#save garcia flynn
Buford: Three of the four elements are represented as types of hockey. Air hockey, ice hockey, and field hockey. Fire hockey needs to be a thing.
Isabella: Fire hockey absolutely does NOT need to be a thing.
Phineas and Ferb, already building: Do you care NOTHING for the balance of the four elements!?
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ursaribbon · 1 year
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patientlibrarian · 1 month
Saturday August 17
Shades: pic of the day
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"Okay, so that's 'Patient Librarian', did you want to give me your phone number in case I need to contact you?
Oh that positively gravelly voice and the looks between them. She's certainly giving him the "once over" look at the beginning of the scene.
Hello everyone, everywhere it's Saturday. Hope your day goes as you would wish it to.
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feeling--pink · 1 year
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Dwampyverse themed doodle dump :)
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Mexican-Jewish Cultural Festival vs. Summer All Over the World
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livelovelyatt · 2 years
I know there are very very few left in the Timeless fandom (understandably so, of course) but I wanted to pass along the GoFundMe for Annie’s son and husband as they grieve the loss of their mother/wife. Please consider donating if you’re able :)
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tortoisesshells · 1 year
Flynn & Lucy 23. while we slept
first off: I really meant this to be a happier thing! But I got in my head about it, and. Well.
to be a living thing (Timeless, T, Lucy & Flynn mid-season 2/post "The King of the Delta Blues", ~850 words, warnings for Lucy wondering about the Grandfather Paradox of time travel verging into nearly suicidal ideation.)
In which Lucy looks to Flynn for companionship, even as she weighs up whether she'll be able to walk away from their war on Rittenhouse alive - or even having existed, to begin with.
She hasn’t been sleeping well, Lucy Preston thinks, staring at the cold featureless concrete ceiling of the Bunker – she hasn’t been sleeping well for some time. She keeps a notebook of this, and things like these: a diary of useless little wakefulnesses, the things she thinks about where it is just her and the spidering crack above. Amy. Her mother. Dad, so far back in the past he seems less real to her than – than Abraham Lincoln – whose grey matter she still shudderingly thinks she can feel on her, months or years later. How she has cut innumerable alleys through time, and ducked through them, and yet the past she had is still stubbornly out of reach, and though her hand (of its own accord, it seems) goes again and again to her locket, it does not seem any longer to be a living thing.
Read the Rest on AO3!
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misscrazyfangirl321 · 11 months
9 People You Would Like to Know Better
I've been tagged by... A lot of people. @authortobenamedlater @fairytale-lights aaaaand it seems like somebody else, but those are the only ones I'm finding in my drafts. ANYWAY, thank you! <3
1. Three ships: Jisbon (Patrick Jane/Teresa Lisbon, The Mentalist); my first ship that really introduced me to the concept of shipping/fanfic/fandom in general. Garcy (Garcia Flynn/Lucy Preston, Timeless); to this day my best experience with fandom as a community. It's hard to explain, but something about the bonding that took place while everyone was fighting to save the show together will make that ship forever hold a space in my heart, I think. And Emotional Compass (Will Zimmerman/Helen Magnus, Sanctuary); Chosen for being the latest ship living rent-free in my head, though I'm due for a new one any time soon.
2. First ever ship: So Jisbon was the ship that introduced me to fandom, BUT my first ship before I knew what shipping was? Either Superman/Wonder Woman, or, going back further, a spider and a worm from a couple of kid books I read. I don't remember the titles or anything now, but they were buddies, and I shipped them hardcore.
3: Last Song: Champagne Problems (Clean Version) by Taylor Swift
4. Last Film: The 1950s Cinderella
5. Currently Reading: Pastwatch by Orson Scott Card, and Once Upon A Christmas Heart by Melody Carlson. Vastly different books, I'll say.
6. Currently Watching: Not much. I've nudged a few different shows, but nothing is really sticking.
7. Currently consuming: Nothing. I have a bottle of water I should probably be drinking from, though.
8. Currently Craving: Rest. I had a busy and stressful dream last night (late to work+can't find boss's phone number to call and explain+texts to coworkers aren't going through+tried to drive there but drove to the wrong side of town+oh no I tried to get back in my car to drive to the right side of town and it Wasn't There Anymore+you get the idea), and am hoping I rest better tonight.
