#fun fact: end of beginning came on shuffle as i responded to this
ghost-proofbaby · 2 months
i know eddie is your forte but do you think you’ll do a steve fic one day? always love the glimpses of him in ur writing!! or having you got any steve fic rec!! <33
i do have one i'd like to write one day, actually! it's a sweet rom com-esque enemies to lovers coworkers series i even have headers made for. it was originally what i was going to write after twenty four, but, well... i got a little distracted.
as for steve recs, i unfortunately don't read nearly enough steve fics. :-( my biggest recs for steve writers would probably be @andvys, @myosotisa, @abibliophobiaa, @upsidedownwithsteve, and @loveshotzz. and those are just the ones off the top of my head! <3
i was originally a steve girlie before eddie so you'd think i'd have more but my brain has gone completely blank right now aaaaaaah
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usuibu · 9 months
First kiss?
Eren x reader oneshot
You and eren are clooosee friends thats all really
Faint sounds came from both your phones as your mind begins to lose focus and fall into a daze. Curiosity struck you and you assumed that there was no harm in asking as you were both good enough friends.
You switch off your phone, your arm lazily plopping on the bed beneath you as you stretch your neck in attempt to face Eren.
His head turns to face you although his eyes don’t leave the screen in his hand. “Yeah?” he questions, you reply back assuming he’s simply finishing off whatever video he’s watching, “I have a question”
A few short seconds pass as the audio you hear from his phone reach a stop, soon followed by the sound of him switching it off.
His eyes finally reach yours with his full attention being averted to you. “What is it?” He asks in a polite tone.
You lift your head off his lap to face him more directly and to release the uncomfortable strain your neck previously withstood.
“You’ve kissed someone before, right?” You ask in an attempt to make it sound as normal as you could. Eren laughed slightly at the straight forward question while replying, “Yeah I have, why do you ask?” The smile not leaving his face as he maintained a suspicious tone.
You grew hesitant to answer back only chewing your lip, truthfully though whether or not you had kissed some one, Eren knowing would obviously not be the end of the world.
As you mentally fought yourself over an answer, silence filled the room. Only you stammering in his face which eventually answered his question for him without you even saying anything.
His face lights up in a teasing manner once he pieces stuff together as he laughs more this time, “Wait, you haven’t kissed anyone yet?!”
You shot back an annoyed grin as you shoved him away, “Go away, it’s not funny I was only wondering if you had not me, this was not meant to be an opening for you to pick on me, Eren” you say through that same grin with his laughter overlapping your nagging.
“No no I’m not making fun of you… kind of” he raises his hands up as he continues to laugh at you, you jab at him repeatedly as he begins to apologise, “Ah stop that calm down i’m-sorry-i’m-sorry-i’m-sorry” he says although still incapable of containing his laughter.
“If it helps you can kiss me if you want”
Your jabs come to a stop as your eyes widen at Erens broad statement, “What?” is all you’re able to respond with.
“I mean, the choice is yours, just to you know; get your first kiss out the way” he says nonchalantly. You think about it more thoroughly and see his logic and you don’t see any issues with it; in fact it seems like a great idea.
“Well I guess you are right.” You sigh in an acceptance. Eren raises his eyebrows slightly taken aback as he expected more resistance before asking his question. “Alright, c’mere” he says, grabbing you before you get a chance to respond fully.
“Wh—“ his hands grip onto the underside of one of your knees as he uses it to pull your entire leg across and over his lap. “Eren what the fuck are you doing” you ask in slight shock although you make no move to resist what ever he’s doing.
“Its just easier like this, trust me” he reassures you. “You’re weird” you joke at him, still hesitant as you shuffle atop his legs scared to get too close to him.
You both sat there staring at each other blankly waiting for the other to do something, “Well go on then” Eren says impatiently.
“What?” You retaliate toward his bossy tone. “You’re supposed to come onto me, this is your first kiss after all” he says beginning to regain that boyish grin of his, the little reminder at the fact he will be your first. “Fine whatever” you say shutting up his snickers by exaggerating out the ‘er’ sound.
Quietness soon settles back in the room once more as your head leans at a painfully slow speed towards Erens. Thighs tensing up above his. Your eyes remain in deep contact with Erens until you see his flit down to get a glance at your lips then back up to your eyes to which he licks his lips.
After that you abruptly pull back, “Eww eren” you nag once more, bringing your sleeve up to harshly wipe his mouth. “What??— Because I— licked— my lips?!” he groans through your arm muffling him.
“You’re gross”
“You’re unbelievable, if you’re so worried about my spit why are you kissing me in the first place headass”
“..oh yeah” you say with a smile growing back on you’re face, having abused the free pass to irritate him.
Trying again you lean forward, tension building… inching closer as the seconds pass.. until you stop, again.
You start thinking in your head; confusing Eren. “What the fuck are you doing now???” Eren asks impatiently sighing once more. His limbs relaxing making him realise he was somehow anticipating the kiss as much as you were. Your eyebrows furrowed as you thought through how unsettling it would be if you had Eren stare at your face so close again. You come up with a quick solution to not bother Eren further.
“Okay I’m gonna cover your eyes so you don’t see my ‘about to kiss’ face” you say as your hand swiftly moves to his face before you finish speaking.
“You know I could just close my eyes”
“I know, but I don’t trust you enough”
You reply in a snicker, hand shuffling against Erens eyes and nose bridge.
You begin to lean in once again, a large amount of tension being lifted off you since Eren cant see you now.
Once you’re only a sharp movement away from touching Eren’s lips. Your own eyes flit down to see he’s smirking slightly in anticipation of kissing you. He could tell you were close and so an idea crossed his mind.
You find enough courage to finally come into small contact with his lips barely making any impact with the peck you placed on his lips.
Before you could fully pull away to cringe at your sad attempt to kiss him, you feel Eren lunge forward and grip his hands on your waist pulling you close to him again.
You couldn’t even react as he pressed your lips together with his, giving you a much more intense and harsh kiss unlike the nervous peck you gave.
You’re eyes widen as he smiles into the kiss, you were taken aback at how sudden it all happened.
This was surely nothing you were ready for but as soon as you felt his soft lips press against yours, as his tongue rushed into your mouth, slotting into every place he could. It was almost impossible to not melt into it.
You’re eyes closed as you sank into the hold he had on your waist, heavily kissing him back in attempt to match his intensity as your hands sought refuge in his hair pulling him even closer.
You both pull back, chests rising up and down slightly. “What the fuck, Eren” you huff out laughing once more. “Why, did you not like it?” Eren grins brightly already knowing the answer.
Your face begins to feel hot as your rethink over what just happened. “You didn’t say you were gonna do any of that” you nagged him again although unable to suppress the large smile growing on your face.
“Well in the end you kissed me back so” he shrugs, prideful of how flustered he was able to make you.
You soon realise that you’re still squirming on his lap and that his hand still sat on your hips so you immediately get off out of embarrassment. Internally Eren feels slightly disappointed you didn’t remain on his lap for longer but he’s taken out of his short daze as you tug his arm to get him up.
“Okay c’mon we’re going out to eat” he follows you out the room and soon to the car as you both get in, “you do know your paying for the food as karma for surprising me like that u dickhead”
He rolls his eyes in response as he steps on the pedal driving to the nearest (and cheapest) place.
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justmeinadaze · 2 years
Unattainable Part III (Eddie X Theater Girl From School
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No smut yet! But we are getting there. Trust me, I'm writing the thing and I want them to get to get together and do their thing.
No real warnings. Definitely a lot of fluff when it comes to Theater Girl and Eddie. There is mentions in the beginning regarding her absentee father, her parents divorce (and all that comes with), and then of course her spurts of anxiety.
Word Count: 1,600
I walk into my front door with a loud bang; both hands packed full with groceries. The telephone on the wall is screeching. 
“Yeah! I’m coming!” 
I waddle off balance to the kitchen and slam everything down on the counter. In a half jog, I make it to the phone, picking it up with an exasperated sigh. 
“Yes! Hi. Hello. What?”
“That’s not how you always answer the phone is it?”, my father asks trying to hide his amusement. 
I lean against the wall, sliding down to sit on the floor. “It is actually. Keeps all the suitors that call for my hand in marriage on their toes.” He chuckles. I can hear the baby coo in the background. “Hey dad. How are you? How’s little miss?” 
“A handful for sure. It’s been a while since I’ve handled a baby. Yes, it has. Yes, it has.”
“Yeah, I’m going to need to stop doing that before I throw up.” He laughs again. It’s nice hearing my dad happy. He never seemed that way when he was here. Him and mom were always fighting. For a while, I always thought it was about me. That had to be the reason he didn’t take me with him when he left. As I got older, I started to understand that that wasn’t the case. On an intellectual level, anyway. It’s hard to not feel like a problem when the person that gave birth to you slurs it in your direction from time to time. 
“So! I was calling,” he says, “to ask if there was a way we could maybe post pone your trip up here during spring break. Susie’s team made in into championship! We thought it would be here in Pasadena so you could join us to watch but it’s out of state and with planning that trip and with the baby—”
I had honestly stopped listening after post pone. It didn’t matter what came after. The point was he was changing the plans again. Forget the fact that I hadn’t seen him in person in almost 2 years. There was always a reason and it almost always included his new family. 
“—I was thinking I could fly up there for your graduation and then we could fly back together and you can spend a couple of weeks here before you start school again, my college girl!”
“Yeah, sure. That’s fine. Susie and little miss are more important anyway.”
There a long pause followed by a deep sigh on his end. “Please don’t be that way. I’m trying here.”
“No. I know! I completely understand. Hey, Dad, by the way, where AM I going to college?”
He was silent so I continued, “My major? What do I want to do with my life? Anything?”
The sound of the baby starting to get frustrated is the only sound I hear in response. Yeah… me to kid. 
“Ok well, Dad. I always appreciate these little talks. I have to go but I’ll tell mom the usual. The check is in the mail and *mimics his stern voice* make sure you spend it on our kid and not yourself. I love you! Bye!” I hang up the phone before he can respond. He won’t call back. He never does. 
I shuffle back to the kitchen and put everything away. I grab my bag and head to my bedroom. Face planting into my bed, I let out a scream into the pillow. Rolling over on to my back, I look up at the posters on my ceiling, my eyes falling on to the bright yellow AC/DC 1986 Tour banner. I remember when my dad took me to one of their concerts when I was younger. He put me on his shoulders so I could see and he could hang on to me. I can still smell the beer and cigarettes. People were screaming the lyrics, jumping up and down, their hands fisted into the air. My dad had given me a little black bandana to put in my hair to pull it out of my face. I still have it currently tied around the mirror on my desk. We had so much fun but my mom was so upset. 
“Daniel! You can’t take her to that environment!”
“She’s fiiiiiiiine. I had her on my shoulders the whole time and we stayed near the back. It’s not a big deal. You used to love ‘the environment’ as you call it. She’s 8, Abby! Let her experience some fun.”
“Yes, but I grew up and became a mother. Its time you grow up to and be her father! Not a friend!”
“Good God. I can’t do this with you right now.”
As I shake the memory, my eyes drift over to the Metallica poster. I smile thinking about Eddie’s shirt. He was probably a regular of “the environment”. I reached into my bag and pulled out my folder with his number on it. I look at the clock on the wall. 7:00pm. He did say anytime. I mean it’s not like its midnight but I don’t want to bother him!
I grab the telephone by my bed and hold it in my hands. The sound of the dial tone feels like even its rushing me to make a decision. Fuck it. What’s the worst that could happen? I dial the number and listen to the rings. One…two…three… this was a mistake. I should hang up. He probably wouldn’t want to talk to me really. He was just being nice before. Ok. I’m going to hang up. 
I suddenly hear music that I immediately recognize as “Hungry for Heaven” by Dio blasting from the other end of the line. “YES!”, Eddie shouts,” WHAT DO YOU NEED?”
“Are you listening to Dio full blast? HOW ARE YOU NOT DEAF?!”
I hear him quietly say my name, something that sounds like “Oh shit.”, and the sound of the music during off.
“Hey. Hi. Hello!”, he stumbles out.
I start to giggle, “Hey there. You can keep the music on. I like that song.”
“Oh yeah? You like Dio?”, not even trying to hide the shock in his tone.
“Yeah. Sorry. I know every time we’ve barreled into each other I’m not wearing my all black, leather pants with the torn-up jacket and rock band labeled t shirt but I do enjoy the music.”
“Yeah, that’s on you, babe.”, he laughs. I can hear the music turn back on but on a substantially lower level. I lean back against my pillow, getting comfortable. 
“So,” I begin not wanting him to get bored of talking to me, “what are you doing?”
“Besides going deaf?”, he asks sarcastically. I smile. “Well, I usually have nights to myself since my uncle works so I’m just laying here, smoking, listening to music. Now I’m talking some pretty girl from my school.”
I can’t help but laugh out loud. “Wow. Forward aren’t we?”
I can hear his grin in his tone, “No. Forward would be more like ‘Hey. I think you’re extremely beautiful with the most beautiful laugh I’ve ever heard. I would love to take you out to a movie on Friday?’”
There’s silence. Both waiting for the other to speak. 
“But...”, Eddie begins. There it is. He’ll realize he made a mistake. I’m not worth it at all. At most maybe we can just be friends or something. I don’t know. What is wrong with me?! “…since you said you like the music, maybe we can go the bar/ club right outside of town. They are doing a concert for some indie metal bands. Would you want to come with me? Friday? You don’t have to wear the torn-up leather pants if you don’t want to. I won’t judge.”
I think for a moment. Every fiber in my brain is screaming to run. Run before this gets too real too quick. Why am I even thinking this way? It’s one night. He’s not asking for marriage, babies, and a lifetime of whatever people in the suburbs wish for. One night. 
“Ok?”, his voice squeaks in cautious excitement. I can hear him clear his throat. “I mean, yeah ok. I can, um, pick you around 6 or so?”
“That sounds good. Is there anything I should bring? Money?”
I hear him scoff on the other end in fake disgust. “Sweetheart. How dare you. I am a gentleman! My date doesn’t have to lift a finger or spend a dime.”
“Oh, Ok! Goodness. I’m sorry, Strider. I didn’t mean to insult your gentleman-ness”, I giggle. 
“Why did you just call me that? Strider?”, he asks; genuinely amused. 
“That’s who says the quote you put on my folder. I mean at that point no one’s calling him Aragorn yet. I don’t think. It’s been a while since I read Fellowship.”
Silence again. Oh my god. Am I breaking this man? “Eddie? I’m sorry. Did I bore you to death? I can call 911!”
“No. No.”, he half laughs on the other end, “I just…I’ve never met a woman who knew things like that. I think I just fell in love with you.”
I laughed a kind of breathy laugh, “Oh boy. Run away now, Mr. Munson! That’s a slippery slope.”
His tone shifts back into a confident one, “Well I’m ready to find out for myself.”
There was silence again but this time it was a comfortable one. I can hear his steady breathing against the music in the background. 
“So”, he says. There’s the sound of a lighter clicking in the background, him inhaling, and then exhaling heavily. “What other bands to you like to listen to?”
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sroop · 9 months
guided (vi) - discont.
Reyza could accuse him all she wanted about using that helmet to unfair advantage, but Din often felt it was her that had all her features trained into the perfect wall.
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A/N: ohoho, i'm having lots of fun here. i think there could potentially be need for some warnings. there's a bit of angst, mentions of death and violence, but that's about it.
Summary: For the past few days, the Crest hasn't felt much like home, until Din finally begins to hear what it's trying to say.
prev. | next
Reyza climbs into the seat next to Din's aboard the Crest. His visor swings towards her with a small jerk, following her as she sinks into the leather chair wordlessly. Nearly two days after their departure from Sorgan, she'd hardly spoken a word to him, much less seek out his company in the cockpit. In fact, Din found himself secluding himself to this quiet area of the ship if only to give her freedom of movement with the child in its belly.
"So why are you hiding?" she mutters, fiddling with the hem of her shirt. It's a familiar sight. Her, curled to her side with her knees up to her chin in the passenger seat. It lightens some of the apprehension he'd had about this inevitable conversation.
"Why are you?" he retorts.
The silence between them grows stale and rotten. Even when they'd fought in the past, Din had not remembered it being so... charged. He glances at her without moving his helmet and is surprised to see a flicker of wetness in her eyes. He's never seen her cry. He's not even sure if damp eyes counts as crying.
But the sight doesn't let him stay silent for long. He sighs, "I'm sorry. For dragging you into all this. It's not right."
She doesn't respond to him, except to curl further into herself.
"You didn't make this choice, to put yourself in danger for the child. I'm sorry I forced your hand." Din pretends not to notice the way she drags the back of her hand across her face. "I wanted a better life for you too," he admits softly.
Her head snaps towards him. Half surprise and half some other emotion he can't name, unhidden, before it's shuffled away behind a mask. Reyza could accuse him all she wanted about using that helmet to unfair advantage, but Din often felt it was her that had all her features trained into the perfect wall. He wants to remind her that they're partners, her very own words. She didn't need to hide anything from him.
He hears her shuffle in her seat, unfurling. Even though he doesn't look, he feels the weight of her full gaze on him, the determination of how she holds the armrest to turn towards him.
"You remember when you asked me to tell you what was bothering me? Before Corellia?"
He nods.
"I never really told you. Not honestly, at least."
Din shakes his head, smiling softly. No, she didn't, but he didn't really have the heart to care anymore, so long as she forgave him. Still, he's touched by her insistence to tell him now.
"Well, do you- " her gaze falls to the floor and back to him, " -wanna hear? How I really got to the guild and everything?"
Din switches the Crest onto autopilot, and turns his chair towards her.
"During the war, Polaris was a neutral entity. It's not easy for spies to choose sides," she says lightly, a sad smile crawling up one side of her lips. Din tilts his head. This wasn't where he had expected her to start her story. "But our leadership at the time came to a decision pretty quick when the Empire started getting greedy. They wanted us to either swear complete and total allegiance to them, or die. So we did the only thing we could and swore allegiance, which is probably why most people seem to think we merged with the Empire and ended with them. The truth is that that was all a front. A play for freedom."
It makes well enough sense. And Din suddenly realizes he's being made privy to a truth that few in the galaxy knew. He sits up a little straighter and nods to acknowledge her words.
"We were working with the New Republic, trying to weaken the Empire enough that it wouldn't be able to make good on its threat. But we were found out, somehow, and they started killing us. All the Empire contacts, just gone." She gestures with her hand, pinching it shut and releasing into an open palm. Gone. Nothing. Just air in the palm of the Empire's hand.
Din recalls faintly the fear in her eyes when she'd collected the puck, her attempt to clue him in on why she was afraid. The Empire. She'd been saying it all along. They hurt me before, you're letting them hurt me again.
"Some of us trained as assassins survived by running away or killing for the Empire, but that doesn't mean all of us did. Mando, I've never seen anything like it." She leans forward to grab his hand. "They wiped us out. All our leadership, all espionage agents, even the ones no one could have possibly known about. Entire constellations just erased."
"Constellations," Din says, testing the word. "Constellations, as in coverts?"
She blinks in surprise.
"I- yes, I suppose so."
"Is that why... you were upset on Sorgan? When we found the walker?"
She'd hardly spoken to Din on that backwater planet, even refusing to share a hut with him and choosing to sleep in the forest. Something about keeping watch for hunters. He feels like hitting himself on his head on his own helmet. Of course something had been wrong. Everything had changed after that discovery.
Reyza doesn't tell him that it was that; and the kind, genuine woman she'd seen Din lost in conversation with a few times. Instead, she nods her head slowly.
"It's why I begged you not to take him back, Mando," she says softly.
"I would've kept you out of it, if they'd caught me. I would never- "
"It's not about that!" she cries, interjecting. She paces from her seat and with a wave of her hand, dismisses the thought. "It's just... I finally have this, you know?" she opens her arms to take in the whole of the ship. "When you went back for him, you were going up against the same people I've seen kill mine, and you didn't listen."
Din's stomach plummets and he stands, reaching for her arms, but she swats him away.
"You didn't listen," she says again, this time the tears pooling at the edge of her eye. Din clenches his jaw.
"I'm sorry," he murmurs, lifting a gloved finger to catch the tear.
The Razor Crest hums gently beneath them, as their foreheads meet, eyes closed. He doesn't remember the last time he's really stopped to listen to their ship, the low groans and the constant bips. It's steady and faithful and Din is grateful. How many times had he bustled past all the signs and warnings and messages she'd left for him here? All the clues and hints she'd press into his hand, and plead with him to heed.
He lifts his head.
"I'm listening," he promises.
thanks for reading!
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Ya lil’ Glasses | LaMelo Ball One Shot
Pairing: LaMelo Ball x fem!reader
Word Count: 2,588
Summary: You and LaMelo Ball both attend UCLA for undergrad. Of course he happens to be that hype kid the class that’s loud with his friends. You both get paired up to do a project together for the class. He’s kind of mean and pokes fun and although he gets on your last nerve, you may or may not find him just a little tiny bit cute. Maybe.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, smut, mentions of sex, female and male anatomy, orgasm control, possibly cliche, M/F.
A/N: damn forgive me it’s been a while since I’ve written smut, butttt I’m on a roll with writing lately soo that’s not stopping me. Let me know what y’all think ;) enjoyyyyy and happy reading
You cannot believe you were paired up with Melo Ball for the most important assignment of this course for the semester. Yeah, it’s UCLA but they really just let any good sports player in and you cared about your education. He did not. All he did was mess around and crack jokes
with his friends in the class. Imagine acting like that in college, couldn’t be you.
When it came down to finally finding a time to work on it together, you could not wait to get it over with.
The first time you met with him for the project was in the common hall. You both settle down in your chairs and you pull out your laptops. As soon as Melo pulled his stuff out, he hopped on his phone.
“Can we just come up with an idea and be done today?” You ask, not really in the mood to ask for his full attention.
He looked at you before clicking his phone off and licking his lips.
“Yeah sorry, sorry, I gotchu.”
You cannot help but roll your eyes. He sits there in silence for a moment and actually starts shooting out ideas. You start writing them down until you finally agree on one.
“I think that’s a pretty good start,” you say, proud you guys at least got something down.
“I think so too. What you doing after this?” He asks, running his hands over his curls.
“Track practice at 4, shower, hopefully dinner after,” you say as you close up your laptop.
“You run track? Running is gross,” he laughs.
“How you gonna say running is gross when all you do is run up and down the court?” You ask, a little too loudly, someone shushes you and you both crouch down and begin whispering.
“Basketball is more than that,” he shot back, “you wouldn’t know.”
“Oh here we go, you all say that,” you respond, flicking your wrist at him.
“You all?? What that mean?” He asks.
“As in all the basketball players,” you laugh.
“Yeah yeah, you let me know when track become a real sport,” he fires back.
“It is!” You slam your fist on the table and he smirks, as if he is happy to get you all riled up.
“Mhmmm,” he replies.
“Over this conversation,” you say, getting up and throwing your backpack over your shoulder.
