#gaara hidden
In my opinion no one in Naruto is “Good”
I think this is what people are failing to understand. No single ninja in Naruto is “good”. These are child soldiers, not traditional heros.
Killing is a right of passage among ninjas. This is literally what they get trained to do from a young age.
Itachi, Kakashi, Gaara, Minato, Jiraya, Shikak, Sasuke, Obitp. These are just the confirmed ones screen killers of the top of my head.
The frickin Hokage isn’t some friendly mayor or councilman, he’s a military leader that got this position after murdering hundreds of thousands of people. This is a person who signs death warrants like autographs.
Naruto is a world with waring states that are one spark away from a full blown nuclear war on the best of days.
So yeah, before you go around arguing about a character being a killer or “bad” just remember what the setting is and that no character is really “good”. They’re frictin child soldiers.
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inkskinned · 2 years
i have so much to say about this but like. fuck social media for making certain types of "pranks" popular. just as a blanket statement? if the intent of a prank is to humiliate someone without their consent, there is a good chance what you're doing is actually just bullying.
and if you record that person, you are being twice the asshole in that situation. recording someone takes away their agency. do you really think someone you just humiliated on camera is going to have both the bravery and presence of mind to calmly ask you to please delete the video if it makes them uncomfortable? and do you think the people who pull these kinds of pranks would be like - oh sorry, sure, let me delete it, no problem.
"pulling a prank" is like. supposed to be funny for both sides. when you put people in unsafe situations and then laugh at them/judge them for their response.... like. that's not funny. that's abusive behavior. you are training them to accept their dehumanization. it's controlling and ugly. please fucking have any form of empathy.
if you don't actually care if they feel safe/comfortable, you're not being funny. you're being mean. labelling something "a joke" in hindsight does not undo the damage. it just gaslights the other person into thinking their reaction was invalid. you broke someone's trust and personal boundaries for clout. they deserve to be upset about it.
and as a side note? i will bet you 200 american dollars that most of these "pranksters" would immediately crumble into a huge overreaction if anyone even vaguely reciprocated and put them into that level of humiliation - because it was never about how "funny" pranks are. it was about control and manipulation. they like feeling powerful and they like making other people feel less powerful. which is ... bullying.
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Gaara:Will you teach me how to use magnet release?
Gaara:Can you please teach me how to manipulate gold dust too?
Rasa:See,son,this is my s-
Kankuro:*shouting* SHIT.
Rasa and Temari:*turn to kankuro, frowning*
Rasa:Don't waste your time on this. You can mix regular sand with gold dust.
Rasa:(pats gaara on top of his head) good boy.
Temari:Don't need to tell me.
Temari:The clown is gonna watch his mouth from now on infront of you.
Rasa:Don't insult your brother,Temari.
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vote-gaara · 1 year
The Sands of Time: Gaara's Story
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Read on AO3
Summary: Gaara, Temari and Kankuro have made it back to Sunagature after having retreated from their country's defeated invasion on the Hidden Leaf Village. Now the siblings must stand before the Suna Council, fully preparing to be reprimanded for their failure, but instead there's a surprise in store...
Join Gaara as he learns to navigate his world, desperately clinging to the same ideals as Uzumaki Naruto, so that he can become someone special to others. The road to a better future isn't an easy one, and the path is surely treacherous with danger and betrayal looming, but for poor Gaara there is just no other choice...
Words: 2600
Warnings: Death Mention, Murder Mention, Sad Gaara :(
Author's Notes: This is actually the beginning of a two “book” series following the growing friendship (and eventual romance) between Gaara and my OC. However the first few chapters offer pretty solid, stand-alone explanations for how Temari, Kankuro and Gaara were promoted so fast, and how Gaara was eventually made Kazekage years after Rasa died….I hope you enjoy this either as a stand alone piece, or as part of the series it belongs to. THERE ARE NO ORIGINAL CHARACTERS IN THIS CHAPTER.
Chapter One: Mission Failed!
“Perhaps even I some day…”
Three figures sat hiding within the forest’s edge, sheltering from the dry wind that swept across the flat grassland beyond. Soon the three of them would be home to their desert village, where they could discard their filthy clothes, tend to their wounds and rest easy knowing that they were finally safe. 
