#funny for Shadow to go: this guy is SO annoying and then Sonic’s in his Super form and he’s in such awe
true-blue-sonic · 9 months
I find it kinda sad how some of the fandom will characterize Silver as all "Whiney" and "annoying" because he was implied to cry once and she'd the slightest amount of tears in the comics (old comics) and it's just sad bc silver has so much more character then that. I think that's why I like your writing so much, because you give him more then just dorky kid and whiney child guy y'know? (Sorry if that got a bit rambling and stuff lol)
I figure that ties in into the massive mischaracterisation Silver suffers from basically all sides of his character, but where his 'babyfication' runs most rampant, in my personal opinion. Furthermore, for me him seemingly crying at the end of his storymode in '06 nicely ties into that overall plot point of the game, and makes for something meaningful and interesting to analyse. The whole idea is that the person containing Iblis may never cry, lest their tears call forth his flames. Silver never cries in the game no matter how frustrated he gets with his never-ending battle against Iblis or when he loses Amy as a friend or when Elise dies.... but then he loses Blaze, the one person he thought would always be with him and who he would never want to take on the burden he was going to inflict on himself, and that is what makes him cry. I cannot put exactly into words why I find it so meaningful, but I feel that they wouldn't have put in the sight of him wiping at his eyes for no reason considering how much crying played a central role in the game. And as for the The Silver Saga issue where he cries too, his friends were basically dying because at that moment he wasn't strong enough to defeat the Second Devourer. I can forgive him crying then, since he gets a second wind moments after.
So yeah, people seem to cherry-pick only certain moments that display Silver's personality, and then use that to determine that the whole of his character is like that. Silver is far more multifaceted than either an innocent naive uwu baby or a brooding murder machine; he's got touches of both, but that both is very important. Not one or the other, just... Silver, basically. Polite and friendly to the people close to him, a heart of gold, self-sacrificial, and with the best intentions for the world, but brusque and rude while on a mission, smug and overconfident, absolutely ruthless when he feels it is necessary even in situations where cooperation and just talking would get him to his goal much faster, displaying the occasional black-and-white thinking and tunnel vision, and not allowing himself much time for sad emotions. And yet in the Rivals games, he can absolutely be polite, tries to indicate to the other characters what might be going on, and multiple times calls to talk to "Eggman" first before getting roped into a fight anyway. So generally he's not baby who bursts into tears if you look at him funny and would never ever hurt a fly (seriously, I really wonder how the heck people get that perception of him?? The things I see sometimes are mind-blowing in how bafflingly ooc they are), nor is he excessively violent, unreasonable, and brooding (traits I would say are much more ascribable to a character like Shadow or Metal Sonic). What traits he displays most seem highly dependent on the state of the world and whether or not he is on a mission and has support from his friends.
Though, what I furthermore thinks also leads to people finding Silver more whiny is the fact that he got quite a young, inexperienced voice from Pete Capella. Quinton Flynn does it a bit better imo (he's my favourite Silver voice actor), but Bryce Papenbrook goes right back and makes him sound younger and a lot more cocky (to the point where in TSR I occasionally felt like I was listening to an even cockier Sonic than to Silver). But if you asked someone to listen to all three of those and then to Daisuke Ono, I think no-one will be able to tell the Japanese voice is for the same character, haha! In Japanese Silver's got very deep, serious voice whereas in English he sounded/sounds far more childish and rude, and that might also contribute to the perception of him being annoying and childish and ✨uwu cinnamon roll✨. So yeah, overall Silver suffers from massive ooc-ness and mischaracterisation, and it, well, sucks. It doesn't help that he was basically HATED during his first five years of existence until Generations salvaged his boss battle. I do not think it is a bad time to be a Silver fan, people seem to like him a lot more these days, but I do wish they'd take a less flanderised view of him sometimes, haha!
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semi-sketchy · 5 months
I guess I'll give my Sonic Prime thoughts now.
Yeah the show is pretty ehh and honestly I don't feel like trying to write a deep dive into why right now, so this is just my ramblings.
Many people have already criticized how poorly paced season 3 was, how bad Thorn's episodes are, what that ending even was (seriously, where did Shadow even take the Prism...? Did everyone else make it back to their worlds okay...? WTF was the outcome with Nine?) I agree with that so I'm not gonna repeat it all.
The premise itself had more potential, but it's just so...generic. I know, the idea of Sonic traveling across a multiverse of other canons was never going to happen, but the alternative of Sea World™ and Jungle World™ were so bland it hurts.
I wonder if part of the visual blandness is from the 3D. I know, as a show and not a movie, it has a very different budget, but I believe Boom had better and more lively environments. It's like the entire set modeling budget went to New Yoke while everywhere else got completely shafted.
Which...why was New Yoke the only place that got an Eggman? Er...Eggmen? Like I know the idea of there only being one Sonic is because he broke the Prism, Shadow doesn't have counterparts because he wasn't in the cave, but neither was Big? Like happy to see Big, but also I'm wondering where the consistency is.
Though all the counterparts are so stereotypical it hurts. I think Dread was the one I found the most compelling, though maybe I just like pirates. Also is it bad when Chaos Sonic showed up and even Sonic was like "do you EVER shut up?" all I could think about was IDW like that guy was ANNOYING AF
As for Sonic, he is VERY vocal in this show. If he's not talking, he's grunting or screaming. It's like the audio department didn't know what to do if a character wasn't making noise, like YouTuber who constantly uses jumpcuts to hopefully keep your attention. That's what it felt like. In a cinematic story, sometimes silence is better, but nope! Sonic is falling again! He got hit! He's running really fast! It's like they use the same 3 high energy sound clips for the whole show and I just got tired of it. It's not the VA's fault, this is entirely on the audio mixing/direction and it's only really a problem with Sonic because he's made out to be a clumsy, lovable and meme-worthy dork.
Sonic himself really is the biggest problem for me. Even putting aside how OOC he is, his shtick is just...tiresome. He's the idiotic embodiment of stereotypical ADHD. He's designed to be marketable as a silly internet blorbo rather than a compelling character. It's kind of hard to look past how the show heralds him for his emotional talks bringing everyone together when it's so...shallow.
There are some parts of the show I found compelling, like I know many disagree with this, but honestly? Shadow was the best part. Sonic and Shadow fights are cool and I liked how he had a solid reason to be angry. Not like Boom where he just shows up to kick Sonic's teeth in because he can. No, Sonic broke reality and Shadow is pissed about that! Trying to simply fix it himself when he's been watching Sonic stumble through all these Shatterspaces going "huh aren't you my friends?" eight times like an absolute buffoon tracks to me. Maybe if Sonic was written competently I would think it's silly, but if Sonic is going to be this dumb, yeah Shadow was right to try and take the reins. Although I realize the biggest reason people like him is because Sonadow, I'm just happy to see him not being a mean edgelord.
I don't really have more to say about the series than this because it's just a bowl of nothing soup. I can see an attempt to blend action and comedy, similar to Boom, but the jokes aren't funny and the action isn't exciting. Boom recognized its strong suit was comedy and focused more on that while Prime just slowly got worse.
Legit the only thing that improves over the course of the series is the overuse of flashbacks, thankfully that's relegated mostly to season 1, but everything else just goes downhill. The pacing suffers, dialogue gets repeated at agony and Prism Sonic wasn't even made interesting.
The conflicts aren't good, the slapstick is bad and honestly the best joke in the series is when they all had to keep pausing and ducking under the laser in episode 2. The whole thing is just so...forgettable.
I think at some point in a year or two, after I get through all the other Sonic cartoons, I'll rewatch Prime and see if I change my mind at all. Though for now, I'm glad it's finally over.
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beevean · 1 year
1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25 for Sonic <3
On one hand, thank you so much for asking me about Sonic, it's like everyone forgot about my main fandom :(
On the other... why tho.
the character everyone gets wrong
Shadow, easy. Sonic and Eggman too... and Amy... and Tails... yeah pretty much everyone... but poor Shadow is the unfortunate victim of being hugely popular and hugely misunderstood due to inane takes that spread like wildfire.
Shadow is not an edgy boy (okay his game pushes it). Shadow is not a poow widdle blorbo who only needs to cry. Shadow did not suffer like a dog on the ARK. Shadow is not "Vegeta". Shadow does not monologue about who he is and what he thinks (neither does Sonic btw, coughcoughidwcough). There should be a law that you cannot analyze Shadow's character if you haven't at least read his script in Sonic Battle.
3) screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
How am I supposed to choose????? Have you seen this fandom D: (no, you haven't, lucky you. well i did.)
Among all, I get the urge to stab myself in the spleen every time I read something about Muh Mandates and Sonic Should Be Allowed to Cry and Eggman is Such A Good Dad to Sage. Or the majority of posts gushing about IDW, especially if the topic is Sonic's Principles :^)
6) which ship fans are the most annoying?
Sonadow, one of the main reasons it annoys me so much. Although some Sonamy fans push it, and I like that ship.
7) what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Well, I used to dislike Shadow precisely due to his popularity, but nowadays I've warmed up to the guy. He's cool. Just... I don't get the hype.
I guess Surge is a better example. She's very annoying in canon, but what really ruins her is the amount of adoration she garnered. Y'all like her simply for the aesthetic, I checked, because she has a pitiful amount of fanfictions that actual star her as a character. (one of them is mine, and I don't even like her. Just sayin'.)
Oh, and I will never be objective about Sage. Sorry. She's bland and on her own inoffensive, but her association with Eggdad ruined her for me.
8) common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
That ShTH is a bad game >:( it's funny y'all are just mean.
Again, I can't choose. This fandom has just... so many Takes. I guess I'll go with "Shadow was turned into Vegeta", which is... factually untrue, outside of the Boom series.
9) worst part of canon
Can't choose, honestly. Maybe splitting Classic Sonic into a different character, instead of simply keeping him an older design for Sonic. Boy, the discourse that it caused...
12) the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Hmm. To be fair I mostly like popular characters. I'd say that now I like Elise much more than I used to, but then again she's becoming more popular. So... Infinite, maybe? I like the dude, he's both cool and pathetic and I have no idea how he manages to do that. Sick theme too. And he's voiced by Liam O'Brien and his horniness for violence shows :'D
And you know what? Zor. Zor is the funniest of the Deadly Six. He's self aware and that elevates him. Y'all are too mean to the Deadly Six in general, but Zor is the one who deserves it less.
13) worst blorboficiation
Shadow, again. This poor dude just isn't seen for who he is.
15) that one thing you see in fanart all the time
Can't think of anything, because I'm not stupid and I don't go look for fanart :'D I dunno, worst thing I'm seeing recently is Eggdad content.
16) you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Why do you need Sonic and Shadow to be crybabies. Emotions aren't only expressed through tears. Don't blame SEGA for a perfectly normal writing choice. You don't need to shove angst up their asses to fulfill what's essentially your preference.
18) it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
19) you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
Sonegg, except I've been liking it for so long that the shame has simply become resignation. I know why it's a common nOTP and I absolutely respect the people who think it's vomit-inducing, but I will defend it to my grave as being not as bad as commonly thought.
... does being an unironic ShTH enjoyer count, too?
20) part of canon you found tedious or boring
Frontiers. I swear that that story is completely useless, nothing happens except getting beaten over the face with pointless references and Ian Flynn self-sucking over how better he is than Pontaff, no I'm still not over "then I'm wildly inconsistent" :') and while '06's story is better because at least shit happens (until the game erases itself from existence), it's still a dull, boring, confusing mess to sit through, especially in English because they all sound bored out of their skull.
21) part of canon you think is overhyped
Frontiers :') at least, even though I don't like SA2, I can understand why it's so popular. I can even understand why people nowadays are warming up to '06. With the exception of some cute Sonic/Knuckles interactions, I can't find a thing to like about Frontiers' story.
22) your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
Some of the endings of ShTH, especially the Dark ones. I think they brim with potential :)
23) ship you've unwillingly come around to
Knuxamy. A friend of mine started shipping it, then I was sucked in. (it helps that Knuckles/Amy in SAd3 kicks ass :D) look, they're cute and they have a fun dynamic going on.
24) topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
shut up. shut your entire fuck up. i am so sick of this. it was never our argument. idw is the plague of the fandom.
25) common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
no. You go and actually listen to Flynn's words. Even he's sick of this discourse. (also, yes he confirms that Shadow comes with many notes, but also dude just. doesn't understand him. "can you hear the fatigue in my voice" my entire ass)
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lea-andres · 1 year
i like violence. 6, 8 and 13
6. Which ship fans are the most annoying?
The ones that fucking argue with people who ship something different. Like, fuck off, man. None of these assholes are real, DNI, block if you're seeing too much of the ship you don't like, and move on...
8. Common fandom opinion everyone is wrong about
Sonadow getting so... Domestic??? Sonic and Shadow would not be like that! I once summed it up as "Shadow: I'm either going to punch Sonic or kiss him, I'll decide on the run over." and I stand by that. It's fighting that gets really really fruity halfway through. Like, you do you I guess, I'm staying way over here in my corner, but... Are we looking at the same characters?
13. Worst blorboification
Silver. Silver is not an uwu soft damsel in distress femboy. He's an awkward sweetheart who will shank you if you look at him funny. Go rewatch some of the Sonic Rivals 1 (NOT 2, SINCE I CAN'T TRUST YOU GUYS TO NOT GET DISTRACTED BY THE ESPILVER AND FORGET WHY I SENT YOU THERE, WE'RE ON A MISSION HERE GUYS) and report back to me.
He can be feminine, he can be emotional, but don't strip away his power and his willingness to kill a bitch for existing near him. He CAN be both, guys, trust me!!!
