#gaston legume ii
isleofdarkness · 1 year
How does Frollo’s cult work? Who’s in it? What threat does it pose to the isle and any outsiders? Do they target certain people? And does it clash with any preexisting groups? What are the Vks thoughts on it? Also are/were there any notable kids in the similar situation as Claudine, did she consider them siblings or friends?
Warning for under the cut- in-depth discussion of a fictional cult, a lot of talk about childhood sexual abuse and the impacts, both physical and psychological, it has, mentions of ableism, racism, ethnophobia, and other bigotry, mention of murder attempts and torture, the cult has intentions of genocide, mentions of indoctrination and toxic masculinity, mentions of child death, mentions of self-harm and self-mutilation, gender-based abuse, swearing, tell me if I need to add more cause this is so dark
Frollo's cult is founded on the idea that all magic is inherently evil and must be wiped out. Due to King Beast having a happy Isle finger, the magic and non-magic populations are pretty even. Most of the non-magic population have suffered in some way because of magic users, magic creatures, magic artefacts, whatever. Frollo promised them protection from the magic menace on the Isle. His church and the catacombs beneath it were a sanctuary that would protect them from such abomination. Frollo's cult includes a lot of civilians, such as people from Belle's village, people ripped out of Underland before the realm vanished, the guards who terrorized Aladdin, as well as some actual villains such as Madam Medusa, Mr Snoops, Monsieur D'Arque (an example of how magic can be "cured,") just a whole lot of human villains. Frollo could convince you the sky has polka dots, he's very convincing. He convinced everyone in his cult that magic was the root of their suffering, that it was the root of all evil in the world and that if magic were eliminated, "normal" people like them could be happy and safe. He's actually got a massive portion of the non-magic population either in his cult or allied with his cult.
The cult poses way more of a threat than it does, and let me explain that. Maverick Mim created her network in direct response to what Frollo was doing and the two have been at war for decades (I stress to you that this was a big enough deal that Maverick left everything she ever knew and estranged herself from her mother when she was three. She watched Frollo burn down houses, beat people in the streets, kill children, and she watched her madre do nothing about it.) Maverick Mim has made herself such a massive threat because of Frollo's cult. He's the reason she begged Facilier to teach her how to read when she was three, so that she could read history books and fiction stories and get access to as many magical powers as she could. He's the reason she's basically a terrorist (morally she's right in bombing immortals who got too big for their britches, legally she's wrong,) why Maverick's Mile is both the safest and most dangerous place on the Isle, why Maverick is making this a "you attack one of us you attack all of us" thing. If she stepped down and let him do his shit, hundreds of Isle children would die. The adults would go to war and those few who would survive the massacre would get drawn into it. And if Maverick Mim, Magical Public Enemy no1, dies? That means the people who have sold their souls to her because they need to be immortal (such as Mara, who contains horrors beyond comprehension and is actively needed to make sure the fucking shedim don't come back,) can die, and they will die. And if that happens? There would not be enough salt on Earth to protect them from the Hell that would be unleashed. Basically, Frollo's cult is a massive threat for reasons most people will never understand. The only reason they don't understand is because of Maverick.
They target the magic users they can get away with targeting. Several of the adults were burned in the first few years and many babies were murdered for who their parents were. Frollo particularly likes targeting the disabled, queer people, people of colour, people who aren't Catholic, etc, and that's most of the Isle. He burned Hades (Hades was fine and a bit annoyed,) he got Facilier tied to an anchor and thrown into sea (he was also fine but it ruined his best shoes and also what the fuck,) he blew up Madam Mim's cottage (Mim herself was fine but the five children in there were not and Maverick ripped his ribs out one by one for that,) he's gone after pretty much everyone at some point and none of the villains can really stop him. In terms of social power, he has as much on the Isle as Maleficent does. He can do whatever he wants and he wants to be shitty and kill people.
It clashes with a good chunk of the preexisting groups and every single one of the new groups. He's clashed with the pirates, with the sea witches, with the Mongols, with Maleficent's army, with the gods, he has tried to kick every ass on the Isle.
The VKs pretty much all hate it. You are to get Maverick Mim immediately if someone from that cult so much as sneezes funny so she can come and kick their ass. Considering none of the adults can die and most of the kids want out more than anything it's hard to take direct action, but the Isle is nothing if not creative. For example, one time Frollo went out to try and recruit people and Harry and Jay, despite not dating, very openly started making out the second he could see them. Like it was a full display. Nowadays there's even a fun club dedicated to doing homosexual stuff to drive Frollo back into his cave when he steps out. Isle kids hate him so much they're willing to make out with the closest ally of the same gender. Sometimes Lydia will follow him around just to loudly hand out contraception and abortion potions because she hates him. They are openly as sinful as they can possibly be when his cult is around and yeah, it's probably not productive, but none of them have any idea what else they can do. At least this is fun.
There have been a lot of kids in that cult. Rick Ratcliffe, Lydia Snoops, Clay Clayton, and most of the Gaston kids were raised in that cult and yeah, most of the kids in that cult are abused. Lydia and her sister were sexually abused ever since they were babies, to the point where both went through puberty extremely early and both did not have a functioning uterus (Lydia has basically been in menopause ever since she was eight and Aramina had eight ectopic pregnancies before one of them killed her.) Rick was one of the boys used to "cure" lust ("Yeah, because you obviously cure your lust by getting your rocks off to a crying little boy, you fucking idiot,") and is entirely incapable of trusting anyone older than him, even if they're only a few years older than him. Jonas and Bonnie still struggle with thinking of themselves as people because Frollo raised them to believe they were subhuman for being persons of colour. Giles still isn't sure if she's actually bigender or if the abuse she went through (when he mentioned wanting to be a girl, Frollo forced him to present as a girl until he learned his lesson and that lasted years) just made her think she is. Gordon cut off his privates when he was eleven to try and escape the sexual abuse. Some, like Gaston II, Gaston III, and Clay, were taught that because they were men, they had the right to do whatever they wanted to any girl they wanted and they had a duty to uphold masculinity. This cult messes kids up and Lydia puts a lot of effort into getting children out of there.
