#furuya nagisa
spirit-of-anime · 10 months
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Futari no Lion
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mojinchiimanga · 10 months
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yoursmilena · 7 months
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S&N. capítulo 3.
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allthefujoshiunite · 9 months
Hi friends! I had left my Friday BL writing to Thursday last week, but due to some unforeseen health issues, I wasn’t able to write anything. But the good news is that a new Furuya Nagisa release from Kodansha just hit NetGalley, and well- I’m a weak woman. I met the artist through their first commercial BL Number Call in 2014, and have been a fan of the serene and uncomplicated warmth their…
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akai-anna · 6 months
I got some Furuya Nagisa Craving TM, so I'M rereading some of sensei's works and god, i forgot how FREAKING ADORABLE "S&N" WAS, KAZU IS SUCH A PUPPY AND I LOVE YUTA THE GRUMPY LIL HEDGEHOG WITH THE SOFT INSIDES-
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annakacoyett · 1 year
Crimes Committed
Summary: Continuation of Ghost!verse. Set in Episode 1 of Assassination Classroom.
Pt.1 here
Pt.3 here
“Great! No absences! Take your textbooks out please, and flip to page fourteen!”
Everyone was getting used to this daily routine. 
After the initial hit Rei made, not a single one of his attempts after that had worked. Mr. Octopus was being slightly more cautious, dodging and guarding his weak points better than before. 
Frustratingly, nothing they did made a dent. 
What was that first hit for then? An arrogantly lowered guard? Just Rei's luck that the yellow Lovecraft-esque being was caught by surprise?
Whatever it is, that chance wasn't going to present itself again anytime soon. 
Rei sighed, putting away his S.A.A.U.S.O. gun, pulling out his textbook and getting ready to make notes.
This alien was quite adamant about fortifying their current education.
It doesn't look like it has any reason to. 
But whatever it was, Rei was pretty disgruntled by Mr. Octopus’ competence.
He's a damn good teacher, no one can deny that.
Lunch came. 
Rei glared jealously at the spot the octopus once stood. 
Damn him and his Mach 20 speed. Not everyone could go to another country for lunch and come back within ten minutes.
What's more, Rei's been craving Mapo Tofu too.
Everyone is going somewhere for their lunch. From here, Rei could see Rio talking animatedly with Kayano and Okuda, while Shiota was leading a rather uncomfortable conversation with Teraseka. 
“Hey Furuya!”
He looked up, seeing Isogai, Maehara and Sugino waving him over.
“Yes?” - He made his way over.
“Can you help us with our math assignment? We would've asked Sensei but he's…” - Sugino trailed off, making a ‘flying-away’ gesture, while Maehara mimed an exaggerated expression of the octopus taking off to Sichuan.
Isogai only shook his head fondly, looking somewhere between done and just plain exhausted.
Rei snickered. 
“Sure. Where don't you understand?”
Their Sensei came back from lunch break with a souvenir.
If one could say a fully functioning, polished and cleaned missile tucked on his back qualifies as a souvenir.
Had someone told Rei exactly four weeks ago he would be accustomed to seeing a giant, three meter tall yellow octopus teaching him literature and bringing back multiple different types of machinery of destruction to teach them about nuclear history, he'd call the nearest mental institution and tell them one of their patients had escaped.
But alas, fate works in such weird ways. 
One of which, was the amount of creative liberty it's demanding to conduct a poem about tentacles without it sounding vaguely sexual. 
Anyone sane would question why their teacher felt the need to torture them so.
And Rei was ecstatic to know that everyone in his class, at least, hadn't lost their sanity, - “Was tentacles all along?!”
“Indeed!” - The damn octopus was too cheerful for Rei's liking, - “When you're finished, bring them to me! I will be looking for proper grammar, and whether or not you've aptly conveyed the tentacles’ beauty!”
He could feel the shock of the sheer audacity this guy is demanding.
‘The tentacles’ beauty?! The only goddamn beauty I see is how good they are flambléd!’
“An example: Not the storm of garden's snow, or flowers moving on. But sprouting there instead, was tentacles all along!”
It only made it more infuriating that the entire verse was grammatically correct and functionally descriptive.
