#gale is there for magic missiles and summons
teecupangel · 1 year
If anyone is wondering how things are going for Desmond in Faerun, he got sidetracked finding the tea on the druid 'leader' and got in a middle of some kind of Hanzel and Grethel BS in the swamp. Got into a long ass fight because he didn't want to kill the controlled people so that means no magic or ranged attack or throws for the final strike (and having to calculate the damages just to be sure).
Then we beat the crap out of the hag but she begged mercy from Shadowheart and Shadowheart agreed only if the hag leaves both the +1 item and the woman. (Desmond might be rethinking letting Shadowheart be the unofficial second in command)
Oh and Desmond gave a grieving woman a wand that resurrected her husband into a zombie because he was too surprised when her husband was resurrected into a zombie in the first place.
Gale and Karlach seemed to approve of his actions so maybe there is hope for the zombified husband in Baldur's Gate???
(I don't know what happened but we returned to the mind controlled masked people but one of them is missing. We did take off their masks and this time they didn't die so I guess the masks had to be taken off after the hag died. And no, we have not gotten to the goblin's camp at all.)
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unreadpoppy · 9 months
Wild Magic Surge
A little something based on a moment that happened while I played. Enjoy.
Summary: Gwen discovers that she can summon cambions midway through a particularly nasty fight.
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This was a most inopportune time. 
They were losing the fight. Badly. Gale was crying for help, with Halsin trying to get near him to heal the wizard up. Gwen had misty stepped too far away from Shadowheart, and so the cleric couldn’t see where she was. Dame Aylin was a great help but she kept missing and Rolan was doing his best to support. 
‘I never figured a wizard would be this hard to kill’ Gwen thought to herself. 
As she managed to kill the opponent closest to her, Gwen began to mentally count how many scrolls of revivification she had, for the odds were distinctively not in their favor. 
And that’s when she felt it. That tingling feeling at the tip of her fingers, the way the air almost began to move differently. While Gwen loved her powers, there was one thing that was sure to cause problems.
Wild magic surge. 
She couldn’t control it when it happened nor what it brought. Sometimes, she’d go weeks without having trouble. Others, it was every day. But no matter when, it always happened when Gwen least needed it. For example, one time the surge made her, Karlach and Shadowheart all become cats and dogs. Cat Karlach had still been able to kill a goblin, so it wasn’t that worrisome then.
Still, she didn’t like her odds. 
As Gwen cast magic missile on her enemies, she felt the effects of a wild magic surge taking place. In a puff of smoke, she had summoned a being from another plane. Usually, she’d expect a mephit but this time it was a familiar figure. 
In fact, a very familiar cambion. 
Raphael was having a peaceful day, for once since meeting the tadpole adventurers, when he was snatched from his house by forces unknown. Looking around, he seemed to be in some sort of tower, in a balcony, surrounded by books. 
But also, he was very clearly in the middle of a fight. 
He saw Gale of Waterdeep, on the other side of the room, in a balcony, casting spells from a safe distance. A bear was underneath him, beside the ladder, surrounded by two elementals. Shadowheart, the cleric, had slipped on the mud in the floor and was prone. The aasimar missed yet again and a tiefling Raphael had never seen before cast a spell powerful enough to end one of the elements. 
“Oh great, what in the hells are you doing here?” He heard a familiar female voice behind him speak up. 
It was the little mouse, Gwen, all bruised and bloody.. Looking down, a red haired man lay beside her, probably dead. 
“I should ask you.” He exclaimed, hearing the wizard shouting as he cast a spell. “How did you summon me?!”
“I didn’t! It just happened!” She shouted. Gwen looked past him at the chaos happening in battle. “You know what? Since you’re already here, you might as well help!” She said. 
“WHAT?!” He shouted. You will not make me-” 
Before he could finish, another elemental had gotten up to where they were and beat him. Raphael slowly turned around, angry. Without a moment’s hesitation, he struck the creature, wounding it badly. 
Gwen saw that and smiled. “That was good! Keep it up.” She said. Raphael rolled his eyes. 
Eventually, all but one of the elementals were dead. 
“I can’t see him!” Shadowheart shouted towards Gwen. “I think they became invisible.” 
The tiefling groaned. “Gale, do you have any see invisibility scrolls?” 
The wizard rummaged through his things but found nothing. He shook his head. Gwen sighed. The good thing about the creature turning invisible was that it allowed the party some time to rest. 
The bad part is that, thanks to Volo’s botched surgery, Gwen was the only one capable of seeing the invisible. She would have to go where the elemental had last been seen by anybody and hope she’d be able to off it before it knocked her out instead. 
“What’s happening?” Raphael asked. At this point, he had transformed into his more devilish form, wings spreading around. 
“There’s one elemental left and the bitch turned invisible.” She brushed past him, towards the ladder. “I have to go find it.”
Before he could argue, considering how in such a poor state she was, Gwen had already misty stepped towards one of the floating furniture. 
The elemental was revealed and before she could even react, the creature struck her, Gwen falling down. However, Shadowheart dealt the final blow and soon, the druid Halsin - now back to his normal form - rushed towards the tiefling, healing her up. 
Raphael flew down to where they were, seeing Gwen standing up on shaky legs, supported by the large elf. The others had gathered around. 
“What are you doing here?” The cleric asked him.
He pointed a clawed finger towards Gwen. “She summoned me here, I do not know how.”
“I think…it was… the surge.” She breathed out. Halsin cast another healing spell. 
“Ah, wild magic surge.” Gale exclaimed. “I remember reading somewhere that powerful sorcerers were capable of summoning cambions to our plane of existence during one of these events.” He looked Raphael up and down. “This is probably what happened. 
The devil scrunched his nose. He was aware of how the wizard felt towards him but chose to ignore it. For now. 
“I shall take my leave, then.” Raphael turned to look at the Nightsong snapping the red haired wizard’s back. “Before she does that to me.” 
Gwen chuckled, clutching her side as she did so. “Well, thanks for the help.” He nodded his head and snapped himself away. 
“This was…weird.” The druid said.
“Yeah.” Gwen said. “Let’s hope this doesn’t happen again. We already have Mizora to deal with, don’t need another cambion fooling around.” 
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blackjackkent · 7 months
Lorroakan bossfight report!
Our buddy the mean wizard has four myrmidons on hand (earth, air, water, fire), plus an animated armor named Krank, and a dwarf named Miklaur.
The dwarf is kind of perplexing; all of the myrmidons have triple digit hit points, Krank has 50, Lorroakan himself has 98, and Miklaur the dwarf has... 8.
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He's level 1! He's just a little guy! I don't know what the hell he's doing here or why he's in this fight.
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Very strange.
Shoutout to Rolan, though! Unlike Aradin, he has been eating his Wheaties since Act 1 and is now level 12 like us!
The myrmidons are all thicc but not particularly scary; their primary function is to buff Lorroakan himself, who gets extra elemental damage for each one that is still on the field:
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Realistically I think Hector (who does primarily Fists damage) could probably beat Lorroakan up regardless, but to do this fight as it is meant to be done, I think we want to get the myrmidons off the field ASAP.
Gale's Counterspell did a lot of work in this fight, as any time Lorroakan's turn came up was generally the scariest moment. Gale also managed to successfully Banish one of the myrmidons which was the first time we've done that successfully. XD
I was actually going to try to leave Miklaur alive since he seemed so useless and out of place in the fight but Aylin IMMEDIATELY obliterated him off the field.
I'm literally watching all of Rolan's combat logs and cheering him on. I think I've come to the conclusion that Hector feels distinctly paternal towards all of the tieflings at this point and it's rubbing off on me, because I'm sitting here cheering about Rolan having his own "Rolan's Magic Missile" spell like an overenthusiastic parent at a T-ball game.
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Atta boy!
Lorroakan lost his entire third turn because he was stupid enough to run away from the earth elemental Gale summoned onto the field, and it bitchslapped him straight onto the floor, which was VERY satisfying to watch.
I actually kind of take back everything snarky I said about Aylin's combat back in Act 2; she rocked this fight. Maybe we'll blame the Ketheric fight on her having been in lockup for a century and needed to warm up. Look at this set of crits she got on a the Hold-Monster'd Water Mymidon:
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Beautiful. Meanwhile Hector, who's usually flattening everything, spent the whole fight stunned. XD Everyone has an off day I guess.
Once the myrmidons were taken care of, Lorroakan folded like wet tissue paper. I actually skipped through a couple turns to let Rolan get the killing blow:
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Get his ass. \o/
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space-blue · 9 months
More BG3 Adventures!
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Lady are you OK?? No I guess me magic missiling your evil ass means you weren't OK... But for her to fall like this while being an NPC who doesn't wear panties? Hilarious.
Speaking of hilarious, I YEETED Murder Orin off the ledge and screamed. Obviously that means no loot and we just can't have that... Very very funny though x'D
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Speaking of no panties, I found dead Durge in Orin's bedroom... And when I checked the corpse, this is the beauty shot I got presented with
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"would you still love me if I were a Chosen of the Lord of Murder?"
"Get off the chair, Astarion"
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Just taking a little break serenading my boyfriend. A little pause to our hard day's work exploring... viscera piles... and raising zombies. Prepping to meet with our stalker.
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Cover art for this band's sick metal album. "Drenched in BLOOD"
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Honey you're an arch wizard, you can make a hole sized Gale for me...
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WHY is this game INSISTING I battle with countless rats?? It's never ending!!! If the Elder Brain doesn't summon 30 rats at the end, I'll want a refund.