“When you trying to meet next?” He asks calmly, standing up close in front of you. You were looking up at him now, him being more than a foot taller than you made you feel small.
“I’m free all afternoon Wednesday, my class ends at 12:45p.m.”
“You would know when your class ends, nerd.” He responded.
You cock a brow at his attempt at a roast.
“Shut up,” you responded.
“Wednesday at 2p.m. Your dorm. How’s that sound?” He smiles.
“That works,” you shrug. He smiled at you before walking away. You both go your separate ways.
Wednesday came around quickly. Your head hurts today, so you decided to put your glasses on instead of wearing contacts. Even though you knew that would not help you deal with Melo’s bs. He was extra unfocused today.
“How was your dayyy?” He asked as he walking into your dorm room. He looked huge walking through the door it was kind of funny actually.
“Fine, and yours?” You ask, feeling obligated to do so since he asked you first.
“It was alright, better now that we are here working on our project together bestie,” he jokes, plops himself down on your bed to make himself comfortable. You sat on your desk chair facing him.
You caught up with a couple ideas and worked on some your work, actually getting something done, for now.
You had to show each other your screens, so you awkwardly sat next to him on the bed. He sat up. The two of you now with your backs up against the wall and feet hanging off the bed. You sit in silence for a moment.
“I like ya lil glasses, can I try them on?” He asked, smiled and looking in your direction now.
“N-“ before you could answer, he already swiftly pulled them off your face and put them in his anyway. You roll you eyes.
“Do I look smart?” He asked with the cheesiest smile on his face.
“You look stupid,” you reply coldly, although you secretly kind of liked how they looked on him. They fit his face well.
“I think you’re mad they look better on me,” he replied with a scoff.
“You’re sooo annoying,” you reply. Surprisingly feeling yourself fight a smile. “Can you focus please?”
He does the opposite of focusing, eyes looking around your dorm room for a moment.
“Have you ever had sex with a guy? Are you even straight,” He asked, catching you off guard. You took full offense to his question. Not because of him questioning your sexual orientation, but rather him thinking that was his business.
“That’s a personal question,” you respond quickly.
“Seriously? You have this single dorm all to yourself. You don’t even use it to its full benefits. You know how many girls I’d be bringing over if I lived in a single,” he tossed his pencil up in the air and caught it as he spoke.
“I’m here for my sport and to learn, not everything in college is about seeing how many people you can have sex with, Melo.” You responded, typing away at your computer.
Melo slowly lifted your computer off your lap, placing it on the opposite side of him.
“Hey-“ you reach out your hand to it. The room suddenly feeling a lot smaller than it was now that his face was right next to yours and you had nothing to do to keep your hands busy.
“Have you ever even kissed a guy?” He asked, you loosen up at his tone, which oddly enough seems a bit more sincere now.
“Um, no, no actually I haven’t,” you responded quietly, looking down on your lap.
“I don’t believe that.” He responded. “Stop lyin.”
“It’s true,” you shrug, throwing your hands up in defeat.
“You’re so pretty,” he smiles, making your heart skip a beat or two, but you’re usual chatterbox brain was too nervous to agree.
“Beauty standards have nothing to do with the fact that I haven’t kissed anyone yet. I simply choose not to settle-“
He cuts you off by grabbing the back of your neck with his large hands and pulling you in for a kiss. It lasted for what felt like forever but it was only about 10 seconds. Although you were surprised, you did not want to fight it, and you even found you hands settling on top of his shoulders before he pulled away.
You stared at him for a moment, wondering what in his right mind made him want to do that.
“Anyway, I’m ready to focus now,” he smiled, got up and sat in desk chair you were sitting in first.
You sat there eyes wide, trying to process what just happened.
“Um.. yeah… yeah okay,” you say slowly.
You sat there and decided to not acknowledge what just happened as well. Trying to focus on your work, you could not help by to continue replaying that moment in your head. The kiss on repeat for a while. A couple days even. You saw him in class and he was so nonchalant about it. It started to bother you.
It took everything in you not to ask him about the kiss. Not wanting to seem desperate but at the same time what the fuck. That caught you off guard completely.
The next time you too worked together, you worked in his dorm. His roommate was in there with you guys, engaging in the occasional conversation with the two of you.
This time, you actually cared about how you looked, wearing a little make up and wearing a floral sundress that stopped midway on your thighs.
When you walked up to the door, Melo looked you up and down for a moment before letting you in. He had shorts on with no shirt. His athletic build made your cheeks turn hot and look at the ground quickly.
“Welcome in,” he gestured. You walk in and it looks just as you thought a guys dorm room would look like. A damn mess.
You watched him with his back turned as he stood by his closet of clothes, muscles taut as he pulled a new shirt over his head.
You shuffled to get your stuff of your backpack out before he caught you staring and got to work.
His roommate was cute, and you did not care that you were flirting it up with him right in front of Melo. He kissed you with no explanation. You were determined to figure out why.
“Alright, I’m heading to the gym,” his roomie stated and you smile.
“Have funn,” you reply. You watch him walk out the door, looking down at your lap to flatten your dress then look back up at Melo. His face very clearly annoyed and unamused.
“What?” You smirk, asking in an oh-so innocent tone.
“It’s nothing,” he shook his head in response.
“Oh yeah?” You ask. “You sound a little pressed.” You push, big smirk on your face as you spoke.
“I’m good,” he replied coldly.
You confidently put your hand on his shoulder and replied. “Okay,” in a sarcastic tone.
He was not fucking with that. He pulled your arm down from his shoulder and pulled you into a kiss, this being your second time feeling his lips on yours. This one was more intense. You remember thinking of his lips and how they felt from the last kiss. Feeling them again made your heart pound with excitement.
“Shut up and don’t make me admit to jealousy,” he said through gritted teeth. “I’m not giving you the satisfaction.”
His hands gripping the back of your hair and he spoke, eyes bouncing from your eyes and lips.
“Hmmm, I think you just did,” you nod your head and shrug your shoulder. He was not having your sarcastic tone. He pulled you closer to him, this time he was laying down and you were sitting top of his lap. He refused to break the kiss, hands from down your neck to your lower back.
In your mind, you were strategically making sure you were right on top of his dick. His lips felt so good to feel again. You were so lost in the heat of the moment now, as he began using his tongue in your mouth, you let out a small moan for the first time.
He let go of the kiss for a moment and smirked.
“I wanna hear your beautiful moans,” he admitted, voice deep and full of lust.
He flipped you over and now your body was underneath him on his bed. You lied down flat on your back. He hovered himself over you.
Kissing you a couple times more, before kissing his way down your neck and stopping at your breast.
“You knew what you were doing wearing this shit,” he stated sternly.
You roll your eyes, “shut up.”
“You gon stop giving me that smart mouth,” he replied, smirk on his face before making his way down further. Your heart beating even fast now. He lifted up your dress to find you only in a thong.
He quickly looked up you with a smirk on his face, shook his head and carried on. Yanking your panties off, his lip made their way to your clit like a magnet.
You moaned softly at the pleasure, in fear that someone might hear the two of you.
“What if he comes back?”
“I don’t give a fuck, he could watch,” his voice low and eyes hooded, way too focused at the task at hand to even look at you.
Licking and teasing at your folds, you feel yourself getting closer due to all the tension you had built up since you arrived to his dorm, your mind flashing the sight of him when you walked when he was just no shirt on. His dick print very clear through his shorts.
As you felt yourself getting close to the edge, he stopped, and looked up at you.
“Whyyy,” you groaned put your hands over your face in frustration.
“Because, you was talking all that shit,” he said with one finger in your folds as he rubbed it slowly.
“Please,” you said and his surprised eyes look into yours.
“Nope,” he smirked. Now you were not having it.
You reach down to his shorts and very clearly feel his hard member. You looked up at him with pleading eyes as you began to rub it slowly.
He leaned down and started kissing your neck. You and him both knew he did not want this to stop, and he was fighting with every ounce in his bones not to rip your dress off and fuck you right then and there.
But you knew how to get what you wanted.
“Then it’s my turn,” you smile, pushing him off you and getting down on your knees on the side of his twin sized bed.
Knowing you have never done this before, you were slightly worried you would not be that great at it. You moistened your mouth as you pulled his shorts down, you did not have anything to compare his size to, but you were guessing it was bigger than average.
You admired it for a moment before taking it into your mouth. You heard him suck in his teeth as you took a few licks.
“What’s the matter?” You ask innocently looking up at him through your lashes while you swirled your tongue around the tip.
He bit bottom lip threw his head back, you knew that no answer meant that shit was hitting.
“Keep doing that shit with your tongue,” he groaned quietly.
You keep going at it for a while, and stopped when you felt him starting to thrust into your mouth.
“That’s it,” he groaned as he pulled you on the bed, you watched as he began to slowly push himself inside of you, wincing at the pain, he went slow and you warmed up. He looked so good while he stroked you. You started to feel better and better. He watched you as you took all of him now and proudly.
“I told you to stop talking all that shit,” he groaned.
“I don’t regret it,” you smirk.
“You bout to,” he stated as he began to speed up the pace.
You moaned louder as he continued to thrust into you. You could not believe this moment was actually happening. Him giving into it fed into your pride.
You watching at he admired every ounce of body, gripping and tugging at your soft spots. He held your hips as he picked up the pace.
He pulled out and finished himself off on your stomach. You lay there feeling a mess, he gets a towel and you guys get yourselves together throwing the occasional smirk at each other.
“You look so pretty taking this dick,” he stated, grabbing your neck and kissing you slowly. You smiled into the kiss.
“I’ll do it again,” he confirmed, both hands holding your face as he kissed you hard, tonguing you down.
“Chillll,” you laugh. “Let’s get this damn assignment going already.”
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azucanela · 4 years
bakugou/todoroki reacting to their s.o. who usually wears long sleeves and pants wearing a casual dress? please feel free to include anyone else! also if it's ok can you add a bit of spice or smth 👉👈
[ft. bakugou katsuki, shinsou hitoshi, todoroki shoto]
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SUMMARY: for the first time, the boys witness you in a dress and... it ends pretty well for you. 
WARNINGS: make out session, kissing, insecurities, SPICE, implications 
A/N: THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING THIS IT MAKES ME HAPPY TO WRITE IT <3 also this is as unholy as it gets [for now] a lil spicy hehe, just a tad 
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he’s taken you on dates, and normally you wear jeans and a t-shirt, and he’s fine with it, he doesn’t care, your clothes your business, you wear what you want and look good no matter what it is. sweats? hot. sweatshirt? hot.
dress? probably hot, he hasn’t seen you in one yet.
it’s getting warmer, and pants are for losers, so naturally, you wear a pretty lil sundress for your upcoming date with bakugo
he comes to get you in your dorm room, and you text him that the doors unlocked and he’s like AIGHT BET
not the type to knock before entering, but you have thankfully already been dressed and as he enters he realizes that his hypothesis was in fact correct
you are very hot in a dress
very pretty
he’s confused though, like since when is this a thing, why are you being so casual about it? did he forget something important? when was your anniversary? 
“what the hell?”
you’re like ??? because nothing has changed
so he’s like “you’re.. in a dress.”
“OH,,, haha... yeah.”
now he’s made you insecure, you suck katsuki
once he passes the confusion he is checking you out, your thighs are exposed, and so are your arms, so he’s a lil distracted and doesn’t realize he’s distressed you
when he finally comes to he goes to compliment you, “you look-”
“bad? i should change-”
“NO.” he shouts, and it is a little too quickly and aggressive, so his cheeks flush at this outburst, “you look pretty.”
then he realizes he was too nice, “idiot.
you smile at him, and move to the door, only for him to kick it closed
you’re like ???
he’s like
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Katsuki tries to avoid the looks he gets from the rest of his classmates as he makes his way to Y/N’s dorm room, hands shoved into his pockets as he walks. They had a movie to get to, and Katsuki wanted to make sure they had time to get snacks before the movie started, so he intended to begin rushing her. Removing one of his hands from his pocket, he turns Y/N’s door knob, shoving the door open.
He pushes it slightly behind him, but not enough that it closes since he doesn’t intend to be here long, Katsuki looks up and turns to her, “oh hey Katsuki.”
She’s putting some things in her purse, which is on her bed, so she’s slightly bent over as she shoves some cash inside it. Meanwhile, Katsuki can’t help the astonishment that washes over his features as eyes her. “What the hell?” He can’t help but exclaim at the sight before him. This was the most skin he’d seen since... since ever.
Not that he was complaining. 
Y/N’s brows furrowed at his comment, standing up and bringing her purse onto her shoulder she looked at him and tilted her head in confusion. “Excuse me?”
Katsuki opened and closed his mouth once or twice, trying to find words as he let out a noise of frustration, gesturing to her, “you’re wearing a dress!” Exasperation clear in his tone, confused as to how she hadn’t seen this as an abnormality. Had he forgotten something? An anniversary perhaps?
Y/N, on the other hand, felt her cheeks warm at this. It hadn’t really crossed her mind that she didn’t wear dresses often, much less clothing that revealed her skin, which was littered with scars from the training and all the incidents there had been in the school year thus far. She couldn’t help the thought that rushed through her minds as she responded rather lamely, “yeah. I am.”
Katuski collected himself, “well, you look-”
“Bad? I should change-” Y/N began, preparing to go to her closet to find another outfit.
Only for Katsuki to call out, “NO!” His cheeks flushing red as he realized how ridiculous his outburst must look, Katsuki looked away. “You look nice... idiot.” 
Y/N beamed at him, moving towards him and the partially open door that he stood by, she grasped his hand, “let’s go then!” 
As she brought her hand to the knob, she was yanked back by Katsuki, who released her hand when she was close enough pulled her to his chest, pressing his lips to hers. Y/N’s free hand came up to hold his jaw, while his hands dug into her hips as he kicked the door behind him closed before shoving Y/N onto it. 
Gasping at the sudden movement, her other hand came to his hair and tugged harshly on it. In response, Katsuki released her lips and brought his mouth to her neck, one of his hands coming to the bare skin of her thigh and pulling it up to hold against himself. Pressing open mouthed kisses onto her neck, Y/N let her head fall back onto the door, giving him better access.
Exhaling deeply, Y/N spoke, “Katsuki we’re gonna be late.” As much as she wanted to disregard the movie, they’d already paid for their tickets, and she wasn’t in the mood to waste money.
In response, he bit down on her neck, causing her grip on his hair to tighten before he looked back up at her, swollen lips baring a cocky grin, “I don’t mind being late, babe.”
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he’s so cute ugh
anyways, i feel like his range in terms of style is trash bag or finest man in the room so he doesn’t care how you dress and if you switch it up on occasion
this does not make him immune to the S H O C K
you’re going out with friends, but he doesn’t know this so he comes over
you open the door for him like ? but then a light bulb goes off in your head like yes! your bf! he can help! surely!
so you let him in and now he is in shock
like wow you are always hot but WOW
dresses 4 life in shinsou’s book
rip shinsou 2020
he’s dead
look what you did
who gonna help you with that zipper now huh
very respectful gentleman though
he looks RESPECTFULLY and TOUCHES respectfully
and he really wants to touch 
helps you with your zipper tho
because he is a good boy
but you lowkey noticed his change in attitude and well...
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Shinsou was bored, so naturally, he was going to visit his lovely girlfriend at her dorm. It was odd, not receiving the cruel glares from his fellow students for his so called ‘villainous’ quirk. Then again, his girlfriend was the most powerful student in her dorm, and the people there either already liked him, or were forced to get over themselves when the two had started dating.
Nobody wanted to face the wrath of Y/N L/N.
He made his way to your door, smiling briefly at those he passed, a small wave to one student he knew particularly well. Shinsou knocked at the door, and the sound of shuffling came from inside, before the door peeked open slightly to reveal Y/N’s head, a smile making its way onto her face as she saw Shinsou.
“Oh, Shinsou! Perfect, come in and help me.” Cute.
His brows furrowed in confusion as he looked at her, and a small laugh left him, “alright.” Y/N. was sure to hide her body behind the door as she let him in, only increasing his confusion as he entered and she closed the door behind her. “Babe, what are you doing?” 
When she closed the door, he finally got a full view of her body and realized she was wearing a dress. Shinsou couldn’t help the moment of shock he had as he looked her up in down. “You look beautiful.” He commented, coughing as he averted his eyes. He was looking, respectfully until his eyes trailed a little too low and-
“Would you mind zipping me up?” Y/N asked, turning around, exposing her naked back to him, save for the clasp of her bra. 
Oh god you were trying to kill him.
Inhaling sharply, he nodded, “yeah, yeah, sure.” He replied. Moving closer, he brought his hands to her hips, allowing them to linger momentarily. He tilted his head as he noticed a scar running up her back, and couldn’t help but trace it upwards. Y/N felt her cheeks warm at this action, a shiver running up her spine being all it took for Shinsou to break contact entirely, “sorry.” He mumbled, embarrassed, his hand coming to the zipper and pulling it upwards.
She simply shook her head, turning around to face him, his cheeks burning red. “It’s fine.” Y/N brought her hand under his jaw and pulled him into a kiss, her other hand going to his arm.
Shinsou hummed into the kiss, allowing his hands to trail up his back once more, he finds himself regretting that he helped her zip of the dress as he presses her closer to him. 
Y/N pulls away momentarily, much to Shinsou’s dismay, before pressing another peck to his lips and shoving him backwards. The backs of his knees hitting her bed frame, causing him to fall into a seat on the bed. Shinsou raises a brow, watching her figure come between his now spread legs and tilt his head up to bring him into another kiss. 
His eyes flutter close as he finds his hands gripping her thighs, pulling onto himself before the other followed, allowing Y/N to straddle him, “what’cha doing, kitten?” He mumbled against her lips. She released his lips only to bring her own to his neck, as his hands hands went under her dress and up her thighs until-
“I have to go meet my friends.” She mumbled into his neck, exhaling deeply.
Shinsou groaned in annoyance, falling backwards onto her bed, “tease.” He grumbled under his breath, looking to her as she slipped off of him and amended her appearance, he couldn’t help but smile. “Have fun.”
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ahem anyways.
shoto always looks nice, its in his nature and how he was raised, so he could be the wearing the best fit in the room and you could be wearing sweats but he really does not care
he doesn’t really notice what you wear tbh, you’re pretty to him no matter what so
bb boy is just sitting at the bench, you two had agreed to meet up at the mall, and he intended to SPOIL you, per usual, not that you knew this
you did not approve of his spending habits
you are his spending habits
he’s on his phone, preparing to text you, and he sees a figure appear in front of him, white dress with flowers on it is all thats in his vision
he’s about to be like stranger danger what do you need until he looks up and sees
GASP its you!
and you look MIGHTY FINE 
you always look mighty fine, no matter what you wear, but the fact that this was something new made it even better. shoto didn’t particularly care what you wore but WOW
he kinda just cannot speak, like his mouth gapes open, you have left him speechless, good job
he’s definitely eyeing you, and he isn’t very subtle but you look so GOOD like what the hell who allowed this
insert anime nosebleed from todoroki
you are going off on a tangent about bees or smth idk and he’s like not paying attention your words but he certainly is paying attention to how nice the upper half of your body is looking rn
he does not understand the feeling he is having but he does understand he really really really wants to kiss you
several times
and he wants to touch
you are there like “shoto???”
and hes like yes, anything for you my sweet love, what do you need
“yes love?”
ugh shoto and petnames just
a simp
anyways you guys go to the mall and he’s holding you closer than normal, and even if todo is an oblivious bb, if he happens to come across someone look at you the way only he can look at you?
its over lol burn down the mall
what was SUPPOSED a lil intimate lunchtime behind the mall in a more empty area turns into spicy todo
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Sighing as he shifted on the bench, phone in hand as he prepared to text his fashionably late girlfriend, Shoto realized someone was approaching him, a white dress spotted with pink flowers filled his vision and his brows furrowed. Shoto opened his mouth to speak to the stranger, looking up only to realize it was no stranger.
It was his fashionably late girlfriend. 
Shoto couldn’t help but straighten his back at the sight of her, mouth gaping open as he eyed her appearance. This was... abnormal. He rarely took note of her outfits, however he’d never seen so much bare skin, that much he knew. 
Y/N simply pressed a kiss to his cheek, as though nothing was amiss, she began to speak of the difficulty she experienced on the way to the mall. Shoto failed to pay attention though, his eyes lingering on her upper body as he nodded along in the midst of his shock.
“Anyways, would you mind if we ate first?” The breeze blew her hair slightly, and Y/N basked in the sun, “maybe we could eat outside.” She suggested.
Snapping out of his trance, Shoto nodded rapidly, “of course, love.” 
Y/N beamed at him, extending a hand for him, which he accepted, pressing a kiss to it before sitting up. 
This was also... abnormal. Shoto never deprived her of affection, but in public it was rare for him to kiss her and he just- Y/N tried to shake herself of these thoughts, but couldn’t help the warmth that she felt spread across her cheeks as they began to head inside the mall. When they made it to the food court Y/N selected a soba place, bringing a smile onto Shoto’s face, though when she tried to pay, Shoto had already been tipping the person at the cashier $100. 
As Y/N had previously suggested, the two made their way outside, and as Shoto suggested, they found a more desolate space to enjoy their food. They had ended up behind the mall in a small, unbothered, field. He’d stopped by a store to purchase and blanket, and Y/N couldn’t help but get excited at the concept of a makeshift picnic. The pair sat down on the blanket, placing the bag of food down. 
Shoto couldn’t help the smile that found its way onto his face as he looked at her, “you look beautiful.” He complimented, crossing his legs.
Y/N beamed up at him, “thank you, Shoto.” She leaned forwards, on her hands and knees as she pressed a kiss onto his lips. Shoto pulls away momentarily,  only for his hands to find their way onto her face, deepening the kiss.
Pulling away, Y/N raises a brow, “you’re awfully affectionate today.” She points out, moving to sit down closer to him as she brings a hand to play with his hair.
“Well, I want to touch you.” Comes his response, and in that moment Y/N contemplates cursing Shoto out for his bluntness, though she’s distracted when one of his hands comes to her thigh, “may I?”
Oh god.
Y/N nods, enjoying this side of Shoto as he brings his other hand under her other thigh, pulling her into his lap before pressing another kiss to her lips. Shoto sighs contentedly at this, and Y/N’s hand remains in his hair, tugging gently at the bicolored locks. Meanwhile, his hands wander her body in wonder as he breaks the kiss to place his lips on her neck. Y/N can’t help but lean her neck further back. 
“Happy?” She mumbled as he pressed a kiss to her collarbone.
Shoto looks up at her to respond, “very.”
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A/N: this is my favorite thing it was literally so fun to write omg
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mrwinterr · 3 years
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Pairing: College!Bucky Barnes AU x Female Reader
Summary: You’re not a fan of mistletoes. You think it’s an outdated Holiday tradition and an excuse for lovesick fools to steal a kiss. Unlucky for you, college parties are riddled with them this year and someone’s been trying to meet you under one all night.
Warnings: College shenanigans (no one cares in the real world). Smut 18+ (unprotected sex, vaginal penetration & fingering, oral [female receiving], handjob & attempted dirty talk/goofy sex?). Language. Mentions of drugs and alcohol. & bad Christmas pickup lines.
