#gave up on levis pose too
zephyrchama · 7 months
Do you think demons crack their joints?
It was a lazy, rainy evening in the Devildom. An oddly calm one. The residents of the House of Lamentation were gathered in the living room, mainly because that's where you were.
Beelzebub and Mammon were snacking and watching Leviathan play his handheld game. Asmodeus was browsing a magazine, Satan was browsing a book, and Lucifer was texting with Barbatos.
Belphegor had been dozing off on your shoulder for a while. It was hard to move under the demon's weight. You had been stuck in the same pose browsing your D.D.D. until he finally shifted, leaning back into the couch. You seized the opportunity to roll your shoulders and take a much needed stretch.
You lifted your arms. It felt great. Crack.
"What was that?" Satan asked, glancing up from his book.
"Beel probably sat on a chip," Mammon said. Levi snorted, too busy to take his eyes off the game but in agreement with Mammon for once.
"It wasn't me." Beelzebub stood up to prove his innocence, revealing no food under him.
"It was me," you said. "Just my back."
"Hon, what?" "Your what?" Asmodeus and Lucifer spoke at the same time, and both gave you a concerned look.
"My back? I just cracked it."
The demons sprung out of their seats like you had just cursed them. Levi's game system fell to the carpet. Since he was already standing, Beelzebub strode over and pulled the back of your shirt up, asking "does it hurt?"
Startled, you pulled the front of your shirt down for modesty. "Woah, hello? Excuse me? Uh, what?"
While everyone gathered to stare at your back, Belphegor was stirred awake. "What's going on?"
He went to lean on your shoulder again, but Mammon swatted him away. "Hey! Can't ya see they're injured?" he growled. Belphegor huffed at him, deciding instead to help hold your shirt up.
"Poor thing!" Asmo cooed. With one hand he grabbed your wrist, and with the other he made a peace sign. "Look at me, how many fingers am I holding up?"
"I'm fine. Everybody just chill." Despite your insistence, the panic had already set in and nobody was listening to you.
Leviathan was shaking. "T-that's not good, right? Humans aren't supposed to make those kind of sounds." He was covering his eyes with his hands squeamishly but peeking through his fingers to stare anyway. "A doctor! Are there any human doctors? Should we call Solomon?"
"Yes, somebody call Solomon," Lucifer commanded. "Where did the crack occur?" He started gently prodding around your spine, making you squirm.
Satan tried to bump Lucifer's hand away from you while placing himself in Lucifer's spot. "Can't you see they don't like that? You're making it worse."
"Deep breaths," Mammon instructed you, breathing deeply in and out. He seemed on the brink of hyperventilation himself.
Lucifer refused to budge, but Satan persisted. He was now also poking you. "The damage isn't visible yet, but there could be internal bleeding. You have to lay down."
Belphegor scooted over to make more room, despite your protest of "I'm not going to move, nothing is wrong."
Asmodeus managed to already get Solomon on the phone. You couldn't hear him over Asmo's worried shrieks but knew he had to be laughing. Solomon was not going to let you forget this incident.
Beel, Lucifer, and Satan moved to try and pick you up but enough was enough. "I said I'm fine!! Everybody stay!"
The seven went crashing to the floor, finally allowing you to cover up. "I am fine! I'm fine! See!" You stood up dramatically and grabbed Asmo's D.D.D. to apologize to a snickering Solomon.
The demons were annoyed and concerned as they tried to pick themselves up. "If you're so fine, then explain that noise," Satan said.
"Humans just do that from time to time."
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jjkamochoso · 5 months
Pretty as a Picture
Levi Ackerman x gn!reader
When you’re exploring Marley with Levi and co., you find yourself enthralled with some new technology…
Warnings: slight cussing
When you and the others left for Marley, you had no idea what you were getting yourselves into. You were terrified that the outside world was going to be a vision of disaster and leave your high expectations completely unmet. However, when the boat began to dock at the port and you got a glimpse of the bustling city, you practically had stars in your eyes.
“Hange! This is so exciting! Look at all the new developments!” you gushed, taking in the foreign sights. They agreed wholeheartedly, rambling about certain things they had read about over the years that were going to be investigated today. Levi wanted to roll his eyes at your over the top excitement, but he had to admit he was very curious about life in Marley as well. As the boat started letting people off, you nervously ran your fingers over your outfit, desperately trying to straighten out the high quality fabric of your disguise.
“Are you trying to impress these people or something? Stop fussing. You look fine,” Levi said, leading the way off the boat without giving you a second glance. You looked at Hange, who just shrugged their shoulders and ran after Levi. You and the Survey Corps captain were in the newer stages of a relationship. You had known him for years, rising up the ranks together, and had shared a close bond for most of that time. Not too long ago, you both realized your relationship held the element of attraction for one another and after an awkward confession from the both of you, your deep companionship turned into a budding romance. It was all new territory for both parties, neither of you having much experience in the dating department, and the two of you were trying to figure out the right balance between your old selves and new title as lovers. You tried not to worry too much; Levi didn’t seem the type to break up with someone. If he chose to be with you in a romantic way after being your friend for so long, you’d most likely be together long after your bodies were consumed by the soil of your shared grave.
You hurried off the boat, your party waiting for you with anxiousness to get the trip started. On solid ground once more, Levi took his usual spot next to you. You smiled internally at the gesture. This relationship would have no hand holding (for the foreseeable future), but his closeness, akin to a guard dog, was better than that. Out of the corner of your eye came a flash and both of your heads whipped around to see what it was.
“Hange!” You pointed to the area from which it came, “What is that?”
“That’s a camera! It makes photographs like the one we saw in Eren’s basement,” they explained.
“So cool,” you breathed out. “What I wouldn’t give to have one.”
You suddenly found yourself being dragged over to the camera, Levi having an iron grip on the extra fabric of your sleeve.
“My partner wants one photograph, please,” he told the man working the contraption.
The man laughed a little, clearly figuring out you weren’t from the area. “One photograph, huh? That’s quite alright.” He turned to address you. “You can sit right here and pose.”
You nodded, slightly nervous but trembling with excitement as Levi handed the man the money.
“I’m going to count to three and when the flash is over, you’ll be good to go.”
You weren’t quite sure exactly what to do with your body as the man started his count but when you saw Levi watching you intently, you relaxed and broke out into the biggest smile. The flash went off and you were told to wait a few minutes for the photograph to be ready.
“Oh! Sir? May I please have one more? I would like one of my boyfriend,” you said, looking at Levi expectantly.
His eyes went wide, shaking his head. “No way. Your memory isn’t that shitty to where you’ll need one of these to remember what I look like, is it?”
You gave him the biggest puppy eyes and poutiest face you could muster. “Please, Levi? For me?”
He sighed, giving the cameraman more money. “Fine. But you have to be in it with me, brat.”
You cheered when he stood next to you, you on the seat once more, and you could tell he was nervous.
“Just relax and look at the circle in front of you. You don’t have to smile or anything if you don’t want, just think of a positive memory or place. That way it’ll look natural.”
As the man did his countdown, Levi frantically tried his best to look comfortable and right before the flash went off, he knew exactly what to do.
During your wait for the photos you heard commotion from the group about “ice cream” so of course you bounded over, Levi trailing behind you. When you got your hands on the treat, you took a big bite of it which was a huge mistake.
“It’s so cold! My teeth! Ouch!” you exclaimed, your mouth open as you tried to fan it out. Levi watched you complain to the teens that they didn’t give you a fair warning that it was freezing, a small smile on his face.
“Tch, give me that. You’re going to drop it,” he said, taking the cone from you. Learning from you the wrong way to eat it, he snuck a taste using just the tip of his tongue. It was cold, sweet, and a total waste of money—but if you liked it, he would gladly bring home the entire cart and the recipe. With plans to meet back up with everybody after you got your photographs, you and Levi headed over to the cameraman.
“That was very kind of you to let me get those taken,” you told him. “And I love that you did one with me. That means a lot, you know.”
“It’s no problem,” he muttered, eyeing every passerby so that they didn’t get any ideas of messing with you. His time in the Underground made it so that he hated being in large groups of people, crooks and crime always lurking about in those environments. He certainly didn’t want you to be swept up in any of it either, so his senses had been on high alert the entire trip. Thankfully that was the case or else right now you’d be splayed on the ground, grievously injured. Not from a criminal, but from some machine called a “car.” You two had to cross the street to get back to the cameraman but in your haste, you had forgotten there were technological advances you weren’t used to roaming around the city. You stepped off the sidewalk, chatting about something called a “balloon,” when a car came careening down the road, going much too fast for a busy pedestrian area. Levi had noticed it in the nick of time, grabbing you by your waist and pulling you out of harm’s way. He couldn’t even find it within himself to yell at the driver, too concerned for your well being.