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mz-elysium · 1 year
karlach as a wild magic sorcerer
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From Baldur's Gate 3's Digital Deluxe Artbook; Chapter 1: Characters; Karlach
But her character evolved quite a bit since our earliest concept sketches. Originally conceived as a barbarian from the Hells, at one point she dabbled in sorcery, and even briefly moonlighted as a paladin.
jesus i need this. first, another arcane caster (and a SORCERER) would be fantastic, but im just imagining the banter
gale, wizard, 17int, 8str, domestic cat man
karlach, sorcerer, 17str, 8int, hulking walking magical bomb but in an intentional way
book learning vs "idk i just think FIREBALL and bam"
karlach accidentally turning ppl's hair blue and summoning cats and imps via wild magic surges
soul coins powering her engine for more controlled surges (like how devils use them to power magic)
never use cantrips; use battleaxe instead (not very effective, but she thinks it is)
making "pew pew" sounds with magic missile
shovel as her forever-familiar
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miriamforster · 7 months
So I’ve tried my ”release spiders, summon ogres, draw out Razlin, ENJOY THE CHAOS” strategy at least three successful times now and I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone who gets bored with the goblin leader quest.
If you like giant battles with like 20 people that take a long time and are unpredictable enough to keep you interested, this is for you.
1. Release spiders
2. Blow Ogre horn
3. Snipe Razlin from the unlocked doorway to his room and run the hell away.
1. You absolutely can do this if you haven’t befriended the spiders. They’ll mostly chase the goblins first so as long as you don’t run by them and draw AoO, you should be okay.
2. You need a rogue by the spider door to start. Both for lockpicking purposes and to disengage to get by unallied spiders and goblins safely. Stab the guard first, then on your turn, lockpick the door and open it. When the spiders come out, disengage and start running to the right hand side of the room.
3. The person at the door to Razlin’s room needs misty step. Since it is a bonus action, you can hit Razlin and when the battle starts, dash away and misty step to get out of range, preferable to the right side of the spider pit. I used Gale because magic missile lets me hit Razlin and a couple goblins, to make sure I draw out everyone. NOTE: YOU MUST GET RAZLIN INVOLVED BEFORE THE MAIN FIGHT ENDS.
4. The person with the horn needs to be in the great hall. This is where the fights get unpredictable because you don’t know where the ogres will appear. Usually it’s on the left or right balconies for me. Depending on where they appear and who they fight first, it might take them longer to get down to the main hall, which means you have to kill more goblins yourself, Last time I did it, I blew the horn while standing on the back right stairs, which worked pretty well.
5. The name of the game is STAY ALIVE so you need a lot of healing spells, or a lot of potions or both. Also some of the goblins can curse or blind you so if you have access to remove curse and lesser restoration, those are good to have on hand. I like having a dedicated healer for this fight to free up spell slots for the damage dealers.
6. The goal is to get all of your party to the right hand side of the hall, (the side where the torture room is, and the path to the worg pens) Razlin and his crew generally come down on the left side, so this leaves fewer enemies for you to deal with. There’s high ground for spells, and there’s a ladder if someone needs to get into the rafters for any reason.
7. Once you’re all there, don’t spread out the party too much. You need to be in healing, helping and buffing range. (Rafter person is an exception.) If the ogres are engaging with Razlin, and no enemies are in range, heal and wait.
8. Keep an eye on Razlin’s health and the health of the ogres. They have never killed him by themselves in any of my playthroughs, but once you’re in position you can snipe him with spells and arrows. The balance here, if you can swing it, is to ideally get the ogres killed or take their health down enough so you can take them out before the battle is over. So don’t kill Razlin before he does good damage to them. BUT you do want him to be at least half dead or more before he turns his attention to you, otherwise bad shit will happen.
9. Once Razlin is dead, evaluate the ogres and the goblins left. If they’re still in battle, let them fight. If the leader is dead and you passed the persuasion check to hire them for free, any ogre survivors will just wander away at the end of battle. (May work if you agreed to pay them too but I never do lol) Regardless, you want the leader dead because Cool Loot so if he’s not, then make it so.
10. Mop up any leftover enemies. Last time I did this it worked so well that my Tav got bored and went to kill the goblins outside the worg pen door before the battle was fully over. It’s a good time to get the priest of Loviatar too, if you can. (He bugged for me last time.)
So there you go! Everything I’ve learned from doing GIANT CHAOS FIGHT in the goblin camp.
I’ve also discovered this doesn’t draw out Minthara, so you can save her for last if you don’t want to worry about reinforcements coming.
(Scream all you like Eye, no one will save you 😈)
Anyway, give it a try if this sounds fun. Make sure to save first!
(Edit: this does come with a risk of glitches, just because of the sheer number of people. Not recommended for an honor run.)
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Now that I’m done I can rank hardest to easiest fights in act 3 of the game based on my build ((I had Astarion, Gale, n shadowheart plus my warlock tav who uses counterspell- that helps SO much)
-1. Raphael - his health bar is 666 more than any boss I’ve ever fought - I was maxed out level wise n he still beat my ass🤦‍♀️ - u have to pick dialogue options that piss him off before the fight begins and make sure someone on ur team has Artistry of War spell use it on two of the soul pillars then have someone else knock out the other 2 w magic missile and summon an elemental!! U really need more than 5 people to help u here 😓 longest fight 4 me in the whole game and i kept making stupid choices like making shadowheart use sanctuary on everyone before the fight she really doesnt need to do that also depleted her spell slots- id only use that one on Hope she can die very easily here
- 2. The High Hall Courtyard - im putting this one under Raphael cuz it didn’t take me as long once I got use to the layout of the place but it was very hard on my computer you’ll be facing like 50 enemies they just keep coming up 😕 use the layout to ur advantage stay on the tops of the walls and have the enemies come to u I used edvards black tentacles on the center of the courtyard which slowed everyone down then used the emperors dominate spell with the absolute cultists make sure someone can cast freedom of movement here btw- I wouldn’t summon ur allies here they’re way more useful in the final battle
- 3. Cazador - use the rune powdered bomb u got from helping wulbrin it was the only way I kept astarion alive bc it caused him not to get pulled out of the fight by cazador (imo if u don’t use it here its not worth using until u reach the crown of karsus final battle ) very very easy to get blown off a platform here AND if u decided to let astarion ascend u will have another battle aftwards w (redacted's redacteds)
- 4. Crown of Karsus battle/netherbrain- I nat 20 my way successfully when I encountered the brain the first time that helps cuz the crown was basically already dead when I got there I just needed the emperor to use the nether stones on it! Don’t try to focus on defeating the dragon or other enemies just slow them down put them to sleep or summon allies to distract cuz ur on a time limit. Once the portal was opened I had Gale n the emperor kill the brain very quickly again w the Artistry of War Spell once the brain is done the battle ends n u don’t need to kill the dragon or the others
-5. Gortash. Fucking bombs guy has way too much time on his hands as the archduke whole place was littered w explosives- i had to fight my way to the top of the watchtower n that took foreverrr was also very bad at trying to use the bombs to my advantage cuz I tried to sneak into the place so I just kept running into boobytraps. Very nearly killed myself and astarion here. U need gloves of teleportation, silence spell and use the glyph spells and sleep on Gortash
-6. House of Grief- incredibly easy!! Cuz radiance of dawn and 2 teleport or misty step the place u battle in is very spread out so I just kept teleporting away from others when they got too close. Also will help to have an elemental on ur side! I accidentally revived Viconia after the battle then killed her again n stole her clothes! Lmaooo
-7. Murder Trial and Orin - this was like a walk in the park compared to everything else. I sided w Orin over Gortash so I didn’t need to battle my way down to the Bhaal temple. Everyone is very susceptible to radiance of dawn I used the detonation glyph to push others off the platform. It felt like it took me 20 minutes or less
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mollfie · 7 months
Tell Us About Your Tav!
what's your tav's name, class, and race?
Lito Duskryn, fighter, drow Jet Nyx, warlock, tiefling Zinadove Dawntracker, wizard, high elf
which background do they have? how does it play into their story? (and if you're doing a durge playthrough, how did your tav come to be the haunted one?)
Lito: Criminal. Worked with the Zhentarim, no issues with committing a crime, deceiving others or persuading them to let him so what he wants. Doesn't go out of his way to hurt people but will if necessary. Trying to be better. Would encourage Mol to do whatever it takes to protect herself the other kids.
Jet: Entertainer. Desperate for attention, good or bad, and always performing.
Dove: Acolyte. Has spent her whole life dedicated to serving Oghma and the pursuit of knowledge. Generally a good person but can have tunnel vision. Nosy.
what feats have you picked for them?
Genuinely can't remember haha
favourite weapon type to beat away goblins with?
Lito: Longsword
Jet: Fire (mmmm barbeque gobbos)
Dove: Magic missile (simple but effective)
for the spellcasters, what's their favourite spell?
Jet just sets fire to everything and Dove favours summoning others to do the fighting for her
any scars or facial tattoos? how did they get them?
Everyone's pretty scarless
typical party lineup?
Lito: Astarion, Lae'Zel and Shadowheart
Jet: Astarion, Halsin and Lae'Zel
Dove: Gale, Wyll and Karlach
did they romance anyone? who's the lucky companion(s)?
Lito: Astarion
Jet: Lae'Zel, Astarion, Halsin, The Emperor, Mizora, the Drow Twins, Haarlep. Astarion was her main squeeze but she'll screw it up somehow eventually.
Dove: Gale (although Wyll is hard to resist)
what's your tav's dnd alignment?
Lito: Neutral evil
Jet: Chaotic neutral
Dove: Chaotic good
are they double-classing in anything?
Lito has a little bit of Bard to give him a boost. He would have liked to be a musician but was pushed into being a fighter and it is what he's good at. So, he dabbles.
what are their best skills? arcana, history, sleight-of-hand?
Lito: manipulating everyone into doing what he wants
Jet: fucking around and finding out, she relies heavily on charisma
Dove: history and arcana
did your tav let astarion bite them? (did they let him kill them. be honest.)
Lito: Yes, and he's into it
Jet: Yes, because she's curious and impulsive
Dove: No, but she's nice about it
does your tav willingly do the "silly" options, eg. licking the spider, kissing the goblin's foot, etc.?
