#funhaus best boy
scrawnydutchman · 2 years
The Best Friends Zaibatsu: Where are they now?
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Let me take you back to a simpler time in internet content. Before reaction channels oversaturated the market. Before the vine invasion after the infamous site imploded. around the time when the algorithm was JUST changing from click based to minutes watched. The video game content block Machinima was still around, and with it, many hit series including Sanity Not Included, Sonic for Hire . . . and Two Best Friends Play.
Two Best Friends Play (which would later be called SUPER Best Friends Play with the addition of Woolie and Liam to the cast) was a comedy let’s play/sketch series between the duo of Matthew Kowalewski and Patrick Boivin. They were pioneers of their genre: with a format of video game playing focused more on personality and banter than whatever it was they were playing, and it was a MASSIVE success. It inspired some of the most popular Let’s Play channels currently around like Game Grumps and Funhaus. It was largely responsible for the rise in popularity for many game franchises and indie titles including Yakuza, Skullgirls, Shovel Knight and Divekick. It lifted so many other insanely popular creators up like Maximillian Dood, Super Eyepatch Wolf and Mother’s Basement. Don’t let the current subscriber count of the channel fool you: despite sadly having never reached that one million subscribers milestone, these boys’ influence could be felt everywhere in the gaming sphere one way or another.
That said, all good things must come to an end. On December 16th, 2018, the trio of Matt, Pat and Woolie announced that the channel would be discontinuing . . .because sadly, the friendship that started the channel in the beginning between Matt and Pat had dwindled with time and finally broke.
As of the typing of this post, we are approaching the 4 year anniversary of the Best Friend’s breakup. Luckily for us, all 4 of the former members still have SOME level of presence online. Which begs the question . . . .where are they now?
Matt McMuscles (Matt)
Matt was, in many ways, the leader of the Zaibatsu. It was his idea from the beginning to start doing Let’s Plays and it was his channel, The Sw1tcher (eventually rebranded to Super Best Friends Play) on which most of the group’s content was featured.
Since their disbandment, Matt has been focusing full time on the steady growth of his solo youtube channel as well as other projects. Matt McMuscles is his own for many media examination videos, including his new cash cow “What Happened?”, a series covering the blunderous behind the scenes production cycles of many games and movies. He has a number of other channels including Flophouse Plays where he does more Let’s Play content (occasionally being co hosted by former Best Friends member Liam) and T.K.O, a fighting game podcast featuring him and his co hosts Maximillian Dood and Justin Wong.
Looking at the impressive growth of his content over a relatively short period of time, one quickly learns that of the former Zaibatsu members, MATT was the business brain. Nothing but love for Pat and Woolie, but I think Matt’s commitment to high production value content and his effective marketing have lead to him easily being the most successful of the former Zaibatsu members. Matt recently achieved over 500,000 subscribers on his main channel! Think about that: the original best friends channel capped off at 722,000 subs after the Zaibatsu disbanded. Matt managed to achieve steady growth that now almost rivals his original claim to fame in just 4 years. He’s reached an audience that now knows him primarily for his Matt McMuscles content rather than knowing him prior from the Zaibatsu. Way to go, Matt!!!
Pat Stares At (Pat)
When the Zaibatsu was first developing, Matt originally approached Woolie to start the channel with since at the time both Matt and Pat were mutual friends of Woolie rather than friends with each other. Woolie turned down this offer, so Matt turned to Pat instead to be his comedic partner and Pat agreed. The rest is history. I honestly can’t say whether the Zaibatsu would have seen the success it has had Woolie agreed to be Matt’s comedic partner first, but It’s not hard to see why the Matt and Pat combo was so popular. Even though they aren’t on good terms anymore (and haven’t been for a while) No one can deny they had amazing chemistry together. Pat’s sardonic and sarcastic brand of humor played very well with Matt’s persona of being the upbeat and hype loving guy.
While Matt focused dominantly on his youtube content after the breakup, Pat migrated more over to Twitch Streaming games with his new wife Paige (PeachSaliva). He also moved from Montreal to British Columbia with her and now streams from there. While he doesn’t live in the same province as the rest of the Zaibatsu anymore, he DOES still regularly collab with Woolie on the podcast that is the spiritual successor to the Best Friendcast, Castle Super Beast.
While Pat may not have the same view or subscriber counts as Matt or Woolie, I don’t think anyone can deny that he is living his best life. He’s in a beautiful province, playing the games he loves for a living, supported by a very dedicated and generous fanbase, married to the absolute catch that is Peach. Plus, it’s no surprise he delved so much into personality based entertainment considering he was easily the biggest personality of them all (despite being the smallest person of them all). Wishing you more happiness Pat!
WoolieVersus (Woolie)
While Woolie initially declined Matt’s proposal to start a let’s play channel together, he WOULD inevitably join Matt and Pat as the Zaibatsu’s third member and would add even more to the already great chemistry. Woolie was the perfect middle man between Matt and Pat: able to keep up with both the hype and the sass in his own right. He also initiated what would become many staples for the Zaibatsu’s content including the best Friendcast and one of their most popular ongoing series, Friday Night Fisticuffs, a show where every friday the guys would get together to play some rounds of a kickass fighting game. Woolie may have joined a bit later, but he played an instrumental role in the identity the Zaibatsu would eventually have.
Also Fighterpedia, but . . . . who even remembers that? (Just kidding, Woolie. I remember it and love it).
These days Woolie does both a little bit of Youtube content AND a little bit of twitch streaming, as well as the Castle Super Beast podcast which he co hosts with Pat. His channel, Woolieversus, specializes in let’s plays with co hosts like Minh and Reggie, as well as ongoing series like Get Into Fighting Games (a spiritual successor to Friday Night Fisticuffs). In many ways, Woolie is the one most responsible for keeping the old Zaibatsu spirit alive past the channel’s death with series that are direct spiritual sequels to the old days. Thanks for that, Woolie, and thank you for getting ME into fighting games!
