#furfag answers
furfag-cringelord · 10 months
hi :3
hisies!!! :3
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iknaenmal · 1 year
do u think u could do a nepeta,,, or purrhaps even meowrails? :3
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hes my best friend best of all best friends do you have a best friend too
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twinkrundgren · 8 months
this site is ran by transmisogynists, find me elsewhere
hi im cy, otherwise known as CytricAcid! i'm 28 probably (if i haven't updated this in over a year) and a genderqueer they/them who likes guys. sometimes i call myself a transfag furfag but i'm not really one to reclaim slurs unless for emphasis. im assyrian and jewish if you really wanted to know. i consider myself a transfeminist and i revel in being a feminist killjoy :3
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im an artist and a furry who loves monster hunter, 70s prog rock, and scalies! i play ffxiv and i have a sideblog for it. also, pizza tower. this is my fursona cytric acid!
i regularly post art on twitter, bluesky, sheezyart, and furaffinity. why i don't do tumblr is a very good question that i will not be answering thank you.
i stream and take commissions! i also run a comic with friends! i own the pokemon glitch city wiki!
I can't be assed to tag and flag every adult post i make, so if you're a minor, dni thank you :3
please also dni if: you consider yourself proship, enjoy incest, rape, pedophilia, or zoophilia.
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rules: answer and tag 9 people (so many!)
tagged by @newholecity
favorite colour: purple
last song listened to: get down on it by kool & the gang
currently reading: the traitor baru cormorant by seth dickinson (2024 has been my year of catching up on genre fiction i've slept on)
currently watching: deadwood
currently craving: fuckin... shramp fried rice. also i want to dance.
coffee or tea: coffee
tagging uhhh @ladyvelkor @labgrownmeat @christee-angel @dykemelon @julia4la @oliviawebsite @redhillsroad @furfag @beastsandsuperbeasts
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sonicattos · 1 year
you don't have to answer this, but since you were wondering, the furry f-slur thing is furfag.
yeah i looked it up it’s that and also furgot. so dumb. i wouldn’t even be offended i would just laugh at them if someone called me that
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bendingoverbackwards · 2 months
hallooooo my name is sal im a 20yr old autistic furfag online! wow! ask me your questions here or tell me something if u want..im all ears :3
i apologize if i dont get to ur questions very quickly, some things id rather be on my computer to answer! sorry!!
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moonpaw · 7 years
if your apprentice name is moonpaw what's your warrior name it's important
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furfag-cringelord · 4 months
how are you doing furf!!? :D
im doing alright, how about you kris? :D
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jadefemme · 7 years
Every Journey Has to Start Somewhere
Each person goes through their own adventures, trials and errors before they finally accept themselves. I'm going to use this as a way to express all the different tribulations I've gone through in my life time of denial. It all started with a game I would play in my childhood, Furcadia. I have always had an addiction of sorts to massive multiplayer games and the double life that can come with them. Even before delving into a role playing world such as of Furcadia. First off I feel I should explain about the game a little. It is a text based story writing game of sorts. You create your own character, a 'Fursona' and from there you write a short paragraph about the description, back story, or maybe actions they may be doing the moment you click upon them. I believe this game is what created many 'Furries" as the internet likes to call them. An obsession on anthropomorphic characters that follow in their stead. One could say many of them came from older sites around the web. 4chan is one that was always popular for the idea, coining the phrase "Yiff in hell, furfags".
That being said, 4chan was always the darkest cestpool of the internet, with anonymity humans are truly the most cruel creature on planet earth. Hence my obsession with something else~
Here are my experiences, starting from the beginning.