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skaruresonic · 7 months
In no particular order... Favorite characters: 1.) Shadow 2.) Eggman 3.) Amy 4.) Maria 5.) Cream 6.) Vanilla 7.) Shade 8.) Rouge 9.) Starline (in his Simpline era) 10.) Sonic (Classic and Modern) 11.) Tails 12.) G-merl 13.) Shahra 14.) Fang 15.) Gerald Characters I'm neutral on: 1.) Knuckles (Hautte Take but sometimes I feel his portrayals vary too widely between games to get a real lock on him; I want to like who the core of his character is, but again, it's difficult to tell what that might be on any given day) 2.) Emerl (like him but he was kind of a one-off character) 3.) Silver (don't know enough about him to make a definite call) 4.) Merlina 5.) The Commander (I lean towards like, but as is the case with Omega, he unfortunately appears too infrequently for me to remember him) 6.) The President (he's a lil confused but he's got the spirit) 7.) Vector (sometimes leans towards like depending on the game; I just don't particularly love him either) 8.) Honey 9.) Trip (haven't played Superstars yet so TBD) 10.) Omochao 11.) Professor Pickle 12.) Tikal 13.) Pachacamac (his entire character seems to begin and end at being a greedy jerk, so. eh :/) 14.) Ix (ditto) 15.) Kit 16.) Gamma 17.) Omega (I like him more than Gamma because he has some personality and is funny in a deadpan way, but I also feel like ST use him too infrequently for me to remember him consistently) 18.) Chaos 19.) Elise 20.) Mephiles (haven't played '06; should dislike him in theory but I just don't care enough to learn anything about him. or play the game ever) Characters I don't like/find annoying: 1.) Blaze (overrated, just can't see the appeal; sorry) 2.) Metal Sonic (ditto) 3.) Eggman Nega 4.) Infinite (strong dislike, but I'm ambivalent about it because I'm not sure how to delineate my complaints about his overrated underwhelming-ness from the fact that I dislike him for legitimate reasons ST established, while also finding him annoying even outside of those bounds) 5.) Erazor Djinn (albeit for the reasons the narrative wanted us to, so good job ST) 6.) Charmy (oh god here comes everyone to fight me) 7.) Espio (oh god now everyone is really going to fight me lmao) 8.) Sage 9.) Black Doom 10.) Marine 11.) Sera 12.) Orbot and Cubot 13.) Babylon Rogues (should I start running for the hills now, or) Characters I hate: 1.) King Shadow 2.) Scourge 3.) Surge 4.) Starline in IDW's later issues 5.) The End Whomst?: 1.) All other IDW characters 2.) Pretty much all of Archie 3.) Ditto for movie-exclusive characters 4.) I often forget Chris Thorndyke existed lol 5.) Seriously, I have more emotional investment in SA1's "I hate sunsets" guy than some of the human characters in offshoot media
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I'm not considering this a spoiler since it's been stuff confirmed in recent interviews but since it seems everyone including Sonic has lost their memory in some way:
Edit: second image confirms sonic's memory loss
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And I think it's either rumor or was in an interview (a lot of game articles managed to get their hands on it, way too many to keep up with tbh) that I just missed that confirmed Shadow to be in the game, which I mean hey given he's such a money maker and Sega knows he is it makes sense - but I'm pointing this all out due to one thing:
You know what would be funny?
If everyone has lost their memory due to whatever plot reasons, except Shadow, who has HISTORY of having absolutely terrible memory where majority of the main villains who has beef with him he doesn't even remember them or even why they hate him and he just kicks them in the back of the head and leaves (see Infinite) However, not this time. This time his memory unlike his peers given whatever reason is perfectly in tact and he has to maneuver around wherever the fuck he is in the game with that being the funniest fucking shit.
Like with Ian Flynn writing this I'm really thankful we're finally moving past the post Colors "everything has to be a poor told joke that we have to explain the joke in the joke so babies will understand" (hopefully) however, I can see fucking comedic opportunities from this - actual good stuff too given Ian's writing (please read how he writes Omega, it's absolute gold) Like Shadow, not being the very best at communicating, in his own way in 'attempt' to get Sonic's memory back is to beat the fuck out of him - who of course the latter is very confused because to him who the fuck is this guy??? - and that way Sega can milk out giving us another Shadow boss fight without it going back on his established development with him in his own way thinking if he just kicks him in the head enough the blue hedgehog's memory will return and meanwhile Sonic's just like this the entire time:
"Who the hell even are you?"
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Idk I thought it'd be funny.
And even if we don't get an encounter like or Shadow has his memories lost (again) that that's fine, Flynn's always said he doesn't like how he has to write Shadow given Sega mandates in the IDW comics but hopefully he gets way more control to go past them and have creative freedom (there's already rumor of Sonic crying in a cutscene shown at the ganefest demo so hopefully,) to be able to write Shadow the way he wants to and I'm really hoping he gets to. I really miss the SA2-06* characterization of him, like from SA2 to heroes to the 05 game there was a clear character arc that post 06 Sega seemed to just throw away and revert back on and it's annoyed/frustrated me for years where I gave up on the franchise for years after Boom was revealed and only recently came back to it with movie 2. Shadow is my favorite character in this franchise and the whole reason with the 05 game I got into it in the first place and it fucking sucks to see him (and the rest of team dark tbh) done so dirty and I'm hoping Flynn gets all the creative freedom he can get to get him back at last somewhat adventure Era track. At least hopefully 🧎🏻‍♂️
(*team dark's interactions were the best and the only one of the few good things about that broken game)
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nosafeharbour · 1 year
Tataru’s Grand Endeavour thoughts/reactions (6.4)
I bet you thought you’d seen the last of Werlyt reaction posts. Me too, actually.
So yeah, it was kinda mid, but I’m so focused on the few crumbs I did enjoy that I can attempt to happily ignore everything else... LOL I’m more annoyed this will make people roll their eyes over Werlyt more than being personally disappointed, ya feel. The redemption arc in the eyes of the public did not happen. Oh well.
Albael still real. That’s still my seaside malewife. That’s good.
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Giggles and kicks my feet
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Oh my god, they were sisters-in-arms. As sad as I am that Tataru herself was not involved, maybe it’s for the best. Mehdjina should continue to live in ignorance
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I was wondering if Gaius would talk in such a way that this is the first time you meet him post-Endwalker, I’m glad it wasn’t! He greets you so casually. I don’t have to change anything I’ve been thinking about for them post-EW. This is just a fun weekend visit (they’re not about to have a fun weekend)
Uhhh so I just really hate all the fake Valens stuff, it just cheapened Werlyt and the only actually good Valens scene (the one where he’s killed). Werlyt was already a cringe caricature of MSQ characters, and this felt like a cringe caricature of Werlyt... LOL
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MY HOPES... WERE RAISED... I WISH IT HAD CRASHED IN GARLEMALD... all the previous Tataru quests had a walking section with the main NPC(s) in an area seperate to their main one, so I was foolishly hoping for something like the Lochs or even Garlemald. I certainly was a fool
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He is either saying this purely sarcastically to Albi, and/or making excuses bc he just really does not want to do it. There is no world where Albi is better than piloting than Gaius, but it’s funny to pretend. He’s being petty
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I am immediately soothed by mecha anime cockpit scenes. I’m glad I had my Werlyt pilot glam on a plate from an art party a few weeks ago
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I have been waiting, praying, and ultimately gave up on Gaius and Nero reunion scene since 2019. Oh my god. Everybody shut up, this is my everything
Half the reason I wanted to see it/was sad that it had assumedly happened off-screen was because I wanted to know what Nero would call him... in ARR it is just “Lord Baelsar”;
My, how long has it been, Lord Baelsar?
I had to stand up and pace around for 5 mins at this line LMAO
Gaius going “ah, so the rumours were true that you survived” is so funny. The “rumours” are just Cid and Albi mentioning him casually, Gaius just practiced this dramatic moment in the mirror for too long to not still go along with it when they do finally get to talk. Nero built the damn Mark II we’re chasing, did they simply not brush shoulders during Werlyt? This is so funny.
And then Nero just... I merely use my talents to save Cid from his own idiocy. And now, I am here to do the same for you. I love it so much
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Nero dryly calling Albi hero or adventurer is still a charm point that I enjoy
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Kind of wished I had failed the (cringe-ass) Werlyt rhythm game now just to see what he’d say instead of this... I’m still not convinced Albi is a good pilot, but she is a good marksman at least!
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My mecha anime brain cell activated. I don’t care about things such as “quality” or “good writing”, I only care for Sonic vs. Shadow with robots
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bbbbbbbbbb really do not care for this scene, but I do appreciate how much Gaius no longer cares for monologues and just attacked this guy.
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A shame, really
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I just like it when they are on screen
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DID YOU... FORGET THE TIME WHEN YOUR LEGION KIDNAPPED TATARU... it was all very much spearheaded by Livia rather than Gaius, but... lmao. You’d best hope you never meet her, bud (shame they did not, would have been funny)
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Mister Gaius...
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Avilina being compared to Nero multiple times in this quest was cute, I forgot that they worked together. One of the engineers post-quest remarking that since she refuses to wear the Ironworks uniform, maybe she’d be content with a red version like Nero, too... they are two peas in a pod
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Allie... cute!! You had to assume Terncliff had an orphanage, but I liked the confirmation/discussion
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This is. So funny. He looks so awkward. I guess it is cute that Albi went to ask a favour from Ishgardian portrait friend at least
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I just cannot get over how awkward Gaius looks. He is so funny to me
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This lines up with Cid mentioning in EW that Gaius is terrible with words when he’s trying to be heartfelt. Charm point
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When the whole squad don’t know a damn thing
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I was wondering what the memento for the main Tataru quest would be... the main reason I like this overall questline is because Albi is a goldsmith who has a lot of sentiment tied up with jewellery. So not only would Albi be so down for helping with Tataru’s necklace, something from Werlyt in there is cute. Rose shells... it’s always roses... ah ah ahhhh (looked up to see if rose shells are a thing, they are not, they picked rose on purpose here)
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I gotta let this marinate. Had no idea Werlyt even had beaches since they make such note of the cliffs being too high above the water to have any benefit from the ocean. See, this is where I’m getting my food
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Was glad to see Severa and Val back on the overworld post-quest, but man, I’m so disappointed they weren’t even present. I’m just reminded how much my investment in Werlyt was always hinging on Gaius’s MSQ era... I miss Team Shadowhunter, I do wish Nero was here in-person and not just phoned in, etc.
I care deeply about Allie and the Raen, but mainly in scope of them being Raen and relating to Albi, not as much in relation to Gaius, if that makes sense? So this quest being just weird Valens and then only the briefest Raen kids moment was like. Okay.
Was sagely nodding after speaking to everyone else... heading back down to the lookout to see if Gaius was trapped in aimlessly staring at nothing for the rest of his days-- oh my god
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Shut the fuck up. This is so cute. Immediately burst out laughing at having a really stupid 4am tweet made canon
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THIS IS SO HYPER-SPECIFIC. Albi manspread confirmed just because I liked this new /sit idle they added last patch
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And the book... just grabs this from my WIP notes, but post-EW Albi has been doing a lot of book collecting/restoring. I’ve had “Gaius reading the assorted books Albi leaves in his apartment” as a whole thing for like a year now. [shoves the rest of the quest out of the way] They Did This For Me
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I’m so glad they gave him such a charming afk spot/animation. I can just sit next to this guy
In closing: Quest was not as good as I hoped (I wanted the same comedy-tint as other Tataru quests, having Nero/Sev/Val sort of there but not really just made me miss their absence more, Gaius still does not even acknowledge what we did on his behalf in Garlemald) to the point I’m pretty :/ about the Valens stuff, but... I’m too Gaiuspilled to let it bother me too much. Just like in EW, he wasn’t personally badly written/out of character, and I got enough little crumbs for my own content, that it’s fine that there wasn’t much actual food. I can cook.
One last thing actually: I assumed Nero was in Werlyt, albeit it behind the scenes, because of the “we found someone who knew enough about Allagan warmachina to build us a second G-Warrior, even if he was overly adamant about it being red” line post-Werlyt when you go look at the Mark II in the hangar. He says he’d hate for the Mark II to be destroyed in this quest + called it scarlet in a very endearing way that confirms that for me, but when you go look at it in the hangar again after this quest, it has some new dialogue. Mentions that it came back safely, albeit it with a few new scrapes, but I think that line replaced the “guy who made it demanded it be red” line which was the real Nero giveaway? I’ll have to go back through old screenshots, hmm
I’m done now. I’m sure I will warm up to this quest and it’s weird energy over time. Albi’s booty call turned The Sorrow of Werlyt 2 turned book club
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oru-tree · 11 months
Ouououou sonic prime ep 9
Spoilers under cut
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This guy
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He is SO funny, montage of him preparing through the course of 8 eps to punch sonic in the face
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Sonic right now ↑ 
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Big fan of how they curled up his ears in here to sort of give the appearance of horns + his slow descent, good good
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Yelling and screaming
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He is SO sad ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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Incredible smear
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Ok, going to leave it like this because I dunno if tumblr will let me upload this many pics in this post
Edit. Ok I can keep going
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This scene is SOO good in motion, because shadow is all serious going “Come with me” and then he does his silly skating, its so so good
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The ligthing in this one scene is kinda odd, ok continuing in a bit...
Edit 2. Ok continuing
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Experiencing shrimp emotions at the moment
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Looking at sonic and going wow thats sonic sonic the hedgehog
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Nine is sooo good, sonic’s right shadow
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Me seeing the might start fighting again:  :3
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hehehe :3
Big fan of shadow not letting sonic finish speaking, I hope sonic does the same eventually
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Like the composition of this shot
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HUGE FAN of him starting to have fun midfight
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Hghghghg he just gets splatted into this big crystal like a bug
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Mimi... I think I’ve always hced shadow as being a heavy sleeper, rn he’s like, unconsious but Im going to add it to that
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Big mimi...
