#garcia flynn deserved christmas
secretnerdprincess · 6 years
I miss Garcy.
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celtrose-ish · 5 years
So, If anyone else wants to cry tonight.. there's this
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yes-ladyofthelake · 6 years
I’m still bitter
It’s been two months since the Timeless finale and I am still upset. Here are some more memes I made after the movie that I want to share with y’all. My sentiments remain the same. Enjoy.
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potterandpromises · 6 years
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drlucypreston · 5 years
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yep, i made another mix. mostly a general flynn mix with strong garcy overtones. this is almost meant to be his reflections whilst dying, looking back from sao paulo to everything that happened after, and then the final song is from lucy’s perspective because we’d all like to forget the ending we got, honestly. enjoy!
when i met death // right away, great captain!
i knew i was hiding between the good in you, and me
helplessly hoping // home free
heartlessly helping himself to her bad dreams, he worries did he hear a goodbye? or even hello?
city on fire // tyler hilton
my heart grew dense like ancient wood, choking out the last of my good
soldiers // ben howard
if this goes wrong again will you pretend that you know steady as the morning and just go?
fountain of sorrow // jackson browne
and while the future’s there for anyone to change still, you know, it seems it would be easier sometimes to change the past
for island fires and family // dermot kennedy
but wasn’t it love soon as we knew each other properly? living ‘bout half right til a certain person got to me
house of memories // panic! at the disco
i think of you from time to time, more than i thought i would you were just too kind
if i say // mumford and sons
if you were given one more chance, would you bring me back to life? bring me back into the light
monday flowers // andrew mcmahon in the wilderness
he left her on a friday, her saturday was shot the bells in the cathedral rang on sunday but monday flowers were all she got
hydra // belle mt.
take me back to hydra give me back my youth
some die young // laleh
but you better hold on so many things i need to say to you please don't, don't let me go
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captcas · 6 years
Merry Christmas 🎄
to garcia flynn only
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This will be part of a 12 Days of Garcy thing I’ll be cross posting on AO3!
Garcia Flynn was not having a good day. His team was full of incompetent morons, his time machine was not working as it should be and he couldn't feel his toes. He almost wishes he could stop breathing so his breath would stop fogging his eye line.
1939. Illinois. No, it does not have any significance to him or Rittenhouse. The Mothership short circuited and they had to emergency land. By luck, they were able to land in an abandoned warehouse so they could work on the machine. Unluckily, and in Flynn's words, the tool kit that is kept on board is govno.
From underneath the Mothership, he hears a few people shuffling about and some shushing from Karl. Flynn ignores this and keeps working. A throat clears.
"Brought you something, boss." It's definitely Karl. Flynn inwardly groans. "Call it a Christmas present." Karl laughs stupidly.
Flynn continues to ignore him, manages to not tell him to sod off and focuses on his project. There's no sound or movement for several seconds. Obviously, it was not that important. As soon as he's done, Flynn was going to have a word about interrupting when it's not impor-
"Get your hands off of me!"
That makes him stop what he's doing and freeze. Was that-?
"I told you not to touch me!"
That was definitely Lucy Preston, and she was not happy. But what the hell was she doing here?
Flynn wheels out from under the machine as sees Lucy and Karl standing a few feet away. Lucy seems paler than usual, her cheeks and the tip of her nose were cherry red and there was a slight tremor in her hands. Which are cuffed. He looks to Karl who has a smug smirk and look of satisfaction. Flynn clenches his jaw, and fist, and stands up. 
"What is she doing here?" His voice was low, and would seem calm to anyone else. However, Karl's demeanor completely changes. Shit.
"I- we, uh, found her wondering around. I-I thought—"
Lucy scoffed at the lie. They ambushed her and her team.
"No. No, you didn't think. You never do." He's still not yelling. He doesn't even seem angry. But everyone knew he was pissed. Karl would be lucky to make it out of 1939. A shiver went down Lucy's spine. "I told you not to touch her!"
Lucy is somewhat taken aback by this. She knows by now that she is invaluable to him and that he wouldn't hurt her but he has kidnapped her before.
"Why are you still standing there? Uncuff her!" His voice raises just a little this time. "Where did you even get those?"
Karl scrambles to Lucy and searches his pockets frantically. Lucy catches a glimpse of his shit-I'm-done-for expression and her heart quickens. The cuffs weren't too tight but they definitely were not comfortable. And certainly would not be comfortable to be in indefinitely. She looks to Flynn. He catches the look in her eye immediately.
"Karl, where's the damn key?"
Karl is still digging through all of his pockets. "I-I had it right here. I don't, I can't find it. I had it right here!"
"Come this way, Karl."
It was almost cartoonish, the way Lucy could hear Karl gulp. Surely Flynn wouldn't kill him. Not in front of her at least.
Flynn just stands there for a moment, like he's contemplating something. "I gave you specific instructions to not touch her. And not only do you do just that, you handcuff her and lose the damn key!"
"They're always in the way! I thought, I figured we could-"
He doesn't finish his sentence as Flynn's fist collides with his nose before he can even blink. Lucy flinches behind him but honestly, he deserved it, she wasn't exactly sorry about it.
"Go find it! You're not leaving until you do, so I suggest you move quickly."' Karl just stands there, holding his nose. "Now!"