Lydia's abuse was the most like Claudine's and, even though Claudine doesn't know it, Lydia's the reason she's still alive. Lydia is the one who gives kids food to sneak under the basement door, she was the one who made sure Claudine didn't get pregnant (like Lydia, Claudine went through puberty at an extremely young age and was capable of getting pregnant by the time she was five. Lydia has been making sure that doesn't happen,) she's the one who helps Jay through the catacombs when Claudine needs help, and she still takes some of the sexual abuse even though she hasn't been in the cult since she was eleven. When Lydia was in the cult, she would try to keep them from punishing Claudine by doing something even worse. She's the one who taught Claudine how to pick locks, how to write with her right hand, how to treat wounds, how to take care of her hair (she asked Harriet,) and how to speak a few languages (Frollo raised her with English, French, and Latin and refused to let her learn and "barbaric" tongues. Lydia taught Claudine Spanish, Creole, Arabic, and Navajo.) Every single time Claudine (a tiny, timid, clearly-weak little girl) goes out, she makes sure to hang around in the background because the Isle is full of sickos and Claudine doesn't need to deal with that on top of everything else. Lydia has made it her life's mission to keep Claudine alive and to try and shield her because she doesn't want that sweet little girl to turn out like her. In Lydia's mind, Claudine is kind of like her younger sister. Claudine used to consider Lydia her sister, but she hasn't figured out that the Lydia who used to take care of her is Lydia Snoops. In her defence, Lydia escaped and instantly became the most goth goth to ever goth and she's really hard to recognize.
It's also been years since Claudine has been able to consistently interact with other kids in the cult. Lydia's departure was... well, she went all out, and Frollo didn't want to risk someone like that tempting his repenting daughter into straying from the path of Christ and into the sin of her birth. Claudine needs as much help as she can to stay on the path of God as she's already a creature of inherent sin, so he does everything in his power to keep her weak mind from being tempted. Lydia has made a point multiple times about how he gets tempted and he hates her.
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chadtheroyalidiot · 2 months
Descendants characters (if I've missed any let me know so I can add them)
red, daughter of the queen of hearts
chloe, daughter of cinderella & prince charming
morgie le fay, son of morgana le fay
maddox hatter, son of the mad hatter
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mal, daughter of maleficent & hades
jay, son of jafar
evie, daughter of the evil queen
carlos de vil, son of cruella de vil
uma, daughter of ursula
harry hook, son of captain hook
gil legume, son of gaston legume
dizzy tremaine, daughter of drizella tremaine
celia facilier, daughter of dr facilier
squeaky smee, son of mr smee
squirmy smee, son of mr smee
ben, son of belle & beast
audrey rose, daughter of aurora & prince phillip
chad charming, son of cinderella & prince charming
jane, daughter of fairy godmother
li lonnie, daughter of fa mulan & li shang
doug, son of dopey
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freddie facilier, daughter of dr facilier
cj hook, daughter of captain hook
zevon, son of yzma
jordan, daughter of genie
ally, daughter of alice
ruby fitzherbert, daughter of rapunzel & eugene fitzherbert
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harriet hook, daughter of captain hook
anthony tremaine, son of anastasia tremaine
ginny gothel, daughter of mother gothel
hermie bing, daughter of the ringmaster
diego de vil, nephew of cruella de vil
yzla, daughter of yzma
gaston legume jr, son of gaston legume
gaston legume III, son of gaston legume
claudine frollo, daughter of claude frollo
hadie, son of hades
mad maddy, granddaughter of madam mim
sammy smee, son of mr smee
rick ratcliffe, son of governor ratcliffe
clay clayton, son of clayton
lefou deux, son of lefou
harry badun, son of horace badun
jace badun, son of jasper badun
eddie balthazar, son of edgar balthazar
jade, niece of jafar
sophie, intern of yen sud
big murph ,son of black murphy
reza, son of the former royal astronomer of agrabah
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aziz, son of aladdin & jasmine
lil shang, son of fa mulan & li shang
derek, son of dopey
arabella, niece of ariel & prince eric
herkie, son of hercules & megara
ariana rose, niece of aurora & prince phillip
anxelin fitzherbert, daughter of rapunzel & eugene fitzherbert
carina potts, daughter of ms potts
yi-min, daughter of yao
artie, son of king arthur
tiger peony, daughter of tiger lily
pin, son of pinocchio
opal, daughter of mama odie
bobby hood, son of robin hood & maid marian
crabby, son of grumpy
gordon, son of grumpy
hap, son of happy
cheerful, son of happy
bashful jr, son of bashful
shy, son of bashful
sleepy jr, son of sleepy
snoozy, son of sleepy
doc II, son of doc
gesundheit, son of sneezy
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chester cheshire, descendant of the cheshire cat
dora, daughter of the dormouse
twee, daughter of tweedledee
dee, daughter of tweedledee
bill, nephew of the cook
katy, granddaughter of the caterpillar
tweedledee jr, son of tweedledee
tweedledum jr, son of tweedledum
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- madam mim's granddaughters
- evil step-granddaughters
- stabbington cousins
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holycompendium · 2 months
Ascendants OC Masterlist ⛊ Pt. 1
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⚔︎ quick context : ascendants is my upcoming descendants fic series centered around merlin academy. you can catch the first chapter of the first installment right here!
