#garrosh's was well written
I was thinking of Sylvanas and her narrative and I remembered that scene in War Crimes where she breaks down and thinks how foolish it was of her to believe she can love and how her pain from trying to feel that was a warning that in the end she "[...] would be left alone. Again, and always"
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And I thought when reading that, well that's terrible, surely something good will happen to her right? Surely something good happens and makes her feel that trusting and loving and hoping aren't mistakes and wanting them doesn't make her weak and being undead doesn't change how worthy she is of them!..
And then BtS and BfA and Shadowlands come and Sylvanas is turned into a complete monster, rejected by Alleria, gets her connection with Forsaken severed as well, gets used and deceived by the guy responsible for the Lich King (whom she still trusted because thought them similar), has her only romantic interest killed, gets called a monster by a pre-trauma version of *herself*, and then sent to atone in the Maw, being alone (without any humanoid capable of speech) in there for what's been at least 5 years. Like what the fuck :/
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I also love how like books have stuff like Sylvanas hearing her friends calling her monster (when she was just freed from Arthas) or Vereesa saying she's not her beloved sister.
And Sylvanas thinks "perhaps they're right" and "I am... and I am not" and absolutely nothing fucking happens to tell her that they're not right and it's not okay to think that, no, quite the opposite, she's just "evolved" into becoming people she hated most: mostly Arthas, plus with a Garrosh-like plot in BfA :/
Speaking of her own perception of herself, in the book after the ambush on Arthas she has these doubts: "She was still Sylvanas. Wasn't she?"
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It makes me ultra sad because while in Edge of Night we get stuff like her concluding "no she was the same, in death as in life", but the way BfA went, it led to "I believe Sylvanas Windrunner is well and truly lost" and the added Shadowlands soul shard thing went into "I died trying to stop that monster only to wake up haunted by the one with my face"...
That makes the answer for the question of "she was still Sylvanas, wasn't she?" be "nope you're not, Arthas made you into a monster and you're doomed to grow into his own image".
It makes Lor'themar going "She is gone and truth be told I am glad for it. Let's remember her as she was, that was *our* Sylvanas not the monster wearing her face" right, it makes Vereesa's "You're not she who was my beloved sister" be correct, it makes Alleria's "You're a twisted mockery of my sister" correct and I *hate that*, because all that bullshit came *before* Teldrassil, but after Teldrassil her haters can now go "See they were right she was always evil :) real Sylvanas was killed by Arthas", and in universe characters also cannot be blamed because ew why should they treat such a monster better?
And then it's Sylvanas who needs to apologize and atone and seek amends and feel regrets but nothing is required of her family and friends from high elf days.
Ah, in the same theme, I also love the book having a moment of her thinking:
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Do we get something about her still being herself and others having no right to treat her the way they did and... ah ye of course not it's completely true Banshee Queen is something separate and evil and here, have the Ranger General put back in, because clearly Arthas' actions mutilated her so thoroughly there was no trace of her old seft left to be saved, and OF COURSE, only after *that* do her ex friends and family express a feeling of "Aw I'd wish to spend more time with her it's the first time I see Sylvanas may be back"
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The way her sisters are written I wonder if they even love Sylvanas at all.
They seem to only like that idealized version of her when she was alive that they remember. Why would they wish to speak to that MONSTER that replaced her in undeath?
Ask her how it feels to be undead? What exactly happened in Quel'thalas and how it felt to be under Arthas? Ask why did she join the Horde? Ask how she came to lead the Forsaken? Ask what she did after Arthas died? Ooof no that would be so tough to say, that would be a SAD talk, they'll have to listen to this horrible nasty angry banshee trauma dumping on them, and they just want their sweet noble SISTER back, who doesn't have such burdens :) How good it is the magic soul shit fulfilled their wish :)
Also bruh what does that even mean for Sylvanas herself?
What the fuck was she supposed to do to make them see her as their sister BEFORE the soul mending shit???
Somehow turn off her red eye glow? Stop being angry? (aka calm down and not feel a burning hatred for being brutalized by a manchild of a knight, rejected by everyone and failing to take revenge on him :/).
Kneel before them and say she's a horrible elf being and deserves everything bad happening to her?.. (Their reunions happened before Teldrassil, where most of her crimes were out of a desperate desire to survive in a hostile world)
Forget her silly trauma and simply behave like she did pre death? (Easier said than done)
These bitches did nothing to help Sylvanas heal and now that she's magically restored (and I don't even think it's even healed, she's just now plagued with guilt about doing everything she did), they do wanna talk to her. Yay.
Hm maybe The War Within has it better? Alright-
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"Lost my sister to myself" Jesus fuck.
That's what you have to say about your sister who got murdered, raised, tortured, enslaved, forced to participate in the genocide of your species, then rejected by friends, family and Alliance?
Yeah the fact she killed herself after being denied closure against her abuser and after being sent to suffer in hell fell under the influence of a guy who said he understands her and they're similar and showed her that even afterlives aren't fair is TOTALLY just on her!
Yep totally just Sylvanas losing herself to herself and not the fact none of you assholes extended a hand and tried to ask her how she felt at any point of her miserable unlife.
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xalatath · 5 months
Okay, but, consider; I know you're a fellow appreciator of a well written villain, given that you are(?) one yourself! To this end, Gortash feels like something of a cop-out. How couldn't you not love to hate the man, he's so greasy he looks like he smells like an Arlington pizza dumpster. What is a villian who is just dogshit but you love them anyway? Poorly written, character assassinated, didn't fit with the story they were in AND YET, THEY COMPEL YOU?
Okay, true. I should answer a WoW character for this then. I wanna say Denathrius but I feel like he was meant to be a likeable villain too, and I don't think he was even particularly poorly written by WoW standards, he was just a victim of being in Shadowlands
So honestly? Garrosh. I had no opinion on him before @swampgallows convinced me. He actually deserved so much better. He's not even a WoW character to me at this point as much as he's like Swamp's roommate or something
I'm holding out hope for Xal'atath. WoW's track record of female villains isn't making me optimistic but I want to believe...