Tagging @accidental-spice @kanerallels @amandamonroe @the-kirbe-anon @taleweaver-ramblings @zeegeetee @exhaustedhope @songsintheattic and @dangerously-human but only if you want to play! And anyone else that wants to join in, feel free! Yes, that means you; I'd love to get to know you better! <3
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lo-diehards · 8 months
Law & Order: SVU "Tunnel Blind" -- An Excellent Landmark Start
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"Tunnel Blind" (written by: David Graziano and Julie Martin / Directed by: Norberto Barba) I don't even know where to directly start with this so I'm just going to jump in and start with; thus far, this was the best episode written under David Graziano's direction since before Kelli Giddish's departing episode last season, if not the best in total. I hope over the hiatus during the writers' strike that Graziano and the writers room sat down and redirected their focus because the S25 premiere was a great first opener and the preview for next weeks episode looks like it's pretty high octane.
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They really captured everything that is SVU from start to finish, it had a feel like we took a brief step back into season 22, just without Rollins/Kelli, sadly. I'm going to start with the story but then work on the rest of the episode. So as Carisi and Rollins (Peter Scanavino and special guest star Kelli Giddish) celebrate the Baptisim of their newborn son, Nicky (could he be Dominick Carisi III?), the case this week in concerning a girl named Maddie, who was abducted from a store and Benson (Mariska Hargitay) sees the abducted girl at a traffic light. The case goes full steam during the investigation in hopes of trying to find Maddie Flynn before it's too late but then it's later discovered that she was abducted for another reason, where the perpetrator needs her to stay alive, at least for now. Olivia blames herself for not following her abductor in traffic, the squad continuously telling her it's not her fault, nor did she have probable cause to pull over the van in question.
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It's a nice twisty case that goes in many different directions as the SVU squad basically 'rounds up the usual suspects' until the squad hits a dead-end. Benson reaches out yet again to Professor Amanda Rollins for help with the case, as well as for some personal insight - something Benson has done with Rollins increasingly over the last decade. Rollins clearly still wishes she was working SVU cases, even so as making the slip in saying they would find "our perp," which Benson promptly calls her out in feigning shock for her saying. As Benson leaves to go pursue the new track you can see that Rollins is somber but also in thought as her next round of students come in.
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Fast forward as they think they're on track to find Maddie Flynn and their perp in New Jersey, they joined forces with a detective there from the Bergen County Prosecutors Office, Sloane Parrish (who is portrayed by, Amber Skye Noyes, who portrayed Roxie in "Townhouse Incident" back in season 17), after they find and rescue another victim, Tanya Garcia, who was left drowning in a bathtub in a seedy motel room OD'ing on fentanyl by their perp, George, from Canada. Chief McGrath (Terry Serpico) shows up at the squad, happy they found a different victim who had been missing for more than a year, and says NYPD needed to hold a press conference. Maddie's mother Eileen shows up at the press conference, distraught that her daughter hadn't been found while NYPD was holding a press conference, Benson assures her that she is still working Maddie's case, but it doesn't help as Eileen's husband has to pull her away.
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Olivia Benson's voiceover: "It's moments like these that remind me of the oath I took, to protect the innocent. This is not a solitary act… but more of a life long commitment. I'm honored to wear the badge, but my duty doesn't end when a case is closed. They all stay with you, whether innocence is saved or lost. My goal is for the world to be measured by how safe it is for the innocent. And after all these years, I've come to accept that maybe it's not possible. But I still have a duty to hope."
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So again this episode feels like SVU again, that went missing last season, I was on edge during the episode and I haven't been in that feeling in a long while. Everyone in the cast brought everything they had, but there is one thing that is missing and it's clearly Amanda Rollins/Kelli Giddish. It feels like the writers are trying to lead us to something with her, it feels like she'll be back again [permanently?] real-soon. Even the cast gathered during the opening credits just seemed to still lack something, that something is her. If we are getting a Rollins' return story, I'm very curious to see how it plays out with her and Carisi, like does he even know she's not fully happy teaching? And if he does know, is he going to acknowledge it? Is she to him? Questions I'm sure that will be answered as the course of the season goes on. But Kelli's permanent return would certainly right a terrible wrong that never should have happened.
