#fun fact i wrote this like 6 months ago i just kept forgetting to post it
bisexualbuckleyy · 2 years
why theo’s actions in season 6 make the most sense if he’s in love with liam: a theo raeken meta
so this is my explanation for why i strongly believe that theo is in love with liam for at least the entirety of 6B, if not longer, and why his character arc makes the most sense if that is the case.
so obviously, throughout season 5, theo did not care about anyone from the mccall pack. he pretended to so that he could manipulate them, but he didn’t genuinely care about any of them. when tara drags him into hell, they all stand by and watch, so they don’t exactly part on great terms. when liam brings theo back in 6A, he’s very clearly been changed by his experiences in the skinwalker prison, and acts very differently than he had previously. he initially reacts with violence, but pretty quickly stops and even lets malia beat him up, showing that he feels some remorse for his actions, or at least feels that he still deserves to be punished for them.
theo’s actions right after he comes back are motivated solely out of a desire to stay alive, they only brought him back because they thought he could help, so he assumes that as soon as he couldn’t help they would just send him back, which is why he makes them break the sword. and after that, he doesn’t want to go back on his word and risk them just killing him anyways, so he helps them. however, this is when his actions begin to go beyond purely self serving.
the reason why he initially sticks with liam is because there’s literally no one else there, so it’s purely for the sake of survival. he even says “i’m on your side as long as it helps me” and straight up says that he would abandon liam to be taken/killed if it meant saving himself. however, he fairly quickly does the exact opposite, even after liam says that he would use theo as bait. theo fights the ghost riders alongside liam, and then makes sure that liam is out of harms way and risks his own life to protect him, “being the bait,” as he tells liam. you could argue that this is because theo thought liam had a better chance at saving the others, but their plan from the start was just to distract the ghost riders, so it would make more sense for it to be him trying to protect liam.
so the question is, why does he care? liam hasn’t demonstrated much of an interest in protecting him aside from saying that theo was his responsibility, even admitting that he wouldn’t protect theo or try to save him, and theo didn’t show much of an interest in protecting anyone else, but theo throws himself in the line of fire pretty quickly to protect liam. he even specifically says “i did all of this to keep you from being taken” when liam tells him about his plan to go into the wild hunt, flat out admitting that his actions were motivated solely by a desire to protect liam. if it was a platonic motivation or some sense of guilt, it would have made much more sense for him to be trying to protect scott or stiles, who he’d more directly hurt in season 5, but instead he’s focused on liam. therefore, it makes more sense for it to be romantically motivated, even if theo doesn’t fully understand his feelings at that point.
in 6B, his feelings become even more evident. logically, there wasn’t really a reason for theo to stay in beacon hills. he had a car, he could have skipped town and gone far away from everyone else, but he didn’t. the question is, why did he stay? you might say that it was because of scott, that he was angling for forgiveness or a pack, but he never really expresses any interest in forgiveness or becoming a part of the pack. and more importantly, he spends at least 80% of his screen time in 6B with liam. from the moment liam brings theo back from hell, theo pretty much attaches himself to liam, and almost every single significant scene theo has in season 6 is with liam. he has more scenes with liam than with any other character, and he seems to have a particular fixation on helping/protecting liam in 6B.
so why is that the case? if he was doing any of this for scott, it would have been much more evident, but he doesn’t seem to care much about getting scott’s forgiveness or becoming part of the pack. he also doesn’t show this level of dedication to any of the other pack members, at least until the end. if theo was doing any of this out of a sense of guilt or to seek forgiveness/redemption, he would have focused on scott or even malia, but likely not liam. therefore, this particular fixation on liam makes the most sense if theo had started developing feelings for liam after liam saved him from the skinwalker prison and broke the sword, and fell in love with him sometime before/during 6B. theo is a self-admitted survivalist, and him constantly risking his life and safety just to protect liam makes significantly more sense if there were romantic feelings involved.
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b3nnyrabb1t · 3 months
So there's this person on here @funnyshapedpuddles who did a "reblog with two or more fun facts about you and I'll give you a Sanders sides character" thing and I got Remus (understandably so) but I so. So. So badly want a thorough review from MORE fanders because suddenly I want a popular vote decision here.
Fun facts about me are as follows (I'll start with the two I used for that person's post)
1. I spent around a year fixated on Jeffrey Dahmer in increments of 4ish months and 7-8ish months over the span of two years
2. I spent an entire total of over 24 hours tallying up how many new "Say No To This" bowigi videos I saw on tiktok when that was trending. I kept track by saving them all to a collection that has since been transformed into just bowigi stuff in general with most of the "say no to this" videos deleted (I kept the ones I liked most)
3. During that time period of my fixation on Jeffrey Dahmer I wrote not one, but two essays about him. Because I felt like it.
4 I named myself after a character from a Canadian show that aired on Disney in 2011-2012 called My Babysitter's A Vampire that also has a movie as the prequel (but I believe the movie did come out first so I think technically the show is a sequel/spin-off of the movie but wtv)
5 The last two summers (this one current and last year) I live(d) in a camper a few hundred feet from my house because I hate my grandfather and love being able to be independent while also having a stable fallback (like if it's too cold some night and I can just go into the house and sleep, or if I run out of my groceries in here)
6 I am a Scorpio.
7 The things I do most in the day are scroll Tumblr, scroll TikTok, and write porn with my best friend on Snapchat.
8 I dislike every pop tart except the cinnamon ones.
9 I own the Dan and Phil and Cats calendar and I cross off every day on it so I do not forget what day it is. It is the only calendar I have ever ACTUALLY used despite owning SEVERAL calendars that I picked out myself before. I have only ever actually used one. And it's Dan and Phil.
10 I spent somewhere between 45-55 dollars only on pink men's dress clothes then promptly actually cried when I put on an all-pink outfit and realized I did not have pink shoelaces, only purple. Even my socks had pink. My shoes did not.
11 pink is my favorite color as of literally the day I bought the dress clothes, which was 5 days ago as I write this (June 16th).
12 I saw a video on TikTok about a guy named Nik (judyhoppslovr69) being dead and promptly sobbed for two hours. It has been three days and he has revealed he is still alive. I cried seeing the video of him alive.
13 I dislike ever flavor of Gatorade except orange and lemon lime.
Thank you everyone for your cooperation.
Edit: please reblog for more traction and more votes. Thank youuu
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anacecherry · 2 years
Ace Lore
Everyone in my friend cycle is posting their lore and Louie gave me the idea to make my own as well so here we go. Kept switching between 3rd person and 1st person because I felt like using both so the phrasing may seem weird
This isn't in any order I wrote them down as they came to my mind
Named Ace because of Among Us
Had a Danganronpa phase in 2020
Was a mod in dr-transparents
Also had a dr edit blog have fun trying to find that one
Used to be homophobic but one day during breakfast I asked my mom if being gay was a sin and she just thought for a second and said no so I stopped being homophobic
Dad in jail (out in march 9 😎)
Watched the entire mcu once
Goes to one of the greatest schools around the area and its shit
Watches how to learn Turkish videos despite being turkish
Has been pirating movies ever since I started using computers because I didn't know you had to pay for it until 3 years ago
Has an """uncle""" and """aunt""" thats younger than me (the aunt is a toddler)
First experience with the sonic franchise was that flash fangame based on sonic advance 2 and I thought Knuckles was a girl
Has an evil twin named Allo, who likes reddit and men
Knows every single frame of animation in Rise of the TMNT
funneylizzie follows me. I forget about that a lot.
The only person that never misread Penosh's og url
.w batman
Will :handshake: me
The CEO of Rise Casey Jones (Cassandra)
The mere sight of Cjj is enough to fill me with rage
Got kicked out of a toh youtubers server bc I tried to explain the owner that the potion coven was, in fact, a real coven and not just a track that they only teach at Hexide
Once woke up and saw a short weird girl with long black hair watching me from the side of my bed, she disappeared after I closed and opened my eyes again. No it wasn't sleep paralysis.
Has a sunflower seed addiction
I was Penosh's first follower I think that should be here
The 6 kittens we took care of after their mom died, most didn't last 2 months alive, the 5th one ran away like an idiot and the 6th lives with our neighbors and hates us
Most likely had a crush on my middle school best friend
Says "Lan" a lot in real life my friends think it's funny
Grew up near the sea so Im immune to the smell of fish
Remembers her first earthquake in 3rd person
When I clear out likes it takes a long time and I end up rebloging a lot of posts, and it might happen again & will be real big this time so be prepared
The Ralsei icon is traced from the og sprite from Deltarune and I will never ever change it it is a part of my identity now
Url used to be tsundere-blue-cherry before I changed it
The first time I remember throwing up might be one of my core memories. did you know you cant talk when you're just about to vomit
Has headaches forever ever since elementary school
Had a budgie named Şans that flew away because mom kept forcing us to keep the windows open
When I was ~6 I a dream where a Caillou toy that I had came to life and I got so scared that I tore it apart and ran. When I woke up I checked the drawer I put the toy parts in and he was still there and greeted me I screamed and slammed it shut and never looked at that drawer again
Ayıcık the teddy bear
Had 2 imaginary friends and one of them was a mirror
Diagnosed as American
I have cherry in my url but cannot eat cherries bc when eating cherries I realized it had worms in it and it happened twice and I have not been able to eat cherries without drowning in anxiety ever again
My youngest sister called my middle sister Dede despite her name not having those letters in it and the word dede meaning grandpa in our language. We started calling her that as well
Had a dream, before the sonic 2 trailer came out, where the trailer released and it was normal except Boom Knuckles was there as a separate character from normal Knuckles and had his model from the show
Made up number lore when I was younger
Uses light mode
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hobiwonder · 6 years
Fifty Shades of Jimin | (m)
Pairing: Jimin x Reader 
Genre: Smut, some plot if you squint??. Noona!reader. Sub!Jimin
Warnings: Dry sex, dry humping. Dirty talk. Just some good old foreplay. Noona kink. 
Words: 6.5k
Summary: Remember when jimin once said he couldn't rec the books he read because they were a little... yeah. 
A/N: this is also from my old blog but i deleted it from there too bc i hated it jkbdeifuwbfl. one of the first smuts I ever wrote and im so sorry for posting so much jimin lately lmao. but like he’s so easy for me to write. I edited this a little bit to make it less horrendous since I wrote it over a year and half ago oops. hope you guys enjoy. feedback appreciated my loves.
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Today you decided to finally go to the dorms to teach English to V, Jimin and Jungkook as you had all planned. But seeing as the boys were always so busy, your plans kept getting interrupted and they had to leave for their Promo in Japan for their Japanese album and MV of Blood, Sweat and Tears. You saw them at least once a month in the past 6 or so months since your aunt was the senior stylist for BigHit and you liked to tag along to her work. Nonetheless, you and the younger ones, despite you being 2 years older than Jimin, had still decided to spend some time together outside of work related events to have a fun session of English. You had become quite close with the BigHit family over these months and you loved seeing the boys. It all started when your aunt decided to take you to work with her to the dress rehearsals for MAMA in 2016.
You having just returned from overseas after completing your degree, knew minimal details about the entertainment and idol culture in Korea. Having grown up surrounded by Kanye West and Britany Spears, you always thought that the Korean pop scene was way too manufactured and lacked authenticity. You didn’t quite understand how hard could it be being an idol. You just had to look good, sound moderately respectable and dye your hair every other month, right? Didn’t sound too challenging, given that you have those idol looks. It always seemed to come down to looks it seemed. Thus, you never paid much attention to your Aunt’s job or recognized your mother’s efforts to send you back to Korea to maybe tie the knot with a rich idol – Typical mother wanting to set you up for life.
However, when you did decide to finally go abroad and take a break from your normal life, your aunt had convinced you somehow to make a trip to Korea. After being in the country for just 2 weeks, you had quickly found out how busy she was with continuous shopping trips to plan outfits for the idol group she worked with, in advance. It was then that you had found out that she worked for BigHit and was a senior stylist and makeup artist for the famous boy group, BTS. You had heard a fair bit about them from your Korean friends and even some American friends who raved about their looks and voices, but mostly looks, which further pulled you away from having any genuine interest. Though, being too focused on your studies and just the normal party scene, you didn’t deem it too important to pay attention or inquire from your aunt if she knew, let alone worked for the famous boys that everyone seemed to swoon over. After not being able to spend a decent day together even when living with her for a good 2 weeks, it was then that your aunt decided to take you to work with her so you can meet the famous Bulletproof boys that your aunt also seemed to fangirl over.
When you had arrived at the BigHit building, you were instantly met by curious, yet warm stares. No doubt wondering who the foreigner was. Your aunt was quick to introduce you to everyone and soon enough, everyone on the team had welcomed you with open arms, taking extra care of you as a guest of your aunt. Every room had been bustling with people running around, calling out each other’s names to make sure each one had done their part and were ready for fittings. The boys had arrived shortly after, greeting everyone with bows and smiles. The first thing that you noticed was how beautiful they all were. Of course, you were expecting them to be quite eye catching but never did you think they would be this handsome. The first one to notice a new face was V, whose real name you later learned to be Taehyung. He had come up to you and smiled his charismatic boxy smile and waved while greeting you in Korean, which you returned. His smile was seriously contagious. After that, you greeted the rest of the boys, each one of them making your jaw almost drop at how their skin glowed. Though, you had only greeted 6 boys. You had been told there were 7 members? You shrugged and chatted with the ones that were present. You could mostly understand Korean and speak some passable Korean but you still preferred to reply to your aunt in English, being the most comfortable with it. So when you had begun chatting with them, it was no problem connecting with them all as you could understand them and they could understand your English fairly well,  helping you when you did reply in Korean.
Every once in a while, you would forget to pay attention to what they were saying, getting distracted by their sharp features and handsome faces. It was then when your aunt called for you from the room adjacent to where you all sat, you excused yourself and went to see what she was after, finally, meeting the last member known as Jimin. You remember being completely entranced by a head of cool blonde hair, a face chiselled to perfection and lips plumper than yours and as red as strawberries. Your first thought had been about how they would taste and the thought had been interrupted when the boy that all those features belong to had noticed you standing in the doorway and smiled hesitantly, not being completely sure about how to react seeing an unfamiliar face. Your aunt in turn also noticed the stiffness in the boy’s body as she was tightening the collar of his shirt and looked up to ask you to fetch a piece of garment for her. You mutely followed her instructions. when you finally came back to face the boy again, your aunt, at last, decided to introduce you two. Jimin had smiled in understanding that you were there with your aunt and had given you a cute smile that reached his eyes, almost completely closing them. when you smiled back and extended your hand to shake his, he had shyly looked at it and shook yours while the mysterious little smile still played on his lips. Once again, you were entranced by his good looks and immediately face palmed internally at your earlier first thought of making out with him when he was shy as fuck with just even shaking your hand. After Jimin’s fitting had finished, he had joined the rest of the group. One by one, all of them had their fittings done while you hung out with them, surprisingly having the best time, and enjoying their company more than you expected to.