Rising Superstar Liam (Liam)
Liam was the last to become a member of the Zaibatsu when it was active and he was the first to leave the group for mental health reasons. While his time with the Zaibatsu was relatively brief in comparison to the other three, he nevertheless made a great addition to the ensemble with his optimistic outlook on game design and his occasional zingers so good it causes the whole room to erupt in laughter. As a lifelong Zaibatsu fan, I can confidently say that in my opinion, Liam’s time on the channel was the GOLDEN AGE of the Super Best Friends.
Liam doesn’t have as much of a presence online as the other three and that’s out of his own preference. He still makes some appearances on Matt’s channels to watch Nintendo streams with him or to partake in Let’s plays, which ALSO incidentally capture the old Zaibatsu spirit to an extent. From what I can tell, Liam went back to school for 3D design and game development and I say more power to him! Thanks for making some prime content with the rest of the boys while you did, Liam, and I hope your life takes you in fulfilling places.
Looking Back
I’ve been a fan of these guys for a *very* long time. Almost since the beginning. I remember being a big time Best Friends fan before Game Grumps was even a thing. I quoted these dudes non stop in high school and watched their old Machinima videos RELIGIOUSLY. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed harder than that period in my life and for that I am grateful. These guys are why I associate the Kirby theme more with them than I do ACTUAL Kirby. A few of my friendships in high school were started over BONDING over our mutual love for these guys.
So like many others, it shook me to the core when I found out that not only was the old channel discontinuing, but the duo that started it all weren’t even friends anymore. Even now it still feels SO strange to think about. But nothing lasts forever. After all, all these guys who entertained me so much are still people with their own opinions and perceptions . . .and needs. It’s not my business to know exactly what went down. All I can do is support each of them as they continue on their paths.
It’s not all bad though. In fact, knowing that things were getting pretty contentious in the latter years of the Zaibatsu, if all of them are more happy and more successful doing what they’re doing anyway than I’m all for it. That comes before anything else. It really seems like all the guys are where they want to be now and I’m much more thankful for that than I am sad that a channel I grew up on is no longer active.
Much love and good fortune to Matt, Pat, Woolie, Liam and everyone you guys’ love. You all deserve nothing but happiness and . . . thank you for all the years of making me laugh, whatever form that came in.
R.I.P to the hypest channel on Youtube. Long live Matt McMuscles, Pat Stares At, WoolieVersus and the Rising SuperStream.
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ordinaryschmuck · 4 years
The Bright Side of 2020
It's easy to say that 2020 was an awful year. Because it was. 2020 is easily one of the worst years in a while, filled with death, depression, economic collapse, a pandemic, and even the word 'poggers' becoming a thing. 
Seriously, what the hell is 'poggers?!' The more I see it, the less it makes sense to me!
2020 was filled to the brim with so many awful moments. In no way should we forget any of it, and heaven forbid that we ignore all of it.
But that doesn't mean we should let the bad overshadow the good.
As we enter the last month of the dumpster fire that is this year, let us look over the good that came from it. Because I don't want to end 2020 with a whimper, but at least with a little glimmer of hope.
So here is my list:
Joe Biden has been elected as our new president, and the entire world had collectively celebrated. Sure, Trump is reacting to the news like a toddler who won't share his ball and decided to run home crying to his mommy. But by January, we will never talk about this man again, and America will remember him as he was back in 2016: A bad joke that wasn’t that funny to begin with, and has been annoying to hear since the beginning.
Our new vice president will not only be the first female VP but will also be a VP who is an African American, an Asian American, and an Indian American. It doesn't make up for the years when old white dudes were in charge, but it's a start. So let's take a moment to appreciate our new VP, shall we...That was nice. Next!
Voice actors who are people of color are given more of a chance to voice characters who are POC as well. It gets better as white VAs are getting replaced with VAs with the correct background to perform as specific characters. You can make the argument that a voice is a voice and that it doesn't matter who the face behind it is as long as the performance is still good. But if you're going to go the progressive route anyway, then why not go all the way with hiring actors to portray their own race/culture?
Several comedians kept us laughing despite how the year got worse and worse and how emotionally drained they were because of it. Laughter is the best medicine and boy, does it help that I can still laugh off the pain this year brought.
On a darker note: Online personalities Ryan Haywood from Achievement Hunter and Adam Kovic from Funhaus were revealed to dealing in sexual misconducts with their fans. On the surface, this seems like a bad thing. And with the betrayal and heartbreak that came from it, it certainly seems like so. But look at it this way: These monsters would have continued to do such awful things, regardless if they got caught this year or not. And while it pains me to know so many good videos are going to be deleted, some of which helped me on days that I needed a laugh the most, it is good knowing that Haywood and Kovic won't get away with what they did again. Because we won’t let them.
Back to a lighter note: A rare yellow turtle was discovered in India, and I am in love with this thing! I thought it was a mustard stain at first when I saw the photo, but it's a turtle. And it's adorable. And I will not rest until I find it and give it cuddles it deserves. Which is all of the cuddles.
So many incredible LGBTQ+ representations were given this year! Yes, that whole thing with Dean and Castiel was unforgettable as much as it is unforgivable. But if you ignore the live-action side of things and look at animation, you will find things are brighter than a rainbow over a pride parade. Catra and Adora finally kissed in a moment that was both satisfying and beautiful. Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn became a couple in Harley Quinn, giving comic fans something they wanted for years. Adventure Time fans were given a forty-five-minute episode filled with adorable moment after adorable moment of Marceline and Princess Bubblegum being an operant couple. Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts has a character who explicitly says, "I'm gay," and even gets a boyfriend in the end (I think. I haven't finished the show yet). And Disney has finally, F**KING FINALLY, taken steps in the right direction with their new hit: The Owl House. A series where the main character is a bisexual Latina who has a same-sex love interest that has an explicit crush on the main character.