My first character was one named Serenity, a random word I choose that means a sense of calm, or tranquility. I choose this name for several reasons, as a child I was diagnosed ADHD (Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) and put on Ritalin. It was suppose to make me pay better attention in school but often times instead of paying attention. I would get lost in my own mind, zoning out and creating a playground of imagination in my own thoughts. Teachers would call on me and pull me out of my own dreamscape,  asking me questions. I'd grow nervous as I was not paying enough attention, not having the answers they'd search for in me. I grew to detest the feeling, often avoiding answering if I could. I couldn't blame it all on the drug Ritalin, I've always had a distrust in authority figures. These situations only furthered my distrust, each time they made a fool out of me in front of my peers. I began to question if the Ritalin even helped at all. Finding myself getting into more trouble then before. So I stopped taking the drugs, in fear that they would make my problem worse.~
Serenity was a female character, which I choose because I often find myself relating to females more then males. At times I've been called a crybaby, knowing I lacked strength in controlling my emotions. Often times I would of been mistaken as a girl when I was a child. Mostly due to the fact I kept my hair long. My mother told me I was born with a 'rat tail' a hairstyle boys of the 80s wore. Of all my peers I could find myself making friends with more of the females then males. They could understand me better I had thought. More often then females, males would bully me forcing me to fight back which I hated to do. I had always been more of a lover then a fighter. Everything added together and caused me to grow a distrust and bias against other males.~
Serenity was also a feline, as a young child we had a dog named Samantha, she was pudgy and round hound mutt that had arthritis issues. Colored in mostly white with brown and orange markings. I remember from a very young age growing attached.until one day... she was gone. I had not experienced death yet and I came home from school to find her covered in a sheet, motionless on the floor. My parents had found her first but did not move her till I was there. I cried like a baby for my loss. Since I've always been afraid to grow attached to dogs. Though his feeling did not happen in relation to cats, we had a family cat as well, named Max. A tabby of black and gray, also pudgy and round. He seemed to live forever, outlasting my childhood. He might of grown to the age of  13 years old when he was finally taken to the vet to be put down. But I was not there to see it happen. Perhaps it was I felt cats were more feminine, so more to relate too. Maybe I saw them as more independent  of their human families, something I always had trouble finding in myself.~
Serenity had white fur with blue hair. Simply white to imply innocence,  purity of heart, strength of compassion and kindness. All things I've striven to be better at. Blue hair came from my love of cartoons and anime. Always the nerdy child, playing video games or watching Saturday morning cartoons. Pokemon blue also happened to be my favorite as a child. I'd play it every day on the school bus until my mother decided I was old enough to walk home. Which in turn opened myself up to harassment from my peers, mainly males who choose to bully me for reasons I did not understand. Further increasing my bias against those of the same gender.~
Serenity ended up being everything I had long to be... but I was not the only one to notice. Furcadia as it's nature is an multi-player game. It wasn't long before I found my first secret lover. Her name was Daemona, a true opposite of my pure and white character. Though she was also a feline character, Daemona was black furred with yellow markings. That was when I had gotten my first pair of wings, her's sprouted first, a skeletal set with black feathers, mine were a fluffy set with white feathers. We'd swap music and stories of passionate love. Spending as many hours together as we could. She had looked as if she was the work of a devil, but to me... She was my fallen angel.~
Though not all love stories end in happiness.
