#gale is also there because of course he is
dekariosclan · 2 days
We know from the epilogue that Gale is often so immersed in his research that he can ignore everything in the world, including Tav, until he finishes. How will Gale make amends after a few days of ignoring his love?
Ps: Tav wasn't really mad at him, of course, but sometimes it's a shame that the book is given more time than Tav, don't you think so?
Ooh what a great question!! 🥰
So I have to imagine that Gale getting caught up in his research—the topic of which can be anything and everything, depending on what his brilliant mind decides to focus on that week—is something Tav gets used to pretty quickly.
But I don’t believe that Gale ever fully ignores Tav, no matter how passionate he is about the topic he’s working on. For example, I don’t see him locking himself away in his study for hours at a time and completely forgetting to interact with Tav. This is a man who spent a year+ in lonely isolation, bereft, desperately longing for company. This is a man whose greatest wish (as shown by the magic mirror in Act I) has always been for a sweetheart to join him in his tower. And this is a man who, even when he read Karsus’s book and his thoughts were consumed with the knowledge it contained, was still focused on Tav, and what Tav would think, and how Tav would react.
So all that said—what I DO think happens is that he becomes immersed in his research to the point of complete distraction.
I can see him going up and down the tower, rummaging through his piles of books and bookshelves, paging through giant tomes, then tossing them aside and muttering to himself, while his conjured mage hand scribbles notes on a piece of parchment. Meanwhile, Tav watches all of this with fond amusement—because while Gale is pacing around with his nose buried in a book, his mind seemingly a million miles away, he’ll still occasionally take Tav’s hand and press it to his lips for a gentle kiss, all without ceasing his reading.
At other times he’ll step into the room and, with his gaze focused on the book or notes clutched in his hands, start bouncing ideas off of Tav: “My love, did you know that the alchemical properties of Daggerroot make it an excellent weapon coating? Do you think it could also be used for medicinal properties? Yes or no?…Hmm—I can tell by your silence that you are hesitant about it…you know, I do believe that you are correct in your assessment. Yes, now that I think about it, Mugwort remains the superior choice. Excellent advice my love, you truly know how to steady the direction of my mind even through the most volatile of seas!” Then he’ll hurry away—all without realizing that Tav was not even in the room, but in the hallway behind him, watching all this play out while trying not to laugh.
AND THEN, finally, when Gale has completed his work and the scholarly portion of mind is satisfied (until the next topic takes hold…) Tav will look up from whatever they were doing to find that their delightful wizard has, without their noticing, conjured an entire dinner spread of Tav’s favorite foods, scented candles, and flowers.
And their wizard will be before them, gently plucking whatever book or letter or item that Tav had been engaged with from their grasp, so that he can take both of their hands in his. Then he’ll caress them slowly, while smiling lovingly into Tav’s eyes, his full attention on them and them alone.
“Done with your research now, are you?” Tav will ask with a smile.
But Gale will shake his head. “My love,” he will admonish gently, as he worshipfully caresses his fingers over their face, down their jawline. “You should know that a wizard’s research is never done.”
Then he’ll place his bent finger under their chin, and smile. “I’m simply moving on to studying my favorite subject,” he’ll conclude, as he tips their head up and kisses them deeply.
