#galice edit
Hello people who found this craziness entertaining!
I made this blog because I was bored and wanted a place to lore dump about my ocs without bothering the few normal people that come across my main blog
‼️DISCLAIMER: THE ART IN THE HEADER ISN'T MINE! I got it from this picrew: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1473879‼️
You can ask my characters anything you want, just be aware I won't answer asks I'm not comfortable answering/are about upcoming lore that I don't want to spoil before I write it
Just state who the question is for, and if you don't I'll assume the question is for me and answer accordingly
Basic blog things:
Sorry Phoenix x Juniper shippers, my blog doesn't do that because I personally don't see it. But I support if you ship them and love to see stuff like that! I do ship Prism x Reginald though, and Prism x Fabby...
Basically I ship her with everyone except Phoenix and maybe John.
Also, I have no drawing skills at all, so please don't expect me to draw them doing anything 😭 (edit: I have a couple drawing skills now and plan to use all of them for this >:3)
My Phoenix!!!
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Codename: Agent Phoenix
Age: 22
Pronouns: They/Them
Height: 5'2" No fuck that I'm totally 6'3" and have large muscles
Joined the agency at: 18
Favorite color(s): Red and Black
Disability(s): Agent Phoenix is missing their right leg from a horrible car crash that claimed the lives of their parents at 14, forcing them to live on the streets for two years until they eventually got scouted by the agency. Miraculously, even though they've been in far worse danger and experienced far worse pain, they have not sustained any other lasting injuries.
Personality: Imagine if the Norse god Loki and a can of Monster Energy drink had a child who likes to commit arson as a hobby.
Random facts: Phoenix can read, write, and speak fluent English, Spanish, and Japanese because their parents moved around all the time and barely stayed in one place for more than a month. They're also pretty good at Mandarin Chinese, Portuguese, and Galic, but have absolutely no understanding of Italian.
They can do some basic martial arts, but they mainly excel at accidental stealth and all-out brawl style fights, for they are very fast and good at analyzing how exactly to take an enemy out.
They are diagnosed with autism and auditory schizophrenia, although they believe that they may also have ADHD because of how much stimulation they need to get their job done.
Lore posts
Here are the links (Oldest to Youngest by when I posted them) to posts that give you more lore about my versions of these characters
The Home Argument (Handler's perspective)
The Home Argument (Phoenix's perspective)
The Agency can Wait
Random Headcannons (self h@rm mention)
What became of Solaris (Radio transmission #1)
The Call
A Phoenix burns hottest when it's Born Again (Part 1)
The Most Perfect Name
I know I'm pathetic (angst)
Incident report 067 (more angst)
Can't cage a Phoenix arc
Brothers of the Stars (long ass RP chain with @the-one-and-only-043 )
Who's Trevor? (slightly angsty)
The most painful way to say goodbye (even longer RP chain with @the-one-and-only-043 and @wyvchard (sorry for the tags))
The Victim of a Basilisk (Part 1)
Agency file: The Basilisk & Dr. Vadas
The Victim of a Basilisk (Part 2)
Dream Cast ( @wyvchard version)
Dream Cast ( @the-one-and-only-043 version)
Screen Cast (right after the other two, some Agent Circuit lore)
Agent Ombre (profile)
Agent Circuit Board (image)
Rants (that may or may not contain lore)
Reginald Crane is a professional
John Juniper is known for his lies
A Reversal of Roles (ieytd au)
Random lore (doesn't really have a name)
Operation: Deluge (ieytd au)
How do you kill a Phoenix? (announcement post)
Random things you should probably know beforehand
Prologue: The Death of a Phoenix (This takes you directly to the Ao3 chapter, heads up)
Unconditional Love (Roxanix fic thingy, full of angst)
Part one (Prism's Perspective)
Part one (Phoenix's Perspective)
Part two (Reginald's Perspective)
Part two (Phoenix's Perspective)
A trip to the past (fic idea by @kayssweetdreams , thank you!)
Part one
Random ask things
Phoenix's text will be red
Reginald's text will be orange
Juniper's text will be green
Prism's text will be blue
Fabricator's text will be purple
We've also got Hivemind and his text is pink
(this does not apply to lore posts(usually(sometimes I add this system in because it's hard to tell who's talking)))
Thanks for reading! That's all for now :3
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remidyal · 11 months
D20 Bad Fic Ideas of the Day Part 4: Spookyish Month
As usual, my monthly-ish roundup of all my Bad Ideas of the Day from the D20 Fic Discord (join us here if you want, open to readers and writers!) This one, it being October, has some spooky ideas mixed in.
Previous lists of ideas: Part 3
Part 2
Part 1
Bad idea of the day, spooky edition: After an unfortunate death where nobody was able to revivify him in time, Fabian has come back as a ghost who is firmly in denial of being a ghost and none of the bad kids want to correct him for fear that he might move on if they do.
Bad idea of the day, not so spooky edition: Upon learning that of COURSE Adaine and Aelwyn weren't allowed to go trick or treating or to do costume parties as kids, the other residents of Mordred Manor take it upon themselves to make certain both of them get the full little kid halloween experience, up to and including a sugar rush to end all sugar rushes. Actually toss Kristen in there too, all three of them are getting cheesy costumes and bad candy
(Belated costume ideas, in between working: Aelwyn gets talked by Zayn into going as a goth kid. Adaine gets talked by Fig into going as a punk. Kristen decides to go in a cat costume and make your own judgement about what she's thinking re: that and Tracker.)
Bad Idea of the Day, Saint Kristen Applebees' Not At All Haunted House edition: Kristen sets up a haunted house exhibit at Mordred Manor for halloween, attempting to show children that the night and the unknown are not something that must be feared. This effect is spoiled somewhat by the fact that Mordred Manor is, quote, haunted as shit, and the ghosts can't help but show off for the children by doing things like spooky voices and making the walls bleed.
Bad idea of the day, cabin in the woods edition: The bad kids go camping for a vacation, a terrible idea given their history with forests made even worse when Adaine decides to read the only book that was in that cabin, a book bound in some kind of weird leather with a screaming face on the front… (It's the necronomicon, this is just an Evil Dead fusion idea)
Bad Idea of the Day, I Kind of Already Did This One But This Time It'd Be Accidental Edition: The Bad Kids, at some point during Freshman year, get talked by Fabian or someone into doing a blood oath with each other which REALLY bites them in the ass in sophomore year
Bad Idea of the Day, Ghost Ops edition: Needing to investigate a new business that's sprung up in New York claiming to capture ghosts, the Dream Team eventually comes to the conclusion that the only way they're going to be able to look into it is for one of them to (temporarily) die and become a ghost to take a look from the inside.
Bad idea of the day, Lost (in space) edition: The crew of the Wurst have to deal with the fact that in the wake of Plug's wedding, their spaceship has gotten deeply weirder, with the jib-jobbers replaced by things like a polar bear and a monster made entirely out of smoke.
Bad idea of the day, Marriage edition: Tired of Fig trying to plot for some way to get Gorgug into the extended Bad Kids ouroboros of a family tree, Adaine and Gorgug elope and then immediately divorce just so they can annoy everyone else by referring to each other as 'ex-wife' and 'ex-husband'
Bad idea of the day, honestly a nap sounds pretty good edition: The Bad Kids have to go find and rescue Mister Professor Headmaster Aguefort after he gets turned to stone by a Medusa-esque monster, only to find out he did it intentionally to get out of work and rest for a few weeks.
Bad idea of the day, REALLY BAD IDEA edition: The bad kids are sent to put a stop to a group that promises to give people a glimpse of the afterlife they are currently on track to end up in, because the group doesn't disclose in advance that they accomplish this via killing you and then revivifying you 54 seconds later
Bad idea of the day, sibling rivalry edition: Through divine rules dating back thousands of years, Galicaea is requiring that Cassandra select a champion from among her followers for a fight. Galicaea being a little bit of a dick, she selects one Tracker O'Shaughnessey, who is now obliged by her god to fight Cassandra's sole follower and option….
