#garten of banban x player
Can you draw the player like passing out from exhaustion and the characters reacting to it, because i know damn well im not fit enough for the shit that goes on in that game lmao💀
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echantedtoon · 3 months
As the janitor of the facility you sometimes clean up the cells where they kept the creatures. You never paid them attention until one started talking back to you.
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As the janitor of the facility you sometimes clean up the cells where they kept the creatures. You never paid them attention. You were more interested in going in, doing your job, and then going home at the end of the day just to case in your paycheck at the end of the week. You didn't care what these scientists are doing and it wasn't any of your business so you just kept your head where it belonged and just did what you were paid to do, which was to clean. But that made it hard to do when THOSE things started to be shoved into their cells. They always made messes. Mostly tossing around objects, breaking things, and leaking whatever it was that green ooze was.
You thought you heard the scientists call it givanium or something along those lines but you never bothered to pay too much attention to it. You were only paid to clean around here and nothing else. Which included going into those cells when the scientists took out their experiments and getting them cleaned up before they put the creatures back inside. On one such day it was business as usual. One of the scientists (Doctor Weaverly you think) brought out one of those creatures, the one that looked like a giant frog thing and you were tasked with cleaning out his cell before he came back. It wasn't too bad. At least this creature didn't leave a trail behind it like that snail thing did. It was a quick job wheeling your cart over and beginning the familiar process of sweeping, mopping, and then taking your spray bottle and cloth to start wiping at the giant reinforced window looking into the cell. Your boss's always stressed to you the importance of making sure these windows were clean at all times to allow the scientists and security clear view of the creatures. You were just wiping at the glass when you heard it for the first time.
"Hey. You."
You paused before looking around the cell. No one was in here with you.
"Look across the hall."
You looked through the window at the other side of the hall and nearly passed out from what you looked at eye to eye. A red humanoid creature was staring at you from the cell just across from you, one hand pressed against the glass and dark eyes blinking at you. You stared at it stunned and...Were those party hats on it's head?? It knocked lightly on the glass making you jump and drop the cloth in your hand.
"Can you tell me what time it is?"
You stared at it stunned before looking away. "It's near noon."
That's it. That's all you said. Keeping to your rule of do not engage and ignoring it in favor of finishing wiping the window. It didn't say anything else but you felt it watching you the entire time before you finished cleaning the other side of the window and walked away quickly just as they were bringing the frog thing back. One of your coworkers must've noticed your spooked look because he laughed.
"So you met Banban?"
You ended up looking at him. "Banban?...What the heck is that?"
He gestured back down the hallway you came from. "The red thing down there. I heard one of the head docs themselves donated his own DNA for it. Can you believe that? That's just asking for trouble."
You again said nothing as you just carted off. It wasn't any of your business anyways. The next time it spoke to you, you were again just doing your job three weeks later. In fact you had forgotten mostly about it since you really didn't bother to think about it often. It was none of your business after all. Leaving your push bucket nearby and just mopping up the givanium slime trail that snail thing left behind as they took it out of it's cell for some reason. It was disgusting and one of the least things you wanted to do. 
"You don't look like you're having fun." You again jumped and looked up at the cell you were passing. The red thing was again looking at you from the window. It tilted it's head at your startled face. "Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. I just couldn't help but notice your expression."
You blinked before just going back to dunk your mop back into the water and plopping it back onto the floor. "Well you try cleaning up this gunk every time that snail goes through here."
"I take it that you don't like it?"
"What do you think?"
"....I see you down through here a lot. A lot more than some of my coworkers really." Coworkers?? Was that what he was calling his fellow monsters?? "You're doing a good job taking care of all of the experiments."
"Yeah? At least someone seems to appreciates the work I do." You rolled your eyes at this.
"I know there's lots of janitors in the facility considering how large it is, but you're the only one I've seen who comes down here." 
"No one else wants to." You scrubbed a little harder at the slime trail. The thing's cell was even harder to clean up with all the slime built up in there but of course you had to be the one to clean it up. "*Sigh* Don't understand why I couldn't have just gotten a job upstairs cleaning the kitchen or play center."
"Do you want a transfer? Not sure if that's in my power but I'll definitely look into getting you a raise for all the underappreciated work you do."
