ff12-ultimania · 4 months
Jahara, Land of the Garif
Jahara is one of the Garif villages located on the banks of the Sogoht River. This historic settlement is led by the Great-Chief Uball-Ka and other chiefs, who possess detailed wisdom about the Stones.
The village is divided into two main areas. In the residential area, herders look after the livestock known as ‘nanna,’ while warriors and craftsmen make masks and weapons.
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On the hill that overlooks the entire village, there is a meeting lodge where the elder-chiefs live, hold discussions, and rest.
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ecneir · 2 years
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"Dalmasca has for many years honored the ways of the garif, and so kept up a peaceful trade and relations with this isolated people."
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wsrf-arts · 2 years
Even Old Guys become Badass.
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This is actually Garif from Doctor Who
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blocpulp · 7 days
Chemistry and Life journal (USSR, 1987)
artist: Garif Basyrov
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romqnticstylez · 11 months
gatog is going to the eras tour movie AND she made it to friday the cats are winning 🧘‍♀️🧘‍♀️🧘‍♀️
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halmarut · 4 months
when vaan and the gang arrived in jahara, larsa had been there first. the garif warriors hinted about larsa.
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i wondered for a few seconds, "a hume-child? and who could be smaller than vaan? out here in bancour?" and lo and behold,
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nonrussian · 2 years
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Memorial day. Хәтер көне. День Памяти. Tatarstan. Kazan (Казань). 1991
Nurulla Garif (photographer) Нурулла Гарифа (фотограф).
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zetobii · 2 years
Ffxii is wild when you watch it through a fever induced haze. The way my toasted little lizard was, like, completely baffled by the garif the whole stream? Wild.
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marsti · 2 years
Can you draw a costume revamp of Garif from Doctor Who ( https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Garif ) please? Costume Revamp: https://at.tumblr.com/4thdoctorjellybabies/700682579865731072/vh0jtl63kvcn
no sorry the post clearly states im only taking homestuck requests specifically. im starting to think some of yall dont know how to read lmao
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ff12-ultimania · 4 months
Bancour, where the ancient way of life thrives on the peaceful land
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Bancour is the northwestern part of Kerwon. Bancour is blessed with a mild and comfortable climate, which is unusual for a continent where the mist is unstable. The central part of Bancour is covered with grasslands such as the Ozmone Plains, while the steppe areas in the west are dotted with the Garif settlements where Sogoht river banks are. The southern part of Bancour is a mountainous region where high-quality magicite crystals are extracted, and several magicite mines have been established by the Archadian Empire, which currently holds the territory as a colony.
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<- The Garif who live in this region have had long-standing ties with the Kingdom of Dalmasca, the Garif are also on friendly terms with the nomads of Giza.
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Ozmone Plain
This grasslands lie in the centre of the Bancour region. The lush greenery of the land makes it home to many herbivorous animals, and it is not uncommon to see chocobos taking leisurely naps among roaming monsters. The calcareous and rocky soil is not well suited to cultivation, and so the Garif living in the area subsist on herding and hunting.
The mechanical debris that can be seen here and there are remnants of a great battle that were fought between airships over this region.