“Are you okay?” he asked, hurriedly looking you over for injuries.
“Yeah, I’m fine, but,” you pointed sadly to the ground where your ice cream lost its life, “my ice cream isn’t.”
That earned a Levi eye roll. “Forget the food. If you keep up this carelessness, the photograph is the only thing I’ll have left of you after this trip.”
You sighed since he was right, as always. “I’m sorry.”
“Just pay attention. I’d hate for you to survive everything we’ve been through just to get taken out by some horse wannabe.”
You burst out laughing, Levi unintentionally lifting the mood. He never thought of himself as an overly funny guy but the way he had you gasping for breath after a hard hitting sarcastic remark would’ve made anyone certain he was a comedian.
The man with the camera handed you the finished products and you excitedly examined your solo one.
“Levi! Look! It’s my face!” You shoved the photograph toward him and he looked it over.
“It is, isn’t it?” he said, his voice laced with a hint of amusement and wonder. He tucked it into his hat for safekeeping (and he kept it on his person every day after that so you were always together; it had miraculously survived the blast from Zeke). When you saw the photograph of the both of you, you were at a loss for words.
“We look so… pretty. Happy. Normal.”
Levi caught a glance and hummed in agreement. He was ecstatic that his actions translated well through the camera.
Before the flash had gone off, he had put his hand on your shoulder.
“What?” you had asked him, turning away from the camera to look at him, thinking he had a question. Instead, you were greeted with steel blue eyes that were gazing lovingly at you, while Levi’s lips were curled into a soft smile. He was the epitome of handsome and you had practically melted, lovesickness etched all over your features and the camera flashed, capturing it forever.
“I’m keeping this one since you have the other one,” you said, tucking it in your chest pocket. “Me and my shitty memory want to make sure we remember this forever.”
You nudged Levi in a teasing manner and he just shook his head. Finding your way back to Hange, you felt a sense of peace wash over you that you didn’t think would be possible in foreign lands, and that was all thanks to Levi. Even if you didn’t always express your love in the most conventional ways, he proved his loyalty and trust in you time and time again. You hoped your photographs would be preserved and serve as proof that the so called island devils weren’t evil after all—they were people, too. People who could laugh and smile.
People who could love.
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m-jelly · 6 months
hey! hope ure doing well!
can i get a fic where reader is a very well know supermodel, is maybe even in VS, and is like considered very badass and iconic...and shes dating levi, and shes in rwality, compared to how others see her (alluring, confident, etc...) is actually just a sweetheart and is very shy and kind?
(also! absolutely adore ur account and work, truly! i hope u continue doing what u do, whenever u post something, it instantly brightens up my day, believe it or not💕 ur work is a huge comfort for me and im sure it also is for many others🫂 u deserve every last bit of recognition, jelly!)
Thank you so much anon. I've been feeling very negative these days, so it means a lot to know you're enjoying what I make.
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Behind the camera
Levi x fem!reader
Modern AU, fluff, romance, being a couple, model reader, no body specific reader.
Levi is a fashion designer and you are his personal model.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @nbinairyn @bts-spnlvr12 @darkstarlight82 @emilyyyy-08 @notgoodforlife @demonic-bird
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Confidence rolled off you as you posed for the cameras. People commented that the clothes were just made for you, which they would be very right. Levi was the designer and every single thing on your body was made just for you.
You had started off as Levi's assistant, then he asked you to model his clothes because you inspired him and then he realised that you were so inspiring because he was madly in love with you. Levi confessed his love and you became a couple. Most would be shocked at Levi because it took you two about four months to become a couple.
Levi had moved fast, which wasn't like him. However, he knew he wanted you, he knew he loved you, he knew you were his forever and he wasn't just gonna let that slip through his fingers. Now you were a year into your love and he had already picked out a ring for your engagement, he just needed to set up a perfect day.
He made a few notes on your outfit and thought about something else he could dress you up in. He gave you a gentle smile as you posed in such an alluring way, it just drove him crazy with love. He could see you were enjoying yourself as you worked.
The photographer ended the shoot and showered you with praise. As soon as he started talking to you your true adorable nature came out. He shook your hand. "Thank you so much. It's been a joy working for you."
You felt your heart race. "R-Really? You're too kind. Umm. It was an honour to have you as a photographer. You're incredible. You make anything look beautiful." You fidgetted a little. "C-can I get you a drink or something to eat? You must be so tired."
He blushed at your words. "Oh, I'm okay, don't worry."
You hurried over to the small fridge. "I've got an ice cold water here or a diet coke?"
He chuckled. "A coke would do great."
You opened it and handed it over. "You should get some sugar in you too. Have a cookie."
"You are so sweet."
Levi made his way over to you and called your name. "Don't forget about yourself."
You gasped in shock. "Oh! You're right."
He opened a can for you and handed it over. "Drink this. You should also take a seat as well, okay?"
"Ah, but everyone..."
He ushered you to a comfy seat. "Focus on yourself, okay?" He knelt and slipped your heels off. "You're important." He massaged your feet. "It's a good job I'm very focused on you, otherwise you'd be very sick."
You hummed a laugh. "You care so much about me."
He leaned up and kissed you. "Of course. You're my world."
"You're mine. I wouldn't be doing this job if it weren't for you. I count my blessings every day."
He glided his hands up your leg. "Darling, you are more magical than you think." He smiled a little at you. "We're going out for dinner tonight. I'm going to take you to the place we went to on our first date."
You squeaked. "Yay! I love that place."
Levi took your hands and showered them with kisses. "I love it too. We'll make tonight special." Tonight was the night, he was going to ask you to marry him.
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innocentimouto · 1 year
Do you support yeagerists and Floch Forster's stance by the end of the series?
Okay so I haven't actually finished the series. Funny story. I found aot on Pinterest because they wouldn't stop showing me freaky pins of titans and Levi Ackerman's face and I thought why. This animation looks so weird, the outline is so thick and what do you mean that's a spoiler everyone knows his last name and why does everyone think he is good looking he looks so depressed---ohhhh
Anyway, we all know how long the anime took, so I read the manga. Then gave up and over time kept coming across panels on Pinterest. So I kind of know the ending but not really. I'm waiting for November.
I'm missing the main big controversial thing here, but I will say I like Floch and Eren a lot. And am really hoping whatever controversial thing is supposed to happen doesn't ruin Eren for me.
I think it also depends on how aot is consumed. I view the anime from the understanding that it poses the question of what really makes a good person good and a bad person bad? Is there such a thing, or are people just complex beings who have to make a mix of both when faced with war and death? What right do people who live normal lives have to judge people who are in war and faced with extinction and loss of homes and safety and families? And sure, there are degrees to horrible things, but at the end of the day, views like these seem dependent on culture, religion, upbringing.
If I were to strictly answer from my own view based on the three mentioned above, I would say no, I could never because it violates the views that I have. But within the anime, I understand their motivations and the dire circumstances they were in and having the whole world against you doesn't leave you many options.
But even trying to ignore my culture/religion/upbringing (if that's really possible), I don't think I could live with myself if I agreed to let the whole world be wiped out. And just like Hange and the others opposing Eren, I don't have a solution.
They were already developing weapons to kill titans. At some point the Rumbling wouldn't be an unstoppable force, especially with the whole world banding together. They tried leaving the world alone and living peacefully. That's what the first king did, and somehow Will Tybur still hated himself despite knowing they were capable of good. Most of the world hated them too because of Marley utilizing titans as weapons and Zeke certainly didn't help by turning others into titans.
So to me, it can come down to two things: admire Floch and Eren for taking on this horrible burden to save their people, or be horrified that someone could be capable of such a thing.
For me, I admire them, because Eren knew it was horrible and Floch was stunned at hearing Eren's plan too, and at the end of the day, they're barely adults. Even if they were adults, they're people. And my understanding from aot, is that even "monsters" are people. They have feelings, loved ones, degrees of kindness and mercy, awareness that what they're doing is hurting others, guilt, moments of doubt, dreams, etc.
I think the idea of calling someone a monster is meant to distance oneself from the idea that you could ever become what they became. It's uncomfortable to look at people do horrible things and then find humanizing things about them, but I think it's important to accept.