And while we're on the topic of entertainment: HOLY S**T, have you seen the quality content we got this year?
Amazing animated shows came out with hit after hit with series like The Midnight Gospel, The Owl House, Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts, Central Park, and many, many more. Shows that are hilarious, beautifully animated, and tell compelling stories with equally compelling characters.
Adventure Time, Animaniacs, Eddsworld, Phineas and Ferb, and Crash Bandicoot came back with revivals, reboots, specials, and long-awaited sequels that were not just as good as they were before leaving, but in some ways, are even better.
A recorded performance of Hamilton can now be seen on Disney+, meaning that theater kids can finally see the show they have been obsessing over since that soundtrack came out.
HBOmax took shows from DC's piece of s**t streaming service, meaning that fans can watch Doom Patrol and Harley Quinn on a service that's actually worth the price...Titans can suck a dick. But Doom Patrol and Harley Quinn! Doom Patrol and Harley Quinn!
Avatar: The Last Airbender and Community is on Netflix now...so go watch them.
Spider-Man: Miles Morales is a game that stars the famous bi-racial Spider-Man, that also shows off the color and diversity that is present in the people of Harlem. And given what happened this year, that is definitely appreciated. Not to mention that I’ve heard it's a fun game on top of that!
And that's just the s**t I can think of off the top of my head. There are plenty more good things that came this year, some of which I'm sure is better than what I put on this list. All a person has to do is do some research, which I encourage you to do yourself.
Don't let 2020 win by beating you down. Instead, let's focus on the bright side to stop the dark shadow of a year from taking over.
And I'm begging you: Keep this list going! It's not a bad thing to give people good news for a change.
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cowchopisjustice · 3 years
Watch "Cow Chop & Funhaus | Disney XD Cameo" on YouTube
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thesassiestcolor · 5 years
Y’all are gonna make fun of me but the RT Merch and Liscening Panel is like the most interesting thing to me
Quality control and remaining on brand is the focus of the product teams - they have tons and tons of submissions that are just not representative of the product/show/company and it’s a disaster
RWBY Crystal Quest was a mess from the start - the characters didn’t look at all like the characters, Jaune was the main icon but not actually playable - it was presented as a cutesy game but there were sexy outfits for all the characters and didn’t look child friendly at all
Some of the changes they had to do for the game:
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The head of quality control begged the audience to please stop sending RWBY body pillow ideas to the team - they don’t want it and it’s not appropriate for 16 year old characters
They are all ashamed of the Pyrrha plushie and that was ultimately a result of a rushed merch release schedule - they do not want to repeat it again, their plushies are now all carefully looked over before production
Achievement Hunter is some of the hardest merch to quality control - 1. Because the jokes move so fast and it’s hard to release a good quality shirt about a joke while it’s still relevant 2. People just don’t know how to spell Achievement - some of the crew actually wore misspelled shirts! They’re planning on making a shirt with various misspelling of Achieve
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Coop Video - the exclusive RTX store designed to look like an old blockbuster - was one of the favorite projects in the last year, and was a very fun and hardworking project that took almost all departments — and was completed in 6 months!!
The chip bag packaging for all sweatshirts (I’ll edit in pictures of it later because it’s very clever) was created by John Benson and he deserves a lot of the credit for most packaging
They’ve wanted to do RWBY cosplay weapons for a long time, so with Ruby’s scythe coming to the store soon, expect to see others!
There was a rejected idea to make a purple hat that said Make America Grape Again - the People Like Grapes shorts are the best selling thing in the store still!
Geoff Ramsey used to do all the t shirts - and it was a relative disaster - the quotes would be typed in word and pasted onto a simple shirt designs and they would try to get them done within a month of the idea being thought of
Geoff was also a terrible archivist, he never saves any shirt designs so a lot of the old designs are just totally gone
The community is a huge part of the content tees - the product team can’t watch all the content and miss jokes, but the community submits a lot of cool designs to 1. See what people are interested in 2. See what jokes are popular and 3. Get creative ideas
It’s much harder to sell things like Funhaus shirts if Funhause won’t actually wear them! The designs are usually approved in one way or another by the cast because they need to actually wear them to sell them
There was even a joke that they want to release AH boys into a mall and see what they come back with to see what they can sell
The AH Moonball was the first thing the head liscencor was tasked with, but took the actual company tweeting at Achievement Hunter for the liscening to get into motion
Funko Pops were #1 on their want list for this year, and they’re very happy it’s paying off, the pops will be available around August!
There’s one woman - Monica - who does ALL the women’s line for Let’s Play, she makes sure it fits right, what women will want to wear, and that it’s for fans to express their love for the product and not sexualize the shirt wearer in any way
I also asked privately after the panel (bc there wasn’t enough time) about the Qrow statue they promised last year at the rwby panel - they said it was held up because of some issues in coloring, but it is still planned on being released!
They showed some cool sneaky peaks that WERENT in any of the other panels!! (For reward for walking all the way to the edge of the convention center) that I will have a separate post for later!!!
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justchasingghosts · 4 years
It’s been a minute, but I’m going to wax poetic about the personality test video. 
To clarify before I get into it, I do want to say first that even though I haven’t posted in like 2 years, I have still continued to watch Sean somewhat regularly. I’m graduating from medical school on Thursday (weird, I know), so suffice to say, I’ve had less time in general to keep up with every upload and make posts/gifs/anything. I still watch every long multi-part playthrough he uploads; he is the first person I go to for those (if he plays the game of course), but watching the usual daily uploads is a little more difficult, compared to 4 years ago when I had time to watch every single one. So everything I say next is as someone who has been keeping up with him, even if my lack of posting suggests otherwise. *deep breath*
I’m glad he noticed how much he’s changed in the past 3 years because I have absolutely noticed it as well. The main difference between the 2017 and 2020 videos is best exemplified in the first 5 seconds-- no more intro and green hair. I’m not going to speak for Sean (these are just my own observations), but around that time in 2016-2017 (with his increasing popularity and the green hair becoming a staple), it felt like his online personality was becoming a caricature of himself. Yes, he is a ~loud boi~, but in retrospect (compared to how he is now), it does seem like he had to make sure he was fitting this image the internet has made of him. This is not a conscious thing, it can just happen sometimes. Even the fact that a lot more people call him Sean instead of Jack now is evidence of a shift to him being less concerned about a specific persona he has to maintain rigidly.