Lucy watches as he scurries off. She looks back at Flynn who's walking back towards the mothership. She huffs. She's not exactly sure what she expected him to do but it wasn't to be ignored. He's digging around inside the machine, muttering phrases in his mother tongue. She looks around the building, not really sure what to do.
It's 1939 and they're stuck in Illinois. The Second World War would start in September. It's mid-January. Lucy vaguely recalls 1939 being the coldest winter in the US but she doesn't remember exactly. It definitely feels like that to her. The thought brings her back to earth and she shivers. Her toes feel like ice, her nose is runny and the cold metal cuffs were not at all helping. She walks towards the ship, finds an empty wooden crate and decides she might as well sit down.
"Why are you here?"
Flynn stops rummaging around and looks at her. "What?"
"Here. Illinois. '39." Flynn makes an 'o' with his mouth, decides he's done looking for whatever he was looking for and steps out. "When I first heard you'd jumped to 1939, I thought for sure it would be toward the end of the year. Not... this." She gestures around her.
He huffs out a laugh. He thinks about whether or not he should actually tell her why they ended up here. "We uh, we didn't plan on it actually. Something happened with the Mothership. Emergency landing."
Lucy wants to laugh but can't quite bring herself to. "That is, really unfortunate."
"Yeah." He looks at her again and then starts walking around the building, still searching for something. Lucy just watches him and brings her arms close to her chest. This continues for about five minutes before Lucy feels like she'll explode.
"What are you looking for?"
Her sudden tone change gives him a start. "Was looking for something to cut those off. Or at least apart."
Well now Lucy feels bad. He was...trying to help. Lucy sighs. "Sorry, I just-"
"No, no. You don't have any reason to apologize. I... You're freezing."
He notices how much she's shivering, her nose is still bright red and she doesn't have many layers on. He jumps into the Mothership again and grabs his coat and a blanket. "It's all I have."
He sits down next her and she immediately feels warmth coming from his body. He throws his coat around her shoulders and the blanket across her lap. She watches him, confused. His attentiveness was almost startling compared to the recent behavior she's seen him display, the havoc he can reek.
"I..I'm sorry you're here. I didn't think about the fact that you guys would be here too."
And now he was apologizing? Lucy didn't know what to say. "Might need a better pilot."
Flynn actually chuckles. He nods. "Uh yeah. Maybe."
"Wait, don't kill anyone. I'm sure it wasn't their fault."
Flynn is hurt that she would immediately think that he would just off and kill someone. But given his recent behavior, he shouldn't be surprised. He sighs. "I'm not going to kill them, Lucy. Not even Karl."
Lucy snickers at that. "Not even Karl."
Lucy is grateful for the added weight around her shoulders and the warmth provided by the coat and blanket, even if it wasn't enough to completely thaw her. Even Flynn's body heat was radiating off of him in waves, making her feel comfortable. Was he not freezing as well? He had a turtleneck and a jacket on but it was definitely not for the 20 some degrees it was here. She wanted him to scoot closer. Even if it was just a little bit. Just a little-
"Where is Wyatt? And Rufus?"
"Uh," she's startled out of her thoughts. "Shouldn’t be far if they follow the footprints in the snow. Your guys managed to sneak up behind them and knock them out. It was about the only smart thing they did considering my team could just... follow the tracks in the snow."
Flynn scoffs. "Yeah, didn't exactly bring them on for their brains." A beat. “Well, now you know I'm not here to do anything, you should really get back. We don't want you getting frostbite or something. It's about -12 out there."
"Negative 12?!"
"Well, Celsius. I think its like... 10 in Fahrenheit. Still... cold."
(Well, he didn't want her to freeze to death. How touching. He could scoot closer if he didn't want that to happen.)
"I could take you to them. Or to the Lifeboat." He says after a moment. "I am sorry about the cuffs but that should be an easy fix in the present. I couldn't find anything here to break them with."
Lucy was too tired and too cold to walk. "They'll try and kill you."
"They'll try and kill me here, too."
“Hmm." Lucy can feel her eyes start to droop. She decides, to hell with it, and scoots closer to him herself. She lays her head on his shoulder and sighs. Finally. She mumbles, barely coherent, "You're warm."
She feels him tense up under her cheek and she swears he stops breathing. She knows she'll regret this later when Wyatt and Rufus burst in, guns blazing, and see her cuddling with the enemy but she really doesn't care right now. She doesn't know how long Flynn held his breath but she feels the rise and fall of his shoulder and his muscles relax.
"Alright, Snow White." He stands up, taking his warmth with him.
Lucy blushes, finally feeling some sort of warmth in her cheeks, and feels she's overstepped. She's just about to apologize when he reaches his arms out. "May I?"
“You need to get back before you get sick. I can carry you back."
"You don't have to do that. I'm sure I can-"
He shakes his head. "Lucy."
She sits there for a minute. She feels so cold she doesn't want to move at all, she certainly doesn't want to walk around in the snow. He was also very warm and was being very courteous. Lucy blushes again. "I... okay."
He leans down and with almost no effort, picks her up bridal style. He makes sure that the blanket stays across her and he holds the coat around her shoulders. She settles, quite comfortably, into his chest.
"Do you think you could get me to the Lifeboat?"
