#gajeel redfox alphabet
dragongodryss · 6 months
Truth or Dare
Characters: Sting Eucliffe, Rogue Cheney, Gajeel Redfox, Wendy Marvell, Natsu Dragneel
The Dragon slayers made a point of meeting at least once a month, typically on the 20th. It didn't matter if one or two couldn't make it or what they did together, what mattered was that they met. Sometimes they (Usually Natsu and Gajeel, occasionally Laxus) sparred, sometimes they played trained together, other times, they talked about their dragons and draconic culture in general.
Erik and Laxus were the most typical drop-outs, and Natsu and Wendy usually dropped out together. Sometimes, Sting had to skip out due to his master duties, but Rogue would make an effort to show up anyway.
They usually met in a clearing in the forest between Magnolia and Gazania when they weren't expecting downpour, but on days where rain was expected, one of them would host (Usually Sting and Rogue or Natsu).
Today was scheduled to be rainy, and as Natsu had hosted them last time and hadn't yet volunteered to do so this time, Sting had decided that he and Rogue would host their meeting this week. He ran down to the closest shops for enough snacks to placate seven hungry Dragon slayers while Rogue let the others know.
Rogue called Gajeel, the only one that could consistently be relied upon to answer his lacrima, first.
"Hey kid, what's up? Need me to arrest someone for you?" Gajeel picked up on the first try. He continued his cop bit on occasion, despite not having worked with the council for a while. At least he'd stopped threatening to arrest Sting, among many others.
"No, not right now. I'm calling to tell you we're hosting our meet-up today. Could you let the others know? Oh, and tell Kinana to tell Erik. I'll tell Sorano as well, so maybe he'll hear about it." Erik and Wendy didn't have communication lacrimas yet, so they needed to be told verbally.
"Alright, well, thunder-thighs is out on a job, so he ain't coming. But Salamander and little blue are in town. I'll let Kinana know. We doing this tonight?" Gajeel asked.
"Sting didn't say. He's out buying snacks. Be there at five, I guess." Rogue told him.
They showed up at six, they being Natsu, Wendy and Gajeel.
"Alright, what do we do?" Gajeel asked. Fighting was out of the question.
"Well, I was thinking," Sting started, never a good sign, "We could play truth or dare."
"Sounds good." Natsu agreed. Wendy tacked on an 'Okay'. Rogue supposed he'd be outvoted no matter what, so he shrugged.
"Let's go alphabetically." Sting suggested.
"By first or last name?" Wendy asked.
"You choose, I don't really care."
"Last." Wendy said, for obvious reasons. Which would be fine, if not for the fact that that meant Rogue was going first. "Rogue, truth or dare?"
"Boring." Natsu commented.
"When is the last time you apologized, and for what?" Wendy asked. Rogue thought for a moment.
"Yesterday evening. I bumped into the table and I was tired, so I apologized to it." Rogue admitted. Gajeel snorted. "Natsu, truth or dare."
"Dare." He had better, after his comment.
"Switch clothes with Sting for the rest of the game." Rogue said without wasting a moment.
"Fine. Let's do this." Natsu had not anticipated that this would be the day he wore thigh-high boots and a crop-top, but he had done far worse dares, courtesy of Erza. "Sting, you're next, right? Truth or dare?"
"Dare!" Sting said. Natsu chuckled evilly.
"Go to Minerva's place, ask for the spiciest thing she has in her house, bring it back here and chug it." Natsu ordered. Sting grumbled but got up.
"I'd be scared, but I can't take you seriously in those clothes." Wendy told Natsu, quite unnecessarily, he thought.
"Yeah, imagine running a guild like that." Gajeel quipped, laughing when Rogue glared at him.
Sting returned with a small jar of a red-brown powder.
"Minerva says I have to bring this back, it's expensive." He told Natsu.
"So you're going to chicken out? How are you going to take care of Rogue if you can't even keep you word?" Gajeel asked.
"He can't take care of anyone if Minerva kills him!" Rogue protested.
"Rogue takes care of Sting!" Frosch, who was apparently in the next room, called out.
Sting chugged the spices. He was surprised by how little he felt it. Then:
"ARGGHHHH, CRAP THIs hurtsss. Ow. Ow. Water- Please..."
"Sting!" Lector, Rogue and Wendy all shouted. Gajeel tried to hold in his laughter at the sheer stupidity.
"Lector, we have milk in the fridge. Just grab the whole bottle and bring it here. Hurry!" Rogue ordered. Lector, who had entered the room when he'd heard Sting scream, flew off to get milk.
Once Sting was in slightly less pain, Lector and Frosch were sent to Yukino, who was supervising the Guild in Sting and Rogue's absence.
"Aright, next. Wendy. Truth or Dare?" Sting rasped.
"Truth. Please go easy on me."
"Last time you snitched on a guildmate and what for."
"That's not going easy!" Wendy protested.
"What gave you the impression I was in the mood to go easy on anyone?" Sting asked.
"Fine. I- I never told on anyone." Wendy hoped she would get away with the lie. From the doubt on everyone's faces, she hadn't. "Fine, I told Erza about Natsu and Gray smoking Bixlow's weed."
"That was you? I thought she smelled it!" Natsu exclaimed.
"Okay. Moving on. Gajeel, truth or dare?" Wendy panicked.
"Hold a plank until it's your turn again." Wendy said. Gajeel got up into a plank.
"Rogue, truth or dare?"
"Dare." Rogue hoped he wouldn't regret it.
"Keep your eyes closed for the next two turns." Gajeel told him. Well there was absolutely no way that would ever go wrong. Rogue shut his eyes.
"Okay, Natsu. Truth or dare?"
"I dare you to let Sting write or draw whatever he wants, wherever he wants, with whatever he wants, taking as much time as he needs, on you." Rogue said. Sting deserved the chance to avenge himself.
"Ooh. Nice! Give me a minute." Sting scrambled off to get whatever it was he was getting. He came back a couple of minutes later. "Alright. Don't move, Natsu!"
"Why do you have glitter glue? Sting!" Natsu questioned. "Sting, you know I'm giving you a dare next. Sting!"
Rogue had no idea what the hell Sting was doing, since he couldn't see, but Gajeel sounded like he was trouble keeping up his plank while laughing and Wendy seemed concerned.
"Hurry up, lightbulb! I've been holding this damn plank for five minutes now." Gajeel complained.
"What is he doing?" Rogue asked Gajeel and Wendy.
"Writing 'I'm a jerk', 'Erza sucks' and, uhm... 'Please kick me uwu' in permanent markers and, uhh... Bluebird, go see what he's drawing, I can't move. He's using glitter glue for that anyway." Gajeel explained.
"I'm drawing dicks!" Sting happily called out before Wendy could get up.
"You're paying for this, Sting! Truth or dare?" Natsu growled.
"Truth." Sting said with what Rogue imagined to be the most unbearably smug look on his face.
"What is your most ridiculous fear?" Natsu grinned sadistically, planning on using the information against him next turn. By the look on his face, Sting knew it too. Served him right. Sting thought for a while.
"I don't know. They're all serious to me." Sting thought aloud. "Oh! Minerva said my fear of hospitals is ridiculous. So, that, I guess."
"That's normal though." Natsu said. "They smell like sickness and death and stuff."
"Well, Minerva doesn't think so, and she's going to send me there for the spice incident. So yeah. Wendy, truth or dare?"
"Of all of us here, who is your favorite?" Sting asked.
"Not you." Everyone, even his boyfriend, said in unison.
"Rogue?" He whined.
"Did you really think you were her favorite? After your last question?"
"Fine. I'm yours anyway. So who is it, Wendy?" Sting asked again, the matching looks of expectation on Gajeel and Natsu's faces erasing some of the hurt he felt. This was going to be fun.
"Uhm... Let me think." Wendy panicked again. Sting entertained himself with watching Gajeel suffer in his plank, so close to relief, yet so far.
"Come on, it's clearly me!" Natsu insisted. "You already said it's not Sting, and it's definitely not Rogue."
"What about me, you jerk? You wanna go?" Gajeel shouted.
"Why wouldn't it be Rogue anyway?" Sting threw in for good measure.
"If you wanna fail your dare, I'll fight you!" Natsu answered the challenge.
"Coward!" Gajeel insulted him.
"What do I do if I don't want to answer?" Wendy asked sheepishly.
"Then Gajeel has to stay in his plank forever." Rogue said evenly, ignoring the chaos. That gave Sting an idea.
"Nah. Then I give you a dare instead and we reverse the questioning order so you don't give anyone a dare this turn." Sting suggested, pretending to be merciful.
"Yeah, I like that." Natsu said.