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Meanwhile Benson's love life: I'm of the opinion of ICE T and Dr. Lindstrom (Bill Irwin), can Benson and Stabler either do something or move on? Seriously though. "Will they/won't they?" is tired and there have been some major flops [in my view], in attempts to make something happen ("the letter"/"The Christmas Episode"/Bronx trilogy/compass necklace). I'm not a Benson-Stabler/EO shipper personally, but if this is going to be a thing or is on the road to it, the road is STILL under a lot of construction, on both shows. Benson and Stabler have not had a serious conversation with themselves about where they stand, what they feel, and for Benson, what all she endured while he was gone. Absent that happening, if they pursue a relationship of any kind (physical or otherwise), without any of the aforementioned, that's basically ignoring over a decade worth of history that Organized Crime doesn't seem to even acknowledge when it comes to Benson. I felt cringe watching the opening scene where Benson is discussing her necklace with Carisi's cousin Steve (guest star Hamish Allan-Headley). This is my opinion but, before this can be something, there's a lot more that needs to happen.
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kncrowder88 · 4 months
Alright, Garcy fans, I've been considering that AU engaged idea of mine some more and I honestly think it would work so well. There is a lot of ideas I recall from back when I was so obsessed with the show I was helping with the saving of it and planning the saving of it and all that ... anyways I remember Garcy fans loving the idea of Flynn sneaking into Lucy's lectures before he stole the mothership.
It is rather true that we don't get a lot of things concluded within the series but thats okay this is why fanfic exist. So, lets say we go with this idea of upon the return from the Hindenburg with Lucy getting back home and learning all this new shocking things about her changed life ... we also get Flynn getting a phone call, from Noah (lets no take the Carol route, she wouldn't put herself that close that early - and its clear in the show that Rittenhouse has a means of monitoring the changes).
Noah is very likely a Rittenhouse member as well - it would make sense that Carol Preston wants her kid engaged to and having a future with another Rittenhouse member, keep that 'royal' line going. We never even got Noah's last name for all we know he was actually a direct line descendant of the Rittenhouse family. Which honestly, would go in line with some of the stuff we saw later in the series. Anyways, back to the AU stuff .... basically the returns happened. Lucy walking through her door calling for Amy. Jump to Flynn back as well and walking through his bunker or wherever he's landed, a phone starts ringing. Back to Lucy, calling for Amy, heading through her house. Back to Flynn, diary in his hand. Maybe Anthony behind him in the background going for the phone on the table - confused as he looks at it, maybe one of the other goons doing this. Then back to Lucy as she finally gets that turn point where its her mom and not Amy and she's stunned because her mum is well. Then back to Flynn and someone telling him the phone is for him, he's turning because who calls him. He doesn't know anyone who would want to call him. Not here, not in the present. They only have a phone for needs of the mission and honestly he cant deny his goons a chance for untraceable calls to their families if they ever asked - he'd get asking. This sort of thing just keeps repeating and repeating bouncing between the two - I could see it on the screen. Playing and playing. Until its Carol Preston asking about Lucy's ring and Noah on the line with Flynn asking him out for beers, making a joke about bachelor days (but not making it clear whose bachelor days - Noahs or Flynns?) Then jump into the Lincoln episode and all that chaos. Flynn processing having a friend/person/someone close enough to want to get beers with him in his life. Lucy processing the loss of her sister and gain of a fiance. Rufus and Wyatt trying to figure out how to help Lucy process her sister being gone. Because how do you help someone just disappearing - not dying just never existing - and they dont even know she's engaged yet. And not to mention that she so easily just seemed to shove it aside when the history date was mentioned and jumped into the mission like it was so easy, and they dont get that.