That actually had you snorting and looking back at him. "Oh yeah? And how are you going to do that?"
"I'm surprised that you didn't recognize me. I should be very recognizable..." He shrugged. "Then again I suppose we haven't met face to face before have we?"
"No. No we haven't." You stopped mopping a moment to look at him with a smile of amusement. "But I was told your name by someone."
"Oh?" He also sounded a bit amused tilting it's head further at you. "Then who am I?"
"You're Banban aren't you?" To your surprise the thing sighed and shook its head.
"Is that what everyone's still calling me? No, no. That's not it but if it makes it easier for you then I guess you can call me that. And what's your name?"
"Y/n. It's Y/n." You rose a brow. "If Banban isn't your name though then what is it?"
"Hmm... I'm not sure what to make of my situation now yet so I'm afraid I have to keep that between myself and a select few coworkers. But if you want to you may call me Adam."
"Adam and Banban?...You sure have a few strange selections in names."
Again the thing shrugged. "It's complicated. I'll speak to Doctor Weaverly about getting you that raise but I highly suggest you don't tell anyone about our talks. It's unprofessional. Don't worry. I won't mention anything about our conversation."
You shrugged. "I didn't plan on it."
You went back to cleaning the snail's mess down the hall as he watched from his own window. You felt a bit better than before. From then there was a few times you both would talk. Sometimes it was only a sentence. Usually a question about something or what time or day it was. Sometimes you two would have full conversations about random things although mostly it was sciency stuff you didn't understand although you wondered where he learnt it from. Although he never spoke when someone else was around. You supposed he wanted to keep your talks a secret for his own reasons. Fine by you. You didn't see any reason to tell anyone about your conversations.
"You're a very beautiful woman Y/n."
You paused in the middle of cleaning a window next to his cell, blinked, and then looked at him. "What?"
He only tilted his head. "You heard me. When I finally get things sorted out, maybe we can grab a coffee sometime."
Wait. Was an inhuman experiment hitting on you? And asking you out for coffee?? The absurdity of it all had you laughing a bit before chuckling and shaking your head.
"I'm flattered but I don't think it'd work out between us."
He again shrugged. "Can't blame a man for trying."
You were amused and in a better mood for the rest of the day. Despite how strange it was. But soon things got...strange. All of a sudden Banban just stopped talking to you and interacting all together. It was strange. His cell was reinforced. More guards were patrolling down here more than usual. And security cameras were installed where they previously weren't. And people were acting a little more on edge. What was going on here?  Perhaps being just a janitor the classified Intel of what was happening didn't need to be told about this but you still felt unnerved by it all. However you would have one more encounter with Banban before danger struck. You were pushing your cart again past his cell to clean up the now unoccupied cell of that purple kangaroo thing that went missing.
"Y/n." You jumped as a hand suddenly pressed against the window of Banban's cell hard enough to make a sound and rattling the glass a bit. He stared at you with a look that made a shiver run down your spine. "Do NOT come to work tomorrow."
His hand slid down the glass before he backed away without a single word to explain what he meant by that although the warning made a shudder run through you. It stuck with you and..you didn't tell anyone about it. Why would you? It'd only get you in trouble possibly? Besides tomorrow was your day off anyways. It's not like taking a day off work would really be a burden to anyone especially if you already had the day off. Although the way he looked at you stuck in your mind.
It wasn't until the you saw the disappearance of the kindergarten on the news did that sinking feeling had you fainting.
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Doodles and draws
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a5t3rr · 3 months
Comforting Banban
Tags: My first smut, Fluff and Smut, Breeding, Belly Bulge, Neck Kissing, Kissing, Exhibitionism, Excessive Cum, Unrealistic Sex, Rough Sex, Womb Fucking, Cockwarming, Dom/Sub, Human/Monster Romance, Ambiguous/Open ending, Cervix Penetration, Size Difference, Biting, Mating bites, Mating Press, No use of y/n, y/n is replaced with darling, POV Second Person
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Summary: You the reader entering the kingdom, talking to the queen and finding out you have someone waiting for you, you hope it’s not him but you also want to make sure he’s okay
Will you comfort him or continue your task of fixing the elevator?