"Sounds fair." The oblivious Gajeel agreed, Rogue's comment making him desperate for a resolution. Rogue and Wendy nodded,
"Alright Wendy, dare it is. Take this lacrima, call anyone you want outside this room and tell them that they are sexy and you are hopelessly in love with them. Then hang up before they answer." Sting dared her.
"That's mean." Wendy complained.
"Then answer the question." Sting suggested. Wendy gulped and called.
"ErzayouaresexyandIloveyoubye!" Wendy rattled off in one breath.
"Close enough. Alright, since we're reversing the order; Natsu! Truth or Dare?" Sting asked.
"Wait! What?" Gajeel roared.
"You agreed to it, plank boy." Sting dismissed him.
"Dare?" Natsu said, a little more hesitantly this time.
"Give Rogue and Wendy your wallet and let them go shopping unsupervised." Sting ordered.
"With my eyes closed?" Rogue asked, worrying about the many stairs.
"Wendy will take care of you."
"After the stuff you put her through, I wouldn't blame her for pushing me down the stairs to get back at you." Rogue told him.
The trip down the stairs went better than expected, thanks to Rogue's shadow travel. But now, the trouble was finding a shop while guiding a blinded Rogue in the pouring rain, which would give him trouble finding his way around.
"We really should have brought our coats." Wendy mused as she guided Rogue by the arm. She looked around. They walked the streets in silence, looking for a shop that looked interesting. She picked a jewelry shop, hoping to get a gift for Sherria. She looked in Natsu's wallet. Wow, did he have a lot of money. Something caught her eye.
"Hey, Rogue? Since you can't see, can I choose what we get? I want it to be a surprise." She asked innocently. Rogue agreed.
Meanwhile, in Sting and Rogue's apartment, Sting was stuffing himself with sweets. Natsu was doing the same, while wondering if he should have told Wendy that he had been holding on to the reward for their last job and that she could be spending Lucy's rent money. Gajeel, meanwhile, had been in his plank for half an hour at this point and was sick and tired of this game.
Cheerfully, Wendy guided Rogue back home.
"We're back!" She called out, soaking wet but smiling. Beside her, Rogue looked like a wet cat.
"What did you get?" Natsu asked.
"I don't know." Rogue answered.
"Give me a second. First, I got matching bracelets for me and Sherria!" She proclaimed, holding up two silver bracelets, one with a sapphire and tiger's eye heart and one with rose-quartz and sapphire. Expensive, but there would still be enough to make Lucy's rent and some money for the rest of the team to split. "And I bought this for Rogue!"
"It's beautiful! Put it on him." Sting exclaimed. Natsu couldn't see it yet, but he didn't need to be Carla to know this was not going to go well. "Oh, man. I wish he could open his eyes. It matches them so well."
Rogue felt some sort of circlet being placed on his head. It felt cold, like metal. From Stings awed commentary, he could guess some of it was red.
Natsu couldn't deny it suited Rogue, but the circlet killed any hopes of bringing back any money. His team would never trust him with the rewards ever again.
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"Rogue. Truth or dare?" He asked numbly.
"Truth." Earlier, he had mocked Rogue's decision, but now, he saw the wisdom in his fellow Dragon slayers choices. He remembered something a drunk Sting had thought up while at a party.
"Have you ever had sex in a tree?" Natsu asked. Sting suddenly looked awfully sheepish.
"I have tried. Do you remember when I had that concussion?" Rogue answered honestly.
"Sting, you moron. What part of that is looking out for him?" Gajeel scolded.
"It was romantic until he fell!"
"Alright Gajeel. Truth or dare?" Rogue asked. Gajeel sighed in relief and collapsed in a heap on the floor.
"Where do you think you'll be in five years time?"
"What is this, shadow princess, a job interview?" Gajeel asked.
"It's a question, and what's with the nickname?" Rogue fire back.
"Ya look like a princess. Tiara'n all. But I guess I'll be in a meeting with you losers again. But I sure as hell won't be playing this stupid game." Gajeel answered.
"Okay, my turn! I pick dare!" Wendy said.
"Lick your elbow."
Wendy tried to reach, but her tongue would not stretch quite far enough. Scowling from the effort, she kept trying. Eventually, Rogue piped up.
"Shouldn't the dare be physically possible?"
"Fine. New dare. Hit Sting on the head." Gajeel agreed. Wendy obliged, carefully. "Ya had a free hit, and ya let him off easy. The jerk would've had it coming."
"Okay Sting, truth or dare?"
"Do you have vinegar?" Wendy asked. Sting liked where this was going.
"Yeah. Brand new bottle."
"Drink it. All of it."
"Good kid." Gajeel said.
"We have a new bottle for a reason." Rogue complained.
"I'm sorry, what?" Gajeel asked.
"We have a new bottle for a reason." Rogue repeated. "And that reason is that Sting likes sour things."
"I'm not surprised. Bloody Freak."
"Chug! Chug! Chug!" Natsu was probably chanting loudly enough to rouse the downstairs neighbours. Sting opened the bottle and gave it a swirl, putting it to his lips and drinking the whole thing in about 30 seconds.
"Alrighty, now! Natsu, truth or dare?"
"Have you ever said something you regret about someone in this room?" Sting asked mischievously.
"No. Rogue, truth or dare?"
"Truth!" Rogue opened his eyes as he spoke, blinking them a few times to get used to the light.
"What to you think about the circlet?" Natsu asked. Rogue went to look at a mirror. He came back shortly after.
"It's beautiful, but it must have cost a fortune."
The game fizzled out after that. Everyone crashed at Sting and Rogue's place for the night.
The Fairy Tail Dragon slayers returned to Magnolia to find Erza waiting for them.
"Wendy, I got your message. Are you alright?" She asked, concerned.
"Yeah. We played truth or dare."
"That explains... things." Erza said, her gaze sweeping the trio before her. Gajeel was rubbing his arms with numb fingers, looking absolutely miserable. Natsu, wearing what looked like Stings clothes, with marked skin and a deeply guilty expression on his face. Wendy, all things considered, looked the best out of the three. "Do the other two look worse?"
"No. We all agree that lightbulb is the worst though." Gajeel growled.
Back in Gazania, Rogue was surprised at how little clean-up was necessary. Looking at Sting's smug face as they had their morning coffee, Rogue knew he had been right.
When Sting had an idea, it was never a good thing.
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acacia-may · 2 years
Fairy Tail Headcanons Masterlist
Organized by character or relationship in alphabetical order.
Gajeel Redfox:
General, Future, and Alternate Universe Headcanons
Lucy Heartfilia:
General, Hopes & Dreams, and As a Parent Headcanons
Friendship, Family, and Romance Headcanons (Rose Garden Headcanons Event 2023)
Minerva Orland:
Hurt/Comfort, Alternate Universe), and As a Parent
General, Childhood/Backstory, and Future
Rogue Cheney:
Angst and Romance Headcanons
Yuri Dreyar:
Childhood, General, and Romance Headcanons
Gajeel Redfox & Juvia Lockser (Friendship):
Friendship, Backstory, and General Headcanons
Gildarts Clive & Cana Alberona (Family):
Hurt/Comfort, Future, and General
Strauss Siblings [Mirajane Strauss, Elfman Strauss, & Lisanna Strauss] (Family):
General, Fluff, and Future
Thunder Legion/Raijinshuu/Thunder God Tribe [Laxus Dreyar, Freed Justine, Bickslow, & Evergreen] (Friendship):
Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, and Future
Wendy Marvel & Chelia Blendy (Friendship):
Future, Alternate Universe, and General
Gray Fullbuster x Juvia Lockser (Romance):
Hurt/Comfort, Romance, and As Parents
Elfman Strauss x Evergreen (Romance):
General, As Parents, and Hurt/Comfort Headcanons
Erik/Cobra x Kinana (Romance):
General, Future, and Fluff Headcanons
Gajeel Redfox x Levy McGarden (Romance):
Backstory, As Parents, and Hurt/Comfort Headcanons
Wally Buchanan x Millianna (Romance):
Childhood/Backstory, General, and Future
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ourotakuparadise · 4 years
Fluff Alphabet! Gajeel Redfox
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s / o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Like Laxus, for Gajeel to be with you is more than enough! Taking the time to train? Great! Planning a date is perfect! Relax at home? Simply divine!
B eauty - What do they admire about their s / o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Like many in the guild, he admires a person with a strong and independent personality. You need to have a will of your own and not be overwhelmed by toxic people.
C omfort - How would they help their s / o when they feel down / have a panic attack etc.?
Gajeel is lost the first time he sees it, the first thing he can think of is to hug you to try to give you some feeling of comfort.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s / o?