Anyway, that's the gist of it I guess. I find it admirable to love your people and loved ones so much you're willing to become a "monster" for them, to face the rest of the world for them. Doesn't mean I support it or didn't feel horrible over watching Ramzi and many others die. I think these feelings can coexist.
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Charmed, I'm Sure
Chapter 9
Summary: No human has ever avoided Asmodeus's charm. Except for you.
Pairing: Asmodeus x GN Reader/MC
Genre: Drama, angst
Warnings: Mild innuendo
Hours later, the common room door crashed open, revealing Asmodeus looking somewhat disheveled.
“You’re late for family time, Asmo.” said Lucifer.
He’d instated “family time” at the beginning of your stay in the devildom, and it was a requirement for all living at the House of Lamentation to participate every night after dinner. Even Levi was there, although he was secretly playing some mobile dating sim on his D.D.D. whenever Lucifer looked away.
“It wasn’t by choice,” said Asmo as he posed at the head of the card table. “And don't worry, I wasn't clubbing. Solomon had me digging up herbs for some spell he's working on.”
Lucifer narrowed his eyes. Asmo had always been quick to cover up his escapades with half-truths. Not unlike Mammon.
Asmo sighed. “Simeon can vouch for me too. He was there gathering flowers for tea. And Angels. Don't. Lie.”
Lucifer still didn't look convinced.
“Simeon even gave me some macarons to bring back here,” he displayed the pink and white striped pastry box that Beel was already reaching for. Asmo slapped his hand away. “Beel, you can only have two.”
Asmo passed the pastry box to Satan before sitting down at the table in the last empty chair next to Lucifer, which was right across from you.
You smiled at Asmo and he gave a polite nod before turning his attention back to the pastry box that was making its way around the table. You noticed a dark smudge on his forehead.
“There’s a little dirt on your face,” you said.
“Oh, how embarrassing,” said Asmo, his cheeks coloring slightly. There were no mirrors in the common room to check his face.
Asmo started to dig through his bag for a compact mirror, but before he could find it, you had pulled out a handkerchief.
“Do you mind?” you asked, holding the handkerchief up.
“Oh,” Asmo said, registering what you had just said. “Ok.”
You reached across the table and gently wiped away a smudge of dirt on Asmo’s forehead. It was a small yet intimate gesture. Asmo caught himself watching your engaged expression as you helped him clean his face.
You asked, you actually asked to touch him! People usually touched him whenever they felt like it. Most of the time it was ok with Asmo, but he did have to admit sometimes it made him feel like an object. And there were times, though seldom, that Asmo simply didn't want to be touched. Being asked permission was refreshing.
His eyes were wide when you pulled the handkerchief away. “Thank you, MC.” The words came out in almost a whisper.
“You’re welcome,” you grinned, adding quietly, “I wanted to return the favor for the other night.”
Asmo felt his heart flutter briefly. Humans were adorable.
He cleared his throat, getting up again to help himself to the ink-blue demonus Lucifer kept stashed in the globe next to the table.
“Asmo,” Lucifer chided.
“I’m banned from partying and I just had to spend hours digging around in the dirt, the least I deserve is a little treat.” Asmo sipped his drink, maintaining eye contact with his older brother. “So what are we playing?”
“I say we play poker. Devildom Hold’em,” Mammon shuffled the cards deftly, a cocky smirk on his lips. He watched your expression as he flicked the cards from one hand to the other. “Empty your pockets, fellas, let’s see that Grimm.”
“We will not be gambling in this house,” Lucifer said. “Not when MC is here.”
The look on his older brother’s face made Mammon fumble the cards, spilling them all over the table. “We need some sort of stakes to play for.”
“We could use candy,” you suggested.
“Not as fun as Grimm…” Mammon mumbled, scooping the fallen cards into a messy pile in front of him.
“I, uh,” Beel looked at the table guiltily. “I ate all the candy in the house.”
“When did you have the time to do that?” You asked, surprised more than anything else.
“After dinner…”
“There goes that idea,” said Levi, whose D.D.D. had finally died, leaving his evening plans at the mercy of whatever game the group decided to play.
“What about strip poker?” Asmo offered. “No money is exchanged, and we get to show a little skin. I hope you’re ready, MC. I am very good at card games.” he winked at you.
“I ain't strippin’ down in front a’ my brothers,” Mammon blushed, his eyes on the cards he was still shuffling.
“Yeah, I have no desire to see that,” said Satan.
“Me neither,” Beelzebub agreed.
“Aw, I was hoping to see what color Lucifer’s panties are.” Asmo whined.
“I don’t wear panties, Asmo.” Lucifer pinched the bridge of his nosel, exasperated.
“Oooh, comando. I never would have guessed that.”
Lucifer didn't want to entertain Asmo’s little fantasy anymore. “We will choose another game. Maybe a card game from the Human World.” He looked to you, almost pleading. Almost. The Avatar of Pride would never beg or plead for anyone. Especially not over something as frivolous as a game.
Levi cut you off before you were able to speak. “I’ve always wanted to play Rich Man, Poor Man ever since I read Vegetables Bucket. Ryo plays it with Yoru and her classmates when he first comes to the school,” His smile was wistful, as if he was feeling nostalgic for a time in his own life and not one he'd lived vicariously through manga characters. “That was also the scene where Fuuki, the good-looking prince of the school and Ryo’s rival, realizes he’s jealous of Ryo for how he…”
The others were beginning to check out. Satan had already begun flipping through the book on the side table, Asmo was helping himself to another glass of Demonus, even Lucifer was checking his D.D.D. If no one cut in soon, you had the feeling the rest of “Family Night” would consist of you and the brothers coexisting in the same space but not actually spending any time together, which kind of defeated the purpose of it.
“Is it a difficult game to play?” You asked.
Levi’s rambling came to a crashing halt. He blushed, noticing that he’d been speaking a mile a minute. “You– you really want to play it?”
“We ain’t got nothin’ better to do,” Mammon chimed in. “Tell me how to deal the cards, bro.”
The seven of you played round after round of cards. Beelzebub turned out to be surprisingly good at the game, being named Rich Man after most rounds. Mammon wasn't as lucky.
“Les- les play somethin’ with teams,” he slurred.
“We go’ seven people Mammon, can’ make even teams,” the alcohol was heavy on Beel’s breath. Demonus had been passed around the table during the games, much to Lucifer’s chagrin (although he had indulged in the drink too). The brothers had exhausted the decanter plus two additional bottles. Demonus seemed to get them drunk rather quickly but it had no effect on you. After your first glass you'd switched to water.
Lucifer’s D.D.D. rang, he frowned at the glowing screen which displayed a photo of Diavolo. “I’ll have to take this, you’ll have even teams after all.”
“Yayyy,” Beel said. “Mammon, lemme shuffle the cards this time.”
“No I get to shuffle ‘cuz I’m– I’m the big brother,” said Mammon. “An’ we didn't even– we didn't pick a game yet. What’re we playin’?”
“Spades,” Satan said flatly, sliding an additional deck of cards towards Mammon. He and Lucifer had similar tolerances for Demonus. Their cheeks were flushed red but they both seemed lucid otherwise.
“Good idea lil bro,” Mammon said clumsily shuffling the two decks together. “I want Beel on m’ team, maybe his luck’ll rub off on me. Who d’you want, MC?” He blinked at you expectantly, his blue eyes glassy from the alcohol. “Satan is good at cards too but he’s mean sometimes,” he added in a stage whisper.
The fourth youngest rolled his eyes, slinking away. “I’ll be right back, and I want Levi on my team.”
“M‘kay so that leaves Asmo,” said Mammon. "Asmo and MC, prettiest people– the prettiest people at the table,” he giggled a little.
You made eye contact with Asmo, who raised his glass to you in acknowledgement.
“How does it feel to be placed in the same category as me? You realize that’s a huge honor,” said Asmo. “Even though Mammon is an idiot.”
“I’m flattered, really.” You answered. There was something in Asmo’s tone. A tension you couldn't place.
After a moment Asmo went back to scrolling on his D.D.D., completely ignoring you.
Satan returned with yet another bottle of Demonus. “I found the good stuff Lucifer hid from us. It was in the music room behind his dusty old records, if you can believe it.”
“Are you sure you should–” You started, but Satan already popped the cork and began refilling the decanter.
Asmo downed the contents of the glass he was holding, “Gimme, Satan.”
Satan smirked, filling Asmo’s glass all the way to the top.