The class was in a riot, and their teacher seems to be enjoying the chaos his ridiculous assignment is causing.
In the end, they are the student assassins and he was the teacher target. 
Emphasis on student and teacher.
They still had to do the poem.
“I have a question!”
“Yes, Kayano-san?”
“It feels weird only asking this now but… what's your name? How else are we supposed to refer to you specifically?”
That's… a good question actually. 
Up until this point, most of what they've been calling him was Sensei or Sir.
“My… name?”
Rei looked up from his heavily scratched out paper. 
Murmurs went around. Seems like the class realized how they've never gotten Mr. Octopus’ name either.
“Hmmm…. I don't have the kind of name that you can tell people. How about you come up with one for me?”
“Are you sure sir?”
“Can we actually do that?”
“Yes, but later please. Right now, focus on your school work.”
“Nagisa!!” - Kayano screamed.
Their light-haired classmate was on the ground, passed out and trembling.
“Aha!! Ten billion yen, here we come!!”
“We're rich!”
“Terasaka!!” - Rei yelled, - “What the hell did you do?!”
The tension was as thick as syrup. Isogai and Maehara’s faces were dark with anger, as did most of the others. Kayano and Sugino are glaring at Terasaka, Yoshida and Muramatsu venomously; occasionally glancing at their fallen friend with worry. 
Rei had seen enough to know that Shiota was alive at least. The shock waves must've knocked him out, hard.
They're all lucky that that's the only thing that happened to him.
Tersaka grinned, feral, - “Bet he didn't expect a suicide bomber!”
“Hey!! What did you give Nagisa?!” - Kayano screamed again, the girl making her way to give Terasaka a good punch.
He couldn't blame her, honestly.
If Rei wasn't busy checking the older boy for burns and impact wounds, he would've given the brute a good beating.
“Huh? A toy hand grenade, duh. I beefed it up with a little gunpowder, then filled it up with those stupid BBs. Had this runt here walk up to the octopus, and BAM!! Don't worry, it's not enough to kill him. I'll pitch in on his medical bills—”
“So you admit to attempted murder, huh?
Terasaka looked confused.
“Coercion. Illegal possession of black arms. Attempted murder. Modification of a tracked weapon model. Malicious intent. Harming of a minor. Blackmail and threatening a minor. Tampering with military-grade weapons. Possible breach of N.D.A. contract.” - Rei calmly stated, still crouching next to Shiota, his tone of voice icy, - “Should I go on? You've broken at least ten different laws on weapon possession and violated a few human rights. Considering the fact that he's fourteen, and you're fifteen, you're liable to juvenile court and face possible lifetime imprisonment as soon as you become of age if he hires a half-decent lawyer.” 
He's seething on the inside. 
He sees this type of shit happening everyday in Beika. But the sheer stupidity of this entire plan and the fact that none of the perps are planning to own up to it was pissing him off.
At least in Beika, when someone commits a crime, they take responsibility if they get caught and know exactly what they signed up for when they decide to commit the crime.
While it's infuriating to see a guilty criminal walk free, at the end of the day, it depends on the system and the winners are the ones who know the stakes. 
Tersaka on the other hand? 
He’s just a tiny little baby compared to the monsters Rei's been seeing since childhood.
“Not to mention, since the fact that our Sensei's existence is a national secret and that stunt you had Shiota do can be heard from the main campus, you might face punishment for that too. So add treason to the list of crimes you've committed today.”
The silence was deafening.
“Everyone here is a witness, and none of us are cowards who don't want to get our hands dirty. This has nothing to do with us and everything to do with you. I'm sure you've long accepted the fact that you won't be anything other than a street rat, but I can tell that you don't want to be locked behind bars this early in the game.” - Rei glared, - “Your choice; Tersaka. Yours as well, Yoshida, Muramatsu— you both can be seen as accomplices. Own up to the fact that you've broken federal laws, and would've killed Shiota had he not been covered in whatever the hell this stuff is. At least then people will know you're actually mature and might give you a reduced sentence.”
There was a pause, then a loud, - “BRAVO!!!” boomed into their ears.
A familiar yellow octopus came into view.
“Full marks Furuya-kun! You were correct with every single felony dear Terasaka had committed!”
