#garrus is better
thefloatingstone · 1 year
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What if they had to do paperwork?
(Unlike the other comics this doesn't actually happen in any of the games I'm just a fan of how dumb they all are)
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milkywayes · 4 months
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GARRUS VAKARIAN: DATABASE IMAGE ACCESS. > PT. 1 : 2160, 2166, 2170. > all files backdated according to user preferences: (terran_coordinated.calendar).
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martii-art · 1 year
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✨best boy in the universe✨ Over ten years in Mass Effect brain rot, and it's only my first Garrus Vakarian fanart. SHAME.
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angstyastro · 4 months
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Wip wop that one zendaya challengers poster but make it shakarios :3c
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mollykawamotoart · 1 year
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Revenge is mine Vakarian.
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earthborn! shepard who’s nasal passages are destroyed from red sand use in their youth x golden boy garrus vakarian who almost passed out from one drag of a cigarette in his first week in the military
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c-rowlesdraws · 1 year
kindling hope in my heart for Mass Effect: The Next One to show some more variety and open-mindedness with regards to alien friends and romances by reminding myself that BioWare went from incredulous that players could actually want to romance Garrus to making and selling an official body pillowcase of him. They can be taught… they can learn & grow
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thetrashbagswasteland · 9 months
Today only from a card carrying member of the Castis Vakarian Appreciation Squad, a refresher on canon since there's a not-zero number of people in 2024 who seem blissfully unaware of how much we know about this man in canon (including andromeda yes the game is canon go cry about it).
He's a cop. Yes Castis works for C-Sec, implied within the same unit/building as Garrus and to the contrary of his son, is implied to be both good at his job and well-regarded for it. (This will be important for later points try to remember it.)
He has alien friends. Castis is canonically one of Alec Ryder's best friends. They're good enough friends that he passes on rumours/heresay about the Reapers to him and reminisces about spending time with him on the Citadel. Any turian old enough to have been an adult during the FCW and who has human friends as of canon prolly isn't a miserable old xenophobe. Whilst no, working at C-Sec doesn't exclude him from having shitty thoughts about Krogan and Quarians, it's a fairly good sign he's not anti-alien on the whole if he'll befriend a human.
He's got a personality. How dare minor characters have those! But more seriously, acting as if Castis is portrayed as nothing but a rule-worshipping automaton is doing him a disservice. If nothing else, his willingness to befriend and hang out with Alec, who's very much of the opinion that rules are guidelines to be circumvented when at all possible, shows that he's capable of nuance and maybe even a dash of line-pushing of his own accord. Maybe he's comfortable within the system and trusts law and order as set out legally above all else but c'mon guys, you don't hang out with a guy who goes on to break AI law and get dishonourably discharged (and then remain friends with him after that when it's made damned clear few others do) without being able to see shades of grey.
He trusts his son. This one I suspect may be more contentious BUT let's be honest here, Garrus isn't an easy person to be around. We hear about the pair of them clashing on the job and within their personal lives about the spectres but here's the thing: Garrus winds up on a secretive mission with a human and xenophobic terrorist group, after running off to a lawless hellscape to play batman. He remains distant until done working with Cererbus and then returns home with a crazy tale about a dead human spectre, genocidal robots from the year dot and half his face missing. Castis not only believes him but does so willingly enough that he does everything he can to help him get the news to the right people, just in case he's right. Equally, whilst we don't have an exact date for when the call with Alec occurs, it's post-start of ME1 at the very least and within that he's already willing to take what Garrus is saying Shepard says at face value. Within that call, it's made patently obvious that no matter what, he still trusts Garrus on some level and is proud of him on top of that trust.