You decided that your horny and fuck banban cause you want to.
As you walked down to the long corridor down to the infirmary, and stopping past a large room with glass windows with a unnecessarily large snail inside, you then looked behind you and you saw a familiar 7 foot fluffy creature that was a beautiful red.
You stopped and tried to sneak past him to grab the keycard but the damn door was so loud, and coupled with the fact he had extraordinary hearing of course he heard you.
“When the queen mentioned having so many visitors in one day, I knew it had to be you.” He said sighing a heavy breath whilst looking over his shoulder “Listen whatever happened to me… Whatever I tried to do to you… just know it wasn’t actually me.”
The creature looked down at his feet resting on the ground and frowning slightly at his actions, that he couldn’t control he patted the bed beside him inviting you to sit next to him.
You stood there uneasy at the fact that he might lash out at you again, but if you were in his position you would want some comfort, so you sucked it up cause your not a baby and slowly walked towards the bed where he was sitting.
“I was forced to obey without much thought.” He said looking towards you as you sat down softly, your legs dangling you haven’t uttered a word yet your throat tightening in slight fear.
“I tried to communicating with you from afar for a reason. Now you know the true reason why.” He said still looking at you but not in the eyes, just staring at your hand resting on the bed beside his thigh.
Maybe he was scared you run away from him again out of fear? Whatever the reason was you wouldn’t ask, maybe not yet anyway.
“Still, I want to make it up to you. The queen filled me in on the situation with the elevator. I want to help with that.”
You raised a eyebrow at him, saying he wanted to make it up to you blushed at a thought that popped into your mind, okay stop you weirdo he’s a 7 foot inhuman monster who wants your pancreas of all things to eat.
But your mind kept going back to it, you shook your head trying to make the thought go away.
“I feel much more in control now. I’ll come help you find the missing pieces of the elevator.” He said with a little hope in his monotone voice “I just need to rest for a little bit and I’ll meet you at whatever that station is.”
He said chucking a little bit to ease the awkward silence from you, you parted your lips slightly licking them to get rid of the dryness “I-i can wait here while you recover..”
He raised an eyebrow at you not believing what your saying right now, how are you not running in fear right now it confused him “I thought you wanted to fix the elevator.”
He said looking into your eyes now the black abyss of his iris’s starred into yours, questioning your decisions right now.
“I do but I’m worried about you I.. want to make sure your okay.” his eyes widened a slight blush appeared on his face he was stunned, you giggled slightly at his expression “nobody ever told you that before?”
He blinked coming back Into reality “well-no.. I mean look at me I’m not..desirable at all.” he said looking at his large clawed hands with a frown “what if..I found you desirable” you said resting your head on his shoulder.
He snapped his head towards you “Don’t try to fool me I’m smarter than that” he said crossing his large arms as he looked away from you “I’m not! I swear i don’t know maybe mixed with the fact you’re actually not trying to get me killed in this labyrinth.”
You sighed putting your smaller hand on his arm, and feeling the fur beneath your fingers “I don’t know why I feel this way..” you breathed out of your nose softly
“It started on the elevator where we first met, in that room the gathering room or something?” You said trying to get to rake your brain for the name “assembly room”
he chuckled.
“Y’know I think I’m starting to believe you now..also thanks for helping me recover with you being here- it helps” he sighed closing his eyes for a bit, before opening them again and looking at you.
“Have you ever kissed anyone yet?” He said out of the blue “H-Huh?” You said not believing what you’re hearing “you heard me” he said leaning closer “why so close?..” you said flustered “just wanting to see if you really like me In that way, and by judging by your expression I’m correct.”
He said before pushing your chest to lay your back onto the bed, him standing beside the bed. his tall legs touching the side whilst he stood over your body creating a menacing shadow above you.
Before you could finish your sentence, he shushed you putting a clawed finger to your lips “I’ve wanted this as well but I won’t continue until I get your consent.”
He said resting his fingers on your chin to lift it up to meet his gaze “I-uh” you nodded shyly too flustered to say a word, he smiled slightly his tongue poking out.
“I’ve always wanted to do this for so long..”