It had been an arduous and painful two and a half days as they traveled through enemy territory, tensing up at the slightest rustle of foliage in fear that they had been tracked down by an Anbu squad, or even just a more rejuvenated surveying squad.
Though there was always suspense journeying through unfamiliar territory, the tension between the three shinobi, who were just barely teenagers, was immensely greater than that. They were injured, exhausted, and in no condition to fight, and they knew very well that a retaliation mission could have been launched at any moment to take vengeance on them for what their country had done.
Worse, still, was the bitter misery of distrust between them, for although they were fellow Suna shinobi and siblings, they felt alienated from one another; as if they were their own stars separated by a thick, dark, void of emptiness where they could see each other’s light, but it was so far away and felt so cold, so sterile, so miserable.
Gaara sat apart from his brother and sister, slumped up against a tree trunk where he was nursing a stiff injured shoulder and a throbbing pain in his head. A sensation he once found enthralling now has become a burden as he wished that the ache would subside and allow him to think clearly.  
“Uzumaki Naruto…” He thought, squinting in pain as the breeze made the light between the leaves dance on the dark forest floor. “Could I be like that one day, too?”
He stole a glance at his siblings who were sitting close together. They were silent mostly, but every so often they would murmur to each other, words that Gaara couldn’t hear. They never bothered to glance his way, anyway. Just two days prior, he couldn’t have cared less about what they were saying, but now he found he was experiencing a sense of yearning that was strong and unceasing, like an urgent itch. He wanted to know, to connect, but he didn't know how.  
“Why don’t they talk to me?”
The voice was so small, so meek and yet it passed through his mind with such speed that Gaara wondered if he had ever thought it at all. Perhaps it was just the pain. He had never had thoughts like that before…No, that wasn't true. He had, but so very long ago that he could barely remember what it was like to crave the company of others. All that he could remember now was the pain; the pain and the…
He closed his eyes, his head throbbing all the more. 
“It’s time,” Baki stated in his deep, gruff voice from where he stood in the doorway.  
Gaara glanced at him. It had been a week since he and his siblings had returned to Suna, but it was clear that being home didn’t mean their work was over - it was far from it.
When they had returned home, they were whisked away to the Suna hospital where they were put into separate rooms and treated. Gaara had watched from his examination room as medical-nin peered in to glance at him, only to become startled and recoil in horror when his eyes met theirs. He could hear their hushed, urgent murmurs as he continued to wait, painfully aware of how unwelcome his very presence was in a facility that swore to heal the sick and injured, regardless of prejudice. 
Yet it had taken almost an hour and a half before a young medical ninja slinked into the room. He began treating Gaara’s wounds quickly and without speaking, dabbing at the wounds with hands that trembled so visibly that Gaara excused him almost immediately.
Gaara was aware of his effect on people, but seeing their responses before his eyes always made his stomach churn. He watched silently, a smoldering anger like a mourning burning up in his insides, as the young medical-nin bowed quickly - clumsily - before swiftly departing, leaving Gaara alone to assess his half bandaged injuries, the room cold, quiet and empty.
Now, a week later, Gaara was in his bedroom, waiting for Baki to arrive to inform him that the head of Suna was ready for him. 
“The elders have reviewed your mission report,” Baki said to Gaara, getting straight to business. It may have been odd, but in the last few days Gaara had grown to appreciate Baki’s ability to look at him directly, to speak to him without being terrified. What once felt annoying to Gaara now felt like salvation, for even though Baki's tone was strictly professional, it made Gaara feel human. “We have lost a great deal during this invasion, so I wouldn’t expect any praise.”
Gaara nodded, remaining silent and somber as he followed his sensei through the corridors of the estate. He allowed his mind to wander.
Back when Gaara had left the treatment room at the hospital, he had quickly glanced around for Temari and Kankuro only to realize that they had left him. Gaara had departed then, expecting to go home to his room to rest, but was quickly ushered into the meeting chamber where his brother and sister were waiting for him. 
“The fourth Kazekage is dead.” 
Gaara didn’t know how to feel about his father’s death at that moment. He wasn’t even certain he saw Rasa as a father at all, and yet as the days passed an odd form of anguish began tearing at his stomach, and Gaara found himself angry all over again. He wanted to lash out at others, to inflict hurt, to kill, but he knew he couldn’t do those things anymore - No, he didn't want to do those things anymore. Yet he didn't trust himself and so he holed himself up in his room, only leaving for physical necessities and for his duties as a shinobi. 