His voice vibrates in his chest and against her ear. Lucy nods. "Or to Wyatt and Rufus, at least."
"Alright, let's go."
Lucy remembers that he's wearing next to nothing to shield him from the cold. "Wait, are you gonna be warm enough? You're wearing hardly anything."
"I'll be fine."
Lucy isn't convinced but knows she won't be able to change his mind. She guides them the best she can. They find Wyatt and Rufus pretty quickly.
As soon as Wyatt spotted Flynn, he raised his gun. "Put her down."
Flynn rolled his eyes and continued to hold her. "She's fine. You guys need to leave. Where's the Lifeboat?"
"Like hell. What did you do?"
"Wyatt, I am fine." Lucy feels like she should have Flynn put her down now. "You, uh, you can put me down."
"I can take you the rest of the way. You just gotta tell them off." He says it just low enough that she can hear.
Lucy really should get down and walk the rest of the way. Wyatt and Rufus are going to have too many questions if she agrees to have him carry her to the Lifeboat. Questions she doesn't want to deal with, questions she's sure she doesn't even know the answer to herself. But. She doesn't think Wyatt could carry her all the way, nor does she really want him too. Her toes feel too frozen to keep her on balance. (He's still so warm, her brain needlessly reminds her.)
"Uh," Lucy doesn't know what to do. She has three people waiting on her answer. "He's not here for anything. This is his one and only Get Out of Jail Free card." She feels Flynn breathe out of his nose, like he wants to laugh. She looks to Wyatt and he doesn't look convinced. He looks confused in fact. She needs to add something... "And he... saved my life."
Flynn looks down at her and squints his eyes, a question in them. He nods along, however, and looks to Wyatt. "You guys need to get out of here before you, before she freezes to death." Flynn could care less if Wyatt and Rufus freeze to death.
"If he saved your life, why are you cuffed?" Rufus speaks up this time.
Lucy had almost forgotten about the cuffs. "Look, I can explain things now or we can get the hell out of here."
Wyatt slowly lowers his gun and Flynn continues walking. Wyatt and Rufus trailing several feet behind but watching with an eagle eye. What the hell?
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Chapters: 8/11 Fandom: Timeless (TV 2016) Rating: Mature Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Garcia Flynn/Lucy Preston, Rufus Carlin/Jiya, Jessica Logan/Wyatt Logan Characters: Lucy Preston, Garcia Flynn, Wyatt Logan, Rufus Carlin, Jiya (Timeless), Denise Christopher, Connor Mason, Emma Whitmore, Jessica Logan Additional Tags: Implied/Referenced Suicide, Implied Relationships, Fix-It of Sorts, Angst, Depression, Friends to Lovers, Heartbreak, christmas isn’t cannon, I know it’s been done a hundred times but this is my version, Everyone deserved better than they got in that finale, Canon-Typical Violence Summary: 
Lucy suffers a major depression after Chinatown and the subsequent events both in the bunker and in part one of the finale. She makes the most simple of choices and resets the timeline but the personal consequences don’t change. Everyone has to work their way through it and still take out Rittenhouse (because you can’t tell me an excellent villain like Emma would just cave like that). 
Feeling quietly proud of myself for getting this far through a story in a month. 😊
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ageless-aislynn · 5 years
5 Fav Male Characters
Tagged by the awesomesauce @nalufever​ Thanks so much! :D
1. Harrison Wells/Eobard Thawne, The Flash
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Technically Eobard-as-Harrison isn’t the same as all of the versions of Harrison Wells we’ve seen, I know, but HE HAS HIS FACE SO I’MMA COUNTING HIM AS A (DIS)HONORARY WELLS. :P ;)
Anyway, I do love all variations of Harrison Wells but a special shout-out to Harry, just ‘cause. And darn it, Eobard, you know I love you despite your evil ways. ;)
2. Ben Solo/Kylo Ren, Star Wars: The Force Awakens/The Last Jedi/The Rise of Skywalker
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I just pretend the last, like, 10 seconds or so of his screen time in TRoS just DOESN’T EXIST and it makes me a happier person. We did get a redeemed Ben Solo and a beautiful Reylo kiss, so I take what comfort I can from that. Still, he deserved better but... ah well. I love him and I always will. Don’t worry, boo, fics and vids will make it all better. ;) ♥
3. Captain Christopher Pike, Star Trek: Discovery
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Yeah, so I just flat-out, 1001% LOVE MY GORGEOUS CAPTAIN. And it’s not just because he’s beautiful eye-candy (though he is ;) ) but I love his kindness. He has a strength that isn’t about ego and toxic masculinity, he’s willing to listen to other points of view and, if he realizes he was wrong, he acts accordingly. I just.. I need a real life Christopher Pike, okay? I just do. ;)
4. Nyx Ulric, Kingsglaive
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Yep, he’s hot. *ba-dum-tsss* ;) But beyond that, my boy is covering his broken heart with about 30 layers of snark that Luna cuts through like they’re not even there. I love him so much. *draws flaming hearts all around him* ;)
5. Garcia Flynn, Timeless
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Much like the last few minutes of TRoS, we DO NOT SPEAK OF THE TIMELESS CHRISTMAS MOVIE IN THIS HOUSE. NO. The last we saw of Flynn, he was about to give Lucy True Love’s Kiss and that was going to heal all of their wounds, both physical and emotional and THEY WERE GOING TO GET THEIR FAMILIES BACK AND THEN HAVE A WONDERFUL REST OF THEIR LIVES TOGETHER.