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I cant get a good pic of it but the shot where he holds him, like, the one right after that one picture,, me when I grab my dog
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AUgh experiencing emotions at the moment
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Huge day for annoying people (me)
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Bonking his head just after rescuing him, so good
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Sonic looks soo good in this scene
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Hes soo cute
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Wow... working together.. just what society (me) wants...
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This shot is so funny, I love it, loved this ep augh
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for @bee-nie because they drew this and i got inspired this doesn't have a title i was just writing the words in my brain. first time writing in like. a while so it's not my greatest but i like it >:))
Sonic had spoken first, staring down at the Sundae Supreme in his hand. His appetite had worn away the longer he stared at the treat, reminding him of his now gone friend.
"I lost one of my best friends in my hardest time and all I got was this chest fluff." He couldn't help but smile solemnly, what kind of sentence was that? Turning slightly to face the ebony hedgehog beside him, he continued talking about the little chihuahua.
"He was a funny guy. Always tried to give people chocolate so they'd feel better, real caring too. He also loved this ice cream, it's actually what inspired me to start calling him Chip." Sonic couldn't help but get a bit choked up the more he spoke, his free hand swiping at his eyes. Shadow hadn't said much up to that point, only nodding along as Sonic spoke. He didn't consider himself good with these types of conversations, especially ones on the heavier side.
The sun had begun to set over Windmill Isle, reflecting over the water in brilliant shades of pinks, purples, yellows and oranges. The lights shined onto the pair of Mobians, colors dancing in their eyes reflections. Shadow spoke up.
"...I know that this must be difficult for you to talk about, but.. are you going to finish your ice cream?" Sonic turned to the other, surprise evident on his face. Before long, a smile grew, and that smile turned into loud laughter. He could barely form a sentence, Shadow's question had completely caught him off guard. Still laughing, he handed the cone to Shadow, who had joined in on the laughter.
When had the two begun to act like this? Their presence didn't annoy the other anymore, in fact it had become welcome and calming. Neither knew, nor cared. They both needed this.
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magstorrn · 2 years
ok i am desperately trying to remember as much as i can from sonic 2 (will be seeing it again in a couple days) but a few things that i loved/noticed
- i know that a few people were worried (including me) about them leaning too heavily toward the superhero angle with the whole blue justice thing, but that was mercifully really short and was just a way of showing how sonic was being overly reckless/arrogant! and it was nice to see them showing that side of him too
- i just have to say. the winter soldier line WAS annoying, but that fucking pay off?? the whole ‘bucky saves steve’ thing but with knuckes and sonic?? hello? IM LOSING IT
- unfortunately i found jim carrey insufferable in this movie but my guy deserves credit for giving 200%
- i didn’t find the movie particularly funny at any point and in fact there were many bits i found just unbelievably cringe (the siberian dance off, for one - uptown funk is so old now?? the adventure pose maybe JUST saves it). i mean... did we really need a flossing reference in both movies
- but that negative stuff aside, this was just so clearly a movie by fans for fans and i honestly think that’s why critics dont like it. the audience of this film is either a) sonic fans or b) kids and there is no in-between
- on that note!! i was LIVING for the interactions between tails + knuckles + sonic, it’s such a blessed dynamic and i loved how they all got to individually play off each other.
- there were so many facets to knuckles too - his gullibility, his vulnerability, his longing for a family, his strength and honour, his ruthlessness... like they allowed him to be a bit dumb and clueless without making him a complete joke which i adored
- knuckles and sonic bonding over their difficult pasts and sonic not blaming knuckles for longclaw’s death was really nice? like sonic really didn’t want to fight him. and BABY KNUCKLES. knuckles’ dad! ken penders is losing his shit
- this movie was just so deeply and unashamedly earnest (even with the power of friendship stuff and emphasis on family!!) that i couldnt help but smile through most of it. 
- oh man, i just. all the clever references to the games?? the sonic 06 reference! the unleashed reference! even the thing with the chilli dog falling from the sky felt like a black knight reference!!
- seriously was losing my fucking MIND during the super sonic scene. it just encapsulated for me how long it feels since ive seen a movie like this that gives the fans what they want! I mean?? the chaos emeralds?? sonic’s design including the floating quills and the red eyes?? he looked soOOOO COOL
- knuckles talking about ice cream DID NOT DISAPPOINT. i really didnt expect them all to be just hanging out together at the end but that fucken killed me man
- GUN!!!
- the human characters 100% got shafted but uhhh. i didnt mind it all that much?? and there was that huge moment with maddie and tom accepting sonic as their son and sonic talking tom dad like,.. that’s pretty important
- colleen was soooo good she just seamlessly slotted in and it was so nice to hear her voice throughout!!
- i loved seeing how the bits in the trailers were chopped and changed and moved out of context, it was cool to see how everything actually slotted together in the movie
- it was interestng how they’ve made it so the chaos emeralds are components of the master emerald rather than a separate thing? to the point where super sonic was said to have absorbed the power of the master emerald rather than the chaos emeralds... but its nbd tbh
- SHADOW SHADOW SHADOW!!!!! SHadoW!! he looked so good - if anything it looked like the red fur around his eyes was more obvious? he also looked kinda sad : ‘( i cannot wait to see his final design! so i assume the next movie is going to be pretty much just sa2 with a few changes? it doesnt really surprise me - shadow is just way too popular, and it felt like it was foreshadowed by the sa-2 on the gun helicopter. i like to think this means amy will be introduced too!
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dreaminpeaches · 3 years
New Paracosm AU: Big Hero Beau
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@decaykid yes, kind of...
Okay, like I said in my last post this idea came to me after listening to Fist Pump and Viva Namida on loop with pacing.
So you know like how the original Humble Pie paracosm is very western horror kind of drama, yeah? well, this paracosm is just full on ANIME BBY!!! I'm talking Space Dandy, I'm talkin' Gurren Lagann, I'm talkin maybe a little bit of Trigun, and also takes alot from action rpgs like Bayonetta, Devil May Cry, Persona, Viewitful Joe, and Wonderful 101 (but its like only two people), and takes alot from Sonic the hedgehog (mostly Sonic Underground, Sonic Adventure 2, and Sonic Forces), and little bit from Fancy Pants ( that's not an anime or a "real" video game, its just an old flash game I used to hyperfixate on).
This paracosm is completely different which is why I gave it, it's own name instead of just adjective then "!"
This version of Beau takes a lot of inspiration from Dandy ( Space Dandy), Vash The Stampede (Trigun), Sonic The Hedgehog (Sonic The Hedgehog), and Kamina (Gurren Langann)
In this paracosm, both of Beau's parents perished in a tragic accident, Beau takes his siblings to an abandoned shack and they hide out and live out there. the tragedy this motivative Beau to become stronger and a hero, not only to keep his siblings safe but others too. The last thing his mom told him was that his smile could save a thousand lives, so because of that he always keeps an upbeat, go get 'em attitude, and he doesn't want to bum his younger siblings out. His mom also gave Beau her heart shape locket before she passed on, so Beau has worn it ever since that day.
The locket is very precious to him, he doesn't let anyone touch it (other than his siblings), and if he loses it he'll go into a panic attack and can't do anything else until he finds it again.
Dev, Beau's little brother, also wants to be strong and a hero, he tries to train like his brother but he can't keep up. Beau tells Dev that he has to be strong in his own way, so Dev decides to put his tech skills to good use and make his older brother cool weapons for him to use. I forgot to mention in this paracosm some people are born with superpowers and such, and Beau's superpowers are super strength and speed, while Dev's superpower is super intelligence.
Dev can't keep up with his brother on foot, so he made himself a jetpack to keep up, and makes science weapons for himself to use.
In this paracosm, there are evil robots, pirates, bandits, ninjas, demons, fallen angels, giant spiders, bad guys who kidnap pretty people, any enemy you would find in a video game or anime yeah it's probably here. So, there's always something for Beau and Dev to fight or someone to save from something.
Beau and Dev don't have secret identities since superpowered people are common but they get to have a pretty rad transformation scene activate when they fist bump each other.
Beau fighting style is similar to that of a hack and slack fighting game, Beau mostly use his fists to fight and his speed, he'll also use guns too, but he'll only use swords if he thinks he can pull off a cool move, since not really experience using them that much. Dev made Beau special gloves and boots that make the attack range of his hit larger so its easier to take out hoards of stuff like robots (which happens lot) and big enemies like giant monsters.
His boots are also guns so its like....
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Oh, and Beau also makes sure that he always looks cool when fighting just in case someone takes a pic (which happens alot). Unlike Bayonetta, Beau is more playful with his posing rather than sexy.
Dev's wits come in handy when the two come across puzzles, riddles, or finding a way out of traps on their adventures since Beau didn't complete school once his parents passed and mostly focus on raising his siblings and hero training.
Much like Sonic, Beau is very snarky and witty while fighting his enemies (or at least tries to be), he always tries to make a snarky comment or a really cool zinger before finishing off his enemy. Due to his kind of being not the sharpest tool in the shed, it can take a while for him to come up with a good zinger, so it kind of stalls fights, and sometimes it gets to the point where the enemy is just like "Oh my GOD! just KILL ME!", this also annoys and embarrasses Dev too at times.
Beau makes money from bounties and doing odd jobs around, he makes enough for his siblings to live comfortably, but there are times where he'll go hungry because he only has enough for Dev and Carrie to eat. Beau is still a kind of a lower-level hero compare to the other well know ones around.
Dev has also made a rocket ship so they can fight intergalactically on other planets
Carrie in this paracosm is still 4 years old, she has yet to show any signs of having powers, which is pretty normal for her age since people in this world don't show powers until they hit their pre-teen years.
Beau will take Carrie on their adventures if it's safe enough, but if the mission is too dangerous Beau will take her to the nearest daycare or the nearest trustworthy femme person. Beau will try to make the mission or fight end quickly as possible if he left Carrie with a stranger, there's a sigh of relief once he finds her safe, if not (which doesn't happen a lot thankfully), well somebody gonna die and Beau tries to make it up to her by spending the next few days with her, just him and Carrie.
Beau tries to put being a good guardian/older brother before being a hero and tries his best to spend as much time with Carrie and Dev as possible on chiller/lower stakes days.
Beau had never had time to really process the feeling of losing his parents, there are days where he feels down but he never lets it show around his siblings or have it affect his hero work. There are nights where those memories keep him up, sometimes he'll cry but still try to smile thru the tears.
Beau likes to give peps talks to himself in the mirror, and pep talks to Dev, when he's feeling discouraged, although most of the time those pep talks don't really make any sense Dev still appreciate his brother's kind words.
Since Beau saves people, he interacts a lot with damsels in distress, he flirts with them, but usually gets rejected for coming across as too cheesy or cocky. He doesn't really mind it tho, he actually finds it funny, but when a lady actually flirts back he gets really flustered and has to leave immediately. Despite this Beau still tries to give Dev advice on talking to girls.
Beau still smokes and drinks because the stress of having to raise young siblings, dealing with trauma, and being a hero can be alot, but he still makes sure his siblings don't see him and he doesn't get too wasted.
Other than hero stuff, Hero! Beau enjoys reading comics, parkour, skateboarding, break dancing (which he incorporates in his fighting for some really cool finishers), practicing cool poses and phrases, playing video games with his little brother, and watching barbie movies with his little sisters (since Barbie reminds him of his mom).
Oof, I think that's all I got for now....
TL;DL Basically if this version of Beau is Sonic the original Beau is more like Shadow if that makes any sense.
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xbubbledumbbx · 3 years
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Wanna talk about Chris Thorndyke? Let’s mother fff*cking y’all about Chris Thorndyke
You opened this can of worms now dRINK IT
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You see this boy? This itty bitty boy who’s face looks like a comfortable place for my fist?
Chris is a character from the “Anime” SonicX and I hAte his fukcing guts. Now you might be reading this and going, bubble what the fuck? You hate this itty bitty foot scrub? But he looks like a rat, I love rats!? Why do you draw yourself with his hairstyle if you hate him so much??? (First of all stfu!! I can’t believe I hurt my own feelings, damn)
Not only does that boy have not one, not tHREE but five adult figures in his life that love and care for him! Now if that isn’t the biggest bULLSHIT YOU EVER SEEN
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And on top of the parents he has a butler who teaches him martial arts, a cool tech wiz grandfather, a famous uncle and a maid!
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My guy has he audacity to feel lonely when he always has company around who loves him, meanwhile I got left alone in a room for hours with only a couch and PBSKids for entertainment but oh sure, you don’t have enough friends, you’re lonely.
That’s mad disrespectful to your friends Frances, Danny and Helen :/
My second reason is that Chris really has no personal problems, no outstanding character arks and nothing interesting going on. He’s got the emotional depth of flour.
Chris is rich so they could’ve had something revolving him being a pretentious snob or him being entitled but they don’t. I’m a sucker for the “asshole turned into nicer asshole” trope but they didn’t even do that.
The most development he gets is how he overcame his creepy possessiveness over Sonic in the Episode 50 ark.
In this episode, the Earth fucked around and merged two dimensions which was terrible for its sense of time. Now all Mobians have to return to their dimension or they gonna fuck around and stop time forever.
Instead of letting Sonic leave and saving their worlds, Chris takes Sonics hand and books it, he said “fuck y’all and the linear flow time”
Chris has a habit of being selfish and only caring for his own wants and needs; which would be a good ark for him but not in the middle of a global crisis.