Now sensei and student walked into the meeting chamber to a row of elders who bore into him with scrutinizing eyes. Gaara looked past them, his eyes resting on the statue that was erected in his father’s honor, but his heart felt nothing.
“Ah, and here’s Lord Gaara,” One of them quipped as if the elders had been talking about him - and perhaps they had been. “Lady Temari and Lord Kankuro will be joining us shortly, I assume.”
Baki nodded, “I hear them coming now.”
Temari and Kankuro stepped into the room, lining up next to Gaara without looking at him. They both greeted the elders, who did so in kind.
“Let’s get down to business, shall we?” The oldest of the counsel, Jōseki, called everyone's attention. "As you all know, your father, the fourth Kazekage, has been murdered. Our investigation points to Orochimaru as the culprit, and our evidence suggests he had assassinated and used Lord Fourth's identity in order to better manipulate the politics of Suna. We don’t have to explain that this has dire consequences for Sunagature."
"Not only is it a matter that we have to be vigilant against any spies that have been implanted during this betrayal, but without our Kazekage, we are vulnerable to other villages who may have been informed of our political status." Another counselor, Gōza, cut in. 
"We also have to be prepared for a retaliation invasion by The Land of Fire at any moment." Joseki continued, "And the status between our village and the daimyō is still to be determined." 
"No matter how you look at it, the fate of our village is balancing on a lot of very dangerous factors." Another one of them said as he cleared his throat, the only tell indicating that the calm union of faces who were addressing Temari, Kankuro and Gaara held tension among them. 
Shinobi weren't just physical tools used to sacrifice flesh and bone to the grinders that were their missions; they were mental and emotional assets that gave nothing away as they endured countless instances of immense fear, sorrow, anger and sacrifice. They were thus burdened to not only offer up their very health, and even their lives, to their nation, but the mental and emotional energy that was tethered to their refined and well trained physical forms. 
Just as a person whose body was injured to the point of collapse lost their consciousness, Shinobi who experienced emotional and mental fatigue were physically vulnerable; not just in how another may conquer them, but in how they could lose to their own impulses and act out poorly. 
Which wasn't that how Gaara had acted during his time in Konoha?
The tension that the elders held was an indication that there was something of great emotional weight to be discussed, and Gaara already knew precisely what it was.
“You all acted with disgrace during your time in The Land of Fire.” Jōseki cut in, not allowing the counselor’s hesitancy to continue so long that it would give it away. “Not only did your actions reflect poorly on the dignity of Sunagature during the Chunin Exams, but your very actions had caused the mission to fail and thus the security of the village rests on your consciences.”  
More of the counselor’s spoke up, addressing their disapproval and admonishing all of the siblings equally, despite the mission's failure having rested solely on Gaara's own bloodlust in his desire to stop at no length to kill Uchiha Sasuke. Temari and Kankuro had no choice but to retreat with him under orders given to them by Baki. Neither of them had done anything wrong, they were simply responding to their changing circumstances under immense pressure from both Gaara and the plan; however the council couldn’t address it like that.
The elders, despite having been hardened Shinobi with great skill and power, were still afraid of Gaara's power; perhaps not for their own safety, but for that of the village. It was simply a matter of tact that they skirt around reprimanding him directly, including Temari and Kankuro into the blame to soften the blow. There were already so many imminent dangers threatening those who called the desert home, they didn't need Gaara to be the final strike that would kill the already withering village of Sunagature.
Gaara found himself wondering what it would be like to have the elders solely single him out for his insubordination. What would it feel like to watch his siblings be praised for their own efforts and for him to be ripped into with tongue lashings and scrutiny? Was that type of acknowledgement not possible for him? 
He was no longer the Kazekage's delicate son, as there was no Kazekage any longer. The elders couldn’t hide behind status as a reason to not criticize him. Instead, Gaara was acutely aware that the elders were afraid of him, just as everyone else was, and so they continued to handle him like a weapon that could unleash demolition and death at the blink of an eye. 
Temari and Kankuro both bowed their apologies, accepting their share of the blame because they knew, along with everyone else in the room, that they were not the ones being rebuked. Gaara still felt strained by this, however, as even though the scolding was empty for his older brother and sister, he wondered if the injustice of taking the blame made them hate him even more.
