#g*psy slur use
uraandri · 2 years
whenever i'm bored or in a bad mood i just rewatch pacific rim and i always feel so much better after it
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gibbearish · 8 months
i wish there was a way to find every kid out there who Never Wants To Accidentally Say Slurs and teach them the easily typoed ones bc like if you taught Everyone then ppl who want to say slurs will just be like "oh boy new slurs to use" but theres also no feeling quite like getting a message saying "hey uhh i know it wasnt on purpose but you really gotta be careful abt watching your fingers when you type xyz because cyz is actually a really horrible and well known slur that you just happened to never hear before" when using slurs you shouldnt is the very last thing you want to do. and thats in the event that someone who knows you well enough to know it wasnt on purpose and can recognize it was a typo is the one who reaches out, the alternative is just yknow. getting blocked and/or yelled at for being an asshole because "well everyone knows thats a slur so you MUST be saying it on purpose and saying you didn't know it was one as an excuse"
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mvncesa · 1 year
which is the coolest jaeger in pac rim & why is it crimson ty/phoon??
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danlous · 4 months
After this most recent episode i'd like to remind people that the word g*psy is a slur. Some Romani people have reclaimed it but you shouldn't use it if you aren't Romani. I wasn't personally angry (though slightly taken aback) that it was used in the show because i felt it was realistic, not excessive and was portrayed in negative light, while also telling us something about both Nicki and Armand as characters. I still don't want to see it used by fandom in everyday language and discussions. Many different names have been used to refer to Romani people but 'Romani' and 'Roma' are what communities around the world generally accept themselves.
Nicki calling Armand a g*psy doesn't necessarily mean that he is Romani (though he easily could be since we don't know much about his background yet), but it tells us that people in-universe assume so when meeting him. The way the society treats Romani people is extremely hostile and Romani have been widely hated and discriminated against for the entire recorded history. The Paris timeline of s2 also takes place in the immediate aftermath of the WW2 and the Romani genocide. Regardless of is Armand actually Romani or not, being perceived as such would have a major influence on him, his life and relationships, and how he moves through the world. I don't know will the association with Romani be addressed in any way in the future, but i hope that people are mindful of Armand as a character existing in this framework
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agaypanic · 1 year
The Fella Part 9 (James Maguire X Quinn!Reader)
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Summary: The girls have been waiting for months to see Take That in Belfast. When a polar bear is on the loose and Mary forbids them from going, they have to take matters into their own hands.
A/N: only took a million years but i finally wrote a new part lol BIG thanks to @crumpets-are-better-with-jam for writing out the episode’s script for me, without them I probably would’ve never found the time to be able to write this. Also the word g*psy is censored and used as little as possible because it’s considered a slur but some say that if you say it with the right context it’s ok, but i don’t wanna take any chances, you know?
The weekends were always the best part of the week for Y/n. No school or work, no obligations except for church on Sunday, and being able to sleep in late. Y/n wished to be an adult, so her life could be like this every day.
But this was going to be the weekend of all weekends. Months ago, the girls and James scrimped and saved every coin and bill and were able to buy concert tickets to see Take That in Belfast. And today was the day of the concert. The girls sat all squished together on the couch, watching said band on the TV, with James perched on the arm of the sofa, subtly clinging to Y/n. Their relationship was still a secret somehow, today marking their third month together. They were honestly surprised nobody noticed how their affection was more than friendly.
“God Almighty.” Grandpa Joe spoke in horror, glaring at the screen. “I don’t know what the world is coming to. Bloody perverts.”
“You’re overreacting, Da,” Mary said from the kitchen. Joe scoffed in disbelief.
“Overreacting? That lad’s got no trousers on, for Christ’s sake.” Michelle grinned at the detail that had been pointed out.
“He’s wearing too much still, if I’ve anything to say about it.” She muttered to the girls, who giggled apart from James and Clare.
“Why do they keep touching themselves?” Grandpa Joe asked the telly, as if it would provide any answers.
“‘Cause they’re artists, Granda,” Erin said, but he just grumbled.
“Dirty English bastards is what they are.” He turned to look at James. “No offense, son.” Although he didn’t really sound like he cared whether or not he had offended the boy. Y/n patted James’ thigh in comfort as the scene on the TV changed from the girls’ beloved boy band to a news anchor. 
“Come on, girls. Time to hit the road here.” Gerry announced as he came in. He gestured at James. “Have they roped you into going as well, son?” Y/n laughed, leaning against James to look at her father.
“Hardly. He’s practically riding Gary Barlow. Aren’t ya, Jamie?” He rolled his eyes at the statement, as if they had had this kind of conversation a hundred times.
“I’m not! I just respect him as a songwriter, that’s all.” Michelle rolled her eyes at him, as if she had also had this kind of conversation a hundred times.
“Aye, dead on, James, so you do.”
“Will we need our passports, Gerry?” Orla asked, giving her lungs a break from blowing on her mother’s spray tan.
“For Belfast? I don’t think so, Love.”
“Belfast?” Joe asked, but was ignored.
“Are we not a bit early, Daddy?” Erin asked, checking the time on the wall.
“It’s a two-hour drive with traffic, love.”
“This thing’s in Belfast?” Sick of not being acknowledged, Grandpa Joe stood from his favorite chair to stand with the girls and Gerry.
“Da, it’s eight hours till the doors open,” Y/n said, almost laughing at her father’s sense of urgency.
“I know. We’re cutting it fine.” He seemed completely serious about the matter, which just made Y/n want to laugh more.
“Belfast?” Joe said again, now effectively catching the room’s attention. “Sure, why didn’t you just sell the wains into white slavery and be done with it?”
“Gerry will be with them, Da.” Mary tried to reason, but that just seemed to set him off even more.
“Well, that’s worse. Sure, they hate his kind there.”
“My kind?” Gerry asked, not knowing what Joe could possibly be talking about.
“Pricks.” Y/n laughed, shrinking in her seat when Gerry whipped around to look at his daughter in offense. “Sorry, Daddy.”
“That is enough!” Mary finalized, still working in the kitchen. “They’re going to the concert, Da, and that’s the end of the matter.”
The news switched to another topic again. Something about how a polar bear escaped from Belfast Zoo. Hearing the name, Y/n started to worry.
“Now, will you see sense?” Grandpa Joe asked his daughter, pointing at the TV. Erin snorted.
“Aye, Granda, ‘cause an escaped polar bear’s gonna track us down and kill us. As if Mammy’s bothered by that.” There was a beat of silence, and suddenly, all the girls were panicked.
“Wise up, Mammy!” Y/n squealed frantically, shooting up from her seat on the couch to get a good look at her mother. “As if a polar bear’s gonna rock up a Take That concert!”
“He wouldn’t get a ticket for a start,” Orla added. “They sold out months ago.”
“You’d be surprised, girls,” Mary said.
“The concert’s nowhere near the zoo.” Gerry tried to reason. As usual, Joe countered him.
“But he’s not in the zoo anymore, is he, Simple Simon? He’s sauntering about Belfast without a care in the world!”
“Aye, keep up, Gerry,” Sarah said, blowing on the wet tan that coated her fingers. 
“What I’m saying is that it would be quite a lot of ground for him to cover.”
“They’re quick on their feet when they wanna be, love,” Mary said. Y/n sped to her father, grabbing him by the shoulders to make him face her.
“Daddy, please, don’t listen to her.” She pleaded. “We should go now so we’re not late. Please, Da!” Gerry put his hands on his daughter’s wrists, rubbing his thumbs over the joints while giving her a sympathetic look.
“Oh, love, I’m sorry, but I’d rather keep my head.”
“Come on, Mary.” Michelle pleaded with the girl’s mother. “If you don’t let Y/n and Erin go, then our ma’s won’t let us go.”
“Well, neither they should, and I’ll be ringing them to say as much.” The teens looked at Mary in despair as she went to the phone, likely to ring everyone’s mothers. While dialing, Mary looked back to the living room. “Look, girls, I know how much you were looking forward to seeing This and That.”
“Take That.” Erin corrected.
“But there’ll be other concerts.” Y/n laughed humorlessly, resting her head on her father’s shoulder momentarily before letting go of him completely. 
“No, there won’t.” She felt hysterical. She couldn’t believe this was happening to her. Months of looking forward to this concert just to be banned by her mother because of a polar bear. Only something like this would happen to her. “The fact that this one’s happening is a miracle ‘cause no one good comes here ‘cause we all keep killing each other!” James shifted on the arm of the couch to make room for Y/n to sit next to him. He rubbed her back as she leaned against him for support, devastated.
“And now we’re overrun with polar bears.” Sarah sighed, pulling out a cig.
Frustrated, Y/n stormed up to her room, the girls and James close behind. They had found her face down on her bed, screaming into a pillow. James sat beside her, pulling the pillow out of her grasp before she could suffocate herself. While everyone settled in Y/n’s room, she rested her head on James’ thigh. Her anger and sadness were slowly washing away from James rubbing her back.
“This is so fucking unfair.” She muttered.
“I know,” James responded, brushing hair out of her face.
“Well, I dunno about you lot, but I’m not letting that fat furry fuck ruin the biggest day of my life,” Michelle announced harshly, pacing the floor.
“What can we do?” Erin asked, lying across her sister’s legs.