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hardwarevent · 8 years
Humans are glitchy
So first off, I’ve come down with like a runny nose and phlegmy throat. I think it’s because I stayed up late like every day this week playing King of the Kill with coworkers. Really not good for my health to only get like 6 hours of sleep a night. And what a surprise: when you have a runny nose and shit, it’s even harder to sleep. So go figure. Uhhh… I dunno. Skipped my workout today. I could have done it, but I dicked around until it was like 11:30 and I was like “whoops” so. There’s a girl I was getting along with pretty well on OKC and then we talked about weekend plans and she read my message and just kinda didn’t respond to it so it’s like well that’s cool I guess. So I pinged again like “hey did you want to meet up sometime” and I’m waiting for the response. This girl is super unreliable as far as answering messages goes. Whatever. If I get her number I can text her and maybe communication would be more reliable. She’s ok from what I’ve heard from her so yeah idk I’m so bad at dates I’m fucking ugly etc etc I… I kinda want to break out? Of the friend group I’m currently in? I just want to break away from C and get better? Friends? Not friends in closer with, but friends that are more active and cool and successful. I dunno. Apparently my old external HD was in the living room computer and C I guess was cleaning up and put it in my room. I looked through to the hidden folder and there were some old pics and vids of C from our college days… I don’t know what happened. That’s a lie. I do know what happened. People change. Rapidly. I know it’s weird to say, but I really don’t like the influence the furry fandom has had on C? It makes it so it’s ok to be totally crass and crude and be bird-obsessed all the time. I don’t think I’ve changed too much, but I honestly think I’m just a boring motherfucker with a 9-5 day job now. I don’t really like hanging out with furries… but I do because C does, and therein lies the issue. If I want to be part of the furry fandom, I should be a part of the furry fandom, and not just go to events and be an outcast there, while also exiling myself from, like, normies-ism? So I get the worst of both worlds. Therefore, I guess, I should either commit to being a furry, or not go to furry shit. It’s tricky, right? I went furry bowling recently, and out of everyone there, there was one somewhat attractive female-y attractive person (besides C I guess), and I’m pretty sure she was taken. This was out of like 50? Attendies? The furry fandom is like 80% ugly gay or bisexual dudes. And the rest are desperate for female attention and are totally fucking awkward. So like, what’s the point of the furry fandom? I don’t really fit in there, man. I don’t belong there. So then the choice is obvious. Find someplace to hang out and meet people that isn’t the furry fandom. Maybe a spot where there’s single females. Fuck, that’s like… bars? I should get into the bar scene? Bar girls are skanks though. I just feel fucking checkmated by loneliness. I’m in a sausage-fest profession, and hang in a sausage-fest fandom that I don’t even commit to being in, so the girls who are in the fandom wouldn’t even be interested. Fuck, dude. I’m really starting to not really like hanging around C. Like they decided to post about how they dreamt about having a 5 some with M and V and C and me and some gay guy. M and V were doing stuff, and the gay guy gave C a feeldoe to fuck him with, and I was apparently just standing there like “uhhh” and frankly, that shit bothered me way more than it should have. Like, I’m glad I’m portrayed as the dude who doesn’t do anything in group sex. I’m glad that’s people’s perception of me, some fucking clueless beta virgin. Fantastic. Fuck this shit dude. Maybe breaking the lease would have been worth it. Maybe I should quit all these furry telegram groups. But if I did that, then what’s left of me? What’s left of my social circle? That’s kind of what’s gonna be happening anyway in May, when I move out. Jesus. What would even happen at that point? Would C still invite me to things? Would the furries still at least be friends with me? My life is just getting bleaker and bleaker. I think my only route to semi-happiness was just staying with C and marrying them and being a furfag and sacrificing my dignity and embracing shame. At least then I wouldn’t fucking die alone. Well, we all die alone. But me especially now. Look at me, being all sorry for myself. Man, you have had every opportunity to like polish yourself up, do side projects, better yourself, but no, you haven’t. You just fucking play shitty worthless video games and jerk off to hentai in your spare time. You’re a fucking loser, and you’ve done nothing to change that. I don’t know what to do man. I’m lost. I’m really fucking lost. I feel like shit, my self-esteem is terrible, and I can’t pry myself away from my stupid fucking obnoxious soulless ex. That’s basically what it’s come down to. … You know, me. You have vacation time. You have resources. If you really wanted to, you could just fly to, like, New Zealand, and just fucking hang out there for a week. Or south Korea. Or travel across Europe, or take that trip with your mom and brothers through England and Scotland in June. No one would spite you. You have like 5 weeks of vacation saved up, and guess what. When you quit, all you get is useless money. It’s useless because all you do is save it, and don’t spend it on making yourself happier. You read the money book, and it said that from a numbers standpoint, spending money on vacations is the most efficient way to spend money in terms of lasting happiness. So fucking do it. Quit being a pussy, and break that mold. You do everything the way your dad does, but maybe you shouldn’t be like your dad or your mom. Maybe you should do something else. Be your own person. I think the first step towards doing something that you wanna do is actually realizing that you can do it, and then you just make steps towards it until it happens. I dunno, this just turned into a fucking pep talk for myself. But I think it helped. I should go to sleep. Sleep off the sick. Sleep off the sad. Sleep it off. P.S. M's last day at work was today. It's gonna be quieter there without him I think.