Not that a Shinobi would ever dare admit to being upset by unfairness. 
"But enough of the wallowing," Gōza piped up, taking a stand at the round table. "We have other, more constructive, matters to discuss." 
Gaara was mildly surprised by the sudden change of course, but the feeling quickly passed. "They can't discipline us too harshly. Suna has risked and lost too much to the invasion, they need us for their next mission." Gaara reasoned. Yet as sound as Gaara’s logic may have been, he was incorrect.
Gōza continued, "As you know, the Chunin Exams are a cooperative event between villages, whose high ranking officials name those who they see worthy of promotion to go on to be Chunin. However, due to our recently severed ties to The Leaf Village, it is our prerogative to promote those who we deem fit." 
Gaara could sense his brother and sister stiffen in surprise. "Are you saying you're promoting us to Chunin?" Kankuro blurted out, unable to help himself. His shock was warranted, as Kankuro had forfeited in the semi-finals and wouldn't have even been discussed as a candidate had the Chunin Exams concluded normally.  
"You are all excellent Shinobi," Gōza said, "You all could have passed as Chunin long ago. It was merely a procedural and tactical matter that you compete, but due to our circumstances having changed, we have all come to an agreement that you three will move on to being Chunin of The Hidden Sand."
The siblings didn’t know how to react, as they weren’t expecting this. However, all three of them bowed and thanked the counselors, Gaara’s own thanks just barely audible in the big, open chamber. 
“Ever since The Third Kazekage disappeared many years ago, the tribes forming Sunagature have agreed the Kazekage title be passed down to heirs,” Joseki explained. There was a certain acidity in his voice as he appraised the three young siblings. “With your father being dead, that means that the Kazekage title could be claimed by any of you three. However, you are all much too young and not skilled enough - as skilled as you may be.” 
Gaara could see now the disdain Joseki had as his hard glare found Gaara. It cut into him like whips, and Gaara returned the sentiment. “Though Sunagature is in dire need of a strong and shrewd leader during our current circumstances, we have suspended our decision to elect a shinobi of no blood relation to Lord Fourth. This is due to our current agreement between tribes, nothing more. And so we will wait for one of you three to improve enough to be deemed worthy of the respect and admiration of the Kazekage name. That is the sole reason for your promotion, nothing more.”
Gaara watched as the rest of the counselors’ eyes shifted towards Joseki, their quick glances containing surprise but also a mild disapproval; even Baki had allowed the smallest line of tension to come between his brow. Perhaps what Joseki was saying carried a great deal of truth to it, but his own abrasiveness towards the three siblings was palpable and thus undesirable by the rest of the council.
Still, the elders were in agreement enough that they excused the careless delivery of the information. Rather they looked back towards Temari, Kankuro and Gaara and asked if they had any questions, to which none of them did. 
“Then this meeting is concluded,” Joseki said as he stood from his place at the table. Before anyone had any opportunity to move, he stalked out of the room, shooting Gaara one more look of abhorrence as he passed, leaving everyone else to listen as his footsteps faded in the long, echoey halls of the Kazekage estate.
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nightingaleflow · 2 years
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Sand Village Supremacy honestly (Matsuri not withstanding)
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catharsistays · 10 months
Does anyone else think Sunagakure (Village Hidden in the Sand) could closely resemble Mesopotamian culture?
Im trying to make cultural links between the Naruto World and ours since im not finding a lot of canon exploration in customs or socialization of villages/countries.
Currently in the Naruto wiki, its referenced that Suna's buildings are most likely made up of Stucco. Which is an architectural technique used across a good bit of cultures but generally it was used in Egytian, Minoan and Etruscan architectural sculptures. BUT- besides maybeee Egypt, the geography doesnt quite fit.
Other cities that use/used Stucco were Iraq, Arabia, Afghanistan, Northern Pakistan and around Southern India. Which btw i think fits CLOSER to what we see of Suna in the anime. But im not sure if there was any place that was specifically quoted as the inspiration behind Suna's anthropolgy if there was any.
Im thinking perhaps Mesopotamian culture and locations could be used in reference to expand upon the finer details of Suna's culture and society cause i refuse to think of them as just 'Aggressive Sand Village' yknow?
Please feel free to mention any other aspects you think should be explored since i just got hyperfixated on the mention of a real world historical technique in the Naruto wiki. It was probably just a comparison the writer made but thats good enough for me.