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Seriously, though, Flynn is such a complex character. When you meet him in s1, he just seems like a boo-hiss villain but then you keep getting these glimmers that there’s more to him. I began to really get intrigued by his relationship with Lucy. By the time s2 rolled around, though, I was a full-on Garcy convert. He took this awesome character journey of being willing to do anything to achieve his goals to beginning to care about other people. The main thing I loved in s2, besides all of the Garcy, of course, was how he began working with the other members of the team as well.
I have to include this scene! It makes me laugh every time, lol! FLYNN IT UP, FLYNN! (Warning for blood and up-close gun violence at 1:07. The only part of it I wish had been toned down. ;) )
5b. Din Djarin, The Mandalorian
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Look, he’s just a Single Space Dad Doing The Best He Can, okay??? ;) He’s both a badass and a bit of a dork and I love him so much for that, I can’t even tell you! I had to squish him in here because you can’t leave out the Mando!dad, it just isn’t done! ;) ♥♥♥
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secretnerdprincess · 6 years
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Bonus secret Santa present for @kateera since her story inspired me. #Garcy #GarcySecretSanta
Twelve Days of Christmas
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4evertimeless · 6 years
Finale... basically
I made a really salty summary of the finale. Honestly I’m not that mad about it, like I’m disappointed but this was also kinda expected given how little time two hours is to wrap up a show like Timeless. So please understand this is not me attacking ships or the writers or inciting any sort of meanness. This is merely me being sarcastic and obnoxious (and hopefully a lil funny) cause I’m annoyed. If you loved the finale that’s cool, (I liked parts of it too) but maybe don’t read this
1. Future!Lucy and Wyatt come back and tell the team... absolutely nothing??? Except that only Lucy and Wyatt can read the journal and figure out how to get Rufus back. (This of course ends up not being true)
2. Lucy and Wyatt read the journal in order to get info about Lucy’s love life and give Wyatt a chance to reiterate his regrets
3. They go back to the gold rush
4. Lucy and Flynn have a brief conversation in which Flynn tells Lucy she is in love with Wyatt and she says “ok”
5. The team try to make a plan to save Rufus
6. Flynn sneaks off without telling anyone, kills Jessica in the past, sees his fam knowing they are going to die (and does nothing!) Then for some reason stays in the past to die????
7. #SaveDRufus
8. No more Zorro
9. “Flynn is dead. We are sad. He was a hero. We all secretly liked him.” Except that Wyatt practically hated him up until this moment and, oh that’s right Denise, Connor and Rufus literally have no memory of him ever being in their team (or if they do they are different memories than those of season 2)
10. “We could save him... but no, we gotta stop Rittenhouse.”
11. It’s a trap!
12. Save a baby because (a) Lucy finally learned you need to save the little guys (unless they are Flynn and Amy) and (b) Wyatt gets to be really sweet
13. Jiya and Rufus bond and move past their issues (which were what exactly?)
14. Lucy and Wyatt: “gosh, everyone else seems to have forgotten about that season two Jessica nonsense. Maybe we should to.”
15. Emma, the genius scientist and over all insanely dedicated Rittenhouse member, becomes the leader and decides: “I don’t care about Rittenhouse, I just wanna be rich and I want lots of art!” (She’s never shown any interest in either before)
16. Agent Christopher to the rescue!
17. Emma dead
18. Merry Christmas everyone!
19. Rittenhouse is... gone????
20. Let’s pick it up from the first half of Hollywood!
21. 🎶 Time keeps on slippin... into the future🎶
22. We named are kids after them!
23. Riya is happy, and a business now!
24. Let’s go start this all over again
25. In which: (a)Lucy purposefully goes to the past when Flynn is at his absolute lowest to send him on a self destructive mission (b) is totally chill when seeing her dead friend for the first time in five years (c) doesn’t give him anything of encouragement for the mission aside from “you’ll be a hero in the end” which I’m pretty sure Flynn never cared about (d) the entire team is now the reason that Flynn kills a bunch of people (which is the reason why he’s bad and “doesn’t deserve a happy ending”) (e) for some reason broken and lonely and depressed Garcia Flynn jumps at this idea like “gee! Can’t wait for all this pain which will eventually lead to two people thinking I was kinda a hero!”
26. Montage... ya know for the nostalgia
27. Look at this smart girl, off to make a time machine and destroy history!
28. Show runners: “ˢᵒᵐᵉᵒⁿᵉ... ᴬⁿʸᵒⁿᵉ...ᴾˡᵉᵃˢᵉ ᵖᶦᶜᵏ ᵘˢ ᵘᵖ ᶠᵒʳ ᵃⁿᵒᵗʰᵉʳ ˢᵉᵃˢᵒⁿ!”
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Timeless: The Miracle of Christmas (Reaction & Thoughts) part 2
"They sent you to protect her too?"
"We were on a break and it was the best 6 months of my life by the way." - Jessica
So incoming soapbox:
Ummm... I know no marriage is rainbows and sparkles. But if your talking to THE ONE OR THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE.... you don't say that.
