#fun fact: the top is her true form the second only a projection created by her magical nature based from her subconscious
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LOST:Ratio by @ikleyvey-art, Character & Idea from Me.
Lower image Character Concept Art by the same artist.
Also side note at @theplasmablade I sense a friend here...
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tobiosmilktea · 4 years
umpah umpah! smau
↪︎ bokuto x f!reader x iwaizumi
[004] — it’s you!
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a/n: i wrote this during my psych class cause i was bored,, also this wasn’t proofread lol
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by the time iwaizumi gets home after long days at work, he would usually knock out like a light after dinner and a bath, but tonight he had more energy than anticipated. and if he was being completely honest, he was not expecting himself to be spending the rest of his night reading a random webtoon. hell, he wasn’t even planning on reading it in the first place, but his boredom got the best of him.
a sigh escapes him as he settles at his desk, finger hovering over the lime green webtoon app for a brief second before giving in. quickly, he input in his information to create an account and before long he was already bombarded with promotions of many other webtoons until he was met with the biggest one—the love cemetery: soon to become a major motion picture!
that’s it, iwaizumi thought as he clicked on the promotional advert as it redirected him to the webtoon’s table of contents. there, he reread the synopsis over again, peering slightly at its contents purely from the plain inkling of familiarity of it all.
the moment he opened the first chapter, he was immediately enticed by the art style and colors. it was as if he was suddenly transported into this world that you have created that the hours had past faster than he had anticipated. the only reason why he even looked up from his phone in the first place was due to that little white box notifying him that his phone was at the cusp dying. iwaizumi’s eyes flickered over to his clock, two in the morning, he read as he let out a sigh. despite wanting to read more of the webtoon, he knew he was going to regret staying up. never mind the fact that he needed to go into work early and even hesitating to close his phone was a good enough reason to force himself to stop.
no wonder bokuto was obsessed.
iwaizumi’s thumb hovered over the author’s handle then, “dddeities?” he whispers to himself before swiftly pressing on the link.
it was then did his familiarity was suddenly confirmed. the moment the link took him to the webtoon author’s twitter account, iwaizumi recognized your name and face within a snap. a lump formed in his throat.
he wasn’t sure what really came over him as the obvious fatigue in his eyes was nowhere to be seen. grabbing his laptop from his desk, his fingers quickly typed away on his keyboard to search up your name on youtube. once the videos loaded in, iwaizumi found himself hesitating again as the first video that was at the top of the list had your smiling face. it still had his heart thumping in his chest even after all these years.
you looked amazing and the fact the interview had just been uploaded a few hours ago had him feeling shy for a brief second. iwaizumi scoffs at himself before shaking his head, “fuck it,” he mutters to himself before clicking on the video. it wasn’t like you, his first love and ex would ever find out he had ever read your webtoon.
“hey, my name is (y/l/n) (y/n) aka dddeities and i’m the author of the webtoon, love cemetery,” your voice softly emitted from iwaizumi’s laptop at a low volume. “today i was invited by webtoon themselves to answer some of your questions you have asked me!”
iwaizumi couldn’t remember the last time he had heard your voice. it was strange hearing it after so long now that you’ve matured since the last time he had seen you—from your looks to the way you dressed, a lot of things changed. granted, you both weren’t fifteen anymore.
“the first question is from seonshines who asked, ‘how does it feel to be able to be part of love cemetery’s film production?’’ you read off the slip of paper before discarding it off to the side, “it’s genuinely a dream come true! i’ve never expected love cemetery to be popular enough to even become a film, but considering how a lot of live actions tend to flop whenever the original creator isn’t part of production, i’m really excited for this project and i have high expectations.”
still as eloquent as usual, iwaizumi thought as he didn’t even notice the smile that was melting upon his expression the more he admired you.
you grab another question from a bowl, “from iloveddd, they asked: how do you plan your webtoons? …well when i first got the idea for love cemetery, i just started plotting it out on a piece of paper. it was initially only me who started drawing, coloring, and publishing each chapter, but once it started picking up a bit, my best friend murakami kaori started co-writing it.”
“kaori?” the familiar name slipped out of iwaizumi’s lips. “i remember her,” how could he forget the girl who got you and him together in the first place?
“overall, she’s mainly the one that keeps the story a bit more interesting while another member of my team, akaashi keiji, is my editor. he’s very meticulous and knows whenever there’s a plot hole somewhere so he’s often part of the writing process as well.” you finished off your answer before continuing to the next one, “this question is from user bokutoxbaisho. they asked ‘did you know that bokuto koutarou of msby black jackals is a big fan of love cemetery?? how do you feel about it??”
hesitance radiated out of you as you awkwardly laughed.
“um...” you trailed out, “i think it’s pretty cool i guess. it’s definitely a shock considering i never thought he would be the kind of guy to be into these types of things.”
iwaizumi’s eyebrows furrowed at this. how would you know? it wasn’t like you were the type to make assumptions about people you didn’t know either. if anything, he found it a bit strange but he shook it off.
“alright the last question is from annaoopsy,” you swiftly changed the subject, “this love triangle trope is honestly one of the best ones i’ve read. it’s really a breath of fresh air for a cliché ,which comes into question, how did you come up with this romance? was it from personal experience in past relationships?”
a chuckle left your lips as you discarded the question with a pink tint appearing lightly on your cheeks.
“let’s just say first loves were a major impact to the creation of this webtoon.”
iwaizumi felt his breath suddenly hitch the moment those words left your mouth. as if a sudden downpour of each and every feeling he felt back then in high school was catching back up to him after years of suppressing them. he swallowed the lump forming in his throat as he slapped his laptop shut, “oh no.”
fun facts! —
kaori was the one who got y/n and iwaizumi together back in middle school after she tricked them into being alone together to get to them to confess
iwaizumi was the one who confessed first since y/n was a shy, art hoe™️ back then lmao
taglist: (comment or send an ask to be added!)
@moonlightaangel @elianetsantana @k4tiepie @memorableminds @skyguy-peach @suhkusa @kitsunetea @airybby @noeminemi @truly-a-snitch @keichan @cosmicmermaid25 @bap-kingdom @saturnfarie @kwdflash @ennos-baby @dinablossom @chrisrue15 @seikamuzu @nestlevanilla @chasekudo @yammmers @pixcldust @iwaizluv @h0ngh0ngh0ng @emogril @tiredandkindaoverworked @atsunakaashi @underratedmage @bokutosuwus @kellesvt @kaiju-teeth @oh-tapeworm @scrappydaisies @alittlebitofrain @mxngy @tpwkatsumu @atsumuwoah @macchiatoast @dicerawr @kageyamasbabygorl @some-random-stranger-007 @vhskenma @wntrmn @little-plants @stargirlara @kissungjae @je11yfishwriter @sbaepsae @apollochjld
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thornedrose44 · 4 years
Ends of the Earth
(Read it on AO3)
The world ended.
Well, that's not technically accurate… humanity's time on earth ended, a lot sooner than to be expected which is where the tragedy of it all lies, if Lena were to guess.
Not that Lena's own time on earth had ended. She was still here, pottering on, miles underground, fiddling with forgotten experiments and watching endless hours of television that she never had time for before… 
She wondered if this was what retirement was like… 
Admittedly, Lena had always imagined it involving more travelling, maybe some gardening and it had never been lonely. She refused to acknowledge that when she thought of getting older it was with crinkly blue eyes and silver streaked blonde hair at her side which always helped soothe the ache in her chest that such morbid thoughts produced. Now, even that fantasy was well and truly gone. 
She would only ever get to watch herself grow old now, at least she didn't have to worry about the paparazzi's comments about her receding good looks.
It wasn’t a bad life, not really. She had enough food to see her through old age or until the tempting call of the void summoned her. If Lena was being honest, which she kind of had to be when the only person she had left to lie to was herself… She knew it would be the latter that would take her in the end. 
See the thing is… Lena hears… things. 
They’re not real, or they are but they are merely the sounds that an empty building creates to keep itself company. The groan of a pipe. The squeak of a beam. The hiss of a fridge. The knock of a mechanised system keeping the air breathable and the water on hand.
Lena still had enough of her sanity to convince herself that the sounds were a natural part of her safe haven (‘prison’ more like). But there were mutters at the back of her mind that said other things. That squeak was a mouse still alive on the outside. That groan was a ghost, trapped forever alongside Lena. That hiss, the blast-proof doors whistling open and irreparably bursting Lena’s protective bubble. That knock…
The knock was the worst.
The knock was the call of the void that allowed Lena to fantasise. To dream.
That knock meant she was no longer alone.
That knock… that knock could be everything she ever wanted…
That knock could be Kara…
And that… 
Lena knew that it would be the void that got her before old age. It would be that knock, her loneliness and the hope of seeing blue eyes just one more time… just one more time…. That would do her in.
The first six months hadn’t been too bad. Lena had kept herself busy making the repairs she needed to keep her safe haven ‘safe’ for as long as possible. The Children of Earth’s final attack, that had prompted humanity’s departure two months ahead of schedule and Lena staying behind to ensure their escape, had wrought significant damage to the structure of the bunker. 
The work was dull. But it was good. It kept her hands busy. Her mind distracted. And it meant she could fall into bed, utterly exhausted and free of thoughts of what ifs and almosts and not yets and soons and new beginnings… 
The majority of the work required for Lena’s home to be brought to tip-top shape was done after six months. The next six months were about optimisation. Trying to make her home… more homey… An already difficult task when there was little in the way of colour to decorate the concrete bunker, but a nigh on impossible task when Lena’s home had never been four walls but blue eyes, golden hair, a bright smile and a warmth that made even the darkest moments survivable.
It was the second year that broke something in Lena that she would never get back again.
It made the light in her chest steadily dim and extinguish.
A candle that had remained alight with the childish possibility that Lena would get her miracle, her last second save and a happy ending.
She knew it was impossible. Knew that the surface of the Earth was not accessible to another living being. That the transmat portal could not be repaired, the necessary materials completely depleted - even if Lena had the materials to repair it, she wouldn’t have been able to generate a high enough voltage to power it. That the survivors were now countless lightyears away and a ship travelling to her would arrive long after she had turned to little more than dust in this mausoleum. 
To survive the breaking (more specifically the ‘breakdown’ that had Lena spending pretty much the entirety of a month drunk off her ass), Lena found a routine. She found a routine and stuck to it. 
A routine that kept her busy, mentally and physically occupied because if she stopped… if she let her thoughts wander… Well, that knock started to sound rather enticing.
Lena performed regimented checks of her safe haven and its equipment.
Lena had time for reading. For television.
Time for fun science experiments she never had time to progress when the scientist part of her was told to give way to the business woman part.
Time for exercise; soft curves hardening to muscles as she threw around equipment and worked tirelessly and rigorously.
Set meals.
Set bedtime.
Set wake-up.
Day after day passed by in this fashion. Weeks. Months.
Two years in her concrete bunker became three, became five… and before Lena really knew it… she was rapidly approaching a decade in this prison of monotony.
It had started with an innocuous ‘beep’.
A fucking beep foretold the destruction of Earth - Lena prayed that humanity, when they re-told the story of the fall of their first home, would ignore that particular aspect of the tale.
It had all started out as a minor reading on a random L-Corp machine tucked away at the back of Lena's lab. (It had been the beginning of yet another half-formed experiment by an idealistic Lena when she thought that being in charge meant she could spend time on her own projects. How utterly naive she had been.)
Lena had taken it over to the DEO where she and Brainy looked over it together for a weekend - mostly because Lena had nothing better to do, what with her friendships being more or less non-existent since her near defection back to the Luthors and despite her subsequent assistance in bringing down Lex. 
Lena assumed it was an atypical reading, a presumption that had been reinforced by Brainy with knowledge of the future. Because if this erroneous result was in fact true and accurate then… the Sun clearly had it in for the Earth. 
It was heating and expanding at a ridiculous rate. A rate which would make the Earth uninhabitable in a mere handful of years, the heat and radioactivity increasing to such a level that it would be like living in an overpowered microwave.
So, the result had to be wrong because as far as Brainy was aware the Earth was very much still standing a thousand years down the line. 
It took a month, with nearly all of L-Corp's resources working on it to find out that, as it turns out, the future can change.
Which was great news for those strongly in favour of free will and heavily against predetermination. Less great news for those that had recently got a mortgage for a new house…
It was full go then.
The next two years were some of the worst and best of Lena's life.
The sun's sudden failure was a parting gift from the Daxamites, who were big believers in ‘if I can't have it, you can't have it either’. Lena assumed Lex would appreciate the pettiness of the action.
The first six months had been filled with hope and a fervour to fix it. Solve the problem like the Superfriends had so many others before. Kara was their guiding light, tirelessly chasing down every lead, ready to get whatever Lena, Brainy and the whole cohort of scientists required at a moment's notice.
Lena, however, wasn't hopeful. She wasn't an optimist. Not anymore at least. Maybe once, when she was young and her mother was there to chase away the monsters under the bed and lift her into the air when the sun was at its warmest. 
She had been hurt, though. Lied to and betrayed far too much to have faith in some intangible and, as of yet, unknown success. She was a Luthor. Raised to be resourceful, stubborn and with a tendency to doubt. 
So, whilst her team of great minds slept, Lena would stay awake an extra couple of hours and plan and prepare for the worst. Because you never know when 'just in case' would be the only option left.
Lena and Kara's friendship over that six months steadily rebuilt.
It rebuilt over peace offering coffees brought to Lena's side by fidgeting fingers, “You look like you need it.”
“You didn’t have to.” Lena would always remind, not wanting there to be an obligation, not wanting Kara to be there unless she wanted to be.
“I know… I wanted to…” Would always be murmured back, soft and sincere, a rope cast out in the darkness.
 It was rebuilt by softly spoken encouragement when either flagged. 
“What use am I? It’s not like I can punch the sun better.” Kara huffed on days when she was left to pace without direction waiting for the next task, the next lead, the next… whatever...
“No, but I know that you would if you could.” Lena would reply, earning her a small upwards tick to Kara’s lips that made Lena’s heart flutter with something other than a constant state of anxiety. “You are more than just your powers, Kara. Far more.” Lena would whisper earnestly, and Kara would simply rest her head on Lena’s shoulder.
It was rebuilt by fingers gently interlacing to offer comfort, “We’ll find something.”
“How else? A Super and Luthor are unstoppable, didn’t you know?”
 It was rebuilt by Kara sharing her fears of losing yet another home and Lena listening, “I don’t know if I can take another loss like this.”
“I know, I can’t even begin to understand what you must be going through, but it's not going to be the same as last time, you know?” Lena would murmur, soft and hesitant, afraid of stepping wrong, afraid of treading on Kara’s open wounds that she had never known were there before. “If it does happen…” Lena would tack on (always if, never when) in those first few months. “You won’t lose everything. I won’t let you. Everyone that can be saved, will be.”
“Is it bad that I don’t… I can live with a few losses… I can, but there are some… Some that matter more...” Kara confessed haltingly, blue eyes wide and scared as if she was revealing something she wasn’t sure Lena was ready to hear yet.
“No, there’s nothing bad about that. At least,” Lena murmured, ducking her head as she curled her fingers tighter around Kara’s, her thumb rubbing back and forth over knuckles, “I don’t think of myself as a bad person for it.”
“You’re not.” Kara would insist, finally covering over the hurt of ‘villain’ once and for all.
It was rebuilt in Kara carrying Lena to her cot in the backroom of the labs whenever she found her slumped over her keyboard in the early hours of the morning. 
“Hmm…” Lena would sleepily hum as she felt herself being cradled in Kara’s arms who never used super-speed when she was carrying her anymore, something Lena was grateful for as it gave her precious extra seconds of being safely ensconced by everything Kara.
“Sleep, Lena, just sleep.” Kara would mutter tenderly, lowering her onto the blankets and pressing an almost imperceptible kiss to Lena’s forehead which guaranteed Lena pleasant dreams.
It was rebuilt on tragedy and hope. It was rebuilt on optimism and pessimism. It was rebuilt by two people who just wanted to save each other in whatever way they could.
After six months, it was known. It was known that there was no Hail Mary that could undo what had happened.
Now, it was just about survival… and, for some unfathomable reason, everyone was looking at Lena to ensure that.
“Me! Kara, they’re looking at me to… to… save them!” Lena yelled incredulously once she had returned to the sanctuary of her lab and it was just the two of them (as it often was now).
“Yeah… they are…” Kara replied with a shrug like it was obvious and understandable.
“Me! A Luthor!”
“No. Not a Luthor.” Kara declared firmly, lifting her chin in that way that always made Lena’s knees just that little bit weak. “Lena. The woman that has saved this planet and its people time and time again. A woman who has proven herself selfless and a hero in every way possible. The person that I…” Kara swallowed thickly and in that moment, Lena couldn’t breath, couldn’t move, couldn’t even think. Kara stepped towards her, strong and confident, reaching out to take Lena’s hands in her own, squeezing them tightly as earnest blue eyes stared deep into lost green. “Lena Luthor, you are my hero and I am always looking to you to save me.”
Lena finally inhaled a shuddering breath, nodded her head once and got to work.
The first step was the underground bunkers that would provide shelter for humanity whilst a more long term solution was achieved. The bunkers were not designed to be aesthetically pleasing or even remotely homely. They were functional, quick to put in place and hopefully temporary (which they would be for all but one).
Whilst the bunkers were built, Lena and her team were given two momentous undertakings that were critical for humanity’s continued existence:
Find a suitable new planet to call home.
Figure out how to get the entire population of Earth there as quickly as possible.
Lena hated the second six months of those two years. Kara was barely around, constantly buried under miles of earth, supporting the construction teams in their work, her help was crucial as having someone who could manoeuvre large weights delicately removed the overheads of large pieces of equipment and the time they would take to get in position and slowly carry out the task. When Kara ever did manage to poke her head above sea level, she was off to far flung places trying to minimise the impact of whatever natural disaster was occurring due to the Sun’s interest in making Earth a holiday destination for lava monsters in the near future.
Kara only ever made it back to National City for the occasional weekend once a month. A weekend that she mostly spent sleeping after having pushed herself past the point of exhaustion. 
Kara had taken to sleeping in Lena's cot whenever she was back, holding Lena close instinctively whenever the former CEO managed to collapse beside her after her own ridiculously long days. 
“You know, you have a far more comfortable bed at home? With proper sheets and pillows and blankets and all those really good things that are conducive to sleep…” Lena drawled as she slipped off her heels and sat on the edge of the cot that was already filled with a dozing superhero.
“I could say the same thing to you.” Kara yawned in return, shuffling to the edge of the single-person cot to leave a reasonable gap for Lena.
“Yeah, but…” Lena began to argue, biting her lip; Kara was out there everyday pushing her body beyond its limits in places with little sun, little hope and little in the way of comfort. And when she was granted a few hours of reprieve, just a few measly hours to rest before she was pulled back under, she spent it in a darkened back-room of a laboratory.
“No buts.” Kara cut in, tugging at Lena’s sleeve to pull her down into the empty space and open arms. “I’m here because…” Kara murmured, nuzzling her nose against Lena’s forehead whilst kindly ignoring Lena’s pounding heart, “Because I want to be here.”
“I want you here too.” Lena would eventually reply once her heart had returned to a normal beat and she was sure Kara had fallen into a deep slumber. 
(The Superfriends talked about Kara never returning home and choosing to be wherever Lena was amongst themselves, but they never brought it up with either woman, presumably out of respect or simply being too busy with the impending end of the world).
During that time, Lena was under more stress than she had ever been in her entire life.  A whole planet on her shoulders and she was being crushed under the weight of it all. 
On the plus side, it was the longest anyone had ever gone without spitting her last name out with disgust. It was difficult to damn the person working tirelessly to save you. Not that there weren't some that tried to call her saviour and devil in the same breath, but the Superfriends, who had become her friends again, would put a stop to it before they ever got to the second part of their sentence.
Lena knew that Kara had asked them to look after her whilst she was away. And she appreciated the thought more than she appreciated the actual looking after. Alex had taken to looming over her shoulder like a bodyguard and frog marching her to the canteen at set times to eat three meals a day. Nia, meanwhile, insisted that Lena walk up and down the white-washed corridors of the laboratory at least twice a day to ensure she exercised. 
She grew to love them all: Brainy who was constantly by her side, Alex who was holding her up when she nearly collapsed from exhaustion and Nia who always managed to remind her of the small things she was fighting to save when she got lost in the big picture. She loved them but every time they pulled her away from her work, Lena would hear a voice in her head whispering an ominous countdown.
One year post-world-ending-beep, and humanity was tucked away in its new home - the bunkers underground.
Lena and Brainy had finally found a promising planet that they could call home, code-named Goldilocks until an actual name was selected when they finally stepped foot on it (it felt weird officially naming something that they had never seen or experienced). Now, they just had to get everyone there and Lena doubted that there was an intergalactic moving service - maybe that could be her new business venture after her secondment as humanity’s supposed saviour was complete.
 Their best option was the transmat portals (mark two) that she somehow needed to make so that they didn’t require a corresponding portal on the other side. Their idea was more of a wormhole or slingshot, that flung them across the galaxy. They had transports that they could load people up in, they now just needed to create the ‘road’ or ‘shortcut’.
Lena spent day after endless day with Brainy in contact with Earth’s greatest physicists trying to solve problems and reconcile theories that would probably have taken centuries to solve, but mother was the necessity of invention. And dear god, did they need this invention.
The pressure was destroying Lena and more importantly it was creating a gulf between her and Kara that they had so pain-stakingly worked to remove over the last year.
“Lena, you need to eat.” Kara pleaded, her fingers making only fleeting contact with Lena’s elbow, the last time she had made contact Lena had flinched which had hurt Kara in a way that no physical attack ever could.
“I’ll eat later.” Lena replied sharply, her eyes remaining fixed on the board in front of her.
“Come on, Lena. Everyone else has taken a break.” Kara murmured, gesturing to the empty room and the blank computer screens.
“I’m not like everyone else.” Lena responded absent-mindedly.
“I know, I know…” Kara soothed, fingers twitching with the obvious desire to pull Lena into her arms. 
It had been weeks since Lena had been in Kara’s arms but Lena knew… knew that if she sunk into Kara’s embrace, she would crack open and she didn’t know if she would be strong enough to put herself back together again.
“Just, I’m here… for you… always.” Kara promised with a sad and lost tone of voice that made Lena’s throat tight and scratchy.
The Children of Earth were the single most irritating thing about the end of the world, and Lena knew that was saying something.
They were also the people that saw Lena’s near year long record without an assassination attempt as a challenge. 
They were a fanatical group that believed if the Earth was ending, the human race should too. That was pretty much it. Considering the rather bleak sales pitch, Lena was impressed by how many people they convinced to eagerly join up. 
Unsurprisingly, Lena was the number one target on their (s)hit list - what with being the main person working on getting them all off planet. Kara, took to being by her side almost constantly, an ever present shadow to the youngest Luthor; dark, steely blue eyes and a harsh frown on the world’s celebrated heroine made even the most committed of assassins think twice.
Kara’s shift to bodyguard came after the very first attempt on Lena’s life.
Lena was at her desk in her laboratory, making changes to an algorithm in the dead of night, the rest of her team retreating to their beds for a few hours whilst they could. It was Lena’s shaky hands that saved her life (exhaustion, stress and a near constant caffeine overdose had produced tremors in Lena’s long fingers that Kara couldn’t bear to look at anymore), Shaky hands reaching for a mug of cold coffee. Shaky hands so tired they couldn’t summon up the strength to hold it steady. The porcelain slipping through her fingers and rushing downwards to smash onto the floor. 
Lena instinctively scrambled after it, pitching herself awkwardly downwards and to the side,
It was this that saved her.
Ensured the bullet aimed for the centre of her back actually hit her shoulder.
It was the sharp inhale of pain and whisper of Kara’s name as she fell off her stool that saved her.
Because Kara was always listening out for her. On hand and ready the second Lena needed her. 
Lena didn’t hit the floor. Didn’t smash into the ground like her coffee mug.
Warm arms were around her before she even got close.
“You’re okay. You’re going to be okay.” Was whispered endlessly on repeat as she was carefully transported to the medbay where Alex and Eliza (quickly roused from sleep by a terrified superhero) got to work. Lena didn’t ask about the assassin, she knew she was safe with Kara watching over her and the Danvers so tenderly cleaning out her wound and that was all that really mattered. She didn’t have any space left in her mind to think of anything else, so overwhelmed with all the problems she had been asked to solve. There was no processing power left to confront other unknown questions.
Kara didn’t leave her side from then on. Not that Lena would let her. Not that night.
Their hands were clasped tightly together and would stay that way even when it inconvenienced the two doctors, who were wise enough not to raise it as an issue.
Lena’s wound was dressed efficiently and in such a way as to minimise scarring, Eliza and Alex returned to bed as they moved away from early morning, and the leaders of the survivors underground were made aware of the threat against their chief scientist. If Kara, as Supergirl, hadn’t insisted on serving personally as Lena’s protector, Lena was pretty sure the leaders would have demanded it, having grown equally fond of and dependent on the youngest Luthor.
When it was just them… just Kara and Lena… that’s when Lena let the tears fall and the sobs wrack her body. She was cradled carefully in Kara’s arms in an instant and everything she had been holding back burst out of her in an unending stream.
It was cathartic, letting it all out whilst Kara just held her and listened and whispered words of reassurance and affection.
