#gaalee fic
velvetwyrms · 2 months
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Some illustrations for the first chapter ‘How to find the good ones,’ of my GaaLee Alien AU: Falling Fast Through Fragmented Universes.
Go give it a read for some horrifying-meet-cute shenanigans with a huge bunch of flowers and rain heavy enough to feature in a romcom.
[Please do not repost, reblogging stops my hours of work from dying in your likes, lets others enjoy this too and spreads the word of my work. I’m also in the process of opening a Sand family askblog ft GaaLee <3]
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ginkuki · 15 days
The way my mind INSTANTLY played Fantasy when I read the title 😌👌 Now I have to listen to the whole album again
I love the duality of this is loving and this is despicable xD Could I ask about these two?
HOO darky you really asked for it this time, SO!!!! these two wips are based on the same prompt but with different outcomes. as you would expect, 'this is loving' is tender and sweet and 'this is despicable' is the gaalees going through torment simply because i asked myself what if. prepare yourself for a long response...
'this is despicable' spawned first in conversation with @bayheart - what if lee got hit with a sleeper agent jutsu that led to him destroying suna once he returned home from a mission (in this universe, the gaalees are married and lee is living in suna), and the only option was for gaara to have to fight him? well. this. gaara realises just how much lee holds himself back normally, and that he can't bring himself to hurt him properly.
'this is loving' spawned when we got too upset at our own concept and we decided to make an alternate universe where this Did Not happen to lee, and instead he returned to find gaara had not coped with them being apart for so long. gaara is going Through it. cue body worship smut times.
they both start with the exact same scene but take on some divergence once lee gets home.
without further ado.... snippets under the cut....
i will say now - both need tws. the first for violence, the second for weight discussions
'this is despicable'
He rolls out of the way of Lee’s fist, but it still strikes the ground hard enough for the resounding shockwave to tear at his eardrums. New deafness greets his left ear when he suna-shunshins back to gain more objectivity. Space for thought.
Nothing comes to him in the split second he has before Lee catches up.
This isn’t something Gaara can mastermind his way out of - Lee’s attack style is unlike anything he’s ever faced in earnest, not since the last and only time they fought, again, in earnest. Quickness usually lends itself to lightness, and Lee might be light on his feet, yes, but he’s powerful too. Every blow is a tsunami, drowning Gaara, depriving his brain of oxygen, and the longer he withstands this, the more he worries he won’t be able to outlast Lee.
His stamina means nothing if Lee pounds him into a pulp first.
“Lee, please, you aren’t yourself! Listen to me!” He shouts, forearm barely blocking another punch so solid his bones protest. “Lee!”
Face torturously, vilely blank, Lee’s teeth tear at the bandages over his hands, and Gaara knows where this is headed. Still, the kick to his chin takes him off guard. His head snaps back, his teeth clacking together hard enough to rattle, and blood fills his mouth as gravity forgets it should have an effect on him.
With every punch, his thoughts grow muzzier. It becomes easier to accept his inevitable fate. Lee’s going to kill him, and Gaara hasn’t even had the strength to hit him back once.
Maybe he doesn’t need to.
A palmful of armour detaches, spraying out with pinpoint precision to wind up in Lee’s eyes. It’s only a split second of distraction, but it’s long enough for Gaara to form the hand signs needed to substitute himself with a sand clone before bandages begin to wind around his torso. While Lee’s trying to snap a false Gaara’s neck, Gaara stands back with his trembling arms raised.
The Reverse Lotus doesn’t leave much room for peripherals, but even so, the flash of lighting would surely raise the alarm.
As he watches a mirror-image of himself and his lover crash headfirst into the ground, a sand dome snaps down to cover them. Then, praying he’s fast enough, Gaara places both palms on the outside and pulses lightning into it. Glass spiderwebs across the surface, molten silica heating and shifting to create a glass dome that’s enough to trap even the likes of Lee inside.
Lee slowly comes into focus inside, staring unfeelingly at the crumbling remains of Gaara’s clone.