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Wyatt DEFINITELY made their marriage sound better than it actually was...
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Flynn with the double-tap!!!!
"Never thought I'd say this but we could really use our tall friend right about now." - Wyatt
"Sounds like Flynn is really Flynning it up out there." - Jiya
"Merry Christmas you filthy animals." - Rufus
"Ummm. Jeez, leave me alone for one second." - Rufus
"I think I'm gonna have to let you get captured more often." - Rufus
"Does that mean I gotta hug him too??" - Rufus
I'm glad Jess is gone but I REALLY DON'T LIKE WYATT HURT!!!!!
"I guess this is why you end up with Flynn." - Wyatt
"I don't.. I don't end up with him." - Lucy
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Joaquin use that money to go on with life.
Wyatt looking back at Lucy!!!!!
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WYATT KNOWS SOMETHING IS WRONG. And goes over to make sure Lucy is ok.
"I know with time you'll forgive Wyatt, because you love him. And deep down you know he was just trying to do the right thing.... I hope you get everything you want in life. I hope you can be happy. I one day you'll get to have a family of your own." - Flynn
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To Garcia...
OMG!!!! A CALL OUT TO JAN!!!!! YASSSSS. Jan is Rittenhouse!!!
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Joaquin never went on that killing spree... wait was that because of Flynn or Rufus???
I live for these soft Riya moments!!!
"I'm pretty sure you're not Harry Potter. So what's with the scar??" - Rufus
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"I guess with Jessica gone. We were..." - Wyatt
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Let's just say that ANYTIME Wyatt and/or Lucy have ANY kind of moment. I DIE!!!
" You know he lied to me about the name of Jessica's killer. 'Cause when you think about it, it was him all along. I spent all this time trying to find the person that ruin my life. I never even considered the fact that he was actually trying to save it." - Wyatt
Wyatt wants to make Lucy happy by getting her sister back!!!
" I don't want to live in a world where we're not just Lucy and Wyatt." - Wyatt
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"But After everything that's happened. How can we a know what we know?" - Lucy
Ok... AGAIN I NEVER KNEW ABOUT THE HUNGNAM EVACUATIONS!!! Why aren't we being taught about this!?!?
These Gifs are not mine. But if they are yours and you would like credit. Please let me know.
Gif Credits: @chloeswans
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jbuffyangel · 6 years
Timeless 2x11 Reaction: “The Miracle of Christmas Part 1 and 2″
And thus Timeless is officially over. How did the writers fair with the series finale aka The Timeless movie? Pretty freakin’ fantastic.
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Let’s dig in...
It’s been several months between Timeless’ Season 2 finale and their series finale tonight, so the writers wisely include a “Previously on Timeless.” We flashback to all their adventures while Unhappy Future Lucy (who looks a little scary if I’m being honest) narrates. It helps because I seriously forgot her mother is dead. (They kill Susanna Thompson on every damn show!)
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The beginning is a little jarring because storylines I expected to happen in a season or two are all happening RIGHT NOW. My brain needs time to downshift, but I eventually adjust.
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First things first - dealing with the third point in the love triangle, Garcia Flynn. Timeless isn’t interested in drawing out the shipper war because Wyatt and Lucy are kind of a mess. They require some screen time so they are fixed in a realistic manner. 
Scary Future Lucy gives Present Day Lucy and Wyatt her diary. Spoiler alert: Lucy hooks up with Flynn. Spoiler alert: They break up sometime down the road because she is really in love with Wyatt. They play out Lucy and Flynn’s entire relationship in under 3 minutes. I’m not joking when I say they breeze through three to four seasons worth of triangle.
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I love Goran Visnjic, and while I adore Lucy and Wyatt, I was never opposed to Lucy and Flynn. I mean yeah he’s a murderer. That’s a real negative, but it’s friggin Goran Visnic. Have you seen this guy? He’s so hot. Where Dr. Luca goes so goes my nation.
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Kidding aside, the writers convey the depth of Lucy and Flynn’s relationship with just a few lines, which is an impressive writing achievement. I love how Flynn is all “I can’t believe you date me because I tried to kill you a bunch of times.” HAHAHA. Classic. And true! Ah the joy of television romance. But it ain’t gonna be you Flynn, so mosey along big fella. 
Jessica is not pregnant. UGH. I HATED THIS STORYLINE SO MUCH. 
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I appreciate the writers giving it a fast and hard death, but this is one of the ways I think Season 2 went wrong. Timeless is a show that defied the typical television tropes and that’s what made it so interesting in Season 1.  However, I think their Season 2 renewal, and desire to snare more viewers, created a “throw everything, but the kitchen sink” mentality. 
They used every romance trope they could think of in Season 2 to see what would stick. It was just... not good. I don’t blame Timeless anymore than I do any other show that does this (and it’s pretty much all of them). It was just disappointing to see the show move in this direction, when previously they’d been so good at avoiding those kinds of storylines.
Flynn sacrifices himself by going back to 2012 to kill Jessica, so Rufus never dies. REDEMPTION ARC BITCHES!!! YESSSS!! 
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Seriously, he is so bad ass. Flynn puts a couple bullets in Jessica (plus one extra to be sure) after a ninja knockdown fight. He knows the effects of traveling to his own timeline will kill him... or something. Whatever. It doesn’t matter. Then he watches 2012 Flynn with his beautiful and living family through a window before he dies. 
