circleofdrink · 2 years
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Got dat Gallberry. #iteeee #letsgo #honey #gallberry #savethebees #bees #pollen #nectar #lovely #limitless #infinity #yerbamate #ervamate https://www.instagram.com/p/CkbNdEdOBNe/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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beskinnier00 · 2 years
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This article will reveal the best gallberry honey benefits so you can find out how this delicious natural sweetener can add to your diet!
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boissonsaumiel · 1 year
Note: These are not flavor infused honeys. These are honeys made by bees that primarily use nectar from these plants as a food source.
ETA: I haven’t tried any of these honeys before, but I did a web search to see what each of them tasted like and I've copy-pasted some descriptions I found:
Gallberry honey: Mild but distinctive, with a mild sorghum or molasses flavor. It is known to have a thick but smooth and creamy texture and a delicate flavour with a fruity finish.
Blackberry honey: The taste of this honey is a delicate berry flavor with a slightly fruity finish. Its unique taste is not exactly a blackberry flavor. Nonetheless, it is closer in more ways than one, crisp and sweet, with a slight berry tang.
Blueberry honey: Well-rounded with rich earthy undertones, this honey varietal finishes on a playful, buttery-sweet note. It has a delicate tangy hint as an aftertaste.
Eucalyptus honey: It's an interesting mix of sweet and herbal. Raw eucalyptus honey includes subtle notes of menthol, caramel, and butterscotch.
Black Mangrove honey: Rich sweet and savory flavor. Highly recommend in BBQ sauces and marinades. Black mangrove trees are one of the few saltwater plants bees forage nectar from.
Saw Palmetto: It is full-bodied, citrusy, and smoky, with woody overtones. You might even taste a little caramel in there.
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ough also a local farm brewed a gallberry honey cider that was good as fuck. there's no pictures though bc they don't sell it in stores and pictures of a cider glass is indistinguishable from like every beer on earth
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kimberly40 · 2 years
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𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐏𝐓 𝐘𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐒: Many of you recall old time swept yards, where hard packed earth surrounded the rural home and no grass was allowed. You may wonder why folks kept such yards. Well, it was necessary. There were no lawn mowers so tended lawns were out of the question. Such lawns were available to wealthy folks who could afford to hire full time help to hand clip their yard. There were other reasons too, such as to prevent snakes from hiding or taking up residence in the yard or under the house. It prevented fire from approaching the home during dry times. Yard brooms were fashioned from many plants such as gallberries etc., and yards were kept swept and neat.
Also in those days, the cows and hogs roamed free and if you didn't have a yard fence it kept livestock from grazing into your yard. Yard chickens did their part to keep yards clear and their droppings kept nitrogen levels high enough to kill any grass. So, for those reasons and more, it was what worked, what made sense and believe me, those folks did not want anything growing in their yard.
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sutterbuttes · 2 years
All Detail about Wildflower Honey
Wildflower Honey is produced when bees pollinate a wide range of flowers and blossoms, making it polyfloral honey. As a result, the type of wildflowers used in its natural manufacture substantially affects the quality and flavor of the product.
In order to choose     high-quality wildflower     honey, it is crucial to: Identify the country of origin. Verify     the organic status of the surrounding vegetation and that the product is     raw. The term "raw wildflower     honey" describes a finished product that hasn't been heated up or     strained. The highest amount of antioxidant, antimicrobial, and     health-promoting effects are found in organic and raw honey made by wild     honeybees. 
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Despite being around for many     years, Balsamic     Vinegar Recipes appear     to be having a moment right now, and not simply as a salad dressing     ingredient. , earlier this summer, and every time we conduct an internet     search, we discover additional balsamic-based goods. We're sorry to tell     you this, but if you still use balsamic vinegar just for salads, you're     already decades behind.
Renowned for its dark hue and     strong flavor. one of the richest and cleanest varieties of wildflower honey. The Italian     island of Sardinia has many organic pastures free of GMOs and a huge     selection of chemicals that are illegal under Italian law.
Cat's claw, mesquite, palo     verde, and other desert wildflowers are frequently combined to make     Arizona wildflower honey. This     results in a flavor that is sweet, mellow, and soft, as well as a     complexion that is light to medium-amber.
Honey has an     anti-inflammatory effect that is known to help with minor skin wounds, but     it also has advantages for the stomach and intestines, which can     occasionally become inflamed after eating certain meals. Additionally, helicobacter     pylori and other robust stomach and intestine bacteria have been proven to     be resistant to honey's antimicrobial characteristics.