Bad idea of the day, hit them where it hurts edition: In an act of retaliation for Riz snooping into some detail of her life, Fig attempts to get petty revenge by striking out through her corporate contacts in Hell and getting his favorite brand of coffee discontinued.
Bad Idea of the Day, an Apothecary who Cares edition: In a low fantasy version of Elmville, Kristen Applebees arrives on the run from the religious sect her family is a member of to apprentice as a potion-maker. Can she make friends in this new village and maybe not get fired by flirting with her instructor and caretaker's niece?
Bad idea of the day, why is your daughter a fruit edition: In an a Crown of Candy fusion, high drama comes among one of the ruling families of Ceresia when, on her fourteenth nameday, Figueroth Faeth starts showing traits of having raspberry blood.
Bad idea of the day, Once Upon a Crime edition: The Never After crew take an accidental left turn into a frequently referenced series of stories also with a childlike morality, about a gang of car thieves, but really it's about family. They promise. Can they escape fast, or will they die to the furious characters native to these stories?
Bad idea of the day, REALLY confusing gay awakening edition: In one of my favorite general ideas, a character gets bitten by a werewolf at the Black Pit fight and fails her con save. In a reversal from my normal, in this case it's one Kristen Applebees, bitten by the girl who was her first kiss a few moments before. How does she handle this situation, and can she go to her parents or her church leaders for help safely?
Bad idea of the Day, Dead Men Tell Tales edition: A story in hell just of different people who the Bad Kids have killed over the last couple years complaining about how they died. Doreen is there for some reason
Bad idea of the day, Pirates! edition: Bill never retires and Fabian never comes to Elmville. In Junior Year, the Bad Kids (who now include Zelda in their number) are assigned to bring down the scourge of the sea and the heir he's been said to be preparing to take over after his death…
Bad idea of the Day, it's just a prank bro edition: On the first day of school, in every student's locker they get a TOP SECRET report from Arthur Aguefort about the horrific death they suffered during that school year, with him purporting that it was so bad that he had to reset time to undo it. This is entirely made up because he just wants to see, say, Gorgug's reaction to 'finding out' that his liver was devoured by sand sharks or something.
Bad idea of the day, villain crossover edition: After Gilear and Sandra Lynn divorce, rather than Hallariel Seacaster, he rebounds with a woman who doesn't quite seem to have a name and who Fig can never bring herself to look too closely at…
Bad idea of the day, Trick or Treat edition: Aguefort has a tradition, missed in the bad kid's freshman year because he was dead, of setting a box of potions outside of his office on Halloween, warded against Identify and with a dazzling array of effects, from the beneficial to the inconvenient to the fatal
Bad Idea of the day, Play Stupid Games Win Stupid Prizes edition: Needing to find something to fill out a dark and stormy evening where Mordred loses power, the Mordred Manor crew finds a board game that had been there ever since whoever the prior residents were. All of the caster-y sorts are immediately able to tell it's cursed, but aren't sure what the curse will do, so out of boredom they start to play it just to see what will happen.
BONUS BAD IDEA of the day: Palimpsests make people into data. Data can be copied. Instead of a kidnapping plot, Kalvaxus uses it to create disposable soldiers out of some of his minions
Bad idea of the day, In Space No One Can Hear You Scream edition: The crew of the Wurst find a collection of classic Earth horror movies, and Gunnie decides to make a change to the slot machines in the Casino so that one out of a hundred times on a loss a chest burster pops out of the slot machine, bloodspray included
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sporcafaccenda · 2 years
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Jean Bure : de Karol Bor à Jan de Fast
Nous aurions aussi bien pû titrer « Jean Bure : de l’espionnage à l’anticipation » ou encore « Jean Bure : du Toubib au Docteur Alan », etc. Jean Bure, né en 1916, de père français d’origine suédoise et de mère polonaise, avait un doctorat en médecine et parlait huit langues. Actif pendant la dernière guerre mondiale: de Varsovie au Pacifique, via Londres et d’autres lieux. Grand voyageur, il connaissait très bien les pays au-delà du rideau de fer. Il est l’auteur de monographies en qualité d’attaché médical au titre des relations scientifiques avec les pays de l’Est. Voilà qui est bien utile quand on écrit des romans d’espionnage et qui explique la spécialisation de l’auteur dans l’espionnage scientifique, puis dans la science fiction, ainsi que le choix de ses héros permanents (qui semblent bien être des portraits rêvés/romancés de leur créateur). Jean Bure affirmait avoir toujours écrit, depuis l’âge de 16 ans. Il a cependant 43 ans quand paraît son premier roman connu : Aller-Retour Varsovie (Karol Bor, « Le Monde Secret ») chez Arts et Créations en 1959. A partir de là, Jean Bure publiera une moyenne de 5 romans par an, jusqu’à ce qu’on perde sa trace au début des années 80… Après 5 romans chez Arts et Créations, il passe au Grand Damier où il sera Franz Nikols pour 3 romans en 1960/61. Il sera aussi Gen Khor aux Editions Galic en 1962/63. A ce sujet, romans de « vaches maigres » qu’il ne reniait pas, Jean Bure disait :
« J’étais Franz Nikols au Grand Damier et Gen Khor chez Galic. En ce qui concerne ce dernier, le nom porté sur les manuscrits était d’ailleurs très différent avec sa forme mongole, puisque c’était Khan Gor, mais ces nobles pignoufs ne savaient même pas lire… Je n’ai pas eu trop d’ennuis avec le Damier l’ayant quitté à temps, mais un peu plus de bagarre avec Galic.»
Entre-temps, avec l’entremise de Jean-Pierre Bernier (alias Marc Arno, Paul Orney, etc.), Jean Bure était entré à L’Arabesque dans la collection « Espionnage » (Impasse aux dames, n° 160, signé Karol Bor, 1961) dont il sera un des plus solides piliers (près de 70 romans). Atlantide 1980 (n°185), une anticipation à court terme, obtint le Grand Prix International d’Espionnage de Lugano 1960. Son dernier titre inédit paraitra fin 1969 (Le Toubib vend la mèche, n° 606). La plupart de ces romans, signés Karol Bor, mettent en scène le personnage du docteur Philippe Olivier, alias le Toubib (directeur d’un laboratoire privé, officier de renseignement hors cadre et animateur de réseaux, dont la personnalité et les particularités préfigurent bien évidemment le « docteur Alan » de Jan de Fast). A L’Arabesque, outre Karol Bor, Jean Bure était aussi Noël Ward (pour 7 romans consacrés à Nick Carter) et, comme beaucoup d’autres, Gil Darcy, pour les « Luc Ferran » (Jean Bure en a écrit une trentaine et décrocha le prix Cicéron 1965 pour Luc Ferran bloque le piège)
Quelles étaient les relations de Jean Bure avec son éditeur ? Et sa manière de travailler ? Personne n’est mieux placé que l’auteur pour en parler :
« Je suis profondément égoïste, j’écris pour le plaisir d’un seul lecteur, moi-même. Je place mon héros devant des problèmes dont j’ignore au départ la solution, lui et moi la cherchons ensemble au cours des chapîtres. Mon ami Nouveau sait bien que je ne suis guère intéressé par le côté financier, je me suis contenté d’un forfait de petite dactylo aussi longtemps que j’ai pensé l’aider ainsi à tenir le coup. Sinon, comme bien d’autres, je l’aurais lâché longtemps avant – mes premiers contacts avec le Fleuve Noir dataient de 1965»
Premiers contacts non suivis d’effets immédiats. Jean Bure, sous l’alias Jan de Fast, n’apparaîtra au Fleuve Noir dans la collection « Anticipation » qu’en 1972 avec L’envoyé d’Alpha (FNA n° 495), mais notons qu’à la parution de son deuxième roman « Anticipation » (La planète assassinée, 1972), l’auteur avait déjà écrit une douzaine de manuscrits, acceptés par le comité de lecture du Fleuve Noir sans un seul rejet ! Ce qui représente près de trois années de publication pour un auteur de la collection. Comme quoi les dates de parutions sont parfois assez éloignées des dates de rédaction. Jan de Fast donnera 43 romans à la collection « Anticipation » et disparaîtra du catalogue avec le n° 1111 : Il fera si bon mourir. Un titre prémonitoire ?
