lazybakerart · 5 months
i know 911 is on abc and sex scenes aren’t its thing, but i do think it would bring a certain Critical Acclaim to season 7 if they showed buck bouncing on that dick.
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llove-me-anyway · 6 months
something that needs to be mentioned as well is the power of the writers. we know Tommy wasn't supposed to be on that rescue but then it worked out that way with him being there. and they managed to take this unlikable man dude who had very little redemption arc (until 7x03) into a love interest that most of us are rooting for really hard and actually enjoying so much and they did that within like an episode and half. not even talking about the fact it is a love interest to our Buck who we wanted to be with Eddie and no-one else for years now! it's just *chef's kiss* they slayed so hard with this storyline. none of us saw that coming. it is a crack ship come reality.
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jadeyarts · 1 month
Thank you for answering my question about your fop as if I could ask one more question - how do you think Timmy would be as a dad? I know you kind of went over it in the original answer but I’d love to hear more if you have more to share. It make me so mad that they made Timmy jacked and like a bad dad when his own dad is a thinner guy and you would think Timmy would be a good dad since he cares so much about family :(
(previous ask for reference / adult timmy)
okay the stars have finally aligned for me to answer this: IMHO i think timmy would be a doting dad and prone to spoiling his kids - since such a major component of his character in the og series is how often he goes out of his way to do nice things for people. i think its probably kind of on his spouse (gary in my fanon, but i'm not opposed to it being molly... lol) to be the rational one and put a foot down if he's indulging them too much.
i also personally like the idea of timmy being a stay-at-home dad so a babysitter isn't necessary all that often - and when one is needed he makes sure to only leave his kids with someone he can completely truly trust, usually chloe. so i've been considering the idea that he's a children's book writer and he gets a lot of input from tammy and tommy about what kinds of stories he should write. so they probably all tell each other a bunch of stories and come up with ideas together.
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timmy believes in the importance of play and imagination so he makes sure to share that with tammy and tommy.
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xofemeraldstars · 2 months
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fem-the-artist · 2 months
Completely normal and human retired couple and their two adult children 
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I know Peri doesn’t have a human disguise like Cosmo and Wanda let me dream 
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Also, I like the idea of that fairy warden Timmy doesn’t have a tiny fairy form. He’s just big like Jorgen but Jorgen‘s like ridiculously inhumanly massive, and Timmy was just that size of a normal guy and then every other fairy is just itty bitty. 
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Also, can’t forget about Tootie and the kids are they aware that their father/husband is a part-time fairy? No
Is Tootie aware that Cosmo and Wanda aren’t Timmy’s real parents? yes, but she’s also aware that Mr. and Mrs. Turner fucking suck so this found family that he’s created himself is much more healthy than staying in contact with his parents 
Tammy and Tommy just assume they are their real grandparents/uncle 
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LISTEN i’m a buddie shipper….. but like there’s just something about buck looking so TINY in a partner’s arms for once
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whollyjoly · 5 months
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you know i dreamed about you / for twenty-nine years before i saw you - slow show. the national
4x05 Buck Begins II 7x05 You Don't Know Me
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thehammerofbrokkr · 5 months
I need Buck to romance Tommy like he didn't have the chance to do with all his previous partners. I want Tommy not knowing what to do with the level of attention, and getting showered with love that Buck is gonna give him. Not only that, but I need Tommy blushing and nose scrunching 24/7.
Imagine Buck going to the hangar to pick him up after a grueling shift and sweep him off his feet with an impromptu picnic date, a warm bath and a relaxing night where Tommy gets to be the littlest spoon ever.
I need romantic Buck to make a comeback and shower Tommy with so much romance, they both forget about all their previous partners altogether.
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wenellyb · 5 months
Buck and Tommy just got together and there are already hundreds and hundreds of posts in the 911 tags talking about how Buck and Tommy's "break up" will happen.
And it's fine, people are allowed to share their theories, I share mine as well, but I can't help but wonder what's the angle here?
From what I've seen, most people are sure Buck and Tommy are temporary because they're sure "Buddie is Endgame"? But how would they know?