When he finally dyed his hair back to his natural color and started growing it out, when the intro and outro went away, and when he started wearing gauges (I only mention that because when I first started watching Sean, I wore 8g plugs, and now I'm at a size 00g...how time flies), it seemed like a great weight was lifted, and the shackles were finally off. The timeline off the top of my head is going to be wonky (apologies), but then he started streaming on Twitch whenever he felt like it, making more ambitious non-gameplay related videos, just doing whatever the fuck he wanted. He was having fun with it, and it was nice to see.
I wanted to make a comparison of his answers between the two videos, but since he admitted that some of the choices he made in 2017 were influenced by the fact he was being filmed, it seems a little fruitless to do it individually since I don’t know which answers were genuine and which were not. But I think that’s kind of not the point.
The main thing I wanted to say was that I have noticed a difference in Sean the past year/2 years (what even is time now), and I’m not going to say he seems happier because you can act happier online pretty easily.
I’d say he seems much more human.
Like, he’s no longer posting twice a day because it was slowly killing him. If he’s not feeling up to it, he won’t upload for a day. If he feels like checking out the memes on his subreddit, he’ll do it. Who cares. Instead of trying to maintain the image and persona of “jacksepticeye”, he’s focusing on Sean McLoughlin. I don’t want it to sound like he’s truly zen now and perfect, because that’s not the case (sorry, Sean). Obviously there’s always room to grow and change for the better, but compared to before, he appears to be healthier online now.
I’ve changed a lot myself in the 4 years I’ve been watching Sean (binging his videos all day everyday for 3 weeks straight in Feb. 2016 kept me from killing myself vs. attending a virtual graduation in 4 days that I didn’t think I’d be alive for), and it’s been really interesting to see us both, in parallel, become more comfortable with ourselves, in varying degrees of course (read: I’m still a mess). 
He’ll always have a special place in my heart, and I’m proud of him.
((P.S. - Sean, if you do see this, I have but one request/suggestion. I’ve seen your Twitter interactions with James and Elyse Willems, and, if you’re interested, I think collabing with Funhaus would be really cool. They’re all pretty great, and I think you’d have a lot of fun together.))
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honkhonkrichard · 5 years
Pairing: Stozier AU Setting: Skipping class to go record shopping
Richie needed more vinyls. Well, “needed” was a strong word. Stan knew Richie probably had around 30 vinyls stocked up in his room, mostly of the same genre but at least 3 of them were country music.  
Stan also knew that he couldn’t do it after school. Richie was busy nowadays, busier than he ever had been. He finally landed a job at the comedy/music joint “Chuck’s FunHaus” which meant he spent most of his free time in his cluttered bedroom scribbling lyrics and jokes while strumming lightly on his guitar.
With the distinct lack of free time, Richie and Stan thought it only fair, or at least maybe logical, that he made free time through skipping class.
Charlie, brother to Chuck and one of Richie’s favourite people, ran “The Vine Shop’”, a music shop near where Richie worked, gave Richie and Stan a side eye glance as they walked in during class time.  
Stanley ran his fingers across the rows of vinyls. He never really cared too much for music, he favoured showtunes instead. But there was a lingering happiness in spending time with Richie, watching the studious look in the older boy’s eyes as he looked through all the discs. Something about being alone with Richie like this made Stan’s heart flutter.
“Lookit.” Richie mumbled, picking up a vinyl and passing it to Stan. “This is watch you need.”
Stan took it from him and broke into a smile. It was a March of the Falsettos vinyl. The one Stan didn’t have. He traced his finger over the image until he felt the heat of Richie’s body against his; the closeness, and the musk of Richie’s cologne made Stan feel hot.
“I brought my wallet.” Richie told Stan, his sly fingers taking the disc from him. He flipped it around, quickly looking the whole thing over. “You owe me $17.99”   
“I-I can pay for it-” Stan mumbled, cursing himself for stuttering as he gently reached out to grab it back from Richie. Stan was taller than Richie by a few inches, and had been for a while, but his arms were shorter. Richie was one lanky son of a bitch. His whole body seemed to be out of proportion: his hands were big, his legs and neck were long, his eyes looked too big behind his glasses. With all the Big Dick jokes he made, Stan expected his-
Stan stopped his line of thinking right there. There was no way he was going to pop one right here in the record shop.
It was then that he realized he was standing in the middle of the record shop, probably look a bit lost.
“Stantoni?” Richie’s voice was from across the room. “You good?”
Stan, who was not nearly as good as he wished he was, nodded quickly, and walked up to Richie, who was taking out an album by AC/DC.
“I can pay for it.” he said again, more stable this time.
Richie looked up at him, big green eyes blinking with confusion and a bit of anarchy behind him. “No.” He said simply. And fuck, Stan really couldn’t say no to Richie.
Richie skipped over to the cash and made banter with his boss’ brother. They talked like relatives.
Richie always looks so happy here. Stan never passed up the opportunity to come to the record shop with Richie. He loved seeing how Richie’s face lit up when they brought in new vinyl players, or watch his fingers flip through all the rows with expertise. Or watching him bounce on his heels as he walked around.
Fuck Stan loved Richie so much it was disgusting. He’d hate both himself and Richie if he was literally anyone else.
He followed Richie out of the store, and watched as his best friend bounced to the car, singing an AC/DC song to himself.
“Fuck, I don’t wanna go back to school.” Richie sighed, climbing into the passenger’s seat of the car. No one drove Stanley’s car. No one. Richie was no exception. “Let’s go to the quarry and make out.”  