Comment l’auteur en est-il venu à la science-fiction ? Jean Bure :
« Ce qui justifie la disparition du Toubib vient de ce qu’il s’est déplacé à la fois dans le temps et l’espace. J’en avais assez de l’espionnage, à part le côté descriptif des lieux de l’action, l’histoire est toujours la même, on se recopie sans cesse. Un agent est liquidé par ceux d’en face à Singapour ou au Kamtchtka, le Vieux fait appel à l’indestructible héros qui se fait casser la figure pendant douze chapitres, rebondit sur ses pieds et pulvérise d’un seul coup le réseau adverse. Notez que je m’efforçais de faire raisonner mon personnage avec son cerveau plutôt qu’avec sa mitraillette, mais ça devenait vraiment lassant.(…) Le Toubib est devenu le docteur Alan, médecin et aventurier du 23ème siècle, membre itinérant du Conseil Suprême de la Fédération des Planètes Unies et son hypernef l’entraine au cœur de lointaines civilisations galactiques. »
Place donc au docteur Alan et à Jan de Fast. C’est sous ce pseudonyme que Jean Bure s’est réellement surpassé à tous les niveaux : En compagnie d’un personnage itinérant incroyablement attachant, nous assistons à la construction, roman après roman, d’une Fédération galactique cohérente. Les idées de Jan de Fast sont brillantes, réellement novatrices, exposées avec clarté, et devraient être méditées – pour ne pas dire « être mises en pratique (ne serait-ce qu’à titre expérimental) » – tout comme ses remises en cause des préconcepts, des préjugés et des tabous ancestraux. Des visions et des extrapolations vertigineuses enfièvrent le lecteur ou le plongent dans une torpeur féérique et déconnectée. Certains des premiers romans de Jan de Fast sont, selon nous, de véritables chefs-d’œuvres : Infection focale, La quatrième mutation, Cancer dans le cosmos, Les tueurs d’âme, Sécession à Procyon, notamment, théâtres permanents de l’inouï qui témoignent d’une inspiration époustouflante et n’ont pas encore fini de nous envoûter. L’apothéose d’une belle carrière de romancier populaire.
Par la suite, Jan de Fast délaissa quelque peu le docteur Alan au profit d’autres personnages, plus aventuriers et mercenaires que concernés par les interventions humanistes et les enquêtes scientifiques. Encore que… A la fin des années 70, Jean Bure, toujours sous l’alias Jan de Fast, se mit à la nouvelle et donna quelques récits à la revue Fiction et aux anthologies de l’époque : « c’est un exercice qui me prend très peu de temps et m’amuse, je peux m’y libérer par l’humour, même s’il est parfois un peu noir ». Il disait aussi être tenté par l’Univers de Jacques Sadoul mais qu’il lui faudrait alors se surpasser. Si ça ce n’est pas de la modestie ! Salut docteur Alan et merci Jean Bure !
©️2009 ®️2023 Myrrha Kerenko
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#Jean Bure #Karol Bor #Jan DeFast #litterature populaire #espionnage #anticipation #Le Toubib #Docteur Alan #Brantonne #Jef de Wulf #Gaston de Sainte-Croix #paperbacks
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pismaco · 4 years
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happy halloween!!! if u want, take this mn doodle bc its hard to draw in the clothes im wearing
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lucanogis · 7 years
GA Illustration Scans
NOTE: I have posted the link to this before. The only thing that has changed since is that I’ve added the Japanese RAWs for the GA spinoff. If you’re interested in that and don’t mind potentially not understanding what’s going on, go forth and look at ‘em. 
This is a folder containing GA illustration scans and other assorted images re: this manga that I’ve collected over the years. This is meant as a resource for GA content creators. GA belongs to the remarkable Tachibana Higuchi and her publisher. 
Folder contents:
The illustrated fanbook no 1 The illustrated fanbook no 2 The aeiou fanbook (low quality) The memorial fanbook (RAW) Fanbook 7.5 (RAW) Fanbook 25.5 (RAW) Miscellaneous images I’ve found Partial GA spinoff (RAW) All scans as ZIP-folders
Go HERE. (link last updated January 2022)
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themori-witch · 4 years
Hey b did you mean to say Galic Equivalent in that last post because you did say Garlic and. I just wanna know if I’ve been doing Saining wrong my whole life
Haha, I noticed my phone had changed Gaelic to Garlic just after I posted it. I had a good laugh and edited it to correct it.
I swear, my phone has it in for me.
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paulechegoyen · 4 years
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🇫🇷 Je partage ici quelques planches NB avant mise en couleur digitale pour « Les voyages de Gulliver - De Laputa au Japon », avec @bertrandgalic au scénario, dans la @collection.noctambule chez @delcourt_soleil_bd. Disponible partout depuis mercredi ✨✨✨ Vous pouvez lire une preview avec les 2 premiers chapitres disponibles sur le site BD Gest’ : https://www.bdgest.com/preview-3095-BD-voyages-de-gulliver-les-galic-echegoyen-de-laputa-au-japon.html 🇬🇧 I share here some NB plates before digital colouring for « Les voyages de Gulliver - De Laputa au Japon », with Bertrand Galic in the script, in the Noctambule collection at Editions Soleil. Available everywhere since wednesday !!! ✨✨✨ . . . #blackandwhite #black #drawing #drawingoftheday #draw #pencil #pencildrawing #pencilart #dailyart #comicbookart #comicbooks #comicbook #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #artwork #gulliverstravels #gulliver #paulechegoyen #bertrandgalic #editionssoleil #collectionnoctambule https://www.instagram.com/p/CIeMHttDThc/?igshid=1xqventnoel3g
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architectnews · 4 years
Arquine Competition MEXTÓPOLI 2021 Pavilion
Arquine International Competition 2021, Mexican Design Contest News, Architecture
Arquine Competition No.23 MEXTÓPOLI 2021 Pavilion
post updated 22 Feb 2021 + 11 Jan 2021
Arquine Competition No.23 Pavilion Results
In compliance with the provisions of the Arquine Contest No.23 | Meeting Point, on Monday, February 8 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., the jury made up of Raúl Cárdenas, Wonne Ickx, María Verónica Machado, Isabel Martínez Abascal, and Alejandro Tapia (as technical jury) met. The deliberation was via Zoom, where they evaluated the 240 proposals received from the 312 registered.
The bases specify that the jury has to freely and independently select a single proposal from among all those submitted in a timely manner (in any case they are anonymous projects), complying with the guidelines established in the Contest bases.
They could not participate: • Members of the Jury of this contest, members of Arquine or MEXTRÓPOLI. • People with blood ties with the members of the Jury; the spouses or people related to a relationship of emotional coexistence or affinity, or those with whom stable professional relationships are maintained. The jury and the organizers could exclude the works for the following reasons: • Delivery after the deadline or without complying with what is established in the bases. • Breaking of anonymity, either by having revealed the authorship by any means, or by presenting graphic elements identifying the identity of the author of the proposal. • Any attempt to communicate or pressure the members of the Jury, duly accredited.
In this edition of the Contest, the following was requested: After twenty-two years calling for specific ideas and proposals, from Arquine we invite you to speculate on new ways of using public space focused on the design of a point where proximity and encounter are the main characteristics.