The gulf that had formed, disappeared in an instant as Lena buried her head into the crook of Kara’s neck murmuring apology after apology for keeping her out, for putting distance between them, for not being good enough, for not saving Kara’s second home. 
Kara listened, rejecting every single apology with a firm voice and understanding blue eyes.
“Don’t push me away again.” Was all Kara asked for.
“Never. Never again.” Lena promised, not knowing at the time how she would be forced to break that promise less than a year from now.
The looks and hints and flirts and teases started in earnest then - they had always been there but boyfriends, secrets, distrust, confusion and hurt had blanketed it and kept it from growing. Now, it was just them and the end of the world.
Their days were spent together, Lena trying to save the world and Kara just trying to save Lena.
“You know I was a prodigy back on Krypton…” Kara revealed her past quietly as she was oft to do when the lab was empty and the bunker was blessedly quiet.
“In writing?” Lena asked, abandoning her work to give Kara her full attention - Kara was the only thing, especially when she was like this (soft, vulnerable and eyes aching with the loss of one home) that could make Lena turn away from the screaming voices inside her head.
“No…” Kara laughed lightly, “I was to be the youngest to join the science guild.” 
“Really?” Lena murmured in disbelief.
“Hmm…” Kara hummed, her mouth quirking up at the edges; Lena’s eyes dipped down to stare at the movement as they had begun to do with increasing frequency.
“Then why…” Lena began curiously wondering why Kara would turn away from something she had been preparing for and so obviously excelling at.
“Because, on Krypton…” Kara reached out with tentative fingers and pushed a dark lock of hair behind Lena’s ear. “We didn’t have people like you. People who worked on the ‘just in case’. People who spoke up. People who… thought everyone should be trusted with the truth. People who thought everyone deserved to be saved, not just the select few.” 
Lena grabbed Kara’s hand and brought it to her lips, pressing a comforting kiss to its palm as Kara revealed her scars to her. 
“I didn’t see science the same.” Kara confessed, her gaze turning far-away and distant as she took in the scribbles on the white-board like she recognised the odd syllable of a language she hadn’t spoken in years. “Science was elitist. Science led to hubris. Science failed to save us. But it was the lies that damned us in the first place. So… when I had the chance to start again…” She trailed off, expression melancholic and wistful.
“Thank you for telling me that.” Lena whispered sincerely, once it was clear Kara had nothing left to say.
“It’s funny, isn’t it?” Kara chuckled dark and pained in a way that made Lena’s heart crack across the surface.
“What is?” Lena prompted, squeezing Kara’s hand tightly in the hopes of grounding her.
“If I had been a journalist on Krypton, I could have made a difference. And if I was a scientist here, I could have made a difference.” Kara said, her smile a dark and broken thing that looked just wrong on her face.
“You make a difference, Kara. Every day. Just by being you.” Lena declared, green eyes sharp and jaw clenched determinedly.
The twisted smile receded back to something soft and adoring. “Maybe for the next one I’ll switch back to science, I mean how long do you think it would take me to get upto speed?” Kara questioned teasingly jerking a thumb at the board covered in excessive equations.
Lena let go of the heavy moment, though she wanted to reinforce to Kara that she was perfect just the way she was. But there would be other moments, other conversations, other secrets shared, other wounds tended…
“Depends on your teacher. With me there to help, I could make you an expert within a decade.” Lena asserted with a confident wink.
Kara’s gaze narrowed, a smouldering smirk slowly appearing as the kryptonian leaned into Lena’s space, “Is that so? Professor?”
Lena gulped.
It was a known yet unspoken thing between them.
They spoke around it, danced right up to it, fogged up the glass with eager breaths and pressed against the membrane with curious fingers. Lena knew Kara felt it, in the same way Kara knew Lena felt it. Though, both were too fearful to define it, to say how deep it ran, how much it meant to either of them. 
It was ambiguous in its immensity, not in its existence.
Whenever they brushed up against it, and came close to breaking that barely visible wall between them, they were pulled back with murmurs of ‘soon’ and ‘almost’...
They were both too dutiful, too dedicated to the task at hand to leave room for much else. And they both didn’t want to start when they couldn’t commit all of themselves to each other. Wanted their chance to have the highest probability for success that it could. Because that's what they both deserved.
“The first sunset.” Kara murmured when they were cuddled up together on Lena’s cot in the small room put aside for the chief scientist at the back of the lab in the bunker. “Me, you and a picnic under the very first sunset.”
“Sounds romantic.” Lena teased, rubbing her cold nose against Kara’s clavicle.
“I’ve got it all planned.” Kara admitted honestly. “Every last detail.”
“You’ve really thought about this…” Lena said in awe, pulling back to look down into soft blue eyes.
“It’s all I think about…” Kara replied, her fingers stroking up and down Lena’s back - Lena wished those clever, clever fingers would sneak under her sleep shirt and run along her bare skin.
“Soon.” Lena exhaled their now common commitment.
“Soon.” Kara echoed.
The transmat portals were nearly done. Ahead of schedule which was probably a first for any project, yet alone one on such a large scale.
The only problem was the energy source. It was… rather unstable and the amount of energy required to power all the portals at the same time was substantial. To ensure the tentative peace between all leaders and those involved, an agreement was made that all the portals would activate at the same time and humanity would pass through in one go to ensure that there was no group given an advantage.
Lena understood the political reasoning but it was an engineering nightmare.
They were working on putting power stabilisers on the portals to limit the impact of unwanted surges, when the Children of Earth made their play.
Coordinated explosions that threatened the sanctity of the bunkers moved the scheduled departure date up and prompted a mass evacuation. Kara didn’t want to leave Lena’s side but the people needed their Supergirl and it wasn’t fair for Kara to stay by Lena’s side when she was far from the fighting and others needed her to be their shield. Kara left her side with a promise of, “Soon, we’ll get our sunset.”
Lena had prepped the transmat portals from the command centre, monitoring the power levels with a wary eye as the bunker shook with the ferocity of the fighting. Lena watched over transport after transport, making changes as required to keep the power stable. As the numbers of those left to go through began to dwindle, Lena sent her team of loyal scientists led by Brainy (who she had to order to leave) on their way, leaving one transport for her and the soldiers holding off the Children of Earth. 
Lena struggled, as time ticked ever onwards, to keep the power surges under control and the transmat portal open. With the energy already expended, Lena knew if it closed… it wouldn’t be possible to open it ever again.
The soldiers led by Alex and Nia appeared following a large explosion that completely caved in an entire section of the (thankfully, now empty) civilian barracks. Held up by Alex and Nia was Kara, bloodied and bruised, skin a sickly green as her eyes fluttered weakly and her mouth moved trying to form words, fighting desperately to remain conscious. A battle she lost a second after catching a glimpse of Lena hurrying towards them.
They made their way as a group (Lena and those that had taken the pivotal last stand) to the transport when the evacuation alarm was joined by a clinically detached voice calling out, “Power Level Critical.”
The transmat portal flickered before brightening and then dimming almost immediately. The power surges threatening the very integrity of the portal.
“Lena, we have to go now!” Alex shouted, jerking her head towards the last transport that her group of soldiers were already piling into when she saw Lena freeze mid-step.
Lena doesn’t remember making the decision. It was just instinct. She could work out the variables, could see the solution and just… acted. It didn’t require actual thought.
There was the portal that wasn’t safe for a transport to go through unless someone was making the necessary adjustments to the power in the command centre.
There was Kara, hurt and beaten but still so alive and so beautiful and without a doubt the love of Lena’s life.
It was never a choice, so how could Lena have made a decision.
“No, you have to go. I need to keep the power levels under control. You won’t make it, otherwise.” Lena said, her voice eerily calm and collected for what she was about to do.
The looks of absolute, sheer horror that appeared on Alex and Nia’s faces as understanding dawned would stay with Lena forever. It was the moment she realised she was making a sacrifice and not just carrying out a simply logical action.
“No, Lena…” Alex gasped, her brown eyes turning watery as she hefted Kara higher as if.. As if she was trying to shake Kara awake so that she could bear witness to what was happening. 
“There’s no other way.” Lena declared, striding forward to cup Kara’s perfect face in her hands before leaning down to press a soft, farewell kiss to Kara’s cheek. “I was really looking forward to that sunset.” Lena whispered quietly.
Lena took one second to memorise that light vanilla scent that she would always associate with Kara before letting go of the kryptonian and looking to the distraught sister, “Keep her safe.” Lena requested simply, “And…” Lena swallowed thickly, “Tell her to be happy. Just happy.”
And with those final words, Lena sprinted back to the command centre, yelling for Alex to “Go!”
It was a close thing in the end. The power surges were seconds away from blowing the portal, and the bunker along with it, to smithereens when the transport finally zoomed safely through to humanity’s new home. Lena cut off the power just in time to limit the extent of the explosion that followed. The portal blasted apart but it didn’t have enough oomph to rip through the bunker.
It did knock out the lights, though, leaving Lena in absolute darkness for the first week of her new existence as the last human on Earth.
Okay, so Lena needed to admit to something… just a small thing… it was just, she knew it made her sound… you know… not really all there…
She had a dog.
A… uh… robot dog… that she had built for herself for company…
And, you know, Tom Hanks had a volleyball so, in comparison to that Milo seemed far more… sane…
(Don’t worry she had resisted the urge to call it K-9 and she had made it far more mobile and life-like than the rather square Doctor Who companion).
His name was Milo, after the main character from Atlantis, one of Kara’s favourite films. He was sleek, more grey-hound shaped than terrier, but moved rather clunkily. He had a tendency to trip when going up or down staircase B5-1 since that particular set of stairs were a little steeper than the others in the bunker and Lena had forgotten to factor that in when she created him. Now, she found the little stumble he made on those steps gave him character, made him seem even more alive than the adaptive AI that operated him so she never bothered to fix it.
Lena resisted the urge to give Milo a voice, since a robotic voice coming from her robo-canine companion kind of ruined the image that she had of Milo being a real dog but she couldn’t stand the silence anymore, couldn’t stand only hearing her own voice.
That was the other thing… after a year she’d started narrating for lack of a better word. Commenting on her work, speaking her thoughts aloud rather than keeping them inside her head. Partly to add some sound to her quiet life and partly (but mostly) to remind herself she was still here, still had a voice. 
If a tree fell in the forest would it still make a sound?
Did Lena still exist if no one was around to see or hear her?
In year four of her solitary existence, the narration became full-on conversations with herself which eventually prompted her to create Milo after she realised that she had gone to bed two consecutive nights in a row angry at something she had said to herself.
Milo spoke to her in song.
“You’ll always be here to keep me company, right Milo?” Lena would ask after crying over The Notebook.
“I’m never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you.” Milo would blast at her through the speaker in his mouth alongside a friendly wag of his tail.
Lena was working on a beam with a crack in it, bending her head down to check on Milo who was looking up at her through green LED lights. “Did I get it all?” She called down.
“Higher, higher and higher. I said your love…” Milo directed, his LED eyes emitting a beam of light to point out a spot above Lena’s head.
He was a good dog overall, though he definitely had a preference for 80s classics much to Lena’s equal amusement and chagrin.
She tried not to think of Kara. But it happened.
The longest she had gone, not including sleep (though most of her dreams involved her blonde best friend so it wouldn’t have helped her average anyway), was three and half hours. An event which occurred during her drunken month in year two; she had grown irrationally angry at the transmat portal and had taken a crow-bar and smashed up the remains of the structure whilst listening to screaming death metal music.
She knew Kara would mourn her, miss her at least for the first year. But Lena knew she would keep herself busy. That there would be near endless tasks to occupy her mind and distract her heart and that whenever there was a lull or a break, the Superfriends led by Alex would be there to soothe whatever pain may surface.
Hopefully, by the second year Kara would be able to think of her and it be a joyful experience rather than one of pain. She knew Kara would still think of her often even one year removed from their separation (loss). Knew she had been significant enough to Kara to leave a wake behind.
By the third year, Kara would be ready - Lena didn’t doubt - to open her heart to another, to find someone else to fill the spaces Lena fleetingly occupied. There would be plenty ready and waiting, many probably far more deserving than Lena. 
Kara would find someone else to share that sunset with.
Years four to six, Lena hoped Kara would be rediscovering her passions, that her new home would be stable enough that Kara could get back to the things that made her happy. Lena hoped Kara was still writing, still turning her hand to paper and creating wonderful prose.
Years six onwards… Lena imagined Kara with a family of her own. The image would shift and change but there were always two children underfoot that Kara adored and both of which had inherited Kara’s blue eyes and pure heart. The other person in the picture was blank-faced, their features undetermined. Male or female, it didn’t matter. All that mattered was they put the brightest smile on Kara’s face possible.
“Just be happy.” Lena would whisper her plea out to the universe last thing at night and first thing in the morning. Because, if she said it enough, willed it enough then there was a chance she could make it true. Make the picture in her head of Kara real just by wishing it hard enough.
It was the start of her ninth year - Lena kept track by way of scratching into the walls a tally since it pleased her to think she was leaving some indelible mark on this place even if no one else would ever see it - and the knock was starting to become just that little bit more enticing. Lena had started to find herself walking up to the large blast doors and just… staring at them for hours on end.
It was only Milo that was keeping her going by this stage, blasting out, “Don’t you forget about me”, and “Oh, won’t you stay with me? ‘Cause you’re all I need”, whenever Lena’s fingers so much as twitched towards the manual override button.
Lena didn’t think too deeply about how her only reason for carrying on was the potential guilt that came with breaking the heart of a robot dog. 
“Spread it like peanut butter jelly...”
“Whilst I appreciate that you found the perfect song for my current actions”, Lena chuckled, casting an amused glance over her shoulder at her companion, whilst she spread the peanut butter over the plastic-like bread that had been made to last decades, “I don’t think you realise what that song is really about…”
Milo’s head tilted to the side at the words - Lena had designed him so that when he was processing new information or analysing anything he would tilt his head to the side like a real dog. 
“Oops!... I did it again…” Milo proclaimed, dropping to the ground with an embarrassed shake of his metal head.
“You’re still my best boy, don’t worry.” Lena reassured, finishing off preparing her lunch and making her way to the little living space she had made herself, a rather ratty red sofa and television screen had been added to the small room behind her lab that she had made her own. She had just sat down and was about to take a bite of her sandwich when-
That was new. 
The buzzing sound was so loud and clear that it felt like the entire bunker was vibrating with it. Lena was on her feet in an instant, Milo by her side, as she grabbed her tablet and went towards the source of the sound. As soon as the sound had begun, though, it decreased in volume to a mere hum. Outside Lena’s lab, in the long corridor covered in tally marks was a bright purple circle with blue streaks of light hovering below the ceiling. Beneath the light in a crumpled mass was a figure dressed in dark blue and crimson red with a silver cable connected to their centre which disappeared back up into the portal.
“Okay, I got the angle slightly wrong… Yep, face planted…”, The intruder groaned as they pushed themselves up to reveal a mess of hair. “I know, I can fly but I wasn’t thinking about flying and didn’t react in time… and-” The figure struggled to their knees and shifted round, finally catching sight of Lena who was simply standing there, mouth agape, leaning on Milo to keep her upright.
It was in that moment that Lena saw a shade of blue she had been deprived of for over nine years. Kara’s eye colour, though, was possibly the only thing about her that hadn’t changed. 
Familiar golden curls had been cut away to be replaced by slightly darker blonde with the odd streaks of silver that only just grazed a jawline Lena’s fingers had traced countless times. Also gone was Kara’s defined and overly muscular body, she looked thinner… almost gaunt. Her cheeks hollower than they had ever been before. The crinkles around her eyes were nowhere near as deep as Lena had imagined them to be whenever she thought of Kara with her family. There were instead, however, lines around her mouth that implied she frowned more than smiled and that… that cracked whatever fragile grasp of reality Lena had left completely apart.
Because of this - Lena no longer trusting her eyes, unable to accept an existence where Kara hadn’t been happy, as Lena had begged the universe to make happen everyday - she didn’t truly see the expression on Kara’s face.
She didn’t see the sheer joy, the tears of elation, the broken smile that couldn’t smile as wide as it wanted due to being so out of practice.
“You’re here… You’re really here…” Kara breathed out, her blue eyes drinking in the sight of Lena shifting shyly from foot to foot as she stroked the smooth metal surface of Milo for comfort. 
“Kara.” Lena murmured, testing the word out in her mouth, trying to see if she still knew how to say it after all these years.
“Lena, you’re here…” Kara whispered totally awestruck, getting to her feet and taking slow, careful steps towards Lena, her fingers reaching out for the raven-haired woman.
“I don’t under-... this isn’t real… you’re not real… you can’t be real…” Lena stammered, shuffling backwards away from the ghost in front of her, unaware of the gasp of pain that it caused. “Did I answer the knock? Is this a dream? Milo analyse the surroundings and conditions.” Lena ordered, dropping her gaze to her tablet as she tapped frantically against the screen, mumbling her every thought out loud as she had become prone to do over the years. “Hallucination, most likely… potential causes… sleep deprivation? Unlikely, I have a set sleep schedule. Radioactivity has finally penetrated the bunker and has caused a multitude of health problems. Possible, though I take regular readings of-”
“Lena! Please, stop…” Kara cried, collapsing to her knees in front of Lena, tears streaming down her face. “I’m here, okay? I’m really here!”
“No! No!” Lena shouted in return, “This isn’t real! Because… because…” Lena’s breaths came out sharp and panicky as she was overwhelmed by a tempest of emotions she had worked so, so, so hard to deaden herself to over the last nine years. “You’re meant to be married! You’re meant to be happy! You’re not meant to be here…”
Fingers curled delicately around Lena’s biceps; she wasn’t even aware that she had fallen to her knees as well, that she had brought her hands up to cover her face.
The touch and its sheer gentleness almost made Lena jerk away but the barely there scent of vanilla instinctively made her lean forward instead, her head moving to rest as it always used to do on Kara’s reliable shoulder.
“Lena, how could I be happy without you?” Kara whispered, her fingers moving ever so carefully from Lena’s biceps, round to her back… so tenderly wrapping Lena up in her arms. “Let me take you home, please, please Lena… let me take you away from here, please…” Kara begged, pressing featherlight lips against Lena’s forehead. “Let’s go see that sunset, yeah?”
Lena pulled away so that her hands could move to cup Kara’s beautiful, anguished face, thumbs wiping away the endless tears, “You still want to? Even after all this time?”
“It’s all I’ve thought about.” Kara confessed, a breathtaking smile overtaking her face… and that… that one smile made it all worth it… made nine years in darkness… nine years alone all worth it. 
Lena loved how that smile stretched under her palms and she wondered how it would feel under her lips; the thought barely even crossed her mind before she started to lean forward to find out, Kara inhaling sharply as she realised what Lena intended, when-
“Sha-la-la-la-la-la, music play, do what the music say, you wanna kiss the girl.” Milo sang out for them, his metal tail thumping happily against the concrete floor, his green LED lights looking between his best friend and this blonde newcomer excitedly.
“Thanks, Milo.” Lena chuckled wetly, glancing over at her robo-dog before looking back to find Kara’s blue eyes sparkling with joy at her. “I have a robot dog, now.” Lena explained needlessly, cheeks turning an embarrassed pink.
“I can see that.” Kara replied with a laugh, her hand reaching out to brush through Lena’s dark hair, as she asked her voice brimming with hope, “Are you ready to go?”
“Yeah, yeah, I am…” Lena admitted with a fervent nod of her head before pressing a delicate kiss to Kara’s cheek. “I want to see that sunset.”
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Hugs, tears and electricity (Biadore) - Chaoticnachokitten
A/N: Hii^-^
This is my first fanfic in this fandom, so please leave me some feedback, positive or negative, if you want to. I wrote this because there will never be enough sickfics but I’m too shy to ask for them, so yeah. Please look at the trigger warnings as there will be discussions of eating disorders and somewhat mild self harm (no blood). Stay safe and don’t read it if anything might trigger you. This is probably set in 2015/2016 but not necessarily.
Summary: Why performing in a club while being sick is never a good idea. Biadore friendship with fluff, angst and hurt/comfort.
Adore checked her phone. She had actually slept through the whole day. It was three hours before the show would start. While it wasn’t unusual for her to sleep in, the whole day was a bit extreme, and yet she was still tired and felt off.
The gig wasn’t anything particularly fancy or really exciting even, just a local club hosting a singing/ lip sync competition. Most of the performers would be local queens as well, with the exception of her.
It had been rumored that the club was about to go bankrupt, so they decided to scrape up basically all of the money they had left to host the show and try to get one of the RuGirls to perform there. Since Adore knew the club, and some of the local queens, she had decided to accept to offer, even if the pay wasn't that great. At least it was convenient because she was currently staying in a hotel (sharing a room with Bianca because literally every room was booked, not that either of them minded) which happened to be basically next to the club.
Bianca and her hadn't been doing a lot of gigs in a while as they had both been busy with different projects, and Adore missed the feeling of being on stage, people cheering for her, the adrenaline kick, the casual making out with fans, and, of course, the occasional crowd surfing.
Now, usually Adore would only need about an hour to get ready, depending on the occasion and how she was feeling but Bianca had insisted that they’d do the final costume fitting for her custom dress as soon as possible in case any kind of alteration had to be done.
Adore sometimes wondered how Bianca and her were such amazing friends despite them being completely different, especially when it came to their drag.
While Adore could care less about what people thought of her and her gender bending, unique and sometimes completely spontaneous style of drag, or at least act like it, Bianca liked to have everything planned out and organized as soon as possible so nothing could possibly go wrong. In fact she was probably doing it right now, given the sounds on her side; Adore didn’t bother to check though, in fact she didn’t want to move at all as she still felt exhausted for some reason despite having slept through the whole day.
Why would someone plan their whole drag a day before the show would even start on their day off? Adore just shook her head fondly and closed her eyes, just for a minute, to regain some energy. It wasn’t any use though as she was woken up by the older queen what seemed like only seconds later. Right. The dress. That got her excited enough to get up, although not without difficulty.
"Oh my god, it's stunning.” Adore was gagging over the dress. It even exceeded her expectations. It wasn't just any dress. It was the most perfect custom dress made by Bianca specifically for her, which made it even better. Bianca let Adore enjoy the moment and proceeded to search for the very corset Adore had 'borrowed' from her among a few other things.
Bianca had never been able to quite bring herself to be mad at the younger queen though, it was just a corset after all, she herself had given it to the younger queen. If anything it mostly amused her because Adore seemed to be attached to it for some odd reason.
Said queen was still staring at the dress, gently touching the beautiful fabric. A lot of work had gone into it, some parts had to be made completely from scratch, and of course, the sewing hadn't been that easy either, given the materials. The fact that the dress had been designed and created specifically for Adore made it about ten times more complicated as well.
First of all, it needed to give her the ability to move as freely as possible on stage. Adore was known for her energetic life performances and occasional crowd surfing. On top of that, it still needed to be absolutely gorgeous while not looking super polished. Someone who calls themselves polish remover should probably not be forced into a long, glamorous gown ; it just wouldn't be authentic Adore anymore.
Taking all of that into consideration, Bianca had created a turquoise, off the shoulder sequin mini dress, mermaid themed of course, so Adore could still be her true self. It was decorated with small pieces of corals on the neckline (no sharp ones though, Adore is very clumsy and would probably hurt herself with them or with a long gown) and tiny little fish ornaments around the waist, arranged like a belt (just for fun and the irony). Bianca had even been thoughtful enough to create the dress in a way that the seams could be let out, just in case. It was also perfect for the upcoming evening as it would look absolutely stunning in the spotlight while not being a pain to lip sync in.
Adore was still admiring the dress when Bianca came back with the corset. Only then did she notice that something was off about Adore. Her face was really pale, except her cheeks, which were flushed pink. Kind of adorable (pun not intended), but really worrying at the same time. So maybe that’s why it had been impossible to wake her up.
Adore went to grab the corset in order to put it on, but Bianca just shook her head. Adore started giggling (which quickly turned into a cough, she really needed to quit smoking).
"At this point I can do it all by myself B. I’m like, an expert now, a real drag queen.”
Still, she removed her shirt (Bianca merch), moved closer to the older queen, and turned around.
"Oh shut up", Bianca muttered, no bite in her voice though, a smile tugging on her lips even. Adore was very special to her, and this was one of her ways to express it.
She noticed a few bruises on Adore's back. Nothing serious, but she'd quickly check on them, just to make sure putting on the corset wouldn't be any more uncomfortable than usual for the younger queen. Bianca let her fingers gently trace over the bruises. Her worry grew as she felt the heat basically radiating off of Adore.
"Does that hurt?" She managed to keep her voice as neutral and casual sounding as possible. She knew from experience that Adore would probably not admit anything, at least for now. The younger queen simply hated being sick or feeling weak, not being able to perform, and disappointing her fans.
"Uhm not really, no. Why?" Adore was slightly confused. While her body was hurting all over, especially her muscles from the fever, she had tried not to make it super obvious, and it wasn't like Bianca was making it worse. "You've got a couple of bruises. Do you think the corset will be alright?"
"Yeah, sure." Bianca couldn't see Adore's smile. Bianca was seriously worried about a bit of bruising. Those were the kind of moments that proved that people who said Bianca was cold and bitter were just wrong as they either completely ignored her kind actions or just didn't want see them. Though it wasn't like their opinion meant anything anyway.
With skilled fingers, Bianca went ahead and laced her in, noticing that it was easier to put it on compared to the last times, but then shrugged it off. The material of the corset was probably stretched out or something. At least that's what Bianca told herself to keep calm, although the worry kept growing in her chest, almost suffocating her. She forced a smile on her face, which was fairly easy for her after all those years of performing.
