#gatty founding people
I swear, you and kombu are like the founding people (gender neutral term here!!) for Gatty fic. I fucking love you twos’ writing so much, I don’t think words could even express it :”) I’m so sad that LB will be coming to an end soon, but god was it a wild ride!! I’ll be waiting with bated breath for the final update (tears will DEFINITELY be shed)
😭😭 that is such a lovely thing to say @apparatusrequiredforhappiness - can @drinkurkombucha and I put that on a CV?! I would 💯 rather do this than do my paid job tbf!
There were amazing Gatty writers before we started who aren’t around any more, but yeah there was a long period in the wilds of 2020-21 where it felt like just the two of us! It’s fab to have so many more writers out there now- there’s LOADS of you!
I am working hard on the LB final chapter and it’ll be out there in next couple of weeks. And THEN I can lose myself in the utter filth/pretentiousness that I‘ve had on the back burner for months!
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allylikethecat · 7 months
its deliciously awkward but oh my god i just want to lock them in a room and not let them out until they TALK
HEHE talking it through would be WAY too easy! We're adults here! We avoid difficult conversations! If you avoid the conversation you can't be let down and have your heart broken!! (It's obviously much better to break your own heart by NOT talking about it!! lol)
You might be onto something when it comes to locking them in a room and not letting them out until it's sorted though 👀
Thank you so much for not only reading but taking the time to send me this ask! I'm so grateful that people are taking time out of their busy days to interact with me on here and that y'all are so lovely and wonderful and supportive! Thank you so much again! I hope your Tuesday was wonderful and that you have a lovely rest of the week!
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yinyangswings · 7 months
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Way late to the party but oh well.
I made me an Assassin's Creed OC. And here she is: Marisa.
Born as Diana Garza to Teo Garza a Spanish assassin who moved to Italy and Romana Gatti, an Italian Assassin. She is the only child of the pair, and shortly after her birth, Romana died due to complications. Her father doted on her, and while he kept her primarily in the dark of his and her mother's profession, Teo wasted no time in beginning to train their daughter in his family's skills with the whip for a possible future as an assassin. He was estranged from his family due to both his choice of remaining in Italy and who he married (Romana was of 'mixed blood'; her mother being Arabic and her father being a Sicilian nobleman) Teo rarely contacted his family, instead seeing Italy's Assassins as his family. Likewise, his family did not accept her into the family.
As she was born in Firenze, she did know the Auditore's though she was closer to Claudia, and if her family visited the Auditore's she was usually attached to her father's hip unless he prodded her into going with the other children while the adults discussed adult things (aka missions with Giovanni). She had a idyllic life.
Tragically this all came to an end.
One night, her family estate was attacked and her father was murdered, their home burning down to the ground causing many of her father's allies to believe she had been killed as well. In actuality she had been stolen away by a man she would simply know as Nessuno 'Nobody'. Though she managed to escape, she had no where to go as her father's older sister refused to take her and she was scarred both physically and mentally by the entire event, Diana allowed the world to believe she truly died, taking the name Marisa. Only one person would know who she was ; that being La Volpe, who took her in upon realizing who she was. She would make him promise to not breathe a word of her true identity to anyone. It was only later on the remaining Auditore family members would find out who she was. Despite this, she is still insists on being called Marisa as she states Diana Garza died years ago in that fire, she only rose from the ashes.
Now for the explanations for the images:
This is what Marisa looks like. Out of her Assassin gear she wears a dress (though does like to wear pants when she can). Her assassin gear for the longest time covered her face as she was still in hiding from Nessuno. However after his defeat she gets rid of the face covering. By Revelations, she is perfectly comfortable with her face uncovered (other than the standard Assassin hood). Her hair for a long while was cut short and people would mistake her for a boy quite awhile.
Marisa's parents. Romana Garza (neé Gatti) was an Italian Assassin who knew the Auditore brothers. She is of mixed blood, her mother being a Moor and her father being a Sicilian nobleman. She fell in love with Teo when she first met him, finding him gentle and caring. Sadly she would die after giving birth to their only child. Marisa takes after her the most in looks.
Her father was Teo Garza, a Spanish Assassin. He came to Italy on business but found himself falling in love with both the country as well as a particular woman; Romana Gatti. Despite being an assassin from Spain, he found he liked it in Italy and was a well liked merchant and decided to stay there, especially after Romana's death, wanting their only child to grow up with her mother's heritage. He absolutely doted on his only daughter Diana, and would bemoan the idea of her having to get married. Sadly he would never see that day. His teachings however were imprinted in her, mainly in her use of a whip as a weapon.
Marisa's aunt; Calixta Loyola neé Garza. Teo's older sister and a very severe and devout woman. She did not approve of Teo's relationship and marriage to Romana, especially due to Romana's heritage and refused to acknowledge her as kin.
Nessuno: A mysterious man whose face has been hidden by a mask. No one truly knows what he looks like, or who he even is not even Marisa, who has blocked out most of her time spent under his 'care' from her memory. It is believed that at some point he was a doctor, but that is only speculation. It is later discovered that Nessuno, while a Templar, became obsessed with Marisa who had innocently given him a piece of candy on a chance meeting. This would result in him poisoning and murdering Teo to kidnap her, and imprison her in his home, giving her yet another name 'Senza Nome' or 'Nameless'. She discovered the truth about Nessuno and escaped, injuring him, and he swore he would find her again. He is skilled in poisons and drugs and uses them to his advantage. He is later killed by Ezio, ending the danger put on Marisa's life and getting revenge on Teo's death.
One of the few items Marisa has from her family is her father's whip (given to her from La Volpe). She uses it regularly in her missions.
Several things about her and Ezio's relationship. Initially, they did not get along. Even though they were friends while she was Diana, she had to leave any attachments behind after she took on the persona Marisa. So initially her and Ezio would routinely argue, though eventually they become friends, and then more. Another fun fact. Marisa is short in comparison to Ezio, Ezio is 5'9''. and she's around 5'4''. There are many times if she's arguing and won't let it go, he'll just pick her up and bodily carry her away.
As I said before, Ezio and her do eventually get together, though it takes them a little bit to admit it. Ezio because of Cristina, Marisa due to her trauma with Nessuno. Even when both realized they had feelings for one another, but didn't realize that the other felt the same way. It's only when Ezio arrives back from a mission injured and passes out that Marisa panics. When Ezio awakens later to Marisa tending his wounds, she berates him angrily for being so reckless and she wonders why he would do such stupid stunts like that. In an effort to get her to quiet down, he pulls her close, and just kisses her. He moves away, apologizing, but she kisses him back. Thus starts the relationship
Their nicknames for one another. Ezio's nickname for Marisa is 'la mia luna' or 'my moon' and is in reference to her original name. Marisa's nickname is 'la mia aquila idiota' or 'my idiot eagle'
Okay so one thing to keep in mind with Marisa is she is shit with flirting. She's spent majority of her life on the streets, so other than attempts at flirting to elude her rivals/enemies...she's not good at it. So she is thrown off by Ezio and his flirting.
By the time Revelations has happened, she's grown her hair out and is more feminine than how she was in her youth.
Ezio and Marisa would have four children. One boy and three girls. The two oldest are fraternal twins. And while Ezio loves his daughters, and very much so, he is convinced that he wound up with three of them as karma for all the dang flirting he did in his youth. Marisa is sympathetic towards Ezio, but also very much amused. Ezio's oldest is named after Federico while his youngest is named after Petruccio (the feminine version of the name at least). Celeste (at least in this au) would later be Desmond's ancestor.
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canalmuseum · 2 years
Great Dust Heaps in the Kings Cross area sold to Russia: fact or urban myth?
By John Robinson
On the first floor of the London Canal Museum is a description of Victorian recycling which ends with the words, ‘a huge dust heap was cleared in 1848 to build the (Kings Cross) station’. That seems clear enough but is that actually all there is to the story?
A quick on-line search confirms the existence of several large dust heaps and an intriguing connection with Charles Dickens’ novel Our Mutual Friend and his character Nicodemus Boffin, the Golden Dustman, who became extremely wealthy, inheriting his own dust heap on the death of his master, and thought to be modelled on the real-life dealer in waste, Henry Dodd.
However, by delving a little further, I came across statements, put forward in seemingly reputable contemporary accounts, such as that in P. J. Pink’s mighty History of Clerkenwell (1880), to the effect that the dust heaps were sold to the government of Russia to help the re-building of Moscow after the war of 1812 with Napoleon! Similarly, a syndicated article that appeared in the Fife Herald on 17 May 1837 states, ‘it is a well-known fact that the dust-heap that was wont to grace the top of Gray’s-Inn-Lane is now a competent part of the city of Moscow, to which it was exported as a material for brick-making after the conflagration of that city’.
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Figure 1 – The illustration above is an 1873 watercolour painting by E.H. Dixon of a dust heap located next to Battle Bridge and the London Smallpox Hospital and Weston Place, viewed from Maiden Lane (now York Way). An inscription below the painting inserted by an unknown hand, much later than the date of the painting, refers to the Great Ash Heap being cleared in 1848 to assist in the re-building of Moscow, Russia.
A giant-size dust heap
Coming from an engineering background, I feel the need to gain an approximate understanding of the sort of quantities of materials we are talking about. I have made an attempt to calculate the quantity, based on the Dixon watercolour shown in Figure 1 above and using the people and perimeter fencing shown in the painting as a scale. This suggests that there might be as much as 200,000 cubic metres of rubbish contained within this particular heap. If we assume conservatively that sixty per cent of this was composed of ash and clinker, that would give a quantity of material to be shipped of 120,000 cubic metres, enough presumably to assist with the rebuilding of at least part of Moscow. If we then assume that the volume of cargo that could be accommodated on a canal barge was 80 cubic metres, it would require 1,500 journeys from Kings Cross to Limehouse Basin. Allowing, say, five barge loads per day, it would require the best part of a year to complete the clearance.