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joulethieves · 2 years
So just realized the Garif would absolutely grow the most powerful insane dank weed in all of Ivalice. Like these guys smoke that shit 24/7 and offer it to welcome newcomers. So obviously they break out the good shit for the six wanderers, and, not wanting to be rude, Vaan is excitedly the first to take it. To Balthier’s surprise, Penelo follows. He can’t reset, so he takes a hit, followed by Fran. Basch and Ashe, not wanting to be rude, take a hit but simply hold it in their mouths before exhaling. The fallout to this is either absolute chaos or The Most Chillest Afternoon By Jahara’s Streams Under the Sun Ever
I like to think the latter, they deserve a relaxing day
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muzdiir · 7 months
i still love the garif
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blocpulp · 8 days
Village at the End of the Galaxy anthology (USSR, 1989)
artist: Garif Basyrov
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tarnishedxknight · 10 months
(WHY WOULD YOU TELL ME NOT TO LET MANTIS MEET NOAH. NOW I HAVE TO YEET HER AT HIM. This is in response to the starter of Noah getting his results. I wonder how he would react to my lil ray of sunshine bug daughter. I also wonder how Ashe would react in case she sings like Aurora, since that’s her fc, and Aurora is the singing voiceclaim I have for Mantis so… it could be convoluted XD)
Mantis was surprised by how much Noah looked like his brother. They were twins, of course, but some twins could look slightly different, have different features. In this case, they looked very similar. They both kind of looked like Thor, and Mantis realized she was thinking about him a lot after he left the team. She hoped he was doing well, and… she was sure Quill had a secret crush on him, too. There was no hiding things from Mantis, and Quill wasn’t the best at ‘acting natural’. Talking to Basch had been easy; he was a kind soul with a humble heart, willing to help others, willing to be good, do good, protect the helpless. He told Mantis he would always love his brother, and Mantis prayed they would be able to make amends one day. If she wasn’t mistaken, Thor and Loki did, or they were trying to, but… then Thanos came along. Sadly, it was too late for them. She wanted to believe it wasn’t too late for Basch and Noah.
“Hello,” she said gently. “I am Mantis. Do not worry, I am not here to hurt you. I know your brother. He is helping me find the legendary Kevin Bacon,” she told him with an excited smile. She then approached him with small steps, her antennae twitching with curiosity as she wrung her hands. Mantis watched him silently. The sadness in his eyes was clearer than a starburst, and Mantis caught sight of his tears before he blinked them away. He was hurting. She could tell. Of course he was hurting, because she was, too. Because his father hurt him. His father, who was supposed to protect him. Mantis understood that feeling, she knew it too well. Getting hurt by a parent was enough to shape one’s mind, a persistent thorn in one’s side, a cold emptiness within one’s heart, mind and soul.
No one deserved that.
His silence was so loud, and her head tilted to the side as he closed the paper. “What is that?” Mantis asked softly. He seemed to be upset by it. Mantis took another step, her hands clasped together in front of her body as usual. “Bad news, maybe? Oh, those can be hard to deal with. They are never easy to process, especially before breakfast. Is it time for breakfast here on Earth?” Mantis asked, lively. She bit at one of her fingernails and shrugged. “Unless that paper does not contain bad news. Unless… it is just a grocery list and you just realized you forgot to acquire something.”
{AKSJHGAKJSHFGAJSH THAT WAS AN EXAMPLE TO MAKE PIETRO LOOK BETTER BY COMPARISON, NOT A WRITING PROMPT!! XDDD Having said that, I kindof do need them to interact now. Thank goodness there aren’t as many Mantis fans who follow this blog because ohhh man I can’t control Noah’s grouchiness. If they thought Pietro was mean to her... yikes. I apologize in advance for my AngryBoi’s™ treatment of your BugDaughter™. And haha oh yeah that’s right, I forgot Aurora is your singing VC for Mantis! Ashe’s voice actually sounds nothing like Aurora’s, so it’d just be weird for us and not for our muses, I think, lol. There’s a clip in this post where you can hear Ashe talk. Her voice is deeper than Aurora’s and less delicate-sounding. And listen, you can always yeet Mantis at anyone you want, heh. I was just trying to say Pietro isn’t my most difficult or offensive muse. I... probably should stop offering random points like that. XD}
{This was sent in response to this starter if anyone else is interested!}
This accursed time period seemed to be very homogeneous with regard to races. There were humes... and really nothing else. Animals, of course, and plants, and insects. But... just humes. No moogles, viera, seeq, bangaa, garif... just humes. How ironic that he had once made his home in the least melting-pot empire in Ivalice, only to now wish he could glimpse something other than a blasted hume. Even the Avengers, the self-proclaimed and self-righteous Defenders of Earth, were nothing more than a mediocre and incohesive gaggle of humes pretending to stand for something. The eccentric and clashing personalities of the Judge Magisters of the Archadian Empire got along better than the Avengers did... and they accomplished more as well. Noah thought that was rather pathetic, but now that they had denied him his right to work and passed judgement upon him without cause, he was just flat out infuriated. 