As Mammon clumsily dealt the cards, “One for my cute little brother, one for my other cute little brother, one for cute MC…” Asmo’s D.D.D. vibrated.
“Oooh, who might this be?” His glass stopped halfway to his lips as he read what was on the screen.
Solomon: I expect you to be available every day after RAD…
He could feel the pact starting to take hold. Solomon had sent Asmo a full schedule along with instructions of things to prepare or procure. Every evening for the next three weeks was scheduled out. There was practically no time for shopping or self care. No time to even look at himself in the mirror. All of his time would be dominated by Solomon’s whims.
“This isn't fair.”
You caught the distressed look on his face. “Asmo, are you ok?” you couldn't help but ask.
“Sometimes I regret ever making a pact with him,” Asmo leaned back in his chair, watching the shadows on the wall flicker in the firelight.
Cross-posted on AO3
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madraleen · 1 year
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Attack on Titan - Hajime Isayama Vol.26-27: A Roller Coaster of Emotions Commentary
-i'm laughing bc beast is literally like FUCK EREN FUCK YOUR REBELLION FUCK THE FOUNDER GIVE ME LEVI
-i hope levi gets his revenge and doesn't die
-'the other ackerman' haha
-i miss eren. as in, i miss seeing his pov, seeing him talk, seeing him interact
-oh this is armin's plan
-i'm surprised eren isn't just eating jaws...? to get the titan power...?
-ooooh "assassin's bullet"? oh no... who's getting killed. should i get tissues. not one of ours?
-armin always reaching out to stupid eren help
-how long has it been eren, how long is it since he left, the jerk?
-oh levi. you haven't changed a bit, i love you
-"it's normal to kill them" jesus, gabi
-oh. oh sasha. oh no.
-"you put your trust in us... and we've lost our trust in you" nice hange
-mikasa crying for sasha, my heart
-eren imma need you to show emotions babe. babe please help us.
-anyway i feel better now that we're with the survey corps.
-my heart hurts for eren. i don't know what's happening, but it's eren and i love him and it hurts seeing levi confirm that he never expected to see HIM like this, and goddamn i need answers and reconciliation.
-i'm not just anxious to uncover all the mysteries, to see who lives or dies, i'm also stressed to see who will snap. who will slip. who will make a misjudgement and how much it will cost.
-the pure titans be having a dance party in the background
-um. alright, anti-marleyan volunteers... but zeke kinda nearly destroyed us...
-OOOH OKAY, zeke turned ragako into titans.
-"to crush the world to dust" eren is OUT FOR BLOOD
-"welcome to our filthy island, home to defiled devils" LEVI I LOVE YOU
-why can't we have this kind of fun all the time :'(
-armin my pacifist bb :(
-ayy, eren's shot panel followed by sasha's getting shot panel, pain
-will we come to understand eren? like, on page, not on analysis and intuition
-eren with a manbun and no facial hair. yes, good, keep this. I MISS EREN LET'S SPEND QUALITY TIME WITH EREN POV
-ngl i've missed seeing eren say 'fight.' it's been so long and it was so defining for his character.
-"my dark night!!" LMFAO SCHOOL MIKASA WTH
-what is this demon eren pose on v27 cover.
-okay but why is eren angry with US? why won't he talk to us, to hange, when HE put us in the worst position?
-ey, mikasa gets her speshul status too. she's hizuru's hope. welcome to the hope club, don't let the pressure break your back
-sir. you gave your father to the authorities, what do you mean you've always been loyal to your father's dream. sir. zeke. oh. oh i see.
-WHY IS HE ATTACKING HANGE, EREN WHAT ARE YOU DOING NO. man he's so desperate. you CAN'T turn against him, he so fucking desperate and hopeless and broken
-who. who is the baby daddy? who is historia's baby daddy? does eren know about this?
-i'm so angry. i'm so angry at what we (the characters) have been through, at how we've been backed up against the wall again and again to the point that we (the characters) became like this, and i'm so angry at all the suffering we (the characters and the readers) have to go through. it's all so HOPELESS. part 1 was suffering and pain and questions, but there was always hope. there was "okay, we'll fix the thing, we'll learn the secret, we'll take back the city, we'll find the traitors," there was always a concrete goal and you could see hope at its attainment, you could believe that things would get better if only we had this thing. but now? there's no hope. there's no good outcome. there's nothing. there's literally us against the entire world, and the way we're going, us against each other as well. there's nothing!
"you all got so big... how dare you." L E V I I ADORE YOU
-why. why did gabi and falco have to go to the blouse house. why. so good. so painful.
-not to be armin, but... why can't we all just talk :'(
-why is the horse smiling when gabi falls, lol
-i don't know who to trust! except levi ofc, levi is special
-what the fuck...someone blew up zackly...
-oh. eren has escaped. of course. because why not. to quote mikasa... “what the hell is happening?”
-eren back to his shirtless wonder era
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levi-supreme · 1 year
Can i request Levi taking me to a park at night to see the cherry blossoms for your Valentine's event? Ty😘
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Hi Megan my dear!!!!! Thank you for this lovely request!!! I'm sorry I took forever, but yay that it's still hanami and sakura season right now, so this date will be absolutely fitting for the occasion <3
I wrote this in a non-Japan context so it would be more relatable for you hehe. Also, since you didn't mention any outfit, here's your outfit that I chose for your lovely date!!
Rei’s Ask Games: Valentine’s Day Special (closed!!)
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It was finally spring, and everyone was basking in the beauty of the season. Cherry blossom products were being sold everywhere, and the flowers were also in full bloom. Every year, Levi would bring you out on a flower viewing date, but this year, Levi decided to switch things up and bring you out for a night flower viewing at the local botanic garden instead.
Knowing that it might be cold at night, you wore a soft blush pink cardigan over your dress before putting on your lip gloss, preparing to leave the house. It was a white floral dress you bought last year, but you never had the chance to wear it. Levi was already waiting for you by the door, coincidentally matching you in a white button shirt and light pink trousers.
"You look lovely, sweetie." Levi chimed as he saw you come out of the room, unable to hide the small smile on his face. You bashfully looked away and wore your shoes, not forgetting to praise how handsome he looked as well.
Smiling, Levi took your hand and walked you to the car, driving to the botanic garden. It was only 6:30pm when you both reached, yet there was already a long queue outside the entrance.
"Good thing you bought the tickets early, love," you mentioned as Levi took out his phone, looking for the e-tickets that he already downloaded, "I can't imagine trying to get a ticket at the very last minute." Levi grumbled and complained that even so, it was too crowded for his liking. You giggled after hearing him.
Soon, the both of you gained entry into the botanic garden, and one of the staff gave you both a pamphlet for the night flower viewing event. The pamphlet had a map of the entire event's layout, the timeline of performances, and also a list of things to do and good spots for taking photographs.
"Are you hungry? We can try out the bento dinners first before the performance." Levi gestured towards the food stalls nearby and you nodded. Levi ordered a miso chicken bento for you while he got himself a salmon bento with cherry blossom dressing. You found an unoccupied table underneath the cherry blossom trees, the beautiful flowers forming a sea of pink above you. The sky was gradually turning darker as well, and the bright pink flowers formed a lovely contrast with the evening sky. Taking out your phone, you snapped a few photos of the scenic view and sent them to your closest friends. Soon, Levi came back with your dinners.
"Mmm, this tastes so good!" You marvelled after eating. The chicken was seasoned perfectly, and the side dishes were tasty and refreshing. Levi's salmon was really fresh and good as well, despite him commenting about the weird combination of cherry blossom sauce and salmon. Once the both of you were done, you took a walk around the garden, looking at all the blossoming flowers.
"Levi! Over here!" You cheered and ran forward, standing underneath a cherry blossom tree. "Take some photos for me, please?"
"Tch, I was already planning to do that, brat." Levi smirked before taking out his phone, getting you to pose nicely before snapping photos of you. After you were satisfied with the photos, you and Levi continued walking around the garden, taking lots of beautiful photos of the flowers and scenery. There was a small pond in the middle of the garden, and around the pond were display boards explaining the significance of flower viewing, the best time to watch the flowers, and also how to differentiate between the cherry blossoms, plum blossoms, and peach blossoms. There were many patrons taking photos, and you got a passerby to help you and Levi take some photos as well.
At around 15 minutes to 8pm, Levi and you started walking to the main event area where there would be a cultural performance of traditional Japanese folk dance and traditional Japanese music. The both of you managed to get decent seating and at 8pm sharp, the emcee started introducing the performers and the cultural performances started. It was an eye-opener and you thoroughly enjoyed the performances.