The sand clone reforms, wrapping around Lee’s legs. Even to Gaara’s own eye, it’s pathetic. His own mouth moves, his own face dragged down with pain, his own eyes welling with tears, and Lee does nothing except meet Gaara’s real eye on the outside.
Gaara reads his own lips.
‘My love, please, stop.’
‘Listen to me, you have to snap out of this.’
‘Come back to me, please. I can’t stand to hurt you.’
It’s what he’d say if he were in there himself, but even that isn’t enough when Lee’s fist shoots out to crush sand-Gaara’s head mid-plea. Lee’s still watching the real Gaara. Only the real Gaara, with nothing at all behind his eyes. No memories of their love, no recognition. Nothing.
The oxygen inside will run out soon. Gaara only hopes he knows the right moment to let Lee breathe again.
'this is loving'
The Kazekage’s living quarters are found not too far from the office. Around the softly angled sandstone walls, it’s completely still but Lee knows ANBU are lingering. Even if he did know where to cast his gaze, he wouldn’t see them. They recognise him, though, even dirtied and exhausted from travel, and let him pass without so much as a flicker.
And Gaara, lovely Gaara, is waiting patiently outside the front door. He sits amongst small jungle of cacti, all potted in fine earthenware and laid around a wooden bench Lee brought from Konoha, where it’s impossible to breathe without stumbling across a master woodworker.
Lovely Gaara, though it is not Gaara in entirety, not as Lee left him.
The shadows at his temples, beneath his cheeks, under his eyes, seem deeper. The pallor to his skin is wrong, his hair looking thin. Lustreless. Lee’s spent years undoing the work of Gaara’s tireless youth, but they’ve crept back. A weed has grown while he’s been absent, unplucked convolvulus roots spreading to the surface.
Without even having removed Gaara’s coat, Lee knows he’ll be finding more ribs than he left.
He tries for a smile. Maybe it falls flat, he thinks, when Gaara ducks his head. The flesh underneath his chin doesn’t crease like it did a month ago.
This isn’t the time to be worried. It’s been so long since he’s seen Gaara’s smile in more than memory. His pack thunks to the ground, puffing dry sand into a cloud he leaves behind in his quick stride to his husband. “Long time no see, stranger!” Gaara folds into his arms with a happy chuckle, happier still when Lee presses a wet kiss to his cheek. “I have missed you so much.”
“I’ve missed you more, I think.” Gaara sounds so very small as he nudges his nose into Lee’s collar, arms winding around his ribs and back up to the nape of his neck. His thumb strokes gently over Lee’s hairline, the grown out strands of his undercut now at tickling length. “You at least had distractions.”
“Yet still, they were never enough to keep me from thinking of you. You were my last thought before sleep and my first thought upon waking.”
“And mine of you. I’d forgotten what it’s like to go to bed alone.” Gaara’s grin is a damp smear across Lee’s throat. “Not to mention, I’d forgotten what it’s like to be so pent up. I’ve been masturbating like a hormone-addled teen since you left - it hasn’t been enough.”
“Gaara!” Lee buries his face into the side of Gaara’s hair, ears burning. “Your ANBU are still within earshot!”
“I know. The poor things have been witness to it all, I imagine.”
“Let’s get you inside, you relentlessly obscene creature.” It’s still natural to scoop Gaara up and over his shoulder, no matter how intensely Gaara may protest at the indignity. After doubling back for his rucksack, he carries his husband over the threshold for what feels like the thousandth time. For all Gaara may splutter and bang his fists against Lee’s back, he does nothing else to wriggle free.
“I’m a Kage and have been since I was a teenager.” Gaara grouses, face still tucked into the small of Lee’s back. By Lee’s chest, his feet kick petulantly. Though he knows he shouldn’t, Lee can’t quite help but notice he’s grown lighter. “I’ve led countless shinobi in war, I assisted in the defeat of Uchiha Madara, I was host to-”
“You have an erection.”