‘Dear Terasaka’ in question paled, while Yoshida and Muramatsu looked like they just saw a ghost.
If you can't do the time, don't do the crime, cowards.
“That being said…” - Their teacher's normally yellow complexion turned pitch black, - “Shedding once a month does have its uses, and my skin was just thick enough to shield Nagisa-kun from the impact of the blast. I believe that you haven't read the fine print in that contract you signed, Terasaka-kun. You are also betting on the fact that my agreement with your government meant that I wouldn't be able to harm you should I wish to, correct?”
If yellow means normal, gray means blank, and pink means bliss— then black must mean…
Everyone was scared, while some tried not to show it.
“What's your deal anyway?! Just showing up out of nowhere all ‘I'm going to blow up the Earth’ and ‘Assassinate me!’ like it's something a bunch of 3rd years hear everyday?! Of course we'd try to do something!”
Rei finds himself getting increasingly frustrated with this meathead. 
They have an unidentified creature severely angered right in front of them, who had proved he could kill them with a flick of a tentacle should he want to, and had only specified that he wouldn't harm them. 
And even that isn't guaranteed.
“Who said I would keep my word? As we've proven, not even a nuclear bomb might have a chance of annihilating me. No one in this world could hope of landing one of those BBs onto my being. I could also simply make the world go ‘poof’ right this instance. Nobody said I couldn't.”
The implications seemed to have dawned on the thicker heads in the class.
“My agreement with your government only prohibits me from harming you, yes. But nowhere does it say that I have to follow. Nowhere does it claim that I couldn't, wouldn't harm anybody else. Your family, your friends, everyone you know— I have the choice to kill everything on Earth except for you.”
It didn't take long. 
Everyone understands now, what's at stake.
“Try another assassination like that one again, and I might just harm someone else.”
They couldn't hide. They couldn't run.
They couldn't escape this even if they went to the bottom pits of Hell.
The only way out— literally— is to kill this thing by March.
“SO?! You're a real pain in the ass! What's wrong with using an annoying method to kill an annoying guy?!” - Terasaka shouted.
So the idiot had spoken again.
“Annoying? Hardly. Your idea itself was a very good one. Especially you, Nagisa-kun. The way you carried yourself so naturally on your approach gets full marks from me. You did an excellent job making it past my defenses.”
The damn octopus did a full one-eighty in less than ten seconds.
Rei shouldn't be surprised.
“However! None of you, except for Furuya-kun who assessed the situation and reacted amazingly, looked out for Nagisa-kun— not even Nagisa-kun himself. Students like that aren't fit to assassinate anyone. We need an assassination worth smiling about— one to be proud of! You're all capable assassins who have that power within you. Just a few words of advice from your teacher-slash-target.” 
One minute they were being scolded at Mach 20, the next everyone got a tentacle pat on the head.
“I have not the slightest intention of being killed. I will enjoy my time with you all until next March, and then I will blow up the Earth. If you don't like that idea, what do you plan to do about it?”
There was a beat, before someone broke it.
“Yes, Nagisa-kun?”
“Before you blow up Earth, I'll kill you.” - Shiota's voice was determined.
Rei can respect that.
“I'll kill you too.” - He piped up.
“So will I!”
“Don't count us out!”
“You better watch out, sensei!”
They decided on Korosensei.
‘Koro’— as in Korosenai; unkillable.
‘Sensei’— as in teacher.
So the octopus’ new name?
They are killers, assassins picked to save the world.
And their target?
Their teacher.
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cave35 · 1 year
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hatsumishinogu · 1 year
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Long Period [Last Volume]
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spirit-of-anime · 10 months
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Hoshi Dake ga Shitteru
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mojinchiimanga · 10 months
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daisyachain · 1 year
Taking recommendations for works that have female characters who Banter. Who have repartee. Who do bits. There’s nothing more joyous than a couple of characters going at it and yet it’s so rare!
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neonscandal · 9 months
This is BL challenge for you (if you choose to accept them).
1.a) Please write your top 3 or top 5 favorite tropes in BL.
b) From each trope, write at least 3 BL that you love.
(Feel free if you want to write the reasons or not of why you love them).