“Right, listen, girls.” Michelle drew their attention. They hoped that she had come up with a plan to save the day, but were quickly let down. “I’ve never told anyone this before, but… sometimes, when Robbie’s being interviewed, it’s like he’s sending me messages through the TV. You know, like telepathically or whatever, It’s like he’s saying…” She sighed, clearly in a dreamy daze. “We’re meant to be together.”
Everyone stared at her.
“Aye, maybe don’t tell that to anyone again, Michelle,” Erin said. “Ever.”
“I think she might be more cracked than Orla,” Y/n muttered to James, who snorted.
“What?” Orla looked at Y/n after hearing her name.
“Nothing, love.”
“Look, this is too important,” Michelle said. “I’m going to that concert. I’m not afraid of a fucking polar bear!” Everyone enthusiastically agreed. They shouldn’t pay mind to a random bear or what their parents have to say about anything. Nothing would stop the girls and James from seeing Take That.
“I’ll kill it with me own two hands, if I have to.” Orla declared. 
“Bring it on!” Erin egged on.
“Okay. We seem to have gone down a weird road here, people. I think we just got a bit confused.” Ever the realist and anxiety-riddled girl, Clare tried stopping her friends from the odd discussion. “We don’t actually have to fight a polar bear, and if we did, I wouldn’t fancy our chances because, well, they’re massive.” Orla looked around, confused.
“But there’s six of us.”
“Aye, I think we’d have a real chance,” Y/n said, albeit slightly sarcastically.
“The point is, the polar bear’s not the one stopping us from going to the concert. It’s our mothers, and we’ll never get them to change their minds.” Y/n gasped, sitting up suddenly, seeming to have an idea.
“So we fight Mammy.”
“No, definitely not.” James shot down the idea immediately and welcomed his once again pouty girlfriend to rest in his lap. Michelle leaned toward the group like she was gonna tell them a secret.
“We’re not gonna try and change their minds.” She smirked, and everyone became slightly fearful because Michelle always had less than bright ideas that she’d have them execute. “We’re gonna do something else.” 
“What?” James asked.
“I’m still trying to figure out whether or not this is a good idea,” Y/n muttered to James, who she clung to while sitting on his lap. Michelle had somehow convinced everyone to sneak away and get on a bus to Belfast. The group sat in the back of the bus to avoid anyone who may be suspicious of six teenagers traveling by themselves. There wasn’t enough seating for all six of them to sit together, so everyone squished together, and Y/n sat on James’ lap. No one said anything about it besides the comment from Michelle about how James must be giddy to be so close to a girl. He told her to fuck off.
“Same here.” He sighed, hands gripping her closer as the bus crossed a few bumps on the road.
“We’re gonna get caught; I just know it,” Clare said anxiously to the group.
“We’re not gonna get caught, Clare, because as far as our ma’s are concerned, me, you, and James are ’round Erin’s, and Erin, Y/n, and Orla are ’round mine,” Michelle explained, trying to calm Clare down.
“But we’re not ’round yours, Michelle,” Orla responded, confused. “We’re on the bus to Belfast.” 
“Christ.” Y/n rolled her eyes, having heard her cousin say this multiple times since they left the house.
“I cannot explain it to her again. I’m gonna scream.” Michelle looked away from Orla, probably because she would strangle her if she had to deal with the confusion for another second.
“What’s in the suitcase, Michelle?” James asked, staring at the case his cousin had set on the remaining seat near the group. Y/n could’ve sat there, but Michelle wanted a close eye on whatever was in the suitcase without holding it in case they got caught. Everyone stared, curiously waiting for an answer. There was a beat of silence.
“Vodka.” You brought an entire suitcase full of vodka?” Erin asked incredulously.
“Jesus, Michelle, you’ve got a problem,” Y/n added.
“No. There’s mixers as well. I’m not a savage.” Michelle took a second to think, looking down at the case. “You can mix vodka with cider, right?”
“God, I am boiling.” Clare sighed, fanning her face.
“Gee, I wonder why, Clare.” Y/n laughed, looking at her friend who was completely bundled in jackets and scarves.
“What are you wearing?” Erin asked.
“Yeah, you look like a fucking Provo.”
“I don’t want anyone recognizing me, okay?” The bus paused its venture, opening the doors for people to come in and out.
“No one’s gonna recognize you, Clare.” Michelle chastised.
“Clare Devlin, is that you?” Panic ran through everyone. The voice sounded very familiar and fear-inducing. The girls looked towards the front. Sister Michael was moving past the seats and right for them.
“Jesus Christ.” Clare squeaked, trying to hide in her mountain of clothes. Erin leaned into her.
“Relax, Clare.” She said. “She has no authority over us at the weekend. She has no right to question us, and if she tries to, I’ll tell her as much.”
“Aye, I’d like to see you try, Erin.” Y/n hissed to her sister before Sister Michael reached the group.
“Morning, girls.” She said.
“Morning, Sister Michael.” Everyone said in unison.
“What takes you to Belfast?” There was a heavy pause. The girls were silently trying to decide who would speak and what they would say. Erin volunteered herself, speaking quietly from nervousness.
“I’m not really sure that’s-”
“Speak up.” Sister Michael interrupted her. Erin gulped.
“I’m not really sure that that’s any of your business…” Sister Michael stared blankly at her. Everyone waited for her to jump and murder Erin for saying such a thing. Soon, she found words.
“I’m going to assume that was an ill-judged attempt at humor, Miss Quinn.”
“Yes,” Erin whispered, sinking into her seat. Y/n silently prayed that the bus would start moving so Sister Michael would be forced to leave and find a seat somewhere. But God never seemed too kind to the girls.
“Now, answer the question.”
“... We’re going to the museum.” Erin devised a good lie; the girls just hoped they could keep up with the inevitable follow-up questions.
“Which museum?”
“Ulster Museum,” Clare answered.
“What for?”
“A project,” James responded.
“A history project.” Y/n amended. Sister Michael looked at the two. It seemed like she was about to ask why Y/n was in James’ lap, but she decided against it, not wanting to go through the trouble.
“What about?”
“Ulster,” Erin answered once again. Sister Michael gave an unconvinced hum and turned around to find a place to sit. Everyone sighed in relief as the bus started to move again.
“A history project,” Clare said in disbelief. “This web of lies we’re spinning is getting out of control now, girls.” Y/n put a hand on her friend’s shoulder to take her attention.
“If it makes you feel any better, Clare, I actually have a history project due soon.”
“I thought we finished that,” James said quietly to her. She turned to him.
“Yeah, but now I’ve gotta put it all together.”
“It’s grand, Clare,” Michelle said, rolling her eyes at Clare’s constant anxiousness. “I think she bought it.”
“Of course, she didn’t buy it. She’s onto us, I’m telling you. Oh God, I’m sweltering here.”
“Then take it off,” Erin said.
“I can’t take it off; I’ve nothing underneath it.” Everyone paused, looking at her confused.
“What, not even a bra?” Erin asked.
“Jesus, Clare, you’ve no bra on?” Michelle asked incredulously.
“I haven’t got a bra on,” Orla commented.
“Aye, me neither,” Y/n said.
“What?” James practically choked. Suddenly aware of his girlfriend’s body and this new information, he moved his hands down to sit at her hips. Y/n shrugged.
“They dig.”
“What’s she doing now?” Clare asked, and everyone looked at Sister Michael, who sat a few rows ahead of them. She was reading a book, laughing every now and then.
“Reading her book,” James answered, as if they all couldn’t see it. She suddenly turned to the woman in the seat next to her. She had a look of disgust while the woman ate a sandwich. “Now she’s looking at the woman beside her.” Sister Michael stood from her seat. “Now she’s getting up.” She moved towards the back of the bus, closing in on the girls. “Now she’s coming this way.” Soon enough, Sister Michael stood before the group, staring at them. “Now she’s standing right in front of us.”
“What’s he doing?” Sister Michael asked, looking weirdly at James.
“Now she’s-” James’ words were halted by Y/n putting a finger to his lips.
“Stop narrating, Jamie.”
“I want to sit here.” Sister Michael said with finality, pointing to where Michelle’s suitcase sat. Michelle started to panic.
“What? Why?”
“Well, you’re just such wonderful company, girls, what with your stimulating conversation and razor-sharp wit.” Everyone knew she was being sarcastic. Except for Erin.
“Really?” She asked, seemingly flattered. Sister Michael rolled her eyes.
“No, not really. The woman next to me is eating an egg and onion sandwich, and the smell is enough to turn an Orange March.” The girls cringed at the description. Sister Michael grabbed the suitcase, trying to move it. But she was evidently struggling. “Christ, but this is heavy.”
“Sister, no, let me,” Michelle said, leaning over to grab the case.
“What do you have in here, girls?”
“It’s not ours!” Clare quickly responded with a shriek. Everyone glared at her lie.
“Not yours?”
“We have never seen it before in our lives, have we, girls?” It was better to just agree, so that’s what the girls did. They nodded, giving different mutters of confirmation. 
Sister Michael turned to look at everyone else on the bus.
“Excuse me, everyone. Can I have your attention, please?” She raised her voice to get everyone to listen. Confused, the passengers looked at her while she pointed to Michelle’s suitcase. “Does anyone own this red suitcase?” No one claimed it. “Now, let me be clear. No one can claim this bag, is that correct?” Everyone confirmed her question. She looked down at the suitcase. “I think we have a Code Red on our hands. Driver, pull over!”
The girls were definitely fucked. Everyone had to evacuate the bus while they waited for the military to come and extract the suitcase. Now, a crowd watched as a military robot examined the case.