It took some time in the relationship, but eventually he couldn't help but imagine a family with you and some mini version of him to teach them how to be a badass and kick the ass of enemies.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Despite being stubborn and somewhat proud, Gajeel prefers that you make most of the decisions at the beginning of the relationship as he has virtually zero sense of how to plan dates.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s / o? How are they fighting?
Gajeel is a bit of a hot head, most fights are quite as futile as when he gets jealous. He is also stubborn so the treatment of silence can last for a while.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s / o is doing for them?
Would you believe it if I said that Gajeel is a bit of a tsundere? Not on a difficult level! Something say ... Average?
Yes, he is grateful, but you need to know him well to notice some of the gestures and signs he gives you to understand his gratitude.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s / o? Or do they share everything?
His honesty is a little raw and crude, sometimes the way he is honest can hurt a little.
I nspiration - Did their s / o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
The guild had already transformed him a lot, but since the two of you started dating he has learned to give even more value to his loved ones.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
VERY JEALOUS! He can chase away anyone who wants to try to get close to you and literally can punch someone if they flirt or touch you.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Strong, but at the same time soft and loving. Being with him in a relationship makes you a very important person for Gajeel and he wants to demonstrate that to you.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s / o?
Poor guy, he doesn't know how to do that since he doesn't have much idea of ​​what and how to approach you. He literally needed help from Lucy to get some idea of ​​what to do.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
As time goes on he eventually thinks about marriage, starting a family with you and having copies of him running around (and playing with Uncle Lily).
N icknames - What do they call their s / o?
Sorry, but there aren't many cute nicknames for you.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
He thinks not, but it is obvious the way he looks at you or when he is lost in thoughts related to you.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s / o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Well… make you armrest out and throw it over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes counts? His way of showing affection in public is a little rough, especially if he is jealous.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
Although he doesn't seem like a bit of an observer, he is not a good advisor, but he can be a great listener whenever you need it.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s / o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
He secretly researches some romantic things and adapts to his personality style. Have no doubt that he may have done some crafts with iron and gave it to you.
(Don't deny that it's cute to imagine him doing this and denying that he did it for you and his face was completely red).
S upport - Are they helping their s / o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Like everyone in the guild ... HELL YEAH! He gives you full support of the dreams you have and doesn't let anyone speak ill of you or criticize you toxicly.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Being in a relationship with him alone is already an unpredictable roller coaster. You never know the next minute dating a Dragon Slayer and Fairy Tail member without counting his temper which can be quite impulsive at times. So something new here and there can happen.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
It depends ... Some moments he can be understandable and others he can be stubborn and disagree with his opinion which generates some conflicts. Maybe you can be more empathetic than him.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
As I said about the other members of Fairy Tail and I repeat: he values ​​you a lot, so much and much more than his life. Losing you is his biggest fear and nightmare and he will give his life to protect you.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
I kind of answered in “Romance”, he can make some iron trinkets like when you had a hard day and he tries to use that to cheer you up.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
He's brutally affectionate and not in public, but there are times when he only sleeps well if he makes you a teddy bear.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Not very well, he is in a bad mood and denies that he misses you. But you know it is.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
We all know what he was like in the past, so after his transformation you know he looks after you. For him even if he doesn't admit you, it is like a blessing in life that was a little troubled.
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erza-haninozuka · 4 years
Gajeel Redfox
M- Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going?) 
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What really gets Gajeel motivated is when you tease him. In the safety of your home you can really tease him by stripping or even just getting cocky right back. He loves when you throw it right back at him. 
He also loves seeing you in his clothes, that’s definitely the biggest thing to get him going.
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fairytailnalutrash · 7 years
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Character Alphabet Challenge: gajeel redfox
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dean-samw67 · 3 years
Headcanons- ⚫
Request Rules
Resident Evil
Carlos Oliveira
Hot and Heated - 😈 I Think It's A Start- 🌻😈 Is It Okay? - 🌻 Don't Play Dumb- 😈 Carlos at the Beach with Reader - 🌻⚫ Carlos Oliveira with a Reserved/Serious Reader-🌻⚫ Carlos Oliveira's Love Languages - 🌻⚫ Carlos with a Fixation for Your Breasts - 😈
Leon Kennedy
Hot and Heated - 😈 Trauma Bonded- 😈
Jill Valentine
Scandal- 😈 Jill Valentine with Reader who Loves Baking- 🌻⚫
Squid Game
Love & Loss (Gi-hun x oc x Sang-woo)
Squid game OC
Chapter 1 - 💔
Chapter 2 - 💔
Chapter 3 - 😈
Chapter 4 -😈💔
Chapter 5 -💔
Chapter 6
Seong Gi-hun💓
Gut Feelings pt1?
Just For The Night - 😈
Cho Sang-woo🧡
Not Fair - 💔
Finally Home - 💔🌻
SO with a ED - ⚫💔🌻
Front Man/ Hwang In-ho🖤
Keep Quiet - 😈
Fly Me To The Moon - 😈
Late Night Talks - ⚫🌻
Kang Sae-Byeok💚
Watch You Sleep - 💔🌻
Fairy Tail
Gray Fullbuster❄️
Cold Intolerance- 💔🌻
Rogue Cheney 🌑
Interrupted - 💔🌻
Gajeel Redfox🔩
Gajeel Redfox NSFW Alphabet -😈⚫
Pirates Of The Caribbean
William Turner ❣️
He Doesn't Have To Know -💔🌻
William Turner NSFW Alphabet -😈⚫
The Walking Dead
This Is Hell (Daryl Dixon x OC)
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moongirlcleo · 2 years
My Masterlist :)
Going to go ahead and make a master list for my writing for anyone who is interested. I'll update this as I make more.
NSFW Alphabet List/Post
My Drawings
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fairy Tail
Gajeel Redfox
Gildarts Clive
Hisui Fiore
Jenny Realight
Laxus Dreyer
Lisanna Strauss
Loke/Leo Lucy Heartfilia
Kagura Mikazuchi
Makarov Dreyar
Mystogan Natsu Dragneel
Panther Lily
Rogue Cheney
Sting Eucliffe
Yukino Agria
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Eden's Zero
Hermit Mio
Kris Rutherford
Shiki Granbell
Weisz Steiner
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
My Hero Academia
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ao3feed-gratsu · 5 years
Dragon Slayer A-Z Prompt Fic
by Bluelinklover
I saw a Gratsu Alphabet Fic and figured I'd try it with the dragon slayers instead. There won't be any smut, I view the dragon slayers as brothers and sister so it'll be based around that.
Words: 1036, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Fairy Tail
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Natsu Dragneel, Gajeel Redfox, Wendy Marvell, Sting Eucliffe, Rogue Cheney, Gray Fullbuster, Erza Scarlet
Relationships: Rogue Cheney/Sting Eucliffe, Levy McGarden/Gajeel Redfox, Natsu Dragneel/Gray Fullbuster
Additional Tags: Fairy Tail Dragon Slayers, A-Z, Prompt Fic, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, may contain traces of angst, Gajeel is a good big brother, Or at least he tries to be, Tags to be Added as Updated
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classysassy9791 · 6 years
Sense of Home
AU: More than a year after her father passed away, Lucy Heartfilia sat surrounded by 200 unpacked boxes in the apartment she moved into months ago. Ashamed of being incapable of unpacking, she shut herself out from the rest of her friends. But one pink-haired idiot of a boy decides to take a risk and show her what it feels like to be home. One-shot. 
Fandom: Fairy Tail Word Count: 3000 Characters: Lucy, Natsu, Gray, Erza, Mirajane, Gajeel, Levy, Lisanna, Jellal, Loke Rated: K Genre: Friendship & Hurt/Comfort Can also be found here
*Inspired by a post floating around on tumblr, just so I can get my feet wet in a new fandom. Please let me know what you think. Constructive criticism is very welcomed! 
Lucy Heartfilia unlocked the door to her apartment, keys jingling as she stepped inside and closed the door behind her. She slipped off her ankle-high boots and shrugged off the light jacket she had worn to keep away the autumn chill in the air. As if it were routine, she pulled a frozen dinner out of the freezer and popped it in the microwave, before moving to pour herself a glass of wine.
As the microwave hummed and she sipped on a glass of Merlot, her dark eyes scanned the living room with half-hearted interest. Boxes sat piled haphazardly throughout the apartment, black lettering scrawled on the sides. She was sure she had dishes packed away somewhere - beautiful china that had been in her family for generations - and a more suitable glass for wine other than the plastic disposable cup she was currently using, but the dread of unpacking heavily outweighed the desire to have finer dishware.
Her cell phone buzzed from its place on the counter, and she reached over to read a text message that had come through.
[Hey Lucy! Will you be home Thursday night?]
