#funny percabeth moments
demigods-posts · 7 months
i love annabeth. she deadass tricked percy into skipping through a field while holding a rainbow staff. i just know she ran away snickering underneath her breath lmao
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best-ofpjo · 4 months
people saying percabeth’s slow burn is too slow is so funny to me because they gave soulmate from the moment they MET. annabeth saying “he’s the one.” percy comparing annabeth to a princess. mind you this happens before they even speak to each other.
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lilislegacy · 1 month
i love how in heroes of olympus, there’s a boat full of couples (+leo☺️). and yet even if you didn’t know when each couple started dating, it’s so blatantly obvious that percy and annabeth have been together the longest, and are the most serious
cause frank and hazel are still pretty nervous/unsure with each other. they JUST started dating, and are so pure and adorable. they just haven’t quite figured out the romance part yet
and jason and piper have their moments, but they’re just so… distant. like not physically, of course, but they just don’t really seem to connect on a deep level. and they aren’t super affectionate, at least not physically or openly. piper is constantly unsure about where they’re at, and while jason has thoughts about how great piper is, he doesn’t openly show his feelings too often.
but percabeth? they’re the oldest in age (physically), have known each other the longest, and have been romantically committed to each other for the most time. they act like they’ve been together for eternity, which is funny since they were technically only dating for 4 months before percy got abducted. but they just have such a deep history together and such an intense connection. they’re in it for the long run. there’s no doubt or uncertainty - and it shows. like…annabeth is so wife girlfriend. there are so many funny/cute little moments, like her scolding him for putting too much syrup on his pancakes, and telling him to take a shower when he smells bad. and when percy suggests him and jason should go on a dangerous quest instead of annabeth and piper, instead of being like “omg he cares so much about me😍” (which hazel and piper would have done) annabeth is like “what seaweed brain?? you think two guys can do better than two girls??” and percy is immediately like “uh uh NO nope i definitely do NOT think that!!” he knows better. the immediate fear is so husband boyfriend of him. they simultaneously have the most disagreements (remember when percy called annabeth out when she thought she should navigate through rome alone, and basically called her stupid for thinking it was a good idea, and then they argued and had a face-off, which percy won) - while also being the most lovey dovey (they’re constantly putting their hands on each other - annabeth putting her hand on his chest to calm him down, putting their hands on each other’s arms for support, percy having his arm around her when they’re at the edge of the ship, always giving each other a kiss on the mouth or the cheek when they separate, etc). and they have no issues sneaking off in the middle of the night to do some talking and kissing. and quite frankly, making out in front of piper in BoO (remember that? when piper got super uncomfortable at how long their kiss was lasting, and then annabeth let out, and i quote, “grunt-whimpers”). they are just so natural and comfortable with each other. piper says it herself.
i just think it’s so funny. little frazel being adorable and blushing when they hold hands, jiper is happy to be dating but they’re also a little angsty and uncertain, and then there’s percabeth just being the old married couple they are. (and leo is being cute and fixing stuff)
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percabeth never percabethed harder than the "maybe he finds them... amusing?" "that's really not funny, annabeth." moment
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Percabeth love story from Annabeth’s pov is so funny cause like.
In book 2, she’s thinking “oh, me and Percy will do the chariot race together. It’ll be so fun!” Only to have Tyson, who she doesn’t like at the time, third wheel her planned alone time.
Then you get to the 3rd book. Okay, we’re recruiting 2 new demigods. Their at a dance? Oh, me and Percy can dance. Have a nice romantic moment, maybe even confess.
He runs off to deflect from Thalia’s plan and she falls off a cliff.
We’re at BOTL now, Percy finally asked her out on a date. Well it’s not a date date but the point still stands. AND their seeing a movie. Perfect for a first not date.
He shows up with a red headed mortal. The school is on fire. The mortal, Rachel, writes her number on his arm.
Okay, okay, some failed attempts. Buts it’s all right. She still has more chances.
Nope, no she doesn’t. He’s in a volcano, he could die. She should probably do something before it’s too late. She kisses him and runs off, hoping he survives.
He doesn’t, oh wait he does. It’s been 2 weeks? Where was he? Oh, on an island? With who? CALYPSOS island? Your kidding.
Mhm, he hasn’t brought up the kiss. He want a mortal to led HER quest? Her first ever quest? Maybe she was reading into this wrong. Does Percy NOT like her?