“Jesus Christ!” Clare squeaked in a panic.
“Aye, this isn’t great,” Erin said, watching the commotion. Michelle shrugged.
“It’s not that big a deal.”
“They’re about to blow up an entire suitcase of vodka, Michelle.” 
As Michelle and Erin quietly argued, Y/n leaned into James’ ear.
“And here I thought Clare’s paranoia would be our biggest problem.” James rested his head on Y/n’s, eyeing the situation in front of him in disbelief.
“Why is this place so mental?” He asked. Michelle scoffed.
“That’s enough, James. You have serious fucking anger management issues. Do you know that?” Before anyone could give a rebuttal, there was an explosion. The robot had successfully eliminated the threat in the red suitcase, which was the girls’ ticket to a good time.
There were lots of talks among the soldiers over the radio. The girls silently celebrated when one said they could pack everything up. Soon enough, they’d be back on the way to Belfast.
“Powerful smell of vodka down here, over.” The girls froze in their places as they heard the soldier over the radio. God really did seem to have it out for the teens.
“Vodka, did he say?” Sister Michael asked, slowly turning to her students. “Interesting.” The girls gave her nervous smiles. Suddenly, Y/n pointed over Sister Michael’s shoulder.
“Oh my God, Sister! What’s over there?!” Sister Michael whipped around, and Y/n made a break for it. All of her friends followed after her. 
They ran like hell, not knowing where they were going. After a while of wandering around, they slowed to a walk down a dirt road, all trying to catch their breath. The girls debated whether or not they could reach Belfast on foot, especially with that polar bear on the loose. But the conversation dwindled as some men came into view on the side of the road.
“Is it just me, or is that g*psy an absolute ride?”
“As usual, I think it’s just you, Michelle,” Y/n said, groaning at her sore legs.
“Michelle, you cannot say that.” Erin scolded.
“They’re called ‘travelers now. Y’can’t say ‘g*psy’ anymore. It’s insulting.”
“Okay, but you just said it, Erin.” Y/n pointed out. Michelle and Erin continued arguing over the correct word to use for the men. It continued for a while, and only stopped when they had gotten closer to the men.
“Howya, girls.” One of them said, with a bit of a slurred speech. The girls politely greeted him and continued walking. They got a few feet past them when the one who greeted them started calling after them. “Hey, hold on.”
“What does he want?” Clare asked in a panic.
“I don’t know,” Erin replied, just as nervous.
“I’m talking to you!” The man shouted. The girls ignored him, but he kept walking after them. “Hey, are you deaf or what?”
“Just keep going.” Y/n urged her friends, grabbing James’ hand to yank him along while she pushed her tired body to go faster. The teens started walking more quickly, and soon enough, the shouting man and his friends were all tailing after them. 
“Get back here!”
“Faster. Walk faster.”
“Am I gonna have to come after you, am I?”
“Jesus Christ, he’s following us,” James muttered, now being the one to pull Y/n further.
“Run!” Y/n yelped, breaking into a sprint and out of James’ grip because the sudden change in pace had caught him off guard. Everyone ran after her, the teens to catch up with Y/n and the travelers to catch up with the teens. The girls were terrified, except for Orla, of course, who could always find the fun in a fucked up situation.
“Piss off!” Erin went to the edge of the dirt road and came back to the strange men waving a giant stick around. They backed up in alarm, and the girls stopped to stand behind Erin.
Except for Y/n, who was still running like hell. James yelled for her, but she couldn’t hear him over the thumping of her feet and heart. She didn’t even notice that her friends had all been left in the dust behind her.
“Jesus fuck!” Y/n screeched when she was grabbed suddenly by the shoulders and yanked back into someone’s chest. The person who caught her breathed heavily, slightly using her as a crutch. Y/n immediately recognized the whines and groans of exhaustion and smacked the man in the arm. “Scared the fuck out of me, James.”
“I know, ‘m sorry.” James brought her closer to him, back pressed against his chest as he rubbed her arms up and down to comfort her. “Can’t run off like that, love. Could’ve lost you.”
“Sorry.” She apologized sheepishly, and James kissed her head to show she shouldn’t be. When the couple regained strength, they turned around and started walking back to the group that was currently arguing with the strange couple of men when they abruptly ran to the side of the dirt road. A van sped past them as if they weren’t even there, honking the horn and stopping in front of the stand-off of travelers and teenage girls. Y/n and James hesitantly watched, not knowing what was happening.
Soon, Erin stuck her head out from behind the van so her sister was in her view. She waved her over frantically.
“Y/n, come on!” Erin then disappeared, likely into the strange van. Knowing everyone else was probably in there, and not wanting to be left stranded, Y/n broke out into another sprint, leaving James in the dust once again.
“Not again.” He mumbled.
When Y/n had snuck away from her family and hopped on a bus to Belfast with her friends, she obviously didn’t expect the bus plan to go to shit, and she and her buddies would be riding around in someone’s van. Yet here she was, jostling around in the back, surrounded by half-assed Take That shirts. Erin was trying to converse with the driver; Rita was apparently her name. Meanwhile, Michelle hogged a cardboard cut-out of Robbie Williams, and Clare and Orla were sifting through all the different merchandise.
“Robie?” Clare said to herself as she held up one of the shirts to look at before frantically digging through the rest of the boxes. In the driver’s seat, Rita seemed to have some type of drunken meltdown. Clare turned to Y/n, panicked like always. “Y/n, what are we gonna do?”
“She’s spelt ‘Robbie’ wrong on every single t-shirt.”
“How are we gonna break it to her?” Y/n snorted. That was not what she expected her dear friend to be worried about.
“Clare, we’re being driven around by some crazy tipsy woman, and I bet she doesn’t even know which direction Belfast is in. And yet you’re worried about a spelling mistake?”
“I find it disturbing.”
“I find your priorities disturbing.” Rita continued talking in her drunken, weepy state, leading to another discussion between Erin and Michelle about the correct label to use for the intimidating men they had run into.
But everything was cut short by the van ramming into something, causing everyone to jerk forward. There was a moment of silence as everyone tried to figure out what had just happened.
“Jesus Christ.” Michelle groaned, rubbing her head as she sat up.
“What was that?” Erin asked no one in particular.
“Did we hit something?” 
Orla opened the sliding door of the van and stuck her head out. Everyone heard a gasp of both surprise and delight.
“Oh my God, it’s the polar bear!” The sentence made everyone, excluding Rita, who smoked her cigarette in the driver’s seat, jump out of the van and surround the body. 
“Orla, this is not a bloody polar bear.” Y/n sneered, looking down at the dead sheep that lay before her feet. Everyone slowly looked over at her.
“You’re soundin’ like James,” Michelle said in slight disgust.
“Shut up.”
“Get it shifted, girls!” Rita commanded from the van, taking another drag. Reluctantly, the girls grabbed the sheep carcass and tried carrying it to the side of the road to clear their path. There was a lot more struggling than they intended.
“Why’s it so heavy?” Erin said with a strained voice. “Aren’t they meant to be ninety percent wool?”
“Just put your back into it. The sooner this is done, the sooner we’re back in the van and on our way to see Robbie.”
“Shut it about Robbie, Michelle!” Y/n groaned, trying to pull the sheep. There was much more arguing, and after a very short while, the girls decided they were officially over this task.
“Fuck this!” Michelle shouted. “Let’s just make James do it, the lazy bastard!” Everyone dropped the sheep on the ground and waited for James to do all the work.
But he never did. It was just the girls on an empty road with a dead sheep and a crazy woman. 
“Wh… Where is James?” Clare asked, looking around, hoping he’d suddenly pop out of a bush or something. 
Y/n thought long and hard. She might have been the last one to be with James. Backtracking to her last known moments with James, Y/n gasped and raised a hand to her mouth. The girls looked at her expectantly, waiting to find out where he was. Her response was an embarrassed and horrified whisper.
“I left him with the travelers.”
It took much persuasion, mainly for Michelle, but the girls had gotten Rita to go back for James. It was primarily the revelation that James was the one who had the concert tickets. After a long drive, the van skidded to a stop in front of the traveler’s stands of vegetables and fruits. James was among the men, helping them. Y/n yanked the van door open, relieved that her boyfriend hadn’t been mugged or stranded or something else of the sort.
“James!” She yelled in delight, immediately catching his attention. He grinned but stayed stuck in his place.
“What are you playing at? Get in the van, fucko.” Michelle commanded, less thrilled to see James than Y/n was. The man who first chased the girls put a hand on James’ shoulder.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to, James.”
“With all due respect, this has nothing to do with you.”
“Yeah!” Y/n added, desperately waiting for her boyfriend to get into the van.
“The way you treat this fella, it’s disgraceful.” The traveler reprimanded.
“Fucking excuse me?” Y/n felt beyond insulted.
“What’s going on, James?” Michelle asked.
“Jonjo and the lads…” James looked at said lads with a smile. “They just get me. And it turns out, I’m a really good salesman.”
“He’s a natural,” Jonjo said.
“So, what, you’re a g*psy now?” Michelle asked, clearly thinking this was an unfunny prank.
“Traveler.” Erin and Y/n corrected in unison, Erin louder than her sister.
“Actually, g*psy’s fine,” Jonjo said. Michelle smirked, finally being able to prove to Erin that she was right. Rita yelled at everyone to hurry up, and Michelle nodded.
“Right, get in the van, come on. And do not test me ’cause we’ve already missed PJ and Duncan.”