Chris is so bland he diDNT EVEN PASS THE SEXY LAMP TEST!
It’s funny to me that they stole a bunch of deep, emotional and impactful moments from good characters and gave them to Chris. They really just sprinkled him into scenes he had no business being in.
My favorite example of this is the scene with Amy and Shadow on the ARK
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In the game Amy talks to Shadow, asking for his help and telling him that there is still good in this world even if people are bad sometimes. Her words help him remember the forgotten promise he made to his best friend, you know the story and it’s sweet.
In the show Shadow just beats the shit out of Chris for 3 minutes cause he can’t keep his hands to himself for five seconds (did I mention how creepy Chris can be?)
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The only reason Shadow begins to reflect on his past actions is because he took one look at Chris, bruises and beaten and it triggered his traumatic memories to come back. I’m not even joking look at this shit.
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As someone who suffers from PTSD, I hate this, I hate Chris. Look at this!!
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You broke him even further is what you did. Look at him now he has anxiety, good job!
It wasn’t even necessary to touch Shadow to get your point across. You can even hear the panic in Shadows voice when Chris lays his hands on him (which is a symptom of PTSD)
So not only was he an unnecessary insert Chris into this plot line but he was wORST AT IT. THE BLUEPRINTS WERE THERE HOW DID YOU MESS IT UP?!
My third point is very neatly summed up in comment by redditor /sunstart2y
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Chris is a fucking useless addition, an annoying fly on the wall at best and a probably a self insert from one of the writers shitty middle school Fanfiction.
Helen should’ve been the main protagonists, you can’t change my mind
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another-sonic-blog · 4 years
The Fanfictioner Ch.1
Pineapple Pizza
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The Fanfictioner
Pineapple Pizza
10K (ShadAmy)
The moon was above them and although it was a cold night, they didn't care. Sonic got closer to Amy, emeralds eyes shone brightly with love and desire. He caressed her as he softly placed his hands around her face, pulling her closer to him. Amy licked her lips as they begged to be touched by the blue blur. They have fought to be together for a long time and now nothing was stopping them. Finally, they could express and show their love to the world with no restrictions, with complete freedom. Sonic got closer to his lover, their lips just a few centimeters away and then-
"Amy, what are you writing?"
The pink hedgehog slammed shut her laptop as she mentally cursed for not being more delicate. Today was filming day but she promised her followers that she was going to update a new chapter of 'Falling Petals' by tonight. Of course, like the good fanfic writer that she was, she always kept her promises.
Amy shifted her body from the chair to look at the standing blue hedgehog behind her. She tried to hide the panic on her face but it seemed like this picked Sonic's interest even more.
"Um... my shopping list?" That came out more like a question than a statement. Once again, she cursed under her breath because although Sonic wasn't the smartest hedgehog out there, he wasn't dumb either.
"Then why are you acting so ... strange?"
Sonic had the sincerest of interest. He cared for the pink one and her recent actions had just baffled him. Recently, Amy was acting quite strangely. Before Sonic was free to use her laptop whenever he wanted and now, she kept it to herself and hid it as her life depended on it. The blue bur knew that Amy likes to write from time to time but now? Sonic found her writing whenever he visited her at her house. She would be checking her phone constantly and even smiled as she typed on it. The thought had crossed his mind that maybe Amy was 'seeing' someone and the thought alone just made him pay more attention to her.
"Are you sure-"
"Everyone get on ready on set!"
Amy was saved by the show's director once again. She smiled awkwardly at her blue friend as she placed her laptop on her chair. She heard Sonic sigh in defeat and Amy felt a little bit bad that she made her friend and love interest worried. However, she just couldn't go to him and say 'Hey, I know I have been acting strange but it's because I am writing fanfiction of Sonic Boom and I don't want you to think I am weird.'
Amy greeted everyone as she stepped on set. The camera, lighting crew and just every who crossed her path. Of course, her friends were there as well looking as fresh as they could be. They were outdoors and currently they were filming Sonic Boom's most recent and most wanted episode 52 of season 1.
"Hey, guys! Amy greeted her friends, Sticks, Knuckles, and Tails as they waved their hands from right to left, Sonic followed from behind.
Amy's attention was focused on the red echidna who had sleepy eyes. This was very strange because Amy knew that Knuckles was one who appreciated his sleep especially because he always woke up early morning to go workout.
"Hey Knuckles, you alright?" Amy asked. "You look very sleepy.
Knuckles let out a yawn as he stretched his body. "I didn't sleep much I was binge reading this book I found online and-
"WHERE IN CHAOS IS SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG?" The director of the show screamed in desperation as everyone was ready to go but the star of today's episode.
" I still can't believe they hired Shadow the Hedgehog to do this roll." Tails said with a bit of amusement in his voice. "I mean he is the same guy who appeared in Chao in Space 2."
"And in Anti-Vengers the Final Game," Sticks added.
"And in Fast and the Glorious 8," said Knuckles.
"It makes me wonder if Sonic Boom produces that much money for them to pay someone like him," Amy looked from side to side, in hopes that the black hedgehog would appear. She hasn't met him yet and if she was completely honest, she looking forward to his approval.
"He is not that big of a deal," Sonic rolled his eyes in annoyance. "I mean, I was in Chao in Space 2 as well."
"Yeah, as a side character. Shadow was actually the protagonist." Tails was saying this because it was the truth and not to annoy his blue friend. However, it was quite funny to see Sonic jealous over at Shadow the Hedgehog's accomplishments. Tails were lowkey a fanboy of the black hedgehog, although he would never admit that out loud.
"What is all of this fuzz about? I am right here,"
Finally, the hedgehog that everyone was waiting for arrived. He had an energy drink on his right hand and in one gulp he drank all of it. He then turned around to give it to his assistant who quickly took the can away from him. He stepped on the set where the rest of 'Team Sonic' waited to start.
"Mr. Hedgehog, nice to meet you!" Tails said as he extended out his hand, shaking a little due to the excitement. "I am Tails Miles Prower and I-"
"Yeah, I know who you are," Shadow said with a monotone voice.
The yellow fox leaned into Amy's ear and he whispered, 'Did you hear that Amy? He knows me.'
"You are the only one who has ... descent acting skills," Shadow let out mocking laughter as he looked down on the rest of the 'actors.'
Everyone looked at him, offended at his comment. It seems like the rumors that the black hedgehog had a prepotent personality was true.
"Says the one who can only portray edgy characters."
Everyone turned to look at Amy in disbelief. Actually, she had thought of that in her head but in one way or another, it came out of her mouth. The set was filled with silence until Sonic let out a big laugh and wrapped his right arm around Amy's shoulder.
"That was a good one Ames!" Sonic said.
Shadow wasn't expecting that from the pink hedgehog in front of him. Who did she think she was? She was no one compared to the great acting career he has had. Of course, he wasn't going down without a fight.
"My apologies, I don't accept criticism from people who can't even act," Shadow replied.
"Well maybe if you did, you would get a different type of role from time to time," Amy replied.
By now Team Sonic was static. There was so much tension between the two and they had only met two seconds ago. Vermillion eyes met emerald ones and neither one of them wanted to quit the internal battle.
Shadow the Hedgehog had to admit, this was interesting.
"Shadow!" Sonic Boom's director interrupted the moment as he had finally eyed the black hedgehog. "You are late! What were you doing?"
Mia, a brown girl hedgehog, and Shadow's assistant was watching the scene unfold from afar. She watched the director seated on his high chair and to prevent Shadow from getting scolded, she answered on his behalf.
"He didn't get enough sleep yesterday sir-" Mia said loud enough but the director, who was an old and strict monkey, raised his hand and interrupted her.
"I want him to tell him,"
In all honesty, if it wasn't because he was the director, Shadow would have said something offensive. However, the black hedgehog always had a sense of responsibility and respect towards his job and especially to the director.
Shadow sighed and looked up to the director, "I was up all night on my phone ... reading."
"Hey, me too!" Knuckles said in surprise. "I was reading this really good story about our show and-"
"I am sure that whatever you were reading doesn't compare to what I was reading," Shadow interrupted him and rolled his eyes
The director faced palmed himself and loudly he said, "I don't care! Just make sure this doesn't happen again, Mr. Hedgehog."
Shadow couldn't say anything more. It was his first day on set and he almost wanted to leave ... almost.
"Yes, sir."
The day ended worse than Amy expected. Shadow wasn't only prepotent, he was mean, rude and jerk. He took in every opportunity he had to bully and tease the hell at out of Amy. The black hedgehog mocked her acting, made fun of her lines and bumped into her multiple times.
And today has only been the first day of filming for this month's episode. Good thing that filming only took around two weeks to complete due that the episodes were short. They started every first day of the month. Today was September 1, they will finish on September 14 and they will have the rest of the month free. Thirteen more days to go, thirteen more days that she had to endure Shadow's presence on set.
She was quite disappointed when she found out who the real Shadow was. Just like her friend, Tails, Amy was secretly a fan of the acting he has done in the past. Although his roles were kind of repetitive, his acting was always exceptional. Even today, his acting techniques were really good, she even liked the character he was portraying.
Amy stretched her back as had finally reached the insides of her home. During today's break, she was able to finish the last chapter of 'Falling Petals' and to make it extra special, she wrote a 20 thousand final chapter. This chapter was filled with a lot of drama, romance, and fights which will lead to the second book. She couldn't wait to just upload it to her page so her readers will enjoy and maybe cry a little with her writing.
After showering and changing to her pajamas, Amy comfortably laid on her bed with her computer on her legs. She logged into fanfiction.com where she had already hundredth of comments in her work, reading for her to read. She always made sure to reply to them whenever she had the chance. The pink hedgehog even had created a bond with a couple of people who always commented on her fanfics. She scrolled down the comment section as she replied to them and a familiar username came into her screen.
"I've following your work since I stumbled upon 'The Forest of Dreams: A Love Story' and in all honesty, you are the best fanfiction writer out there. You improved so much and now every story you publish is great and you develop the characters amazingly well. Yesterday, I was re-reading all 30 previous chapters of 'Falling Petals' and I got late to work but it was worth it. I can't wait to read the final chapter tonight."
By: The Fanfictioner
Amy smiled to herself, she was always happy to read comments and it was one of the few things that kept her going through the day. She took a few moments to think about what to write and finally she began to type.
"This means a lot to me. 'The Forest of Dreams: A Love Story' was the first story I wrote and I am really happy you still enjoy it. I appreciate you a lot, I see that you always like and comment on my work. I'll keep working hard for you and my other readers. I hope you like the last chapter of 'Falling Petals' ... Thank you!"
By: A Rose Without Thorns
After she finished typing and hitting 'Enter', our adorable pink hedgie was now ready to publish the last chapter of her latest work. She uploads her writing file from her laptop, publishes it and waits for her reader's reaction. Amy closes her laptop and places it next to her, closing her eyes, the pink hedgehog drifted into sleep.
"CAN YOU GUYS BELIEVE SONIC LEFT AMY TO GO SAVE THE WORLD?!" Knuckles, who has his bubbly self again was walking right and left on the set. "AFTER EVERYTHING THEY WENT THROUGH, HE LEAVES!"
"Knuckles, I am right here," Sonic said as he read a magazine. It was early morning and 'Team Sonic' was waiting for everyone to arrive. "Also, I am not going anywhere. I have to save enough folks on the island as it is."
"I am not talking about you! I am talking about the Sonic on the story I was reading!" Knuckles replied again. "The writer said that they will publish a second book, so I have hope that they will end up together."
Amy, who was sitting on the actor's small chair circle, was interested in what Knuckles was reading. Especially since it seemed like he read the last chapter of her most recent work.
"Out of curiosity," Amy began. "What were you reading?"
"I read 'Falling Petals' by A Rose Without Thorns in fanxfiction.com," Knuckles replied. "I just love the writer's stories, they are so good!"
Amy hid her evident blush by taking a sip of her coffee.
"What if Knuckles is TheFanfictioner? He did say that he stayed up all night reading and his comment right now sounds a bit similar to the one of last night."
"Wait, fanxfiction.com?" Tails who was quietly drinking tea finally spoke up. "You read fanfiction?"
"I do," Knuckles said, still not seating down on his chair. "We need to support fans that create free content for others and besides ... Some of these writers are way better than the ones we have here."
"That, I do believe," Sticks puts down 'Theories Magazine', the issue of this month was government space theories. She was reading a very interesting story about a project that was created on a space colony and it was shut down due that scientists created a powerful ultimate life form.
"Still, it's lame," Sonic said, still not looking at his friends directly. "I understand your curiosity Knuckles, but I still think it's a bit weird. Especially the writer ... It's so cringy."
"It's not! Look!" Knuckles pulls out his phone and shoved into Sonic's face, making him drop the magazine that he was reading. "Read the first chapter! It's really good!"
The blue bur leaned his head a little, as he tried to catch a glimpse of Knuckle's phone. He read the first lines of the story and a smirk crossed his face. He grabbed Knuckle's phone and stood up from his seat.
"Although I was always pushed away by him, Sonic the Hedgehog was the only one for me." Sonic made his voice sound in a higher pitch, pretending to be the female hedgehog of the story. "His green eyes, his strong form, and heroic personality were some of the things that made me fall in love with him."
Tails and Sticks began to laugh. Even Knuckles who wasn't laughing at the story itself, but at Sonic's overly bad acting, let out a giggle or two.
"See? This is so bad!" Sonic said as he pointed to Knuckles' phone.
The blue one noticed that Amy was awfully quiet, just there, seating on her chair. As to look for her approval, Sonic asked, "Don't you think this is lame Amy? I mean just the fact that you love me is ridiculous enough!"