The sale to Russia, if true, seems extraordinary and has some relevance to the Museum, as moving the considerable volume of material concerned would, no doubt, have involved loading the material onto barges at the most convenient point, possibly Battlebridge Basin, shipment along the Regent’s Canal to Limehouse Basin, followed by transport by sea-going sailing vessels across the North Sea, to the Baltics, more or less the reverse of the journey made by the ice consignments from Norway to Carlo Gatti’s ice storage warehouse in what is now the London Canal Museum.
The story appears to have aroused the interest of several modern researchers which I found in a wonderful paper compiled by the British Brick Society (2017) titled, ‘London’s Dust Mountains’. Much of what follows has been gleaned from this document.
Circumstantial evidence
What we know:
Much of the content of the dust heaps was ash and clinker from the fires that were needed in every domestic residence. These materials were used to make bricks, with the ash being mixed with clay, and the clinker used to keep the bricks separate and provide additional heat for the firing of the bricks. This material would, therefore, have been useful to anyone undertaking building work, even in a location as far away as Moscow.
Much of Moscow was destroyed by a fire in 1812, started by the Moscow police as part of a scorched earth policy to frustrate Napoleon’s forces sacking of the city. We also know that a 'Commission on Moscow Construction’ was set up in 1813 to coordinate the re-building activity, a plan for which was completed by 1817. The commission was disbanded in 1842. We know that the chief planner for the re-building works was a Scottish architect called William Hastie, confirming a British connection.
Russia had raised a large loan against its sovereign debt in 1822 of £3,500,000. Some of that money could have been used to purchase the dust heap(s).
There was a slump in economic activity in Britain after 1825 leading to a drop in the demand for building materials, which might have encouraged the owner of the dust heap to look for a market elsewhere.
A sea route from London to Moscow was feasible, with ships sailing through the North Sea and into the Baltic to St. Petersburg, entering the river and lake waterways where barges could have taken materials into the heart of Moscow. This route would only have been possible during the summer months when the waterways were ice-free. The alternative route, heading south through the English Channel, through the Bay of Biscay to the Mediterranean, and entering the Black Sea to the sea of Azov, east of Crimea and then overland, via the River Volta to the Moscow River, can most probably be discounted due to the number of transhipments required.
Hard evidence
As mentioned earlier, there were several dust heaps in the Kings Cross area. A huge dust heap, referred to as Smith’s dust heap, was located close to the junction of Gray’s Inn Road and New Road (now Euston Road). This was cleared in 1825/26 which would be consistent with the period of rebuilding in Moscow. Of this, Pink’s History of Clerkenwell states, ‘the corner of Gray’s Inn Road was covered in a mountain of filth and cinders, the accumulation of many years, and which afforded food for hundreds of pigs. The Russians bought the whole of the ash-heap, and shipped it to Moscow, for the purpose of re-building that city after it had been burned by the French’.
Another dust heap, that illustrated in Figure 1, was located close to the site of Kings Cross station and it would seem likely that its clearance would be necessary to make way for the construction of the station. An inscription below the painting inserted much later than the date of the painting, refers to the Great Ash Heap being cleared in 1848 to assist in the re-building of the city of Moscow, Russia. The date of clearance in 1848 would seem to be later than the period of rebuilding of Moscow. However, it is possible that rebuilding work continued following the disbanding of the Commission on Moscow Reconstruction in 1842. The date of clearance would be in line with the date of construction of Kings Cross railway station (1851-52).
But, there is a but…
An article in Slavic Review, ‘The Restoration of Moscow after 1812’ by A J Schmit (1981), makes no mention of the dust heaps being sold to Russia. It does, however, mention Catherine the Great’s ‘masonry city’ and the scarcity of building materials at the end of the 18th century.
Prior to the fire, except for some of the public buildings and churches, most of the buildings in Moscow were of timber construction. Soon after its inauguration in 1813, the Commission on Moscow Construction established brickworks and set about opening quarries. It seems likely that from the fire, it had plenty of ash to call upon, although it would seem likely that clinker was scarce, as the fuel used in domestic fires in Moscow would have been wood rather than coal.
Some buildings were reconstructed using brick construction, but many properties, both public and domestic, were reconstructed using split logs covered in plaster, both inside and out, to provide insulation against the harsh Russian winter and the heat of the summer.
To clear up this mystery, it ought to be possible to check the bills of lading or cargo manifests held by the Lloyds Register of Shipping. Unfortunately, it appears that such records are only available from 1837 onwards.
From the hard evidence provided above, it seems likely that one or more dust heaps did go to Moscow. However, unless further research on this subject is carried out to confirm the fate of the Kings Cross dust heaps, I am left with romantic dreams of the Golden Dustman flogging his dust to the Muscovites. But for those who like conspiracy theories, there is another possibility. The absence of a transparent audit trail appears to be reminiscent of money laundering, for which London appears to be Moscow’s (and the world’s) favourite laundromat.
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brookstonalmanac · 3 months
Events 7.1 (1870-1950)
Minister of Canada. This date is commemorated annually in Canada as Canada Day, a national holiday. 1870 – The United States Department of Justice formally comes into existence. 1873 – Prince Edward Island joins into Canadian Confederation. 1874 – The Sholes and Glidden typewriter, the first commercially successful typewriter, goes on sale. 1878 – Canada joins the Universal Postal Union. 1879 – Charles Taze Russell publishes the first edition of the religious magazine The Watchtower. 1881 – The world's first international telephone call is made between St. Stephen, New Brunswick, Canada, and Calais, Maine, United States. 1881 – General Order 70, the culmination of the Cardwell and Childers reforms of the British Army, comes into effect. 1885 – The United States terminates reciprocity and fishery agreement with Canada. 1885 – The Congo Free State is established by King Leopold II of Belgium. 1890 – Canada and Bermuda are linked by telegraph cable. 1898 – Spanish–American War: The Battle of San Juan Hill is fought in Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. 1901 – French government enacts its anti-clerical legislation Law of Association prohibiting the formation of new monastic orders without governmental approval. 1903 – Start of first Tour de France bicycle race. 1908 – SOS is adopted as the international distress signal. 1911 – Germany despatches the gunship SMS Panther to Morocco, sparking the Agadir Crisis. 1915 – Leutnant Kurt Wintgens of the then-named German Deutsches Heer's Fliegertruppe army air service achieves the first known aerial victory with a synchronized machine-gun armed fighter plane, the Fokker M.5K/MG Eindecker. 1916 – World War I: First day on the Somme: On the first day of the Battle of the Somme 19,000 soldiers of the British Army are killed and 40,000 wounded. 1917 – Chinese General Zhang Xun seizes control of Beijing and restores the monarchy, installing Puyi, last emperor of the Qing dynasty, to the throne. The restoration is reversed just shy of two weeks later, when Republican troops regain control of the capital. 1921 – The Chinese Communist Party is founded by Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao, with the help of the Far Eastern Bureau of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (Bolsheviks), who seized power in Russia after the 1917 October Revolution, and the Far Eastern Secretariat of the Communist International. 1922 – The Great Railroad Strike of 1922 begins in the United States. 1923 – The Parliament of Canada suspends all Chinese immigration. 1931 – United Airlines begins service (as Boeing Air Transport). 1931 – Wiley Post and Harold Gatty become the first people to circumnavigate the globe in a single-engined monoplane aircraft. 1932 – Australia's national broadcaster, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, was formed. 1935 – Regina, Saskatchewan, police and Royal Canadian Mounted Police ambush strikers participating in the On-to-Ottawa Trek. 1942 – World War II: First Battle of El Alamein. 1942 – The Australian Federal Government becomes the sole collector of income tax in Australia as State Income Tax is abolished. 1943 – The City of Tokyo and the Prefecture of Tokyo are both replaced by the Tokyo Metropolis. 1946 – Crossroads Able is the first postwar nuclear weapon test. 1947 – The Philippine Air Force is established. 1948 – Muhammad Ali Jinnah (Quaid-i-Azam) inaugurates Pakistan's central bank, the State Bank of Pakistan. 1949 – The merger of two princely states of India, Cochin and Travancore, into the state of Thiru-Kochi (later re-organized as Kerala) in the Indian Union ends more than 1,000 years of princely rule by the Cochin royal family.
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bisluthq · 5 months
Gabby and Matty reconnected in August in LA. He knew her a little bit before and had already been following her because she’s been friends for years with Charli XCX who is one of his besties, but apparently they met again at Charli’s birthday this year and started hanging out and then became official when she dumped her boyfriend who is Bob Dylan’s grandson and have been inseparable ever since. It’s funny bc August was probably Matty’s roughest month since it was right after the Malaysia thing and they were getting like sued over it, his bandmate was pissed at him, he didn’t go to Jack’s wedding etc so it was like he found love in a hopeless place lol. But yeah he was also with Meredith in August in LA but was also staying in a hotel so idt it was exclusive bc he used to stay with her. But he did meet her friends and family then she woke up one day to pics of him and Gabby lol. So justice for Meredith honestly but she’s dating Gabby’s ex now so I guess it all worked out lol.
wait lol Meredith is with Gabby’s ex now??? WHY ARE THESE PEOPLE SO WEIRD AND MESSY???
Good for Gatty tho I guess.
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vigil234 · 10 months
Top 10 things to do if you stay in Hyderabad
 Not only the historic touch of Nizams and the origin of Pearls make Hyderabad a special place but also the perfect blend of royal rein, culturally diverse people, some amazing biryani, the filmi touch of “Ramoji” and a lot more.
Come let’s explore.