“Is that who was supporting them?” Clare asked. When confirmed, she pouted. “Oh, I really like them!”
“I’m not leaving, Michelle,” James said with finality.
Y/n sighed, stepping out of the van. The tense gaze James had for his cousin softened when his girlfriend walked up to him.
“Not even for Gary Barlow, Jamie?” Y/n knew she made the right move because now James looked unsure of himself.
“I don’t really rate him as a, as a songwriter, y’know?” Jonjo said. The horrified look James suddenly had painted on his face made Y/n smile, both because she knew that the girls would now be leaving with him and because he looked so adorable. 
James took off his fanny pack and handed it to Jonjo in disappointment, refusing to make eye contact.
“I’m sorry, Jonjo, but you’ve just crossed the line there.” 
Y/n wrapped an arm around James’ back and guided his sad self to the van, where the door was just behind them. She brought him to the back of the van so he could mope a bit in peace. The girls all talked excitedly amongst themselves about the concert.
“I’m sorry I stranded you,” Y/n said quietly, moving her hand down James’ back to squeeze his hand. He squeezed it back and smiled softly down at her.
“I’m just glad you came back.”
“Of course, I came back. You have the concert tickets.” James shoved Y/n away and couldn’t hide the growing grin from hearing her laugh. “Kidding, kidding.”
After a long drive, long lines, and a big fight to get to the barricade, the Derry girls were finally able to enjoy Take That in all its glory. They screamed the lyrics, jumped to the beat, and danced all together in excitement. They didn’t care about the consequences when they would get home to their parents, who were probably worried sick. They didn’t worry about how they’d get home that night. All that mattered was that they were currently in the presence of one of their favorite bands of all time.
Somewhere in the middle of the set, the excitement winded down a bit as a piano intro played. Y/n squealed, tugging on James’ sleeve, as she recognized what was dubbed as her and James’ song, A Million Love Songs. James grinned at her excitement.
“Oh my God! I have something for you!” Y/n exclaimed over the music, digging around in her pockets. James looked down curiously as she brought out a folded piece of paper. “If it’s bad, you’re not allowed to make fun of me.”
“What is it?” James leaned down so he was closer to eye level with Y/n, making her blush. She pinched the edge of the paper, creasing it a bit.
“Do you remember when Erin became magazine editor, and we were going through those essays and… and Michelle found mine?” James nodded, remembering the day clearly because he was devastated when he heard the title of her little essay. “Well, I figured, since it’s our third month together and all… I wanted to give it to you.” He was gentle when taking the paper from her, so incredibly curious about what she had written. “Especially since my fancy isn’t so one-sided as I thought.”
All Y/n could focus on was the beautiful song in the background and the beautiful boy in front of her, reading words that had come straight from her heart when she thought her love for James was just a hopeless crush. She didn’t know if it was a good sign, seeing him become more flustered and blushy as he read on. When he was finished, he slowly and carefully folded the paper back up while Take That started to play a more energetic song.
“Again, you can’t make fun of me if it’s bad!” Y/n shouted over the noise. “I know Erin’s the writer or whatever, but- oof!” She was interrupted by James pulling her to his chest, arms wrapped tight around her and face buried in the crook of her neck. She immediately returned the affections. 
“It’s amazing.” He said in her ear. “Amazing, and lovely, and perfect. Just like the girl who wrote it.” Unable to help herself, Y/n brought James’ face to hers and kissed him with such passion, a passion he reciprocated instantly. It was as if it was only them existing at that moment.
Of course, it wasn’t. Clare would later tease and squeal at the two and interrogate them about when they had finally gotten together and why they didn’t tell her. Too enamored with the men just feet away from them, the rest of the girls didn’t even notice the couple.
And somewhere in Derry, while the rest of her family was fighting, Y/n’s father Gerry smiled fondly at his television where he saw his daughter having the time of her life at a Take That concert with her best friends and boyfriend. A boyfriend he’d absolutely be asking her about in private when he had the chance.
TAG LIST: @mistahjsfunnygirl @etherealdisneyvillainness @crystalsoobin-m @raggedyoldwitch @rosetintworld @regretthatsme @neenieweenie @allexiiisss @drmeghanjones @eli-com @anything-for-our-moony-toast @ilovespideyyy @eddisaurus @imagines--galore @imastabu @emma-is-a-nerd @sir1usblacksgf @kaz-2y567 @ventingtostrangersontheinterwebs @spidercrush3 @humanoid-freak14 @the-lonely-raisin @miilkshakess @underthebatcape @dear-jamespotter @brithedemonspawn @crumpets-are-better-with-jam
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cure-icy-writes · 13 days
Relatively minor pet peeve of mine but I hate how racism is so.... ingrained in culture and language that you have to dig it out like shrapnel. yeah so "g*psy" is considered a slur for romani people and some people have the misfortune of being given that as a name. oh this common saying is super antisemitic. this one too, if you like halloween you need to be aware of racial slurs used in america. a billion people before you have made their hatred and vitriol so casual and you inherited it without knowing. anyways have fun and try not to develop moral ocd about this.
this post brought to you by: sherpa is apparently the name of an ethnic group in eastern nepal, and they have asked for people to stop using it for a specific fabric otherwise known as faux shearling.
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further lyrics and info below the cut. even if you havent seen the show i want opinions!
1 2 3 4 5 6
Where is the man with his hat in his hands/Who stands in the garden with nothing to lose -> Where is the man with arms outstretched?/ To the woman he loves with nothing to lose
Doubt comes in/ And strips the paint/ Doubt comes in/ And turns the wine/ Doubt comes in and leaves a trace/ Of vinegar and turpentine -> Doubt comes in/ The wind is changing/ Doubt comes in/ How cold it's blowing/Doubt comes in and meets a stranger/ Walking on a road alone
If it’s true what they say/If my love is gone for good/They can take this heart away/They can take this flesh and blood/Take my mouth that kissed her mouth/Take my tongue that sung her praise/Take my arms that used to reach out/ In the dark to where she lay -> If it's true what they say/if theres nothing to be done/If its true that its too late/And the girl I love is gone/If its true what they say/Is this how the world is?/To be beaten and betrayed and then be told that nothing changes
Take this voice, take these hands/I can’t use them anyway/Take this music and the memory/Of the muse from which it came -> (Absent, replaced with the workers' lyrics?)
Everybody dresses in clothes so fine/Everybody's pocket are weighted down/Everybody sippin the ambrosia wine/ It's a goldmine, in hadestown -> [Cut, replaced with she's gonna ride that train" build up after "that was not six months"]
When I was a young girl like you/Sister, I was hungry too/Hungry for the underworld/When I was a young girl/Now you know how it tastes/The fruit of Mr. Hades’ ways/Sister, it’s a bitter wine-Spit it out while you still have time/Take it from a woman of my age/Love is not a gilded cage/All the wealth within these walls/Will never buy the thing called love/Love was when he came to me/Begging on his bended knees/To please have pity on his heart/And let him lay me in the dirt.../I felt his arms around me then/We didn’t need a wedding bed/Dark seeds scattered on the ground/The wild birds were flying around/That’s when I became his wife/But that was in another life/That was in another world/When I was a young girl!-> [Cut entirely]
In the fever of a world in flame/in the season of the hurricane/flood'll get ya if the fire dont/any way the wind blows/Sister gone gone the [nomad*]'s route/brother gone gone for a job down south/gone the same way as the shanty town/and the traveling show/any way the wind blows
In the valley of the exodut/in the belly of a bowl of dust/crows and buzzards fly in a row/any way the wind blows-> [replaced by hermes's exposition on the fates]
*initial use of the word g*psy, which is a slur against the roma/romani people. mitchell was unaware of the hateful connotations and cut the lyric once made aware.
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olderthannetfic · 13 hours
You know, for years now it's been annoying me why marginalized people have to argue with Western English speakers about slurs we experience, or even just what is or isn't a slur, especially in languages the English folks don't even know shit about.
I realized, you guys have absolutely no idea how to handle how to confront slurs and your own internalized bullshit.
I've noticed that primarily English speakers have this weird gold standard for what a slur is, and you seem to have a checklist to determine if you're gonna bother respecting that slurs from other places exist, and that you probably shouldn't so casually keep repeating them when made aware. As if people from the Anglosphere are the final judge and jury about what is or isn't a slur, even when you can't even pronounce the name of the language the slur is from, and you've never met a person affected by that stigma and slur.
Someone not from the Anglosphere mentions a horrible experience with slurs and bigotry. English speakers can't keep their mouth shut and just not try to relativize that person's experience, because they just have to know everything.
The gold standard is the N. word btw. Yes it is a horrible slur, especially when in the English language paired with the history.
But when I see more people upset that random languages have words that vaguely have a similar sound, Naga-snake person, nega-a korean word, rather than keeping up the energy to avoid using other slurs or not denying other languages and cultures also have specific slurs, which have been used against many, you just keep doing it. I've seen people flip out, calling the words controversial and insensitive. When it has nothing to do with the slur. Rather than actually caring that they themselves keep repeating or perpetuating harmful mindsets that no slur other than English ones should be avoided or be taught to be mindful of, but everything else isn't their problem... yeah no.
Meanwhile on the other side, people who're victims of slurs, especially those not English, have to constantly explain why something is a slur, and people in the English language still try to explain why everyone else is wrong. Even in the English language you people keep getting offended when someone asks you not to use a literal slur from the English language, and you still keep arguing. The A/B/O situation btw, G**psy as well. You love your slurs, but you also love your moral superiority.