Lito: maybe if he thinks it'll be funny, otherwise he's intimidating everyone into backing off
Jet: anything for a giggle
Dove: Absolutely not
what was your tav's life like before they got kidnapped by the mindflayers?
Lito: Working with the Zhents
Jet: Travelling entertainer and professional bad decision maker
Dove: Literally just set out on her second adventure after her husband died and this is what she gets?? Has spent the majority of her life living and working in a temple
is your tav leaning into their newfound illithid abilities, or rejecting them altogether?
Jet is the only one who gobbles those bad boys down like gummy worms. She narrowly avoids turning but learns nothing in the process, of course
how do they feel about raphael? did they take him up on his offer?
Lito: thinks he's a bit of a dick but appreciates the hustle
Jet: would smash
Dove: lacklustre poetry and a little frightened by the whole devil thing
for paladin or cleric tavs that worship a certain deity, how did they come to worship them? do they fully believe in their god, or is their trust wavering?
what made them train in the class they fight in?
Lito: didn't get a choice, he's a first born drow male
Jet: ruined her life and everyone else's, got lost and frightened so when a devil popped up and offered her a pact she signed up
Dove: she's a huge nerd
when talking to people, which sort of answers do they go for? eager to help, sassy and sarcastic, apathetic?
Lito: depends on who you are and how much you're paying him
Jet: flirty, a little mean but mostly just being silly
Dove: always polite and kind, unless you're rude to her and then she'll fully match that energy
does your tav have a best friend in the party? what's their dynamic like?
Lito: Shadowheart and Halsin
Jet: can't keep friends, always screws it up eventually
Dove: once Astarion and Shadowheart realise she loves to gossip they would be great friends
in act one, did your tav side with the tieflings or the absolute's cult members? (did you do it for minthara? i won't judge.) Everyone sides with the tieflings. I do also have a surge playthrough with Lito and I'm going to do and evil run with Jet because in that au I think she would love Minthara. I have also knocked out Minthara in my redemption durge playthrough so I could have her and Halsin which was funnny.
who was your tav's family? did they have any?
Lito: as far as he knows everyone is still alive and well plotting each others murders in Menzoberranzan
Jet: she accidentally killed them
Dove: she has extended family across the country and a brother in Neverwinter.
did your tav's dream visitor manifest as anyone in particular, or someone random that they've never seen before?
Lito: his mum which was a terrible idea because he hates her
Jet: no one in particular
Dove: her dead husband
what was your tav up to in baldur's gate? did they live there, or were they in the wrong place at the right time when the mindflayer ship came through?
Lito: lives there
Jet: passing through
Dove: visiting
regarding your tav's companions, who propositioned them for a private evening after the party with the tieflings? who did they take up on the offer?
Astarion propositions everyone. Lito and Jet both took up the offer but Dove rejected him to dream about Gale instead.
is your tav prioritising certain personal quests over others - for example, are they on the hunt for magical items for gale, infernal iron and other materials for karlach, etc?
I don't prioritise anything really, just do everything in an area and go back and forth a lot until everything is done. I prioritise getting the party together first and then wander about.
how does your tav react to wyll's pact and patron? if they're a warlock, was there anything specific?
Lito: doing the math, Wyll was a kid and this is fucked up
Jet: *rattling the bars of her cage* hot lady, would have signed that contract instantly without even reading it if Mizora had approached her
Dove: can we go five minutes without another problem please? get this bitch out of my camp and leave the poor boy alone :(
how does your tav feel about sex? are they all for it or kind of "meh" about it?
Lito: likes sex but is fine without it, loves taking care of someone
Jet: yes please, it's like a fun pastime for her
Dove: very monogamous and not into casual sex at all
after baldur's gate is saved, what will your tav do?
Lito: got to sort out that vampire spawn in the Underdark problem they caused
Jet: back to bouncing around Faerun
Dove: settles down with Gale
who's their favourite animal companion at camp?
Shovel comes with me everywhere
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charliezone · 1 year
bg3 spoilers
i managed to fly through the whole bhaal plot.
at the tribunal, gale cast otto’s irresistible dance on the baddie and then i summoned a laughable number of allies. shadowheart summoned a planar ally and a guardian of faith, gale summoned a myrmidon, i summoned ghouls and an elemental. and we all whaled on him. completely inscrutable battlefield.
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at the ambush, i had karlach vault up to that initial cliff and shot a silencing arrow on the dude charging pwk. by the next round of combat, the guy had teleported to the bridge, karlach hopped over to the platform where he had been standing and then she did the most insane eagle strike from like three stories up. it was incredible.
then for the orin fight, my sorcerer tav was top of the turn order and i up-casted magic missile to knock out her unstoppable charges which freed up the rest of my party to beat the absolute shit out of her. she was down before the second round of combat ended. all while lae’zel’s character model t-posed in the middle. impeccable gaming experience 10/10.
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arkus-rhapsode · 7 years
Fairy Tail Character’s Magic and Spells
This here is a giant glossary of every magic and spell a character has used in the canon of Fairy Tail 
Holder Magic/Lost Magic/Black Magic: Ushi no Koku Mairi
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Caster Magic/Lost Magic: Dragon Slaying Magic
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Dragon’s Roar
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Eternal Flare
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Caster Magic/Time Magic: Space Between Time
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Ajeel Ramal
Caster Magic: Sand Magic
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Sand Golem
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Sand Monsters
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Ant Lion Pit
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Sands of Death
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Sand Body
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Sand World
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Ramal Sayf
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Ramal Fa’as
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Alzack Connell
Holder Magic: Guns Magic
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Tornado Shot
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Anna Heartfillia
Holder Magic/Spatial Magic: Celestial Spirit Magic
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Caster Magic: Water Magic
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Water Pillar
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Araña Webb
Caster Magic: Thread Magic
Web Shot
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Caster Magic: Airspace
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Caster Magic: Wool Magic
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Wool Bomb
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100% Fluffy-Fluffy Wool
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Wool Typhoon
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Caster Magic: Magical Barrier
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Caster Magic: Sacrificial Summoning Magic
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Caster Magic: Copy Magic
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Caster Magic: Sleep Magic
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Caster Magic: Fire Magic
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Caster Magic: Bullet Magic
Piercing Bullet
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Caster Magic: Sound Magic
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Caster Magic/Time Magic: Slowing Magic
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Caster Magic: Reflector
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Caster Magic: Crush
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Caster Magic: Ars Magia
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Caster Magic/Lost Magic: Great Tree Arc
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Burst Claw
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Chain Burst
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Linear Explosion
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Tower Burst
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180-Second Time Bomb
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Tree Merge
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Tree Fist
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Folium Sica
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Ramus Sica
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Terra Clamare
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Bacchus Groh
Caster Magic: Palm Magic
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Caster Magic: Lightning Magic
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Beth Vanderwood
Caster Magic: Vegetable Magic
Carrot Missile
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Caster Magic/Black Magic/Seith Magic: Human Possession
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Line Formation
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X Formation
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Baryon Formation
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Caster Magic/Eye Magic: Figure Eyes
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Bisca Connell
Caster Magic/Spatial Magic: Requip: The Gunner
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Holder Magic: Magic Rifle
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Holder Magic: Magic Sniper Rifle
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Caster Magic: First Seal
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Caster Magic: Second Seal
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Caster Magic: Third Seal
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Over Skelter
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Curse: Bomb Curse
Exploding Spiral
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Curse: Tenga Goken
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Curse: Tenchi Kaimei
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Caster Magic: Ice Devil Slayer Magic
Ice Devil’s Rage
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Curse: Thorn Curse
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Bluenote Stinger
Caster Magic: Gravity Magic
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Black Hole
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Caster Magic: Phasing Magic
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Caster Magic: Fire Magic
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Red Carpet
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Caster Magic: Telekinesis
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Holder Magic: Charm
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Caster Magic: Darkness Magic
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Dark Capriccio
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Dark Gravity
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Dark Rondo
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Genesis Zero
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Caster Magic: Square of Self-Destruction
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Caster Magic: Organic Link Magic
Six Prayers
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Caster Magic/Spatial Magic: Requip
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Caster Magic: Archive
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Caster Magic: Telepathy
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Holder Magic: Nirvana
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Holder Magic: Klodoa
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Brandish μ
Caster Magic: Command T
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Command T: Reduction
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Command T: Expansion
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Caster Magic/Black Magic: Clone Magic
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Caster Magic: Light Magic
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Caster Magic: Telekinesis
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Holder Magic: Magic Vials
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Flame Liquid
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Storm Liquid
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Octopus Liquid
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Cana Alberona
Holder Magic: Magic Card
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Shuriken Cards
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Cards Volley
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Cards Wardrobe
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Sexy Lady Card
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The Prayer’s Fountain
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Sleep Card
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Help Lucy Card
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Call Card
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Card Dimension
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Caster Magic/Three Great Fairy Magic: Fairy Glitter
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Holder Magic: Fortune Telling
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Caster Magic: Regulus
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Caster Magic: Aera
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Max Speed
Caster Magic: Transformation Magic
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Caster Magic: Precognition
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Celestial Spirit King
Holder Magic: Sword Magic
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Meteor Blade
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Galaxia Blade
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Caster Magic: Telepathy
Caster Magic: Wind Magic
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Caster Magic: Plant Magic
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Glow Flow
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Spore Bomb: Rinka Renka
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Makura Kamura
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Crawford Seam
Caster Magic: Super Archive
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Real Time Link
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Organic Link Transfer
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Caster Magic: Thought Projection
Caster Magic: Scanning
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Caster Magic: Telepathy
Dimaria Yesta
Caster Magic/Time Magic: Âge Seal
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Âge Scratch
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Caster Magic: Take Over: God Soul
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God Soul: Chronos
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Caster Magic: Law of Retrogression
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Law of Retrogression Cry
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Draculos Hyberion
Caster Magic: Vampire Magic
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Caster Magic: Plant
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Knuckle Plant
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Elfman Strauss
Caster Magic: Take Over: Beast Soul
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Beast Arm: Reptile
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Beast Arm: Bear
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Beast Arm: Black Bull
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Beast Arm: Iron Bull
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Beast Arm: Jet Black Sword
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Beast Soul