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giggly-squiggily · 5 days
My favs in Naruto are Shino and Hinata.
YAAS! Shino fans stand up! He's such a silly little guy! And Hinata is so beautiful. Can't forget Kiba and Kurenai of course; really all of Team 8 are fantastic!
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jesseevelann · 2 years
Gaara: Stop buying plastic skeletons for Halloween! It's terrible for the environment!
Rock Lee: Yeah! Locally sourced, all natural skeletons are much more environmentally friendly!
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tamayokny · 2 years
i love that sasuke didn’t actually get to see gaara fight before the final round of the chunin exams, so when they first start their battle sasuke is like “ummm what the fuck is this guy”
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bigmelonblog · 10 months
Name: Rock Lee
Age: Varies (During the Naruto series, he was around 18; in Boruto, he's older)
Affiliation: Konohagakure (Hidden Leaf Village)
Rank: Chunin (formerly), Jonin (Boruto series)
Rock Lee retains his distinctive appearance throughout both the Naruto and Boruto series. He has black, bowl-cut hair and large, expressive eyebrows that almost meet in the middle. Lee typically wears a green jumpsuit with orange leg warmers, and a red forehead protector worn as a belt. His hands are always wrapped in bandages, and he carries a pair of black leg weights.
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Rock Lee is known for his unwavering determination and indomitable spirit. He's extremely passionate about his training and idolizes his sensei, Might Guy. Lee is also a very kind-hearted and loyal friend, always willing to help and support his comrades.
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1. Taijutsu Expert: Lee specializes in taijutsu, the art of hand-to-hand combat. His speed, agility, and strength are extraordinary, and he has mastered various martial arts techniques.
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2. The Eight Gates: Lee can open the Eight Gates, which are chakra limiters in the human body. Each gate grants him immense power, but at the cost of extreme physical strain. The most famous of these is the "Eight Gates Release" (also known as the "Hidden Lotus"), a technique that can be devastating to both him and his opponent.
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3. Drunken Fist: Lee has also mastered the Drunken Fist style, which involves mimicking the unpredictable movements of a drunken person. This unconventional style can catch opponents off guard.
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4. Resilience: Lee's determination and mental strength allow him to push through pain and exhaustion, making him a formidable opponent.
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Rock Lee grew up as an underdog in Konohagakure, facing ridicule due to his inability to perform ninjutsu or genjutsu. Determined to prove himself, he sought out Might Guy as his sensei, who saw potential in him and trained him in the ways of taijutsu. Over time, Lee developed his unique style and became a respected ninja in the Hidden Leaf Village.
In the Boruto series, Lee has aged and achieved the rank of Jonin, demonstrating his continued growth as a ninja. While specific details of his life in Boruto may vary, his dedication to training, unwavering spirit, and strong bonds with his comrades remain integral aspects of his character.
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zen-edit · 10 months
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reccd · 1 year
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Naruto, Chapter 35
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cosmicrhetoric · 2 years
i dont want to talk shit about the most important work of fiction in our generation. but the political situation in naruto was always fucking bonkers huh
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vote-gaara · 10 months
I'm still laughing about how in episode 220 of OG Naruto, Gaara suffers a small injury on the side of his thigh which wasn't overall a bad wound to have, but it ripped his clothes so that he had to fight the rest of the battle with one butt cheek almost hanging out.
Like....why would they do that to him???? LOL
Don't believe me? Here's a link to @justgaara's gif set and you can see it in #3. (Don't blink or you'll miss it)
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rerairude567 · 1 year
Uncover the secrets of the brand new and mysterious Hidden Dragon Clan in "The Hidden Dragon Chronicles," an enthralling Naruto fanfic. Follow Izumi Suoh, a new original character, born from this enigmatic lineage, as she navigates a world filled with tragedy, friendship, and the longing for answers. Witness her bond with Gaara of the Sand, an unexpected place of safety from Shikamaru, and her transformative journey to become a ninja in Team 7 alongside Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura. Experience the captivating story on Wattpad or AO3, where the pages come alive with adventure and the truth lies waiting to be discovered. #HiddenDragonChronicles #NarutoFanfic #UncoverTheSecrets #Narutooc
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artfullypoetic · 2 years
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The best sibling trio ⏳
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