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Fate : Become cursed to live as a beast & marry Belle. Face Claim : Maxwell Jenkins
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Legacy : Daughter of a Neverlandian mermaid. Face Claim : Daniela Avanzini
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Legacy : Son of King Arthur of Camelot. Face Claim : Joshua Bassett
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Legacy : Adopted daughter of Erato, muse of lyrical poetry. Face Claim : Bailey Bass
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Legacy : Son of the Blue Fairy. Face Claim : Omar Rudberg
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Fate : Marry the beast king Adam & establish the United States of Auradon. Face Claim : Zoe Colletti
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Legacy : Son of Arista, nephew to Ariel & Eric. Face Claim : Reece King
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Fate : Become the all-powerful enchantress who curses Prince Adam. Face Claim : Choi Yunjin
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Fate : Become the villainous archdeacon of Notre-Dame. Face Claim : Case Walker
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Fate : Descend into madness and become a tyrannical heiress. Face Claim : Riele Downs
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Fate : Inherit his family's business and become a wealthy sugar baron. Face Claim : Maxwell Acee Donovan
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Fate : Abandon his royal heritage and become the thief Flynn Rider. Face Claim : Aryan Simhadri
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Legacy : Illegitimate son of Robin Hood. Face Claim : Brandon Severs
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Fate : Become an arrogant and selfish game hunter. Face Claim : Belmont Cameli
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Fate : Become the Evil Queen & stepmother to Snow White. Face Claim : Ariana Greenblatt
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Fate : Become the scheming royal vizier of Agrabah. Face Claim : Jahed
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Legacy : Daughter of Anna & Kristoff, niece to Elsa. Face Claim : Shay Rudolph
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Fate : Marry King Stefan and give birth to Aurora. Face Claim : Dior GoodJohn
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Fate : Sell his own soul in exchange for the power of a Hodou bokor. Face Claim : Niles Fitch
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Legacy : Granddaughter of Mad Madam Mim. Face Claim : Avantika Vandanapu
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Fate : Become the head of the house of Tremaine & become Cinderella's stepmother. Face Claim : Kang Haerin
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Fate : Defeat the Hun army and save the Imperial Kingdom. Face Claim : Zhou Xinyu
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Fate : Become an eccentric & benevolent Houdou priestess. Face Claim : Whitney Peak
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Fate : Serve as Captain Smith's boatswain and first loyal mate. Face Claim : Owen Joyner
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Fate : Marry Queen Leah & father Aurora. Face Claim : Kahlil Beth
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Fate : Become a fearsome sea witch. Face Claim : Chandler Kinney
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Legacy : Son of Yzma. Face Claim : Charlie Bushnell
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perfectoffering · 2 years
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╰     cis man, he/him/his     ☆     𝐎𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐔𝐏𝐎𝐍 𝐀 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 …   we’re introduced to HUNTER GASTON BOUCHET , the THIRTY EIGHT  year old SHERIFF at ENCHANTED FALLS SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT from enchanted falls who bears a striking resemblance to LUKE EVANS. the whispers in the wind tells us of their PASSIONATE and SELF-CENTERED reputation, that’s why the townsfolk often are reminded of weekends  spent  at  a  self-decorated  hunting  lodge  covered  in  antlers  and  animal  skins,  cigarette  and  whiskey  stained  blue  jeans,  a  wolfish  and  sharp  grin  which  makes  plain  an  intention  to  live  fast  and  leave  a  pretty  corpse.  they are often haunted by dreams of a life lived as GASTON LEGUME ( BEAUTY AND THE BEAST ) .
i. what he's told is his family has french roots, going back to nobility. even in enchanted falls, he has the wealth, the status, the power. his first name here is hunter, but perhaps even magic couldn't completely penetrate gaston's massive ego. gaston. it's his middle name in this world, and he's gone by that name for as long as he can remember.
ii. here, adem is his friend again. here, they never stopped. once upon a time, they were boys together: a prince and the son of a duke. inseparable until magic tore them away from each other. that curse removed all memory of adem from gaston's memory and warped his personality. everything became bigger, louder, more out of control. his competitive nature and the aggression he was raised with were fanned into a blaze of self-serving, furious impulse. people were hurt. lives were lost. in enchanted falls, he has no idea the scale of damage he caused to his original story. he has no remorse. no guilt.
iii. when the dreams come to him, he writes them off as nightmares at first. horrible images of falling to his own death, adem dead or dying, the townsfolk he swore to protect turning on both of them. and then there's her. the dreams about belle started only recently. he has no idea adem is having them too; the other man has always been better at keeping secrets. but over the past three months, the mystery girl from his dreams is all sheriff bouchet seems to talk about.
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Gemma LeGume Application;
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Name: Gemma Enchanta LeGume.
Known Aliases: Lil' Gil, Lil' G, Miss Strength, Little Miss Strength, Little Gaston, The Littlest LeGume, Lil' Enchantress, Little Magical Girl, The Rose girl, the egg girl, Gem, Gemmy, etc.
Nicknames or Other: Isn't this the exact same thing as the last one?
Date of Birth or Best Guess: She was born three years ago in the winter.
Place of Birth: The isle of the lost, duh. In Gaston's duels without rules. Where else would she have been born?
Favorite Color: Green and Gold.
Favorite Activity: She likes weight-lifting like the rest of us Legumes (don't worry, we make sure she doesn't get hurt. We aren't negligence brothers.)
Favorite School Subject:
We told you, she's three. She doesn't have a favorite school subject.
She sometimes goes to school with us or the others and likes Gym cause dad and us do.
Father's Name (or alias): Gaston LeGume the first (and worst). (Don't tell him we said that please-)
Mother's Name (or alias): The Enchantress.
Father's Profession: Owner of Gaston's Tavern, Owner of Gaston's duels without rules, and P.E. Teacher at Dragon Hall.
Mother's Profession: Her mother doesn't work. She's a spoiled house wife that dad spoils.
She use to go around cursing people though (like Beast ×D).
Who is your favorite of the first wave of VKs? There is no wrong answer.
Jay because he's our cousin. Or Evie because Evie's fun, nice, and pretty.
In your own words, tell us why you want to come to Auradon. There is no wrong answer.
She's a baby. She wants to go to Auradon because Jay's there and it's pretty. We want her to go there because it's safe and will give her stability and a chance for a survival.
Stop playing coy and do something you uselesss—
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dragoneyes618 · 2 years
Do you have any headcanons about Debbie Tremaine (sporty, sarcastic, strong, but fashionable girl) and Gaston Junior (he's not a jerk in mine. Slow and stronge like every other story,yes but a jerk, no. He's kind of like a mix of Isabella and Luisa from encanto) from my univrse?
Gaston Junior wanted Debbie Tremaine to notice him. But she never did. She was always talking with her sisters and just brushed by him no matter how he tried to attract her attention. She never even looked at him.
So what did he do? Like most besotted young men, he asked his father for advice.
"Impress her," was Gaston's advice. "Show her what sort of man you are. Show her your strength."
And so, every day, Gaston Junior carried something really big and heavy past the Tremaine house just when Debbie and her sisters were leaving for school (which meant that he would be late for school, but LeGumes don't tend to care about punctuality in their education).
Debbie still didn't take notice of him, so every day, once he was past Debbie, he would disappointedly put down whatever the big heavy thing was that he was holding and start planning what show of strength he would do for the next day.
Debbie never noticed a thing, until her attention was drawn to the pile of nine tables, sixteen chairs, two bedframes, one mattress, five cement blocks, and a very annoyed goblin inside a barrel just beyond the house, and wondered how and why all these things had gotten there.