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silverdragon128 · 9 months
Getting back into World of Warcraft has reminded me just how much the writing team is stuck in 2004. No matter how good (Legion) or bad (Shadowlands) the writing, it never stops feeling like a story from the early to mid 2000s. Which really sucks, tbh. Not just because FFXIV exists and its story is incredible (I’ve only gotten through Stormblood, no spoilers), which definitely makes the anachronistic nature of WoW’s writing all the more apparent. But because much of the game’s more interesting decisions are let down by it. Sylvanas’ tenure as Warchief, for example. She could have repeatedly beat her head against the wall trying desperately to protect a society (the Horde) who distrust her at best, and hate her at worst. Her plans with the Jailer weren’t her priority until her own people betrayed her. That’s when she decided to burn everything down, because it’s pointless to try to help people who will always see her as a villain. Instead… she’s just kinda a villain the whole time. Shadowlands is awful for her particularly, because it paints everything she’s done as part of her long term goals with the Jailer… But maybe this isn’t getting my point across. How about the shear number of romantic pairings, and how often they’re used to fully inform character decisions? Or the way they keep forgetting the Horde is an oppressed minority constantly under threat (until Dragonflight that is) by the imperial Alliance? Like, why were Garrosh and Sylvanas evil? How was that a reflection of the world they were ruling in? Oh, Garrosh was just an evil would-be conqueror dreaming of the glory days? And Sylvanas never cared about the Horde in the first place? Only seeing them as a means to an end? Oh… well that doesn’t make much sense? Doesn’t that paint minorities as power hungry individuals who want more out of greed and not a desire to be equal in their world? Like… and what the hell was up with Jaina in BFA? Either she’s still bitter over Theramore and freshly bitter over Varian, or she’s ready to make amends with the Horde. And like, the Alliance story should’ve been her arc— now I’m just complaining about the writing in general, whoops. But like, the constant straight pairings, the failure to sufficiently elaborate on minority villains (and I believe minority stand-ins can be villains, you just have to write them in a way that doesn’t just challenge the establishment but their own people as well, while having their goal come from a sympathetic place— aka, well written Magneto, or, like, Killmonger), the way romance is a motivating factor, the writing of every single female character… the list goes on. As much as I enjoy this game (toxic as hell community aside), I really struggle with the outdated writing decisions
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swampgallows · 1 year
Hi, I'm back. I'm the one who sent you an anonymous question before. First of all, thank you very much for reading my words patiently and replying seriously. From your reply, I learned more about the charm of Garrosh, this lovely guy. Secondly, I'm glad that you have some ideas to make some videos to express your feelings about Garrosh. If you really do it, I will definitely watch it carefully. Then I want to say that what makes me feel the most sad is that people always attack Garrosh. You can imagine that I opened Twitter or other websites with enthusiasm to enjoy some Garrosh-related creations and discussions, but browsing down, they are all cursing this character (not all, but about eight out of ten messages are cursing him 😢). I feel that this is a hurdle for me. It always makes me can't help thinking about these negative comments and makes my mood worse. It seems to have become a way to torture me, because I really love this character too much and can't help searching for his related content. So I've been looking for a way to overcome this problem. Anyway, thank you for listening to my complaints. I feel much better after venting them out. At the same time, I hope you can get better and better and create more interesting works and paintings.
hey, no problem! I know there's a lot of hateful and scary content out there when it comes to Garrosh. For lack of a better term, my blog is a safe space. I do not shy away from what Garrosh has done in the lore or the reputation he has among the fanbase, but overall the content I post about him is silly and fun.
i don't know if you're new to tumblr as well as new to WoW, but you can search my "garrosh hellscream" tag on my blog for hundreds of posts about him. I've curated a LOT of Garrosh posts on my tumblr over the years, as far back as 2013! If you want to look at them all a little easier, visit my archive: it will display them all as thumbnails in reverse chronological order.
There's also my "yamyell" tag, which has posts about Garrosh (like this one) and reblogs that I feel are fitting for his character. Most of these posts are silly or "shitposts", but there is some lore discussion too. I've linked you my "yamyell masterpost" before, which is a collection of my more notable Garrosh lore analysis/"essays".
I have also written a fan fiction called Salt the Roads if you are interested in a Garrosh x reader story. I will warn you though: it is visceral and does not have a happy ending, but I enjoyed writing it and I have been told by many very lovely people that I write Garrosh accurately. Please mind the content warnings, as it contains some potentially triggering stuff about disability and mental illness.
If you use Discord, feel free to join my Garrosh fan server, YAMYELL! We're a pretty quiet server so you don't have to worry about a ton of notifications, and about once a month we have crafting nights where we hang out and talk.
I am always happy to talk about Garrosh, so I hope to hear from you again soon :) if not, I wish you happiness and luck in finding stuff about Garrosh that makes you happy!
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darkspear-dancers · 2 years
TT: Briefly tell use about each of your main 3's (Zul'jawa, Ahuatli, Azae'latl) most difficult life trial so far and how it's shaped them?
[ Thank you for the ask and for sharing the love with all three of my Darkspear trinity!! ^^ ]
Azae'latl made her name known upon the Isle of Thunder, where she bravely fought against the wicked forces of the Prophet Zul. She claimed the title of Jaguar Warrior - and unbeknownst to her, her soul was claimed by a long-lost jaguar loa of bloodlust and battle. She returned to find the Darkspear in open rebellion, and most of her family lost to Garrosh's deathsquads.
The next chapter of her life was written in blood, as she threw herself into battle, and lost herself to the clutches of Tloque'Rakir. After years of strife, and with the support of loved ones, she ventured to the Other Side, confronted the lost loa, and reclaimed her freedom.
Ahuatli has made no secret of her struggles, ever since arriving in Zandalar. She made it her mission to join the Veildancers, but faced adversity and opposition every step of the way, from other aspiring dancers to the elite of Zandalari high society.
Through hard work, perseverance, and faith in her loa, Ahuatli earned her position among the sisterhood, as the first Darkspear to join the illustrious order. She uses her gifts and talents to praise all loa, and gives freely to all those in need, remembering well what it was to come from nothing.
Zul'Jawa now spends most days behind the desk of a diplomat, but the scars he bears suggest that he's earned the peace he's fought for. The young Darkspear, eager to prove his worth and repay his people's debt, enlisted in the Kor'kron, waging war for the Horde on distant shores - until the war came home, and the Kor'kron turned against the Darkspear.
Choosing his tribe over his brothers-in-arms, Zul'Jawa soon found himself facing former friends in grueling guerilla warfare that took its toll. Traumatized and scarred, Zul'Jawa eventually found his way under the tutelage of a pandaren philosopher, enduring a hundredfold trial and mastering his destiny. The War Dancer has gained a new lease on life, an appreciation of what's worth fighting for, and an enduring dedication to the pursuit of peace.
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trixcuomo · 9 months
A Christmas Caper
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Coco Cuomo: Okay, Sharpen. Looks like she's not here. Away at some fancy rich people holiday vacay, no doubt. Her family is loaded! *shines her flashlight around the dark office*
Sharpen: Are you sure Trixany said to steal this thing back from Haris Pilton, because she stole it first and *deep breath* technically, there's no backsies in corporate commercial law, so like 'it's totally still my idea, so go get it?'
Coco: Ya know, for a himbo, you've got a memory like a steel trap. That is like word-for-word how my sista put it.
Sharpen: Thanks?
Coco: As a successful Goblin businesswoman, I gotta tell ya--You should go into cross-faction international law. With those do-gooder defenders over in Pandaria, they'd never see you comin'.
Sharpen: *mutters* ...Stupid Baine Bloodhoof. Garrosh was a bum!
Coco: I just wish the comm connection wasn't so bad. It cut out before Trix could tell us the name of the damn thing. When will my step-sista learn not to monologue like a villain and just get to the point?
Sharpen: *looks around the dark room with glowing Night Elf eyes* So, what does the file look like again?
Coco: Eh, it ain't gonna be big. It's a screenplay written by Trixany, ya know. So uh... heavy on the B.S., a little Kaja-Cola sponsored love story, a coupla parody musical numbers, then explosions at the end.
Sharpen: Is this it? 'Gone With the Dragonflights?' Or maybe, 'Dragons Prefer Brunettes?' Hrm, this one has Wrathion on the cover.