2. a) What is the first BL that make you want to know more about and eventually love BL?
b) What is that one BL that have a special place in your heart (for whatever reason)?
The BL can be in in the form of manga, manhwa, manhua, books, tv series or movies.
Thanks so much if you want to answer this long ask.
Okay, this one feels a bit more like homework. Very minutely in the air of dudebro asking if a girl has ever seen anything other than shojo or something, though I doubt that's where this comes from. Mostly in the sense that I don't think I confidently remember the difference between a trope and a plot device? Let's hope for the best as I certainly never mind length. *gestures vaguely to both solicited and unsolicited rants*
I will include a disclaimer that I don't just read BL? I know that's the subject of the ask and that I definitely pontificate on MLM ships a ton but I won't say that I've read enough stories that didn't, in some way, give me an ick with toxicity, coercion or straight up assault to, in good faith, recommend them. There were probably more tropes I could have listed out but this should suffice. I tried to avoid things I've recommended before but such things can't always be helped.
TROPES (probably?)
Opposites Attract (specifically Sunshine/Grumpy, extrovert/introvert)
Naked Color by Amamiya 🌶️ (manga, complete) - to be fair, considering they are friends with benefits on the front end, it kind of feels more yaoi-territory but at the same time, navigating the awkwardness of a physical relationship when you want more without jeopardizing what you've already got? Valid. There's a few panels that get a bit dicey but, otherwise, you've got self sufficient rich guy x laissez-faire can barely be bothered to care for himself artist.
This Wonderful Season With You by Atsuko Yusen (manga, complete) - wholesome and endearing story of acceptance between a nerd and a former jock with a sprinkle of healing. Love to see it.
Enemies to Lovers (specifically Hero/Villain, Work Adversaries, etc.)
Contradict by Ohshima Kamome 🌶️ (manga, complete) - rivals, seemingly with the same role model, are locked in competition for years and unknowingly making each other better firefighters. Does this sound like anyone else we know? In BL in particular, the way they go from enemies to suddenly sleeping together is always whip lash inducing but here we are.
Ibitsu na Koi no Seesaw Game by Chiaki Kashima 🌶️ (manga, complete) - so this one is on the fence of problematic but, if you commit objectively funny crimes, you should not see jail time. Such is the case in this game of stray cat and mouse between a talented thief and police inspector with a unique arrangement.
Second Chance Romance
Kimi wa Natsu no Naka by Nagisa Furuya (manga, complete) - talk about the long game, this series (and the subsequent continuation) follows two high school students who seemingly share a love of movies. While it creates an impetus to get to know one another, it's not the only thing that bonds them.
There Are Things I Can't Tell You by Edako Mofumofu 🌶️ (manga, complete) - Probably the angstiest piece on the list but overall a tender story of how two childhood friends take the long way round to finally understanding their feelings and one another. Both characters are imperfect despite appearances and I think the care around developing their back stories and the impact it has on their ability to accept love is ultimately what I really like about it. Plus the fact that you can know someone for so long and so intimately and still not understand them.
Stuck Together
Keep Holding On by Kom (manhwa, complete) - okay, kind of a stretch and this more hits unrequited love, friends to lovers, etc. but I suppose when your moms were friends before you were born and you're forced to be friends from toddlers to high school, some aspect of that is "stuck together". One of the characters chalks it up to fate but you can decide.
Fukouchuu no Shiawase by Enzou 🌶️ (manga, complete) - A guy can't be lucky all the time so, when the universe demands balance, it pairs him with the God of Disaster. Somewhat domestic bliss ensues? Honestly, this was just a really funny read. Picture Noragami except Yato's love interest isn't a literal child. Also, take all the angst over his past and identity and shave it down to like.. 1/16th.
Idiot(s) in Love
Kimi ni Koisuru Hazu ga Nai by Shina Suzaka 🌶️ (manga, complete) - Pretty boy otaku with an embarrassing secret gets discovered by a coworker who seemed to be a bit cold toward him initially. Excited to have a friend to share his interest with, he doesn't even see the feelings his new friend so obviously has for him. Or recognize that the shojo romance he's been idealizing is right in front of him.