Title Inspiration: “Kissletoe” by 3OH!3
A/N: I’ve never been kissed under the mistletoe let alone attended a legit college party because I’ve been lame my whole life. 🔔 ‘Tis that season! 🎄 Happy Holidays, ya filthy, lovely readers! 🙋🏻‍♀️ Raise your hand if you’re on the naughty list this year! ❤️ Enjoy!
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It’s the end of the college fall semester and for the majority of students, the only way to celebrate surviving finals week is to let loose and party, especially right before you’re all forced to go back home to visit family for the Holidays.
“Where do you think you’re going dressed like that?” You hear your friend and roommate Natasha ask.
You stop stuffing your belongings in a box and pause at her question to look down at your current attire - black leggings paired off with an oversized University college-style sweatshirt. You had your hair pulled up in a messy bun, your face clear of any make-up, and lastly your feet were clad in funky, fuzzy socks. This is what you normally wore inside the dorm around her, and you certainly didn’t need to dress to impress just to go home. What was she on about?
“Uh, home? Where else would I be going at the end of the semester?” You reply, an obvious answer.
“Don’t be a smartass,” she retorts, and is quick to follow up when she sees the knowing look on your face and mouth open to retaliate with an even sassy response, “and don’t even start!”
She knew you’d say something like you were exactly that, smart. You in fact had amazing grades and excelled in every course you’d enrolled in. You were confident that you’d aced your exams, so you’re not checking the portal every chance you could get to see if the professor had uploaded your grades yet.
“You’re not supposed to be leaving until Monday,” she reminded you.
“I know, but I mean, there’s no rule saying I had to stay here until then,” you clarify, continuing to pack up more of your things, “I’d rather much get a head start.”
“You’re that eager to get away from me, huh?” She says, feigning sadness.
“You’re the only thing I’m going to miss about college,” you assure her.
College was a different experience for everyone. It was an introduction to the real world. Some used it to start anew, to buckle down and make something of themselves, others used it as an extension to repeat four more years of high school.
You took your studies very seriously, especially if you wanted to maintain your scholarship. It was a known fact college wasn’t cheap and you were fortunate to be here on one. With all that aside, you still knew when to have some fun. After all, all work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy, right? You didn’t want to be that kind of person, you wanted to enjoy your college years, and luckily you had almost a polar opposite friend in Natasha to level you out.
“We just survived another week of finals,” she states, and grabbing your arms to stop you for just one second, “what better way to celebrate than partying?”  
She sees the conflicted look in your eyes, and can tell you’re weighing out the pros and cons. There were a lot of cons: you’d be surrounded by tons of people, most of which were going to be drunk as fuck or high out of their minds on whatever substance was passed around and the threat of getting taken advantage of by some stranger. The pros? You had some steam to let off and this was a chance to gather and see some of your other friends before the Holiday break. ‘Tis the season, right?
“I guess you’re right,” you start, beginning to compromise, “why not? It’ll be like a little send off,” you decide, throwing in a shrug, and that was it.
“We’re college kids, it’s our right,” Natasha shrugs, before digging into one of your boxes and pulling out one of your cute dresses. You could always count on her to help look good too.  
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When you both take the short walk to the house, where tonight’s party would be taking place, you abruptly halt at the end of the front porch steps, breaking your locked arms with Natasha.
“Jesus, what’s wrong?” She curses lightly as she almost trips backwards.
“This house…” you start, taking a step back and look up to inspect it, squinting, as if that would do you any good in the dark.
“Yeah?” She asks, a little too impatient, obviously hiding something.
“It’s familiar,” you continue, still trying to find out why it was so. Usually, that wasn’t a good thing...
“Come on. What are you talking about? It’s just a house. Don’t think too much and have fun tonight!” She says, stomping back down the steps and grabbing your arm to drag you up towards the front door.
“I guess you’re right,” you say, giving up again. What were you so worried about?  
“Aren’t I always?” She comments, and is, again, quick to shut you down when she sees you open your mouth. She presses her finger to the doorbell just as your mouth closes, and you both await the host.
You look off to the side and stare at the Greek letters tacked onto the wall. You knew you weren’t going to let it go on trying to find out why this house looked so familiar. Then, just when you’ve figured it out, your eyes widen in realization, the grip around your arm intertwined with Natasha’s tightens, feeling your attempt to slip away. The door swings open and the voice that booms out of the person, verifies your answer.
“Well, well, well...the weather outside sure is frightful, but this,” Bucky Barnes starts out singing before looking only in your direction, “oh, seeing you, is so delightful,” ending in a somewhat serious note.
“God, I hate winter,” you comment off to the side. It earns you a jab from Natasha, silently asking you to play nice.
He greets Natasha and easily lets her slip past him into the house. You call out her name, appalled that she left you alone with Bucky. Wasn’t that some rule? Never leave your friends alone at a Frat party.
“You look beautiful,” Bucky says sincerely when it’s just the two of you, to which you don’t respond, but roll your eyes. You didn’t come here to get seduced or hit on, but nonetheless shiver, and logically you could blame it on the cold weather and not the way that comment from him made you feel, then attempt to get inside the warm house.
"Excuse me,” he says, holding out his arms on either side of the door frames, blocking your entrance both ways, “where is my Christmas kiss?“ he asks, leaning in close to you.
“What the hell are you talking about?” You ask incredulously and back away. You owed him no such thing, but when you see the sly smirk on his lips, and his head signal for you to look up, you discover a traditional mistletoe hanging right above your heads.
Bringing your head back to its regular position, you look him dead in the eyes, “I’m not going to kiss you under the mistletoe, Barnes,” you scoff at his attempt to smooch you.
“Why not?” He presses, shuffling his weight from one leg onto the other, and before you can even give him an answer, you both hear your name being shouted from behind him. Bucky whips his head back and you do your best to look over his shoulder.
It came from your friend Wanda, who was excitedly waving you over to her. You smile and wave back at her, internally grateful that luck was on your side at this moment. Bucky turns back around and stares at you, wondering how to pick back up on your conversation, but when he doesn’t come up with anything, he sighs defeatedly, drops his arms and finally lets you in.
You make your way over to Wanda engulfing her with a huge hug. Natasha was close by, sipping on her drink. You’ll grill her later for leaving you alone with Bucky. She knew not to do that, but she did it at every chance she got. Now, you knew why she brought you to this specific house party.
“You weren’t planning on leaving without a proper farewell, were you?” Wanda asked worriedly. You immediately pieced together that Natasha had ratted you out on your attempt to leave campus and head back home early.
“It’s not forever, Wan,” you assure her. It was literally only for a few weeks, but while everyone would probably only be a few hours away from each other or a few states apart different, Wanda would be flying back to her home country to spend the Holidays with her family. You’ll admit, you could’ve been a little more considerate and sensitive.
“I’ll still miss you,” she says, the admission melting your heart, not even thinking about how the separation would be on others.
“She’s right, it’s not forever,” Natasha interjects, not allowing for any sad vibes on your last few hours of the semester together, “let’s make some memories tonight,” she says before handing you a drink.
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Bucky, as hard as he tried to cover it up, rejoins his group of friends, Steve and Sam, sulking. He’d gotten you alone again, but failed, and he vowed to never give up. He had a crush on you, simple as that, but you were playing hard to get, and all this time spent on playing cat and mouse when you could be doing other things.
“Man, just save yourself from any further embarrassment and give up,” Sam tells him while also handing him a drink of his own, which Bucky accepts and quickly takes a swig from.
“Never,” he said, determined and slightly winces at the burn in his throat, his body almost warming in an instant, “I’m gonna get my Holiday kiss.”
“Why do you even care? You’re usually not one behind this Holiday shit,” he asks, looking around the crowded room.
“I’m not, but it gives me a reason to get close to her,” Bucky admits pathetically, staring into the red solo cup before taking the last swig, crushing it in his hand and air balling it to the trash.
“Dude!” Steve chastises him about adding onto the mess they’d have to clean afterwards, to which Bucky shrugs at.
“You can’t expect her to just kiss anyone under the mistletoe,” Steve reminds him. He knew it wasn't an easy conquest for any guy to gain your affection.
“I’ve been a good boy this year, alright, I’m gonna get her to see what she’s been looking for has been in front of her this whole time,” Bucky says trying not to sound or look as predatory as he watched you disappear into the kitchen with your friends.
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You suppose the saying rules were meant to be broken, were taken a bit too literal by your friends, even college party rules because you’re left alone again. Wanda had abandoned the trio for some alone time with her boyfriend, who everyone dubbed Vision or Vis for short due to how outrageously innovative he was. Natasha decided to partake in a classic game of beer pong, something you incredibly sucked at, so there was no way she was going to recruit you as her partner nor were you interested in standing there awkwardly watching the game go on.
Surprisingly, the only place that seemed to be of a quiet enough spot to think was the backyard patio. You could see there was a fire lit and some other students scattered or sprawled on the grass. Quickening your pace, you manage to claim a vacant lawn chair next to the fire and hope you’d stay warm and at peace.
There you start to think that being in attendance tonight would’ve made no difference. Natasha was just good at persuading you into things. Call it peer pressure or whatever, but you put your faith and trust in her to not believe she’d ever steer you in the wrong direction, so why were you so bothered being here?
“You know, refusing to kiss someone under the mistletoe is bad luck,” you hear the voice of the reason why.
“I don’t believe in that bullshit,” you respond, watching as he plops down on the empty seat next to you.
“Really? Then why haven’t you been out on a date in so long?” he asks tauntingly.
“How would you know?” You ask a bit offended.
Why was he so concerned about your love life? You were never close with Bucky growing up and if anyone was of an impression you were, it was only because of Steve, who welcomed everyone, and that included you when you moved into the neighborhood when you were a little girl.
All throughout elementary school, until things started developing, puberty probably, it further separated you from Bucky. Steve blossomed a little later in life, so it helped solidify a good friendship with him, the same couldn’t be said for Bucky. You didn’t hate him, just got annoyed by his harmless teasing.
“I’ll have you know I have other priorities,” your attempt at an excuse was subtle, but you didn’t owe him an explanation anyways.
“Sure,” he says in a tone that suggests he didn’t believe you.
You watch as he lights up a cigarette, takes a small drag, and the cloud of smoke puffing out from his lips. He notices your stare and digs into his coat pocket, fishing out the pack before offering you one. You accept and pluck one out of the carton, he follows up with sticking out his lighter and you lean in closer to him to place the end of your stick against the flame.
You weren’t going to deny the relieving effect the nicotine had running through your body. College was stressful and while you weren’t one to abuse substances, a hit every now and then helped calm your nerves.
“So why is it you won’t kiss anyone under the mistletoe?” He asks, leaning back on the plastic chair, his head turning to the side, full attention on you.
He was enchanted by the girl, who grew up into a beautiful young woman, sitting next to him, slowly killing herself with every inhale and exhale of the cigarette between her lips, but you weren’t just attractive to Bucky, you were every bit incredible to him. You were smart, helpful, loyal to your friends and he was just misguided sometimes in life that led you to astray from him.
“It’s just an excuse for guys to steal a kiss from some poor girl...for lonely people to fake love,” you said almost bitterly.
Truth was, you had a bitter experience with a guy who’d led you on in high school after accidentally hearing that he could bet his friends he could get you to make out with him and he’d do so by using a mistletoe as a ruse.
Bucky detected some distaste in your response but decides not to interrogate you on it any further. There’d been a lot of growing up between the two of you since you’d both been estranged during your teenage years, and certain life events were missed on either party. So, where did you both stand in each other's lives now? You weren’t sure if you could call each other friends. It wasn’t easy to avoid Bucky, what with all the mutual friends and classes you shared, including the same street back home.
“I didn’t throw this party just to see everyone before they leave or to celebrate the end of finals,” he reveals, after several, somber minutes of silence, the cigarettes in your hands quickly burning out.
“Then why did you?” You ask curiously, meeting his gaze.
“To see you,” he simply admits. It was vague.
“How’d you even know I’d show up?” You quiz him.
“Because I begged Natasha to convince you,” he freely says, exposing his plan.
You were a smart person, but you couldn’t figure Bucky out. Why would he do that? Or for that matter, say something like that. What was his endgame here?
“Tis the fuckin’ season,” you comment offhand, getting up from the seat to leave. You stomp out your cigarette and prepare to head back inside and bid your farewells.
You’re just about to step through the threshold, when you feel a large hand wrap around your arm, halting you in place in the middle of the sliding screen door.
“Am I really that bad?” He inquires, and you know he’s not asking about just kissing him under the mistletoe anymore. Bucky always wore his heart on his sleeve, no matter how tough he appeared to be. It fooled a lot of people, sometimes you included, but in this moment, he seemed to genuinely be concerned about your perspective about him.
You were too grown to blame how the course of your relationship with Bucky had gone south on silly teenage phases. You knew it was much deeper than that, it was how sad it made you feel.
You’d harbored a small crush on him back then and it was cruel to see him grow into a handsome, charming guy and go out with other girls. He never showed an interest in you in the past and it was getting exhausting trying to get his attention, it was proving to be a distraction in your life, so it was then you’d vowed to focus on yourself and the life ahead of you, a life that didn’t revolve or involve Bucky.
However, a part of you, the risky and impulsive part of you, said you had less than a handful of months left before you were set to walk the stage and graduate. If you did what you were about to do, you could avoid Bucky for just one more semester, then you’d move far, far away and most likely never see him again. With a quick glance up, you give in to the idea of this side of you, lean in and plant your lips on Bucky’s soft ones.
Bucky is left dumbfounded, eyes still half closed when you pull away. He was shocked, caught off guard, and you by a totally different notion. You like him, you’ve always liked him.
It was a decent kiss if anyone would’ve caught it, at least you hoped it appeared it was, and that Bucky could convince you of it being so…
“You said kissing under the mistletoe is for lonely people to fake love...so then why do I feel so alive?” he asks you in a daze.
He doesn't succeed in convincing you.
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How you’d both managed to move past that scene at the doorway without raising suspicion was beyond you two. The fact you both found a vacant room was an even more impressive feat at the moment.
“You better have locked that door,” you say, attempting to make it sound like a threat, but with you underneath him, you were anything but.
Shoes scattered along the pathway to the bed, his thick jacket following in suit. You’d managed to pull your lips back from his, but he couldn’t keep his off of yours as they trailed from the corner of your lips, along your jawline and down your neck. You feel his tongue drag just along your pulse, causing your hips to thrust up. You let out a moan at what you felt through his jeans and how he started sucking and nibbling over the spot he’d licked.
“Why? Don’t want everyone finding out how naughty you actually are?” He questions back teasingly with a cocky grin, and as he tugs at the sleeves of his unbuttoned shirt.
You don’t have a comeback for him, but instead you lightly shove him back and try to escape from underneath, hoping to get through to him and show you’re in fact serious. The last thing you wanted was for any of your friends to walk in on you two in the act.
“Relax!” He says, also sitting up and reaching out and pulling you back to him, “I locked it,” he assures, leaning in closer, “not even Santa will know what we’re doing,” then his lips reclaim yours, his tongue delving in your mouth. You’re once more on your back, lips locked and heavy. Had you known kissing Bucky was this good, you’d have kissed him earlier.
Bucky’s hands run up your thighs, snake their way underneath, you feel his fingers ghost over your scantily clad pussy. The tingling sensation causes the feeling in the pit of your stomach to brew.
“You want me to touch you?” He asks huskily while still pecking your lips.
“Yes,” you almost immediately answer, desperate for his touch.
“How bad?” Oh, he knows how bad, but he had so much fun watching you crumble.
“Bucky,” you start to whine.
“Tell me...how bad do you want me to touch you,” he repeats slowly.
“Fuck you,” you bite back. He was really going to make you say it, “I want you to touch me so bad...please, Bucky,” you quickly give in.
Bucky rewards you with a deep kiss as you feel him hook a finger on the thin slit of your panties and pull them to the side. He runs a long finger between your folds, and he pulls his lips away to inhale sharply.
“You’re so wet,” he states the obvious, bringing that same hand up to his lips to lick the pad of his thumb so he could start rubbing circles on your clit. You bite your lip and stare at him, he’s watching you carefully, loving how hard you’re trying to hold back.
“You want to be a good girl?” He asks, and you nod, “then don’t hold back. Stop fighting me, and I’ll make you come hard with just my fingers,” he bargains. You want to call him on his bluff, but he’s the one with the upper hand - literally. “But first…,” he starts, sitting up on his knees, hands back at his sides so he could scoot down lower on the bed, “...I want to taste this pussy,” his voice deep, and almost dangerous.
He pushes the end of your dress up, bunching it at the waist, to reveal your cute underwear. He pauses for a split second, “Holiyay indeed” he says to himself, reading the embezzled design on the front of your thong. You don’t even roll your eyes in annoyance anymore, because maybe if you kept quiet and submissive enough, you’ll finally get to come.
When he rids you of the garment, Bucky uses his fingers to spread your wet lips before running his tongue flat against it, only narrowing out when it reaches your clit. He spends a little more time at your there, circling it with his tongue, lightly kissing and sucking at it. His fingers start rubbing you, tracing the rim of the opening, while his mouth was still busy at work.
You're all but writhing from the buildup, your chest heaving up and down, stomach clenching tight from his doing, not prepared for when he inserts a finger inside your wet hole. You audibly gasped and reached a hand towards him, but he swats it away. You dare pick your head up to watch, and you’re met with his eyes, full of lust, looking up at you, but his mouth still latched onto your pussy. You can feel his finger slide in and out of you slowly, your mouth open displaying how good he’s making you feel.
In fact, it’s too good you’re not in control of your legs anymore as they kick and squirm at the feeling he’s bestowing on you, so he removes his finger away from you only to maneuver into a position where he could hook his arms under legs and basically slam your back down on the bed. You unconsciously start chanting his name, like a silent prayer for him to touch you down there again.
Your head is a little fuzzy, body on fire; you want to burst. Unable to pick up your head, you cast your eyes down on him just in time to see him spit on your already soaking cunt. You watch as he uses his fingers to spread the wetness all over before slipping two fingers inside of you.
The intrusion causes you to groan and back to arch, and you can’t help but grab at any part of the arm that his hand going to work on you, just making sure it doesn't go away until it gets the job done. He chuckles lightly at your eagerness with your hips bucking up at his palm.
“I promised I’d let you come, right?” He points out, which you nod fervently, loosen your grip and attempt to keep your hips at bay, so he could fulfill his promise. You feel his finger push in about knuckle-deep and curl inside, causing you to choke out a dry sob. You begin to bite your lip, hard, when he does it again and again.  
Your hands are on autopilot, trying to heighten the pleasure your body was being coursed with, and they grab handfuls of your breasts, still confined in your dress. You squeeze and squish them together, anything to help you find that release sooner. Bucky’s gaze catches onto your moves and licks at his lips, the sight of your breasts threatening to spill out offers him a taste of what’s still yet to be unwrapped.
He speeds up his efforts, they’re proven efficient as you start clenching tight around his fingers, your arousal also coating the palm of his hand. He whispers tiny praises as you try to recover from the first orgasm. You swallow the lump in your throat and run your hands over your face, almost dazed and bewildered that Bucky was capable of pulling something like that out of you.  
Your legs fall limp on the bed, the silence broken by Bucky, “such a sweet pussy,” he compliments, and you take a peek between your fingers to see his fingers pop out of his mouth from sucking his digits clean.
“Do you want to unwrap your gift?” He asks, crawling over to you. You manage to sit up, your body supported by your propped elbows, so Bucky is slightly hovering over you. You nod at his question and he brings one hand behind your head to swoop you in for a sweet kiss. You use both hands to hold his face in place to make the kiss last just a little longer.
Bucky reluctantly pulls away though so he could grab at the bunched fabric of your dress and pull it over your head, leaving you completely bare in front of him. He swears, eyes running over every part of you before sitting upright on his knees again.
You lean in and reach with both hands to unbuckle his belt, the clinking of metal sounding loud, button popping off in haste, and dragging the zipper down. You yank down at his fitted jeans to reveal the imprint of his hard cock under his boxer briefs. Fuck, he was big, that much you could see. You couldn’t keep your grabby hands away as you palm him through the fabric, his cock twitching at the indirect contact.
“Take it out,” he instructs, and you look up perilously at him, eyes begging him to confirm, “...it’s yours, baby girl,” and it was all the assurance you needed to peel his boxers down.
You wrap your hands around his length and start pumping him languidly. He was already hard and no doubt fully erect, but you immediately found how good it felt in your hands. With every pump, his pre-cum pools at the head, and with each trip your hands make up to the tip, they travel back down with the substance, effectively lathering him up and making him slick enough for an easy entry.
“I want to fuck you so bad,” he admits when you give his member an experimental squeeze, your fingers curl around him, the tips grazing along his balls.
Leaning in to place light kisses to his pecs, you look up at him, “well, you’ve been a good boy, so do it,” you say, hands retreating as you lie back down, “...fuck me, Bucky.”
Bucky lets out a low growl, kicks his bottoms away, and climbs back on top of you. He reaches down to grab his cock and starts running it up and down the length of your sex, causing your body to shudder. You could feel the ridges and just how hard he got before he slowly slid his cock inside. There’s a tiny sting on his entrance as his thick cock stretches your walls.
“Mmm, baby, it’s cold outside,” he starts playfully singing, “...but you, you’re so warm,” kissing your cheek, getting you to relax; not realizing you had held your breath trying to bear through the initial pain, “...and so wet,” he says pulling out with a lewd noise, before thrusting all the way back in, bottoming out.  
He starts off sweet and slow, and while you liked that on some occasion, now wasn’t one of them. Bucky’s cock probed at your spot almost instantly and you found out you didn’t want to prolong the euphoric ending. His hands slip around your smaller frame, pulling your body up, closer to his, while his hips moved in waves crashing harder and harder into yours.
His face buried into the mattress next to your face, you hear his breathy moans, and you love that he doesn’t hold them back the slightest. Who didn’t like to hear how good the other person was making them feel, right? You grip and pull at his hair, while the other gabs at his buttocks, feeling it flex with each snap of his hips, and your legs tangled with his. Sweat that had built up on your bodies make the movements sloppy, muscles beginning to ache, both of you were about to peak.
“God, you feel so good,” he says, picking his head up, his hair matted and messy, he still looked sexy, “...you gonna come all over my cock now?” His words fuel you and your hips start driving into his, making him eat his own words, “fuck, baby, you’re gonna make me cum!”
“Yes, Bucky,” you coo, your hands gripping his sides, loving the feeling of his hard body, slick and warm to the touch, “...come,” you try coaxing him, but one particular thrust rips right through you and your walls start clenching him tighter than the fit.
You only finish the command when you’re riding the waves of the aftershock, “come on, Bucky, I want it...inside, please.” You definitely picked up on the fact that he liked to hear you beg and be specific with your wants.