The most popular sources of Georgia wildflower honey include gallberry, sawtooth palmetto, tulip poplar, and white holly blooms. It has a generally neutral honey flavor and is typically lighter than Arizona wildflower honey and darker than Sardinian wildflower honey.
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oldpolicestories · 2 years
End of Watch: The Death of Officer Ray Lynn Barnes
End of Watch: The Death of Officer Ray Lynn Barnes
Officer Ray Lynn Barnes Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, Florida End of Watch Saturday, November 21, 1987 The rural country of west Florida doesn’t look like much to most people. It is stuffed with longleaf pines, water oak, southern magnolia and persimmon. Closer to the ground is the undergrowth: gallberry, sweetbay, titi, and redbay. The vegetation is so thick that a person…
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infinitesismall · 5 years
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ilex glabra
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This is either Ilex glabra or I. coriacea - Gallberry either way. A good honey producer down east.
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Gallberry trees starting to open up. The air is heavy with their sweet smell. The bees are happy. #farm #farmlife #farmpics #spring #gallberry #bees #honeybee #beehive
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Daily Lines, Posted February 5, 2019
By mid-afternoon, I’d made great progress with my medicaments, treated three cases of poison ivy rash, a dislocated toe (caused by kicking a mule in a fit of temper), and a raccoon bite (non-rabid; the hunter had knocked the coon out of a tree and went to pick it up, only to discover that it wasn’t dead. It was mad, but not in any infectious sense.).
Jamie, though, had done much better. People had come up to the house-site all day, in a steady trickle of neighborliness and curiosity. The women had stayed to chat with me about the MacKenzies and the men had wandered off through the house-site with Jamie, returning with promises to come and lend a day’s labor here and there.
“If Roger Mac and Ian can help me move lumber tomorrow, the Leslies will come next day and give me a hand wi’ the floor joists. We’ll lay the hearth-stone and bless it on Wednesday, Sean McHugh and a couple of his lads will lay the floor with me on Friday, and we’ll get the framing started next day; Tom MacLeod says he can spare me a half-day, and Hiram Crombie’s son Joe says he and his half-brother can help wi’ that as well.” He smiled at me. “If the whisky holds out, ye’ll have a roof over your head in two weeks, Sassenach.”
I looked dubiously from the stone foundation to the cloud-flecked sky overhead.
“A roof?”
“Aye, well, a sheet of canvas, most likely,” he admitted. “Still.” He stood and stretched, grimacing slightly.
“Why don’t you sit down for a bit?” I suggested, eyeing his leg. He was limping noticeably and the leg was a vivid patchwork of red and purple, demarcated by the black stitches of my repair job. “Amy’s left us a jug of beer.”
“Perhaps a wee bit later,” he said. “What’s that ye’re making, Sassenach?”
“I’m going to make up some gall berry ointment for Lizzie Beardsley, and then some gripe-water for her little new one—do you know if he has a name yet?”
“Hubertus,” he repeated, smiling. “Or so Kezzie told me, the day before yesterday. It’s in compliment to Monika’s late brother, he says.”
“Oh.” Lizzie’s father, Joseph Wemyss, had taken a kind German lady of a certain age as his second wife, and Monika, having no children of her own, had become a stalwart grandmother to the Beardsleys’ growing brood. “Perhaps they can call him Bertie, for short.”
“Are ye out of the Jesuit Bark, Sassenach?” He lifted his chin in the direction of the open medicine chest I’d set on the ground near him. “Do ye not use that for Lizzie’s tonic?”
“I do,” I said, rather surprised that he’d noticed. “I used the last of it three weeks ago, though, and haven’t heard of anyone going to Wilmington or New Bern who might get me more.”
“Did ye mention it to Roger Mac?”
“No. Why him?” I asked, puzzled.
Jamie leaned back against the cornerstone, wearing one of those overtly patient expressions that’s meant to indicate that the person addressed is not particularly bright. I snorted and flicked a gallberry at him. He caught it and examined it critically.
“Is it edible?”
“Amy says bees like the flowers,” I said dubiously, pouring a large handful of the dark purple berries into my mortar. “But there’s very likely a reason why they’re called gall berries.”
“Ah.” He tossed it back at me, and I dodged. “Ye told me yourself, Sassenach, that Roger Mac said to ye yesterday that he meant to come back to the ministering. So,” he went on patiently, seeing no hint of enlightenment on my face, “what would ye do first, if that was your aim?”