Coco: No, but yer gettin' warmer. This is our family's last chance to make money off this expansion, so yes--it do be dragon-themed. Try more rip-off-sounding. Rememba, the title mighta been changed by Haris and her mooks!
Sharpen: How about this? 'The Sabellian Movie.' It's... pink. Everything is this crazy pink color and it's supposed to be the true story of the Pink Dragonflight. Why is Wrathion cast as Ken? And Deathwing is Crazy Barbie apparently.
Coco: Wow. That IS a ripoff. But no, too thinky. We're looking for something more obvious--
Sharpen: 'Game of Oathstones.'
Coco: Eyup. *reads a few lines* That's Trix's writing style alright.
Sharpen: But how does this fantasy world get taken over by dragons when everybody's already dragons? *peers searchingly*
Coco: We've found it! And a good thing, too! How many stolen screenplays does Haris have in her office? How many dreams has she crushed, just sitting on promises and promises that she would produce these, make these artists into real talents! It's so cruel. No one should have that kinda power! Who IS she?? The Grinch? Ebenezer Scrooge in designer pumps?
Sharpen: Well, thankfully, we broke in during the holidays while Haris and her staff are gone. We should be able to easily slip back out again. It's the perfect crime. Nothing short of a miracle of screenwriting could ever stop us.
Narrator: Somehow, Haris returned.
Haris: Stealing from me? *switches on the office lights* I don't think so. SECURITY!!
Coco: *facepalms* You just had to break the fourth wall, didn't ya Sharpen?
Haris: Oh, no. Don't blame the sweet himbo this time. You wanted to know how it's done?
Sharpen: ...
Coco: ... ... What, so ya used yer hearthstone to get back here, or somethin'?
Haris: *doom voice* I AM the fourth wall.
Coco & Sharpen: Waaaaauuuughhhh!!!
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silriven · 3 years
I write fanfic as a hobby, mostly for World of Warcraft.
General Tags
# silriven: writing Fanfic and original writing posts.  Thoughts on current WIPs or snippets of WIPs themselves.
# silriven: art Rough fanart, drawings, sketches, doodles, and occasionally full illustrations.  Often these are meant to accompany things that I’ve written. 
# silriven: ruminations General all-purpose blog tag.  Random thoughts and musings, fandom-related or otherwise.  Sometimes I talk about the books that I’m reading or the video games that I'm currently playing.
Project Tags
# divine bell An AU retelling of Anduin’s time spent in the Tavern of the Mists, recovering from his nearly fatal encounter with Garrosh Hellscream.  This was a project I worked on in 2020 to re-learn how to draw.
# the temptation of anduin wrynn Notes, thoughts, and art pertaining to my fanfic by the same name.  This is a World of Warcraft AU set after the events of Visions of N’zoth where Anduin and Wrathion face dire consequences when their secret relationship is dragged into the public eye. # the disobedience of tess greymane Notes, thoughts, and art pertaining to my fanfic by the same name.  This is a sapphic companion fic to The Temptation of Anduin Wrynn that explores Tess and Vanessa VanCleef’s relationship as well as the events of the Breadbasket Revolution.
# in the valley of the shadow Notes, thoughts, and art pertaining to my fanfic by the same name.  This is a Shadowlands “fix-it” fic where where Wrathion crosses through the Veil in pursuit of Anduin.
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diaryofomellas · 3 years
🖊 (the snippet one), ⏰, 🌈(Omellas, specifically), and... time for me to be evil >:3; 📊(though the answer is always *unending*, always)
📊 Current number of WIPs
You had to ruint it, didn't you? xD
I made a list and, if I didn't forget anything, the current number is 16:
5 series, 2 short stories
One of the series, Bloodforged, currently has one main fic that's sitting pretty at 71k+ words, and has another nine multi-chaptered prequel works planned with currently 30k+ words already written
Another series, Kinktober (that I absolutely plan to finish even if it takes me until next October), has thirty one planned chapters, currently at 16k words.
Two of those series I haven't started yet (and won't until I finish what I'm working on right now) and the last one is a collaborative work with another writer.
⏰ Do you spend more time reading fic, writing fic, or do you do both equally?
Writing, definitely. To be honest, I usually only read fanfic when it's an author I personally know.
🌈 What inspired you to write Bloodforged?
I couldn't figure out how we got to where we were in-game (particularly when it comes to Sylvanas) and had to find an explanation. So I figured I should just insert my OC into the game lore and explore the story with her.
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
Well, considering I keep jumping from WIP to WIP depending on mood, I'm gonna post a snippet from the last thing I worked on.
To the death.
His own words echoed faintly in his mind, over and over again. Cairne had suggested it, and Garrosh had agreed to it. Mak’gora, to the death. Then why did the tauren’s death hang so heavily upon his back, making it impossible for him to stand straight?
Mak’gora, the ancient orcish tradition of combat to the death. But not like that. Not with betrayal. Not with the blade of his father’s axe poisoned without his knowledge. Not with such dishonor tainting his victory.
All alone in his throne, the Warchief stared at Gorehowl sitting on his lap, and then to his hands. He could still feel Cairne’s blood clinging to his skin, long after it had been washed off.
“I should have known.”
His voice, rough and intense as he was, carried the weight of shame and humiliation. The words covered him like a mantle made of needles, puncturing him all the way through to his soul.
“You couldn’t have known.”
The orc’s heart skipped a beat when a female voice replied. He thought he was alone. Breathing deeply to ease his startled heart — or so he told himself — Garrosh looked up at the woman who had entered Grommash Hold like a shadow, as quietly as ever. She stood now in the middle of the Great Sea, drawn in the leathers and furs that made up Azeroth’s map on the floor of the throne room.
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World of warcraft
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Illidan. Always illidan He's literally my everything my babygirl my best friend my enemy my darling my pet boy I wake up in the morning and see his face I'll love him until my bones retire. Jaina and Kael also but I've loved Illidan for longer. I'm so mad he's not real I want to beat him up and give him a tender kiss
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped) Farondis farondis farondis He's my everything i want to bite him until hes nothing but shreds I love him I will literally die and become a ghost just so i can squeeze him to death. I will join his ghost harem but i think that might scare him. Also kael. I have such an embarassing crush on thast dude I'm so sorry for liking blonde men
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
the blood elf triumvirate. they are underappreciated for a reason and that's the fact that they barely ever fucking do anything but I still love them. I think they play dnd with each other but only play as human women for no reason
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
VASHJ. i have so much written about her i have so many thoughts about her She is literally there for like 5 seconds at any given time but i know her so well she's my insane female gamer who bullies her pet boyfriends. She has donated 500 dollars to Azshara's twitch channel. She is terrible at overwatch.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave
sylvanas, nathanos and garrosh LOL. I love talking about garrosh to my boyfriend because he always gets mad and leaves call it's always a guarantee. Garrosh is my mental ill depressed freak boyfriend and Sylvanas is also that except she had a bite of the lich burger from bolvar king and decided to be a goofy bitch about it too. Nathanos is just a freak for a fun of it I think. He's also so hot and pathetic and that gives him plus points
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
Anduin because i think he would make some really funny noises if I did. Hed be like EEE EEE NOOO Maybe also Malfurion so he can go AUUUUUUUGH TYRANDE WHERE ARE YOU!