She sipped on her wine thoughtfully as she pondered her best friend's question. Natsu Dragneel certainly wasn't one for asking questions before action, which made her curious as to why he needed to know her plans.
[Yeah. Why?]
It took about a minute for her phone to buzz again with his response. [Can I stop by?]
Lucy rolled her eyes, part of her apprehensive about how she was going to reply. For all intents and purposes, Natsu was a very good friend to her. She couldn't say how many times he made her laugh until her sides hurt, and held her when she needed a crutch to lean on. But his insistences over the past few months were beginning to wear on her, and honestly she wasn't sure if she was up for his company this week.
Her gaze trailed to the rest of her apartment. He had already seen the disarray several times, but if she was being truthful, every time he laid eyes on her unpacked apartment, she felt mortified.
It had been over a year since her dad died. She really couldn't recall ninety-percent of what had happened in that year. One minute she was crying in a hospital room, the next she was an orphaned college student in a new apartment with an inheritance she never asked for.
She couldn't remember packing away her father's things - or her things, for that matter - as she moved from the grand estate she had called home into an apartment that was no bigger than her old bedroom. And every night as she came home from class to stare at the boxes taunting her from every corner of her new living quarters, she felt ashamed.
Lucy couldn't unpack. Months had passed since she moved, and for some reason, she just couldn't find the will power to empty the boxes that held her home. Natsu had been the only guest she had allowed over because she had known him since the fourth grade and thus her oldest and dearest friend. She knew he wouldn't judge her, but she still felt humiliated knowing her life remained packed in cardboard boxes.
Like, how could she be unable to unpack? "Just open the damn boxes" she would curse to herself every time she found herself staying in and staring at the offending objects. But the more she stared at them, the more she felt the heartsick eat away at her.
After the first night in her apartment, she cried for nineteen days straight.
Glancing back at her phone with Natsu's text message waiting patiently for a response, Lucy let the wine make the decision for her and decided she needed some kind of company to off-set the silence of her past.
[Sure. I'll be home by 5]
He sent her a winkie-face in response, which only caused her to smile with amusement. As she exited out of his message, she let her gaze wander to the list of other texts she had received, some she had never responded to.
[You are loved <3 <3 <3]
[We need you bunny girl]
[Smile Lucy!]
[You're amazing. Don't forget that.]
The few she had responded to left a biting tone, words between the lines asking them to leave her to grieve in peace.
[Doesn't matter, but thanks]
Lucy knew her friends were only trying to make her feel better, but they couldn't. They knew she was struggling and felt helpless. Lucy understood that. However, her friends couldn't take away the ache in her chest and she was sick of them putting in the effort.
So, she had left the last few messages untouched. Alone with her glass of wine, she padded to her bedroom - occupied by a mattress that sat on the floor - pulled out her laptop, and began streaming a movie she had seen a dozen times before.
She ignored the two-hundred unpacked boxes that mocked her as she did so.
At six o'clock on Thursday evening, there was a knock on her door. Lucy unfolded herself from the one chair in her living room and mentally prepared herself for a Natsu-shenanigan-filled night. "I'm coming," she called as she side-stepped a stack of boxes and reached the door.
When she opened the door, she was in no way prepared for the barrage of people who pushed their way into her apartment, saying, "Surprise, Lucy!" while bearing platters of food, cleaning products, and complete unconcern for her, "Wait… You can't come in here! I haven't unpacked yet!" protestations.
Her apartment filled with chatter as people she had grown deep friendships with began moving about the space - pointing in different directions, walking down the hallway to scope out the layout, setting up the kitchen as if for a party. There were her old classmates and work friends and people she hadn't physically seen in years. And at the end of it all stood Natsu with a cheeky grin on his face.
"Hiya, Luce!"
"Natsu!" she practically screeched, hands curled into her hair with panic as her eyes skirted between him and the group of people who were now scattered around her apartment. "What are you doing?!"
He slung an arm around her shoulders, both of them watching as her friends began dividing up the rooms and unpacking what was left of her life. He pulled at her blonde hair playfully. "We're here for you."
Before she could corner him and question exactly what the hell he meant by that, he had disappeared into the kitchen, more than likely about to gorge on some of the food platters their old friend, Lisanna, had begun unwrapping. Lucy could only open and close her mouth like a fish as she watched her perfectly stacked boxes begin to take shape of disarray.
"Hey there, Lucy," a silver-haired woman greeted with a smile.
She turned to look up into bright blue eyes. "Mira?" She hadn't seen the woman since working as a waitress at a bar before her dad died. "What are you doing here?"
She shrugged and swept her gaze to the rest of the organized chaos. "Natsu sent us a group text the other day. He told us you were struggling and you needed our help. So he asked us to all come over and help unpack your apartment for you. He told us to bring food." She giggled. "And to make it fun."
As if on cue, Levy McGarden (a friend she had met in her Creative Writing class two years prior) pulled out a Bluetooth speaker and put on some tunes that made it seem more like an actual party instead of Lucy's personal pity party. Levy threw up a wave in Lucy's direction, her expression forming an unspoken apology as she shrugged.
"Wait," she tried again, hands up to grab the attention of all her uninvited guests. "I didn't know about this. You guys can't just come over!"
"Give it a rest, Bunny Girl," a man named Gajeel Redfox (who she met at a college Halloween party) said as he pushed passed her with a case of beer and bag of ice. "You ain't gettin' rid of us that easily."
Mirajane Strauss giggled and nudged Lucy in the side. "Just try to have a little fun, okay?" she said with a wink before disappearing into the throng of friends that crowded her apartment.
Lucy stood with wide-eyes, watching as Levy unpacked her fifteen-hundred books and found places for them on her bookshelf (in alphabetical order by genre, if she knew Levy). Her hands wrung nervously as her friend Loke (the son of one of her father's old business partners) hung pictures on her walls. Her heart felt like it was beating right out of her chest with anxiety as her friend Erza Scarlet (a woman who forced her friendship in the cafeteria one day over strawberry cake) organized her closet and put away all her clothes. Sometime during the evening, Mirajane and Lisanna had managed to set up a taco-making station in the kitchen, as Gajeel filled a cooler with the beer and ice.
Before she could process what exactly she was going to do next, another knock came to her door, and Lucy turned to answer it. On her doorstep stood Gray Fullbuster (a man she met senior year of high school out by the baseball dugouts) with a grin and a handle of Jack in his hand.
"Hey, Lucy. Sorry I'm late."
"L-Late?" she stuttered. "You aren't even supposed to be here!"
He shrugged with a lazy grin. "Well, I am. So put me to work."
"Um… well…" she tried, her brain fumbling to come up with something to say, because they weren't supposed to be here! and she didn't know what he was supposed to do.
"Perfect! Fullbuster, give me a hand!" Loke called from within the apartment, and Gray gave her arm an affectionate squeeze before he pushed passed her. Lucy shook her head in complete awe, softly closing the door, and turning to look at the commotion.
She somehow managed to make her feet move from beyond the doorway and found her way to Loke as he ripped open the paper wrapping on a framed picture. "I'm really good at measuring stuff," he answered her as she approached, Gray with an amused smile as he examined another framed picture nearby. Loke flashed a confident grin as he stood to look at her walls. "Let me put these up in your hallway."
Curling blonde hair around her finger nervously, Lucy hovered near Loke, not wanting to give up control. She watched as Gray held up a picture on the wall, Loke scrutinizing its placement, before pointing to another one instead. "Wait," Lucy said, pointing to a different spot on the wall. "Put that one there, maybe?"
Loke chuckled, but never missed a beat. "Go away, Lucy."
And without even meaning to, she did. And he was so much better at hanging stuff than she was! For the first thirty minutes, she had been embarrassed about her unpacked boxes, but as the night wore on and her apartment began to take shape, filled with distracting conversations and laughter she hadn't felt in forever, she let it all go.
They took a break for dinner, everyone's paper plates overwhelmingly full of tacos, as they sat on unopened boxes, on the floor, on the one chair in the living room, on each other's laps, someone resting a dinner plate on her DVD player. Some of them had never met before, some of them were the best of friends, some of them had only crossed paths. But they found conversation between them, lives intertwined, interests abound.
Lucy watched as this group of misfits of her friends found a common objective and came together so beautifully it made her heart ache.
"Speaking of date night," Erza interrupted as Mirajane finished telling a story about a first date gone horribly wrong. "Lucy, I'm concerned for your abundance of intriguing choices of underwear. What occasions do you have a need for such things?"
Heat seared her cheeks as Lucy turned a cherry red, her eyes widening as she practically choked on her food. Gajeel laughed out loud as Levy waved her hands dramatically in the air, saying, "Erza! You can't just ask a girl that!"