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heartsunholy-a · 6 years
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i would die for junior, g3, graham, gil, griffin and giselle legume
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beyondthxfairytales · 7 years
@childrenofslumber |closed starter| 
   “So I gave Russ Russ a red stripe down his back and made a little leather vest for him. Chad wasn’t pleased. Honestly I think it’s bad ass, plus it’s just food coloring.”
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    @alightiswaiting​ cont.
      “Wait, hold on.” But he was already behind her. She swallows the lump in her throat as the room falls silent. Cordelia is well aware of what he sees - with her dress unzipped, her back is on full display showcasing her several scars.
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   When his eyes fell upon the scars that covered her back he wanted to get mad. He wanted to punch a wall and find out who’d hurt her. Junior however didn’t want to show his anger in front of her. He could get scary. The last thing he ever wanted to do was scare her. Instead he traced his fingers over the scars lightly. He swallowed hard. 
     “I won’t let anyone hurt you like this.” He whispers. “I promise.” 
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wickedchoices · 7 years
Junior and Tre / G3 need to fucking have nicknames and stop pulling the “I’m Gaston, this is my brother, Gaston, i bet you’ve heard of our dad, Gaston” shit
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isleofdarkness · 2 years
Gangs of the Isle and their politics
At least before the series starts
Rotten to the Core Four/Mal's Dragons (4) - Mal (Leader) - Jay - Evie - Carlos - Ash Westergaard
Mal's gang started with Jay trying to pickpocket her at age eight, then Carlos because Jay wanted to protect him (because he might have had a crush,) then Evie because she befriended Carlos and Mal thought she was cute (Mal *never* put her hands on Evie in this. She *did not* hurt Evie or try to.) Their original name was the Rotten to the Core Four, but it is also called the Dragons just to save time. Most of what they do is mischief and keeping the Villains in check, using Mal's reputation to intimidate them and to save those they might be hurting. She also keeps her mother's soldiers from brutalizing children, which is very much appreciated.
The Forgotten Children (10) - Maddy Mim (leader) - Gaston II - Gaston III - Clay Clayton - Zevon - Lydia Snoops - Hans II (Constantine)
The Forgotten Children was started by the first generation, namely Ginny and Anthony, and they were called that because they were children of the good guys (well, one out of two, in Anthony's case,) but had been forgotten by their people. They were actually a very good, helpful gang, until Mad Maddy came in, drove Ginny out, and overthrew Anthony. He stayed for a while, tried to keep the gang going for the same goal, but she wasn't having it. Now that gang is focused on making the "goodies" of the Isle (the gangs trying to help people without caring about personal benefit) suffer. They're villains, they're evil, stop trying to pretend they aren't.
Diego's Devils (39) - Diego de Vil (leader) - Jade - Yzla - Freddie Facilier - Celia Facilier - Reza Bing - Hermie Bing - Claudine Frollo - LeFou Deux - Rick Ratcliffe - Veronica de Vil - Tara D'Arque - Anna Westergaard - Riah Darhk - Hadie Olympian - Jace Badun - Harry Badun
Diego's Devils was founded on the belief that no child should have to do what Diego had to do. Originally it was a much more covert gang, much more vigilante justice and temporary shelter, but Diego eventually broadened it and came more out of the dark. The Devils are still pretty much a halfway point between Uma's crew and Harriet's, but they do some distribution and more permanent shelter
Uma's Pirate Crew (34) - Uma (Leader) - Harry Hook - Gil Facilier - Desiree Aladdin - Jonas Never - Bonny Sid - Gonzo Pan - Big Murph - Rose of Hearts - Ace of Hearts - Mischa, Polina, Kira, and Pasha Rasputin - Squeaky, Squirmy, and Sammy Smee - Belle and Narcissa LeGume - Madrigal, Morwenna, and Morpheus Mim
Uma, being a childhood friend of Harry and trying to avoid home, spent a lot of time around Harriet. She saw the stress Harriet was going through and decided to help, so she got The Lost Revenge from Captain Hook and started another, albeit smaller and younger, gang to do what Harriet does. She doesn't do as much, only what Harriet can't take (Harriet is trying to keep as much of it off Uma's shoulders as possible because Uma is so young,) but she's a major force of good and also very popular with the magic population of the Isle, as Harriet didn't inherit mermaid magic like her brother and sister.
Harriet Hook's Pirate Crew (48) - Harriet Hook (Leader) - Anthony Tremaine - CJ Hook - Giles and Gordon LeGume - Agony and Chaos - Arika Sykes - Dizzy Tremaine - Calypso - Scout - Ivy de Vil - Mallory, Malvolia, Mara, Malcolm, and Mage Mim
Harriet's Pirate Crew was started because she knew from a young age that not everyone- if fact, barely anyone- on the Isle had a mom and dad as good as hers. She saw that other kids were suffering and she wanted to help, so she fixed up one of the ships of Shipwreck Cove and, with Calypso as her original first mate, started trying to ease the suffering on the Isle. She distributes goods, offers temporary or permanent shelter, breaks up human trafficking, helps abused kids, helps the hospital, etc. But it was a lot even if she'd been an adult. That's where Uma came in.
Maverick Mim's Mutants (4) - Maverick Mim (leader) - Giles LeGume - Tarzan D'Arque - Nikita Rasputin
Less of a gang and more of a network, Maverick Mim connects the magic users of the Isle to have each other's backs. The actual gang is only four people- Maverick herself, Nikita Rasputin, Giles LeGume, and Tarzan D'arque. The others are just part for protection. On an island with far too many witch-hunters and monster-killers, the magical population needs someone to have their backs. Maverick Mim makes sure everyone does.
The Witches (39) - Mordred Mim (leader) - Morwenna, Mace, Mystica, Morrigan, Morticia, Malachi, Mabuz, Mignight, Malacoda, Mora, Michael, and Maddox Mim
Madam Mim is evil. Madam Mim is evil and, if she has her way, she's going to have all of her descendants under her thumb. Mordred, the second oldest of them, didn't like her owning so many extremely powerful magick users so, when Michael was born and had the power to free them, the two did. Michael freed all of them from Mim's ownership and they created The Witches, something Madam Mim hates being called, to watch out for each other and anyone else Mim might own. Mordred protects Riah, Maverick, Mara, Lydia, and Constantine, and he backs Uma, Diego, and Harriet for having his cousins in their crews. They're mostly dedicated to keeping Mim in check, but if someone hurts one of their own... It's family first and family last and family by and by.