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
i would say turalyon as an easy hit but i think thats a given. I would say arthas too but Uther already did that for me. So i think i would go with Tirion because he does nothing and it pisses me off that he's the guy you see at the end of icecrown and not jaina and sylvanas. I hate him just for that I hope he gets thrown into fel slime again
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wowheadquarters · 4 years
don't be shy, drop ALL your Kel'Thuzad headcanons~
All of them? Hm. I don’t know if I remember all of them. Also, I stopped keeping track of WoW some time in the middle of the Battle for Azeroth, because it can either be WoW whcih I enjoy or shitwreck, and I chose WoW, which isn’t what Blizzard/Activision is currently serving- I meant to say that most likely my headcanons aren’t Shadowlands compatibile.
Anyway. Kel’thuzad headcanons of various importance as I remember them.
Kel’thuzad is his actual given name, it’s not a pseudonym or anything.
In Thalassian “kel’thuzad” mean “seeker of the truth”. (In Darnassian the same phrase is “keil tassad” and in Zandali “kel’ta sad”.)
Kel’thuzad speaks Common and Thalassian fluently. Before the Dark Portal opened he knew some phrases in Dwarven (conversational) and Gnomish (related to transport industry and mathematic). He can also speak Zandali with varying accents (mostly Amani), but he knows only five or six Zandali signs (he can sign his name, but that’s it).
After the Dark Portal opened, Kel’thuzad tried and failed to learn Orcish. He gained the skill later when it was a trial-and-error learning by communicating with Ner’zhul. Due to that Kel’thuzad’s accent when speaking Orcish is not “Human,” but distinctly Shadowmoon.
He also learned Nerubian from... well, the dead Nerubians. He can now both speak and write fluently even with encryption.
(There are 3 ways of Nerubian ecryptions and they can be simultaneously applied. This way there exist 7 versions of encryption plus 1 unencrypted text. These are known as the Eight Webs of writing. Plain text is written in the First Web, triple encryptin is the Eighth Web.)
He can read (but not speak) Nathrezim, and somewhat read and speak Shath’Yar, the language of the Old Gods. He would understand Quiraji if he ever encountered it, because it is very close to Nerubian (like Czech and Slovakian, I imagine).
The Language of Death, by the Scourge usually referred to as Deathspeak, is an artificial language created by Kel’thuzad. It is based on all languages he knew at the point of creating it, and is fairly easy to learn if you find a willing teacher. It was created for the members of the Cult of the Damned to understand ach other without them feeling like one language/race is put above the other, and to partially control their thoughts, as the language specifically hasn’t got some words or phrases (such as “rebellion”). Orwell would be proud.
He was brownhaired, but he greyed out fairly quickly when Ner’zhul settled in his head without paying any rent.
He was from Kul’Tiras. (I still want him to necromance a sunken ship. And a chalk cliff.)
His family name is Naxrierre. There is a theory that Naxrierres were a witch coven that became civilized with years, which is mostly spread by naysayers to explain the family’s talent towards magic. Another theory claims that they are a part-elven bastards which would besides the magic explain the name.
Kel’thuzad took the elf-Naxrierr theory to heart and in his ambition for one of his sons to make it somewhere else than the navy agve him a Quel’dorei name.
The suffix -ramas in Nerubian signifies not encessarily a necropolis but any place to permanently home dead bodies. “Naxxramas” is basically “Nax(rierre)’s tomb” but in Nerubian. 
As a mage in Dalaran Kel’thuzad studied arcanophysic, a way to describe and measure magic. This field is where all the calibration of spells or even negating spells comes from. He became the sole teacher of it in Dalaran, because he was the only one enthusiastic enough about it to bother.
He was that type of teacher who didn’t give homeworks, he hated correcting them. He also had his classes in the most unreasonable hours, such as 3 AM, because he had a busy schedule and non-existent sleep pattern.
Since Kel’thuzad’s banishment the knowledge of arcanophysics among the Dalaran mages has drasticaly declined and is nearly nonexistent nowadays. All books Kel’thuzad had written on it have been sealed away, which removed nearly all reliable sources from the public access.
Kel’thuzad actually had good relationships with his colleagues. He helped Alonda with her fild research on Trolls (hence his speaking Zandali).
His closest friend was Anthonidas. They used to be classmates once upon the time.
What really undermined Kel’thuzad’s trust and belief in Kirin Tor was what happened to Khadgar. He realized that Kirin Tor is not going to act if given a warning, and not going to help if hearing a plea.
He still tried to warn Kirin Tor before what he didn’t know was the Scourge. He had noticed the Amani “moving out of the way”. “Whatever will happen, and I believe that this time it will be the dead, because the demons haven’t tried that yet, it will happen in a single line from Lordareon to Quel’Danas. We know the Amani can see into the future, and they are clearing out of this path.” Dismissed as a doomsayer, he wasn’t really persistent in his warnins.
Ner’zhul’s talks to Kel’thuzad began as especially persistent migraines. Whenever Kel’thuzad tried to tell Anthonidas that his condition is serious, he was sent off with a mug of peacebloom tea and an advice not to stay up so late, and maybe lay off some stress.
The teacher who taught Thrall in his early years such stuff as writing, that was Kel’thuzad in disguise when he was rectuiting in and around Durnholde Keep.
No, Kel’thuzad has no idea the little pet-orc he was trying to groom and later kidnap for the Cult of the Damned (What a better liteunant than the one you raise yourself?) is Thrall, the Warchief of the Horde.
Kel’thuzad was tasked with finding and preparing the perfect new host for Ner’zhul. He was trying to overthrow the Lich King, so he picked Arthas as a paladin of Light whom he believed strong willed enough to handle it. And at the start of the story Arthas was.
His second choice for Lich King would have been Kael’thas.
He shuffled his cards in the deck of “Scourge politics” so that Bolvar Fordragon would take the Helm of Domination after Arthas. Players greta victory? Just according to keikaku.
He had (and still has) a “wanted poster” for Garrosh Hellscream. He really wanted him into the Scourge army. The reward was a whole necropolis with units.
Naxxramas had a dedicated “catkeeper” tasked with taking care of Mr. Bigglesworth and cleaning the acid/slime vats. Her name was Gwendoline, usually called Gwen, she is now one of Garrosh’s ghost children. Gwen died during the attack on Theramore where she was working as a spy for the Scourge.
Liches feed off people emotions and minds. The Lich Kign keeps it secret (even from Kel’thuzad) to keep them starved and obedient. The passive “nibbling” causes that people around liches start to be unfeeling.
Kel’thuzad has developed the Cure for the Plague quite early on. Ner’zhul made him test the plagues seeds on himself.
Speakig of that, Ner’zhul (and later Arthas as the Lich King) had a complete control over Kel’thuzad’s body, so if he refused to carry out an order, Ner’zhul could just make him do it anyway.
