#gaara x shira
beilchmidtsan · 3 days
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I like these two fools so much.... I really want to be asked questions about them!! Q: Lee, is Shira still wearing the suit that you gave him?
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aleksandracoffan · 2 months
Do you have any favorite ships that you haven’t drawn/posted about yet?
Thanks for the question! Actually, I have a lot of peirings that I like, but that I haven't painted yet. Kakashi x Iruka, Kakashi х Guy, Neji x Ten-Ten, Hinata x Toneri, Ino x Sai, Shikamaru x Temari, Shira x Kimimaro (I do not know how it turned out…), Gaara x Urashiki, Rock Lee x Kimimaro (I did a small sketch with these two guys, but posted it only on boosty), and Itachi x Kisame, Kisame x Guy, Madara x Guy, Neji x Rock Lee (but only as unrequited love in childhood), Kankuro x Kiba, Shino x Hinata, Zabuza x Haku… Oh, my list is pretty big…
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on-the-edge-of-dune · 2 years
i am immensely surprised by the lack of gaara x shira fanfictions
you disappoint me
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iantoyawrites · 3 years
I just started the next chapter of "What the Water Gave Us" on AO3 and Shira makes a surprise appearance and fuck it is hot. Here's a preview.
He had come for one item that he had almost asked Kankuro to get for him, but he had not the stomach for asking. Now that he was here in person he feared it was worse this way. He stepped into an aisle with personal hygiene products, quickly glancing up and down the shelves, wanting to be done and out as fast as possible.
He heard the front door bell ring again and thought nothing of it until he recognized the voice greet the store owner. Shira.
Gaara swore under his breath and assessed for an escape route. He left the aisle he had come for, empty handed, and honestly overwhelmed with choices. He walked uncharacteristically fast trying to reach the exit.
"Lord Gaara? Is that you?"
Gaara froze in his tracks and slowly turned around. It wasn't that Gaara didn't want to see him. It was that Gaara didn't want to be seen by anyone, let alone Shira, attempting to pick out the best lubricant for anal sex. He groaned inwardly.
"Shira. It's good to see you." He did his best to act normal.
Shira grinned. He had aged well over the years, his long hair beginning to turn silver, his gaze steely, his scarred jaw strong and defined. Gaara tried not to notice that the chemistry that they shared was still full well and present. Gaara tried to not think about what Kankuro had said earlier about Shira being a potential suitor. He had not been ignorant to the fact but had hoped Kankuro had not noticed.
Gaara's heated face betrayed him.
"I haven't seen you in awhile, Lord Gaara. Have you been keeping up with your practicing?" He was of course referring to taijutsu, and no, Gaara had not found time.
Gaara's arms hung at his sides as he looked up at the other tall man. "No, I have not. I regret that I've been very busy."
"That's too bad. Your skills will weaken if you do not practice each day. Perhaps I can spar with you soon? As Kazekage, you should keep your taijutsu abilities honed and ready for a fight."
Images of Shira rough housing with him came unbidden to his mind, grabbing his wrist roughly while trying to block an attack, spinning him and throwing him against a wall sharply. Shira was a tough and seasoned fighter, which was an interesting contrast to his ability as a dancer. He had learned through Temari that he also gave dance lessons at his dojo, ceremonial and otherwise. When Temari had asked him to dance in place of Rasa in the traditional daughter and father dance at her wedding, he knew he had no more excuses to not dance. Teenaged Gaara could not resist the fantasies that followed their dance lessons, as memories of strong hands on his torso, hands, and hips had him dizzy with want. It had been obvious that was attraction was mutual when the other man's body pressed flush against his. They had not danced together since the lessons had concluded. Shira had kept a polite distance since then.
Gaara swallowed, face still red. "I know." He was unsure how to tread this territory, now that he considered himself taken. "I will need to check my schedule." It was not a confirmation, but not a rejection either.
Shira appeared hopeful. "Forgive me if it's not my place, but you are radiant today. I would be honored to have you over for dinner sometime."
Gaara could hardly believe his ears. What poor timing.
"...Thank you. I am very flattered, but I am with someone."
"Hmm." Shira nodded, careful to mask any disappointment. "That must be why you are glowing."
Gaara was certain his face matched his hair. His heart pulsed in his ears. "Thank you, Shira. It is good to see you, but I have somewhere I need to be soon."
"Of course, Lord Gaara. I did not mean to keep you. This person of yours is very lucky." He nodded his head humbly in parting.
Gaara nodded back and walked back to the aisle for what he came for. Yes. Yes he really is, he thought as he grabbed what appeared to be a suitable product, and went to quickly check out before anyone other than the store keep could see his purchase.
These two have been a headcanon of mine for some time. Might need to explore that more later...
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musaics · 3 years
yall remember that filler character from Suna named Shira? could only use taijutsu like Li? Was ridiculed and not allowed to become a shinobi until Gaara stepped up?