Experience the taste of Hyderabadi Biryani
The most important thing to begin with and our personal favorite is FOOD. The Hyderabad Biryani has its roots following back to the Mughal Times when Aurangzeb was ruling the Deccan part of the country. Hyderabad mixed its own flavor with the Mughal Biryani before introducing the delicacy to the kitchens of the Nizams. The whole of the nation craves “THE HYDERABADI BIRYANI”  and some of the famous chains include Biryaniwala & Co, Paradise, Café Bahar, Bawarchi, Shadab ki Biryani, etc.
The famous saying in Hindi goes like “agar Hyderabad aa kar biryani nahi khaya toh kya khaya” (If you came to Hyderabad and did not have biryani, then there’s no point coming to Hyderabad). Street Food is a must here too.  Hyderabad is one of the very few cities in India serving 99 versions of Dosa (Ram ki bandi is a famous late-night place for dosa). When Ramzan comes, it’s also time for some haleem, which is available on the street at very decent prices. Then, of course, are the kebabs, tempting you every evening at street corners.
Reign of Royalty in the heart of Deccan
The hospitable nature of Hyderabad is evident through the word of mouth publicity all across the globe. Back in 2015, it was regarded as the World’s Second Best Place as per the annual guide of the Traveler Magazine of National Geographic. The Falaknuma Palace is the epitome of luxury and royalty of Nizams. The exterior is Italian in nature with European calligraphy. Come and dine in at the world’s largest dining table at the Falaknuma Palace also known as The Buckingham Palace of Hyderabad.
Even The Chowmahalla Palace holds the majestic touch of hospitality, where the Hyderabadi Nizams used to hold grand events in honor of their guests including imperial emissaries and British Viceroys during the reign of Asaf Jha dynasty. This Heritage of India has a striking resemblance to the Shah of Iran’s Palace in architecture. Such is the magnificence of the Chowmahalla Palace that historians tend to compare it with a “Palace of Arabian Nights”.
Ramadan Festivity Mania brings the crowd
With the Charminar during Ramzan, the life of the city lights up. The old city’s charm is lit during this season with food and a hub of shoppers during Ramzan.  The late-night market has a glimpse of glittery bangles, haleem, Irani chai, Mehendi and innumerable vendors. All these mini festivities can be found in Lad Bazaar, Patther Gatti and Chatta Bazaar. Even Sewaiyyan and Attars with genuine essence can be found during Ramadan.
The Shopping Spree
A must-visit budgeted shopping place is the Sultan Bazaar in Hyderabad. Varieties of clothes, accessories, and household items can be found here. Books and stationery goods are also available at cheap prices in the shops in this area. Even food and vegetables and silver antiques can be bought from Sultan Bazar.  Laad Bazaar, General Bazaar, Koti, and Abids are also good shopping streets.
Sightseeing at a glance
Charminar is a representative of Hyderabad to the world as its global icon. A monument and mosque in one, it is one of the biggest tourist attractions in Hyderabad. Tombs of the Qutub Shahi Dynasty – the epitome of royal grandeur and Golkonda Fort’s architectural aesthetic is worth a watch. Though there are many historic landmarks, these happen to be the “once a visit historic structures of  Hyderabad”. Want to have a look at the film sets of the movies you have been watching from childhood and till the present? then Ramoji Film City is your go-to go corner.
Tech Hub of Hyderabad – High Tech City
Other than fun and amusement, all the biggies like Infosys, Tech Mahindra, Google, and ICICI have their host desks located at the High Tech City. Even the large-scale startups find room for themselves here. The infrastructure along with the touch of technology with a posh locality is attractive to techies and auditors. All major tech companies now look forward to setting their footprints in this area of the city.
Queen’s Necklace Spotted
The necklace road next to the Hussain Sagar Lake with the 18-meter high statue of Lord Buddha on a small island in the middle of the waters is simply amazing. It is beautiful to watch on a night drive. The curvy stretch along the lake brings a sparkling gaze to our eyes from a helicopter view. For a better and broader connection of the likes, you can just relate it with Mumbai’s Marine Drive.
The Taste of Irani Chai
The Persian touch of Irani Chai is the morning starter for old city Hyderabadis. It’s variations include Khade Chammach ki Chai and Burkhe Wali Chai. The name itself suggests the uniqueness of Hyderabad culture. Apart from those, there are different kinds of tea powders sold by vendors across the regions of the city. This will certainly keep you hooked up with the memories of this place even you have moved to a different region.
Experience the uniqueness of Hyderabadi Culture
Hyderabad has a blend of Telugu people and Hyderabadi Muslims. People speak Telugu and/or Urdu mostly. The Hyderabadi Hindi is significantly different from how North Indians speak Hindi as it’s a mix of Urdu and Telugu etymology. Because of its geography, it has a blend of both Hindu and Muslim cultures and it’s defined as the Ganga JamunaTehzeeb. Its main attires include kurta pyjama for men, salwar kameez burkha and hijab for women. While the most epic language of Hyderabadi culture can be seen in the Hyderabadi movies produced for a local audience.
“Hyderabad mein aisich chaltha. Kya Tho bhi Bolthe Tum logaan”.
Live like a Nawab in Hyderabadi Homestays
Nowhere else can you be better to live the lifestyle of a local other than in a homestay. The local family can help you with the city’s happenings and surroundings in a much better way.
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*discounts available on longer period bookings
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roamanddiscover · 1 year
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If you're looking for an off-the-beaten-path destination that's both breathtakingly gorgeous and culturally rich, Vanuatu is the place for you. Located in the Pacific Ocean, Vanuatu is a group of 80 islands with stunning beaches, lush rainforests, and a unique blend of traditional and modern culture. The name 'Vanuatu' is derived from the word 'vanua,' which means 'land' or 'home' in many Melanesian languages. The 'tu' ending is simply a plural marker, so Vanuatu could be translated as 'many lands' or 'many homes.' The history of Vanuatu is as diverse as its landscapes. The islands were first settled around 3,000 years ago by indigenous Melanesian people. In the 1600s, Europeans began exploring the area, and by the late 1800s, both French and British colonizers had established a presence in Vanuatu. Today, Vanuatu is a mix of traditional Melanesian customs and practices and contemporary influences. The country boasts a rich biodiversity and unique geology, making it a haven for nature lovers. Visitors can also enjoy cultural experiences, such as witnessing traditional ceremonies, tasting local cuisine, and exploring local markets. - Geography: Vanuatu is an archipelago of 80 islands, stretching over 1,300 kilometers in the South Pacific Ocean. The islands are volcanic in origin and have stunning coral reefs, white sand beaches, and lush rainforests. - Ecology: Vanuatu is home to a variety of ecosystems, including tropical forest, mangroves, and coral reefs. The islands are also home to unique plants and animals, many of which are found only in Vanuatu. - Biodiversity: Vanuatu has a high level of biodiversity, with many unique plant and animal species, including the world's smallest mammal, the bumblebee bat. - Climate: Vanuatu has a tropical climate, with high temperatures and humidity throughout the year. The islands are prone to cyclones and other severe weather events. Vanuatu faces a number of environmental challenges, including deforestation, soil erosion, and marine pollution. The country has taken steps to address these challenges, including creating protected areas and implementing sustainable tourism practices. The political system of Vanuatu is a parliamentary democracy, with the president as the head of state. The country has a diverse economy, with agriculture, tourism, and fisheries as the main industries. The infrastructure in Vanuatu is limited, particularly on the outer islands. If you're interested in science and technology, you'll find plenty to discover in Vanuatu. The country has made significant advancements in areas like renewable energy and disaster management. Vanuatu is also home to a number of notable people, including the former Secretary-General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan, and the Olympic medalist, Margaret Gatty. The population of Vanuatu is predominantly Melanesian, with smaller populations of Europeans, Asians, and other Pacific Islanders. There are over 100 different languages spoken in Vanuatu, making it one of the most linguistically diverse countries in the world. The culture of Vanuatu is rich and diverse, with traditional customs and practices still observed alongside contemporary influences. Visitors can witness traditional ceremonies, sample local cuisine, and explore local markets. Vanuatu offers plenty of exciting activities for visitors, whether you're looking for adventure or relaxation. From hiking to water sports to simply lounging on the beach, there's something for everyone. The major cities in Vanuatu include the capital, Port Vila, and Luganville. Both cities offer a mix of cultural experiences and modern amenities. Vanuatu has some truly stunning cities, including Port Vila and Luganville. However, if you're looking for the most beautiful cities in Vanuatu, be sure to check out Efate and Espiritu Santo, which are home to some of the country's most pristine beaches and crystal-clear waters. Some of the top places to visit in Vanuatu include the Yasur Volcano, Champagne Beach, and the Chief Roi Mata's Domain World Heritage Site. Vanuatu's cuisine is a mix of traditional Melanesian dishes and contemporary influences. Some popular foods include lap lap, a dish made from grated yams or taro, and coconut cream; and island-style curries. Traveling to Vanuatu is easy, with international flights arriving at the country's main airport, Bauerfield International Airport in Port Vila. Accommodations in Vanuatu range from budget-friendly guesthouses to luxury resorts, so there's something to suit every budget and style. Whether you're a nature lover, culture buff, or simply looking for an unforgettable getaway, Vanuatu has something to offer. With its unique geography, diverse culture, and stunning natural beauty, it's no wonder that Vanuatu is becoming an increasingly popular destination for travelers from all over the world. So why not pack your bags and head off to Vanuatu today? You won't be disappointed!