You had a completely different scenario in mind. You had imagined them to be stuck up, being too busy with keeping up their idol image even behind the scenes and barely engaging with the team. All of them had proven you wrong, talking to almost everyone at the company, being cooperative and even welcoming you, a practical stranger and making you feel at ease. All of them were insanely handsome, down to earth and funny as hell. Throughout the day you found yourself doubling over with laughter multiple times watching the boys interact with each other. Especially the eldest, Jin, had been the biggest player in providing the laughs while the others had teased him and each other about various things. However, you noticed that even the youngest, Jungkook had warmed up to you despite having the reputation of being ‘scared’ of girls and seemed quite comfortable around you. Perhaps maybe it was because you were older than him. No matter, Jimin, the boy with lips made to sin, was still shy, never directly meeting your gaze or making direct conversation. Always settling with just chiming in when other members talked to you first. Whatever it was, you found it insanely cute that he was this shy even though you should be the one who gets flustered in this scenario seeing how his beauty surpassed yours by a million. It also made you feel quite guilty when your thoughts turned x-rated every once in a while when you caught his shy gaze. He looked too cute and innocuous for his own good. Too pure.
That was, however, to be expected. Having grown up in overseas, there was no such thing as shame and you weren’t exactly the virgin Mary either. The culture in Korea was entirely different and you were certain that Jimin, and the rest of the boys, were not raised in an environment as sexually open and liberated as yours. In fact, you were certain that Jimin was inexperienced, if not a virgin. Keeping that fact in mind, you noticed that you chastised yourself quite often over the coming months.
It was like you couldn’t keep it in your pants. You noticed that all the boys acted cuter than sexy and that seemed to be the case for pretty much any idol. Sure, there were sexy ‘concepts’ but that is pretty much all. The Korean audience always preferred cuteness over sexiness. A lot of it also having to do with how too much sexiness being disapproved and looked down upon by the older generation and you could respect that. However, it was hard not to let your mind wander to the gutter when you saw them perform for the first time. It had taken your breath away to see a completely different side of the boys come out when they were on stage. Once again, you were charmed. Perhaps, the biggest change in aura was a tie between Hoseok and Jimin. Both having a bright, bubbly and sweet personality off stage and being the complete opposite on stage with their sharp moves, fearless expressions and languid body movements. J-Hope appeared to be more fearless with sharp movements whereas Jimin’s dancing had you spellbound and wondering how a human body can move so effortlessly and gracefully, exuding a cool sexiness while simultaneously maintaining his undeniable innocent character that he portrayed to his audience.
These weeks turned into months of keeping in contact with them all through your aunt’s job and you got closer. Your friendship with the hyung line had developed more so than with the younger ones. This was mostly due to your personality being more on the serious side. Though that’s not to say that you didn’t immensely enjoy Jin’s ridiculous dad jokes and even encouraged him on more than one occasion. Talking to Namjoon in English also had a big part in it and seeing as Hoseok’s English was good enough to converse with him as well as Yoongi so you tended to gravitate towards the elders more than the young ones. But this didn’t stop the shouts of ‘Noona’ from the younger boys whenever they wanted to show you something they found to be cool or when Jungkook was simply being the little brat he was. Before you knew it, Producer Bang had asked you to teach the boys some basic conversing English, given that you had graduated college, so the pressure is somewhat lifted from Namjoon’s shoulders. You had happily agreed to it as an informal arrangement because you had started a fulltime Job.
And finally, here you were, finally at the dorms. You furrowed your eyebrows at the unusual silence in the house.
“Jungkook?” You call out, taking off your shoes and placing them on the shoe rack. After hearing silence, you figured that since you were still in the hallway, they just didn’t hear you. Walking further in to the living room, inspecting your surroundings, which had no signs of any of the boys being home as the TV was off and the game console that is usually always on standby, was also off. Sighing, you knew that the older boys were going to be out but having a suspicion that the younger ones weren’t home either.
“Taehyung? Are you guys in your rooms?” You call out as you walk towards the kitchen and to their bedrooms, knocking. After no response, you open the door and as predicted, there was no one in sight.
“Should have known.” you click your tongue, pursing your lips in annoyance because this wasn’t the first time they had done this. Suddenly, you hear a noise coming from further away. Your head snaps up, looking towards the direction of the noise.
So someone was home. Walking out of the room slowly and silently, hoping to figure out what and where it was coming from, soon enough, you hear it again. However, it was noticeably a moan, though you couldn’t figure out whether the person was in pain or not. You notice the noise coming from Jimin’s room and your heart starts racing thinking someone had broken in but that was impossible – they had 24hr security so you calm yourself down.
Walking forward towards the room, your anger returns, waiting to be taken out on whichever one of the boys was in the room. You drove 20 minutes just for these brats to not even be at home? Just as you were about to knock on the door, the undeniable sound of a moan stops you in your tracks. And not just anyone’s; Jimin’s moan? The one that seemed to be the cutest, shyest of the bunch according to you. The sound was utterly scandalous and shocking while your mouth going a bit dry, thinking about what was happening.
It was pretty clear now, at what was going on behind the door. This house was always full of boys. You couldn’t exactly blame them if one of them decided to take advantage of the privacy. You contemplate if you should just leave, or confront Jimin about the plans you guys had made. Give him a peace of your mind and ask him why didn’t he stop the other boys from making other plans when they knew you were coming over.
You being the hothead you were, decide to go with the later. Knocking on the door twice, calling his name more clearly now. “Jimin? Can I come in?”
You hear shuffling on the other end and a stuttered response from Jimin telling you to wait a minute. When he finally opens the door, you are met with a swollen lipped and sweat flushed Jimin. His pupils are visibly dilated; his hair is a mess as if he had run his hands through it a thousand times. You couldn’t think of a sexier picture. BUT, you wanted to stay focused on tearing the brat a new one for having the nerve to jerk off and blowing off your plans like it’s nothing. You especially made time for this.
“Noona? W-What’re you doing here?” He asks looking at you, nervously fidgeting with his hands.
“What am I doing here? You seriously don’t remember? We were supposed to have a lesson today?” You say as you push past him and into the room, exasperated.
Jimin follows you in, with a confused look as the wheels turned in his head. After a few seconds of his looking at you puzzled while you deadpan him, it seems to click.
“Oh shit.” He face palmed himself, looking at you sheepishly. “Please believe me noona, it really did slip my mind.”
“Don’t ‘oh shit’ me you dingus. I had reminded you two days ago and even texted you this morning.” You glare harshly at him, plopping down on his bed and folding your arms under your chest.
Jimin avoids your gaze as he looks down with an embarrassed smile, scratching the back of his neck. The action lifts his shirt up, giving you a peak at his solid V line, dragging your mind back to hell. Jimin had started saying something, though you could barely remember what as you take in his attire. He looked soft, pink and ready for bed and his sweatpants were extremely distracting. When you reach his face, you are met with reluctant eyes that had obviously caught you checking him out. The blush on his face said so clearly.
You sigh for the second time in less than 10 minutes, leaning back on your arms and looking around his room which was somewhat messy.
“You know that I don’t live close by and had to make time for our lesson. Yet you let those two brats go and are having the time of your life here by yourself.” It was a statement and Jimin listened on obediently with his hands in front of him, eyes respectfully drawn downwards.
“Well… i-if it makes you feel any better, I’ve been reading English books?” He says hopefully.
“Yeah? What books?” He goes to look in his bedside drawer and pulls out several English books and sits beside you, ready to be a dutiful student. Though that’s not what makes your blood run hot and saliva starting to pool in your mouth. Definitely not it. It’s definitely not the way his sweatpants hint at what’s underneath, due to him sitting with his legs spread, either. Though it definitely makes you want to fuck him even more.
“Noona?” you noticed that you had completely stilled and not heard, for the second time, what Jimin had been previously saying. Instead, your eyes are firmly locked on the copy of Fifty Shades of Grey beside the pillow. You were guessing he had tried to hide it, though it clearly didn’t work out. You don’t know what had possessed you to do the things you were about to do, but clearly, the lust for this damn boy had finally won. Picking up the book and bringing it in Jimin’s line of sight as well you look him straight in the eyes. Completely composed except the rising heat in your body. He on the other hand, looked like a deer caught in the headlights.
“Is this your idea of ‘studying’ English, Jiminie?” You quirk up your brow. Beside you, Jimin had gone completely still, breathing hard, trying to look anywhere but at you.
“I-I can explain n-noona.”
“Oh? You can?” you asked in a voice dripping with honey. Sometime between this exchange, you have leaned closer to him, almost feeling his breath on your face. Jimin visibly gulps, desperately trying to think of something to say. Tsking in his face at the lack of his response. Who knew Jimin was into getting off to erotic books?
“I never imagined you to be the one to read dirty books, sweet Jiminie. I guess you have been fooling everyone all this time huh?” your face was even closer to his now. His was beet red, breathing quite firm now while his eyes constantly shifting from your lips to your eyes. Impulsively, you lick your lips at the sight of his plush ones that were currently shiny and swollen.
“I thought you were about to explain yourself? Use your words brat.” You say loudly this time causing Jimin to gasp and back away slightly in alarm.
“I-It has a n-nice storyline?” He says more like a question than his own opinion. Scoffing at his reply, knowing that he was clearly trying to save face you shake your head tauntingly at him. Having way too much fun with his flushed face and furrowed brows that made it look like he was genuinely scared of you.
“Please, honey, we both know that it has little to no storyline. Are you lying to me Jimin?”
“First I find out that you forgot about your English lesson and now you are trying to make a fool of me?” You almost spit out the words. You are definitely being overdramatic. But the reaction that you are getting from him is worth it. Plus, he did piss you off anyway. This was incredibly hot to you. The fact that Jimin read this filthy book, a BDSM book at that, and got off to it, turned you on to no end.
“No n-noona, that’s n-not-”
“Then tell me the real reason you were reading this.” Jimin looks extremely conflicted, deciding between keeping his pride or letting go in this extremely heated scenario but when you look him dead in the eyes as you nearly spit the words out, he finally speaks
“I don’t have all day Jimin, don’t waste my time more than you already have.”
Then, you heard the faintest whisper – breathless and shameful. You weren’t even sure if you actually heard it at all.
“It’s hot..”
“What was that babe? You read it because you it makes you hot?”
Jimin bit his plump bottom lip, looking up before meeting your gaze and nodding his head. That was all the confirmation you needed to go ahead with this. Believe it or not, you actually were thinking about just leaving, not taking this any further because you were sure no one was going to praise you for bedding an idol who was 2 years your Junior – in Korea at least. It wasn’t much of a difference really. But in the society you lived, it definitely would be as opposed to where you came from.
“Oh Jiminie… you like reading porn? Hm? You liked reading about some rich guy fucking a girl for his pleasure, doing all sorts of dirty things to her? Hm?” You egg him on and he doesn’t move his eyes away from you.
Jimin’s breathing is getting more and more laboured by the passing second. You move your hands from your lap to place it on his thigh. Dragging your fingers slowly up and down as Jimin’s eye follow their movements. Then he nods once again.
“Use your words Jiminie.”
“Were you touching yourself when I knocked?” You whisper tantalisingly, dragging your hands up to his face hoping he’d let loose a bit, and indulge your filthy desires to have him come undone. He was warm beneath your touch, unusually so.
“W-What if I say yes?” You chuckle lowly against his face at his shaky response. Your forehead was now resting against his as your hand was on his right cheek, keeping him to you firmly.
“Then I guess you’re a dirty little boy Jimin, touching yourself over a dirty book.” You tsked once again. “Tell me, did you imagine it was you getting your cock sucked in the book, instead of the male character?” Jimin lookw completely lost in your words, almost in a trance as he stares in your eyes.
“Yes.” This was the first time he had replied without stuttering. You take that as a good sign – continuing. Though, you are slowly losing control yourself too. He just looked so hot sitting there, completely compelled by you with his eyes now closed, answering you like his life depended on it, skin shining with perspiration and smelling like orange blossom. You close your eyes, willing yourself to be stronger for a bit more, tease him a bit more. You sigh again, for the third time, however this time, due to the heavy desire clouding your brain.
“Did you imagine someone doing it to you? Taking your cock in their mouth?”
“Y-Yes.” Your breath hitched. You had some idea, or maybe it was your wishful thinking, that he thought about you. You had caught him more than once - multiple occasions – staring at you then looking away bashfully.
“Who… who did you think of?” At this question his eyes shoot open, looking into yours as if to decide whether it would be appropriate for him to answer. You laugh inside, knowing that all the barriers of pertinence have been surpassed.
“Y-you…noona.” He whimpers. Actually whimpers aloud and you almost groan out loud at his answer. In a flash you have pushed Jimin back on the bed and straddled his hips, leaning down until your hair fell to the side and face was a mere inch away from his. Both of your breaths were shallow. Jimin looked a bit surprised from being still all this while and then your sudden outburst. Though you definitely preferred this position as it allowed you to feel every ridge of Jimin’s perfectly sculpted body. Your core aligning with his perfectly.
“You’re so bad Jiminie… thinking about noona like that.” You shake your head slowly in mock admonishment, looking into his eyes that were still enlarged with surprise. It seemed like Jimin didn’t know where to put his hands, on the bed or your hips. Even in your compromising position, still, he hesitated.
“I’m sorry noona I-I-” He sounded almost ashamed. To ease his discomfort, you decide to fess up yourself as well.
“It’s okay baby, noona has been thinking naughty things about you too. How can I not, when you look like this.” You bit your lip looking down between your bodies, noticing how hard he was underneath you. Pressing angrily against your clit. This was the great pro of Jimin not being insanely tall, being able to press him directly against your core while still being able to reach his lips. Speaking of his lips, you decided to kiss them. You finally leaned down, brushing yours against his plump ones.
“Jiminie, noona is going to kiss you now, would you like that?” Jimin’s eyes have closed instinctively, anticipating the kiss, nodding his head. And then you pressed down on him lightly, prompting him to be vocal.
“Y-Yes please, kiss me.”
This was all you needed as you crashed your lips against his, moaning as your lips met and tasted his for the first time. It didn’t take long until you felt the first swipe of his tongue against your lips and you both opened your mouths, slipping your tongues and tasting each other deeper. Jimin tasted of strawberry lollipops that he always was sucking on and it made your head spin. His hands were now on your waist, careful to keep them away from your hips until you took his hands pushed them further down. You felt like you were drowning in him as his kisses were getting out of control. Your efforts to keep the kiss slow and sensual were being interrupted by Jimin’s needy ones as he kept leaning up, giving you short but deep kisses as if he would die without them. It was almost getting hard to breath so you broke away to take in a much needed gulp of air. Jimin leaned up, chasing your lips with his eyes still closed. Instead, he settled for your neck, digging his face in, just resting there while he sucked the skin gently.