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Beast Soul: Weretiger
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Beast Soul: Lizardman
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Beast Soul: Ape
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Beast Soul: Sand Beast
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Caster Magic: Wind Magic
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Wind Wall
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Storm Bringer
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Storm Mail
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Storm Shred
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Emera Baram
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Caster Magic/Lost Magic: Poison Dragon Slayer Magic
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Poison Dragon’s Roar
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Poison Dragon’s Twin Fang
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Poison Dragon’s Crushing Fang
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Caster Magic: Sound Magic
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Erza Knightwalker
Holder Magic: Magic Spear: Ten Commandments
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Holder Magic: Magic Spear: Ten Commandments: Silfarion
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Holder Magic: Magic Spear: Ten Commandments: Mel Force
Tumblr media
Holder Magic: Magic Spear: Ten Commandments: Explosion
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Holder Magic: Magic Spear: Ten Commandments: Gravity Core
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Holder Magic: Magic Spear: Ten Commandments: Blue Crimson
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Holder Magic: Magic Spear: Ten Commandments: Rune Save
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Holder Magic: Magic Spear: Ten Commandments: Saint Spear, Ravelt
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Ravelt Shocking Spear
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Holder Magic: Magic Spear: Ten Commandments: Cannon-Spear Form
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Erza Scarlet
Holder Magic/Spatial Magic: Requip: The Knight
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Holder Magic: Heart Kreuz Armor
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Holder Magic: Heaven’s Wheel Armor
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Circle Sword
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Trinity Sword
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Pentagram Sword
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Holder Magic: Flame Empress Armor
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Holder Magic: Black Wing Armor
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Moon Flash
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Holder Magic: Giant Armor
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Holder Magic: Purgatory Armor
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Holder Magic: Lightning Empress Armor
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Holder Magic: Adamantine Armor
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Holder Magic: Flight Armor
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Sonic Claw
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Holder Magic: Robe of Yuen
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Holder Magic: Morning Star Armor
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Photon Slicer
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Holder Magic: Armadura Fairy Armor
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Fairy Burst
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Holder Magic: Sea Empress Armor
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Holder Magic: Sea Empress Sword
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Holder Magic: Seduction Armor
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Holder Magic: Farewell Fairy Tail Armor
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Holder Magic: Nakagami Armor
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Nakagami Starlight
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Holder Magic: Piercing Armor
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Holder Magic: Wingblade Armor
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Holder Magic: Wind God Armor
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Holder Magic: Bunny Armor
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Holder Magic: Wind God Sword
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Holder Magic: Clear Heart Clothing
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Holder Magic: Demon Blade Crimson Sakura
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Holder Magic: Red-Black Twin Blades
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Caster Magic: Telekinesis
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Eve Tearm
Caster Magic: Snow Magic
Tumblr media
White Blizzard
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Tumblr media
White Fang
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Caster Magic/Eye Magic: Stone Eyes
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Caster Magic: Fairy Magic
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Fairy Bomb: Gremlin
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Fairy Machine Gun: Leprechaun
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Caster Magic: Letter Magic
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Caster Magic: Earth Magic
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Tumblr media
Holder Magic/Spatial Magic: Celestial Spirit Magic
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Curse: Tenga Goken
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Tumblr media
Tumblr media
Holder Magic: Magic Scepter
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Holder Magic: Dorma Anim
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Dragon Rider’s Roar
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Dragon Rider Missiles
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Exploding Dragon Rider Missiles
Tumblr media
Dorma Anim: Black Sky
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Dragon Blast Eruption
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Dragon Rider’s Spreader Cannon
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Flare Corona
Caster Magic: Crimson Hair
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Hair Shower: Wolf Fang
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Hair Shower: Firefly Flame
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Hair Shower: Thousand Birds
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Hair Brand
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Curse: Absorption Curse
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Tumblr media
Tumblr media
Tumblr media
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Curse: Aries Transformation
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Caster Magic: Wool Magic
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Curse: Taurus Transformation
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Curse: Hades Transformation
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Caster Magic: Chain Magic
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Caster Magic: Amaterasu
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Formula 28
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Caster Magic/Lost Magic/Dual-Element Mode: Lightning Fire Dragon Mode
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Freed Justine
Caster Magic/Eye Magic/Letter Magic: Dark Écriture
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Tumblr media
Dark Écriture: Pain
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Dark Écriture: Fear
Tumblr media
Dark Écriture: Suffering
Tumblr media
Dark Écriture: Death
Tumblr media
Dark Écriture: Wings
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Dark Écriture: Darkness
Tumblr media
Dark Écriture: Absolute Shadow
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Dark Écriture: Destruction
Tumblr media
Caster Magic/Letter Magic: Jutsu Shiki
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Holder Magic: Jet Magic
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Justice Ho Ho Hou
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Jet Ho Ho Hou
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Missile Ho Ho Hou
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Caster Magic: Capture
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Caster Magic/Lost Magic: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
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Fire Ho Ho Hou
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Fire Dragon’s Roar
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Gajeel Redfox
Caster Magic/Lost Magic: Iron Dragon Slayer Magic
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Iron Dragon’s Roar
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Iron Dragon’s Club
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Iron Dragon’s Foot Blade
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Iron Dragon’s Kunai
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Iron Dragon’s Lance
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Iron Dragon’s Lance: Demon Logs
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Iron Dragon’s Scales
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Iron Dragon’s Sword
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Steel Dragon’s Sword
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Karma Demon: Iron God Sword
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Caster Magic/Lost Magic/Dual-Element Mode: Iron Shadow Dragon Mode
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Iron Shadow Dragon’s Club
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Iron Shadow Dragon’s Roar
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Caster Magic/Lost Magic: Dragon Force
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Caster Magic: Copy Magic
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Mimicking Ichiya
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Mimicking Gray
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Mimicking Lucy
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Mimicking Marin
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Caster Magic: Dispel
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Caster Magic: Telekinesis
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Gildarts Clive
Caster Magic: Crush
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Crushing Evil, Spreading the Truth: Empyrean
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Crushing Evil, Spreading the Truth: Absolute Heaven
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God Serena
Caster Magic/Lost Magic: Cavern Dragon Slayer Magic
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Cavern Dragon’s Earth Destruction
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Caster Magic/Lost Magic: Purgatory Dragon Slayer Magic
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Purgatory Dragon’s Blazing Hell
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Caster Magic/Lost Magic: Sea King Dragon Slayer Magic
Sea King Dragon’s Encircling Deluge
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Caster Magic/Lost Magic: Gale Dragon Slayer Magic
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Gale Dragon’s Song of the Wind
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Caster Magic/Black Magic: Torture Magic
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Caster Magic/Lost Magic: Sky Dragon Slayer Magic
Caster Magic: Light Form
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Caster Magic Telepathy
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Caster Magic: Dragon Soul Technique
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Gray Fullbuster
Caster Magic/Molding Magic: Ice-Make
Tumblr media
Ice-Make: Lance
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Ice-Make: Block
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Ice-Make: Shield
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Ice-Make: Hammer
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Ice-Make: Floor
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Ice-Make: Arrows
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Ice-Make: Super Freeze Arrow
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Ice-Make: Battle Axe
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Ice-Make: Sword
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Ice-Make: Ice Geyser
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Ice-Make: Ice Cannon
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Ice-Make: Prison
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Ice-Make: Clone
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Ice-Make: Fireworks
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Ice-Make: Stairs
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Ice-Make: Rampart
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Ice-Make: Grappling Hook
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Ice-Make: Death Scythe
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Ice-Make: Key
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Ice-Make: Gungnir
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Ice-Make: Seven Slice Dance
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Ice-Make: Seven Slice Dance (Blood Enhanced)
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Ice-Make: Cocoon
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Ice-Make: Cold Excalibur
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Ice-Make: Ice Bringer
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Ice-Make: Ice Hammer
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Ice-Make: Freeze Lancer
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Ice-Make: Ice Impact
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Ice-Make Unlimited: One Sided Chaotic Dance
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Ice-Make: Platform
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Ice-Make: Cannon
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Ice-Make: Vambrace
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Ice-Make: Silver
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Ice-Make: Thieving Hands
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Caster Magic: Ice Magic
Iced Shell
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Lost Iced Shell
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Caster Magic/Lost Magic: Ice Devil Slayer Magic
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Ice Devil’s Rage
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Ice Devil’s Zeroth Long Sword
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Ice Devil’s Zeroth Destruction Bow
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Ice Devil’s Zeroth Destruction Fist
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Caster Magic/Unison Raid: Shotgun
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Caster Magic: Chain Magic
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Caster Magic: Amaterasu
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Formula 28
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Formula 100
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Caster Magic: Bullet Magic
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Piercing Bullet
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Explosion Bullet
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Caster Magic: Grimoire Law
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Caster Magic/Spatial Magic: Requip
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Caster Magic: Katsu
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Caster Magic/Eye Magic: Demon’s Eye
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Caster Magic/Black Art: Living Magic
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Tumblr media
Caster Magic: Aera
Tumblr media
Max Speed
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Holder Magic/Lost Magic/Black Magic: Ushi no Koku Mairi
Tumblr media
Lucy Fire
Tumblr media
Heine Lunasea
Holder Magic: Magical Bands
Tumblr media
Hibiki Lates
Caster Magic: Archive
Tumblr media
Force Blast
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Force Shield
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Tumblr media
Information Transfer
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Caster Magic: Defense Magic