Additionally, the Lich King could kep him going despite injuries, exhaustion &c. Arthas fancied himself thinking that h killed Kel’thuzad, but the truth is that the cumulative injuries (several broken bones, stab wounds, a concussion, frostbites, poisonings), exhaustion and starvation were enough to kill Kel’thuzad twice over, no hammer needed. Ner’zhul just in that moment let Kel’thuzad die, because that was what he needed.
He used to play Hearthstone a lot when he was alive. He had a very good Hunter Murlock tribal deck.
He is asexual, and quite possibly aromantic too. In his words: “I believe in love on the first sight. And I am probably blind or something, as it seems.”
His favourite colour is purple.
Shortly before the capture of Bolvar Fordragon Kel’thuzad re-bound his phylactery from the whole urn to a single shard. The shard was sold by a cult of the Damned agent in Kul’Tiras to Taelia Fordragon as a lucky amulet.
Whenever as a lich Kel’thuzad regained his form, he always found himself knee-deep in water due to some fucking coincidences, starting with the Sunwell.
Speaking of Sunwell, he carries in himself  “a spark of Sunwell”. this has many benefits, such as power or not giving a fuck about Light being super-effective against the undead. It is a thing to be revealed out of the blue without prior warning when we need to reset the Sunwell (again).
He has enough knowledge of Troll and Orc shamanism to be considered a shaman, and too analytical and scientific mind to be actually good at it.
He also had made an oath to the Amani tribe that everything he’s learned from them would never be used to harm any Troll. It is why Kel’thuzad was not responsible for the havoc wrought in Zul’drak.
Naxxrams “responds” to Kel’thuzads emotions and feelings and even physical state. When he gets discorporated (killed), Naxxramas enters “save battery” mode. Naxxramas’ usual is “cold and static” and “cold and slightly shaking” which is Kelthuzad’s “bored” and “irritated” respectively.
He doesn’t like sweets, but he enjoyes crunchy stuff, be it cookies or fried potato slices. He craves the crunch.
He ate the flesh of several sapient beings. In several cases he knows it and the memory of ti makes him retch, even now when he is dead.
He likes dragons. He wants his own dreagonflight. (I have a headcanon abbout Sapphiron’s “Ivory” dragonflight of undead dragons.)
He has a saronite armour to match with the Bloodsurge. It decorates a ziggurat somewhere in Plaguelands. el’thuzad honestly doesn’t care. The armour has spikes on the inside, so if you put it on as a living being, you can’t take it off without bleeding out. A very emo move.
And I am tired now, so this will have to do for now. It’s not all of them, I am sure I haven’t thought of some area. But here we go.
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knicks-knacks · 3 years
That character ask I just reblogged for Anduin, Vol'jin, Saurfang and Sylvanas? any or all
I'll do 'em all simply because I'm bored as all hell and nothing better to do to kill time, though I'm skipping the NOTP part for them because I don't believe in that kind of negativity and also I just plain don't have any lol
will put under cut just bc a lil long (shrugs)
Anduin What I love about them: I'm just a huge fan of sweet, pacifist characters who stick to their guns even in a harsh world that disagrees with them - Anduins a very good example of that. What I hate about them: The way they went with his story instead of going with the Shadow/Void set up they had going on like wtf was that blizz 🙃 Favorite Moment/Quote: Probably his conversation with Saurfang and how that boy Did Not Flinch whatsoever when Saurfang threatened him but it's tied with him absolutely decimating a dreadlord. What I would like to see more focus on: His priestly powers for sure, and his relations between the other races - both Horde and Alliance. If anyone can bring everyone together, it's him. What I would like to see less focus on: look giving him Varians sword was very symbolic and cool and tugged at my heartstrings but please stop making him a beefy warrior with a side of Light he's not a stupid Paladin lol Favorite pairing with: Anduin is one of those characters I love so much that I ship him with everyone but I think Saurfang/Anduin is an incredibly interesting one that I love, and was one of the first fics I read when I joined the fandom Favorite friendship: Does pseudo-aunt count as a friendship? Because I love his and Jaina's relationship 🥺 Favorite headcanon: Fuck what Blizz says, he's still got lasting damage from the bell and plenty of scars from it.
What I love about them: What don't I love? He's the favorite <3 What I hate about them: That Blizz killed him off when he had so much potential, and also Vol'jin sir please stop talking so much about how alive you feel while murdering and get some therapy Favorite Moment/Quote: When he rose up ever so slowly from a crouch in order to be eye level with Varian but was still noticeably slouching low because 🥴👀😳😍😩😏 What I would like to see more focus on: Just... him in general! It's really sad that a character that was Warchief of the damn Horde and has so much background in the game gets constantly shoved aside What I would like to see less focus on: get that egg boy out of his damn EGG I wanna see my little boy Favorite pairing with: Tyrathan, but GOD is Varian a close second because I have had so many Vari'jin brainworms for ages lately. Favorite friendship: Okay, look, not canon, but I think him and Anduin would have hit it off well, and no one can change my damn MIND okay (but for canon, Baine and Go'el :)) Favorite headcanon: He's mischievous, and also a pretty big hopeless romantic under it all :)
What I love about them: I just really think Saurfang is such a compelling character? There's so much depth and history to him that his story is just so. interesting and amazing idk he's just very well written What I hate about them: Until he wasn't well written and Blizz fucked up 🙃 Favorite Moment/Quote: His talk with Garrosh about his trauma has always stuck with me What I would like to see more focus on: It'd be nice to at least see him in Shadowlands, and happy. What I would like to see less focus on: bring him back dude why'd they have to get rid of him 🥺 Favorite pairing with: Already said who! I don't really ship Saurfang with anyone else other than maybe Garrosh tbh :o Favorite friendship: Zekhan my beloved Favorite headcanon: he needs reading glasses sdkjfghjkds
What I love about them: Like Saurfang, I just think Sylvanas' story is really interesting and compelling! What I hate about them: Blizzards weird flip floppy writing - just make her irredeemable or not pls Favorite Moment/Quote: Def gotta be, and don't hate me for this fandom, but when she pauses and says "... Can't I?" is the BEST SHIT DUDE THAT'S SO GOOD THAT'S SUCH A GOOD VILLAIN QUOTE BIIITTTCHH LET'S GOOOOOO What I would like to see more focus on: I figure they're going for some "well sylvanas' soul was split in two and now she has the second part is back she's good again" is a huge trainwreck that I honestly kinda can't wait to watch lmfao What I would like to see less focus on: Look just... whatever they're gonna do with her, just get it over with already XD I want her story to end already, whatever ending that may be Favorite pairing with: Jaina for sure, but Nathanos a very close second! Favorite friendship: Ngl, that weird sort of friendship and sort of not friendship she has with Thrall/Baine/Vol'jin. The way they interact with each other is so entertaining man. I love when Vol'jin poked a finger at her and told her to stop bullying Baine, they act almost like disgruntled siblings more than a group of leaders lol Favorite headcanon: Her hands are skeleton-y and black and that's why she's always got the gloves :3c
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faireth-reed · 4 years
Just a few thoughts about what we’ve seen in Shadowlands
While it’ll be long until I can play it myself, here are some thoughts about the cinematics and gameplays. So I’ll put a spoiler, because the last one is included.
