approximateknowledge · 4 months
i love when works of fiction go out of their way to make you get to *know* the location they take place in
places like ankh-morpork for discworld, arrakis (and later gammu) in dune, the hole in dorohedoro, the scrapyard in gunnm (battle angel alita), the generation ship sidonia (known mostly for its "knights"), annares and urras in the dispossessed, i could go on
places that don't exist, but i feel like ive been there regardless
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dennisprager · 6 months
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thought about having the boombox play The Ballers - FLA Neighbourz but finding a good clean line to write was like playing n-word sweeper
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kairunatic · 4 days
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OMG you guys new Gammu bear character and he's name is Allert
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sistersorrow · 1 month
I am 300 pages into Heretics of Dune and I am now ready to admit I am not having a good time and am never going to finish it
Every Gammu chapter: TARAZA: There be heretics up in this Dune.
TEG: I am so loyal to the Bene Gesserit.
DUNCAN: Much like the person writing this post, I have no idea what's going on.
CHAIRDOG: My existence is a reminder that God is canonically dead.
LUCILLA: The hand of Divided God as my witness, I will molest that child.
Every Rakis chapter:
SHEENA: I hate Big Worm Satan. I hate the priests. I'm gonna go into the desert and cuss out God for a bit.
ODRADE: There may in fact be heretics up in this Dune.
THE PRIESTS OF THE DIVIDED GOD: The wise worm woman called us all useless bitches, truly she was sent by Big Worm God.
WAFF: Don't google how our axlotl tanks work.
Meanwhile somewhere in space: HONORED MATRES: It's been 300 pages, when do when get to gaslight, gatekeep, gesserit the Old Imperium?
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dunechapterquotes · 6 months
Looked at one way, the universe is Brownian movement, nothing predictable at the elemental level. Muad'Dib and his Tyrant son closed the cloud where movement occurred. -Stories from Gammu
(From Chapterhouse: Dune)
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mylovelyhyunjin · 2 years
221011 AIKI thumbs up
hyunjin did his AOTM motley crew 😍
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Aiki was speechless 😲.
aiki seems to have seen hyunjin’s aotm, hyunjin gasped and was like “no way 🫢 you saw that” shyly.
bin and han invented their own fanchant ("you're killing the stage...") to hyunjin's performance and aiki was so confused afterwards and was like "what are you doing?"
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termiteconsumer · 1 year
ok here it is my thoughts on heretics of dune [SPOILERS]
(help im still new to tumblr can you hide text if somethings a spoiler?)
taraza and odrade shouldve kissed
other than that very good it asks very important questions like what if we removed two letters from arrakis wouldnt that be fucked up? and honestly it would tbh if i were mother superior of the bene gessirit and that happened i would also plot to destroy rakis. teg is cool i like to imagine that hes kinda what leto i could’ve been under better circumstances. hes like the pinnacle of the atreides ability to get people fanatically loyal to him half of his plot at the end is him just going around gammu and random ppl being like “hey bashar u saved us at [insert battle that took place] if u need me to die for u dont hesitate to ask.” this is cool and probably ties into herberts themes abt how charismatic leaders are evil but idk teg seems like a good person so maybe charismatic leaders are awesome and herbert was baiting us the last time. anyway herberts anti-government and anti-powerful ppl stance comes out a lot more here. both teg and taraza comment on power at points teg thinking something about how domination makes both the dominant and the subservient like soulless or some shit i forget 😔 and taraza talking to i think sheeana abt how dominating forces always create a counterforce - ie a rebelion or revolution of some kind. these are both moments i will say that. i added commentary there shut up.
i like how throughout the dune series frank herbert is able to examine the different ways power is enforced and critique them regardless of how such power is represented. for example the atreides rule by building a sense of trust and fanatic loyalty among those they rule, and that fanatic loyalty is a tool they use to establish hegemony and maintain power. in heretics the honored matres are introduced who “rule through sex” this could potentially be an analogy for pleasure in general i think. evidence? shut up shut up shut up. anyway if so it could very much be about consumption and consumerism as a tool to establish hegemony. theres probably an essay abt capitalism to be had there. unfortunately shut up.
there was one last thing i wanted to touch on: someone needs to find where the tleilaxu keep all their duncan cells and set off an atomic device there. it would be better for everyone.
in conclusion i give heretics of dune a chairdog/10
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444names · 1 month
Names generated from freshwater fish genera
Achius Achoras Acothys Aeterus Aetryanius Agrus Ailius Allania Alloweltia Alluxis Alochilis Alopinis Amdes Amnotrydon Amogla Ampetria Ampeys Amphax Amphysus Analus Ancrevagra Andus Anisorharas Anothys Anthys Apariglax Apidellanx Apidiotron Apimphylion Aplus Ararakys Astero Athyptys Aulifinurus Aulus Auvias...