“Jimin, honey, s-slow down.” You gasped as he grazed his teeth against the skin in his mouth. Irrefutable pleasure was coursing through your body and you had barely done anything with Jimin except kiss. Jimin was truly like a drug. He was fucking addicting. You already knew that this won’t be the last time you touch him like this. And by the looks of it, seems like Jimin won’t either. He was now whimpering, making whiney sounds trying to get you to kiss him again.
“N-noona, please.”
“Please what baby?” You grasped his hair, pulling him back from your neck to look into his glistening eyes.
“Do something.” He moaned out, pushing up into your hips, making you gasp and push down. You grabbed his hands and pinned his arms above his head with a tough tug.
“Don’t tell me what to do brat and do not move until I tell you to. Understood?”
When Jimin nodded his head you grasped his cheeks with your hand, making his plush lips stand out even more in a pout.
“I said, do you understand?”
“Yes. Yes, I understand. But please, d-do something. I-It hurts.” At the sound of a helpless Jimin, your resolve was weakening and you softened your tone.
“Hurts where baby? Tell me, let noona fix it.” You ask sweetly. Jimin rolls his head to the side with a bite of his lips.
“Y-You know where, please.”
“I’m afraid I don’t Jiminie. Tell me. Come on, you can do it.” You coo gently, free hand caressing his cheeks.
Jimin closed his eyes burying his face in your neck and whispering his answer softly.
“M-My dick.”
“What baby?” You ask again with a pitiless smirk on your face, wanting him to be senseless; almost. And god bless, it was worth it considering Jimin was now a moaning, whimpering and whiney mess.
“Fuck, my cock Y/N. It hurts. Please touch m-my cock.”
With a low chuckle, you fastened your hands back up, pinning his to the bed as you started to move your hips back and forth on the hardened length underneath, slowly. As soon as you started, Jimin had lost control over his vocal cords it seemed. You never suspected that calm and collected Jimin, the bashful cute boy, to be this vocal and messy in bed.
“Ah. Yes! yes yes yes noona. Fuck me. Rub your pussy on me Y/N, fuck yes.” His words were burning you alive. Your pace was increasing with each chant from his mouth and slightly due to Jimin’s constant squirming, trying to stay still and obeying your command. To be honest, you didn’t care at this point. The pressure in your lower stomach was starting to build. All that build up from before had you coming nearly to your end. Not to forget that Jimin turned out to be a dirty talker anda moaner. Fuck, he was a moaner. His sounds alone were making you come undone.
“Noona.” Jimin whined in his incredibly sexy, raspy voice.
“Yeah baby?”
“M-More, please, I’m so close.”
You let go of his arms, reaching down to pull his shirt up and over his head, coming in contact with his hard pectoral and abdominal muscles. Jimin had taken this opportunity to push his hips up into you, making you half gasp and moan at the hard length pushing against your clit so deliciously – just right. You brace yourself placing your hands on his chest, breathing hard.
“Jimin, baby, h-hold on a minute. Let’s take these off.” You say as you begin pulling his sweats off him, leaning back to take them off completely. Jimin gladly helped as he looked about ready to burst. You were definitely not prepared for what you saw. Hard, thick and girthy length. He was bigger than you had imagined. Almost disproportionate for his frame. Almost. Jimin’s confidence had seemed to be boosted when compared to about an hour ago when he was a stuttering, blushing mess of a boy. You took a moment to admire him. He looked like a fucking Greek god with his chiselled, golden body, hair a mess, lips swollen, cock hard and ready. And as you were about to get back in to position, you feel his hands tugging at your pants.
“T-take these off noona. Please.” He looked in your eyes hopefully. You bit your lip and placed your hands by your side, silently directing Jimin to do the honours. His face bloomed with a beautiful pink flush as he pulled the zipper down on your jeans, tugging them down. You lifted your hips for him to pull them down further and off your legs. He was staring in amazement at your panty clad hips, your long legs – almost mesmerized. Taking your previous position again, you lean down to get closer to his face once again while you start the grind of your clit on his cock. You abandoned all hope of being slow and sensual as feral need had took over you because it was hard to stay sane and consistent when Jimin was looking at you like you owned his world. Your core being ultra-sensitive, making every brush of his hard length a hundred times more lethal. Not to forget that his length was not confined beneath the constricting material of his sweatpants anymore. You almost cum when you hear a high pitched whimper from Jimin. Speaking of coming.
“Jiminie, did you come before?” You ask, referring to him touching himself earlier. Jimin, being the groaning mess he was, took a few seconds to reply.
“N-No – mm- but I was about to- Ah!” You pinned his hands above his head again, pouting at him mockingly.
“Aw, poor baby. It’s okay honey, noona will make you cum.” He whimpers at your words, thrusting up harshly, battering your clit at this point.
“Noona, f-faster, please, make me cum noona. Please please please” Fucking hell. Jimin was straight up begging you. You knew Jimin might be submissive, but never thissubmissive. It was such a contrast to how he controlled thousands of screaming girls with a flash of his abs. And here he was, a moaning, sweaty mess. Spouting such filthy words.
Your movements had slowed down a bit as your body was getting exhausted. You were about to come even just from this. But this boy’s stamina was obviously higher than yours. Jimin noticing your fatigued body took action. Boy did he take action. In an instant, Jimin had you flipped over, pull you underneath his body, lining his cock with your covered pussy, where a substantial wet spot was embarrassingly visible. You looked at him with disbelief
“I can’t take it anymore, p-please let me?” Jimin asked with a sinful roll of his cock against your pussy. The contact was so close now that you could feel your lower lips parting, nestling his cock between them. You shakily nodded, wrapping your legs around his hips in response because watching his sweaty sculpted body work on top of you – on your pussy – was the biggest turn on of your life. He was lithe but muscled and every roll and every glide had you losing your mind.
“Go ahead Jiminie… U-Use noona’s pussy to make yourself cum.” Jimin whimpered at your words he wasted no time in following your orders, picking up his pace and fucking you into his bed. The bed had started to creak with the force of his thrusts. Each time he dragged his hips, his cock slid against your pussy lips and up to your clit, creating the best friction. All of these sensations happened so fast as Jimin was almost moving too fast for you. Scratch that, he was moving too fast for you.
“J-Jimin, ah! B-baby, slow down. Oh fuck.” His pace was relentless. Grinding his hips in your cunt as fast as he could, moaning like he was almost in pain. It was obvious he was chasing his release and lucky for him, you were right about ready to burst. You could sense it as your legs tried to close despite having Jimin’s slender body in-between them. You could see his abs clench with the force of his thrusts and couldn’t believe that the ever so prim and proper Park Jimin was on top of you, thrusting his cock against your pussy, pursuing his pleasure like nothing else mattered. If someone had told you a week ago that you would be in your position, dry humping the shit out of each other, you probably would’ve slapped them. Though this wasn’t so much dry anymore. Your panties were a sticky mess from your own arousal as well as Jimin’s pre-cum being all over them, creating the most iniquitous sounds as sweat dripped from his forehead. The knot was so tight in your stomach that you almost couldn’t bear it.
“Fuck, fuck baby, I’m coming! Jimin-ah!”
“Fuck yes Y/N c-cum for me.” Jimin’s pace helped you tip over the edge in a euphoric bliss. Your vision had turned white for a few seconds with the force of your orgasm coursing through you as Jimin continued to thrust his cock against you. It felt like you came for a life time. Your pussy had become extremely sensitive from your orgasm and you weren’t sure how much more of Jimin’s grinding you could take. Placing little suckles and opened kisses on his vascular neck, you help him along to his own release.
“Come on baby, you can do it. Cum for noona. Cum all over noona.” Jimin whined at your words, getting on the verge of his release and you couldn’t believe that he had held out this long.
“I’m s-so close Y/N noona.”
“That’s it baby, just a little m-more.” Your words coming out in a stutter at how scorched your clit was now, being already so sensitive as it was after your orgasm. But, you held out for Jimin, letting him use you as a vessel to get himself off and it only made you wetter. His rhythm had become irregular and his cries had gotten louder.
“F-Fuck, I’m coming oh fuck.” Jimin swore like a sailor as he got dangerously close. But what he did next almost made you come again. With a speed almost quicker than a gunshot, Jimin had leaned back, pushed your panties down exposing your swollen pussy. Before you could comprehend what was happening, Jimin worked his hand over his cock until he had let go. Until he came all over your pussy. Sticky hot white ropes of cum landing on your swollen clit and labia. You moaned at the scene unfolding above you because this was the hottest shit you had ever encountered. Of course you will punish him later for this but still. Where the fuck was this Jimin hiding before?
After he had let out what seemed to be an endless stream of milky white cum, Jimin falls forward, resting his face in your neck, panting. You both took this time to catch your breath. Several moments passed as you both laid in his bed, you stroking his hair as you stare up at the ceiling just resting in silence before you speak softly.
“You okay baby?” You whispered, tenderly stroking his hair, to which he replied with a blissful hum.
“Never been better.” He replied with a sweetly shy and sleepy smile, indicating that his usual charming self was back as the lust had settled.
You kiss his cheek softly, savouring the moment with the younger boy and move to get up when Jimin pulls you back again.
“Where are you going?”
“To clean up the mess you made, you brat.” Your teasing tone was obvious which makes Jimin blush again deeply as he bites his lip. But his next request surprises you.
“C-Can I clean you noona?” His request seemed innocent enough considering the context of this indecent scenario.
“I guess you can.” You lay back down as Jimin gets up, sliding down the bed, sitting beside your hips.
“Uh, Jimin? Aren’t you going to get towels?” your brows have furrowed in confusion when he didn’t move from his position, instead moved between your legs, parting them again.
With a lovely sweet smile, dimple visible endearingly on his cheek, he places a kiss on your ankle before speaking.
“Why would I need those when I have a mouth, noona?”
Fuck what you said before. This was the hottest shit you had ever encountered.
a/n: yeah ik its bad lmao. i swear i write better now kjwbjhwqkbfkbf. Thanks for reading!!
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sternbagel · 4 years
I know I’m like a whole 2 days late but kept forgetting to do this when I have my laptop open, but thanks so much for tagging me, ali ( @quicksiluers )!!!
1. name: Jena! 
2. nickname/s: Sometimes people call me J for short but it’s been a while. My aunt and cousins call me “Ninna” and variations of my first and middle name mashed together. You can call me whatever you feel like, though, I ain’t picky
3. zodiac: Sagittarius 
4. favourite musicians/bands: God this answer is like always changing lmao. And my music taste is all over the place, as you’re about to see. I’ve always loved The Offspring, Daughtry, Tim McGraw, INXS, The Black Keys, Hans Zimmer, and a few others. Recently, I’ve been really into everything from Zayde Wolf, Vo Williams, Lizzo, The Score, The Midnight, THEY., and composers like Ludwig Goransson, Bear McCreary, Henry Jackman, etc. I like a lot of stuff lol
5. favourite sports team: Florida Gators baby! Also a fan of Auburn (familial bias lol). And the Mets, Rays, & Lightning. I don’t follow the NBA or NHL very much, and I kinda hate the NFL lmao. I like certain players and passively root for the Buccaneers but that’s it.
6. other blogs: I used to run a couple fyeah blogs, but now I just have this one and the two ones I’ve linked in my bio (though I’m terrible at actually keeping up with posting stuff I wrote on my stories blog lmao WHICH REMINDS ME I NEED TO POST SOMETHING THAT’S 2 MONTHS LATE ON AO3 whoops)
7. do you get asks? a few. Mostly people playing the ask games I reblog. I have an anon message sitting in my inbox from YEARS ago but I have no idea what they’re asking about so it just... sits there lol. 
8. how many blogs do you follow? ..... 800.... Pretty sure like at least 600 of them are completely inactive. I’ll clean it out eventually
9. tumblr crushes? no like romantic crushes, if that’s what you mean. There are a few that I admire and have like a friend crush on, if that makes sense? Like “god i wanna be friends but too shy to really ever say anything because you’re too cool” sorta thing. (if you’re reading this and I don’t regularly talk to you on here but kinda passively interact, this definitely means you lol)
10. lucky numbers: 8! I always wore it when playing sports
11. what are you wearing right now?  Big comfy sweater that says “Yawn” and Gators men’s boxers that function as shorts
12. dream vacation: Might be kinda basic but Hawai’i, Japan (specifically with my bestie who’s been twice; I don’t wanna go alone), and any of the Nordic countries. And several places in Greece and Italy. Wouldn’t mind going back to Mexico too
13. dream car: uh......... don’t kill me but a Tesla. Specifically for the self-driving feature. If another company comes out with a really good one, I’ll want it too. Market’s kinda bare on self-driving cars so.
14. favourite food: Mac & cheese and alfredo!!!!! And god I’m such a weak bitch for sweet Hawaiian rolls.
15. drink of choice: Southern style sweet tea and a tons of juices, can’t pick just one. Pretty sure my body is like 60% sweet tea at this point.
16. instruments: I used to play clarinet and bass clarinet in middle and high school. I wasn’t fantastic or anything but it was fun.
17. languages: English. Some rudimentary French and ASL, but I’m like no more than level 2 in those lol.
18. celebrity crush: just go through my “pretty people” tag. Y’all should know all of them by now lol (Chris Pine is still a solid #1 though)
19. random fact: I cannot ride a bike. Yes, you read that correctly. And I’ve broken my right ankle once, and twisted it at least 6 times (I stopped counting after about 5, but I think it’s 6 or 7 in total). Twisted my left one 4 times I think. I have BAD ankles.
20. favourite ecosystem: This is a very strange question but I terrestrial. Lotic is really cool too
21: favourite cat species: Maine Coons are fantastic, but I’m definitely not picky with cats in the least. Love ‘em all!
And I’m gonna tag @queer-piccolo, @trust-me-im-cooler-than-this, @princesszorldo, @dratij, @olivebenson, & @1863-project but don’t feel obligated to do it if you don’t want to. 
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mirkwoodshewolf · 6 years
New Year with the band; Queen x reader
Hello people of Tumblr and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I was hoping to have had this done last night but time got away from me so I finished it this morning and so for my first fic of 2019 I present to you another part of my Rock Angel series. This is a pre-Rock Angel fic right here so this is counted before “Set it all free” when you the reader are still the intern to Miami. And after seeing Bohemian Rhapsody for the 2nd time last night, I just had to do this fic and I may have another chapter up soon, hopefully. Anyways I hope 2019 is a great year for everyone and that everyone stayed safe after last night and are taking care of themselves post-New Year celebration.
Warnings: None except for INSANE FLUFFY FEELS.
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Taglist *open*:
*December 31st, 1980*
This has been a crazy three months and here I am in Freddie Mercury’s house with a whole bunch of strangers plus the rest of the band and their wives to ring in the New Year.  Of course Adam didn’t want to come even though I tried to convince him to come, but he said that he was just too cool to be around a band like Queen.
