#garbage party 2.0
latveriansnailmail · 25 days
In which I enumerate my favorite albums for no particular reason. These are all albums I personally own (because digital media loses the license to things I want to hear all the damn time) that have stood the test of time and I strongly endorse. No pictures because Voodoo-U is on the list and, well, you'll just have to look up the cover yourself. It won't fly here. Presented alphabetically because I don't want to give the impression that these are ranked:
the Cruxshadows- Dreamcypher Devo- Something for Everybody Faith No More- Album of the Year Garbage- Version 2.0 KMFDM- Adios London After Midnight- Psycho Magnet Lords of Acid- Voodoo-U Oingo Boingo- Dead Man's Party Outkast- Stankonia Poe- Haunted Prince- The Gold Experience Republica- Republica Seal- second self-titled album the Shroud- Long Ago and Far Away Sisters of Mercy- Floodland Specimen- Azoic Switchblade Symphony- The Three Calamities Tool- Aenima Type O Negative- October Rust VNV Nation- Empires the Who- Who's Next
Also, artists whose body of work I love but am hard pressed to point to a stand alone album:
Assemblage 23 David Bowie Depeche Mode the Faint Souxsie and the Banshees Therion
Plus I have an entire shelf of goth and industrial compilations that I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT
Okay, that's enough of that for a while.
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andmaybegayer · 2 years
Business in the front, party in the back. Yes, I'm leaving the button like that. It's fine.
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This is a Qualcomm Quickcharge Trigger, based loosely on this design, but only rigged for 12V.
When you press the button, it negotiates up from 5V to 12V from any QC 2.0 compatible charger.
Why? The 12V supply that runs my desk is a noisy, cheap pile of garbage that whines at 18kHz all the time, and my hearing is still good enough to hear that all goddamn night. Finding quiet 12V supplies that don't develop inscrutable hums a few months down the line is a crapshoot. On the other hand, cellphone chargers are usually impossibly quiet. I have a loose QC phone charger that I don't need for anything else, so if I can convince it to pump out 12V I can use that to run my desk. Hence, this pile of junk.
Tested and working, all I have to do is press the button to get it to put out 12V. Eventually I might get a 9V zener diode and an LED and set up an indicator that tells me if it's in 12V mode, but for now I'll lean on the fact that I built it and I know how it works.
This is NOT fully wired correctly, as in if you plug the USB cable in upside down it will not trigger correctly. Fixing this is not too hard but would require me to fuck around with the protoboard more than I already have and dealing with protoboard is miserable. I'll just put some alignment markers on the cable I'm using I guess.
I'll have to sit later with a hacksaw and cut this section of protoboard out. Bleh. Building a case for things like this is what makes me wish I had a 3D printer. The exposed pins on the bottom are a short risk so this will get a chunk of cardboard two-way taped to the bottom.
If you ever get a chance to stock up on industry standard barrel jacks, do it, I use these things everywhere.
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Quickcharge is a dying protocol, being replaced almost wholly by USB-PD, but USB-PD requires putting an actual microcontroller in the mix whereas this can be done fully analogue, and I believe that even QC 3.0 is still simple enough that a human with some buttons and a few resistor ladders could query basically any voltage it can supply (which is many)
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anyavamps · 2 years
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Music I listened to in February:  A Pact with the Devil by Catholic Spit Self Titled by Scarlet Remains Black by Project Pitchfork Ceremony by Twin Tribes Dirty Squats and Disco Lights by Totenwald Psychogoria by Panic Priest Deviances by Virgin in Veil Holy Diver by Dio Fragments by Bootblacks It Will End in Tears by This Mortal Coil First and Last and Always by Sisters of Mercy Endgame 69 by The Devil and the Universe If I die, I die by Virgin Prunes Version 2.0 by Garbage Cave by Hapax Vera Causa by Faith and the Muse Self Titled by The Kentucky Vampires Reckless by Leathers Belirdi Gece by She Past Away Junkyard by The Birthday Party Wie der unberuhrte Traum einer Jungfrau by Sanguis et Cinis Endless Summer by The Midnight Demon Days by Gorillaz Some Vague Desire by The Agnes Circle Legion of Shadow by Nox Arcana Chirality by The Frozen Autumn Nyctophilian by Then Comes Silence Hindsight by Spectres (edited)
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heartwarminghockey · 7 years
Camp NaNoWriMo Day 15
Y'all, I'm nearly there! I'm thinking about upping my goal??? What??? I don't know yet. Things are going a lot more smoothly, but I think that's because the part I'm at now is kind of - a pivotal point, I guess? Something I had planned almost since the idea came into my head. It's the first time Miles and Jay get to talk for real about a lot of things, and it's a big turning point. So. Things might slow down after this, in terms of word count, because I'm entering another phase where I have a lot of little scenes planned but no real method of moving the plot along. We'll see what happens. Today's Words: 2560 Total Words: 22448 (!) Today's Favorite Line: "Well, if it isn't our old friend, Jorts Ronald Elder."
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Hello again. I was wondering if you had any advice on writing overshadowed siblings. This character is the twin sisters of my main villain. And her entire life she has been compared to him, and while he is seen as the golden child, she is seen as the black sheep of the family. She seeks the approval from her family, and others but never gets it, and her family treats her like garbage and her own twin brother is the worst.
Eventually she teams up with the main character and his party because "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". Any advice on how to flesh her out, to make her a more interesting character? Thx you have helped me progress my story with your advice.
Overshadowed Sub-Villain Joins Team Good
I have a character like this in an old WIP that I still hope to rework someday, so it's something I think about a lot. ♥
You've covered a lot of the important bases, including a fleshed out internal conflict. What she seems to be lacking, however, is a proper motivation and goal. Why does she join Team Good? Not feeling valued by Team Bad or being overshadowed by her golden child sibling isn't motivation enough. What does she actually want and why? How does joining Team Good help her get it?
Diverging From the Path of Team Bad
When someone feels left off their team, it can lead them to question things they wouldn't have questioned before, and to see truths they weren't previously able to see. They realize that what they want (goal) and why they want it (motivation) no longer align with the motivation and goal of their team. The result is a shift to a new path. This path may be to an existing oppositional team, or in this case, from Team Bad to Team Good. Or, it could be a shift to their own path that opposes all other paths. In other words, they're not Team Good or Team Bad, but Team Bad 2.0.
Here are some different options to consider:
Option #1 - Slow Start Shift to Good
In this scenario, the character initially joins Team Good simply to spite Team Bad, but their time with Team Good is part of what opens their eyes to the truth and makes them want to change their ways.
Option #2 - Full Throttle Shift to Good
In this scenario, the truths they come to are their motivation for switching to Team Good, so when they make the shift, they are fully committed.
Option#3 - Shift to Good with a Setback
This scenario can start out as either Option #1 or Option #2, but the difference is they have a moment of doubt that leads to them betraying Team Good. They quickly come to regret their betrayal and are forced to do something big and redemptive to earn back the trust of Team Good.
Option #4 - False Shift to Good
In this scenario, the character joins Team Good under the pretense of turning good, but in reality they're using Team Good to get whatever they need to shift onto their own path that opposes everyone else. In this scenario, when they finally betray Team Good, it's for real and there are no regrets. They essentially become the Bigger Bad. This can lead to having to team up with the original Team Bad, or having to defeat them before defeating Team Bad 2.0. You could even do a hybrid of #3 and #4 where the betrayal is long haul, but the regret/redemptive act come at the very end and contribute to the defeat of original Team Bad. In other words, lots of options here.
