#gaius the chosen
Gaius: Are You a father?
Jesus: In a manner of speaking...
Andrew [poking his head in]: Rabbi, I'm just going to pop down to market.
Jesus: Thank you Andrew. Bring your cloak, it's cold out. Maybe take someone with you just to be safe. And please be back by nightfall.
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thatsastepladder · 2 years
For as much as I love Marvel comics, I’ve never felt like the stereotypical comic book movie fan when watching MCU movies. There’s no getting excited over seeing any blorbos show up and speculating over what that might mean for future installments.
But I’ll be darned if that isn’t exactly what I do with The Chosen, even though I know exactly what will happen.
[character who was the recipient of one of Jesus’ miracles and isn’t even named in Scripture]: appears
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imnotkosmic · 4 months
My favorite scenes in "The Chosen"
Season one, episode four: the miracle of the fish. I love this scene, it's the first time we see the fishermen and Jesus together, there's just something nostalgic about it for some reason lol
Season one, episode five: the wedding! I love the scenes where the disciples are just getting to know each other better.
Season two, episode one: Sons of Thunder. That is all.
Season two, episode two: When Jesus called Nathaniel to follow Him. It kinda felt like Nathaniel was getting a second chance. (at what? Life I suppose lol)
Season three, episode two: *That* scene with Little James. As someone with MANY health problems, this really hit me hard. I can relate with James, "why not me? why all the others?" is a question I've always asked, but watching this made me feel seen, like He actually cares.. So uh yeah- aNyWaY! Moving on..
Season three, episode five; the pool party! I love seeing the disciples and Jesus have fun.
Spoilers for season four ahead!
Season four, episode two: Si- I MEAN PETER- forgiving Matthew. They even hugged. We've been waiting three seasons for this lol
Season four, episode four: That ending with Gaius! So wholesome! Also can we talk about when he said "shalom" and he was explaining to his kids what it meant, and he told them his FRIENDS say it. That means he counts the disciples and Jesus as friends.
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I can't get over Gaius.
*spoilers below this point*
He has so. Much. Faith. that he doesn't even go straight home. He stops in the market. And not just at one place. He buys produce. Then he buys wine. Then he buys toys for his boys. Then he goes home.
And when he gets home, he still doesn't go directly to his child. He first goes to snuff out the candles on the alters to the Roman gods.
He didn't have to see to know. He simply believed.
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littlemissbigears · 3 months
I did not have hating olive presses on my Chosen Season 4 Bingo Card but here we are😭😭😭😭😭
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Absolutely love that The Chosen has the trope of “grumpy guy who adopts/dads everyone” and they’ve given it to a random Roman soldier.
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tending-the-hearth · 6 months
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gaius @ matthew and peter
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timeless-fanfic · 14 days
heyy can I request Gaius comforting daughter reader with the words of Jesus that’d be so fun.
A Father’s Comfort
Word Count: 1185
Gaius x (Daughter) Reader
Note: If this is the same person making all of these Gaius requests, I have to tell you that it’s so incredible that you can come up with so many of these sweet ideas back-to-back. I love it! Keep them coming…
The sky outside was darkening, heavy with the weight of an approaching storm. The wind howled through the cracks in the window, and the scent of rain filled the small room where Gaius’s daughter sat, her knees drawn up to her chest as she stared blankly at the wall. [Y/N] had always been a strong girl, always quiet and thoughtful. But lately, something had shifted.
Gaius watched her from the doorway, his heart heavy with worry. As a Roman centurion, he had faced countless battles, navigated the harsh world of politics and violence, but none of that had prepared him for fatherhood—especially fatherhood without his wife, who had been his guiding light. Now, raising [Y/N] on his own, he often felt at a loss.
He had noticed the change in her over the past few weeks. She had become more withdrawn, her usual spark dulled by something she couldn’t—or wouldn’t—share with him. Gaius suspected it had to do with her recent fascination with the teachings of Jesus. Though he was still grappling with his own thoughts about the man from Nazareth, he couldn’t deny the pull that Jesus’s words had on him.
But for [Y/N], that pull seemed to have stirred something deeper—something that scared her.
He stepped into the room, his heavy boots barely making a sound on the worn floorboards. [Y/N] didn’t look up as he approached, her gaze fixed on the floor. Gaius sat down beside her on the edge of the bed, careful not to invade her space.
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asked gently, his deep voice softened by the concern he felt.
For a moment, [Y/N] didn’t respond. The wind rattled the shutters, and Gaius wondered if she would keep silent. But then, in a voice barely above a whisper, she spoke.
“I don’t know what to believe anymore.”
Her words, though quiet, hit Gaius like a blow to the chest. He had sensed her struggle, but hearing it from her lips made it real. He turned to look at her, his strong features softened by the concern in his eyes.
“What do you mean?” he asked, keeping his tone as gentle as possible.