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The name 'Vanuatu' has an interesting etymology. It was derived from the words 'Vanua' and 'Tu', which are both indigenous words from different parts of the archipelago. 'Vanua' in some of the northern dialects of Vanuatu means land or home, while 'Tu' means stand or rise. When combined, the word 'Vanuatu' means 'Our Land Rises' Before the adoption of the name Vanuatu in 1980, the country was formerly known as the New Hebrides. The name was given by Captain James Cook when he sighted the islands in 1774. The islands were referred to as the New Hebrides because they reminded him of the Hebrides, a group of islands off the coast of Scotland. The name 'Vanuatu' was officially adopted in 1980 when the country gained independence from both France and the United Kingdom. It was chosen to reflect the unique Melanesian culture and geography of the islands. It's interesting to note that the name 'Vanuatu' is not the same in all of the country's languages. Bislama, the national language, spells it as 'Vanuatu', while in French it's 'République de Vanuatu'. In other indigenous languages, the pronunciation and spelling may differ slightly. the name 'Vanuatu' embodies the country's rich culture, history, and geography – a fitting and meaningful name for this beautiful Pacific island nation.
Vanuatu is a beautiful archipelago of 83 coral and volcanic islands located in the South Pacific Ocean. The rich historical background of the country dates back thousands of years, and each island has its unique traditions and customs. The original inhabitants of Vanuatu were the Melanesians who arrived around 3,000 years ago. These people were skilled in navigation and were able to colonize the islands despite the long distances between them. Over time, Vanuatu became known as a trading hotspot due to its strategic location. During the 16th century, European explorers arrived, and many of these islands were colonized by European powers. The French and British colonial powers shared control of the islands for decades until Vanuatu gained independence in 1980. The colonial period greatly affected the development of Vanuatu. The missionaries from Europe brought Christianity to Vanuatu, and it became the dominant religion among the population. They also introduced the Western education system, which led to a higher literacy rate among the Vanuatu people. During World War II, the United States built military bases on the island of Efate. This led to an influx of American goods, culture and values into Vanuatu which still exist to some degree today. These days, the economy is mostly based on agriculture, fishing, and tourism. Despite several challenges along the way, including natural disasters such as earthquakes and cyclones, Vanuatu has persevered and maintained its unique culture and identity. The country's government and people have worked together to maintain their sovereignty while welcoming the world to explore their beautiful islands. Today, the history of Vanuatu is celebrated through various cultural festivals, museums, and tours of historical sites. Tourists can walk through ancient ceremonial grounds, view traditional woodcarvings or witness custom dances during their visits. The history of Vanuatu is ever-present in all aspects of their culture and daily life. the history of Vanuatu is an essential part of its identity. It has helped shape the country's unique culture and customs and has played a crucial role in shaping the way that the island nation looks today.
Vanuatu, located in the South Pacific Ocean, is a fascinating island nation known for its beautiful scenery, friendly people, and rich culture. One of the most intriguing aspects of Vanuatu is its geology. The islands that make up Vanuatu were formed through volcanic activity, which has left a lasting impact on the landscape. The islands of Vanuatu are part of the Pacific Ring of Fire, a region where numerous volcanic eruptions and earthquakes occur. As a result of these geological processes, Vanuatu has a diverse range of geological features, including active volcanoes, hot springs, and volcanic craters. The most famous volcano in Vanuatu is Mt. Yasur, located on the island of Tanna. Mt. Yasur is one of the most accessible active volcanoes in the world and attracts visitors from all over the globe. The volcano has been erupting continuously for over 800 years, with regular explosions that send lava bombs flying through the air. Another interesting geological feature in Vanuatu is the Millennium Cave, located on the island of Espiritu Santo. The cave was formed over 10,000 years ago and is one of the largest caves in Vanuatu. It is named after the fact that it was discovered in the year 2000. Vanuatu also has a number of hot springs that are popular with tourists. The most famous of these is the Nanda Blue Hole, located on the island of Efate. The blue hole is a natural swimming pool that is fed by an underground hot spring. The water has a unique turquoise color, making it a picturesque spot for swimming and relaxing. The geological diversity of Vanuatu has also created some unique rock formations, such as the Champagne Beach, located on the island of Espiritu Santo. The beach is named after the bubbles that are formed by volcanic gas seeping out of the rocks beneath the sand. In addition to these natural wonders, Vanuatu is also known for its rich mineral resources. The country has significant deposits of minerals such as manganese, nickel, and copper, which are essential to the global economy. These resources present opportunities for investment and development in the country. the geology of Vanuatu is a fascinating topic that offers much to explore and discover. Whether you are interested in volcanoes, hot springs, or mineral resources, Vanuatu has something to offer for everyone.
Vanuatu is a country located in the South Pacific Ocean and it comprises 83 islands that are spread over 1,300 km (810 miles) of ocean. The archipelago covers an area of 12,279 km² (4,739 mi²) and makes it one of the smallest countries in the world. The geography of Vanuatu is diverse and fascinating, with volcanic islands, coral reefs, white sandy beaches, and dense forests. The country's landscape is dominated by active volcanoes, with three major ones located on the islands of Tanna, Ambrym, and Lopevi. The highest peak is Mt. Tabwemasana, standing at 1,879 meters (6,165 feet) tall. This mountain offers incredible views of Vanuatu's volcanic ranges and lush rainforests. The country is also famous for its unique geological features, including hot springs, mud pools, and geysers. The coastline of Vanuatu is equally stunning with a mixture of rugged cliffs and sandy beaches. Port Vila is the capital of Vanuatu, and it is considered the most beautiful port in the world. There are several ports and harbors in Vanuatu, including Luganville, which is the second-largest city in Vanuatu located on the island of Espiritu Santo. This city has a deepwater port that can accommodate large ships and is known for its excellent fishing and diving spots. The islands of Vanuatu are incredibly diverse, with each having their unique features. Some islands are rich in foliage and are densely forested, while others have vast savannahs and grasslands. A significant portion of Vanuatu's landscape is covered with rainforests with a diverse mix of tree species like mahogany, sandalwood, and eucalyptus. The country also boasts of numerous rivers and streams that flow down from the mountains through the country's dense rainforests. The highest volume river is the Hope River, which flows into Papua New Guinea. Several other rivers like the Sarakata, Creeks, and Charlot flow through the lowlands of Vanuatu. The country is blessed with an abundance of natural resources, ranging from timber, minerals to fish, and water resources. Vanuatu is also known for its coral reefs, which attract both recreational and professional divers from around the world. The largest reef in Vanuatu is the Espiritu Santo reef, which runs from Cape Cumberland to the northern tip of the island. Vanuatu's geography and landscape are incredibly diverse and fascinating. From the rugged cliffs and sandy beaches to the dense rainforests and active volcanoes, Vanuatu has something for everyone. Its unique features are a testament to the country's natural beauty, and it is one of the reasons why the country is increasingly becoming a popular travel destination for tourists and adventurers alike.
Vanuatu is a stunningly beautiful archipelago located in the South Pacific. This country is rich in biodiversity and has a unique ecology that is worth exploring. The ecology of Vanuatu comprises both terrestrial and marine ecosystems that are home to a wide variety of flora and fauna, many of which are endemic to the region. The terrestrial ecology of Vanuatu ranges from lowland rainforests to montane forest ecosystems. These forests are home to a diverse range of plants such as orchids, ferns, palms, and other tropical trees. there are also unique species of birds and animals found in these ecosystems such as fruit bats, flying foxes, and the endemic Vanuatu megapode. The marine ecology of Vanuatu is equally diverse and fascinating. The country is surrounded by coral reefs that host a variety of fish species, marine mammals, and invertebrates. These coral reefs also protect the coastline from erosion and provide a habitat for many marine species. The Vanuatu coral reefs are home to more than 4,000 fish species which emphasize the biodiversity of Vanuatu's coral reefs. The mangrove forests of Vanuatu are yet another fascinating ecosystem that is rich in biodiversity. These forests grow in brackish water and are often found near estuaries and lagoons. They provide a habitat for many species of birds and other animals, and also protect the coastline from erosion. The grasslands and savannas in Vanuatu are also home to a variety of animals, including several species of snakes. These ecosystems are characterized by their sparse tree cover and are often found in drier areas of Vanuatu. Moreover, there are various efforts made by the government to preserve the unique ecology of Vanuatu. Several national parks and conservation areas have been established in Vanuatu to conserve the country's unique flora and fauna. Eco-tourism is also a growing industry in Vanuatu that provides visitors with an opportunity to explore the country's ecology while supporting conservation efforts. if you are a nature lover, Vanuatu's diverse ecology will certainly leave you spellbound. The unique terrestrial and marine ecosystems of the country are home to a wide variety of flora and fauna, making it an exceptional place to visit and explore.
Vanuatu is famous for its unique biodiversity, given its isolation from other landmasses. It boasts an impressive range of plants and animals, including several that are endemic to the region. A recent study showed that Vanuatu's biodiversity is declining at an alarming rate due to various factors such as climate change, habitat destruction, and the introduction of invasive species. There are approximately 3,000 plant species found in Vanuatu, with a third of them being indigenous to the islands. Notable species include the widely grown kava plant, which is used to make a traditional drink, and the sandalwood tree, which has been used for centuries to make perfumes and soaps. Vanuatu is also home to several unique orchid and fern species. When it comes to animal species, Vanuatu has its fair share of fascinating creatures. One of the most famous is the coconut crab, the largest land-based arthropod in the world. There are also several species of birds and reptiles on the islands, such as the Vanuatu megapode and the Pacific boa. The waters around Vanuatu are teeming with marine life, including over 4,000 fish species and various marine mammals such as dolphins, whales, and dugongs. Unfortunately, Vanuatu's biodiversity is under threat from human activity. For instance, the logging industry has led to the destruction of large tracts of forests, which has seen several endangered species lose their natural habitats. climate change has resulted in rising sea levels, which has led to the erosion of coastal areas and the destruction of coral reefs. Despite these challenges, efforts are underway to conserve Vanuatu's unique biodiversity. Conservation groups are working with local communities to establish protected areas and to raise awareness about the importance of preserving natural habitats. Through eco-tourism initiatives, visitors can experience Vanuatu's incredible biodiversity in a sustainable and responsible way. Vanuatu's biodiversity is an essential aspect of its cultural heritage and identity. It is vital that we take action to protect and conserve this unique resource so that future generations can enjoy the same rich and diverse natural world.