Then of course, you have the encounters that would happen that mission. Lucy with Robert Lincoln, talking to him, and the way that Flynn would engage with her. The conversations. Her frustration. His boiling under the surface of "WHY DIDNT SHE WRITE ABOUT NOAH?!" And just all of that. Only for the mission to be over and them to get back and Noah is bringing him to a house, a nice house, and Lucy is returning home - her mother frustrated she is late to her own party and how dare she ask about her father on this day - and Lucy is turning from that because she cant and there in the doorway he stands. Noah's left him to go find her mum - update her of course its his job - and she's just there staring at Garcia Flynn in her house and all he could say is
"I guess its me who is getting engaged not Noah." and all she can say is
"You have got to be kidding me"
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isharaneith · 1 year
My YouTube playlist with fan videos for Timeless. The lion's share is Wyatt/Lucy and Flynn/Lucy, but there are some single character as well (mostly Garcia) and as many Rufus/Jiya as I found (which is sadly not a lot :( ).
I'm going to repeat myself, over and over. But I think, the following, applies to all fandoms.
In my opinion, playlists are currently one of the best ways to find fan videos on YouTube. Especially for less popular or older fandoms or smaller creators. If you have one created for Timeless, I encourage you to reblog or comment under this post with a link. Let's spread the love for vids and vidders and help each other find hidden gems.
Also, please, if you like any of the videos, don't get discouraged by the fact that they're old. Like, save and make comments. I have yet to find a creator who isn't happy when people interact with their older creations. It can make someone's day. Who knows, maybe it will motivate them to dust off their skills and love for the fandom, if they have time.
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mathgirl24 · 1 year
Spoiler for The Hunger Games : Mockingjay.
When you first read or watch Mockingjay, did you know or predict that Primrose was gonna die?
Who do you think were responsible for her death? Why?
If Katniss couldn’t protect Primrose until the end, was it all useless?
Disclaimer : these questions are for textual analysis, it's not meant to incite fandom war, please DNI if you don't like this topic.
Thank you.
Hi again nonny! You always have such insightful questions.
Well, my answer is pretty lame. After I read the first book, I didn't read the next 2 until I had spoiled myself silly. I fell in love with Peeta in the first book, and I was certain he was going to die eventually (I have an unfortunate penchant for loving characters who get killed off... see Elizabeth Weir, Garcia Flynn, etc.).
So I knew what was going to happen before I read it. I thought it was very brave, how Suzanne Collins framed the whole thing with the questionable ethics and all. I think many were responsible for Prim's death. Mainly Coin (and Plutarch, if he was truly involved). But Beetee and Gale are slightly responsible too.
And while I was terribly sad reading about Prim's death, it didn't make me angry like those other character deaths did because Prim's death made sense in the narrative (like Finnick's also did). It made sense that even from the first moments, Katniss would never be truly able to save Prim, no matter what. It was a fight she was destined to lose. It wasn't all useless, but Prim was destined to die. But by having Katniss volunteer, and then work with the rebellion, she could make a better life for her children as well as the rest of Panem, even if she couldn't save Prim.
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patientlibrarian · 9 months
IT'S LOVE GARCIA FLYNN DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
New to "Timeless" this year (you wouldn't believe the series we've either not had or have almost been 'hidden' from us in the UK over the years) and also social media, this isn't going to be the most professional post for this special day, but I had to join in. I'm still getting it together with blogging.
And we're off.........
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Where to start?! Oh yes!! If you can take your eyes off the biceps for a while (difficult I know) I love the way he looks so intently at the journal.
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Oh those long fingers!
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Don't worry, I won't struggle! Already reminding us of the height difference between Flynn and Lucy.
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Mean, moody, magnificent!
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"Okay, we just love to see the profile."
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"Oh, you're here at last! I'm ready! Just let me say 'goodbye'. "Bye!" Now close the door quick!
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"Don't I look adorable?"
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I REALLY wouldn't be struggling"!!! Terrific scene displaying the choices Flynn feels he has to make and how he struggles with that.
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"Sorry! Should have warned you this one was coming!" One of the most addictive scenes.
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"Had to include the tongue!"