It was 15 minutes till midnight and 1981 would soon be here.  I was at the food table trying to get a second plate of brownies and basically fill up on sugar to keep myself awake.  Most of the people were already hammered beyond anything else so I had to walk over some of their unconscious bodies till I finally reached the guys.
“Ahh there’s our best girl!” Freddie praised at he held his glass up almost as if he were giving a toast.
“Oh stop it Fred, I literally just saw you five seconds ago.”
“Five very long seconds.” He whined as I playfully shoved his shoulder.
“Isn’t that your second batch of sweets already?” asked Brian.
“Sugar keeps me up, otherwise I’d be asleep in the corner hours ago after all that I’ve been through this semester.” I said.
“But I thought you loved us? Guess we were nothing but a stress factor to you then huh?” Deacy snapped clearly teasing me as I noticed a glimmer of mischief in his eyes.
“No, no, no, no don’t you guilt me Deacy! You know I love you guys! This has literally been the best semester I’ve had, I just can’t believe in a couple more months I’ll be done and then I won’t see you guys till your next tour before Miami clears my internship credit.”
“I can’t believe you’ll be leaving us after our tour, I feel like you should stay here with us even after the tours done. I’d miss you too much darling.” Freddie said as he leaned over and hugged me close to him before kissing my cheek.
“In all seriousness love, maybe you should cut back on the sweets, you’ll crash faster if you keep eating sugar, take some of these,” he then handed me a couple of his celery sticks and baby carrots. I looked at him with a ‘seriously’ look as I said.
“Really? Veggies Bri?”
“Less you want cavities for the new year I suggest you eat those. Otherwise I’ll have Dr. Taylor here take a look at your mouth since he studied dentistry.”
“Wait for real?” I asked as I turned around and faced him.
“This whole time we’ve known each other and you never once bothered to listen to what I did in school. Really (y/n) what kind of friend are you?” Roger said in a mocked hurt tone.  I threw my baby carrot at him which made all of us laugh and we continued to chat till the midnight hour drew closer.
Time sure does go by when you’re having fun with friends because now as everyone gathered to watch the ball drop live from New York City. We were just 2 minutes away to ring in the New Year and as everyone began the countdown, the anticipation was growing as it got closer and closer.
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
“HAPPY NEW YEAR!!” Everyone cried out as horns were blown, confetti was thrown in the air and couples kissed each other to ring in the New Year.  Bri, Rog and Deacy kissed their wives to celebrate the new year, Freddie was off god knows where by now meanwhile I just sat there alone.
I sure wish Adam was here to ring in the New Year.  I mean he used to be romantic at first at the start of our relationship, always buying my flowers and leaving little poems every time he’d leave the flat, but now for some reason he thought the romantic gestures were too corny and lame for him all of a sudden, could threaten the new “Rock” image he’s been trying out.
So I secretly knew even if I did bring him, he wouldn’t go for a New Year’s kiss.  Which sucked because the believer of romance that I am, I always thought sharing a kiss with the person you loved, meant you’d have a full successful relationship in the years to come.
At least that’s what I always saw in my parents every New Years.
I sighed solemnly and decided to stop out of the craziness of the party and just have a moment to myself.  I sat along outside in the garden of Freddie’s house along the bench and just stared up into the sky.
“Happy New year mum and dad. I sure wish you could be here to see it.” I said to myself solemnly.
“Something wrong love?” I heard Deacy’s voice say. I turned around and saw the guys standing behind me all looking at me with concern.
“No, not really. At least anything serious.” I said.
“You sure?” They all came and sat around me. Deacy to my left, Brian to my right, Roger sitting in front of me and Freddie standing behind me with his hands on my shoulders every now and then squeezing them assuringly or massaging them.
“Yes, I promise guys nothing’s wrong just….missing my parents is all.”
“While we can see that’s true, there’s something else going on too. You got a little awkward once people started kissing each other, is this because of Arsehole?” Roger said.  I looked at him and said.
“His name’s Adam Rog,”
“Is there a difference?” he questioned. I scoffed at him shaking my head softly.
“I don’t know guys, I thought that maybe I could for the first time get a New Year’s kiss with the first boy whom I’ve ever allowed into my heart ever since my parents died. Oh if only you guys first knew him you’d know he was romantic like you lot are, but lately he’s just called off anything that could damage his ‘badass hard rock exterior’. I don’t know, maybe I’m just a sap.”
“There’s nothing wrong with being a romantic. Neither gender should feel shame for being or hoping for a little romantic gesture in their life. Take me for example, the best guitarist of the greatest band. Makes his wife breakfasts in bed even when it’s not Mother’s Day or her birthday. I do it because I love her.” Brian said.
“And me, silent bassist John Deacon. I wrote ‘You’re my best friend’ for Veronica. Because that’s who she is and will always be to me. Not just the love of my life, but also my greatest and most treasured friend.”
“And even though we’ve broken off the engagement, Mary will still always be the love of my life. No matter what, which is why I wrote Love of my life for her, because that is who she is and will always be to me. Even though we’re no longer romantically involved with each other.” Said Freddie.
“And even though I’ve gained the reputation for ‘bad drummer boy of Queen’, for Dominque I’m willing to do anything for her. Whether its treating her to a spa day or even a day off from the kids.”
“And that’s what makes your wives and Mary so lucky to have met guys like you. I….just wish I had that guy now.”
“You will love, one day.” Deacy said as he gently placed his hand on the top of my shoulder and gently stroked it with his thumb.
“Until then you still got us, in fact.” Freddie cupped my face and had me look up at him and he kissed both my cheeks and continued, “Consider that your New Year’s kiss from me to you, darling angel.” I smiled up at him as he released my face from his hands.  I then felt my head turn towards Deacy and he said.
“Happy New Year poppet, here’s my kiss from me to you.” He then kissed my temple before I felt him lean his face against mine giving me an additional butterfly kiss. He backed away as Brian said.
“Don’t forget about me,” I turned towards him and he cupped my face much like Freddie did. He first leaned in and gave me a soft Eskimo kiss as his forehead touched mine which always made me feel safe and loved. He then gingerly kissed the center of my forehead and it was then I turned to Roger.
He grinned up at me and said.
“You know the drill, get into these arms you little imp.” I grinned at him before getting off the bench and hugged Roger. His strong arms wrapped around me instantly giving me a big, warm bear hug as I liked to secretly call them.
I felt him repeatedly kiss the top of my head and felt him rub my back.  But then I felt him starting to poke and lightly pinch around my sides, oh shit not again!
“Rog no!”
“No you’ve ended last year with a frown, when you should’ve been smiling. So that’s my first New Year’s resolution, to get you to smile.” He said with a mischievous grin as he kept tickling me. I squirmed around trying to escape Roger’s grip but it was iron clamped.
“Nah I don’t think so.” He said as he kept tickling me.
“You know Rog, I think you and I are sharing the exact same resolution.” Deacy say.
“No! Nohohoh Deacy don’t…..NOO!!” Soon I had both Roger and Deacy tickling me.
“For being total opposites, seems they’ve agreed on one thing.” I could hear Brian say.
“Indeed.” Stated Freddie.  
“But who says they get to have all the fun?” suggested Brian.  As I kept trying to escape from both Rog and Deacy, suddenly I felt four more pair of hands start to tickle me.
“Guhahahahys stohahahahhap you’re kihihihihlling me!!!”
“Will you start off the New Year with a smile little angel?” Freddie asked.
“YES!! YEHEHEHESS!! JUST PLEHEHEHEASE STOHAHAHP!!” And with that the tickling ceased.  I panted heavily trying to regain my breathing and I said, “You guys are devils I swear.”
“Well that was rather rude darling.” Freddie said.
“Does that require punishment lads?” Brian asked.
“I say it does.” Stated Roger.
“Agreed.” Said Deacy.  The four of them looked at me ready to start tickling me again when I shouted.
“No! No! No! No! No I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Okay I’m sorry I surrender!” They all smirked at me laughing softly.  I then looked at them and said, “Thanks for cheering me up though guys.”
“No problem love, we’re always here for you when you need us.” Brian said as he gently stroked my hair.
“Happy New Year, my four best boys.”
“Happy New Year, our little rock angel.” Freddie said. I smiled at them and I went up to them and the four of them brought me to the center once more but instead of a tickle attack, it was a Queen group hug.  
1980 was a roller coaster year for me, but the best thing that came out of it was the fact that a girl like me, an ordinary college intern music student got to call the biggest band in all of History, my family.
Hell I can’t even imagine what 1981 was going to bring that could make this year seem just like any ordinary year.
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mypinkchapter · 5 years
Recovery & Laughs.
One of the biggest ventures in this journey can now be checked off -- surgery!
Disclaimer: my thoughts for this week on the blog won't have any really great insights, but you might have some laughs with me along the way... embarrassing for me to say because I want Jesus to shine above all & this to fully glorify Him, but I also want to be human with those reading these words & for one day when I look back & share this with Elly, so let me fill in some truths from my last week & let you see how cool Jesus was throughout.
Truth #1: I thought in this time of rest & recovery I would fill my moments in the recliner with lots of reading -- reading my Bible, reading my new Lysa TerKeurst book, reading the novel I checked out from my the library that's been at the top of my "to-read" list... but you know what? I haven't read a single page. It makes me laugh honestly because what I pictured as recovery for myself, basically consisting of lots of leisurely & encouraging reading, has actually been filled with me on medication that has made me so groggy that I've napped, napped, & napped some more. Like drool-worthy, crazy dream naps! Just one more reason the Lord has placed some of the best folks in my path, to share scripture & encouragement with me when I haven't had the ability of sorts to do that for myself. Thank you, sweet Lord, for letting those stand in the gap for me these last several days -- to feed me with truths & encouragement of Your love, mercies, & hope.
Truth #2: I've never had surgery before. Wisdom teeth removal doesn't count to medical professionals, just FYI. So, this girl was an amateur! I remember looking at the sweet anesthesiologist & said, "Are you giving me the good stuff?" & that was all she wrote. Out! I was terrified I would wake up & act like those viral videos you see of folks talking out of their minds, but nope... I woke up feeling refreshed & like I'd had a great nap! Obviously there was soreness, but the surgery itself, should anyone ever have to endure the same kind, it's for sure do-able. Thank you, sweet Lord, for every set of hands that played a part in this. You gifted me with probably two of the kindest surgeons/people I've ever met & their nurses have been nothing short of incredible.
Truth #3: I'll leave this one to be only a short story, which I know won't be short because I don't know how to be short, but it's been comical looking back on... so, when surgery wrapped up & the initial recovery for me upstairs was over, rather than heading to a lovely hospital room to be greeted by my precious husband, parents, & Gran, who would tend to my every tiny need & get me whatever snack, drink, or dinner my heart desired from the greater Jonesboro area, I was wheeled to the basement of the hospital. Y'all, the basement. It makes me crack up all over to remember them telling me they were taking me to the basement; here's why -- the hospital was full. The basement was not a bad area by any means, but it was me & well, like 15 other hospital beds with patients all coming out of surgery. Lined up, side by side, no curtains. Just all of us recovering together, some recovering better than others. So, how you wait on a table at a full restaurant, in your order of arrival, I waited for a hospital room. Now let me say, I was wheeled by the waiting room to see my sweet group of cheerleaders really quickly & them to tell me my preliminary lymph node results were CLEAR (ahhhh! THANK YOU, JESUS!), but that was it -- a 7 second greeting & cheer! Then an over 5 hour wait. No cell phone, no TV, no family. Just me very coherently hanging out with nurses, unable to nap because it was Grand Central Station with folks coming in from surgery constantly, while lying on a very flat ER bed for five hours after undergoing a pretty massive surgery. It was not funny in the moment. Not funny, not funny, not funny! But now, it sort of is... One of our sweet pastors that stayed updated on me throughout the day from Ryan, called him late afternoon while I was still of course in the basement, & he said, "Ahhh, there's no room in the inn." Haha! Thank you, sweet Lord, for the precious ladies that watched over me that afternoon, that stayed hours & hours over their shifts to take care of me & those other patients. Thank you for teaching me patience & humility, even when I wasn't in the most receptive mood. And thank you, Jesus, that I was eventually joined back to my family & had a big, comfy, end room, five hours later.
Truth #4: What should be truth #1, but my husband. Oh my heavens, my husband. I fully believe Ryan Gibson was crafted for me by the Lord himself. He has loved me so good for nine years now, six in marriage, but let me just say: when a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer, so is her husband, her children, her parents, her family, & her friends. My husband in this past month though has been the model man that every woman could ever deserve. I do not deserve him & the love that he has demonstrated; it is purely the love of Jesus in him. Yes, he has cheered me on, encouraged me with truths, shared medical knowledge from his background with me, entertained Elly when I wasn't able to, sat with me while tears fell, & distracted me with lots of laughs, but y'all, until you have been in a similar situation of literally becoming helpless -- my upper body post-surgery has pretty well been useless up until the last day or so -- it has opened up a new realm of love I didn't know existed in marriage. Sure, I've been sick before. I'm pretty positive living through food poisoning with me about did him a few years ago, but cancer & surgery... bless him. I am probably one of the most modest women I've ever known, but that has had to fly out the window with this & that's been really hard for me. Ryan has met that with complete humor & keeping things so light-hearted. So many moments this past week that would bring tears otherwise, tears of pain, tears of embarrassment, tears of unknown, Ryan has met with only the charm he has that is perfectly perfect for me & keeps my tears at bay. Quite simply, thank you, sweet Lord, for your gift of marriage & my precious, selfless helpmate, Ryan.
Truth #5: I have the world's best parents. Elly had a stay-cation with Nana & Pop. She ruled the roost & kept those two busy, busy, busy! They stepped in to love on & 100% take care of our child for the past week. Elly’s world stayed as normal as functionally possible & that was such a relief. We had a FaceTime session every night but she was usually too occupied with Nana & Pop to care much for us. We had to beg for sugars & a “night night” every night! What a blessing that was to be such a seamless process. Thank you, sweet Lord, for demonstrating Your perfect love through my dear parents. Thank you for blessing me with two of the greatest individuals I have ever known, to learn from.
Truth #6: Dr. Dicocco, my surgeon, yesterday at my follow-up appointment asked me, "Do you know everyone in & around Jonesboro?" I laughed & said I didn't think so. She told in the past week she has had countless people tell her thank you for taking such good care of Erin Gibson. Y'all... I've said it so many times & I'll say again, Jesus has purposefully planted every person in & around my path, preparing me for this. I know it, without a shadow of doubt. People to most importantly pray & I would swear that I have some of the most solid prayer warriors that ever were, but people again to encourage us & love on us in very practical ways. We have been fed every single night & even many days at lunchtime. That has meant the world to us & truth be known, there have been days I was living for the yummy food I had coming that night! We have started to receive financial help from fundraisers to make such a huge dent in our medical expenses and that is something we can't thank anyone enough for. We have been so honored in seeing people physically showing their support by wearing pink or Team Erin. We just don't even know how to process it all & it will probably take a long time to do just that, but I will never forget the love shown to us. Thank you, sweet Lord, that you have been so purposeful in my life to create a support system like I could have never dreamed. Thank you, Lord, that so many of those in our lives love You & have demonstrated Your love toward us. I pray that I could love in the same way we have been shown.