He groaned his head reaching down to your neck, his horns almost ripping the blanket from how tall they were.
He opened his mouth and his long tongue flopped out, as he started to lick and kiss your neck making hickeys on your soft skin.
“You taste so good darling.” he moaned softly his breath touching your skin, he lowered his tongue slowly it stopping till it reaches your shirt, and ripping it off with his sharp canines and threw it somewhere in the room.
“Ah- hey..”
You grumbled in annoyance about to finish your speech on why that was rude, but before you could open your mouth he brought his tongue closer to your nipple, and licked the nub softly his hot breath making them hard.
He flicked his tongue in circular motions around the nipple, the red demon moaning slightly he brought his large clawed hand up to hold the unoccupied breast, in his other hand and pawed at it softly
You moaned biting your lip, as his long tongue played with your nipple you brought your hand up to caress his horn at the base, he looked up at you with those black abyss of eyes, grunting slightly at your soft touch.
“Fe-feels good?”
The creature groaned out as you touched his sensitive spots, he moved down slightly towards your waist licking and sucking as he went, leaving hickeys below his mouth
“Yeah-mhm please don’t stop..”
He looked up at you and smiled slightly, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he made his descent his stopped at your pants, and looked up at you waiting for your consent to move downward you nodded of course because your horny and haven’t had anyone do this to you before.
He brought his clawed hands to your pants and unbuttoned them without ripping them this time, he pulled them down your legs and over your ankles till they fell on the ground below you, he pushed it away with his foot to the other side of the room where your ripped shirt laid.
“Thanks for not ripping it this time.”
You said sassily he chuckled “The only reason I didn’t tear them was because only I, get to see you this way darling.” he said possessively emitting a deep growl from his body where you could feel the vibrations inside yourself, making you shiver.
“Ju-just get on with it, and stop teasing me.”
He smiled softly before slowly taking off your underwear exposing your want to his eyes, he threw that to the growing pile of clothes he then spread your legs and breathed heavily at the sight.
“Maybe you’ll taste better than pancreas”
He hummed softly before bending his head down to take a test lick to see how you would respond, seeing as how you flinched slightly before moaning he’ll take that as a yes.
You moaned before biting your lip again, because you just realised there’s a window behind you exposing your whole naked body to the world, before you could think about it more he somehow wiggled his long tongue inside your tight walls.
“Ah!-wa-wait people could see us..”
You put your hands on his head fur and gripped it tight, moaning softly at the weird feeling nobody could reach this far inside you unless it was him.
“Let them see, I want them to know you’re mine.”
He growled his vibrations echoing deep in your sensitive Insides, you put your hands near your face to block your girly high pitched moans as you shook in pleasure at the pleasant feeling, his claws dug into your thighs leaving little red marks he retracted his long tongue and licked your thigh where he pricked you by accident.
“When I’m feeling hungry, I’ll come to you sound good?”
You nodded unable to speak from that experience, your expression probably looked so stupid right now, but you didn’t care you just wanted him to pin you down and ravage you but you weren’t gonna say that.
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
He chuckled softly before putting his legs up on the bed, his hands landing beside your head the light above him creating a halo above him, (sorry not sorry banban nation on twitter) making him look like a angel rather than a devil, you looked up at him enamoured at the sight before you.
“You look so pretty”
You said without thinking before realising your mouth spoke for you, and you blushed in embarrassment “I-i mean..” you said before closing your mouth and covering your face.
“Y’know i also developed these feelings..where we met I just only realised when I chased you in my other form”
You uncovered your face slightly and looked up at him, your eyes only showing “i want this..I want you i thought it was odd for me to love something inhuman, but I’ve come to love you flaws and all.”
He blushed heavily a green blush covering his cheeks and the area where his nose should be, he opened his mouth slightly before closing it before bending his face down towards yours and moving your hands out of the way, before placing his lips on yours.
He held your hands and put them on his chest to rest there, his whole hand wrapping
around your wrist making you feel things, you could taste your excitement on his tongue you didn’t taste too bad really, he moved his tongue around your teeth and the top of your mouth before wrapping it around yours.