A device, prototype, installation or device must be proposed that encourages people to meet and build trust in celebrating the city in community. The proposal must be replicable, scalable, accessible, inclusive, with the possibility of adaptation to diverse contexts, low cost and rapid execution. It can be a limited, delimited, closed or roofed space, you can also think of more open, flexible or dispersed proposals.
An invitation to think about the possibility of humanizing our cities, of reinventing the use of the urban environment in a creative, versatile and economic way. A meeting point that, when built, allows us to meet again.
More than 80% of the proposals received fell into the category of pavilion and were mostly exercises in the ingenuity of assembly. After reviewing each of the sheets received, the following projects were thoroughly discussed:
HONORABLE MENTIONS ARQ-C23-0211 | Guido Guernetti, Pablo Galicer and Guido Mezzera. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
A project that when elevated serves as a beacon, drawing the attention of citizens but that avoids crowds at the same point, since, upon perceiving the concentration of many people, the area lowers and disperses the public. We like that the project can be used day and night, but the execution and its activation is not very clear on the sheet.
ARQ-C23-0276 | Open Study (Eduardo Dana Cohen and Rafael Buzali Przedecky), Carlos Metta Saade, Santiago Moyao Sánchez. Mexico City
Of the projects received that propose remote communication and an auditory game, this one stands out for the graphic representation of the sheet and for the narrated story of the character who, some of us, conquered. The jury’s concern is the technical resolution of the project (as it is proposed) so that the experience described can really be lived.
ARQ-C23-0293 | Noelia Cordero Valentín and María Cobos Averturo. Valladolid, Spain.
We highlight the proposal for thinking about the management of a new massive waste such as that of the mouth covers, especially considering the complexity of being able to recycle something in Mexico City. The ready-made project is interesting when installing a pipe, as a monumental meeting point to throw away the mouth covers that are discarded daily. It is a proposal of this moment, of a situation that is being experienced throughout the world. It can also be understood as an idea of a monument where the icon is the recycling of this object that protects us. The objection of the project is its infeasibility since it implies the drilling of the existing surface for its installation.
ARQ-C23-0327 | Chris Falliers and Antje Steinmuller, California.
It is the only proposal that thinks of a program of activities linked to this moment and that goes beyond a moving pavilion. It is the only edition in which the Arquine Contest is subject to a global exceptional situation and this proposal proposes a mobile container to meet certain needs, although in Mexico, many of the activities proposed in this project are already carried out in a informal way. We understand it as a pretext to rethink a program. We are concerned that many of the proposed activities involve the conglomeration of people and that the project is not fully resolved.
THIRD PLACE | ARQ-C23-0275 Roberto Michelsen and Panósmico (Mariana Mañón and Manolo Larrosa). Mexico City. A proposal that comes from the proposal of a pavilion as an architectural artifact that invites all citizens to participate and that their word is written in the sky with a drone. The poetry of a word in the air in different parts of the city is highlighted. Taking into account the experience that the festival organization has in applying for permits to fly a drone in the Historic Center, we are concerned about depending on said authorization (that of the use of airspace) for its realization.
SECOND PLACE | ARQ-C23-0113 Monica Feldman. Bogota Colombia. A landscape intervention. A radical proposal and gesture. It is not built, but is poured and spilled in large quantities on the Alameda Central. As Borges said: “Everything is built on sand, but we must build as if sand were stone.” It interrupts the passage at one of the busiest crossings in the park in a poetic way, in the same way that the pandemic has obstructed our daily lives. Its title Ciénaga and the image of muddy clay, refers to how muddy we are within this reality, which has unexpectedly broken the continuity of the historical thread. It attracts us that a network of points is proposed in the city. The amount of clay necessary to achieve what is represented in the image and its dumping at different points would make it difficult to carry out this project, or in its translation into practice its scale would have to be adjusted considerably and then it would lose the strength of the proposal.
SECOND PLACE | ARQ-C23-0217 Sara Enríquez Legarra and Daniel de Diego Barrios. Valladolid, Spain. It goes beyond a contemplative water mirror. A couple of entrances invite the citizen to enter this space and it has a pause and play point. It is a proposal that as a garden invites reflection and revaluation of public space. A proposal that thinks about social distancing and gambling. We appreciate that the description is well written and the graphic work, even the mockup that the contestants made.
This proposal would work better in a more arid space, other than the Alameda Central where there are already several points with water (fountains) and green areas.
FIRST PLACE ARQ-C23-0082 Azócar Catrón (Carolina Catrón Lazo, Ricardo Azócar Ulloa) with the support of Josefina Tardones Ortíz. Concepcion, Chile. It is a ghost building that dematerializes. A totem as a meeting point, a very clear and legible gesture. It has a connotation of a virtual architecture and therefore permeable and transparent that makes a lot of sense with the moment we currently live. Flirt with the immaterial and bring the quintessential architectural element like Adolf Loos’s column to the Chicago Tribune contest, as an iconic gesture. A duality that makes it very interesting. The base of the building is 3 meters on a side, therefore, following the safety distance established in Mexico of 1.5 meters. It becomes an individual experience for those who stand inside the totem, but never lose their contact with the environment and the people around them.
Of the finalist projects, we agree that it is the one with the most technical viability for its realization.
For the construction of the Meeting Column project, the winners and the Festival’s coordination together with the technical jury and the company responsible for the construction of the piece, must work together on the structural review in order to carry out the proposed proposal.
Arquine Competition No.23 Pavilion Deadline
English text (scroll down for Spanish):
Arquine extends the deadline of your project for the Arquine Competition No. 23 Meeting Point. With the aim of offering those who are already registered, a longer period to work on the project and continue to reflect on how will be the space where we will meet again in 2021 to experience the public space.
– January 25th Registration deadline.
– January 29th Deadline to send the proposals for this call.
– February 8 Jury’s verdict
– February 15th Announcement of the winners in La Hora Arquine program from 5:00 p.m. (Mexico City time). Publication of the winning and finalist projects on arquine.com
– February 22nd Interview with first place winners in La Hora Arquine
– March Activation of the first-place winning project * The winning and selected projects will be published in Arquine magazine No.95 and those responsible for the winning proposal will be interviewed.
* Date subject to change according to the conditions due to the pandemic situation.
Spanish text:
Arquine extiende el plazo de entrega de tu proyecto para el Concurso Arquine No. 23 Meeting Point, con el ánimo ofrecer a quienes ya están inscritos un mayor plazo para trabajar en el proyecto y continuar con la reflexión sobre cómo será el espacio donde nos volveremos a encontrar en 2021 para vivir el espacio público de la ciudad.
– 25 de enero Finaliza plazo de inscripción.
– 29 de enero Fecha límite para enviar las propuestas de esta convocatoria.
– 8 de febrero Fallo del jurado.
– 15 de febrero Anuncio de los ganadores en el programa de La Hora Arquine a partir de las 17h (hora de la Ciudad de México). Publicación de los proyectos ganadores y finalistas en arquine.com
– 22 de febrero Entrevista a los ganadores del primer lugar en La Hora Arquine
– Marzo* Activación del proyecto ganador del primer lugar* Los proyectos ganadores y finalistas se publicarán en la revista Arquine No.95 y se entrevistará a los responsables de la propuesta ganadora. *Fecha sujeta a cambio según las condiciones por la pandemia
5 Nov 2020
1. Arquine Competition No.23 Pavilion Introduction
Arquine summons to project the meeting point in the public space, where keeping a safe distance, we will meet.
In uncertain times, we ask ourselves what to do in the public space during MEXTRÓPOLI 2021. For the past five years, the Arquine Competition has called for the design and construction of a pavilion that, temporarily inserted in the city, would allow the interaction between architecture and the citizenship.
We know that the pandemic has changed and will continue to change how we live, but to what extent?
After twenty-two years summoning specific ideas and proposals, Arquine invites you to speculate on new ways of using the public space, focused on the design of a meeting point where proximity and encounter are the mail characteristics.