I'm a little confused by this being phrased in terms of the Anglosphere.
Yes, I do sometimes see people being idiots about "You can't say that vaguely n-word sounding thing while not speaking English!", but even most monolingual English speakers understand why that's silly.
It's equally silly to think people should avoid innocuous-in-English words while speaking English.
But your two concrete examples are things used in the West in the Anglosphere. It's just that Americans sometimes have poor judgments about the level of offensiveness of slurs in English that aren't common here.
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chaosfae-writes · 2 years
𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐲 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫, 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐞
summary: sometimes love can only be felt from afar.
warnings: angst, one-sided pining, minor invasion of privacy, voyeurism, smut, possessive Michael.
pairing: Michael Corleone x poc!reader
a/n: For @melis-writes for inspiring me to write for the Godfather, this is for you babes! <3 the reader is half-poc, half Silcian, this is a little ooc from canon because I’m a woman of color, please let me just live my Michael Corleone dreams in peace. The word g*psy is mentioned, I don’t condone the slur, it’s used from an actual quote from The Godfather.
do not repost my works.
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The pitter patters of little feet dash.
Small giggles echo throughout the Tahoe home, accompanied by heavier steps following behind.
Playful monster growls, fingers curled into makeshift claws, hunching over — Fredo runs after his three-year-old nephew, Sebastian.
Not too far from the boy, in case he needs to catch the child who is still learning how to walk.
The waddling toddler bounces on his little feet, arms in mid-air, instinctively running to the shared master bedroom of his parents. Cautious feet turn the corner of the hallway, akin to a penguin, Sebastian wobbles through the bedroom door.
“Sebastian, I’m going to get ya’!” Faux menacing growls causing the little one to squeal, as he crawls under the bed, not stifling his laughs all too well.
Chubby little fingers covering his mouth, his little gummy smile.
Fredo tries to tame his voice as his other little nephew, Vincenzo, is napping in his crib. An atomic bomb can fall from the sky and the infant would still be in his deep sleep.
Fredo follows the path his little nephew ran, slipping through the ajar open bedroom door, humming to himself mischievously, tapping his chin as if he’s deep in thought.
“Now where can little Sebastian be?” Childish giggles can be heard from underneath the bed.
“Oh where, oh where can Sebastian be?” Fredo dramatically announces, his arms extend wide as a theatrical jester.
Fredo walks to the closet, pretending to finally catch the little Coreleone, with an ‘ah ha!’, opening the closet doors wide open. Fredo’s hums with an impressed flair.
“Hmm, not in the closet.” Fredo twirls around at his feet, and stops mid-way, making sure his feet are seen at the hem of the quilt, by Sebastian, in the dead center of the bed.
Fredo hums again thoughtfully, tapping the toe of his shoe against the flooring — Fredo kneels down hastily, lifting the hem of the bed sheet.
“There you are!”
Sebastian squeals loudly, trying to worm away, but Fredo catches him with ease, playfully dragging him out from under the bed by his chubby little legs; but under Fredo’s nose, a clamor of an object is tousled.
It doesn’t register with his mind — he’s too enamored with Sebastian’s babbling.
As Fredo tickles his nephew, his mind wanders off into a train of thought. His finger ceases with the ticklish assault, a weight of self-deprecation settles upon his crown.
Fredo pauses for a moment, staring at his happily gurgling nephew —- a spitting image of his father, Michael’s twin in the flesh, jet black hair that curls at his ears, those wide rich brown eyes, and olive skin.
The mannerisms, and the precious furrowed brow, whenever Sebastian is deep in thought.
In his arms, Fredo holds his future successor, his reign was casted further below the familial tree, among the awaiting heirs when the boys were conceived.
Now another heir is to be born in six months, a third child you carry. The family hopes for another boy — the three sons, three little Michaels.
Sebastian grabs Fredo’s nose, bringing him back to reality. Fredo chuckles, kissing Sebastian’s forehead. Just as he fully brings his nephew up to his chest, something scatters by Fredo’s feet.
A black leather bound journal scattered across the flooring, finally catching Fredo’s eye. Cradling his nephew against his chest, he debates if he should even dare.
Curiously, he leans the balls of his feet, cautiously his hand hovers over it — debating if he should pry it open.
But the intrusiveness that weighs on his shoulders is becoming heavier and heavier until it cracks his spine. Snatching the journal from the floor, Fredo tucks it under his armpit, as he guides little Sebastian by the hand to his room for a nap.
August, 1957
Michael is returning home, and my soul can rest once more. The idea of letting Michael travel unsettles me, the hunger of our enemies is always ready in the shadows.
I’m terrified of losing him, that somehow an enemy manages to kill Michael. What would I do without him? A life without him would be nothing but grief —- the black veiled widow crouching in the farthest church’s pew, weeping for her lost love.
I refuse to become that; I will fight alongside my husband, even if he’s foaming at the mouth, raving that I shouldn’t put myself in harm’s way. To just be his lover, and the mother of his children —- his heirs to his throne.
No —- when I spoke my vows, it’s for better or worse. I grew up in this lifestyle — the family must stick together, and regardless of the misconception of the don being a lone wolf, he is not.
My Michael isn’t alone —- he has me.
But some nights, dark thoughts clutter my mind, moments of confusion, and despair —- what if Michael doesn’t need me as much as I need him? Michael isn’t invincible, he’s only human — what will become of my children and I?
Go back to Italy? My sons are far too young, barely walking —- would we even live in Tahoe still?
To lose Michael, is like losing a piece of me —- I wouldn’t know who I am.
Who am I?
How would I protect my children? Flee back to Italy? Hide away in my father’s villa home?
Fredo pauses, crouching over in his seat, alone in his guest room, neck deep in your personal entries. His fingertip tracing the loops of your elegant cursive, kissing the pages; kissing the dried tear droplets, and the smeared lipstick stains.
Inhaling the scent of your soft sun kissed perfume and woven stitched leather.
He can feel the ache of your lonely childhood, from the early entries of your proposed marriage that was once crafted by his father and yours, to loving Michael and how God arranged the fate in a peculiar fashion.
Fredo can recall the wedding — a spectacular Roman Catholic wedding, your bridal dress silky and long. How the lace veil fell upon your cherub face.
He nearly threw up, if he could he would’ve snatched you off the altar and drove off — never looking back.
To the worries of your marriage through each entry, Michael’s possessive nature, or maybe he won’t survive the next day; your poems entrance him.
It only makes his heart yearn for you more.
I would protect you.
The kids are down for a nap, little Vincenzo arose earlier, Fredo fed him a prepared bottle of milk you put away before leaving, played with the infant for a few hours, and then the little one slept again.
As Fredo sits alone, your journal is still in his grasp, reading, savoring every written word — faint gravel can be heard from outside.
Fredo’s head turns, through the transparent curtain, he can see the slick black vehicle coming towards the home.
In a sprint, Fredo closes your journal, putting it back in its original resting spot underneath the bed, and dashing down the stairs in a haste.
Fredo halt’s at a mirror in the hallway, his open palms slicking back his silky hair, and shuffling his shirt back in place — to look his best.
The car parks in the driveway. Fredo watches through the kitchen window, hiding behind the curtain. Peering shyly as if he dares to unveil himself more behind the curtain, he would be caught.
Caught admiring from afar, the way a man shouldn’t for a married woman.
One of Michael’s guards quickly opens the back door, holding your hand securely as your other palm is protectively around your bump.
As you try to gather more than one bag, the guard helps hold brown bags of groceries into the home; away from your grasp.
Fredo quickly dashes to the kitchen, opening the back door, hands frantic. His chest becomes excited to see your bubbly smile, as the driver trails behind you with both arms occupied.
The door swings open, Fredo boldly stands there, trying to compose his composure; a titter of a surprised giggle escapes your lips.
“Hi, Fredo.” Such a warm greeting.
Fredo quickly takes the brown bag from you, guiding you into the kitchen — even helping you take off your trench coat. The guard is not too far behind — ever so observant, ever so quiet.
“Thank you for watching the boys.”
Apologies for taking so long at the market slips from your lips, but Fredo doesn’t mind at all — just idly staring at your mouth. Fredo mumbles that it’s okay, he enjoyed his time with the boys. Shiny dark brown hair, brushed smoothly as the end of your hair is coiled into bouncy curls, soft pink painted lips, and your maternity dress hugging your body snug.
You always said in moments of frustration on some days, often calling yourself a parade float, hormones to blame, but to Fredo, you were perfect.
A motherly glow.
“No worries, we were playing all afternoon.”
Fredo joins you in putting away the groceries, a pleasant silence falls that doesn’t need to be filled with chatter. It’s comfortable. Your own personal bodyguard takes his place in the foyer, after you shush him off, telling him it’s okay to relax, and take a break.
Washing and putting away vegetables, along with cartons of milk, wrapped up meats and fish, canned juice, and fruits in the fridge; boxes of pasta are put away in the cabinets.
It’s comfortable — domestic, even.
Dusting your hands against each other, idly watching Fredo stack up the last of the boxed goods, a tender smile curls at your mouth.
“Would you like to join me for lunch?” You spoke sweetly, Fredo turned his face over his shoulder, with a toothy grin.
“I would love to.”
The sun has settled beyond the horizon, and the night has come to full bloom. Dinner has been served, the kids played around with Fredo, and yourself — as much as you could, with a swollen bump.