His longer thicker tongue took up half your mouth you had to widen your jaw just to fit him comfortably, he wrapped his tongue around yours his thick saliva mixing with yours you had to sallow some just to not make it dribble down your chin.
He eventually extracted his long tongue from your mouth letting you breathe, you huffed a breath in deeply hungry for oxygen, you caught your breath in a few minutes.
He stared at you with a slight smirk on his face, “are you alright with me taking your virginity?” He was blunt, you nodded embarrassed he said it like it was but you just wanted him to bend you with your knees to your head, he bent down to kiss your neck before lining himself up his saliva acting as lube, and your wetness making it easy to slip in without blood.
“Ngh-your really..”
You said shyly not able to say the forbidden word, or so you called it “big? Yes I know I’ll start slow to make sure you accommodate to my size.” he said groaning softly his eye closed slightly in pleasure, you then put your hands on his chest to stabilise yourself you looked down to see a slight bulge it moving as he went deeper.
You whimpered in pleasure as he bottomed out, the bulge had moved to the bottom of the belly button you felt a little overwhelmed by his size, his fur was tickling your clit making you shiver softly.
He gripped the sheets below him beside your head his claws ripping them slightly as he groaned at how tight you were, “fe-feels good not painful?” He huffed hot air hitting the top of your head, you wrapped your smaller hands around his wide furry back clutching onto it for dear life, preparing yourself for this demon.
“ye-yep i think your earlier uh..preparations helped.” he widened his arms a bit to adjust
His position to ground himself. he started to move his hips his dick felt smooth with a knot at the base, it had a silt at where his dick came out of to hide it seamlessly, and was a lighter red than his fur colour.
He huffed his breath moving your hair his tongue rolling out and drooling on the sheets below you, he started to ground his hips into yours the tip of his dick hitting your cervix with the knot in probably beyond it, you blushed a little at the thought.
He went faster and harder you having to wrap your legs around his waist to stay and not fall of the bed, cause he was making it rock you moaned tried to cover your mouth so nobody could hear, you titled your head back and looked back at the window his hands slightly In your view.
“Ha-mh please”
“Please what?”
He said going faster trying to pry your mouth open to hear your wonderful moans, the sudden pace change made you squeal a high pitched moan making it echo off the walls, at this point you didn’t care anymore you only wanted to feel him.
You titled your head to the side looking at his face from above, your thoughts are consumed as his hands grip onto the backs of your knees and push you into a mating press, you can feel the delicious stretch of your walls as your cunt is filled with all of him.
You can feel it coming onto you your body starts to convulse softly, as your orgasm builds up, its quick but would be overwhelming but it would be worth it.
His breath gets more ragged as he pushes his hips against yours, his hips stutter as he pushes his knot between your folds, you cry out as a hot wave of pleasure washes over you, your legs shake as he cums Inside your womb.
Your body arches as he fills you to the brim, it leaking out slightly but the knot mostly keeping it inside, his body pressing you down into the bedding your legs beside your head on his shoulders.
He’s still cumming Inside of you as you writhe in pleasure, he must of been really pent up your glad you could help him relieve himself.
He sighs trying to pull out but realising he’s stuck “Uh-slight problem..” you blink before looking down his knot was gone, it was inside your tight walls it left a bigger bulge it going up to the top of your belly button now.
“How long will it take to go back to normal?” You said trying to catch your breath, he put your legs back on the bed “a few hours..?” He said apologetically, “I have to go see stinger Flynn at the end of the hall” you said huffing, “he’s in a deep sleep right now, we’ll be fine.” he said purring into your neck and lifting you so you were laying on his stomach, as his back was on the bed his long legs hanging off the bed.
“I guess a few hours of sleep wouldn’t hurt..” you said yawning you put the side of your face in his fluffy chest, and try to sleep but his damn dick kept throbbing, so you just decided to lay there soaking in the pleasure,
His soft purring vibrating in your ears.
THANK YOU FOR READING!! :D nice criticism would be great I’d like to improve, also I might make a new chapter on the aftermath of this I already have an idea tehe.
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valentinbelleyh505 · 9 months
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royalblanket · 4 months
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this is the only art ive finished in weeks
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cactusenokioko · 4 months
How do you feel about the Banban/male!player?