As far as we know Buck and Eddie are best friends and there hasn't been any indication that the writers are planning for them to have à romantic relation in season 7. Reading interviews with shipping goggles on isn't canon, it's fan theory.
If they had planned it, they would have put some "seeds", some small hints here and there when Buck and Tommy got together, showing that Buck and Eddie's relationship is not meant to be seen platonic, like Buck being unsure about Tommy or Eddie being supportive but a little jealous.
But they haven't, all we've seen right now is Buck being head over heels for Tommy, telling his sister what he likes about him and telling Eddie how he can't stop thinking about Tommy. Buck has such a massive crush on Tommy he invited him to his sister's wedding.
Buck's coming out scene to Eddie was so beautiful and emotional, but there was no hint of Eddie being jealous or him having romantic feelings for Buck. We even got the sweetest and most platonic hug ever.
Where exactly are we supposed to get the message that Buck is harboring a secret crush for his best friend? Or are we supposed to imagine that he'll magically develop romantic feelings in the middle of the season?
I don't understand where the "Tommy is a placeholder for Eddie" theories are coming from???
Buck hurt Eddie to get Tommy's attention, his words not mine. How are the writers going to go from that and make us believe that he was in reality in love with Eddie? How would that go?
I have nothing against Buddie, I even like the idea of them, but at the end of the day, I believe what I see on screen. Fan theories are just theories.
I'm sorry but to me, Buck is all about Tommy.
As someone who has seen my fair share of TV shows, I'm wondering why anyone would think that that's the direction the screenwriters are going.
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mycenaae · 3 months
ravi's little "that's my motto!" about enjoying it while it lasts in 7x09 was likely meant to be a throwaway line to bring him into the conversation, and he does not seem to be saying it cynically at all, but if i think about that line too long in the context of him being a pediatric cancer survivor i will lose what's left of my marbles
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wildlife4life · 6 months
Fuck-It Friday Coda
Tagged by the amazing @hippolotamus @jesuisici33 @wikiangela and @tizniz (who dropped a whole new fic!) Thank you so much! Hope you all are just as hyped for bi-buck as I am!!!!!!! Not much to say than what's being said everywhere for 7x04. Here is my coda this historic episode and it can be read on ao3 as well. Enjoy!
It’s never really a surprise anymore whenever Buck runs into Tommy at the 118’s favorite hook and ladder bar. Hell, before they broke up, Tommy took him to this bar on a couple dates. Awkward dates but dates all the same.
Buck is waiting for the latest rounds of drinks at the bar when a familiar hand lands on his shoulder, “Hey Evan.”
He whirls around and comes face to face with the very man that opened Buck up to whole new world. “H-h-hey Tommy.” He greets nervously, gaze flickering over to where his team, Maddie, Athena, and some friends from dispatch sat.
Tommy catches it and smirks, “Here with the entire crew huh? What’s the cause for this meet up? Didn’t see or hear about any big Buckley heroics over the radio waves.”
Buck finally catches Eddie attention, and his partner stiffens slightly at the sight of Tommy. They were all still friends, mostly, but after the pilot ended things with Buck, sides were taken… in more ways than one.
“You lied back then. In your loft, before I kissed you.” Tommy stated, staring out the hanger doors, hands shoved deep into his flight suit’s pockets.
Wretchedness gripped Buck’s throat tightly. He knew where this was headed, and for just the briefest moment he wanted to fight it. Fight for what he and Tommy had. “I didn’t lie. I wanted to get to know you, I thought-I still think you are cool, and I just wanted you see that.” His voice was high and tight with the brittle lie.
Tommy shook his head and Buck caught his grimacing smile, “Buck you need to stop lying to yourself and open your damn eyes. I have and you want to know what I saw?” His voice cracked with anguish.
Buck’s lower lip trembled, and he could feel the prickle of tears. He didn’t want to know. He didn’t want to face it. Because if he opened his eyes to what Tommy is seeing, the despair would be 10 times worse than what he’s facing at the time.