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Flynn leaves a goodbye letter for Lucy that pretty much says he loves her, but he knows she loves Wyatt and he wants her to be happy. So yes, GARCIA FLYNN sacrifices himself for Rufus, ensures Lucy and Wyatt find the happy ending they deserve even though he is in love with Lucy, helps stop Rittenhouse and save the world. I AM SO EMO ABOUT MY BOY RIGHT NOW!
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As for Lucy and Wyatt, they tiptoe around each other for most of the two hours. Wyatt thinks she ends up with Flynn and Lucy doesn’t want to be second choice. They are the only two who remember the Jessica history. Dear God, can we all forget too? Everyone is pretty much, “Why aren’t y’all together because y’all were together before and it was perfection?” So meta.
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Wyatt almost dies in an explosion while delivering a baby during the fall of North Korea. Yes, you read that correctly. WYATT LOGAN IS HERE TO SAVE NATIONS AND DELIVER BABIES!
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Lucy realizes she almost lost Wyatt and they are wasting time worrying about the past. 
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This part of the finale feels really predictable to me. There’s no way they are killing off Wyatt, especially after Flynn dies. Lyatt is endgame, so the two characters dancing around it for so long feels like prolonging the inevitable.
“After that explosion I thought you were dead. And for a moment I saw my whole life without you and my world ended Wyatt.”
But damn though, what a speech Lucy gives him. 
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Honestly, it is slightly annoying she did most of the talking because Wyatt is the one who screwed up. At least he offers up a “I wanted to pick you Lucy, but I felt I owed Jessica because she was my baby mama” explanation. Of course, we all knew this. 
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Lucy accepts Wyatt’s “I am a big pine tree” explanation because facts. Things really get cooking with some Lyatt mistletoe kissing. 
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Source:  sisterzelda
Ah, a time honored holiday trope I will never grow tired of. Then they have sex
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Rufus is alive, but doesn’t remember being dead. Jiya remembers Rufus being dead, but he doesn’t remember Jiya living in Chinatown for three years in the 1800s. I think. 
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Jiya is concerned she’s no longer the woman Rufus fell in love with (re: see three years of trauma). I argue Rufus fell in love with a bad ass and Jiya is still most certainly one. It is frustrating how quickly they had to go through her physical and emotional trauma from Chinatown. Ugh, this is some seriously important drama that could have been a multiple season deep dive. Stupid cancellation.
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Rufus and Jiya realize they are still perfect for each other, because they are perfect for each other. They start a company together and become billionaires saving the world. Jiya’s hair color is extremely pretty in the final scenes too. I feel this is very important detail to include. I heart them. 
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Source:  katie-mcgraths
Lucy and Wyatt discuss how they don’t want to become scary Lucy and Wyatt from the future and THEY DON’T BECAUSE OF FLYNN. They get married, Wyatt works for Agent Christopher on special projects, and Lucy is a tenured history professor who focuses on important historical women. BECAUSE THERE AIN’T NO TIME FOR THE MEN! That’s right fellas. Drink your tea and wait your turn.
Unfortunately, Lucy is not able to get her sister Amy back. She gives an poignant speech about grief and loss, which could be the show’s mission statement. This is how you write a series finale:
"Everybody loses someone they love. And no matter how badly they want to they can't get them back. In spite of that they find a way to go on. That's everyone's history." 
What connects all of time is our humanity. We are born. We live. We love. We suffer grief, pain and loss. We find joy. We endure. This is the thread century after century. In the end, we aren’t so different after all. 
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Source: @splitscreen
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Source: @splitscreen​
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The final scene is 2023 Lucy, Wyatt and Rufus traveling to 2014 to tell Garcia Flynn about the time machine. Lucy tells Flynn he doesn’t lose his humanity even though he never gets his family back. He is the hero the team and the world needs in the end. It connects the beginning and end of Timeless so seamlessly. This was probably always going to be the bookend. I just wish we had a few more seasons in between it.
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They hint at a future time machine being invented by a young girl Rufus took an interest in at the science fair. The morality of the time machine is debated between Agent Christopher and Connor. She wants to destroy it, but Connor argues they need to keep it so they can stop others from abusing its power. You can’t un-invent something. Someone sooner or later will create the same technology Connor and Rufus did. They have a responsibility to make sure time travel is not abused and another Rittenhouse does not rise. So, the time machine is kept, covered, guarded and waiting.
Do I think we’ll see a resurrected Timeless about this girl and her time machine? No. I don’t. This is the last stop on the Timeless train and, while it was a wonderful ride, it is over. Actors are released from contracts. Writers, producers, crew, etc have all moved on to other gigs. It’s a freaking miracle they even made the movie. (Apropos episode title).
Timeless approached the series finale the correct way, which is what’s important to me. They didn’t leave a bunch of loose ends. The world was saved and I saw all our beloved characters living their happy lives in peace. I need to know these characters are going to be okay, so I can say goodbye. 
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Thank you Timeless for the insightful way you approached history, your cast of wonderful characters, humor and unflinching honesty. I look forward to the streaming deal so I can rewatch again and again.
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Source:  yasmin-khan
Stray Thoughts
The finale is one EPIC Lucy speech after another. My girl runs this show.