Motivation & Goal Create Interest
Bottom line, giving this character a motivation and goal (in addition to the internal conflict you already gave her) is a big step in making her an interesting, well fleshed out character. You'll also want to give her a personality and a unique voice (see my Character Development master post here.) Finally, for more general antagonist help, such as with writing about redemption, go here.
Good luck with your story!
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jewishbarbies · 4 years
Still sad over the fact we are getting 4th thor movie (when 2/3 were complete shit) and iron man was in everything ruining everything while we had to wait for natasha to die to get her film and cap's last film was turned into ironman 4. Also they've managed to turn FFH in ironman 5 without ironman physically being in it
Rant below the cut lmaO
Honestly I enjoyed the dark world if anything just for the Loki content/development, I’ve never been interested in mcu!Jane because she’s just used to further Thor’s plot with inconsistent characterization. But it’s disappointing that Natalie Portman would choose THIS movie to come back in. Like...why?? I don’t trust Taika with any topics of importance, but especially not something as serious as cancer, something that hits home for a LOT of people. Whatever garbage he spews into the movie will just be praised by “ThOr FaNs” or paraded as “jUsT a JoKe” either way, but it really does suck.
The female characters in the mcu have always been given shitty storylines and underpowered for the sake of the plot (bc let’s be honest, if they were given their full power the movie would be over in 5mins bc the plot is so fucken weak), and then both Gamora AND Natasha are tragically killed and don’t get to come back - unless it’s a prequel movie or every ounce of character development they had is erased. And they bring in Carol, which is fine, but the marketing team made it seem like she was the First and Only female superhero in the mcu, when that’s just not true??? Natasha has been there since the beginning and, as you said, she had to literally DIE to get her own film. Gamora isn’t even the real Gamora we all came to know and love. Wanda is whitewashed and severely underpowered. Valkyrie is an alcoholic slave-trader whose “redemption” is wrapped up in getting revenge. Carol Danvers is Tony Stark 2.0. There’s no happy ending for Nebula, who should’ve been the one to kill Thanos. Who handles these characters?? WHO?? I JUST WANNA TALK.
I refuse to watch any new spiderman movie from the mcu. I just won’t. The way they introduced Peter to their universe was to literally make him a tonky fanboy who was blackmailed into going to a foreign country as a teenager, who also was not told what exactly he was fighting for/against and then abandoned by the guy who brought him there. And then his whole storyline from then on is just Iron Man Jr. and copying Miles Morales like. Why. Just why. They killed tonky, but to what end? What was the point if they were just going to bring him back for cameos, spin-offs, prequels, and cram him into every marvel movie after?? Sure, the public only knows what has been released. They don’t know all the shit tonky is responsible for. At the same time, they know a lot? All the shit and murder he caused in the middle east? The destruction of Sokovia? How many supervillains does tonky have to create before we stop making monuments? ENOUGH.
The mcu has a gross history of sexism, racism, and terrible storytelling. But arguably one of my biggest problems with their movies, is that they show you who the bad guy actually is (who’s not the Big Bad of the film, but the Hero themself or -most times- the Government) and paint them as good. There was nuance to Captain America bc, while he IS pro military to an extent, his story is only pro military/government when those parties are actually doing their jobs. When shield is infested with Hydra, Steve says it ALL has to go. There’s no allegiance or hidden loyalty to the government in any way. Whereas with the Iron Man movies, especially the first, it’s pro military through and through. The message is “it’s okay when WE kill people, but not anyone else”. That theme is carried through most of the movies in general where you’re expected to see the Government as good and trustworthy. And while there ARE subtle hints that they’re corrupt or not so trustworthy, they’re so subtle that 99% of their fanbase misses the point. And marvel seems to be okay with that.
anyways, as you can tell, I had a lot to get out. sorry this is so long lol. thanks for the ask though! it was cathartic.
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thehollowprince · 4 years
I've thought for years that, had Bonnie Bennett been white like her novel counterpart, she'd have been adored + not subjected to what she was. But Plec was *very* intentional in casting her as Black, it showed in her writing. The Black girl was always intended as the mule + punching bag. Fandom calls her a bitch yet expects her to save the day. Plec wouldn't subject white, redheaded Bonnie to that, NEVER. Plec has always hated Black characters and people
I have a saying when it comes to The Vampire Diaries.
"Its not a season of The Vampire Diaries unless Bonnie Bennett suffers."
And that's held up throughout the entire run of the show. No character suffered even remotely as much as Bonnie did (with the possible exception of Tyler Lockwood, but more on that later).
Let's just go down the list, one season at a time...
Season One: loses her grams on account of Elena's boyfriend drama. Was attacked by Damon, nearly killed by him, and is expected to just let it go because he matters to Elena.
Season Two: nearly dies several times overusing her power to help Elena. Has her power stripped because of something Damon did, and finishes the season by being willing to kill herself over the Mikaelson Melodrama.
Season Three: finally finds her mother only to be abandoned by her again (way to embrace a stereotype, Plec), is used by an older white witch to create an unstoppable killing machine out of her friend and is absent from all the big moments, like the Mikaelson housewarming party, despite the entire town being there.
Season Four: is punished by the spirits, who hate vampires, for trying to stop her friend from becoming a vampire. Is brainwashed by a creepy professor into using the darkest form of magic and then is manipulated by an ancient immortal to further his own ends. Also looses Jeremy right after they finally got back together. (Bonus points for having her attack Elena during Prom for something she never punished Damon or Stefan for.) Dies.
Season Five: the entirety of season five, which was just her suffering over and over and over, either on the Other Side or being the Anchor. It's like Julie challenged herself to see how badly she could treat Bonnie this season.
Season Six: is trapped for over half the season in an alternate reality, first with Damon, then with a psychotic lunatic who physically assaulted her several times (that the fandom went on to ship her with) before being by herself and ignored by the main narrative until it became a convenient excuse to make Damon and Elena sad. She even tried to kill herself, so kudos to Plec for that.
Season Seven: attacked more than once by the Heretics. Constantly reminded that she's the reason that Elena's not there. Gets together with Enzo, because Plec wanted Delena 2.0, before once again loosing her magic (also a staple of this show) and trying to kill all her friends.
Season Eight: spends the entire season powerless and being assaulted and toyed with by the sirens and then, just when it looks like she'll get her happy ending, Stefan kills Enzo. To make matters worse, then Bonnie has to attend the wedding of Stefan and Caroline and pretend to be happy. She ends the show more alone then when the show started back in 2009.
If Bonnie Bennett had looked like her book counterpart, that being a tiny, ditzy, pale redhead, none of that would have happened. I mean, sure, there would have been some pain, because that's what this show and network relied on, the shock value and constant heartbreak before the couples get back together before they break up again.
Rinse and repeat.
If Bonnie Bennett had been Bonnie McCullough, we would have had an entirely different show.
For starters, we wouldn't have had to wait four seasons to meet her dad, the parent she supposedly lived with. She wouldn't have been shunted off to Jeremy just to get the two of them out of the way (and I say that as someone who liked Bonnie and Jeremy. They had the most normal of relationship issues compared to the others.) If she'd been white, Damon would have pursued her like he did in the books, making this love triangle (square? pentagram?) even more complicated.
If Bonnie had been white, she would have gotten actual storyline that relied on more than her just being the witch who showed up to solve the Salvatore Brothers' problems for the sake of Elena. She would have been treated as an actual character rather than just the token minority. She wouldn't have lost her family the way she did, and if, for some reason, she had still lost her grams and her father, more time would have been spent on her grief rather than her just bouncing back to be there for Elena.
As it was, Plec's choice of a black girl for the role, while great for not making the cast entirely white, really showcased how she and the network viewed people of color. No character was treated more badly on TVD than Bonnie except for Tyler, who lost literally everyone in his life, before losing his life himself to further Damon's "redemption".