A device, a prototype, an installation or artifact must be proposed to encourage people to meet and build trust in celebrating the city in community. The proposal must be replicable, scalable, accessible, inclusive, with the possibility of adaptation to diverse context, low cost and fast execution. It can be a closed or roofed space, or you can also think about open, flexible or dispersed proposals.
We want to invite you to think about the possibility of humanizing our cities, of reinventing the use of the urban environment in a creative, versatile and economical way. A meeting point that, when built as part of MEXTRÓPOLI 2021, will allow us to meet again.
2. Legal regime of the contest
This contest with jury intervention is open and anonymous, in one phase and will follow the provisions of the administrative and technical rules. From the moment of registration, contestants agree to accept in its entirety and without appeal the regulations, techniques and procedures established in the administrative and the technical rules.
3. Design Contest organization
The Arquine Competition No.23, MEXTRÓPOLI 2021 Pavilion is organized by Arquine, who will be responsible for organizing the development of the contest, the administrative and technical information, give answer to the participants FAQs, keeping the minutes of the plenary meeting as well as all actions for the proper conduct of this contest.
All correspondence relating to this contest will be sent to the email address:
4. Competition Objective
Design universal proposals for the reactivation and the use of public space in a temporary and collective way.
5. Contestants
The invitation is open to architects and architecture students all over the world. Teams, collective and individual participants are welcome. The groups may incorporate professionals or students from other disciplines. We recommend having an architect or architecture student in the team.
It is not necessary to have some record of the professional association of the country of origin to participate.
Each entrant or team may submit only one proposal.
In any case the team member may be part of another.
They may not participate:
Members of the Jury of this contest, or members of Arquine nor MEXTRÓPOLI.
People with ties of kinship with members of the Jury, spouses or persons associated with affective similar relationship of cohabitation or affinity, or those with stable professional relationships.
6. Information and consultation
Participants may send their questions to the address [email protected] with the same email used to confirm the registration. Complete answers and clarifications will be made through the contest website and all contestants will have access. The list of questions and answers, along with the complete rules will be provided to the jury. The list of questions will be published on the website of Arquine on the date indicated on the calendar.
6.1. Registration
To make your registration effective, you must provide a fee that will be given in two stages of registration:
First stage of registration
From August 17th to October 19th, 2020
$1,250 MXN Peso or $60 US Dollar (International registration)
Second stage of registration
From October 20th, 2020 to January 4th , 2021
$1,500 MXN Peso or $75 US Dollar (International registration)
Contestants will confirm their registration by the payment of the fee (only one payment). The amount depends on the stage of registration. There is no additional cost to the registration, since the entire process of participation and submission of proposals will be through the Internet.
7. Methods for the contribution
To formalize the registration to the competition is necessary to make the payment (one payment) by means of a credit or debit card, via Paypal, Mercado Pago or another online payment system:
Wire transfer:
Introducing the bank account information:
Bank: BBVA Bancomer
Clave: 012180 001443769433
Referenced deposit (only in Mexico):
Paying in any bank:
Bank: BBVA Bancomer
Account: 0144376943
Once the contribution is made, the contestant must write an email sending an image of the deposit receipt or bank transfer. Later, the contestant will receive the registration key with which can create a user and access the system. The cost of the fee is per team and not per participant.
8. Confirmation
Remember that you have to send the receipt to [email protected] so you can get the confirmation with the user name and password to access the system (within a maximum period of 72 hours).
When accessing the system, you must edit and complete the data of your team and download all the complementary information that is provided for the development of the proposal. The electronic mail with which the registration is made must be of the person that appears as representative; this will be the only interlocutor throughout the development of the contest.
9. Anonymity
The work will be presented under the code generated by the system in the registration process, this should be placed in the upper right box of the sheet and identify the file only with this code [ARQ-23C-XXXX]. All the proposals submitted after the deadline or those that violate the requirement of anonymity, will be automatically excluded.
10. Documentation needed
A digital image with the entirety of the project. The board must contain all the necessary information to explain and understand the proposal. It is essential that the submitted image contains, at least, the following:
Diagrams, views, sketches, renderings, or any other form of visual representation that will help explain the project. General plans and layouts of the project, including floor plans and sections, adequately scaled to ensure the comprehension of the plans.
If you design a physical proposal, constructive details that are considered essential to explain the project.
A 250 word-long (max) descriptive text. Any text or description can only be delivered in either Spanish or English.
The image or board must comply with the following format: rectangular in shape, 90cm long and 60cm high (horizontal display), 72 dpi, and only .JPG will be accepted. The file must be no larger than 5MB in order to facilitate uploads and downloads.
Remember that the file name must be the same as the user code you will be given upon registration [ARQ-23C-XXXX]. Other formats won’t be accepted, and only the projects uploaded on time will be on the contest.
11. Jury
The Jury members are the key to a good contest. Their experience and the method for evaluation are the best guarantee to ensure transparency. A record containing the reasoned opinion that substantiates the choice of the winning projects will be developed.
To this end, the jury will the reasons why they consider that the winning proposal is worthy of that rating and present a comparison with the proposals that occupy the 2nd and 3rd prize.
The jury may choose a winner that doesn’t follow the basis but has a solution that they consider superior.
Documents or comments generated at the plenary session of the jury will be published in the Arquine media.
12. Members of the jury
It will be announced on October 7th.
13. Jury functions
The jury will freely and autonomously select one proposal among all the projects delivered, which complies with the rules and guidelines established by these bases.
The jury may exclude the works for the following reasons:
Delivery outside or without complying with the provisions of the basis period.
Breach of anonymity, either because they revealed authorship by any means, either by presenting identification graphic elements of the identity of the author of the proposal.
Any attempt at communication or pressure the members of the jury, duly accredited.
14. Procedure for failure
The jury will meet in a plenary session to evaluate the proposals and discuss to issue the verdict.
Prior to any consideration, they will proceed to the approval of the admission or rejection of proposals. The jury agreed a selection procedure according to the quantity and quality of the proposals. In case of a tie, there will be a new discussion.
The competition results will be published on the website of Arquine the day indicated on the calendar of these bases.
All records and documents derived from the procedure for the decision are the property of Arquine. The jury is forced to choose a winner. Explanatory graphic documents of the prize-winning proposals, as well as the names of all contestants who have not requested anonymity will be disseminated through different Arquine media.
15. Prizes
a. First Place:
Construction of the winner proposal
$100,000.00 Mexican pesos.
MEXTROPASE VIP for the team members (2**) and pack of books from Arquine.
b. Second Place:
$50,000.00 Mexican pesos.
MEXTROPASE VIP for the team members (2**) and pack of books from Arquine.
c. Third Place:
$25,000.00 Mexican pesos.
MEXTROPASE VIP for the team members (2**) and pack of books from Arquine.
d. Mentions: The Jury can choose as many Mention projects as they consider.
Pack of books from Arquine
*The winning team will have to follow the progress of the work, providing Arquine the plans of the executive project for the development of the winning proposal and following up on its construction, through the channels agreed with the team Arquine.
16. Calendar
August 3rd 2020 Competition launch
August 17th 2020 Registration begins
October 7th 2020 Jury announcement
October 19th 2020 End of first registration stage
End of FAQ period
October 26th 2020 FAQ Publication
January 4th 2021 End of registration process
January 8th, 2021 Proposal upload deadline (till 23:59h Mexico City time)
January 11th 2021 Jury’s verdict
January 14th 2021 Results announcement (#ArquineJams)
January 18th 2021 Executive development of the proposal
February 8th 2021 Proposal construction/ development
March 8th 2021 If It’s a physical proposal, construction in site
March 12th 2021 Inauguration 17. Publication It is expressly stated that the proposals may be reproduced for diffusion by the contest organizers for any other purpose than the promotion.