Well, he must not. He spent the whole school year AND summer with Rachel. She kissed him, has spent the last 2 years trying to confess her undying love. He’s about to DIE. His souls is going to be REAPED. But he spends a year away from her. Oh yeah, there’s also a war going on.
A kiss for luck? Tradition? Okay, maybe she was freaking out for nothing. Percy likes her. She’s not gonna kiss him though. He spends a year away from her? He has to earn her affection, thank you very much. He won’t die, hopefully. She’ll kiss him then.
He’s not dead! They won the war! Yay, yippie, fire works. She gives him a kiss and they go underwater. Four years of hard work, but at least it paid off.
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reythenerdypisces · 2 months
things that I overlooked in PJO the first time / small, funny things I noticed during my reread
Part 2: Sea of Monsters
there is a lot this time.
this book is so short and it makes up for the length by being hilarious: 
I had nightmares about what Poseidon might turn me into if I were ever on the verge of death - plankton, maybe. Or a floating patch of kelp.
Tyson froze. "Pony!" he cried in total rapture. Chiron turned looking offended. "I beg your pardon?" 
"Um..." I said. "Would this be the super-dangerous prophecy that has me in it, but the gods have forbidden you to tell me about it? Nobody answered. "Right," I muttered. "Just checking." 
"Uh, I like Hercules." "Why?" "Well, because he had rotten luck. Even worse than mine. It makes me feel better."
Annabeth looked at me. "We have to get out of here." "You think I want to be in the girls' restroom?" "I mean the ship, Percy! We have to get off the ship."
Tyson was terrified of them. All throughout the tour, he insisted Annabeth hold his hand, which she didn't look too thrilled about.
"Then why do the gods even let me live? It would be safer to kill me." "You're right." "Thanks a lot." 
A minute later, Annabeth hit a slippery patch of moss and her foot slipped. Fortunately, she found something else to put it against. Unfortunately, that something was my face. 
As Luke was raising his sword to rally his troops, a centaur shot a custom-made arrow with a leather boxing glove on the end. It smacked Luke in the face and sent him crashing into the swimming pool. and a few moments later: He [Luke] raised his sword, but got smacked in the face with another boxing glove arrow, and sat down hard in a deck chair. Luke can't catch a break from those boxing arrows, it's the funniest thing
2. also so much baby percabeth!! they’re so cute
She'd [Annabeth] emailed me the picture after spring break, and every once in a while I'd look at it just to remind myself she was real and Camp Half-Blood hadn't just been in my imagination. the fact that he printed out Annabeth's photo? 
Annabeth punched him in the nose and knocked him flat, "And you," she told him, "lay off my friend." her standing up for Percy is adorable
I mean she [Annabeth] looked good. Really good. I probably would've been tongue-tied if I could say anything except reet, reet, reet.
She [Annabeth] started to sob - I mean horrible, heartbroken sobbing. She put her head on my shoulder and I held her. Fish gathered to look at us - a school of barracudas, some curious marlins. Scram! I told them. They swam off, but I could tell they went reluctantly. I swear I understood their intentions. They were about to start rumours flying around the sea about the son of Poseidon and some girl at the bottom of Siren Bay. number 1. the way percy is always there for her, number 2. the gossiping fish?? I love it
The look in his [Grover] eyes told me something was terribly wrong. Annabeth had been on guard duty that night, protecting the Fleece. If something had happened -he’s admirably protective, of not just annabeth, but all his friends and I love to see it… exhibit b:
"But if I [Grover] get in trouble again, you'll be in danger, Percy! You could die!" "If you get in trouble again, I want to know about it. And I'll come help you again G-man. I wouldn't have it any other way." I adore their friendship.
3. other mentions: 
"I'm Thalia," the girl said. "Daughter of Zeus." what. an. ending. I still remember how floored I was when I first read this wow
the mention of Hylla got me so excited
am I the only one who forgot Percy could control the sailboat? like the flying ropes and whatnot
I also completely forgot about his watch shield! 
I'll be back for part 3 shortly! :)
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it’s funny how i imagined the first “seaweed brain” to be this huge, built-up grand moment like a mic drop resounding in an empty parking lot, like horns blaring, the bass playing, a guitarist dropping the sickest solo, the camera panning then zooming and leah finally FINALLY uttering the two words that we were honest to gods yearning for and then in the show it just sorta... happens and i love it all the more for it because yeah percabeth is still just a silly little growing friendship with emotional intensity that is sweet and platonic and annabeth’s calling percy seaweed brain completely unironically as a nickname. the way they did it couldn’t have been more perfect.