Always the bravest of two of them, Tommy scoffed at Buck’s silence and pushed on, “You weren’t vying for my attention. You never have. Evan you never did any sort of chasing in this relationship, I did. I so was blinded by how endearing and open you were about your best friend, that I failed to see you misplacing you’re confused emotions onto the nearest person showing you affection. Me.”
The tears began to flow when Buck shook his head, “No Tommy. I liked you; I just didn’t know about that part of myself until you showed it to me.”  He tried defending.
His boyfriend snorted, “Liked. Past. Not present.”
And Buck’s heart dropped into his gut.
Finally, Tommy looked at him and everything in his stomach becomes rancid at the utter heartbreak on the older man’s face, “I’m glad I could help you embrace your bisexuality. Truly I am. I know how freeing it can be.  But Evan, those feelings you’ve have for men, for that one special man have always been there and instead of facing them, you took the easy way out with me. And fuck man, it hurts. It really does.”
“Tommy…” Buck started, but Tommy’s hand gripping his wrist silenced him.
“Evan-Buck. Its-well it’s not entirely okay, but you didn’t know or see and neither did I. At least not until you came back from Chim’s bachelor party. You two couldn’t even look each other in the eye and you’ve been off since.”
That’s because he and Eddie got into the biggest fight of their lives during Chimney’s bachelor weekend.  Because Eddie had been acting off since Buck came out, even though he promised nothing would change. Because Buck once again became enviously green when Eddie kept his attention on the private bar tender. Because Eddie looked Buck in the eye and asked, ‘Why does he get that part of you?’ in the middle of their screaming match that Buck still has no idea how it started but ended there. Because they both walked away, too scared to confront any of those feelings. Because Buck knew deep down, he wanted to give everything he was giving to Tommy, to Eddie and so much more.
“You are such a wonderful man Buck and I know it was never your intention to hurt anyone. But us being together, it’s destroying me and you and...” Tommy sucked in a sharp breath, “And Eddie.”
And there it was. Everything that Buck has been denying since Tommy confronted him in his loft.  The person who was really behind Buck’s complex and confused emotions those few months ago. It was time Buck accepted it. It was time to open his eyes. It was time to let Tommy go.
Buck let out a sob and tugged Tommy into a tight embrace, “I’m sorry, I really am.”
Tommy sniffled, “You have nothing to apologize for Evan.” He pulled back and put Buck at arm’s length, giving him a wet smile, “I was more than honored to be your queer awakening and guru.”
Buck barked out a soggy laugh, “You turned my entire world on its axis man, but in the best way possible.”
“You’re a special one Evan and Eddie… god what you two have and what it can be.” Tommy shook his head chuckling, “I can’t stand in the way of that anymore.”
The younger firefighter stuttered out a breath, “I think that’s more on me than you.” And gets a hum of agreement from his now ex-boyfriend. He stuck a hand out, “Friends?”
Tommy didn’t even hesitate and slapped his own hand into Buck’s, squeezing tight, “Absolutely. Just give me some time, and yourself as well.”
Buck took two days after the break-up to mourn what had been his best relationship to date, to wallow in his unknown carelessness, and to confront those mixed emotions that drew him to Tommy in the first place. Then he packed his duffle and went to work.
Chimney was the first to confront him since Tommy turned down a night out at the karaoke bar and explained that he and Buck broke up. Hen followed because those two paramedics tell each other everything. Bobby reminded Buck that he was willing to listen before giving his shoulder a squeeze. Ravi seemed, relieved, but sympathetic. And Eddie pulled him into the tightest embrace asking, “Why?”
Buck didn’t give him the entire answer. Simply stated, “It wasn’t working.”
Months later Buck gave him the entire truth by taking a page out Tommy’s book and kissing Eddie senseless with a firm grip on his chin.  Eddie, who was babbling away in his kitchen about not seeing what was in front of him and desperate to know if Buck is willing to give Eddie every part of himself, kissed Buck back with ferocity. When they pulled apart Buck finally told him why Tommy ended things, “He saw what we were all too scared to look at.”