Bagoptoma Baguarius Bagus Bapiogla Barcas Batacara Bellaphemus Bopis Bopsa Braca Brasis Bretraknes Brorianius Caraodoris Caras Carias Carichinis Caris Catus Cephoma Cepsias Cepsisolus Cetakifunda Cetrotrus Cettus Challodoum Champhys Characterna Cherus Chexas Chikalla Chilodopim Chilus Chinia Choglae Chopsonias Chthys Clatys Cnisa Coboris Cocalus Cocarchania Cocyplium Colebia Coria Crialatydon Crofundaca Croglanis Croma Crychambanx Cteria Ctesilopoca Cyclustus Cyphio Cypromon Decoleblera Denbagon Dinapher Diothiumea Dolaptoma Donta Eiluria Elloglabe Emaras Enotria Ethorhis Ethyoa Ethys Etonecis Eudonodulos Eudorisiora Eudosta Exasis Exieleptax Finchus Finis Forinistus Fundus Gadia Gammus Gancis Garias Garilus Gasilon Genablebias Genestrus Genus Giloclus Glaisoides Glanis Glanx Gnaridichax Gobagrus Goblechthys Gogichys Gonothys Gonthilera Gonthiobus Gooneoras Gopilvinus Goplablydon Guvithys Gymna Gymnodoma Gymnopus Gymnotama Halapis Haleta Hamathoma Hamdis Hampellius Hardias Hayseudas Heichaus Hemacaria Hemiaphanis Hemica Hemus Heneatrus Hensius Hetenia Heterurus Hiopania Hogla Hopsis Horialareus Horphilus Hoxus Hyboringon Hylichmaca Hyodora Hyplos Hysus Imadaccus Irailicaras Irenus Iroctron Istax Istecis Ithys Japitianis Kiffia Kifis Kotia Lableter Lancisomys Landius Lanicus Lanis Lapseudoxis Laras Lebia Lebias Lebithustea Lectras Leilata Leilus Leirus Lepimatulus Lepis Leptytro Lichissoma Limbagas Linocinus Lochthok Lodon Lorhys Lorthys Lostrurus Machthypta Malogas Manchenota Mania Matomatocia Meatambus Megas Metoglanis Micaras Micaritia Michilus Michis Michoria Michthys Michus Micranis Microlion Micterias Miculus Micus Midia Miogobra Mochthys Monotus Mothys Myelocis Myxil Naemus Nanna Naptentis Narhax Natura Neacranis Nebia Neciparlhus Nemus Neocion Neocon Nesus Nopsia Notegas Notria Ocycolepara Ocycorhys Olebiaema Olekeysis Olias Olodulica Ophilus Ophius Ophyprinia Opseuchus Oritoma Ostria Otogla Otoplecish Oxilamonis Oxylais Pachilus Pagus Paimiocinus Palla Palochthys Pammurus Pamosis Pananclus Pandenodon Pandionthys Pandulius Pandus Panes Panianis Panias Panilax Panis Panisoma Panthys Panus Papseudogla Paracculus Parachoxus Paracra Parancinus Paranicus Pararttia Paras Parax Parchalfara Parchubia Pardylia Parfistrana Paria Paricharas Parichus Parigonis Parioglana Paris Pariurus Parivulus Parus Parycon Pathys Pechthys Perychys Phalicroma Phalus Phamdia Pharichthys Pharlon Phaxossanis Pheiglanis Pheisomus Phesia Philia Philus Phrinus Pichthys Pidinus Pidis Pimegara Pimeius Pimiorus Planoliasus Plarcus Platia Plodops Plogo Plordia Podon Polepsophax Pomotra Potoglanna Prichinus Privandes Prochalmus Proclus Progella Proma Protania Psamoided Psaria Psetridinus Pseuchilus Pseuchthys Pseudana Pseudon Pseudorus Pseudox Pseudoxia Pseura Psewelecia Pseweleptes Psiaphilus Psias Psiasterias Psilio Psobiania Pteras Ptoma Ptottilurus Pundesus Pygos Pyrius Rachays Rhambus Rhaphellax Rhapis Rhilolius Rhypsis Rhyptes Rivulupimes Rolancister Rophilia Sallania Sanclus Schthysion Schus Schys Sclochys Sclogithys Sclus Scranon Screia Seuchthilus Silus Skifunis Soxistron Spancis Spela Speocarax Sphiobio Squara Stenopodius Sterna Sterus Stogalata Stogenissis Stoma Strulango Strus Sylaptochus Synchthys Telotragrus Tenoglanis Terorianis Tlaticurus Tomugudoris Tophax Toreos Tranis Trichilius Trichthys Trocus Trocycon Tronus Troptesia Truntis Typhira Umbagrax Vagogonemia Vaimblebia Valathypoma Vanchthyla Varigrus Walia Walis Waracaratea Waracarias Warthincis Warygonus Xenocra Xensia Xenstia Xenstrina Xentigrus Xenus Xyron Xyzygonis Zoodosus
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ejointech · 3 months
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How to Send and Receive SMS Using GSM Modem ?