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"Just showing off my profile again!"
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"Is this the sexiest, the absolute sexiest look of all?"
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"I DO have a 'thing' about him in suspenders/braces!"
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"It's the 'tongue' again!"
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"I quite understand! Although I'm quite ready to sit and talk if you want!"
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"And here's the tongue again!" Oh he looks like he is really having it bad in prison, as we know he does.
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He really does have to bend down doesn't he?"
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"Oh!! That protective arm. Gets me every time!" Another 'look' and indication of how he feels about her.
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Ohhhh! That look! A scene that has SO much in it.
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"Ohh! So nearly holding her!"
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+++"One of my utmost favourite clips. I STILL say that they could be holding or touching hands!" Trust you-know-who to ruin it!
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"Oh thank you!"
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"Oh those looks again!" Another of my favourite scenes and the way they look at each other not knowing what their future holds.
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"Ready and waiting."
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"This is almost too much to bear at times. Oh the emotion, the obvious way he cares about her.
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"And we're back at the 'looks' again!" One of only a few 'watchable' scenes in this episode.
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Yes, I am one of the people who believes Flynn moves in for the kiss, because of the way she looks at him. The only reason to watch this episode is for how fabulous he looks with the beard.
I can't get over what an incredibly complex character Flynn is and how his life changes after he meets Lucy. I decided I had to get involved with the series fans after surviving (just) the last episode(s) earlier this year. After "...all my love, Flynn.." I was a broken woman. I couldn't believe that the team were standing there toasting him, when the means to save him was just yards away!
I'm so grateful that so many fans have kept this series alive and what wonderful stories are to be found on AO3. Thank you.
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rawbutprecious · 7 months
“<-” for the reverse (Iris Flynn to Garcia Flynn-- maybe a verse where he saves her from dying?)
He got home early. The job had been taken care of to the best of his abilities. It had been long and hard and grueling. Not everyone survived. But it got done. All he wanted was to go home, tell his daughter good night by reading her a bedtime story (even though she was close to graduating) and have a mug of herbal tea with his wife before going to bed. He knew they would be relocated again and Flynn just wanted one night of peace before that happened.
However, he noticed the lock broken and door kicked open. He drew his gun and readied it for whatever might be before them. Charing in, he saw the enemy. The guy had a gun draw and was prepping to shoot. "Watch out!" he growled rushing forward and pushing his daughter out of the way.
Pain radiated through his shoulder. "Run and don't call 911! Get away as fast as possible," he instructed. "Take my spare phone... you know where it is and call the first number listed."
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timeless-secret-santa · 9 months
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Happy Holidays Everyone!! We're just waiting on one more present before we finish out Timeless Secret Santa 2023!
Until then, I'd (female fogbank a.k.a. mks57) would like to take a second to say how amazing it is to see and have people participate in this year after year. Thank you so much for all your support, understanding and love! It means a lot.
As a little thank you to everyone who participated in Secret Santa, I created some mini tokens of appreciation for those who came back this year.
~ Men's Advice: Dave and Karl go shopping for Christmas food and discuss Karl's relationship problems.
~ Foot of the Table: Torture comes in many forms, Emma is learning as much when she is held hostage at the Christmas dinner table with a Hello Kitty sippy cup.
~ Men's Business: Garcia, Connor, Rufus and Wyatt plan the Thanksgiving dinner menu and who will do what.
~ Christmas Star: A snapshot fic of Iris and Flynn having a moment together before Lucy comes home.
~ What's in a Book?: Flynn asks Jiya to help him find a book for Lucy to celebrate Jólabókaflóðið
~ R.I.P. Gingerbread Man: Garcy moment based on the prompt: Flynn/Lucy: "How does it feel to be right all the time?"
~ Jólabókaflóðið: Lucy and Flynn adopt a new Christmas tradition.
~ New Year's Eve Catch Up: Karl and Flynn catch up on New Year's Eve.
~ Christmas Cooking Lessons: Lucy and Flynn are undercover trying to save the future of American cuisine.
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I need a post only about how hot Garcia Flynn is, soooo
I'll start :
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