Natsu scrunched up his nose with a thoughtful look, before adding, "A family party?"
"Definitely not," Gray immediately responded with a shake of his head. "You got flames for brains?"
Her best friend was immediately on his feet, empty plate sliding to the floor as he clenched his hands into fists. "You wanna fight, pervy flasher?"
And true to his words, somehow during the evening, Gray's shirt had disappeared. Lucy hoped she wouldn't stumble across it later.
"That's enough, you two," Erza attempted to intervene, standing between them. "There will be no fighting."
Gajeel cracked his knuckles. "Aww, come on, Scarlet. Let us go a few rounds."
She silenced him with a glare that could kill.
Natsu grinned, pumping his fists into the air a few times. "Yeah, come on, fight me! I'll take you all on."
Mirajane giggled, circling the group as she gathered empty dinner plates, taking note of the warm flush to Natsu's cheeks. "Oh dear, I think someone needs to be cut off."
Gray rolled his eyes. "I told you not to drink Jack, you moron."
"I feel like the idiot's only job is to drink," Gajeel grumbled, leaning his chin in his hand.
"Do I have to make you all play nice?" Erza threatened again, her frustration peaking from being ignored.
Gray smirked. "Play nice? We don't 'play' or do 'nice'."
Lucy suddenly laughed, and all eyes turned to the surprising yet welcoming sound. She laughed until her stomach hurt, as her friends joined in, and tears came to her eyes. Here she was, Lucky Lucy Heartfilia, not even able to do the simplest of tasks. And nobody had judged her. Her friends simply swept into her apartment like superheros, somehow finding a way to do what she couldn't.
As dinner was cleaned up and everyone returned to work, she was overwhelmed by the sight of all her crazy friends turning themselves into Santa's workshop. On her behalf. Without asking her. They just showed up and barged in. They were all so practical and bossy, she couldn't even hold onto her embarrassment.
At the end of the night, Lucy looked at Erza's fiance, Jellal - a quiet, tactiturn guy who drove a tugboat on the Hudson, a practical man of few words - and she just gazed at him, speechless. She had no idea how to say thank you, especially to such a tough, resilient, self-sufficient man.
Jellal looked down at her with a gentle smile, sweeping his blue hair from his eyes. He saw the expression on her face, and he understood everything that was behind it. "Listen, Lucy," he said, squeezing her shoulder reassuringly. "What we did today was a barn-raising."
And Lucy nearly cried right then and there as he wrapped her in a tight hug.
When they all swept out of there four hours later, her place was a home. Lucy gazed around the newly-furnished apartment - her crocheted blanket she spent winter nights curled under, a picture of her parents sitting on the fireplace mantle, decorative towels hanging from her oven door - and then turned to Natsu, who stood by the door with a toothy grin and a flush to his cheeks. "Better, Luce?"
Not only was everything put away, but now it had a memory attached to it - a group memory. Friends, laughter, dirty jokes, hard work.
This pink-haired idiot took a risk. It very well could have ended badly. Lucy could've lashed out. She could have been really offended. But this silly man with a spirit of fire took a risk and sent out a text to all her local friends.
"Yeah," she whimpered, wiping a tear away as it spilled down her cheek.
He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her, Lucy breathing in the scent of ash and charcoal from his time on the railroad. She could've been offended, insulted, hurt. But Natsu took a risk.
The 'ask for help' advice was well-meaning, but not really thought through. There was shame. There was the enforced helplessness. There were the feelings she wasn't worth it. But her friends didn't wait for her to ask for help. They showed up. They took over. They didn't ask.
And they left her realizing that no matter what happened in her life, what tragedies she faced, home wasn't a place. It was a feeling. Somehow, her weirdo of a friend had found a way to create a sense of home for her here.
It felt authentic. And true. And everything she had ever longed for.
1 note · View note
ninjacupcake-x · 6 years
Below is a master list of everything that I have shipped. Why? Because @fallen-treasure made me. Anyway, they will be in alphabetical order, and I will be adding as I remember ships in the future. Please do not bash me for this list or any ship on it in any way, shape, or form. You will be blocked. Thanks!
1. Adrienette (Adrien Agreste & Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Miraculous Ladybug)
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2. Aladasmine (Princess Jasmine & Aladdin, Aladdin)
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3. Alvareider (Penelope Alvarez & Schneider, One Day at a Time)
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4. Alvittany (Alvin Seville & Brittany Miller, Alvin & The Chipmunks)
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5. Bade (Beck Oliver & Jade West, Victorious)
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6. Beronica (Betty Cooper & Veronica Lodge, Riverdale)
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7. Bessie (Buzz Lightyear & Jessie, Toy Story)
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8. Biley (Ben Wheeler & Riley Perrin, Baby Daddy)
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9. Bughead (Betty Cooper & Jughead Jones, Riverdale)
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10. Cabbie (Cat Valentine & Robbie Shapiro, Victorious)
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11. Canderemy (Candace Flynn & Jeremy Johnson, Phineas & Ferb)
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12. Covinsky (Lara Jean Covey & Peter Kavinsky, To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before)
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13. Chitaku (Chitoge Kirisaki & Raku Ichijo, Nisekoi)
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14. DeCe (Deuce Martinez & CeCe Jones, Shake It Up!)
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15. DJWiFi (Alya Cesaire & Nino Lahiffe, Miraculous Ladybug)
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16. Ferbnessa (Ferb Fletcher & Vanessa Doofenshmirtz, Phineas & Ferb)
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17. Freela (Philip J. Fry & Turanga Leela, Futurama)
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18. Flapunzel (Flynn Ryder & Rapunzel, Tangled)
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19. Gajevy (Gajeel Redfox & Levy McGarden, Fairy Tail)
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20. Gruvia (Gray Fullbuster & Juvia Lockser, Fairy Tail)
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21. InuKag (InuYasha & Kagome, InuYasha)
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22. Jabi (Josh Kaminski & Gabi Diamond, Young & Hungry)
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23. Jafael (Jane Villanueva & Rafael Solano, Jane The Virgin)
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24. Jancy (Jonathan Byers & Nancy Wheeler, Stranger Things)
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25. Jeca (Jesse Swanson & Beca Mitchell, Pitch Perfect)
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26. Jelsa (Jack Frost & Elsa, Rise of the Guardians & Frozen)
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27. Jendall (Jo Taylor & Kendall Knight, Big Time Rush)
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28. JanTom (Janna Ordonia & Tom Lucitor, Star vs. The Forces of Evil)
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29. Jerza (Jellal Fernandez & Erza Scarlet, Fairy Tail)
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30. Jopper (Joyce Byers & Jim Hopper, Stranger Things)
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31. Joshaya (Joshua Matthews & Maya Hart, Girl Meets World)
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32. Jiley (Jesse & Miley Stewart, Hannah Montana)
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33. Kainora (Kai & Jinora, The Legend of Korra)
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34. Ladrien (Ladybug & Adrien Agreste, Miraculous Ladybug)
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35. Ladynoir (Ladybug & Chat Noir, Miraculous Ladybug)
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36. Loliver (Lilly Truscott & Oliver Oaken, Hannah Montana)
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37. Lomille (Logan Mitchell & Camille Roberts, Big Time Rush
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38. Lucaya (Lucas Friar & Maya Hart, Girl Meets World)
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39. Lyatt (Lucy Preston & Wyatt Logan, Timeless)
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40. Makorra (Makko & Korra, The Legend of Korra)
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41. Marichat (Marinette Dupain-Cheng & Chat Noir, Miraculous Ladybug)
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42. Marlie (Mo Banjoree & Charlie Delgado, Lemonade Mouth)
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43. Mileven (Mike Wheeler & Eleven, Stranger Things)
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44. Mirango (Sango & Miroku, InuYasha)
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45. Moe (Mel Burke & Joe Longo, Melissa & Joey)
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46. Mulang (Fa Mulan & Li Shang, Mulan)
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47. NaLu (Natsu Dragneel & Lucy Heartfilia, Fairy Tail)
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48. Ness (Nick Miller & Jessica Day, New Girl)
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49. Olicity (Oliver Queen & Felicity Smoak, Arrow)
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50. Phinbella (Phineas Flynn & Isabella Garcia-Shapiro, Phineas & Ferb)
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51. Quickwest (Jessie Quick & Wally West, The Flash)
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52. Rexter (Raven Queen & Dexter Charming, Ever After High)
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53. Riarkle (Riley Matthews & Farkle Minkus, Girl Meets World)
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54. Rilaya (Riley Matthews & Maya Hart, Girl Meets World)
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55. Riya (Rufus Carlin & Jiya, Timeless)
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56. Roddita (Roddy & Rita, Flushed Away)
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57. Rogura (Rogue Cheney & Kagura Mikazuchi, Fairy Tail)
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58. RoWen (Romeo Conbolt & Wendy Marvell, Fairy Tail)
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59. Runther (Rocky Blue & Gunther Hessenheffer, Shake It Up!)