I'll end on the the fact that I received the best "grade" & smiley face that I've gotten ever gotten on a report: we learned yesterday that I am officially Stage I! A huge answered prayer! Treatment will continue as planned - 4 tough rounds of chemo for 2 months & 12 lighter rounds of chemo for 3 months - but we are ready for every step to come. I know, because I have asked lots of questions of many knowledgeable folks, that there are some hard & ugly days ahead with chemo, but you know what? There are going to be some great & really fun days ahead too, and I'd bet more of those than the bad or ugly! May Jesus be glorified in every day that is to come for us.
All my love from my pink chapter,  Erin
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killerqueenjoy · 6 years
99 Question Tag
okay okay I know i got tagged to do this like a month ago on my main blog by @santonicababy iM SORRY LIN ILY BUT THIS WAS SO DAMN LONG
I sleep in the room where everybodies closets are and they all gotta be closed goddamn do you know how spooky it is to even have one open during the night
my parents do, but alas I don't use them in case they have silicones or sulphates in them because I got a whole lotta curls to protect
if this refers to the sheet protecting the mattress, then my answer is in because how the fuck would you be able to sleep with that moving around???
heck yeah, but for random shit
nee my parents are fancy fuckers who use the coupons on their phone (our local supermarket has a damn app skskksksk)
a bear because its one giant son of a bitch and not millions of tiny motherfuckers and also I've never been stung by a bee and intend to keep it that way because majority of my family seem to be allergic
nope! I have a couple beauty spots on my hands and face but thats kinda it
not really but if I've been told to smile then its 200% dead inside
i find many things annoying
only when i go up and down stairs, but i also try to make sure i step with each foot equally (if that makes sense) and i step on only certain colour tiles when im bored
the real question is have i ever been in the woods? both answers are no
refer to question 12
14)ummmm idk what this question is meant to be curse you Lin
nope, the idea weirds me out
none, this week and in general
one person and a long yet smol doggo size
Eddie from the Rocky Horror Picture Show has been stuck in my head for the whole week so yeah i guess that
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but yeah, anyone can wear anything they want to wear (although a suit made out of meat might not be wise)
dudeeeee scooby doo and tom and jerry are my jam I watch them on the regular (among other things)
uhhm idkkkkk I tend to repress bad movies sksksk
idk shove it in the closet ig at least it will be hidden behind my sexuality
I usually only drink before or after but ig water??? cooldrink if I'm in a restaurant
depends on the nug
How dare you assume i only have one favourite
tbh it depends cos i love pizza and pasta and stuff but then i cannot live with my granny's curries ksksmks
borhap, sing street, rhps, the natm movies, the harry potter movies, any mcu movies
ahhahahahahahha bold of you to assume anyone wants to do that
nope but I was a catrobat which is basically my preschools acrobatics team that was actually really terrible
nahh m8
this week for a transactional task at school (It was in Afrikaans and I got a C skskskks)
omg no
not old enough to drive!
my parents never have for as long as i can remember
cheese because I am actually John Deacon
school nights its 11pm otherwise i dont have one lol
we dont celebrate that here but i rly want to it seems fun!
Ram, which is really cool because im an Aries, so I'm sheep squared
English, Afrikaans (at a basic highschool level), I could speak very vERY basic isiZulu when I was younger but I'm not sure about now, I know a bit of French and Telugu, and I'm gonna start learning Hindi soon!!
i didn't play much with legos and i have no idea what the second one is rip
to an extent
I kept reading Leno as Lenin ffs
I watch them occasionally with my granny, but I don't keep up with them very well (Kasamh Se is my shit tho)
no, im afraid of falling in general tho
My dad and I bop frequently to Never Gonna Give You Up in the car, and also classic bollywood songs (we have even learnt the choreography for some)
i perform
well theres not exactly much space
not sure
most are but thats why i like them
we don't celebrate because we're not Christian (we still eat a lot and exchange presents tho), but it can get stressful if we have to visit extended family, mostly because my extended family loves to insult everything about me so thats great!
not i good sir
never had one, it doesnt appeal to me
a vet
i am a ghost
not that i remember
yes, I take a multi vitamin, a vitamin D pill because I'm vitamin D deficient, and im not sure if this is a vitamin or not but i take evening primrose oil so that im not outwardly a bitch due to pms
i wear slipper socks, because my doggo got jealous of my doggie slippers and murdered them in cold blood
i have one and rarely use it because i forget it exists
a random shirt and pants, though ive been known to kick pants off (ive been doing that since birth), occasionally i manage to get the matching pj set
ive unfortunately never been to a concert before
ive never seen any of these stores in my country
i own neither
Peanuts because thats my doggos name!
no sorry
i went to a bhangra class for about a year, and we performed for our parents at the end of that year (i was in one of the few groups that didnt have to dance in lehengas thank goodness)
probably something creative, but I don't mind as long as they're happy with what they're doing and its not harming others!
never entered one, having to spell out loud makes me anxious
i think so
i wish
my granny burns incense while I'm at school because my mom and i both get really sick when its just been lit and the smell is strong. Going to the temple is a damn nightmare because of it
no, too busy fangirling
oof a long list
Queen, Twenty One Pilots, Waterparks, Frank Iero and the Future Violents (ffs fronk stop changin the name), Panic! at the Disco...to name a few
refer to question 63
sugar cookies
i wouldn't drown, but im no professional either
im doing it right now
I've only ever been to Hindi,Tamil and Telugu weddings and lemme tell you 90% of the time bands flop at those weddings because they can't sing the classics without failing miserably, so DJs are generally better. However, in that case, if a band can perform those songs, then I'd prefer a band ig
yep, a couple of reading contests
nope, not planning on it
dont like olives rip
i can knit!
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in fact, my friends and i are so cool that we're in our schools knitting club (which besides myself, @grandfunnyemopainter and @imjustabruh , only has 2 other members)
lounge or study/library
i guess, its not on my goal list tho
currently in highschool, and in love with the borhap cast, sebastian stan, stephanie beatriz and band members (theres more but yeah)
nope, i have only two ways to deal, be a total pushover or a total bitch
kind of undecided, but i do want more pets
Dark Blue
my dog, shes been ignoring me for about four hours now because I stayed at school for an extra hour (for knitting club!)
@softspaceboibrian @roger-taylor-owns-my-wigg @im-inlovewithmycar do it cowards
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blowmiakisscolin · 6 years
I Now Pronounce You Captain Charming // CS & Captain Charming Fic
So, I saw a funny tweet and posted it as a prompt...but then I went and wrote the thing myself. It’s short and sweet, made up entirely of humor and fluff.
Here’s my original post. The tweet that prompted it: “@joeheenan: 10 years ago today, I married my best friend...my wife’s still really angry about it, but me & Dave were drunk and thought it was funny.”
Enjoy this lighthearted little oneshot.
[I Now Pronounce You Captain Charming]
“Seriously? Are you seriously gonna do this every single year?”
Emma grumbled, hands on her hips as she levelled a bemused glare on her husband and leaned against the kitchen counter. Killian simply smirked, quirking an eyebrow at her as he kept the phone pressed to his ear, waiting for David to pick up.
After another few seconds of the dialtone, David’s voice finally filtered down the line.
“Killian, if you’re calling for any other reason than Emma’s gone into labor, I’m going to murder you. It’s 6am.”
Killian chuckled in response.
“Rest easy, mate. She’s standing right here with me, and our wee lad is still very comfortable where he is for the moment. I’m rather heartbroken though, that you don’t already know the reason for my call.”
David remained silent and Emma rolled her eyes as Killian tutted, feigning disappointment.
“Dave. How could you forget our anniversary? Five years, we’ve been married. Five beautiful years, and yet I feel this marriage is rather one-sided. I even arranged for your yearly gift to be delivered to you today, as usual! But it seems you’ve forgotten how special this date is, and I’m shocked and hurt by that!”
Emma groaned, shaking her head and muttering ‘idiots’ before heading towards the stairs to go and rouse their three year old daughter from her slumber.
“Goddammit, Killian!”
Even Emma had to stifle a laugh as she heard her father’s exasperated yell from across the room.
~ CS ~
It had started five years earlier. David and Killian had gone out for a “guys’ night” at the Rabbit Hole. A few drinks in, they’d been joined by Will and a couple of the dwarves, which was when things had taken a turn for the rowdy. The memories of that night were somewhat hazy for all involved, due to the sheer amount of alcohol consumed and the fact that Will had convinced the dwarves to snort fairydust.
Thankfully, there had been no lasting damage for any of them, and by the next day their fairydust-induced stupor had worn off. The hangover for them, however, was a bitch. Even worse than it was for Killian and David.
The photos and posts on social media had filled in the blanks of their patchy memories though, much to their dismay. And certainly to the dismay of their wives when they got hold of the evidence the next morning.
“Why does it look like that guy in the flamingo costume is officiating a wedding? Wait, is that you and my dad?! Killian...why are the dwarves showering you both with rice? Where did they even get rice from? Oh my God, are you carrying my dad bridal style?! And is that a Ring Pop on your finger? What the hell happened last night?!”
In response to his wife’s inquisition as she scrolled through the Facebook photos the next morning, Killian had muttered unintelligibly about tequila and Blow Jobs (which Emma later found out was just the name of a shot, thankfully). He’d then buried himself beneath the covers and refused to emerge until well after lunchtime, looking pale and somewhat sheepish when he finally did drag himself downstairs...neon green Ring Pop still on his finger.
By then, Emma had gleaned most of the details from her mother, who had all-but tortured it out of her poor, hungover father that morning. They hadn’t really thought much more of their husbands’ drunken escapades until 6 months later, when Killian had casually reminded them all about it over a family brunch at Granny’s.
“It’s our 6 month wedding anniversary today, mate.”
David had almost choked on his bacon and stared at his son-in-law in horror, while Snow burst out laughing and Emma rolled her eyes. Killian had scooped the Ring Pop out of his pocket then and placed it down on the table, smirking and revelling in the way David’s face flushed deep red.
“I can’t believe you still have that thing.”
David had scowled, folding his arms. Killian tsk’d at him, the smirk still playing at the corners of his lips and his eyes sparkling with mischief.
“Oh, Dave, it’s a symbol of our love. I’ll treasure it forever.”
After that, Killian gleefully reminded David of their ‘anniversary’ every single year, sending a different gift each time. For their first anniversary, it was a giant teddy bear (which little Neal had acquired shortly afterwards). For their second, a hamper of David’s favorites beers and sweet treats had arrived on the doorstep, along with a giant card. The third year, it was two dozen red roses. And on the fourth year, a set of cufflinks inscribed with “K” and “D” and a keyring with a picture of the two of them, shaped into a heart.
Emma joked that he spent more time planning David’s yearly gifts than he did planning her gifts for his real wedding anniversary. Granted, she knew that wasn’t true, and the man surpassed himself year after year with the ways he spoiled her. Snow took it all in good humor too, and it provided plenty of entertainment for her and her daughter just watching how David responded so grumpily to Killian’s efforts.
The rest of Storybrooke also seemed to still glean amusement from Killian’s antics, and had affectionately dubbed them “Captain Charming”. Granny couldn’t resist joining in the fun, and every year she put on a “Captain Charming Special” - heart-shaped pancakes complete with a crown made of pineapple and decorated with Haribo rings. It was ridiculous in every way, but had somehow become a kind of tradition.
When Emma had seen what her husband had bought her father for the fifth year of celebrating their drunken sham wedding, she’d sighed and rolled her eyes, chuckling to herself as she’d waddled off to the kitchen. She was ready to pop with their second child any day, and she still had to share Killian with her father. Luckily she had a sense of humor about the whole thing.
The gift was a constellation that Killian had picked out, from a website that allowed customers to buy and name them. Of course, he’d named the constellation Captain Charming, and had picked the one shaped like a hook. He’d been quite excited about it.
But the fifth year also gave Killian something else to be excited about, and ended up being a date he would celebrate for very a different reason each year. After lunch, he was calling David again…
“I got your gift, alright? A hook constellation named after that silly name the dwarves cursed us with. Very funny. Snow is insisting we frame the certificate. So thank you very much for that-”
David had answered the phone without so much as a greeting, sounding weary but far from as annoyed as he was trying to make out.
“Dave, shut up, mate,” Killian cut him off breathlessly, “And get to the hospital...Emma’s in labor. Our little lad is on his way.”
With that, he’d hung up, leaving David and Snow to scramble to the hospital as fast as they could. Their new grandson arrived shortly after they did, and when they entered Emma’s room, Killian was sat with his daughter on his knee, helping her get acquainted with the tiny baby boy he proudly held in his arms.
“Well, this is definitely the best anniversary gift ever.”
David joked, stepping closer to the bed and leaning over to press a kiss to Emma’s forehead. Both Snow and Emma groaned in unison and Killian began to laugh heartily.
“Aye, especially considering his middle name is David…”
At that, David’s gaze snapped to Killian, his eyes widening and flickering to Emma, seemingly seeking confirmation. Emma nodded, a tired smile on her face as she moved her own gaze to her husband and children.
From then on, they celebrated a birthday instead of a drunken ‘wedding’ anniversary. And no more gifts were needed, because on that day, they’d both received the best gift they could have ever wished for.
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pray4jensen · 7 years
11 Questions (tagging game)
1. Post the rules 
2. Answer the questions given to you.
3. Make 11 questions of your own.
4. Tag 11 people
I was tagged by the lovely and amazing @starsinursa. 
1. What is the best compliment you’ve ever received, the one piece of praise that really sticks out in your mind?
I wish that I could say something about my personality or character here, but actually, the first thing that comes to mind is a compliment that I received on a story many years ago. Someone told me that they really liked that I humanized the villains that I wrote. I don’t know why it stuck so much but it got me thinking a lot, because I didn’t realize that I was doing it until they told me. 
2. Weirdest food/ food combination that you love?
Phew. I wouldn’t have had anything for this if not for the lucky fact that my sister brought home a really weird pizza back last night. It had white radish on it. I don’t know if this is normal, but I’d definitely never had that before so I was really surprised to find that I liked it.