That was almost a month ago and Buck is deliriously happy with his life, with his boyfriend, with Eddie. He doesn’t need to be weird or nervous around the man that helped lead him here.  So, he winks at Eddie, telling him it’s all good, and gives his attention to Tommy. “No big newsworthy rescues. Though Chimney did rescue his 100th cat.”
Tommy shakes his head laughing, “An almost impossible feat.”
“Very much so.” Buck comments, “We’re here to celebrate Maddie’s promotion at dispatch. Officially a supervisor.”
“Hey good for her!” Tommy exclaims, “Honestly surprised it took this long. Her voice seems to be on all the major calls lately.”
Buck nods, “Yea. Would have been a different ending for all of us after the bridge collapse last year if it weren’t for my sister.”
“Man, you Buckley’s and your heroism.”
Buck blushes, Tommy Kinnard always the charmer. The other man smirks, knowing the effect he has on him still. “You look good Buck. Happy. Wouldn’t have anything to do with a certain firefighter that’s all over your Instagram lately? Hm?”
As if summoned by Tommy’s mere mention of him, a red Henley covered arm snakes its away around Buck’s waist and warmth lines up along his back. “Hey Tommy, good to see yuh man.” Eddie greets smoothly before nuzzling close to Buck’s ear, “Get that drink order in yet babe?” He asks just loud enough to be overheard by certain people close by.
The pilot’s smirk broadens, but gives a friendly slap to Eddie’s back, “Good to see yuh too Diaz. Been a minute.”
Eddie nods and his nose moves along Buck’s jaw at the movement, making him tremble, “It has. Maybe we can meet up to spar sometime.”
Before his bisexual awakening and the admittance of his true feelings, hearing his boyfriend make plans with another man would have sent him on a downward spiral. Now, thanks in part to Tommy, Eddie, his sister, and the entirety of the 118, but mostly himself, Buck is secure and at peace with his place in their lives, in Eddie’s life.
But that still doesn’t stop his big hearted, ever thoughtful boyfriend from asking, “I know I’ve only taught you the basics, but you could join Evan.”
Buck leans back into Eddie’s embrace and brushes his lips against his partner’s cheek, “Hmm. I’d rather go for the title on more equal grounds, and I really want to save myself the embarrassment of Tommy seeing my ass get kicked.”
His ex snorts out a laugh, while Eddie’s cheeks pinken at Buck’s innuendo of the actual kind of sweaty, half naked situation they want to be in. “Still shameless as ever huh Evan?” Tommy comments.
Buck shrugs, “Nothing to be ashamed of. My boyfriend is hot and I prefer to have my ass handed to me in more intimate ways. But you two can kick, spin, and punch your little hearts out. I’ll enjoy some time with Christopher, maybe even take him to a field and play the much superior sport, football.”
“God you really do not like basketball huh?” Tommy retorts with a shake of his head, probably remembering the first and last time they played, ending with Buck almost breaking Eddie’s ankle in a confused jealous rage.
“I won’t let him near anything orange and spherical.” Eddie jokes giving Buck a tight squeeze. “But if you are up to it, I would love to come over and go a few rounds. You do have a pretty sweet set up.”
The LAFD piolet grins, “Bring the Chevelle too, we can give it a once over.”
Buck makes a mental reminder to give the back seat of said car a good cleaning because the last time he and Eddie drove it out, Buck took Eddie apart in back seat and a t-shirt wipe down definitely did not suffice as ‘clean up’.
Eddie clears his throat, and his blush deepens. Yea, he’s thinking the same. “Sounds good. I’ll shoot you text and set up a time.”
Knowing the conversation is coming to an end, Buck flags down the bar tender before looking over at Tommy, “You should join us. Drinks are on,” He pauses trying to remember who lost the credit card roulette and laughs when it comes to him, “Drinks are on Josh.”
Tommy softens at the invitation, “Drinks with the 118, haven’t done that in a while. I’m in. Miller lite to start.”
Buck laughs, “Yea I know. Go join the others, Eddie and I got this.”
“Yea, I know you do. BuckandEddie, the dream team. Happy for you both, truly.” Tommy kindly states, then gives a shoulder pat to the two of them before strolling away to join the 118 and dispatchers. They faintly hear loud cheers and greetings when he gets close, their friends and family always happy to see the man who put his life and career on the line for them.