Played house games, and watched television with popcorn. The boys were bathed, swathed and loved till it was bedtime.
You sit in the master bedroom, cradling your bump, as you prepare to dress down to more comfortable sleep gown for the night.
Humming to yourself, digging inside your drawer for your silk nightie.
Faintly the front door opens and closes, it echoes dully against the stretched lavish home; you pause with baited breath. Hands frozen, as you await. Hushed chatter downstairs, you can make out the guard’s voice and his.
Dull footfalls crawl up the stairs, as you slowly turn your body away from the dresser. Out of an anxious habit, your hands caress your swelled bump, a shaky smile forms at your mouth. The sounds of feet come closer from the hallway — to a stop to the bedroom door.
A breath hitches at your throat, as the door knob slowly turns. A subtle creek of the opening door, as if time slowed down to a stand-still. Your ears heat up in anticipation.
He’s home.
Michael stands at the door, his hands in his pockets; under his watchful eyes, a tender smile curls. His cold eyes now soften, his shoulders relax.
Every fiber of your body yearns for him, and it makes your heart warm that Michael only shows his true self — in quiet moments, when the world disappears, Michael expresses his affections, comfort and vulnerability.
Only to you and his babies.
Michael walks to you, quietly, his eyes roaming your body, the changes of motherhood has bestowed you a glow, and more plumpness to the flesh of your curves. Your breasts swelled with milk for his children, your hips wider, thighs are more detectable.
Shyly you take small footsteps to him, both of you relishing the sacred shared space — finally, he’s back home.
His hands gently touch your cheeks, as if you were a precious jewel, his eyes are kinder, as he stares at you.
A soft kiss on your forehead, feathery to the touch, earning a hitched gasp in your throat; another to your cheek, his intoxicating breath fanning your touch starved skin.
And finally his plump pink lips hover just hairs over your mouth, his tongue daring to peek through the cages of his teeth — you’re desperate, a pant as you flick his parted mouth with yours.
Tantalizing, teasing one another, eyes never wavering from each other — relishing in radiating body heat.
Your fingers softly trace the bridge of his Roman nose, trailing to his cupid bow, to his pink full lips, Michael’s lips kiss gently. His eyes never waver from yours, his hands fondle your thighs, gliding upward the terrain of your waist, caressing the stretched skin of your ample bump.
The unspoken silence falls softly, now just inches apart from each other; as Michael’s fingertips graze your cheek, the warmth pacifies you, as he engulfs your jaw with his open palm.
His fingers glide the slope of your neck, caressing the nape of your neck, by his tender grip pulls you into a kiss. It’s passionate — desperate even, your arms wrap around his neck.
Michael’s arm wraps around your waist gently, not too firm to crush your growing belly — open mouth kisses, his warm wet tongue licks against yours, moaning into each other’s mouths. Your fingers roving messily in his inky black hair, soft tufts, and pulls.
Michael can feel your pulse under his thumb, thumping with a rush. The pang of lust hits your clit, as Michael suckles your bottom lip.
“I need you,” you whisper between kisses, “I need to feel you.” Whining, as your nails scratch his scalp — a deep low growl emits from Michael, “My sweet wife, I’ve neglected you for too long.” He spoke upon your wanting mouth.
His lips graze gently against your lips, hovering as his warm breath engulfs, sending tingles through the atoms of your flesh. The kisses are becoming erratic, more sloppy, as Michael’s teeth trail with open wet kisses, to the juncture of your jaw.
Nibbling and suckling, the curve of your neck, as your mound ignites hotly. Two bodies melting into each other, becoming one once more.
It’s late.
Fredo sits in isolated silence, with a glass of whiskey held by the tips of his fingers. Staring into the window view, memorized by the rippling night waters of Lake Tahoe.
Fredo often goes to bed with you on his mind, the only comfort that eases him amidst the chaos of his. When he needs to remind himself of the silver lining of living, he doesn’t get on his knees like his mother with a rosary woven between her fingers, head bowing in prayer — he thinks of your face.
But he should get on his knees, for God blessing a pathetic man as himself, that God let him know you, to have you in his family — even though you were married to Michael.
Instead of marrying a good woman like you, Fredo surrounded himself with easy women, bad partners who left bad taste in the mouths of his family.
American women with big breasts and big mouths to match, and thirsty livers. From getting two waitresses at a time to being married to a washed up broad who cheated on him, to then seeking hollow affections from showgirls, blur of alcohol bottles, bare breasts, and emptying himself inside their wombs with his seed — strings of raw fun nights to only end with the cold shoulder, and doctor Jules Segal’s speciality.
Often looked down upon for his reckless appetites, but making up for the slack of strength with charm, and burdened with insignificant family business deals, a tactic his father did to keep his middle child preoccupied for years.
Ridiculed for being the weakest link of three sons, the runt of the litter; for the lack of his father’s approval the more he weaned on his mother’s tit.
But it always begins at the mothers, this cycle of self-abuse, letting women inflict him; it always starts with the mothers.
His mother had this running joke, ‘You don’t belong to me. You were left on the doorstep by gypsies.’
A caricature of a man.
So easily dominated by women he places on a pedestal, only moments of tiresome rage does he assert himself — but it wasn’t enough to heal that fractured ego, and masculinity.
Starving people will eat the love they think they deserve — Fredo is starved, yet ill at the core.
Coddled by his own baby brother, from the outsider’s eye, it would seem that Michael was the older sibling, and Fredo being the youngest — a pang of spite strikes Fredo everytime. For years, when he’s alone, Fredo would stare at the ceiling, and ask God what is his purpose?
Was his existence just a spite towards his father? To be the stepping stool for his brothers?
Tears sheen his eyes, blinking back as droplets kiss his lashes, sniffling as he sits in his desolated state — you never pitied him. Always a shoulder for him to cry on, moments of conversations, your light humor on life is always refreshing.
You never spoke to him in a condescending manner, only spoke warmly to him. Your melodic voice trances him, fantasizing in his mind as he touches himself late at night.
Instinctive motherly doting, you’ve helped Fredo even in his most disgusting moments. Helped him sober up when he was a drunken mess, conversed with him on anything, never running out of interests.
Imagining you riding on top of him, legs split apart his torso, your warm cunt wound tight, clenching him for dear life — your delicate hands resting upon his chest, as his fingers dig into your bare cheeks, guiding your hips. Your sepia skin glistening with a sheen of dew.
Fredo scoffs, covering his hot face in shame, breathing heavily. He slams the glass on the table side desk, his chest heaving, as his length grows hard and wanton in his unbuckled pants. Wringing his chin by the fingers, he mentally berates himself for thinking such filthy thoughts of his sister-in-law.
These past few days have been a dream for him, while Michael was away in New York conducting business, Fredo and yourself were here with Sebastian, and Vincenzo.
Just the four of you, eating dinner together, boat riding round the lake, playing games around the house, late night conversations — being a family.
Playing house with a woman wedded to his brother, but he couldn’t help but delve into a fantasy of himself being your husband. That the wedding ring resting on your marital finger was the one he picked out for you, that this is your shared cabin home together, and Sebastain was his son.
A fantasy detached from reality to pacify him.
It made him think of his own son, wondering what has become of him, who’s taking care of him —- what would life have been if he had taken in his only child. Fredo knows he wouldn’t be able to take care of a kid, he’s only ever the uncle, never father material.
He can’t even take care of himself.
The swirling eels of envy crawl in his guts, hissing at Michael —- Michael is the don of the family, Michael got the beautiful perfect wife, the perfect children, the perfect home with a lake to match; and what does Fredo have?
A washed-up ex-wife, a string of meaningless affairs, self-depreciation, and a tainted reputation all under his belt.
A forgotten son — just as his lost heir, lost to the world.
Fredo shuts his eyes, his nose scrunches, as his eyes are wound tight, wrinkling in despair. Stinging droplets of tears cascade down his cheeks.
Skin against skin, limbs woven as one, sheets ruffle under thrusting hips; Michael’s huskily moans in your ear, making your thigh quiver.
His cheek against yours, his tongue finds its home once again in the crock of neck, as your hand is sloped around his waist, holding onto his tailbone, fingertips digging into his waist — guiding him harder inside you.
Your wet cunt sloshes, your ass jiggling against his pelvis, his cock deep to the hilt, as you’re split in half for him. Your leg is looped over his thigh, Michael ravishing you, as his arm is protectively over your belly.
Michael’s teeth nibble at the shell of your ear, whispering praises hotly, as your eyes roll to the back of your skull. Nearly squeaking when Michael’s thrust his wet cock at your g-spot — splitting your velvety mound, his balls softly hitting your swollen clit.
Soft growls emit from Michael’s throat, he needed this — needed your body for so long. Michael’s husky and warm breath hisses in your ear. Michael’s warm tongue licks the slope of your throat, suckling a wet open kiss, as his hips thrust without mercy — as if he was trying to impregnate you once more.
“You’re so beautiful like this, wet, and moaning just for me.” Michael’s whispers, “My little wife,” his fingers caress and stroke against your soaked cunt, his fingers scratching at the sensitive skin. “Mewling like a kitten, she’s purring just for me.”
“I’m going to cum–” You nearly shrill, as your gasps for air blow softly against the wisps of messy hair, scattered and tousled from Michael pulling on it earlier.
It’s painful yet so good, to feel his cock pistoning inside you; Michael snarling as he nears emptying his balls inside of you.
“Cum on my cock, let me feel you soak me.”