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brotherwtf · 2 days
.... saw a gif set of Callum kissing a bunch of girls in a bunch of different ways so obviously I'm gonna talk about how Gale would handle being kissed like that (spoiler alert, he freaks the fuck out)
most of these set in a modern au unless specified otherwise lolol (also if y'all want a longer drabble for each of these don't be afraid to ask lmao)
scenario one: John shuts Gale up with a kiss
Gale of course talking about how he's never done this, he's only ever been with girls and he's just so nervous, he's saying stuff like he really likes John he's just not sure if Gale will be good enough for him, basically just yapping nonsense thinking that Johns not equally smitten with him, so John finally just grabs his face and shuts him up with a kiss, catches Gale so off guard that he doesn't even kiss him back at first, just kind of sits there shocked
but Gale eventually gets over himself and kisses John back, sighing heavily bcs this is definitely what he wanted
scenario two: John kisses Gale in the car before he says goodbye
John would smile at Gale so sweetly, so sweet that Gale blushes and has to look away, looks out the window to his house and curses the damn thing, wishes he didn't have to leave John
when he turns back to John he's leaning closer in his space, reaches for Gales chin to tilt him closer, to which Gale goes easily, allows John to kiss him as a goodbye and relishes in every second of it
scenario three: John pulls Gale in by his waist to kiss him
thinking John just woke up and he's sitting on the edge of the bed without his shirt, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, but even while he's sleeping he still reaches for Gale's waist, is successfully able to grab him and pull him in closer, nuzzles his nose against Gale's stomach and looks up at him with the biggest heart eyes he can put on, eventually standing and tries to sneak his hands underneath Gale's shirt, making a sound against Gale's lips when he pushes them down
scenario four: John's so desperate to kiss Gale that he can barely fit their lips together
maybe it's after a long time of not seeing each other, a couple of weeks or maybe months, and the second John sees Gale he's running to him, grabbing his face and tries to kiss him, can barely slot their lips together in a passable kiss because he's so desperate to just feel Gale against him
Gale of course would feel his mind melting from how desperate John is to just be around him, makes him absolutely nutty how John can't keep his hands off of him
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blixabargelds · 1 day
PLS do more cnc, nobody ever writes it :( you are a fantastic writer
thank youu 🥺 cnc my beloved ugh especially when it’s ill advised and under negotiated and ends in tears <3 but also also~
modern clegan au,. gale meets this real attractive guy at a bar, a little older, rough around the edges but he seems nice enough. and gale’s nervous because he’s never touched a drop of alcohol in his life but he’s had a rough fucking week, wants to see what the fuss is all about, take the edge off the noise in his head. and this guy sits down next to him, and gale’s playing nervously with the straw in his vodka lime soda staring into it, and this guy says ‘hey, doll, you gonna drink that?’
so gale does. he takes a sip, and it sort of stings on the way down, but this cute guy, says his name is john, smiles at him so wide like he’s pleased with him and that smile is like a shot in itself, so gale finishes the drink. and john, he can see this quiet kid is relaxing a bit, so he gets him another. and john’s hardly touching his but gale’s halfway through this second one, and christ he’s a lightweight, so he barely notices he’s the only one getting wasted.
and gale gets a little bold with it, he’s flirting with this guy now, and when john offers to drive him home he accepts because the world is tilting a bit, and he seems so nice.
and when gale kisses his cheek as a thank you as they get back to gale’s, this guy- he won’t leave. he sticks a foot in gale’s door and won’t let him shut it. and this big smile john had, it won’t leave his face as he looks at gale and says ‘you do this a lot?’
gale doesn’t know what he means, goes to say no and sorry, but john’s bullying his way into gale’s apartment and saying ‘you like to lead guys on? you do this a lot, leave good men high and dry? nobody ever told you that’s pretty fuckin rude?’
and gale’s gut twists and he goes to say something else, but john’s switched. he ain’t so friendly anymore. he’s grabbing gale by the hair and throwing him down onto his bed. he’s bigger and stronger, and gale’s head is swimming, and he can’t breathe as john’s tugging his pants down, shoving his face into the pillow so when gale shouts for him to get the hell off him nobody’s gonna hear. and gale’s maybe starting to cry as john fingers him once, twice, then fucks into him with spit and the sheer force of a violent stranger, and gale thinks he might pass out.
and he’s never done this before, either, and he tells this guy as much, begging him not to, he doesn’t understand his body’s reaction when this guy fucks him so deep he’s hitting something gale’s only found with his own shy fingers before, and gale wants to die because he’s getting hard, he’s gonna come from this man roughly taking something gale didn’t want to give. and when he does, just from his cock against the sheets and john splitting him apart, he sobs into the pillow, begs john to get off him bc he’s ruining him, and when john pulls out and flips gale over and puts his hand on his neck he tells him ‘you never saw my face, nobody’s going to believe you’.