Contestants that choose not to authorize the exhibition of his proposals (if they are not on the winning list) must expressly indicate it. 18. Intellectual Property Rights Contestants retain the intellectual property of the works presented, but will yield to the contest organizers exhibition rights, reproduction and publication and other corresponding to the object of the competition, who are obliged to spread the name of the author in each publication, exhibition or activity in which the proposal is incorporated. Also, the authors undertake to refer to the convener’s bodies of the contest in any subsequent publication in which your proposal appears.
The submitted proposals may not be used for the development of projects by architects, engineers or technicians to different respective authors. The papers presented can be developed only within the framework of MEXTRÓPOLI 2021. In any case, remain in anonymity those not winning contestants who had applied.
In case of publishing the built project, in other media, it should be mentioned that it arises from the Arquine No.23 Competition and carried out within the framework of MEXTRÓPOLI2021.
Arquine International Competition 2021 images / information from Arquine, 041120
Previously on e-architect:
Arquine Competition No. 20
Arquine Competition No.20 MEXTÓPOLI 2017 Pavilion: photos : Moritz Bernoulli Arquine Competition MEXTÓPOLI Pavilion
Location: Mexico
Arquine Competition
picture from Arquine
XIV Arquine International Competition
Arquine International Competition
A Shelter for the Displaced
Arquine has always been interested in the exploration of subjects that are important and relevant for society in general, to encourage an opening of spaces for the dialogue and the participation of architects who are faced with specific problems through a project-based response and we are happy to summon you to its 14th International
Architecture Book
Building Competitions : Archive
Comments / photos for the Arquine Competition No.23 MEXTÓPOLI 2021 Pavilion page welcome
Website: Arquine
The post Arquine Competition MEXTÓPOLI 2021 Pavilion appeared first on e-architect.
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Indian erotic tale with desi hindi women
- Each and every one of the characters are from the imagination of the authors are but eighteen years old. - This is our presentation for the 2016 Summer passion contest. - Galicism in context (several times escorted by translation) is sprayed throughout this history. - This is a complete but long story, with a slow, crazy burn along the way a slope to the end. - Unique thanks to Skye4Life for editing feedback during the story outcome. "Hello Monsieur-Mister Rocinante? Bonjour, are you with us these days?”
I let my pencil collapse I broke it in the chair, suddenly I realized that she was bracing to trigger to invoke my attention.
"Do I need to repeat the question?”
"Excuse Me, Madame Soliel, shall you?”
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I deserved the question. I've been striding through the day in the back section of my Humanities lesson. My set contained an almost complete sketch of a familiar lady with long curls of hair making up her face. I had conquered the same silhouette shape that was in front of the level patiently waiting for my answer. Hands on her hips, she was illuminated by the brightness of the effervescent Day flowing through the subordinate section of the tall windows that ran the length of our lesson room. The half-lowered blinds added to the effect as the sun of the late oddly reflected off the intensely polished floor. I assumed that having her for both francesism and the Humanities made me Profit something of patience, she rephrased the question. The accent slightly liled her words still delighted me but, however somehow I withdrew from this passion I formed a congruent response, which she accepted, promptly continued with the prelection, casually calling other students.
It was a glorious vernal day a slight puff blew the flowering trees out there. The iridescence of the albugin dress she wore must have induced my stupor, because I usually paid a lot of attention in Humanities, since it was one of my favorite classes. Nowadays, however, my mind had oscillated between the time of vernal out there the feminine contours of my master. The way the sun was shining through the partially low blinds, accentuated her long dress fluent target enlightened by the sun captivated me completely the look I focused on her my hand kept working on the pencil.
The talk was not boring, it was about the height of the resurgence inhabitant of Europe it brought an excellent taste galicism that made it quite interesting with several side references. This erotic tale was deeply fascinated me; it seemed to be the seed that had germinated in our modern culture. My thoughts of currently were mixed with the libido of getting to have mature that season as their incredible venustiousness seemed to personify number of women we had seen, captured in paintings or sculptures shown during the lecture, somehow brought to life in our in front of.
At any moment, she considered me drawing watching her she finished describing the slide stopped beforehand proceeding. The room seemed to fade our eyes were closed. I knew I was looking, I was looking, I kept looking, but I couldn't help it. There was a kind of mental block that kept me from looking away. She knew I was agaze there was the slightest trace of a vermilion on her face she turned her attention from girata to the next slide in her presentation. The opaque room contributed to the translucency of your dress that so caught my attention. Her method beneath her was clear to the pompous clarity of the Sun I could not deflect my vision continued to fill particularities of my outline.
The rays of luminosity danced in her long golden curls shone from her alabaster skin she headed to the level after any slip. A small piece of loss seemed to invade my thoughts whenever my view of her face was interrupted she would turn our sides to describe in detail, any tone of the art depicted. Her words were soft seductive she gently walked from to to in front of the level. She extended the pointer to the projection screen she stroked gently along the artist brush shapes. Slide after slide she continued the talk; any new slide similar but deep than the previous one. She was a graceful raconteuse who had taken the level towards one of her well-known climatic endings.
the lecture is over, I saw her looking at the completed sketch I drew of her. Shame instantly spread heat across my face body. she finally looked up with a perplexed phrase, I felt momentarily motionless as if the force of our eyes catching had apparent my whole being. Fortune had his attention redirected by another aulist asking him a question, which consented to my escape I fail closing my notes for numerous prolonged moments quick left the gallery. Urgency directed me solely by instinct to my next lesson. Blinded by the tension that accumulated in me, I could only process the path directly to mine in front of repeating the incident on my carola without suspending. I was almost in the middle of the quad, someone gently grabbed me by the hand. Suddenly, time froze I found myself turning into slow motion to unravel it there, as if I had come out of a dream.
"Monsieur Rocinante, at present you seem rather distracted. Is everything much?”
"Oh, no. I think it's a beautiful time in vernal, " I replied, abysmal by the interaction by his soft hand still repressing mine.
"You got the one that's all?"she asked with that continually present touch of Gallic accent.
"Yeah, just. Soliel, I'm enjoying the course. It's quite interesting, even quite interesting. I get as involved in meditating as it should have been. The resurrection had so much going on, people were in so many different areas of study everything was new.”
"Very much, that was certainly this way to the level rise."After but an instant, she moved her hand to my shoulder. "Did I realize your thoughts were elsewhere today?"she asked firmly blushing brightly such and as if surprised by her question.
"Excuse Me, Madame ... excuse me. I didn't want to miss reverence. I shouldn't have looked, it's just ... your dress was currently ... it's ... it's ... it's ... beautiful. Mr. Soliel is a lucky man, " I chatted the words tactlessly. "Sorry, I'm an idiot. I hope I haven't offended,” I volunteered, kind of waiting for a spanking.
"Your notes tell a telling story, but no offense,” she added promptly, but then seemed temporarily speechless. The moments passed she shook several nervous words, " La fièvre springanière arrives. Perhaps this beautiful weather has made us fools. I will proceed to see him in Gallic, tomorrow; to soon, jam", she says, with what I could swear was a blink of an eye.
Was it a snap? I was meditating. Maybe it was the Sun that nailed jokes in my eyes or a wishful thought that I had imagined during my idle dream. I regained my senses moments later, she had resigned, but we stood there like 2 Strange debutants, meditating on how to extract ourselves from this self-inflicted enchantment.
"Yes, it must be ‘vernal fever', as I say, until tomorrow, Madame", I agreed, at last I tried to break the mandinga I began to lean to transpose.
"Can I see him again?"she quickly asked before we split up.
I carried the set of thick epidermis wrapped everywhere with me; I didn't think I had enough talent, but I continually drew. This set was perhaps my tithe or tithe first from which I began to trace things in Boy. I had even taken small number of art options, in advance of deciding to select my course. I took it from under my arm, I turned it in the middle I flipped through several other photographs until I got to hers.