Airy moans, and gasps echo within the lavish bedroom, silk sheets wrinkled, and mangled as two bodies melt together — as a lone eye peeks through the cracked bedroom door.
Hiding away, peeking through the crack of the bedroom door, a lone teary eye watches one — Fredo nearly vomits, swallowing the bile down harshly.
It’s wrong to stare, but he can’t help but yearn to be in Michael’s position. Hearing your mewling is a symphony to his ears, his skin shivers.
His fingers itching to hold you — he looks away, silently stepping away, how disgusted he is of himself. Waves of shame fall upon him.
It’s been three days since Michael has returned home — and Fredo can’t stand it. As if his teeth gnawed on the thick tension of jealousy.
An itch of hurt swells in him, feeling abandoned by you, as you tend to Michael. Fredo knows deep down he can’t feel this resentment toward his brother, Michael is your husband, you haven’t seen him in so long.
As a loving wife, it’s within your right to be dutiful.
It drives him mad.
Fredo’s in the kitchen, pouring himself a drink, accompanying his glass is a pastry you bought from the market the other day.
Busy buzzing in his mind — too deep his thoughts — his brow etched in a frown, he didn’t hear a creak in the flooring, or timid steps nearing the kitchen. Slender fingers slither against his torso, tickling him in surprise, Fredo nearly yelps; a melodic giggle brings his heart back down.
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t help myself.” You chuckle, you awh at Fredo’s frizzled state, he resembles a spooked cat with spiky fur that aligns its arched spine. Fredo smiles, shaking his head, trying to restrain himself from your intoxicating touch.
“It’s okay.” Fredo hums, his cheeks a bit warm now. “Just getting a snack,” a glass of whiskey and a pastry —- the ideal late night snack.
“What are you doing up?” Fredo’s palms hold onto your forearms, “You should be in bed.” Fredo towers over you, as you lean against him comfortably, you breathe a chuckle.
“You and Michael are such mother hens,” you extend your chin at Fredo, playfully pouting at him, slightly stepping on your toes. “I’m alright, the baby hasn’t slowed me down just yet.”
Fredo admires the dim glow of the kitchen light gleaming on your brown skin — it shines with no blemishes, as his eyes lower to trace your heart-shaped lips.
Is this what a sin feels like? Deliciously, intoxicating, how Fredo wants to taste you right on the kitchen counter — shower your baby bump with kisses, suckle your heavy breasts into the cave of his mouth.
He’s burning up inside. You gingerly lay your head on his chest, hugging him, Fredo softly kisses your forehead, “Well, someone has to take care of you. Watch you like a hawk.” You hug Fredo in a bear embrace, you haven’t been able to spend time with him, or have a simple conversation.
For the past few days, your mind has been preoccupied with taking care of the children, and tending to Michael; or when you do see Fredo, he’s in Michael’s office — the both of them locked away discussing business that you weren’t privy to.
You adore Fredo, the sweetest brother you’ve had, you never had a brother — you always wished to have one as protective and caring as he is.
You mutter under your breath, as you hug Fredo “Well I’ve missed my hawk.” Fredo’s arms swallows you in his embrace, his cheek now resting on your dome.
You notice there's scattered playing cards on the dining room table, “What are you playing?” You point to the cards, and Fredo’s head moves from your head.
“I was just playing some solitaire, just to pass the time.”
“I love solitaire!”
“Would you like to play a game?” Fredo has a toothy smile, ready to snatch any chance to spend some time with you.
Your hands mindlessly rub your belly, humming, “I think I might be a boring player.” You chuckle, tucking your chin to your chest, scrunching your lips in embarrassment.
“Rummy is the only card game I know.” You say, shyly rubbing your belly, worried that your limited knowledge is boring for Fredo, knowing that he must have had more fun over the years at Vegas, but it doesn’t dim Fredo’s excitement.
“No, no, I love rummy!” He stammers, a toothy smile stretches on his face, holding the box of cards against his chest.
You tuck your chin, shyly nodding, “Okay, but I will warn you, I have a pretty good hand.” You tease, easing yourself into the seat, your hands protectively cupping your bump.
Four rounds in, and it’s finally a stand-still.
In your palm, you hold four variations of sevens, one jack of diamonds, a queen of diamonds and a ten of hearts. Just one more card, and you can win.
But so can he.
Playful eyes squint over your hand, as Fredo tries to play off a stoic poker face — purposely letting the stoic mask slip, with a dramatic pursed pout that successfully earns giggles from you.
He has a consistent string of club cards: 1234, along with a queen of hearts, a jack of hearts, a lone eight of spades.
Fredo suspects you have the card he needs, he’s trying to brainstorm a plan to get you to drop it to the pile of discarded cards.
Fredo hums, making the choice to pick up a card and drop the eight. With a swift pluck of the card, Fredo discards his spades, and picks up a nine of diamonds.
Your competitive side is itching, the tip of your polished nail taps against the back of your assorted cards. You have no choice but to pick up as well.
You pick up from the pile, and see a random 2 of spades. You huff, and put it down on the pile. Fredo’s brows furrowed in concentration, he doesn’t need the damn diamonds — what else can he do? Put the diamonds down, and pick up another.
Victory melts on your tongue with delight, chest alit — as Fredo’s diamonds finally touched the discarded pile, it was game over. With a swift pick up of the diamonds, replacing the ten of hearts. “I win!” You squeal, showcasing your full hand of cards.
Fredo guffaws playfully, “Rookie’s luck.”
The living room is quiet, and warm.
Sliver of moonlight gleamed through the ceiling high window, a flourish illuminated the lavish home decor.
The scattered playing cards are resting on the dining table, as Fredo and yourself are just resting on the couch. Just small talk, shoulder to shoulder, both comfortably on the cushions.
Fredo can feel your inviting body heat, it hugs him with that reassuring comfort that makes his body tingle. Adjusting himself so he can sink into you.
“Did you think of any names for the baby yet?”
You hum low, as your manicured fingers fiddle, “If it’s a boy, his name will be Anthony,” your head falls on the crock of Fredo’s shoulder, a shiver crawls up his spine at the contact, without any thought, lays his head on yours.
Your breath hitches excitedly, “But if it’s a girl, her name will be Rosalia.” Without any thought, your head caresses sweetly against Fredo’s shoulder, enjoying the shared warmth.
“Like the saint.”
You whisper a dreamy ‘yeah’ under your breath, you love your boys more than life itself, but you would be so happy to have a little girl too. The boys are their father’s twins, will the baby be your twin this time?
The boys are already spoiled and have their father wrapped around their little fingers, now imagine a daughter — poor Michael won’t survive it.
You take Fredo’s hand and cradle it against you, “Another baby to love, another baby for Michael to spoil.” Fredo’s fingers curl around the slopes of your fingers, not daring to let go.
A pregnant pause of comfort falls.
A heat surges through him, he can’t stop himself — an urge that feels so good, but so wrong.
Slowly, Fredo pulls your hand closer to himself — it’s a blur, a compulsive need that overrides his mind.
Wispy kisses on your knuckles, Fredo doesn’t think, just let his heart overcome any logical thinking —- a stunned silence falls.
He can feel you becoming stiff, not from disgust, just surprised, Fredo can hear your breathing picking up.
You don’t pull away your hand, worried that it would hurt his feelings. You stare into the darkness, as your skin flushes with an overwhelming heat at the cheeks.
“I love you.” It spills from his lips in a flurry, a hurried whisper.
“I love you,” He repeats. Fredo’s warm palms cradle your face, as you sniffle back tears, murmuring his name under your breath.
Fredo’s lips kiss your palm feverishly, murmuring against the knuckles. Closing your eyes, as your lashes become wet with droplets. Pleading with him to stop now, before it’s too late.
Fredo moves his body, his warm clammy hands grasp at the nape of your neck.
“I wish that you were my wife.” He kisses the tip of your nose, as fat tears cascade down his cheeks. Breathing in harsh breaths, caressing your face with his.
His beard tickles your skin, delicately your fingers grasp his hands, the pad of your thumbs stroking. “Fredo, please—” you don’t know what you’re pleading for; for him to stop, for him to say it’s just a joke.
Opening your eyes, gazing at his wet sheen eyes, and you see it’s no joke. “I hated my father for so long, for arranging Michael to marry you.” Fredo’s fingers thread further to the nape of your neck, pulling you into him.
“No, don’t say that,” your fingertips softly pat his mouth, “Don’t hate your father.” Fredo shakes his head, kissing nimbly on your fingers, more hurried, as if he couldn’t give enough kisses, as if you’ll slip away.
“Fredo, no —- I can’t, I’m sorry.” You choke back a sob, weakly trying to escape his hold. Trying to wiggle your face away, throat burning from restrained tears.
“I suffered for so long, seeing you and Michael together.” Fredo’s hush voice fans against your face, not daring to let you go. He won’t stop now, he’s in too deep.
“Why couldn’t I have you?”
He wants you to love him, to see the mess he is and still love him, that he’s worthy of love. For once, he can be the first choice.
Yearning — no, what he feels is much more destructive.
“Fredo, I love you — I do.” You suck in your lips, wet breathing, “But, I love you like a brother.” Fredo crumbles, forehead to forehead, your arms wrap around him in a hug, he holds onto you as if he never wants to let go.
“Please love me.” He mumbles, all you can do is speak his name in a loving manner, as he cries in the crook of your shoulder. Caressing his scalp, but what startles you is Fredo’s small wet kisses on your skin.