Although he hadn’t wanted to interact with anyone at the moment, the second his eyes lifted to the very strange-looking woman who had accosted him and stolen his silence, his anger, sadness, and frustration were derailed by the face that... he had never seen a being like her before. Genuine curiosity replaced the defensiveness in his expression as he looked her over. She looked like some sort of... bug? He might have wondered further, and he might have asked, but the moment she mentioned Basch and how helpful he was being, the defensiveness returned. At least her name somewhat confirmed his suspicions with regard to her race, even if he had never seen a sentient, hume-shaped insect before.
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“Oh, well, I am overjoyed to hear how helpful my dear brother is being to you. I am certain he will succeed. He always does... unless you’re his family, of course.” Noah said, his tone dripping with vitriolic sarcasm. “Spare me the details of how perfect a soul he is. I have heard it enough to last me ten lifetimes.” Noah’s accent was different than Basch’s, and his speech was a bit less antiquated-sounding, though both brothers spoke somewhat strangely for the current time period.
His eyes narrowed a little as she came closer. Without his armor, and note notably, his helm, Noah felt exposed and antsy. What did the insect woman want of him? Had she come here merely to rub his nose in how wonderful Basch was? Or to mock him for being prohibited from field work? Was she even an Avenger? He’d not seen her around the compound before. That didn’t mean anything, though. People were always coming and going from the place. “This?” he asked, lifting the file in his hand. “This does not concern you. It does not even concern those who wrote it, yet they saw fit to do so,” he replied to her bitterly. He did furrow his brow a bit at the comment about groceries. Was she a simpleton? Or did she just have an odd manner about her? Well, how was he to know the thought patterns of humanoid insect races? Perhaps her odd trains of thought were normal for one such as her. 
His file was private. Embarrassing. Inaccurate. Wrong. But right now, in his current state, he felt like venting, and unfortunately this insect woman was the only one there to vent to. “You wish to know? There.” He opened the file and slapped it down onto a nearby table for her to see. “I have been a soldier for twenty years and a Judge Magister for fifteen, yet the incompetent medical staff here seem to think that I am unfit for battle. They seem to think me a piece of brittle glass, a fragile leaf... some green recruit unable to stomach the smallest of traumas. That I cannot hold the alcohol I have been drinking since I grew to manhood,” he said, pointing to the bit about substance abuse: alcohol. “That being separated from a brother I have despised and wished dead for just as long has somehow crippled me,” he continued, now pointed to twin separation anxiety. “Lies and insults. They have no right to judge me so. They do not know me at all.” 
Noah’s eyes flashed with anger, affront, but also pain and shame. His teeth gritted, but his lips trembled. This wasn’t just an injustice and an insult to him, it was panicking him, for if he was not a soldier, then what was he? His strength, his resilience, his ability to keep fighting despite anything and everything that had and might still happen to him... was his identity. He was a survivor. But the file before him... labeled him a failure. A weak, pathetic, broken failure. Just like father always said you’d be. That’s why Basch left you, you know. You’re a failure, and he is a winner.
“So what of it?” he said to both Mantis and himself. “Come to mock me? To gawk at the general without an army, the soldier without a sword? Go ahead. It matters not to me.” It mattered a lot. All of it did. That file had destabilized the last little bit of pride and confidence in himself that Noah had been maintaining. He wondered now if he really was all of the things listed within it. Could it be that he has always been this broken and useless, and that he’d only been in childish denial that he was a strong person? Don’t cry. Do not cry in front of the bug woman...
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comfycomers · 1 year
Billy Howle is actor who started On Chesil Beach with saroise ronan and The Serpent with jenna coleman also under the banner of heaven along with andrew gariffed. he was unrrated actor who should started rian johnson's movie knivis out 3
i'm just confused as to why you're telling me, a killing eve blog, about him...
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Heisei Cataclysm "Mastermind Mastermind Mastermind" (Tachibana Fumi & Heiwa)
A mastermind… I don't particularly like such a noisy title. My name is KIKI.