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Sandalwood tree
Climate plays an important role in determining the best time to visit Vanuatu. The climate of Vanuatu is tropical, which means it is warm and humid all year round. The average temperature is around 26°C (79°F), with slight variations depending on the location and the time of year. Vanuatu experiences two distinct seasons: wet and dry. The wet season usually lasts from November to April, while the dry season is from May to October. During the wet season, Vanuatu receives heavy rainfall and there is a higher risk of tropical storms and cyclones. While the dry season is typically sunny with cooler temperatures and less rainfall. The temperature and humidity are higher during the wet season, making it less comfortable to spend extended periods outdoors. However, the wet season also brings lush greenery and beautiful waterfalls to life, which are worth exploring. On the other hand, the dry season with its mild and sunny weather is perfect for outdoor activities like hiking, snorkeling, and diving. Read the full article
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katiajewelbox · 2 years
An Escaflowne Story for Valentines Day...
On Valentines Day 2023, I learned the true story of the original Saint Valentine and this inspired me to compose a sketch for the first Dilandau Mpreg fanfic! (They/them pronouns for Dilandau)
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Our story takes place during the series timeline, and begins with Dilandau noticing shocking changes taking place in their body. Although they identity as male, their body has always had a female reproductive system suppressed by the fate alteration and suddenly they are having a monthly cycle. Dilandau is in denial about their body reverting to a weak feminine state and keeps it a secret from everyone including their partner Miguel. 
We then observe an amorous encounter between Dilandau and Miguel, where they reminisce about how their relationship started. Two years ago, Dilandau was permitted to select their Dragonslayer team from a diverse pool of recruits, and to everyone’s annoyance this included Miguel who was deemed from a lower social class in Zaibach than the other lads. Dilandau felt it was lust, if not love, at first sight and they had to have him by their side. From there, their relationship developed and now they’re very committed to each other. Miguel even says his love for Dilandau is stronger than any loyalty he ever felt towards Zaibach itself...
Although Dilandau sees him as an overbearing authority figure, Folken is actually Dilandau’s protector in the shadows. Over the years, he has looked out for their safety and scared away predators who sought to abuse the youngster. Now, Folken sees two young people who want to be together and he vows to help them. Indeed, their bond may be enough to smash Zaibach’s control of fate from the inside out!
In the next month, Dilandau starts feeling unwell and their monthly cycle stops. They try to ignore it and focus on their military leadership role, but eventually they confess what’s going on to Miguel in an emotional moment. Miguel is enthusiastic about this development and wants to support Dilandau during this time, and raise their child together. Dilandau ponders whether they want to go through with this, and mainly has doubts because Zaibach is a pretty grim place to grow up. They’re also sure the Sorciers would forcibly terminate the pregnancy if they found out, regardless of how Dilandau felt about keeping the baby or not. 
The couple send an anxious few months guarding their secret and preventing Dilandau from falling into the Sorcier’s clutches. During this time, we also find out about Miguel’s desire to reconnect with a more natural way of life that his pre-colonial ancestors lived in Zaibach before it was industrialised. Dilandau is eventually won over and starts to see a life like that would be better for their future child. Meanwhile, Gatti tries to undermine their bond because he thinks Miguel is a blue-collar lowlife who should not be in a relationship with a higher class person like Dilandau. 
In desperation as they enter the second trimester, Dilandau turns to Folken for help. He has suspected what was going on, and now he helps the couple flee to a faraway land. The bond between Dilandau and Miguel, along with their strong desire to protect their future child, is powerful enough to summon a pillar of light. Folken knows that a bond like this, that can overcome the social pressure to conform and obey the rules of Zaibach’s dystopian culture, could have the power to alter fate and bring down the Empire’s collapse. 
The pair find themselves on a beautiful and peaceful volcanic island inhabited by friendly folk who help them set up a new home. When they land, Dilandau realises they have physically transitioned to being fully female. In a world where wishes control fate, their wish was to evolve into a new version of herself away from war and conflict. This island is Gaea’s equivalent of the Canary Islands, which are culturally Spanish but located near the coast of North Africa on the Mystic Moon.
Several more months pass, and Dilandau’s child is born. Their daughter Jeanne is healthy and full of life, and Dilandau safely recovers from the experience. When the little family is at the beach one day, they see a vision of Folken’s spirit over the ocean. Folken passed away fighting against Emperor Dornkirk but he wanted to visit them one more time. Folken informs them that Zaibach easily fell to the allied forces led by Van, Hitomi, and Allen because the people of Zaibach lost faith in their country’s vision. It is because the story of Dilandau and Miguel fleeing inspired other people to rebel against their restrictive culture and choose their own path of freedom. 
Dilandau and Miguel can now look forward to a brighter future with their daughter thanks to Folken’s sacrifice to help them achieve their goal of living a free and natural family life.
Thank you for reading! 
© Katia Hougaard, 14/2/2023, Oxfordshire, UK
(Lady Oscar as a baby in the role of Dilandau and Miguel’s daughter XD). 
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Top 5 jodhpur food : 
Today i will tell you about top 5 jodhpur food. Which you have to test. 
Dal Baati : 
The baati is a hard bread made with coarse whole wheat flour, semolina, ghee, besan and prepared with fennel seeds and carom seeds. Baatis can be cooked or ready. The start of baati goes way back to Rawal organisation where the warriors would make pieces of blend and cover them under the sand and after they would return back from the contention the baatis would be absolutely and good to go. Baati transformed into a prestigious struggle time feast. A while later, then the mix of dal baati ended up being particularly notable.A platter of semi-sweet Churma, hot Dal and seared Baati, is one such standard Rajasthani dal baati churma mix. 
New baatis choked in very hot dal is an optimal reinforcement for churma. Considering water deficiency and climatic conditions, different methods for cooking are used. Rajasthani cooking has dishes that can be prepared and taken care of for a seriously lengthy timespan! Dal baati is one of the essential dishes of Rajasthani cooking, the dish for which the food is known for.you should test it with help of jodhpur cab service.
Gatte and its flavours : 
Another item that is a must-have is Gatte ki sabzi. Back in the day, leafy and green vegetables was not easily available in Rajasthan, but people used to compensate with lots of grains, pulses and spices. So they made the best out of the available resources and came up with Gatte ki sabzi. In the book 'A Historical dictionary of Indian Food’, food historian KT Achaya writes, "Moong and besan flour form the foundation of numerous crisp, fried savouries like the mangodi, gatti, papadi and methi.” He even states, "Many vegetables are sun dried throughout the year before being used as gattey.” Women in Rajasthan used to make gatte in advance and store them for future use. Prepared with gram flour and dry masalas, the gatte is steamed and cut into bite-sized portions.In simple words, they are gram flour dumplings that are simmered in a rich yoghurt or buttermilk-based gravy. Truly unique, isn’t it? You test it than you like it you should go with taxi service jodhpur. 
Laal mass : 
Through trial and error, the cook raised the power of the dish with spilling over proportions of Mathania chillies and likewise laal maas was imagined. Today, with hunting disallowed in many bits of India, the dish is made with goat meat, but the trimmings stay clear and extremely hot. All through the long haul, the dish has similarly moved from glorious kitchens to extra unpretentious homes and it can now be found on the menu of various restaurants in India and abroad.Today, Mathania chillies are hot, yet won't kill your taste or make you numb. In any case, you will end up cleaning your sanctuary, Bits of hearsay have spread all over recommending that laal maas seemed when a ruler from Mewar excused the deer meat that was prepared with just garlic and yoghourt, which didn't eliminate solid areas for the fragrance.by far most know laal maas as a hot sheep curry from Rajasthan, but the hidden variation of the dish was made with meat from wild hoard, deer or wild fowl.
 Ker sangri : 
One of the most popular Rajasthani dishes, ker is a wild berry that is tangy and peppery while sangri is a type of long bean grown abundantly in the desert areas of Jaisalmer and Barmer. Sangri, on the other hand, are bean-like units of the khejri tree The villagers took these vegetables home and due to the scarcity of water cooked them in vegetable oil with spices.It is tart in taste, which similarly makes it an optimal component for pickles.They ate this wonderful concoction with their bajra rotis. Today they cook it with buttermilk or water. Sangri is a mainstay during drought, when little else is available as it is 53% protein. Legend has it that long ago there was a famine in Rajasthan and the villagers found these two vegetables when all other vegetation had withered away.Ker sangri, a regular Rajasthani dish made of secretly gotten trimmings, is perfectly fit to the State's completely dry climate. Each year, when I got back to school in Delhi after the pre-summer journeys, I would find my sidekicks remaining energetically for their main dish from my home State, Rajasthan, ker sangri ki sabji. Since it doesn't get spoiled successfully, I could convey it on my transient train adventure. Come mid-day break, my partners would eat up it with pooris or parathas bought from the school compartment.Ker sangri is a course of action of five plant things — ker, sangri, babul fali (kumatiya), gunda and aamchur. It is generally called panchkuta considering this original mix of five trimmings. Ker is a caper-like desert regular item, a berry that creates on a thorny shrubbery. 
Papad ki subzi : 
The shortage of rain and water always made Rajasthanis think out of the box, and this dish was a lifesaver when they ran out of vegetables. In this popular curry, roasted papads (thin Indian flatbreads made from lentils) are broken roughly and added to the yogurt gravy made with gram flour, chilli powder, turmeric and chopped coriander leaves. The result is a mouth watering curry usually served with steamed rice.The idea of adding papad to a curry may not sound appetising although on my recent trip to Rajasthan this is one dish I couldn’t get enough of. I was there during the summer months of April travelling across the region, cooking and eating with locals. Discovering spices, markets and family recipes along the way. Papad ki sabzi is a staple in homes across the north west of India and primarily made with turmeric, coriander and fenugreek in a rich gravy simmered along with cooked papad or poppadum as it is known in the UK.