Stan knew it was a joke. Not only would Richie never suck face in public, he’d never do it with Stan. People were always throwing jokes around about how they were joined at the hip and probably secretly married but-
“Yeah, okay.” Stan muttered. Sounding a bit more sour than he had meant to.
“Nah, Fuck Stan.” Richie said. “Let’s go make out by~…”
Richie stopped and hummed for few seconds before snapping and pointing up. “The barrens. No one goes there.”
“I don’t know what’s more concerning; you wanna make out with me or you want to make out outside of all places.”
Richie shrugged.
“So,” Stan concluded, starting to pull out of the parking lot. “Barrens?”
Richie nodded. “Barrens.”
Stanley must’ve spent 20 minutes steadily parking the car in the barrens. When he finally turned the car off, he huffed and relaxed into his seat. Richie got out of the car. Stan sighed and followed.
Richie leaned against the hood of the car and took a deep breath in. “Y’know for all the shit said about the outdoors.” He looked over to Stan with a dazed grin. “It’s kinda nice.”
“Kinda nice?” Stan asked, not settling in one spot. Stan loved being outside. Especially by the woods. “Try gorgeous.”
“My mistake.” Richie’s voice was heard from behind Stan, and he could hear the grin on the older’s face.
Stan felt a hand grip his wrist, as he looked down to it, Richie pulled Stan closer. “Now for the main event.” he whispered, turning Stan to face him and cupping Stan’s face in his hands.
“W-” Stan blinked, holding Richie’s hands. “What?”
“Makin’ out in the Barrens, remember? That’s what we came here to do.” Richie told him.
“You weren’t serious.” This was a prank. This was a prank. This was a prank.
“Says who?” Richie brought their faces closer together. Stan could feel Richie’s breath. This was a prank. This was a prank. This was a prank-
Stan couldn’t do anything more than let out a low whine.
Richie looked at Stan’s eyes, a glint of mischief there combined with a haze of want.
Stan pressed their lips together.
Send me an inbox if you wanna be on my perma-tag list but for now it’s just @snowy-dinosaur lmao
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arse-blathanna · 5 years
I’m still alive here’s what I’ve been doing
Just so y’all know, I still don’t have internet at home and I don’t trust this blue hellsite with my mobile data.
Some updates:
Working on editing the rest of Hanging Garden of Weeds. Been stuck on ch. 5 for weeks now.
Working on some rvb stuff. Priority is something fun for a friend.
I’ve been playing a shitton of Borderlands 2. And by “shitton” I mean that I finished one playthrough, reset the character, am halfway through the second higher level playthrough, and am also actively playing all of the DLC. Axton’s my boy.
I have 3 cats now. Oreo hates it. 
Thoughts on RT stuff:
RWBY 6 was okay. Probably watches better in one go but I can’t get the time to do that. 
I’m enjoying the fuck out of Gen:Lock. Kazu best. They managed to deliver and it’s great. 
Rooster Teeth owns Inside Gaming now and that means that the old Funhaus catalog gets to live forever. I get to bring their horrible The Sims 3 playthrough home with me and I love it. 
I’ve watched a lot of anime that i downloaded off of Netflix. Some thoughts:
Devilman Crybaby was horny as hell. Pree dece.
Kakegurui is also horny as hell. It’s okay.
Violet Evergarden has gorgeous animation. Worth it. 
Other shit I downloaded off of Netflix:
Dragon Prince season 2 but I haven’t watched it yet.
Bird Box was pretty good. 
Enjoyed the hell out of Haunting of Hill House. Would definitely recommend it for anyone that doesn’t mind some spooks. 
Finally saw District 9. Was good. 
The Witch was a weird weird movie. 
Catwalk: Shows from the Cat Show Circuit was actually way better than I expected. 
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emilemiblem · 6 years
31) things you said while I cried in your arms + my sweet jeremwood boys
Ryan wasn’t at breakfast that morning, which was definitely a sign of something being wrong. Normally he was one of the first in the kitchen, helping Jack cook something up for the rest of them, or at least enjoying some morning coffee while messing with something on his phone. So when Jeremy came down the stairs that morning, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and craving his usual good morning kiss from his boyfriend, he was surprised to find Jack in the kitchen alone, the smell of bacon and pancakes in the air. 
“No Rye?” he asks as he enters, walking towards the coffee maker and pouring himself a fresh cup. Jack merely shrugs at him, turning one of the pancakes on the pan before adjusting the heat of the burner. 
No Ryan could mean one of two things. One, he could be out on an early morning robbery, something he usually only did if they were under a lot of stress that week. Two, a rival crew attacked and was holding Ryan hostage in order to get the Fakes to give up territory. Those were the only valid reasons as to why Ryan wasn’t there, at least if it was up to Jeremy. 
However, given Jack’s lack of concern when asked about their main muscle, the second option seemed unlikely. 
Jeremy unlocks his phone, checking for any missed messages of possible calls. There was a chance Ryan was just out for a morning jog with Trevor, something out of the ordinary that he thought he’d be back from before Jeremy woke up. With no messages, however, Jeremy was beginning to feel a little uneasy. 
Frowning, Jeremy turns back to Jack, who hands him a plate of food and asks, “Is there anything important about today’s date?”
He searches Jack’s face for an answer, something that could indicate anything. There was a good chance she didn’t know anything, that Ryan really was just doing his own thing by himself, but wouldn’t he have at least mentioned something to Jeremy? Left a note? 
Jack closes her eyes, sighing. “Today is the twenty third, yeah. I don’t believe I have a right to say why it’s so important to him though.” She turns back towards the rest of the breakfast. “Just give him some space, yeah? I’m sure he’ll tell you when he gets back.”
It wasn’t much of an answer, but it would have to do for right now. 