"Alright, all done. Let's get you in that dress." Adore nodded excitedly, and tried on her gorgeous new dress while concentrating hard on keeping her balance. Bianca zipped it up, noticing in horror that it was too loose.
She furrowed her brows in confusion. She'd been making dresses for years now, so the measurements simply could not be wrong, especially since they had been taken pretty recently. That meant Adore had managed to drop an alarming amount of weight in a really short time. Bianca could have slapped herself in that moment, for not noticing sooner. The amount of worry was almost unbearable now, blocking her airways. She tried to ignore the feeling and act rational. As much as she didn't want to make Adore to feel uncomfortable, she had to find out what was wrong with her baby. Bianca took a deep breath, forming the words in her head.
"B?", Adore asked in a confused and slightly worried tone. "Are you okay? You literally haven't said anything for minutes now, you’re freaking me out." Bianca stepped in front of the younger queen, and gestured to the bed. "Sit down, I need to talk to you."
The words came out the wrong way, Adore looked terrified and started shivering in fear. Her somewhat foggy and feverish brain was trying to find out what she had done wrong and making everything dramatic. Adore just hated disappointing or upsetting people she loved. Realizing her mistake, Bianca quickly hugged Adore, and sat her down on the bed, gently assuring her it wasn't anything too bad. Technically a lie, but Bianca was able to hide her worrying.
"Adore. As you might have noticed, your dress obviously doesn't fit. Which is weird, because I took your measurements just a short while ago. Something is wrong, and I would like to help you, okay baby?"
Adore started shivering even more, a voice in her head telling her to not say anything. She fought it with all of her strength.
"I- I'm sorry." A sob escaped her "You worked so hard on it and I- I can't do anything right!" Okay this was going in the false direction.
"Baby, I don't care about having to change something about the dress, I care about you. It is neither normal nor healthy to lose that weight that fast. Please talk to me, Adore." Adore just didn't feel ready to talk, so instead she tried to respond as maturely as possible.
"Please..can we talk after the show? I promise I will tell you everything, but I need some time to prepare myself." Bianca agreed.
"Alright baby, but please promise me to take care of yourself up there. So nothing too exhausting and if you don't feel well, cancel. Your health is the most important thing." Some tears escaped Adore's eyes. She felt loved.
“I promise I feel good enough to perform. Thank you, B." She pulled Bianca in a tight hug.
They stayed like this for a while, holding each other and feeling like everything would work out. Whatever obstacle the younger queen was facing at the moment, they would manage to fix it. Bianca pressed a kiss to Adore's forehead, frowning when she felt the heat once again, maybe even stronger than before. She let go of Adore, knowing they still needed to get her in drag. Adore's smile was precious, and Bianca couldn't help but kiss her once more, this time on the cheek.
"I'm going to do my makeup now", Adore announced, beginning to get up to go to the bathroom, where her makeup was stored. She would usually do it at the club, right before the gig, but she knew that the dressing rooms sucked in that particular club. Bianca quickly grabbed her shoulder to prevent Adore from leaving.
"Let me do it for you." Adore shook her head.
"Seriously B, you've done more than enough for me already. You're supposed to relax today." Bianca merely sighed.
"Show me your hands then." Confused, the younger queen stretched out her arms a bit, to take a look at her hands. They were trembling, and not in a normal way.
"Exactly. I'm doing your makeup, and that's the end of it. Unless you actually want to be a responsible adult and cancel."
Adore shook her head again. Bianca sighed, and got up to get everything she needed. Adore waited patiently, while getting mildly amused by the cursing about her stuff being messy and all over the place. Bianca came back, not even bothering to say anything. She just gave Adore her 'Really queen?' stare. At this point, she had already accepted that this was just the way the younger queen was, and nothing could change that. And, honestly, given Adore's style of drag, being organized and clean would just be plain weird.
“Wait, are those my brushes? Why are they clean?”
“Well someone just had to clean them bitch, they were literal health hazards. I don’t even know how you can even still use them.”
Adore simply shrugged. What even is the point of cleaning brushes if you’re going to use them over and over again?
"Okay, close your eyes." Adore was confused. Why in the hell would Bianca want to start with the eyes? She complied though, not questioning it. Somehow she felt like her energy had drained all at once. Bianca witnessed the sudden change immediately; it did absolutely nothing to calm her nerves. To not raise any more suspicion of Adore, she half-heartedly applied some eye primer , well knowing that Adore usually didn't even bother to use it. "Okay, now open your mouth." At this point Adore was concerned. What the hell was Bianca on and what was she doing to her face?
She opened her mouth to ask the older queen what was going on, but before she could even say anything, a cold, metal-like tasting object had been pushed in her mouth.
Damn. That had been one fast move of the older queen. Bianca gave Adore one stern look that basically told her to better keep her mouth closed, or the consequences wouldn't be pretty. Adore pouted, but kept the thermometer under her tongue. Bianca’s look softened once the thermometer beeped. The somewhat relaxed face was quickly replaced with another concerned frown, the older queen was seemingly dissatisfied with the numbers on the small device.
“Do you like, always travel with medical equipment?” A sigh followed.
“Don’t even try to change the subject now, because this is not looking good. See, your temperature’s 101. I'll get you something for it." Adore shook her head with a slight frown.
"I can't. You know how tired I get after taking that stuff. Besides I'm feeling alright, no need to worry." She smiled sweetly.
Yeah, right. Last time Adore had told Bianca not to worry, Bianca found her passed out and bleeding on the street after leaving a club with a guy the older queen had warned Adore about. Ever since then, Bianca had promised herself she wouldn't let anything like that ever happen again, even if that meant a pouting queen for a while. So needless to say, Bianca was just not convinced it would be any good for Adore to perform sick without any energy due to the lack of proper nutrition and possibly drunk on top of everything. But then again, the younger queen was an adult and could make her own (terrible) decisions.
"I'll come with you.”
"B, you really don't know what relaxing means, do you?"
"Oh yeah, 'cause knowing you'll probably collapse on stage is very relaxing, isn't it?" Bianca proceeded to roll her eyes.
"C'mon, it's just a small gig, I'll be fine."
To at least kind of calm the older queen, Adore quickly added "If you still want to talk about the..uhm..dress thing, we'll do it after the show. Promise, just please, take care of yourself for once." Cue puppy eyes, that unfortunately never really worked on the older queen. Bianca raised an eyebrow at that.
"You're telling me to take care of myself? This is simply ridiculous. And I, in fact, insist that we're going to talk about the ‘dress’ thing. So, let's just get you ready, all right?"
Making jokes seemed wrong right now, her ‘rolodex of hate’ stayed completely silent, so changing the topic would have to do the job of lighting up the mood. "What did you have in mind for today?" Adore kind of tilted her head sideways, trying really hard to remember what she had originally wanted to do. Her face was burning up and her head was a fuzzy mess.
"Uhm how about a kind of mermaid inspired design? I mean not that I would need makeup to look like that, so it's really just working with what I already got." She grinned slightly, which was nice to see. Maybe she would survive the gig after all. Bianca smiled, nodded and then went all professional.
She wanted Adore's makeup to be perfect, which, given her experience and Adore’s flawless face, wouldn’t be that hard. She was so skilled and experienced she could actually let her thoughts drift off while still doing a perfect job.
Bianca thought about Adore and her obvious problem. Of course, she already expected her to say the most obvious, but maybe, just maybe, it wasn't anything that bad. Although Adore saying she needed time before talking about it didn’t sound like it was just a small thing, hope dies last.
Once she was done with the makeup, she convinced Adore to go to the club with her, saying she needed a couple of drinks, but in reality she didn't feel good about letting Adore leave alone. Not even the amount of makeup could hide that something wasn't exactly right.
Since the younger queen could basically hear Bianca overthinking everything, she quickly got up to leave the hotel room. It didn't exactly work out as some black spots clouded her vision, and she could only prevent herself from collapsing with all of her strength while holding onto whatever furniture was next to her. Thankfully the sensation only lasted a couple of seconds, and she was able to reach the door without any further issues. She was excited for the show, the adrenaline was already kicking in, preventing her from feeling any worse. She was about to turn the doorknob when she felt a hand on her wrist gently but firmly pulling her back.
"Bitch, you're going to wear a jacket. And no, not that leather thing, don’t look at me like that. Can't have you freeze to death on top of everything else."
"Ugh, fine, mom." Bianca just rolled her eyes, and handed Adore said jacket.
It really was a cold night, nicely paired with the kind of wind that managed to make everyone feel cold, no matter the clothes. It made both of them shiver. The atmosphere between Bianca and Adore was a bit tense, simply because Bianca was obviously worried, so Adore tried to lighten the mood a bit.
“Look, there’s a shooting star!”, she exclaimed while pointing at the sky. Shit, she really is delirious. “Adore, that’s not a shooting star, it’s a just an airplane.”
“I know. I was just joking..?” Bianca wasn’t convinced whatsoever. The rest of their walk to the club was mostly silent apart from the younger queen coughing a couple of times. Bianca wanted to drag her back to the hotel, but knew that Adore would rather collapse on stage than cancel, just like almost every serious, professional drag performer.
They arrived at the club at the time Adore was supposed to, as to avoid a crowd of drunk fans expecting to meet her before the show. Usually Adore liked meeting her fans, but not in her current state and definitely not in front of a club. The location offered no security whatsoever, and, unlike in a meet and greet, there would always be disappointed people who weren’t noticed, and hateful posts the day after. On top of that it was starting to rain, and the younger queen had to shield her face with her arms to protect her paint. While she usually didn’t care about her makeup getting smudged, Bianca’s gorgeous artwork could not be destroyed under any circumstances. So, needless to say, Adore was more than happy to not having to deal with people wanting to talk to her for an hour and take tons of selfies all while standing outside in the cold rain.
The club was in worse condition than expected. Some of the illuminated letters were only occasional lighting up, one didn't work at anymore.
"Party!" One of the staff members seemed to hear that and immediately recognized them. He made his way over to the two queens, politely thanking them for coming, and then quickly showing them the backstage entrance. Technically Bianca wasn't allowed in that area because she wasn't performing, but in reality she was Bianca del Rio and the staff member could probably tell that something was wrong. In order to let them get ready, he just asked them if they needed anything.
When Adore declined, he excused himself. One of the local queens (barely 21, smudged makeup and nervous as hell) presented Adore the list so she could in which order everyone would perform. Apparently no one wanted to do the opening, so she Adore put her name on it (which made Bianca roll her eyes once more. The younger queen would probably drain all of her remaining energy just for the opening speech.)She was assigned to do the second lip sync and was third for the life singing. Not bad. She thanked the queen, and then worked on a rough outline of what she wanted to say. A few moments after the local queen had left, a loud, excited squeal could be heard outside, which made Adore chuckle slightly. Afterwards she got back to her opening speech.
Adore had never been one to plan out everything perfect, as it was too stiff and polished in her opinion. The job was easy as well. Just get the crowd excited, which would be a piece of cake. After all, she just had to yell 'Pizza' and 'Party' to make her fans go wild. Or, not even that, all she had to do was going on stage. Or referring to something iconic said on Drag Race. It was one of the perks of being well known and of course loved in the scene.
A bit of time passed, and she still hadn’t received any kind of information when exactly she should be on stage, usually some staff member would knock on her door and let her know. So when she heard the know she assumed it was time, so she quickly checked her makeup, fixed her dress and opened the door. The local queen from earlier was standing there, still looking very nervous, but also somewhat scared.
“I'm really sorry”, she started, voice trembling, pulling on the sleeves on her dress nervously
“Apparently the club is having some technical difficulties that need to be fixed. It’s honestly like every damn time. Again I’m really sorry, someone will inform you when they’ve fixed everything. It usually doesn’t take that long.”
What kind of club even is this? Adore was getting slightly annoyed, but forced herself to smile. “Alright, thanks for telling me. Oh, and there’s no need to apologize. It’s not your fault.”
As soon as the girl had left again, Adore felt the need to cry. Why did she ever agree to do this? How long would this take? The built up adrenaline was leaving her body and she was getting so exhausted just by being awake.
Bianca seemed to be able to read her mind, because before she knew it the younger queen was laying on a couch, probably the most expensive thing in this entire sad excuse for a club, head resting it the older queen’s lap, who tried to comfort her by gently stroking her head without messing up the long red wig, and telling her over and over again that everything would be okay.
At this point Bianca couldn’t even tell if it was her who in fact needed to hear those things. That sight and knowing there was nothing she could really do right now to help the younger queen hurt her heart. Adore closed her eyes, clearly trying to get some energy back, which likely wouldn’t be very effective though. What she really needed were food, medicine and plenty of rest. And somebody to take care of her, because Adore was terrible at taking care of herself when she was sick.
Around twenty minutes later, someone knocked on the door again, waking up the younger queen, this time an actual staff member, telling Adore she was supposed to go on stage in five minutes, and giving her two ear pieces, like every normal club would. He immediately left after that, to give Adore time to get ready.
As soon as he had left, Bianca looked at the younger queen with a dead serious expression.
“I can’t believe you’re actually risking your health like that.”
“Don’t act like you haven’t done the exact same thing before.” Bianca couldn’t really argue with that, and just pulled Adore into a hug.
“Please don’t die up there, people are going to assume it was me.” Adore lightly chuckled.
“I won’t. I have to go now though.”
Squeezing the older queen tightly one last time, she put on her best confident face and walk, and headed to the stage. On the outside, she probably looked fine thanks to Bianca’s makeup skills, but her head was pounding, the ear pieces felt uncomfortable and the black dots clouding her vision just wouldn’t go away. On top of that she just seemed not to be able to stop shivering to the point where her legs were ready to give out one time. Thankfully she made it to the stage without fainting. The first part would be really easy: greeting the fans.
"Hi everyone, thanks for coming tonight! I'll keep this short so we can go straight into the good stuff." And done. As predicted, the crowd was already going crazy by just seeing her. The fans were in fact cheering so loudly she had to scream to be heard, even with the microphone, which, to be honest, kind of sucked quality wise.
"Are you ready? Let's get sickening! Party!" The last word had been a little too much for her already sore throat, and she really had to fight the urge to cough.
"Those are the amazing queens that will perform tonight." She listed everyone, trying to keep it both brief and entertaining.
Afterwards, she quickly (or as quickly as she could manage) left the stage to make room for the first queen. She also needed to prepare herself for the upcoming lip sync, as she would be the second one. The competition was designed to be pretty fair, so she would only know which song she would perform on stage. Only one minute left. Bianca for some reason was nowhere in sight, so she just quickly looked in the mirror, deciding she looked fucking cool, and then made her way back to the stage.
A staff member handed her a jar with contained folded pieces of paper. She had to pick one randomly, and the chosen paper would reveal what song she’d be performing. Everyone of the performing queens would have to do that as well. It was made like that so every contestant had fair chances of winning.
Adore opened the jar and tried to get out its contents in a somewhat sexual way, making the crowd scream once again. She opened the paper and read the word printed on it. 'Vibeology'. Creativity apparently wasn't their strongest suit, but on the bright side, she would really slay this lip sync. As soon as she started to relax a bit though, her body took that as a sign that it was okay to make her feel worse. The burning of her cheeks was almost unbearable, and the costume was too hot and she just wanted it off. Why did she ever agree to do this?
The crowd was kind of confused because Adore was just staring at the paper, not saying anything after acting so excited just minutes ago. The staff started playing the music anyway. Adore's ear pieces were adjusted way too loudly, it was almost hurting her ears, definitely not helping with her already present headache. Still, she forced a grin, and started dancing, acting as unique and playful as ever, doing the cross eye, jumping around, even doing a split.
The adrenaline was pumping through her entire body, giving her the strength she needed. This was why she loved performing. Feeling the energy of the crowd always gave her one of the best highs she had ever experienced. The feeling was just so incredible.
She was so into the performance, she didn't even notice that the light was suddenly acting weird. If Adore had noticed it, she could have prevented what was about to happen. (The entire electricity was connected somehow, even her ear pieces were connected with the light) When she was about to jump into another split, the light suddenly went out completely, she felt the right ear piece heating up, and before she could do anything, the worst sound and an excruciating pain erupted from her ear, sending literal waves of pain down her entire body. The sound was like a mix of fireworks and a siren, the pain too terrible to describe it in words. Tears shot in her eyes and a scream escaped her lips as she felt her body fall to the floor, unable to move on her own, except her body was shaking in shock and pain, or even try to hide her pain. She was almost thankful when she felt the darkness wrapping her head, taking away a bit of the pain. Her eyelids fluttered shut..
(P. O. V. Bianca at the start of the lip sync.)
Bianca was already worried, and the song hadn't even started. Adore wasn't reacting to the note at all. No funny comment or literally anything (not that Bianca could see her face, she was watching through a camera backstage which was positioned on the back of the stage). She was blankly staring into space. The older queen had to stop herself from dragging Adore off stage with all her strength. When the lip sync started though, Adore went into her usual energetic, quirky self, in fact, you could barely tell she wasn't 100% alright. It honestly made Bianca wonder whether Adore did this a lot, or if she was just a good actress.
Bianca was able to relax a tiny bit, seeing that Adore was doing somewhat okay, and she couldn't help but notice how pretty the younger queen was. The messy aesthetic just worked, and really added a lot to Adore's character. The only thing that really bothered her, was the fact that the dress still didn't fit her properly, even after trying to fix it in the rather short amount of time. This sight made her chest clench painfully once again. Of course, she would be able to fix it with some more time, but she’d obviously rather have Adore healthy again.
Suddenly the light started acting crazy, the spotlights going off at completely random times and places, which was definitely not what was supposed to happen. Adore didn't seem bothered by it though, in fact, it was almost like she didn't notice it at all.
The younger queen was even getting ready to jump into a split, just as the lights went out entirely. The entire room fell silent, then Bianca could see blue sparks coming from somewhere, very possibly but hopefully not Adore. What followed was the most painful scream she had ever heard (and she had heard a lot of screaming and yelling), and a thud. The thought of what could have possibly happened made her feel sick to her stomach.
At this point, the people were totally freaking out. Bianca practically ran on stage, indeed finding an unconscious Adore. Thankfully the curtain had fallen and shielded the horrific sight from the crowd. Bianca didn’t even want to think about what would have happened if it had hit Adore. She still freaked out, but tried to force herself to act as responsible as possible in order to help the younger queen.
Trying to not worry the crowd, the staff members announced via megaphone that everyone needed to leave for now because of some technical difficulties, everything they had heard were just sound effects, everyone was safe and they would get their money back, stuff like that.
It gave Bianca the opportunity to quietly half drag half carry Adore off the stage as fast as possible. Thankfully she had remembered how to get back to the dressing room before the whole thing had happened, because it was pretty impossible to see anything, the only source of light were some LED floor spots.
It was a miracle that no one of the fans had noticed anything, well except for the scream, but the crowd was probably as shocked as she was. This club honestly sucked. The staff members managed to escort the disturbed people out with little problem, and then proceeded to work on the broken electricity.
By the time Bianca and Adore had made it back to the dressing room, the light was thankfully working again, at least in that particular room, although it was still flickering, somehow making the mood of the room even more dramatic, and frankly, irritating.
Bianca laid Adore on the only small sofa in the room. She was still unconscious. The first thing Bianca did was taking off the ear piece. It thankfully still was one piece, but it looked like something in it had exploded and electrocuted Adore in the process. Bianca cringed at the sheer thought of how painful that must have been.
She gently started shaking the younger queen, trying to be completely and utterly careful. When that didn't work, she checked Adore's pulse. It was there, but weak. Not good at all. Her next attempt was putting cold water on the younger queen's face. This did the trick, Adore gasped and opened her eyes. Bianca had never been that thankful in her entire life.
Unsurprisingly though, Adore was still in a state of shock, and started crying uncontrollably, confused, not knowing where she was or what was happening, feeling absolutely terrified and hurting all over. Bianca kept her voice quiet and gentle.
"Is it okay if I hug you?" Adore managed to give her a small nod. Usually when she was sad or hurt, touch seemed to really help the younger queen, this was the reason why Bianca had asked her this question first. Well, not one hundred percent because of that. In her vulnerable state Adore just needed to be protected right now, the older queen could absolutely not let happen anything else to her, or she’d never forgive herself.
Bianca went on her knees and just held the younger queen, and telling her she was okay and everything would be alright, hoping to make her feel just a tiny bit better. Adore calmed down almost immediately, Bianca's presence never failed to make her feel safe. Especially her scent, and the way she held her were like magic to Adore. The crying calmed down to a manageable level rather quickly, possibly because Adore didn’t have any energy left anymore. Bianca slowly let go of her, because she really needed to check whether they needed to call an ambulance. Not wanting to break all of the contact though, she held Adore's hand instead.
"Okay baby, I need to ask you a couple of things", she said softly.
"Afterwards we'll go home immediately, and we'll cuddle for the whole night, I promise", she quickly added, seeing that Adore's eyes went all glossy again.
"Is that okay?" Adore weakly nodded again.
"Okay, thank you baby. Do you hear everything I say?" A nod.
"My ear hurts so bad though, and there’s like this.. ringing that won’t go away" , Adore admitted in the saddest, tiniest voice, wincing when another bolt of pain hit her.
Bianca gently wiped away the fresh tears with her thumb and placed a comforting kiss on Adore’s forehead. That sounded not too bad given the circumstances, Bianca would just bring Adore to a doctor tomorrow as she already knew how much Adore would hate going to a hospital, and she wasn't in any life threatening state, at least it didn’t currently seem like it.
Adore for some reason thought it would be a good idea to touch her ear, hissing when the pain was so intense it made her dizzy. Bianca quickly but gently pulled the younger’s hand away and told her not to do it again.
"I'm so sorry baby. I promise you'll feel better soon. Anything else you want to tell me?" Adore had started crying quietly again.
"I feel horrible B, please just get me out of here."
"Of course baby, can you-" Adore tried to push herself into a sitting position and failed. Her ear was ringing so painfully, causing her head spin and making her want to curl up and die. There was simply too much pain and not enough strength.
"Okay no, you obviously can't. That’s okay, I'm just going to carry you outside, then we can call a cab."
Adore wanted to protest, being absolutely sure that Bianca would collapse while trying to lift her. She knew how freaking heavy she was. Maybe if she tried again she could actually walk. She simply had to. Otherwise she'd crush the older queen with her weight. Damn, why couldn’t she just be skinny?
Bianca could practically hear Adore thinking, so she put on a jacket on the younger and gently picked up her bridal style. She was very surprised, in a bad way. Adore felt so light, delicate like a single touch could break her, and Bianca could feel the bones of her spine sticking out. They were absolutely going to talk about the sudden weight loss. And she needed to give Adore some medicine as soon as possible. She was practically burning up, wincing in pain and shivering like crazy, Bianca was reminded of those abandoned kittens in terrible states, sick and almost starved to death they would sometimes show in those animal shelter documentaries. The MEOW tattoo just added to that mental picture.
The older queen used an exclusive exit to make sure no fans would see them, which was like the worst thing that could probably happen. For what seemed to be the first time this night, they were in luck and everyone seemed to be gone at this point, making everything a whole lot easier. There was a somewhat fancy button directly next to the club that would automatically call a cab to their exact location. Perhaps the only good thing the club had to offer.
Trying to push it was a real challenge, considering that she was carrying an adult person at the same time, but there was absolutely no way she would put that precious queen on the cold, dirty and wet from the continuous rain, ground. With a bit of adjustment she managed to press it. Now all she had to do was comfort Adore and try to keep her warm, at least dry from the freezing rain, which wasn’t all that easy as it seemed to only get stronger as time went by. Eventually it was pouring icy water.
The shivering got worse by the second as well although Adore felt way too hot, her body radiating heat.
Being in the cold for too long while already being sick was also less than ideal. Adore let out a soft pained sound. She was still really overwhelmed, trying to process everything that had happened. Bianca just held her closer.
“Shh, I got you. Nothing is going to happen to you anymore baby, I promise.” The rain was really pouring now, the drops were huge and icy.
The cab thankfully arrived after only a couple of minutes of waiting, and the driver didn't even question anything, which Bianca was grateful for.
During the drive Adore and Bianca held hands, Bianca gently stroking Adore's, knowing she liked that. With her free hand, she gently moved the hair out of the younger queen's face to take another look at her. She seemed to look worse by the second, skin getting as white as snow, a bizarre contrast to her now completely smudged black eye makeup and her cheeks, which were almost glowing at this point.
The fact that Adore couldn't even hold up her head properly anymore was probably the most concerning thing. The older queen gently held Adore so she wouldn’t bang her head against the car window or something. Bianca swore to herself she would never let the younger queen perform ever again when she wasn't feeling 100%. Tonight had just proved how terrible and harmful Adore's choices were.
The cab arrived at the hotel. Bianca paid the driver, and tipped him before lifting Adore out of the car and carrying her inside the hotel. Thankfully it was so late that no one except the receptionist saw them, and she was clearly just not interested. She had probably seen worse. Thankfully their room wasn’t very far away, lowering the chances of any fans seeing them.
When they had arrived in front of their room, Bianca unlocked the door, which thankfully worked with sliding in a card. Once they were in, she placed Adore on the bed, gently, making sure the younger queen wasn't wearing shoes anymore.