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The Judo Flip Scene; The Scene that Divided the Percy Jackson Fandom: What Went Wrong?
Annabeth grabbed his wrist and flipped him over her shoulder. He slammed into the stone pavement. Romans cried out. Some surged forward, but Reyna shouted, “Hold! Stand down!”
Annabeth put her knee on Percy’s chest. She pushed her forearm against his throat. She didn’t care what the Romans thought. A white-hot lump of anger expanded in her chest—a tumor of worry and bitterness that she’d been carrying around since last autumn.
“If you ever leave me again,” she said, her eyes stinging, “I swear to all the gods—”
Percy had the nerve to laugh. Suddenly the lump of heated emotions melted inside Annabeth.
“Consider me warned,” Percy said. “I missed you, too.
-Mark of Athena
This scene is one of the, if not most, controversial scenes in the entirety of Rick Riordan's books. It has caused many fans to go deep into the morality of the scene--into the question of boundaries, whether it is just a good boundaries into Percy and Annabeth's relationships or just abusive behaviour. In this post, I will talk about my opinion on, 'What went wrong?'
First, let us dissect this scene, shall we? We have Annabeth, who has lost her only proof of permanence for six months. The guy she was dreading would die for five years before she thought they had their happy ending was suddenly snatched in a time where she thought life couldn't get any better. During this time;
she saw jason falling in love with piper and was stressed that percy would be doing the same without her
she was stressed percy would never even remember her.
she canonically spent hundreds and thousands of drachmas (and probably time too) on iris messaging every monster and god she could just so that she could find him
she spent a WHOLE lot of energy on this.
she was probably advised by people in camp to find another guy, probably got these comments regularly
she was also troubled by athena's roman form to find athena parthenos statue and ditch finding percy, which must have been hard to handle
she was in charge of helping build a WHOLE WAR SHIP
she was also in charge of rebuilding the home of the gods
And you know what? It makes sense that she would have all of these emotions buried inside her. It makes sense that she would be angry, stressed, and depressed and that she would bury all of this inside. "During their separation, something had happened to Annabeth’s feelings. They’d grown painfully intense—like she’d been forced to withdraw from a life-saving medication. Now she wasn’t sure which was more excruciating—living with that horrible absence, or being with him again" Yep, homegirl was going through some stuff.
Though we don't know what his thoughts were on his point of view, from the fact that he laughs and never brings it up later, we can conclude that Rick wanted us to know that he didn't care, and that these interactions are common between both of them, though one could argue that isn't really reliable.
So; Annabeth having an outburst of emotions is a completely normal reaction, judging the amount of things she has gone through, even though it isn't the right way to express her feelings. But, why is the judo flip scene actually bad? Why did it give even percabeth shippers the ick?
The Way Rick Wrote It: Rick treated the scene as if it was funny, Annabeth was such a girly girlboss who did it to keep Percy in his place. "I only judoflip my boyfriend". And people were mad. Mad that girls are portrayed to be girlbosses by making them violent. Mad that this violence was against a guy who was implied to be abused in his childhood.
My Argument: This scene was written in a time where media with violent comedy was popular among kids (tom and jerry, oggy and the cockroaches, i see you), and that it aged badly. Another important thing: a lot of the fandom also thought of it as percabeth's most romantic moments, and hyped it up so much, which contributes towards the whole ick of the scene.
My Argument: One thing to take into account was that the romans were really on guard when the greeks arrived. they were scared it was going to be an ambush. so when annabeth judoflips percy, their nerves took over. i fully believe the humor of 'i only judoflip my bf' was just their way of diffusing a potentially dangerous situation of misunderstanding.
But in the end I do agree, the way this was written was a major disservice to the feelings that Annabeth was experiencing that time. Rick failed to portray that scene as an exhausted traumatised teenager having an unhealthy outburst of emotions, which is what it really was. Instead, he tried to make it a funny type of scene, and the fandom carried it forward by hyping the scene up as if it was one of percabeth's most romantic moments, and even though the intentions were good, he failed to convey the meaning behind what they said properly.