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possumsarenice · 10 months
I’ve been holding it in for so long rn, but I a terrible confession to make. I watched some YouTubers I like clown on Garten of Banban chapter 4 as they played it, as I have for the past 3 chapters, when something horrible happened. My ears heard the frog say “partner” and my queer brain immediately made a bunch of exclamation points. Now I’m imagining a rewrite player character (who I call “the parent” and rewrite sheriff going through an enemies-to-begrudging-allies-to-friends-to-lovers. I don’t really care too much about Bittergiggle, at all. I do care about the agender and mute (semi-selectively) parent having a really bad day and the pan himbo toad I made up in my head kissing.
I wanna talk to someone about this so if anyone wants to ask anything please do.
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spyroid101 · 5 months
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"I'm so tired…" "So am I." "But we have to keep going…" "We will, just… take a second…"
Comfort Banban and Protagonist doodle <3
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banfan69 · 1 year
Hello world, banfan69 here. I just want to establish for this first post (which will be my pinned post until further notice) what this account is going to be. As said in my description, I only like the game Garten of BanBan ironically and made this blog for shits and giggles. On this account I will post art, fanfiction, and delusional rants. My inbox will be open for requests and your delusional rants. Most of the fanfiction will be x reader because I am a menace to society. My favorite character is Stinger Flynn though.
For making it this far, I will give you a treat. And by treat I mean this awful creation I made on my phone using ibis paint that's a meme draw-over.
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I'm still learning how to draw BanBans proportions, but I'll get better with practice. Also have my design for the player character.
I made this banner for the account, but it was too big to fit all of it, so I'm putting it down here.
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144 notes · View notes
Bittergiggle deserves attention, and so do the other Bittergiggles!
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Bittergiggles from Chapter 4
The Bittergiggle in the first drawing, on the top right, is from Chapter 6!
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And they're from Chaper 6!
They're such lovable characters! If you can't tell already, Bittergiggle and the other Bittergiggles are my favourites!
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I like to headcannon that green enjoys doing gymnastics. And cooking (with slow salene's help, usually. he can go damn well on his own by smelling, it's just that he gets tripped up really really easily.)
Ugggh I'm gonna post some of my rare-pair garten of banban x rainbow friends shit here too because erm.
red x banbalena
red x stinger Flynn (as a note I don't see banban as a scientist. I see stinger Flynn as that, tis why I ship them. Not romantically.)
Green x slow salene
blue x jumbo josh (otp :33333333)
Cyan x captain fiddles (I love him sm. Wish he was in the games. The disrespect to him is crazy.)
Nabnab x purple (2 freaky fucks getting up to no good. Skittering about)
yellow x banban (NOT ROMANTIC!!! Their besties ur honor)
Also some silly shit only within each fandom
Green x yellow (friendship, yellow helps him put make-up on)
Cyan x blue (again their just besties. blue has no sense of fashion so cyan needs to help his bitch ass.)
banban :3
Banbalena x banban (very very VERY old friends. Like long time besties.)
jumbo josh x nabnab (HOLD HIM!!!! HOLDING THE SPIDER!!!! again just a friendship)
Stingerflynn x player (they fuck. Period.)
Slow selene x sheriff toadster (I think that's his name I can't be bothered to look) (THEY FUCK!!!!!)
uhh that's it grrr expect more headcannons n shit later I'll also be posting my regular ass art + lsyan shit
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Yoooo what if I posted headcanons for GOBB.
Like their appearance, how old they are, ships, features, personalities and stuff like that??
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Could you draw Toadster reacting to player telling them that they intend to bring him and the other experiments home with them. I’m imagining that the player has like a large amount of land, how else could they afford to take this much time off work.
Thank you for drawing our little blorbos.
I was facing a bit of art block when I drew this, I hope this is okay :')
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175 notes · View notes
Hope ya don't mind me asking this, but could you do more of Bittergiggle & the other Bittergiggles plz? They all look so nice in your artstyle, I love it a lot :3
Of course!
Here's some Bittergiggle and other Bittergiggles sketches!
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Jealous Bittergiggles, coming right up!
Also, I ran out of pages in my book, so I'm drawing on paper now :)
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