Adore was still shaking, letting out a tiny pained noise once again. Bianca was pretty much helpless at this point, not being sure what she should do. Getting the medication meant leaving Adore, and that was the last thing she wanted to do, but on the other hand, the younger queen really needed it as soon as possible. She gently started petting Adore's head, hoping it would comfort her just a tiny bit before gently telling her "I'm just going to get you something, I'll be back in just a few seconds.”
The saddest eyes in history and a whispered "Please don't leave me" followed.
Bianca gently kissed Adore's overheated forehead and promised her once more she'd hurry up. Thankfully being as organized as she was, she had already put everything she needed in the bathroom and didn't have to search for it. Hopefully the stuff she had would be enough to help Adore.
When she went back, she was met with the heartbreaking sight of a quietly crying mermaid curled up into a tiny ball. Bianca took the thermometer again. Then she just let her instincts take over. She wrapped her arms around the shaking ball of sadness and gently told her everything would be better soon. It took a couple of minutes before Adore had been ready to fully uncurl again as she was partly doing it because of physical pain, and as soon as she did, the thermometer was placed into her mouth again.
"103.8. Shit. We gotta get this down immediately."
Bianca was about to hand Adore the appropriate pill, when she realized that would be a mistake in her current state.
"Oh fuck, I just remembered, that’s the kind you can't take on an empty stomach, and I don't have anything else right now. And there's no way I'm leaving you."
Adore was convinced that this day couldn't get any worse. She, in fact, did have a problem with eating that had been getting worse over the past couple of weeks, and she wasn't ready to give it up. Not when she was doing so good and her weight was finally going down.
Long story short, she could cry again. Except she didn't have any energy and her stomach was cramping, probably from long suppressed hunger. She didn't care though. It didn’t matter anyway. Although she wanted nothing more than feel better and sleep, her mind didn’t allow her to simply agree.
“I ate today..earlier.” Her voice was barely a whisper. So much for trying to put up a fight.
“Adore, we literally spent the whole day together, which you spent entirely sleeping, so I would know that. I might be old, but I’m not that old yet.” Bianca rolled her eyes to disguise her worry.
Adore felt her chest tightening, a wave of feverish panic hit her.
"I- I can't", she whispered. "Please don't make me."
Adore quietly winced as another bolt of pain shot through her body. She felt her face burning while every other part of her body was freezing. Her muscles shook from pure exhaustion. Bianca was getting even more worried and tense. If Adore's temperature would rise any more, she'd have to bring her to hospital. And maybe they'd keep her there..no, that would and could not happen. Not on her watch. Adore would hate that.
She gently took Adore's hand. "Look baby, I'm not going to make you, but you need to understand that if you’re neither going to eat nor take your medication, we'll have to go to the ER because that is literally life threatening and I can't see you suffer like this any longer. So please baby, just try to." Tears escaped Bianca's beautiful eyes despite desperately trying to fight them.
Adore felt so, so guilty. She didn't want to hurt Bianca, a person she loved dearly. She'd have to try to eat, for Bianca, even if it hurt. Adore nodded.
"Alright. I'll do it."
But then she just couldn't force herself to. In fact, she was getting so worked up, she started to panic. Her chest became tight and breathing properly was therefore nearly impossible. It was getting so hard her body went full on panic mode, and she started dry heaving. Bianca reacted very quickly, asking for permission to touch Adore in a calm, collected voice. The last thing the younger queen needed was seeing how much it actually affected Bianca. When she was given the permission, she proceeded to open Adore's dress. She couldn't really take it off because of Adore's current state, but what she definitely had to get off was the cincher. Constricting the younger queen's airways it in fact had to come off immediately.
She was really surprised though, when Adore made a protesting sound. Bianca decided Adore's well being was the first priority, so she took off the cincher, already sensing what could be the issue. She still wanted to make sure the younger queen was alright.
"What's wrong baby?" Adore's head felt really weird and she couldn't quite form a coherent sentence.
"..hog body.." Adore tensed up once more and almost started hyperventilating. Not good, it would raise her temperature even more.
"Fuck. Okay baby, deep breaths for me. Great job. Now hold it." Bianca counted to three. "Okay now exhale. Well done."
She did this with the younger queen for a couple of minutes until Adore was almost fully there again. Bianca decided it was time to fully de drag the younger queen.
She started by taking off the wig, carefully setting it aside and gently pulling off the fake lashes before grabbing her fancy makeup wipes. The makeup came off immediately. Adore didn't say a word during the procedure, she was probably too exhausted. Getting off the dress was awkward because Bianca didn't think Adore could stand up long enough. She somehow got it off though, and then proceeded to put an oversized shirt on the younger queen.
She didn't want to give her anything warm as Adore was burning up already. Bianca tried to figure out what to say next as she didn't want to freak out Adore once more.
"Baby I'm sorry, but you have to eat something now." Her words were firm but gentle and caring at the same time. Adore just nodded, no energy left to fight in her.
"Why do you care so much?"
"Because I love you, you stupid bitch."
"Love you too, but there's something else.”
"I'll tell you when you're eating, deal?"
Adore sighed softly. "Deal."
Bianca unwrapped a protein bar. She just hoped it would be enough so Adore could take her medicine. Also, she would not actually give the bar to Adore. People with eating disorders could be so damn sneaky. Or well, at least the younger queen had used some questionable methods to get out of eating.
Adore was too tired to sit up, so she just put her head in Bianca's lap and closed her eyes. She just wanted this day to be fucking over.
"Open up, baby." Adore very reluctantly did as she was told. In her exhausted state, she couldn’t even bring herself to explain that she was, in fact, capable of eating on her own.
A small piece of a protein bar was put into her mouth. She tried to focus on anything else but the fact that she was eating, her mind screaming vile, disgusting things at her. Swallowing hurt as well as her throat was completely raw at this point, dry and irritated, and that combined with her body having run on empty for a while now almost made her gag. Adore winced and Bianca gently shushed her and made her drink some water.
"Tell me the other reason now, please. I need distraction.”
Bianca nodded.
"Alright. I used to know a queen."
A faint smile tugged on her lips, remembering her fondly. Bianca used this opportunity to feed Adore some more of the bar.
"One of the kindest people on earth, honestly.
I'm talking like showing up hours before a gig, helping people drag and de drag, comforting others, giving them motivational speeches, you get the point.”
“Kind of like you.”
“Oh shut up.”
“Anyway, so, the weird thing was, her dresses never seemed to fit her for more than a couple of weeks, and she never went out to eat with us. It was seriously odd, but neither of us wanted to confront her about it. We were young and immature, so we probably thought her problem would go away if we didn't acknowledge it. Well it obviously didn't. One day she was acting strange, but she was such a brilliant liar, we all thought it wasn't anything serious."
Another piece was put into the younger queen's mouth. Bianca absentmindedly stroked Adore's head.
"And then the day after she just didn't show up to the gig. We of course canceled it as we knew something wasn't alright at all. When we got inside her apartment, we found her there laying on the ground, unconscious. Her body had been eating at her heart which..well..killed her.”
A single tear made it's way down Bianca's cheek. She quickly fed Adore the last piece. Adore wanted to day something, but decided it wasn't the right timing, plus she had to fight her emotions as well. The story really hit close to home, and had actually scared her. Could that possibly happen to her as well..?  
"And that day I promised myself I can't let that happen to anyone else I care about. Not like this, and especially you. I love you so, so much and I can't lose you baby."
Adore was touched by those words and bubbly hot tears were running down her cheeks. She tried to sit up to hug Bianca but she didn't have enough strength to do so and just collapsed back. Bianca frowned.
"Don't try to move on your own right now. Do you want to sit up?" Adore gave her a nod, and Bianca gently pulled the younger queen into a sitting position, putting some pillows behind her so Adore could lean against something. They shared a relatively short but comforting hug, which pretty much used the last bit of the younger queen’s energy, but it had absolutely been worth it.
"Okay, now you really need to take something." Adore simply opened her mouth and allowed the older queen to put the pills and some awful tasting liquid in her mouth, and help her drink some water.
Adore was terribly exhausted, in pain and on top of that she now had to fight the negative voices telling her how terrible she had been for eating. The older queen immediately saw the change in the younger’s eyes. They were sparkling with tears but the color of them was darker and somehow dull as if their usual light had left them.
Bianca cupped Adore's face in her hands, being very careful about not touching her injured ear.
"Adore look at me. I'm really proud of you. I love you. Don't listen to whatever your head is telling you because it's lying. I promise you're not alone in this, I'll do everything I can to help you. I just want you to be okay."
Although Adore could not really believe those words, they felt good. She smiled. It was a tiny, but genuine smile.
"Thank you B. For everything. I love you too. So much. Thank you for not giving up on me."
“I would never.”
Adore's head dropped after her statement, a clear signal of her body needing rest. Bianca helped Adore lay down, making sure she was as comfortable as possible before switching off the light and laying down next to the younger queen, so they were facing each other. Bianca wrapped her arms around Adore who was still shivering. Usually touch helped the younger queen because it made her feel safe and made her feel like she was loved. Which she was of course. But the entire day had taken such a toll on her body and mind that some in her decided that feeling was suddenly overrated.
She couldn't feel Bianca's touch. What was wrong with her? She let out a small panicked sound, completely overwhelmed with the entire situation. Bianca could feel Adore's heartbeat get faster. She had to calm her down in any way she could. The younger queen needed rest so badly. She quickly turned on the light again.
"What's wrong? Are you in pain?"
"I-I can't feel anything anymore. H-help me.”
Adore sounded broken. She started clawing at her arms, nails digging into her skin, leaving angry red marks, a desperate attempt to just feel something, anything.
To say that this freaked Bianca out was an understatement. She quickly tried to pull away Adore's hands to keep her from hurting herself. But, of course, luck didn’t seem to be on their side. The younger queen was in such a deep state of panic her muscles locked up, leaving her unable to move. This meant that she kept hurting her skin with her nails. At this point, even Bianca felt helpless, however, she was determined to help Adore, no matter what. Taking a few deep breaths, she calmed herself down enough to think somewhat rational.
Gently, she began to rub Adore’s hands, trying to get the muscles to relax again. While the younger queen could probably not feel this, maybe her body would still respond. After a while it seemed to have worked and the younger queen’s death grip loosened.
"Don't ever do that again, baby. You're too precious to hurt yourself. We'll figure it out, I promise, but self harm is never the solution.”
Bianca suddenly remembered that applying cold things, for example cool packs, were supposed to calm you down if you put them on the inside of your wrist. It would be worth a try. Or at the very least less damaging than straight up self harm. As a drag queen she always had some of them with her, because, let's face it, drag hurts. She explained her idea to Adore and then hurried up to get said items.
The ice and its freezing sensation seemed to help a bit. Adore still wasn't able to really feel anything, but that tiny glimpse she got from the ice was enough to calm her down. She didn't really understand why this was even happening to her and that was scary.
But at the same time, knowing she didn't have to deal with all of it alone was really comforting. Bianca would be there for her at all times, just as she would be there for the older queen. They were so different, but their relationship just worked. The love they had for each other was something both of them would cherish forever, no matter what hardships they would have to face.
With that thought she finally was able to fall asleep in Bianca's embrace, just knowing she was safe, loved, protected and everything would be okay.
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twobitmulder · 4 years
MCU Spider-Man 3 Pitch
I have not been the biggest fan of the MCU’s take on Spider-Man, but I do think there’s a way that they could close out his trilogy and make up for a lot of what didn’t work while also staying true to what’s been done in the first few movies.
So picture this, it’s been a few months, maybe even a year, since Spider-Man was framed for Mysterio’s death. Stark Industries lawyers have been able to convince a judge that the footage was doctored to put Peter’s face in in it, but that’s only improved the situation a little bit. Half of New York still thinks Peter is Spider-Man and the other half at least think Spider-Man murdered Mysterio and framed this kid. Happy and Stark Industries have had to distance themselves from Spider-Man publicly because even though Peter Parker is technically legally innocent, Spider-Man is still wanted for murder.
Ned and MJ stand by him, but the fact of the matter is that the world is just against Peter Parker on all fronts....
That’s when Norman Osborne shows up. Norman is a tech genius and his company Oscorp has always been a sort of quiet competitor to Stark Industries. Since the Snap (or the Blip if you prefer) they’ve raised their public profile and are doing a lot of work cleaning up the world. Norman approaches Peter much like Tony did. He knows Peter is Spider-Man and he’s offering him a job with Oscorp, a way to save his reputation and earn some money (Stark Industries covered the legal fees, but the constant attention has put a strain on the already sparse Parker family budget). Norman is putting together a new team, to fill the void left by the fracturing of the Avengers...the Thunderbolts.
Now Peter isn’t an idiot. This all feels sort of suspect. After all, Mysterio came to him as a fellow hero too. So he does his due diligence. He checks with Dr. Strange and looks as far back as he can into Osborne’s past, but he can’t find a blemish, what he does find is that Osborne knew his father, worked with him when they were in Grad school, and it leads to a very tender father/son moment between them. 
So he agrees to become a Thunderbolt on a trial basis. May doesn’t like it, but Peter is 18 and she can’t stop him. MJ thinks he’s nuts. “You got lucky trusting one billionaire, you’re crazy to trust a second one.” Even Ned, trying to be supportive, can’t help but feel that something is off.
Peter meets the other Thunderbolts. Max Dillion, who can control electricity, Sergei Kravinoff, who has enhanced strength and agility, and Dimitri Smerdyakov, their own personal Black Widow and master intelligence operative. They have an early run in with Mac Gargan, now in possession of a suit of power armor and calling himself The Scorpion, but the real clincher for Peter comes when, responding to an attack by some kind of sand monster, they capture a very alive and well Mysterio.
With the path to fully clearing his name now open, Peter comes to fully trust Osborne who tells him how he wants to do what the Avengers couldn’t. He wants to build a suit of armor around the world.
Meanwhile, MJ and Ned are still suspicious and they break into Oscorp where they find Osborne’s scientists running tests on Dillon, Kravinoff, and Smerdyakov. But worse than that, they find Beck and Gargan free, and getting equipment upgrades from Oscorp scientists. They’re captured and interrogated by Osborne. MJ tells him that she’s got him all figured out, that he’s just running the same scam that Beck was, creating fake disasters to swoop and stop. But Osborne tells her that it’s much more than that. Peter represents the possibility of a new generation of heroes, young and impressionable that he can mold and shape, effectively putting the next generation of super people entirely under his thumb. Luckily for Osborne, Beck’s stunt with the doctored footage helped alienate Peter enough for Osborne to get his hooks in.
Later, Peter is worried that he can’t get in touch with MJ and Ned, but Osborne tells him not to worry, tells him that his destiny as a hero is beyond all that and that he’ll make new friends, friends on his level. Osborne shows Peter files he’s been keeping on other young people with powers (and here we can take an opportunity to show off some upcoming characters, I think Angelica Jones, Bobby Drake, and Sam Alexander would be fun Easter Eggs) that he wants Peter to start training to be the next generation of Thunderbolts.
This starts to rub Peter the wrong way and he wonders if maybe MJ and Ned were right. He hacks Osborne’s computers and steals some files on the Thunderbolt Project and takes them home to sort through them. On his way home he gets a call from MJ telling him to meet her in Central Park. 
By the time he gets there it’s dark and he sees not MJ, but Aunt May meeting with someone who looks just like Peter. Before he can call out to her he’s blindsided by a masked man (Kraven, but Peter can’t tell) who pins him down and makes him watch as the False Peter (Smerdyakov) locks eyes with Peter and makes it clear that if he makes a sound he’ll kill May. Kraven asks for the data Peter stole from Oscorpe back. Just as Peter is about to hand it over he sees May wallop Smerdyakov.
We cut to May kicking Smerdyakov’s fallen gun away from him and asking him where Peter is. Smerdyakov’s shapeshifting falters and we see a new form, a blank, smooth white face.
“How?” He asks.
May sneers at him. “You think I don’t know my own son?”
A webline hits Smerdyakov square in the chest and Peter rockets into frame, knocking him onto his ass. Kraven rushes him and Peter yells for May to get clear.
Suddenly an explosion rips through the park. Osborne, in something almost like a cross between an Iron Man suit and and Vulture’s wing harness, swoops down, picks Peter up, and plucks the data stick from the pocket of his suit, then throws him into a nearby building where Peter blacks out.
Peter wakes up in a hazy and brightly lit version of his bedroom. He sits up on his bed and makes eye contact with someone across from him.
“I let you down didn’t I? I tried to...I tried to be better. I tried to...”
“Pete,” an unfamiliar voice says, as we pan to the other end of the room and see, for the first time in the MCU, Benjamin Franklin Parker (I’m imagining Nick Offerman, but Toby Maguire would be fun too). “You could never let me down.”
Peter tells his uncle that he thinks he made a mistake, that he doesn’t know who to trust anymore, and that this whole Spider-Man thing was supposed to be to make Ben proud, to make up for...well, Ben knows...but it never seems to turn out right. It just feels like he keeps getting drawn into other people’s messes and making a mess of his own life and he’s tried to be his own person but it feels like the more he’s Spider-Man the less he knows who he’s supposed to be. Is he Tony? Is he Osborne? Is he an Avenger or a Thunderbolt? Ever since he got drawn into this people have been talking about his potential and he’s afraid that he’s not going to measure up to what people expect of him. And Ben very gently tells him that it’s not about measuring up. It’s not about being the next Tony Stark but better or becoming an Avenger. It’s not about measuring up to anyone’s ideal. It’s about knowing that he’s making a difference because he feels it’s the right thing to do no matter whether the rest of the world sees him as an Iron Man or a menace or an Avenger. And he tells him that he knows he knows he’ll do the right thing, because he can’t not, it’s who he is, it’s in his actions every day.
Peter wakes up to May frantically doing chest compressions on him in the middle of a collapsed public restroom in the park. He almost tells her what he hallucinated while he was out, but he can’t bring himself to. Instead he says they need to get to a computer.
Peter reveals that he made a backup of the data and stored it in the suit’s computer. He opens up the files and they find out that Osborne is planning to release the personal information of his teenage Thunderbolts candidates to every budding super-criminal and news outlet in the world. He’s gonna back them all into a corner the way Peter was, destroy their lives so he can pick up the pieces and turn them into his loyal army.
Following an SOS from MJ Peter find Osborne and confronts him in the Oscorp Tower while Aunt May sneaks in and rescues MJ and Ned. What follows is a climactic fight where Peter takes on Osborne’s Sinister Six while May, Ned, and MJ make their way past Oscorp’s security to stop the data leak. 
The fight spills out into the city and Peter shows off his experience as Spider-Man, staying one step ahead of his multiple foes and pulling civilians out of harm’s way.
May, MJ, and Ned manage to stop the data leak from Oscorp Tower but Osborne reveals he can just as easily release it all from his suit. He points out to Peter that as far as the world is concerned, he and the Thunderbolts are new superheroes while Spider-Man’s reputation is still in doubt. 
“Keep fighting me and they’ll hate you forever” Osborne says.
“It doesn’t matter if they hate me” Peter says, tearing the computer systems out of Osborne’s suit. “It matters that they’re safe.”
The day saved and the villains defeated and incapacitated, Peter limps to the top of Oscorp tower where he meets May, MJ, and Ned, as they watch as the sun rises over the city.
Cut to a few weeks later and the media is still divided whether Spider-Man is a hero or a menace. Norman Osborne has been taken to The Raft after a data leak from Oscorp Tower revealed business dealings with remnants of Hydra, AIM, and the Fisk Crime syndicate. MJ, filling out applications for a journalism major at ESU, looks knowingly proud and justifiably smug as this is reported. 
The film ends as Peter, in his Spider-Man suit, approaches a young girl sitting on the edge of a rooftop, flames dancing on her fingertips. Ned and MJ monitor him from a jury-rigged computer display and talk to him through his suit.
“Hi,” Peter says to the girl, “Angelica Jones?...Can I talk to you for second? I think I can help you.”
Post Credits Scene 1: Peter is visiting Dr. Strange again who tells him that he honestly can’t say if the vision Peter had was anything more than a near death hallucination, but that he should take comfort in knowing that the people we’ve lost can still help us once they’re gone, even if it’s just their memories. Peter presses the issue and Dr. Strange shrugs and says anything is possible. There are infinite worlds after all, different planes of existence, different dimensions.
Peter Scoffs, “That’s just something Mysterio made up to con us”
“Well even a broken clock is right twice a day” Strange replies.
Post Credits Scene 2: Osborne is locked up in The Raft. Footsteps approach. General Ross comes up to his cell and shakes his head.
“Beat down by a kid Osborne. Well, even so, you still put together a damn impressive team. I had some ideas about continuing your little project. I do really like the name.”
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precuredaily · 4 years
Precure Day 189
Episode: Yes! Precure 5 40 - “Seek Out the Principal’s Identity!” Date watched: 24 May 2020 Original air date: 18 November 2007 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/7GSsNLa Transformation Gallery: https://imgur.com/a/6k6SzS0 Project info and master list of posts: http://tinyurl.com/PCDabout
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Why principal, what bright hair you have!
How do you follow up an episode in which the main antagonist of the show appears to challenge the heroes? If you’re not going to continue that plot thread, then I think the only good way to do it is to go in the complete opposite direction and have a lighthearted episode (see the dichotomy of episodes 24 and 25). This episode does neither, instead choosing just to go back to the status quo, which makes an average episode somehow mildly disappointing.
The Plot
In the latest edition of the Cinq Lumieres Times, Masuko Mika has chosen the mystery of the principal’s identity as her headlining article, and includes an interview with Karen where the student council president says she’s dissatisfied with never seeing the principal and believes that this leads to distrust by the students. She reiterates that she’d like to sit down with the principal to discuss school matters face-to-face.
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Extra extra, read all about it! The producer said we needed to resolve this plot thread!
Otaka the lunch lady (and unbeknownst to the characters, the principal) passes by and comments that the principal probably has her reasons for staying hidden. Over at Nightmare HQ, Bunbee decides to ask Hadenya if she’s ever seen Despariah’s face, which she denies. Kawarino appears and confesses that he’s never seen his boss’s face, nor does he have any interest in it. Hadenya remarks that people in authority like to stay hidden because it makes them seem more dignified, and she heads off to try to get the Dream Collet.
Back at school, the girls are eating lunch and Rin remarks that the brick wall by the old school building (last seen in episode 27, the ghost hunt) is falling apart. Otaka overhears this. Two students named Kanako and Mayu approach Karen with a lost shoe that was apparently found in the rear garden. Once again, Otaka can’t help but to overhear. The girls and Coco go to investigate, only to find.... the vice principal, holding a dog which had apparently been stealing personal items and leaving them in the garden. He says the principal advised him to look into the matter.
The next day, the girls are wandering by the old school building and see that the worn-down wall is being repaired. The VP tells them that the dog apparently got in through a hole in the wall, and the principal decided to have it repaired right away. Karen asks if he’s met the principal, and what kind of person she is, to which he simply responds that she’s “a wonderful person.” Karen starts to feel guilty about her negative words in the interview. That afternoon, they’re all hanging out at Natts House, and her sadness doesn’t go unnoticed, so she explains her guilt to the others. Coco remarks that he’s never even met the principal himself, despite being a teacher, so Nozomi decides that this settles it and they should all go see the principal first thing tomorrow, so that Karen can apologize.
Sure enough the following morning, they go to the office, but Hadenya has made it there first, somehow wise to their plan but having waited a few days to lay her trap. (The timeline of this episode makes no sense.) They don’t recognize her at first until she starts insulting them, and then she turns the room into a ruin before turning the brick wall into a kowaina, which takes the shape of a centipede.
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it’s so weird I can’t even make a witty caption
The girls transform into Precure and take on the nonsensical creature. Rouge and Aqua do a combo kick that separates it into bricks, but it quickly reassembles. It surrounds the quintet and tries to squeeze the life out of them, but Rouge, Lemonade, Mint, and Aqua keep Dream in the middle of them as they each push the sides just enough to give her room to escape, and then she frees the rest of them. Aqua Tornado and Crystal Shoot make quick work of the kowaina as Hadenya flees, and the girls find themselves back in the principal’s office.
They discover the vice principal and principal unconscious behind the VP’s desk and they recognize Otaka, but they don’t all manage to put two and two together. As they come to, Otaka realizes her ruse is up, thanking the girls for coming to her rescue (if she only knew...). She invites them into her office where it finally sinks in for Nozomi and Urara that Otaka-san the lunch lady is, in fact, the school’s mysterious principal.
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She explains how she used to be a teacher and students would come to her with their concerns, but when she became the principal, she lost her opportunities to be around students, and she wanted to always be on top of any troubles at the school, so she took on the guise of Otaka the kindly old lunch lady so she could get close to students to hear their concerns. Karen apologizes for being dissatisfied when the principal actually does so much to help the school, and the principal turns it around and says she has a wonderful student council president, with a good group of friends. Then she asks them to keep her identity a secret from the rest of the student body.
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Later that day, or perhaps another day, Mika comes up to the circle of friends, exasperated and exhausted as she hasn’t been able to uncover any information about the principal’s identity. Nozomi starts to spill the beans but Rin stops her, and Karen suggests they stop pursing this subject. Mika knows Karen is right, but she doesn’t have another topic to write about, but that’s when Otaka brings over a bowl of her new sweetbread for them to try out, and Nozomi suggests that Mika write about Otaka’s new menu.