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Holder Magic: Command Tact
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Hell Coaster
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Hell Tornado
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Monster Academy
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Mummy Bandage
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Franken Knuckle
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Ichiya Vandalay Kotobuki
Holder Magic: Perfume Magic
Tumblr media
Pain Relieving Perfume
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Pain Perfume
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Power Perfume
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Fleet-Foot Perfume: Zero Distance Inhalation
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Armpit Perfume
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Poison Perfume
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Handsome Perfume
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Thunder Perfume
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Justice Thunder Men
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Caster Magic/Lost Magic: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
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Fire Dragon’s Roar
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Fire Dragon’s Iron Fist
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Caster Magic: Telepathy
Caster Magic: Dragon Soul Technique
Tumblr media
Holder Magic: Mugetsu-Ryu
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Yasha’s Empty Flash
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Garuda Flame
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Invel Yura
Caster Magic: Ice Magic
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True-Ice Kamui
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Caster Magic: Ice Slave
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Caster Magic: Ice Lock
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Caster Magic: Snow Magic
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Irene Belserion
Caster Magic: Universe One
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Caster Magic/Eye Magic: Irene’s Eye
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Caster Magic/Lost Magic: Sage Dragon Slayer Magic
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Caster Magic: Enchantment
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Deus Zero
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Deus Sema
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Ivan Dreyar
Caster Magic: Shikigami Magic
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Shikigami Torrent
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Caster Magic: Illusion Magic
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Caster Magic: Thought Projection
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Curse: Bomb Curse
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Exploding Spiral
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Landmine Curse
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Bomb Orb
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Jacob Lessio
Caster Magic: Stealth
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Caster Magic/Spatial Magic: Transport
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Jellal Fernandes
Caster Magic: Heavenly Body Magic
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Grand Chariot
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True Heavenly Body Magic: Sema
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Jiu Leixing
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Caster Magic: Thought Projection
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Caster Magic: Darkness Magic
Tumblr media
Dark Grab
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Darkness Cage
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Ghost Fireworks
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Caster Magic: Fire Magic
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Flames of Rebuke
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Caster Magic: Water Magic
Caster Magic: Wind Magic
Caster Magic: Earth Magic
Caster Magic: Abyss Break
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Caster Magic: Bind Snake
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Caster Magic: Square of Self-Destruction
Tumblr media
Caster Magic: Telekinesis
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Caster Magic: Telepathy
Tumblr media
Holder Magic: Magic Staves
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Five Layered Magic Circle: Sacred Song
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Three Layered Magic Circle: Mirror Water
Tumblr media
Jenny Realight
Caster Magic: Take-Over: Machina Soul
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Take-Over: Battle Form
Tumblr media
Caster Magic: Transformation Magic
Tumblr media
Holder Magic/Black Magic: Dark Sword
Tumblr media
Caster Magic: High Speed
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Falcon Heavenward
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Caster Magic: Blast Magic
Tumblr media
Jose Porla
Caster Magic: Shade
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Dead Wave
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Shade Entangle
Tumblr media
Dark Pulse
Tumblr media
Caster Magic: Thought Projection
Tumblr media
Juliet Sun
Caster Magic: Mucus Magic
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Jura Neekis
Caster Magic: Earth Magic
Tumblr media
Iron Rock Wall
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Rock Avalanche
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Supreme King Rock Crush
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Iron Rock Fist
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Rock Mountain
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Rumbling Mt. Fuji
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Tumblr media
Juvia (Edolas)
Holder Magic: Magic Umbrella
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Juvia Lockster
Caster Magic: Water
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Water Body
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Water Bubbles
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Water Cane
Tumblr media
Water Claw
Tumblr media
Water Dome
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Water Jigsaw
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Water Lock
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Water Slicer
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Water Nebula
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Tumblr media Tumblr media
Water Cyclone
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Wings of Love
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Maguilty Water
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Caster Magic/Molding Magic: Water-Make
Water-Make: Blood
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Caster Magic/Unison Raid: Water Spell
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Caster Magic/Unison Raid: Shotgun
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Caster Magic: Plant Magic
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Caster Magic: Shadow Magic
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Shadow Form
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Knuckle Shadow
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Shadow Orochi
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Kagura Mikazuchi
Caster Magic: Gravity Change
Tumblr media
Holder Magic: Archenemy
Tumblr media
Slashing Form
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Strong Form
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Flying Form
Tumblr media
Kain Hikaru
Holder Magic/Lost Magic/Black Magic: Ushi no Koku Mairi
Tumblr media
Tumblr media
Dadasu Turn
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Iron Doll
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Light Doll
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Shining Dodoskoi
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Cotton Doll
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Holder Magic: Double Scythes
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Caster Magic: Paper Blizzard
Paper Body
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Paper Blizzard: Red Dance
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Paper Blizzard: Violet Dance
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Paper Blizzard: Green Dance
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Karen Lilica
Holder Magic/Spatial Magic: Celestial Spirit Magic
Tumblr media
Caster Magic: Egg Magic
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Egg Buster
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Heavy Egg Rain
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Curse: Necromancer
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Curse: Magical Barrier Particles
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Caster Magic: Mimic
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Caster Magic: Sandstorm
Sand Body
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Sand Rebellion
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Curse: Enhancement
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Curse: Absorption
Tumblr media
Caster Magic: Organic Link Magic
Tumblr media
Caster Magic/Letter Magic: Jutsu Shiki
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Laki Olietta
Caster Magic/Molding Magic: Wood-Make
Curse: Slippery Curse
Tumblr media
Larcade Dragneel
Caster Magic: Pleasure
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Caster Magic: Soul of the Wicked Meal
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Caster Magic: R.I.P
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Laxus Drayar
Caster Magic: Lightning Magic
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Thunder Palace
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Lightning Body
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Raikô: Red Lightning
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Caster Magic/Lost Magic: Lightning Dragon Slayer Magic
Tumblr media
Lightning Dragon’s Roar
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Raging Bolt
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Lightning Dragon’s Heavenward Halberd
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Lightning Dragon’s Jaw
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Roaring Thunder
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Caster Magic: Thought Projection
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Caster Magic: Organic Link Magic
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Caster Magic/Three Great Fairy Magic: Fairy Law
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Caster Magic/Letter Magic: Jutsu Shiki
Tumblr media
 Levy McGarden
Caster Magic/Letter Magic: Solid Script
Tumblr media
Solid Script: Silent
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Solid Script: Fire
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Solid Script: Iron
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Solid Script: Hole
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Solid Script: Stone
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Solid Script: Air
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Solid Script: Markings
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Solid Script: Shine
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Solid Script: Mask
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Solid Script: Sword
Tumblr media
Caster Magic: Gravity Change
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Lisanna Strauss
Caster Magic: Take Over: Animal Soul
Tumblr media
Animal Soul: Bird
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Animal Soul: Wings
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Animal Soul: Harpy
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Animal Soul: Fish
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Animal Soul: Cat
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Animal Soul: Pig
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Animal Soul: Bunny
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Caster Magic: Regulus
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Lion’s Brilliance
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Regulus Impact
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Holder Magic: Ring Magic
Tumblr media
Caster Magic: Transformation Magic
Tumblr media
Caster Magic: Aera
Tumblr media
Lucy Ashley
Holder Magic: Magic Whip
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Lucy Heartfilia
Holder Magic/Spatial Magic: Celestial Spirit Magic
Tumblr media
Holder Magic: Star Dress: Aquarius Form
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Water Barrier
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Aqua Metria
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Holder Magic: Star Dress: Leo Form
Tumblr media
Regulus Lucy Kick
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Holder Magic: Star Dress: Virgo Form
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Tumblr media
Holder Magic: Star Dress: Taurus Form
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Earth Wave
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Lucy Punch
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Lucy Kick
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Holder Magic: Star Dress: Sagittarius Form
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Star Shot
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Holder Magic: Star Dress: Gemini Form
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Holder Magic: Star Dress: Scorpio Form
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Holder Magic: Star Dress: Aries Form
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Holder Magic: Star Dress: Cancer Form
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Caster Magic: Urano Metria
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Holder Magic: Fleuve d'étoiles
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Caster Magic/Three Great Fairy Magic: Fairy Sphere
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Caster Magic/Unison Raid: Sky & Sand Spell
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Caster Magic/Unison Raid: Water Spell
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Caster Magic: Sound Magic
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Lyon Vastia
Caster Magic/Molding Magic: Ice-Make
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Ice-Make: Eagle
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Ice-Make: Snow Dragon
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Ice-Make: Ape
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Ice-Make: Snow Tiger
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Ice-Make: Wing
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Ice-Make: Diamond Cage
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Ice-Make: Water Serpent
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Ice-Make: Sword
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Ice-Make: Lion
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Ice-Make: Shield
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Ice-Make: Ice Geyser
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Ice-Make Hedgehog
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Ice-Make: Clone
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Ice-Make: Titan Feet
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Ice-Make: Swan’s Wings
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Caster Magic: Ice Magic
Iced Shell
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Macao Conbolt
Caster Magic: Purple Flare
Caster Magic: Transformation
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Caster Magic: Reflector
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Invisible Scythe
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Distorted Shield
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Spiral Pain
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Makarov Dreyar
Caster Magic: Giant
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Caster Magic: Maximum Defense Seal
Three Pillar Gods
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Caster Magic: Light Magic
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Giant Wrath
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Caster Magic/Three Great Fairy Magic: Fairy Law
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Caster Magic: Dispel