Before leaving for home, Levi brought you to the other side of the garden where there were bonsai plants and other souvenirs for sale. Levi told you to take your pick, and you excitedly looked through the wide range of products on sale. After 20mins of shopping, your basket was filled with bottles of cherry blossom jam, notebooks, fridge magnets, keychains, and also a few photo frames. You also took some postcards to gift to your friends as well. Levi even chose a small bonsai plant to display at home. The both of you left the garden with cherry blossom-patterned paper bags.
"Today was absolutely amazing, love, thank you," you beamed as Levi entered the car after keeping the bags in the boot, giving him a swift kiss on the cheek, "I had so much fun." Levi helped you buckle up before planting a soft kiss on your forehead.
"I'm glad you did, sweetie." Turning on the ignition, Levi drove out of the parking lot with your hand in his. "Next year, let's come back here again, hmm?"
You gave him a huge grin, "for sure."
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luyo-mi · 2 years
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Big bros
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heejayy · 3 years
Don’t tell your mom…
Warning: swearing, kids getting injured (not too bad)
Genre: crack, a little fluff
Pairings: Eren, Connie, Jean, Armin, Levi
Wc: 1.3k
a/n: this is my first work involving AOT….achhkk also sorry for any spelling errors I rushed this
Eren J.
He was playing with his beautiful 3 year old daughter.
He was spinning her, tickling her and tossing her in the air. He just loved the way she giggled so hard because her smile reminded him of you.
They were just having the time of their life’s together, but he made a mistake of tossing her too high and she hit the moving ceiling fan.
An a thud echoed the now quiet room he stared at her in his arms not wanting to give her a reaction hoping she wouldn’t cry.
They literally stared at each other for what seemed like forever. Both waiting on the other to react and Eren slowly whispered “Do. Not. Tell. Your. Mother” the little girl broke out into a fit of giggles acting like the hit to the head didn’t phase her.
“Tell me what?” You asked leaning against the door frame with a cocked eyebrow. Eren could’ve shit himself from how bad you scared him.
“Nothin’ my love. Not a thing” he smiled sheepishly hoping you would buy it.
“Mhmm I don’t know what that noise was but if my baby got hurt imma beat ya ass”
He nodded understanding your threat
“Yes ma’am”
Connie S.
He was playing socker with his son running around the backyard in the summer heat.
Connie had his shirt off and y/s/n wore a muscle tee and they both had on matching basketball shorts.
You watched them through the glass slide door smiling sipping on your tea. You loved observing them as they played and bonded it warmed your heart
Connie had the ball and he kicked it to y/s/n
“Come on little man kick it back, you can do it” Connie smiled wide out of breath but still enough to encourage his son.
“Ok daddy” y/s/n went to kick it but missed falling backwards causing him to scrap his elbows on the grass.
Connie moved at the speed or light swiftly picking him up with a string of curse words leaving his lips
“You’re ok little man, brush it off just brush it off” he comforted y/s/n hoping he wouldn’t cry. Y/s/n bottom lip quivered with tears threatening to spill, but he wanted to be strong like his daddy so he sucked it up.
“Please don’t tell your mom, ok? she’ll freak” he begged the little one, but it was too late you had already saw the scene unfold
You hysterically ran out calling for your child “oh my goodness y/s/n!! My baby!! Come here sweetie s’ok mommas here” you lifted him from under his arms standing him up. You brushed the grass off of him checking for any major injuries
When you didn’t find any you held him close coddling him. That gesture gave him permission to cry and so he did
“Mommy! It hurts really b-bad!” He sobbed in the crook of your neck and it made your heart clench.
You wanted to be mad at Connie but it wasn’t even his fault it was an accident and besides the look on his face said enough
Connie heart was in pieces seeing how his baby cried out in pain
“Babe I’m so sorry I-“ he struggled to explain himself
“No no Connie it’s alright accidents happen and kids get hurt. It’s all a part of growing up” you gave him a reassuring smile reaching up to stroke his sweaty cheek.
That action made him feel slightly better
Jean K.
this dumb ass was messing around in your clothes playing dress up with your twins
He had his big ass feet in your heels (that didn’t fit 🙄) and your mini black cocktail dress and the twins were wearing two of your formal dress shirts that fit them like oversized dresses
“Daddy daddy take a picture of us” y/s/n begged along with his sister.
He agreed taking out his phone snapping multiple pictures
He laughed at the silly poses they struck
“Daddy let’s take one of you!” Y/d/n giggled. He agreed handing them the phone.
He posed poking his leg out puckering his lips. As soon as the camera shuttered he heard something snap and it went down a good 5 inches
He glance down and saw your broken stilettos
“Shit she’s gonna kill me!” He panicked
He shimmied out your dress and picked your shoes up
“Oooo daddy you’re gonna be in big treble with mommy”
“It’s trouble dummy” the other twin snapped correcting her brother
“Shh, both you please be quite and do not tell your m-“
That’s when you walked in the room exhausted from work to see your two kids hair filled with bows, faces covered in makeup and wearing clothes too big for their tiny body’s
You tiredly smiled crouching down to pinch their cheeks
“You guys didn’t invite me to play dress up?” You fake pouted
“Daddy did it!” Y/d/n exclaimed pointing at her guilty looking father. You just looked at the three confused at her sudden outburst
“Did what- *cue loud over dramatic gasp* are those my Saint Laurent heels?! JEAN THOSE WERE EXPENSIVE!”
His cheeks were flushed red with embarrassment “baby I’m so sorry I’ll buy you some more I swear!” he pleaded holding your hands
You were about to yell at him again but your kids were watching and you hated bickering in front of them because they can’t tell the difference between play arguing or real arguing yet.
So you just sighed and looked him in his eyes “s’ok baby don’t worry I know you all were playin around” still a little upset over your shoes you ushered your kids into the bathroom to get them cleaned and changed
“I really will buy you some more I promise” he stroked your braids giving you a sweet kiss on the lips.
Armin A.
Armin was chillin with your daughter making cookies for tonight’s family movie marathon
“Hey love can you hand me the—no!!” He panicked watching his daughter reach for the hot cookie pan
A loud screamed rang through your kitchen, Armin ran over worried about his princess
“Baby that was hot you shouldn’t have touched it”he whined checking her currently swelling hand. She glared at her father rolling her eyes
“Nah dip dad it was cold” Armin gave her a warning glare telling her to watch her mouth
She gets that from you…😬
“If you don’t tell your mom I’ll give you 50 dollars?” it was no ones fault but you get quite protective and naggy when your daughter gets hurt
Y/d/n looked up pretending to ponder on the idea but she knew she wanted the $50
“Deal” she smiled
Levi A.
Being the devoted house husband he is he spends his free time cleaning
You never and I mean never have to lift a finger living with him
While he was cleaning he made his way to the master bedroom closet and alongside him was his little helper y/d/n.
She’s literally a carbon copy of her father…down to the attitude.
so much like him she gets on his nerves sometimes
“Sweetie while I’m folding and hanging up clothes can you brush your mothers wigs?”
And yes you have a section in the closet just for your wigs
She nodded and went on her way to go tend to your wigs
Not even 10 minutes pass he heard a suction sound and an “uh oh” following it
“Sweetie what are you uh oh’ing about?”
“Uhh one of moms wigs got sucked in the roomba vacuum”
Levi’s eyes bulged rushing to the scene
He fought tooth and nail trying to yank the wig out
Too his luck it got tangled even worse
Levi looked at his daughter with no emotion and whispered “if you don’t tell mom neither will I” the teen smiled nodding
©heejayy 2022 — any reposts or translations of my works are strictly prohibited unless granted permission.