The Analysis
The pacing of this episode is a bit unusual compared to a normal one. Due to the extended conclusion, the conversation in the principal’s office, the fight is abbreviated and everything else before it is a little rushed. The flow of time isn’t conveyed very well through editing, with scenes flowing together that are implied to take place on separate days. Hadenya in particular seems to just disappear for a few days between leaving Nightmare and posing as the principal. It adds up to a somewhat confusing mish-mash of scenes and that reduces investment in the story.
Additionally, one of Karen’s big regrets in this episode is that she said unkind things about the principal, but it’s not explicitly shown what she said. I had to pause the video and manually translate the newspaper article to get a sense of her comments, because all her spoken remarks are along the lines of “I wish I could meet the principal in person to discuss school and student matters, and thank her for all that she does,” and from that perspective it looks like she’s beating herself up a bit too much. Here is my painstaking edit of the newspaper that was on screen for 3 seconds.
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I think they should have made Karen’s negative sentiment a bit more clear in the dialog of the episode, perhaps by having one of the girls read that section of the interview aloud for the audience, and then her internal conflict would have made MUCH more sense, because in the text of the episode she essentially transitions from “I’d like to meet the principal,” to “I’m so sorry for what I said, I’d like to meet the principal and apologize.” It just doesn’t track without reading the paper, which would be impossible in real time.
Hadenya’s plot also makes very little sense (not that that’s unusual). She knocks out the principal and vice principal, and then threatens the precures that she won’t tell them where they are unless they give her the Dream Collet. But, it turns out, they were just laying unconscious behind the VP’s desk the whole time, not a hard place to find. Also you’d think by this point the villains would realize that extortion doesn’t work on these girls, but I guess not. The kowaina she creates doesn’t really make much sense to me either. I would have expected a pretty literal wall monster, and we’ll see something similar to that in a few episodes, but no it takes the form of a centipede for some reason. The only benefit that being made of brick gave it was that it could rebuild when Rouge and Aqua kicked it. I did like how it tried to constrict the team, and the supporting cures each pushed on a side to give Dream enough wiggle room to squeeze out, though. That’s about the only interesting part of the battle. There is cross-talk about how Hadenya thinks the principal is useless and the girls are angry because of how much she does for the school but that’s par for the course, it doesn’t elevate this episode or anything.
I do appreciate the girls finally learning the principal’s true identity at least. It’s not really a mystery that they’ve focused on, but ever since they revealed her dual life in episode 14 it’s been fun for the audience to be in on the secret, and watch how she continues to offer sage advice from her seemingly humble station. Now the girls are implicitly rewarded for their efforts of helping out the school both as students and as heroines by learning its best-kept secret. Otaka’s reasons for being secretive are pretty much exactly as I speculated the first time around, trying to keep her ear to the ground but being somewhat prohibited by her position. Unfortunately I don’t believe she shows up much for the rest of this season, as they’re moving into Christmas time and then the endgame, so there’s not a lot of school shenanigans left to cover. We’ll see what GoGo has in store for us.
There’s some nice comedy moments and callbacks in this episode, aside from the implicit ones I’ve mentioned above. The biggest one is that the girls remember that the old school building is where they visited in episode 27, and Rin seems to fondly recall her meeting with Count Rosen.
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Rin is a little embarrassed that she’s been figured out, which is cute.
Another fun gag is when they finally uncover the truth that Otaka is actually the principal, Nozomi takes a while to catch on, and she tells Otaka not to sit in the principal’s chair or she’ll get in trouble. Rin has to explain that Otaka IS the principal and both Nozomi AND Urara are surprised.
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Rin is questioning her friendship real hard.
And another Rin-centric gag is her reaction to the puppy in the woods. She goes back and forth between trying to pet it and being afraid of it and this goes completely unacknowledged by the dialog of the episode, you have to actually be watching to see it.
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She’s so cute when she’s nervous. (as always, better copies are in the gallery)
The sudden introduction of Kanako and Mayu, who we have never seen before and never see again, may seem jarring if you don’t get the joke. They seem a little over-designed for one-off characters, after all.
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If you look at the credits, you’ll see that they are played by... themselves.
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So yes, Kudou Mayu (right) and Miyamoto Kanako (left) are real people. Respectively, they are the singers of the opening and ending themes of this very show, and this is their cameo. Kudou Mayu will also do songs for GoGo, Heartcatch, Suite, and every All Stars movie from DX1 to New Stage 3, as well as voicing another cameo in Heartcatch and playing the Fairy Tones in Suite Precure. Kanako Miyamoto will do themes for GoGo, Kirakira, HUGtto, DX3, Super Stars, and Miracle Universe, as well as playing Makoto/Cure Sword in Dokidoki Precure. This is them in real life, from about this point in time.
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source: Miaymoto Kanako’s blog https://miyamotokanako.exblog.jp/d2007-09-20/
I noticed they gave them different color crests on their uniforms: Mayu has a second year badge while Kanako has a first year badge, reflective of their real-life age difference of about a year, and I think that’s a clever detail they didn’t have to do.
The art in this episode is fine. It never gets above fine. There’s some bad art, but it’s mostly fine. Except this coloring error on Karen’s sleeve.
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And really, that sums up the whole episode. It’s mostly fine, with some bad thrown in. It’s not a good episode, it’s just alright, kind of forgettable in the scheme of things. And that made it harder to write about than if it were actually good or bad, so if this is a bit nonsensical and rambling, that’s why.
Next episode, Komachi and Urara bond. Look forward to it!
Pink Precure Catchphrase Count: 1 kettei!
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willsff7rthoughts · 4 years
[REVIEW] Final Fantasy VII: Remake
WARNING: This review contains spoilers for both Final Fantasy VII (1997) as well as Final Fantasy VII: Remake (2020).
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Before I get into things, I feel like this review deserves a little bit of context. 
Final Fantasy VII (1997) is my favorite video game of all time. As a kid, I liked my Game Boy games; Pokémon Red and Link’s Awakening were good fun as I passed summer days at my grandparents’ house. However, it wasn’t until I played Final Fantasy VII that I fell in love with video games and realized the platform’s potential as an art form. The game packed a full and impactful punch – a vast and varied world to explore, an engrossing and gripping story, characters whose lives are changed forever, stunning graphics (at the time), a simple yet deep combat system, and a new way of keeping things fresh at every turn. All of this spanned across four discs and fifty hours of a completely riveting gaming experience. 
Video games have been my foremost hobby and passion since my first foray into this wonderful adventure, and thus it isn’t a stretch to say that Final Fantasy VII helped define who I am as a person. So, let me be the first person to say that I was nervous when Final Fantasy VII: Remake was announced. I wasn’t one of those people who obnoxiously kept asking for it, nor did I even really want it. The odds of this remake meeting the sky-high expectations set by the original were astronomically low, and the thought of recreating my first love in a modern gaming culture where games are more popular, more culturally relevant, and more heavily scrutinized than ever before was downright terrifying. Imagine that the thing you loved and championed for the most was vilified in the social media era. Indirectly, the part of you which that thing helped to define would be vilified, too. If, in the middle of the remake’s development cycle, Square were to suddenly announce that the plug was pulled on the project and it would never see the light of day, I wouldn’t have been upset because I was so fearful of being disappointed. Nothing could have eased this fear – not the news of the old guard getting together to make this game, not the breathtaking visual previews, or the overwhelmingly well received gameplay demo. I needed to see for myself if Square could re-capture lightning in a bottle.
The point that I’m hoping to illustrate here is that this isn’t a Kingdom Hearts III (2019) situation where Square could have put prison gruel on my plate and I’d still eat it up like a well-seasoned filet mignon simply because I’m happy it exists. Quite the opposite, in fact. Upon popping the disc in, I went in with a strict and critical mindset because this game had to be absolutely stellar; anything else would be a massive disappointment.
With that set up, and a thirty-eight hour escapade from the Sector 1 Reactor to the highway out of Midgar in the books, let’s get into it. I’ll be covering and assigning subjective scores to each of the following categories: Visuals, Sound, World, Gameplay, Characterization, Story, Ending. At the end, I’ll deliver concluding thoughts and attempt a final subjective score.
We’ll start with the bells and whistles. Visuals, and then sound.
I’ve always been one to say that graphics are a low priority in the world of video games, that the “game” part is what should grip you moreso than the “video” part. In fact, I haven’t adhered to this more loudly than when defending the 1997 original because no game has been subject to more “polygon graphics” and “Dorito hair” memes.
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All that said, good graphics are one hell of a cherry to have on top. And this game’s cherry is a sweet one.
Square Enix has always been at the forefront of graphical prowess for pretty much their entire history; they tend to set the bar in this department when it comes to a new Final Fantasy installment and this remake is no exception.
It’s pretty simple here: Everything. Looks. Fucking. Amazing.
We’ll start with the character designs. All stay true to the original; the biggest liberties that Square decided to take were Barret’s sunglasses to highlight that renegade, demolitionist aesthetic (he may or may not wear them indoors a bit too much, but I digress) and Tifa’s new stockings and sports bra underneath her iconic white tank to give her more of that sporty, martial artist look. Both are welcome additions. Zooming out and taking a look at the entire cast, everyone looks absolutely brilliant in their 2020 self. 
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Facial expressions, lip syncing, and body language are of course impeccable and life-like for all characters throughout the game’s entirety. It’s important to note, too, that Square pushed the envelope so much on these character models that it’s often hard to distinguish whether or not in-game models or pre-rendered models are being used in cutscenes. 
Animations both in battle and out of it are extremely fluid and well-done. Battle particles and visuals are flashy and distinct without being overbearing or stealing the limelight away from the gameplay itself. Between Kingdom Hearts III and now this game, it’s probably fair to say that all of the chatter surrounding Square’s adoption of Unreal Engine 4 can now be put to rest. 
I’ll cover the visual quality of Midgar itself in the “World” section, but as you can probably imagine, I was blown away by that, too.
Visuals Score: 10/10
Let’s begin with the voiceover quality (I played in English). This is actually a harder obstacle for Square to tackle than people realize, I think. These aren’t brand new characters. People know them already. The original game’s dialogue was done completely in text, so if you’re Square, you face this challenge where your players have a distinct voice in their head for these characters based on their appearances, backgrounds, personalities and choices of words. Can you capture that exactly?
I think Square did a great job, for the most part. You can hear Cloud’s fake apathy, the sincerity underneath his front of not caring. There’s a distance and mysterious quality to his voice that I think is so essential to his character. Barret is likely the weakest in terms of vocal performance; when he gets loud, I can’t get the Internet’s early comparisons to Robert Downey Jr. in Tropic Thunder (2008) out of my head. However, when speaking at a normal tone, and especially when speaking at a somber tone, I think he’s absolutely perfect. Gruff and tough, yet absolutely empathetic and passionate. Tifa likely has the strongest vocal performance, perfectly capturing a character who is pensive and struggling to identify what’s right amidst the chaos around her while being put in the position of needing to be the voice of reason. Aerith’s voice is higher pitched and carries more whimsy than I had imagined, but I also really like this version because it paints Aerith as this ordinary, innocent and playful woman which is true to her initial characterization before we find out that she is connected to something much, much deeper. The rest of the characters are voiced beautifully, from the Shinra crew, to the entirety of Avalanche (shoutouts to getting Badger from Breaking Bad to play Wedge, how absolutely perfect), to the random scared citizens we meet amongst the slums.
Moving onto the soundtrack... just wow. Nobuo Uematsu, you brilliant son of a bitch. 
I’m of the opinion that Final Fantasy VII boasts the second best soundtrack in the franchise, second only to Final Fantasy IX (2000), and I really didn’t see where it had room to improve. Imagine if all of The Beatles were alive and said today, “Yeah, we’re going to remake Abbey Road, and make it even better.” Like... how? How do you improve upon a masterpiece? The potential and possibility is just outside of our comprehension, right? And yet, they would probably find a way.
Similarly, in a 2020 landscape in which Nobuo has a lot more tools, tricks, and experience up his sleeve, he managed to churn out a reimagined soundtrack that builds upon the core strengths of the original to create something new and grand. For example, from the jump, we can compare the Bombing Mission tracks. The original is fantastic, and a classic – a spunky baseline combined with anxiety-inducing synth horns create the perfect ambience for the mission at hand while setting up Midgar’s feel of a grungy, electric city. Nobuo’s version for the remake utilizes a sweeping orchestra to create the exact same feeling but with a much fuller sound fitting for a modern game. 
Of course, plenty of new tracks were created for this game as well such as the score for the Wall Market sections, and certainly deserve their place amongst the old songs that we fell in love with before. Because of this, no two areas of Midgar felt the same (which can happen in a world where everything is called a sector and a number), and areas from the original took on that received their own theme took on a life of their own. Finally, the collectible jazz tracks were an amazing touch that provided an alternative look at the game’s iconic themes without breaking the immersion of the world too much.
A few of my personal favorites from throughout the game:
The Airbuster – A remake of Final Fantasy VII’s boss theme, and it just... slaps, as the kids say.
Critical Shot – An alternate battle theme that we first heard in the trailers which was simply a lot of fun to fight to
Tifa’s Theme – Seventh Heaven – The iconic piano track blossoms into a wonderful and iconic orchestral experience. Beautifully done.
Aerith’s Theme – Sector 5 Church – This one’s a bit of an outlier; it’s not actually listed on the FF7R OST and is in fact original to Nobuo’s Final Fantasy VII piano collections, but it’s the perfect example of music tying a ribbon onto a scene. Cloud falling into the Sector 5 Church and meeting Aerith is something I’ve seen countless times, but I was still moved to tears by how beautifully everything comes together. 
On Our Way (Collectible Jazz Track) – We get the Kalm theme early with this one. Man, oh, man that saxophone.
Sound Score: 10/10
To be honest, it was basically a given that Square was going to nail the bells and whistles. Square-Enix games rarely, if ever, disappoint in the audiovisual department. With those out of the way, we can start moving to the meat of the review: How well did Square-Enix recreate this iconic world? In the case of this edition of the Remake, did they manage to bring Midgar to life in an acceptable way?
I’m going to make a confession. After the bombing mission, I felt bored. In fact, I turned the game off and called it a night. This isn’t to say that the bombing mission wasn’t recreated beautifully – it certainly was – it’s just that I've been conditioned by the original game to associate Midgar with being this slow, uninteresting opening act of the Final Fantasy VII story and that the bombing mission is just the first step to leaving Midgar so that I can start the real adventure. 
And then, I got to Sector 7.
Holy shit.
I hadn’t really put much thought into how many levers Square had at their disposal to bring Midgar to life. Sector 7 served as the first of many slaps to the face that absolutely nothing was off limits, and whatever Square was going to touch was turning into gold. What in the 1997 edition was simply one screen with the bar, a couple shops, and an apartment or two we could enter was transformed into a full-on city. A grid of streets, avenues, and alleyways littered with townsfolk whose conversations about recent plot points we could overhear as we passed by, which created a pulse within the slums. A bevy of different stores and buildings to explore. A fresh cast of characters and NPCs to converse with which deepened our connection to these slums. And the plate. I could talk for hours about this – in the original, such a big deal is made of the two layers of Midgar, and how the top plate on which the privileged live blocks out the sky and pollutes the air for the slums below. But we literally never see the freaking thing because obviously, how could they show it in a top-down view? And yet, in this remake, it’s very much omnipresent. The steel sky of dread and inequality spans omnipresent across the slums we traverse (I unashamedly spent a legitimate five minutes just staring up at it, like “Holy crap. There it is...” as if I were a kid catching Santa Claus on Christmas night). 
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And of course, Sector 7 was just the tip of the iceberg. Sector 5 got a very similar treatment in addition to perfectly recreating Aerith’s house while capturing its vibes of being a diamond in the rough. Shinra HQ was downright gorgeous and more grand than we could have imagined. Something that stood out to me was Square’s ability to expand on areas from the original Midgar that were total afterthoughts – the journey from Sector 5 to the Sector 7 playground which in the original was a couple unremarkable screens became a winding stretch worth hours of exploration, puzzles, and battle. Other originally miniscule areas like the train graveyard, the sewers underneath Wall Market, and the climb up to Shinra HQ all got a similar treatment. Square didn’t stop there, either, introducing new areas such as a brief foray to the suburbs topside of the plate which showed new light upon this electric city. Honestly, what floored me the most was just how much life there was in all of Midgar. The conversations that the city’s inhabitants in virtually all areas that we pass through served to not only give Midgar a heartbeat, but also to make us as the player truly feel the gravity of our actions.
Truly, Square’s brilliance shone bright here – the bland and boring original Midgar only served as a blank canvas for the city to be invigorated in grand fashion for this remake.
World Score: 10/10
This is possibly the most important section. All the bells and whistles about this game are great, and the setting was recreated beautifully while capturing every vibe of the original and then some... but in the end, this is a video game, and aesthetics and soundscape don’t mean anything if your game isn’t fun.
Square-Enix had a monumental challenge before them when having to come up with a combat system for this remake. On the one hand, you have the classic Final Fantasy ATB system which longtime fans of the series absolutely love; this rewards tactical thinking, preparation, and methodically planning out and expending turns and resources to reach the outcome that you desire. On the other hand, turn based combat isn’t exactly premium gaming in 2020. I’m a Final Fantasy purist and even I can admit that. We’re just not as limited anymore. Developers have the ability to create these fantastic action-based games with better responsiveness, flow, and hitbox/hurtbox technology than ever before, and this style of gaming is obviously a lot more appealing and rewarding to a wider audience of players who frankly know better in this day and age.
So, Square did their best Dora impression and said “Why not both?”
And from it came perfection.
Yes, I said “perfection”. Square was somehow able to find a way to make old school and new school tango, and they are wonderful dance partners. 
A brief summary for those who are out of the loop: In a normal state, combat plays a lot similarly to a lot of action-based games we know and love today (think God of War, Kingdom Hearts, Dark Souls). You can move around freely, guard, dodge, and attack to your heart’s content. There are elements here that are absolutely necessary in a modern video game that were missing in the original Final Fantasy VII: Constant engagement. Real-time skill expression. 
The traditional Final Fantasy players don’t get left out either. By playing through combat normally – attacking, blocking, and dodging – the player builds up their ATB gauge. Once their ATB is full, they can enter Tactical Mode, which slows down time dramatically and allows the player to use their character’s skills, magic, summons, and items.
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And the absolutely beautiful thing? You need both standard play as well as Tactical Mode to succeed in combat. The necessity of standard play is obvious – you need to be able to run around, attack, and defend to thrive in combat. But you won’t get anywhere with tougher enemies just by whacking them. You need to use your ATB gauge in order to pack a significant punch to enemies, to discover and exploit their weaknesses, and to heal up your party.
Speaking of the party, I deeply enjoyed being able to switch seamlessly between controlling the party members with the push of a button. AI-controlled party members’ ATB gauges fill up more slowly, which means constant switching, assigning ATB usage, and moving to the next party member are key to maximizing effectiveness. Hooray for even more avenues for skill expression!
And let me just take a second to gush. Perhaps my biggest criticism of the original Final Fantasy VII is that literally every character is pretty much the same in battle. Yes, their base stats vary slightly, as do their Limit Breaks, but aside from that, with enough materia and stat increase item shenanigans (and it doesn’t take much), every character plays and feels the same in combat.
Square completely shattered that criticism in this remake. Every character feels unique and satisfying to play:
What’s remarkable to me about playing as Cloud is how well Square nailed the speed at which he plays at. ‘Cause think about it, right? Dude’s holding a sword that weighs 80-100 lbs, so his attacks and moveset have to be able look and feel like they pack a heavy punch. But at the same time, we know that Cloud’s no rook, and he has some dexterity and speed to him. To find this balance, his combos from beginning to middle a great tempo and good flash, and they finish with a visible powerful and empathetic smash.
Tifa is far and away my favorite character to play as. Honoring her Final Fantasy monk inspiration, Square designed Tifa in such a way that she feels like she came straight out of a fighting game. Lightning quick, an emphasis on combos, and get this – you can animation cancel. As an example, I was fighting a boss and already had Unbridled Strength (damage boost) and Haste (ATB buildup boost) activated on Tifa. I dodged the boss’s frontal cleave with Focused Strike, strung some basic attacks together, threw in Overpower which links with your basic attacks, and finished by using Whirling Uppercut then canceling the landing animation by using Divekick. That’s. Insane.
Square nailed Barret’s awkward role as the supporty-ranged tank. His damage isn’t great, but he plays at a safe range and is your best bet to take down units at a far distance. He has some ridiculous HP and defensive stats and is a solid magic user so he was honestly great to switch to when my higher DPS characters needed a breather to get healed up. 
Okay first of all, thank God they gave Aerith a magic-based ranged basic attack. The sound of her whacking something in the original to the tune of, like, 12 damage will haunt my dreams forever. Aerith feels fantastic to play as well. I draw comparisons to the Final Fantasy XIV black mage – switch to Aerith, set up an Arcane Ward (doubles spellcasts!), don’t move, and watch as her ridiculous magic abilities burn enemies down. She’s also great to leave on AI-controlled standby so that she can attack safely from a distance and heal up the party as needed.
The battles themselves were great; each boss felt unique and had a weakness to discover and exploit. Seamlessly weaving in cutscenes and dialogue added a cinematic flair that was just another cherry on top of an amazing combat system. The typical monsters and trash mobs that we came across were all unique as well, and their variants encountered later in the game added twists of required tactical thinking.
I have only a couple points of discomfort with the new combat system, and they’re both very minor ones. First, the fact that skills/spells (and even Limit Breaks!) can be interrupted by enemy actions could be extremely frustrating – especially if there were larger amounts of enemies present, your character could get juggled quite easily. Filling up your ATB gauge and readying a skill just for it to be interrupted because some demon hound ran up and smacked you in the head has to be the least “Final Fantasy” feeling ever. That being said, this is easily where you can throw the term “skill expression” right back at me. The second point of discomfort is that enemies were very clearly agro’d to whoever you control as the player. This made playing a ranged character like Aerith annoying at times, because, dammit, I just want to DPS without hordes of monsters running at me! Again, “skill expression” is a double edged sword, but I found it a little strange that enemies would drop what they’re doing, stop fighting Cloud, and start running at Barret just because I switched to him.
Zooming out to other facets of gameplay! I really enjoyed how materia was implemented which may just be a derivative of how smart the combat system was that Square created, but I think Square really hit the mark of having to carefully plan out your party’s materia loadout and envisioning how it would execute in battle. The weapon level-up system adds an extra layer of depth and reminds me of Final Fantasy IX’s skill learning system, which is great. Finally, the large amount of minigames and side quests available added a good deal of variety to the game, without being overly complicated or time consuming.
This was probably the most enjoyable game in the Final Fantasy series from a pure “this is a fun game” standpoint.
Gameplay Score: 10/10 (would honestly be an 11 if such a thing were real)
The Final Fantasy series is typically at the top of its class for its character building and development, but I was still slightly nervous heading into this remake that Nomura wouldn’t recapture that magic accurately. Maybe I was conditioned from Final Fantasy XIII (2009) and Final Fantasy XV, but I was especially worried about Cloud. “Please don’t make Cloud this typical brooding, angsty emo Final Fantasy protagonist,” I remember thinking to myself. Because that’s not who he is. Cloud Strife is a dork. He’s a dork who adapts incredibly poorly to new situations and puts on a front of apathy when uncomfortable, but he doesn’t hate the world.
I should have put more faith in the fact that the original game’s character designer became the remake’s director. For the most part, I truly feel like the cast’s Act I character arcs played out and were shown as they should be. Cloud starts out apathetic but that front really begins to melt after he meets Aerith. Aerith herself comes off as this fun and innocent girl but progressively drops more and more hints that she’s part of something much bigger. Barret begins as the loud and rambunctious leader figure which gives way to a total empath who’s still trying to process just what he’s been caught up in. Tifa is shown with her typical slow and steady struggle to come to terms with what has to be done to make things right in the world after traumatic childhood events made her averse to it all.
The rest of the cast’s characters were painted beautifully. Sephiroth made more appearances than normal in this Midgar section (more on that later), but we still don’t understand a word that’s coming out of his mouth. We see the distinct division in those under the Shinra umbrella between those who have morals and those who sip the Kool-Aid. We’re introduced to a new cast of characters in the slums who are working tirelessly to make life better for those around them despite being dealt a terrible hand, and they function to strengthen both the main cast and the story as a whole.
A particular gem that I was delighted by were the interactions between characters. The original was somewhat limited in this department, but we can visibly see the cast grow closer as the remake goes on. Cloud goes from being disinterested and saying “For a price” to any request that Avalanche have for him, to selflessly agreeing to help Barret search for his friends and family post-plate drop, to poking fun at his old self in front using his old “For a price” motto. Additionally, because the areas of Midgar to travel between locations were expanded immensely, things like conversations between characters with no other purpose but character development were added in as we made our way through these winding stretches. That’s a huge advantage that a modern voiced game has over the original that had to use text for dialogue – we had to literally stop everything in order for an interaction between characters to occur. Now, they can just be thrown in wherever. We see more high fives, cheers, ribs, jokes. hugs, and tender moments than ever before. And to me, what this establishes for the cast as a whole is such a beautiful change of pace from a classic Final Fantasy game. This isn’t just a collection of individuals with aligning goals. These are friends.
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This in particular makes me really excited for future installments; we now have evidence that these characters are everything that they should be. That baseline allows for more interactions and development, and even the most hardcore old school Final Fantasy VII fans will get to know and enjoy these characters on a deeper level.