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urieskooki · 15 days
greetigns gratuitous sniiFFFF it's General Grievous Dating Sim will u please indulge me and gossip about venom and also growlers thanku xoxo i love u
KEL.... i'm so sorry u already know so much about both of these wips but i shall indulge u! i have another ask about venom so i will answer just growlers in here xoxo
gay thoughts by the growlers is window lesbians (and also an excellent song)! basically a pwp where lee and gaara live in apartments facing each other and flirt thru the windows.... and maybe do other things perhaps.... potentially... (yes) it's mostly just lee being a creeper tbh.
a snippet for u that u maybe have not read yet is below :) it's not nsfw but it is suggestive ohoho
Her neighbour's door is swung open, followed by said neighbour trudging in with yet another enormous earthen pot overflowing with trailing green vines. They wrap around her arms, long and vibrant, and Lee yearns to ask what they are, what her neighbour does with this collection of greenery, anything. Really, she yearns for any excuse she can get to speak to her. But she can't. Instead, she watches her neighbour unload the pot onto the nearest available surface.
Her neighbour stands back with her hands on her hips, contemplating her newest addition. Slightly to the left, Lee thinks, noting the slight unbalancedness of the vines. They trail down over the edge of the table, giving the table a strange heaviness when in collaboration with the countless tiny pots of succulents. Really, to Lee’s untrained eye, it needs to be more centred.
Instead, her neighbour turns to eye the fall of sunlight through her windows and instead shuffles the pot to the right. Lee decides it looks better this way. But her neighbour isn’t done - she kicks her sandals off and heads over to her window. Fearing she will be caught looking, Lee turns her head.
It’s eery, how one can feel watched even when their gaze lies elsewhere. Out of the corner of her eye, she spots the pale shape of her neighbours face, bleary features, all turned to Lee. Hastily, Lee shoves another mouthful of noodles into her mouth only to slurp far too many down at once. They’re a thin, tough noodle, and tend to choke when swallowed without first chewing copiously.
And Lee has done precisely that.
She hacks, coughing up chunks of food with every fist banged on her chest. This would be a humiliating way to die - in her undergarments with a throatful of poorly chewed noodles. Through the tears in her eyes, she thinks her neighbours’ shoulders might be shaking with laughter.
Lee straightens and tugs the hem of her tank top down over her panties, grateful that her flat chest won’t leave her too indecent when she lifts her arm to wave through remnant coughs. Her neighbour doesn’t wave back, but turns and heads for the door to the right. Through the crack of it, Lee spies rows and rows of forest green tile, dark wooden floors. A bathroom perhaps.
That would excuse why, despite knowing Lee is watching, her neighbour hooks her thumbs in the waistband of her loose, calf-length skirt, and drags it down. Underneath is a sight Lee struggles to avoid memorising. Soft, pale skin clad only in a pair of maroon (to match her hair) panties. Her t-shirt comes off, exposing a matching bralette and the delicate line of spine against gentle flesh. When her neighbour reaches for the clasp at the back, Lee ducks her head away entirely lest she be caught staring.
She could pretend she wasn’t - if she wasn’t certain her neighbour is looking right back over her shoulder.
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hyuga-eyes · 5 months
Touch ~ (Gaara x Rock Lee)
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Pairing: Gaara x Rock Lee
Summary: The Land of Wind is in war. The Kazekage prepares himself and the country for an invasion from the neighbours countries. The alliance between the two villages, Sand and Leaf, makes the ninja Rock Lee to be assigned to protect Kazekage. In the middle of war and political instability, the reunion of Gaara and Lee allows old wounds to be reopened, and a new feeling also arises between them.
Tags/Warnings: +18; slow romance; hurt/confort; smut
Read it here -> Link
Read it here -> Link (Portuguese)
A/N: Hello!! This is my first fanfic published on ao3. English is not my first language so I hope you have a little patience. I write first in Portuguese and then I try to translate it into English, so it may contain some errors.