 A genius idea if you ask me! Yoghurt added to the curry is cooling and also thickens the gravy. It’s a simple recipe and just what a mid week meal needs on days when I don’t have much in the kitchen.Traditionally papad added to the curry is fried. I have roasted them in this recipe. You can dry roast them over the hob or in the microwave. If you’re cooking in the microwave just follow the instructions on the pack. Don’t be too concerned about the edges that are charred slightly. For me that’s what adds the flavour to the gravy/ sabzi.you test this food than you know the test of this food,hire cab service jodhpur.
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allylikethecat · 1 year
omg just read the migraine part of the kiss prompts and… speechless !! would you ever write a continuation or another longer migraine fic? i know you’re working on the wips and that ear infection fic but maybe in between or after those are finished?
Yay! Thank you so much! I'm so happy that you're enjoying the Kiss Prompts, and that you enjoyed the migraine one in particular! After finding out that Matty actually does get migraines (something I used to also suffer from before they fixed my deviated septum) the plot bunnies went wild!
The migraine prompt fill was actually taken and reworked from a longer piece I have been fiddling with. I'm not sure when or if it will ever be fully fleshed out on its own at this point, especially after I cannibalized it for the prompt fill but, never say never! There is also a chance that it could get absorbed into one of the many other projects I'm working on! (I have too many projects going someone needs to stop me) I've been having so much fun working on these prompts, they have been a really great way to reset, rejuvenate myself, as well as take off some of the pressure I've been putting on myself with my chaptered WIPs.
I want to apologize again for taking so long with the Ear Infection Fic™️ I've put way too much pressure on myself for it to be "perfect" and just keep rewriting it because it's not where I want it to be. I promise I will finish it eventually though! Eventually, I will snap and say ITS FINE and just post it even if it's not great. However, when AO3 is more stable again, and defeats their current cyber attack situation, I do have a new chapter of Make Way For Ducklings ready to go!
Thank you so much again for reading and for your support. I'm so thankful and honored that you enjoy my writing, and hope that you continue to enjoy what I put out! In the meantime, while AO3 is out of commission, I do have a few more Kiss Prompts in the works! I absolutely love chatting about my writing and am so excited that people have enjoyed these prompt fills enough to want MORE of the story snapshots depicted in each fill. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
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mysteryfleshpit · 4 years
Q&A 003
@evasive-breakdancing asks:
In the Incident Report, you mention extremities surfacing near the orifice. Can you elaborate on what the limbs looked like?
The event was very traumatic to the people living in and around central west Texas and was documented in a variety of ways. Of particular merit is the painting entitled “Limb Rising Near Midland” from 2015, which depicts a striking portrayal of one of the limb extremities of the superorganism emerging during the early morning of July 5th, 2007. While the event happened at night, the scale and destruction captured in the painting is reflective of the tragedy as felt by those who lived through it.  
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@joysweeper asks:
Is it true that the restaurants in the Lower Visitor Center served meat carved from the living flesh of the Pit itself and cooked in its juices, or was that a marketing gimmick?
While there are hundreds of urban legends circulating around about the park serving flesh from either the Superorganism or any of the myriad of wildlife within it, these rumors are completely untrue. No restaurant within the Mystery Flesh Pit National Park ever served these items, for two main reasons: 1) Pit Flesh, as well as flesh from virtually every species found within the park, was and is notorious for its very tough and oily texture which is quite unpleasant. Even when cooked with a generous amount of seasoning, the mineral-like flavor of the fleshpit meat was a very tough sell to even the most adventurous foodies. And 2) After 1980, intentional, unauthorized damage to either the superorganism or wildlife within the superorganism constituted felony trespass and destruction of government property. No vendor granted an operating license within the park would dream of invoking such a severe sanction for such a relatively worthless prize.
@cumaeansibyl asks:
What kind of information do we have about pre-Columbian ritual practices centered around the MFP? Was any of that research able to continue post-containment?
The extent of our knowledge of pre-Columbian cultures relation to the Pit is heavily based on the few (publicly available) records of the ruins adjacent to the Entry Orifice. From what we know, there was definitely an advanced awareness of the Superorganism among local and/or ancient cultures. How this awareness manifested is unknown. Some scholars speculate that the pit may have been a focus of worship, possibly involving sacrificial offerings. No evidence of ancient cultures descending into the pit has ever been found, but this doesn't definitively rule out pre-Columbian expeditions. The controversial discovery of early colonial Spanish armor within the sand gullet seems to dispel the common notion that complex technology is required to descend at least that far into the pit.
@brainy-twilight asks: 
You said that some people were recovered from compound surface fauna. How many were 'successfully' removed? Are any still alive today?
While HIPAA and similar regulations prevent me from finding out exactly how many people even suffered amalgamation, It's estimated that fewer than half a dozen ever survived the treatment process to recovery. “Recovery”, though, is a loaded word here. The “treatment” co-developed by Baylor Medical Center & the Anodyne Corporation was highly dependent on the nature of the amalgamation, and seems to have been most successful with combined masses containing only human tissue.  
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The procedure for treatment involved removing the brain and as much of the spinal cord as possible from the amalgamation. When possible, extraction of other organs such as eyes, cochlear tissues, tongues, and larynx would later enable the “recovered” patient a sensory experience much closer to that which they had previously enjoyed, since medical technology is even still unable to replicate the organic sensory quality of human sensory tissues. However, the difficulty and cost of this additional procedure all but ensured that this rarely took place.
Once extracted, the brain of the individual patient would be placed in a nutrient salve and connected to a proprietary interface and life-support system developed by the Anodyne company. A rudimentary computer-based system could be used to communicate with the recovered patient after several months of therapy, and in some cases individuals were reportedly able to use vocorders to synthesize speech. It is unknown how many (if any) of these individuals are still living today.
Anonymous asks: 
Is Anodyne still operational? (the company)
Anodyne was formally dissolved in 2009 following its bankruptcy filings, with its remaining debts and liquidation being managed by the reorganized Permian Basin Recovery Corporation. Through nebulous political machinations, the Permian Basin Recovery Corporation was awarded an exclusive and indefinite contract to oversee the management of the Superorganism Containment Project. Today, the PBRC continues many of the same extraction operations that the Anodyne Corporation did before 2007...
@lost-forest-heart asks: 
What exactly is a gasp owl?
Gasp Owls / Suckling Sprites / Bugguns are all names given to the same peculiar type of animal found in deeper portions of the Mystery Flesh Pit's anatomy. They are very elusive and are one of the least-studied fauna within the Park, with very few living examples surviving in captivity long enough to study.
They are believed to be descended from an avian ancestor, though this is speculation at best. The name “Gasp Owl” is a reference to the characteristic labored breathing which plagues these small and curious creatures.
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Many tourists and park staff would erroneously report having spotted the fabled “Marrow Folk”, when in reality they had stumbled upon a small brood of frightened Gasp Owls.
Anonymous asks: 
After the disaster were the emergency phones still working? If so could they be called or called from still?
Yes, after the 2007 catastrophe, efforts were made to re-establish a communications network within the Mystery Flesh Pit which included the many trail emergency phones, though the greater percentage of them have remained unused since 2007 and have likely been overtaken by growth.
@pretty-art-i-really-like asks: 
what are the stories behind some of the memorial sites found in the park, such as the Gatti Circus Tragedy memorial, and the Fred J. Agnich memorial dam?
The Circus Gatti Tragedy Memorial commemorates the 1976 tragedy in which the traveling entertainment group Circus Gatti was scheduled to perform a daring high-wire stunt show directly above the then under-reinforced entry orifice as part of a publicity stunt. During the performance, several chimpanzees, which had been scheduled to perform, became panicked to the point of disrupting an ongoing routine by a troupe of clown stunts-people.
While the soft flesh of the pit throat cushioned the performers fall, an unexpected stretching of the moisture crops allowed them to slide down into a then-unreinforced area of the pit.
Rescue personnel were able to locate the performers inside a digestive sac a few hours later, but by that time, all 50 stunts-people had already begun being digested by the pit. Rescue personnel cut them out, correctly guessing that many were still alive. An experimental antacid spray was discharged on top of the gooey, shrieking mound, but it was too late.
Instead of reducing the acidic effects on the partially-digested bodies of the performers, the experimental compound flash-calcified into the “Circus Clown Chymus” formation that appears on the trail today. The Memorial was constructed in 1986 to commemorate the 10-year anniversary of their deaths.
The Fred J. Agnich memorial dam was so named to commemorate the legacy of Texas Statesman Fred J. Agnich, a vocal proponent of the Texas State Parks.
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yunmengslotuspond · 3 years
Is Jeetu bhaiya from Kota factory gay? How accurate is it to have this speculation?
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Recently filmcompanion has published an article named ' Inside The creation of Kota Factory 's Jeetu bhaiya' where they not only gave us the brief analysis of Jeetu bhaiya's charecter but also interviewed the writer, Sourabh Khanna. When I first looked at the question ' Is he gay?', honestly I thought it was kind of clickbait content. Even if I am a huge fan of Jeetu, I admit that I clicked faster seeing that particular sentence. As most of the people would expect, I also expected getting borderline homophobic or at least heteronormative reply from the writer. But you can see below what was Sourabh Khanna's reply -
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As an audience or I should specify, queer audience I felt this answer astonishing. I really expected them to say something like " Why dragging this kind of questions here?" or straight up denying the statement. I think just ' No' would really please a wide range of cishet heteronormative audience and nothing really would happen if the creators straight up denied of Jeetu bhaiya being gay ( I mean...yes). But they simply didn't do that.