To this day, I still think that Kat should have left the show at the end of season two to be the lead in The Secret Circle, rather than just having another show focused entirely on powerful white kids. We could have explored the Bennett Family and witch mythology, rather than just having Bonnie be the magical servant of her white friends.
The only good thing that came out of Plec's treatment of Kat and her character was that we got definitive proof that she's a racist piece of garbage. It was how she treated her characters of color, particularly her women of color, that made me rage-quit this franchise and actually the whole network.
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mcheang · 5 years
Musicians AU
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We all know that Marinette has a thing for Musicians. Adrien’s a pianist and Luka is a guitarist. But what if it was the other way around? What if Marinette’s obsessed with music instead of boys? And yet she’s still the most sought after girl? Oh she still wants to be a designer but her second hobby is singing and violin instead of Adrien. Chat Noir is still crushing on Ladybug but admits he has a soft spot for Marinette.
Let’s see...
Bubbler: Marinette gives the present easily and Adrien’s bummed because of his dad’s negligence
Dark Cupid: Marinette and Adrien receive a lot of valentines.
Horrificator: Marinette actually manages to kiss Adrien because she isn’t nervous and they start filming earlier. While Marinette isn’t bothered, this is Adrien’s first kiss that he can remember.
Kung Foo: Adrien introduces Marinette to Chinese music
Gamer: Marinette was a contestant from the beginning. She and Adrien are the finalists. Marinette has no trouble inviting Adrien over. She gives him her lucky charm. There is a romantic moment between them, on Adrien’s part.
Animal: Nino has a crush on Marinette but because Marinette is crush-free, Alya is there at the zoo. Adrien tries to get Alya away from their friends. Nino winds up confessing his feelings...for Alya. Adrien is sorta relieved by the end result. For some reason, he had hesitated at Nino’s crush.
Guitar Villain and Pixelator: Marinette is definitely starstruck but she controls herself well.
Volpina: Marinette immediately identifies that Lila is lying after the Ladybug lie. She transforms into Ladybug to tell Alya this. Infuriated, Alya confronts Lila while she is with Adrien at the park.
The Collector: judging by what Alya said before, Adrien deduces Lila must have stolen the book. He asks his friends to get it back from her. Under coercion, especially from Chloe, Lila lies that she may have seen that book at the park. Camera footage reveals she dumped it in the trash and is now headed for garbage rocket ships to space. Chloe halts the rocket launch, but leaves the garbage digging to the rest. Marinette is the one who finds it, and she takes pictures on Tikki’s advice. She later delivers the pictures to the Guardian.
Despair Bear: Adrien notices Marinette tapping her foot to the music and invites her to dance.
Befana: Adrien worked hard on Marinette’s present.
Riposte: Adrien wonders if he has a thing for Asian girls because now his heart is so torn.
Glaciator: Ladybug agrees to meet Chat because honestly, she wasn’t looking forward to being paired up by an ice cream maker. She hears Chat’s confession and is touched but admits she isn’t interested in romance at the moment. Chat is still hopeful.
Gorizilla: Marinette leaps into action to save Adrien from his fans. Can you blame him for his fluttering heartbeat?
Captain Hardrock: Marinette gains a new admirer. She certainly connects with Luka on a musical scale.
Frightingale: Marinette refuses to let Chloe play her.
Troublemaker: Jagged commends Marinette on her artistic and musical skills.
Sandboy: Marinette’s nightmare is that her precious violin and sketchbook are destroyed.
Frozer: Ladybug admits that she has a thing for musicians to Chat when she admits she still isn’t interested. Chat perks up and mentions he plays the piano. Ladybug teases that he could give her a recording next time.
Malediktator:Marientte apologizes to Adrien that he is feeling sad and feels bad for him. It is enough to kill her partying mood.
Catalyst: yeah...after the garbage digging, nobody in class likes Lila.
Backwarder: no delivery mix up so Hawkmoth is still unaware of the Guardian’s whereabouts.
Chameleon: everybody is unwilling to accommodate Lila. Only when she pulls a pity card do Rose, Mylene and Marinette show some mercy. When Lila tries to apologize to Adrien, he reminds her to apologize to the class too and not to lie again. While Adrien has forgiven her, Lila wasn’t in the mood to deal with his higher than thou attitude. She gets akumatized. Later, Alya calls her out for mistaking the location of her disability. Sympathy is gone. After school, Lila declares war on Alya
Silencer: Marinette is visibly touched by Luka’s confession and admittedly decides she has a soft spot for him. However, given their lack of interaction, it is unlikely to develop into a real relationship anytime soon.
Oblivio: Adrien realizes he has a crush on Ladybug. Before the cure is cast, he confesses it to Ladybug. She agrees to give him a chance and they set up a date. She kissed his cheek then casts the cure. After that, Adrien is delighted while Marinette is curious and puzzled. At that date, Chat finally showcases his musical skill, and so does Ladybug. Chat reveals he loves music because of his Mother. Ladybug feels closer to Chat and admits she wouldn’t mind a second date. Chat is ecstatic
Stormy Weather 2: Chat and Ladybug are still in the beginnings of a relationship
Reflekdoll: Juleka was given a chance to calm down while they took pictures of Adrien first. When she still had not calmed down, everyone has to go already. Marinette decides to wear her own outfit.
Oniichan: Adrien confesses he is in a secret relationship to Kagami after this. She is gracious about her rejection.
Puppeteer 2: Nino invites Marinette and Manon along so Adrien won’t be a third wheel. Manon plays with Marinette and Adrien.
Desperada: Marinette recommends Luka instantly. When Alya questions why she won’t date Luka, Marinette finally admits she is secretly dating someone. Luka is the first choice for a miraculous.
Ikari Gozen: Kagami and Marinette get along well though Marinette does find Kagami puzzling at first
Party Crasher: Marinette deduces the reason behind the boys’ absence and lets it go. She actually has a date later with Chat.
Gamer 2.0: Ladybug goes on another date with Chat to chill out. They play video games.
Felix: Ladybug isn’t interested in Adrien and makes that clear. Chat isn’t impressed with his Cousin either. Felix thought Marinette was boring.
Sentibug: Chat has a difficult time telling which Ladybug is his Girlfriend until Ladybug offers to let him cataclysm her earrings. Alya is expelled until Adrien threatens Lila.
Loveater: Adrien and Marinette find out each other is in a secret relationship. Andre’s ice cream gives a further clue. The couple noticeably freak out upon discovering each other’s identity. Kagami is bemused. She finds it confusing how they could be in a secret relationship and not know it was with each other. Marinette babbles our that it was an online game relationship. Later, Kagami leaves the couple alone to bond. She encounters Luka and both commiserate their heartbreak together. BTW, Master Fu was never exposed because Ladybug and Chat Noir didn’t need help. Chloe is irked she wasn’t chosen again.
Adrien and Marinette finally announce their relationship. Chloe and Lila aren’t pleased. Gabriel tries to break them up but Marinette isn’t worried because secret identities do come in handy sometimes.
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White Americans are increasingly opposed to democracy
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In "The Effect of White Social Prejudice on Support for American Democracy," a pair of political scientists used data from the World Values Survey to analyze the rise of authoritarian, anti-democratic rhetoric among American white people.
The authors released a prepub of their work last year; as I wrote then, "White Americans abandoned democracy and embraced authoritarianism when they realized brown people would soon outvote them."
The paper has now been accepted for publication in the Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics, and this has spurred fresh attention for the study and its conclusions.
Writing on NBC, Noah Berlatsky invokes the neo-Nazi Richard Spencer, who said "We need an ethno-state so that our people can ‘come home again’… We must give up the false dreams of equality and democracy."