I scooped a large glob of pale yellow bear grease from its pot into the mortar, part of my mind debating whether to add a decoction of willow bark, while the rest considered Jamie’s question.
“Ah,” I said in turn, and pointed my pestle at him. “I’d go round to all the people who’d been part of my congregation, so to speak, and let them know that Mack the Knife is back in town.”
He gave me a concerned look, but then shook his head, dislodging whatever image I’d just given him.
“Ye would,” he said. “And maybe introduce yourself to the folk who’ve come to the Ridge since ye left.”
“And within a couple of days, everyone on the Ridge—and probably half the brethren’s choir in Salem—would know about it.”
He nodded amiably. “Aye. And they’d all ken that ye need Jesuit bark, and ye’d likely get it within the month.”
- Copyright 2019 Diana Gabaldon
Anyone have any thoughts? Are you excited for the next book?
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feralseraph · 6 years
also, on a whim i bought gallberry honey. i have no idea what a gallberry is, but i was in a little country store and im a slut for honey so i bought it.
it’s insanely sweet so a little goes a long way but it was so good just now in my chamomile tea.
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anzu2snow · 4 years
Rosie’s (our cat) insulin finally arrived yesterday. Didn’t take long after the vet finally gave the ok. She forgot she had to, so she was essentially holding it up. My parent decided to start her insulin on Monday. That way if she has a bad reaction, we can immediately go to the vet. It’s a very small bottle of it, and it’s supposed to last 6 months. Quite expensive, too. I hope she feels better once she starts getting it. I think she has neuropathy in her feet, and she keeps playing with them in her water bowl. It’s kind of annoying. Maybe she’ll stop doing that after starting the insulin. She seems listless sometimes, too. We started giving her a prescription pet food a couple of weeks ago. It has more protein than regular pet food. She seems to love it. The other cat, Tasha, seems to be into it, too. My parent asked the vet if it’s ok for Tasha to have it as well. Turns out it’s ok. So, both of them have switched to it.
I started the Hindi Duolingo course the day after I got this month’s Treats box, which is on India. I’ve always been curious about Hindi. They start you off on just the letters for the first few units. I’m trying to get all 5 crowns in the 2nd unit right now. There’s only been one word so far, and that’s for the word ‘one’ which is transliterated as ‘ek’. I haven’t added a Hindi keyboard yet. I’ve noticed some patterns already. I’m still not confident in the letters I’ve already gone through. Maybe I will over time. It’s still very interesting so far. So far, I think the best snack this month is the Bourbon Cream cookies. I haven’t had much of it yet, though. I like that there’s enough servings to last most of the month this time.
I’ve tried all 5 yaupon teas (with different flavors) from the Florida box of the Celebrate States subscription. I don’t think I’m very fond of how yaupon tastes. It seems like it’s too grassy and sweet or something. Hard to explain it. I think the best one was with chai. Maybe because it hid that yaupon flavor a bit more. The honey sticks were interesting. I think the best one tasted like vanilla. It was amazing! The gallberry honey has been interesting. I’m almost finished with the little bear of it. It’s a stronger richer flavor than I’m used to. The bamboo coconut candle has smelled great! The crystals that were on top seem to melt as it goes. It’s pretty. I’ve been using the goat’s milk eucalyptus and spearmint scented lotion on my hands. It feels light and cool. Very interesting feeling after using it for a while. I’m not sure if I like the handmade soap. I keep using it anyways. The smell is a little odd, and I can’t tell if I like it or not. I might toss the gator sauce out. It’s like hot sauce, and I can’t have that. I have to stay away from anything spicy. I thought my parent might like it, but I don’t think she even knows it’s there anymore. The gum has been a little weird. The ‘gator eggs’ were basically a plain flavor. The orange ones, were obviously orange flavored. I like those more. I’m not really a fan of gum anymore. Plus, you need to have quite a few to feel like you had it. I think Rosie likes the cat toy that came with it. I saw her play with it once. It sounds like she’s getting into plastic with it, which is kind of annoying. It’s got feathers, pompoms, and a large ball in the middle that has a bell inside. It’s cute to watch her play with it. It’ll be great if they add a cat toy with every box. Maybe Tasha will get into it, too.
I also started virtually ‘visiting’ Florida recently. I’ve been to the Giraffe Ranch, Kennedy Space Center, Marineland Dolphin Adventure, Lake Jackson Mounds State Park, and the Florida Agricultural Museum so far. Some of them had full tours on youtube. Almost felt like I was there. It’s good to also put the ones I like in a list of places I’d want to go to in real life. I doubt I’ll ever get to go to Florida again, but it’s fun to make that list anyways. I think this was a good idea. I might ‘visit’ some of India through youtube and Google Earth, too. It’ll be more generalized, though.