The most logical thing for a wedded woman is to push him off, but you can’t bring yourself to do so. He’s fragile, and too kind for any aggressive response — you know he means well, he’s a good man.
His thoughts are murky, desperate — to create any plan for you to see that you belong with him. He’s not thinking straight, he’s a broken man.
“He still thinks of Apollonia, he never stopped loving her.” Fredo spoke in a rushed tone, his skin cringing at the mention of Michael’s late wife, knowing it will sting you.
A pin can drop in the dead silence.
He can feel your body prickle, your breathing gets heavier, crumble underneath him, breaking apart like a duck egg, now just clinging onto Fredo as a life-line.
Shivering in his arms, he pulls you closer, as you practically sit in his lap now. In his arms, encasing you lovingly, as you nearly wept in his shoulder. Fredo’s fingers stroke the swollen stretched skin of your belly.
A call for your name beckons in the dark.
Michael’s voice breaks through the silence, his disembodied voice looming at the top of the stairs, calling out your name. The upstairs light turns on, giving a shadowed honey-dew.
Quickly, you wipe away your tears by trembling fingers, composing yourself, subtly clearing your tight throat, “I’m down here, Michael. Just talking with Fredo.”
Michael stayed quiet for a moment.
“Okay, it’s getting late — come to bed soon.” All you can say is ‘okay, darling’, you fix yourself, as well as fixing Fredo’s disheveled clothes, wiping away his tears.
Without any word, you stand up, even in the darkness you can see the gleam of Fredo’s tears. Stroking his bearded cheek, you lean down, kissing Fredo’s forehead, “Get some sleep.”
Leaving Fredo to himself, as you slowly trek upstairs, he can tell you’re beyond frazzled — what can he expect when he confessed his love to you so suddenly.
Fredo goes to bed alone that night but sleep never comes to him.
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🚩Witchcraft Red Flags🚩
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🚩In Witches
🚩Believes only women can be witches, gatekeeping practices, worship, tools, etc 🚩Believes that magic/spirituality/energy/crystals can cure mental illness, physical illness, chronic illness, and disorders 🚩Doesn’t respect closed paths or practices 🚩Tells others how their paths should be 🚩Won’t stop telling witches they need to protect themselves from deities 🚩Thinks they are more powerful than anyone else, won’t stop talking about how powerful they are 🚩Judges all witches with Wiccan rules 🚩Treats baby witches like they are idiots and don’t deserve respect 🚩Calls themselves a fancy title without being able to back it up 🚩Thinks hereditary witches are more powerful/better than first generation witches 🚩Dianic Wicca [heavily infested with terfs/radfems and lesbian separatists] 🚩References Silver Ravenwolf, Raymond Buckland or any of these authors 🚩“G*psy witch” 🚩Tells you they can help you be more powerful or you NEED them in particular 🚩Anything that would go on a cult warning list 🚩Tells you to go off your meds 🚩Claiming natural is better for you than man-made 🚩Gives lists of herbal remedies without providing any safety information 🚩Acting like Science is evil, or unfeeling, or inferior to magic 🚩“Only white people can follow the Norse pantheon” 🚩Claiming witch-hunters were targeting secret pagans instead of just heretics and self-sufficient women 🚩Acting like Wicca is “ancient” or calling it “the Old Religion” or tracking it back further than Gerald Gardner [the guy who invented it] 🚩“Wicca and Witchcraft are the same thing” 🚩Claiming St. Peter's cross is Satanic, or that Ankh is Christian 🚩Anything new age [Illuminati, New world order, talks about Atlantis like it's real, aliens, ect] 🚩Claiming they'll provide you forbidden knowledge 🚩Tribal tattoos from a tribe they aren't apart of 🚩"You were meant to see this video" 🚩Recommending any work from scammers 🚩Discouraging learning the history of a practice 🚩Claiming deities from different pantheons are the exact same 🚩 AI art
Toxic Mentors
Quick note: Never trust your mentor as a end all be all source of knowledge, always do other research
🚩Discourages you from learning on your own 🚩Belittles your experiences and undermines your knowledge 🚩Refuses to allow you to have your own beliefs and or opinions 🚩Tries to change your practice and/or push you around 🚩Gaslighting 🚩Berating you when you get information or talk to other witches 🚩Do things that upset/hurt you in the name of ‘keeping you safe’ 🚩Warping your experiences so they fall in line with their own 🚩Telling you that they are the chosen one, or a prophet of god in order to keep you in line by fear mongering 🚩Attempt to build relationships with your spirit companions as an attempt to steal them from you and control you further 🚩Tries to or insists to preform magic on you that is supposed to be connected to your aura, your energy, or your soul 🚩Everything that happens to you seems to magically line up with what is going on with them or something that only they can help you with
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🚩In books:
Note: Any extremely old book will have red flags, mostly due to Christianization to when reading books from like 200 years ago keep that in mind and take it with a grain of salt
🚩Anything new age 🚩Uses “Witchcraft” and “Wicca” interchangeably 🚩Black v white magic, Light v Dark 🚩No bibliography 🚩No academic or historical sources sited 🚩Saying baneful magic is evil 🚩Saying baneful magic will always backfire 🚩If you don't cast a circle the spell won't work 🚩The G slur 🚩Using deities or spirits as tools 🚩Westernized Chakras 🚩Suggests that “witch” is a gendered term or refers to witches (and possibly the reader) exclusively with she/her pronouns 🚩It sets hard timelines on length of study before you can call yourself a witch or learn certain skills or try certain activities 🚩It says anything about youth being inherently magical 🚩Law of attraction 🚩Suggests or even hints that witchcraft, magic, whatever can replace medicine or therapy
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🚩In Covens
🚩Intimidation, fear, and isolation [key factors to running a cult] 🚩Egotistical leader, they are “always right”, ect 🚩Pay to join 🚩Gender identity/sexuality requirements 🚩Puts their leader on a pedestal 🚩Leader claims they have special abilities/claims they are more powerful or special than the other members, self deification 🚩Any signs of abuse 🚩Instant initiation 🚩Hazardous/puts you, others or animals in harms way 🚩 No age restrictions 🚩Tells you to stop taking your meds, going to the doctors, ect 🚩Forcing beliefs and/or traditions onto you 🚩Forced sexual practices, alcohol use or drugs 🚩Unnecessary security 🚩Lost touch with the physical and mundane world 🚩Distance you from others 🚩Being told by friends and family that your changing (not in a good way) and/or spending too much time with them 🚩Illegal activities 🚩Religious lies 🚩Overly sexual 🚩Make you make changes in your life to be more like them or their standards 🚩Lead by inexperienced members 🚩Tries to get you to rely on them 🚩New members are belittled and treated as inferior to established members 🚩Leaders demand unreasonable amounts of time dedicated to the coven 🚩Coven limits the type of witchcraft that members can practice 🚩Leaders place more importance on serving them than on practicing your craft 🚩Anything that would go on a cult warning list that I haven't already mentioned
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horsefigureoftheday · 5 months
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Apparently there's a Struts knock-off! It's sold as "G*psy Queen Adventures in Unicorn Land," though, to avoid using a literal racial slur, I'll refer to it as Gigi Queen if I ever talk about it again, since the logo appeared with that name on this plushie:
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They were discovered by Fakie Spaceman :)
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oneknightstand-if · 7 months
hi, i saw on the valentines preview that one of the choices, the first choices, includes the word "g*psy". if you were not aware, the term originated as and is still used as a racial slur against romani people.
That's literally a direct quote from Hunchback of Notre Dame...
The evil archdeacon of 15th Century France is doing way worse than not using a modern PC term here (he's literally threatening to kill the heroine if she doesn't sleep with him).
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isleofdarkness · 5 months
Dear anon whose ask was eaten by Tumblr,
Yes, I am well aware that the word g*psy isn't always seen as a slur by all Romani people. I am just uncomfortable with using the term because a) a not-insignificant portion of people see it as a very bad slur and I tend to agree with them, b) I don't want to alienate people from my work by using an ethnic slur I personally feel I've no right to reclaim or use, and c) I'm descended from Irish Travellers and the word makes me uncomfortable as it's a word that was used against us, too.
I'm glad that Romani people have reclaimed the word when referencing themselves and their culture. I am not one of them, though, so I'll stick to treating it as one of those words I'm not allowed to say.
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gritsandbrits · 2 months
i was on discord sharing fanart of peri a new wish and one guy liked the update but hated the name
i told him the reason for the change is because poof is a slur for gay people but he argues the show uses it before so why the complaining now?
pretty much asshole whining over things being woke and sensitive, and pretty hella ignorant
if you are told a word is a slur, then it's a slur, don't say it in it's context
just because hunchback used g*psy back then doesn't mean it's okay now
Ikr! Peri fits better because it sounds fairy (it even means fairy in some languages) but also for his color.
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chaifootsteps · 9 months
even if you like the word "g*psy* it's still a slur??? don't use it unless you're Romani and reclaiming it
I am.
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wyrmguardsecrets · 1 year
This feels pretty racial to me. Someone named Romani. With a title of 'g*psy' seems pretty not okay to me. They also commented in their trp about their last name and how it was an early word for a servant of a hall it manor... ans they originally wanted sail, but still stuck with Sael.
That makes it, imo, even worse? Idk man. Seems suss to me. Post this or don't, seems up to your standards to me.
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yeah, y'all, don't use irl slurs and shit for stupid wow stuff lmao. this is icky.
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