Characterization: 10/10
Too often did I get one of my friends to try the original Final Fantasy VII, hoping they’d fall in love too, only for them to lose interest before leaving Midgar because that part of the game is downright boring. Everything is dark and dreary, we don’t really care about the people of the Slums so we don’t feel the empathy to want to help them, the story crawls along, the deaths we see are of characters we only knew briefly, and all of it seems for naught because we find out Sephiroth is the much bigger threat; not some greedy electric company.
But much like with the design of Midgar itself, I hadn’t really put much thought with just how much they can build upon that unexciting first act.
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bigherosixfeels · 5 years
Big Hero 6: The Series - Least Favorite to Favorite Episode (Season 1)
Hi, everyone! So, I love ranking episodes of shows that I really get invested into from my least favorite to favorite and I’ve been wanting to do this for awhile, so here’s my personal list of ranking the episodes from season 1 of bh6:ts from worst to best!
22. Big Hero 7 If I had to pick an episode from this season that I enjoyed the least, it would be this one. Not that this episode was terrible or anything, but I guess for myself, it seemed too predictable. Knowing that Richardson Mole was going to be the temporary seventh member of Big Hero 6, it seemed obvious that somehow he’d lose his memory by the end of the episode. Not only that, but I just don’t find Richardson to be an interesting character. Although, this episode does give me a small bit of hope that him and Fred can become friends someday. Not soon, but someday. High Voltage was pretty good in this episode though and the music was fantastic! Also, I feel like this is the one episode of the series where you if you didn’t watch it, there wasn’t even any minor details that come back in another episode. 21. Fan Friction I actually do feel bad about ranking this episode so far down the list, but if you read my review on the episode, you know why it’s here. While I enjoyed certain elements this episode had to offer, I felt really bad for Hiro. He was embarrassed by Karmi’s fanfiction of him and the others and clearly uncomfortable with all the “Karmutie” talk. I would have liked to see the nerd gang be more understanding as well. But I like that Karmi’s fanfiction inspired Hiro to create Overdrive Mode for Baymax as well as give the others ideas for their weapons. And their chibi forms were adorable! 20. Big Roommates 2 In which Honey Lemon moves into Gogo’s apartment and we’re introduced to Globby. I like that we got to see how the girls became roommates and the antics of showing how different they are which led to some bickering was understandable. But I’ll also admit that the talks about the glass being half empty/half full was getting a tad bit cheesy. Getting to see Globby’s origins was nice and he’s a very enjoyable character! Honey naturally felt bad about her purse being the cause of his transformation. While I enjoyed some of her lines while feeling very down about the situation, I felt like Honey was trying too hard to not be her usual, bubbly self. And while I was pretty confident about the quality of animation flow getting better throughout the season (which it did!) I must say this is the episode where I enjoyed the animation the least. Overall it was a decent episode. 19. Mr. Sparkles Loses His Sparkle Gotta say, I like that they took a villain that never made it in the movie and brought him in for the show. That being said, Mr. Sparkles is my least favorite villain so far. It’s probably because he’s only been in one episode (so far), but I just find the other villains to be far more interesting. However, I did enjoy how insane his game show obstacles were and would oddly want to try out for the show if it was real. It was great to see Mochi become a viral sensation! I liked his slow clap trick and how well received it was. There was also the B plot of the team needing to find a better way to get to their suits, leading to Hiro experiencing inventors block. In the end, I really love the solution of them all having a Skymax to deliver their suits when needed. Although, Hiro having inventors block felt very similar to the plot of Failure Mode. 18. Failure Mode Speaking of which, I have Failure Mode here. I admit, I’m surprised I have it this far down the list, but I think it was all a matter of just liking the other episodes more? Anyway, I did like what this episode had to offer. We got to see Hiro struggling with academics and understand that getting discouraged is okay as long as you don’t quit. It was also really nice to see Globby discover his powers and experiment with them in the best possible ways. There were some good jokes. And the Tadashi scene where we got to see him getting discouraged when another Baymax test went unsuccessful was really great. 17. Big Problem Ah, this was an interesting episode, wasn’t it? I felt that this was a nice introduction to Liv Amara. It’s definitely good to see a young female character running a successful company. I’m disappointed that she lost interest in Baymax after learning Hiro wasn’t his creator, but that’s probably for the best. Her interest in Karmi’s invention sparks jealousy in Hiro which I personally found to be understandable. But at the same time, it makes sense for Liv to want to fund Karmi’s project more since she’s a biotech major. Hiro learns a good lesson in the end though. Oh, and there’s also this rich guy that gets turned into a monster which is still currently unknown. With how the plot of this episode was, it’s hard for it to stand on its own, but (SPOILERS)...we’ll be getting some answers real soon. 16. Small Hiro One We’re introduced to two former SFIT students. One is Trevor Trengrove, a famous scientist. The other is Wendy Wower; also a scientist, but became a child entertainer. Both unique characters, but ultimately, Trevor was egotistical from the start. He holds a workshop at SFIT that everyone can attend...except Hiro who was ruled out to be too young. So, he gets stuck working as an assistant for Wendy Wower who was teaching kids (and Fred) how exciting science could be! Along the way, we learn some interesting facts. The most important one was that the thesis Trevor based his career off of belonged to Wendy. Somehow, Yama got his hands on the flash-drive that has proof of that and blackmailed him to create some new features to Mega Yama to defeat Big Hero 6. It’s not surprising to me that Trevor turned out to be a phony, but I do like that in the end, he owned up to his actions. And Wendy was very enjoyable. Despite her thesis being stolen, she still wanted to have a career and her teaching children about how fun science is is adorable. Also, the ending to this episode in which Hiro discovers that Granville taught at SFIT 20 years prior was quite the twist. 15. Aunt Cass Goes Out An entertaining episode. I thought it was interesting that Hiro decided that Aunt Cass should go out on a date so she’d be less likely to discover his superhero identity. It’s definitely not the correct solution, but seeing Hiro going through a dating site and deeming none of the men on there right for his aunt to be adorable. While Krei doesn’t deserve Aunt Cass in the slightest, I’m surprised that the date didn’t go worse than it could have. They had a common interest and kept his cool to impress her, but let’s face it. His true love is money. Or at least letting people know how rich he is. There may not have been an actual villain to face, but it was a nice change of pace to have a surprise party loving scientist be our antagonist. It was so sweet seeing Hiro being so protective of Cass and we can only hope he’ll learn to be more cautious with hiding his superhero identity. 14. Muirahara Woods An action-packed filler that was hard not to enjoy. I can’t blame Hiro and Fred for being curious as to what Gogo does when she’s on her own, but come on. Let the girl have her privacy. But their wacky adventures in the woods was hilarious. Hiro has a difficult time considering he’s more of a city guy. It doesn’t help that their tech stopped working the further they got into the woods, but Ned Ludd was there to help. I liked his backstory and that he also keeps a meteor (Bessie) which is the cause of the tech not working. He hates technology which leads to a malfunctioning Baymax getting taken by him. This is what I like about the episode. The team feels that things have been too easy for them lately, but Ned gave them a challenge. They had to be resourceful in order to get Baymax back and I loved that their weapons were as close to their regular weapons as could be. 13. Issue 188 Ahhh yes. The episode that introduced us to Karmi, High Voltage and Richardson Mole. It was cool to see that Granville paired up Hiro and Karmi for an assignment where he’s supposed to learn from her socialization experience. However, we quickly learn that she’s very antisocial. I like how she talks to her viruses. High Voltage are an electric mother-daughter duo that aren’t easy for Big Hero 6 to beat. But Fred believes the solution to their problems lies in a Captain Fancy comic. He may not own Issue 188, but Richardson Mole (an annoying 11 year old and Fred’s rival) does! I know I mentioned it with Big Hero 7, but I love High Voltage’s music. They’re great villains and this was a good introduction for them! As for Karmi, while I’m more than aware of how split the opinions are of her, I like her. She may not be nice to Hiro, but I do enjoy that she thinks Hiro likes her when in reality, she has a crush on his superhero persona not knowing it’s actually him. 12. Fred’s Bro-Tillion I’ve seen people not really liking this episode and it makes me sad! While this episode isn’t quite in my Top 10, it’s an episode that I really like a lot. It’s an episode that had a very nostalgic vibe to it. That may possibly be because Baron Von Steamer was our villain, but I loved how well this episode tied into things together. Fred learned how to dance because of Baymax and used those dance moves to defeat Steamer. Steamer himself was a really exciting villain and I love that he’s an arch nemesis to Fred’s dad. Before the team suited up, they had to attempt defeated Steamer in their catering attire which you all know I love. There were lots of good jokes as well. 11. Steamer’s Revenge Speaking of Steamer, his second appearance is right above his first. The two major plots to this episode were both equally enjoyable in my opinion. We have Fred who doesn’t feel like he’ll measure up to his dad in a superhero sense. I found that to be a realistic insecurity for him. He looks up to his father and loves the superhero world. He just wants to be like his dad and make him proud. And he literally had to be like his dad by dressing up as him to fool Steamer. It’s amazing how self aware Steamer was of him realizing that Boss Awesome defeats him because he always reveals his plans to him. And the giant statue of Boss Awesome being a Steamer weapon was a great twist. There was also the plot of it being Wasabi’s birthday and that went very well. I thought it was really sweet that the others got Wasabi’s car out of the bay, fixed it up and even upgraded it for him. 10. Baymax Returns The one hour pilot episode made its way to the number 10 spot! This was an incredibly satisfying first episode in many ways. It’s an immediate continuation from the events in the movie. The amount of references to the movie were great! We already get to see more the nerd gang’s personalities shine. We’re introduced to Granville who is an amazing professor and dean to SFIT. We’re reintroduced to Yama who’s working for our main season 1 villain. We got to see the process of Hiro rebuilding Baymax which I felt was a very important thing to watch. It’s good to see that it didn’t come as easy to him as he assumed. The conversation at the end with Hiro and Granville is still one of my favorite scenes. And at the very end, we’re introduced to the big bad Obake. 9. Food Fight I said I wanted more Aunt Cass and boy did this episode deliver. Cass gets herself unintentionally involved in a food fighting competition and it was amazing! She was truly in her element and enjoying herself. Again, we get to see Hiro being protective and worried for her which is always very sweet. We were also introduced to Momakase in this episode who is definitely one of my favorite villains! Cass managing to defeat her in the food fight was fantastic! And I love that Gordon Ramsay voiced a character in this episode! 8. Killer App What an exciting episode. We meet Noodle Burger Boy who starts out as the lovable mascot of Noodle Burger. But Obake turns him into a violent robot that can predict every move Big Hero 6 meets. NBB is pretty high up my villains list and seeing how quickly he turned evil and everything he can do is very useful. We also get to see Hiro and Wasabi clash while working on a project. I really do like that they both immediately didn’t want to work together instead of thinking it’d go well and despite many disagreements, they were able to come up with a good idea. Not only that, but seeing how well they worked together by switching suits in battle was incredible! And by the end of the episode, Obake knows the identities of the whole team! 7. Rivalry Weak Well this episode was a huge surprise! What sounded like a fun, comical episode of our main cast pranking the rival school SFAI quickly turned to a mystery starting to be unraveled. At SFAI, we discover a hidden room that belonged to Lenore Shimamoto. Honey Lemon learns that her idol was not only an artist, but a scientist too and had formulas that were way advanced given the time period. But she’s not the only fan of her. Obake is a fan as well and this is the episode where the team comes face to face with him for the first time! Definitely unexpected, but not a disappointment in the slightest. The tests he put our team up to was very clever and signing Shimamoto’s journal at the end was a nice touch. 6. Mini-Max What an adorable character, am I right? I like that despite Mini-Max being built to keep Fred out of trouble on solo missions, Fred sees him as a sidekick. And they actually work very well together. Mini-Max is for sure a useful character to have around. But thankfully, this episode had more to offer than a lovable, smaller looking version of Baymax. Hiro is suspicious of Granville for all the right reasons and seeing him spy on her led to amazing scenes with them. Seriously, the scenes between Hiro and Granville have been some of my favorites in the show! We learn that Granville left SFIT 20 years ago because of an incident that happened with a former student. She learned that even geniuses needed limits and later on, Hiro assures her that she won’t end up like that former student. But of course, my personal favorite scene (so far) happened in this episode and I can’t stress enough how much I love and appreciate the scene between Hiro and Callaghan. It was well written, emotional and showed how mature Hiro is. 5. The Bot Fighter I really didn’t expect much more of the bot-fighting world to be explored in the show, but can’t complain. Hiro returned to his roots for undercover reasons, but he does get sucked back into the world of bot-fighting. The culprit of this is Trina, a young bot-fighter who is self taught and claimed to watch all of Hiro’s matches. Now, I definitely get why some people wouldn’t enjoy the romantic parts scattered within the episode and it’s understandable why. But I found it to actually not weaken this episode. Why? Hiro’s crush on Trina wasn’t the main focus of the episode for starters. Even if Trina influenced him back into bot-fighting, it was also him missing that world that kept him from trying to find out if Yama was the one creating bad robots. Not only that, but we learn that Trina is an android. An android that Obake created. We know that he’s been watching the team, especially Hiro, for quite some time. Attempting to get Hiro on his side, he was trying to lure Hiro back into an old habit and used the image of a girl to do so. But for it to be successful, he designed Trina to have a personality that he knew Hiro would be compatible with. That being said, I loved that we saw more bot-fighting. We got a really sweet Tadashi scene. We got an adorable, supportive group hug. And we got a huge plot twist at the end of the episode where Trina called Obake her father and then it was revealed that she was a robot. All in all, great episode. 4. The Impatient Patient Hiro being sick was everything I had always hoped it would be. We got to see Hiro not surprisingly being stubborn due to catching a cold and trying to prove that an illness can’t slow him down. Except it can because he ended up getting tossed in a dumpster, resulting in a broken leg. So yeah, Hiro being sick and injured was highly entertaining. It was a real treat to see Baymax taking care of him and those visits to the doctor were hysterical. While we’ve only seen the Mad Jacks once, I really enjoyed them and I’m hoping we get to see them again. And Hiro ending up coming with that suit where he could have a video image of his face was awesome! Oh, and how can we forget just how amazing Obake was in this episode? He played Krei and the Mad Jacks like it was a game of chess and because of that, he discovered Hiro’s identity which was so chilling! 3. Kentucky Kaiju Ohhh boy oh boy do I love this episode! It was interesting to see that Hiro doubted himself due to not having a super power. But what made that doubt even better was that Obake had that doubt planted into him. So he creates super strength with a smart fabric that backfires horribly. I thought it was hilarious that he couldn’t get the suit off! Fred also gets an actual sized Kentucky Kaiju robot made which also goes wrong when NBB installs a CPU into it. This leads to one of, if not, my favorite battle in the show so far. The team has to face off against the kaiju and it was an insane battle to say the least! Hiro is able to use his super strength for a short time, but what makes the fight at its best is when Hiro only needs his genius brain to outsmart it! Fred’s dad giving him the advice of finding his true strength was very helpful and it only made Obake more interested in Hiro. 2. Obake Yashiki YOU ALL KNOW WHY THIS EPISODE IS SO HIGH UP THE LIST. One word. Tadashi. Okay, well it’s actually not the real Tadashi, but I’ll take an evil augmented reality Tadashi. When I first heard about this episode, I could not have been more excited. It was obvious from the beginning that this Tadashi wasn’t real, but how everything went down in this episode was amazing from start to finish. I loved that it was a Halloween episode. I love that Obake used the nerd gang’s biggest fears against them. I loved seeing NBB working with the Buddy Guards to steal the giant magnet. And most of all, I loved all the Tadashi scenes and Hiro eventually realizing it wasn’t him. That part where the logo on his hat changes to Obake’s logo and Obake’s voice comes out of Tadashi’s mouth was so terrifying and I LOVED IT! So...with an episode that I enjoyed so much, I wondered how could anything possibly top it?? 1. Countdown To Catastrophe BY HAVING AN EPIC SEASON 1 FINALE THAT’S HOW!! This finale was a great ending to our first season in so many ways. I don’t know where to start considering so much happened! I’ll just state everything I really loved. Hiro creating an energy amplifier which is what Obake created when he was the student at SFIT who Granville taught 20 years prior. That emotion in the scene between Hiro and Granville when she discovered what he was trying to make OMG SO GOOD. Finding out that Lenore Shimamoto caused The Great Catastrophe. Obake’s big plan being recreating it. Obake and Granville coming face to face again. His real name being Bob Aken. NBB putting a chip in Baymax making him evil. Baymax taking Hiro to Obake’s lair and him revealing that he wants to reshape the city and have Hiro as his student. Globby becoming a good guy. Everyone having to work together to stop the star from blowing up the entire city. Obake watching his dream die and as his lair collapses, he turns Baymax back to normal and decides to die with his dream. Seriously, that ending was so sad BUT SUCH AN INCREDIBLE SCENE IT WAS DONE SO WELL!!!! Yet another really nice conversation between Hiro and Granville. Granville calling Hiro by his first name and wondering what happened to Obake. It was all so good! I can’t put into words how much I loved this finale and how emotional I felt when it was over.
So, there’s my season 1 ranking episodes. I’m looking forward to season 2 tomorrow! :D
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What’s up gamers!!! Our fourth episode plowed through the chaos of thanksgiving holidays and is Here w/ some Facts and Opinions about creating shit and being LGBT and how being LGBT influences creating shit. HEADS UP we recorded this while I had a cold so my voice is probably a little off, but ik Isaac put SO much work into the editing so it would be ready on time and we have recorded statements from some amazing artists (transcriptions under the cut below!) & this is honestly one of my favorite episodes we’ve done so far, so give her a listen if you’re gay or enjoy fun things!
BIG thank you once again to everyone who participated in this month’s episode!! Your contributions are so valued and so beautiful!!
You can find us on the Itunes Podcast App/Webpage at Gay As In Stupid Podcast! You can also find our episodes uploaded to Youtube and Soundcloud!
You can also follow us on twitter at gayasinstupid!
Further Reading on LGBT Artists
Montage of a Queering Deferred: Memory, Ownership, and Archival Silencing in the Rhetorical Biography of Langston Hughes
The Political Provocations of Keith Haring 
Pop art politics: Activism of Keith Haring 
E M Forster’s Gay Fiction
Alok Vaid-Menon Tells Us What It’s Like To Be Femme In Public
Shea Diamond Speaks Her Truth
Aaron’s 2018 November Recs!
Alok Alok Vaid-Menon is one of my favorite poet/activist/performance artists out there! Their writing and stage presence is gorgeous and witty in a way that’s SO clever and still feels like you’re in a room trading jokes you don’t need to explain with your closest trans friends. The way they balance their art creates a real, deeply touching experience that feels very essential to our world.
Miles (2016) Miles is set in 1999 and is a coming of age story about a gay teenager trying to get a volleyball scholarship for college in Chicago. It’s not revolutionary and it’s not over the top dramatic, but it’s funny and honest and it makes me feel nice. Definitely the movie to watch when you’ve just been through something emotionally taxing and need a light crying session and some mediocre pastries.
Isaac’s 2018 November Recs!
The Adventure Zone I know half of you already kin the Mcelroys while the other half either don’t know or don’t care, but the Adventure Zone is one of my most favorite things in the world. It’s a DND podcast (yes, all episodes are transcribed, and they have a graphic novel for the first arc of Balance with a second one on the way!) by three brothers plus their dad, and not only does it have the most amazing story and is ungodly funny, but TONS of gays (Griffin went ape with those Lesbian NPCS)! And just because they can! Same with trans characters. It’s a story where they just exist, and that’s really important to me because in a lot of media LGBT have to almost prove why they deserve to take up space. And it’s not just something that goes on in their first campaign, Amnesty also has those sweet sweet gay! I could talk about this podcast for hours, so if you needed that final push to give it a listen, THIS IS IT!
Stardew Valley You get to farm and be gay. And if THAT hasn’t sold you on this charming video game, then maybe the super cute graphics, beautiful soundtrack and a handful of interesting characters will! TBH I spend so much time playing this game it’s concerning. It’s just such a fun way to relax, and I just really REALLY like video games were I can chose to be gay. Like. God Tier. YOU CAN HAVE CROPS AND CHICKENS AND BE GAY C’MON YALL!!
The Amazing Quotes And Artists Featured!
Meg | instagram | esty
“My identity as a bisexual woman influences my art in many ways. As a woman, i create art about the issues that effect me, such as abortion and gender equality, in order to resonate with the people that matter most to me. As a bisexual individual, my subjects often appear from a gaze that falls outside of the stereotypical eye. My figure drawings and portraits all come from a place of admiration, and don’t fall into the stereotype of the male gaze or womanly care- they are the space inbetween, equally sexualized and normalized. I feel lucky to be a bi gal in the art world because it is a place that is my own to create in. There are so many queer artists that i look up to such as Mapplethorpe and Warhol, and many female artists i can cite as influence (Jenny Holzer, Kiki Smith, and Louise Bourgeois to name a few). My identity gives me a whole new world of content to draw from and allows my work to resonate with a wider audience, and I really think that any artists goal is to reach and touch as many people as possible.“  
Cameron | twitter | instagram 
“I don’t think that it influences the form really, but it definitely influences the subject matter! (Much as I hate to admit it, my identity influences the majority of choices I make in life.) I write a lot of poems about lgbtq related things and religion, as well as other stuff too. I was raised catholic, so realizing that I was “different” at more than one point in my teen years was scary AF. Being a member of the lgbtq+ community and also trying to still feel like I belong, or wanting to, in a religious community is hard, the two things are usually at a crossroads in my life so writing about them makes it easier for me to get through. My hope is that someday someone reads what I wrote and finds some peace in their own life/experience.” 
Vince | art instagram
“Well, being transgender I feel like I’m constantly aware of the lack of representation of my community, and I feel like it might be because of that I tend to experiment with showing all sorts of different type of people in my work. Because there’s so much diversity in the world, why not showcase that?”
Fox | art instagram  
“Oof…I’m gay so my characters always be gay. Gotta Fill the void in media w my own bullshit so I don’t have to rely on straight showrunners who will inevitably discard the character since they themselves seem to have no personal attachment and treat lgbt characters as disposable extras. Bc if I don’t at least attempt to create representation in the field I’m going into then I can’t rlly complain about the lack of it right? If I don’t try and change it I can’t complain about the lack of change so being an lgbt artist is lowkey Big Pressure to be revolutionary in your work but sometime…..I just wanna draw funkey animeal and that’s aight too”
Jen | twitter | instagram
“As a female bisexual poet, I worry often that my poetry and art will be too niche to be appreciated. I’ve spent years editing my poetry down to its barest bones in hopes that someone will relate to it. Changing pronouns back and forth because I worry that if I do talk about a woman, the poem will be stripped of its context and suddenly be about my queerness when in reality it never was. When I write about love and people I have dated and have crushed on, I want the poem to exist outside of the gender of who I love. I fear my authorial death will result in a complete misinterpretation of what I mean. When I write, it truly does not matter to me if I am writing about a woman or a man. If I feel what I write and I can make someone else feel it too does it matter that I also love women? I write what matters to me overall, regardless of gender, I try to make my poetry as true as possible. Sometimes, when I catch myself over editing I try to take myself back to the moment, to the person, what I loved about him or her. “
Lain | art instagram
“My LGBT Identity has significantly impacted almost all of my art, especially my work over the last two years. Ever since I have allowed myself to accept that I am trans and began my transition (6 months on T!), the impact that my Roman Catholic upbringing has had on my bisexual trans identity has bled into my artwork. Because of the way I was raised, accepting and allowing myself to be authentic has been an upward struggle. And what better way to process and document struggle than art?  
Much of my recent work has had a focus on the trans body, particularly the “sanctity” of self-actualization and the god-like power that comes with accepting and creating yourself in the unique and exceptional way that LGBT people must in order to live authentically. Two of my pieces on this topic were actually recently exhibited at UWM in the Trans-lucent exhibition, and will remain there until December 15th (I think). I got sick and tired of never seeing trans representation, so now I am creating that space that I crave in my own work.”
Kobe | instagram | soundcloud
“My art from is very influenced by my LGBT identity. It is very influenced by my LGBT black Identity. I think that whenever an artist makes their art (in my case writing music, singing, dancing) they should incorporate as much of themselves as possible. I think my LGBT identity definitely adds a sense of representation as well. I want people like me to listen to my music to know they aren’t alone. So it influences my work a lot. “
Nat | art instagram
“I think the fact that I am part of the LGBT+ community influences my art directly. Even though I don’t draw as often as I wish, I believe both my drawings and college projects (I am a 3d art/animation student), and my creativity in general is inspired by my personal experiences as a gay woman and common things experienced by the community. I try as often as I can to bring representation of some kind in the things I do, mainly personal projects. I also feel that it influences me on my motivation to keep creating; whenever I listen to, see drawings, watch movies or see whatever form of artistic expression from LGBT+ artists it gives me the energy to keep going, to keep creating.”
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The Illuminati in the World of  Deus Ex
Since it seems that most people here on Tumblr only played the Adam-centric games of the series, I decided to write a little post about the Illuminati, its structure and key-members. This post is more like a little overview for you guys, since  HR/MD only offer little info about them, and I won’t go very deep into detail. (Edit to myself: I lied.)
Officially, the Illumanti were founded by Adam Weishaupt in 1776, his goal was to create a new society, a “New Order” that is lead by individuals that are called “The Enlightened” (Illuminati is the plural of the Latin word Illuminatus, meaning  “enlightened”). This might be a reference to either Plato’s concept of the “Just State”, a society that is ruled by all knowing “Philosopher Kings” who were born to full-fill this rule and reign over the others. Another possible reference might be Thomas Hobbes’ theory of the Leviathan, a state that is ruled by a chosen “Sovereign” that can be either a single individual or a group of people acting as one where the rest of the citizens have no rights.