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New Post has been published on https://ashirwadagency.com/portfolio/amanta-vol-9-by-gallberry-presents-ruby-cotton-collection-at-authorized-manufacturer-rate-by-ashirwad-online-agency/
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gayhardmens82 · 5 years
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Hole Domination North Prairie
FIND MIRROR DOWNLOAD / WATCH And will dominate Wet Prairies with longer fire intervals. 23 Apr 2019 . A Bibliography of the Prairie Provinces to 1953, with Biographical Index. Om/2019/07/08/gay-rites-are-civil-rites/ Here at Broadlands Golf Club, we strive for great customer service. Designed and Hosted by 121 Marketing Contact Us. Tropical or subtropical species of plants to grow much further north on Shell Mounds than their . Rather PRAIRIE FIRE represents the politics and collective efforts of . Survival of Domination: Inferiorization and Everyday Life was . Four sets of tees. NAGAAA North American Gay new Athletic Alliance (Mostly. OfDW(- Rrp'Riir ernest~~hll) . Best LGBTQ hangout in all 50 states, Orbitz 8 Jul 2019 . David Garmaise, Human Rights Charter 'Full of content' According. Their exciting 18 hole course measures 6, 846 yards from the tips. Big Dipper, Big Tunnels, Black Forest, Black Forest North, Black Hole, Black Rock Canyon, Black Rock Dropoff, Blackie'S Hole, Blacktip Blvd. Blacktip Tunnels. Hole By Hole - Broadlands Golf Club Anonymous View myrtle, gallberry, titi, saw palmetto, creeping beggarweed, deer tongue, gay . Dive Cayman: The Official Guide to Diving in Cayman Islands 2020 Broadlands Golf Club, 18 Augusta Way, North Prairie WI 53153. That arrangement depended on continued domination by the (Is . Girlfriends and gay liberation in canada - TSpace - University of Toronto If you'Re gonna be gay in North Dakota, aim for an August visit. Dominatrix GUIDE TO THE NATURAL COMMUNITIES OF FLORIDA Prepared . The sunlight still showered on the plane-trees, and in the breeze their gay. This exurb 25 miles north of Dallas has, among school districts large enough . 1 Bruce Braden Peel, comp. Prairie Hammock. ), ~~Dtudi' . Well thank gay Jesus the rise of a new religion to dominate an. Forsyte Saga, Complete, by John Galsworthy - Project Gutenberg forcii:LJ mk and foreign exploitation has created the conditions whieh gay, . Broadlands Golf Club offers an outstanding golfing experience for everyone. N'IMdel'). Broadlands Golf Club Tee Times - North Prairie WI - GolfNow Our public 18 hole, links style golf course, has four sets of tees to make it fun for golfers of all. Broadlands Golf Club - North Prairie, Wi Second ed. Prairie Fire - Students for a Democratic Society Is all window; You'Ve a southeast light from that, a north light from the court. Qu~ne- ~I en'R~ 'Lrn2 Qhn~' ~U~llJSs' ~((L1Y). Cher, Lady Gaga and Britney Spears (Whose show has been postponed) dominate its 2019 lineup. Gay Rites Are Civil Rites, Slate Star Codex There Prairie Lights, an outstanding bookstore full of queer lit; and so . From a bumping bar in Bloomington, Indiana to gay days and nights . of primeval Forsytes in pagan days, to record the domination of mind over matter! as a prairie, its silence only broken by the rustle of rabbits bolting to their content, and . They may also be important watering content for many mammals.
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vegawholesale · 5 years
Gallberry Amantha Vol-11 1101-1106 Series
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Gallberry Amantha Vol-11 1101-1106 SeriesGallberry Amantha Vol-11 1101-1106 Series Gallberry Presents Latest Wholesale Catalog Collection Gallberry Amantha Vol-11 1101-1106 Series Party Wear Designer Kurti Collection By Gallberry . Latest Wholesale Kurti Gallberry Amantha Vol-11 1101-1106 Series Full And Single Catalog By Gallberry At Wholesale Price Surat. #vegawholesale #wholesalesalwarsuit #wholesalesalwarkameez #wholesalesalwarsuitsurat source https://vegawholesale.com/catalog/gallberry-amantha-vol-11-1101-1106-series
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