Sonna Me de Mite Kure by Icchokusen Moukon (manga, complete) - This is what would happen if Tatewaki Kuno from Ranma 1/2 was ever humbled, even once. Popular school president whose inner and outer monologue convinces us he's the shit happens to notice a background character that he becomes increasingly more aware of. Like, it's a BL, sure? But really, it's just silly and a bit over the top which makes it a funny read.
Atarashii Joushi wa Dotennen by Dan Ichikawa (manga, complete) - One, this story is funny even though it's not quite a BL? Like, affection is expressed but not acted on and I really like that this is a story about care or intimacy without being entirely centered around confession, angst, sex, etc. It's not a coming out story, it's just about the working relationships between a pod of dudes that have a silly appreciation for one another. Also, I think this has been recently animated which I'll for sure have to check out as I think I'd only gotten to like chapter 12?
Emotional Scars
Banana Fish by Akimi Yoshida (anime, complete) - Immediately, this is not a BL story and the person who tells you it is hates you and wants you to suffer. There's a laundry list of trigger warnings which, going in, if you think it'll be a silly goofy love story, you will be sorely disappointed and probably traumatized. But, even so, the connection that Ash and Eiji have is and will always be love. Soulmates. Despite everything Ash had been through, the sins he burdened himself with, Eiji never shied away from him and welcomed him with open arms. Despite the overall violence of the show, there was never any present between them which is integral to why I will still stand by the pairing. Additionally, in real life, terrible things happen to people that are outside of their control. There should be love stories that heal/forgive that, too.
That's actually pretty recently with the Sasaki to Miyano anime which turned into reading the entire manga and, subsequently, opened the floodgates for other stories.
Honorable Mention: When Yuri on Ice crossed from sports anime to BL. You could definitely argue that that was the spark.
Back during my initial anime era, I think there weren't as many BL or MLM stories that were accessible, although a lot of anime wasn't accessible back then. You still had queer characters with Sailor Moon (main and side characters), Fushigi Yugi, Inuyasha (side characters), Ranma 1/2, etc. though I can't say it was always positive. The whole Junjo Romantica universe comes to mind and, I think, was reminiscent of yaoi back then which I wasn't into. BL wasn't really a thing. I think it should also be said that, back then, I also wasn't particularly seeking it out.
Subsequently, I think Sasaki to Miyano has a special place in my heart. Like, the whole conflict of the series is Miyano reconciling his feelings toward a very straightforward Sasaki without the angst of unsupportive or bigoted friends/side characters. Good for them. The whole story was just delicately rendered, I really enjoyed it. I circle back on this idea of engaging with queer content as a means of coming into your own identity (which Sasaki to Miyano demonstrates) because it resonates and the series created the path for that, in a way.
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akai-anna · 6 months
finished with S&N and moved onto kiminatsu and....... god. fck. i'm so weak for hand kissES- *buries face in hands*
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otaku-republic · 1 year
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<Article> 【This Week's New BL Manga】Douagaitemo Ai, Marriage Game, Long Period and MORE!
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loafkingdom · 1 year
ふたりのライオン/The Two Lions by Nagisa Furuya
Shishido Junpei x Onizuka Leo
Leo moved to a far away place for college because he want to start a brand new chapter for himself. He didn't make any friends during high school because people spreader rumors about him being a delinquent. His hair is naturally light due to the fact that his grandfather is only half Japanese. So he started dying his hair black once he graduated high school.
With limited or basically no social experience, Leo struggles to make friends at his new school. That's not the worst part. The worst part is that he found out Junpei, someone who attended the same high school as he did, is also a student at his current college.
No matter how hard he tried to avoid direct contact with Junpei, Leo got busted at the library. But Junpei is not at all what Leo assumed. He is a gentle giant. (that's what I called him.) Junpei became Leo's first friend, and insisted on helping Leo make more friends in this school.
Of course later one of them falls in love~
Nagisa Furuya sensei is also the creator of "My Summer of You". Sensei specializes in soft school romance that's very age appropriate. So if you don't like stories with any seggs scenes then maybe try Nagisa sensei's work. The stories all have very smooth emotional development, and reading along the text will make you feel like you are the character that's currently experiencing this scene. OwO
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hatsumishinogu · 1 year
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Long Period [First Volume]
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