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Nobody was dressed appropriately for a North Korea winter. 
It looked like the mother threw her newborn into Wyatt’s arms as her son came running to her. LOL Nice catch, soldier.
"I've loved you since the Alamo." Girl is that ever right. 
Don't mock. Saint Christopher is for REAL. He has helped me out of many jams.
Hahaha. Wyatt said m'am. That's how you know it's the end.
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squidproquoclarice · 6 years
Would you be able to explain your thoughts on not liking characters dying for redemption more? Like other people have said, you make things easy to understand.
All right, gather round the campfire, kids, and we’ll sing a round of Jack O’ Diamonds or Ring Dang Doo and let’s talk about the trope of “This character has done bad things, and deliberately choosing to sacrifice themselves for the survival of other people, in dying, finds their ‘redemption’.”Which can be powerful and eloquent.  The issue is when it becomes the only acceptable ending for a character with problematic actions, where it becomes an equation of “redemption=death”.  Establishing the notion that there is no redemption possible in life, that this character has done things that render them unworthy of surviving, of living, of happiness.  And that’s…kind of an issue.There’s a conflict between the viewpoints of retributive and restorative justice.  Retribution, which is more the Western legal system, and has become largely our cultural view, tends to take the notion that you can’t escape your past.  You can’t erase it.  Your sins will catch up to you, and you will pay the price for them in some kind of suffering.  Eye for an eye.  Action, consequence.  Crime, punishment.Restorative justice looks more at the balance of things.  You’ve done wrong.  What can you do to fix that specific sin to your victim, or if not, how can you make the world around you better and pay for your wrong in that way?Look, this is a moral conflict that Victor Hugo explored in detail in “Les Miserables” (and you can bet your ass that’s a very pertinent novel Arthur will be reading during his TB convalescence).  Jean Valjean is an escaped convict.  Javert is very much the retributive justice POV: you still need to pay your punishment to society.  Others, like the Bishop of Digne, tell Jean that the best way to pay for his sins is to look at the world around him, to do good, and to make it better.  Can Jean make up for being a dick to Fantine in her hour of need and helping cause her suffering and death by becoming an amazing adoptive father to her daughter?  Can he make up for his criminal past by it?  Debate at 11!This is why I love RDR, to be honest.  You have two very different men and situations, and the notion of “redemption” is handled in interesting ways for both of them.I love John Marston.  We see him now in 3 different eras, and the evolution between 1899, 1907, and 1911.  And he’s a fascinating character presenting that dilemma of an ex-criminal living a quiet life. He’s made up for his mistakes as a husband and father, but has he truly earned a peaceful life?  As of 1907, he’s still fucking up, getting into fights, taking Abigail and Jack for granted, pursuing revenge for Arthur which is the last thing the man would want.  As of 1911, I’d say “no”, he hasn’t quite earned absolution.  He’s not hurting anyone any more, and he’s a fantastic husband and dad, but he’s running from his past.  He’s not adding to the red in the ledger, but he’s not really putting any black to offset it either.  He still seems to have left the gang mostly because of it breaking apart and Dutch’s betraying him, rather than genuine soul-searching and contrition.  He goes after Bill and Javier and Dutch because he’s forced to, not because they’re hurting people.  Though I’d say by the end of RDR1, he is becoming more the man who deserves the peace he seeks.  He’s making more honorable choices to make the world around him better, helping strangers rather than looking out for only his own family.  Unfortunately, it’s too little, too late, as he’s caught in Ross’ snare and is killed to tie up loose ends.  John is a great character who can’t quite leave his past behind, or come to terms with it, and it catches up with him before he can complete that evolution.  (And man, that really sucks for Arthur, because John’s becoming a good man living a good life is what he hoped for so much.)Arthur?  Gaaaah, much as I loved John, R* found a new level of storytelling with this boah.  By the end of RDR2, yes, from a restorative justice POV, I think he’s earned that chance at a happy life.  He’s squarely faced who he is and what he’s done in the past, sincerely regrets it, recognizes he can’t directly fix many of his past actions (though damn, does he try where he can, in cases like the Downes family) but he’s actively chosen to do good.  To spread kindness and mercy, to make the world better where he can.  And I have to believe given another 30 years of life, he’d continue taking on that role of fighting for the downtrodden where he can, because this is a man who now genuinely believes.  But from a retributive justice standpoint, he still deserves to die for the things he’s done.  So therein lies the dilemma: which justice system wins?  Restorative, and the good he can do for so many, or retributive, and “making him pay”?  While I respect the tragic poetry of his sacrifice for John, I choose to believe that Arthur surviving the TB, finding a way to challenge himself to continue to be better, and doing so, and finding peace with himself, is a really profoundly meaningful ending.  Like Sister Calderon says, we’ve all lived bad lives, but to choose to love others, and to selflessly help them, makes a big difference.  So yeah, flipping over to Timeless, the notion as per the writer of the Christmas special that Garcia Flynn has “done too many bad things” and doesn’t “deserve” a happy ending so he should randomly go sacrifice himself for the happiness of Lucy and Wyatt is kinda BS-y.  He acknowledges his sins.  He fights for others, fights to try to become a good man again, without hope of personal gain for himself at this point.  He’s saved a hell of a lot of lives.  Compared to Wyatt, who’s been equally violent, hurt many people, and genuinely seems to believe his needs always take precedence, and yet “deserves” happiness including Babies Ever After, that’s really kind of a shitty reductive claim compared against the thoughtful complexity R* put into the “death via redemption” trope.In conclusion, use retributive justice where appropriate, but c’mon, let’s stop hitting the lazy button and see more restorative justice storylines for characters with “bad” pasts who are desperately trying to be better.Thank you for coming to my RED Talk.