Sending and receiving SMS using a GSM modem can be done in two main ways: using AT commands or through software libraries. Here's a breakdown of both methods:
1. Using AT Commands:
This method involves sending text commands ("AT commands") directly to the GSM modem to control its functions. It's a more technical approach and requires knowledge of the specific AT command set supported by your modem.
Here's a general process:
a. Connect and Configure:
Connect the modem: Connect your GSM modem to your computer via USB, serial port, or other means.
Identify the COM port: Use your computer's settings to identify the COM port assigned to the modem.
Open a terminal emulator: Open a program like PuTTY or HyperTerminal to send AT commands.
Set the baud rate: Configure the terminal emulator's baud rate to match the modem's (usually 9600).
Send basic commands: Test the connection by sending basic AT commands like "AT" or "ATE0" and verify responses.
b. Send SMS:
Compose message: Prepare your message content and ensure it's within character limits (usually 160 characters).
Use AT commands: Use specific AT commands like "AT+CMGS" to send the message.
Specify recipient: Include the recipient's phone number as part of the command.
Send the message: Send the command to initiate the SMS transmission.
c. Receive SMS:
Enable notifications: Use AT commands like "AT+CNMI" to enable the modem to notify you of incoming messages.
Handle notifications: Your terminal emulator should display notifications when messages arrive.
Read message: Use AT commands like "AT+CMGR" to read the message content and sender information.
2. Using Software Libraries:
Many libraries and software tools exist to simplify GSM modem communication. These libraries provide user-friendly functions for sending, receiving, and managing SMS messages.
Here's the general process:
Choose a library: Popular options include Gammu, SMSlib, PySerial (Python), and similar tools.
Install and configure: Follow the library's installation and configuration instructions.
Write code: Use the library's functions to send and receive SMS messages within your code.
Run the code: Execute your code to interact with the GSM modem and send/receive messages.
For more information welcome to visit: www.ejointech.cn
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danzaculturamundial · 6 months
Panamá brilla a través de sus danzas tradicionales. Cada baile, desde el Congo hasta el Gammu Burui, es un espejo de su historia y diversidad. Sumérgete en este fascinante mundo de ritmos y colores. 🌟🎵
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7ooo-ru · 6 months
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Гамму Changan пополнил кроссовер Qiyuan Q05, и он нам уже знаком
В качестве отдельной модели позиционируют переделанный CS55 Plus с другой начинкой. На домашний рынок такой паркетник выйдет до конца 2023-го.
Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2023/11/07/835-gammu-changan-popolnil-krossover-qiyuan-q05-ionnamuzheznakom-grss-254589922.html
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netmassimo · 10 months
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The novel "Chapterhouse Dune" by Frank Herbert was published for the first time in 1985. It's the sixth book in the Dune saga and follows "Heretics of Dune".
The Honored Matres keep on conquering planets controlled by the Bene Gesserit. Lampadas, where there was an important Sisterhood school, fell and Chancellor Lucilla was only able to share her memories with Rebecca, a Jewish "wild" Reverend Mother. The Jews managed to escape to the planet Gammu but have to hide in a no-chamber.
On the Chapterhouse planet, the Bene Gesserit are trying to replicate the desert of ancient Arrakis to revive the great worms. To try to turn the tide of what seems like a lost war, it's essential to raise a ghola of Bashar Miles Teg but Duncan Idaho has his ideas about the child. Duncan is also taken by his relationship with Murbella, the captured Honored Matre who is on her way to becoming a Reverend Mother after being trained as a Bene Gesserit.
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mainsmiracle · 2 years
Adium yahoo
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Adium yahoo for mac os x#
Adium yahoo mac os#
Adium yahoo password#
Adium yahoo free#
Adium yahoo windows#
(patched for unicode channel names)īrings instant messaging (XMPP, MSN, Yahoo!, AIM, ICQ, Twitter) to IRCīrings instant messaging (XMPP, MSN, Yahoo!, AIM, ICQ, Twitter) to IRC. Libpurple plugin for the Heroes of Newerth chat serverīrings instant messaging (XMPP, MSN, Yahoo!, AIM, ICQ, Twitter) to IRC. Instant messenger using libpurple and xulrunner CaptMurdock Suspended 577 1,988 The Evildrome Boozerama Jun. Pidgin Instant Messenger plugin for Sametime support Adium 1.4b7 is out and fixes issues with Yahoo I recommend updating if you're still having issues with connection to Yahoo.