Bucky soon stills, spurts of his hot cum splatter your walls that continue to flutter around his cock. His climax spreads warmth all over your lower body. Your limbs, both arms and legs, wrap around his exhausted body. He carefully drops his bodyweight on you, mindful of not suffocating you in the process.
When he’s regained regular breathing, using one of his hands, he reaches behind him in search of yours before interlocking your fingers and just holding it, you hold onto each other. Bucky picks up his head and stares at your hand in his, you follow his gaze and join him. They fit with one another perfectly, and even so, the light squeeze he gives it, lets you know it also felt right.
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“Well, where have you two been?” Sam says loudly, announcing you and Bucky’s arrival, rejoining your group of friends. Wanda and Vision close to each other, his arm around her frame, Natasha standing in between Sam and Steve, a refilled cup in each of their hands.
“I have been trying to escape this crazed man all night,” you playfully exaggerate.
“And yet you’ve managed to keep failing,” Bucky chimes in smugly, a cute smirk running across his features. This unearthed feeling testing your willpower to keep up with appearance and show resistance.
“Yeah, no thanks to my so-called friends,” pinning the blame on the two females in the room. Wanda turns red, guilty and slightly awful for abandoning you, but Natasha has a different reaction. She’s got that knowing smile on her face. It’s small, but very strong.
You watch as her eyes divert to the ceiling, you follow her gaze and then when you both look back at each other, the smile on her face turns into a full-blown smirk. There’s a collective sound of “oh’s” from everyone, noting the mistletoe above you and Bucky.
Turning to Bucky, who looks like he doesn’t know what to do, just stands there staring at you, not knowing what to expect. You’re supposed to act like nothing happened or reveal anything to your friends just yet, so he mentally prepares for a rebuttal to your impending rejection or insult to kiss him. Nothing could’ve prepared him for what you do instead.
You place a hand on the back of his neck and pull him down to you and smash your lips together. Bucky’s hands immediately grab a hold of your hips, he’d have to get used to the lightheaded feeling when he’s close to you.
The kiss is slow and probably not appropriate to be deemed as a simple traditional mistletoe kiss, but you both can’t help it and continue to allow your lips to slide against one another’s before there’s a rise of cheers, whistling and howls around you, shattering the bubble.
When you pull apart, you reluctantly walk away from Bucky and head to where Natasha stood, steal the cup from her hand and finish off the remainder of her drink, all while staring straight at her. She knew. Only when you’re done with the last sip, you give her the same small, sly smile. There are no words exchanged, and none needed.
“Guess, you have been a good boy this year, Barnes,” Sam jokes, but regardless is proud of his friend.
“Third time's the charm,” Bucky says casually, shrugging like it was no big deal, as if he hadn’t been desperately chasing you all night. You shake your head at his silliness, but nonetheless smile at him, your heart skipping a bit.
Who knew what you’d been looking for was hanging underneath the doorway staring at you face-to-face this whole time?
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A/N: I can confidently say, I used one of these Christmas puns as a pickup line on a guy recently and it worked in my favor! Shoot your shot but stay safe in more than one way; these are them trying times. Also, the underwear thing is a real design I saw while looking through Victoria’s Secret sales…lol. 
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soullessmocha · 3 years
i think; therefore i am || part one
{ fem! witch reader x poly!the lost boys }
|| part two ||
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part rating: teen
word count: 20716 (i am so sorry)
part summary: a nomadic witch running from her dark past (reader) finds her place after travelling the states on the shores of santa carla. in a way to make money she sets up a booth on the bustling boardwalk where she gives a few readings to a couple interesting characters for some loose change. this night she discovers she isn’t the only supernatural being.
warnings: mature language, mind manipulation, violence, use of tobacco, a cute familiar, nightmares, allusions to being burned alive, witch trials, hints to major character death, visions, and the lost boys being violent (mainly david.), this has not been proof read it has merely been skimmed.
“I promise I will be good. Please mother!” You yell towards the cloaked woman who looked at you with a disdained look on features. Features you once found comforting and like home turned on you in an instant. Those soft features are now rigid and gaunt from stress and aging, but the worse link to all the features was the cobalt blue eyes. Eyes that reflected the moon so sharply that it was almost mirrored. Eyes so sharp and focused as your mother shook her in disappointment, “No, you won’t,” her words were forthright showing no emotion behind it. How did someone who you called your mother betray you and not even take a second glance? “No, no! Wait! No, I promise!” You start to trash against the rope that is wrapped around your body, confining you to a large wooden pole. Stretching your body to its breaking point as the only color you could see was red. Then it was hot, burning, seething your skin away as one of your sisters lowers a torch at your feet. Your eyes connect to the moon as your throat lashes a blood-curdling scream into the starry clear night.
Gasping for the air you shoot up from your makeshift bed, sweating coating your skin in a glossy layer. Your lungs rapidly gasp for air as they burn from your fears that have your heart racing so much it punches your ribs. A shift in the bed causes your attention to shift. Your cat, a scruffy black devon rex steals his way up the side of your bed. His head tilting before making his own way into your lap a loud purr radiating off of your pet in his best attempts to calm you. You lift a shaky hand to plop it down on the cat’s back who tenses for a quick second before stretching his paws to your chest, reminding you to breathe. A slight smile comes to your lips, “I’m fine, Finn. Really,” you sigh and rub away the hair sticking on your face from the layer of sweat on your skin. “It’s always the same nightmare.” You admit to your furry friend who makes his way to the tail end of your bed. He stretched and tipped his nose upwards as his spine curled sniffing the air as if he was trying to investigate the surrounding area. With your heart rate slowed just the slightest you pull yourself from your bed and shuffle through the hallway that leads from your bedroom to your living space in the trailer you parked on the cliff overlooking the beach. The sun was setting, casting an orange hue in your trailer, the light catchers reflecting rainbows as they twirl mindlessly from the free breeze coming through the cracked window. Peace. That was a safe haven. However, with the sun setting you realize you have taken a nap when least expected. You must’ve needed it after the first night of working on the boardwalk. Who knew reading tarot, runes, and palms to tourists would take so much energy out of you.
A sigh escapes your lips as you attempt to step around Finn to get to your closet where you pick a black outfit with an ornate shawl to help you stand out. 
“Be good and protect the home,” you kneel down to scratch Finn under his chin after you have gathered your last-minute things and open the trailer door to have it close behind you. A quiet meow echoes from behind the door and your smirk at the small goodbye from your pet. It didn’t take you long to start up your old truck with a few hits and a couple pumps for the clutch to make your way down to the boardwalk parking lot.
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The night was the same as before but this time a couple of well rounded security guards started to come up to the booth later on into the evening. The wind was a bit harsher and the waves crashed in rhythm of the music that was being played on the tiny radio next to your ankle. The boardwalk was filled with all strains of life. There were well rounded individuals taking their picture perfect families for a night out to teens dressed in all black with every inch of their face covered in piercing and colored hair. You preferred that crowd. Then again it didn’t help to get money from those picture perfect families who you only give half ass readings for. When the heavy boots of the literal rounded security officers approached your booth were you snapped from your thoughts. Looking them up and down you can instantly get a feel of their energy, they were hostile and annoyed by the night already. Yet the night was still so young. 
“Excuse me, do you have a permit to be setting up your booth here?” The officer with the mustache questions shifting his weight onto one leg jutting out his hip.
“Yeah, you need a vendor permit to even set up here on the boardwalk,” the skinnier one of the couple started before picking at the cloth of your booth, studying it with a devious smirk. “You tell fortunes? Tell me how we are going to kick you off the boardwalk.” The two chuckle at the joke yet in a calm manner you stand with your hands on the ornate cloth. 
“I do tell fortunes, but not those who tend hurt others because they have a flimsy gold badge on their breast,” you start and give a rather deceiving smile as you tilt your head. “I do not have a vendor’s permit to be out here. However, I am sure you know how hard it is to make a living during these times. Surely you can give me a pass.” You suggest and the fatter one with the mustache snickered at your suggestion. The two looked at one another but as they looked back at you they were met with purple hazed eyes and fingers that were pointed at them which radiated purple energy. “Now, I hope you will listen to me,” you begin this time your voice was an octave deeper as you displayed your abilities to them. It wasn’t hard to sink into their minds and be able to control such a feeble psyche, the purple illuminating from their eyes indicated you were in. You didn’t even need to chant a hex to even get them to repeat after you, “I will not approach this vendor anymore.” They repeat and a smirk quivers on the corner of your lips, “I will not terrorize anyone who I deem… different. I will walk away now and forget I ever saw this vendor.” Once they repeat you flick your wrist the two men turn on their heels and quite literally march away to whatever other duties they have. You grumble to yourself as you sit back down pushing the skirt under you so you can sit properly on the chair. 
As you adjust your trinkets and cards on the table you can hear from afar an excited young boy's voice, “Mike! Look! It’s a fortune teller. We have to do this!”
“No Sammy, we said we would go to the concert and meet mom back at the entrance. I am not stopping for some phoney fortune teller who just reads some useless cards to tell me literally nothing.” the older voice replies back with an annoyed tone and quite ready to walk in the opposite direction. You don’t look up to give the hint you are listening, in fact you lean back in your chair starting to shuffle your tarot deck because indeed you know the two will end up before you.
“Well too bad. I came here to have fun and you’re ruining it. Live a little Mike. You’ve been grumpy all day,” pouts the young blonde, “plus I didn’t say you needed to get a reading done. i got my own money.”
“How did you get money?”
“I stole it from your wallet!” The younger one laughs and charges his way over to the booth and you make eye contact with him, his grin was wide and full of innocence. Blue eyes that were striking amongst the moonlight, they glimmered with hope and curiosity. “Dammit Sam!” the older one whom you assumed to be the brother charges behind. “Hi, how can I help you today?” You asks in your kindest customer service voice. The young boy holds out the ten dollar bill, “I would like a reading if I could have one please. Mom always told us about her tarot card readings, but I would like one for myself.” He grins to the side as he looks over his shoulder to his older brother, a brunette with a strong build who seems to already be annoyed just standing next to this booth and his brother. “Why of course, thank you! Take a seat please.” You request and glance over to the older brother, “If you’d like a seat by all means sit.” He didn’t respond, only took a glance at you before looking away. He was skeptical and nervous. Of course he was. “Normally I don’t do readings for such young gentlemen like you, but I like you already, so I will do a general reading. Now before I get started, may I have your name?”
“Nice to meet you Sam, I am Y/N. Thank you once again,” you grant a thanks and start to shuffle your cards. Normally with normal individuals the cards don’t have this much energy. You give a breathy chuckle and shuffle fiercely before a card flies from the deck. You plant it face down before looking young Sam in the eyes giving him a playful smirk at his eagerness. “You two have a lot of energy for you, that’s a good thing.” You compliment but the older brother just snickers and crosses his arm before another card flies out. It didn’t take long for the third to fly out. You align the cards, “Alright let’s see here, this card represents you. The page of cups,” You smile gingerly at the card before flipping it to show the boy. “You are filled with wonder, you love your family and have a curious nature to you.” You can see the boy is looking at the card with curious eyes. Take in the fancy man holding a golden chalice balance on one foot and his heel. He is dressed in quite jarring clothes like the boy sitting in front of you. “You also love to express yourself in ways that are creative, like your fashion, or music.” You not before hovering your hand over the next card. “This card represents the path you are on," you flip over the card to see the emperor standing sitting on his throne high and mighty, “the emperor. Now this card is quite powerful, one of my favorites. You are on the path of seeking how to defend yourself and those you love. How to become more powerful in the sense of trying to find structure and to grow in your sense of logic and practicality.” At this point you didn’t even notice the older brother has now sat down. Full attention on you and the cards. You give him a wink before turning your attention back to his younger brother, “It seems like you’re trying to find a father figure role within yourself or by others.” The boys' features soften from a grin to a saddened look, that must’ve struck a bit too close for home. “Let’s continue, shall we?” You ask and he slowly nods glancing over at his brother. You carefully flip over the last card, “This card represents your potential,” your eyes glance down at the justice card. The figure holds a sword and a scale in each hand, sitting on a chair with authority as a scarlet drape is behind them. “Justice. You know what it’s like to be wronged, treated unfairly, you will have to face the truth soon. Whatever that truth is, you have to see everything from each point of view. Going back to the Emperor, you need to be logical and work on that skill in order to find your Justice. You will generate peace and harmony to those who surround you.”
“Wow, thank you, that’s- that’s awesome,” Sam thanks you leaning back in the folded chair carefully eyeing his brother who was staring diligently at the card, studying them and seeming astounded. You lean forward and tap the table under his nose. “I can do a reading for you as well, free of charge. I like your little brother. However, I would like your name.”
The blue eyed brunette looked up at you with wide eyes, filled with wonder and trying to read your own eyes. “Michael. My name is Michael,” you smile at his name and gather the cards back into your pile. You shuffle in the bustling white noise of the  busy boardwalk. A card flies out and lands face down on the table. You shuffle until two more fall from the pile. “Alright Michael, let’s see who the cards say you are.” Your black painted fingers flip over the first card to be greeted by the figure of archangel Michael blowing on his trumpet as the words read ‘judgement’. “You are going through a new journey, a new beginning. You are starting anew. You also find comfort in sharing your struggles with others who relate and you want freedom from your own troubles. Then we have,” You start flipping over the second card, “the ten of swords.” You whisper and you glance up to see his worried eyes look at the pictured body stabbed by ten swords pinned to the ground. “Don’t overthink it.” You whisper ducking your head to make eye contact with him, trying your nest to make him feel safe. “You're going to be betrayed by someone you begin to trust. The pain inflicted runs deep not because what they have done is hurtful, but because you know deep down that this marks the end of your relationship as you know it with them. You will grieve the loss of the relationship. This card is about letting go and accepting your circumstances.” There was silence between the two, you could hear a pin drop if one was to.
“It’s a warning,” you say and clear your throat to ease the tension a bit. You flip over the last card to show the lovers card. “The lovers,” you smile longingly at the card, “you will be ready to establish your own beliefs and follow your heart in the end. You will find love for yourself but love will also find you. In every choice you make on your path, there is an equal amount of advantage and disadvantage, opportunity and challenge, positive and negative. I am excited for you to find your other half.” A warm smile comes to your lips but there was wary to the middle card, that card showed the journey he was going to begin was going to something dark. The clapping of a hand on someone’s back causes you to jump out of your trance. “Well gentlemen, I hope you got the answers you two were looking for. Thank you for stopping by, if you have any more questions or any more services, I will be here.”
The two respond with weary smiles and slowly get up from their chairs with soft thanks as they continue to make their way down the boardwalk. A twinkle of a smile was left on your lips as you watched them walk away. 
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Hours later you find yourself with a tip jar that is half full and a bag that contained crumpled bills that were stale and some damp. A sigh leaves your lips as you clean up the station, cleaning up the scrying orb in its case and the tip jar in the bag full of bills. Just before you started to take down your sign you saw four shadows cascade from behind you. A low hum left your lips and you turned on your heel to see four men standing in front of you. Quite young looking, dressed in all black, a couple more than the others. A small smile peaked your lips. “How can I help you gentlemen?” You ask the stoic figures as they stare down at you, purely interested and emitting a strange energy. They’re energy was really strange but you couldn’t put your finger on it. 
“Well we were seeing if it wasn’t too late to get a couple of readings,” the one with the spiked platinum blonde hair responds. His head tilts as he looks into your eyes. For a second you had to look away from the piercing blue eyes because you felt your head go dizzy. 
“Of course, what are you looking for? I do tarot, palms, and even runes.” You inform as your make your way to your side of the booth. Your folding chair creaking as you sit on it, your posture upright and alert. 
“Well, Marko? Which one do you want? You begged to come over here before they closed.” The platinum spoke up again, you tried to get a read on him, by his upright body language he seemed to be the leader of the little posse. Though you were new to the boardwalk you never really saw them around. How did you miss them? Granted you were new to town, but only by a few weeks.
“I’ll go with a palm reading if it means the cutie gets to hold my hand.” The one name Marko pipes with a chuckle from his peers. You can only roll your eyes playfully to play along, “Well sit down, palm readings start at $10 for that comment.” You tease the curly haired man who skipped to your hair and held out his hands with a snicker following. The fingerless gloves covered most of his palm so you nod your head towards his hands, “May I?” You ask before he responds with a nod and cheesy grin. As you started to slip off his hands your eyes peered over his head to watch his friends behind him. You take in their appearances. The platinum blonde was starting to light a cigarette. The other wild haired blonde was walking forward to admire the trinkets on your booth. While the tall brunette was giving you a cold stare as he watched you take off his friends gloves. Each of them donned a single earring and a jacket that was different to their individuality. You clear your throat and look at Marko, “It is nice to meet you Marko. I hope you find this reading useful and beneficial to you for the future.” You start as you take his cool hand into yours. Overlapping his hand with yours you didn’t mind the cold hands, or think much about it, the night was quite chilly.
You roll your shoulders back and roll your neck to relax. As you did a shock was sent through your nerves and you gasped sharply. As did Marko who received the same energy suddenly, causing a pained groan to leave his throat. The energy surges up to your neck causing you to close your eyes tightly. A vision. Pain. Darkness. Betrayal. You can see through Marko’s eyes. He was in pain and bleeding everywhere. There were inhuman screeches all around him; his friends jolted around in him in disturbance and rage. Then you realized they were hanging upside down. Their faces looked like nothing that they did now. Features were contorted, eyes were bloodshot and yellow, and teeth sharp. Just as your vision ended you felt a stabbing in your chest just like the object in Marko’s chest. A pained yell left your throat. There was an echo of Marko yelling out in pain and incoherent yells of the boys behind him. 
You shot Marko away from you with shadows of purple energy following him. The chair shot about six feet from under him and Marko rolled to a stop with the wild blonde following after him in concern. 
“What the hell was that?!” The leader booms rushing to your table, his hands grasping the table with a crushing grip. You could hear it crack as you try to catch your breath. The pain was unbearable. “What the hell are you?!” He interrogates again with a sharp tone. This time he threw the table to the side effortlessly. You gasp and stand in response. Your hands fly up in a contorted shape with purple shadows lingers around your fingers. The leader was stuck in his palace, grunting and struggling against your will. Pants leave your parted lips, brows furrowed and pained as you hold back the leader. Exposing your power.
The three other men kneel around their curly haired friend. Your eyes flicker to them, “There is one thing I can’t stand about vampires,” you croak, holding the leader in his place bringing him as you walk closer to the boys. The look on their faces when you announce your knowledge of their supernatural being, now that look was priceless. “They don’t know how to control their temper.” You choke out as purple energy hazed over your eyes. Their eyes widened at the energy around their leader and the shine from your eyes. All of them scramble to their feet. 
The brunette was first to act and you were faster to stop him mid run. He was now frozen under your spell. Energy outlining his shape as he looked around frantically. You wipe your hand causing him to fly straight through the railing and far out into the ocean with a purple orb pushing straight into his chest. Then with another flick of your wrist the leader went flying right after the brunette with another orb following to make him go further. Your purple eyes scanned towards the two blondes who looked hostile yet intimidated. Before they could even take a step you waved your arms and contorted hands in front of you, to each of their bodies, with a cross of your arms the two slam into one another with a crushing thud. You push the energy out with your arms and hands and the two blondes went flying far out into the ocean following their peers with purple orbs pushing into their chests. 
You were left there on the dark boardwalk, cascaded under orange street lamps, panting with purple shadows flowing around your eyes and glowing in your eyes. Your adrenaline pumping through your veins caused your breathing to become ragged. It took a beat for your breathing to return to normal. You slid your stance back to normal to show your calming nature. Your hands return to your sides no longer casting purple energy and your eyes are their normal color but still widened in fear. Behind you was your booth table broken in half, your items thrown all about wildly from the wind, and your scrying orb shattered near your feet. Dollar bills flying wildly wherever the ocean breeze takes them. 
Taking one last deep breath you tilt your head out towards the crashing onyx waves. The humid breeze thrashing your clothing all about. You press a clammy palm to your forehead as you curse quietly to yourself, “Shit.”
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a/n: this is the first part of a series that i have been writing on and off for the past month. i’ve always wanted to incorporate a witch into the lost boys because it would be so interesting! this will be sort of slow burn poly!the lost boys kind of vibe. please let me know if you’d like more of this series. thank you so much for reading!! 🖤🖤🖤
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windless-hurricane · 3 years
Chapter Four: A World Where We Can Grow Old
A Reiner x Reader x (Eventual) Jean Fanfic
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SUMMARY: After the fall of Shiganshina, you joined the military along with your brother. You had hoped to bring peace to the world by doing so, but the world was a cruel place. You seemed to lose more than you gained, but there was always someone - someone who made losing just a bit…easier. You hoped you could keep them forever, but was there a guarantee in this world?
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Here’s the fourth chapter! While things are a bit slow right now, the story’s really going to pick up after this chapter!
WARNINGS (for entire series): Language, explicit violence, talks of death, suicide, trauma, and mental illness, graphic scenes involving blood and/or death, and sexuality.
TAGLIST: @lovethemilkteasis @grayxblaze @theyoungblood13 @flowersgirl02 @noodlenerd101 @hanabihwa @drowned-pathetic-rat @bestgirlb @bleepop @miinnttyy @1-800-thanos @lovelime @usernamehere91
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You and your brother stood beside each other as a stream of smoke poured into the sky. You wondered where it came from, how it got there, why it was there, and your questions were answered once a colossal, red hand slung itself over the wall and grabbed onto it.
You flinched uneasily as your eyes widened in fear.
What’s happening? What’s going on? What is that? Is that… Is that a-
Then, a large, skinless face peeked over, its teeth clenching and its gaze terrifying.
It was. It was a Titan, but how...how could it be that big? It was impossible.
Your body trembled as you reached for Viktor's hand. He met you in the middle, gripping your hand back tightly. You could feel the heat and sweat from his skin, showing just how mortified he was.
“V-Vik-tor, I…” you stuttered, but you couldn’t form a coherent sentence. Your mind was going wild and you could feel your heart clenching in your chest.
What-what do we do? Where’s the Garrison Regiment? Where’s Jannick? Where’s dad?
Then, a sudden force shoved you to the ground as the Titan kicked through the wall, sending chunks of it flying.
People screamed, pushed past each other, and ran for whatever time was left of their lives. However, you couldn’t. You were frozen.
Everything was a blur and your ears filled with static.
What should I do?
However, you didn’t have time to ponder that question as a boulder headed straight for you.
This is it. I’m gonna die.
“(Y/N)! Move! (Y/N)!”
You gasped yourself awake, sitting up in a panic.
You were panting heavily with sweat dripping down your forehead. You barely managed to wipe it away with your shaky hand. Matter of fact, your whole body was shaking.
“Are you okay,” Sasha asked, gazing at you with worried eyes. Admittedly, no. Your heart was still beating out of its chest and you felt your head begin to pound. However, you couldn’t dwell on something that has already happened. It’s over.
“I’m fine,” you responded, but the hoarseness of your voice didn’t match your words.
“Are you sure,” she pushed. “Because you don’t look like it.” She gestured to your hand and you were surprised to see that you had been clenching your blanket so tightly that the whites of your knuckles were showing. You hadn’t even realized that you were gripping it.