The new speculations:
- Denathrius was not doomed, we’ve got lots of gaming characters being sealed and coming back every once in a while (like Vaati in TLoZ). But the Jailer, instead of saying “he can save his butt”, has given up even more, directly saying that he’s finished his use.
- So I’m glad to see that Denathrius might be working for himself, while not having a badly written redemption. He could have two paths: the Kel’thuzad-like one or dedicating his efforts to restoring Revendreth (less likely, but it’s the purging theme).
- Sylvanas is surely not dumb to need to get told by anyone that the Jailer plans to use her, but she somehow sees that control is slipping away. She could think something like “well, the afterlives are messed up” (at least Bastion is) “so I only have this bad choice”.
- While she literally said that the Horde was nothing to her, and in my opinion she didn’t really believe in the free will of her own Forsaken, some of her bad writing is being partially fixed. Surely, she already had some problems in other expansions than BFA (like Garrosh had out of MOP).
-Speaking of Garrosh, I’m glad how they managed to keep his menacing tone at her without calling her a “bitch”. Many more game/film scenes need to keep their meanings as fine as this moment did, just removing the slurs.
- And I thought I hated her character, despite having good moments. But having Nathanos away is doing her such good? Of course, I’m scared of whenever he comes back, but the constant incel-like adoration is out for a while! Let me celebrate for a moment.
- These last cutscenes have been good. Anduin really speaks to her as an equal, it’s the first time she can talk to an enemy without murder in between (Genn/Liam, Baine/Zelling/Derek, the people of Teldrassil...). Even if her respect for Varian was always there, now it’s Anduin who sees her as a living being, and he isn’t the “absolutely right” guy, he has his own blood too.
- Having her be redeemed would be too Illidan-like, but we can’t have her become Lich Queen 2.0, both for respect for her and Arthas. I guess the ideal for her would be staying in the Shadowlands, but a little better Shadowlands. Something like compensating her actions among many other expansion characters, and those who have yet to die.
- I don’t want Arthas to have the same path as her or be redeemed like Kael’thas either. But we still have to know how he thinks now that he’s out of Frostmourne’s control. Back then, we know that he never supported the Legion, so that’s interesting at least.
- But this reunion will be interrupted, perhaps by the champion or Tyrande. Or perhaps she’ll give a little opportunity to Anduin (very concealed) to then do something terrible again. Who knows.
-Extra point: fortunately, the possibility of Sylvana’s soul being divided like Uther’s is discarded too. I wonder if we’ll see him more than that glimpse.
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earthbinder-a · 4 years
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𝐀𝐒𝐊 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐒𝐇 𝐁𝐈𝐍 ; 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 @warwaged​ asked :     ✔: A plot you would love to play out with your character / ♔: A character (in general) that you’d like to interact with / ☮: Something you’re confident about with your writing / ❂: Three of your favourite blogs that you follow
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✔: A plot you would love to play out with your character ;   HMMM. shadowlands has opened a lot of opportunities, honestly. something ive been thinking about the past couple days is the chance for thrall and taretha to meet again in the shadowlands? im not sure which covenant she would be in  ( on instinct i would say bastion, but that .... hurts for a variety of reasons ...... )  and maybe ill drabble on it if i get the chance, i just think it would be a really emotional reunion. im gonna think on it some more.
♔: A character (in general) that you’d like to interact with ;   oh gosh, there’s quite a few. honestly i would really love garrosh interactions?? developing that in a deeper sense would honestly be really interesting - im still really hooked on this theme of “molding” others into being a certain way that exists in thrall’s arc. since aedelas’ last words to him were ‘you are what i made you’ and garrosh’s were ‘you made me what i am’ ... theres a lot to unpack there and i’d love to write it.
☮: Something you’re confident about with your writing ;   whEEZE uh. i guess in regard to this blog specifically i’m pretty proud of the headcanons i’ve come up with surrounding orcs and individual clan cultures and such? i know i haven’t really shared a ton of those just because for thrall, they aren’t really that relevant until later in his life, but i’ve done a lot of world building and research into these and i’m pretty proud of that i guess.
❂: Three of your favourite blogs that you follow ;   i have anxiety about tagging people so i’m not gonna, but what i WILL say is all the blogs that i follow, warcraft or otherwise, are all very talented writers! even if we’re not interacting, everyone i follow has managed to pull me in one way or another and there are quite a few threads that have nothing to do with me that i read regardless, just because they’re interesting and well written.
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swampgallows · 2 years
Speaking of Garrosh's love language. Do you think it's possible Thrall was in love with Grommash and then projected those feelings on Garrosh and that's why everything happened the way it did? As in, that's why Thrall looked at Garry with rose-coloured glasses?
tldr; maybe, but not as it exists in canon.
This question must be handled delicately because, canonically, Grom and Thrall are brothers. Though they are not blood-related, Grom calls Thrall “little brother”, and one of the first things Thrall tells Garrosh is “Your father was a brother to me.” They also have a significant age gap: Grom is 46 and Thrall is 24 according to the Warcraft 3 manual. So, with respect to canon, I would have to say their love was familial, not romantic. They are the definition of found family. 
However, due to the highly homophobic era in which Warcraft 3 was released, I can see how audiences might interpret this “brotherly love” as a smokescreen for a deeper, romantic relationship, or that it’s more satisfying to interpret as romantic a la Kirk/Spock or Samwise/Frodo. I think that the telling of both of these kinds of stories (gay romantic love vs. found family love) is important, especially because Thrall’s story is one of an orphan raised in another culture who later reconnects with his orcish background and identity. It could be romantic if you wanted it to be, but I personally think Thrall being accepted into a family unit heavily impacts his later founding of the Horde, and his declaration of the Horde itself as family. 
I have written before about The Gromplex, or Grom Complex, that Thrall and Garrosh share: both of them project their feelings and expectations of Grom onto one another and, unable to fulfill these needs (because neither of them are Grom) they both suffer for it. They are simultaneously each other’s father figures, beholding one another to be the True Orc they both aspire to be. Rose-colored glasses is accurate, but more in regard to what Grom represented rather than who he really was: Garrosh embodies the (indigenous) orc identity that Thrall never knew, and Thrall embodies the father that Garrosh never knew. For Garrosh, to fail Thrall would be to fail his own father.
That being said, if one wanted to reimagine Grom and Thrall’s relationship as romantic instead of brotherly, be my guest! But directly transferring an established romantic relationship with Grom to his son is a little too Woody Allen for me. If Thrall had unrequited feelings for Grom that instead blossomed with Garrosh, I could imagine that. I could also see WoD!Grom and Thrall developing something romantic, since they’re closer in age and WoD!Grom didn’t have the same dynamic with Thrall that MU!Grom had. 
I don’t do much “shipping” in the first place but tampering with any kind of family relationships is a hard limit for me. Thrall/Garrosh (or thrallosh) might as well be canon due to how bizarre their relationship already is, but Thrall/Grom (thrommash? throm?) requires a little bit of tweaking.