This is the first chapter of many others I'm planning to write. I don't know exactly how many chapters will be yet, but I intend to write some smut scenes, so if you're underage, please don't read it.
Anyway, I hope you like it ;)
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kats-fic-recs · 1 year
A Beast, A Burden
Whenever your soulmate sustains a wound or injury, a flower will bloom from the same place on your body.
Gaara knows this, but his skin has always been smooth and undisturbed, covered in its armor of sand.
After all, demons don't need soulmates.
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Title: Not God, Not Us, but Something Else
Fandom: Naruto
Relationships: Gaara/Rock Lee
Characters: Gaara, Rock Lee, the rest of the Konoha 11 plus the Sand siblings
Warnings: dehumanization, manipulation, gaslighting, brainwashing and other forms of severe psychological abuse at the hands of a large group, eugenics and capitalism, discussions of dubcon and noncon, more triggers/more details to come
Additional Tags: modern setting, soulmate au (but fucked up), slow burn
Chapter 1 of ??, 2114 words to date
The Lovelink Program from Anteros Co. is finally up and running - much to Rock Lee's distaste, and his friends' excitement. Love takes hard work (two things Lee is very passionate about!), but everyone has their moments of self-doubt. Pushing through years and layers of it is hard enough already in the face of a corporation telling him they can make it all easier for a small fee. Complicating things further is the unsettling man from his dreams who Lee has now begun to see in his waking life. What does it mean to properly love a person, specially curated just for you? = = = Written for the @puregaalee 2023 WIP Your Heart Out event. Trigger warnings in the beginning author's notes.
Art to come by the wonderful @reject-tiefling <3
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hitorimaron · 4 months
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“Aha!” he exclaimed, pulling out a handful of what looked like bars. “These protein bars! They are definitely gluten-free!” And then he pushed all of them into Gaara’s hands.
“Um-” Gaara reacted, increasingly confused.
“I think this should do it,” the guy said happily, nodding to himself. “This works, yes.” he straightened up, salutting. “Thank you so much for helping me find the pilates place. And thank you for being nice about me having broken your earbuds!” He shouldered his bag and moved his shoulders around. “I’m sorry to have bothered you. This will be all. Have a lovely day!”
And before Gaara could even open his mouth to say anything, he ran off, following the track around the wide building of the Seishun.
Gaara glanced down into his full hands.
“Who does that,” he muttered incredulously.
Inspired by my fic you must (fix your heart)
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ghoste-catte · 3 months
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Hello and happy timezone, folks. Here's a commission I did for @hitorimaron - thank you so much for your support, and I hope you enjoy it!!
Title: my love spills out in a clotted, gnarled mess
Rating: E
Fandom: Naruto
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Gaara/Rock Lee
Characters: Gaara, Rock Lee
Additional Tags: Angst, Praise Kink, First Time, Hurt/Comfort, Explicit Consent
Lee brushes his lips over the seal, expecting to feel ... something. Some sort of tingle of power, a disruption in Gaara's chakra. But there's nothing there. Just cool, unevenly patterned skin—not so different from Lee's own scars. A little hitch in Gaara's breath, perhaps anticipation or perhaps surprise.
Read ‘my love spills out in a clotted, gnarled mess’ here on Ao3!
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shukakumoodboard · 5 months
hey kel why don’t you write some fanfic in ur free evening? well u see, i’m busy playing arts and crafts time with my comment section
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this is a love letter to everyone who leaves comments btw. i would die for u. also come to my house i’ll make u dinner
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sagemoderocklee · 1 month
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Unspoken Rules (1/6) Chapter 1: Rules of Diplomacy Rating: Mature Fandom: Naruto Pairing: GaaLee, minor ShikaTema, minor NaruHina Characters: Gaara, Rock Lee, OCs Warnings: implied homophobia Word Count: 1,670 Summary:
There are certain things the Kazekage isn't supposed to do. He's not meant to fraternize with foreign shinobi, he's not meant to be a lifelong bachelor or child-less, he's not meant to sleep around, and he is <em>certainly</em> not meant to fall in love with another man from another village. But then again, some rules are meant to be broken. Or five times Gaara tried—with varying degrees of success—to follow the councils expectations and the one time he stopped trying altogether and did what was best for <em>him</em>.