You let go, your knuckle cracking in the process.
“Yeah,” you nodded and you were about to relax until a new form of panic arose within you. “Wait, Sasha. Are we late?”
“Uh, well…” she trailed off. “We’re about to be.” Your eyes widened as you immediately threw yourself off the bed.
“You should’ve said that to begin with,” you exclaimed, shuffling around for your uniform. “We can’t be late for combat training!”
You and Sasha made a run for the training grounds and were lucky to see that the rest of the cadets were still waiting for Shadis’s instruction.
You sighed a breath of relief as you lined up beside her, not noticing Reiner standing on the other side of you.
He unconsciously looked you over and noticed your disheveled appearance. You had a bad case of bed hair and a few buckles of your uniform had come undone. He also noticed the sheen of sweat covering your face and how you were breathing a little heavier than normal. Either you just woke up late or something else had happened. He wasn’t sure which.
As Shadis made his way up to the speaking platform, all side conversations came to a halt and he turned to face you all with a hard gaze.
“Alright, maggots,” he shouted, making your ears ring. “Today, we are engaging in combat training! While some of you may think this is unnecessary as you obviously can’t use hand-to-hand combat against a Titan...” You and a few cadets snickered. “Shut up!”
You smirked as he continued on. “As I was saying, if you’re lucky enough to make it into the Top 10 and join the Military Police, you won’t be dealing with Titans. You’ll be dealing with people, criminals, thugs. Likewise with the Garrison Regiment. Therefore, it is important to know basic fighting skills and how to defend yourself in any situation… Do your meager minds understand?!”
“Yes, sir,” you all replied in unison.
“Good, now listen for your partners!”
“Sir, if I may ask, why can’t we choose our own partners,” you asked suddenly, causing your peers to gape at you like they did at orientation. However, you were unfazed, even after Shadis shot you the same death glare as before.
“No, you may not ask, Bauer,” Shadis growled and you attempted to suppress your smile. “Now, run laps until I’ve finished. Afterwards, get your ass handed to you by Braun.”
“Yes, sir,” you saluted, shooting a glance at Reiner as he smirked at you. “If he can even beat me,” you countered, speaking so quietly that only Reiner could hear you.
As you jogged past him toward the dirt track, he watched you with amusement.
You certainly weren’t like the other girls in the Training Corps. You somehow managed to be sweet, fiery, and so sure of yourself all at once. You always spoke your mind and were seemingly fearless, choosing to mess with the scariest person there without a care in the world. Finally, you were awfully kind, taking care of your brother whenever you could and indulging in his own mischievousness, even if it meant the both of you potentially getting trouble. He even saw you do the same with Sasha and Eren.
You truly were something else.
He grinned faintly as he found you smirking back at him.
“We’ll see about that, hotshot,” he murmured.
Once Shadis had finished announcing everyone’s partners, you jogged over to Reiner, panting slightly.
He raised his eyebrows at you as you came to a stop a few feet in front of him.
“How was the jog,” he teased and you scoffed in response.
“Nothing compared to the swimming I had to endure on the first day,” you admitted, clearing your throat.
“Why do you always annoy him when you know full well what he’s going to do?” The question would have sounded condescending coming from anyone else, but you could tell he was more amused than anything.
“I don’t like him,” you stated bluntly. “And…” your eyes began to soften. “I think we ought to have some fun while we’re here.”
“Huh,” he breathed, taken aback by your answer.
Fun? In times like these, he thought to himself.
“I know what you’re thinking,” you chuckled. “Fun? In times like these? I know. The world is so dark these days, but I think we need to be reminded that we’re still alive. We need to laugh, smile, feel happiness. Most importantly, be human and how could we do that if we’re scared or in grief all the time? I still don’t like him, but if you all are entertained along the way, fine by me.”
He gazed at you admirably, unsure of how to process your words. He felt...conflicted more than anything.
“You really are one of a kind, (Y/N),” he commented, his voice coming out smoother than how he felt on the inside.
Your cheeks blushed faintly as you grinned.
“If I didn’t know any better, Reiner, I’d say you were flirting with me rather than trying to fight me,” you cooed and he let out a chuckle through his nose.
“And what if I was,” he suggested with a glint in his eyes.
“I'd still say to fight me.”
You raised your arms in a fighting stance and he quirked his eyebrow at you.
“I haven’t seen a stance like that before,” he observed, putting his own arms up. “Where’d you learn it?”
“Enough talking!”
You charged at Reiner with a plan already in mind.
I’ll go for a punch towards his face. Once he decides to either block it or pull away from it, I’ll sweep his legs right from underneath him.
You went for your punch, but he unexpectedly didn’t do either. He instead grabbed your fist tightly, not allowing you to pull away, and twisted your arm behind your back. He pulled you against him and your face heated up as his chest pressed into you.
“I don’t think you expected that, (Y/N),” he whispered, his breath fanning your cheek. “I thought I wasn’t going to be able to beat you.” You honestly thought so too, but you were overconfident. It made sense that he was able to stop you. He was confident too, but just the right amount. He also knew how to fight.
Although your arm was starting to hurt from his grip, you still smirked with excitement.
“The fight doesn’t end until one of us is pinned down,” you stated, stomping down on his foot.
He groaned as he released his hold on you and you threw your head back, coming into contact with his chin. As a result, he lost his footing and you took the opportunity to crouch down and swipe your leg underneath his. He fell to the ground and you threw yourself on top of him. You bent your right leg at the knee and dug it into his thigh, holding his other leg down in the process. You used your left foot to keep one of his arms down. Then, you pinned his wrist with one of your hands and used the other to keep his head against the ground. You smiled, letting out a quick exhale.
“I pinned you.”
“Let’s make a deal,” and you gaped down at him in surprise. Why did he look and sound so nonchalant despite his position?
“Whoever’s pinned down last has to do something for the other,” he explained.
“If you can even-“ Before you could finish, he propped his knee up from under you and your foot slid off his wrist. He gripped you from your collar and threw you over, causing you to land on the opposite side of his head. You went to do a kip up, but he grabbed you by the shoulder of your jacket and dragged you until you were within straddling range. He got on top of you as he smiled faintly.
“That’s what we have to find out.”
After that, you both spent the next half hour pinning each other down until Shadis told everyone to stop.
You gasped for air as you pinned Reiner’s wrists above his head and used your knees to keep his legs in place. He was breathing heavily as well, his stomach on the ground and his cheek pushing against the dirt.
“I-I win,” you announced, tightening your hold on him as a reminder.
“I can see that,” he strained, barely looking at you from the corner of his eye. “You win.”
You sighed in satisfaction and let him go, finally standing up. You wiped excess sweat and dirt off your forehead, watching as he turned over and sat up with a grunt.
“You’re an impressive fighter, (Y/N),” he complimented. “I think you’re as good as Annie.”
“Well, you’re not too bad yourself,” you admitted. “I haven’t had a fight like that in awhile.”
“So, then,” he started. “What do you want?”
“Huh?” You blushed slightly as you scratched the back of your head. “I haven’t thought that far ahead… What did you even want?”
“I wanted you to answer a question of mine,” he revealed, a darkness creeping on his cheeks.
“Just a question,” you asked in disbelief. “All of that for a question? What is it?”
“Why'd you join the military?”
“That question again? Well, I guess I never answered you to begin with,” you remembered. “Silly, you could’ve just asked me instead of letting me beat you up.”
“I didn’t know how to bring it up again without it seeming weird,” he confessed and you shook your head.
“It wouldn’t have. I like talking to you.”
You extended your hand out to him and the moment his fingers brushed yours, you felt what could only be described as a jolt of electricity running through you and you took a step back.
You looked down at him and he stared back at you with a similar expression - utter confusion.
Did he feel that too?
“Um, sorry,” you apologized, laughing slightly. “It must’ve been static.”
“No worries,” he assured with a chuckle and you stuck your hand out once again.
He took it graciously and thanked you as you hoisted him up. You nodded, gazing at him right after.
“I joined the military because I want to live in a world where the only concern is growing old,” you finally answered. “I don’t want us to worry about walls, Titans, or whatever the hell else could be out there. I just want us to be happy and have the freedom to live our lives to the fullest... Does that...sorta answer your question?”
It did, it really did. So, why did Reiner still feel a pang in his chest? Why was he hoping for a more selfish answer? Why did he want your answer to not be as noble as the one you gave? Why did he want you to be...less human?
In the end, he knew the answers to all these questions. He didn’t want to feel guilty for what he had done and what he was going to do...but everyone was making it extremely difficult. (Y/N) especially.
As you both smiled at each other, one question plagued his mind.
Why were the Devils of Paradis…so human?
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opluffys · 3 years
What We Aren’t- Killer x Reader
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this took me so long cuz i had no motivation to write it... i fucking love killer but i’m so lazy lol. i hate this but there’s not that many fics for him, so enjoy? idk i’ve been unhappy with my writing for a while ughhh. please enjoy even though it’s bad! *please let me know if something looks off in the writing, sometimes it copies weird!!*
You sat perched upon your small, uncomfortable office chair, calmly awaiting a very important call. All you had been doing this entire day was waiting, for that damn transponder snail to ring. How long does it take to read over one single paper and respond back?
Being a member of a Supernova's crew meant a lot of injuries, you were no fool, no. You knew the toll it'd take on you as a surgeon to become Kid's ship doctor. One would take a look at you and assume you had enjoyed the challenge, the thrill of getting a new patient under the operating table each hour with something new wrong with them.
No, that was not the case, not at all.
Goodness, you adored being a surgeon, of course! Holding that scalpel and practically slicing people open always made you giddy. A sadistic surgeon, guess that's what people would pinpoint you as. But those were just simple perks of being the ship doctor on the Victoria Punk.
The real treat was the second in command.
Every time you weren't blinded by the lights in the operating room, you would steal glances at the attractive man. How mysterious he was just did wonders for you...
Over the years that you had stayed, you obviously had made advances. You wouldn't say that Killer always had women throwing themselves at him, they must be blind, though. So of course when you hinted that you wanted him in a more, intimate, manner, he at times accepted.
The two of you were not in a relationship, in fact, the two of you had barely exchanged any words to one another. Even though you always treated his wounds with utmost care, and not a word was said. Just a simple thanks and he was on his way.
You didn't care, though. You were not, by any means, looking for a long term relationship. You did not have the time for that, and you probably never would, if you were to continue your role as a surgeon, that was all you could focus on.
You scribbled notes down messily, crossing names out on the list quickly. While you waited for the transponder snail to ring, you decided to doodle a list. It wasn't important, not in the slightest. But you wanted to see how each crew member had gotten injured and where. It wouldn't help, but it was fun to see such a thing.
You heard the door swing open, being caught just in time in order not to bang against the wall. You were about to yell at whoever burst inside in such a way, but then you saw that familiar mass of fluffy blonde hair.
"Well, hello." You said, settling back into the chair, hearing it give a weak squeak in response to any weight put onto it. You really needed to get a new chair.
Killer grunted in response, and a small sigh left your lips. At times, you would question why he wasn't so talkative like the rest of the crew.
You quickly ripped the list that you had made, tossing it in the nearest trash bin you could find. You figured now would be a time to make an actual list you would use, not one that would bring you petty amusement.
"So, what do you need? You don't look injured, and I only do surgeries. So go over to the others if you have a scratch you need checked." You said, scribbling more unreadable words down.
"Since when do you only do surgeries?" You heard an unfamiliar voice pipe in. In question, you rose your head from the notes over to the voice you heard. After seeing a random lackey holding bandages, you scoffed and gave an eye roll.
"Too many on this ship come to me everyday to go under my operating table. You know that? Imagine if I had to take care of everyone else who came to me with a runny nose crying for dear life. I'd go insane." You said, relaxing your skilled hands in your lap, smiling proudly. Of course you would end up helping anyone who wandered into your office regardless. You knew nobody else could take care of anyone like you.
You shooed the young boy out of the office, who smiled in return to your words, not believing a thing, he knew how soft you were.
You groaned loudly, putting your head against the table. Why couldn't you be a mean pirate like your captain? Refusing any with a small bruise on their arm. It's your own damn fault, being too nice to the crew members, acting like their damn mother.
You then returned to take your notes.
"I need painkillers."
You nearly had a heart attack.
"You're gonna fucking end me..!" You gasped, feeling your heart beat quicken.
You calmed down quickly, your heart still beating quite quickly. Not because of how scared you were, but because of who was in front of you.
"I've been feeling a little sore and tense lately." Killer replied, leaning on the wall.
You laughed, bringing your hand to your mouth. "I can give you painkillers for that, but it can easily go away by a simple massage." You said, kicking your legs up onto the table. Hell, it was disrespectful, but it was your office. You could do whatever the fuck you wanted here.
"And I think I could help you out with that." You added, sounding a little suggestive about a simple favour to a friend, if you could call him such a thing.
"I thought you only did surgeries..?" He said, and you could've swore you heard a slight teasing undertone. Sly bastard...
You didn't bother a reply, you did not want to bicker with the man. Especially at a time where just a look at him paired with the sound of his voice would ignite your entire body on fire.
You sauntered over to him, urging him to take a seat. He did so, and you knew your chair couldn't take his mass of muscles for very long.
"Your shirt." You said from your place behind him. You were sure the both of you knew he didn't really need his shirt off. But ugh, that back of his...
You obviously were not a masseuse, but how hard could it be?
You dipped your fingers into his skin lightly, pushing harder when he didn't say anything to put a stop to you.
After around thirty or so minutes, you could've cooked anything with just the temperature of your skin. You were dying to be under the man in front of you, harsh nail markings sporting his sculpted back.
You leaned in a little closer, pressing your lips against the nape of his neck. He immediately stiffened, not being used to such a loving gesture.
"So? How does it feel now?" You questioned, spinning him around to view you.
You took a seat on his thighs, a much better place to be seated than your chair.
"I hope I made you feel at least a little better. It would hurt my reputation if one of my patients left without being helped, even just a bit." You grinned, hands roaming all over his built chest.
His breath hitched as you began to move your hips against him, feeling his hands attach to you.
"Now?" Killer questioned, not seeming to protest against any of your actions.
"Why not? I've been awaiting a call, but it looks like that idiot forgot about it."
It seems as if that were all the affirmation he needed, because soon after you said that, you were pushed harshly against your own desk, a surprised squeak coming from you.
Your garments were ripped off with haste, a lazy smile spread across your reddened lips.
Within seconds, you were just an utter mess. You always questioned how he always knew what your body had craved from him.      
He quickly pushed your soaked panties aside, sliding his fingers against your slick folds. You bit your lip to try to prevent any unwanted noise from leaving you, but just the sheer skill he had was too much for you.
Your cheek was against the desk, your mouth slightly agape. Such a lewd face you had made, and all he had done was a little teasing.
"So wet already. What have we done that was exciting?"
You whimpered in response, pushing your hips back in hopes of feeling his fingers, or rather, something else, fill your insides.
You felt his presence flush against your back, "Or maybe," he pushed his fingers inside agonizingly slow, nearly causing your death, "this had been on your mind the entire day?"
Fuck, this man was a master at reading people.
Your hands were balled into fists, nails creating marks on your soft palm. You didn't want to give in, you didn't want to beg, but your mind was beginning to disagree with your pride.
"No. That's not the case..." You gasped, feeling his thick fingers curling inside of you, "Hmm, I don't like liars. But, I do like watching you squirm."
"All you have to do is tell me the truth, come on. I know you can do it." Sick bastard. Fuck him. Yeah, you didn't need him, you could finish yourself off, if needed.
"I already told you," You took a deep breath, feeling him move behind you with ill intentions, "all that I've done today was wait for a call. Then, I'd seen you... My thoughts had run for a little, that's all."
Yeah right! Like he'd believe such a thing! This seems like a child who took something they shouldn't. It wasn't your fault, you weren't working properly. Your mind had become wired on feeling Killer inside of you, and that's what you had needed.
You heard shuffling behind you, followed by the removal of his digits. You grumbled unhappily, was he really hellbent on you admitting something that didn't matter? You were both adults, and adults were supposed to get mad behind closed doors. Yup.
While you had been lost in thought, you felt his tip press against your dripping entrance. Finally! About time! You almost broke out in song you were so happy.
You won this little dispute.
Actually, no. You didn't.
He pushed himself inside rather slowly, cock snug against your velvety walls. You expected him to start moving, or at least do anything. But nope.
"Seriously..." You mumbled, trying to move back into him, obviously he didn't allow this, hands stopping any of your ministrations.
This is fine. You were going to be okay like this. You weren't going to give up. You wanted to be a pirate, so you couldn't just rip your pride to shreds.
You knew he couldn't last longer than you. He would crack eventually, and you would triumph. In this case, it was seen as the opposite.
"You really can't admit it, can you?"
No! You couldn't! It wasn't the truth... Mhm, just keep telling yourself that.
You knew he obviously didn't care, he just loved to see you have an internal meltdown. He would use anything and everything he could against you. You could practically hear the 'teehee' come from the bastard.
He took a seat on your tiny chair, bringing you with him while the chair squeaked in discomfort. Now sitting upright on him, oh this wasn't good for you. You could feel him deeper inside of you and you craved more. You craved sweet friction of any kind.
You squeezed around him tightly, trying to ease him into forgetting about this little feud.
You heard his breathing become slightly uneven after that, you grinned, you had an ace up your sleeve.
"What kind of monster takes teasing to such a level?" You politely asked, slightly raising your hips. He wasn't able to stop you in time as you sank onto him slowly.
He was so heavy inside of you, you couldn't take it anymore. You wanted him to fuck you until your mind stopped working. You just got a little taste of what you could have, and you wanted more, you wanted it all.
"How about we take a rain check on this. I think we're both a little needy today." You smiled, you're such a genius. This way, you didn't lose. No, you won. You wanted to tell him to suck it, but you had boundaries.
"Fine. But next time, don't expect me to give in so easily." He sighed, getting a better grip on your hips.
You turned around briefly, seating yourself back onto him. You always secretly enjoyed being so close to him, hearing his heartbeat in an irregular way. Maybe it was because you were so close. Your face heated up a bit, no, that couldn't be it. You placed you hands on his chest gently, "You can move now." You braced yourself for a second, at times, the two of you had gotten a bit rough. You didn't mind, as long as the both of you enjoyed it, you were happy.
He lifted you slightly, you felt a little empty for a moment but sighed blissfully when you felt him back inside.
This was an odd pace... Almost like he was taking how you felt in consideration. Usually you fucked like animals, but this? This was more of a lovers pace. Even the way he held you, it was gentle, for such a large man you hadn't thought he could hold you in such a way.
Maybe he was still teasing, going at a slower pace than you were used to. You could wait a little, at least he was moving now. Your head made contact with his chest, a slightly more comfortable pose for you.
How awkward for him! Your soft hands at his chest lovingly, your face against him while he slowly pumped inside of you... This is what lovers would do, not people who just wanted a quick session... He almost imagined you looking up at him with teary eyes, mumbling an 'I love you'.
He too, felt his face warm. It was such an uncomfortable feeling for someone who didn't welcome such emotions.
A small part of you somewhat enjoyed this, being next to him like this. You wished you could feel his lips plush against your own at this very moment. You smiled while in thought.
He looked down at you through the holes in his mask, he didn't expect such a serene look on you..! You had been liked this, hadn't you? Holding him while you had sighed and whimpered with want.
He took no time to pull out of you, flip you the other way, so you were, once again, facing the desk. He shoved himself inside, pounding into you at a more wanted rate.
All of this has happened very fast. Literally blink of an eye. You had no time to adjust whatsoever, from a slow and leisurely pace, to harsh snapping of the hips.
The expression on your face was priceless, but also very vulgar. The illusion of lovers was wiped away instantly, meaningless pleasure filling its slot.
Your muscles had stopped supporting you, your body nearly becoming lifeless. You silently depended on Killer to keep your body from not falling off of the desk. You laughed imagining this actually happening.
Your eyes screwed shut while your lips had only been able to form, 'yes yes yes!'. You knew his ego was through the roof right now, having a girl under him screaming for more.
And you were right, spot on, actually.
Again, Killer didn't always have women offering themselves to him. You however, would happily flock to him anytime he felt like he needed to relieve some stress.
He looked down at you again, seeing your greedy cunt swallow his cock with urgency put him in a trance. Fuck you took him too good. It was literally as if you were the missing piece to his life.
The way your insides clenched around his length every single time he moved a single muscle, paired with your small and delicate moans... He felt like he'd break you in an instant at such a pace. But he knew you could take it, he wanted you to take all of him every time the two of you do this.
Tears came out of your closed eyes due to the intensity your body was undergoing. It felt fucking phenomenal to be stretched and filled and body bent while being pushed into the uncomfortable wood of the desk. God, you nearly unraveled right there.
Your grip on the desk tightened, knuckled turning a burning white. You couldn't go on forever, you knew that. But with the earlier teasing, you were going to be finished soon.
"Oh fuck yes... Right there fuck yes!!" You screamed, the feeling of pleasure skyrocket when he brushed against that sweet bundle of nerves inside.
"Right here, huh..?" He hummed, large hand caressing the curve of your ass. You panted and whispered something even you didn't know in response. You were just broken at this point.
You were certainly not prepared for when he continued to slam into that desired spot over, and over, and- oh fuck you couldn't handle this shit.
Your orgasm hit you fucking hard, you felt lifeless. Completely and utterly dead.
Seeing you moan and whimper desperately beneath him was, simply, hot as fuck to Killer. The way your body silently begged for more with every thrust, you lightly convulsing and squeezing him when you had gotten close, and the sudden outburst when you had finished... It just kept replaying in his head over, and over, and- oh fuck he couldn't handle this shit.
A deep grunt left him and he pushed deep inside of you again, a quiet whimper coming from you since you were so sensitive. His tip giving a final kiss to your insides, and finally sealing his hot release in you.
You mumbled incoherently while you struggled to get up, trying to pull on your panties.
"Woah, no need to waste." He grinned, pushing a finger into your entrance, keeping his cum inside.
You lightly fell onto his lap, not knowing he'd still stimulate your exhausted nerves. You turned your head into his hard chest and nearly cried.
"Don't be an asshole..." You muttered lowly, looking up at him, "Someone might come in and see."
"So? Maybe it's a kink of yours..." He replied, voice slightly hinting a mischievous undertone.
You snickered, rolling your eyes. When he wasn't so scary, he was quite pleasant to be around.
"Maybe... We might explore some of your kinks too." You giggled, feeling him stiffen at your response. Usually after sex the two of you would go separate ways. You would never bask in the afterglow with him, at least not this long. Talking so casually, too.
You were scared at what the two of you shouldn't become. This was a dangerous life, you couldn't get attached.
And finally the fucking phone rang.
It was as you hadn't just had the best sex of your life, finally this idiot had done what you asked. Who the hell knows why it took him so long.
"Yes? Hello?" You answered, getting off of your comfortable seat, which had been Killer, and leant against the desk.