—To put it simply, I'm the mastermind.
"Today, we're going to have a card competition!"
When I said so, the look on Tokido Haku's face was…
"Frozen" or "stunned" are too common words, but she had a very interesting expression.
"W-What do you mean?"
She had gotten a lot stronger. The silver-haired maiden. We first met a long time ago.
I wonder if it was when she was in junior high school that she first came to this world in her dream. She seemed to be a leader of some sort now. She's really grown up. Only in appearance, of course.
"You always get tired of seeing those two kill each other, don't you? So I thought it would be nice for a change of pace once in a while. I've given it a lot of thought, fufun!"
"Fufun, you say…"
I snapped my fingers. The 〔Reverse World〕 became pitch black. The spotlight that was only on Haku and I, illuminated and revealed two other characters.
Tokido Rei. Tokido Sakuhi.
Rei, a boy, and Sakuhi, a girl with pigtails. Sakuhi embodied the spirit of Rei, who was originally a double personality. It's complicated, so you can think of them as twins. 
For a young boy and girl, their eyes were a little dead. I wish I could at least make their voices filled with childlike wonder.
"Rei! Sakuhi! Be sure to be determined to compete!"
But perhaps it's impossible, after all.
Furthermore, with another snap of my finger, it turned into a tatami mat of foot-garif green, and a card was embodied between Rei and Sakuhi.
"Fufun, how do you like my strength?"
Then I suddenly realized...
"Oops, that's not good enough at this rate. I need to step up—"
Slap! Slap! Slap!
First, Mount Fuji. Second, a geisha. Third, sushi tempura.
These were embodied in Rei and Sakuhi's background. Now the background was perfect. However, Haku was dissatisfied.
"That's a mountain, two hawks, and three eggplants… right? It’s like the first thing you dream of on New Year's Day…"
"Shut up, shut up, nobody will marry you if you keep thinking about the details."
"Um, even if you say that…"
"Then, I'll make your head go bald."
"It's possible with my strength."
"Well, don't do that!"
I said in a jest, and Haku bowed. I flapped my dark wizard's robe.
"Welcome to the Card Games, Tokido Haku. The 〔Reverse World〕welcomes you!"
That's how our card competition started.
"Do— Don't get me wrong, it's not like I made this bento box for you or anything!"
"Wait, these are Tsundere cards!"
Haku was very surprised to hear the text on the card I read. 
"It's fine, isn't it? It's still a card competition so long as there's cards."
"T-That's true, but we have to protect PKO…"
"I think PKO is important, too, but what about TPO?"
"Then, should we just stop playing cards and go back to killing each other?"
"Ugh, t-that's not what I meant, but…"
"Look, Haku."
It was a rare sight to see Rei and Sakuhi competing for cards. I wondered what it looked like in Haku's eyes, which had always only seen them kill each other. I read the next card with all my heart.
"Shu— Shut up, shut up, shut up!"
"Wow, it's ruined! Even though it was such an emotional and moving scene!"
Haku groaned, "You're the worst!".
"Do— Don't get me wrong, it's not like I said that for your sake or anything, okay!?"
"No, no, no, there was already a similar line before! And furthermore, there's no such thing as "Do" on the cards in these games!!"
Maybe I pushed Haku too hard to be the straight man, but she was gasping for air.
"I took this one first!"
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"Well, I was faster!"
Rei and Sakuhi started arguing over the "Do" card.
"Those two are working so hard to get the "Do" card… Wait, no no no, that's not right! Look, the both of you can't fight, okay?"
The two nodded silently, and returned quietly to cards again. As expected of an elder sister.
"But I wish it were like this every time…"
Haku squinted her eyes. Rei jumped at the cards with a big jump, and Sakuhi took away the cards around her with accurate movements.
"There's no hostility between them…"
The boy and girl were playing Tsundere cards with great effort.
"It's like they're good friends…"
Haku yawned loudly with a "Hwaah~".
"Rather, it's so comfortable that I'm bored."
So I gave a suggestion.
"Then, how about giving a prize to the winner since it's a great match?"