Exiled Gods (8) - Justice Olympian (Leader) - Hatitosa Lokidottir - Mercy Olympian - Dawn Olympian - Mavis Mim
The Exiled Gods was actually started by two Villains, Circe and Medusa. They were the ones who opened communication with the Losties and opened up Exile for the truly desperate. That's why the name is Exiled Gods, because that's who it originally was. But the second generation grew older and Justice eventually took over when she was fifteen. There isn't much for them to worry about on Exile, not with the Medusa and Circe always ready to take over what the other gangs do, so Justice mainly operates the gang as keeping up relations with the Losties and trying to ensure the wellbeing of everyone on Exile.
Silver Cross - Ginny Gothel (leader) - Mordred Mim - Kira Rasputin - Yzla Frollo - Evie - Jade - Lydia Snoops (sometimes) - Shan Sarangerel - Jonas Never - Tara D'Arque - Mildred Mim
Arrangements Sanctum Agreement- Ginny Gothel, Uma's Pirate Crew, Rotten to the Core Four, Diego's Devils, Harriet Hook's Pirate Crew - Started by Shan Yu as the first generation was being born. When Sanctum is called, rivalries, gangs, territories, past issues, whatever, it means nothing. When someone calls Sanctum, they are to be given help no matter what. This is kept in place by a kind of golden rule- if we don't do this for them now, they won't do it for us when we need it. AT least that's what Auradon thinks.
Silver Cross- Ginny Gothel and all groups - When Ginny Gothel was little, out of both a desire to help rather than harm and the deep belief that everyone deserved medical care, she read about the Red Cross, doctors who treated battlefield injuries no matter their sides, and decided to replicate it. Wearing a silver X on her chest, a silver Cross, Ginny learned everything she could and became the fastest source of medical care on the Isle. The Silver Cross has grown in size and in recognition. Most people on the Isle have been helped, in some way, by Ginny and her teachings. You don't attack members of the Silver Cross.
13 Rule- Ginny Gothel, Exiled Gods, Harriet Hook's Pirate Crew, Uma's Pirate Crew, Rotten to the Core Four, Diego's Devils - This rule dictates that no gang should put a member of the crew younger than thirteen years of age onto the field unless they want to be. This was started by The Forgotten Children, back when Ginny and Anthony ran it, and spread as a kind of common sense rule when they weren't. Most gangs won't put someone younger than thirteen on the field even if they do ask.
Allies Diego's Devils and Uma's Pirate Crew Diego's Devils and Mal's Dragons Diego's Devils and Harriet's Pirate Crew Diego's Devils and Uma's Pirate Crew Shan Yu's Army and Sanctum Agreement Uma's Pirate Crew and Exiled Gods Uma's Pirate Crew and Harriet's Pirate Crew Uma's Pirate Crew and The Witches Maverick's Mutants and The Witches Maverick's Mutants and Diego's Devils Maverick's Mutants and Harriet's Pirate Crew Maverick's Mutants and Uma's Pirate Crew Lydia Snoops and Sanctum The Forgotten Children and Harriet Hook's Pirate Crew
Neutral Points - Kronk's Shelter - LeFou's Home - Tremaine Manor - Hades' Cavern - The docks - Gothel's Tower - Facilier's Arcade
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islecaptain-a · 5 years
(ties in with @wearethedescendants​)
Harriet Hook’s Crew:-
Harriet Hook - Captain / familiar bond with Tizoc Tock
Bael Wolfe - familiar of Maeve Fae
Damian Jones
Kovu Nje
Rhion King
Sammy Smee
Members of Raven’s Gang:-
Diana Moors - familiar of Raven Fae
Adelinda Khalil - familiar of Jabir Al-Jazari
Miriam Mirror - familiar of Everson Grimhilde
Elektrasam - familiar of Ulla
Hermione Sinclair
Evalyn East
Audrey Rose
Members of Cain’s Coven:-
Ginny Gothel
Freddie Facilier - familiar bond with Lucian Gato
Lyra Sanderson - familiar bond with Berenice Bartok
Maddie Mim - familiar bond with Hastings Hiss
Vitani Nje - familiar to Felda Gothel
Shadow Spirit - familiar to Faris Facilier
Malachi Flyer - familiar to Zabella West
Urina Tow - familiar to Tempestas
Varena Ulf - familiar to Glacies Hiems
Members of the Heart Family court:-
Braxton Snatch - familiar of Viveca Heart
Hannah Hightopp **See Hannah’s Isle!Verse where raised by Hearts
Gaston’s Tavern (Read Giavanna’s Tavern)
Alexandria Slade
Arlo Tremaine
Bellamy Sykes
Core Four (ties in with @ladymalevxlent )
Mal Fae
Evie Grimhilde
Hades’ Souvlaki
Empatheria Black - familiar of Haemon Thanatos
Dare Hollow - familiar to Noctis
Persephone Thanatos - Queen of the Underworld **See Persephone Isle Verse
Curl Up and Dye (ties in with @heartsunholy​)
Lilith Gato
Hans Westergaard
Claude’s Church Lackey’s
Claude Frollo Jnr - Leader
Wyatt Clayton
Gunner Ratcliffe
Claudine Frollo
Hyde’s Surgery and Apothecary Shop
Edwin Hyde - Doctor/Alchemist
Zevon - Pharmacist/Scientist
Nasir of Andalesia’s Bodyguards
Gaston ‘Junior’ II Legume
Pace Ratigan - familiar to Brunhilda Lebkuchen
Skye Nottingham
~::|| Isle Politics - Brief Overview ||::~
Harriet is in control of the area of the dock’s known as the Western Docks, which is the part of the docks closest to where the Goblin Barges come in, so she is usually first in, and controlling the best trade. Her territory used to belong to Long John Silver until she took it from him when she was fifteen. Her territory is right next to the part of the docks under Uma and Ursula’s control.
Harriet, Raven, Viveca and Cain’s gang’s have major alliances in every verse, and secretly keep the Isle from destroying itself in an alliance known by some as the Power Four.  Harriet’s gang has a minor protection alliance with the Core Four.