Ryan comes back in the afternoon, when the majority of the crew has left for some sort of negotiation with Funhaus. Jeremy had insisted he wanted to wait for Ryan to get back instead of joining them, which Jack had agreed would be best. 
That had been two hours ago, and Ryan was now just walking through the door. Jeremy can hear him come up the stairs, slowly, but there’s another sound that has Jeremy putting his phone down and looking towards the door in worry. It sounds like Ryan was wounded. 
When the door opens, Jeremy feels his heart shatter. “Oh, Rye.”
Ryan’s eyes are red, swollen from what Jeremy knows is crying. His face looks blotchy, and the man appears to be completely drained emotionally as he falls onto the bed and curls into Jeremy, the tears making a comeback the minute his arms wrap around his boyfriend. 
Jeremy doesn’t ask questions right then and there, simply holding the taller man as he sobs into Jeremy’s shoulder. It’s a rather strange sight to see the Vagabond cry, despite how long the two of them had been dating it was a rarity to see Ryan display such an emotion. 
He places a soft kiss to Ryan’s forehead, hand coming up to thumb away Ryan’s tears before he asks softly, “What’s wrong?”
Ryan bites down on his lip, stopping a sob from escaping. “It’s been years. Why do I feel this way after six fucking years?” 
Jeremy doesn’t understand what Ryan was talking about, but he doesn’t want to push too hard. His hand undoes the ponytail holding Ryan’s hair back, allowing the hair to fall freely against Jeremy’s chest as the younger man runs his fingers through it in an attempt to calm down his aching boyfriend. Ryan curls into him tighter. 
“You don’t have to tell me,” Jeremy assures him, his other hand tracing patterns into Ryan’s arm. “But I don’t like seeing you so upset.” Ryan reaches for Jeremy’s hand, intertwining their fingers together and holding it to his mouth to place a shaking kiss to Jeremy’s knuckles. “We can just lie here until you’ve calmed down, okay?”
Ryan looks up at Jeremy intently, as if studying all of Jeremy’s features, before he whispers, “It’s been six years since I lost my wife.”
It wasn’t a surprise, that Ryan had been married before. Geoff had mentioned it in passing once, that Ryan had a rather cookie cutter life before he joined the crew. Something about ‘Vagabond in the Suburbs.’ Jeremy never really pushed for more information on that, knowing that their pasts were the last thing they all wanted to share. 
So he doesn’t push Ryan for more information, doesn’t demand answers to things he obviously did not want to discuss. Instead he adjusts the two of them on the bed, both of them lying down and facing each other, and says, “Do you want to stay here the rest of the day?”
Ryan nods, leaning forward and pressing a soft kiss to Jeremy’s nose. “Thank you.”
He falls asleep only minutes later, and Jeremy stays by his side until he too dozes off. 
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yallive · 6 years
Dude I went in 2016 and I've missed it pretty much every day since then - I legit cried in my hotel room after the final day had finished, it's such a wonderful environment to be in. I'll be going alone this year I needed to go back! And I'll do my best to recognise ya and come and say hello!
go for it!! i’ve wanted to go every year since like 2015 and i’m finally going as a grad/18th birthday present!! i’m really hoping to meet ryan, jeremy, trevor, and all the funhaus and sugar pine 7 boys :))
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shrack · 6 years
Or let’s talk about when James Willems went hard in an episode of CCTV when the Cow Chop boys mentioned they were doing Theatre Mode. James pointed out that he’d pitched that idea to RT for Funhaus to do but of course CC gets asked to do that before them. Now FINALLY they get to do some Theatre Mode, which will ultimately be the best episodes but I digress. At the end of all this funhaus is amazing and they deserve more
fh has been at rt for so much longer than cc and literally does nothing but talk about movies in their gameplays but sure ask cc to do it first. go off i guess
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natjennie · 7 years
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there are lots of places to start depending on what you’re interested in! an asterisk means its a personal favorite. heres a brief summary of a few of the things they do. id also check out the best of series by somegamenews which pulls out just the best bits from all the eza content in a week. (with links!)
like dnd? check out the series tabletop escapades** (or tabletop adventures****, another dnd show by the same group of people a few years earlier, called gametrailers)
need something to veg out to, something long form? check out fiasconauts**, a 1.5-3 hour long show consisting of a rotating cast of people playing the roleplaying game fiasco (also a few episodes from gametrailers) or check out the easy allies podcast about video game news and fun in-episode mini-games, or reaction shots about movies and tv (also other podcasts/shows im less familiar with)
interested in music? or sort of artsy, ecclectic shows? check out easy update, a show by one member of easy allies (ian "any pronouns" hinck) where every episode opens with a song vaguely about video games and consists of something fun and weird
did someone say weird interpersonal betting? every major games press conference (e3, paris games week, psx, etc) the allies get together to bet on what will be discussed during “betting specials”**, and win or are punished depending (punishments including a standup routine, making a powerpoint about the galapagos, rapping about nutrition**, etc) (also a show from gametrailers. id go in order, there's like a weird continuing storyline)
also: each member of eza streams on twitch on different days of the week with different games, so there's sort of something for everyone, the bravest and most cowardly members playing scary games, you got it (they also play a lot of japanese games, sorry im really not familiar with them so i dont know much, but what ive picked up is: final fantasy, kingdom hearts, yakuza, persona. thats about it for my knowledge)
our cast of characters: brandon jones - the leader, kinda. based in his house, loves disney and red dead redemption, currently learning more about pokemon, a jolly dad (not really a dad but acts like it), has a dog named sophie everyone loves her michael damiani - honestly dont know much about him, a cryptid???, tech wizard, yells about zelda daniel bloodworth - thats his real name, i know right??, his nickname is blood, blood terrifies me, actually very sweet but so so scary ben moore - so kawaii, loves japan, wishes he was in japan instead of being here, dm for the dnd shows, a sweet boy MICHAEL HUBER - the human embodiment of all caps, an actual puppy, all of his shows are about PASSION, he LOVES everythings and i love him brad ellis - owns a leather jacket, actual bffs with huber since like elementary school or something, the coolest, loves saying "oh sora" in winnie the pooh's voice like a kindom hearts reference, plays guitar kyle bosman - someone ask him if hes okay, "funniest guy in the room", likes tetris and not getting any sleep and wearing hoodies, Rarely curses ian hinck - the light of mine life, was asked preferred pronouns and said "any", always plays a female character in roleplaying games, acts like she doesnt care about anything, cares a lot, everyone loves her
EDIT: thank you for calling me out @tomorrow-is-forever-all-ours for forgetting don, i knew i needed to add him but clicked post before i did im sorry don
DON CASANOVA: only there part of the time, an enigma, the coolest hair, looks like he belongs in a casino, incredibly talented and everyone loves him as they should, you might know him from funhaus too!