"Behold," I say, finally.
Her Miller leaned over, she studied him with a smile on her lips then says, " you own any talent is quite flattering.”
I do not have the , what to express to her Encomio, I asked, " Would you estimate to have it?”
"Indeed, I would love it.”
I folded the thick sheet along the small punctures several times carefully tore it from the link slug, leaving behind the stalk.
"Can you sign for me?"she asked.
"Naturally”" I say. I put it on the surface duration inside the bonnet of in front of to sign it with a bloom that lightly touched the height of the outline. “See.”
"I don't think I have a garrison that does justice. I will continue to have to acquire something good to put it. Thank you very much," she says accepting.
"The pleasure is mine, have a good late.”
"I will proceed you do the same.”
She turned slowly to return in the direction when she was coming. Languid steps took her away from me she continued to study the sketch. I remained frosty watching; I still felt attracted by the dress blowing in the light plowing, alit in the luminosity of the sun. I thought I should wait until she had not seen the desperate excitement she had unleashed, but somehow I thought I had seen maybe she was playing with the physical response it gave rise to.
My administration lesson didn't go much better, because I dedicated a novelty page to a new sketch of it from memory. Honestly, this was better than the first, since I considered the finished part. The season of doubtful answers gave me another amazing question I looked at the trees blooming on the quad again. In fact, I heard this answer appropriately, but a follow-up question had fallen to me. It seemed that I was not the only one with my forehead in the clouds because after but small number of repetitions of this with others in the class, the master gave us an early deposition.
I went back to my room, I was convinced that it had been that dress her figure that I had seen through it. The image was beautified in my mind I could not sustain my thoughts away from it. I knew she was married, she covered Madame alternatively to Mademoiselle in the first week of classes during my first year. She taught most of the first week to speak only francesism her showy engagement ring had a consortium coalition to match. It had been one of several props she employed for the purpose of the whole world talking. I had already had a year of Gallic in high school, but those rings had been in my memory.
She must have been out of bounds for many reasons, but nowadays she was not meditating with insight. My thoughts were continually returning to her, reaching out to my hand there, to the luminosity of quad day. We were right in front of the spring Drumheller, but I didn't remember hearing the water. It was all I could do to look her in the eye to divert my attention from her body. the blood was beating in my ears. Her hand had been so soft gentle. His eyes shone with joy a touch of mischief. I wasn't quite good at picking up social cues, however I couldn't meditate that his manners were but that mere concern; it seemed exploratory flirtatious.
She possibly owns the age of my mother is married my master, she is so off limits, completely unattainable, correct?? I asked repeatedly or maybe tells myself.
There are so many reasons that this could never happen, it was the consistent response of my conscience that night several others.
After many days of these feelings, I began to philosophize that it was good that the semester was almost over. This would be the last of my Foreign Language Humanities requirements. Visions of her filled my mind I slept in my little alcove I found myself continuing to be visually distracted by her in the lesson. Fortunately, there were no repeated chapters with yours. Soliel, at least none she noticed I tried to be but demure. My thoughts dwelt in her for the remaining weeks of the lesson.
I longed to be dispatched from this deep enchantment; it was an irretrievably irretrievable libido that could never be tormented.  the finals were made the semester arrived at the end, I found myself experiencing a dichotomous mix of comfort sadness. I thought maybe the mandinga would be fragmented, especially if I could find a way to avoid this worry I had that could only lead to a perpetual sadness.
Driven by concern for the depths of my fixation, I decided to take a break this summer. I had not communicated in advance sign for classes because I was already cause any travel class. My senior year was going to be pretty light because I had attended the summer semester during my sophomore years to get the most out of the likely way requirements.  I finished this semester with “ A " in my affairs once again solved the object. Feelings of accomplishment made me believe that I had benefited from a break in addition to needing one.
I was hoping that removing myself from the University of Washington might redefine my perspective on things. I thought of seeing my brothers in California, but surprisingly, what I really wanted was to return to Villa, despite having been there during the winter break. I didn't trust my truck enough to try to drive to see my brothers in San Francisco, only 13 hours apart, much less cross the country on a long day trip to Vermont. Our family was not rich I had taken classes, pension room covered between the Pell grant a scholarship of my grades. Soon, I had gone to housing beforehand, had been by the affordable but cheap transportation that had been a collective.
The alcove phone offered little privacy, so I came from my room with a roll of coins to the corner booth. I dialed the number, deposited many coins I heard the operator Express me to insert but two for my long range call to complete. Once the mother was in dash, there were a few minutes when I danced at the wheel of matter, I think she could feel the despair in my voice she tells me to return to the House. Soon she added the temptation that Pops would give me any money to stop the trip expenses any living money to assist on the farm.
I hung up the phone, realized that if I was being honest with myself, I was feeling but something of longing for living alone. I had opted to stay on campus for most summers to date several of the truce but Short had returned to the estate for a couple of winter rest. My last trip to Villa had been delightful, but it had been winter what I missed was the term of the summer vernal of our family farm. The wonderful time of the last few weeks deepened my libido to see it return to hover. I had not returned to housing in my sophomore year because the first College Christmas Villa had coincided with the one-year Christmas of the overwhelming psyche ending of my first royal superior relationship. It had been a solitary memorial of a couple of weeks of parting with my girlfriend from high school.
Jenny had gone to the University of Vermont in Burlington, graduated a year from mine in front of. This and that we were born grew up in Vermont, on the outskirts of Montpelier, that neither my brothers but old my mana. My sister, Emma, had graduated from the same university I was five years old was philosophizing about going there too, until Jenny told me that she had divulged another persona. She did it during her first UVM Christmas home, before I finished high school. I ended my senior year without a girlfriend, who somehow felt but alone, even though she hadn't been around during the decadence. This led to many strange cases of being ridiculed for taking my mana to the dance this started my often avoiding relationships altogether. The separation had shaped my resolve to go out of State for college I had gone the but likely far from her from the farm.
There were no girlfriends after her I went to college demudado. It was pretty naive to try, but I just cut that section of my life I became but focused on my schoolwork, on my outline on my horizon. I thought of inviting a small number of women to my freshman classes, but the women at the University of Washington seemed but socially adept than I felt intimidating. I figured you were from a small town, subsisting on a farm, having such little experience dating because of my involvement for a long time. Avoiding me after the first year seemed solely to perpetuate the conduct I had not been primarily attracted to absolutely anyone until that day in Humanities.
Mom's encouragement to return to the farm made me think it would do me a lot. Emma may not like her younger brother being there, taking her space, but I thought she'd get over it. I'd help out on the farm. She and her boyfriend, Bo, were practically coordinating the farm. They were planning to get married about years ago, but they had not yet offered the knot for some reason. I packed up and went back to the room and took the next bus to vivenda. The tiring three-day trip was another reason why I had not gone enough for housing, mostly for breaks but short.
Many days after bus changes, I last arrived in Burlington. In the parking lot of the bus station, I was horrified to see Emma coming to pick me up. I expected to see my mother, since I had called her a day before I arrived, but it was good to see her face. She had driven the family farm van with our golden retriever Samson eagerly waiting for me back there. Lightly, I stepped out of the shaded waiting area, threw my stuff into the bed of the truck, slapped Samson good, joined her in the cab.
"You seem but happy to see him than you do to me”"she says, leaning toward a quick kiss.
"By no means are you a vision to my eyes.”
"logo? How's College?"she asked with something of concern looked at me with pity.
She called me that from continuously, from what I remember. I never resisted the last name, and even now, it seemed tender to me. Despite her rude stance towards me, I could manifest that she loved cared about me. She had a regular habit of sending me care packages all my time in college. My heart continually leaped they came; the anticipation of something of it constantly gladdened my day. Her small gift boxes were tidy contained items she thought I might need or desire: homemade snacks, robes or books she thought I could read.