and he’s choking gale so tight his eyes are rolling back, and the vodka and the terror and the lack of oxygen make him slip, and he thinks he can hear the ocean rushing in his ears and as john’s grip finally loosens he’s gone.
and when john touches his face, brings him back around, everything’s fuzzy. and gale looks up at him, and he smiles so hard john drags in this breath like he was the one getting throttled.
and gale says, ‘you never asked my name’
and john says ‘shit, buck, where d’you learn to act like that,’ and ‘did you tell the bartender beforehand to just give you soda?’ because of course gale would plan that far ahead, and ‘where did the fucking virgin thing come from?’
and gale says, ‘you told me i could improvise,’ and ‘did you lock the door? never know what kinds of people there are out there these days.’
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antiquitea · 6 months
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⇾ callum turner, c. 2011
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nabexis · 5 months
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Just finished another INCREDIBLE Bloodweave fic by Linnetagain: What Fools These Mortals Be
Please go read it.
I laughed, I cried, I HAD TO DRAW. 😭 Thank you so much Linnetagain, your fics give me liiiiife.
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hopelessromantic5 · 22 days
I thought it would be fitting to post a sick-fic snippet, considering the upper-respiratory infection I’ve had for the past week has been kicking my ass.
So this is a little Bucky taking care of sick Buck fic.
Thank you for reading.
Gale went to sleep at Thorpe Abbots.
When his eyes shot open, he was in complete darkness. The only sounds in the room were the soft even breaths of his fellow officers.
Something was balled up in Gale’s stomach. This must’ve been what woke him.
God he hadn’t felt real nausea like this since he was a kid.
It’s alright. He tells himself. Just lie still and it will go away. Just calm down. Breathe, in and out. Calm yourself. It’s fine. It’ll go away.
Another roll of pain and discomfort had him up on his feet and bolting out the door before he could think twice.
He just made it outside behind the building before the contents of his stomach emptied into the grass.
Gale leaned against the bricks, heaving, tears streaming down his face.
God, how he hated it. The lack of control, the inability to stop it. Forced to endure until it’s over.
He felt himself drop to the ground, curling into his own body, trying to slow his breathing. Trying to get rid of that awful scratchy feeling in the back of his throat.
He blindly wiped at his face with the bottom of his tshirt, hoping he hadn’t been loud or interrupted anyone’s sleep.
It reminded him too much of the terrible nights of his childhood, fresh bruises already blackening around his cheek, under his ribs, the pain swirling behind his eyelids causing the sickness before little Gale could get it under control.
“Buck?” A voice called out, whispering, but still too loud for the dead of night.
Gale didn’t have the energy to respond.
Footsteps grew near.
“Buck! Hey,” a body crouched near him, gentle hands settling on his shoulders, like a blanket.
When Gale didn’t lift his head immediately, Bucky, softly, barely touching him, placed his rough hand on Gale’s cheek, calling the other man to meet his eyes.
When John felt the wetness of tears under his palm, his brows furrowed further in concern, if that were possible.
“Hey, doll, what’s the matter?” He whispered.
Gale must’ve been really really tired. The term of endearment didn’t seem out of place, it didn’t jolt his system the way it would in any other instance, it just seemed right.
As if he were expecting John to call him that.
A second hand moved, so Buck’s face was effectively caged in by John’s grasp. It was only then he realized the heat Gale’s skin was radiating.
“You’re burning up, Gale. We need to get you back into bed.”
Gale finally lifted himself from his hiding place, meeting John’s eyes. He’d never seen that kind of worry there before.
“You called me Gale.” He mumbled before he could think about it.
John huffed a laugh, shaking his head.
“Because I knew it would get you to pay attention.” He stands, and gently places one of Buck’s arms around his own broad shoulders.
“I can walk.” He mumbled, yet disproving his own point when he practically slumped into John with all his body weight, tucking his face into his neck. Gale huffed, wanting to be embarrassed, but finding he was rather annoyed at relying on John for yet another thing. Relying on anyone for anything is bad enough, but John doesn’t need a burden like him. He should be free, like a bird.
Gale is beginning to think, in the only rational part of his mind left, that there may be something wrong with him.
Maybe he’d been poisoned.