He cares deeply for the people around him. Perhaps this one's linked with 3 but whatever, my post, my rules; in the comics, the picture we're painted by (unreliable narrator) Garrus is that of a driven, cold man who doesn't care enough about his own family. This is why he doesn't come home when Mama Vakarian gets hurt, we're told, and we're expected to take that as face value even when she herself says that by the time he can get away from work and be back there, she'll be mostly healed. Kinda contrasted by the fact that he seemingly retires/takes time off from C-Sec to be with his wife when she's dying. Now, the details are kinda fuzzy on the whys and hows but during ME3, he and Solana escape Palaven together. Maybe the war's going poorly enough that they're able to finagle staying together through the draft, maybe they come across one another purely by luck, we don't know. Either way, rather than attempt to get back to the Citadel and to where he presumably still had a job and/or was needed, he sticks with his daughter. Can't do anything more to help his son but he's gonna stick with at least one of his kids to make sure she survives. As well as all this, the "do things properly or don't do them at all" lesson Garrus struggles with from him is (gasp) not bad advice for their situation. He's trying to teach his son important life skills and whilst there's no denying he's going about it wrong, a key point is in fact that Garrus learns to master the gun he's struggling to fire and it in fact becomes one of his specialities! He becomes an exceptionally good marksman! The lesson fucking worked! He still, regardless of the reasons for it, seems to support and be content with Garrus not fulfilling his mandatory 15 but instead joining C-Sec and (worse still) doesn't have too much of an issue with him consorting with Spectres. Perhaps he's not best pleased but he definitely comes to accept that that's how things are irrespective of his own feelings about them as either a concept or as people (his belief that Garrus being a spectre would be a terrible no good very bad idea is, in fact, backed up by canon as being entirely correct too).
Conclusion/TL:DR. Take a lesson from Castis Vakarian himself here, either write about this man properly or don't write him at all, I'm begging y'all. There's an awful lot more to this character if you think about him and put together the information canon gives us on him, so do so.
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gammaraydeath · 8 months
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madamedramatics · 4 months
Thinking about how much Garrus likes to talk and hold conversations.
Also thinking about how he had few people to talk to on the Normandy because he was a Turian.
Now thinking that was why he was always so excited to talk whenever we came to see him
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elven-butts · 1 year
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i think he understood something about her in that moment not many people ever do
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thefloatingstone · 8 months
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Local Man forgets the "proposal" part of marriage. More at 11.
(He's so stupid and embarrassing in ME3 and I love him so much sdfkhsdf)
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ersatzpenguin · 1 year
BioWare Artist 1: And all the female characters will have thigh gap. Because thigh gap is sexy, and players want sexy.
BioWare Artist 2: Yeah! And so will the Turians! But like, even bigger, and gappier. Like, we’re talking thigh canyons. Especially Garrus.
BioWare Artist 1: Wait—why?
BioWare Artist 2: Uhhh… Be—because they’re aliens of—of course. 😳
BioWare Artist 1: Oh. Yeah. Duh.
BioWare Artist 2: Ye—yeah. Duh. Haha. 😅
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Don’t mind me—finally playing Mass Effect Legendary Edition, enjoying a ride in the elevator with my besties, and thinking about BioWare’s character design choices.
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corpocyborg · 8 months
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lavampira · 7 months
wip wednesday
tagged by @birues and @coldshrugs ty my loves!! the sidalia wip is currently my priority but I don’t have much new to share from it so I decided to revisit a tiny dialogue section of the malena & garrus friendship study <:
and passing the tag along without pressure to @hythlodaes @scionshtola @the-rogue-mockingjay @kirnet @impossible-rat-babies @carlosoliveiraa @gwynbleidd @famewolf @creaking-skull @erielake @daggertongue @galadae @aphoticfairy @lilas @veeples @hylfystt if anyone has some art or writing in progress to drop too <3
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“Garrus, I’m a goddamn Spectre. The first human one.”
“A pain in the ass is what you are.” A low, scratchy laugh escapes him as she jabs him with an elbow, nearly muffled by the clack of their armor. “Sure, you’re one of the best damn soldiers I’ve ever met, but you’re all biotics and a shotgun to the face. Sniping takes a little more delicacy.”
Malena fights the twitch in the corner of her mouth as she glances over her shoulder at him. “That your way of saying I’m not delicate?”
“Yes, Shepard, that’s exactly what I’m saying.”
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hannah-heartstrings · 4 months
“I promise you’ll be OK again, but it’s OK that you’re not right now.”
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