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foxoverlord · 10 years
D: Favourite food.
I think you’ve asked me this before you dork dhole >w> Ummm I’ll change it up and just make it something I’m craving. Fuuuck pizza sounds good, or chili. One last pot of chili before it gets too warm for it would be nice. NO NO NO WAIT. I smelled hamburgers on the grill yesterday when I was driving home from work. I want grilled meat.
O: Favourite colour.
Usually I’d answer Teal. But like I’m really really starting to like red? I have lots of red things. My car, my 3ds, my camera, almost dyed my hair red, Scissor blade is red, ummm um. Yeah red. Its just a nice color.
R: Last movie I’ve watched.
I went to go see Bears the DisneyNature film the other day with my friend Bethanne. I do like how disney does documentaries, gives them a story so they’re fun to watch! :D
K: Favourite TV show.
Uhhh…. I don’t really watch much TV and typically my favorite anime is the one I’m currently watching. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica and Kill la Kill are two big favorites of mine. I just really like the idea and the characters in Madoka and Kill la Kill is just a fantastic blend of everything I like in an anime.
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furfag-cringelord · 1 year
redoing my intro shit this is a temp placeholder <3
hi! im miles! you can also call me jay, pyral(spite), nep(eta), flutters(hy), or gir!
my pronouns are primarily it/ix/bite/pup but i am good with pretty much any neos :3 feel free to check out my pronouns.page for more fun stuff such as neopronouns and xenogenders and names and words :33
i am an osdd-1b system host but dont post system stuff that often 👍 i post a lot more about our audhd bpd and fibro but even then i prefer to use tumblr for fandom shit as opposed to sadposting lmao
uhh feel free to dm for our discord / simply plural / instagram if we're mutuals btw :3 and even if we're not you can look at my artfight / toyhou.se / spacehey / twitter / ao3
i won't ever be able to make a full list of my fandoms bc there's too many but currently what i rb a lot of includes invader zim, ace attorney, car seat headrest, honkai star rail, pmmm, utdr, dan and phil, homestuck, pokemon, 1 trait danger, welcome to night vale, the magnus archives, my chemical romance, my little pony, sonic the hedgehog, and waterparks
im working on a bit of a basic tagging system for organization which works as follows
#brain thoughts - random thoughts & original posts
#friend art!!! - friend art tag
#furfag scribbles - my art tag
#furfag answers - ask tag
#furfag ocs - my ocs
#furfag wolfposting - wolf/dogposting because i am a wolfboy
#woof >_< - suggestive posts! if you're a minor block this tag
#rawr >:3c - kin/source stuff
#:33 <> - equius/meowrails stuff :3
#mutual food :3 - cooking my mutuals
#computerfuckery - having sex with the server room (objectum posting i think wires are SEXY)
#carnivorous fagposting - cannibalism and teeth and meat and flesh and all that sexy stuff
if i post anything you want tagged specifically lmk :3 i'll do the same for things that bother me
i don't wanna have a huge dni list so im just gonna block ppl that make me uncomfortable i love my beautiful wife the block button
and now the obligatory userboxes and blinkies :3
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furfag-cringelord · 1 year
draw me a klavier boy
instructions unclear there's several of him
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furfag-cringelord · 5 months
a thing for you as well
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she is my thing i love her dearly (she is banned in every state and is a registered war criminal)
omgomgomg im obsessed with her cam u give her a forehead kiss for me
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furfag-cringelord · 11 months
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oppa kingnam style. at least i think that's who that thang is
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furfag-cringelord · 10 months
you there. taylor swift fan
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what the fuck does this mean
girl i dont fucking know i just listen to her music sometimes
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