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Why ppl who think the writers dont know exactly what they are doing with Sylvannas are dead, completely and utterly wrong: a Thread
from the official overview
“ The Broken Machine The machine of death is broken, and players entering the Shadowlands will find the realm of the dead in disarray. In the natural order of things, souls are sorted and sent on to an afterlife realm appropriate to the lives they lived, but now, but over the past few years, all souls who have perished—including the innocents slain at Teldrassil—are being funneled directly into the Maw. The Shadowlands are starving for anima even as the Maw continues to grow from the glut of fresh souls. Sylvanas has been seemingly perpetrating acts to bring about great amounts of death and destruction. In partnership with the Jailer, they have been working toward a common end for some time. “
so, i’m sure this will be one of the first things we learn in Bastion. or whereever.
emphasis mine.
past few years...BFA...Legion....ok thats a pair... So what if it is not exactly a few (3 ). Draenor sylvannas didnt have anything to do, But in MoP she didnt balk at causing death at Siege of Ogrimmar or Theramore and, in the Cataclysm she wiped out 3 cities. Catacylsm is the expasnion after wrath. After she died
From Sylvannas Windrunner: Edge of Night
“What did it matter if another corpse filled his vacant throne? Sylvanas Windrunner had her vengeance. The vision that had driven her and her people for years had finally been realized. And not a single fiber of her desiccated, animate corpse cared where the world went from here.It was over now. A part of her was surprised she was even still around, without his lingering presence always tugging at the back of her mind. She backed away from the throne and slowly turned to survey the cold gray world all around her. Her thoughts returned to that place of bliss, her half-remembered glimpse of what lay beyond. Home. It was time.
She longed for it. A return to peace. The work she had begun in the forests of Silvermoon was finally complete with the death of Arthas. ,,,,,,,,,,,
She could feel no cold, only a dull ache. She would feel nothing soon. She already felt her spirit reaching a place of calm for the first time in almost a decade. Her weight shifted toward the edge of the drop. She closed her eyes.
"There are so many!" he barked, falling silent as she raised a finger. "We have only two dozen rangers up there," he said, his voice now a whisper. "They cannot survive that!" Sylvanas didn't turn her gaze away from the dark mass of shambling corpses crushing its way closer to the river ford. It was the height of the Third War, and hours away from Silvermoon's fall at the hands of Arthas's army.
"They merely need to delay them as we fortify the Sunwell's defense," she answered, her tone measured.
"They will die!"
"They are arrows in the quiver," Sylvanas said. "They must be spent if we are to win this."
She was brash. Empty? No—a fighter. She had a warrior's heart.................
Before her waited a grotesque, quivering mass of corpses, their armor piecemeal, their bodies broken, the stench unimaginable. Their plaintive, desperate gazes reminded her suddenly of children. They disgusted her. But their need empowered her. "The Lich King falters. Your will is your own. Are you to be outcasts now in your own land? Or do we embrace the cruel cards fate has dealt us and retake our place in this world?"
These poor people: peasants, farmers, priests, warriors, lords and nobles… they hadn't yet come to grips with what had happened to them. But for somebody—anybody—to assure them that they belongedsomewhere was electrifying. 
Already he'd come to embrace his situation, referring to humans as if they were a separate race; she made a mental note to make use of him.
"The humans will serve their purpose," she answered, her mind already calculating. "They believe they are liberating the city. Let them fight on our behalf and spend themselves for our gain. They are"—she stumbled upon an analogy she'd used before—"arrows in our quiver."
The heaving mass of undead clapped and coughed and hacked gleefully in assent. Sylvanas regarded the whole mob coldly. And so are you, she thought to herself. Arrows I will aim at Arthas's heart.
No more would she be the vengeful leader of a mongrel race of rotted corpses. Her work was done, and her long-denied reward awaited her
“"Your people will perish!" said the dark-haired Val'kyr.
.Sylvanas thought about her people. They had come far from their decimated origins, the yearning, confused mob of fresh corpses huddled about the ruins of Lordaeron's wrecked capital. The Forsaken were truly a nation now: a fetid, gore-caked, hideous mass of lifeless husks, skilled in combat, devastating with the arcane arts, and unhindered by fetters of morality. They had been honed into the perfect weapon. Her weapon. And they had struck the killing blow for which she had built them. She cared nothing for their fate."Let them perish!" Sylvanas cried. "I am finished with them!"“
She saw only darkness.
And then she felt—truly felt, for the first time in a long while. She recoiled. In agony.
Here she was, her spirit once again feeling whole, only to feel it suffer. To feel once more, only to feel abject pain. Cold. Hopelessness.
There were others in the darkness. Things she didn't recognize, because nothing so terrible could exist in the world of the living. Claws tore at her, but she had no mouth with which to scream. Eyes looked at her, but she couldn't look back.
She sensed a familiar presence. Recognized it. The taunting voice that had once held her in its grasp. Arthas? Arthas Menethil? Here? His essence rushed to her, desperate, then shrank away in horrified recognition. The boy who would be Lich King. Just a scared little blond child, reaping the aftermath of a lifetime of mistakes. If any part of Sylvanas's soul were not at that moment torn and tormented, she might have even felt—for the first time—the slightest glimmer of pity for him.
Now the others had her. Surrounded her. Gleeful, tormenting, tearing at her consciousness, delighting in her suffering.
This was to be her eternity: the endless void, the dark, unknown realm of anguish.
"Sylvanas Windrunner, Dark Lady, queen of the Forsaken… you may walk with the living again through the sisterhood of the Val'kyr. As long as they live, so too shall you. Freedom, life… and power over death. This is our pact. Do you accept our gift?"
This was her only way out. But she didn't want to give her assent out of fear. She waited until she felt something more. A fellowship. A sisterhood. Sisters. Separate, they were all trapped. But together, they were free… and with them, she could postpone her fate.
"I was once like you, Garrosh," she answered, her voice quiet and steady, loud enough only for the warchief to hear. "Those who served me were tools. Arrows in my quiver.
What he saw was a great black void, an infinite darkness. There was fear in those eyes, but also something else. Something that terrified even the great warchief.
"Garrosh Hellscream. I've walked the realms of the dead. I have seen the infinite dark. Nothing you say. Or do. Could possibly frighten me."
The army of undead that surrounded and protected the Dark Lady was still hers, body and soul. But they were no longer arrows in her quiver, not anymore. They were a bulwark against the infinite. They were to be used wisely, and no fool orc would squander them while she still walked the world of the living.
Now, look at the description for the Maw
“ This horrific prison houses the most vile and irredeemable souls in existence—ones deemed by the Arbiter to represent a threat to the Shadowlands if left free. Ruled by the enigmatic Jailer who none have ever seen—at least none have seen and lived to tell—the Maw inspires nightmares and legends even among the denizens of the Shadowlands. No one has ever escaped this vile place, and any foolish enough to venture there are never heard from again. “
So This short story was written before cataclysm launched in 2010. NINE years ago.
So yes “dur Blizz are bad writers that made sylvannas do a 180 and become evil for no reason”
NO. This was the biggest piece of characerization Sylvannas ever got outside of warcraft 3 The Frozen Throne. it establishes that she was a cold person more than willing to treat living people as objects to satisfy the needs of their military and their people. It emphasised MULTIPLE times that i highlighted that she HATED and was disgusted by the forsaken. ANd i emphasised at least twice that She has been using patriotism and their need for someone to care about them as a way to MANIPULATE them. And that was how she was. SHe didnt care about any of them They were just a tool to be used to kill Arthas. and with him gone she was ready to die.