"What a fucking view..." He mumbled to himself. It seemed that you had forgotten to put your garments on, just how important was this call?
You faked a laugh, this fucker said he went to the wrong island. How. How did that happen..? You would be sure to give him hell when he came back.
"It's okay! It's okay, I'm not mad!" Yeah, you're fucking seething. He was lucky you got remarkable sex out of this.
"Yes, please tell me how much they want for it? Also don't forget to try to swindle them for it, okay? I know you're a shy bastard but you can do it!" You said into the phone. He better get your herbs. You need these stupid little fucking plants or else you couldn't make your medicine.
"Holy shit, that's a lot of money... Well can you try-"
Oh he did not just.
While you were on the phone.
Your assistant constantly asked if you were okay, a shaky answer leaving your red lips.
"Hold on a second sweetie." You said calmly into the phone, acting like you didn't once again, have a huge cock deep inside of you.
"While I'm talking to someone? You couldn't fucking wait?" You whispered, bending slightly. This man had no shame, he wanted you to take it all, clearly.
"Let's see how quiet you can be." He retorted, not even acting like he'd done anything wrong. "Fine, just don't move too much. I don't want anyone on the other line figuring out that we're doing something so scandalous... It's quite rude to do so on the phone." You sighed, removing your hand off of the receiver.
You actually held up quite well, rocking side to side a bit while holding a normal conversation with the shop keeper, haggling about a price. You were so proud of yourself!
“No, put the price lower that’s way too... Too, ah..! Oh fuck..!” You yelled, feeling his large thumb rub harsh circles into your clit. Now everyone knew what you were doing, fucking great.
“Aww, and you were doing so well.” He chuckled, watching you shake under him. You didn’t bother saying anything back to him, too far gone in your own pleasure to care.
How embarrassing... You could try to cover this up, but you don’t know if that would end up well...
“Yes, yes I’m fine... Just stubbed my toe...” You laughed nervously, biting your lip not to let any unwanted noises out.
“How sly.” He smiled, hidden admiration in his voice. You gave him a quick middle finger, cursing at him a couple of times.
“Yeah thanks sweetheart. I’m gonna hang up now okay? Yeah, bye bye.” You spoke, not even hearing anything your assistant had said. You were focused on feeling another great climax, and certainly didn’t care about the price of the plant any longer.
“You’re so fucking wet...”
“Yeah, I wonder why.” Cue the eye roll, “I guess I was right? This is one of your kinks, isn’t it?” He grinned, pushing his cock deeper inside of your warm walls.
“You gonna finish inside of me without warning again?” You muttered, exhaling a shaky breath.
“Only if you want it babe.”
Oh. Oh he had called you babe. Names like those? Oh fuck now you were gonna get attached, and... And...
And maybe that’s okay.
“Fill me up.” You moaned, letting out a gasp of his name that you had chanted like a prayer.
You sure as hell didn’t need to tell him twice.
“Hey,” You looked up at Killer, hugging him under the sheets, “I think I like you.” You sighed, worried for his answer. You had a feeling the worst thing that could happen was a simple no, but hopefully you wouldn’t lose the sex.
He took his warm hands off of you, which you took as a no towards your earlier statement. You felt a tinge of embarrassment, but since you were so tired, you also didn’t care.
He lifted his mask just so his painted lips were shown, he quickly captured your lips in his own and you felt the sparks fly. You initially thought that it was just sexual, but during the day when you had thought of him, goodness, you were oblivious to your own feelings.
“Really now? You’re not just using me for the sex, are you?” He whispered, voice husky and deep in your ear. You reached to scratch his goatee lightly, “Who knows.” You pressed your lips against his once again, sitting upwards and quickly growing hot. Who knew a make out session would be this hot? The mans got mystery, that’s some extra points right there.
“I think I like you too.”
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writing-in-april · 3 years
Training wheels
Spencer Reid x Gender Neutral Reader
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Summary: Years later after Spencer teaches Reader to drive even though he hates driving, Reader becomes good enough to ride a motorcycle they get him to come along on a ride.
A/N: hey heyyyy- this is my seventeenth fic for my 30 fics in 30 days for April! This fic is based on this request- which I decided to make smutty instead of full on smut so I could make it a bit more fluffy. Disclaimer- I know nothing about motorcycles and I can’t even drive lol so sorry for the lack of terminology. This ended up being gender neutral- I checked it over for the correct pronouns a few time but I could have missed something- please let me know if so! Feel free to give me your response by sending something to my inbox here. Thanks for reading and hope y’all enjoy.
Warnings: 18+- (if you are found to be violating this I will tell writers who you are), no full on smut- in the smutty/spicy category, a bit of grinding, implications about having sex in the future, In public sexual teasing (who’s fucking surprised), hints at Sub!Spencer, A few swear words
Main Masterlist Word Count: 2.0k
Spencer hated driving. He always shook whenever he couldn’t stop the racing thoughts about the dangers of moving vehicles. He knew he was a good driver, but it was easier for him to trust the metro which stayed on its tracks (most of the time). A car with no rigid path and with so many variables just made Spencer’s mind race too much.
You were the only person that could get him to get into a car, without any sort of coercion. At his job he had accepted it as a reality of his situation; there was no way that he could get around it. He agreed to teach you how to drive to your job, which happened to be where you had met him. You ran a small thrift store just walking distance from your apartment. There had been no need to drive anywhere, until you opened up another branch on the other side of town.
You had met Spencer there, he had come in at night, just before close. He shopped around for a few sweater vests and cardigans until you had told him that you needed to close. His mumbled apology had been so cute you remember it to this day.
When he noticed that you walked home in the same direction as his, he offered to keep you company. At first you thought he had done it out of guilt since he made you stay late, until you realized he liked your presence. It was not a romantic relationship (not yet at least), you both didn’t kiss or anything, but you did love to tease him.
He cared about you, and you about him, which is why he eagerly offered to teach you to drive when you mentioned that you were scared to learn with an instructor. You preferred to be taught by someone who you knew and knew was a good driver. Spencer was just that, even with jittery fingers and tapping feet.
Since then you had become a great driver, good enough that you felt confident indulging in one of your dreams. You had always wanted a motorcycle, the wind blowing in your face and the freeing quality it had, had always made you desire one. Despite Spencer’s protests about the potential for even more safety hazards than a car you still indulged your dream, confident in your skills that Spencer had laid the foundation with his excellent teaching skills even while slightly fearful.
You had taken to it like a fish to water, it had been even easier than when you had Spencer teach you. Now it was the time to show the master how the apprentice approved, though you highly doubted Spencer liked to be called a master at driving. More like a teacher, a nervous one.
It did take some convincing for him to agree to ride on your motorcycle with you.Somehow, through gentle persuasion throughout the last few months, you had done it. He had prefaced it saying that it would be the only time it would ever happen, and you made it your goal to change his opinion. You highly doubted he’d ever want to drive it, which was fair considering he couldn’t stop the thoughts of statistics about safety in his head. You hoped though, that maybe he’d like riding with you.
“Is it safe?” Was his first question as soon as he arrived at your small thrift store you owned, jittery with nerves.
“Well- hello to you too.” You sassed cocking your hip to the side while holding your helmet in the small of your waist. He blushed bashfully, then finally said hello before you assured him, “I wouldn’t be bringing you if it wasn’t safe- I wouldn’t be driving it if it wasn’t safe.”
“Ok- I trust you.” He relaxed a little, though he was obviously still nervous.
To cheer him up a little you pivoted the conversation onto a more jovial topic, “Will you wear a leather jacket?”
“Maybe next time- if you convince me to get on the death trap again.” It was rare to see Spencer tease you back, but you thoroughly enjoyed it.
Quipping back you said, “Maybe I could get you to drive it too”
“I think I’d need training wheels for that.” A snort came out of you at that; it was funny imagining Spencer riding a motorcycle with bicycle training wheels.
“That would be a sight to see.” You swung your leg on to mount the vehicle, ready to take him on a spin. You then prompted him while getting your helmet on, “Come on pretty boy, let’s do this- and get that helmet on.”
He was a little nervous just going by the shaking in his palms, but he still put the helmet on and climbed on- albeit a bit awkwardly.
He wrapped his hands around your waist snugly when you roared the motorcycle to life. Whenever you had to break he clenched tighter, maybe not enough to leave bruises, but enough that it would be implanted in your memory for a good long while. You couldn’t see him, but you could feel him.
You could tell he had slowly relaxed a little bit more even while keeping a strong grip on you as you made your looped path charted out in your head. Starting at your store and ending at your store, it was longer than maybe it should have been, considering Spencer’s grip on you had made your arousal spark to life.
You soon realized you weren’t the only one enjoying this, feeling something slightly stiff as Spencer shifted slightly at a red light. Oh, he was enjoying it. His cock confined in his pants was growing harder as the journey progressed.
“Did you have fun?” You questioned just as you pulled back into where you started, even though you already knew he did.
He squeaked out a measly, “Yeah!”
You smirked again, out of sight from his face. Biting your inner cheek in thought, you contemplated whether or not to act on it. It would be so easy to just swivel your hips and begin to grind down on his erection that had been pressing into you during the whole ride.
Fuck it, this might be one of your only chances to make a move. You tilted your hips just a smidge, leaning back just a little into him. You heard a hitch in his breath, his hands he had around you tightening back around you, pulling you in closer.
He whimpered when you sat back a little more, testing the waters just a little further. When he himself rolled his own hips once you had to ask, “Do you want me to keep going, Spencer? Do you want this?”
His helmeted head dropped into the crook of your neck, nodding into it as he began to rock into you a little. You gripped around the handles that you were still holding, all you had done was break so far. You were both in broad daylight perched on top of the vehicle. Turning your head as much as you could when you realized he hadn’t verbally responded you prompted sharply, “I need you to speak up, pretty boy. Do you want this?”
“Yes!” He gasped quickly at your prompt.
You then ground yourself back onto his bulge, rotating yourself slowly to feel the torturous friction. The fact that your bottom halves were still clothed only made it even more devastating. No one was around as it was the weekend, when you weren’t open and no one was really around. You still tried to stifle any noises you were tempted to make as his own hips started to undulate into your own.
A person could round the corner and immediately see two people grinding like teenagers onto each other. You both may have been completely closed, but it was quite obvious what you were both doing.
The extra friction you were getting was building a burning orgasm in you, the noises you had been trying to hold back were too hard to stifle. A moan came out of your mouth when Spencer moved down his hands from your waist to the outside of your hips, pulling you down on him with even more ferocity.
When his phone then began to ring you both let out a groan, your hips stopping any movement you had been making over his hard bulge. He reluctantly pulled out his ringing and buzzing ancient phone. Which you would normally find endearing that he carried around somewhat arcane technology, but your weaning arousal was wanting you to smash it on the ground.
“Hello? Hotch?” You groaned, knowing exactly what this meant. There was no way this was going to go further tonight, Hotch wasn’t calling him on the weekend just for paperwork. He was about to leave for a case.
You ripped your helmet off of your head out of frustration while he continued to talk. Grumbling while wiping the sweat that had started to accumulate, Spencer chattering away quickly at Hotch telling him he’ll be there in about ten minutes.
When he got off the phone he began to stammer in apology, this was the only time I’d ever want to cut him off, “There’s no need to apologize- go catch a bad guy.”
“Thank you- and thanks for-r the ride and- um the other thing… I’ve got to go now, I’ll uh- talk to you later.” He then awkwardly shuffled off, trying to conceal his obvious bulge even though you were the only one around to see it.
When he got into his car, you were happy he had brought it for once. You wouldn’t have let him walk all the way to his office from here, and you would have had to drive him with his bulge pressing into your ass again.
“I’m gonna need a cold shower.” You added, mumbled underneath your back as you put your helmet back on, ready to drive back to your apartment to hopefully freeze your frustration away.
The next time you saw him- about a week later, a little blush immediately graced his cheeks, probably thinking about what happened last time. You kissed his cheek and felt how hot they had gotten just by being in his presence. He was here again, early this time, ready for you to open up your shop for the day.
“You’ve got to wait 30 minutes until you can buy something, I don’t open till then,” You then flashed a smirk towards him, he might die from being overheated if you kept teasing him. Still, you continued to do it, “Can’t be seen to show you any favors, pretty boy. Then everyone would want one.” As soon as the keys turned to unlock you didn’t open the door right away, instead turning back to face him. He fidgeted even more underneath your direct gaze, also averting his eyes. You let go of your hold on the keys, bit your lip and added, “Though, I think you’d be the only one I’d want to be my favorite.
He stuttered a bit at that, before changing the subject, “Um- I came here to actually thank you for last week… I had a lot of fun.”
You then cocked your head to the side in question, “Didn’t you already thank me last time?”
“Yeah.” He responded meekly, clearing his throat a few times while he collected his thoughts. “Can we finish what we started?”
You beamed, as it had been exactly what you were hoping for. You made your way back over to him, this time to pull him by the front of his shirt to press a steaming kiss to his lips. He moaned, letting your tongue run over his teeth a few times before you deepened it further. You were panting by the time you released him, but worked through the gasping breaths to answer verbally now, “Of course- come inside with me. If you won’t go on another ride with me after this while wearing a leather jacket, I’ve got a leather jacket you can wear while I ride you.”
Ask Me Anything
Tag lists (fill out this form to join):
All Works: @shotarosleftpinky @90spumkin @kyra-morningstar @spenxerslut @boxofsparklingmuses @katexrichardson@takeyourleap-of-faith
All MGG characters: @muffin-cup @willowrose99 @princesssmooshie @peterpanouat @anaagraceeberr @ashcakes1918 @reid-me-a-story @cosmic-psychickitty
Spencer Reid/CM: @calm-and-doctor @destiny-tsukino @safertokiss @spenxerslut @onlyhereforthefanfics @jareauswifey @princesssmooshie @peterpanouat
Sub Spencer: @thatsonezesty13 @pastathighs @virtualpeanutartisanjudge @calm-and-doctor @princesssmooshie @peterpanouat
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chocolatecakecas · 3 years
Baby Blues
Silence and Sound: Season 13 Destiel Fic Part 10
Part 1     Part 3     Part 4     Part 5     Part 6     Part 7   Part 8    Part 9
read on ao3
Dean had always associated the bunker with silence. The soft hum of the the ancient heating system, and the dull buzzing of the lights.
It was a far cry from the dingy motels with their paper thin walls and strings of seedy customers.
Or the years he spent practically living in the Impala with her ever rumbling engine, listening to the legos rattling in the vents, or kept awake by Sam's endless snores.
So he could appreciate the silence. He had always found it comforting, at least that's what he told himself.
But now, the bunker is bursting with noise.
Plates and cups clinking in the kitchen, cellphones ringing off the hook, the beeping of the oven timer, and the stream of constant conversation.
The sound of tiny feet pattering on the concrete, plastic wheels squeaking on the wooden floors, the clang of legos on the map table, and the distant sounds of Toy Story playing on the tv in the Dean Cav- living room.
Shrieks of laughter ring through the halls, both young and old. Happiness and love filling every corner.
But it's also filled with sounds of despair.
(read the rest under the cut)
Screaming matches in the kitchen, muffled arguments behind closed doors, desperate pleading in the garage after returning from a hunt gone bad.
Wails of pain from a scraped knee, the clang of legos as they are angrily shoved off the map table and sent scattering across the floor, the distant sound of a temper tantrum in the living room.
Broken shouts and muffled sobs ring through the dark halls during the early hours of the morning. Both young and old. Yet, love still fills every corner, but often it only fuels the sorrow, strengthening the blow.
But today, it's filled with laughter.
Cas, pretending to chase Jack, who's giggling like a maniac, up and down the halls. His little feet slapping against the floors, as Cas yells behind him (in his signature "silly voices" of course)
Sam and Eileen at the map table, laughing as she tells a story about her most recent hunt. She ran into Claire and Kaia due to a huge miscommunication on Sam's end (He's still getting the hang of the whole "Hunter HQ" thing), causing all three of them think they were hunting three different monsters. But it's alright because now the girls are coming for dinner later, (at Cas' invitation and Dean's insistence) since they drove all the way here for a hunt anyway. It wouldn't be a full family dinner, because his Mom and Bobby wouldn't be back from their hunt in Montana for at least another two days, but that just means they'd have to have another unplanned-planned "get together", so he definitely wasn't complaining.
And Dean stands in the kitchen stirring milk, cheese and Star Wars shaped macaroni in a pot, spoon clanking against the metal.
He listens to the sound of his little family, the people he cares about most in the world. He hears as the sounds of their lives fill up the halls, and finds it difficult to remember the silence.
He finds himself struggling to hear the soft hum of the heating system, or the dull buzz of the lights.
And he wonders if he misses it? Wonders if he misses the comfort of the silence? Wonders if it wa-
Something crashes into his legs, ripping Dean from his thoughts.
Jack giggles as he tries to hide himself from view behind Dean's legs. He shushes Dean with a serious look, showing that he means business.
So Dean looks down and throws him an exaggerated wink, zipping his lips for good measure, which sends him into another fit of giggles.
Dean gazes travels back up to see Cas hanging on the doorway, cheeks tinged pink, and a knowing smile on his lips. And Dean's heart definitely doesn't skip a beat.
"Hello Dean, you haven't happened to see our son anywhere, have you?" Cas asks dramatically, making his presence known.
Our son, that always makes Dean's heart soar.
"Hmm Jack? Why no, I can't say that I have! He definitely didn't come through the kitchen" Dean responds playing along.
Jack shuffles behind Dean's leg letting out a little giggle.
"Oh, so then you wouldn't mind moving away from the stove and walking over here to help me look for him?" Cas teases, stretching his arms out for emphasis. Dork.
With a grin, Dean goes to take an exaggerated step towards Cas, but Jack pulls on his leg.
"Daddy! You promised" Jack shouts in disbelief, hanging on Dean's legs.
"Sorry bud, but you were so quiet that I completely forgot you were there" Dean says with mock surprise.
Jack opens his mouth to retort, but Cas hums alerting him of his presence again. His eyes go wide, realizing he gave away his hiding spot, as Cas takes a big step forward.
And at that, Jack races from the room, with a shriek of laughter. Dean and Cas share a laugh watching him go.
God Jack is getting so big, 18 months. He's gonna be two this year, and Dean's heart clenches at the thought. Of course, being half angel he's developmentally "older" than two, but Dean doesn't like to think about that.
He turns towards Cas again, watching him fondly gazing at the now empty doorway.
And almost 10 months with Cas.
Cas' eyes finds their way back to Dean's, as they always do. So Dean stares back.
And it's this moment that Dean realizes just how human Cas has become, even with his grace intact. With his messy hair, his rumpled blue "dad" sweater and jeans, his mismatched socks, the soft smile on his face that crinkles around his eyes. And it hits him how far they've come.
It's been 18 months since that night wh-18 months since Jack came into his life. And a lot can happen in 18 months. You can fall ass backwards into raising a child, slow down a bit on hunting, start dating your best friend who’s been the secretly been in love with for years, who came back to life, and raise the child with him.
Something warm settles in his chest.
Dean refocuses on Cas, and notices a look he's never truly seen on him before. A look that says, "there's no place I'd rather be, than right here". Of course Cas has made it clear that this is what he wants, but he's never worn it so plainly on his face before.
It's contentment.
And it knocks the wind out of Dean's lungs.
It's been almost 10 months since Dean and Cas got their crap together.
And of course, it isn't easy. There's screaming matches, sleepless nights, petty fights, and more baggage between them than you would find in an airport.
But Dean wouldn't trade a second of it. And apparently, neither would Cas.
Because Cas is content. Here. With Dean.
Cas is actually happy here, with the little life they've created. This is where Cas wants to be, and this is where Dean wants Cas to be.
And in this moment Dean is rapidly realizing that it's all terrifyingly real.
And Dean's never felt this way in his life, about anyone or anything and he's, scared, but god it's the good kind of scared. And he-
He catches a slight dip in Cas' smile, which snaps him back to reality. His thoughts must have been clear on his face.
Shit that's not what he wan-
He quickly tries to convey the same look of contentment through his own features, giving Cas a smile. A real one.
And he must somewhat succeed because Cas' smile returns, but a question still lingers in his eyes.
So Cas parts his lips, most likely to ask Dean if something's wrong (Cas never lets him get away with anything), but Jack's laughter rings from the other room. So he huffs a laugh, and begins to cross the kitchen making his way to the other door.
But not before he places his hand on Dean's shoulder, and presses a soft kiss to his cheek.
Dean's heart swells. God that never gets old.
As he pulls back, he meets Dean's eyes again, leveling him with a look that Dean knows all too well. A slight smirk with a raised brow, that definitely doesn't make Dean's stomach flip.
It's his signature, "I know you Dean Winchester, which means we are definitely talking about whatever that look on your face was, later". And of course he always pretends to be annoyed that Cas can read him so well, but god if it doesn't make Dean's heart race a little every single time.
So Dean just gives a shit eating grin in return, and Cas' smile morphs into a smirk.
Then Cas is leaning forward, ready to capture his lips with his own, Dean happily following his lead.
But then, Cas pulls back at the last second.
And before Dean can even open his mouth, Cas gives a tight squeeze to his ass, and then he's bounding away through the door.
He hangs on the door frame for a moment, giving Dean a wink, and then he's gone, laugh ringing down the hall. Friggin tease.
"What a little shit", Dean laughs to himself, rolling his eyes fondly.
As he turns back to the pot on the stove, he hears Cas exaggeratedly wonder where Jack has gone, followed by the sound of Sam and Eileen joining in on the fun.
When he grabs five bowls from the cabinet, he makes sure to listen to the laughter echoing through the halls.
And Dean begins to wonder again.
Maybe he didn't find the silence of the bunker comforting, maybe he nev-
The laughter swells in the other room, feet stomping on the wooden floors. The love of his life, his son, his brother, his new best friend and hopefully one day sister-in-law. His family. Laughing together without a care in the world, on this lazy Sunday afternoon.
And well, Dean can't say he misses the silence much at all. In fact, he's actually quite content with the noise.
I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who read, liked/reblogged, or left lovely comments on this story! I have not written in years, this fic happened by complete accident, and I never could have imagined the love it got! (I do love this little "universe" so maybe look out for some more baby jack in the future)💓 AND a very special thanks to @wormstacheangel and @smiledean who listened to me complain and yell about this fic every week💓💓💓💓
Tag list:
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@wormstacheangel @smiledean @shelikestv @chaoticdean @midnightwings-deancas @jellydeans @sunshine-jack @archervale @wikiangela @organicpurplepants
@writtendevastation @tkdwolf2012 @doemons-blog @rolling-stoned-girl @skylerkernaghan @shadowywerewolfqueen @the-cookie-navy @thelahatiel @thefantasyfiend @castielle-deanna @aestheticflyer26
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134 notes · View notes
ukiyoexo · 3 years
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PAIRINGS — exo, kim junmyeon x reader
GENRES — best friends to lovers, fluff fluff fluff, slight angst
SYNOPSIS — after a ruined date, your best friend decides that you deserve to be treated in the form of a perfect night that leaves your heart warm and your feelings out in the open.