A/N: This fic was written for GaaLee Fics for Gaza, and was an author's choice. Originally, this fic started out as an ask game prompt where someone sent me a title and I came up with the fic I'd write (I know I changed the title, sorry anon ><). If you'd like to request a brand new fic--either your own prompt or author's choice--please follow the above link and donate to one of the listed campaigns.
This initiative was started before I found @ficsforgaza, but I did sign up as an author with that initiative, and am continuing to accept fic requests for donations. If you don't want a brand new fic and would prefer a fic update, you can also sponsor a WIP, donate for the unplanned sequel to Return to Sender, or donate an e-sim for an extra to an already complete fic.
Thank you, once again, to @ghost-in-the-stalls. I hope you enjoyed this!
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DDDDDDD: So you DO write!! I see you everywhere with your beautiful and wholesome comments and I was desperately trying to find your own writings, WHERE DO YOU POST THEM?? I WANT TO READ THEM BIGUEZBUIgbeugbezbgez
Could you tell us more about 05/19? Since it’s considered finished, I’m staring at you <>_<>
wAAAAAA THANK YOU YOUR WRITING IS SO EXCELLENT IM CRYYYYY the answer is uhhhh I haven't posted anything anywhere kjdfsjkdjk i just got into naruto this year (girlfriend finally talked me into watching habhbshdksdjk) and with it ive gotten back into writing for the first time since i was like 14 aNYwAYS
05/19 is a really short little blurb about Gaara introducing Lee to Shinki (>/////< " ) im a huge gaalee enjoyer and i love the idea of them raising a family together even if it might be too politically complex for that to actually happen shhhh i love being self indulgent kdjsdkj
this is the first time ive shared my writing with anyone other than my girlfriend in like 10 years be gentle with me hbdhfbdkdkkdlkf
small snippet be upon u:
"I have someone I would like you to meet." Lee could hear the gentle fondness in Gaara's voice as he spoke. In their letters Gaara had written at length about the young boy born with the iron sand kekkei genkai, orphaned in the war, whom Gaara had taken in as his own. With little, hesitant steps a tiny figure stepped from behind Gaara's back. He didn’t cling to Gaara as any other five year old would to their father, but Lee could imagine quite easily how those simple gestures of affection and trust come with time. Shinki had not yet been adopted for a year. Lee lit up, but tried to keep his excitement under control to not make the little boy feel uncomfortable or pressured. He had only seen him in a few scant photos sent with letter, but he had heard so much about him. He found he loved him already.
i hav so many feelings about gaara and lee being dads and giving their children the love and support they didnt get as children themselves ok im sof t
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velvetwyrms · 1 month
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An anatomical/‘realistic’ drawing of Alien!Gaara from my AU. (POV you’re Lee drooling up at him.)
Go and read the fic here!!
Gaara just has a pretty average body type in the fic. Strong shoulders, back & chest from carrying things all day across long distances, a little lanky, a bit of a softer belly from resting when he can and eating well to keep up energy.
This took me 3 hours and I’m really happy with it! 🥰
[Please reblog to stop my hours of hard work from dying in your likes. This let’s others enjoy it and motivates me to write/draw more of this AU! <3]
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ginkuki · 16 days
boxing gals?
teehee so boxing gals is my FTH fic for the wonderful @roarshackle and is basically my excuse to write hot girls fighting hot girl style while wanting each other soooooo badly <3 roarsh reached into my brain to inspire something i didn't even know i needed to write.
for context: lee and gaara train at the same gym but have only ever fought once, and said previous fight left them with... tension. enemies to lovers babeyyyyy
snippet under the cut!