So now that we've answered the question this post was made for, I'd like to end this post with a positive note. I'd like to point out that in cotg, there is no moment that annabeth physically hurted (hurted is too much of an overstatement) percy if you think about it, which shows that she has improved. If you want proof, I searched any time where Annabeth teased percy physically when he said something 'stupid' and what I found was 'nudged me with her toe' and 'lightly pinched me'. So, even though Rick messed up in writing that one scene more than ten years ago, it's safe to say he has improved.
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alexlovesfanfics · 3 months
I’m probably going to be crucified for saying this but. I have problems with Percabeth. Don't get me wrong I definitely don't hate it and I do enjoy certain Percabeth fics but the largely canon and canon portrayals of it are. Well. Not good.
First of all, there’s the issue that pops up whenever a smart female character is in a relationship with a ‘dumb’ male character. They get dumbed down into being an idiot. This is especially true about Percabeth.
Percy is smart.
Let me repeat that. PERCY IS SMART.
Is he book smart? No. But we all should know that book smart is far from the only smart. But it’s the kind of smart that Annabeth is. She knows trivia. She knows mythology.
Percy? He’s smart in the he picks things up quickly sort of way. Exhibit A: He figured out that the casino was time warping and he not only broke out of it, but was responsible for Annabeth and subsequently Grover breaking out of it. There was absolutely no way Annabeth would have broken out on her own. Exhibit B: That boat scene in SoM where he figured out how to use the wind spirit things to speed them up. Exhibit C, he was one of the first ppl to realise Silena was a traitor. There are probably many more examples but these are just the ones I can think of from the top of my head.
(Also I think he was the one who tricked Crusty and freed the other 2 in TLT)
My second problem is the judo flip scene. Everyone always says it's romantic but fellas. Is it romantic to physically adult your partner after you see them for the first time in months? Onto their back where they have their mortal weakened that could easily kill them? (BC Annabeth couldn't have known the Achilles Curse was gone). We all know that if the roles were reversed, Percy would have been dragged to hell and back for it.
My third major problem is that Annabeth insults him. In the first book, I can give it a pass. Maybe even in the second book. But tell me why in HoH or BOO (I can't remember) Reyna complimented Percy on escaping Tartarus and Annabeth but in like ‘He had help’. Yes. He did. I understand that Percy couldn't have escaped without Annabeth. But let him have the compliment! Maybe even idk. Appreciate him? BC that's what normal couples do? Ik if it was me and my QPR spouses in that situation I would have jumped at the chance to complement and gush abt them. And Reyna responded with ‘True. He couldn't find his way out of a paper bag without you.’ ???
Reyna sweetie, this is your co-praetor!!! Percy made it to camp Jupiter without Annabeth! He can survive on his own just fine! He was also the war commander during TLO despite being barely 16!
Back to the situation at hand, the very least she could have done was stay quiet. And before you say ‘Oh it was a joke’ Percy was clearly unhappy and protested the claim. BC he’s not dumb despite almost everyone in his life acting like it.
The last thing I want to discuss rn is how Annabeth accidentally fed into his suicidal tendancies. Yeah I’m bringing up the Kym incident. Percy literally told Jason he could have controlled the poison and saved himself but didn't BC he thought it was the Fates punishing him for Akhlys. But that wasn't really her fault, though I'm still going to bring it up.
I want to end on a positive note so 2 Percabeth moments that actually make me smile. In TLT during the gateway arch bit, Percy finds the idea of Annabeth being an architect funny and she snaps a comment abt his dad. Percy asks if Athena and Posiden ever collaborated on anything and Annabeth tentatively offers the chariot. It was sweet and actually showed the two’s relationship warming up to something less hostile. Later during the Zebra chapter Annabeth tells Percy that she would fight by him BC he’s her friend, no matter what side Athena chooses. Some great moments.
(Also I like that Annabeth didn't hold it against Percy for forgetting their 1 month anniversary. She actually understands that he has a lot on his mind and that he just fought a war)
(Also I could bring up BotL but I won't BC I have other stuff to do and also I haven't read it recently enough like TLT which I skimmed today during a seminar BC I didn't have my sketchbook but my best friend had brought the copy I lent her and wasn't using it)
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keefessketchbook · 4 months
Episode 5
(Guys im sorry it took me so long, this week was busy)
"BABY DON'T HURT ME NO MORE" "I think i heard this in an orthodontist office" iconic
I love how Hephaestus told his story throughout the ride. It was a great way to show how shitty the gods are, even to their family.