Adium yahoo windows#
In the past, it has also supported AIM, ICQ, Windows Live Messenger and Yahoo Messenger.
Adium yahoo free#
Libpurple plug-in supporting microblog services like Twitter. Adium is a free and open source instant messaging client for macOS that supports multiple IM networks, including Google Talk and XMPP. Protocol Plugin (prpl) for libpurple, this plugin provide netsoul IM protocolĪn IRC gateway to IM networks that uses libpurple. Mail.Ru Agent protocol plugin for Pidgin (libpurple) Based on Web Wechat and supports basic message receiving and picture receiving.
Adium yahoo mac os#
It is written using Mac OS X's Cocoa API, and it is released under the. It supports many protocols through the libraries libezv (for Bonjour), MGTwitterEngine (for Twitter), and libpurple (for all other protocols).
Adium yahoo for mac os x#
WeChat protocol plugin for pidgin/libpurple. Adium is a popular free instant messaging client for Mac OS X that supports multiple IM networks, including Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, Google Talk, AIM, ICQ and XMPP. Libpurple events handling plugin and libraryĪ plugin for Pidgin/Finch/libpurple that will ignore server-sent groups (eg on Facebook XMPP). Purple Gammu, an SMS protocol for libpurple clients (pidgin) HTTP File Upload plugin for libpurple (XMPP Protocol)Ī libpurple/Pidgin plugin for ICQ WIM protocol Python bind for libpurple using the Cython extension Those of you who are still hanging on to Tiger are currently stuck, as we do not yet have a fixed version for you. As we’ve noted before, 1.4 will require Leopard. We have released a new beta, beta 7, which contains the fix. Libpurple plugin for Torchat v2 - an IM client built on top of TOR Yahoo has made a change on their server that prevents Adium 1.3.4 and the 1.4 betas from connecting. Tox protocol plugin for pidgin / libpurple Tox protocol plugin for pidgin / libpurple - git checkout Needs TD_API_ID and TD_API_HASH env vars to be set for makepkg. Libpurple Telegram plugin implemented using official tdlib client library, packaged for bitlbee, without voip and image-processing dependencies. Plugin for libpurple (Pidgin, Adium, etc) implementing OMEMO (using axolotl)Ī plugin to connect to Steam Friends/Steam IM for libpurple/Pidgin/Adium. Minimal build of the Pidgin IM library without gstreamer/perl/X11/etc for bitlbee and such.
Adium yahoo password#
The disconnection comes in the form of an authorization error, so Adium responds by presenting a password prompt: This is not new in 1.3.1: We released 1.3.1 on September 7th, so it was working fine for nearly two weeks before the problems started. XMPP and SMS messaging via libpurple and Modemmanager Four days ago, many of our users started getting disconnected from Yahoo after several hours. Needs TD_API_ID and TD_API_HASH env vars to be set for makepkg.Įxperimental XEP-0280: Message Carbons plugin for libpurple (Pidgin, Finch, etc.)Ī libpurple/Pidgin plugin for WhatsApp Web, Powered by go-whatsappĪ purple-based (Pidgin) plugin for Slack. Libpurple/pidgin Telegram plugin implemented using official tdlib client library. The interface is intuitive, options are simple to set up, and although it’s an alpha product, for the most part Trillian is usable enough where you might be able to get away with using it for your day to day activities (but not even being beta, use caution!).Adds support for Telegram to Pidgin, Adium, Finch and other Libpurple based messengers.Ī libpurple/Pidgin plugin for WhatsApp, powered by whatsmeow It has a completely native look with it’s own smidgen of class that makes it visually pleasurable to use. Trillian does an excellent of job of not only porting their client to the Mac, but also giving it the proper Mac touch and feel that every application deserves. Well this is certainly changing, and new Mac users coming from Windows will be happy to know that Trillian has finally arrived in alpha. While I wish Apple would step up their game and bring things such as Facebook to iChat (which in my opinion, is the most pleasurable to use), there really hasn’t been a major alternative to Adium on the Mac. Yahoo Instant Messaging Clients: Adium, Source Wikipedia on. Some people love the customization, others love that it’s open source, but the big green duck was never cute enough to enthrall me in its myriad of customization options. You know, I have to be quite honest when I say that Adium was never meant for me.
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kairunatic · 1 year
OMG Gammu bear in Housamo!!!!
Dward long lost cousin!
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vseproavto · 2 years
GM расширяет гамму микрокаров: новый Wuling Air ev
New Post has been published on https://pippip.ru/2022/06/03/gm-rasshiryaet-gammu-mikrokarov-novyj-wuling-air-ev/
GM расширяет гамму микрокаров: новый Wuling Air ev
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dune-quotes · 3 years
Lucilla recognized the device. Users called it a hypnobong and it was outlawed on all of the more civilized worlds.
Heretics of Dune
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