A snort followed his poor attempt at being right,
“Sure, doll. If you say so.”
Bucky practically carried him all the way back inside, he smelled like fresh air and lucky strikes with just a hint of something simply titled ‘John’, it could never be recreated, Buck knows.
Once settled under his blankets, warm and content, John smiles softly at him.
“Get some rest, Gale.”
“Thank you, John.” He whispered, watching the silhouette of the other man freeze and the continue his journey back to his bunk, without looking back.
A sad, pathetic sigh escaped him before he drifted off into an awful, fitful sleep.
When he woke again, he was sweating, and it was bright enough in the room to blind him when his eyes creaked opened.
Then he caught onto the silence of his surroundings. No quiet murmurs of morning. No shuffling feet.
Oh God, the meeting, the mission.
“Oh, fuck.” He says before he can remember he isn’t supposed to.
He’s up and getting dressed before he can even breathe.
He’s late. He’s so incredibly late, the captain is going to have his ass.
Oh, no.
“Whoa, whoa.” A hand on his chest settles his rushed movements. “Slow your roll there, cowboy.” Bucky just walked through the door, holding, what looks like, soup in a cup?
“Bucky, I’m late. What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be helping Curt with flight check?” Gale is confused as to why either one of them are still here talking, and why no one woke him up.
A small smile appeared on John’s face, stilling Gale once again.
“What’s with the face?”
Bucky shook his head,
“Leave it to you to be deathly ill and still be worried about flight check.”
Gale looks at him like he’s crazy, which makes it even funnier.
“I’m not sick, John.”
“Tell that to your hundred and four degree fever.”
“What-how do you-“ Buck stopped, huffing in a breath. He probably looks ridiculous, one pant leg on and no shirt, with a sock halfway rolled up his foot. “Why are you here, then? If I’m sick, you could catch it. I shouldn’t even be in here, I should stay in the med tent.” He’s babbling.
Bucky has been watching him with wide eyes. He’s never seen Gale so ruffled, and stuttering.
He’s never seen him so not put-together.
He loves it. He’s drinking up the sight like water, though he does feel a pinch of guilt and hurt that Gale had to be sick in order for him to see this side of him.
“It’s a cold, Buck. Your body just needs some rest and it’s forcing you to get it, the only way it knows how.” Bucky turned back to something that he had discarded on his bed.
“You are not late, so you can stop having a panic attack and lay back down. I already told the Captain that you were sick. It’s not contagious. And I’m not leaving you here, sick and alone.”
For once, Gale went without a fuss.
He was exhausted.
“I brought you some pills. Doc said they should help.” John said, offhand.
The words send Gale spinning into a future he’d never imagined before. One where he and Bucky are living in a nice humble house with a few acres out back. John brings home the paper from town and they gossip about the neighbors while they drink coffee in the morning, huddled together on the porch swing. Maybe a good hound at their feet.
“Buck?” That warm hand returned to his face, this time feeling his forehead.
“Jesus, Buck, I’ve never felt skin this hot.”
“Careful,” Gale huffed a laugh. “You’re gonna give a fella an ego too big for his boots.”
John seemed to think this was funny too. Fond amusement colored his eyes, clear skies on a moonlit night.
“Maybe you could use a little ego, Saint Cleven. You’re too humble.” The hand that had previously taken his temperature by touch, carded its fingers through Gale’s hair. Sweaty blond locks that had fallen over his forehead were pushed back, cool air on his face more prevalent. It felt good while at the same time, sent shivers down his spine.
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nebulousfishgills · 30 days
As much as I love playing embrace Dark Urge runs (discussion in therapy pending), there's something so narratively satisfying about how a Resist Durge playthrough can go once you get to the Bhaal Temple. Your character steps into the ring with Orin, it's intended to be a duel, but odds are you're getting eviscerated pretty quickly. You then switch to one of your other characters in your party and throw an attack, effectively breaking the duel and setting the whole temple upon you.