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teamnicejoneses · 7 years
A Comprehensive List of Gavin Free’s Credits in Off Topic
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8 - n/a
28 - MY BOI
32 - n/a
37 - GAV.I.AM
48 - NOT MCM
54 - The Slow Mo Pies 
59 - DEAD 
63 - n/a
85 - n/a
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astro-b-o-y-d · 7 years
Soooo, hi Haley. I'm new to Rooster Teeth through Camp Camp. What would be your suggestion for how to best go about watching the rest of RT?
Good question! First things first, there’s fifteen years worth of RT content out there, so do NOT go into it expecting to be able to watch it all at once, or even watch all of it ever. But the good news about that is that while you might not be able to watch ALL the content, there’s PLENTY to choose from and plenty of different things to enjoy.
First off, what kind of content interests you? Do you like Lets Plays? I’d try Achievement Hunter or any of the others in the Lets Play family (though I have some bias considering AH is the only one I watch consistently.) But I’ve watch some Demo Disk from Funhaus and that’s a lot of fun. I’ve seen some Cow Chop and heard good things about SP7, too.
There’s also other cartoons that RT has put out like Xray and Vav or Sex Swing (though they are cartoons centered around AH in-jokes and Funhaus in-jokes, but I still think they’d be fun if you went in blind). 
And of course, Red vs Blue is a great show and it’s what got RT off the ground as a company. Even if you don’t play Halo, you can still enjoy it (trust me, I was worried going in I wouldn’t get it because I don’t play much of Halo, but it’s all pretty much their version of a fanfic within the Halo-verse so you should be fine). Each season of RvB is about the length of a movie so it’s not as long of a watch as you’d think. However, you CANNOT skip the mini-series if you choose to watch, they are part of the plot. Usually. There’s some you could skip, but why would you want to when they’re so fun?
If you like anime, then RWBY’s a good bet, too. Just….avoid the fanbase, it’s about as good as any other anime-based fandoms out there. Ugh.
I’m also a huge fan of the Ten/Eleven Little Roosters series, though Ten was definitely superior in my book. If you’re into murder mysteries, you might like it.
If you have a FIRST membership, I’d definitely check out Backwardz Compatible, which has Miles Luna and his pal Kyle Taylor playing games that make them either rage or scream in fear. It’s great.
Or Theater Mode, which is just Mystery Science Theater: Achievement Hunter edition, and even when the movies are AWFUL, it’s funny to watch the boys suffer as they trudge through it.
On the Spot is RT’s official game show where everyone finds a way to break Jon Risinger’s spirit and happiness. Usually while drunk. It’s incredible. Some of my absolute favorite episode are the ones with Jeremy Dooley, or the No Swear Words episode.
Strangerhood is also a thing but….I can’t describe it. It’s just…an experience.
And there’s plenty of other content out there to choose from, this is just my own list of faves.
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noblehigh · 7 years
various sentence starters.
( feel free to change pronouns and such! ) ACHIEVEMENT HUNTER.
❝  kneel down, bitches. ❞ ❝  are they having sex right now? ❞ ❝  why is [muse name]’s house a piece of shit? ❞ ❝  is this a button? what’s it do? ❞ ❝  oh, man.. jesus?! ❞ ❝  you fucking idiot, you fucking idiot -- ❞ ❝  owww, i’m burning! ❞ ❝  all right, you’re on your own. ❞ ❝  why are you so dumb?! ❞ ❝  you laid it on ‘em. way to go, sport. ❞ ❝  i’m not in your shit. ❞ ❝  you have to be more specific. ❞ ❝  slit your damn throat, you -- tentacled bitch. ❞ ❝  we can sell that on itunes, right? ❞ ❝  so it’s like, middle of the night, cat has to use the restroom, okay cat will use the restroom, don’t have to worry about it. dog has to use the restroom -- fuckin’ wake you up or shit on the floor. ❞ ❝  he’s fucking crazy! he’s delusional! ❞ ❝  shit, i don’t remember where i was. ❞ ❝  who thought this was funny? not funny. not funny at all. ❞ ❝  just blaze! ❞ ❝  love fist. ❞ ❝  fool me once: i’m gonna kill you. ❞ ❝  i fell asleep on the sofa one night, and i was having this really intense dream. and, uh.. i was at a party.. and everyone at the party was a dick. so i went into the bathroom, and i woke up and i had pissed myself. ❞ ❝  it’s sad, i miss dreaming, i used to dream. ❞ ❝  i’ve found that typically, women dream about real things that happen in their lives, and i dream about, like.. dragons and shit. ❞ ❝  was that supposed to be hard?! ❞ ❝  that’s what you get for possibly seeing the other side. ❞ ❝  thanks for participating. ❞ ❝  what does it feel like to be good at crap no one cares about? ❞ ❝  it’s been real for quite some time. ❞ ❝  you’re a son of a bitch, [muse’s name]. god, i hate you. ❞ ❝  people pick on me because they’re bastard bully-holes. ❞ ❝  oh, for god sake. ❞ ❝  there’s food. ❞ ❝  no one’s died like that since the coyote stopped makin’ cartoons. ❞ ❝  i’m going to try something. it’s probably not going to be good. ❞