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miekasa · 2 years
nanamin as a dad 😵‍💫 *drools* the sight of nanamin carrying his newborn on his shoulder and him lightly tapping their back to sooth their crying,, i wan… him… and i just know he’s so good at multitasking so he always has a teeny baby in his arms while his other children climb him like he’s a jungle gym. or
every time one of his kids’ birthdays come around he will take his time to write a long and detailed letter to them and ends off every letter with something like “forever in your corner, your loving father”. his kids think it’s corny but as they get older they start to appreciate his affections more. his love is so precise and tailored perfectly for each kid that they never feel inferior to one another. his kids love him so much, they can’t get enough of him. always fighting over who gets to sit next to him at breakfast before he has to leave for work. ofc he has to intervene and softly remind them to “be gentle” and to “take turns”.
he’s just,, lovely biting my fist
— doc dad levi anon LOL
The birthday letters… stop… because you know he starts writing them one month in advance too, you wake up sometimes in the middle of the night just to see Kento around the dinner table with a pen in hand and a glass of water nearby, and you just know he’s working on The Letter. It makes him so emotional :(( especially when they start getting into their teen years. You know the story of the dad who peeled his daughters oranges and packed her lunch every day, and on her last day of highschool, he gave her the unpeeled orange and a note saying “it’s your turn now :(” or something like that… their 18th birthday note/the one right before they go to college is just Nanami relaying how much he loves them and telling them that he knows they can do it by themselves from here on out :(((
Anyway… anyway… back to the vision of him with the baby in his hands. He’s got one kid on his hips, the other holding his hand, and he wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s obvious he adores his children and they hold the same fondness for their father, so he welcomes their affection all the time. Fighting about who gets to sit next to him :(( it always ends up with one cuddled at his side and the other in his lap :(( and he always makes sure to leave room for you on his other side, giving everyone a kiss on the forehead.
Pls picture him with an infant in his hand, his work phone tucked between his shoulder and his ear, while he uses his free hand to try and nurse a bottle to his baby’s mouth. Kento is (unfortunately) on a work call—one he really should have hung up on 25 minutes ago, but of course he was stuck for longer. He’s trying to feed a baby and do his best to not curse out his incompetent co-workers, but he’s getting really irritated; evidently, so is your infant, who is not content with her lunch, nor with sharing her father’s attention. When the baby haphazardly swings at his ear, he can barely move in time to avoid being hit with a ravioli-sized fist, and the consequence is that his phone falls onto the carpet, accidentally dropping the call in the process. He pauses for a second, but then can’t help but to chuckle, readjust his hold on the toddler, “You’re right, you’re far more important. I’m sorry my love, you have my attention now.”
Nanami with two very short pigtails in his hair because his little boy wanted to play salon, and practice learning how to do his baby sister’s hair :(( somehow, a hairdo turns into a sparkly Hello Kitty band-aid over his nose, and heart-shaped stickers on his cheek (“I’m learning hair and makeup, daddy!”), but Kento can’t say he minds one-bit. Not when you come home and ask the two to pose for a picture, and he looks oh so proud of his work, so excited to be able to treat his younger sister when she’s big enough, and who he is not to be thank him for her time and give her a hefty tip in the form of hugs and kisses.
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stanmammon · 3 years
Seeing you in your swimsuit for the first time [Demon Brothers + Solomon and Simeon]
(about to go on vacation for my birthday in a few days [me and Barbatos are both Leos honestly couldn’t pick a better demon to share a zodiac sign with] so i wanted to leave you all with this!)
Lucifer doesn’t compliment you right away but you do receive an approving smile and the sight of him openly checking you out, eyes slowly roaming up and down your body as he takes it in. When you’re out at the beach together he keeps an arm firmly around your shoulder, leaning over to whisper that he could tell all the naughty things others were thinking about you. He hinted that it was beginning to make him feel a certain type of way, like he wanted to lock you away and have you for himself, marking your body up in a way that would show you were happily taken.
Mammon’s head whipped away when you teasingly posed for him but you could tell he was glancing at you from the corner of his eye, telling you that you looked fine in an impatient way before he pulled you along. He gets easily irritated when people try to talk to you on the beach, shooing them away, kicking sand at them, truly acting like a petulant middle child. When you ask him what his problem is all he can do is say that you look too alluring, and that you’re distracting him from having a good time. He can tell you’re hurt by his harshness and he quietly apologized, saying he couldn’t help but feel defensive because all the others were looking at you like a piece of meat.
Levi let out a cute squeak at the anime themed swimsuit you had gone with, crying out that it was way too sexy for him to be able to handle. He covered his eyes and crouched on the ground, trying to calm his raging thoughts before facing you again. You’re amused with his reaction; it was one you had expected as Levi wasn’t exactly experienced with half-naked people let alone going to a destination outside with them where they’d surely attract all sorts of attention. He can hardly keep his eyes off you the entire day, pulling you into the water with him quickly as he said your swimsuit should be for his eyes only since he’s the only one who could really appreciate it.
Satan is immediately drawn in by the cute cat patterns on your swimsuit, not realizing how close he’d gotten to you to study it. He already thought you were overwhelmingly cute but to see you adorned in such a cute outfit… His heart is stuttering in his chest as his cheeks heated up, telling you that you were almost too cute for him to bear. He would normally like to stick his nose in a book and relax while on the beach but he found that to be impossible with you dressed the way you were, mouth hanging open when you told him your swimwear came with a light jacket that’s hood had cat ears on it. You’re lucky that Satan allowed you to stay for as long as he did, dragging you off to a secluded location so he could let out his inner desires and kiss you all over.
Asmo gushed over your cute swimsuit immediately, telling you it really suited you and accentuated your body in all the right ways. He’s a little pouty because he has a few opinions on what he would’ve liked to see you in but he decided that the others shouldn’t be allowed to see you like that, thinking it’d be a special treat for his eyes only if he bought you the type of swimwear he’d like to see you in. He’s a little mischievous as he bats at any ties on your swimsuit, whispering in your ear that he’d very much like to untie them, but you know he would never unless you gave him permission to do so (which is another thing that would not be happening in front of his brothers).
Beel’s first question was if it was comfortable for you, helping you sort yourself out and tying your swimsuit for you if you needed to. You trusted him to not be a pervert about it, knowing at his height he could easily peek down your shirt but knowing he would never even consider it. He tells you to be careful about dropping the ice cream you had gotten on yourself since so much skin is showing, saying he’d lick it up quickly just so you wouldn’t get too sticky. You genuinely don’t think he realized how his offer could be taken but he’s as sweet as the treat in your hand and you can’t help but lean your head against him, thanking the gluttonous demon for being so wonderful (while he’s confused about what he had done).
Belphegor’s first thought is about how uncomfortable your swimsuit looks to sleep in before his eyes slowly looked you up and down, a mischievous smile forming on his face as he asked if you got dressed up just for him. He wasn’t thrilled about being dragged to the beach but your cushy thighs were out and he had plans to claim them, stating it was far more comfortable to nap on them compared to just laying on the ground or a towel. He hid it well but Belphie had his hands on you the entire time, feeling rather possessive when he realized you were drawing more attention than normal with what you were wearing. He’s like a guard dog of sorts, glaring up from your lap at anyone who chooses to talk to you (he tried to rationalize that it was because his nap was being interrupted but you knew better).
Simeon felt himself getting hot under the collar immediately, the feeling in his gut peculiar yet all too familiar. It wasn’t quite normal for an angel to feel such things thus he tried to push down how truly divine you looked in your swimsuit, telling you with a playful smile that you looked quite stunning and he thought the material suited you. He’s happy to accompany you on your fun trip to the beach if not just to watch out for you, knowing there are others who would think like him but not have the willpower to control themselves around you. He still wants you to have a good time thus he protected you from these creeps, still feeling guilty that he could be considered one of them because of things outside his control.
Solomon’s heart jumped in his chest when he first saw you and despite all the art he’d seen in his lifetime, you were truly the only one he’d call a masterpiece. He’s smiling at you with a sparkle in his eye and when he brushed off your questions you knew he had some thoughts he wasn’t telling you, shaking it off before going on a tangent about how swimwear has developed in the human world. You noticed Solomon was a little touchier with your skin out, placing a hand on your back as you talked and as he guided you along the busy beach, something he normally didn’t seem bold enough to do in the company of others.
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rrasado · 2 years
The demon brothers with an MC who always keeps there promise no matter how big it is? Like, for Levi: "If you help me with this I'll help you get all the money Mammon owes you back." and the next day he gets his money back? (You can ignore if you want. Sorry for any grammar mistakes english isn't my first language.)
• Solemnly Swear •
No worries anon dear the request is pretty clear cut! Personally this was therapeutic to write ngl, I had fun playing with it n.n there's just some days where even we have to wonder whether we make promises to keep or to purposely break.
When you keep your word:
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He finds your diligence assuring, the first born of all people has had his fair share of broken vows in the past, some compromising his position in life. And even then, he of all people would know how easily influenced humans can be should something pose a threat to their made promises.
At first he didn't pay mind, Lucifer was just thankful you weren't a compulsive snatcher when it came to taking up minor tasks such as delivering information or finishing your work.