(Adding a cut because this ended up being longer than I thought)
But, I think it's a very satisfying way to play. Your party members have grown fond of your Durge, seeing them as a friend, a family member, even a lover. They've watched you and your pain over your Urge and what it makes you do or want to do. Maybe you've slipped up once or twice, but you've been trying so hard to be the hero they know you can be, that Faerûn needs. So, when it comes time to finally face your demons and you're getting so horribly hurt in the process, they can't help but rush to your defense. It'll put all of them in danger, but it doesn't matter because they want and need to help you, their ally and companion.
Bonus points if you select your character's romanced companion as the savior/duel interruptor to make it extra delicious. They've fallen in love with you, stayed with you when your Urge craved their blood the most, maybe by this point in the game you've helped put their demons down as well. They see you in pain, a final valiant effort to overcome your Urge against the power of Orin, a whole cult, a god of murder himself. They want to protect you, save you as you saved them.
I'm also fond of the extra beauty of Astarion being your Resist Durge romance since it puts the two of you in very similar situations. Fighting against the will of your masters, finally defeating your demons with your newfound companions' help and being offered the greatest power you could ever fathom... only to deny it, ignore power in favor of your party and your love.
This isn't even mentioning just how goddamn good the Withers resurrecting you cutscene is. This skeleton in your camp with unknown and unfathomable power (also apparently supposed to be Jergal himself if I've done my research properly?) is able to bring you back to life, free of your Urge. The line along the lines of "Bhaal could only destroy what of you that he knew, but because you've grown past your Urge and become your own person, he couldn't destroy that new growth" is just so weirdly powerful narratively. Tav may be a default character for you to create upon making a new save file, but Durge is the canon protagonist and I think that entire scene shows it the best. It's a beautiful secondary climax of the narrative (primary being battling the Netherbrain of course).
And, perhaps it's just an oversight on Larian's part or something that'd be a bit difficult to work into the cutscenes mechanically, but I think that it could only get more impactful if your companions could comfort each other during these moments. Everyone and their mother wishes you could hug Astarion after he kills Cazador, but also imagine your romanced companion cradling your body after Bhaal kills you. It seems just a little odd that they all (meaning your party) kinda just stand around staring at your corpse, especially with how close y'all have gotten.
Idk, I have a lot of thoughts about this section of the game in this particular type of playthrough and some of them are hard to articulate into words. It's just such a damn good narrative peak and can really make you feel things.
I've completed I think two resist Durge runs and just hit this point on my third and it really stuck out to me this time (then again my new antidepressants are kinda fucking with me so that might be playing a role). I left it as my last mission before dealing with the Netherbrain and I think it helped build the anticipation of that moment. Everyone else has been helped by you, and now it's your turn to come into your own. I really felt so connected to my character walking into the temple, feeling like everything has been building to this, that regardless of what happens our suffering will finally end. And you have your party there to help you in your time of greatest need as you've done for them.
There's a reason this game was Game of the Year, the narrative is just so powerful and the replay-ability is just insane. I've beaten this game ten times, heading for my eleventh and it truly just never gets old and never fails to make me feel so many things so strongly.