I, who have spent a hell lot of time knowing more and more about queer representation in movies, the evolution of portraying queer charecters, queer-coding, queer-baiting and many others things, found this particular response of the writer pretty similar to writers who were 'accused' of creating accidental gay charecters or 'accused' of queer-baiting. Let alone Mark Gattis, the writer of BBC Sherlock, it was really unexpected for me to digest the attitude of the writer of an Indian web series. I know things won't reach to the level that even in the heteronormative minds this question will arise " Are they, by any chance...queer-baiting?" but the writer's response will always make me think.
Thanks to @satrangee-ray for letting me rant and I am really glad that you agree with me.
Ps: Jeetu's charecter already gives me queer vibes idk why ( personal opinion hain. dil aur dimaag pe nahi le to behtar hain)
You can read the full article here -
I am also giving a link of a YouTube video below that brilliantly analysed the topic of queer representation and why stating " every charecter can't be gay and it just ruins innocent things" is a problematic approach to deny queer interpretation of fiction.
Well...folks... another link below and I don't know SHOULD I SCREAM OR SHOULD I SCREAM
Discussions are needed and don't get hurt by cishets commenting heteronormative stuffs under any post related to this. I have seen hundreds of people from Sherlock and other fandoms bullying people who have queer interpretation of a fictional character. Even if you are a queer yourself and don't really believe in this theory ( I respect your opinion) I would request you not to say " Everything is not queer" or something like that to someone who havs different point of view. Thank you.
( Maybe I will be writing KF meta?...lol who knows)
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brookstonalmanac · 3 years
Events 7.1
AD 69 – Tiberius Julius Alexander orders his Roman legions in Alexandria to swear allegiance to Vespasian as Emperor. 552 – Battle of Taginae: Byzantine forces under Narses defeat the Ostrogoths in Italy, and the Ostrogoth king, Totila, is mortally wounded. 1097 – Battle of Dorylaeum: Crusaders led by prince Bohemond of Taranto defeat a Seljuk army led by sultan Kilij Arslan I. 1431 – The Battle of La Higueruela takes place in Granada, leading to a modest advance of the Kingdom of Castile during the Reconquista. 1520 – Spanish conquistadors led by Hernán Cortés fight their way out of Tenochtitlan after nightfall. 1523 – Jan van Essen and Hendrik Vos become the first Lutheran martyrs, burned at the stake by Roman Catholic authorities in Brussels. 1569 – Union of Lublin: The Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania confirm a real union; the united country is called the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth or the Republic of Both Nations. 1643 – First meeting of the Westminster Assembly, a council of theologians ("divines") and members of the Parliament of England appointed to restructure the Church of England, at Westminster Abbey in London. 1690 – Glorious Revolution: Battle of the Boyne in Ireland (as reckoned under the Julian calendar). 1766 – François-Jean de la Barre, a young French nobleman, is tortured and beheaded before his body is burnt on a pyre along with a copy of Voltaire's Dictionnaire philosophique nailed to his torso for the crime of not saluting a Roman Catholic religious procession in Abbeville, France. 1770 – Lexell's Comet is seen closer to the Earth than any other comet in recorded history, approaching to a distance of 0.0146 astronomical units (2,180,000 km; 1,360,000 mi). 1782 – Raid on Lunenburg: American privateers attack the British settlement of Lunenburg, Nova Scotia. 1819 – Johann Georg Tralles discovers the Great Comet of 1819, (C/1819 N1). It was the first comet analyzed using polarimetry, by François Arago. 1837 – A system of civil registration of births, marriages and deaths is established in England and Wales. 1846 - Adolphe Sax patents the saxophone. 1855 – Signing of the Quinault Treaty: The Quinault and the Quileute cede their land to the United States. 1858 – Joint reading of Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace's papers on evolution to the Linnean Society of London. 1862 – The Russian State Library is founded as the Library of the Moscow Public Museum. 1862 – Princess Alice of the United Kingdom, second daughter of Queen Victoria, marries Prince Louis of Hesse, the future Louis IV, Grand Duke of Hesse. 1862 – American Civil War: The Battle of Malvern Hill takes place. It is the last of the Seven Days Battles, part of George B. McClellan's Peninsula Campaign. 1863 – Keti Koti (Emancipation Day) in Suriname, marking the abolition of slavery by the Netherlands. 1863 – American Civil War: The Battle of Gettysburg begins. 1867 – The British North America Act takes effect as the Province of Canada, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia join into confederation to create the modern nation of Canada. Sir John A. Macdonald is sworn in as the first Prime Minister of Canada. This date is commemorated annually in Canada as Canada Day, a national holiday. 1870 – The United States Department of Justice formally comes into existence. 1873 – Prince Edward Island joins into Canadian Confederation. 1874 – The Sholes and Glidden typewriter, the first commercially successful typewriter, goes on sale. 1878 – Canada joins the Universal Postal Union. 1879 – Charles Taze Russell publishes the first edition of the religious magazine The Watchtower. 1881 – The world's first international telephone call is made between St. Stephen, New Brunswick, Canada, and Calais, Maine, United States. 1881 – General Order 70, the culmination of the Cardwell and Childers reforms of the British Army, comes into effect. 1885 – The United States terminates reciprocity and fishery agreement with Canada. 1885 – The Congo Free State is established by King Leopold II of Belgium. 1890 – Canada and Bermuda are linked by telegraph cable. 1898 – Spanish–American War: The Battle of San Juan Hill is fought in Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. 1901 – French government enacts its anti-clerical legislation Law of Association prohibiting the formation of new monastic orders without governmental approval. 1903 – Start of first Tour de France bicycle race. 1908 – SOS is adopted as the international distress signal. 1911 – Germany despatches the gunship SMS Panther to Morocco, sparking the Agadir Crisis. 1915 – Leutnant Kurt Wintgens of the then-named German Deutsches Heer's Fliegertruppe army air service achieves the first known aerial victory with a synchronized machine-gun armed fighter plane, the Fokker M.5K/MG Eindecker. 1916 – World War I: First day on the Somme: On the first day of the Battle of the Somme 19,000 soldiers of the British Army are killed and 40,000 wounded. 1922 – The Great Railroad Strike of 1922 begins in the United States. 1923 – The Parliament of Canada suspends all Chinese immigration. 1931 – United Airlines begins service (as Boeing Air Transport). 1931 – Wiley Post and Harold Gatty become the first people to circumnavigate the globe in a single-engined monoplane aircraft. 1932 – Australia's national broadcaster, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, was formed. 1935 – Regina, Saskatchewan police and Royal Canadian Mounted Police ambush strikers participating in the On-to-Ottawa Trek. 1942 – World War II: First Battle of El Alamein. 1942 – The Australian Federal Government becomes the sole collector of income tax in Australia as State Income Tax is abolished. 1943 – The City of Tokyo and the Prefecture of Tokyo are both replaced by the Tokyo Metropolis. 1946 – Crossroads Able is the first postwar nuclear weapon test. 1947 – The Philippine Air Force is established. 1948 – Muhammad Ali Jinnah (Quaid-i-Azam) inaugurates Pakistan's central bank, the State Bank of Pakistan. 1949 – The merger of two princely states of India, Cochin and Travancore, into the state of Thiru-Kochi (later re-organized as Kerala) in the Indian Union ends more than 1,000 years of princely rule by the Cochin royal family. 1957 – The International Geophysical Year begins. 1958 – The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation links television broadcasting across Canada via microwave. 1958 – Flooding of Canada's Saint Lawrence Seaway begins. 1959 – Specific values for the international yard, avoirdupois pound and derived units (e.g. inch, mile and ounce) are adopted after agreement between the US, the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth countries. 1960 – The Trust Territory of Somaliland (the former Italian Somaliland) gains its independence from Italy. Concurrently, it unites as scheduled with the five-day-old State of Somaliland (the former British Somaliland) to form the Somali Republic. 1960 – Ghana becomes a republic and Kwame Nkrumah becomes its first President as Queen Elizabeth II ceases to be its head of state. 1962 – Independence of Rwanda and Burundi. 1963 – ZIP codes are introduced for United States mail. 1963 – The British Government admits that former diplomat Kim Philby had worked as a Soviet agent. 1966 – The first color television transmission in Canada takes place from Toronto. 1967 – Merger Treaty: The European Community is formally created out of a merger with the Common Market, the European Coal and Steel Community, and the European Atomic Energy Commission. 1968 – The United States Central Intelligence Agency's Phoenix Program is officially established. 1968 – The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons is signed in Washington, D.C., London and Moscow by sixty-two countries. 1968 – Formal separation of the United Auto Workers from the AFL–CIO in the United States. 1972 – The first Gay pride march in England takes place. 1976 – Portugal grants autonomy to Madeira. 1978 – The Northern Territory in Australia is granted self-government. 1979 – Sony introduces the Walkman. 1980 – "O Canada" officially becomes the national anthem of Canada. 1983 – A North Korean Ilyushin Il-62M jet en route to Conakry Airport in Guinea crashes into the Fouta Djallon mountains in Guinea-Bissau, killing all 23 people on board. 1984 – The PG-13 rating is introduced by the MPAA. 1987 – The American radio station WFAN in New York City is launched as the world's first all-sports radio station. 1990 – German reunification: East Germany accepts the Deutsche Mark as its currency, thus uniting the economies of East and West Germany. 1991 – Cold War: The Warsaw Pact is officially dissolved at a meeting in Prague. 1997 – China resumes sovereignty over the city-state of Hong Kong, ending 156 years of British colonial rule. The handover ceremony is attended by British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Charles, Prince of Wales, Chinese President Jiang Zemin, and U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. 1999 – The Scottish Parliament is officially opened by Elizabeth II on the day that legislative powers are officially transferred from the old Scottish Office in London to the new devolved Scottish Executive in Edinburgh. In Wales, the powers of the Welsh Secretary are transferred to the National Assembly. 2002 – The International Criminal Court is established to prosecute individuals for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and the crime of aggression. 2002 – Bashkirian Airlines Flight 2937, a Tupolev Tu-154, and DHL Flight 611, a Boeing 757, collide in mid-air over Überlingen, southern Germany, killing all 71 on board both planes. 2003 – Over 500,000 people protest against efforts to pass anti-sedition legislation in Hong Kong. 2004 – Saturn orbit insertion of Cassini–Huygens begins at 01:12 UTC and ends at 02:48 UTC. 2006 – The first operation of Qinghai–Tibet Railway is conducted in China. 2007 – Smoking in England is banned in all public indoor spaces. 2008 – Riots erupt in Mongolia in response to allegations of fraud surrounding the 2008 legislative elections. 2013 – Croatia becomes the 28th member of the European Union. 2020 – The United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement replaces NAFTA.