3. What would your spirit animal/totem/patronus be, and why?
Elephant! (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑  I love them so much because they’re animals with such empathy. They grieve their dead and they help each other out, when one of their own gets stuck in a pit or something. I’ve definitely shamelessly cried over an elephant video or two. But yeah, elephants, because I strongly value empathy and these animals nail it :P
4. Favorite dirty joke (or clean is fine, if you prefer)? (under the cut but it’s not that dirty)
I had to google jokes on the internet for this because nothing was coming to mind. Here’s one that made me giggle:
Q: What does the sign on an out-of-business brothel say?
A: Beat it. We’re closed. 
5. If you cosplay/ever got the chance to cosplay, which character would you be?
The first thing that popped into my mind was Kagome from the anime/manga Inuyasha. I ship ‘em so hard. Honestly, if anyone wants a slowburn romance that rivals deancas complete with bickering, misunderstandings, angst, fluff...like everything, this is the one to watch. It’s beautifully set in feudal Japan and features Japanese supernatural creatures and damn, it’s just gorgeous. The characters are all so lovable, too. 
6. One of your bad habits?
Comparing myself to others hands-down. It’s terrible because it makes me feel so bad about myself all the time. I try not to do it, but...it’s a struggle. 
7. A song that always makes you feel nostalgic?
The “Battle of Hogwarts” theme from the last Harry Potter movie. It makes me sad every time. Felt like my childhood ending.
8. How did you choose your tumblr URL?
I made three Tumblr accounts before I finally figured out what Tumblr was about. I don’t remember my URLs for the first two. My friend kept telling me that this site was fun and about photography. There was nothing less appealing. I wasn’t an artist. Sure, I could appreciate photography, but I couldn’t see what could be fun about that personally for me. 
But I made an account. I thought, Yeah, sure, let’s give this a try. And then horror. As soon as I logged in, Tumblr offered me a snapshot of blogs to follow. Every single one had Misha Collins’ face as the profile picture. I didn’t know who this man was. Why he had such a weird look on his face. I thought it was the DEFAULT photo. Ya know? Like the egg for Twitter? I deleted my account after 2 min. Months later, tried it again (the Mishapocalypse had passed). Still didn’t really understand. Cue my first year of uni and I made another account. 60r3d0m. Because Boredom was taken (and because d3ppr35510n would probably be too...ya know? But yeah. Much regret. I kinda wanna change, but I’ve been 60r3d0m on AO3 for years so my fate is sealed.
9. Is love at first sight a real thing? What about true love/soulmates?
I don’t. I really need to get to know a person’s values first before I can love them, because I need to make sure that their values respect mine.
I’d love the idea of a soulmate out there for everyone, but I’m not sure that I believe it. But I do think that if you keep putting yourself out there, you will find at least one person that understands you well enough to feel like they could be your soulmate.
10. The book/poem/fic that changed your life?
The Diary of Anne Frank. It’s nonfiction but reading it felt like having a friend. She was a really remarkable person. 
11. What is the one piece of advice that you think everyone should hear?
Put yourself in the other person’s shoes. Sometimes people who seem annoying are just in pain. Sometimes people who seem like they don’t want to talk to you are just so anxious and lonely that they’re not able to approach you without your help. Sometimes that person at your school/work/etc. who seems like a slacker is going through things and needs support. I say this as someone who’s always struggled in life like this, and always found myself wishing that people were more conscious.
Tagging all these super cool people to answer the questions below because I’d love to get to know you better (but no pressure to do it if you don’t want to): @bold-sartorial-statement, @deletingpoint, @robotsnchicks, @iamjustgod, @justholdingstill, @helianthus21, @winchesterwithwings, @spearywritesstuff, @tobythewise, @ladyofthursday, and @bowleggedcharmer and anyone else who wants to participate, because it’s always nice making more friends!
1. What episode/season of Supernatural was the first that you watched alongside the fandom on Tumblr?
2. What’s your favourite Supernatural season? What’s your least fav.? Why?
3. When did you start shipping Dean/Cas? Any particular moment/aspect of the story that made you do it? If you had the power, how would you choose to canonize it?
4. For Supernatural, if you write fic./make art (or both), what’s something that you’ve created that you wished more people would read/see? If you don’t write fic./make art, what’s a fic./art piece that you feel deserves more attention? 
5. Which Supernatural character are you most like and why? Which character is your favourite and why? 
6. What’s a nightmare that you had that you can never forget? What happened in it that made you so afraid?
7. What’s an embarrassing thing that happened to you that you find hilarious looking back on? Or alternatively, what’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you, regardless of whether it’s hilarious now or not?
8. What is one thing that someone’s said that stuck with you? Why did it stick?
9. What is one issue (global, social-justice-related or something along those lines) that is important to you? Why?
10. What is one thing that you wish that you could change about yourself? Why?
11. What was the last thing that put a smile on your face and made your heart twinge with happiness?
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8/9/19 1:15am Super Update 2/?
Yknow I really thought hard about naming this one “there’s something about mary.” it would’ve been delightfully tacky, right? Maybe not.
Anyway, first let’s start off with tempering some of that unabashed dicksucking I just did. I still feel overweight. I don’t feel Fat per se, I’m gaining a little bit more confidence in myself (especially now that I’m hooking up with girls again), but I don’t really feel as attractive as I was a year and a half ago. I’m much Happier, don’t get me wrong, but it is a simple truth that I’m not quite as sexy as I was then. Baby steps, we’ll get there.
So here’s where we’re at then. Super skinny me, doing karaoke every week, I think I’m still blonde, Mary asks ME out, we start fucking. She’s delightfully kinky, and the way her pussy would writhe as she came and squirted on me every time is something I’ll never forget, for sure. Like it would do this squeezing and pushing motion like something in the back was popping forward and rolling onto me. Very unique. Super hot lol. Quite a mess, but I loved it of course.
Resumed, 8/10/19 12:56 AM
Sorry, had to take care of some patients and then I got distracted watching twitch the rest of the night. Mostly it’s laziness. But pacing these out seems at least a little more respectful to put the amount of thought and reflection on each that they deserve lol. 
I’m also gonna try to dig up the paper-diary posts that I was writing at the time. They’re hidden in some notebooks so I’ll try to go back and find them and insert them where they’re appropriate retroactively.
So Mary. Mary was fun. I remember her making me chicken noodle soup when we hung out and got wine drunk at her place before having lots of raucous sex. I remember getting snowed in at her place and building a snowman with her the next day, pouring wine onto the snow on the roof of our cars and eating it off like little wine popsicles. Mary and I were never exclusive, she made it abundantly clear that she was seeing other people. In fact, she was seeing one guy in particular who she was like... dating? Who I Think was under the impression that they were exclusive or something. In so many words, I was her side hoe lmfao. It was fun. I’ve already written about how we had phish concerts in common and that was enough to make me feel like she really got where I was coming from in a way not many people did. Plus she had these two cute kitties and a whole fuckton of vhs tapes of old 90s movies we used to watch. Had a nice day of watching Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.
Mary always did fun little songs at karaoke. I remember she would do “I’m Just a Squirrel” to the tune of No Doubt, and whenever she Really couldn’t think of what to do and was a little drunk she’d do Tequila Wayyy before that meme guy happened this year. It was hilarious, I get why people freaked out about that guy, but she beat him to the punchline for me. 
But she was also into doing a lot of drugs and having sex with a lot of people. So while it was refreshing to be a side hoe it was also only just a bit disconcerting lol. I do my best not to judge though, I’d probably be doing the same tbh. I think just coke freaks me out just because I don’t Like it. 
I can’t remember how we got on the subject, but somehow or another Mary ended up finding out about my cat tail butt plug. I suppose it’s because I brought my sex toy box over to her place and it was in there. But when she found out about it she thought it was amazing and wanted to try too. I think it was just some random day, I suppose I could try to pull up the picture dates, but one day we hung out at Walkers drinking for a while, drove out to an Adam and Eve, got her a nice little black fox tail plug, and then I finally got to live out my fantasy of having sex with a tail on WITH me also getting to wear my tail. Holy fuck it was some of the best sex I’ve ever had in my life. Like absolutely beastial. I remember her meowing at me a lot, I literally came like 6 times after fucking for about 3 or 4 hours. Just pounding the fuck away at each other in every position imaginable. hahahahah holy shit at one point I leaned over the side of the bed to grab some more lube as I was fucking her doggystyle, but accidentally repositioned my knee onto my tail, pulling it out of my ass REALLY quick. One of the worst feelings, like it just ripped out. and then to make matters worse later when we finally finished and I tried to help her pull hers out I kinda just Yoinked it and did the same thing to herrrrrr hahahaha SHE DIDN’T EVEN SLEEP IN THE BED WITH ME. omfg yeah she left to go get a drink and never came back, and I couldn’t tell if she was furious or just too drunk and passed out on the couch. In the morning she didn’t remember being mad and said it was amazing sex though, so it was a relief to know it was the latter. And she posed up for me and let me take some amazing pics :3 It became the start of a furry tail self-porn folder that I’ve cultivated only slightly and solidified my fetish completely and entirely. 
Ah unfortunately that was one of the last times we hooked up. I think in total we were fooling around for like a month or two? Long enough for me to tell my fam about her and my mom to give me a bracelet to give to her which I never did because I thought it’d be weird.
In the end Mary told me that she wanted to get serious with her real boyfriend, and that I probably shouldn’t come over anymore. It didn’t really beat me up all that much, because we had moved on to really only hanging out when we hooked up at her place. She had stopped going to karaoke because her new job she had to work in the mornings on wednesdays, so I didn’t see her as much either. But what totally fucked me is that I had a bunch of stuff at her place. I had brought a PS2 I had borrowed from Spencer and a copy of Kingdom Hearts 1 that I had borrowed from Jimmy over to her place, and she gave me the ps2 back with an off brand controller and without the copy of KH1. She kept her plug and gave me my other toys back, which was to be expected. Totally worth for me lol. But GOD DAMMIT that copy of KH1 and the controller really frustrated me lmao. When she said I couldn’t swing by to just get my own stuff I wrote out this detailed list that she ignored and then her old roommate took my shit and moved out when he found out she was getting serious with her boyfriend. Also a little piece of shit. He was the first person I played magic with in years though so he wasn’t all bad. I think he was definitely jealous that I was fucking mary though. Lol this month one of the things I finally did was replaced that copy of KH1 to start playing it on my own and eventually give it back to Jimmy, and fixed a cable I broke on that PS2. I hate breaking people’s shit/not returning it to them, it really frustrates me.
Anyway, yeah that’s about it with her. We would still see each other once in a while and she was snapping me for a bit just as friends. We’re still really cool. I think her and her boyfriend are doing well still too, so that’s sweet. And I’d see him out at bars and he wouldn’t kick my ass, though I still don’t really know if he knew if I was fucking her lmao. I remember shaking his hand a few times and still being like “I fucking wonder lmao.”
But yeah, having a girl ask me out was a huge ego boost. Mary was a gem. <3
What’s more, is she gave me faith that maybe dating is worth my time. Maybe there’s actually someone out there in the world who’s as weird as I am. Maybe.
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gray-anxiety · 5 years
No Sympathy Facts/ the chaos of my brain
I kept forgetting the damn name
Like “No… no wHAT????? Oh”
Aella is a name associated with storms and wind, so I gave her that name because I wanted someone who really did embody that
I kept wanting to spell Aella’s name allen smh
This book started when i finally got off my ass and convinced myself to do a mafia au. The entire plot was pulled out of my ass in a period of brainstorming that kept me up until 5:30 the next morning
I actually sketched out the apartment’s layout so I could see it better.
later I actually designed a messy version of what it’d somewhat be like in the sims
Karanese is actually a district in the Attack on Titan universe :)
Each chapter takes me like 2 hours to write simply because I play out each and every ending in my head and choose the best one I’d want to see in a story
Other times I legit just have a feeling like I absolutely know how a chapter plays out like Chapter 3’s murder fight scene. It just came to me and all I had to do was describe it like I had just watched a movie
Chapter one took a total of seven hours to write
The plot twists were created when I asked myself what cliche can I change?
(Except I kept a few just to make fun of it I.E. roommates and badboy x nerdy character because that shit is hilarious and can really show the dynamic of how different each character really is)
Chapter two bore me to death to be honest
An actual example of my brainstorming while writing down facts:
I have no idea what the fuck to do after chapter 3 help
I pretty much said fuck it to planning out a plot and just wung it
Where am I gonna place Hange and the others
What about Eren lol
How’d you come up with the name for No Sympathy?
hilarious answer, actually. I spent two damn hours laying on my bed googling “what’s your mafia nickname” to just messing around with broken languages on google translate until it just popped in my head. Pretty much I was like “oh shit that sounds lit and fearsome lets do it bois” and yeah
I’m actually making this list of fun facts while writing each chapter. I’m going to start working on chapter 4 tomorrow and hopefully get my shit together to make a somewhat good plot??
Lmao I lied I got really fucking lazy and wrote the chapter at 11 at night and published it at midnight
I wrote everything about no sympathy in one iCloud note and titled it “No sympathy; the complete chaos of making a book”
The true main character of No Sympathy is actually Levi since I feel like I understand him completely since I relate to him so much; making Levi the easiest character I’ve written about ever. Though, his true character (in my opinion) doesn’t necessarily shine through in the beginning chapters as Levi don’t get along with new people, but you can see him warm up to Aella by doing her homework, dragging her out of the party, etc.
I’ve realized I have a distinct writing pattern while writing No Sympathy: comma, semi-colon, double dash. (Chapters two and three really showcase it as I wrote those two back to back in the car)
Had I actually had the inspiration and the motivation to write this almost a year ago, I would’ve been writing about the mafia at 13, which is an absolute hilarious thought to think about when I look back to my previous fanfics. Then again, my dumbass 14-year-old self is just as clingy as my dumbass 13-year-old self lmaoo
I gave Aella the same birth day (not year lmao) as mine (September 10) so she’d be 17 during the first month of school and 18 for the rest of the book
Going off of that fact, Levi is exactly 1 year and 8 months older than Aella (I kept his original birthday)
My cat demanded that I gave him cuddles and attention so I had to stop writing for one entire day because he wanted cuddles
Normally my cat just lays on my chest while I write b u t n o he wanted cuddles
If Levi never came into the picture Aella would probably date Hanji (for all of those fellow LGBTQIA+ readers and readers that really love Hanji)
While writing chapter 1 I listened to Ghost by Halsey on repeat and I think if you read while playing the exact song it somewhat shows in the pace I set for readers.
The term ‘block class’ is actually derived from what my own high school (even though I’m not even fully considered a freshman yet jfc) uses when referring to a 90 minute class
The book Technically begins on a Saturday with Levi — the actual power duo meet that Monday (because unlike dumbass schools in real life, their first day of school was on a Monday instead of the Friday before.) on their first day. That Tuesday was chapter 4, Wednesday being chapter 5, Thursday being chapter 6 (we skip Friday because it doesn’t fucking matter in the story lmao), and Saturday being the day of the party.