WARNINGS — swearing and sweetness
MESSAGE — hi, @amyeonzing i’m emma, your exol secret santa and this is my (hopefully not too shitty) gift for you. i really enjoyed the time i spent getting to know you and i must say that i think you’re pretty freaking cool!! thanks for putting with my somewhat sporadic asks, i hope this makes up for it
also thanks to mel and lolo for setting up the @exolssecretsanta, it really was fun and definitely worth it!
WORD COUNT — 2.2k+
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"i hate guys." you let out in a huff, flopping your body into your best friend's bed, "i hate guys, i hate men, i hate boys, i hate those weird humans with the dicks hanging off their body. i hate them all." you repeat again more descriptively this time, the frustration growing in your chest as you continue your somewhat dramatic announcement. your hands gripping the duvet cover as your head buries into the pillow. the only sense of calm you gain being from the smell of cologne that lingers on junmyeon's sheets.
you don't hear or see him get up, but he does with a small chuckle, pushing away from the desk he was sat in front of at the other side of the bedroom and walking over to the bed calmly. he hovers over the side of the bed your laying on before deciding to crouch down next to you, one hand gently pushing on your arm in hopes of encouraging you to unbury your face. it takes a little convincing — it always does — but you do give in eventually, letting yourself be rolled over, your arms in reponse only folding over your chest as a pout forms on your lips.
"so you were saying," junmyeon nudges you to make room for him on the bed, "men equal bad?" he sits down once you shuffle over, doing his best to hide the small smile that is prying at his lips "men equal very bad." you nod in agreement, the stern look remaining on your face as junmyeon nods. “and why is that this time?”
you shake your head at his question, not really wanting to answer. if you were being honest, you found the truth quite embarrassing, even if you shouldn’t do, you just couldn’t help it. but then again, it was junmyeon you were talking. the man you had known since you were old enough to walk, the man you spent your childhood with, experiencing the epic highs and lows of being a teenager and now an adult. it being junmyeon made you feel a bit better at least and was only reason you were willing to admit the cause of your upset.
“i got stood up.” your face twists, eyes tracing the dappled texture painted on junmyeon’s bedroom ceiling. “i was supposed to go on a date last night with this guy i met through a friend and he fucking stood me up.”
junmyeon shifts onto his side, elbow bent to prop up his head, “oh,” he hums, face morphing into a sympathetic expression, eyes saddened. his hand moves to rest on your shoulder, rubbing soothing circles, “hey,” he begins gently, “there’s no point getting upset over this guy. if he couldn’t be bothered to show up to a date with someone as amazing as you, he’s not worth any of your time or thought in the first place.”
“ugh,” this was the exact reason everyone came to junmyeon for advice and you hated it, mostly because he was always right. you were letting some stupid guy, who you hadn’t even properly met, dictate your feelings and however much you didn’t want to admit it, it was stupid.
“ok.” you nod, lettting a small smile pry at your lips. “who cares about him, right?” you sit up promptly and junmyeon mimics the action. “right!” he cheers on with you but the joy is short lived. “it does still kinda suck though.” your body seems to deflate as the words pass your lips, shoulders caving in on themselves.
it sucked a whole lot in fact. not even because you cared that much about the guy, just the feeling that someone would rather leave you hanging than text to cancel.
junmyeon remains silent for a while before shifting off the bed, making his way around to the other side before grabbing your hands and pulling you up to. “y/n,” he begins softly, “forget him, yeah?” he nods encouragingly and you mirror the action reluctantly, gaze flickering away. “i’ve got a plan and it requires you to not be grumpy.”
your head seems to perk up at his statement, a plan?
your head tilts and it’s enough indication for junmyeon to begin explaining, “go on a date with me instead, a make up for last night.” he offers sweetly, hands clutching yours, and you swear you feel your heart beat fasten. “a date?” you question and he nods again, “a date.” he smiles back, “i’ll make it as perfect as possible and by the end of it, you will have forgotten that prick even exists.”
it hadn’t taken much convincing after that for you to agree, junmyeon was just a friend after all, and what’s weird about going out with a friend?
he had instructed soon after for you to go home and get changed, planning to pick you at seven for the beginning of your date. you had done so promptly, changing into your favourite ‘casual date’ outfit - whatever that meant - before fixing your hair and putting on a light layer of makeup.
and thankfully, unlike last night, when the planned time rolled around, junmyeon showed up too, a bouquet of flowers clutched in his hand that had your cheeks heating. his only reasoning being that you “deserved to know what a proper date was like.”
just a friend, just a friend, just a friend.
you have to remind yourself as he begins to drive after guiding you to his car, taking a deep breath as you scan the road signs you pass, hoping for any clue of where junmyeon might be taking you. the further you journeyed however, the more lost you became, city buildings morphing into fields upon fields. the car drive turning into what felt like more of an adventure as the minutes ticked on. “if you’re going to kill me, at least give me some warning.” you let out in a chuckle and junmyeon laughs back, his hand moving from the steering wheel onto your thigh. the feeling of his skin on yours leaving goosebumps prickling on your leg, “no murder happening here.” he squeezes his hand and just as quickly, it’s back on the wheel.
it’s weird, the feeling that bubbles in your stomach, almost like butterflies. but no, that was stupid. junmyeon was your best friend of course and that was it. even if he seemed to be the one you thought about most.
few words are shared after that, a quiet melody playing through the car from one of your playlists. your head resting against the window. you don’t even notice at first when the car rolls to a stop, junmyeon getting out first and promptly making his way over to your side of the car. the small giggle that passes your lips when he pulls open your door and holds out a hand leaving a rosy shade on his cheeks. he then retrieves the small weaved basket he had tucked in the car boot - the stereotypical picnic type - before gripping your hand once again, leading you down a small path.
it’s a small wooded area, up a slight slope, away from the concrete buildings and pollution. the moonlight weaves its way between the branches and leaves, leaving specs of silver dancing on the ground. rays highlighting the small blue flowers that sit in bundles in the foliage. it’s pretty. in fact more than that, it’s almost ethereal.
the world around you seems to glow, nature left to create its own bubble of serenity. the peace of the night only disturbed by the sound of your footsteps.
it’s a calm, however, that seems starkly contrastinf to the hammering in your chest every time you feel junmyeon’s thumb rub against the back of your palm. sure, you and junmyeon had held hands before, you had even cuddled and shared the same bed, you were best friends after all. it’s just that this felt different. felt special. it felt like something more.
you walk for only a couple minutes before reaching a clearing. it’s on the edge of the hill, surrounded by trees and seemingly secluded from the rest of the world. the only evidence of human life being the glowing lights of the city from what seems be miles away.
he lays out a blanket and places down the basket, opening it to pull out a collection of some of your favourite foods. god, he knew you well.
“how do you know about this place?” your head tilts, eyes scanning junmyeon’s features as you settle onto the picnic blanket. every soft curve of his face almost iridescent in the white glow of the moon and stars. “i just like to come here sometimes.” he responds rather simply, gaze fixated ahead. “when i want to clear my head, or need to be alone.” he continues, voice edging further into a whisper with each word.
“it’s nice.” you hum back, a small smile perched on your lips. “perfect in fact.” junmyeon gains a smile at that too. “i’m glad.”
you remain silent for a while after that, letting yourself enjoy the food and the comfort each other’s presences provided. you weren’t lying when you said it was perfect, it really was.
no one had ever done something like this for you, and you doubted anyone ever would again. it almost seemed too perfect, and somehow almost painful at the same time. to know that this was just a fake date per say and not the real thing left you with a bitter feeling in the pit of your stomach that you couldn’t seem to get rid. but you couldn’t say anything, after all, junmyeon was just a friend.
“you didn’t have to do this, you know?” you whisper after another moment, “but i wanted to.” he responds quickly but gently back. a response that leaves a warm, fuzzy feeling growing in your chest that you can’t stop no matter how hard you try. “i know, but it’s just sad as well i guess.”
your words catch the man off guard, his head twisting in your direction, eyebrows quirked up slightly. “well it’s not real, is it?”
a silence settles once again. a quiet that’s more stiff than serene. leaving your hands sweaty and throat dry. you shouldn’t have said anything, you knew that, but you and junmyeon had always promised to tell each other the truth and that was what it was. the truth. this date wasn’t real. and that was the truth no matter how much you didn’t like it.
“i—” your best friend begins but doesn’t finish, instead shifting in his spot on the checkered fabric. “i guess.” his thumb fiddles with the ring resting on one of his fingers, “unless you want it to be.” he then mumbles, so close to a whisper that he’s not even sure you heard him, but you do. of course you do.
“do you want it to be?” you whisper out your own question in response, junmyeon letting it linger in the air before slowly nodding. his movements small but sure. “i want it to be real, if you want it be real.”
junmyeon admits and you feel yourself seemingly freeze in the moment. the truth bubbling in your throat ready to be blurted out. you couldn’t lie, you knew that, but admitting it was quite frankly scary as fuck.
“i want this to be real, i want something between us too.”
maybe you blurted out too much.
you can feel your cheeks heating with embarrassment, heart thudding so hard you’re sure it could break out of your chest at any moment.
but then he laughs, a small chuckle, a chuckle of disbelief.
it seems out of character for the junmyeon you knew but then he’s threading his fingers with yours and leaning so closely towards you that you’re not sure if anything is as you really know it. “me too.” he lets a smile pry at the corner of his mouth, face inches away from yours as his gaze flickers onto your lips. your gaze however focusing on his eyes. the way they seem to store a thousand stars and hundreds of joyf memories. the small flecs of gold running through the brown that somehow glow even at night.
“can i kiss you?” junmyeon hums and a breath catches in your throat but your head nods promptly nonetheless. the feeling of his lips against yours akin to the feeling of electricity, jolting through every nerve in your body, leaving every hair stood tall. his lips soft and so so gentle, yet somehow still emitting fireworks when you meet with them.
fuck. he was a perfect kisser too.
you pull back reluctantly, the need for air suddenly an inconvenience. you want to kiss him again, feel the electricity bolting through you once more, but instead you can’t stop this big grin taking over your features. “what?” junmyeon lets out in a breathy laugh, “nothing.” you shake your head back, letting your heart swell even more.
you copy junmyeon’s actions when he lies back on the blanket, eyes scanning the star lit sky. and you let him pull you close when he wraps an arm around your shoulder confidently.
“so, do you still hate men?” junmyeon’s head tilts with an almost cheeky grin, fingers playing with yours. you let out a breathy chuckle before shaking your head softly, “you’re an exception. the perfect one at that.”
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viastro · 4 years
swindled | joshua hong
ミ★ synopsis: you’ve discovered you have a knack for the game of poker, and you’ve earned the title of femme fatale at the casino you go to. when you hear of another casino in gangnam where the stakes are higher, you obviously go. however, you have to watch out for the guy who has earned the title of, swindler.
ミ★ genre: poker!au, gambler!au, fluff, humor
ミ★ warnings: i know absolutely nothing about poker or gambling .
ミ★ word count: 3,186
ミ★ pairings: joshua hong x female reader
ミ★ notes: hi guys! i actually know nothing about poker or gambling so i had to look up websites on how to play poker HAHAHAHA i got the idea when i was playing solitaire and i was like... it’s absolutely time. i also made this gif ?? it was a lot harder than i thought it would be but idk. 24H joshua is truly something else. thank you to my babie, @starlightshua​ for helping me choose who to write this about and teaching me about the game ! i hope you guys enjoy it even with my lack of knowledge of the game </333
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“If you don’t win a lot, you’re sleeping on the floor.”
“Oh fuck off Sooyoung, you’re acting as if I don’t have my own room and you have yours.” You state, turning around and giving your best friend a thumbs down. She chuckles, running a hand through her hair before quickly walking over to you and wrapping her arms around you.
“You know that I’m kidding. Be safe and always keep your phone on so that I can see where you are, mm?” You grin, nodding your head at her. You could tease her about how you’ve been doing this every weekend for the past few months and that she says the same thing each time you leave, but you know Sooyoung’s just worried.
gambling is a dangerous world.
You got into gambling when you were running a bit low on money. You needed to pay your tuition, your insurance, your rent, and your job wasn’t giving you enough. Desperate times called for desperate measures. And that’s how you ended up at the casino, relying on your basic knowledge and skills that you learned from your brother to play a game of poker. 
And you ended up winning. Then you slowly kept on winning, finding that you have a knack for the popular casino game. You upped the stakes a bit more each time you learned a new skill or technique, and you earned the title of femme fatale. 
Which you thought was rather ridiculous considering that you weren’t seductive when you’d play poker, the exact opposite actually. However, they all called you that because you ultimately brought disaster to everyone you played the game with. 
now that was something you agreed with.
You give off the shy, innocent, persona of a woman who’s never played poker before. Let alone been to a casino, but those who played with you before know better. When you play the casino game with people who you haven’t played with? They underestimate you. 
and that’s how you prove them wrong.
Tonight will be one of those nights where you play with a whole new group of people, as you’re going to a different casino then the one you usually go to. You were told by one of the casino employees you’ve gotten decently close to, Yoongi, that the casino in downtown Gangnam has a poker room that offers a lot of money. 
“Deadass? Are you sure that the players aren’t like, godly though?” Yoongi rolls his eyes at you, and you grin. 
“Yn, you’ve become more well known. While most players may not know your face, they know of your title. The femme fatale.” You chuckle at the nickname you’ve earned, wondering just how many poker players must know of you. Yoongi shuffles the cards in his hands, before glancing back at you.
“You think I’ll win?” You ask, and Yoongi smiles. 
“I know you can, yn. Watch out though,” You raise an eyebrow. Yoongi places the shuffled cards down onto the table, letting out a breath. 
“There’s a well known poker player who goes there. He’s earned a nickname just like you hotshot, he goes by Swindler. He’s only lost two games, and apparently he’s really good at tricking his opponents. Better put that innocent, don’t know how to play poker, persona on if you encounter him.” 
“Of course I will. I’ll be okay Sooyoung, I’ll see you later tonight.” You tell her, and she nods. She gives you a quick squeeze before letting you go, watching you step out of your shared apartment. She lets out a sigh, crossing her arms.
“Hope she wins big tonight, I want a switch.” Sooyoung mutters, before turning around and walking into the kitchen to prepare you dinner.
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You walk into the casino, letting out a breath at the pretty decor. It seems to be a lot nicer than the casino close to your apartments, but the overpowering scent of cigarettes is the same.
and it’s disgusting.
You push the lone strand of hair behind your ear as you look around for the poker room, as you are in the area where all the slot machines are. You feel eyes on you as you walk around, and you don’t really blame them. You’re not really in any fancy attire, or in clothes that you’d typically see on people playing in a casino.
No. Instead you’re wearing an oversized blue crew neck with a mock white collar underneath, paired with a white pleated skirt and white sneakers. You don’t look like you’re supposed to be in a casino, let alone about to play a big round of poker, but alas…
femme fatale.
You finally find the poker room, and you quickly walk over to the host and ask them to sign you up for the next round. They write your initials down, and you step away to buy your chips for the game. Once that’s done, you stroll around the casino as you wait for the next game to be called, chips hidden in your large crewneck.
“Is it your first time at a casino-”
“AAAA!” You screech, jumping up and turning around at the sudden voice. You lift a hand to your beating heart, looking up and locking eyes with a holy mother of god almighty.
The ethereal man staring down at you has eyes similar to that of a cat, full of mischief and curiosity. His lips are quirked up into an amused smile, with dark brown hair parted to show his forehead and strong eyebrows. You can tell he’s well built through his button down shirt based on the way you can see the outline of the muscles on his arms. 
“Did I scare you?” He asks, voice full of honey and it makes your knees weak. You don’t respond right away, still wondering how someone can be so fucking handsome, and the man smiles at your silence. You shake your head, eyes widening when you realize you’ve been fucking staring. 
“Oh shit! Sorry, yeah you scared me a bit. It’s okay though, I’m easy to spook.” You explain, and the handsome stranger lets out a melodic laugh. You feel warmth begin to rise to your face at the fact that you were able to make him laugh, and you thank the casino gods for blessing you with being able to speak to this man. He runs a hand through his hair, tilting his head at you with an amused grin on his face. He outstretches his hand towards you, and you nonchalantly wipe your right hand against your skirt to make sure it’s not sweaty. 
“I’m Joshua.” You smile, reaching out and grasping his hand, feeling warmth flood your system at the contact. You give him a firm shake, and Joshua finds your eyes to hold nothing but wonder as you stare at him. “I’m yn, it’s nice to meet you.” 
You and Joshua let go after a moment, and he glances around the casino to see if there’s anyone who came with you, but he finds no one. He raises an eyebrow, “Not to be rude, just genuinely curious, but why are you here at a casino? You don’t look like the type to gamble.” 
You bite the inside of your cheek, remembering that you have to act clueless. You shrug your shoulders, flashing a smile in his direction. “I don’t know, I just wanted to play some games. My friends and I would play casino type games for fun at the dorms, so I thought, why not?” 
Joshua nods his head, knowing what you mean. The two of you stand beside each other, looking around the casino for a moment in silence. However, it’s not uncomfortable by any means, it’s somehow the exact opposite. 
“Well yn, do you wanna watch me play poker? I can teach you some moves.” Joshua offers right when your initials get called into the poker room. You smile, shaking your head at him. 
“I actually just got called for my poker game.”
“Oh, me too.”
The two of you stare at each other for a moment, before turning your heads towards the room, before glancing back at each other. His mouth slowly drops open, and your eyes widen when you realize that you two are going to be playing against each other.
“Oh bitch!”
“Damn, guess I can’t teach you any moves.” Joshua mutters, and you let out a little giggle, making him smile at you. The two of you head over to the poker host, telling them to lock it up for you. 
“Do you want to post?” The host asks you, and you shake your head at them. They nod, and you sit down in your seat. Joshua soon finds that he’s sitting directly across from you, and he gives you a small smile as he sits down. You place your chips onto the table, before leaning back into your seat as you wait for the other players to arrive. 
“Oh shit, it’s the Swindler. Dude, we’re going to lose big time.” You hear a group of guys say as they walk up to your table. You raise an eyebrow, glancing around to see who it could possibly be, but you find that it’s still only you and Joshua seated. Joshua lets out a chuckle at their words, leaning forward and flashing the group a smile as they sit down in the open seats. 
Your eyes widen slightly when you realize that he is the guy Yoongi warned you about. Him ! Joshua ! The ethereal looking man that you want to literally make out with !! He’s the Swindler, and you need to be on edge around him. 
You and Joshua lock gazes, and you find the mischief in his eyes has increased tenfold, and he smirks when the last two seats are taken. You look away, glancing down at the table when the poker host begins to explain the rules. The cards get dealt to the six of you, and that’s when those around you start putting in their chips. 
“You don’t look like someone who should be playing poker.” The guy beside you states, and Joshua looks up at you with a raise of his eyebrow.
holy shit that was hot.
You turn and glance at the guy, giving him an innocent smile. Joshua watches as a blush immediately forms on the man’s face, and he bites the inside of his cheek. His eyes land back on you as you lean back into your seat, shrugging.
“Guess we’ll find out tonight, won’t we?” You ask, and the guy nods his head. You turn back towards Joshua, and grin when you catch his stare. 
“Let’s have fun tonight boys.” You say as you place a couple chips into the middle to start off the game. 
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“I’m all in.” Joshua states, pushing all his chips into the center of the table.
“Aight, I’m folding. I don’t have any more chips, and I know for a fact I can’t beat either of these two, and I have no idea who this girl is or where she came from, but Jesus Christ. She’s good.” The last guy states, pushing his cards towards the dealer and standing up from the table. Now it’s just you and Joshua, who’s staring intensely at you as he waits for your next move.
The game has been going on for close to an hour now, and it’s truly just a match between you and the handsome man across from you. The winning pile is currently $2,000 dollars now that Joshua went all in, and you feel your hands itching to be able to hold that money. However, you have to beat the Swindler before you can be able to earn that, and you know you’re going to have to make a risky move to obtain that. Joshua was shocked to say the least when you switched to your competitive mode, obviously having not expected you to have so much knowledge of the game. 
He’s unable to tell if you’re bluffing, and that’s the first time this has ever happened to him. He’s the Swindler, he’s able to tell when someone is bluffing from a mile away, and he’s the best at the act himself. That’s how he’s won almost all of his games, but this time, he has a fantastic hand. 
A royal flush.
While you, you just have junk, different numbers of different suits with a single queen. However, you can bluff like your life fucking depends on it. Which it basically does, because Sooyoung would absolutely kill you if you came back to the apartment empty handed. 
You wonder whether or not you should make this next decision, because it’s a huge win or lose situation. Joshua’s incredibly good at the game, and you find that you can’t tell whether he’s bluffing or not, which is concerning. However, you feel that you have the upper hand. Joshua watches as your eyes fill with mischief, and he feels a sweat break out on the back of his neck as he wonders what you’re planning. 
You send him a sweet smile, and Joshua raises an eyebrow at you. You hide your anxiousness before pushing in all your chips into the center of the table. Joshua’s eyes widen slightly once you lean back into your seat afterwards.
“I’m all in.” 
Joshua stares at you, wondering what your plan is. There’s no way you could’ve beat him, he has a royal flush for Christ’s sake. He glances at his cards, seeing the winning hand in his grasp, and he’s about to look up with a smirk when he pauses.
what if she has a royal flush with the same suits?
Joshua looks up at you, and he sees you staring at him with a smile on your face. Feeling more stressed, he unbuttons another button on his shirt, and your eyes trail down to the exposed skin. Joshua leans forward, eyebrow raised at you, and you feel your heart rapidly beat against your chest. 
“You know I’m going to win, right?” You scoff, shaking your head, and Joshua squints at you. “I have a royal flush, pretty. What do you have?” 
You stare at him, clicking your tongue. An open mouthed smirk takes over your features, which Joshua finds incredibly attractive, but he can’t get distracted by your beauty right at this moment. You tilt your head to the side, “I have a royal flush as well.”
Joshua frowns at your answer, having no idea whether or not you’re lying. While you just stare at him in amusement, knowing that you’ve riled him up.
“What’s your game here, yn?” Joshua asks you, and you smile. You lean forward, matching his stance, and the corner of his lip quirks up in amusement.
“Nothing, Swindler.” You answer, and he bites his lip as he leans back into his seat, finding himself both amused, and scared of you. It becomes a staring contest, him trying to find a crack in your appearance to be able to see if you’re bluffing. While you stare back into his eyes, listening to your wild heartbeat as you pray that you won’t have a big loss tonight. You repeat Yoongi’s words in your head like a mantra, knowing that he told you about this casino for a reason.
Joshua bites the inside of his cheek after a moment of thinking, feeling in his gut that you’re not bluffing at all. He lays his cards down on the table, “I’m folding.” 
You stare at the beautiful royal flush laid out before you, and you bite the inside of your cheek. 
The crowd that surrounded the table gasps, having not seen the Swindler fold in months. Joshua glances back up into your eyes, and the feeling of dread enters his system when he finds your eyes filled with mirth as you stare back at him. You smile, placing your cards face up on the table, and the blood drains from Joshua’s face when he sees the junk cards laid out before him. 