Anyway Shira x Li otp 
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bokurroo · 7 years
gaara x lee x shira is my new ot3 bye
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Naruto Challenge
Naruto Challenge
Tagged by @thelazyslytherin, Thanks so much Dear x3
Name Your Favorite
Female Characters: Temari, Hinata
Male Characters: Of course ♥Gaara♥, Kankuro, Naruto
Team: Sand Siblings
Sensei: Baki
Hokage: Minato and Naruto (Hell, I love them all ...)
Kage: Kazekage Gaara ~
Village: Sunagakure
Akatsuki: Pain
Jutsu:  Tanukineiri no Jutsu,  Sabaku Sōsō,  Sabaku Taisō,  Sabaku Sōtaisō and  Sabaku Sōtaisō Fūin. And Sand Coffin of course.
Episode/Chapters: Oh Gawd this will take me a Moment ... Also ... These are all Episodes with Gaara. Naruto Classic: Episode 20, Episode 24, Episode 34, Episode 38, Episode 49 - 50, Episode 58, Episode 62, Episode 65 - 80 (Attack on Konoha, Gaara vs Naruto) Episode 124 - 126 (Gaara vs Kimimaro, Episode 142
Naruto Shippuuden: Naruto Season one ~ Kazekages Rescue (Episode 1 - 32), Episode 201 - 208 (Kage Meeting), Episode 209, Episode 218, Episode 222, Episode 261,  Episode 275 & 276, Episode 297 (♥), Episode 300 - 302, Episode 322, Episode 375, Episode 377, Episode 379, Episode 388 (♥), Episode 393, Episode 394 - 413 (♥), Episode 414, Episode 418 - 422, Episode 426, Episode 429 - 430 (♥), Episode 451, Episode 479, Episode 482, Episode 493 and of course Episode 497 - Kazekages Wedding Gift (♥♥) and Episode 500 Fighting Scene: Gaara vs Naruto, Gaara vs Rasa, Gaara vs Lee, Gaara vs Sasuke, Gaara vs Kimimaro, Gaara vs Madara, Naruto vs Pein, Jiraiya vs Pein,
Fanfiction: I don´t read other Fanfictions so often, I write them on my own
OTP (Explain why): I have not really an OTP because my favorite is Gaara x Oc but I like ShikaTema and NaruHina, as well as SasuSaku. And Shira and Yome are cute as Hell
NOTP: It is not Canon but i will hate it forever: GaaMatsu, GaaSari, Gaara x Student, Gaara x Anyone BUT ....
Crack Ship: .... I like GaaFuu as Crack Ship. One only one. Aaaand ... KakaSaku a little
BroTP: Naruto and Gaara, Naruto and Shikamaru, 
OT3: N/A
Crossover Ship: N/A
Do You Have Any Headcanons: Too many, sorry
Are you happy with the ending? Anything you would have changed? More or less: No, I'm not so pleased with the end. There were still so many questions left open and alone, that the wedding in the middle stopped, was shit. I wanted to see the ritual and the celebration so bad and then ... Meh. And I would have liked the novels to be animated. Especially with Gaara, so everyone finally sees that he is single and is NOT TOGETHER WITH FUCKING SHIJIMA OR ANYONE ELSE
How do you feel about the new generation: I'm not so enthusiastic. Only the new team of Sunagakure really interested me (I hope we get to see through them more of Gaara .. ♥ xd)
Say something about your favorite character. Good and bad: I just love his change in life. From the hated, dreaded monster to the Kazekagen everyone loves. Awesomeness overload. I have SO MUCH more to say but that would be too long.
Say something genuinely nice about your NOTP: Eeeeh ... 
Say something negative about your OTP: Since my favorite couple are in the Oc area, this is superfluous.
Anyway to change your mind about your NOTP: ... Neeeeh
What made you mad about the series? That no more episodes were shown with Gaara. He and his siblings deserved much more attention. Then Naruto the Last (The movie was terrible ...) and the new generation. I am sorry, but I find them badly thought out and the look of the kids made bad.
If you could see anything happen in the series, what would it be?
More episodes with Gaara that Gaara Hiden is animated. The scene where you can see what a great Uncle Gaara would be, the wedding of Shikamaru and Temari.
What would you say to Kishimoto: Thank you.
I tag: @sexti0n @kazekage-libra @toothlesslover94 @the-love-marked-shinobi @darienkyokan @memories-of-a-kazekage @littlepanfangirl @gaarahugger and anyone else who want
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iantoyawrites · 2 years
Master Fanfiction Works List (Revised)
This got out of hand. Just check my AO3 page.
My favorite pairings that I've written are in the tags below, currently in the Naruto and Boruto fandoms. If these interest you, particularly the Gaara-centric stuff, I hope you find something here you enjoy.
My fanarts are also posted to Deviant Art:
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