I loved how Percy knew what was going on and talked about how his mom told him these stories so he knew things when he was shoved into the world of a backstabbing, manipulative family.
When Percy got out of the water and the hug!!!!!
I found it so funny when Ares had stopped and all of them were like little ground hogs/ whack a moles, peeking from behind the blocker things
"Thank you for the emotional abuse and cheeseburgers" <3
LOVED how they changed it and grover had to stay behind with ares because a. we got to see how grover is not a scared and shy/timid person, he can be manipulative and conniving b. we got a percabeth moment!!!!
I loved the Thrill ride o' love scene sm
I also loved how Annabeth got distracted at the entrance of Water land and percy was just panicking
I LOVED THE CHAIR SCENE. i saw that in last weeks end clips and i was so exicited
percy's little "it's okay. i'm okay. i'm okay. i'm okay. i'm-" SOBBING the tears in everyone's eyes
the "well, if neither of us is dead in a few days, we really ought to fix that"
how annabeth didn't even go for the shield, just straight to trying to get percy out
Annabeth's seeing luke's string cut :(
Annabeth's little rant at the end <<<333
Percy absolutely ready to beat ares ass
Peryc telling annabeth to come back for him, and her thinking it about his mama
kinda sad that weren't DECKED out in Waterland merch
NEXT WEEKS EPISODE!!!!!!! I love LMM with all my heart so im stoked to see him and hopefully a clip of Nico and Bianca
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cerseimikaelson · 2 months
It is such a funny book, my fav jokes being the 'shrek, fiona, donkey' joke and an underrated classic in my mind, the scene where percy is like "There was screaming, crying and running in circles, and that was ✨just me✨" when talking about blanche's story (its so brutally honest and funny in a vulnerable way, which I will expand later on with the vulnerable part of it). It had so many iconic moments
It was a very low stakes, slow plot. You can tell Rick wrote it for the experience of reading our fav characters again (adding on to the fact that rick was made to write it by disney as additional marketing for the show, you can tell the plot wasnt thought of much), and ive seen people get mad over it, id love to know what you think!
This is a bit of a touchy topic. I've seen the people on the internet calling percabeth abusive with the constant name calling and the physical ??violence?? ( i obviously dont agree, but thats another topic), but something I've observed that everything that anti percabeths pointed out was toned down in the book?? Another post confirms that the majority of seaweed brains in the book was from percys pov and not annabeth actually saying it (like when hes looking at her expression and saying things like 'she looked like she was trying to say,....') and also when it comes to physical 'violence' (it feels so wrong to say bc i cant find another word lolol), the only things i found while rereading were 'lightly pinched my arm' and 'nudged me with her toe' which is wayyyy more toned down than ricks usual 'swatting my arm' or 'punching me' or 'judoflipped me'
One thing I admire so much about this book is the way he's written the characters vulnerability. percys way more open when he talks about crying whereas in the books its brushed over a lot, which is something the lovely @demigods-posts pointed out. annabeth tearing up when sally compliments her on something small like a cupcake, grover scared of percy and annabeth leaving him, and ofc percy. i saw someone interpret the river god scene as a ptsd induced panic attack, and i admire how rick has written it with so much angst, but still kept it light for the tone of the books.
another thing i love is how the characters dont revolve around percy as a main character (which is probably something rick learned while writing the tv show). annabeth has hobbies of her own, she's in her dream school, she is a busy woman and good for her. grover regularly goes to camp, and has his own conflicts with his gf and stuff. sally and paul are on their own arc with the baby on the way.
the fluff needs a special mention. every moment is so cute and sweet, there are way too many instances, especially with grover and percy which there was a severe lack of in hoo. them turning to seven year olds, percy and annabeths daily night iris message routine, the domesticity of the jacksons family
As usual, I'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions too, im so happy i get to talk about it with you :))
Heyyy friend, how are you? Thanks for the ask!
Since you mentioned her, I LOVED Blanche. Iris is one of my favourite goddesses, so it was great seeing her. And I loved watching a god actually be ignored by their teenage child for once instead of the other way around. Blanche being a propel rebel with the monochrome was golden. (also, pink hummingbirds? lol)
It is obvious there wasn't much in terms of an actual plot with real structure, but it was fun and light-hearted and it does set the foundation for something in the future. Not all quests need to be high stakes, all-hands-on-deck, the world is coming undone. I liked watching the trio have semi normal lives (meeting up for smoothies after school) instead of constantly being on hero mode.