Writing an x reader but without the reader was really fucking hard, honestly. I couldn’t just randomly say ‘Levi looked over at the H/C girl working on her homework across from him’ as it’d just be weird, so I thought of the next best thing and never described Aella — making her free for interpretation of her looks.
I was going to have Aella have a name reveal like ‘my real name is Y/N…’ but then I was like “No what? Fuck it. Levi already knew from the beginning after looking at her documents.”
No Sympathy was actually going to be an original story, but Levi’s character fit so well I decided to make it a fanfic.
I actually wanted to stop writing after chapter 3 because I didn’t know what to do with the plot, but I asked my friend for help coming up with the plot using the paragraphs of ideas I had to make an actual plot. So, I can successfully say I owe it to her for helping and the one sentence that kept me going in my head: “I want to make a story I’m proud of.” So I fucked up my (nonexistent, really lmao) sleeping and eating schedules and started working on this book everyday even when I didn’t post a chapter that day.
Though, it’s not really specified in the early chapters, Aella was bullied into being hated by the entire school — leaving her to be all alone, which actually happened to me and gave me PTSD after transferring.
Ironically, I gave Aella a ton of reactions and characteristics I would/ just generally have, but I see myself more in Levi, which is probably why I prefer writing about him over Aella.
As of writing this, chapter 5 is currently my favorite chapter as it is a mix of a filler chapter and a regular important chapter still just as important as the rest.
Depression and PTSD actually got in the way of writing so many times I actually am surprised I’ve written so much
As writing has always been my go to for letting out everything (as I have z e r o close friends lmao) I actually don’t realize when I’m done with each chapter until I realize I’m out of ideas for said chapter.
I don’t even realize I write about 2,000 words until it’s like “oh,,”
No Sympathy wasn’t just any fanfic for me, it was like I was actually Aella seeing the entire story unfold from beginning to finish
I tried to push myself to describe more, as I’ve noted while rereading my previous shitty fanfics — I struggled describing everything.
I tried to not have the basic “tch”, “brat”, and just random cursing from Levi unless it was at the exact wrong time (or I just put it in because I could totally see him saying that in said situation)
I tried characterizing Hanji as someone who wasn’t the basic overexcited dumbass most fanfics portray her as — instead I tried thinking of her as an actual person with reactions and different moods  and tried to embody that each time I wrote her
Character development is a huge thing Ive been trying to work on ever since I wrote A Valkyrie and a Mischievous God (though that character development and story sucked ass and I cringe at how popular it’s gotten), and a huge target for it was none other than Aella. At the beginning you could see she felt trapped in an endless cycle of stress and fending for herself, but when Levi came in and was like “lmao I have money you don’t have to stress” she felt like she was in an odd spot, and eventually after she reunited with Hanji she started to feel more free
Parents were completely cut out of this story because I genuinely don’t know how to write them as mine are either states away by choice or always working, so I just had Aella get kicked out and had her entire family gone.
My best ideas surface at 4 am when I’m trying to fucking sleep
Help me
But hey I now have a new passion for this book
I generally didn’t know how to end it
A huge thing for me, and my entire driving motion for writing this was a simple sentence: “I want to write something I’m proud of.”
Am I proud of this?
Eh. It’s not shitty, I suppose. I could always do better.
Characterization was so difficult for me. I wanted to stray from basic fanfics of an overly hyper Hange (though, I couldn’t help in some situations, but after watching an entire season and a half in one day, you notice personality changes) and write and more serious one — except I’m a damn shitty author with so many grammatical mistakes my ex-mentor would literally rip her hair out.
Writing a book has always been my goal, and I know this is the only thing that will ever come close to it.
I have another Levi x reader planned, but I always hate doing the basic ‘_____’ ‘Y/N’, etc because it literally drives my depressed self I n s a n e when writing
Most times for my outline summaries of the chapters I just put my name in place of Aella lmao
I actually struggled a lot when writing this; sometimes I even broke down thinking no one liked this book or I wasn’t a good enough author to write anymore.
My asshole self mainly spent my summer writing this rip
Currently, as it is July 2nd, I am literally hoping to Levi that I fucking get this done before August or else I’m so fucking screwed with beginning high school and shit.
I don’t know if I’m actually going to continue with this book, but have these collected facts I started writing the moment the first chapter was out :,) It’s already September and my past dumbass was right
High school is kicking my ass
I have another story idea/plot written out and I really like it so idk. I think I’d stop halfway again because I’d think that no one would like it
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11+ Kids and Teens with Celiac Disease Already Doing Seriously Amazing Things
New blog post! If you read this blog regularly, you know that I love applying a positive perspective to life with celiac disease. At times, though, having a chronic illness or needing to follow a gluten free can feel pretty dang hard.
That’s why today’s post is highlighting 11+ kids and teens who are totally kicking booty at life, even with celiac disease! Whether you have a child with celiac you want to feel less alone or just want to read about some amazing members of the younger generations, keep scrolling to discover some pretty inspiring girls and guys.
1. A (Literal) Master Chef
If you’re a fan of the cooking show, Master Chef Junior, you probably already know all about Che Spiotta. Spoiler alert: he’s the winner of the latest season of Master Chef Junior.
According to this interview, the now-thirteen-year-old has still not mastered the art of baking gluten free bread, but he certainly doesn’t let his diet get in the way of enjoying himself in the kitchen. As Che puts it: “I probably started on the stove when I was 3 or 4. I think that’s because I’m gluten free, and at first I didn’t know what I had; there were just lots of foods I couldn’t eat...When I realized I was gluten free, I just kept on cooking. I realized how much fun it is. I love the creativity about it. “
2. 10 and 11-Year-Old Authors
The most impressive part of these stories isn’t that Lillian Bordoni and Kristen Adam respectively published books about celiac disease at ten and eleven years old. What really gets me are motivations behind these girls’ separate projects. Kristen, author of Dear Celiac (available on Amazon), wanted to keep kids with celiac disease from feeling lonely when they were first diagnosed, like Kristen felt. Meanwhile, Lillian reportedly had one of the most extreme forms of celiac disease seen by Children’s Hospital Colorado. So she wrote and illustrated Cecilia the Celiac Superhero (available on Story Jumper) to tell show readers that anyone can thrive with celiac disease as long as “they just all put their family together and try super duper hard.”
3. Hockey Superstar 
If you’re a big fan of hockey, you probably already know about Kaapo Kakko, a Finnish hockey player who was the second draft pick for the 2019 NHL. But besides being an amazing hockey player who won three gold medals in the Finnish hockey world, Kakko also has diabetes and celiac disease. And Kakko won’t let either of those conditions get in the way of him dominating the ice.
In fact, when asked about his health struggles, the eighteen-year-old replied, “It’s nothing for me. I got (diagnosed) five years ago. It’s a normal thing for me.”
4. Members of the Celiac Youth Leadership Council in Seattle
Seattle Children's Hospital is doing more than just diagnosing kids with celiac disease; it's also empowering celiac kids and teens to take part in a mostly kid-run outreach and mentor program for people with celiac disease. Besides raising celiac awareness in their community, celiac teens like Elle Penarczyk are running a gluten free food drive for a local food bank and "testing gluten-free products sold in regular bakeries and pizzerias to see if they’re affected by flour in the air." Talk about a hospital - and a group of young celiacs - who are seriously going above and beyond.
5. Twin Authors Heading to College
As the self-named Casey the College Celiac, I obviously love hearing about the new generations of celiacs heading off to college. In particular, I love hearing about new advocates educating others along the way...and Rayna and Hallie Katzman definitely fit both bills.
Via the twins' Facebook page
Before they went off to college, the girls worked with their mother to write and publish a book based on their celiac diagnosis at age 13 called Everybody’s Got Something: My First Year with Celiac Disease (also available on Amazon). According to this interview, the girls wanted to create a book that filled the gap between books about celiac disease for younger kids and for adults, and gave them the information they wish they had at 13.
6. Miss Pinal County 
Josephine Taylor didn't let celiac disease or Hashimoto's keep her from winning Miss Pinal County - and she's using her platform to raise some major celiac awareness. In particular, she's been working on making sure that all Arizona high schools have a safe, cross-contamination-free microwave that students with dietary restrictions can use. That way, students with celiac disease or food allergies can still eat in the cafeteria along with everyone else. At least as of this report, Taylor's efforts have paid off in one school district. But I'm sure Taylor's mission is far from over.
7. Taylor Miller from Hale Life
I've been fortunate enough to meet this teen in real life (at the first Gluten Free Teen Summit), and Taylor Miller is as kind in person as he is online. Taylor is the guy behind the super popular gluten free website, Hale Life (formally Gluten Away). Besides being a huge celiac and chronic illness advocate that speaks at tons of different events around America, Taylor also works with gluten free brands on social media marketing, owns a gluten free bakery in Tampa, Florida with his mom, and has started taking college classes. Suffice to say, he's a pretty cool guy!
8. Miss Nebraska Hopeful
Lianna Prill started competing in pageants as a junior in high school and qualified to compete for the spot of Miss Nebraska in 2014. It wasn't until Prill's dad was diagnosed with celiac disease that Prill eventually realized her constant migraines and flu-like symptoms could be symptoms of the same disease. Since going gluten and dairy free, Prill says, “Now I’m a new woman. All that stuff with being sick that I just wanted to forget about was actually part of a plan. I can’t wait to share that story and hopefully save some lives.”
At least as of this Facebook post in 2017, it seems like Prill is still fighting for her crown - but she did come in third place!
9. Celiac Strong Camp Founder
I've loved seeing that, nowadays, there are several celiac camps that occur all over the country. One of these camps, though, actually started out as Sabrina DeVos's Girl Scout project when she was just 16 years old. Nowadays, Sabrina is 21, but her Celiac Strong Camp is still (pun intended) going strong. Her main goal? In Sabrina's words: "I want other kids to experience the joy of having a few of worry free days and create a place where they can just be kids."
10. A Creative Cooking Champion
If you need some inspiration for getting creative in the kitchen, here's another inspirational teen for you to check out! Her name is Maizy Boosin and she beat three other young chefs to become a Chopped Junior Champion. Besides raising celiac awareness in the actual episode by talking about her condition, Boosin also shared plans to donate some of her $10,000 winnings to celiac disease research and education.
11. All of the gluten free and celiac kids you know in your own life! 
Of course, we can't forget to celebrate every kid, preteen and teenager who's navigating the usual hurdles of life along with eating gluten free and thriving with a chronic illness. And if you or the inspirational little celiac in your life needs even more young role models to look up to, you can check out Gluten Free Living's list of epic gluten free ambassadors, who range from a young cookbook author donating all her proceeds to celiac research to kids just spreading celiac awareness in their own community.
What I Hope Everyone Knows about Living with Celiac Disease as a Teen
Honestly, this post really hits home for me because I was diagnosed with celiac disease at age 16. In fact, I was diagnosed only a few weeks before my senior year...and less than a month before I was asked out on my first date. So before I even really knew how to take care of and feed myself safely with celiac disease, I already had to navigate the awkward reality of living with celiac disease at an age where 99% of social events revolve around food. And I'm not gonna sugarcoat it. It. Was. (And still is, in grad school). Hard. It was hard to not know what to order while visiting an ice cream shop on my first date, or to constantly turn down food at pizza parties, graduation events, freshman orientation and all throughout college. But I did it. Heck, even though I was hospitalized for celiac complications as a freshman in college, I can still say that I created some amazing (gluten free) memories during those four years.
At the end of the day, I think these kids are sending the same message I try to always convey: that celiac disease can be tricky at any age but that you can still kick butt through it. And you might even change the world along the way! No questions - just tell me your thoughts! <3 via Blogger https://ift.tt/2MptcRC
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Looking Back // 2018 goals, highlights, and what's to come...
Okay well this year has FLOWN by?! I can't believe we're already at the end of 2018. I have barely any school left (a few years but still in the long scheme of things),... Having 'proper' exams has certainly kept me busier than I would've liked but this is also partly my own fault due to my (now cured) binge watching obsession and desire to procrastination (because it's cool but my bad, I no longer believe this).  This is one of a series of 2018 wind down posts; you can view reasons why I am grateful for this blog here. The other posts, Looking Ahead and December Wrap-up aren't live yet. I'm gonna use this post as a platform to talk about this year's goals, my highlights (blogging and life), and discuss what's to come since I'm leaving and you guys should remain in the loop about that! Without further ado:
i. reflecting on mmxviii goals (yes the format is just to feel cool)
Here are the goals I set at the start of this year, along with notes about the completion of them:
1. 2+ blog posts a week except on hiatuses
(I finally used a gif here!!! But anyway.) This one was a big fat FAIL. What a joke. By my count, there will be a total of 58 blog posts completed and published in 2018 (keep in mind a lot of the first few posts were things like weekly wrap-ups too, so I wouldn't really count those as proper posts either). I'm hesitant to set a similar goal for 2019, but I might just go with "try to post regularly" which can be interpreted ambiguously I guess. It'll be even busier than this year, that I'm certain, but I'm going to try and manage my time better so I frequent the blog more.
2. NO backscheduling; if I don't have a post done in time, I'll post it a week later or when it's finished
This one, I adhered to; much easier than last year since I wasn't as strict about post frequency, and didn't make it my life's mission to do 365 posts for 365 days (stupidest idea ever). As stated above, since I didn't keep my two posts a week goal at all there wasn't a point to backscheduling. But just as a fact, I have several posts which I need to write which are on my calendar that just keep getting pushed back, and I was quite proud of myself for finally writing pt. ii of NZ Education Issues a few weeks ago, which you can view here (I pushed this post back week after week from April).
3. Less Blitzes/Tours; I'm only going to do them if they're about books I care about
In 2018: zero book blitzes/tours! (No wonder my blog traffic was so static.) I wanted to step away from doing these because even though they were pretty much zero effort for me I wasn't promoting content I was genuinely interested in. So I stopped altogether, though I think I might do some in 2019 on the odd occasion, and to make it more worth my time, actually go digging for books I'm actually passionate about.
4. More discussion posts
Yuss!! Another success. I wrote ten this year, which isn't a lot (hang on, in 2017 I wrote 37... does that mean I don't win?) but it was more a focus of my blog for sure, though that's mainly due to a lack of posts. So I'll count this one as a completed goal but the fix for 2019 is just to post more, because I have plenty of ideas waiting to be thrown out into the world.
5. Comment on more blogs frequently
I didn't comment on other blogs a massive amount in 2018 (I wish I had stats for this!) but then again when do I ever? Sorry fellow bloggers, I'm super lazy and I know I should do it more, but effort. I did try harder to comment on other blogs, achieving this through unfollowing pretty much all blogs on Bloglovin and going onto Wordpress to find blogs I was genuinely interested in to follow (and even then, only commenting on posts of theirs that attracted my attention in order to leave meaningful comments). This worked for me because it created a connection between me and other bloggers and gave me incentive to comment on their posts because I wanted to read the content rather than feeling forced to do so.