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60. Schmece (Winston Schmidt & Cece Parekh, New Girl)
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61. Seddie (Sam Puckett & Freddie Benson, iCarly)
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62. Simonette (Simon Seville & Jeanette Miller, Alvin & The Chipmunks)
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63. Snowbarry (Barry Allen & Caitlin Snow, The Flash)
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64. Starco (Star Butterfly & Marco Diaz, Star vs. The Forces of Evil)
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65. StingYu (Sting Eucliffe & Yukino Agria, Fairy Tail)
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66. Sukka (Suki & Sokka, Avatar: The Last Airbender)
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67. Taang (Toph Beifong & Aang, Avatar: The Last Airbender)
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68. Tandre (Tori Vega & Andre Harris, Victorious)
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69. Taveen (Princess Tiana & Prince Naveen, The Princess & The Frog)
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70. TerenTink (Terence & Tinker Bell, Tinker Bell)
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71. Theonor (Theodore Seville & Eleanor Miller, Alvin & The Chipmunks)
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72. Theroy (Thea Queen & Roy Harper, Arrow)
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73. Tokka (Toph Beifong & Sokka, Avatar: The Last Airbender)
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74. Tynka (Ty Blue & Tinka Hessenheffer, Shake It Up!)
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75. Wenlivia (Wen Gifford & Olivia White, Lemonade Mouth)
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76. Westhawne (Iris West & Eddie Thawne, The Flash)
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77. Zutara (Zuko & Katara, Avatar: The Last Airbender)
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7 notes · View notes
furidojasutin · 7 years
Pairing: Gajevy (Gajeel x Levy)
Characters: Levy McGarden, Jet, Droy, Gajeel Redfox
Universe: Canon
Rating: T
Summary: Levy and Gajeel got paired up to help Master Makarov out with the organization of some books in the library. But an unfortunate happening suddenly twists the situation and changes their priority.
a/n: This was a commission/two commissions for super kind @gytech! (: Plot belongs to him as does a lot of the first part’s writing (end of part one and beginning of the continuation/part 2 are marked by three dots). I ‘only’ revamped the first part of this and then completely wrote up the second by myself. Thank you again for commissioning me!! Some humor and troubled/bickering Gajevy haha.
“But Levy! Do we really have to?” Droy and Jet whined as they walked into the guild for the day. Whatever was going on, they didn't seem all too eager to do what they were supposed to do apparently.
Levy turned to the two guys and gave a serious nod that left little to no chance for complaints. The seventeen year old was as short as ever and her blue hair was as messy as ever too. She never really managed to tame it so thankfully it was neatly held in place by her yellow hair ribbon again.
She was clad in her normal orange mini-dress with the detached sleeves and a pair of simple sandals was on her feet. It complimented her petite figure quite nicely and showed off her long smooth legs. Since it was such a cute it had become Levy’s main attire.
“Yes! The guild received a new shipment of tomes! Master Makarov wanted me to organize them so I need you two to go get the other boxes. I’m going to be putting the first ones away with the other person Master hired,” she explained again and made clear that their help really was important.
Though the two males of Team Shadow Gear shoot a skeptical look towards her. It was clear that they were slightly jealous that someone else would be allowed to be with her while working with these boxes but for now they just followed her to the bar so they could sit down for lunch. Jet and Droy sat to Levy’s right. The two had some burgers and beer while Levy herself ordered a simple salad. For the most part, the group was silent until Jet spoke up once more.
“So who's the person that will be helping you?”
Levy turned to answer but someone sat heavily to the stool on her left and the three turned to see a familiar dragon slayer.
The name was none other than Gajeel Redfox and one could almost hear Jet and Droy groan upon seeing him.
He had his usual rough appearance; a man of average height and had tan skin with several piercings along his face and ears. His long untamed black hair fell to his shoulder blades, and his fierce eyes were red. He was wearing in his own usual attire too which consisted of a green bandana around his forehead, a similarly green muscle shirt with a black trench-coat, beige pants and some brown gloves with iron-plates on the back. The black-haired man had his own plate of food in his hands. He didn't seem to be amused, judging by his facial expression, but the plate of chili-fries and the steamed cup of melted iron was hardly the reason for it. His current mood didn't surprise Levy at all. She knew very well that Gajeel wasn't one for literature or education, much like Natsu. In fact the only dragon slayer that Levy knew liked reading was Wendy so she guessed that the iron mage had no choice but to help. To be quite honest, they hadn't really talked about this yet and for a moment she pouted.
“It's me,” Gajeel growled at last before he took a sip of his melted iron. “For some reason the old man couldn't get somebody else.” Freed or Lucy would have been two more fitting options for this small job, he thought, but as far as he knew the Raijinshuu's Captain was out on an S-Class mission with his team and Laxus and Lucy hadn't been at the guild today yet. He didn't really mind spending more time with the bluenette he'd been kind of, sorta, maybe unofficially dating for some time now but this task seemed boring as hell to him.
Levy gave a nervous laugh before she finished her salad; she didn't exactly like the negative vibes that her friends were giving off so she decided to get up and smoothed out her dress, then have all three of them a kind of uncertain smile. “Well, I'm going to go ahead and get started in the library already. I'll see you in a bit Gajeel!”
The script mage took a deep breath as she turned to walk away from the bar. Two steps later though she felt how somebody grabbed her left sleeve and her head turned in surprise just to see her two team mates standing beside her, Jet's hand holding onto the fabric of her attire. His face had a really pleading look and Levy gave a cute, curious expression as she tilted her head slightly.
“Can't you come with Droy and me to pick up the books?” He asked almost desperately, his eyes filled with something undefinable. “We don't know of they're counterfeit or not and it would be the best if we had a tomes expert with us.”
However, before Levy got the chance to respond she felt a tug on her right sleeve as well, this time turning her head to see Gajeel holding onto it. Unlike her team mates his face was more of a scowl that showed his objection. “No! Do ya really think I can organize the damn books without yer help? If I'm left by myself then the place will become a mess!” Gajeel stated and then followed it up with a gentle tug on her sleeve.
A few seconds later Jet pulled on her left sleeve. “No! The books' status is far more important than the organization!”
Gajeel gave a growl and once again tugged Levy to his side. “You say that! But have ya ever seen me pissed? Things don't exactly stay intact!”
Again Jet tugged Levy towards himself. “Then learn to be patient! It won't be long!”
By now Levy found herself being in the middle of a tiny war as she was being dragged from the left to the right, stumbling between Gajeel and her two team mates when their movements became firmer.
Gajeel and Team Shadow Gear didn't let up as they continued their argument, their pulling getting more violent and Levy's heart began to beat harder. She had a very good relationship with all three of them and she didn't want her closest friends to end up hating each other! She knew that there was some tension between them anyway still, every now and again, so she would hate if it got worse.
As they kept using her as a kind of tug-of-war rope Levy also noticed something else and that could turn into a problem; the ties of her sleeves were starting to come loose from all the rough pulling. She could feel the soft orange fabric sliding down her biceps slowly, making their way towards her elbows. Of course Gajeel and the other two were completely oblivious to her distress as they were still shouting at each other.
“G-guys!” She tried to warn them, her voice shaking slightly. “My sleeves…can you let go of them! They’re com-“
But they didn't even seem to hear her.
“Levy is coming with me!” Gajeel shouted!
“No she’s coming with us!” Jet and Droy retorted.
They gave one final tug at the same time and that was it. The knots came completely undone and Levy's brown eyes widened as her sleeves slid off, baring her thin arms. The dragon slayer and her team mates stumbled back and into the plates of food that were on the bar counter still and the bluenette's heart thumped rapidly. She knew full well that this was not going to end in well and indeed; the sound of dishes breaking filled the guild hall, food and drinks spilled out onto the floor and the three men groaned as they stood up, thankfully unscathed. Levy's sleeves however, were not okay. One of them landed in Jet and Droy's burgers and was now stained with ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise and grease and the spilled bear had soaked it. The other one had chili-fries all over it and melted iron covering it, too. Parts of her favorite outfit had just been ruined!
Giving an angry look Levy grabbed Gajeel's arm and tugged him to the library firmly before any of the three could complain. She had enough of this. “You three are idiots!”
xxx xxx
“You know it was an accident right?” Gajeel asked as he watched Levy climb up the ladder but she responded to his question with silence, making it clear that she was upset still. She tried her best to ignore the cool breeze on her arms. She just couldn't believe that those three idiots had ruined her outfit just because they had to fight over something so trivial. Not that they would have any idea about fashion; they probably just threw on the first thing they saw and as long as it fit they were fine with it.