[Y/N] finally lifted her gaze, her eyes clouded with confusion and doubt. “I heard Jesus speak again today,” she said, her voice trembling slightly. “He spoke about God’s love, about forgiveness and trust. It was… it was beautiful, Father. But…” Her voice trailed off, and she bit her lip, as if afraid to say more.
Gaius waited, sensing that she needed time to gather her thoughts. He wasn’t a man of many words, but he had learned to listen.
“But I’m afraid,” she finally admitted, her voice breaking. “What if… what if He’s wrong? What if it’s not true? What if we’re just… alone?” Her eyes filled with tears, and she quickly looked away, ashamed of her vulnerability.
Gaius felt a tightness in his chest. He had asked himself the same questions over and over since hearing Jesus speak. As a centurion, Gaius had always relied on his strength, his duty, and the orders given to him by Rome. But hearing Jesus… it had shaken something inside him too.
He reached out and placed a hand on [Y/N]’s shoulder, the gesture more tender than any words he could think to say. “I understand,” he said softly. “I’ve been wondering the same things.”
She looked up at him, surprised. Gaius wasn’t usually one to speak of doubt or fear. He had always been her rock, her protector. To hear that he, too, was questioning things made her feel a little less alone.
“But,” Gaius continued, his voice steady, “there’s something about His words. Something that feels… true. When He speaks, it’s like He’s reaching into the deepest parts of us—parts we’ve kept hidden for so long. Doesn’t it feel that way to you?”
[Y/N] nodded, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. “It does,” she whispered. “But it scares me.”
Gaius thought for a moment, searching for the right words to comfort her. He wasn’t a philosopher or a teacher, but something Jesus had said the last time Gaius had heard Him speak came to mind—words that had stuck with him ever since.
“Do you remember what He said about the sparrows?” Gaius asked softly, his voice gentle.
[Y/N] frowned slightly, thinking back to the speech. “Yes,” she said slowly. “He said… something about them not worrying because God takes care of them?”
Gaius nodded. “That’s right. He said, ‘Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care.’ And He told us that we are worth more than many sparrows.”
[Y/N] looked at him, her brow furrowed slightly. “But how do we know?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. “How do we know that we’re worth that much to God?”
Gaius smiled gently. “I don’t have all the answers,” he admitted. “But when I heard Him say those words, I felt something change inside me. Maybe it’s not about knowing, but about trusting. Trusting that God sees us, even when we feel small, even when we’re afraid.”
He paused, letting the weight of his words settle. “And maybe it’s about trusting that we don’t have to be alone in this.”
[Y/N] blinked up at him, her eyes brimming with tears once more, but this time they were tears of something else—something softer than fear.
“But what if I’m not ready to believe?” she asked quietly. “What if I’m still afraid?”
Gaius squeezed her shoulder gently. “Then be afraid,” he said, his voice filled with quiet strength. “It’s okay to be afraid. But don’t let that stop you from listening to Him. Don’t let that stop you from seeking the truth.”
He looked into her eyes, his gaze steady and reassuring. “I’ve lived my life obeying orders, following commands without question. But for the first time, I feel like there’s something more—something bigger than all of this. And I don’t want to miss it because I was too afraid.”
[Y/N] was silent for a long moment, her mind turning over his words. The storm outside raged on, but inside, something had shifted. The fear was still there, the uncertainty still lingered, but there was also a glimmer of something else—something she hadn’t felt in a long time.
Gaius pulled her into a gentle hug, his large arms wrapping around her protectively. “We’ll figure this out together,” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. “You don’t have to face this alone.”
As the rain began to fall, pattering softly against the window, [Y/N] rested her head against her father’s chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.
Scripture References:
Matthew 10:29-31 (NIV) - "Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows."
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tikkisfanart · 6 months
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Happy Easter!
In Christ we can find healing.
I have not seen season 4 of The Chosen yet, but I can't wait for the scene where Gaius comes to Christ. It's got to happen!
(My drawing isn't finished just yet, but I thought I would share what I have so far for Easter.)
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coldalbion · 9 months
Empathising too hard with Jod again.
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Gaius: Perhaps there’s more to Quintus than meets the eye. 
Atticus: No, there’s less.
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Episode four has been my favorote in season four so far. Loved all the scenes with Gaius and the healing of his son, they were better than I imagined they would be.
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Okay yup I think I understand why ep4 is a favorite now asdfghjkl
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accidental-spice · 1 year
If I had a nickel for every time a piece of Biblical onscreen fiction depicted Simon Peter with an emotional support Roman friend/frenemy, I'd have two nickels
Which isn't a lot, but it's weird it happened twice
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thermodynamic-comedian · 11 months
people have been saying that john is a millenial all this time because he's like 30 or 40 or something but the fact of the matter is that even pre-resurrection tlt is set in the future. how do we know he isn't a zoomer. how do we know he isn't gen alpha
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