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Caster Magic: Fire Magic
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Caster Magic/Spatial Magic: Requip
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Caster Magic: Telepathy
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Caster Magic: Wind Magic
Caster Magic: Ice Magic
Mard Geer Tartaros
Curse: Thorn Curse
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Rose Explosion
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Prison Flower
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Dea Yggdrasil
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Curse: Alegria
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Curse: Memento Mori
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Caster Magic: Telepathy
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Marin Hollow
Caster Magic/Spatial Magic: Rules of the Area
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Caster Magic/Spatial Magic: Teleportation Magic
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Caster Magic: Aera 
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Caster Magic/Black Magic: Virus
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Mavis Vermilion
Caster Magic: Illusion Magic
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Heavenly Wolf
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Tenrou Soldiers
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Caster Magic/Three Great Fairy Magic: Fairy Glitter
Caster Magic/Three Great Fairy Magic: Fairy Law
Caster Magic/Three Great Fairy Magic: Fairy Sphere
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Caster Magic/Black Magic: Law
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Caster Magic/Black Art: Ankhseram Black Magic
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Death Predation
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Caster Magic: Thought Projection
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Caster Magic: Telepathy
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Caster Magic: Fairy Heart
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Max Alors
Caster Magic: Sandstorm
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Sand Rebellion
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Sand Wall
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Caster Magic/Lost Magic: Maguilty Sense
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Sensory Link
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Three Spread Sensory Link
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Maguilty Sodom
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Maguilty Rays
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Maguilty Water
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Mest Gryder
Caster Magic: Memory Control
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Caster Magic/Spatial Magic: Teleportation Magic
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Direct Line
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Caster Magic/Lost Magic: Iron Dragon Slayer Magic
Caster Magic: Dragon Soul Technique
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Caster Magic: Binding Magic
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Nekosoku Tube
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Kitten Blast
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Minerva Orland
Caster Magic/Spatial Magic: Territory
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Caster Magic: Yagdo Rigora
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Mirajane Strauss
Caster Magic: Take Over: Satan Soul
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Satan Soul
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Satan Soul: Sitri
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Satan Soul: Mirajane Seilah
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Satan Soul: Mirajane Alegria
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Darkness Magic
Soul Extinctor
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Evil Explosion
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Water Magic
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Evil Explosion
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Caster Magic: Fire Magic
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Curse: Macro
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Caster Magic: Transformation Magic
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Caster Magic: Sleep Magic
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Caster Magic: Egg Magic
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Holder Magic: Magic Staves
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Five Layered Magic Circle: Sacred Song
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Three Layered Magic Circle: Mirror Water
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Mist Body
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Holder Magic: Anima
Nab Lasaro
Caster Magic/Black Magic/Seith Magic: Animal Possession
Caster Magic: Aera
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Natsu Dragion
Holder Magic: Magic Sword
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Holder Magic: Fireball
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Natsu Dragneel
Caster Magic/Lost Magic: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
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Fire Dragon’s
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Fire Dragon’s Claw
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Fire Dragon’s Iron Fist
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Fire Dragon’s Wing Attack
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Fire Dragon’s Sword Horn
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Fire Dragon’s Brilliant Flame
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Fire Dragon’s Flame Elbow
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Fire Dragon’s Crushing Fang
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Fire Dragon’s Grip Strike
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Fire Dragon’s Roasting Bath
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Crimson Lotus: Fire Dragon’s Fist
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Crimson Lotus: Exploding Flame Blade
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Crimson Lotus: Phoenix Blade
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Dragon God’s Brilliant Flame
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Caster Magic/Lost Magic/Dual-Element Mode: Lightning Fire Dragon Mode
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Lightning Fire Dragon’s Roar
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Lightning Fire Dragon’s Iron Fist
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Lightning Fire Dragon” Brilliant Flame
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Lightning Fire Dragon’s Firing Hammer
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Lightning Fire Dragon’s Exploding Lightning Blade
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Caster Magic/Lost Magic: Fire Dragon King Mode
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Fire Dragon King's Demolition Fist
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Fire Dragon King's Roar
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Caster Magic/Lost Magic: Dragon Force
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Holder Magic: Sealed Flame Blade
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Holder Magic/Lost Magic/Black Magic: Ushi no Koku Mairi
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Fire Dragon Slayer Doll
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Fire Dragon’s Iron Fist (Lucy Version)
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Caster Magic: Historia of the Dead
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Caster Magic: Wind Magic
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Caster Magic: Acid Magic
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Caster Magic: Aera
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Caster Magic: Needle Magic
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Needle Blast
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Caster Magic: Magic Canceling
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Caster Magic: Transformation Magic
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Ooba Babasaama
Caster Magic: Spinning Magic
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Orga Nanagear
Caster Magic/Lost Magic: Lightning God Slayer Magic
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120mm Black Lightning Cannon
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Lightning God’s Charged Particle Cannon
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Panther Lily
Caster Magic: Aera
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Caster Magic: Battle Mode Shift
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Holder Magic: Bustermarm
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Holder Magic: Musica Sword
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Caster Magic: Water Magic
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Holder Magic: Urumi
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Reedus Jonah
Caster Magic: Pict Magic
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Carriage and Hoarse
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Ren Akatsuki
Caster Magic: Air Magic
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Aerial Levitation
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Aerial Phose
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Richard Buchanan/Hoteye
Caster Magic: Earth Magic
Liquid Ground
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Caster Magic/Eye Magic: Heaven’s Eye
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Risley Law
Caster Magic: Gravity Change
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Caster Magic: Drill ‘n Rock
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Rogue Cheney
Caster Magic/Lost Magic: Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic
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Shadow Dragon’s Roar
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Shadow Dragon’s Slash
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Shadow Dragon’s Crushing Fang
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Shadow Dragon’s Waxwing Flash
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Shadow Drive
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White Shadow Dragon’s Rough Silk
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Caster Magic/Lost Magic: Dragon Force
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Caster Magic/Unison Raid: Holy Shadow Dragon’s Flash Fang
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Rogue Cheney (Future)
Caster Magic/Lost Magic: Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic
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Shadow Dragon’s Vortex
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Shadow Dragon’s Blade
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Shadow Dragon’s Crushing Fang
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Shadow Dragon’s Eruption
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Caster Magic/Lost Magic/Dual-Element Mode: White Shadow Dragon Mode
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White Shadow Dragon’s Rough Silk
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White Shadow Dragon’s Sword Horn
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Caster Magic: Dragon Supremacy Magic
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Romeo Conbolt
Caster Magic: Rainbow Fire
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Blue Fire
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Yellow Fire
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Caster Magic: Purple Flare
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Caster Magic: Illusion Magic
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Holder Magic: Nirvana
Rufus Lore
Caster Magic/Molding Magic: Memory-Make
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Memory-Make: A Night of Falling Stars
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Memory-Make: Afterimage
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Memory-Make: Karma of the Burning Land
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Memory-Make: Sword of Frozen Black Lightning
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Memory-Make: Shrine of Turbulent Fang
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Caster Magic/Lost Magic: Arc of Embodiment
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Sacred Guardian Beast: Belcusas the Thunderclap
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Jet Black Sword
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Golden Shield
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Tower of Dingir
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Pegasus Wings
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Sacred Guardian Beast, Belfast the Hurricane
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Ghosts of Britta
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Caster Magic/Time Magic: Slowing Magic
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Caster Magic: Vehicle Magic
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Dead Grand Prix
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High Side Rush
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Caster Magic: Sand Magic
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Sand Buster
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Sand Buster: Revision
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Sandstorm Axe Aldebaran
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Curse: Macro
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Limiter Release
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Caster Magic: Aera
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Caster Magic: Precognition
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Sherria Blendy
Caster Magic/Lost Magic: Sky God Slayer Magic
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Sky God’s Bellow
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Sky God’s Dance
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Sky God’s Healing Spell
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Sky God’s Boreas
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Second Sky Arrow
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Heavenly Gathering of Clouds
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Sherry Blendy
Caster Magic: Doll Attack
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Doll Attack: Puppeteer
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Doll Attack: Wood Doll
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Doll Attack: Rock Doll
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Doll Attack: Carpet Doll
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Holder Magic: Magic Card
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Card Dimension
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Projectile Cards
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Silver Fullbuster
Caster Magic: Ice Devil Slayer Magic
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Ice Devil’s Rage
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Caster Magic: Teleportation Magic
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Caster Magic: Telepathy
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Caster Magic: Darkness Magic
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Dark Moment
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Caster Magic: Telepathy
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Caster Magic/Lost Magic: Shadow Dragon Slaying Magic
Caster Magic: Dragon Soul Technique
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Caster Magic: Earth Magic
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Roche Concerto
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Platre Sonata
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Caster Magic: Sand Magic
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Sable Dance
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Holder Magic/Spatial Magic: Celestial Spirit Magic
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Caster Magic: Angel Magic
Angel’s Messenger
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Punching Angel
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Holder Magic: Olympia
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Sting Eucliffe