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freakybelle · 6 years
Garcia Flynn is dead and I can’t belive it. “The Miracle of Christmas 1” Garcy had some good moments. I really imagined that the end would be on Garcy's side but I was wrong. Flynn is dead and now Wyatt is with Lucy and that’s so sad. Garcia was always there for Lucy when Wyatt was doing nothing but hurt her. Garcia loved Lucy so much and he died for her. In my opinion Wyatt was the one who had to die because he caused most of the things. Wyatt was so jealous on Garcia but that doesn’t matter anymore. This was supposed to be Lucy's and Flynn's happy end. Garcy’s happy end. Where is the christmas miracle in this whole story? Because I do not see it. 
If there is something wrote wrong I’m sorry. English is not my first language.
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qqueenofhades · 6 years
Would you consider writing either the first meeting of or the time when Amy finds out that her sister is dating Flynn for Citation Needed? Because I do not believe that Lucy has not ranted to her sister about her academic nemesis, and I NEED to know how that went down.
It is five o’clock PM on December 23 in San Francisco, California, and noon on December 24 in Wellington, New Zealand, and the Preston sisters are having their holiday Skype call. Amy is full of anecdotes about her new life as a Kiwi, the Lord of the Rings filming tour she went on, how Christmas is a summer holiday here and it’s a little weird but nice, and you could not pay her to come back to America if you tried. She’s been doing most of the talking, which Lucy is happy to listen to, but finally Amy says, “Okay, tell me to shut up. How has your semester gone? Oh my God, didn’t you say that Garcia Flynn was coming to Stanford as a visiting professor? That pretentious European asshole you hate? Has that been entirely as much as a disaster as we were all expecting?”
Lucy coughs, cheeks turning slightly pink. After Thanksgiving, she and Flynn – well, it’s obviously only a month into whatever it is, but it’s something. He called her two days later and was adorably awkward about asking her out to dinner, and they’ve had a couple more dates since then. Eleanor will not stop being insufferably smug about winning the office pool (though at least it’s only her, since Stanford is obviously on holiday break – when they get back for the winter quarter, there are going to be a lot more dropped jaws and/or smug looks). Lucy would mind more, except she’s actually really happy, Flynn is unbelievably attentive and adoring-eyed as a sort-of-boyfriend, and…
“Sis?” Amy prods. “You got a weird look on your face. Wait, Lucy. Are you blushing?”
“I’m not blushing,” Lucy says, in the classic deny-the-evidence move. She can feel herself starting to smile instead, and she bites on her lip hard. “Actually, Garcia and I have sort of been…”
“Garcia?” Amy has never heard Lucy call him anything except “Flynn,” or “That Guy” or other, even more colorful terms. “OH MY GOD, ARE YOU DATING?”
“Shut up, oh God.” Lucy covers her face. “They probably heard you in Auckland.”
Amy deservedly ignores this. She leans forward, as if she will reach through the screen and shake Lucy directly, and is for once, sorely ruing the fact of not being there in person to press for details. “Are you? Oh my God. I knew there was too much whatever there to end up with you two not having it out in one way or another. Flynn, right? The guy you hated because he said your book might be a paperweight one day?”
“Yes. That’s him.” Lucy senses that she is in for it, and blows out a slow, wry breath. “He, uh. Has hidden depths.”
Amy barely looks like she’s holding back a whoop, even as she remains in abject disbelief. She promptly commences grilling Lucy for every single detail, hears about them growing closer over the committee project and the Thanksgiving invitation and learning about Flynn’s past, the dance and the kiss, and whatever they’re fumbling their way into now. She wears a shit-eating, Cheshire Cat grin the entire time, until Lucy swats the screen. “Stop that.”
“Sorry.” Amy can’t quite stop, though. “That is adorable, in a ridiculous way. So basically the entire time, he was convinced he was being a dashing academic flirt and wittily conveying his interest by burning your papers to the ground? But he actually had a massive crush on you and was confused that you didn’t know that? That’s somehow the most Garcia Flynn thing I’ve ever heard.”
“He’s an idiot.” Lucy shrugs, a little helplessly. “At least when it comes to people. Dazzling genius otherwise. And I…”
“You like him.” Amy’s smile turns crooked, gentler.
“Yeah,” Lucy admits. “Somehow I… I kind of do.”
“You deserve it,” Amy says stoutly. “You deserve it. But tell him if he hurts you in any way again, I will in fact hop on a plane, fly back to California, and put my black belt in karate to immediate use on his ass. I don’t know if you should tell the dojo about that, though. I think they frown on it.”
“Your secret is safe with me.” Lucy crosses her heart. “Thanks, Amy.”
“You’re welcome.” Amy considers, as the video connection fritzes a little, then grins again. “Next time we Skype, he’s gotta be there. I have a thousand more questions.”
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