Those Individuals are defined as perfect beings, ahead of the rest of humanity and are in harmony with mind and body. To achieve this, there are certain requirements to be chosen as a suitable initiate, and every member has to go through certain ranks involving taking certain classes and undergoing tests. There is not much known about this besides the few references Stanton Dowd makes in Deus Ex 1, saying Bob Page never made it past the rank of “Master of Tyre” since did not participate in mandatory yoga lessons. In additions to this he mentions a special form of meditation that should lift the spirit and mind to a higher level.  
Furthermore, although the official foundation is dated to 1776, many patters and structures can be traced back to the Knight Templar during the Crusades (also stated by Dowd). So over the time, the Illuminati also “adopted” several other orders/organizations to their cause, utilizing them for special tasks. Besides the Templars, who function as the Order’s financial arm since they control most of the banks around the world, they also incorporated Majestic 12 in 1969, after the USAF closed down Project Blue Book and the organization was shut down as well. Since then, MJ12 operates as the Illumianti’s scientific and militaristic arm.
In general, you can say that the Illuminati don’t know any restrictions when it comes to achieving their goal, they are all about control, but ultimately they do one thing: They influence, they direct, they never act out directly and they think in very long term plans. They have boxes stacked into boxes, a machinery that works for them while keeping the puppet-masters in the shadows. They are not just a group of “evil rich people wanting to dominate the world”, they do not just simply beat up or kill people just because they want to. Everything they do is for the greater cause, and they don’t like loose ends. When someone is in their way, they make sure to completely destroy this person forever. Either through assassination (and they don’t back off from killing members of the Order for “The Greater Plan” as they wanted to assassinate Taggart to further fuel the Anti-Aug Debate) or through complete destruction of  one’s existence. They would never just leave a “warning” or harm someone out of fun or cruelty. The Illuminati are, in their core, completely finalistic and dedicated to their cause.
Now, after the fundamentals are clear, let’s take a short look at the members of the Council of Five, the ruling top with the highest ranked members of the order. The Philosophers Kings or the Sovereigns, if you want to see them that way.
Lucius DeBeers is the head of the Order, the only with the highest rank, the “Supreme Enlightened”. His background and true age are unknown since he keeps himself artificially alive, but it’s known he was already in charge back in the 1960s, as he ordered the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963. So pretty much everything we know about the actions of the Illuminati can be traced back to him. It’s clear that he seems to be obsessed with power, he refuses to give up his position as leader to his protége Morgan Everett and seeks a way to achieve immortality. He seems himself as the perfect being Weishaupt was talking about. In 2052, he is in a somewhat frozen state to halt his ageing, but he is still kept conscious to able to advice Everett who assumed the position of the Leader after Lucius was put into this state. 
Morgan Everett is the Second-In-Command and leader of Majestic 12. It is implied that he was born into the Illuminati, as he states he had close ties to the Templars in his childhood, saying “I once knelt in this chapel for communion, with two Rockefellers and a Rothschild. Since the time of the Crusades every leader in finance has prayed for the continued stability of Templar banks, founded on gold.”. During the events of Human Revolution and Mankind Divided, he is the CEO of the Picus Group, and thereby controlling the world’s media and news. He did not found it, it was Sir Martin Darrow (Hugh Darrow’s father) in 1985 -  it is unknown how Everett got into this position and what happened to Martin. Furthermore, Everett is in charge of various AI projects involving E.L.I.Z.A. and Morpheus (referred to as “M Initiative” in HR & MD)  together with his protégé Bob Page to control and monitor the public. In 2052, he took up the position as the Supreme Enlightened and controls the remnants of the Order after MJ12 nearly destroyed them during the 2030s. Although he is the acting leader, he keeps his former mentor in a state that allows him to still give advice and actively lying about the fact that Lucius could “be brought back to live” and using him as a tool. It is assumed that Morgan grew bitter about Lucius withholding him the possibility of becoming the Supreme Enlightened and now abuses his power over him. 
Stanton Dowd is the leader of the Knights Templar in 2029 and in control of most of the Illuminati’s finances and the world’s banks and therefore putting financial pressure on opposing parties. Although the Templar’s base is located in Paris, it is stated that Dowd is unable to leave New York City due to unknown reasons. According to Deus Ex 1, he was also born into the Order as his family had ties for generations. Little is known about the man, but it’s implied that he is a rather traditional man since he is the only one ever talking about the existing ranks and rituals and around the events of Mankind Divided, he led the Templar to a very powerful and controlling position. This concerns Beth DuClare who states she had to leave her home-town Paris because “Dowd’s Templar minions are the reason I stay away from Paris these days. I smell them on everything when I go back to the château. They act like they own  the city.” (quote from Black Light) and leading to the suspicion Dowd might try to overthrow Lucius and take over himself.  In 2052 Stanton is a poor man after MJ12 taking over the Knight Templars and destroying his finances and he is infected with the Grey Death. Besides his knowledge, he has nothing and is forced into hiding - powerless and defenceless.
Elizabeth DuClare, often only called “Beth”, is  millionaire philanthropist and leader of the World Health Organization in 2027 and 2029. Just like the previous members she was born into a very old and wealthy family tied to the Illuminati. This is why she claims it was her birthright to be “Queen of this World.” And again, little is known about the woman besides her public role. In 2027 she controls the distribution of the manipulated TYM chip that would later cause the Aug Incident, and in 2029 she works with DeBeers on several projects. Among them: Black Helix and The D Project. Her exact position/rank is unknown, but it is implied in Black Light that she might be the “true” Second-in-Command since she has a very close relationship with DeBeers and because of their collaborations. In addition to this it is implied that she is a highly skilled manipulator, especially regarding men, and it is implied she uses sex and “love” to achieve her goals. The groomed the carrier of  Philip Riley Mead, Florida’s Governor in 2027 and future President of the United States (2052), has a confirmed sexual relationship with Morgan Everett, is rumoured to be the mistress of the President of France Alain Bourges-Maunoury and talks derogatory about emotions like love and affection. She was assassinated by Majestic 12 prior to the events of Deus Ex 1. She has a daughter named Nicolette DuClare whose father is unknown and it is suspected that Nicolette is in fact a cosmetically altered clone. 
There is little to say about Volkard Rand, since he is only appears in Mankind Divided and the only thing we know about him is that he is a member of the Council of Five in 2029 and that he puts pressure on the UN council to pass the Human Restoration act. A very popular fan-theory sees him as the elusive Janus, leader of the Juggernaut Collective that was somewhat confirmed by the “Prima Game Guide” by accident.  But this is all speculation.
Robert “Bob” Page is not directly a member of Council of Five during the events of HR and MD, but has a high enough position to participate in most of their meetings. He is the protégé of Morgan Everett, who recruited him at some point before 2016 and due to his influence the young man managed to have an unusual career and rise up faster than he should (stated by Stanton Dowd). Page is the CEO of VersaLife (founded 1975), a pharmaceutical giant he acquired in 2016 and a subordinate to his company Page Industries, a venture capital/tech firm. He is the second leader of MJ12 alongside his mentor and is in charge of the Tyrants in Human Revolution (Codename Black, also referred to as “Commander” in The Fall) and overthrows the Illuminati during the 2030s in a Coup d'état, and takes over completely. In 2052, he is the richest and most powerful man in the world while still having an extremely positive public image, as people see him as generous, a philanthropist and he pretends to donate to good causes. He tries to become the “true Supreme Enlightened” by merging with the AI Helios. 
All of these character summaries are kept short and only mention the most important things, there is much more to tell but this should be enough to give a general overview about the canon information regarding the Illuminati. If you got any questions of wish that I got deeper into certain things, please let me know. 
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Wednesday Roundup 4.10.2017
This week ended up being a relatively light reading week for yours truly, but that doesn’t lessen the quality of my enjoyment whatsoever. In fact, I had enough love to share that I wanted to go over all of the available Marvel Legacy Primers for this week as well, even if they’re just short blurbs!
So without further ado let’s jump into it.
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Marvel’s America, Marvel’s Black Panther, Marvel’s Incredible Hulk, Marvel’s Invincible Iron Man, Marvel’s Jean Grey, Marvel’s Monsters Unleashed, Dark Horse’s Usagi Yojimbo, Lion Forge’s Voltron Legendary Defender, Viz’s Yona of the Dawn
Marvel’s America - Marvel Legacy Primer Pages (2017-present) Robbie Thompson, David Lopez
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As interested as I am in America, I haven’t had the opportunity to really follow her outside of the Young Avengers run she is in. So I think, oddly enough, for me this is one of the most necessary “Primers” of any of the ones I’ve read so far, and the information was very good to have. It really helped to frame her history, her relationship with her mothers, and her confidence in herself in a new light that is really appreciated. And the art from David Lopez is as beautiful as any of his issues on All-New Wolverine.
Marvel’s Black Panther - Marvel Legacy Primer Pages (2016-present)  Robbie Thompson, Wilfredo Torres
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There’s honestly not going to be that much more to say on most of these Primer pages. They’re fun, quick run throughs of relevant histories of the characters and teams that they showcase and depending on your interest and engagement may influence whether or not you want to hop in on the next storyline that they’re promoting. 
I do like the sense of unity and legacy that is built into the Black Panther title already, having it be a responsibility tied to kingship that T’Challa knows and the all-important bond it has between him and the memory of his father. 
It really puts a spin on the importance of Legacy that this event seems intent on hammering home.
Marvel’s Captain Marvel - Marvel Legacy Primer Pages (2016-present)  Robbie Thompson, Brent Schoonover
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Carol Danvers is one of those characters I desperately want to lie on every feasible surface level, but whose books have never quite got me on board and whose guest appearances always leave me a bit more confused about her than I had been before her said appearance. And yet there was still not a whole lot added here. I appreciate it, and young Carol is adorable, but there was nothing here that didn’t make me feel like... well, like she’s Hal Jordan. And ‘m not a fan of Hal Jordan.
Marvel’s Incredible Hulk - Marvel Legacy Primer Pages (2017-present) Robbie Thompson, Joe Bennett
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Everything I have read so far with Amadeus Cho, both in Totally Awesome Hulk and in his guest appearances or team-ups in Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur to Champions has  really connected to me on a level that Bruce Banner hadn’t exactly managed over the years. So it was nice to see a little blurb that went over their mutual histories and explored what was there.
It almost makes people forget that Marvel unnecessarily killed Bruce Banner for... no reason. Almost. Not quite. Though he might be alive by now. I am obviously not current.
Marvel’s Invincible Iron Man - Marvel Legacy Primer Pages (2016-present) Robbie Thompson, Valerio Schiti
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Gah, reading this overview of Tony and Riri’s history really reminded me how much I really loved reading Invincible Iron Man when it first came out and just how much I positively adored Riri’s character and her banter with Tony. You know. Before they completely undid the relationship within the first storyline and then Bendis went all Bendis on us and it became obvious that Tony was coming back sooner than later and then Secret Empire destroyed the world... somewhat literally. 
I’d love to read a Riri-centric book in better circumstances. Or at least once the next trade is out. We’ll see.
Marvel’s Jean Grey - Marvel Legacy Primer Pages (2017-present) Robbie Thompson, Mark Bagley
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I was actually just recently talking to my good friend @shobogan about how much more interested I would be in Young Jean Grey if only Marvel had the guts to either give us a romantic relationship with her and Laura (or her, Laura, and Scott OT3 hullo) or have Older Jean Grey return to mentor her younger self and others at the school since she’s the only X-Man kept dead for this long who was considered a Top Tier X-Man. And since we’re finally getting the latter, it seems, now I have to look at what we know of Young Jean and consider my feelings all over again. And this primer gave me the opportunity to do just that!
While I’m not following Jean’s book at the moment, I’m obviously a pretty big X-fan so I have a general sense of where all the moving pieces are at the moment. And I have to say, with Older Jean returning it’s going to be a pretty awesome time for comparing and contrasting their characters and relationships. After all, this younger Jean is far, far less experienced than her counterpart, but has a peripheral knowledge of her own fate, and as much as she tries to not be defined by it, it’s been defining her in the opposite direction in a sense. And more than that, she’s a Jean who sees the Phoenix Force not as an asset or a tool, but sees it as an honest to god enemy, which I’m not sure how that will work. And I’m even more interested in Jean’s return now because of the possibilities of their interactions with the Force together. 
Guess we’ll wait and see!
Marvel’s Monsters Unleashed - Marvel Legacy Primer Pages (2017-present)  Robbie Thompson, David Baldeón
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I have actually been planning for a little while now to pick up the trade of Monsters Unleashed because I had fun with the miniseries earlier this year and I have been craving more Elsa Bloodstone (as well as the entirety of the Nextwave crew) and this seems like one of the more interesting powers to come from the Inhuman collision.
.... Actually it’s completely stolen from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic and later adapted TV episode dedicated to Jack Kirby who had the power of creativity to draw and create anything he drew and also had a a penchant for creating monsters and different worlds and so on. So I mean. There’s that unavoidable fact. But Kei’s cute so I’d be willing to overlook it for the sake of seeing what Marvel plans on doing with this very wild and unruly power. 
Dark Horse’s Usagi Yojimbo (1984-present) #162 Stan Sakai, Tom Luth
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The conclusion of Usagi and Inspector Ishida’s investigation about the doctors’ murders has come and the hilarity of Kitsune and Kiyoko bumbling along with them and incidentally becoming crucial to the entire investigation does not lose its edge either.
Story: The conclusion of this particular caper is interesting mostly in how the framing by coincidence is not ultimately a linchpin to the story, having been solved almost immediately in the story’s first issue. The inventiveness of Sakai’s work, overall, is simple subterfuge which continues to make each new adventure feel unique and uncertain. In this instance, it would be in the assistance that Kitsune and Kiyoko end up providing by revealing the true murderer almost by accident. 
That being said, as simple as individual stories are for Usagi Yojimbo, the complexity really rests in the margins for long time fans, and that shows most clearly in the way a quiet buildup of several arcs seem to flow together for coming to a head. Perhaps the most famous and arguably best all around example of this would be in “Grasscutter” and how years of storytelling and slow vignettes linking together culminated in one of the greatest comic storylines of all time. We seem to be getting something similar in the backgrounds of more recent adventures with this guild of assassins which Usagi has unknowingly crossed the path of and caused ire to several times at this point. 
I’m excited to see where that story is taking us, and likewise interested in how little details, like Kiyoko successfully pickpocketing Inspector Ishida, will pay off down the road. 
Lion Forge’s Voltron Legendary Defender Vol. 2 (2017) #1 Tim Hendrick, Mitch Iverson, Jung Gwan Yoo, Ji-in Choi
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Egghhhhh. Are you ever really rooting for something against your own common sense and get bit in the butt regardless? I feel like that happens to me on an inconceivably high average and almost all of it can be blamed on the fact that for some reason I am still expecting comics to play fairly with me. If anything my standards should be lower by now. But, well, let’s see if I’m being a bit too harsh on Lion Forge’s second effort in making a Voltron comic. 
Story: I would argue that one of the reasons that I had unreasonably high expectations for this comic is in part because the first comic produced by Lion Forge had actuallymanaged to not only be a fairly solid effort as a comic but managed to capture the spirit of the current Dreamworks Netflix series in a wa that was welcoming to fans new and old, and importantly of all ages. So I was hoping for more of the same with this comic project.
In more or less words... I did not exactly receive that. Where there was a solid read of the characterizations in the last comic, this issue showed a severely flattened to the point of parody version of the paladins, especially poor Hunk here who had the already obnoxious and unnecessary fat jokes and food jokes from the series amped up to the point of being his only characteristic in this comic. To the point that at one point he doesn’t even form a full sentence, just grabs a pie successfully from a training maze and says “Hunk win”. Which... I guess is somewhat better faring than the other paladins who didn’t even have dialogue that really fit them. Save for Pidge who was likewise flattened to “the smart one.” 
The storyline itself of a new planet where Voltron is needed but the species they end up helping... they actually fail initially, I won’t lie, is a pretty solid premise for Voltron overall, and would be something I’d love to see the show tackle similarly, but the fairly generic wolf-furry aliens didn’t receive a whole lot of depth in this first issue. 
Depth trended on being the biggest problem for this issue overall. There wasn’t an examination of the characters and their interactions, how they treated each other and how they tackled problems differently. The sort of things you’d want from an ensemble cast like Voltron. Which is surprising since again the first series by Lion Forge managed all that and was written on a much younger reading level at the same time. Each issue tackled exactly those very things -- individual characters, how they functioned in the group, and how they tackled obstacles differently to find a solution together. I would expect the same here but it didn’t seem to be on the menu. 
Hopefully all of this will be addressed and fixed as the comic progresses, but as for now I’m apprehensively putting this series on my three issue trial run. 
Art: The art was not a great improvement on the previous comic but it also wasn’t bad in the least. In fact I think the art popped very well, adjusting colors and textures about as well as you’d expect from a television show adaptation for kids. I do wish that the face models for the paladins would keep more consistent and overall there was a rushed feeling to the comic that seemed fairly unnecessary considering it’s the first issue. 
Viz’s Yona of the Dawn (2009-present) Vol. 8 Mizuho Kusanagi
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You know, I keep hearing over and over again from friends and trusted sources that Yona of the Dawn is a series that will continuously subvert my every expectation and make me continue guessing and yet every volume I really do manage to be caught off guard by something which the story chooses to do which is shockingly poignant and new even to its fairy tale epic adventure structure. 
Story: So the Yellow Dragon joining the group was hilariously and purposefully anti-climactic but what we got as a result of that choice is the new direction for the series that ties directly into Yona’s own self-realization. She doesn’t simply want to rule and she doesn’t simply want to conquer. What she wants is to know her people and to save them from the crises that were overlooked by her father before her and by Su-Won now. She wants to take up arms to protect the entire country not just with the power of the loyal followers she has gained but with her own hands. She is something that neither of the kings -- her father or her cousin -- could have ever dreamed of being.
And then my expectations were really taken for a loop by us then in turn following Su-Won as he travels to the Earth Tribe and earns the respect and allegiance of the chieftan general there through a series of manipulations, tactical conceits, and ultimately quiet and subtle intimidation mostly by the fleeting moments in which he dropped his ditzy and well-meaning act to show his true intentions. But as fascinating as it was and as surprising as it was, for me at least, that this complete shift of POV for a few chapters actually managed to keep me on board when I’m not one to often fully appreciate the “villain’s side of things”, probably the most interesting part of any and all of this is actually how much tension is underlying Su-Won’s leadership. HIs appeal to the Fire and Earth Tribes is less in the leadership that he promotes and more in this current of possible warmongering that appeases the more warlike fractions of Kohka. 
It’s all fascinating and offers a sense of danger in Yona’s new quest to help the people of fher country feel a new sense of danger, knowing that our group is ultimately pretty unprepared for helping parts of the country which would not be as receptive to their quest or the offer of Yona’s leadership.
That being said... the final chapter driving home Yona’s relationship with Hak and everyone’s strange obsession with protecting Yona but rejecting her attempts to grow her own strength and independence. Lik eI guess we’re just all going to overlook the way she killed the slave trader mob boss in teh previous volume. But beyond all of that, my real concern is just... I cannot stand the way Hak’s character is portrayed in his “over protectiveness” of Yona. It’s far from romantic to me to continuously have a character obsess over someone to the point of “jokingly” considering locking them away for the world to see. 
It’s not the best issue of the series by far, but it has some great moments, especially for Yona.
Art: I actually do think that the further we’ve come in this comic, the more consistent and confident the at has gotten. There are still lots of soft tones and all the markings of a usual shoujo, but the real stand out this time around is that we’re beginning to see more and more the variation in ethnicities in the people of the country, which is honestly relieving even if for now the Earth Tribe, which drives that point home, consists mostly of Su-Won’s supporters and may carry with them some more unfortunate stereotypes being fed that I might not be aware of as a non-native to Japan.
So far as single issues this week are concerned there’s really no competition for Usagi Yojimbo in a regular week but especially not in a fairly light week. Yona is still a fantastic book and if there were other trades to compare it to I’d probably lavish on it more, but since we’re on singles I have to give this one to the unending quality that is Stan Sakai’s anthromorphic feudal epic.
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And, once more, I am in a bit of a financial crunch for a multitude of reasons, not the least of which being the medical bills I’m paying for my dog, Eve, who experienced a catastrophic dog fight and underwent surgery recently. On top of that, I have exactly a month and a half to pack up everything I own and move halfway across the country again which is not helping those financial crunches I mentioned before either.
As such, I really would appreciate if you enjoy my content or are interested in helping me out, please check out either my Patreon or PayPal. Every bit helps and I couldn’t thank you enough for enjoying and supporting my content.
You could also support me by going to my main blog, @renaroo, where I’ll soon be listing prices and more for art and writing commissions.
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ramajmedia · 5 years
10 Hilarious Spider-Man Logic Memes Only True Marvel Fans Will Understand
Everyone knows the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man (aka Peter Parker of Queens). Most recently made popular again by English actor Tom Holland, Spider-Man has once more made his mark in superheroism and pop culture. Spider-Man has plenty of memes (with all kinds of wacky logic behind them) created in recent years with the appearance of the newest version of the character in 2016's Captain America: Civil War. We're here to sort out some of the most hilarious Spider-Man logic memes out there that only the truest and most dedicated of Marvel fans would understand...so without further interruption, here they are!
10 Watching The Fight
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Everyone's privy to the heated debate between Sony and Marvel concerning the future of Spider-Man. Now, in the newest installment released in July, we were left on a cliffhanger concerning Peter's identity. We can't imagine that cliffhanger being an eternal one. Surely considering the financial success of the independent Spider-Man films, as well as the fan's dedicated and consistent support, some kind of agreement could surely be reached. Until it is, we're aligned with the logic behind this meme: just when it looks like Spider-Man has a future, he's once again shut down (kind of like losing Uncle Ben all over again). Though sad, what makes this meme hilarious is the contemplative pose and what appears to be a bottle of Perrier in his grasp. Everyone processes in their own way.
9 Admission To The Avengers
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Peter's dedicated to proving himself throughout Civil War, Homecoming, Avengers: Infinity War, and Endgame. Especially in Homecoming, Peter takes desperate measures and unnecessary risks to prove himself to his mentor, Tony Stark. All to prove he is worthy enough to join more missions with the Avengers and be more than just a "friendly neighborhood Spider-Man." The irony of this meme is the fact that while Peter works his butt off to become a part of the Avengers, the twins, initially villains in Age of Ultron, somehow easily gain admission to the team against all odds.
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While Wanda is the only survivor, we'd understand why Peter would be jealous of her admission to the team given the circumstances. This doesn't appear to be the case, as Far From Home finds Peter wanting to take a break from crime-fighting, but you never know: deep down, Peter may harbor the teeniest bit of resentment, which gives the meme its humor.
8 Who's The Captain Now?
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The logic behind this is hilarious: Peter's entrance to the MCU is the moment he steals Captain America's shield. It's really quite an entrance, and for being a young teenager, this is a pretty good first impression considering it portrays a sense of dominance to some degree. Really, how many would dare to snatch Cap's shield out from under him? Of course, Tony Stark had something to do with it, and Peter was humble about the whole thing, telling Cap how big a fan he is of him in the seconds following the shield's abduction. Still, this meme echoes the question we were thinking the moment we saw it: who's the Captain now?
7 This...No
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In Far From Home, as Peter makes his way through Customs, he's held up. For a banana. Aunt May threw in his Spider-Man costume just in case he'd need it (which he obviously did, so thanks to Aunt May's foresight the world was saved), even when Peter insisted he leave it behind and take a real vacation. In Spider-Man logic, the high-tech powered suit that could be disastrous in the wrong hands is totally okay to go through customs.
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The harmless article of fruit, however, poses a serious threat. Who didn't laugh at this moment? Not to mention Peter's identity could have been seriously compromised...but miraculously isn't. We're still not quite following the logic in that.
6 Fight For Your Rights
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This meme is a play on a scene from Homecoming in which Tony must enforce a rather harsh, but necessary, form of tough love to teach Peter a valuable lesson. Having wanted to so desperately prove himself, Peter has gone over his head and nearly gets a ferry sunk which would have killed many. Luckily Stark steps in to save the day and clean Peter's mess, but it results in a harsh lesson. Peter loses his suit and must learn to be something without it. Perhaps the studios could refer to this scene and learn their own lesson from it? The meme does have a point.
5 Yes...No...Homecoming In A Nutshell
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The meme is right; this is basically the plot line of Homecoming. Tony tells Peter no, and Peter decides to do it anyway.
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We all know this is a rocky journey as Peter has to learn several things the hard way, and nearly loses his suit forever because of it. However, we also know how the movie ends: turns out, Peter learns his lesson and the day is saved in the end. In Spider-Man logic, going behind Iron Man's back is a good thing. Seems wrong, but also strangely right. So yes...or no?
4 Limiting The Heroes
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This meme is a moment taken from Far From Home, just slightly altered to incorporate the unknown future of Spider-Man, whose story remains hanging in the balance. With Thor off-world, Captain Marvel unavailable, and now Spider-Man potentially out of the picture, the MCU is limiting who will be around to save the day when the time comes. Let's face it: that time always comes. Just when the world is safe, something throws it right back into peril; ergo, the need for superheroes. In Far From Home logic, Spider-Man was the world's only hope. Should that logic arise again, and Spider-Man isn't there to turn to, what would happen then? Spider-Man may be young and (compared to the other heroes) relatively inexperienced, but he still deserves a place. It's almost cruelly hilarious how the studios don't appear to see that.