But he could just as readily have cited Peter Theil's avowed belief that "freedom" is incompatible with "democracy" (because in a democratic system, plutocrats would be outvoted and thus not free to exploit the rest of us).
This is why the GOP is so committed to voter suppression - and why the real  strategic battleground of the civil rights era was voter-registration, not lunch-counters.
But after a brief flirtation with luring conservative, Catholic latinx people to the GOP by making abortion into a wedge issue, the party abandoned that strategy and pivoted to Trumpism, which, at its core, denies the legitimacy racialized people's claims of Americanness.
That's why armed white militias are demanding to know if American indigenous people are "legal." "Legal" doesn't mean "legally in the USA" - it means "white."
But after years of turkeys voting for Christmas, the GOP is struggling to get poor whites to vote for plutocracy - workers are skeptical of claims that they need to submit gracefully to being thrown into a volcano to appease the economy gods.
Which makes the authoritarian turn in US politics all the more frightening - the farmer may have convinced the turkeys to vote for Christmas with honeyed words and big promises, but when the day comes, he's not above wringing their necks.
And while I'm as furious as I can be with the Democratic party, its corporate sellouts, and its garbage policies, the authoritarian turn is mostly owned by the GOP.
"The GOP has dug itself into such a hole on this that the most practical effort to stave off these impending losses is to disenfranchise the votes of the same ethnic/racial outgroups against whom GOP messaging has been stoking animosity.
"Social intolerance isn't just leading to GOP support as we know it and see it now. It's leading to preferences in favor of the kind of candidate the GOP ultimately nominated and supported for president." -Coauthor Steven V Miller
Image: Epoch Times (modified) https://www.flickr.com/photos/142588507@N05/30291415197
CC BY https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/
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skye-huntress · 4 years
RWBY V8 Episode 4 “Fault” Reaction
First episode this volume where we don’t get a Nuts and Dolts hug. I miss them.
Qrow is being more broody than usual, and that’s saying a lot. At least he acknowledges that Clover forced his hand so some part of his brain knows he is not really at fault. He thought he found someone whom he could be around without his semblance putting them at risk but even without Misfortune, relationships are still hard and messy and sometimes just don’t work out. His semblance is really just an extra complication, finding someone who can negate it is not the answer in itself, and in fact maybe the answer to his loneliness is someone he is compatible with who can endure his semblance rather than someone incompatible who can just cheat the odds with their own Good Fortune.
Seems Robyn also has issues forming bonds with people because of her semblance. I didn’t expect that but I can understand why.
Watts still being treated like garbage. I mean, he is, but if you want his help with something so critical maybe don’t antagonise him further. A thought occurs, what if our cell mates in their mutual hatred of Ironwood decide to work together for a breakout? It’d be beneficial for all parties even if they’ll all stab each other in the back after they kill Ironwood.
Team JYR are not having a good time. I figured they would lose at least two of the bikes (the remaining one is obviously Bumblebee 2.0). And Ren is forced to make a choice between saving one friend or two
Hound can definitely command other Grimm and it was a tactical choice it made on its own
New song. Hard to focus on it and all the action going on but it definitely feels themed after our new walking/flying nightmare
So Team RNBW went to Schnee Manor to regroup and recover. That explains how the rest of the Schnee’s get involved enough to earn their spot in the opening
So is Whitley just so consumed by his own problems that he knows nothing about the imminent Grimm invasion?
Also, what more harm could Weiss’ friends do to the Schnee reputation? A corrupt businessman, an alcoholic, a bootlicker, and a fugitive. Then there is Whitley the brown-noser.
I see Blake taking the initiative to comfort Ruby about Yang. Too bad Ruby also took the initiative to check in with her sister only for her to not respond.
So now Salem has Oscar and we have confirmation she is after the location of Beacon’s relic specifically. The Fall must have been over a year ago so it must be well hidden if she hasn’t found it and Oz is keeping the secret even from Oscar. This relic must be especially important if Oz went to more extreme measures to hide it
The Hound can revert back to its original form? It really does change its form to suit its needs
And Hazel is back with his bullshit, committing attrocities in his sister’s name whom would no doubt have killed him herself for a fraction of what he has done.
Cinder is so obsessed with her own powertrip that she has forgotten the pecking order
“Without you, I am nothing.” Saying it once and having it included in the trailer says one thing about the significance of this line but to have it repeated word for word, makes it sound more like a mantra. My first thought is that Salem drilled it into her head, but a possibility exists that she learned it from before she met Salem and that when she traded one abuser for another, she kept the mantra
Neo’s been there for a few hours and even she knows better than to go against Salem but of course Emerald only ever wants to please Cinder and earn her approval and love.
Yang v Ren. As expected, Ren is close to exploding and having a harder time hiding his emotions, especially from himself. If Yang is questioning only some of the decisions they’ve made, Ren is seemingly condemning all of them and not giving any of his friends or himself enough credit for all they accomplished so far.
When Yang was wondering if “she” would approve of her choice not to help with Amity, she was NOT talking about Ruby. Don’t feel bad Jaune, I didn’t catch it right away either.
Jaune realises we are only four episodes into this volume and states the bleeding obvious right before the cliffhanger
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lodane · 4 years
[mod list] Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - The Sith Lords
I assemled this list for myself and friends/family, but I’m also sharing it with the world in case anyone mods like me and finds this useful. Here’s an excerpt from the convo that sparked this list’s formation as it is...
i have a pretty basic approach to mods for kotor 1&2...
1.) no big cheats (petty stuff -- like slightly beefier stats on armor or something idc, nbd, but i don't install "hack pads," or "skip peragus," things like that)
2.) no weird sex shit. in fact, sometimes i use modesty-mods to combat cringe exploitation.
3.) no heavy-handed mods that disqualify you from using a lot of other mods (so, the massive TSL Restored Content mod is basically off the table, sad to say, sorry... maybe one day i can figure out how to make them all work together) [edit: i have made an exception for TSLRCM, because it’s pretty widely accepted by the community at this point, however this adds SIGNIFICANTLY to the whole install order issue.]
4.) i improve textures on characters, items, effects, skyboxes... but i usually don't mess with super high-res texture replacements of the world/surfaces/deco because 4k textures aren't gonna make KOTOR look THAT much better... however it DOES make your system run like garbage and present more render errors.
5.) gotta be canon (for this game/world) as possible.