Once, he overheard you exchanging small talk with the young lord's personal butler. Something about asking whether the human can drop by to taste test a human realm dish he's been prepping to which you enthusiastically agreed. This in of itself wasn't all too alarming, had it not been for the fact that you technically already allotted time to discuss your academic progress with him later on.
Then again it would've been after dinner, so he gave you the benefit of the doubt not for your sake but to personally see how far you'd go to appease both parties. He wasn't all that confused when your seat at the dinner table remained empty (hushing mammon's worries with a scolding). Everything went as per usual and soon enough he was at his study, finishing his paperwork accompanied by the faint scratches of his pen nib on paper when suddenly a knock sounded at his door.
There you were, carrying something on one hand and your RAD school binder in the other, he half expected you to actually forget or purposely head straight to your room knowing how draining it was to entertain barbatos' testing. And yet here you were handing him a small portion of the food they made with the butler, plopping on the seat in front of his desk and briskly opening your notebook.
"I didn't think I'd make it but, even then I'll still try to come knocking like every Friday." "And you're so sure I'd be awake still?" "Mhm!"
As much as he'd like to lecture you regarding sleep schedule (hypocritical from him) he felt at ease knowing that your virtue was something you stuck yourself with, regardless of the circumstances. They say that you can tell something about a person based on how they deal with major and minor matters. And that moment was what made him have a bit more faith in you subconsciously.
Luci has to wonder whether who was the true devotee between you two, but that's a question left to be entertained another day. Perhaps he'll give you one more test by handing mammon's ass over to you.
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Mammon, is likely the one who needs someone like you the most among the seven brothers. Scam and Betrayal was something he's a bit too familiar with considering his sin and antics. That's not even counting the fact that you were human- unfortunately the primary source of his general distrust at a certain point in time.
He pin pointed your habit from a cruel joke, one he made mindlessly while the two of you walked down the halls of RAD classes over. It wasn't anything major (that's what he thought at least) but it was around the time he first became your pact mate. Thus he decided to attempt milking out what he can from the situation he binded himself in.
He joked about treating him to a cup of some infamous devildom beverage exclusively sold at a certain hour at Hell's Kitchen. He wasn't expecting you to say yes, to which mammon's voice cracked and waved it off with a sure why not you're his master anyways so you should treat him with the best.
What he wasn't counting on was your genuine grin, lucifer just recently issued you your weekly allowance and truth be told you're also dying to get a sip of that drink ever since Luke rambled to you about the flavor it left once you've had three gulps of it. And since mammon has been less troublesome lately you really did agree with his off thrown request.
This was likely why you were confused after lining up for an hour at Hell's kitchen, you abruptly left at past 6 ish then return barely missing dinner. You didn't mind since you also bought take out but what was more confusing was mammon's frantic figure running down the staircase after spotting you from the House of Lamentation's Veranda.
"OI WHERE HAVE YA BEEN HOW DARE YOU WORRY THE GR-" "I'm sorry the line was longer than I anticipated-" "What line?!?!"
You had to slowly recount your routine since he demanded an alibi. His face transitioned from antsy to surprised to crestfallen to subtle guilt and eventually coughing to put up a fragile prideful front (we shall dub this the 5 stages of mammon/J). He wasn't actually expecting you to take him seriously...to be fair in that household, who did? He was about to voice more of his dilemma but was halted by you tugging him to your room. Explaining that you guys eat your freshly bought goods there to avoid Beel's appetite targeting your dinner.
I'm not one to advocate the "fix" or "dependency" mentality but, this case was different in of itself. Because in this case Mammon will slowly learn from your dedication, learn that perhaps life does offer some sort of leisure outside of what money can buy.
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He doesn't think much of your habit, rather he's more focused on the "why" aspect, did you pity him? Were you hoping for something in return? What would you even gain from him in the first place? You didn't look like someone who's a die hard franchise fanatic like him so his merchandise was out the question,,
Speaking of merchandise. Levi's source of irritation was once again mammon's refusal to pay him back the money he regrettably lent to him, now he can't go after the recently issued light novel about ruri-chan's companion. And now you were the one witnessing his loathing in the corridor to where you thought of it as a bad time to approach him regarding an assignment about Devildom marine life.
You could've gone for the library but who knows what books actually have the information you need, the avatar of wrath was also an option but you weren't sure if he'd even agree to help you (begging the question of what made Levi any different?). Even you weren't entirely sure but you really do wanted his help specifically.
Putting on your big kid boots you marched up to him RAD textbook under your arm, the boy was of course startled and was tempted to flee from the scene but was stopped by you blurting out a rather tempting offer.
He was genuinely surprised when you promised to get him the money he needed. His initial rejection was pretty valid, asking what could you possibly want in return- that was when you gingerly pointed to your textbook and explaining the assignment. Levi at his wit's end agreed on the assumption that you were talking about the money from mammon specifically. Oh how sorely mistaken he was
"W-woi how the hell is that scumbag waving around a new jacket when you just got my money back from him last ni-" "Did..he now..."
You can only contain his panic so much when you admitted that the money was straight out of your allowance. OK to be fair you didn't break your promise because you vowed to have his money ready that morning- never mentioning where it'd come from. And to be fair² you did try going up to mammon first but you forgot he gambles at night specifically rendering you unable to go confront him. Levi couldn't help but to feel a tad bit guilty but was more envious of your generosity if anything.
He did go after Mammon once you and him finished your Devildom Marine assignment, on you of that you found a ruri-chan themed snack sitting in your locker the next day along with a note of whether you'd like to go to an anime themed Cafe with his treat. Leviathan wasn't one to believe in anime tropes (whether they'd work irl) but he could only try. You were truly Henry even to your word.
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The avatar of wrath held no patience for those who break their word, unlike the firstborn he wasn't inherently out to test you. But by the time the events at the castle retreat took place he did began to eye just how much you'd go to keep up your virtue.
He really, really needed to get that parcel from Akuzon. But as luck would have it Lucifer was due to come home the same hour his order was to arrive. He could always wait for it himself at the foyer but that would only endanger the secret contents to the first born's interrogation. And so Satan can only watch from his window and wait for it to arrive on its own, until he saw you enter the gate.
He didn't bother thinking it through, a bit too determined on prioritizing the box's secrecy when he texted you to wait for the box without question. The restlessness lacing his tone beyond the D.D.D's screen had you promising that you will get it and the avatar of pride won't get to the contents...whatever it was.
He was just relieved you agreed, then again he did assist in tipping you back then when you faced off Levi so he chalked it up to returning the favor in some sense. His train of thought paused when he saw the Akuzon service hand you the brown box, a silent victory cheer playing mentally but was unironically diminished when he saw a certain ravenette arrive just as the service left.
And so he watched the muffled questioning take place from his place at the window. You did stand your ground even when luci took a sharp step towards you as per his usual intimidation tactic. You even went as far as to step back and stride away with the excuse of "privacy". The demon of wrath briskly pulled you into his room the moment he felt your footsteps near.
"He didn't-" "he didn't yes but you did you- just come in..."
All that pressure you endured, soley because he ordered cat toys for the felines downtown. He was ready to hear your flurry of comments regarding the otherwise childish reason for talking back to the first born (as the avatar of wrath, he to would've felt unjustified if he was in your position as a human) but when he was met with amused laughter he did a double take. And again when you admitted you found his reason cute.
He may have been partially defensive whether his reason was cute or for you laughing at him but, this was one of those rate times a human such as yourself willingly lent him a hand. Not out of fear or intimidation but solely because you promised it to him over the call. And this was enough basis for him on how he sees your character in general...honorable with your word.
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For his case, he's likely the most appreciative of how you handle your promises. He among the brothers has the most experience when it came to making vows (in or out the sheets). But words were made to be heard right? That's what he's been telling himself anyways, what felt right in the moment will stay in the moment.
Asmo in turn was admittedly the least consistent with his word but it never had any great impact on him!- hence why he was in a way taken in by how true you are to your flung words. He watches you sometimes running about to fulfill what you vowed to keep and to him it added to your charm! A white knight type of charm to be specific.
Thus he was also giddy to see how you'd go about with him, sure you were diligent but the avatar of lust saw it as a way to attract people. Hence him asking for you to go shopping with him on some devildom Sunday. Nothing major right? Besides you could use the rest-
But curse you for making him worry once you two were already out, he was so immersed with his self love rambling that he barely noticed your drowsy nodding, the nail in the coffin here was when he grabbed your arm and felt the unnaturally high warmth emitting from your skin. This wasn't anything as hot as the demon average but he knew for a fact that you weren't just blushing from his brilliance this was a genuine fever in the making.
