when you remind her of the promise you made her make before taking her to your place after practice today. Lia had gone out with Leah for some light shopping, giving you all the time you needed to sneak Alessia in to see the new addition to your family. 
Something you and Lia agreed on when you first adopted Bear was keeping him a secret for the time-being. Of course there was no worry of the girls treating him poorly, all of your teammates being such dog-lovers, but what worried you guys was the possibility of not having another moment of peace and time alone once they all found out about him. 
So for the past two weeks both of you keep quiet about Bear. What the girls don’t know about won’t hurt them. 
But then there was Alessia. Ever since her move from Manchester she’s just seemed a little off, a little sad. She’s been spending a lot of time with Steph and Calvin to keep her spirits up, so when you adopted Bear it was a no-brainer who your first guest would be. 
So yes, maybe you lied through your teeth when you promised your girlfriend to wait a month before introducing anyone to him. But a month was a long time and you were just dying to confide in someone about your new son.
Alessia nods, pinky hooking around yours. “Just between you and me.”
It is decidedly not kept just between you and her.
Alessia’s got an apologetic look on her face when you run into her and a very gleeful Victoria after practice the next day. The way they’re standing by your spot in the nearly empty locker room makes you think they’ve been waiting for you to finish up.
You eye the two of them with suspicion. “Lessi. Vic. What can I do for you?”
Alessia does a quick scan of the room before deciding it’s empty enough to have this conversation. She leans in close to you, lowering her voice.
“I know you said it was just between us,” she starts, hands nervously wringing together.
“Alessia,” you groan, knowing exactly what she’s going to tell you before she does.
“The Dutch can be very convincing!” Alessia looks absolutely terrified. Of you or Victoria, you’re not really sure.
“I can be very convincing,” Victoria echos, not looking ashamed in the slightest. She gives you a wide grin before hooking an arm through yours. “Now what’s this I hear about a new addition to your family?”
You thank the stars that Lia’s gone to get her nails done with some of the other girls. 
You sigh. “Do you want to go in my car or yours?”
You’re not quite sure how you got here. Here being your living room, surrounded by most of the younger players on the team, superseded only by the likes of Kim, Cloé, and Jen. 
Alessia and Kyra are engaging Bear in a game of tug-o-war, Victoria egging them on while the rest of you, the older players and Lotte, are chilling with a couple of drinks. The air is light as you quietly joke around, basking in the feel of a small team get-together. 
You don’t really remember why Lia couldn’t be home today, but you ran with it, quickly inviting Alessia over. Only inviting Alessia apparently meant inviting Victoria which meant inviting Kyra which meant… well you get the point. Suddenly you were housing seven football players when you initially only intended for one. The only upside was that the girls all brought over food and drinks so who were you to turn them away?
You’re so caught up in conversations and laughs that you don’t hear the sound of the key turning in the lock. Nor the opening of said door. Or the confused murmur at all of the shoes by the door. 
What you do hear is your full name coming out of a voice you’ve come to associate with love and warmth. Only the sound of her voice tonight is followed by your heart sinking to the bottom of your gut. 
Spinning around you come face to face with an unamused Lia, arms crossed as she looks on at the sight of the living room. Alessia instantly lets go of the rope, sending Kyra flying when Bear pulls with all of his might. The Australian grumbles out some swear words as Bear sits up proudly, toy hanging loosely in his jaws. He trots over to Lia, tail thumping in excitement at the sight of her. 
“Lia, babe, it’s not what it looks like.”
Your girlfriend raises an eyebrow at you. “It looks like you invited people over to see Bear when we agreed not to.”
“Okay. It's exactly what it looks like.” There’s no point in denying what you both know is true. But that doesn’t mean you don’t try to deflect. “But it’s all Lessi’s fault!”
Alessia lets out a cry of dismay. “Is not! You’re the one who invited me over!”
“I wasn’t the one who invited everyone else now was I?”
The striker looks ready to argue, but whatever she’s going to say is interrupted when another familiar but unexpected figure comes flying in behind Lia. 
“I’m ready to see my favorite little pookie bea--” Leah breaks off when she sees the crowd of women already in your living room. Her feet come to a skidding stop, eyes darting between you and your girlfriend. 
“Oh hey, (Y/N). I didn’t realize you were going to be here…” Her eyes sweep the room. “Or half the team either.”
“Right.” Your lip pinches into a line, a sinking suspicion that you’re being played by your girlfriend. “And what pray tell are you doing here, Leah?” Though the question is directed towards your vice captain, your eyes never leave your girlfriend’s. 
Leah’s eyes also dart towards Lia, the defender not quite sure what to say or do. 
Your girlfriend on the other hand has suddenly found your dog very interesting, hands planted firmly in his fur as she avoids all eye-contact. 
“You’re such a hypocrite!” you laugh, pulling your girlfriend into your arms. Leave it up to Lia to try to sneak people in to see Bear just like you have been. Between you sneaking girls in when Lia’s gone and Lia sneaking in others while you’ve been out, there’s no telling how many Arsenal girls have already been by to see him. 
It isn’t until nearly thirty minutes later, when you and Lia have already laughed off your apparent inability to keep Bear to yourselves that Leah breaks the peace. 
“So I shouldn’t tell Beth to come over?” Leah whispers to the Swiss girl, albeit a bit too loudly. 
An offended sounding gasp escapes your lips, tilting your head to meet Lia’s embarrassed gaze. 
“You told me you only told Leah!”
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