KOTOR 2 Community Patch 1.5.1 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1280-kotor-2-community-patch/
Hide Weapons in Animations 🔥 https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/53
Darth Malaks Armour https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/9
TSL Jedi Malak Mouth Fix 1.1.0 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1444-tsl-jedi-malak-mouth-fix/
Kotor 1 Texture to Kotor 2 Game Bridge 1.0.0 (note: these textures are the barest necessity, highly suggested even for those that don’t replace textures for quality... but will be overwritten if you load up on HD textures in the latter category) ⚠️ https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1330-kotor-1-texture-to-kotor-2-game-bridge/
JC's Supermodel Fix for K2 1.6 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1141-jcs-supermodel-fix-for-k2/
Maintenance Officer Realistic Reskin 1.1 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/165-maintenance-officer-realistic-reskin/
Darth Nihilus Animation Fix Update https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/1076
Revan Cutscene Forcepower Fix K2 https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/71
Kreia's Fall cutscene (in-game) 1.1 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1228-kreias-fall-cutscene-in-game/
Dahnis Flirt Option for Female PC 1.0 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1400-dahnis-flirt-option-for-female-pc/
Bao Dur Shield Dialogue Restoration 1.1 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1206-bao-dur-shield-dialogue-restoration/
Choose Mira or Hanharr 🔥 https://www.moddb.com/mods/the-sith-lords-restored-content-mod-tslrcm/addons/choose-mira-or-hanharr
Canonical Jedi Exile 1.2 👩 🔥 (note: this is, personally, my fave headmorph.) https://deadlystream.com/files/file/170-canonical-jedi-exile/
PFHA04 Reskin 👩 (dark brown, contour, lips) https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/74
TOR Ports: Meetra Surik AKA Jedi Exile Female Player Head for TSL 1.0.1 👩 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1646-darth333s-ez-swoop-tsl/
Black Haired PMHC04 👨 https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/1025
Darth Sapien's Presents T3M4 HD 2k 1.00 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/514-darth-sapiens-presents-t3m4-hd-2k/
Darth Sapiens presents: HD 2K Visas Marr 1.0 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/519-darth-sapiens-presents-hd-2k-visas-marr/
4k Atton 1.0 (note: only used clothes, resized to 25%) 🗜️ https://deadlystream.com/files/file/441-4k-atton/
Atton Rand with scruff https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/38
Sparkling Mira https://deadlystream.com/files/file/527-sparkling-mira/
TSL Mira Unpoofed 1.0.1 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1733-tsl-mira-unpoofed/
Mira Shirt Edit https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/1075
Player & Party Underwear 2.0 🔥 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/344-player-party-underwear/
Luxa Hair/Body Fix 🔥 (note: INCLUDE outfit change) https://deadlystream.com/files/file/452-luxa-hair-fix/
Darth Sion remake https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/984
Darth Sapiens Presents: HD Darth Nihilus 1.00 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/367-darth-sapiens-presents-hd-darth-nihilus/
TSL Better Male Twi'lek Heads 1.3.1 (note: thin-neck version) https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1432-tsl-better-male-twilek-heads/
Malak with Hair (note: this shit’s canon) https://deadlystream.com/files/file/919-malak-with-hair/
Jedi Journeyman Robes (Luke ROTJ Outfit) 1.0.2 🔥 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1511-jedi-journeyman-robes-luke-rotj-outfit
TSL Bao-Dur's Charged Armor https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/20
TSL Improved Party Outfits 🔥 https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/934
Exile Armor (note: greyscaled in photoshop) 🛃 https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/4
Party Leveler TSL https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/966
Green Level-Up Icon https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/26
Remote Tells Influence (note: appears to not currently work with TSLRCM) ⚠️ https://www.gamefront.com/games/knights-of-the-old-republic-ii/file/remote-tells-influence
Invisible Headgear 🔥 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/736-invisible-headgear/
Darth333's EZ Swoop [TSL] 1.0.0 (note: players say it does currently work with TSLRCM) https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1646-darth333s-ez-swoop-tsl/
note: many of these textures overlap and will overwrite one another. i haven’t listed them in any particular order... except the first two. i suggest, if you really want almost every texture in the game to be upgraded, to install them first and let everything else overwrite according to your prefs. if you wanna keep it simple, i suggest just skipping this and the next category (loading screens)
*KOTOR 2 UNLIMITED WORLD TEXTURE MOD (note: resized to 25%) 🗜️ https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/1062
*Complete Character Overhaul - Ultimate HD Pack (note: resized to 25%) 🗜️ https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/1060
High Quality Blasters https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/919
HD Lightsabers https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/1013
The IceEclipse Power Textures https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/960
Fire and Ice HD https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/25
HD Foot Locker https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/990
TSL Backdrop Improvements https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/922
Improved Peragus Asteroid Fields 1.2 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/321-improved-peragus-asteroid-fields/
Telos Polar Academy Hangar Skybox 1.0.0 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1389-telos-polar-academy-hangar-skybox/
High Quality Ravager Backdrop https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/41
High Quality Stars and Nebulas https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/31
Sith Soldier armor retexture https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/1037
High Poly Grenades K2 https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/1001
HD Muzzle Flash https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/991
KotOR 2 Remastered (AI Upscaled) Cutscenes (note: 720p) https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/1066
K2 - Upscaled maps 🔥 https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/1086
Atris Holocrons https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/949
TSL HD Cockpit Skyboxes 3.1 (High Res TPC) https://deadlystream.com/files/file/931-tsl-hd-cockpit-skyboxes/
More Vibrant Skies 1.0 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/156-more-vibrant-skies/
Vurt's Exterior Graphics Overhaul https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/1044
Ebon Hawk HD - 4X Upscaled Texture (note: resized to 25%)  🗜️ https://www.nexusmods.com/kotor2/mods/1059
Ebon Hawk Model Fixes 2.0 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1033-ebon-hawk-model-fixes/
Peragus Administration Level Room Model Fixes 1.0.0 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1275-peragus-administration-level-room-model-fixes/
Peragus Large Monitor Adjustment 1.0 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/317-peragus-large-monitor-adjustment/
[TSL] Animated Computer Panel 1.1.0 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1385-tsl-animated-computer-panel/
Citadel Station Signage 1.1 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/308-citadel-station-signage/
Replacement Peragus II Artwork by Trench 1.0 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/361-replacement-peragus-ii-artwork-by-trench/
Replacement Texture for Lightning on Malachor V 1.2 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/298-replacement-texture-for-lightning-on-malachor-v/
Peragus Medical Monitors and Computer Panel 1.0.0 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1375-peragus-medical-monitors-and-computer-panel/
TSL Animated Galaxy Map 4.1  https://deadlystream.com/files/file/219-tsl-animated-galaxy-map/
Replacement Loading Screens for KotOR2: Original Pack (with or without TSLRCM) - Part 1 1.1 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1255-replacement-loading-screens-for-kotor2-original-pack-with-or-without-tslrcm-part-1/
Replacement Loading Screens for KotOR2: Original Pack (with or without TSLRCM) - Part 2 1.1 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1256-replacement-loading-screens-for-kotor2-original-pack-with-or-without-tslrcm-part-2/
Replacement Loading Screens for KotOR2: Original Pack (with or without TSLRCM) - Part 3 1.0 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1257-replacement-loading-screens-for-kotor2-original-pack-with-or-without-tslrcm-part-3/
Replacement Loading Screens for KotOR2: Add-On Pack (with or without TSLRCM) 1.3 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1253-replacement-loading-screens-for-kotor2-add-on-pack-with-or-without-tslrcm/
Nar Shaddaa Loadscreens (using Sharen Thrawn skybox and with horizontal overlay) 1.0 https://deadlystream.com/files/file/1238-nar-shaddaa-loadscreens-using-sharen-thrawn-skybox-and-with-horizontal-overlay/
The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM) https://www.moddb.com/mods/the-sith-lords-restored-content-mod-tslrcm
Extended Enclave (TSLRCM add-on) https://www.moddb.com/mods/the-sith-lords-restored-content-mod-tslrcm/addons/extended-enclave-tslrcm-add-on
NPC Overhaul Mod (TSLRCM add-on) (note: this is an inane mess to install, tedious AF, and idk if i can say it’s worth it... but i did it and it didn’t break anything) https://www.moddb.com/mods/the-sith-lords-restored-content-mod-tslrcm/addons/npc-overhaul-mod
Party Swap (TSLRCM add-on) 🔥 https://www.moddb.com/mods/partyswap/news/partyswap-133
Coruscant Scene No Overlay (TSLRCM add-on) https://www.moddb.com/mods/the-sith-lords-restored-content-mod-tslrcm/addons/coruscant-scene-no-overlay
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heartwarminghockey · 7 years
Camp NaNoWriMo Day 13
Y'all, I hit 18k today. Can you believe it? It's not even halfway through the month, and I only have 7k to go to reach my goal! Today went really smoothly, and I'd reached my thousand-word goal before I knew it, so I just kept going! Miles and Jay are the cutest, and I'm really enjoying myself. Today's Words: 2142 Total Words: 18000 Today's Favorite Line: "The best way to woo a librarian's son is an unbridled and passionate love of books."