6. Set aside more time for blogging
I definitely class this one as a fail, but hear me out. I did do one thing right here; I had blocks of time which I devoted to blogging, and these often stretched past an hour. The problem is, with every one of these (I am forever indebted to my dad for providing me with such nice office space to do this, btw) were two or more sessions of bland internet surfing where I could've been blogging. Sometimes I did stuff related to school, but mostly this was just a massive waste of time. I'm trying to plan more in 2019, so I'll try and make computer sessions just for blogging.
7. Make graphics for blog posts
Yes, and no? Yes: weekly wrap-up graphics (which I barely used since I gave up on that pretty quick), monthly wrap-up graphics, and the "until next time" at the end of each post (by far my favourite, not because it looks great but because I completed something I'm satisfied with and use often). No: review graphics (this is the reason I haven't posted a review here at all this year, in case you've been wondering about the lack of those on here even though there are a bunch on goodreads). My aims for 2018 were really only these four things, so 3/4? But I'm pretty disappointed about the reviews thing because it's the rating graphic that stumped me as I wanted something unique here; I even made two header graphics for my reviews of Nevernight and Godsgrave, which I might use in 2019? Ah well, something for 2019 I guess! Just so you know, I'm also planning on making divider graphics, and as for anything else... you'll see. That's it for goals: is 4/7 a pass? Next up is a reflection on the yearly challenges I did.
A-Z Book Challenge
I was a bit disappointed I didn't complete this challenge last year, but I'm giving it yet another shot this year. I have all the necessary books to complete it (I haven't yet read them all though as of writing this post), so all I gotta do is read! I'll check back in to see if I do complete it, or it's another thing to add to my long list of fails.
Goodreads Yearly Challenge
I don't wanna talk about this,,, a massive fail. My reading goal each year has gone down, from 2014 when I first did this challenge, 250 {completed}, to 2015, 210 {incomplete, I didn't even make it to 200}, 2016, 150 {complete}, 2017, 125 {complete}. All of these years I pretty much expected that I could do what I did the year before, but ended up lowering and adjusting them towards the end of December when I finally confronted reality. This year, I aimed for 100, but no. I've reset it to 50, which I know I'll get, but it's quite disappointing that I didn't even get 100. (What's sadder than that is for next year's goal I'm thinking 75 because I gotta read more, but I'd ideally like to read 100+).
Ebook Challenge
An accurate description of the time I've spent on my iPad when I could've been reading on kindle:
(instagram). Disappointing, I know! I was thinking, I'll read more on my iPad when I go away this summer and there's no wifi, but that's yet to happen as of writing this post so we'll see, we'll see. I aimed for 25 books here but so far I've read 5. It may rise to a few more, but I'd say 2/3 maximum, and I'll update you if/when that happens.
ii. highlights of this year
If you thought I was done... Nope, not yet. I'm sorry this is so long!! But I've been enjoying dragging out my posts for a bit longer if just so that I feel I've accomplished more (this probably isn't helping). Did I forget to mention that this isn't all gonna be positive? Oops. Well. Let's start off on a negative:
1. my twitter being deactivated
This was... not fun for me. I don't even use Twitter that much, but at that point in my life I was using it a lot as a tool to keep myself updated about certain things which occur around the world; the deactivation funnily enough occurred around a convenient time in that I was unwillingly one distraction less during some stressful months. And recently I rejoined Twitter with a new account (@caszriel_) when things had calmed down, and I guess it's the fresh start I wanted but also I want my old account back please!
2. following more people on Wordpress and being (relatively) active on their blogs
I was able to interact with so many cool people this year! Maybe it was partially due to my own lack of consistent posting, but I found time to read and comment on a bunch of blogs which was a really enjoyable experience. In 2019 I'd love to become closer to these people and discover more amazing blogs.
3. making amazing memories with amazing people
Oh man. While it was sad not to have classes with some people who I'd been casual friends with in 2016/2017 the independence of the timetable for senior classes and lack of a 'core class' group of people you encounter in 5/8 classes made it so much better for me, even when sometimes I hated the lack of streaming since I had classes with people who had previously been kept out by the streaming (I'm sorry but I just really don't like these people okay), but I wouldn't trade it because firstly, less classes total (6), more like a genuine high school experience, and 2017 was not great. But kinda and also not related to this are all the amazing people I hung out with this year who helped make my year awesome. Because true friendship doesn't suffer the bounds of having none/few classes together or even being at different schools. I'm so thankful for all of you who helped cheer me up when I wasn't having the best time, and being around to listen to my stupid rants. (And to everyone reading this post, I love you too
4. getting through my first year of formal examinations
At the start of 2018 I was pretty excited for this year. Yay, exams (yes I know I'm weird) which I can actually study for online with past papers. Also, I didn't think anything could be worse than parts of 2017 (hey, I wasn't wrong). Proper assessments!! (Yeah I feel like every year up till this year has been pretty wasteful education wise but that's just me,) the externals were mostly fine but I can never say I'm looking forward to results coming out on January 15. Internals got extremely stressful at some points just because not all of my teachers are the greatest or sympathetic to your many extracurricular commitments (in June I had SO much music stuff I was out of one class for around two weeks straight because of that and that ate up all my lunch times and pretty much all after schools that weren't already occupied). For 2019 I'm motivated and hoping to amp up the workload and go for a lot of scholarships, so bring it on!
5. 2018 in general; discovering new music, getting back into tennis (passionately)
I was not expecting 2018 to be so good. I had an amazing time and it's gone pretty fast! I love that I've been able to listen to more country music and discover all these amazing artists, and also reignite my love for tennis (Roger Federer is the best guys). Here's to 2019!
iii. what's to come?
I'll elaborate in more detail in at the top of my final post of the year, December Wrap-up (live 12AM EST 31st December) but basically, I'm leaving this blog... But making another one? I'll be transferring all my Bloglovin' followers and meanwhile you can find it here. I'd also really like to start making designs and stuff on etsy/society6 and I'll keep you guys updated about that!
How did you find 2018? Was it better/worse than previous years? What are your most memorable moments, positive or negative? Did you meet all your 2018 goals?
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goingallthewayy · 8 years
Review of my 2016 Goals
(AKA holy shit is it 2017 already?!)
1. Get my concealed carry.
Damnit, still didn’t do that. Still want to, too.
2. Train for and compete in another triathlon- more than one would be good, too!
Well that didn’t turn out how I’d hoped. I still want this to happen in 2017, too. Darn ACL. Happened not even a month after I wrote this, and I was doing GREAT on my fitness goals, too.
3. Go backpacking and explore new parts of Colorado.
I didn’t get to backpack (ACL) BUT I explored some great new trails and campsites in 2016. Here’s to a few more in 2017!
4. Catch a fish! Just because.
YES! I still want to do this too. But did not accomplish in 2016.
5. Climb at least one 14er that I’ve never done before! Hopefully more than one.
Did this! Democrat and Cameron! Yas.
6. Travel someplace new! hopefully a new country or two, but even a few new places in the US would be great.
I visited the Grand Canyon! So that was awesome! But no new countries or states. Still... the Grand Canyon. I give myself a B- on this one.
7. Foster another 3 dogs. More would be even better but I’m afraid it will make it hard to travel and explore this summer.
I fostered even more than that! Geez I thought I had set this goal to be like ten dogs or something. I fostered Chase once I recovered from my ACL a little bit, then I helped out with Leo and Summer, then I fostered Truman (best dog EVER), then I helped with Felix, and finally I fostered the two puppies- Nova and the other one whose name I forget right now. Smashed this goal right out of the water!
8. Take meaningful steps towards a future career. Take the GRE, apply to grad school, work jobs other than waitressing!
I took the GRE, I applied to grad school, I didn’t go even though I got in AND paid for a class (dumbass) and I got an awesome internship where I’ve figured out what I want to do with the rest of my life! Hell yeah!
9. When my lease is up in October, I hope to move to a new state, hopefully for a new job or for grad school. Preparation starts now! We’ll see where this goes. This is pretty tentative since I love my current apartment and my roommate, but have been craving change in my life. Change is in the air- I’m excited to see where things go.
I didn’t move to a new state, I got an amazing internship at Denver Animal Shelter that kept me here in Colorado. BUT I did move into the city and now i have a HOUSE and not just an apartment that I’m renting. <3
10. Go skiing at least a few times this spring. I’ve finally got all the equipment, I bought a pass to go up for a weekend with my dad and test it all out, it’s time to get up and enjoy something I used to love! Even if it means sitting it traffic for a little while. Maybe I’ll even air BNB by myself up there! :)
Yeah this didn’t work out quite how I planned, either. ACL. But I did go up twice last year before the whole thing happened!
11. Write more. Looking back through my text entries is so meaningful to me, and it really allows me to see how much I’ve grown and changed. I need to try to write more often. It helps me to stay organized and focused.
Ahhh I wish I did this. I wrote through my pains with surgery and living with my folks again. But I haven’t written nearly enough. I just got too busy. I’m going to retry this goal, too.
12. Figure out a birth control solution that works for me so I can have safer sex. Taking a pill everyday is not my deal, clearly.
Fuck. Did not happen. I stopped sleeping around though, so that helped.
13. I need to spend less time on social media. I need a plan to try to break me of my addiction. It’s bad.
Yeah, didn’t do a great job of getting off of social media, either. I have a Facebook addiction, and the fact that my career revolves around it does not help. I should come up with a great solution for this as well.
14. I need to read more and paint more. I got through the Harry Potter books and that’s pretty much it in 2015. I need to read! And I only painted a couple of times. What’s up with that? I just spent a week in New Mexico studying Georgia o'keefe. Time to get crackin on some painting.
I read some great books in 2016! I got super into audiobooks for awhile, which could totally happen again when I start working out again. I should list the books I read but I did NOT keep track-this year I set a goal to read 25 books and Goodreads is keeping track of it for me.
Worth noting- I almost always have to include resolutions about my relationships; meaning family, friends, and romance. This year I’m not doing that.
I’m proud of myself for that last year, and I’m going to keep it to a minimum again this year. <3
What a wild year 2016 was. It’s just amazing to me looking back- part of me feels like the beginning of this year was SO LONG AGO and an entire epic has happened since then; part of me feels like “how the heck did I think I’d have time to accomplish all this shit it flew by so fast oh my god.” It was an adventure from (practically) rock-bottom (I still reserve rock-bottom to spring 2014) to some of the best times of my life. Like seriously, THE BEST. Just what an adventure.
January was beautiful and filled me with this feeling of hope for the new year; I started working out and was starting to look really good until
February I went on an amazing hike with Charley (best friend at the time) and decided to quit my serving job since I had a bunch (okay, possibly an exaggeration) of money saved up. So I quit. And exactly a week later, I tore my ACL in Snowmass skiing with my dad.
March I had to return to my parents house with Finn and had surgery March 8. It was HARD. One of the hardest things. I did a lot of reading, applying for jobs, and dicking around on the playstation. I also played plants vs. zombies constantly. I was on good drugs.
April I was still at my parents’ house going to physical therapy and taking walks when it was nice. I took the GRE and planned for my future.
May I took a trip to the Grand Canyon with my best friend Charley. It was a great trip; we saw all kinds of beautiful places. We hiked up to Hanging Lake, camped near Arches and saw Delicate Arch, and then drove down to the Grand Canyon. It SNOWED while we were camping there, but it was absolutely magical. It snowed our whole way back, too, so we booked it home instead of taking our time. We still spent the night with my Auntie Joni and Uncle Pete, which was really nice. I also fostered Chase during the month of May and started my new job at Perry’s with Charley. I also started the Outpaws Tails and Trails Hike Competition, which Finn and I competed in all summer. We would have won if I had kept better records, too. ;)
June I worked at Perry’s and met my future boyfriend, Leo. I went on an awesome camping trip by myself to Red Feather Lakes in the Roosevelt National Forest. I also was FIRED from a job for the first time- Perry’s fired me for insubordination, which was a bummer because (1) it was untrue. the thing they said I did, I did not do. (2) Leo and Charley worked there, and it sucked to no longer work with them. BUT it really was 100% for the best- Perry’s paid people in a super sketchy way, I didn’t like my coworkers or my boss, there was a constant feeling of discontent there. And it pushed me to apply for my current job, which is my dream job. Plus the day I got fired, Leo took me to his brother’s house and I met Jocelyn, who is now one of my closest friends.
July I went to a Keith Urban concert with Charley, which was fun. I also visited Ashleen in Tennessee, which was SO FUN! We did so many awesome things together. I also went camping again up at Red Feather! I also watched several dogs but didn’t get my next foster until
August! I fostered sweet Truman, the best good dog. We also took an amazing camping trip to Leadville, where Leo and I seriously bonded and adventured together. It was really fun. I also started my new job hostessing at La Sandia.
September I interviewed for my Denver Animal Shelter position and got it! I went on several gorgeous hikes. Our Tails and Trails competition ended, but we won some great prizes and figured out that Finn and I hiked over 300 miles during summer 2016. Very cool!
October feels like a stressball dream. I started a new job at Denver Animal Shelter, started living with my boyfriend, and moved in to a new house. I didn’t get to do any of the fun fall stuff I wanted to, but it’s all okay- I accomplished some cool things that month.
November I dove into my jobs. We took a family trip to Montrose where I bonded with dad over a 5k and got to see my grandparents and my second cousins. I worked an average of like 60 hours a week! It was crazy. I also helped out with a foster named Felix this month and then fostered two baby puppies because Leo kept telling me he wanted a puppy. Needless to say, now he doesn’t want a puppy.
December I kept working my two jobs! We went on a few hikes, but no new adventures. I spent a little bit of time with my family, but it is still hard to be around them when Lindsey is home. I have been reaching out to her and her lack of interest in seeing me makes it feel like she really doesn’t have any interest in being my friend. It is just so weird- I don’t know what happened that caused her to just stop valuing our friendship. But that’s a post for another day. I also celebrated a dual Christmas with Leo’s family. Mexicans celebrate Christmas at 12:00 AM- who knew? It was really fun though; I love his family. Kendall also moved back to Colorado, so I’ve gotten to see her more often. I feel like I did something else really fun and I just can’t remember... I’ll think of it eventually.
I’m going to sit down and set my goals for 2017 tomorrow, I just needed some time to reflect on these goals from 2016. There’s a lot that that I didn’t accomplish, but then again... there’s a lot that I did! These goals were well thought-out and reviewing them makes me feel like even though I can EASILY say 2016 saw some of my biggest personal struggles, but it was still an year of amazing accomplishments and taking charge of my own happiness. 2014 was the year I learned that I was responsible for my own happiness, 2015 saw me figuring out what made me happy, 2016 saw me taking charge of it. I love it.
New Years Resolution 2017 to follow. <3
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