"Oh, that's a good idea! Yes, I agree! I super agree with you!!"
"Then why don't you work hard to win a prize every time you take one card?"
"Wow, that sounds great. I'm sure I'll like this!!"
"Well, then... every time Rei takes one card, he draws one person from the 〔Surface World〕. So every time Sakuhi takes one card, she draws one person from the 〔Reverse World〕.
"That's where you thin them out, Haku. Look, there are a lot of extra people you need, aren't there? To achieve peace. That's why you can make those people representative players in each world, and if you win, you can get rid of people in the other world. What do you think?"
"What do I think…? Of course I'm not okay with that! You can't do that!"
"That's obvious, isn't it!?"
Haku raised her voice and yelled.
"That's weird. You're the one who agreed to a prize for the competition. Are you going back on it now?"
"No! That's not the type of prize I agreed to!"
"Well, I don't mind. Because those kids aren't killing each other. But you don't want people to die… Ah. I see. I see, so that's it. It's okay, Haku. I'll exclude you and your precious friends. —That way, it's all right, isn't it?"
"W-Wrong! That's not the issue!"
Haku clenched her teeth.
"No? Hmm, then I don't mind excluding your brother from killing…"
"Eh, my little brother? You know my little brother!? Do you know where he is?"
"If it's the boy you've been looking for, he's right there."
"Look, Tokido Rei— The boy playing cards."
Haku stared at Rei with her eyes wide open.
"Y-You're kidding… right? T-This boy is…"
"Just kidd—ing, that was a lie!"
"Because you're in a dream right now, Haku."
"Tokido Rei and Tokido Sakuhi are part of your dreams. They're who you are."
"Y-You're… lying…"
Haku held her head in her hands.
"Of course it's a lie-pyon!"
"W-What's wrong with you!? What do you want!?"
"No matter what you ask what I want, this is Haku's dream world, so everything will be exactly as Haku wants…"
"I-I don't want this!"
"Well, that's, you know, depth psychology? It's no use what your latent thoughts are about… Ah, but no matter what you really want, I'm the only one who'll agree to it, Tokido Dropout-san."
"W-What are you? Who the hell are you!?"
—Yes. Indeed, I have never called myself KIKI to Haku.
"Yes, I should have introduced myself first."
"What the hell is your identity!?"
When I took off my black robe, my hair, my eyes, my hands, and my feet were all blacked out. It was just darkness, just space, and it was just an empty world.
"I am the 〔Reverse World〕— So to speak."
"Eh, you're kidding… What do you mean by that!? You're… this world?"
Yes, I alone exist for the sake of a peaceful world.
This time, Haku's body became as thin as a vision and lost its color.
"W-What's going on? No, not yet, w-wait a minute!"
Oh no, time's up.
"Rei! Rei!!"
Ignoring Haku's shouting, I snapped my fingers again.
Haku nodded. I erased Haku's memories as usual. 
So as not to be found by the 〔Surface World〕.  So as not to be noticed by the 〔Surface World〕. But I want her to remember one thing.
"The shape of the world today is what the 〔Surface World〕 wants."
Yes, I alone exist for the sake of a peaceful world. 
And so, Haku's body and spirit disappeared from the 〔Reverse World〕. 
The Tokidos are essential. She opens the door of time and observes this world. Rei and Sakuhi are the Surface and Reverse. They represent the current state of the world. That's why they were built. By gathering negative emotions for Rei, we managed to satisfy the 〔Surface World〕 for the time being, but we're reaching our limit. I've been doing a lot of work to prevent the 〔Surface World〕 from resetting... but to avoid it, she needs to observe a new world.
"Hey, Haku…"
Rei, and Sakuhi,
—Before you break,
—Before you forget,
—Before you break down,
—Before you're swallowed,
—Before you get erased,
—Before you get worn out,
"Quickly, you need to realize the truth or you'll be punished. Fufun!"
A mastermind… I don't particularly like such a noisy title. My name is KIKI.
I am a crisis, a joy, a destruction, a demon, a strange, brilliant, beginning.
—But to put it simply, I'm the mastermind.
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