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cncretejngle · 3 years
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did you see that MAGNOLIA GATTI is taking part in VH1’s new show LOVE AND HIP HOP: CONCRETE JUNGLE ? the TWENTY-THREE year old from MANHATTAN, NEW YORK sure does look a lot like KYLIE JENNER ! rumor has it they are FAKE LIP BABBLER & have been tipped to stir up some drama this season.
When it comes to Ms. Magnolia ‘Noli’ Gatti, it’s either love or pure hate. People refuse to believe the girl got her career of a radio host/personality by working hard and fighting for her spot. Every single day Noli has to go through battles by proving herself to others. Yet, you can’t blame people for side-eyeing her. Magnolia comes from the rich family that runs celebrity law firm, in society’s eyes, she’s a spoiled brat who never had to put in the work to get whatever she wants. Maybe it’s true, but nor do they know Magnolia refused to obey her parents and followed her own dream of becoming a radio host.
Her parents always wanted their daughters to continue and rule their dynastic business that is run by successive generations of the Gatti family. It was an honor for Noli’s older sister, but not for Noli. As a teenager, she did everything she could to disappoint her parents and ban her from the burden of being their little princess who will soon become the head of the business along with her sister. Her rebellious ways didn’t really work out as she planned to, instead, her mother found a way how to make some money out of it. Mrs. Gatti made sure her daughter’s life of the party would be everywhere on social media, which is definitely going to bring more attention to The Gatti’s and their business. Yep, Mrs. Gatti is definitely a PR God, but by doing so she had no idea (or she didn’t really care) how bad it would affect Noli. Just a teenager who tried to get away from her pushy parents ended up being in a spotlight and under the microscope of the whole New-York. Everyone knew about her dating life, there were tons of gossips made about her relationship with a rapper when Noli was just 17 years old, and him being older than her. After a break up Noli moved on with another guy, also a rapper, which led people to label her as a groupie, a whore, and a home wrecker since one of her exes had a girlfriend and a child.
Behind the scenes, no one really knows the young female had to skip school so she could run over to the urban radio station, where at first, she just mopped floors under the fake name. Later on, she got noticed just by her chatty, outgoing personality and got a good raise. She was answering hot lines until she met one of the DJs and began working as his protege. At this point, her covers were blown and other hosts got suspicious of Magnolia, not really knowing if they wanted to deal with her nor her family. She has been given a chance to prove herself, and to Noli’s luck, she was quick to pick up on the craft of running a successful radio program. The artists she had to interview actually enjoyed talking to her due to her genuine, almost therapeutic vibe. And that’s when she knew she secured her own bag.
Noli Gatti still remains her mother’s daughter, her coming to the show is just another opportunity for her to talk to people aka her cast mates and learn about their lives. She wants all the voices to be heard, but besides that, she yet once again wants to prove the whole world that you shouldn’t judge the book by its cover. It’s just simply stupid.
PERSON’S NAME ― ( older sister )
PERSON’S NAME ― ( best friend )
PERSON’S NAME ― ( ex-boyfriend that turns into possible future baby daddy )
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vigil234 · 10 months
Top 10 things to do if you stay in Hyderabad
 Not only the historic touch of Nizams and the origin of Pearls make Hyderabad a special place but also the perfect blend of royal rein, culturally diverse people, some amazing biryani, the filmi touch of “Ramoji” and a lot more.
Come let’s explore.
Experience the taste of Hyderabadi Biryani
The most important thing to begin with and our personal favorite is FOOD. The Hyderabad Biryani has its roots following back to the Mughal Times when Aurangzeb was ruling the Deccan part of the country. Hyderabad mixed its own flavor with the Mughal Biryani before introducing the delicacy to the kitchens of the Nizams. The whole of the nation craves “THE HYDERABADI BIRYANI”  and some of the famous chains include Biryaniwala & Co, Paradise, Café Bahar, Bawarchi, Shadab ki Biryani, etc.
The famous saying in Hindi goes like “agar Hyderabad aa kar biryani nahi khaya toh kya khaya” (If you came to Hyderabad and did not have biryani, then there’s no point coming to Hyderabad). Street Food is a must here too.  Hyderabad is one of the very few cities in India serving 99 versions of Dosa (Ram ki bandi is a famous late-night place for dosa). When Ramzan comes, it’s also time for some haleem, which is available on the street at very decent prices. Then, of course, are the kebabs, tempting you every evening at street corners.
Reign of Royalty in the heart of Deccan
The hospitable nature of Hyderabad is evident through the word of mouth publicity all across the globe. Back in 2015, it was regarded as the World’s Second Best Place as per the annual guide of the Traveler Magazine of National Geographic. The Falaknuma Palace is the epitome of luxury and royalty of Nizams. The exterior is Italian in nature with European calligraphy. Come and dine in at the world’s largest dining table at the Falaknuma Palace also known as The Buckingham Palace of Hyderabad.
Even The Chowmahalla Palace holds the majestic touch of hospitality, where the Hyderabadi Nizams used to hold grand events in honor of their guests including imperial emissaries and British Viceroys during the reign of Asaf Jha dynasty. This Heritage of India has a striking resemblance to the Shah of Iran’s Palace in architecture. Such is the magnificence of the Chowmahalla Palace that historians tend to compare it with a “Palace of Arabian Nights”.
Ramadan Festivity Mania brings the crowd
With the Charminar during Ramzan, the life of the city lights up. The old city’s charm is lit during this season with food and a hub of shoppers during Ramzan.  The late-night market has a glimpse of glittery bangles, haleem, Irani chai, Mehendi and innumerable vendors. All these mini festivities can be found in Lad Bazaar, Patther Gatti and Chatta Bazaar. Even Sewaiyyan and Attars with genuine essence can be found during Ramadan.
The Shopping Spree
A must-visit budgeted shopping place is the Sultan Bazaar in Hyderabad. Varieties of clothes, accessories, and household items can be found here. Books and stationery goods are also available at cheap prices in the shops in this area. Even food and vegetables and silver antiques can be bought from Sultan Bazar.  Laad Bazaar, General Bazaar, Koti, and Abids are also good shopping streets.
Sightseeing at a glance
Charminar is a representative of Hyderabad to the world as its global icon. A monument and mosque in one, it is one of the biggest tourist attractions in Hyderabad. Tombs of the Qutub Shahi Dynasty – the epitome of royal grandeur and Golkonda Fort’s architectural aesthetic is worth a watch. Though there are many historic landmarks, these happen to be the “once a visit historic structures of  Hyderabad”. Want to have a look at the film sets of the movies you have been watching from childhood and till the present? then Ramoji Film City is your go-to go corner.
Tech Hub of Hyderabad – High Tech City
Other than fun and amusement, all the biggies like Infosys, Tech Mahindra, Google, and ICICI have their host desks located at the High Tech City. Even the large-scale startups find room for themselves here. The infrastructure along with the touch of technology with a posh locality is attractive to techies and auditors. All major tech companies now look forward to setting their footprints in this area of the city.
Queen’s Necklace Spotted
The necklace road next to the Hussain Sagar Lake with the 18-meter high statue of Lord Buddha on a small island in the middle of the waters is simply amazing. It is beautiful to watch on a night drive. The curvy stretch along the lake brings a sparkling gaze to our eyes from a helicopter view. For a better and broader connection of the likes, you can just relate it with Mumbai’s Marine Drive.
The Taste of Irani Chai
The Persian touch of Irani Chai is the morning starter for old city Hyderabadis. It’s variations include Khade Chammach ki Chai and Burkhe Wali Chai. The name itself suggests the uniqueness of Hyderabad culture. Apart from those, there are different kinds of tea powders sold by vendors across the regions of the city. This will certainly keep you hooked up with the memories of this place even you have moved to a different region.
Experience the uniqueness of Hyderabadi Culture
Hyderabad has a blend of Telugu people and Hyderabadi Muslims. People speak Telugu and/or Urdu mostly. The Hyderabadi Hindi is significantly different from how North Indians speak Hindi as it’s a mix of Urdu and Telugu etymology. Because of its geography, it has a blend of both Hindu and Muslim cultures and it’s defined as the Ganga JamunaTehzeeb. Its main attires include kurta pyjama for men, salwar kameez burkha and hijab for women. While the most epic language of Hyderabadi culture can be seen in the Hyderabadi movies produced for a local audience.
“Hyderabad mein aisich chaltha. Kya Tho bhi Bolthe Tum logaan”.
Live like a Nawab in Hyderabadi Homestays
Nowhere else can you be better to live the lifestyle of a local other than in a homestay. The local family can help you with the city’s happenings and surroundings in a much better way.
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