#Tatar culture
nonrussian · 2 years
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Old cemetery in Kargal. Старое кладбище в Каргале. 1990
Mukhametzyan Rustam Suleimanovich(photographer) Мухаметзяна Рустам Сулейманович (фотограф)
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folkfashion · 1 year
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Crimean Tatar woman, Ukraine, by Zariko
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kiyuiqi · 29 days
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Another tatar Miku bc I liked the idea too much
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thenuclearmallard · 4 months
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folklorespring · 7 months
According to the latest data from the Mission of the President of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Russia is illegally holding 209 Crimean political prisoners, including 126 Crimean Tatars. The Russian Federation is persecuting Ukrainian citizens for religious reasons (e.g. Jehovah’s Witnesses and Cases of Crimean Muslims), journalistic and human rights activities, and anti-war protests. It is also fabricating sabotage, terrorism, extremism and espionage cases.
Sending political prisoners letters or postcards is the easiest way to give them moral support and let them know they're no alone. Choose a Kremlin prisoner and send them a letter or postcard from February 19 to May 19.
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Physical address: Kyiv, 01001, P.O. Box B-539, Human Rights Information Center
Text should be in russian (message me if you need help with translation) and politically neutral.
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panimoonchild · 3 months
Russian culture is ethnic cleansing and islamophobia
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Today is an important day to qırımlılar but many of them will be celebrating it in Russian captivity.
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Ruslan Mesutov was illegally sentenced by the occupiers to 18 years in prison on charges of alleged "terrorism".
Even though the 58-year-old man's health condition has deteriorated, he is not being provided with appropriate medical care. Ruslan Mesutov is forced to go on hunger strike, because, contrary to his religious beliefs, he is fed food with pork in it. The prison where he is being held is called a "criterion" because of its harshness. There are four people in a damp cell, who are taken for a walk on the roof of the prison once a day.
Life before detention: Ruslan Ametovich Mesutov was born in Uzbekistan, in 1988 he returned to Crimea and got a job as a turner at a factory in Alushta, where he was allocated a land plot.
Later, he brought his parents and sisters to the Crimea, married Elzara Hodzhenova, and had two sons. Ruslan was a member of the Crimean Tatar People's Movement. In the village of Malyi Mayak (Buyuk-Lambat), Ruslan organized the Muslim community "Avdet", which is part of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Crimea, and became one of the founders of the religious community of Alushta. He was a security guard at the mosque, engaged in social activities, organized Muslim holidays, helped with funeral issues, took care of paperwork, and held prayers. Representatives of the occupation authorities detained the man on June 10, 2019, along with other Crimean Tatars. The occupation investigators charged Mesutov with violation of Part 1 of Article 205.5 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Organization of a terrorist organization"), which provides for imprisonment for a term of 15 to 20 years. And even Part 1 of Articles 30 and 278 of the Russian Criminal Code ("Preparation for the violent seizure of power by an organized group by prior conspiracy"), which provides for up to ten years in prison. In May 2020, Ruslan was transferred to the territory of the Russian Federation. An illegal sentence was handed down on August 16, 2021, and the man was sentenced to 18 years in a strict regime colony with a 1-year and 6-month restriction on his freedom after release. Mesutov was arrested two weeks before the court hearing, which was to consider the claim of the religious community of Alushta regarding the transfer of the city mosque by the occupation administration to the illegal formation of the "Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Crimea". The main real reason for Ruslan Mesutov's detention is his religious and public activities, identity, and support for his people. The 58-year-old man is being held in a Russian prison in the Lipetsk region. According to his lawyer, Siyar Panich, his client's health condition has deteriorated and he is not being provided with medical care. Since November 2022, Ruslan has had difficulties with nutrition, as pork has been introduced into the main diet. According to his religious beliefs, Ruslan Mesutov does not eat such food. The Muslims serving their sentences in this institution wrote an appeal to the administration, but the problem has not yet been resolved.
The political prisoner's Quran was also taken away from him. "The Quran in Arabic was taken away from Mesutov to be examined by a specialist, who said it was a 'normal Quran' and not an 'extremist' one. Since then, since November, he hasn't been able to get it back, and it depresses him quite a bit," said lawyer Volodymyr Bilenko.
Info from @ ppu_gov_ua
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That how our people look like and behave when they're finally free from Russian captivity.
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ohsalome · 11 months
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nuno-draws · 15 days
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Prompts used: • Respecting indigenous peoples • Clothing and accessories • History  @yourcubitoyourculture
Presenting Pearlescentmoon in Crimean Tatar national costume and with their flag!
Crimea is a peninsula in Eastern Europe, on the northern coast of the Black Sea, almost entirely surrounded by the Black Sea and the smaller Sea of Azov.
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After Ukrainian independence in 1991, the central government and the Republic of Crimea clashed, with the region being granted more autonomy. In 2014, the peninsula was occupied by Russian forces and annexed by Russia, but most countries recognise Crimea as Ukrainian territory.
Throughout history, Crimean Tatars suffered from Russia, one of the largest tragedies being Deportation of Crimean Tatars 1944, when the majority of Crimean population were forecully deported from their homeland to the Uzbek SSR.
Crimean Tatar singer Jamala told the world about it in Eurovision 2016, two years after Russia occupied Crimea once again, with the song named "1944". (watch her performance here)
Crimean Tatar language is on the verge of being forgotten, and less people know about Crimean Tatars even existing, so please, educate yourself, tell others about it, share, talk, don't let all the people who fought agains their opressors die for nothing.
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turkicculture · 26 days
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"Ханша Сююмбике с сыном Утямышем" Художник Рифкат Вахитов. Татарстан.
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madam-of-lithuania · 1 year
The world culture day in Kaunas part 4
My home city Kaunas, Lithuania🇱🇹
The Crimean tatar dance
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nonrussian · 2 years
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Memorial day. Хәтер көне. День Памяти. Tatarstan. Kazan (Казань). 1991
Nurulla Garif (photographer) Нурулла Гарифа (фотограф).
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folkfashion · 7 months
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Tatar woman, Russia, by Seitumer Curlu
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carigradmergen · 9 months
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I've been working on a romance comics about a Kipchak warrior and a Kievan Rus princess, and it's as tacky as it sounds like
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thenuclearmallard · 1 year
Otyken - Lord of Honey
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myname-isnia · 21 days
And here we have the not at all racist portrayal of Tatars :/
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magnoliamyrrh · 1 year
genuinely i dont really give a shit what ppl here think but i am truly getting kinda sick and tired of americans getting pissy w me because even when i wear clothes which are Obviously romanian and literally from romania or obviously balkan some idiots have to give me the death glare bc they think im ApPrOpRiAtIng. motherfucker if youve never seen a pale bitch with culture in your life thats a YOU issue
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