I genuinely had no clue people were upset about Percabeth's interaction in this. But seriously, violence? Did those people forget Annabeth judo-flipped Percy in New Rome, or was it okay then because it was a grand romantic gesture? How is punching someone in the arm to tell them they are being an idiot (provided you don't turn them black and blue of course) abuse? Percy and Annabeth are in a relationship, obviously they are going to be tactile with each other. Not to mention, people often nudge each other in real life and nobody shouts abuse then. I am rambling now but honestly this is the first I've heard of this and I have opinions.
I know Rick wrote the PG version, but can we talk about Zeus literally objectifying Ganymede at brunch and nobody but Hera (and Percy silently) batting an eye? Honestly, I am not a hardcore Zeus hater (although he is an a**hole) but the way Rick writes him he has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. I officially volunteer to be Hera's divorce attorney.
I really liked the idea of Annabeth having a secret fan club and having dinner with Sally, Percy and Paul every night. That was excellent.
I am already brainstorming theories about what the third book is going to be. Does it matter that WOTG isn't even out yet? Absolutely not. I kind of want it to be about Athena because her interactions with Percy are always 10/10, but that probably won't happen.
Feel free to send me asks about your favourite gods and goddesses, any headcanons you may have or anything you wish to discuss about PJO. You can also find me on ao3!
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ladyblueberrymuffin · 7 months
Being a Jasiper fan in the Percy Jackson fandom is so freaking funny, because you see those Percabeth lovers eating daily, being fed the most tooth-rottingly sweet, wonderful romantic moments, and so much fanart, and so much fanfiction, and then you are starving, but not just starving, someone deliberately burned down all your crops and released rats into your pantry. You have less than scraps.
"Aww, look at this sweet moment of Annabeth and Percy singing badly together."
"That's nice," I say, holding back tears. "Awesome, I love it."
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ruegarding · 27 days
hi!! i was just reading your faq??? thing about your blog and i noticed the bit that was like ‘i would run fanon percabeth over with my car’ (also fanon nico which is so fucking real) and i was wondering if you wanted to talk about anything that specifically annoys you?? not like in an ‘I WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU THINK SO I CAN TELL YOU YOU’RE WRONG’ type of way but like an ‘i also would like to run over some parts of fanon percabeth but there’s such a diverse range of takes that idk if we’re running the same ppl over’ type of way. sorry of this made no sense 😭😭
hi! dw u make sense. many of my issues w fanon overlap w criticism i have w rick's writing, so u can find some of them in my rr crit tag if u want elaboration. the disclaimer is mostly there so that hardcore shippers don't follow me bc i'm definitely not the blog for them lol
anyway, here's a list
the inability to treat percy and annabeth as two separate characters. every one of these takes sucks no matter what it is.
anything that thinks hoo is a good representation of their dynamic and uses hoo moments to contradict pjo characterization. u might notice that most of these takes are based on this.
percy does not have a six-pack. he is not suave. who is this guy u are talking abt
"percy is the cynic and annabeth is the idealist."
"percy is the dumb bf who can't do anything without his competent gf." bonus points if it includes annabeth needing to "control" percy.
the whole rachel thing. also ppl apparently think percy needs to be punished for talking to rachel or something idk. this take is so stupid it's unreal.
"annabeth hurting percy is ok bc it's written to be funny/romantic" rick had piper wear feathers in her hair as a fun quirk.
i've literally never gone in the percabeth tag, so these are popular enough takes that i'm seeing them anyway.
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I know we haven’t talked in a while but seeing you reblog pjo show content gave me an ‘Aha’ moment. The scene of where Percy tricks Annabeth and pushes her to safety in episode 4 has been bugging me the whole day. It reminded of something but I didn’t know what, but seeing you reblog that specific scene made me realize what it reminded me of. Its Shallura from the second last episode of the first season. Allura throwing Shiro to safety while she got captured. That’s what the scene of Annabeth and Percy reminds me of. The PARALLELS!!! And now i am overwhelmed with feelings.