Claude’s Church Lackey’s are the older gang with the least power/influence - something which frustrates him to no end. His gang has successfully managed to piss of every other gang on the isle (including Uma’s crew in my headcanons). The rising gang of Giavanna Legume has started garnering attention, their main base is Gaston’s Tavern.
The children of Hades’ Souvlaki (or what is classed/looks like children), have alliance ties to the four prominent older gangs on the Isle. Whereas Curl Up and Dye normally keep to themselves and are situated on the cusp of Uma’s territory; though Lilith can usually be seen with the Heart’s Cheshire Chester.
Hyde’s Surgery and Apothecary Shop is not your typical doctor’s surgery - none of the doctor’s there are fully qualified, but have had medical training. However you go there at your own peril. Outside of the Isle Alliances, the Hyde family thrive on pain and if you go there you might just end up leaving worse than when you entered. They do have a talented scientist making semi-decent medicines in the form of Zevon, who recycles out of date medication from Auradon.
As the deal broker of the Isle Nasir of Andalesia needed bodyguards and they came in the form of Junior and Pace. Unaligned tend to float between the gangs, Skye is a bit of a loner, tends to police the younger generation for the Sheriff of Nottingham.
Benjamin Florian - King of Auradon
Preston Rose - Crown Prince of the Auroria
Forrest White - Crown Prince of the Summerlands
Kuzco Alvarez - Crown Prince of the Kuzconian Empire
Daniil Romanov - Prince of Russia
Ruby Fitzherbert - Princess of Corona / Life debt with Chester Cheshire
Eira of Arendelle - Princess of Arendelle 
Astrid Bjorgman - Princess of Arendelle
Eloise Charming - Princess of Charmington
Maggie DunBroch - Princess of Clan DunBroch
Wonderland Cafe (ties in with @fatesdesign​)
Hannah Hightopp
Alistair Kingsleigh
Alissa Kingsleigh
Chesney Cheshire
Twelve Labours Gym
Herkie Alexopoulos - Owner
Hunter Woods
Maisy O’Malley - future familiar of Mordred Pendragon
Fairy Vale / Faeries / Wisps
Cornelia Fae - Princess of Fairy Vale
Reed Faery
Fleur Faery
Willow Wisp - wisp of Galvin DunBroch
Seaside / Triton’s Bay / Atlantica / Atlantis
Jackson Grimsby
Aria Atlantica
Jordan Genie - future genie of Jaeden Jabberwocky
Northern Wei / China
Li Shang II
Jenny Skellington - Princess of Halloween
Zoe Ghastley - familiar of Jasper Skellington
The afflictions list is rather intensive and encompasses a lot of headcanons (whether they’re aware of it or not) with my main RP partner’s and will be heavily referenced in threads.
Sibling bonds haven’t been included above, just familiar and affiliations!
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httpwarmth · 6 years
girl almighty // chapter eight
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words: 2351 i ii iii iv v vi vii a/n: man just when you thought I was gone forever, i return once more 
Gatsby’s heart drops down to her stomach as Gil gives the news. He holds the crumpled piece of paper out and Uma huffs before walking around him.  
“They’re sending a group of 15 kids to Auradon. Including the four of us.” Gatsby’s heart flutters at the fact that they’ve included Gatsby into the grouping. They plucked her away from the group that didn’t want her, and brought her into their group. 
Gatsby shoots up, completely forgetting everything that happened moments before Gil and Uma burst in. She snatches the paper from Gil, before Uma could grab it from him. Her eyes scan the paper, the top of it announcing King Ben and Evie’s, his new assistant, plan to bring over 15 Isle kids to join Auradon Prep. In the middle of the list was Gatsby and Gil Legume. 
She felt Harry walk up behind her and she felt her own body tense up. She knew the tension would continue to build up between the two of them. It was a given after what almost happened between them before Uma and Gil came about. However, if Harry wasn’t going to bring it up, neither was Gatsby. 
“Uma,” He speaks up, causing Gatsby to jump. Her grip on the paper falters and Harry takes that as an opportunity to grab the paper from her. “Thanks lass.” He mutters before walking around her, completely ignoring her. “We have to talk about this.” He drags a finger down the list before stopping by his name. 
A jealous feeling burns in a deep part of Gatsby’s stomach. How dare he have the audacity to just completely ignore her and go back to Uma. Gatsby understood that Uma was his best friend and captain, but she felt that her and Harry had created some sort of connection. The hated the way that this made her feel. It brings her back to how she felt with the initial “breakup” with Jay and she felt weak. 
She watched as the two of them walked out of the tattoo parlor, completely ignoring the twins. Gil looked as if he was used to it but Gatsby hated the way she felt. She relied too much on this group, and look at where it was getting her.
“Wow, Auradon,” Gil whistles underneath his breath while Gatsby looked over at him. His eyebrows were furrowed as he read the paper once more, his finger stopping right by his name. “This is real. We’re actually going over there.” He trails off before he make eye contact with Gatsby. 
“What’s wrong, Gil?” She asks automatically, knowing that there was something that her twin brother was telling her. She could sense it, something about a twin telepathy. “This is what we’ve been working towards.”
“I know,” He nods his head, still lost in thought. His hands clutch at the paper and she could see his teeth chewing on his bottom lip. “It’s just that the isle is safe, you know? We can get away with so much here, nobody cares enough to stop us. There’s so many rules and regulations at Auradon. Don’t you think that there’s a reason that Mal wanted to come back here so badly?” He sinks onto the stool that Harry was sitting on previously, letting his arms hang limply at his side before he looks up at him. Even though the two of them were twins, born only minutes apart, they looked nothing alike. One of them took after their father while another took after their mother. Gil’s blonde hair and brown eyes almost fooled people into believing that he wasn’t a Legume. Gatsby, the older twins and Gaston all looked identical and Gil was just a blonde boy that followed the family once and then never left.  However, it only took people a few minutes to realize just how much Gil fit in with the family. 
It’s silent for a few moments, Gatsby finally sitting on the stool across from her brother. She watches as his eyes scan the paper again, reading the headline over and over again until Gatsby is sure its engrained into his brain. Finally, his wide brown puppy dog eyes look over at her once again. “What if it’s nothing what we imagined it’d be?” He asks finally, his voice quiet. Gil was never one to shy away, always projecting his voice so that anyone in a five mile radius could hear what he had to say. This was one of the only times Gatsby heard his voice even above a whisper.