"A lot is going on, but I'm happy to be in Villa. Thank you for each and every care package you sent. You can't imagine how simple it is to be away.”
“I remember how it was I was in college”" she says laughed. "lived close enough to go to needed housing. Thank you for answering.”
0 notes
patern29 · 5 years
Sombres Dérives
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Sombres dérives, un polar qui nous emmène au large des côtes européennes, à la recherche d’un voilier et d’une femme.
Sombres dérives est le premier polar de la collection « Enquête en Mer », du célèbre éditeur Palémon. Cet éditeur breton est connu pour ses nombreux polars et, notamment, la série de l’écrivain Jean Failler et les enquêtes de Mary Lester. Sombres dérives est le premier livre de Caroline LE RHUN. Cette native du pays bigouden, fille de marin pêcheur, connait la mer. Elle puise son inspiration dans l'atmosphère de la pointe sud bretonne, ou elle navigue régulièrement. Un road movie en mer L’histoire commence avec la découverte du corps d’un homme, dans un voilier échoué sur la côte bretonne. Ce corps est celui du compagnon de Mary, une irlandaise disparue. Sombres Dérives réunit deux personnages, Richard, le père de Mary, et Ronan un breton, homme libre et aventurier. Ces deux hommes vont se lancer à la recherche de Mary en naviguant le long des côtes européennes, à la recherche d’un voilier qui aurait un lien avec la disparition de l’irlandaise. Ce livre est construit comme un Road movie sur mer. Nous suivons ces deux personnages, que tout sépare, dans leur épopée maritime. Leur quête les emmène de la Bretagne vers la Grèce en passant par la Galice et autres escales à découvrir. Une quête en mer autant que personnelle Ronan et Richard se découvrent des points communs et apprennent à s’apprécier et se connaitre sur leur bateau. Et dans le même temps, ces longs moments de navigation sont l’occasion, pour chacun, de prendre du recul sur sa vie. Plus qu’une enquête, le livre nous permet d’accompagner une quête personnelle en plus de la recherche de Mary. Ce voilier mystérieux, que les deux hommes, poursuivent, est toujours là, à chaque page. Toujours visible mais jamais découvert. C’est lui qui mène la danse sur les flots de l’Atlantique et de la Méditerranée. Une très belle quête maritime et personnelle que je recommande. Editions du PalémonCollection: Enquêtes en MerFormat PochePrix: 10 euros.Un livre disponible chez notre partenaire, la librairie Decitre. Read the full article
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empireluxurycity · 5 years
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78682homes · 5 years
Fréquentation record pour la 49ème édition du Festival interceltique de Lorient 78682 homes
Fréquentation record pour la 49ème édition du Festival interceltique de Lorient
La 49e édition du Festival interceltique de Lorient, qui avait pour invité d’honneur la Galice, a accueilli 800.000 festivaliers, une des plus hautes fréquentations jamais enregistrées, ont annoncé lundi les organisateurs.Les dix jours et dix nuits que dure le rassemblement festif breton, premier en France en termes de fréquentation, s’est achevé dimanche soir.Environ 75.000 personnes ont suivi le 4 août la Grande Parade des nations celtes, défilé de 3.500 musiciens et danseurs en…
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stone-man-warrior · 5 years
October 11, 2014: 12:43 am:
Assassins tonight at the Ray's Food Place on Merlin/Galice Rd.:<br><br>Up... StoneMan .Warrior - 2014-10-11T03:29:55-0400 - Updated: 2014-10-11T03:43:14-0400
Assassins tonight at the Ray's Food Place on Merlin/Galice Rd.: Upon arrival at the grocery store, there was a dark grey/flat black Acura Integra, about 1994 model. My vehicle and the integra were the only vehicles there. The driver of the integra stopped nearby my vehicle where I overheard a conversation. The conversation included that there was a cleaning truck at the muffler shop, then the integra drove away. I believe they dropped off a passenger dressed in a Ray's employee uniform beforehand. Upon entering store it was clear that there was a set-up being planned whereas there would be money placed conspicuously, beer was necessary for the set-up, I was the Mark. I overheard the entire conversation of the set-up plan. I shopped, bought some cookies and milk, and went to the check-stand where a shot was fired at me by the clerk... a pile of cash was nearby and clearly visible. I solved that problem the best way I could and then left the building only to find that the cleaning truck had arrived. two men with leaf blowers quickly got out of the truck... the blowers were props to disguise the firearms. More shots were fired in my direction from the gentlemen in the parking lot clean-up truck. I left. I went to the Monument Market where there was more excitement... the cart driver had arrived but there was no one to cart away. I bought tobacco, and a cup of coffee. Before leaving the Monument Market, I overheard the clerk tell to the cart driver that the cleaning crew decided to abort due to the head of their friend that had rolled under their clean up truck. There was talk about someone's sudden need to go to the Southern Oregon Veterinary Hospital in Medford where wounded henchmen can get patched up twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week. It's the only twenty-four hour veterinary within a 500 mile radius. I send them a lot of business, I'll be expecting some compensation soon. Upon leaving Monument Market, I encountered the Parking Lot Cleaning crew once again, they did a slow drive-by, I was ready to pursue. We crossed paths without further incident. At least one person lost a head this evening. Stop shooting at me, I don't like it. It was also made clear that these posts are read by the assassins of Kizzy's Playground. I read in the paper at the grocery store, in between bullets, on the front page of the Daily Courier, it turns out that Governor John Kitzhaber has a Fiance who, according to the paper, is a prostitute. The indication is that she needed to come forth with this information up front before the tabloids could twist it around. She was paid $6,000 to perform personal services, according to this evenings edition of the Daily Courier. Now I need to find that Acura.
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StoneMan .Warrior - 2014-10-11T03:36:11-0400
It would appear as though I am getting closer to the people who lost their heroin. The heroin is gone... I paved my driveway with it, and a number of people have died over it. It's gone... killing people won't bring it back. The heroin belongs to the Screen Actors Guild... I'll refrain from posting their names for now.
StoneMan .Warrior - 2014-10-11T03:53:44-0400
Also... to further indicate the kind of utter insanity Josephine County offers, I can verify that someone indeed did lose a very large shark. This is a Great White Shark that has been lost. It seems as though a group of poorly equipped persons who have no training with regard to Shark keeping, stole the shark from someplace that a live great white would be and then decided to bring it to Merlin Oregon. I have been reluctant to say anything about this shark, but now I feel more confidence in the story being true. I am told the shark escaped it's makeshift enclosure and was last scene flopping around on a gravel road. The keepers of the shark were unable to put it back in one piece. Shark Steaks are on sale locally... be advised of that fact.
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wiseguyusa · 7 years
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New Post has been published on https://www.shopwiseguy.com/whats-cookin-wednesday-2-2/
What's Cookin' Wednesday
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    Happy Hump Day guys! Speaking of Hump Day, it’s time to reveal this week’s segment of What’s Cookin’ Wednesday.
  In today’s edition, we are creating Aji Verde sauce, which is a Peruvian version of green chilli sauce.
For starters, halve and de-seed the chili peppers. Make sure you wear gloves or thoroughly wash your hands afterwards (don’t rub your eyes).
    Next, puree all the ingredients in a blender, food processor, or hand immersion blender. It’s like making pesto, start with the basic portions and adjust according to your taste. Add mayonnaise for creaminess.
You can add water too if the sauce appears too thick.
Serve with bread for dipping and dig in!
                                                                  Special thanks to http://www.geniuskitchen.com for this yummy recipe.
Bon Apetit from Wise Guy USA!
1  bunch cilantro
3 jalapenos
1 galic clove
1⁄2 teaspoon salt
1⁄4 cup olive oil 
 mayo, about 3 tblsp to start (substitute with oil and blend until it becomes creamy if you want to keep this more authentic)
1⁄4 cup of water
fresh lemon juice or white wine vinegar (optional)
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