Oh Shallura - they will have always deserved better </3 And I do always love ships where both halves are basically competing over who can sacrifice themselves for each other
But honestly all I could see watching that scene - from the injury to the reasoning to Annabeth's proposed sacrifice to Percy's panicked little head shake - was Rayla and Callum from The Dragon Prince down to a T. Which is funny, because Rayllum has always very much reminded me of a less mature (at first) form of Shallura anyway, especially in the first few seasons
But yeah the Percabeth switch scene specifically made me think of Rayla and Callum's scene in Season Two in which she's going to possibly die saving/defending a downed dragon from dark magic dissection, and Callum has this panicked little head shake as well
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Interspersed with Rayla saying things like "It doesn't matter what happens to me. Live or die, this dragon goes home" because. we love an overly self sacrificial elf girl with white hair (and just to be clear, this dragon is a Total Stranger to her) and Callum drawing her because he's Worried and an Artiste
Before he goes after her and well, takes the blow, shall we say, by uh, permanently corrupting his soul with dark magic
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Callum also winds up having a dark predecessor (the way Shiro did with Zarkon) and arcs surrounding agency, and Rayla comes to help him get to safety after he collapses post-spell. Angry at him, but ultimately concerned/worried
Even though TDP is just like. a Really Good fucking tv show for Every Conceivable Reason (plot, characters, development, queer rep, these two) but I do have a fondness for how these two continue to grow in their attempts to out-devotion each other with shit like "I trust her. Unconditionally" and "the best thing I ever had: you"
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i love them Almost as much as they love each other
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clare-with-no-i · 23 days
20 q's for fic writers
thank you sooo so much for tagging me @kay-elle-cee I unfortunately could not approach this in a completely earnest fashion due to who I am as a person, so everyone please take this slightly ersatz set of answers with all of the love I intend…which is a lot I swear…
AO3 Username: clarewithnoi (pronounced 'clare with no eye')
1. How many works do you have on A03? lol I keep orphaning stories when they annoy me but for now 37 (I think?)
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 403,419…what is this word city
3. What fandoms do you write for? Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, others which I have not published lol
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
not the statistics page!!!!!!! john mulaney voice that's the thing I'm sensitive about!!!!!!
one long day (all my love will make you shake) at 1,151 WOW my god I did not realize it had surpassed 1k!!! did I know that? holy shit!
I will carry you, always at 873 ok this is also shocking but I do know that my they-lived AUs tend to be more popular and they're older so they've had time to accumulate hits
foreigner's god at 701 still can't believe this <3
theogony at 682 (!!)
growing pains at 675 another they-lived AU! I really carved out a niche early on
5. Do you respond to comments? don't look at me…I always want to…I swear I just get overwhelmed…put the gun down please…
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? uhhhh jesus idk, probably the derelict art of letting go? I don't write a lot of angst but I guess that one is on the sadder side
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? foreigner's god! or I will carry you always! in one of them I contend with reincarnation and shared grief and second chances at life. in the other one they hook up in the DADA classroom. so it's a toss-up
8. Do you get hate on fics? not really, and given the number of public fights I've had on this account you'd think that people would take their dislike of me to ao3 more often, but everyone's been remarkably charitable in that regard. thanks guys <3
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? only if I can exorcise personal trauma through it. or if it's 2020 and I'm dissociating in my studio apartment.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? no and no one say theogony or I'm turning this bus around
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? yessiree and it was not pleasant!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? yes! a few! the ones with my permission were lovely. the ones without my permission not as much.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? naur…
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? it's like a three-way tie between jily, percabeth, and zelink tbh! but I've mainly read jily fic in the past few years I think. but this answer can change dependent on me developing a new hyperfixation lmao
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? the last time I answered this question I did it as a joke and then I wrote theogony about it so I'm going to choose peace and just plead the fifth here lest I commit to another wip that'll take three years
16. What are your writing strengths? I do a lot of (an excess of) research, I'm good at description, I am funny when I want to be, I've had some really good prose moments if I do say so myself (I do)
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I am structurally a very weak writer, I can't be succinct, I don't have a great literature background so I never really know what I'm in conversation with and have limited points of reference for writing, I am very bad at writing characters who are subtle about their emotions/romantic feelings, I submit to time pressure and rush myself, the list goes on
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I've always wanted to write a fic in Spanish omgggg
19. First fandom you wrote for? either Zelink or Percabeth when I was like 12 lol.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? theogony!