Gatsby had no idea what to respond to that. Auradon was always supposed to be the escape. They were supposed to go there and then work towards getting their family and the rest of the isle over as well. There was never a ‘what if we hate it’ that crossed Gatsby’s mind, her goal was always to just make it there. It was almost like she never expected that she’d actually make it to Auradon, so she never worried about it. 
“I’m going to Uncle Lefou, he’ll know what to say.” He makes up his mind as he stands up so abruptly that the papers Gatsby had sitting on the table behind him flutter ever so slightly. As he walks towards the door, he staggers for a few moments as if he’s forgotten something right before leaving the tattoo parlor. “You coming?” He asks Gatsby. 
“Well, well, well,” Was the first words to come out of Lefou’s mouth when the twins walked into his small cottage. “Look who it is. My two favorite people.” 
Uncle Lefou’s small cottage was always overshadowed by Gaston’s larger than life cabin that the two built. Lefou always joked that they didn’t have enough supplies after building Gaston’s large house, so that’s why his house was so small in comparison. The inhabitants of the isle always gossiped about how large Gaston’s house was, as if some of them didn’t try to recreate their castles on the isle and failed. 
Lefou’s cottage was small but it was one of only pieces of real estate where sun shined through. Every once in a while, little slants of sunshine that made it through the dense clouds of the Isle were able to shine in through the windows. It made the cottage even more of a place of wonder and a place that Gatsby loved to visit. Her uncle’s home seemed like it didn’t belong on the isle, just like Lefou didn’t belong on the isle. It fit him perfectly. 
Lefou sat at one of his kitchen counters, a book open in front of him. Most of Lefou’s house was occupied with books since when he moved to the Isle, he occupied himself with trying to learn how to read, write and be a functioning member of society. He was always known as just another fool who worshipped Gaston and was going to get hurt by him. However, when it was revealed that Gaston was the villain of the story, Lefou stuck by him and ended up trapped on the Isle, because he loved the narcissist too much. Now, he was trying to make up for lost time and did everything that he couldn’t when he was just Gaston’s right hand man. Gatsby and Gil both had Lefou to thank for all of the knowledge he crammed into them when they were younger. 
“What brings you two here?” He asks before his eyes shift over to the makeshift he had hung on the wall. “It’s not a dinner night.” 
“Did you hear the news?” Gil asks, his words stumble over one another as he tries to get the information out quickly. “They’re sending people to Auradon. Gatsby and I got chosen.” His sentences are short as he walks towards the counter and thrusts out the paper towards him. Gatsby hangs back near the door, letting Gil do all the talking for once. Usually, Gatsby was the brains of the operation and Gil was the brawn, as if she didn’t trust Gil enough to do the talking. However, Uncle Lefou was different because he understood the twins, their similarities and differences, and most importantly, he understood Gil. People always dumbed down Gil because he didn’t like to show off his smarts. Uncle Lefou saw right through the dumb strong guy exterior Gil put up. 
“Auradon, huh?” Uncle Lefou stands up straight, grabbing the paper from Gil gently. He quickly reads the piece of paper, his eyes darting through all the names of kids chosen to go. It’s silent for a few moment, neither of the twins knowing what to say as Uncle Lefou carefully reads the piece of paper. Gil stands awkwardly near him not knowing what to do with his body as he gnaws on his lip once more and Gatsby watches as he fiddles with his fingers, another one of his many nervous ticks. 
It seems like ages until Lefou finally looks up, his eyes slowly sliding from Gil to Gatsby. “What’s wrong with you two? Isn’t this what you two wanted? A fresh start?” He questions them.
“Of course it is.” Gatsby finally speaks up, walking closer to the two men. She knew that this is what they wanted, she knew that it was they needed to do. It’s what Uma, Harry, everyone was working towards and there should be no reason for Gil to be scared now that the opportunity presented itself. They weren’t going to back out now when they were so close. 
Gil, who sits on one of the stools in Lefou’s kitchen, stares down at his hands as he doesn’t have anything to say. Gatsby looks over at Uncle Lefou, he always had all the right answers. He’d know what to say to Gil to get him to go to Auradon. It’s silent in Lefou’s cottage as nobody knows what to say.
“You two finally get a second chance.” Lefou finally speaks up, rolling up the piece of paper that has all the information on it. His gaze sweeps from Gil to Gatsby. “It wasn’t fair that you two were born here and therefore because of your father, you’re forced to stay here. I’ve seen the real world and I would do anything to see it again. To see flowers that bloom in colors you never knew existed. You think you’ve seen sunshine here? Imagine basking in it and feeling warmth. The outside world is beautiful and there’s no reason for either of you to be scared to venture off of this dammed isle.” He speaks sternly, pointing the rolled up piece of paper at point of them. “Just because I’m stuck on here, and Gaston’s stuck on here doesn’t mean you two have to be.”
“What if we don’t like it?” Gil’s voice is small for the first time. 
Lefou’s eyes practically budge out of his eyes as his hand smacks down on the countertop cause both of the twins to jump slightly. Gatsby rarely ever saw her uncle angry, he was always the calm one between Gaston and Lefou. “What if you don’t like it? To hell with that!” Lefou says. “I won’t let you two not go. You two deserve to see a world where cheating and thievery isn’t a regular occurrence. Where people are actually kind to each other. Where you don’t have to dig through the garbage in hopes of finding someone’s leftover makeup.” He turns his gaze to Gatsby, knowing how many times she’s searched through the trash from Auradon that ends on the isle. Most of the makeup collection came from the trash of picky princesses who thought that just because one shade in their palette was ruined that they needed to throw out everything. “I lived through the days where Gaston had to trade away practically everything he owned in order to feed four starving children. All the game he hunted, what he used to hunt and even some of the precious jewels off of his clothing were used to get food for the family.” His voice wavers towards the end of his sentence and he looks away from the twins for two seconds. 
Gatsby had never seen her uncle like this. When she looks over at Gil, she can see just how guilty the boy is for bringing up the possibility as he didn’t even look at Lefou. Lefou finally showed the two just how much yearned for the outside world and how much he hated the isle. Gatsby knew that if she would ever got to Auradon, she would focus on getting the rest of her family over to the real world, especially Lefou. After his tangent, she realized just how much she needed to go to Auradon just to get him off the isle. 