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fmdminaharchive · 5 years
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001: lipstick title tracks
wordcounter: 1,659
run devil run: when she first sees the skin-tight outfits, minah is a little taken aback. she’s nervous enough for her debut as it is. minah isn’t a naturally alluring person, always on the more reserved side herself, something she has to completely cast aside to suit the image of lipstick. but, luckily, run devil run feel like safe enough baby steps for minah. she gets to ease a little into what bc has in store still for her.
flashback: if run devil run was the kiddie pool, flashback is the deep end. or so minah feels at least. the song itself is nice of course, she has plenty of lines too, but it’s hard to focus on that when there seem to be much more pressing matters. flashback is everything but subtle about how sexy it is and minah has never been someone effortlessly sexy, not in her own eyes. most of the promotions, she spends worrying, about the way she looks, the way she acts, about everything but her since.
get out: it’s the first lipstick song that comes completely natural to her. it’s much less sexy and much more empowering than their previous songs. to minah, it feels like the first opportunity she has to really showcase her voice. maybe because of the strong chorus parts or maybe, because for the first time, she feels like people actually listen.
hoot: minah likes hoot, a lot. there is something very classy about the retro vibe of the song, even if she thinks there isn’t much classy about the shorts they’re wearing.  hoot, if anything, makes her realize that maybe, she’s not too terrible at the whole alluring thing, it’s not all about flashing her body or being sexy, it’s about the way she carries herself. this era, minah might not grow much as a vocalist, but she does as a performer.
dolls: dolls is a damn bop, that’s it, that’s all there is to say. the song is great, minah loves the brassy vibe and again, the slightly retro vibe allows minah to really shine. even years later, dolls remains one of her favorite lipstick tracks. 
first love: if there is one thing minah learns, it’s that pole dancing is incredibly damn hard. she’s always been more of a vocalist than a dancer so the routine for first love is one that takes her an incredible amount of effort. there is a certain charm of course, to both the song and the choreography. but for minah, it was just not it, she much rather focus on singing.
confused: their budget this era? non-existent. which minah thinks is a damn shame. confused was a nice song, one with a more sensual undertone which she was slowly growing into at the time. unfortunately, all people remember from it is how incredibly cheap it was. and that damn couch, of course.
miniskirt: if confused was slightly sensual, miniskirt was confused but on steroids. it, however also was a huge commercial success for lipstick, the biggest on they had met so far, which left little room for minah to complain. it’s a song lipstick still frequently performs, much to minah’s disregard. if you ask her, miniskirt is a bit too tasteless, a bit too out there. 
mr mr:  mr mr was, again, a huge commercial success for lipstick, a song that was covered by many younger girl groups too. and minah likes it for the most part, the styling, the choreo and so on. her only complaint, the electronic, sometimes noisy instrumental. it’s definitely not a style of music minah prefers. if only they could have toned it down a little, she’d probably have enjoyed it some more too.
short hair: if anything, the era was a little forgettable to minah, which, in context of the songs it was release in between, was probably a good thing. it’s still on the almost tastelessly sexy side to minah’s taste, but the pastel coloring at least allows the illusion of something a little more cutesy. it’s not a particularly good song or anything, no one pretends it is, and so it’s easily forgotten again.
like a cat: a song minah would immediately put on the same pile as miniskirt. cheap, heavily sexualized, bordering on uncomfortable and of course, a huge hit. it’s a song she’d forget as soon as possible if she could, but unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to be an option. you know what they say, sex sells.
drama: the first song in a long time minah actually found herself enjoying again. falling more in the vein of previous releases like hoot and dolls, classy over sexy with a nostalgic touch. she likes drama, and well, it’s not like the competition was tough. she’s even willing to forgive those leather harnesses for it, even if their only function was to draw more attention to their boobs.
catch me if you can: noise, just like mr mr had been, a harsh electronic undertone that minah just can’t ever grow accustomed to. the prechorus is nice, she’ll give the song that, the only parts of it that lend for some decent vocal work too, but the rest of it is pure and utter garbage. on top of that, she’s no fan of the choreo either, she’s not a dancer okay.
heart attack: minah knows she asked for more vocally challenging songs but this... this was not what she meant. most of the chorus of heart attack has a pitch that’s near impossible to reach and truly, not very pleasant on the ears. but it’s a little milder than some of their other releases at least, minah will give it that.
hurt locker: a summer bop, it’s not the kind of song minah expects herself to like but it has an energetic punch to it. and yet again, it is much better than a lot of the music they’ve released in the past. minah is no difficult woman, she takes her wins where she can.
good luck: a summer bop 2.0, and really, in retrospect, hurt locker kinda falters in comparison. good luck is a great song, it’s fun and it perfectly captures the summery vibe. for all of that, minah is even willing to forgive the fact the choreo is a little overexaggerated.
party: of course, after two hits of summer songs, it’s to be expected lipstick has a miss. party falls flat in minah’s opinion, especially next to hurt locker and good luck. where she normally finds herself irritated by lipstick’s oversexualized image, this feels immature really and the vocals are little challenging either.
lionheart: the better single on the album. with a classy 20′s concept, it fastly becomes one of minah’s favorite songs, a true breath of fresh air after releasing nothing but songs that left a lot to be desired. it’s sweet, it’s elegant, and it’s perfect for minah.
excuse me: if you told minah she was gonna do a sexy sherlock holmes concept and she’d like it, she probably would have laughed in your face. but excuse me proved her wrong. it feels as like bc knows how to bait her with a retro aesthetic and some nice vocals and well... who is minah to complain.
bing bing: it’s a good song, it’s nice, it has an elegant vibe still, nothing for minah to complain about, especially not with the hand lipstick has been dealt before. but compared to excuse me, it just doesn’t live up. maybe, had the songs been spread out over different albums, minah would have named it one of her top picks.
holiday: remember when minah called party childish? well holiday multiplies that in tenfold. the styling, the song in itself, everything about it. in late 2017, minah can’t help but feel like she’s getting too old for stuff like this.
all night: the better single on holiday night, anyone with taste would say so, minah included. it’s not one of her all-time faves, but she does appreciate it for what it is. also, she’s a sucker for that disco beat it has to it.
bingle bangle: again, minah is really getting too damn old for this. okay, sure, it’s not as bad as party or holiday, and maybe it’s just her, maybe minah has always been a few years beyond her age. but bingle bangle, it just wasn’t for her. she really, really, misses the time where she enjoyed their summer concepts. why did their first comeback without goeun have to be such a weak one?
gun:  those vocals. oh damn. those vocals. gun era didn’t come to play, and minah is here for it. she takes on a large part of the vocals, this time actually interesting ones and never before has she been as determined to prove she is in fact worthy of lipstick’s unofficial new main vocal title. it’s rather on the sexy side, but by now, minah has gained experience, she hasn’t been promoting all these years for nothing.
lil’ touch: minah isn’t gonna lie, the choreo for this one is tough. but it’s so, so worth it. maybe it’s the years of experience, but finally, minah accepts that she can’t keep complaining about dancing, it’s part of the job after all. most of all, lil’ touch assures her lipstick will be just fine.
glue:  after all the dust settles, it’s almost like bc remembers what they had in mind when they started with lipstick. or that’s what minah feels like at least when they release glue. it feels like a song that they could have released around their debut era, or around the time of miniskirt and like a cat. she’s not a fan of it, but well, what can she do other than hope their next comebacks will be better. 
the best of the best...:  dolls, drama, lionheart, excuse me & gun.