You reach out and rest your finger under his chin, lifting up his head until his eyes lock with yours once again. You smile down at him, 
“You just got swindled, Swindler.” 
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“$3,998, $3,999, $4,000. There you go ma’am, congratulations.” You smile, taking the cash and putting it into your bag. 
“Thank you so much! Have a wonderful rest of your night!” You say cheerfully, giving them a wave, before turning around and walking away. You head towards the exit, looking around the casino as you do so, feeling grateful for your big win. You glance back towards the doors, and make eye contact with Joshua, who is staring at you with a small smile on his face. You grin, walking up to him giddily. 
“Hey Swindler.” Joshua scoffs at the nickname, shaking his head at you. 
“Don’t call me that.” 
“Can I call you Swiper?”
“That’s even worse.” You and Joshua laugh for a moment, and he lets out a sigh once the two of you calm down. He looks you up and down, and you raise an eyebrow at the action.
“So you’re the femme fatale I’ve been hearing about.” Joshua states, and you smirk at him. Shrugging your shoulders, you lean against the wall, crossing your arms over your chest. “That’s me.” 
“I guess I don’t need to teach you any tips on how to play poker, huh?” Joshua says, causing you to let out a small giggle. You shake your head, letting out a playful sigh.
“I’d still like those tips, Joshua.” You tell him, and he raises an eyebrow. 
“Do you?” 
“How else am I supposed to see you again?” You ask, and Joshua stares at you for a moment, before letting out a chuckle and shaking his head at you. You smile, before suddenly realizing that the two of you have slowly been inching closer to each other throughout this whole conversation. Heat rushes to your cheeks at the close proximity between you and Joshua, and he finds the sight rather endearing. 
“Can I take you out to eat? I know a good hotpot place nearby.” Joshua asks, and you bite your bottom lip when a smile threatens to break out. He grins, noticing that your eyes are a lot softer when you’re not in the middle of an intense round of poker. 
“I’d love to, shouldn’t I pay though? Considering that you just suffered a terrible loss.” You tease, and Joshua immediately squints at you, causing you to laugh and pat his arm in apology. He rolls his eyes, the fond smile on his face showing that he holds no malice. Joshua finds himself more attracted to you by the second, as do you.
“You’re lucky you’re so cute, femme fatale.” Joshua states as the two of you turn and walk out of the casino. You chuckle at the term, turning your head to glance up at the sparkly eyed man, who’s staring down at you with a bright smile on his face.
“You’re not so bad yourself, Swindler.”
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mycupoffanfiction · 4 years
The One
Coco Cruz x Reader
Summary: Coco turns you in a clumsy, shy mess every time he’s around and you just can’t quite find the courage to tell him how you feel, that is until your Mayan brothers drag you both to a funfair.
Warnings: Fluff, lots of shyness, Angel and Gilly trying to be wingmen, a brief mention of public sex acts.
Word count: Approx 2600
A/N: Hi loves, I’ve been working on this fic for months, but it was never quite right, but I loved it too much to scrap it, so I’m super happy to finally be able to share it with you! I did struggle with this a bit, so I apologise if it’s not super smooth, but hey 🤷🏻‍♀️ This is just the first part, the second part will be with you soon. Enjoy! 💖
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“How the fuck are you winning again?” Gilly groaned, slouching in his chair opposite you as you placed down a card on the table, effectively winning the round of the card game you were playing. Giggling, you shrugged and crossed one leg over the other, looking rather smug with yourself. “You challenged me, remember?” You giggled, all too happy that you’d won another round. Gilly sighed and tilted his head back before gathering up the cards. “One more round?” He asked, handing you the cards to shuffle and you nodded, taking them from him.
Shuffling the cards, you were mid conversation with Gilly about how you wanted to go to the fair that had been set up just outside of town, when Angel and Coco entered the clubhouse. “It’ll be great, also, I don’t believe him, but Coco said he’d never had cotton candy before and-.” “He’s never what?” Gilly replied, incredulous, if not a little over dramatic and you giggled, shaking your head. “There’s your chance for a date, hermana, take ‘im to get cotton candy.” Gilly chuckled, nudging your hand with his, to which you protested with a drawn out, hushed ‘noooo Gilly’.
You were a dear friend to the club and all of its members, so much so that you were often titled ‘hermana’ since you had become a sister to most members, though some of them, notably Bishop had taken to calling you mija. But really, you kept everyone in the club grounded and you were greatly appreciated for your loving, sweet nature, despite the fact that you were horrendously clumsy and on more than one occasion had managed to run into people, drop everything and break things, not that anyone minded. But it always seemed to happen more prominently around Coco and the boys were beginning to notice it happen more frequently when you were around him.
“What are you two up to?” Angel asked, interrupting your thoughts as you shuffled the cards. “Just having a game.” Gilly replied, going on to tell Angel about how he’d totally won the last three rounds, to which Angel snorted in disbelief. It was another moment before you even realised that Coco was there, he’d not said a word, but you looked up to deal the cards between you, only to see him eyeing you over Gilly’s shoulder and you fumbled with the cards, some of the deck falling from your hands and spilling over the table and scattering everywhere while you attempted to keep them together.
“Oh jesus- fucking- hi Coco.” You managed to squeak out, Gilly trying so hard to contain his laughter as Angel gathered up the cards that had dropped to the floor and you felt the heat of embarrassment surge through you as you shuffled the cards back into a stack. “Hey corazón.” Coco responded with a light chuckle at your sudden bout of clumsiness and you felt yourself melt at the name he used for you, hoping it wasn’t too obvious how shy and embarrassed you were.
“I’ll get some beer.” Coco announced, throwing you a smile as he walked away. “How long is this gonna go on for? I can’t deal with you goin’ all butter fingers whenever you just fucking look at him.” Angel hissed, though he was far too amused by it all to actually be annoyed and you desperately wanted the ground to swallow you whole. “Everyone knows you love him.” Angel told you and your eyes went wide. “I’m pretty sure even Coco knows.” He chuckled and you felt even more nervous about saying anything. “Shut the fuck up, man. Don’t listen to Angel, hermana.” Gilly said, lightly whacking him on the arm. “You gotta tell Coco-.” “Tell me what?” Coco cut in as he came back with some bottles and you slid down a little in your seat. “Oh, our little hermana here-.” “Thinks it’s ridiculous that you’ve never had cotton candy before.” Gilly interrupted Angel, kicking him under the table and you gave him a thankful smile before shooting daggers at Angel who looked far too pleased with himself. “What?” Angel asked, giving you a mischievous grin.
Coco just looked at you with a raised brow, evidently not believing it one bit and you quickly reached for your drink, hoping at the very least that occupying yourself with the bottle would distract you a bit. Coco lit himself a cigarette and toked it a couple of times before taking a full draw of his smoke, reaching for his beer.
“So what about that fair outside of town this weekend?” Gilly asked. “I’m down, I need a change of fucking scenery.” Angel nodded. “Coco?” Gilly asked as you took a sip from your bottle. He shrugged, looking at the two men with indifference. “Hey, c’mon man, remember last time with the photobooth?” Angel nudged him, winking. “Shut up, carnal.” Coco rolled his eyes, taking a puff from his cigarette as Gilly snorted. “The fabled tale of Coco gettin’ loco with not one, but two girls in a fuckin’ photobooth.” Angel said, speaking as if it was some kind of epic tale, when really, it was more of a half drunk escapade that Coco barely remembered a wink of, apart from maybe the tale end of a two girl blowjob.
“You comin’ hermana?” Gilly asked, completely changing the subject and you looked between the three men, giving them a look of uncertainty. “I don’t know guys, you’re just gonna abandon me in the teacups again.” You pouted, Gilly and Angel immediately erupting into laughter at the memory from last year.
Coco huffed as he listened to the conversation. He didn’t care about finding girls to have a little fun with at the fair, if anything, he was more interested in something else, not that he was going to make that known, especially not with Angel and Gilly around.
Coco leaned over, draping his arm around the back of your chair. “I’ll go if you go, corazón.” He whispered in your ear and you instantly felt yourself burn up from his close proximity and the way he said those words, deep, enticing, but somehow still sweet and soft. Angel and Gilly too were far too wrapped up in retelling stories of their last trip to a fair to pay any attention to Coco’s actions and you swallowed heavily, glancing shyly across at him, the Mayan much closer than you had anticipated and as you faced him, eyes almost too timid to meet his, your breaths mingled for a moment with how closely he had leaned in.
“I’ll go.” You responded quietly, voice barely audible, but Coco heard you just fine and your response prompted a big, lopsided smile on his lips and you wondered how you’d even mustered the courage to respond.
“See you there, corazón.” He smirked, leaning back to take the last sip of his beer before he stood up from the table abruptly enough to get the attention of Angel and Gilly.
“Gotta go, got shit to do with Letty.” He said, putting his bottle down on the table. “See you later ‘mano.” Angel waved him off, Gilly eyeing your flustered state and giving you a questioning look as you attempted to pull yourself together.
“You alright hermana?” He asked. “Probably.” You nodded, clearing your throat a little and shifting in your seat, uncomfortable under the questioning looks you were getting from both men before you finally decided to awkwardly say goodbye to your brothers and excuse yourself from the table.
“Tell me I wasn’t the only one who saw that?” Gilly hissed at Angel. “Nah man, I saw the way he looked at her, the way he spoke to her.”
The next day was far too quick to come around and by the time you’d rocked up to the fun fair on the back of Gilly’s bike, you felt like the last day had slipped away from you far faster than you would have liked. It wasn’t that you weren’t looking forward to spending the day with your boys, you were so excited to spend some time with them away from the MC. But your apprehension came more from being afraid that you might fuck things up with Coco. What if you told him how you felt and he rejected you? What if he avoided you? That would crush you, but while you had been nervous about admitting feelings to Coco, all of your brothers knew that the two of you would be perfect together, which was why they were adamant on pushing you both together despite your often silent panic when they did so.
It was early evening as you walked with Gilly over to where Angel was standing in the parking lot, leaning against his bike, waiting impatiently for you both.
“You’re gonna tell Coco today, right?” Angel asked before he even greeted you, pushing away from his bike before approaching you and Gilly. “Oh yeah, it’s real nice to see you too Angel.” Gilly replied in a sarcastic tone, making the taller of the two snort in response. “But you’re gonna, right?” Gilly joined in, turning to look at you as you glanced at the two bikers who stared at you expectantly. “I mean… Maybe?” You answered, hoping it was enough to get them off your back about Coco, but it only seemed to make it worse because Angel was adamant a plan he’d come up with for how you should tell Coco was ‘fool proof’, whatever that implied.
“We’re meeting Coco in the fair, he’s late.” Angel informed you both as Gilly began to lead the group of you across the parking lot towards the entrance booth. “Club shit?” Gilly asked. “Nah, somethin’ to do with Letty.” He shrugged.
You stood with a grin on your lips as you watched Gilly and Angel playfully banter between them as they waited to have a go at winning something at a booth with water pistols and targets.
As you watched, you almost jumped out of your skin when you felt two hands gently grip your shoulders and you barely had time to react before you heard his deep, low voice, quickly relaxing you. “Whoa, relax corizon, s’just me.” Coco spoke softly in your ear. “Coco,” You looked over your shoulder at him with an uncontrollable smile, the biker coming round to your side, his arm staying around your shoulders.
“Sorry I’m late, was making cake with Letty.” Coco told you with a smile. “Don’t tell Angel that.” He added, making you giggle and shake your head. “I won’t, your secret is safe with me.” You replied, voice quiet and soft. Coco looked over at you, his grip on your arm tightening slightly as he caught your gaze, noting how relaxed you looked, how relaxed you felt against him and it brought a warmth to his heart to see you that way.
Angel glanced over his shoulder at Coco and the pair nodded at each other in a silent greeting, Angel smirking as soon as he saw you tucked against Coco’s side with his arm around you before he turned his attention back to the game when it was his and Gilly’s turn.
“Wanna go do shit without those two?” Coco asked. “Gonna have another headache if I gotta babysit them.” He rolled his eyes playfully. “Yeah, I’d like that.” You nodded, letting Coco tug you along with him.
Coco walked you through the fairground, stopping by stalls and booths along the way to play a few games, his smile always doubling in size whenever he heard you giggle, noticing you enjoying yourself in his company. Coco had wanted to spend time with you and talk to you for a while, but no matter how hard he tried, one of the Mayans always seemed to drop themselves into the conversation before he even had a chance to try and ease you out of your shell and give you his full, undivided attention.
And now, as you both found yourself on the furthest side of the fairground, overlooking a beautiful sunset in the distance with a bag of candy floss in Coco’s hand that he shared with you.
It was such a sweet moment, calm and dreamy, the ambience of funfair was soft in the background, the soft, golden glow of the sunset gently casting over the desert horizon.
Coco looked over at you, bathed in golden light, gorgeous with a soft smile on your lips. He felt himself smile uncontrollably as you leaned against his side, his hand finding yours, fingers slowly and gently intertwining.
It felt right, it felt like it was meant to be in the sweet, serene moment you shared together and Coco knew right then and there that he’d found the one for him. You were the one.
“Coco,” It came out as a whisper, warmth filling you when you realised how naturally your hand had fit in his, how wonderful his touch felt against yours. “Yeah, corazón?” He asked, barely above a whisper, his voice low and warm against your ear as he leaned against you.
“I… I’m-.” You cut yourself off with a sigh, eyes cast down at your feet, trying to hide yourself, the feeling of shyness overcame you.
“Hey, take your time, mi estrellita.” Coco hummed softly to you, his voice soothing as you drew in a deep, slow breath. But when you became too shy to respond, he smiled, bringing your hand up to his chest, prompting you to look at him, a bit too timid to hold his gaze fully. “Look at me, mi corazón.” Coco whispered, reaching over to lift your chin with his fingers.
You shared a comfortable moment of silence together, your hand resting against his chest, the background chatter and laughter of the fair adding to the ambience, the sun slowly lowering just enough to leave you bathed in a soft, hazy twilight.
“I know, I know that every time you look at me, you get shy.” Coco said, watching as you tore your gaze away from him quickly. “Hey hey, wait, hold on corazón.” He urged, tugging you back to him gently. “But I get butterflies every time I look at you, I get this fuckin’ uncontrollable smile whenever I see you lookin’ at me ‘cause fuck, ma, you drive me crazy.” He smiled to himself, his eyes lighting up as he spoke openly about how he felt.
“It drives me fuckin’ crazy whenever I think about you, I think ‘bout all this shit I wanna do with you, shit I’ve never wanted to do with anyone before.” He confessed, both of his hands holding yours to his chest as he spoke and you couldn’t help but look at him and wonder if you weren’t just dreaming. “Really?” You managed to get out. “Yeah, I can’t get’chu outta my mind.” Coco grinned, leaning down to press a kiss to the back of your hands.
“I wanna take you on a date, wanna make you happy in every way I can, in every way possible ‘cause you deserve nothin’ less.” He paused, drawing in a deep breath before his eyes met yours. “Will you let me do that? Will you let me make you my girl?” He asked softly, watching as you smiled, shyly nodding, a little taken aback by his sweet words.
“I’d love that, Coco.” You said, almost in a whisper, but Coco met you with a bright grin before he leaned in and gently pressed a kiss to your cheek.
“Mi estrellita.” He whispered, pulling you against his chest and holding you close, embracing you gently, his heart fluttering, feeling on top of the world, because Coco got his girl.
He found the one.
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swtltlmrvlgrl · 3 years
Is it Real? (End)
Chapter Summary:  "The end."
Pairing:  Steve Rogers x Reader
Warning/s:  Break up; Heartache
Number of Words: 1,567
Y/N = Your Name
Part 1 - Part 2- Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 (End)
Tom leads the way and you follow suit - making sure there's enough distance between you two. He walks through the streets, into the park and stands in front of a bench - the same bench where you sat down with Steve and admitted that you still loved Tom. He turns to you, motions his hands and points at the bench, as if telling you to sit down.
“You really like being in control, don’t you?” Tom was taken aback by your comment.
“Y/N.” He responds as calmly as possible. “I just want to talk.”
“I think we’re way past the talking stage, Tom. Or do I have to remind you that it’s been five years since you left me with just a note.” You rebut.
“Please.” Tom reaches out for your hand, but you quickly take it away. He sighs in defeat and puts his hand in his pocket, shuffles his hand a little and slowly slides it up. By the time his hands were fully out of his pocket, you can see sandwiched between his thumb and his index finger, a small object.
A ring.
He raises it up at the same level as your chest, like he’s handing it to you… like he’s waiting for you to take it.
Is that small object supposed to make me shut up?
Am I supposed to forgive him because of this?
You can feel the anger that you’ve been trying to suppress all these years, boiling at the pits of your stomach. The heat from your stomach rushes through your veins and into your hands. One moment your arm is resting at your side, and then the next moment you feel the palm of your hand burn from the collision with Tom’s cheeks. You slapped him, and truth be told, it felt good.
The silence after the slap dragged on for what felt like a long time. Tom slowly puts down his ring-bearing hand on his side.
“I was planning to propose to you.” He breaks the silence. “I came to the restaurant early, an hour early actually, and you know me, Y/N, I’m never late...and then I - “ He clears his throat. “I started thinking about the future with you and then I suddenly felt unready, I felt scared. I wanted to run away.”
“And you did.” You cut him off.
“And I did.” He echoes your comment. “I’m so sorry, Y/N. I hope you understand.”
“Understand.” You repeat Tom’s last word, leaving a bitter taste on your mouth. “For five freaking years, Tom. I’ve been trying to understand you. I’ve been trying to defend you.” Your voice is louder and clearer now. “But did you even stop to think -” You pause for a moment. ”Did you even stop and try to understand me?” You scoff and point your finger and push it in his chest, you push as hard as you could to make him feel this pain, the pain. “Why am I even asking? Of course, you didn’t. Because if you did, we wouldn't need to have this conversation now, won’t we?”
Tom holds your hand and tries to calm you down. “Listen. Listen to me, Y/N. The fact that you’re affected by this, the fact that you’re still hurt, right now. That means you still have feelings for me. Maybe… you still love me. Maybe … we can try again.”
You raise your eyebrows, shake your head in disagreement and pull your hand away in disgust. “Do you even hear what you’re saying?” You respond, exasperated. “But you know what, okay. I’ll make this clear for you. The reason I’m hurt right now is not because of you.” Tears start to fall, and you take a deep breath. You’ve been depriving yourself of this confession. Being left behind by Tom is painful, but admitting the truth is worse.
“It’s because of me, because I chose you over me. Everyday I was scared too, Tom. I was insecure that I was not good enough for you, or if I’m good enough now, what about the future, will I still be good enough? That’s why I listened to you. I followed you. I tried to be the best version of a girlfriend for you. Heck! I was even ready to leave my best friend for you.” You wipe away the tears from your eyes. “And I was stupid, I was so stupid to think that even if I was scared of the future, I will always have you with me. But joke’s on me.” You stand up straight and move closer to him, making sure that he’ll hear every single word that you’ll say “One time, Tom. ONE TIME.” Your voice is loud and steady, confident and powerful. “You got scared one time and that’s all it took for you to leave me.” You put emphasis on the last two words, to rub it on Tom’s face for the hundredth time.
You can hear the loud beating of your own heart. Breathing becomes difficult. You sit down and rest your elbows on your thighs as you try to take slow, steady and deep breaths.
Tom is standing like a statue, probably surprised by your burst of anger. You never had this kind of fight when the two of you were together. He had never seen you this angry before, whenever you had misunderstandings you would always talk it out. Whenever you felt like you did something wrong you would apologize immediately. Whenever he does something wrong, you will always make him understand how he hurt you.
The two of you dealt with your issues diplomatically, calmly.
But was it really the two of you dealing with the issues, or was it just you?
Tom sits down at the bench beside you and starts speaking. “When I thought of building this future with you, my mind just went blank and I wasn’t used to that. You know me, Y/N. I know you do. I always have plans. I have visions.” Tom’s voice was shaking, you can tell that he’s on the verge of crying. “At that time, they all just disappeared, I didn’t know what to do and it terrified the shit out of me.”
“Maybe the reason you didn’t see it, is because we weren’t supposed to have it. That future isn’t supposed to exist.” You answer him with conviction, and finality.
“Please don’t do this Y/N.” Tom moves closer to you. “I only did that because I thought I was doing what’s best for us.”
You look at Tom, straight into his eyes. There was something shining from his eyes but you did not feel the need to wipe it away. You did not feel the need to hug him, to protect him… to love him. “That's the point isn’t it, Tom. You always make it seem like you’re always doing what’s best for us. But it always has been about what’s best for you , what’s convenient for you.”
You stand and position yourself in front Tom. “This time I’m doing what’s best for me. And right now, the best for me is not having you in my life.”
“Y/N. Please.” Tom reaches for your hand in desperation, and for the last time, you pull your hand away.
“This is the end.”
You turn your back on him and walk away.
This is the end.
So this is what freedom feels like. The shackles that you’ve been dragging for the past few years, preventing you from moving forward are now gone. Your steps feel lighter, as if you’re flying.
You see Steve, across the street, standing in front of the apartment building. You don’t even know why but your legs start moving as you run towards him, as fast as you can.
You’re happy, joyful, and free and you want to celebrate every moment of it with Steve.
Steve’s sees you and opens his arms wide.You jump at him and he catches you, causing the two of you to giggle.
“Someone’s feeling giddy today.” Steve says.
You laugh. “I’m just happy to see you.”
Steve pulls his head back to look at you. “You were?” You can see his eyebrows rising to taunt you. You lightly punch his chest in retaliation and the two of you start giggling again.
kThe two of you allowed that moment to linger for a few more moments, you and Steve just looking at each other’s eyes, with pure joy and happiness evident in each other’s eyes. Just being together, feeling each other’s warmth.”
“Were you waiting for someone?” You ask, almost a whisper, while still looking at his blue eyes.
You notice Steve’s smile growing bigger. The way he looks at you feels warmer and kinder and … full of love. It’s the same blue eyes that you’ve known for years, but it feels different. It made the butterflies in your stomach flutter. He caresses your cheeks and tucks away the stray hairs behind your ear.
“I was waiting for you.”
The way Steve says those words as if he’s been wanting to say those all his life, and you felt it. The butterflies in your stomach flutter more aggressively. And it’s not just the butterflies, your heart is beating fast too. You know what Steve is saying and he doesn’t need to say anything more.
“Thank you for waiting.”
E n d
A/N: Aaaaaaaah! I am so happy that I was able to finally, FINALLY, finish this fic. I started writing this fic 3 years ago. I abandoned it for a loooong time and now I've finished it. I know that it might have inconsistencies here and there but this fic really witnessed A LOT of things that I went through irl and aaaaaa I'm just really really happy that I was able to finish ;> I was actually thinking if I should end with an epilogue or something, but I really like ending my stories with beginnings. ( I don't know if anybody ever noticed that but yep fun fact!)
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