Caster Magic/Lost Magic: White Dragon Slayer Magic
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White Dragon’s Roar
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White Dragon’s Holy Breath
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White Drive
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White Dragon’s Claw
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Holy Ray
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White Shadow Dragon’s Rough Silk
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Holy Nova
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Caster Magic/Lost Magic: Dragon Force
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Caster Magic/Unison Raid: Holy Shadow Dragon’s Flash Fang
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Caster Magic/Lost Magic/Dual-Element Mode: White Shadow Dragon Mode
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White Shadow Dragon’s Rough Silk
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White Shadow Dragon’s Blast
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Holder Magic: Rosa Espada
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Curse: Calamity Curse
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Curse: Magical Barrier Particles
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Toby Horhorta
Holder Magic: Paralysis Powder
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Caster Magic: Dispel
Moon Drip
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Curse: Tenchi Kaimei
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Caster Magic: Rainbow Fire
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Blue Fire
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Orange Fire
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Rainbow Fire
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Caster Magic: Pyrokinesis
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Ultear Milkovich
Caster Magic/Lost Magic/Time Magic: Arc of Time
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Parallel Worlds
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Flash Forward
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Infinite Sphere
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Second Origin Release
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Third Origin Release
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Last Ages
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Caster Magic: Possession Magic
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Caster Magic: Magic Sword
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Caster Magic/Molding Magic: Ice-Make
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Ice-Make: Rosen Krone
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Ice-Make: Bloom
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Ice-Make: Dahlias
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Caster Magic: Transformation Magic
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Caster Magic: Thought Projection
Caster Magic: Telepathy
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Caster Magic: Terrain Effect Magic
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Terrain Effect: Gravity Zone
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Terrain Effect: Lava Zone
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Terrain Effect: Whirlpool Zone
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Caster Magic/Molding Magic: Ice-Make
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Ice-Make: Leg
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Ice-Make: Ice Geyser
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Ice-Make: Rosen Krone
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Ice-Make: Ice Volcano
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Caster Magic: Ice Magic
Iced Shell
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Vidadlus Taka
Holder Magic: Guitar Magic
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Rock of Succubus
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Caster Magic: Transformation Magic
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Caster Magic: Hair Magic
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Hair Whip
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Vijeeter Ecor
Caster Magic: Dancer
Caster Magic: Earth Magic
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Spica Hole
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Caster Magic: Transformation Magic
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Wakaba Mine
Caster Magic: Smoke Magic
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Wall Eehto
Caster Magic: Weakness
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Weakness Creation
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Super Long Distance Anti-Material Magic Cannon
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Assault Mode
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Anti-Matter Laser
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Wally Buchanan
Caster Magic: Polygon Magic
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Polygon Teleportation
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Polygon Attack
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32 Frames Per Second Attack
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Holder Magic: Guns Magic
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Sleep Bullet
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Caster Magic: Tear Magic
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Warren Rocko
Caster Magic: Telepathy
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Warrod Sequen
Caster Magic: Green Magic
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Flowing Giant Tree
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Caster Magic/Lost Magic: White Dragon Slaying Magic
Caster Magic: Dragon Soul Technique
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Wendy (Edolas)
Holder Magic: Magic Dagger
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Wendy Marvell
Caster Magic/Lost Magic: Sky Dragon Slayer Magic
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Sky Dragon’s Roar
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Sky Dragon’s Healing Spell
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Anomaly Recover Magic, Raise
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Sky Dragon’s Wing Attack
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Sky Dragon’s Claw
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Sky Dragon’s Crushing Fang
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Sky Dragon’s Wave Wind
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First Sky Arrow
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Shattering Light: Sky Drill
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Milky Way
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IIe Vernier
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IIe Arms
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IIe Armor
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Anomaly Resistance Enchantment: Re-Raise
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Caster Magic: Enchantment
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Deus Corona
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Deus Eques
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Deus Zero
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Caster Magic/Lost Magic: Dragon Force
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Holder Magic: Air Shatter Cannon
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Caster Magic/Unison Raid: Sky & Sand Spell
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Caster Magic: Beast Transformation
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Caster Magic: Flattening Magic
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Caster Magic: Telepathy
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Caster Magic/Letter Magic: Orient Solid Script
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Holder Magic: Sword Magic
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Dark Sword: Narukami
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Yuka Suzuki
Caster Magic: Wave
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Wave Boost
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Yukino Agria
Holder Magic/Spatial Magic: Celestial Spirit Magic
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Yuri Dreyar
Caster Magic: Lightning Magic
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Holder Magic: Judgement Field
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Holder Magic: Crystal Bomb
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Caster Magic/Lost Magic: Fire God Slayer Magic
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Fire God’s Bellow
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Fire God’s Explosive Flame
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Fire God’s Scythe
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Fire God’s Kagutsuchi
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Fire God’s Supper
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Caster Magic: Fire Magic
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Caster Magic: Telepathy
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Zeref Dragneel
Caster Magic/Black Art: Ankhseram Black Magic
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Death Predation
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Death Orb
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Death Pillar
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Stygian Blast Circle
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Caster Magic/Black Art: Living Magic
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Larcade Dragneel
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Caster Magic/Black Art/Time Magic: Immobilization Magic
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Caster Magic: Fire Magic
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Caster Magic/Black Magic: Law
Caster Magic: Telepathy
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Caster Magic: Enchantment
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Caster Magic: Fairy Heart
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Caster Magic/Time Magic: Space Between Time
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Caster Magic/Time Magic: Neo Eclipse
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Caster Magic/Lost Magic/Spatial Magic: Human Subordination Magic
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Hero of Rubengard, San Jiao Shin
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Hunter of Belparaso, Samagui
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Huma Raise
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Holder Magic/Spatial Magic: Celestial Spirit Magic
94 notes · View notes
chaosmagetwin · 7 years
Random Modern OC: Lauren
Lauren Kitterwitz
Level 1: Well known and memorized
Level 2: Known and used occasionally
Level 3: Mostly known, used rarely and at greater cost
Level 4: Hypothetical, and in the process of either making the spell or learning it.
Basic Spells(All spells level 1)
Mage Hand: Spell that holds objects, and floats near the mage when not attended. Used both for light and heavy loads
Message: Speak over distance
Arcane Writ: Note written with magic. Short range
Locate Object/ Person: Requires piece of object or person (i.e. hair) Limited to ~ 10 miles
Delay: Puts a timer on a spell, so it goes off after a certain time
Contingency: Puts a requirement on a spell, so it goes often only when meant to.
Scry: As expected.
Keep at bay Spell
Barrier Spell
Light: Creates floating light
Zippo: Creates small flame at finger.
Siphon: Pulls water from the air and ground.
Terra: Pulls the nearest dirt or small stones to the casters hand.
Obscure: Blocks light sources.
Magic Missile: Creates a small arrow like object.
Shield: Protects against damage,and is the basis of all other shield spells.
Water Spells (requires water nearby, unless summoning it)(19 spells known)
1:High Pressure Beam: Able to cut through steel.
1:Seep: Pull water up from the ground, though you must pull from deeper when in dry conditions.
1:Infused Water: reinvigorating water that heals wounds slowly.
1:Water Blast: Tossed water that explodes when it hits the ground, throwing water across the environment
1:Frost: Freezes anything that is wet.
2:Purify water: Purifies water of anything that is not H20, making it impossible for electricity to pass through
1:Ice Shard: Creates a sword of ice that can be thrown at sonic speeds.
1:Shatter: Explodes ice for shrapnel
1:Ice Field: Yanks shards of ice out of the ground. Requires the ground to be wet.
2:Mist: Creates light rain that covers area with water and obscures vision
1:Pity Party Cloud: Creates raining depression cloud directly over someones head.
1:Ice Shield: A shield of ice that forms to protect the defender against physical and ranged attacks. Freezes melee attackers to the shield.
2: Cascade: Creates a torrent of chilled water that falls from the sky, soaking the area. Ice shards   form inside the cascade as it falls. The longer the cascade falls, the more of it turns to ice.
2: Water Dance: All water in the area vibrates, including any in the ground. Can create mudslides and sinkholes.
2: Rapidity: Fills allies with envigorated water, hasting them and slowly regenerating wounds.
2: Crystalline Augury: See through ice at distance.
3: Pour: Causes rain clouds to let loose as much water as possible in local area. In ritual form, can draw existing rain clouds from a distance
3:River Styx Parted: Ritual spell, quickly heals life-threatening wounds over a short period.
3:Water Beat: Channeling spell that debuffs enemies, causing them to move slower and with less strength.
Wind Spells (Requires movement of air)(19 spells known)
1:Gale: Strong force of wind that can knock people over.
1:Wind Sword: Creates a slice force at a distance.
1:Void: Rip air from a certain location. Air rushes to fill in that spot immediately. Use on heads can knock people out and harm ears and eyes.
1:Air Cannon: Fires a near solid ball of air that explodes violently on contact.
1:Control wind: Controls wind at a minor scale, for things like pushing windmills and filling sails.Also works for forges.
1:Dust Devil: Creates a small dust devil, but the inside of it is filled with wind swords.
1:Tornado: Same as dustdevil, except... much larger. Only usable on warm, humid days.
1:Down Burst: Sudden force of wind from the sky, forcing target to the ground. Flying targets crash.
1:Gust jump: Use wind to quickly leap into the air.
1:Wind Walk: Stealth and Speed
2:Wind Wall: Wall of wind that can stop slow projectiles, like arrows.
2:Fly: Like ironman.
2: Use the Force: Grabs the air around enemies, hardens it, then pulls. Knocks over enemies and can even pull them into a weapon strike.
2: Air Burst: Draws air in on an area until it is high density, then hardens it and explodes it with great force. Used most effectively as flak, but still has great use against ground.
2: Soothing Wind: Channeling spell. Slowly heals nearby allies.
2: Whispering Madness: Causes voices to appear in the minds of enemies, causing hallucinations and the like.
3: Dr. Ben Dover: Creates an extremely high pressure around the enemy, forcing air into their system and creating decompression sickness.
3: Void Tornado: As tornado, but is a vacuum internally
3: Circular Breathing: Never run out of breath.
Electric Spells (Requires charge. Hair stands on end)(12 spells known)
1:Shock: Taser like spell
1:Bolt: Lightning bolt from hand
1:Charge: Charges electrical equipment, and can be used to run that equipment for a decent amount of time, similar to the a battery. Can also reverse the flow.
1:Arc Lightning: Creates an arc of lighting between two Ion Field Mines
2:Ion Field: Charges the field with electric mines
2:Chain Lightning: Bolt of lightning that jumps between enemies.
2:Absorbtion: Can pull lightning from the clouds for charge. Requires no charge.
2:Nova: Discharges all remaining Ion field mines.
2:Lightning Ball: Like Fireball.
2:Thunder Clap: Creates deafening sound.
3:Power Coupling: Creates a rod of lightning between two walls that feeds into itself.
3: Sticky Lightning: Creates a ball of lightning that can stick to the target, shocking the target and nearby enemies.
Storm Spells (Requires charge and water)(1 spell known)
4:Storm Shield: Creates a shield of water and lightning. The lightning shocks any attackers. The water creates a small strand that links the attacker and the shield, allowing lightning to travel along it from the caster.