Buck places their drink order and when the bar tender slides away, Eddie pulls him back into his chest and growls into his ear, “You may not be green with envy anymore, but I sort of am.”
A shiver runs down Buck’s spine at his boyfriend’s possessive tone and knew all too well that their time at the bar was going to be short lived…unless.
“It’s no Chevelle, but the jeep is parked pretty close.” Buck breathlessly tells him.
Eddie gives him a wicked grin, “You want to take me in the jeep?”
“Wanna go for another title?”
I put in so many references from the episode and previous episodes too, as mini celebration to the 100th episode. Hope you all enjoyed! If you want to know when I drop coda fic go interact with my pinned post. Tagging (no pressure): @try-set-me-on-fire @devirnis @bi-buckrights @exhuastedpigeon @cal-daisies-and-briars @bidisasterbuckdiaz @rainbow-nerdss @daffi-990 @dangerpronebuddie @theotherbuckley @watchyourbuck @perfectlysunny02 @aroeddiediaz @loserdiaz @diazsdimples @fortheloveofbuddie @rogerzsteven @lemonzestywrites @evanbegins @bi-buck-coded @glorious-spoon @thekristen999 @spotsandsocks @sunshinediaz @lover-of-mine @hoodie-buck @elvensorceress @bucksbiawakening @giddyupbuck @goforkinard @bekkachaos @thewolvesof1998 @eddiebabygirldiaz @spaceprincessem @bibuckbuckley @honestlydarkprincess @doublecheekeddiaz @prosperdemeter2 @transboybuckley @nmcggg @monsterrae1 @missmagooglie @bigfootsmom @911onabc @911-on-abc @homerforsure
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giallos · 4 months
personally i saw chim's comments to gerrard as him sticking up for the 118 past and present, including both buck and tommy as well as hen, but primarily for himself ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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ladylunora · 11 months
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something’s off…
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teethkid67 · 1 year
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separates below if u wanna put them on ur page or smth
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madelinetess · 3 months
As a subtle April Fool's joke Buck goes through Tommy's contact list altering every contact he has inside ever so slightly.
At first he wanted to use everyones full names and not nicknames but after changing Eddie's contact to Edmundo it simply felt too flat, so he decided to also change the surname thus creating 'Edmundo Noches', Eddie's dark alterego
Buck then went back and changed cap's contact from Robert to 'Bobbing in the Ocean', for, Buck thought, obvious reasons
Hen's contact now read 'Chicken Wingson'
Chim became 'Chim Chim Cheree'
And his sister was 'Maddie Poppins' to fit in the theme
But Buck didn't stop at the 118, no, Christopher became 'CD Player'
Lucy Donato was now simply 'Lucy Donut'
Karen got deconstructed into 'Leaving you a Car in Will son' don't ask him, the mind works in mysterious ways and who is Buck to question his train of thought
Gerrard's Blocked number simply got changed to 'Catpiss G.' he deserved that
Whoever Buck knew had their contact name changed
When Tommy saw the updated contact name when Edfie called him he thought it strange, and when he checked his contacts list for a second he thought he might have gone crazy, but once he saw Evan beaming at him mischievously he knew what had happened.
He went through every single name deciphering all of them and laughing at the puns his boyfriend came up with
But when he reached Evan's contact he realised it remained unchanged as if Evan forgot about himself...
He then proceeded to spend the next few days thinking of a pun that would also convey the love he felt for the man finally settling on 'Even Ground' because Evan was his safe place, his even landing ground, the man he loved coming back home to
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kinardscake · 3 months
Tommy lets Buck set the pace. And this line reminds me of someone else who let their partner set the pace when they first started dating.
Didn’t Bobby and Athena date behind closed doors for months because that’s what Athena wanted? Hmm 🤔 And Bobby went along with it, taking it as slow as Athena wanted to, keeping their relationship a secret.
And judging by how fast they went from announcing their relationship to Bobby proposing, chances are Bobby would have married her the day after their first date if she let him :)
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