"Yeah, haha," Amy looked down to the floor, as she tried to hide her evident embarrassment. "It is pathetic."
She had never felt such embarrassment before. The pink one started this because she enjoyed writing and loved to write about the Sonic Boom characters. However, looking at her peer's reaction made her wonder. They were the ones who interpreted the characters and they thought it was lame. Maybe, she wasn't as good of a writer as she thought she was. Doubt filled her mind and before she could say or do anything else, Knuckles jumped to say something.
"You all are just uncultured," Knuckled said as he took his phone away from Sonic's grasp "You guys will never know how deep and life-changing 'Falling Petals' is until you read it-"
"Will everyone just shut up?"
The prince of dark and gloom appeared and to say that he looked bad was an understatement. Shadow the Hedgehog had dark circles under his red eyes. He arched his back and his stance was way too weak. He even looked sick. Shadow walked towards his chair and sat down with a cup of black coffee on his hand.
"Well, did someone forget to read today's script or something?" Sonic said mockingly.
"I had a very emotionally draining experience last night, I don't need your jokes at this moment," The black hedgehog replied. He was wearing a black leather jacket and out of it's right pocket, he pulled out some shades and puts them on.
"It wasn't a joke," said Sonic. "There was a change in plans yesterday and we are supposed to record another scene today, did you read your script?"
At that moment, Shadow thanked Chaos that he was wearing shades because otherwise, everyone would have seen his confused face.
Just like he sat down on his chair, he stood up again.
"I need to talk to my manager."
It was already 11 in the morning and they still haven't started filming. At this rate, they were just going to lose the day. It was September and the sunlight was running out short. Sonic Team was already eager to start but there was no sign of the director. Even less Shadow.
"Everyone takes one-hour break, come back at 12 P.M." The show director appeared. He had a tired face, one that showed that he was done with his job.
The director came into the circle of actors and approached Amy directly.
"Ms. Rose, I need to speak to you ... Privately," he said as he made a motion to follow him.
"Of course, Mr. Johnson," the pink hedgehog stood from her chair and followed the old monkey. Once again, they were supposed to be filming outdoors. They had closed a small part of Hedgehog Village so they could film. Her friends were on the other side while Amy and Mr. Johnson had already placed themselves behind the camera crew to get some privacy.
"Ms. Rose, I need a favor," Mr. Johnson said. Amy nodded, not expecting that from the director. "I need you to stay here and help Mr. Shadow the Hedgehog finish memorizing his script. I know you are the best at that."
Great, this is just what she needed. To spend her break time with Shadow, the rudest hedgehog she has ever known. She knew that this wasn't really a favor but part of her job and she normally wouldn't have cared. Amy was glad to help her friends memorize their scripts but Shadow? He was far from being her friend.
"I'll do it but, can I ask something?" Amy asked.
"Go ahead."
"Why is he here? Don't get me wrong but Sonic Boom doesn't seem like the type of show that an actor of his caliber would want to do."
The old monkey sighed and placed a hand on his forehead. "To be honest I don't even know either ... He just came in saying that he wanted to play a role in the show. He is charging us half the price he normally charges and this will definitely increase the rating of the show ... I know Shadow doesn't have the best personality but for everyone's sake ... Just be nice to him."
Amy nodded. She knew that Shadow was hard to deal with, but just like the director said, having the black hedgehog on the show will help everyone. More ranting equals more money. Also, there was a small part of Shadow that intrigued Amy. Why would he want to be in this show if he could literally be in anything he wanted? Maybe if she could make him open up a little she can find out.
The pink hedgehog looked back at her friends who were laughing again at her fanfiction as she saw that Sonic was once again holding up Knuckle's phone. Spending time with Shadow didn't seem so bad now.
It took all the strength in the world to come to terms with herself. Our pink lady was backing out of the previously made decision as she waited outside Shadow's dressing room. She knocked once and she wished for Chaos that whatever Shadow was doing will stop him from opening the door. Amy looked around nervously, it wasn't like she was afraid of the black hedgehog, well maybe just a tiny bit. She was more scared of having to go through an awkward situation or saying something that might cost her head. Incoming steps were heard by the pink one and in a blink of an eye, Shadow was in front of her holding the door open for her to step in. She looked at him with an awkward smile on her face as she made her way in, in a sense, it was her way of greeting him. Yesterday, they didn't have the best of days but maybe Amy could make up for that by helping him. As she made her way in, she realized that his dressing room was way fancier than hers. All black, a bed, a small kitchen, and even a small dining room. For all, she knew this could a small house.
"So," Amy pushed her thoughts away as she sat down on the small dining table. "Today's scene we are going to be introducing your character ... do you know any of the script yet?"
"Not really, I wasn't notified about today's change and I didn't have time yesterday, " Shadow sat down on the chair facing Amy.
"No worries, change in plans happen a lot around here so it's best if you get used to it now," the pink hedgehog kept her eyes glued to the script. "Alright, your dialogue start on page seven so let's go from there. If we can't finish memorizing the script then we can improvise-"
"Why are you helping me?"
The question took Amy by surprise, finally, she looked at the black hedgehog in front of her who had a monotone look on his face. His right hand served as support for his face as it delicately rested on his right cheek. The sunlight coming from the window highlighted Shadow's features and especially his eyes. Vermillion eyes studied her deeply and Amy could see why he was so popular with the ladies.
"To be honest, because they asked me to and ..." Amy sighed as she shook away the thought. "Because a part of me wants to start again with you."
"We didn't have a good start, did we?" Shadow looked outside the window as if he was in deep thought. Three seconds pass in which Amy thought it had been minutes, a very unpleasant feeling ran down her spine. She wanted to end with the awkwardness but Shadow beat her to it.
"There's no way I am going to memorize all 50 pages in one hour," Shadow said as he looked back at the pink hedgehog.
"Then improvise!" Amy replied. "This is your character, create your own dialogue."
"I don't know who this character is! And I am sure not even the writers know," Shadow stood up from the chair and walked towards the small bed that was across the dining table.
Amy looked over at the black hedgehog who was resting comfortably on his bed.
"Then even better! Make it your own!" Amy raised her voice a little. "Look, for what I know your character, 'Shadow', is mysterious and rude but he actually cares for others. He just doesn't know how to properly show it."
Shadow looked over to Amy and with a plain expression he asked, "Meaning?"
Amy stood up from her chair and placed herself in front of the black and red striped hedgehog. She looked at him as she placed her hands on her waist. "Meaning that maybe he had a tragic past, something that explains his personality. It makes him an interesting character ... You can work something from that."
"I don't know, doesn't it sound too-"
Shadow would have never expected what happened next. At one moment, he was laying peacefully on his bed. The next moment, he was still laying peacefully on his bed but the difference was that Amy was on top of him. Her hands were placed on the sides of his head. Her legs were slightly touching his as she had positioned them to each side of his legs.
"You need to stop!" Amy said, her face very close to Shadow's. "You have beaten up my friends! Why are you after us?"
Shadow blinked multiples times. First, nothing made sense but his brain connected the dots. This was similar to the scene he read on the script. Where Sonic pinned him down to the ground after a fight. He was pressured and he only had a few seconds, what should he respond?
"I am not after you nor your friends! I am trying to complete my mission and you are just on the way!"
A few seconds passed in which Amy and Shadow only stared at each other's eyes. Amy was looking at him, surprised that he actually followed along with her plan. And Shadow? Where he was starting to get lost. Lost in the pink one's emerald eyes and for a small fraction of a second, he had forgotten where he was.
"That was good!" Amy said as she made Shadow wake up from his trance. "It's a bit vague but that leaves up to interpretation and further build-up for the story."
The pink hedgehog moved away and took a sit on the edge of Shadow's bed. She didn't think too much about it. However, Shadow couldn't let go of that thought that easily.
"You are a strange one," Shadow said as he sat down on the edge of the bed, next to the pink one. "Last time someone confronted me like that was Rouge and it was a different circumstance."
"Rouge as ..." Amy gulped. " Rouge the Bat? The famous actress?"
"Yeah, do you know her?"
"Of course, I do! She is the best actress of our generation! She is great!" Amy said excitedly. Shadow noticed that Amy's tail was wiggling from side to side, it was something that he would normally make fun of but he had to admit that it is cute on her.
At that moment, Amy remembered that a couple of days ago she was reading a celebrities' magazine. There was a rumor saying that Shadow the Hedgehog and Rouge the Bat were in a secret relationship. She wanted to ask him about it but decided not to since that would be crossing the boundaries. Maybe she would ask ... Later on, if they ever get to be that open with each other.
"Anyways," Amy turned around to look at Shadow, who was once again looking at her with his vermillion eyes. "Should we practice a little more?"
Filming the scene did not only go great but Shadow got praised from everyone after the shooting. Even Sonic had to admit that he had done a good job and Mr. Johnson went personally to Shadow and thanked him for his commitment to his character. Every time this happened, Shadow looked back at Amy and gave her a small smile to acknowledge her help. He didn't exactly thank her, but Amy knew this was the best thing she could get from him.
More days like this came. In two weeks, Team Sonic had slowly made up their minds that Shadow was going to be sticking around for some time. There was still some conflict from time to time but it wasn't anything that they couldn't handle. The black hedgehog would even 'compliment' the other members once in a while. 'Not half bad', 'Could be better but it wasn't horrible', 'If you are going to say that, at least keep your head up. It will make you look more credible.'
Shadow had slowly made his way into the Sonic Boom family and nobody was complaining. He still had his prepotency and pride, which he would show more often than his soft side. But at least he was trying. Amy Rose didn't care now. He wasn't interfering with her job nor she was interfering with his. They didn't have much communication since she helped him improvise. Maybe just the casual, 'Is there any coffee?' and a 'Yes, it's over there.'
It was the last day of filming and as usual, Amy said goodbye to everyone on set. She won't be seeing them until next month so she made sure she got to say her goodbyes to every last one of them. Finally, her friends were last. She didn't care too much about saying goodbye to them because she knew she will seem them in the next couple of days. Probably when Eggman is attacking or something like that. Strange enough, Eggman never attacked them on filming days, it was as if he knew and didn't want to ruin their day on purpose.
"I say we should go to the beach soon," Knuckles said.
"I am down," Tails said and Sticks nodded in agreement.
"Same," Sonic was then quick to turn around and face Amy who seemed to look at something or rather someone else. In hopes that she will give him some attention, Sonic raised his voice a little. "What about you Ames? Do you want to go to the beach?"
"What about Shadow?"
Amy's response wasn't the answer Sonic was looking for and instead, he proceeded to walk towards the pink hedgehog and placed his arm around her shoulder in hopes to comfort her. "I don't think he is the type to go to the beach."
"Should we at least invite him?" Amy said, still looking away. She was a bit embarrassed that Sonic was doing this more and more often. "I mean just out of courtesy ...It doesn't matter if he says no."
"I guess if you want to you can do that but ..." The blue one faced the direction that Amy was looking at. His green eyes met the black figure and a small hint of jealousy treated to overtake the blue blur seeing that Amy was giving too much attention to Shadow. "You are still coming with us, right?"
The pink hedgehog had finally faced her blue hero and saw a small smile placed on his lips. She returned it and kindly she said, 'Of course!'
Shadow the Hedgehog was glad that the filming was done. A part of him was enjoying filming for this low-quality show but he still felt relieved that this was over ... for now. He walked outside the set where his beautiful black motorcycle waited for him. Today was going to be a relaxing night. Just him, a glass of wine and re-reading some of his favorite stories.
"Hey, Shadow!"
The black hedgehog recognized that voice, he turned around and met a running pink hedgie running towards him. Almost out of breath as if she had been looking for him everywhere. When she finally reached him, she took a few seconds to get air back into her lungs. Shadow watched every single moment of her and waited until she was ready to speak again.
"This month's episode is coming out next week. To celebrate the launching, my friends and I are going to the beach," Amy looked around, a bit nervous to look at him in the eyes. "I was wondering, I mean, we were wondering if you wanted to join us?"
Alright, this was something he had never experienced before. He was usually invited by other acting peers to go to parties and formal get-togethers where a large group of people were present. However, he had never been invited to such an 'intimate' activity before. Going to the beach? As like playing volleyball together? As building sandcastles? Doing a cookout and eating together after playing in the water?
Was Amy Rose that crazy?
"My apologies," Shadow said. "I am not interested in such things."
Amy mentally sighed in relieve, her job here was done. "It's alright! I won't see you for a while so if you need a friend, hit me up. I am one phone call away."
The rose hedgehog was already making her way out, she walked a few steps away until she felt something small hit her head.
She turned around again to face Shadow who was proudly playing with pebbles on his hand. "You said to hit you up if I need a friend."
Amy didn't know how to react to that. It was clever and even sweet of him. However, Amy didn't know until what extent he meant his words or if he was just saying it to tease her.
But she was about to find out.
"Well," Amy walked towards the black hedgehog, a small smirk decorated her face. She wasn't completely doing this, but she still decided to give it a try. She mounted Shadow's bike and placed her hands on the accelerator and the break. "I can be your friend right now."
It was very interesting, the strange dynamic that the two had. Shadow wasn't even complaining which even surprised him. He didn't let just anyone ride his bike, but if it was the pink hedgehog then maybe he could make an exception.
Her character and persona were just very intriguing to him. She was a simple hedgehog, very plain looking but still, there was something about her that attracted him to her.
"Very well then," Shadow said as he took a sit on his motorcycle. He placed his hands delicately on the pink hedgehog's hip, trying to touch as little as he could. They were close but Amy didn't seem to mind the contact at all. "Where to next?"