Lauren Kitterwitz is a 5'4” sixteen year old girl with long braided hair. Her heart shaped face is littered with freckles, her soft blue eyes framed by oval glasses. Though she is quick to grin, her slightly crooked white teeth are marred by braces. She is built coltish, with a thin and lanky frame; despite being sixteen, she didn't seem to be done growing yet. Her hands were rather large for her size, but thin and spidery, much like the rest of her. She didn't seem to have much muscle, or fat for that matter, and she was about as flat as they came; only her voice and hair separated her from a boy, it seemed. Her skin was fairly white, as if she'd rarely seen daylight, but it had freckles marring it as much as her face, especially atop the shoulders. She definitely didn't seem to have chosen this form, as some girls might have; she suffers from a somewhat rare form of Anemia known as Hemolytic Anemia.
Lauren isn't a particularly loud child, nor does she really catch the eye; she tended to stay out of the way, and her eyes often drifted outside, as if she were daydreaming, or was lost in thought. She was good in school, getting help or studying when she needed to, and she was good in groups. In gym class, however, she sat in the bleachers, and watched the others play sports and exercise. She'd tried joining a few times as well, but... they'd ended in trips to the nurses office with her passed out in the teachers arms. She ate -voraciously-, but never seemed to put on weight, to her friends consternation. Meanwhile they picked at their own food, lamenting about their diets. Outside of school, she didn't seem to do much; she had once been apart of a play, but her retainer had fallen out midway and embarrassed her to the point of no return. She'd gone on a date with one boy, a meek, normal kid who'd somehow managed to ask her out. That, too, hadn't gone well, due to a long series of unfortunate events. In one night, he'd managed to accidentally trip her, spill water on her, and find her previously undiscovered allergies to crab. She, on the other hand, had managed to trip once on her own up the stairs into the restaurant, call her waiter by the wrong name, and, once again, suffer embarrassments courtesy of her retainer. They'd ended up in the hospital after that, due to the allergic reaction, and neither of them had the courage to ask each other out again. As far as anyone normal knew, Lauren was as normal as they were, albeit sickly... and prone to misfortune.
To those apart of the spiritual world, however, Lauren was known as an up and coming offensive caster, powerful and talented, but still learning. She was being taught by Opal Drachnal, mother of Lillith, and she was a fast learner being taught by a great teacher, one who knew the ins and outs of magic, even if she herself wasn't particularly powerful. Opal taught her for three years, from the time she was 8 years old and had just learned she even had magic, until she was 11 years old. It was then that Opal died in a devastating attack by geists.
When Opal died, Lauren was hardly unaffected; her favorite teacher, her friend, and her closest ally other than her parents was dead. She turned into a recluse for a while, struggling in school, struggling at home, struggling in magic. For months, it was as though she were barely alive; she lost weight, becoming almost skeletal. It wasn't until she was taken to the doctor after feinting and requiring a blood transfusion that her parents sat down with her and forced her to talk. The long and difficult conversation helped her; the depression she was feeling, the fear, the pain of the loss, they were all things that her parents had gone through themselves. She came out of the hospital with a few pounds more and the emotional support she needed to pull herself forward. Her friends, what few there were, rejoiced in her return, even if they didn't quite understand why she had 'gone missing' to begin with. Except for one; Isabella. Her best friend. Isabella knew why she'd gone missing, yet she was barely speaking to Lauren.
She didn't find out why until almost a year later; Beatrice, Isabella's mother, had died of cancer, and Johnathan, her father, was torn up. Where before Lauren had a best friend, there was now a stranger, an angry one who lashed out where she could. Hurt, confused, and a little lost, Lauren went to ask for help from the only people who had proved themselves; her own parents. She tried everything she could, trying to mend bridges between herself and her one-time best friend, but when Isabella's father disappeared, it only got worse. It was during this time that a famous combat wizard, Ajax Cal, arrived to help her. An elderly man who'd lost an arm in a raid, he was still as formidable as he'd been twenty years ago, even if his bones creaked now. He was of the mind that the sooner they got people out fighting, the better they would get; nobody learned anything cooped up in a tiny room, after all. To Lauren, he was a god; physically fit, powerful, and combat ready. He was also old, which was more than Lauren could say about many other magicians, which meant he had to be doing SOMETHING right. However, he only stayed a week, teaching her a little before leaving again. He would show up every once in a while to teach her something new, then disappearing again.
By the time Lillith arrived in town, Lauren and Isabella were about as far apart as they could get; Lauren had almost given up, and Isabella wasn't getting any better. Soon after she arrived, however, Lauren tried one more time; she found Isabella while she was by herself, and refused to leave until they talked. It took some time, and Lauren definitely had to deal with a lot of abuse, if not physical then emotional, but she got through to Isabella somehow; the two were, at the very least, hesitant friends again. Isabella didn't change too much in relation to others, not so long as she wanted to anyways, but she mellowed out with Lauren.
Alana and Lauren didn't really become friends; they knew each other, and could hold a conversation if they needed to,but they didn't really hit it off.
Garith, on the other hand, was one person Lauren couldn't really hang out with; she had a crush on him that she'd yet to shake, and when they were younger, Isabella had teased her for it quite a bit. She bit her tongue around him, and tried not to make a fool of herself... which she almost always did. She seemed to become clumsier around him, and her tongue seemed to tie itself in knots around him; her lisp came out around him, making her almost unintelligible. Whether they were friends or not was hard to decide; they could certainly hang out around one another, but it was most likely that he thought her strange, or unintelligent.
Mark was a good friend of Laurens; he was, in comparison to Garith, easy to talk to, and funny... at least, he was easy to talk to whenever he wasn't with Garith. His prospensity for breaking rules, however didn't make her exactly happy; she often scolded him when he got in trouble, and she thought some of his pranks were simply too mean. She found a few others funny, and she'd even told him a few of her own idea's for pranks, though she never had to guts to carry them out herself.
Lillith was also a friend; the two had bonded while learning from Opal, and sometimes competed a little. When Opal died, however, both of them split to mourn on their own ways; with Lauren in another town entirely, it wasn't exactly easy for them to meet anyways. When she did come back, Lauren wasn't sure how to proceed; she opted to try and be friendly. It worked, for the most part; their relationship was definitely not the same as it had been before Opal's death. Both of the were more mature now. They still competed a little, but with their different specializations, it was hard to compare.
From the GM
Living in Lein was relatively safe and enjoyable. Your parents had jobs during the day and could hunt at night. Not every night. But maybe three times a week. Lein and area around it was maintained by Beatrice and Johnathan. Flintol. Beatrice was the younger sister to the current patriarch. They too had a couple kids. Garith . and Isabella. Garith being two years older then you and Isabella your age. Their was a few other people that were spirit hunters or dealt with them. Agra Willow was one of them. A elderly woman who was the local healer. She even knew a lot of modern medicine, with a mix of obscure medicine and could easily pass as a doctor if she wanted. She tpyically was a kind natured woman that had a more grandmotherly feel to her. Someone to badysit the kids while the parents went off hunting. The other was the Youvinsa's A brother and sister. Jack and Jill. Yoiur charcater wouldn;t know much about them till she got more involved with the spirit community. Jack had the local shop for selling Geist stones and buys epuipment. While Jill got a degree in teaching and became a teacher at the local public high school. More might be added.(Depends on the others choice of charcater and family. Early life for your character would be oretty happy and enjoyable. Your family got along with the Flintols. Bringing the kids over to play. (Again might add more when the others get charcaters.). You made your first friend. Isabella, back when she was cheerful and full of laughter. When it became apparent your character was a mage Beatrice sent a word up the Drachnal family line and found a suitable tutor for he to learn the basics. WHo none other then the patriarchs wife Opal Drachnal. Not as powerful of a mage but was incredible with the theories of magic and could honestly teach anything about magic to someone. She even had a daughter closer to her age. Lilith. She was two years younger then you and started and year before you and had gotten quite fair along (Up to you if you want to make friends with her or not.)
 Your training with Opal would last three years. (It mostly was cause of how Opal taught. She was quite talented at it.)However before she could help you move onwards to bigger things you suddenly stopped seeing Opal.That year was one of the worst years in a long time. Firstly Opal was killed in a deadly Geist attack, with some other hunters. Beatrice was diagnosed with cancer when it was in its late stages and died later that year. The death affected the family quite badly. Johnathan went down hill from there. The patriarch replaced him as the head in the area with his eldest daughter Mayla. A year later Johnathan dissappeared. Without a trace. It was speculated he ran off into the woods near town. Both Garith and Isabella changed considerbly. Garith turned more reclusive and hardly spoke. Isabella however turned very bitter, aggressive and angry. Keeping people at a distance. IN the proccess she might have burnt the friendship with you. A couple of years would pass when two other children came to town. Mark and Alana Taft. Mark was your age and a sly, silver tongue individual. Soon got the title the joker or prankster of sorts. He was the one that cracked the shell in Gariths gloom and borught in out. Alana was a small, timid girl who rarely spoke and was one year younger then you. They were not siblings but cousins from Killiam. They weren't doing well themself. Mark came down with Alana just to be with her. Acting like a big brother of sorts. Alana however was thrown out of her own home. She never did give the reason why. Mayla setted them up in a foster home of kind. Ran by The Drachnal's of course. And lastly a year (Roughly) earlier before the current day. Lilith moved to town. It was then Your character would find out that she was present at her own mothers death. WHile she was defending her no less. It also was apparent she was be neglected and abused at home and Mayla took her in to stop this. Of course your character only heard this from your parents. Lilith coming to town softened Isabella's hard exterior. Allowing a few people to get close and allow friendship.
Probably one of my more thought out characters. I wound up designing her after Honey Lemon from Big Hero 6. I wound up having to make a few sacrifices in terms of how healthy the character was in order to make a heavy hitting mage, but some decent research later and I had something workable with Hemolytic Anemia in that it wasn’t going to outright kill like most other forms of Anemia (A trait I wanted). 
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