tagging @thequibblah yes I know you've been tagged already. cope <3 and @mipwrites go get 'em champ
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death-himself · 4 months
this series just keeps getting better and better istg
(also I think the only spoilers for non-book readers are at the very end so feel free to read)
the switch to annabeth seeing the fates after thinking percy might've died is INCREDIBLE, I love that change. the fates always seemed a bit out of place in the book so it's nice to see them actually add something to the plot
percy acts kinda different after climbing out of the river, which makes sense, but it's weird seeing him kinda happier and more hopeful
was i the only one who thought that percabeth hug kinda paralleled percy and sally's hug in the first episode? maybe it was just one of them being soaking wet and the other being dry
them hiding when ares comes by because they're hiding from the police is funny
also them popping their heads up to talk to him was adorable
"gimme a second, I'm starting a fight on twitter" CRYING
not too big of a fan of gabe's portrayal in this episode, i feel like they should've kept in how quickly he moved onto another woman to up his shittiness in a disney-safe way
that "i really-we really loved that car" was funny tho, and does make him a bit shittier, so I'll give him that. the fake crying could have been more clearly fake, but that's probably just me being bad at reading emotions
when i saw the clip of grover having to stay behind i didn't really like that change, but now watching the episode i really like it. i loved the grover-ares interaction this episode
i love the whole theme park being made by hephaestus, idk why there's something really cool about that
also i really wanna go there i don't even really like amusement parks but that place looked cool as hell
annabeth getting distracted by how cool the mechanics are she's so adorable i love her so much
the explanation of celestial bronze felt a bit random but they needed to include it somewhere so I'm fine with it
what did ares mean when he said protestor?? there were protestors at the solstice?? what does that mean??
grover hyping ares up and getting on his good side to get information out of him loved that
the tunnel of love showing the story of hephaestus's life is so funny to me, like damn ares and aphrodite went on the ride showing the sad life of the guy aphrodite's cheating on??
like that ride was definitely made with revenge on aphrodite in mind that's funny
"she was trying to keep me away from you guys" that adds something to someone's character and i love that. sally recognizing how terrible the gods are and never wanting percy to have to deal with that
also percy looking to annabeth when he said that. like he knows that she's also a part of this awful cycle of abuse, which adds even more to her rejecting that cycle later in the episode
in terms of casting hephaestus is my second favorite of the olympians aside from dionysus, purely because i've loved his outfit from the moment we got that first picture of him, so this episode is exciting for me
including the chair hephaestus built for hera, idk why but i love that so much. could go into how the gods traumatized hephaestus but i think the episode implies that enough
"was [athena] always like that?" i was expecting them to go into how athena might have also been traumatized by zeus but nope it just turned into a shit-on-athena round, which was objectively better
"if she's so smart explain the owl" i loved this conversation it's so fuckin funny
"and i (no owl) am not?!" they're making me love ares fuck
i know there's a reason behind it, but the back-to-back episodes of percy supposedly dying and sacrificing himself for annabeth felt a bit much. i feel like there should've been a bit more room between those, but that's just my opinion (i don't really know what they could've done instead that'd be better)
"this isn't the arch seaweed brain, you aren't pushing me into the stairwell again" "yes i am" STOP I LOVE THEM
"you're better at this than me. you just are" CRYING STOP
i can already imagine the edits those are gonna break me
percy getting incased in gold looked so damn cool it felt so mechanical
annabeth not even going for the shield and immediately trying to get percy out
ngl i was fully expecting annabeth to be able to do it, i didn't even doubt her getting him out herself, so i was kinda thrown off by hephaestus showing up
annabeth and hephaestus's whole conversation was just incredible
"maybe i was that way once. but i don't wanna be that way anymore. i won't be like all of you" i can see the edits
"some of us don't like being that way either" i just love hephaestus i love how this episode implies that some of the gods are victims of the cycle of abuse too
the inside of the zoo truck looks waayyy more cramped than i was imagining it all these years
spoilers for people who haven't read the book past this point
grover knowing who the thief is?? he can't know who it actually is, that'd spoil the entire plot-twist, but then who would it be?? luke and clarisse are literally the only named campers not on the quest so far, so unless ares claimed his own daughter stole the bolt, there's no one else that would be a satisfying red herring
i trust this show to not give away luke being the thief until the last episode, so now I'm just very curious what grover's gonna say
i loved this episode so much, my only concern is they haven't mentioned the whole "gods don't have DNA thing" yet, and considering that they really leaned into the family dynamic thing, it's a bit concerning
like please, for the sake of the new fans and their percanny or smartwater, please tell them percy and annabeth aren't really related it's starting to get weird
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