There was a soft aroma that Amy couldn't quite describe yet. It was probably all the natural scents radiating off the jungle. If she was being honest, she didn't quite understand what was going at the moment. It was certainly strange for her to be this close to the hedgehog, more strange because well ... They weren't even friends. Just to strangers taking a ride together. Now that she thinks about it, this scene with Shadow was very ... Unusual. She didn't know much about the black hedgehog besides everything that she read on celebrities' magazines. Of course, they weren't too reliable.
The stars sparkled above them, the air caressed their faces and moved their quills along the dancing wind. Amy's mind drifted towards the dark hedgehog behind her. His hands were softly placed around her waist, trying to touch her as little as possible. It was actions like this that made the pink lady realize that there was more to Shadow.
Where could Amy take such a guy? Shadow was the most popular hedgehog in town and if she was being honest, Amy was sure that he had seen more of the whole island than her. She really didn't think this through, come on Amy ... What was a place that was good enough to surprise Shadow the Hedgehog?
Oh, wait there was a place.
The rosette hedgehog let out a small smile decorate her face. This might turn into an interesting night after all.
A tulip flower field that crossed through miles and miles of grass. All of them planted beautifully according to their color. Although it was dark, the moon provided enough light to differentiate the colors. Amy tried to not look at the dark hedgehog, but something inside of her was looking for his approval. After all, the pink hedgehog really admired the success of Shadow even if he didn't have the best personality.
Shadow's ear moved from side to side as he looked around the field of tulips. His face had a small smile and he moved his body from side to side as he tried to get all the view possible. Amy had to admit that the dark hedgehog being excited was a pleasant view to witness.
"Like what you see?" Amy asked as she approached the actor.
"I have to admit that I have never seen anything like this."
Shadow and Amy began to walk next to each other, following a soil path and the beautiful tulips were next to them.
Dammit ... This is getting awkward again. Why did I think this was a good idea?
There was a heavy silence in which only the crickets and the sound of shoes impacting the soil could be heard. The wind also helped the atmosphere to be less silent as the strong air made the tulips and grass move from one side to the other and they softly touched each other.
"How did you know about this place?"
Just like that, all previous silence was broken, Amy turned her head to look at the black hedgehog and immediately regretted it. The moonlight softly landed on his face enhancing his strong features. His vermillion eyes shone brightly and there was a certain confidence on his face that Amy couldn't quite describe. Wow, was Shadow the Hedgehog an attractive one?
"Well, to be honest, I kinda stumbled upon it," Amy answered as she looked away to make the small blush on her face go away.
"So you are telling me you found this place ... by accident?"
Just the thought alone made Amy embarrassed. If she was completely honest, she found the tulip field on one of her many times chasing Sonic. When they were younger, she was a total fangirl. Always chasing the blue blur, but Amy was always left behind by Sonic. In one of those days, she was chasing him and of course, he ran away from her. In an attempt to keep up with him she ended up lost. She walked a lot through the jungle and when it was getting dark desperation began to hit her. Then, she ran at different directions until she finally came across the beautiful tulip field.
But of course, she wasn't about to tell him all that.
"Well to put it simply... I was looking for someone, lost track of them, and ended up here."
"And did you find the one you were looking for?"
It was strange even for Shadow to be this intrigued about someone else's life. He mostly would not talk or just talk the minimum. Nonetheless he saw this as a way to return the favor. She helped him learn how to improvise and in exchange Shadow will listen to her. Although to be honest, he didn't know if that was an equal exchange.
"Mmm ... Not really, but it's alright now. I do seem him daily-"
The rosette hedgehog shut down her lips as soon as the words left her mouth. Before, she wouldn't mind expressing her long history of loving the blue one but now ... Well, it was better to keep that a secret.
"Something tells me, that this has to do with the blue one."
She really thought she was about to have a heart attack. Shadow has been part of the 'team' for a couple of weeks and he already felt something going on between Amy and the blue one.
"Am I that obvious?" She asked almost in a whisper. The awkwardness between them was completely gone now. It was just two hedgehogs walking under the moonlight on a flower field and enjoying each other's company.
"No ... I just guessed, and well, you just confirmed it."
Amy thanked Chaos that it was night time because otherwise, she was sure Shadow would be able to see her intense blush. She also cursed at the God under her breath for making her so gullible.
"Don't tell anyone, Sonic believes I am over him and the rest don't know."
The dark hedgehog let out a small sigh, he looked over at the pink lady next to him. He nodded and reassured her.
"Your secret is safe with me,"
A thought crossed Amy's mind. One of her secrets had just being exposed, she was feeling embarrassed and awkward. The pink one concentrated on the black hedgehog next to her, this time she could tell he was relaxed. He didn't look annoyed nor angry nor gloomy like he usually does. What she was about to do was risky, the whole night could go to waste but as her secret has been exposed, she might as well get something worth knowing out of this.
"Since you know a secret of mine ... don't you think its fair for me to know a secret of yours?" With her peripheral vision, she could see the hedgehog had kept his relaxed face, making her feel more comfortable. "Only if you want to of course."
" ... What do you want to know?"
"I don't know ... Do you like pineapple on pizza?"
Amy kept walking but to her surprise, Shadow had stopped doing so. She turned around and faced the black hedgehog who was a few feet away from her. While she had a stern look on her face, Shadow had placed a hand on top of his mouth. However, his other actions could not lie. His eyes were closed and his ears were trembling a little. His body was shaking as he placed a hand on his stomach. Soft attempts of trying to suppress the air from coming out of his mouth couldn't be contained and delicate sounds were created.
Amy couldn't believe it... Did she just make Shadow the Hedgehog laugh?
"Are you laughing?"
At her question, the dark hedgehog made a small turn and completely gave his back to Amy, trying to hide his evident humor.
"No," he responded but small giggles were still coming out of his mouth no matter how much he tried to suppress them.
"That was a serious question Shadow! Do you like pineapple on pizza?
Amy's serious voice was the breaking point Shadow needed to let go. This time he was full out laughing, his voice echoed through the field of tulips and it was moments like this that Amy appreciated.
A few seconds passed and Shadow was finally able to control himself. When he turned around to face the pink hedgehog, he noticed a cocky smile on her face. Shadow blames himself and Chaos for letting him act so 'out of character' for him.
"So, are you going to answer my question?" Amy asked once again as Shadow walked past her, gaining his proponent posture back.
"Out of all the questions you could have asked ... You decide to ask me if I like pineapple on pizza?" Shadow watched the pink hedgehog take small running steps to catch up with him.
"Well, do you want me to ask more personal things? What about the rumors that you and Rouge the Bat are dating?" When the question left Amy's mouth, Shadow's face turned to one of nervousness.
"Why would you want to know that?"
"Rouge the Bat is my favorite actress, she is so beautiful and smart ...I just want to know if it's true .. I don't see her dating someone like you." Amy made eye contact with Shadow and a part of him felt strange because the pink one hasn't been this straight forward with him before.
"Wait ... What is that supposed to mean?"
There was a certain tone to his voice that made him sound offended and the pink one immediately panicked. She just didn't want to ruin the good moment she was having with the actor.
"Nothing! I mean, you are very attractive and all but-" Amy felt her muzzle get hotter by the second, especially when Shadow had a smirk plastered on his face. "I mean it's just that you seem to be very ... um, quiet and Rouge is very flamboyant, to say the least."
A few seconds passed in which Amy waited for the red striped one to say something or make any type of movement. However, nothing happened and our pink lady decided to break the silence once again.
"But of course you don't have to answer that, I prefer if you tell me whether you like pineapple on your pizza or not," Amy said.
"Is that information important to you?" Shadow asked. He looked at the pink one waiting for anything that indicated that she had changed her mind on the question.
"Well, I need to see if you are trustworthy."
"And the toppings I put on my pizza decide whether or not I am worthy of your trust?"
"Of course."
Just like the situation was strange for Amy, it was for Shadow as well. He had personally known Amy for a few weeks in which they had only talked a few times for no longer than 10 minutes. Now they were talking, walking together and sharing 'secrets'. Shadow had now realized that it was true about it being easier to talk about yourself to strangers. What was even more bizarre for the black hedgehog was that even when it came to meet other actors or strangers, they seemed to talk to him out of courtesy ... but Amy? She was genuine about getting to know him.
Maybe that was why he tended to let his guard down around her.
"To be honest, I don't know," Shadow began, "I've never had pineapple in pizza, so I don't know if I like it or not."
"Oh, then next time I'll take you to the best pizza place in the village!" Amy excitedly said as the previous embarrassment was totally gone by now.
"Next time? Who says there would be a next time?" Taking his previous proponent attitude back, Shadow rolled his eyes in annoyance, clearly wanting to anger the pink one.
"Well, I am sorry Mr. Doom and Gloom! I thought you were enjoying my company. We can just go home now if you want." Amy made a turn, showing her determination to just go back home. It was intended to follow Shadow's attempt to tease her and not meant to be taken seriously. However, it seemed like the black hedgehog did think otherwise.
"Come on Amy, if I didn't like you I wouldn't be here."
The sentence made Amy's heart skip a beat. After all, anyone would feel embarrassed if a boy as attractive as Shadow said those kinds of things naturally. It wasn't like she liked him in that sense it was mostly because she made a small realization.
"That line could work great for the fanfiction I am working on ... Thank you, Shadow!"
"Well, that's nice to hear," Amy said, trying to get the most out of the conversation. This could lead to some very good dialogue scenes. "And don't worry, I was playing with you, I like you too Shadow!"
Amy was waiting for the dark hedgehog to say something but instead, a puzzled look stayed on his face. He didn't say anything but the only thing that happened was that vermillion eyes met with emeralds ones. The dark hedgehog was in a trance, in disbelief and so, Amy questioned him one more time.
"Are you alright?"
"Uh? Yes, my apologies."
Shadow quickly turned around and began to walk once again on the soil path. He looked at the flowers from side to side and then at the moon in the dark sky.
He turned around again and faced Amy on the distance. She had a worried look but soft and gentle at the same time. Her face shone brightly and her emerald eyes were more beautiful than any Chaos Emerald Shadow has ever seen. Indeed, Amy was beautiful even when Shadow did not see her with romantic eyes.
Or so he thought.
Without him knowing, Shadow let out a small smile decorate his face.
Amy had taken him to see other places. They were simple but Amy's small talk really made it memorable.
That night ended without any problems. Nothing else was said as they only enjoyed each other's company in silence during the motorcycle ride. Amy took Shadow across the island to see things he had never seen before. The moon provided enough light for them to fully appreciate the beauty of the forests, beaches, and even small villages. Amy let out a small smile whenever Shadow got excited about the smallest things. Did he see a pretty flower? His ears would move excitedly. Did he see a pretty view? Again his ears. Did he like the moon and stars? Ears. He was very expressive with them and Amy was found of such a cute act.
When their time as running out, Amy drove to her house. She thanked Shadow for the night and a sense of her told her that Shadow didn't want to say goodbye just yet.
She climbed out of the motorcycle and watched Shadow take her previous seat. The pink hedgehog was ready to enter her house but before, she had to properly say goodbye to those vermillion eyes.
"I'll see you next month Shadow," Amy said as she kept eye contact with the black one. "I hope you enjoy this month's chapter."
Holy shit.
"Episode! I meant to say, I hope you enjoy this month's episode!"
Amy cursed mentally at the fanfiction writer inside of her who was so used to saying 'I hope you enjoy this chapter.'
"I will ... I believe," Shadow replied.
"Well, you are a great actor," Amy said quickly. "Whatever you are on it, I am sure it will be great."
Her words weren't meant to come out of her mouth so easily. She said them so naturally that it caught her and Shadow in surprise. The pink hedgehog looked around nervously as she tried to hide the evident blush on her face. Amy wanted to disappear, to get inside her house, and just start writing the new fanfiction she had in mind.
A few seconds in which no one said a word until Shadow decided to break the silence.
"It will be great ..." Shadow said as he turned on his bike again, ready to leave. "Because you helped me along the way."
The next day, Amy was happy to have some time for herself. She concentrated on writing today. The pink one had different ideas she would like to explore for her new story. Although she didn't have a title just yet. She had been thinking about writing a Sonic Boom alternative universe story in which everyone was part of a Resistance and they had to fight the forces of evil aka Eggman.
The rosette hedgehog, who was still on her pajamas, was laying on the sofa. Laptop on top of her, and a bag of chips next to her and the television on. She was writing peacefully until a 'ring' sound came from her computer. It was a notification from fanxfiction.com.
She didn't think twice about checking out the notification.
It was a comment from one of her loyal followers, 'The Fanfictioner.'
" After I got home yesterday I couldn't sleep and decided to re-read 'Falling Petals' I can't believe just how good this is! The characters are well written and the romance is well developed. Although I don't like Sonic's character much especially how he treats Amy at the beginning ... but overall it's amazing!"
The comment caught Amy by surprise. She had never gotten a comment before saying that they didn't like Sonic's character. The pink one wanted to know more about the opinion of her reader. She began to type:
"Thank you for the lovely comment! However, I would like to know why don't you like Sonic's character?"
The pink one-clicked enter and she thought that it will take hours for The Fanfictioner to respond. However, as to prove her wrong, the anonymous reader responded within a minute.
"Sonic was kind of a jerk to Amy at the beginning and even after he confessed to her, he treated her badly just because he is shy. I think if Sonic was truly in love then he wouldn't hurt her so much as he did. At least if I had someone I liked, I would never hurt them by avoiding them and leaving."
Wow, Amy was impressed. She had never thought about it that way. Amy had to admit that although her work was praised, she knew that she lacked in the romance department. Especially because she had never experienced it. Well, she does love someone and knows the feeling of it very well ... but her feelings had never been corresponded.