#we're gonna bypass how i have the withers big naturals mod installed#because it kinda undercuts the moment when withers comes in to resurrect you and he has these massive honkers#i'm a big fan of embrace durges since it's a great way for me to let loose without real world consequence#(my anticipation for patch 7 grows daily of course)#and it's also just fun to be your worst self and create the fucking legion of doom with your party#you'll never beat the sheer power of an evil durge/ascended astarion/dark justiciar shadowheart/minthara team up#I AM FULLY AWARE I AM SINNING WHEN I ASCEND ASTARION AND IT PAINS ME EVERY TIME BUT I LIKE EVIL NARRATIVES SUE ME#but a resist durge run makes me feel so many more things#helping shadowheart with her family helping astarion learn to be his best self free from cazador lifting the shadow curse among other things#plus everything I mentioned in the main post#and then the final crescendo of the score at the end of the epilogue party cutscene is a HUGE chills moment#although i will always be mad that in order to keep gale from ascending you have to make him seek forgiveness from mystra#she should be apologizing to him wtf no wonder i accidentally ascended him so many times him#gale telling her to shove it just MAKES MORE SENSE and is the healthier thing to do but it gets you his fucking bad ending wth#okay i suppose him blowing himself up is his bad ending but whatever#apparently him exploding the netherbrain can get you the win for honor mode and as someone who can't even get through balanced mode#you bet your sweeeeeet ass i'm not above sending gale to blow himself up to avoid a run ending fight if i got that far#honor mode is not about getting the ending you want it's just about completeing it and dude there's no way in hell i'll get close otherwise#i'll shut up now#fishgills speaks#fishgills plays bg3#bg3#baldur's gate 3#the dark urge#bg3 durge
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also i find it very interesting that all of the companions stand with their feet apart in a wide stance except for Shadowheart. she physically shrinks in and makes herself smaller even in her idle animation
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forcedhesitation · 8 months
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stop fucking flirting with me, you rancid little man
#bg3#thoughts about media#never had this dialogue before. durge exclusive or...??#either way- I'm lying astarion. please keep talking about murder. it does something for me personally.#also LMAO at him “hiding” his vampirism. baby I can SEE your fangs and bite mark. you aren't hiding shit.#imagining him asking corydalis this and corydalis having to explain that decapitating him would be difficult due to his scaly skin.#with the parasite- his abilities are weakened and thus he can actually be poisoned whereas normally he is immune.#he'd admit he's always been curious what it's like to be poisoned lol.#you know. despite only having fully beat the game once- I have nearly 500 hrs in bg3.#I've half finished many campaigns. and now. when I must begin an adventure with no corydalis to return to...#...well it hurts. it is not the same without him...I will forever treasure him and experiencing the story alongside him.#this new character is a durge. aaaanother tiefling because I enjoy them. he isn't Actually the durge lorewise though.#I had my own story already formulated for him. even before I made him in game. I think I still want to keep him a bhaalspawn though.#if not bhaal- he'll be tied to myrkul. since corydalis has existing beef with myrkul.#he's got body type 1 instead of 2 and goodness it is SO strange to Look Up To the gents. like what do you MEAN they are TALL?!#astarion is like a little mouse. he is not supposed to be tall! wyll has transmasculine short king allure. he is not supposed to be tall!#gale can be a LITTLE tall. I guess. but he's such a sopping wet cat of a man. I can hardly imagine him being THAT tall.#none of them are taller than corydalis! bar halsin and karlach of course.
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lore-vigenere · 1 year
I can tell this playthrough is my favorite because I just spent 30 minutes buying dye for everyone's armor based on what I think they'd like to celebrate finishing all their personal quests. An in character shopping trip where my Tav was like, "We've come so far, and we need to look good for the ending! Everyone's getting new drip, my treat!"
Whereas last time, I didn't care about outfit cohesion in the slightest.
Anyway I'll be ranting in the tags about my choices if anyone cares.
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ofweave · 7 months
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🥺💜 beloveds.
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kitabasis · 1 year
I will admit that Mystra’s design in BG3 is not…amazing. However, I LOVE the fact that it’s a bit uncanny valley. The idea that the gods just fundamentally are so removed from people that when they try to look like them, they inevitably fail because they can’t quite understand what or why tiny details are important to those little mortals, because they’re just so much bigger and they function in such a different way and on such a different scale is a *fascinating* one, especially with the game’s themes about the apathy and carelessness of gods towards humans, even “good” ones.
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depresseddepot · 1 year
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calenhads · 1 year
act 2…. done?