...and the worst of the worst:  miniskirt, catch me if you can, party, holiday & bingle bangle.
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hootpoop12 · 5 years
its weird how in the comic roxy hates )(IC and is the one to kill her but on earth c with jane, )(IC reincarnate, she's just like "ehhhh this isnt about politics its about friendship" like ur tellin me roxy would respond to jades death w "lmao time to party w a funeral :)" and be so oblivious that she couldn't see what jane was doing? like thats not roxy sorry but i hate these roxy and jane (altho...jane makes more sense :/) imposters
What they were going for was realistic life developments of the friend who is privileged so can be lazy and fall back on “neutral views” because they’re not the one affected by the bullshit happening and sometimes you have to watch a friend develop into a garbage human being who wont listen to reason....Both I have been through and totally understand where the writers are coming from. 
That said.
These characters are like.....so important to me and to having to deal with this shit in real life is already too much to bear and then seeing this happen in my “happy place” is......so exhausting and honestly kinda painful. On one hand I don’t wanna be that person who insists the writers don’t explore realistic issues and on the other....some of it is so extreme? Jane might’ve shown tendencies but also like......LMAO HITLER 2.0? NAH. Dirk (for the love of god do not send me anymore messages about cal influencing/ult self stuff cause I KNOW) being chosen as the worst guy ever when his arc of trying to better of himself was already SO satisfying?? I’m caught in the worse cycle of “this is bad writing” to “actually it’s dumb to complain about art being gritty/dark when I’m such a believer in art being a tool to explore and develop hard to swallow concepts and I might be upset because I’ve put too much attachment to these fictional characters and that’s not the writer’s problem”. Shit sucks yo lmao
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breathebangtan · 5 years
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Ch. 1: Savior
Genere: FallenGuardianAngel!Jimin, Supernatural
Members: Jimin
Pairings: Jimin x y/n
Synopsis: love is an uncontrollable feeling, even for those who were meant to protect, and only protect. Nothing more and nothing less. Yet somehow, there was always outliers.
Warnings: Cursing, drunk behavior and what not
Word count: 2.5k
A/N: Please like and reblog if you enjoy!
Teaser | Mood board 1.0 | 1.5 | 2.0 | 2.5 | Ch.2
“I’ve got to go now, my lunch break just ended. So, I’ll see you later?” Rae asks through the phone, to which I hum in response. I hang up and toss my phone to the other side of my bed. Lately I’d been spending too much time alone, but I never truly felt alone. It always felt like someone was there with me, and it wasn’t at all an ill feeling. Not creepy, or eerie, or anything, it was actually quite a warm and welcoming feeling. Wasn’t sure why I felt that way, but the amount of warmth and comfort it brought pushed my questioning thoughts away.
Still remember the first time I felt it. I was sat on my living room floor, crying desperately for help. Help that no one would be able to give me. I’d been fired that night, and bills were starting to pile up. I wasn’t sure where I’d find a new job. I’d felt angry and wronged, the only reason I was fired was because of someone else’s mistake. Unfortunately for me, that person had it out for me, blaming their mistake on me purposefully. I remember how the anger and sadness made me feel empty inside. It was like I wasn’t myself, but suddenly everything stopped. My tears had dried up and the emotions I felt had evaporated. All I felt was comfort, warmth, and love. The presence of someone next to my side, yet there was no one there. From that moment on, every time I had felt upset, cried, or even simply felt alone, that feeling came crashing back.
It was hard to get use to the first week, too overwhelming. Over time I got use to it. It quickly became my own personal paradise. My piece of peace. My slice of heaven. I use to hate being alone, but now I couldn’t wait to come home from uni or work to be alone. Summer came after that, but the harsh sun rays that burned my sensitive skin couldn’t compare to the warmth I felt in the unknown presence. Soon I started to feel it all the time, faintly but still there. Of course it was always much stronger when I was alone.
I finally pulled myself out of my thoughts when the sweet smell of banana bread started to fill the apartment. I ran to my kitchen, ready to eat. I just wanted to stay in today, be wrapped up in my blankets and watch a movie marathon or something. Of course, I wouldn’t be able to. Rae had begged me to come to the frat party with her from the moment people started buzzing about it. It’s not like I didn’t like parties. I enjoyed the distressing that followed dancing and listening to the music. Being honest though, I was more into house parties with people I actually knew and cared about. Having fun and making jokes with my friends was easily preferable than frat parties.
Quite frankly, these parties weren’t always so helpful in distressing. Sometimes it would leave me feeling worse. It was always a gamble, and like always, I wasn’t sure which experience I’d get tonight.
Eventually, I gathered the strength to get up and hop in the shower. Didn’t take too long to decide on what to wear. A tight off shoulder black top that reached just above my belly button, along with a tight jean skirt. I fixed my hair and waited in my living room for Rae to call me when she was ready to go. Awhile past by before I finally got a message from her. She was outside.
She was barely walking up the stairs to my door when I stepped out. “Ready to kick off the weekend?” She cheered as she climbed the last two steps. “Of course, this should be fun.” My voice was only semi enthusiastic. I wasn’t trying to be so rude, but I just wasn’t feeling tonight. That, and I had an odd feeling in the pit of my stomach. “There’ll be a lot of cute boys there too!” She nearly squealed in excitement as she said this, making me grimace. “Yup, so many cute boys.” It was so much more obvious this time that I couldn’t care less. I mentally hit myself for letting it be so noticeable, just because I didn’t care didn’t mean I needed to ruin her night. “Oh, come on!” She pulled on my arm as we walked. “What?” I smiled innocently, hoping she’d let it go. Thankfully she did.
Finally after a long walk, we made to the party. The music thumping against my eardrums as soon as we stepped in. My first reaction was to look for drinks. I would need a few to be able to hold out long enough. Once I had two red cups filled with liquor in my hands, I walked back to Rae. Handing one of the cups to her. She thanked me and made her move on a guy she was crushing on for the past month. I rolled my eyes unconsciously as I made my way to socialize with another crowd.
Thankfully the night was going great. I had made a couple new acquaintances who were very funny. Talking to a couple familiar faces here and there. “We have Mr. Spencer’s class together, don’t we?” A familiar guy asked. He wasn’t wrong, he sat three rows ahead of me in class. His name was Leo. He was an alright student, the class knew him for being a jokester. Which our teacher enjoyed as he was somewhat of a clown himself. Always incorporating jokes into his lectures. “Yeah, it’s nice to see you, how are you enjoying the party?” I asked him, taking another sip of my drink. He ended up being really nice and stuck around for awhile. Which was nice and all, but I was afraid he was getting the wrong idea. The whole situation made me walk away and look for Rae again.
I had finally found her after a while of searching the place. She started gushing at me the second she saw me. “We fucken kissed! Y/n! He kissed me!” She dramatically placed her hand over her forehead and let her head fall back, as if she’d faint. “I’m not dreaming am I?” I could only giggle at her school girl behavior. She spent a long half hour telling me how she couldn’t believe he’d kissed her and she swore it couldn’t be real. That’s when Leo came around. He was leaning against the wall opposite of me. He was just there, watching me dance with Rae, and it had started making me uncomfortable after a while. Which lead me to just stand there and talk to Rae, in hopes he’d go away. To my luck, however, she noticed him too.