“I don’t care! Now I have to throw away this dress when I get home!” Levy replied after all whilst looking down at him, a deep scowl on her face.
“They’re just sleeves…,” the dragon slayer tried to counter. “It’s not like you have million copies of the same outfit at your place, right?” With that, Gajeel mumbled a statement that he shouldn’t have made.
“I still don’t care! Do you think the clothes are cheap? Just because I have more copies of this outfit doesn’t mean I like to get them destroyed! The only reason why I have more is because you and the rest of the men in this guild tend to destroy everything in fact!”
Gajeel perked a brow as he looked up at her. “Including clothes?”
“Especially clothes!”
Levy emitted an angry huff and then turned her head away from Gajeel and back to the empty shelves in front of her. She slowly took the plaques that she had and labeled them alphabetically.
While she did so she heard another ladder being set up beside hers and she turned to see Gajeel putting up his own labels. Carefully, Levy took a moment to check the dragon slayer out; his face was always serious or smug, one could guess that his arms were muscular even with the trench coat on, the multiple piercings he had all over his body were so characteristic... Just thinking about him caused Levy’s face to heat up with a red color and she quickly shook her head to clear her thoughts. This was not the time! She was angry still after all and she didn’t want to get over that anger quite yet.
“You know… the dress...” Gajeel stated and successfully attracted Levy's attention once again. This time he had a smirk on his face when he looked at her. “It shows off yer legs of yours and it’s tight enough to show off that cute butt of yours, too. Gi hee,” he chuckled while putting up my plaques and acting like he hadn't just said something slightly suggestive. Levy’s face became red in an instant. Did he just... Did he really... He did! She wasn't used to Gajeel being this bold as he usually tended to show some awkwardness when it came to such things. Though then again, whenever he teased her... he could get a bit more daring at times. And this was, apparently, one of those times. Why did he think that now was a good timing for it?!
Her hands quickly went to the hem of her dress and tugged it down, knowing full well that it wouldn’t be much. Normally she wasn’t self-conscious about the length but now that Gajeel brought it up she felt weirdly nervous the she was showing off something she shouldn’t have been. Levy had chosen the dress because unlike most of the girls she didn’t exactly have a large chest to flaunt but now she didn’t know what to think, especially since Gajeel was looking at her legs and “cute” butt. The script mage immediately made a mental note to wear pants tomorrow.
Another snicker left Gajeel's mouth before she turned to him shyly, her face was still gloriously red. Sure, they had been... unofficially dating for some time now, she guessed, but still!
“I wouldn’t have imagined you wearing black so often too… this is the fourth day now,” he added to his previous comment, this time a little more hesitantly though.
Levy’s blush disappeared and she tilted her head cutely. What was he talking about now? Her expression was odd and her eyes confused since she didn’t know what he meant. Black wasn’t a color she wore as her main attire often so why would he point out something like-
Though then it struck her and she gasped. Her cheeks puffed out and her face became red once again, both from embarrassment and a new wave of anger. How dare he!
She didn't think about it much when she let go of the ladder and decked the male in the nose with her small fist. Before he could do anything her other fist hit him in the shoulder, followed by a smack to his face.
“O-Oi! I was just kiddin'!” Gajeel tried to lean away, his face full of shock as his arms went up to defend himself from Levy’s blows. “Stop it, shrimp! That’s dangerous!”
“You’re such a pervert! Do you normally look up poor girl’s skirts to check out their panties?”
“W-What? 'Course not! Just yours…” Again probably something he shouldn't have admitted.
Another blow hit his arms. Levy’s didn’t care how unsafe this was, Gajeel deserved every bit of pain she was inflicting on him! He was just a perverted, stupid dragon slayer!
As she continued to pelt him with her blows Gajeel leaned back and his eyes went wide. Levy was oblivious to his struggle and continued to assault him; it quickly became apparent that he had leaned back too far and if this would keep going then he feared that he would meet the floor soon. Levy then simply stopped and smirked at him briefly as she saw the shock on his face. He deserved everything that came to him for looking up her dress.
But before she could muse further one of his hands grabbed the back of her dress. Caught off guard, Levy gasped and turned her head around to see him hanging onto her, his fist grabbing onto the orange fabric tightly. The bluenette's eyes widened; Gajeel was much larger than her and weighed twice as much too! She began to hear her dress tearing and she knew she had to act fast!
So she began to kick him as best as she could.
One of her sandaled foot hit him in the stomach and he spluttered out a gasp. She followed it up with another kick but he just didn’t want to let go and while she'd been contented with her choice of shoes today Levy was now cursing her decision to wear sandals and not boots. Regardless, she continued with her attempts to make him let go of her dress. Hopefully he would-
It was too late.
Levy’s eyes widened in shock and realization as a cold breeze hit her torso. Her orange dress was now gone, leaving her in her black panties, her footwear, and her headband and she gave a squeak as she continued to cling to the book-case. First she lost her detached sleeves and now she had lost her dress! What would happen next, could the day get any worse?
The answer was yes.
Oddly enough the weight of Gajeel didn’t leave. She looked behind to see him holding onto her ankles, his eyes widened as he clung to her for dear life. “Oi! Don’t let me fall!”
The script mage's blush increased. He was seeing everything! She began to flail; she just wanted him out of here so she could have a damn moment of privacy but that wasn't her biggest problem right now.
A snap filled the air and then a heavy thud. It was the sounds of her sandals breaking from her feet and Gajeel hitting the floor and that was still not enough. Levy had been flailing too much and it caused the ladder she was using to lean backwards, too. So much that all she could do was to scream before she crashed on top of the dragon slayer, blacking out as she did.
“Fuck fuck fuck. Shrimp, wake up!”
Levy felt dizziness overwhelm her as soon as she blinked her eyes open. There was just this feeling and a blurred world before her eyes as she laid on the dragon slayer. Or wait, was she still lying? It took her some more moments to be able to process that she was looking at a familiar face and was held by two strong arms. Then there was the deep voice.
“Yer awake!”
Gajeel didn't only sound worried, no, his face revealed concern as well. It was rare for the dragon slayer to show his emotions freely like this and if Levy had been in a different state right now then she would have appreciated it more. Right now all she could do was to try and remember what happened as she remained silent and let the dizziness disappear slowly. It had been a slight relief that she didn't hit the floor and fell onto Gajeel instead so she wasn't exactly injured.
“How are ya feeling?” The black male leaned her against the back of a book shelf and crouched before her, red eyes starting at her intently. It was all his fault and inwardly he felt incredibly bad. “Say somethin', dammit!”
“Gajeel.” It wasn't an approach but more like a confirmation for her that it was really him. It slowly began to dawn on her what had happened before and she briefly raised her right hand to rub her head. “Dizzy...,” she mumbled, avoiding eye-contact for now. “But I'll be fine if I stay seated for some more moments. I-”
Levy fell silent. Something was not like before and the intense look on Gajeel's face turned a little more worried, or confused maybe, when the she began to stare dead ahead. Memories began to fill her mind and part of the anger she had felt before returned alongside major embarrassment and that was when she felt what was different.
She wasn't only in her black panties and her headband anymore only.
Apparently Gajeel had wrapped her up in his trench coat. Yes definitely. It wasn't on him anymore and she wasn't dreaming; she was really dressed in it.
“What?” The black-haired mage asked, insecurity swinging faintly in his voice.
Levy puffed out her cheeks and then suddenly- “Y-You idiot! Y-You pervert! Gajeel you complete baka, you-!” She would have hit him again but she didn't want to lose her cover and she tried to glare at him.
“Woah woah, calm down! I know I was bein' an idiot but dammit ya worried me, I'm just glad that yer alright. Don't fuckin' do such nonsense again!”
And the script mage could only stare at that. Not only did he sound upset but another rarity happened; he actually admitted that he was worried. About her. Still, how dare he scolding her when he should be the one getting scolded so much more for his idiotic, perverted behavior!
“Ugh!” Turning her head away from him she tugged her legs in close to her body. She could hear Gajeel muttering something grumbly to himself but she didn't care.
And there was something else they worried about the next moment anyway.
Two familiar voices were suddenly incredibly close, and they were worried. Levy's head shot up alarmingly when she registered that it was Jet and Droy calling out for her, most likely because they had heard the previous noise, and immediately she stumbled to her feet.
“O-Oi oi, be careful!” The dragon slayer scolded and reached out to steady her but she just stubbornly slapped his hand away. Her team mates must not see her like this!