Even before their… incident all those years ago, Lee was well aware of Gaara’s temperament. Gaara isn’t mean, but she’s blunt. She doesn’t hesitate before saying exactly what’s on her mind, and she doesn’t care how it comes across, just that it’s been said. Once, Lee was envious of her candour. Lee herself can’t help but dissect and put back together every word before it comes out of her mouth.
“I can move.” Lee offers, already scraping her belongings out of the corner of the ring, where the grubby ropes meet the supports.
The quick shake of Gaara’s head is closer to an involuntary jerk. “No bother. Since we’re the only ones here, we can spar.” Food quickly abandoned on the floor, Gaara moves to pull her headphones from around her neck with one hand, the other wrestling with the hem of her hooded sweatshirt.
In her chest, Lee’s heart leap-frogs. It’s not that the idea isn’t tempting, but the scar on her shoulder pulls as she watches Gaara’s frame stretch — ropy with muscle, yes, but so very small too. Gaara is the shortest in their gym by at least two inches, and undeniably the lightest. The top of her head reaches Lee’s collarbone, with Lee standing at a modest six feet and packing muscle to boot.
“It wouldn’t be a fair fight.” Lee tries to be gentle, wringing her hands together. “You could get hurt.”
There’s a reason for weight classes. Lee refuses to be the kind of fighter who relies on beating down weaker opponents to get her kicks, and she’s sure she would earn no respect for doing it either.
In a single, fragile moment, Gaara’s face shudders closed. It hadn’t been apparent just how neutral her expression was, until it slipped into this one of complete and utter disdain. “Fuck you.” She says, brows drawing up to pull her eyes open, wide, flashing with danger. She folds her arms, takes a step closer as if daring Lee to force her away. “What a pathetic excuse.”
“It is no excuse.” Despite herself, Lee draws back. “What if I were to injure you?”
“As if you could even get close.” Gaara sneers, “Just admit you’re scared to fight me because I’ll win. Again.”
It’s true that history speaks for itself. They’ve only ever crossed fists once, and it ended with Lee compressing her bleeding shoulder tightly with her palm, fist wraps stained and dripping. According to Gai, the sight had been beastly: the thin plasticky fabric over the ring had been a slippery, gory mess, a smear of Lee’s blood following her slow crawl underneath the ropes.
But this was years ago — they had both been weedy things then. Close in stature, the only difference being that Lee had been training since she was a child, and Gaara was new to the gym. New to boxing. Somehow, that didn’t mean she couldn’t beat a near master.
Still, it would be unfair to attempt a rematch, even with no stakes.
Too late, she realises she’s been stood without a reply. While she wracks her brains for anything at all, Gaara stoops to snatch up her belongings and wedges the ropes apart, paused with one foot on the other side of the ring.
“I don’t care if you think I’m weak. I don’t care if you don’t respect me, but never, ever,” She jabs her finger in Lee’s direction, the whites of her eyes flashing, “pretend you won’t fight me out of pity.”
Gaara takes herself off to some darkened corner of the gym, where the sound of her fists thudding against vinyl sneaks into Lee’s head despite her best efforts to stay focussed. Evidently, she tires of it, later in the night, and stands by the open front door for far too long before Lee realises this is her cue to leave also. When they head their respective ways, neither of them says a word.
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edai-crplpnk · 5 months
New Fic! 🌵🪷
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Gaara/Rock Lee, Minor Gaara & Kankurou
Modern AU, Fluff and Smut
First time (for Gaara), The Talk (consent and safer sex edition)
Autistic Gaara
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bandsandwristbands · 19 days
Considering a gaalee slasher/ horror fic for Halloween 🤔🤔
It would be super gorey and a bit cheesy like classic friend group gets picked off by evil monster, I really want to do something akin to evil dead?
Maybe even gaaleesbians? Final girl tropes yadda Yada. We'll see if I even get to it in time 😵‍💫
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kats-fic-recs · 1 year
Carnal Remains
The Chunin Exam woke something deep inside of Gaara during his fight with Rock Lee.
It isn't Love, it can never be Love. But it's deep, arching and twisting. Something carnal.
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