He finally turns back to the twins, his eyes glassy. “If you don’t go, I will be so disappointed.” 
“We’re going.” Gatsby decides for the two of them, her decision hanging in the air precariously before Gil nods cementing the twins’ decision. 
Lefou takes a deep breath before rubbing his face. “Good.” He mutters before looking over at the older twin. “Gil, when you’re there, don’t be afraid to show people your true self. You’re smart and people deserve to see that side of you. You’re not an idiot, I know you're not.” He turns to Gatsby and she’s almost scared about what advice he was going to give her. Gatsby was never one to be guilty about her actions but she hasn’t been the biggest angel while on the isle. “As for you, don’t get lost in the real world. Don’t forget who the real Gatsby Legume is because I know how easily one can forget their true selves.” He tells her. His face is calm and once again, he’s Uncle Lefou. He’s one of the closest things Gatsby’s has to family. He was the rock for practically the entire Legume family. The older twins needed Lefou just as much as Gaston did and just as much as Gil and Gatsby did too. 
Gatsby hopes that she can make him proud. 
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thetimelordbatgirl · 6 years
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One of the AUs on Descendants Family Business, which in itself is an AU on Descendants, but this AU is also an AU on my friends, @disneyfan50 , story: Heroes and Villains.
Family Ties (AU on Descendants/Descendants Family Business/Heroes and Villains)
Plot Synopsis: Prince Ben had a brilliant idea: to invite children from the Isle of the Lost to have normal lives in Auradon. It's a pity the idea was shot down. Now, years later, King Ben's son, Prince Alexander, soon to be king, has taken up a similar idea. He invites five kids from the Isle to come to Auradon, unawares that one of these children, Adam, the grandson of Maleficent, is tied to the royal family in a way no one expects...
OCs in this Fic: All Family Business OCs listed from Family Businesses fanfiction link. OCs in this AU with them that belong to @disneyfan50: Adam Faye (son of Royal Faye and GJ Legume, grandson of Maleficent, Gaston and Beast with Belle), Beryl Mercier (daughter of Belle and Beast), Royal Faye (daughter of Maleficent and Beast, mother of Adam II), Nik Goodwin (father of Galleon), Galleon Goodwin (son of Nik), Carolyn Sterling (daughter of Chloe and Timothy Sterling, granddaughter of Cinderella and her prince and Snow White and her prince, niece of Chad and adopted cousin of Charity), Freyja Kasmünde (adopted daughter of Skajia Bjorgman, adopted granddaughter of Anna and Kristoff and adopted great-niece of Elsa) and though in mentions only: Katrina Thane (late wife of Nik Goodwin and mother of Galleon).
Quotev Link: https://www.quotev.com/story/11149544/Family-Ties/1
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rcdiostcrs · 4 years
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gaston “graham” legume v
child of gaston.
finn wolfhard fc.
sixteen years old.
the second youngest of the legume children. graham has three older brothers (the twins: gaston ii “junior” & gaston iii “trey,” 20, & gaston iv “gil,” 18) & a younger sister (gastonia “toni,” 14).
it is no mistake that all of his children are two years apart, gaston planned this. he wanted to have a child with each of the bimbettes & then settle down with the one that gave him a the best son so they could start an actual family. however, he needed at least a year with each child to figure out who the best one was. the twins’ mother is claudette, gil’s is laurette, & graham’s is paulette. gaston married claudette, shortly after graham turned one. a year after that, toni was born.
gaston color-coded his children according to their mothers. thus, graham has always worn green. he doesn’t plan to stop soon. he may hate his dad, but graham is a sucker for color-coding.
grew up speaking french and english, so he considers both his native tongue. he is fluent in both. if he is talking to someone annoying & wants out of the conversation, he’ll just switch languages until they leave him alone. this only works with people who don’t speak both, though.
much like one of my other vks, orion, graham hated his name. he hated the name gaston. he hated what his father stood for (*cough* toxic masculinity & misogyny *cough*), so he changed it. he chose “graham” simply because graham crackers were super rare on the isle & they were considered a delicacy. this would mean that he considers himself a treasure as well.
on the isle, he was one of the meaner kids. he had a family reputation to uphold. he didn’t run with any gangs, having only his name as protection. the twins offered to let him join their gang & gil promised to put in a good word for him with uma, but graham turned them all down. he wanted his own infamy.
super intelligent. like, “skipped two grades at once” intelligent.
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dragoneyes618 · 2 years
Okay this isn't really an ask. Or maybe it is. I have a headcanon I wanted to share and know your opinion on.
Basically, I think Gaston Jr is kinda like Luisa from Enchanto in the sense that he'd always feel under pressure. Especially when it came to protecting his siblings and cousins are his mom died/got taken away. And because of this, he hates Beast and Belle with every fiber of his being. He hates their friends aka Staff. He even hates Maurice. Because he blames them for his bad childhood and his cousins and siblings' bad childhood, and all the things they had to do. But he doesn't attack them or anything; no, instead, he's just super cold towards them (and Fg). Barely ever showing any emotion towards them. And the only one of their family and story that he wouldn't hate is Ben because Ben wasn't born yet and was the only one trying to change things. What do you think?
As the eldest, it would make sense that Gaston Junior would feel responsible for his younger siblings. Maybe also even his twin brother, if they're like most twins who take their several-minute age difference very seriously. And he, like Gaston and all his sons, is very physically strong, so he sees that as the solution to everything. Have a problem? Punch it or push it until it gets fixed.
Everybody on the Isle hates King Beast. But Gaston especially so, and therefore also his sons. Junior just hates anything and everything related to Beast and Auradon. If he got to Auradon, he wouldn't talk to anybody if he could help it, just glare. And that statue of Beast would end up vandalized.
He would even hate Ben, not because Ben did anything, but because Ben is the son of Beast. Which isn't fair, but then so is condemning Junior and his family to the Isle only because of their father, so. At least, he would hate Ben until he realizes that Ben doesn't have a mean bone in his body (I once saw Ben described as "the most forgiving cinnamon roll in the world") and truly wants to do right by his people-and that includes the Isle.
Also, you can totally send me things even if they're not questions! I like getting asks! Thank you for this one!
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