SOME GOOD VINES. ( under the cut ) 
❝  can you please stop smoking pot in our apartment building? i have a baby. ❞ ❝  kink-shaming is my kink. ❞ ❝  so no head? ❞ ❝  we should stay in touch. what’s the best way to reach you? e-mail? ❞ ❝  i don’t care that you broke your elbow. ❞ ❝  i haven’t had ass in three days. ❞ ❝  is that a real dog?? ❞ ❝  you better watch out, you better watch out, you better watch out, yOU BETTER WATCH OUT -- ❞ ❝  dude, what the fuck? this is your space, this is your area -- she can’t do that here. ❞ ❝  [muse name], did you eat my tater-tots? ❞ ❝  it’s a fuckin’ bear! ❞ ❝  suck a huge or small dick. ❞ ❝  well, when life gives you lemons.. ❞ ❝  stop throwing stuff! ❞ ❝  SCREECH! ❞ ❝  pizza! pizza! pizza! pizza! pizza! ❞ ❝  you know what? i think we’re gonna be friends. ❞ ❝  woah! WOAAAAH! you’re really good at talking a bunch and not stopping!! ❞ ❝  my favorite opera singer? probably iggy. ❞ ❝  i will pay you some mad money, like big dollars, to shut the fuck up. ❞
❝  the website is making you stupid. ❞ ❝  sniped yaaaaaa! ❞ ❝  cut my life into pieces, these are my denim shorts. ❞ ❝  cum loads, yeah. ❞ ❝  i thought i wanted shaved pussy, but i don’t know anymore. ❞ ❝  are you whistling at me like i’m a dog? ❞ ❝  my legs are so sore. ❞ ❝  there’s a dick in my puppet mouth! ❞ ❝  cheese is my life. ❞ ❝  you think i just got cigarettes to hand out to bafooks like you? ❞ ❝  i’m suspicious-o. ❞ ❝  i’m just gonna lie on the floor over there. ❞ ❝  are you bafookin’ with me? ❞ ❝  you’re like a sorority girl! ❞ ❝  another good day to be a bafook. ❞ ❝  i don’t track my ovulation. ❞ ❝  stay close like cotton on a lamb. ❞ ❝  I KILL YOU! ❞ ❝  you buy cheap flip-flops! ❞ ❝  ohhhh.. a big-a mistake. ❞ ❝  they paid me some money to make me eat papa john’s garlic sauce. ❞ ❝  knock, knockeroo! ❞ ❝  when a woman pees, it’s like pouring water through a hockey mask. ❞ ❝  a sequel to dunkirk: been there, done-kirk. ❞ ❝  here’s a bicycle bell for all your back peddling. ❞ ❝  my god, do you live under a rock? ❞ ❝  spoken like a true baby boy. ❞ ❝  i thought it was a butt plug. ❞ ❝  i could totally fit that in my vagina. ❞ ❝  are you doing crack? ❞
❝  it’s really, truly horrifying. ❞ ❝  hey, language! ❞ ❝  suck a dick! ❞ ❝  oh, yeah, smell that nature! that’s the stuff! ❞ ❝  i’m just exerting dominance, you know how it goes. ❞ ❝  i’m just a kid tryin’ to survive out here. ❞ ❝  i’m telling you, if we leave now, i can hot wire that bus. ❞ ❝  i will achieve space flight! ❞ ❝  you seriously want to go into the woods with a bad guy from every horror movie ever? ❞ ❝  he’s going to turn you into a skin suit. ❞ ❝  i found a bug! ❞ ❝  this isn’t what the buddy system is for! ❞ ❝  this looks like the place that teenagers go to get stabbed. ❞ ❝  it’s.... beautiful. ❞ ❝  why do you always have to make things weird and complicated? ❞ ❝  pussies for life. ❞
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tiredeldritchhorror · 7 years
Svtfoe AU
Gavin is the first ever Prince of Mewni, he receives the wand and is sent to Earth. His wings resemble a ladybug's Ryan is Gav's guide/roommate, hes less of a karate boy and more of an all out brawl. He's Gav's best friend on Earth Michael is Gav's bff (Monster and Mewmans relations are slightly better but still not great). Hes alot like Pony Head but way more vicious to than PH. They become good friends but Michael loves to tease him still Meg is Gav's ex fiance, theyre still on good terms. Shes a siren. Lindsey is kinda like Janna, shes pretty chill. Some crew bois: Jeremy, Jack, Mica, and Matt Burnie and Ashley are Gav's parents. Geoff and Griffon are the on the high commission crew (w/ Gus and Joel) A villain crew (coughcough FunHaus) And finally Jon, our scary villain. Hes also a siren but his goals are to take control of the Mewni Kingdom and destroy the royal family, plus Ryan. Hes set his sights on making Gavin his queen. @pan0ramic-fyre , anything to add or subtract??
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So, here's the thing:
Gavin moved to America at the age of fourteen with no friends, no family and no fucking idea if any of it was going to be worth it. Thankfully, he landed the coolest foster-parents on the planet, and actually managed to make it through his first year at RT High School with some friends by his side. His best friend, obviously, is Michael Jones- an angry little New Jersey boy with a head of curls fiercer than his temper.
One tiny bump in the road, however, is that Gavin's sort-of-maybe been in love with Michael the whole time.
It isn't Michael's fault he's so oblivious. As far as Michael's aware, Gavin is as straight as giant posters of lesbians in his bedroom could lead anyone to believe! Gavin doesn't have to tell him shit- not with their entire friendship at stake.
Meg Turney moves to their school, Lindsay becomes their best friend, Ryan get's a girlfriend, Ray's sort-of-a-slut and Gavin ends up meeting a boy. Things change quickly, but one fact remains the same.
He's in love with Michael. He's so, completely gone on that boy, whether he knows it or not.
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