#idk if it’s actually done or not but whatever#i’m going to sleep since i’m getting brunch with friends tomorrow at an hour earlier than i am normally awake#but yes i killed ketheric and lifted the shadow curse ig?#it’s not entirely gone yet but it’s getting there#and i met dame aylin my best friend in the whole wide world#i love the way she speaks it’s soooo good and really elevates her character#also. women. yeah.#vive la lesbians or whatever#i am having many thoughts abour jubilee as well but i will contain those to their own post. maybe.#i’m excited to actually get to baldur’s gate#also since i finally met them in game i can understand#the uncontrollable lust for enver gortash…. yeah. i like his nose so much#and orin of course i cannot forget about orin. i understand you all#she is so so so cool and has never done anything wrong ever#ketheric made me sad though. he’s just a really sad old man who did terrible things#i was fine until the note on his body from a clearly very young isobel.#the fact that he kept it all these hundred and some-odd years makes me insane#me when fathers do terrible horrible things to the world for the sake of a daughter. yeah.#ALSO by dame aylin association my shadowheart romance is going well#i did have to have The Talk with gale though because i forgot i flirted with him one too many times 😭#he kept looking at me with his huge wet sad brown eyes#i like him so much i need to do his romance SOON#meaghan talks#meaghan plays bg3#bg3 spoilers
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the only real major difference between rgg and y7 arakawa's wardrobe is how he wears his coat + bling and the scarf but it's such a difference
#snap chats#like with jo it's pretty much an entirely difference guy not just design but personality wise (borrowing from the previous still tho obvi)#but masumi just tones it down in y7.......#'snap what got you thinkin a this. and why are you tapping yuor keyboard so fuckin aggressively?????'#FIRST OFF i'm COLD. fun fact after my dad decided to confront my mom bout cheating he had to sleep in the basement for months#before he moved of course. and now im really grasping how awful that must have been#LIKE BEING BOOTED TO THE BASEMENT FOR DOING NOTHING WRONG SUCKS ANYWAY BUT god im freezing#ironic... im down here cause i dont want to see my ma.... history repeats im just like my father etc etc ANYWAYS NOT THE POINT#SORRYYYYYYY MAIN POINT TIME. SORRY. MAIN POINT.#i wanted to draw arakawa with his rgg outfit more. like i already dick around with daigo's outfit when i draw him#it wouldnt even be dicking around if i did it for arakawa... just choosin to draw the previous outfit#at the very least i might steal the barcelets and his shirt because his rgg shirt is a different style#also it's more open. PEEPAW.#i totally forgot to mention on the last time i drew his outfit#but if you saw me using the same purple and pink i use for jo no you didnt. but you did look at it right now#every time i think of rgg arakawa's outfit though i just hear mirror b's theme from pokemon gales of darkness#this is a compliment because mirror b is ALSO incredibly swaggy oh my god i have to listen to his theme brb#my disappointment when i grew up and found out mirror b wasn't a girl though. because for some reason i thought he was a girl#and just ignored every instance of referring to him as a guy.#alright im done being insane i have to sketch a thing then im gonna uhhhhhhhhhhhh watch stuff the rest of the night :) BYE
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recitedemise · 7 months
"hypothetically speaking, if i were a mage and i had- let's call it a passing interest in the shadow weave, where would you recommend that i begin?" he then smiled. "hypothetically speaking, of course."
That smile! Isn't he as subtle as a third degree burn? Gale angles his head, Astarion by the edge from where he's presently sojourned. He's but a pillar of marble, eyes glimmering with the twinkle of garnet jewels, and there is a hunger about him that is not to be forgotten...for Gale, quill stilling, boasts, too, an appetite. "Delving into the realm of the hypothetical?" Of course! "Well, woe be upon the man who'd let a mind waste in wonder--though I question what answer you'd hope I have."
"The Shadow Weave, Astarion," he begins, with some care, "demands a great deal more than a 'passing interest.' I can't quite well claim surprise considering the manner of its making. It's but a corruption of the Weave. It comes helmed by Shar." Now, Gale faces him fully. Locked in, his bubbling pool of knowledge boils to the surface, and a conjured mote of light glitters him dramatic. Ooooh. Scary. "And in case you haven't given a passing glance to our party's favored-most cleric of late, a devotion to Her cannot be anything less than complete. If you'd like to pull from Her realm, you must first offer Her everything. To the best of my knowledge, one's best to start with their heart--beating or otherwise shouldn't make a difference." Quietly, Gale gauges his reaction. Astarion, he knows, isn't much of a creature fashioned for fealty. He detests authority. He's like a bristling stray. But he's also starving, a man with a past that puts weight in his power, and holding his gaze, Gale might recognize like. Damned if he allows him to walk his path. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'd the impression you weren't so generous with yours." Your heart, he means. An important thing.
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