“He obviously likes you, just talk to him already!” Rae gives me a little push forward, in attempts to get me over to him. “I came to have fun, not get laid. Thank you.” I snort at her. Bestfriend or not, she needs to stop trying to get me to sleep with any piece of meat that walks in. This wasn’t the first time she had tried it. “Come on, live a little.” Rolling my eyes, I get ready to walk away. “I’m trying to but you won’t let me. Look, I think I know what I need and want better than you.” Empty red cup in hand, I walk into the kitchen to fill it up. Not knowing if the pounding in my head was a headache or the sickening base of the music playing.
I let the cold liquid slip down my throat before tossing the cup in the garbage can. This place was getting dull, I couldn’t see a reason to stay. I checked my pockets and bag to make sure I had all my belongings with me before I walked out the door. The music started to fade away in the background. The pain in my head calming.
Usually I wouldn’t have left a party so soon. I’d be on the dance floor, enjoying myself. However, tonight Rae insistence on finding me someone to go home with was utterly annoying and off putting. I couldn’t understand why she was so persistent about it. Too focused on Rae, I hadn’t noticed the foot steps that had steadily followed me for four blocks. My hearts palpitations started going crazy. I had been in my fair share of altercations, you’d think I’d be use to it, but no. Each time, my body entered a panic mode.
The pounding in my head came back as soon as I realized not much was left to my apartment. Who ever was following me would know where I lived. The panic started pumping through my veins like crazy. My ears buzzing at the sound of his footsteps getting closer and faster. What would I do?
“Slow down for me, yeah?” The man's voice brought shivers to my spine, despite the heat of the night. God could only help me now. I tried my best to just ignore him and keep walking faster. “Hey! I said slow down.” A strong hand gripped my forearm, yanking me back. “Aren’t you going to invite me over to your place?” The man’s face was familiar. It belonged to a friend that was standing next to Leo as he had watched Rae and I dance. I hadn’t even noticed his stares at me until now. Seeing his face placed the image in my head again. How did I not see him before?
“Look, I’m not looking for anything tonight, yeah? So how about we drop this?” I shook his hand off my forearm and turned around to keep walking. All of the alcohol seemed to be out of my system from this situation, a cold sweat washing over me. Not even two steps in, and he had his hand on me again. “Come on, I’ll make you feel good.” His hand traveled down to my waist, to which I quickly pushed away. His words filled my mouth with a bitter taste, making me grimace. “I said no.” My voice was meant to be affirmative but it was weaker than I intended. “Hey! Don’t walk away from me!” I could tell from his voice alone he was too drunk to function and just hoped he’d trip or something and pass out.
“She said no, why don’t you get out of here.” A blonde man, with a white sweater on walks up to us. The second he had walked up to us, I felt the familiar feeling of warmth, comfort, and love. Although, my body wasn’t responding to it like before. Instead it felt like it did the first week. Overwhelming and blinding, but it was twice as strong compared to that time.
“Why should I?” The creep from the party pokes. To intoxicated to realize that he’s not getting any tonight. “Haven’t I already made it clear? I. Am. Not. Interested.” Just my luck, why did I always have to get into these types of altercations? The panic state my body had been in was starting to fade. It’s not like I wasn’t worried about the whole situation, it’s just that the annoyance I was starting to feel overpowered it. Oddly enough, it was like that warm feeling was making me feel safe, like nothing would happen.
“You heard the lady. Leave, or else.” The poor guys attire didn’t exactly make him look like a threat, making me unsure of how seriously the tool in front of us would take him. “Or else what? What’s a fluff ball like you going to do? Huh?” He counters, flicking a strand of the shorter man’s hair, a light chuckle leaving his throat. Albeit, he wasn’t much taller. “You don’t want to know, trust me.” His voice came off assertive, nothing dark laced on it, but it sure as hell was packed with a certain type of power I’d never heard before. Leaving a tingle in my spine that told all my senses that, this man may look like he can’t take much, but looks weren’t always everything. The drunk man seems caught off guard for a moment as well, but he soon laughs it off. Not taking him seriously. White sweater next to me, suddenly turns and looks me dead in the eyes, “Walk away, yeah? I’ll deal with him.” He starts to jolt me forward, away from the two of them.
However, this jerk that doesn’t take no for an answer grips my shoulder. “She’s not going anywhere with you! I saw her first!” He yells, suddenly slamming me into his body, tight arm around my waist. “What the fuck? I’m not a piece of meat you can just call dibs on!” I yell back, shoving him away with my elbow. Quite possibly an all too ballsy move. He grunts in return, as my elbow had jabbed at his ribs. “You bitch!” He yells, raising his hand to hit me, lucky for me, my reflexes kick in. “Don’t you dare touch her.” The blonde guys voice commands him, stopping his hand in the air.
“Fine, I’ll go through you first.” He spits back. He starts swinging, but my rescuer perfectly doges each one. An impressed smile forms on my lips, but it doesn’t last long. The creep was starting to get irritated at his missed punches, causing him to look at me with anger in his eyes. “All because of some dumb slut? Have her!” He grunts as he pushes me, elbows hitting the ground first, breaking my fall. It causes a pain to rush up my arms at the sting. “I told you not to touch her.” The guys voice sounds lower than before. He turns to me. “Do as I say, walk away and don’t look back, now.” He tells me, and my body seems to answer to his words over my own thoughts. It’s like his voice switched on the autopilot function in my body.
I’m not too far when I realize that I never heard any grunts of pain, or the sickening sound of punches. What was going on? I wanted to turn back and see if my rescuer was ok. My body just wasn’t responding to me. My apartment complex was in view when I finally regained control of my body. Taking the chance to look back. Nothing was in the distance, and instead the blonde man was running to catch up to me. “You Alright?” I just nodded at his question, to confused as to what had happened after I walked away.
“Look at your arms, does it sting?” He questioned me as he delicately held my arm, turning it to inspect my scraped elbow. They were both bleeding worse then I had expected. “Do you have a first aid kit?” I was too overwhelmed by the warm feeling rushing back to me when he had come up to me again. “I don’t have band aids.” I blurt out, it’s barely audible, as if my mouth had run dry. “Let’s go buy some then, huh?” His voice asks the question, but his body language almost commands it. I follow him to a drug store near my apartment complex. God, what was happening? I felt dizzy with this feeling inside me and I didn’t know what to do.
I just hoped I didn’t faint before I got home.
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zorostan · 5 years
16, 24, 28
16. What book has been on your tbr pile the longest
so many books... I have the bad habit of rereading my favorite books unstead of give a chance to the new ones.
I am procrastinating to finish ash princess since ever
24. Have you read a book that was really hyped up but you didn't enjoy?
House of earth and blood by sarah j maas. I can't believe how overrated she is. That book is so bad and literally the same garbage she did before.
28. Fist book that comes to your mind, tell us about it. Rant.
Since I just finished House of earth and blood, there's my rant about it:
Guys, is bad.
Sarah J. Maas had the nerve of write 500+ times the word fuck (which is her definition of new adult, I suppose).
And yet, it's just more of the same.
She tried to insert new creatures on her book but I swear, everybody just sounds as the same old boring faes.
The world is confusing and there's so many useless infodump.
Well, about the plot: Bryce is a half fae super badass hot and party girl (really, maas?) who had your perfect life ruined when her best friend with an exacly same personality as hers dies in a tragic way.
Then bryce meets Hunt (a demon hunter) / Angel / alphahole / rowan 2.0) and both starts an "epic journey together" while share a lot of hot scenes and insults.
Basically, I hated everything. the sex scenes made me cringe and everything is so obvious and boring. I can't stan mary sues characters and Bryce is a perfect example of one.
And not to mentione the lack of representation AGAIN. There's no poc characters (Gold Brown skin DOESNT count) or plus size characters and the lgbt+ are barely mentioned.
That's all. One star is too much. Please don't waste your time on it.
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