The problem was she was ready to die because she HAD ALREADY DIED. we learn with the SHadowlands that good souls go where they are treated well, and even strong souls are treated well. but Where to evil souls go? either the maw or to the vampire place. She had died and started to enter the good place, Bastion no doubt. as a good protector of the innocent. but Arthas pulled her out and made her a monster
BUT SINCE THEN she became even more of a monster. She let her people embrace hatred. she allowed slavery and torture of prisoners for the sake of destroying life. she thought of nothing but how to USE and ABUSE people in order to get vengence so SHE could get her REWARD.
She became a “most vile and irredeemable soul”. So when she died her soul went to the Maw where it suffered with dark evil souls like Arthas’
and did getting rescued by the valkyre fix her outlook? No . she still saw her people as nothing. but she knew the horrors she’d face if she died, and so she viewed her people as a BULWARK against that.
But whats REALLY interesting is that I think Ion wasnt being completely honest . The lore says that “No one has EVer escaped the Maw of Souls”... however we know that we will do so. And we know that No one has been there. so how can anyone KNOW that no one has escaped. What if they just kept it a secret.
What if the Jailer started to, for whatever reason, decide to take over the afterlife. whether it was personal ambition or seeing the rest as redundant. And he saw this elf soul ESCAPE him. the only one to ever do so. By that Valkyre taking her place. The Valkyre are allegedly created by the souls of hte denezins of bastion, the angel people. So between having a connection to the lich king, guardian of the connection to the Shadowlands, and the fact that they are denezins of the shadowlands.. or were... it makes sense they might have had the power to rescue a soul from the Maw.....with the added help of the soul taking her place.
I emphasised other parts to because i think its important. the Valkyre USED to be denizens of the shadowlands. but supposedly Changed by the lich king. The valkyre emphasised it WASNT just a bond of sisterhood but a bond of hte Valkyre. I think in order to save her from the maw they basically had to enchant sylvannas to magically register as a Valkyre, and thats how they ‘made the switch”. so to speak.
Now remember what happened in Legion? She got a special lantern from Helya, the original Valkyr, who is a master of Death, trapping souls and creating dimensions And who has reason to hate Odyn  who has his own form of afterlife?
So it seems to me that Sylvannas gained the attention of the Jailer when she was the first one to escape. and the fact that she escaped by utilizing Valkyre magic, but she wasnt bound to the ethos of most of the denizens of bastion. I think shortly after her original death she was contacted by him, possibly through the valkyre and they started their pact. 
Ion said that Sylvannas does not have a master, she’s doing things for herself. However that doesnt mean that, just cus the Jailer isnt controlling her doesnt mean he might not be manipulating her.
Jailer starts to usurp the souls. Sylvannas, afraid of going to the maw. begins rampant death,  in order to kill enemies and create a massive army of forsaken to use against any force that would come for her. This rampant death gains the attention of those in the afterlife, including the Jailer who gets more souls do to it. somewhere between Cata and the start of legion he contacts her. When vol’jin is dying he uses his influence to get Vol’jin to name Sylvannas warchief.
She uses her new power to go wherever she wants, which she uses to find Helya, another god of death who has a unique power. Realm magic. using the Lantern, Sylvannas uses the valkyre to send it to the jailer who cuts off the other parts of the afterlife, making it so ALL souls go to the maw. then now that the world threat is over, and she doesnt have to worry about dying herself, she uses her position of power to sew as much death as possible to feed her ally. with the ultimate plan of  them destroying the natural order of life and death.  She gets to be free of him and lets those she deems worthy live free. all others get to be the Jailer’s victims. no more souls wasted on the ‘good’ after lives or regeneration. no more foolish living to ruin a perfect, deathless world.
its all coming together.
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[H] The Tirisfal Theatre Troupe Presents: Hellthreequel, the Third One!
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(art by @shamanofthewilds )
WHAT:  “Hellthreequel: The Third One”, a play written and performed by the Tirirsfal Theatre Troupe WHERE: Valley of Trials, by the gates into the valley! WHEN: April 19th at 8:20 PM (PST and Server Time) WHO: YOU! WHY: Because we love you!
Garrosh was finally facing comeuppance for his crimes, in an event that TOTALLY happened and was no way fabricated wish fulfillment to create a humorous courtroom scenario! Just when the tyrant was about to face his just and rightful death sentence, TIME FROZE!
Kairozdormu, a mysterious bronze dragon with mysterious motives shrouded in mystery mysteriously mystified even the most mystical mystic in the room and wisked Garrosh away to what he claims is a brand new timeline where Draenor was uncorrupted!
Now on his way to create an army from the orcs of this alternate Draenor, many questions are to finally find their answers! Such as, just how much more convoluted and stupid can the plot get?  Will Garrosh ever get his mug of cherry grog? Why do the Warlords function better as a metal band than they do a warband?
Follow Garrosh, Grom Hellscream, and the warband known as “the Warlords” as they figure this and more out. Packed with action, humor, drama, character development, and enough potty jokes to make a four year old giggle!
Find out, in this “savage” finale to the Hellsqueal trilogy, in a world where orcs rock the night away!
Well, it’s finally time to say farewell to the Hellsqueal trilogy for good! While we’ve only performed this play once before, we felt with the first and second being retired, it would be awkward to keep going with this script, and thus it too is being retired. It’s also our most referential work, taking several jokes from the popular TV series Metalocalypse from several years back to work off of the brand of death metalhead humor. One night only to catch this hilarious 3rd installment that absolutely no one asked for! So grab your friends, your dog, heck, grab your lighter and get ready to rock out with your grok out at 8:20 PM PST (server) on April 19th, as the Warlords serenade you with the skull-splitting sounds of savagery before silence befalls it forever!
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It’s a place many of you might be familiar with this time around! The Valley of Trials is a place where all orcs (well, of the non-Mag’har variety) first experience at level 1! The gates exiting the Valley are decorated with stone and spires and spikes, all great things to encompass orcish awesomeness! Alliance players who want to see will have an easy enough time, just roll a new alt orc and pretend you’re wearing a mask if you must, the venue is right there!  The stage is a little more cramped this time around, but fear not, there should be plenty of room to sit! REMEMBER, THE SHOW STARTS AT 8:20 PM! There will be pre-show entertainment as usual in the form of fireworks, and there might be an open bar! Probably! We’re not sure yet, we’ll update this when we’re sure!  Stick around after the show to speak with our cast, take pictures with us, so on and so forth! Offer your criticisms of the play, tell us how much you hated it, seriously, we just love talking shop with our fans!
Test your Hellsqueal series knowledge! True hardcore fans of the Hellsqueal line of plays might just have a chance to win BIG at the intermission, when we play a quick game for some cool prizes, like a Vial of the Sandstone Drake, or another Mechano-Hog - everyone likes motorcycles, right?
Atos, Joseph, Zogar, Zat’ai, Timiala, Gotosh, Maeitha, & Banorak! The troupe is here and ready to rock your night! EVERYONE IS HERE! ...wait, wrong game!
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