An idea popped in her mind.
"I had never seen it that way ... Actually, would you tell me more about your opinion about the characters and story?"
Once again after replying to the comment, it didn't take long to hear a reply.
"Sure, I would be delighted to talk to a talented writer like yourself. Do you have a Xiscord?"
She smiled to herself as she read the comment. It was nice to have someone who appreciated her work and without a second thought she began to type:
"Yes, I do, ARoseWithoutTorns#0923. Please add me."
Amy thought she would get some feedback from 'The Fanfictioner' and that would be it. However, it turned out to be more than that. Yes, there was great feedback but they also talked about themselves. It was strange for Amy because although she had talked to her readers before, it had never been to this extent. They talked about their hobbies, their daily lives, and things of interest. They texted and texted each other and the pink one couldn't think of anything else but to be happy that she had made a new friend.
TheFanfictioner#0619: I am so bored at home, I wish I could take a ride on my bike, too bad it's raining.
Amy had been so engrossed in their conversation that she didn't realize that it was raining outside.
ARoseWithoutTorns#0923: What a coincidence, it's raining where I live too! To be honest with you the first time I rode a bike was yesterday.
TheFanfictioner#0619: Really? How did that go?
ARoseWithoutTorns#0923: Yes. I actually learned right there and then. I am pretty sure the guy I went with didn't realize that was my first time driving a bike.
Amy mentally laughed, yesterday was her first time driving a bike and she learned from the few times she saw Shadow driving it. She knew that Shadow would have never let her drive his bike if he knew that Amy didn't know how to drive. Therefore, she had to look confident enough so Shadow wouldn't doubt her skills. She was actually proud of her acting because Shadow seemed to not know that she was a first-time driver.
TheFanfictioner#0619: Well, your friend must be an idiot, its easy to know when it's a person's first time driving a bike.
ARoseWithoutTorns#0923: Well, he can be an idiot. He is rude but he can be nice ... Sometimes.
Amy's mind diverted to Shadow. He was indeed a very interesting hedgehog. And very unlike anyone she had known before. He was mysterious, quiet, and wasn't afraid to speak up his mind even when he seemed extremely rude. That's what she had gotten from him and the few times she had talked to the black hedgehog.
TheFanfictioner#0619: Maybe he is rude because he likes you. He doesn't want to be rude but he is unconsciously rude because he doesn't know how to deal with his feelings.
ARoseWithoutTorns#0923: Hahaha I doubt it! I think he likes someone else ... Besides, I have feelings for someone else as well.
The pink one made a disgusted face at the thought of Shadow having those kinds feelings towards her. Definitely, Shadow wasn't her type and she was sure that she wasn't Shadow's type either. The only thing that could happen between them besides a co-worker relationship was a friendship and that Amy didn't mind at all.
TheFanfictioner#0619: Well, that guy must be very lucky.
This month's episode of Sonic Boom wasn't great ... It was fantastic. People were just loving the introduction of Shadow the Hedgehog into the story. After a few hours of being aired, people were already talking about it their social media and other types of platforms. Amy even had to admit that if it wasn't because she was already in love with the blue bur, she might have been a Shadow fangirl. He acted amazingly and he made his character relatable which was very hard to compel.
Right now, the pink hedgehog was comfortably sitting on her sofa, as the TV was on and she was scrolling to her fanfiction web page. Tomorrow she was going to the beach with her friends and maybe she could take her laptop with her to finish some writing.
An idea crossed her mind and to celebrate the brand-new episode of Sonic Boom, she decided to open up prompt requests.
She began to type on her laptop.
"Sonic Boom's new episode was really good, wasn't it? To celebrate today's episode, I'll be opening up prompt requests! Send it right away and I'll answer you as soon as I can!"
By: A Rose Without Thorns
The pink hedgehog clicked 'Enter' and soon after she began to receive multiple notifications. She opened one from a username she clearly recognized. This person was a loyal follower of hers and it was now her personal goal to give them the best story they could ever ask for.
However, her heart skipped a beat when she read the prompt request.
"As I watched this recent Sonic Boom episode, I realized that Shadow and Amy's characters have great potential to develop a relationship. Can I request a story where Shadow and Amy fall in love? Thank you."
By: The Fanfictioner
A/N: Finally, 'The Fanfictioner' is here. I am super excited to continue writing this story, it's been a while since I have worked on a series like this. The chapters would take around a month or so to come out, not sure. But they will be long chapters ... So I hope you enjoy each and one of them! Thank you for reading! This story is going to have a little bit about everything. Romance, mystery, comedy and drama. 
I want to thank @redsunlight for the amazing artwork, please everyone check out her tumblr! Once again, thank you so much! I also want to thank @mysuperlaserpiss​, @nothing-fancy94​ and @justasadcloudpassing​ because they are just lovely people!
Ps. My other story "By Accident" will be uploaded soon too with a new chapter :)
Prologue: https://another-sonic-blog.tumblr.com/post/621393124729683968/the-fanfictioner
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/PeachesAndReams
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beevean · 4 years
How I’d fix Shadow The Hedgehog (game)
What’s this? The game is already 15 years old and there’s no point into talking about it? Maybe so but I really like this game and I wish it didn’t make so many stupid choices :(
Instead of starting from Westopolis every time you want to take a new route, let the player start from the stage they wish. For example: I completed the 100% Dark route, and I want to take the Miracle of Love route where Shadow gets redeemed by Amy, so I restart from Cryptic Castle and do the Hero mission instead of the Dark one, changing my path from here. Simple as that.
10 endings may be overkill (see below for an idea to make them more bearable), but if you expand on them, most of them could be interesting. Show the full consequences of your actions - oh, you wanted to play the bad guy but chickened out at the very end (Pure Dark-Hero)? Okay, you’ll get an entire cutscene (or an entire block of text à la Forces if the devs are lazy) of Shadow ruling over the Earth as its new misantrophic dictator.
The only endings I really don’t like are the Neutral ones where Shadow out of nowhere believes himself to be an android. It’s stupid because it can easily be disproven (people often say that Shadow could cut himself and see if he bleeds, but I’m sure Omega could also tell if he’s organic or robotic) and because it only makes sense if you reach that ending through Iron Jungle: if you pass through Air Fleet or Space Gadget it seems that Shadow wakes up one day and has a mental breakdown. I’d change the Neutral-Dark route to have Shadow join Eggman’s ranks (because I really want some justice for the poor doc), the Neutral-Hero to be like the Semi Dark-Hero ending (Shadow simply deciding he knows what’s best for himself, not really learning anything), and the actual Semi Dark-Hero ending could be Shadow suddenly trying to repent for his actions, but it’s too little and too late.
Don’t force the player to replay 10 times to get the final ending. I’d personally remove the Last Story entirely because it ruins the point of the game in many ways, but if it’s really necessary to keep that Devil Doom fight, it could be integrated into the Pure Hero-Hero ending, as a bonus.
Have the ally dialogue in the game reflect your choices. For example, Rouge in G.U.N. Fortress should sound dejected, disappointed and desperate to bring back what little good Shadow has left in his heart; Black Doom in Final Haunt shouldn’t ask for Shadow’s help as if he didn’t ignore him for almost the entirety of the story, he should express his anger and frame his mission as a “last chance” he’s generously giving him or as a threat. Make them reference past missions if it makes sense. Again, consequences of your actions.
The bosses are a mess. Not only they’re too easy (with the exception of Sonic and Diablon which is just annoying), the ones in the middle of the game don’t take in count the mission you’ve beaten before (typical example: Shadow helps Black Doom but he still summons Black Bull to kill Shadow) and the ones at the end need to be far more than just 3 for 10 endings. Either move some of the mid-game bosses at the end of the paths (the Egg Breaker would be a better last boss than the Egg Dealer, and the Blue Falcon would be fun to fight in Cosmic Fall), change the dynamic of the battles depending on the ending (Black Doom could take advantage of the different environments and situations in G.U.N. Fortress, Cosmic Fall and Final Haunt), or come up with new battles entirely (for example, you could face just Sonic at the end of the Pure Hero-Dark path since they’re both children at heart).
The enemy system needs to be reworked entirely. First, make so that they attack you depending on the ally you have - aliens don’t shoot at you if you’re with Black Doom, G.U.N. soldiers don’t shoot at you if you’re with Sonic or one of his friends, but both of them attack you if you’re alone (it makes sense in-universe that they don’t know if you’re friend or foe and it also compensates for the Neutral missions being the easiest by far). Second, no need for those pointless “kill all enemies to proceed” parts, unless you give the player a way to circumvent them (it happens sometimes, when you can either Homing Attack a row of enemies or drop to kill the enemies of the opposite faction, but not often enough). Third, related to the previous point, no more bullshit like what happens in Cryptic Castle or Mad Matrix - I shouldn’t be forced to kill enemies that earn me scolding at best and harm my score at worst. And especially no more completely idiotic parts like what happens in Glyphic Canyon.
While I would just remove Black Doom entirely because who cares about him, that would change the plot too much. I’d rewrite him to put more focus on his creepy “we’re saving humans by turning them into cattle” mentality and on his implied mind control abilities (like the way he toys with Shadow in The Doom) and by giving him more funny quirks - the one time I liked him was when he got scared of the thunderstorm at the end of Sky Troops, lol, give me more Black Doom not understanding how Earth works
You want an edgy game? Fine. Go really all the way. Make a parody of cheesy action movies. Make the players laugh intentionally. Cute little Shadow with a gun twice his size should be the entire vibe of the game.
I don’t mind most of the “kill all enemies” missions (some of them are really cathartic), but to improve them I think that at least there should be some spares - for example, the mission wants you to kill 20 enemies, but there are 30 in the level. A radar would also work fine, especially in labyrinthine levels like The Doom. But in any case, I’d like more missions as fun as Circus Park Hero, or missions where you simply take a different path like Space Gadget Dark.
why did you promote the bike so much if it sucks ass, fix that and the car while you’re at it, or better yet don’t put them and leave the vehicles that do something special like the high-jumping walker
Make the game a little prettier :( almost every level is so ugly to look at. Use more tropes and colors! Where are the ice levels, the fire levels, the water levels? Why aren’t the jungles greener, why does everything have to be grey and purple? I don’t ask for a Sonic Heroes aesthetic, but an Adventure/2 one would work well.
Feel free to add anything else I might have missed!
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Second part! [Dolled up.]
They couldn’t.
Sonic refused.
Pained sounds left Shadows mouth, but Sonic clung to him with silent desperation, murmuring sorry once and once again as his own fingers dug on his waist and back, and got stained with boiling blood. With a sickening sound, Shadow fell to the ground (And well, kinda on top of Sonic though no one really had the time to care about that.) once again, where he immediately curled, Sonic cradling his body even closer to his own and curling a bit as well almost as a protective reflex. Their claws had left deep wounds on Shadows back, oozing almost black blood that quickly got lost on his thick fur. He swore he could see something whitey, jagged, but decided to ignore it for the moment, not ready to think in what he may have seen so soon.
The Winged Ones left, taking with them the barely alive beast and the answers they both had been behind.
 It was…almost funny to see. A few minutes ago, a complete battling camp. Now? Just debris and blood, dead bodies, chaos, and pain.
A blink and everything was gone.
Chaos and pain was such a way to put it, right? The silence ringed hardly on Sonic ears. Even the scared babies had stopped their crying, and the smoke seemed to make his mood darker.
They had failed. They didn’t have any answers, they didn’t kill the beast attacking the town, they had lost completely and pathetically, leaving more disaster and grief than what the beast alone could have done.
Have you ever heard, it was worse the remedy than the illness?
Shadow left a whimper get out of his mouth, and Sonic snapped of his rage, even if barely. He had been digging his fingers on the hedgehog on his lap without noticing, and Shadow had tried to ignore it until he couldn’t anymore and decided to voice his discomfort and annoy. — Sorry! Sorry, Shadz, I...— He immediately whispered, with a harsh flinch and a lowering of his ears.
And they were hurt. Shadow was hurt. So hurt, it actually make Sonic want to curl into himself and… —Man.— He breathed, curling his fist painfully on his head. He didn’t even knew where they were. How far of the camp. Amy and Knuckles were there, but.
He felt something wet and hot against his stomach, and couldn’t help the flinch of surprise he did. Shadows shaking hand was on his tight, his thumb moving up and down calmly, as if it were a massage. His head, that had somehow gotten pushed against Sonic peach tummy and side during Sonic panic, was slightly raised, and moving softly.
It was Shadows tongue.
Shadow was licking--Erm, grooming him.
Trying to calm him? Stop the bleeding? Maybe comfort him? How could he--?
Sonic. Sonic couldn’t. He couldn’t with all this right now. — Stop. — He uttered, with barely any force. His own hands were shaking now, and his breathing was harder than ever. It seemed like Shadow didn’t hear him, as he kept softly caressing him and licking away the dried blood.
Sonic didn’t need any of this. He was okay. Completely okay. Mad? Yes. Frustrated? Yes. He didn’t--
It was just too much. Like, really too much. Everything-The noises, the view, the smell of blood, of Shadows blood--He needed to remain calm. He needed to attend to both of their injuries. Keep his cool, start searching for a way to go back…He couldn’t do that if he breaks down
He needed to. To.
— Stop! I said stop! Stop! — He barked, jerking Shadow away and scrambling back, away from him. He couldn’t stand being touched so, so, lovingly? By the ebony. Not now.
Barely recognizing the hurt he saw on Shadow eyes (Because why would it be there, right?) he stood up, stumbling. He pushed his claws on his head, between his quills and short soft fur, tugging hard as his breath quickened.