“I'm fine!” The script mage pulled the trench coat close though it soon turned out that it was difficult to walk in it due to its length. “Gajeel!” There was terror in her eyes but to her relief the dragon slayer just growled before he followed her, leaving the ladder where it was and hoping that it would not cause any suspicion if Jet and Droy were to find it. Levy was right after all. Finding her like this would not leave a good impression at all.
The voices died down and they both hoped that the other two males had left the library again. Still, they didn't want to take any risks so Levy led them both to the backdoor where they could hide. The next problem was just... How to get out of the guild? There was no way she could walk through the main hall like this!
“It's a pain to watch ya walk in that thing.”
Levy puffed out her cheeks again but didn't respond. She was fine. Perfectly fine. “You will help me get home now, Gajeel!”
“Will I?”
But that could get tricky. She didn't even have shoes anymore! Emitting a heavy sigh Levy began to think. The main hall was no option and it was difficult to reach the other rooms without passing it. Perhaps...
“We'll have to escape through a window,” she stated matter-of-factly and immediately turned to head towards the next window she knew existed in this huge room. It was clear that Gajeel had no right to object and being aware that he was to blame for this mess he followed her after giving a grumble.
“Can ya even climb up there?”
Again she pouted. But he was right... the window would be too far up for her to reach it by himself so he would have to scoop her up and the thought did make her blush a bit.
Then again, everything was better than staying here right now.
And at least Gajeel played along without too much complaining.
The act of getting out of the window, and with that getting out of the guild, didn't play out as smooth as she'd wanted for it to be. Gajeel lifted her up and she was careful when opening the window but when she started to climb through it she accidentally ended up bumping her butt into his face and it almost resulted into them bickering again. Almost.
The dragon slayer himself didn't need any help and Levy felt a big wave of relief once she stood outside. At least until anew panic overcame her – of course she would be even more exposed now, in public and having to get home, but it was better to be seen by strangers than by her own guild mates right now and so she sighed, trying to keep her cool.
“And now? Ya wanna walk home?”
What a stupid question! “Of course! Or do you think I'm gonna stay here? Idiot,” she huffed and pulled the trench coat close again defensively. Walking in it was awkward yes, but... she would manage it. “Cover me,” she mumbled, trying to lace her words with exasperation, and then began to walk without another word.
Gajeel just looked at her in disbelief but then obliged. He didn't want to upset her even more and there was still a tad bit of guilt lingering within him. He shouldn't have been so bold. It was just... he really liked her. He really did. But sometimes it was hard to express his feelings.
This time he had obviously failed.
The two kept walking and Levy attempted her best to ignore some curious and wondering looks thrown at her. Bare-footed and only wearing a way too oversized trench-coat; of course it would draw attention. Her cheeks reddened softly but she concentrated on finding the least crowded way to Fairy Hills possible.
The bluenette didn't take note of Gajeel frowning hard every once in a while, mostly when he spotted somebody looking at her for too long. He was being silently protective and he had no patience for perverts or jerks looking at his hopefully future girlfriend. Hah, the irony... He'd been quite a bit of a pervert himself but that had been an exceptional case! That, and Levy and him knew each other for some time now and spent a lot of time together.
Eventually though the dragon slayer gave a groan of annoyance, watching Levy stumble over the trench coat every now and again. “'s still a pain to watch ya walk in that.”
“I'm fine,” Levy insisted.
This time though Gajeel didn't want to hear any of this. Without taking another moment for consideration he stepped closer and grabbed her, lifting her up bridal style and causing Levy to emit a soft squeak.
“W-What are you doing?! I said I'm fine!”
“Yer gonna fall on yer damn face if you keep walking.”
“No!” Quickly she tried to reassure that everything was covered still and then hit his chest gently: Her cheeks had reddened further and the dragon slayer secretly liked the sight of it but he kept silent and refused to put her down again.
“Jus' accept it. I'm tryin' to help ya for fuck's sake.”
There was a kind of exasperation in the man's voice she had heard before and suddenly she was feeling a little bad. Perhaps Gajeel was really just wanting to make up for it and here she was fussing about him carrying her. Well, on the one hand it was comprehensible, wasn't it? Atfer all she was convinced that she was perfectly able to get to Fairy Hills on her own feet. On the other hand it was perhaps safer to be carried, perhaps it would even draw less attention and they would be quicker and that was in her interest.
“You're such a jerk...,” she mumbled in defeat though there was softness in her tone that hadn't been there the past few hours.
Quietly she began to hold onto him with one hand, averting her eyes whilst Gajeel kept staring ahead as they walked. The rest of the way was covered in silence so both of them were relieved when they reached their destination at last. Now they just had to hope that Erza was no here or they would get into trouble for bringing a male into Fairy Hills.
After putting Levy back down she mumbled a thank you, earning a huff from the dragon slayer who crossed his arms. They made their way to the script mage's room as silently as possible and fortunately without getting seen so once they were in her room with the door closed Levy exhaled. “Finally.”
There was a moment of awkward silence before Levy turned around to Gajeel and glanced up. “And um... thank you for letting me wear your tench coat.” Really, it had kind of saved her. Even though he played a big part in why she had to be saved.
“Not a big deal,” the black-haired man shrugged and let his gaze wander. He'd been here before, nothing had changed.
“I'll go put some new clothes on um... You can wait here,” Levy muttered and didn't wait for a response. Quickly, she turned around and went to change and Gajeel ended up looking after her.
He hadn't allowed this thought to come to the surface until now but... in fact he thought that although it was far too big, Levy looked real good in his clothes. It was adorable but also sexy at the same time and he quietly thought to himself that he'd make such an offer again at some point and that he really wouldn't mind seeing her in some of his clothes more often. Perhaps... once they were officially dating... or even in a relationship? If he hadn't fucked up, that is.
Heaving a grumbly sigh he waited, hearing some rustling every now and then but no complaining. It didn't take all too long for Levy to get changed and so she soon stepped out with a top that was shortened so she showed off her belly and a tight clam diggers that hugged her curves. A new pair of sandals was on her feet and she'd taken care of her hair and straightened the headband. She looked like nothing had happened.
“Ready.” She gave a nervous giggle. In this moment it really sounded like she hadn't been angry at him at all and Gajeel hoped that she could forgive him for his earlier stupidity.
“Uh... ya look good.” He scratched the back of his neck not really knowing what to say before she hesitantly handed him his trench coat.
“Thank you again um... for letting me wear it.”
“I was bein' an idiot, yer right. 's the least I could do.” Again he scratched the back of his neck and took the coat to take it back on himself. His nose couldn't help but notice that her scent was on it now... And he absolutely didn't mind. “So um.. yea, sorry for earlier.”
“You really were an idiot. A perverted one,” she sighed, brows knitting briefly. “But I forgive you. Just don't... make me hit you again.” And Levy managed to give him a slight smile.
Gajeel wasn't sure if he could promise her not to make her hit him again, mostly because it was kind of a friendly teasing thing between them, but he sure as hell was glad to see her smile at him again.
That could only mean he hadn't fucked up completely.
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ourotakuparadise · 3 years
200 followers event, Fluff Alphabet!
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The Masterlist exclusive for the Fluff Alphabet EVENT!
Fairy Tail
Fluff Alphabet! Erza
Fluff Alphabet! Gajeel Redfox
Fluff Alphabet! Laxus Dreyar
One Piece
Fluff Alphabet! Kid
Fluff Alphabet! Killer
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ourotakuparadise · 5 years
Fairy Tail
Fairy Tail masterlist
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Relationship (headcanon)
Kinks (NSFW headcanon)
Ideal boyfriends (headcanon)
With a frisky S/O (headcanon)
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Relationship (headcanon)
Kinks (NSFW headcanon)
Ideal boyfriends (headcanon)
Fluff Alphabet! Erza (200 followers event)
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Discovering his lil sister dating after returning from Tenrou (headcanon)
Fluff Alphabet! Gajeel Redfox (200 followers event)
With a intelligent & short F!S/O (headcanon)
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Reacting sister dating (headcanon)
Having a lil sister (headcanon)
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Relationship (headcanon)
Kinks (NSFW headcanon)
With a frisky S/O (headcanon)
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Ideal girlfriends + NSFW (NSFW headcanon)
Soulmate (headcanon)
Petite short female S/O (headcanon)
Fluff Alphabet! Laxus Dreyar (200 followers event)
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Relationship (headcanon)
Kinks (NSFW headcanon)
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Relationship (headcanon)
Kinks (NSFW headcanon)
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Relationship (headcano)
Kinks (NSFW headcanon)
Ideal boyfriends (headcanon)
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Ideal girlfriends + NSFW (NSFW headcanon)
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Ideal girlfriends + NSFW (NSFW headcanon)
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