3 Don't Mess With Batman
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This is meme gold. While Michael Keaton does play a villain in Homecoming, he also played a hero back in 1989: Batman. Yes, before Christian Bale, there was another Batman. In Spider-Man logic, they've managed to sneak in one of the most beloved heroes of all-time and make him a villain for their own story line. We love it. Besides, Spider-Man against Batman?
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Who wasn't thinking that when we watched the battle unfold between these two? It's hilarious how things work out in casting, sometimes.
2 What Is That Noise?
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The Spider-Man logic is hilarious in this particular meme because it's so similar to Iron Man's logic. Perhaps Peter's picking up more than just superhero tips from his mentor. Their explanations are so unbelievable they're actually believable (if that makes sense). Tony can play it cool (whereas Peter plays it more awkwardly), but the two both seem to think along the same lines by way of excuses. We find that awesome. Plus, who doesn't want to copy their excuses? Next time someone asks you what the heck that noise is, you're either driving with the top down or you're at band practice. Fun and simple.
1 How Do You Take Your Coffee?
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This meme is hilarious because it references a characteristic of Peter's that's adorable, frankly. Peter likes to pretend he's tougher than he really is. This is evident in the parking garage scene in Homecoming where he uses his suit to deepen his voice to sound scarier and intimidating. The criminal sees right through it. Honestly, everyone does. Peter's just too nice of a guy. Sweet, smart and awkward, Peter's just not the scary or intimidating type. We actually love that about him. He can get the job done and still maintain kindness and politeness at the same time. How many heroes can do that? So yeah, it's obvious he doesn't drink his coffee "dark and bitter."
NEXT: 10 Reasons Why Tom Holland Is Our Favorite Peter Parker/Spider-Man
source https://screenrant.com/spider-man-logic-memes-true-fans/
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the-cryptographer · 7 years
Ettushipping for the ask!!!!
Ah~ Thank you for asking about the OTP. I kind of figured I’d have nothing to say about it except repeating what I answered about polar and JouKai for the meme, but I shouldn’t have underestimated myself x_x  I also apologise, because it feels impossible for me to talk about them without talking about my fic project talking about writing fic instead of writing it so this might not be all that exciting mea culpa, but imma post - no obligation to pay attention to me - thankies~
when I started shipping it if I did:
In 2015, I was watching a lot ofygotas, feeling kind of bummed out, and looking through fanfiction. And I kindof had an ongoing interest in fmm and ffm polyships at this point, so I waslike, ‘okay, let’s smash my two favourite ships together and read all theMaiJouKai’.
A few minutes and some searchesaround the net later, I came to the tragic realisation that there /was/ noMaiJouKai. And then I was like, ‘fuck that. What has fandom spent the lastfifteen years doing then?’ and decided to write my own.
So I wrote a fic called On Public Relations and IndefiniteDefinitions which, instead of being the humorous longform fic I wanted toread, was some oneshot filled with Kaiba angsting about how he not only endedup with this moron, but he ended up with this moron that he’s kind of afraidwill leave him for Mai. It was also about the paparazzi, and the fact that Jouis Kaiba’s kind-of employee, and trying to understand where exactly we draw theline on somebody being a golddigger, and how to reconcile vastly differentlevels of income in a relationship. And, tbh, the fic is kind of shitty imo,but it still has some interesting ideas in it that are more or less ignored orunexplored so far as I’ve been able to see (and also it’s my humble fanficroots so I appreciate it for that).
I kind of dropped the fic and ran,and was going to just leave it at that. But then about a year later, due tomore ygotas and a sudden desire to revisit manga canon and watch the rest ofthe dub, I dropped back into the fandom and started revisting the ideas I’ddropped in my fic. I came to realise I really wanted to reuse the ship andbasic premise and try to write a fic where (1) Kaiba and Jou’s relationshipgoes from its approximate canon form with all the animosity to a romanceonscreen, (2) you’re given a lot of the factors commonly used to cause Mai& Jou to break-up except considered and explored in their own right in thecontext of Mai and Jou actually being invested in and feeling strongly for eachother, (3) Jou is working for Kaiba and the issues involved inemployee/employer relationships are laid out without an attempt to villainiseeither character, (4) wealth and poverty are not just having or not-havingmoney (something that could then easily be solved by Mai or Kaiba handing Jou acheck) but an entire relationship with money and employment and society andself-expectation and the cause of pretty severe cultural misunderstandings, (5)etc. etc. Yeah, this fic has way too many themes in it.  I mean, more than anything I wanted a ficabout Jounouchi’s entire existence postcanon – every single one of hisrelationships – and this ended up being a good way to do it. And, jeez, if thiswasn’t my OTP before I started planning LottoTicket, it definitely was after.
my thoughts:
idk, part of me is like, ‘you’rejust being really self-indulgent and forcing your two favourite ships into one,aren’t you?’ and then the other part of me is like, ‘but I don’t feel at alllike I’m forcing the characters to behave in any way that’s unnatural for them.I mean, I certainly commandeer the situational factors to make them moresusceptible to certain behaviour, but it doesn’t even feel very outlandish. Infact, the more I think about it, the more I think the ship as a whole couldease a lot of the individual tensions of its components.’
idk, I think the true answer is…both. It’s both indulgent and reasonable.
But I feel like I should say,insofar as my WIP is going, I’m not attempting to justify it as a ship thatwill last until everyone is dead, as much as I’m attempting to justify it assomething that helps brings stability to the characters during this ratherspecific period in their lives. I might eventually write something thatattempts to do more with the ship in the future, but I think those willdefinitely be more on the silly and fun and wholly indulgent side of things.
What makes me happy about them:
That Mai gets to travel and duel,Seto gets to have his company and its projects, and Jou doesn’t have to feel unsupportedand completely attention-starved in the meantime.
Also I’ve talked before about howSeto and Jou can pretty easily create a positive feedback loop for terriblebehaviour. I think having another person involved is one of the easiest ways tointercept that. It doesn’t have to be Mai, and it doesn’t have to be somebodyone or both of them are romantically involved with, but it does have to besomeone close enough to them, that they can witness the cause and effect oftheir behaviour on the emotional aspects of their relationship, and that Jouand Kaiba can’t just turn to and say, ‘buzz off, our relationship is our ownprivate business’. I think Mai and Jou, in different ways, both end upmediating quite a bit between Jou & Kaiba and Mai & Kaiba respectively.Kaiba less so for Jou & Mai, but I think, even in his presence, he canencourage Mai and Jou to consider when they’re being inattentive andunreasonable with each other respectively.
What makes me sad about them:
The amount of trickery I have to useto get them together, lol. I’ve tricked Seto into thinking Joey is gay andsingle. If he knew Joey was bi and had a girlfriend, I don’t think he’d beentertaining this idea for even a second. That’sright, Seto, let’s get you nice and overly invested ahead of time so you can’tdismiss the idea out of hand~
idk, everyone’s an insecure mess,but… even if I was writing for a more proper triad/threesome like miranova’settushipping, or battleshipping, or how I think most people talk aboutflareshipping, I imagine Seto at some point pitching a fit about how the othertwo like each other more than they like him. It is inevitable. It’s only amatter of how terrible the explosion is, and how well they manage to reassureeach other in the aftermath. So isn’t MaiJouKai as a V even worse because, ontop of all the personal insecurity, you’ve got a lot of societal messagingabout how you probably shouldn’t let yourself feel secure in letting your boyfriendsleep with someone else? idk, I see why Vs aren’t that popular in fandom.Before this I’d mostly shipped polyships where all the people were sexuallyinvolved. But I feel like, if you read a lot of OT3s, you realise how that mostof them are Vs on one level or another – it’s pretty naïve to think you’regoing to find two other people you feel equally strongly about in all theimportant™ ways, who are also going to feel equally strongly about you and eachother in those same important™ ways. Maybe it’s also naïve to think that aninequality in a sexual fashion is more profound than an inequality in anemotional one? I mean, /I/ think sexuality in relationships is one of thehigher ranked things in terms of profundity, but I don’t think everyone thinksso. Jou and Mai and Kaiba probably don’t agree with me or each other on thattopic – everyone has a different set of values, right? …I guess it makes me sadthat I don’t know whether or not they can make a poly relationship work incorrespondence with their expectations for a relationship – whether thoseexpectations are based on their own needs or on kind of a societalunderstanding of what a relationship should be – but maybe I shouldn’t say thatmakes me sad like that’s the end of the story either? When you are curious anddon’t know the answer – that’s a time when your mind is still open to newinformation and possibilities, right? You can let the characters bounce offeach other without an investment in the answer. That’s a fun place to writefrom.
things done in fanfic that annoy me & things I look for in fanfic:
lol, what fic? I liked Love Boat, although it’s more arrogantshipping than ettu.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
I think it’s pretty clear I ship allthe people with all the people at this point. Anyone can end up with anyone andI’d be comfortable with it if it was considered with care.
My happily ever after for them:
I feel like it came up in a memeonce, or as a response to a fic comment, or something of that nature. Jou andMai and Seto are at some sporting event for their kid. Jou and Mai are theembarrassingly loud and enthusiastic parents who are ready to fight anyone thatsays their kid isn’t the greatest. It’s a hot summer day and Seto is wearing aheavy jacket and shades and being incredibly unemotive. He’ll save hiscongratulations until the end, thanks.
That’s a happily ever after of sorts, right?
who is the big spoon/little spoon:
idk, about spoons, but sleepposition headcanon is that Seto and Mai both like sleeping in the middle whenall three of them share a bed. It is the warmest and most comforting spot. AndI’ve already said that Seto is always cold, and Mai likes feeling safelyenclosed.
(Oh, god, Seto probably starts a riotthe first time Mai wakes him up and teasingly tells him to move because he’spopping wood into her stomach/thigh. For a while he refuses to sleep near herat all. And then for a while he refuses to sleep near her except with his back facingher.)
what is their favorite non-sexual activity:
For all three of them together? Sleeping. That’s aboring one though, lol. I think they like going to tournaments together, eitherwhen somebody’s competing or none of them are.
I think more they like doing things just the two ofthem though. I answered for Jou and each of the others, but for Seto and Mai –they probably go to gallery openings or something, or get lunch and talk shopabout work and talk smack about everyone. Mai’s an easy guest for Seto to taketo business party type things too. She’s all the charm and he can just sit nextto her and lean into her shoulder and zone out while she’s socialising.
:’)  Thank you again~
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thepodreviews · 8 years
20. clipping. - Splendor & Misery
“Shoulda made the noose a little tighter cuz there ain’t nobody dead just some motherfucking riders”
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Concept albums are tricky to pull off. You can either end up with a Ziggy Stardust, or with Drones. In this case, noise rap trio clipping. ended up with something totally unique. The album tells an afrofuturistic story dealing with the aftermath of a slave rebellion on a cargo ship lost deep in space. That’s all i’m willing to reveal about the story, because this is an album that has to be experienced firsthand. Frontman Daveed Diggs showcases his chops not only as an MC, but also as a fantastic storyteller, complimented perfectly by the cold, eerie electronics, which help give the album a really unsettling feel. Do not let this album slip by.
19. Weezer - The White Album
“If I was king of the world, you’d be my girl, you wouldn’t have to shed a single tear”
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With an incredible return to form, Weezer make me almost want to forgive everything since the Green Album. From the moment the chorus exploded in California Kids, I knew the old Weezer I loved had finally returned. Everything that made them great is back in full force here. The clever lyrics, the catchy melodies, and of course, Rivers Cuomo shredding like nobody’s business. Here's hoping they keep it up.
18. The Body & Full of Hell - One Day You Will Ache Like I Ache
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  This is, by far, the single most intense musical experience I had this year. Fresh off the heels of their equally intense collaboration with Merzbow in 2014, Full of Hell joins forces with sludge metal act The Body to deliver something even more hellish and abrasive. This album effortlessly combines droning guitars, harsh noise and some incredible screamed vocals to create an overwhelming and oppressive atmosphere that makes listening to it all the way through a punishing, but ultimately rewarding experience. Definitely not one for the faint of heart.
17. The Avalanches - Wildflower
“I just want to know, what’s wrong with me? Being in love with you.”
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The one nobody ever thought was ever gonna happen. After 16 years (16 years!), the legendary Avalanches finally came out of their hiding hole and delivered one of the most fun albums i've heard in a long while. The Australian trio blend together samples and, for the first time, guest appearances by the likes of Danny Brown, DOOM, Ariel Pink and even Biz Markie to create the musical equivalent of pure, unbriddled joy. This is an album to lose yourself and get lost in, while never losing a smile on your face. Welcome back guys. Now please stick around a little longer this time.
16. YG - Still Brazy
“I really got something to say: I’m the only one to make out the west without Dre”
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It’s rare when an artist completely manages to change my expectations on them. YG, however managed to do this with just the first song on this album. By swithing over DJ Mustard´s boring, repetitive sound in favor of a classic West Coast G-Funk influence, the Compton rapper completely won me over. But it’s not just the production that shines in this record, but rather YG himself. He constantly switches from topic to topic, including race, politics, police brutality, even getting autobiographical in some tracks, but never does he sound like he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. All throughout the album he proves to have enough charisma and self-confidence for the listener to buy every single word he’s saying. Who even needs DJ Mustard anyways?
15. Mitski - Puberty 2
“Your mother wouldn’t approve of how my mother raised me, but I do, I think I do”
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This is an airing of grievances in musical form. Very few times before has a howling guitar expressed such frustration and anger, but at the same time, such deep sadness. Mitski’s voice carries the album from moments of tenderness to those of visceral bitterweet emotion, all of them carrying the same weight and never pulling any punches, wether they be quiet or loud. And in that same bittersweet emotion, there’s always a tiny, hopeful sensation that somehow, maybe, just maybe, it’s all gonna work out in the end. Just maybe.
14. Vektor - Terminal Redux
“I think I’m losing my mind”
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This is the second concept album on this list, and coincidentally, it’s also (partly) about space. But if Splendor & Misery was subtle and understated, Terminal Redux is the complete opposite. This is thrash metal taken to the extreme. From the opening seconds, the album hits the ground running and never slows down once, building towards an absolutely massive climax. The entire band brings their A-game, from the furious shredding and riffing of the guitars, to the machine gun drumming, including lead singer’s David DiSanto’s fantastic vocals. What truly amazes me about this album is the fact that, despite being so long, with various tracks reaching well beyond the 7 minute mark, it never feels tiring or repetitive. The band somehow manages to be constantly inventive and engaging throughout, including some unorthodox elements, for example the choir in the opening track. And that’s not even taking into account the album’s story, which is so insane I won’t even try to describe it. It’s an album you have to experience firsthand. Just sit down and enjoy the ride. 
13. KA - Honor Killed the Samurai
“I plea to treat all just. To get what we need, we did what we must”
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This might be the most bleak album of the year. Most of the songs lack a definite beat or rhythm. The instrumentals are grimy, cold, and gloomy. But KA ties it all together with some the most poetic and dense lyrics I think I’ve ever heard. The Brownsville rapper is introspective and philosophical, soundind like a weathered voice of wisdom who has lived through countless tragedies and has seen how the world around him corrupts those around him. Although his voice never rises above a grizzly monotone, he conveys the pain all of this has caused him masterfully. It’s not the usual hip hop, but it’s one of the best.
12. Preoccupations - Preoccupations
“You don’t need to say sorry for all the times when everything fell through”
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The band formerly known as Viet Cong ditched nearly everything that characterized their 2015 project (the speed, the controlled sonic chaos, even the name), but they’re still inequivocally themselves. In choosing to make a slower and more reflexive album, they made moments like the long, washed-out ending to the 10-minute epic Memory make sense, instead of making it boring. Every single moment is filled with a profound feeling of loneliness that resonates in every note played by the band, and in Matt Flegel’s smoke cloud of a voice. But in the end, it all contributes to what is ultimately an incredibly mesmerizing and hypnotizing experience, and it serves to prove that order and control can hit just as hard as noise and chaos.
11. Angel Olsen - MY WOMAN
“Was it me you were thinking of? All the time when you thought of me”
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Angel Olsen’s ode to, in her own words, “the complicated mess of being a woman” has a certain aura of sadness all throughout. It’s the sadness of someone who has been through just too much. Wether it’s about family, love, unfaithfulness, or unreachable standards, the end is still that same sadness. Olsen, talking from the perspective of someone who clearly knows this all too well, pours her heart and soul over this album, and it shows in the amount of sheer emotion that is put on display in the heartbreaking lyrics, or even just in her delivery of said lyrics. A single cracking of the voice carries more feeling than certain artists only hope to achieve. Sometimes the most emotional moments don’t even have any words, like in the explosive and pained climax of Shut Up Kiss Me. However, all of this emotion doesn’t alienate, but instead does the contrary, inspiring a deep sympathy that makes you come back again and again, even if you don’t share those feelings. And in the end, that is what all good music must aspire to do. 
10. Nicolas Jaar - Sirens 
“No hay que ver el futuro para saber lo que va a pasar”
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A protest can come in many shapes and sizes. Some of them are loud and ensure that they are heard by everyone, while others are quiet and preach to whoever will hear. To chilean producer Nicolas Jaar, this concept is nothing new. Jaar, who specializes in quiet, understaded music, produced a more subtle kind of protest. Instead of dropping anvils left and right and hitting you over the head with his message, he instead talks in abstract ideas and concepts, that at first appear to be vaguely related, if at all. But then it all comes together and he lets that moment of realisation do all the talking. He even lets his signature soundscapes contribute to the mood and message of the album. It combines and contrasts many sounds, textures, instruments, even singing styles to create something unique, that’s sometimes rhythmic, sometimes hectic and formless, but always carrying the same haunting message. 
9. King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard - Nonagon Infinity
“Nonagon Infinity opens the door”
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King Gizzard are not a band that are afraid to experiment. Every album is dedicated to some crazy off-the-wall idea and they fully commit themselves to make it work. In the hands of any other band, it would just be a bunch of gimmicks. But in their hands, it’s an entire playground of ideas and originality. In the case of Nonagon Infinity, they have effectlively made an endless loop of an album. It has no true beginning or finishing track, and every track blends together seamlessly. It’s an insteresting concept, sure, but if this was all there was to it, this album would not be just a one-note affair, something that most people wouldn’t give a second look. Luckily, King Gizzard know this, and made the album one of the fastest and hardest-rocking albums to come out in the entirety of 2016. From the very second it begins, you’re blasted by some pf the most energetic, catchy, and just plain fun songs the band have made to this date. It’s a flurry of fuzzy guitars, groovy basslines and powerhouse drumming. And that’s the magic of King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard: they don’t make an album an endless loop just to say they made an endless album, they make an amazing album, one that you could listen to over and over again, that just so happens to be an endless loop. That’s why it could only work in their hands.
8. Kaytranada - 99.9% 
“I’m here and I know y’all be waiting for me.”
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You may or may not know Canadian producer Kaytranada for producing for the likes of Freddie Gibbs, Mick Jenkins, The Internet, among others. He’s always been great at creating groovy, easy-going beats, but he’s never really come out into his own. Until now. With a more than impressive debut, Kaytranada shows the world what he’s capable of and makes the case for being one of the best producers out there today. This is first and foremost a beats tape, with contributions from the likes of rapper Vic Mensa, singer Anderson .Paak, and even jazz quartet BADBADNOTGOOD. But these guests never feel like they’re the focus of the album. Instead, each of them feel more like elements that are mixed together into the groove of the album. Kaytranada takes their voices, their words, their instruments and waves them together with his own impossibly catchy melodies to create something that is truly greater than the sum of its parts. Every song here will get stuck in your head for at least a day, and they will very hardly leave. And I guarantee that no matter what, you’ll be left wanting more. 
7. Car Seat Headrest - Teens of Denial
“I didn’t want you to hear that shake in my voice, my pain is my own”
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Will Toledo sings about what everyone else would rather not. Depression, social anxiety, failing to make something out of your life, you name it. True, he might not be the first to do so, but it doesn’t mean what he writes isn’t engaging or full of true, raw emotions. Finally free of the constrictions of lo-fi, Toledo takes advantage of it and expands upon his creativity, being loud, huge and bombastic when he needs to, and then going back to being tender and quiet, sometimes in the same song. He’s not the best singer, but for some reason his certainly unique voice works perfectly here. He also manages to add extra instruments, like horns or keyboards, and they complement the music perfectly. But it’s the fantastic songwriting that truly drives the album home for me. Yes, it can be sad and heartbreaking, but there’s moments of catharsis that make it feel like it’s okay to laugh at your own pain. And in the end, we’re all better for it. 
6. Bon Iver - 22, A Million 
“Philosophize your figure, what I have and haven’t held.”
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Every once in a while comes an artist that with a single album alters everything about them. Their image, their sound, everything. Radiohead did it with Kid A, Talk Talk did it with The Colour of Spring, Primal Scream did it with Screamadelica, and now, Bon Iver have done it with 22, A Million. Even though Justin Vernon has subtly been evolving ever since he started the Bon Iver project (replacing the minimalistic sound of For Emma, Forever Ago with a full band on their self-titled album), and even though we’ve seen him collaborate with Kanye West on Yeezus, his most experimental album yet, I don’t think anyone was ready for this radical of a change. Replacing live instrumentation entirely, Vernon instead opts for glitchy soundscapes, manipulated samples of his own voice, and horns aplenty. Even his lyrics have changed, becoming even more cryptic than they already were in the past. But even though the instrumentation is weird and out there, and you never really know just what he’s talking about, Vernon still  manages to create something that resonates within you, and the emotions shine through. No matter where he goes next, I don’t have a doubt that it will still be incredible.
5. Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds - Skeleton Tree
“I move, you move, and one more time with feeling”
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To say that Skeleton Tree might be Nick Cave’s most emotional album yet is saying a lot. Cave is known for making dark and generally disturbing music, but this record is dark for a very different reason. During the sessions for this album, Cave’s son Arthur tragically passed away. Even though no explicit mention or reference is made, this tragedy haunts the record. That sickening, oppresive feeling of loss lingers in every word and in the sparse, minimalistic production. And then, on the second half of the album, Cave turns his head from the darkness and starts looking towards the light. A ray of hope illuminates the back half of the album, simbolizing the beginning of a healing process. Musically, this album is the most minimalistic Cave has ever gotten. But what’s there is more than enough to convey exactly what needs to be conveyed. This is not an album of despair. It is an album of surviving through that despair and the peace of mind that comes with it. 
4. Radiohead - A Moon Shaped Pool 
“Broken hearts make it rain”
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Thom Yorke and co. are no strangers to the feeling of deep sadness that accompanies loneliness. But on A Moon Shaped Pool, they dive deep within this feeling and produce their most depressing and heartwrenching set of tracks in a very long time. More than being simply emotional, A Moon Shaped Pool is the most human album that has come along in a while. The band, accompanied by Jonny Greenwood’s orchestral arrangements, wear their hearts on their sleeves, resulting in an album that’s mainly about love, or more specifically, what comes after it is gone, and what fills the void that’s left in its place. While album closer True Love Waits might be the most gentle song on the entire album, it’s also the heaviest in terms of what it’s saying. And unlike Skeleton Tree, there’s no comfort at the end of it.
3. David Bowie - Blackstar 
“Look up here, I’m in heaven”
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When Blackstar came out, the world received a weird, ominous and cryptic album that talked about death, the afterlife, and all that you leave behind when you die. Two days later, we all understood why. More than an album, this is the final testament of an artist coming to terms with his own untimely passing and releasing one final parting gift. This album is chaotic, it’s nightmarish, at times profoundly sad, but in the end, if it truly is Bowie’s final goodbye, then it accomplishes what it sets out to do. One can choose to handle death in a number of ways. The way Bowie chose to do it is unusual, yes, but it feels like something that only he could have done, and it truly ends his decades-long career on a high note, leaving behind a legacy that few people can even hope to accomplish. R.I.P.
2. Danny Brown - Atrocity Exhibition
“Made 30 band in 30 minutes. Before I count it I done damn near spent it.”
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This is, no contest, the single darkest album of the year. The Detroit rapper taps into something truly twisted and demented on a lot of tracks in this record. His usual themes of drug addiction, crime, poverty, and death take on an even more sinister turn paired with some of the beats in these songs. This album truly feels like a never-ending downwards spiral. One that just turns darker and more hopeless with every passing song. Danny raps his ass of through the pain, from the perspective of someone who has gone through this and knows what it brings all too well. He raps, more than anything else, from the perspective of someone who’s determined to live and survive through it if it kills him. 
1. Frank Ocean - Blonde
“I thought that I was dreaming when you said you loved me”
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When Frank returned after a long four year hiatus with Blonde, he released something that did not resemble Channel Orange at all. Instead of the smooth R&B beats, the hooks, the guest verses, we got simple guitar lines, which, in most cases, make up the entirety of the songs’ instrumentations. Again, this is a sparse and minimalistic record, but in the abscence of extra instruments and sounds, the feelings truly shine. The lyrics in this album are, to put it simply, masterful. Dealing with youth, love, and identity, among other subjects, they all come together to create a near-perfect experience of an album that resonates hard within anyone who has ever been young and foolish, or even not that young anymore. It is, in a few words, the best album of 2016.
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