— Sonic, I--                                                                                    
— Shut up! — He roared, looking away and missing how Shadow ears flattened against his head. The sigh alone would have made his rage become guilt in an instant, and he would bottle it up until the next battle just to never make that face appear on his “Ultimate unobtainable grumpy crush.” He missed it, though, and kept roaming and growling like a caged animal.
He did felt like a caged animal. The adrenaline didn’t leave his body, he felt fed by the pain, everything he gazed upon made him feel worse, and he didn’t dare to look back to his --To Shadow.
He couldn’t bear to see his face right now. Not when he was seeing him crumble in such a way right before him. He didn’t know what he was going to find if he did turn, and… He found it to be such a scary feeling…Ultimately everything seemed to be like that.
— Sonic…
— Shut.
— Sonic.
— Shut up!
Why was he screaming? Why was he shaking? Why couldn’t he just…Just--Calm down, and do what he needed to do? Was this really necessary? Was all this disaster necessary? What the duck was he really doing?
[So, I was going to write “Fuck,” but it seems like my writing program didn’t like the idea, and is not going to let the blue menace curse. Sucks to be him.]
— You are bleeding you fucking dickhead. — He really didn’t need to scream. That was Shadow, for you. The way his eyes and way of glaring changed, and the tiniest things on his facial expression; How his deep voice would variate in tone… You could tell without effort what his emotion was. Once you paid enough attention, you could see how actually expressive he is, how his eyes could become his most glaringly tell, how much was he really feeling by the smallest of the smirks, the way his ears perked up in the subtlest of the ways… and the more relaxed he gets around you, the more expressions you get so see. And, Oh, Sonic discovered that he had the cutest snickers that actually sounded more like giggles (But don’t said that Sonic or Anyone for that matter said that. That guy could glare like no one business.) That Sonic has ever heard, and he had meet princess and queens, and an absurdingly lot of pretty persons on his life and no one could really compare. He really liked it… But Uh…coming back at track…That being said, Sonic really didn’t need to know him that much to be aware of how furious and almost livid Shadow was.
It felt like. Like the last drop he needed. Now Shadow was angry at him. It just. Wow. The cold empty hole on his stomach seemed to grow, and the hand squeezing his throat got more vicious than before.
He couldn’t help it! He really didn’t wanted to, but his stiffened shoulders fell, almost in a defeated stance. His ears had flickered in Shadows direction once his way of speaking came through the dense fog on his mind, and he had just sort of stopped dead on his tracks while his thoughts ran wild inside his head.
— Sonic…— He tried once again, but his words died on his mouth. What could he say to the clearly altered hedgehog? Maybe he just needed to get his attention. Shadow could work it from there. Make him fucking sit down goddamn hell please sit the fuck down once for all. Stop that bleeding would be fan-fucking-tastic as well.
This felt…strange, though. Not only what was going on, as he had actually seen it before and thought nothing of it except that it was fucking normal, sonic, what the fuck, are you okay? ; But the forest and this clear and everything around them. It was a familiar feeling, an aura he had felt before. But different. Just the slightly different you needed to make it incredibly harder to notice and pin point. Sonic felt strange, as well. Shadow really didn’t felt comfortable here, even less with how open and messy the place was. They needed to clean their injuries, and erase blood paths. If he could find some plants and smooth rocks around here, he could—
The sound of the leaves and grass made Sonic turn even quicker. (Yes, he was turning around already. He wasn’t that of a coward.)
[Yes, you are.]
— Wa?--What do you think you are doing. — Sonic growled, though he felt like shrieking. He couldn’t believe his eyes, and an irritated and somewhat surprised expression (or maybe the feeling he had was exasperation? fear?), with everything and a half-assed smile and a This-Is-Unbelievable dry chuckle, crossed his face. — You stop that right this second, Shadow. — He ordered this time, with clear rage on his voice, not even giving the other a chance to do more than give a bewildered blink before he was roughly being pushed on the ground once again. Though maybe roughly wasn’t exactly the word he was searching for? Even on his anger Sonic didn’t touch the first area he saw, but actually picked the least damaged he could find in a half-a-second blurry. He didn’t have to use that much force, though, Thank you. And he really could do without the grip on his neck. Or the actual beasty growl right on his face.
He just??? Tried to stand??
He really hadn’t seen that plot twist coming.
 — Are you insane? — Sonic hissed with slight desperation, kneeling on the ground next to Shadow. The pined hedgehog tried to look at him, but the position and oppression on his neck stopped him from trying for more than 4 seconds. He really was becoming dizzy again, this couldn’t keep going like this.
He refused the idea of becoming a charge during the rest of this expedition, to call it something, with such a force and disgust it could very well be a third hedgehog with them. Shadow rested his cheek on the ground, though, knowing better than to try and fight Sonic in a moment like this.
— It-It’s literally your own back, there is no way you don’t know how badly hurt it is. You can’t stand like that, Shadow! You are goin´ta hurt yourself more! — His grip on Shadows neck shifted, holding him down with more force, his fingers…heck, his whole body was shaking. — Did you!?… Did you woke up today decided to give me a heart attack, ah? — He asked almost weakly, trying to light the moment. He felt like gasping, as if all of his force had been sapped in just a moment.
— …Okay. Okay. Its--
— What. A-Are you blind Shadow? Do you have that bad a concussion? What d´ya think is okay here, uh?!
— It is…It is not okay, Sonic. I know that. — Shadow started, calm and unbothered as if they had met coincidentally in the park, and nothing of this disaster had happened, ignoring completely Sonic outburst.— I won’t lie to you. Nor did I try. There is not a single point in doing so. Things had gone wrong, and the rest is looking bad. But while we cannot change what has already happened, and the bad is done, the looks are… tricky, to say the least. They thrive in mischief, and are expert liars. We can’t really trust them, not what we see, you would thought you already knew that. We can’t… change that, but we can rest, and do better then. We need to sit. You, need to sit, before I am the one that has a heart attack, and breathe for a second. They are gone, and we don’t know when they are coming back. We can stress, or we can be prepared.
— I don’t see how any of that has to do anything with--!
— It does, though. Yes I’m hurt. And you are, as well. We can stress, yes, and accomplish little thing. Or we can breathe, feel what we need to feel, and then, look around until we are calm, and ready. I think…I think you may be right, that´d be a first, and I might not be saying something useful. Maybe I can’t explain it as I wish… I just want to say, things aren’t completely lost. And, we don’t have to do this thing again. It’s done. It’s not coming back. We have now to rest, and recuperate so we can make them eat dust, and do right in tomorrow. For that, we need to sit, and see what or who can we find in a close range to help. Then we can grief, and yes, that is something we need to do if we want calm, rest, and then keep preparing. And. Ah. I know I’m hurt. But you are as well. If you are going to be around, giving your blood to the ground, then I will as well... You are not alone.
— I… aws, Shads. I knew you cared.
“Then people ask me why do I keep calling you Faker.”
— I take back every single thing I said just now. You are an idiot, and alone. And I am digging a hole to die in. Fuck you.
— Nah. You can’t do that. I won’t allow ya! — He smiled, a very small thing, half forced, half-truth. Things weren’t all right. And just a few words weren’t going to make them right magically. But there was some truth in Shadow words, some calm and hope, and had he been himself he would be more, honored maybe? Commoved? Happy? In Shadows try at comforting him, twice none the less! But, at this time? It felt more like a slap, maybe an accusation. Pity? He quickly looked away, though in other time he would have preferred to look at Shadow eyes, admire his gentle wave like way of moving, and hear his deep soothing voice, a much better view than the one his eyes fell in. It hurt to look at Shadow just know, in part because he knew he wasn’t being fair. — I just--
— I understand. I guess I can’t really oblige you. I respect that.
— Yep. — He muttered, swallowing. He really was feeling sick, as if he wasn’t himself. — That isn’t sayin´ you can stand up just yet.
— Sonic
— No, Shadow. You will stay here. If I come back and you have--!
— You can go and fuck yourself. — Shadow insulted, clearly displeased and mumbling under his breath. He wasn’t even going to talk about it!
“When did I become his baby? Fuck. Off. ”
— Why do you haffta be so difficult? — Sonic almost gritted, while standing up and almost swaying.
“Can’t you see I’m just concerned about you? You get to hen over me, but I can’t do the same?! What kind of deal is that?”  
— Its part of my charm, not that you can say the same, you envious hedgehog. Ursh. — He said, watching avidly as Sonic walked. — If you find any bitter smelling plants or roots, bring them back! — He called. — And, I think I read somewhere that you can use spider webbing on wounds!
— Yeah, aha, shut up once for all, man. Fall sleep or something!
And, some time later, Shadow did exactly that, to Sonic dismay.
 If you were having a bad day, I Hope you feel better soon <3
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Friends and Enemies
It had just been another day.
Another headache.
And another training session out in the blazing sun with Knuckles.
The echidna didn't know why, but Shadow had begun to look more and more restless as the days went on by with him coming to train. Like something was...... hrmm.
No, he just couldn't put his finger on it, even now.. He could feel it in the way the other sparred, however. There was this.. distance between them, and it grew bigger every time. Sure, he knew Shadow was wary, and out of all of them he wasnt the most sociable guy... Knuckles could relate, but.. Its as if every time he tried to close the gap, it just grew instead. Shadow came by more often to train, but the look in his eyes grew more and more distant, like he was barely even here. At first he had seemed eager, wanting to be able to defend himself in case he got hurt again, which.
That wasn't here nor there, but needless to say, it made Knuckles' blood boil. Hmph.
He had been trying not to let it all bother him, but. Well.. to say he still didn't quite trust Shadow wouldn't be a lie. And for Shadow to continually act so strange while on his island.. Sigh. He was trying to give the darker hedgehog the benefit of the doubt, Sonic wanted to and truthfully so did he, but-
"Gkh!-" Shadow had taken advantage of the other's moment of distraction, using his momentum against him and slamming him to the ground, pinning him with one arm behind his back. Okay, he thinks this is his queue to stop thinking so much about all this. Switching his focus back to the now, he lets out a hearty laugh.
"Hah! Lookit you, doing better every day. But I wasn't on my A-game today so you better consider yourself lucky. Next time you wont get such an easy opening."
He moves to get up, but stops short the moment he realizes that Shadow is still pinning back one of his arms and holding him down. This was uh, hm. Ok.
"Heyyy uh, Shadow? Man? If you're wantin' me to say uncle here, you got a weird way of asking. So um. Uncle? C'mon its hot as hell, lets get to one of the lakes to cool off. I can even call up Sonic to bring us some drinks, how about-" He's cut off by his own sharp noise of pain as Shadow starts to bend his arm hard.
"H- hey! Dude seriously knock it- nghk!"
Shadow had pinned his other free hand down by the wrist under his shoe, and Knuckle's couldn't stop the thought of Shadow turning those things on and burning him with the jets. Oh Chaos why was this happening, what did he do?! Was this Shadow's idea of a joke? Because if so, he's really not funny. Okay, no, deep breath. Shadow is.. complicated, and he has been though a lot, this could be.. Well Knuckles doesn't know what it could be but he knows its not good. He works his way to moving his head, trying to get a look at the other.
"H.. hey, Shads, look its gonna be okay.. we were just sparring, remember? We weren't gonna... gonna hurt....."
His voice trails off when he finally catches a glimpse of Shadow's face, and every alarm in his brain fires off at once.
Shadow stared down directly at Knuckles as he kept him pinned, his gaze cold and emotionless. No, not even that he looked almost.. dazed? How long had he..? Ugh, if Knuckles wasn't so distracted maybe he would have noticed and could have called the session off early.
It had just been another day.
Another headache.
And another training session with Knuckles.
Shadow had actually found that he enjoyed the company of the echidna, and despite the hot weather, the sparring was a nice way to release pent up energy and stress. Despite the heat. He visited now every couple of times during the week, at first they just trained in some area outside of town, but Knuckles admitted to feeling wary about leaving his island once, so they started training there. Shadow found it very facinating, Angel island.. and very pretty. He didn't mind the trip at all.
It had been a session like any other, namely Shadow practicing how to dodge and deflect Knuckles' punches. Said echidna wasnt known to hold back either, so it really was a matter of 'dodge, or get your face rearranged.' Not that he minded, it was actually kind of refreshing. Sonic would probably never train with him like this.
As time went on though, Shadow found himself plagued by yet another piercing headache. He still didn't know what caused them yet, just that they were incredibly annoying. They especially made it hard to focus, so when Knuckles next threw his fist, Shadow grabbed him by the wrist and slammed him to the ground, pinning him. Session over.
Or at least, that's what was supposed to happen, but.. the moment he found his body still, Shadow felt as though his mind had been stuffed with cotton. He blinked a few times and shook his head, trying to get it to go away, but it just got worse. He was suddenly overwhelmed by a feeling of tiredness, but his body stayed rigid as ever. Actually, he just moved, gripping Knuckles' arm tighter and bending it past its natural flexibility. He hadn't even registered that he had done it. Why did he?..
Wait, Knuckles? Wasn't he saying something?... Was he? Shadow couldn't hear anything, just this... white noise. His ears twitched and turned this way and that, trying to locate the sound, trying to.. hear the voice? Yes there was definitely someone trying to speak to him through all the noise, what was it saying though?
He saw movement and met the other's gaze, taking note of the fearful expression. Scared? Scared... Yes, that was... wait- no no- not good. Why would that be good? Why would he think its good? Is.. it supposed to be good? Yes. No. Knuckles was... was his friend enemy, he wasn't supposed to be scared of him, right? That's not what friends... that's what enemies do. Right?
Before he knows it Shadow's hands move of their own accord and a sick CRACK echoes throughout the quiet Angel Island before being accompanied by the scream of its guardian.
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