He sat you down on a mall bench, biting his lip and debating whether to call one of his brothers for help and risk himself being punished for carelessly bringing their human out in such a state, he was doing the hand on forehead pose while scrolling rapidly through his contacts hoping to call Solomon instead when he soon faced you with a whiney expression.
"Darling I know I'm irresistible but you should've told me you were feeling unwell from the get go!- the stress lines I'm getting from you oh my-" "b-but...we already made plans and you seemed excited so..."
He feels loved with your excuse but this was not the time to ponder about affections when you were on the verge of passing out. A few painfully long minutes passed before the white haired Sorcerer arrived to escort you both at purgatory hall to pass the time.
Seeing you laying on their couch with a thermal blanket after the failed outing made it clear cut to Asmo that you do what you do because you want to. It ironically made him feel more humane...knowing that someone of your type was indiscriminate with your principle even to someone who abused hushed promises for his own leisure. From that point in he'll make an effort to make you feel as appreciated as he is, by keeping up with his own vows towards you (sheet or no sheet-)
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Beel admires this aspect of yours, maybe not outright but he was definitely glad to know that despite your situation, you stay true to your own rule. Out of all the seven he's the one who finds it nice in the sense that, you retain your humanity through your words and actions. Something demons like him use in a vastly different way.
This was further proven to him when he remembered your first major promise to him and by extension to his family. Back then when he was looking at your expression it felt like he was back at the Celestial realm, surrounded by determined souls and not vying for the upper hand like the Devildom residents.
Back when you still had to sleep in his shared room, you two talked more regarding the house of lamentation's state. He felt hopeful with your words and he admired your vigor as both a house mate and an ally to your cause.
And when everything happened with jumping from door to door in Barbatos' chamber, he fully relished the extent of your will to finish something you vowed to keep. Most humans in your position would've gave in, at one point he may have even wished you gave up to save yourself the suffering that came with your path to achieve such goals.
After those events he keeps an eye on you, observing you at times when you're subconsciously pushing yourself to keep up that act of honor. As much as he admired it he did still wanted you to not ruin yourself in the process, otherwise who'd come and help assist in satisfying his ungodly cravings?/lh
"Y'know even athletes have to rest and slowly rekindle their body after a good game no matter how good they are." "I see.." "So let's go eat a big feast later, we've been working hard lately right?"
The we was mentioned so that you wouldn't be shadowed by some sort of guilt, if you were anything like him (which he observed to be true to some degree) you didn't like worrying others and he'd rather have you rest on your own accord rather than be tailed by misplaced woes.
From that point onwards he still retained his admiration towards your habit, a miniscule part of him hoped that it would keep you afloat and not further down within your current life.
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Belphie is second to Mammon who needs someone like you the most, the avatar of sloth doesn't necessarily have a history of being on the receiving end of broken promises (shhh) but instead lacking promises made to him to begin with.
The very few he did receive had mostly ended in vain, so as such Belphie was not too excited the moment he did pick up your dedication. He may be the "weakest" but that didn't entail his knack for perception. Unfortunately one of the few timed he's had promises fulfilled were one's he specifically made for himself, because from what he thinks the only one who can truly help him is himself.
After the events of the reveal, his view on promises changed albeit not drastically- but he's getting there little by little! It starts with small minor baby steps. He may not need to listen to class (he can somehow still pick up the information regardless) but you still assured him that you'll wake him up once a change of classes will push you all to stand up.
The next step was when he was plagued with an influx of nightmares, at this point in time he tries to sleep it all away as per usual but the quality of sleep remained in dissatisfaction. When you came to bid him goodnight he didn't think his next action through- tugging your sleeve and murmuring for you to stay with him for the night.
It was childish, even he knew it, but with everything he's trying to do there's no harm in attempting this method, the problem of whether you'd agree was solved when you promised to stay by his side for as long as he needs. Silence befalls you two with him clutching your waist as opposed to his usual pillow. He honestly thought of you leaving once he's deep asleep seeing as he did Semi demanded you to stay without consideration for your end.
"M...morning..." "Good morning to" "Y..you're still...?"
His brothers may have learned of your antics through various incidents, but out of all them it's Belphie who learned of it in the most gradual manner. This in turn led him to deeply hold you in higher regard than he'd like to admit. You showed him that maybe just maybe, Lilith's old affection for your kind was truly justified.
He's at ease knowing you didn't abandon him that night, even if you did have every right to do so. Maybe it's also the instance that eased his subconscious terrors during his sleep. What he is sure of however, was that your words weigh more value than the ones he stubbornly fed himself all for the sake of desperate assurance.
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etcrow · 2 years
If the 1k event is still open, may I request "You" + Sheep!MC?
1K followers alphabet event
Y - You
Look, it's you!
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Genre: fluff
Characters: GN!Sheep MC
Universe: Obey me
Warnings: none
A/N: Keyword for this post is “You”. Thanks for requesting and have a wonderful day.
Summary: Your life in Devil Doom has pro and cons. But you like it that way.
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Your life as a sheep in Devil Doom flows between hiccups mostly undisturbed. The seven brothers, though in their own way, love you and would do anything for you. Classes at RAD are a bit tricky, given your petite stature, so much so that you sometimes risk being trampled by students or having someone sit on top of you taking a seat in the classroom.
Many demons try to eat you, but fortunately you always stay close to one of the brothers to be defended by him and not risk becoming a delicacy for the habitants of Devil Doom.
You have become Lucifer's little assistant; You help him perform his duties in his study and stack up the papers he fills out and signs to help Diavolo with his tasks. You hop around his study between 'BAAAAs' and a soft 'Boink' can be heard every time you wander around the room. He does not openly thank you, but he is grateful for your help and assistance, so he pauses and breaks from his busy schedule just a moment to absentmindedly pat your head and make you blush at that gesture.
Life with Mammon is not very simple, however; You have risked being sold or used as a betting object for his business. The second born refers to himself as 'Your First' and tries to spend as much time with you as possible. Your room is always invaded by the avatar of greed, who tries to sleep with you whenever he watches a horror movie or simply to assert his 'dominance' over you. You love him anyway.
Levi has named you "Honorary Player 2"; Your little paws cannot hold a controller, so you desperately try to play along with him doing your best, failing miserably, however. You have decided, therefore, that you will just cheer for Levi as he plays video games, bleating joyfully and prancing in contentment. The demon appreciates the cheering you do for him and blushes every time you emit a 'BAAAAA' and wiggle your paws with determination. He's so cute to see.
Your days with Satan are calm and relaxing; You spend afternoons in his room while the demon reads one of his books to you and you sit awkwardly on the couch, moving your paws happily. Unfortunately, you can't read. Maybe because you were never taught or maybe because you are a sheep? Who knows. There is no problem, though. Satan is willing to read Devil Doom fairy tales to you while you desperately try not to slide off the couch and bounce away terrified. It's difficult to you to sit still.
Asmo loves to take care of you, maybe a little too much; He enjoys putting curlers on you and painting your hooves, making you soft, fluffy, and fragrant. You love being with him and he with you. He calls you 'His little darling' and you prance around happily, staying posed for the selfies he proudly posts on Devilgram or keeps to himself. He even gave you a little pink bow to put on your little head and you feel really pretty with that accessory.
The first time Beelzebub saw you, he almost mistook you for cotton candy and tried to eat you. You, panicking, started jumping away and shouting for help as the poor demon stared at you, confused to see talking cotton candy running away from his clutches. Now you enjoy following him as he works out and, though light as a stuffed animal, climb on his back as he does push-ups, raising your little paws and exulting every time he manages to do one.
Life with Belphegor is not easy; After your "accident" you are guarded toward him. He mostly uses you as a sleeping pillow and hugs you in your sleep, causing horrendous deja vu. He once mistakenly threw you into the washing machine to "bathe you," causing you to squeal in terror as Asmo lectured him on how "you don't put the human in the washing machine." But what can you do, that demon is a loose cannon in perpetual hibernation.
You look in the mirror, seeing a little four-legged creature. You stand on the tips of your hooves, trying to look taller, but it's no use. You are small and chubby. But that's okay with you. You are RAD's human student, Solomon's esteemed pupil and devoted mascot of the seven brothers. You love your new life, between setbacks, and you love your new friends. One day, when you leave, you will have good memories to take with you.
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m-jelly · 7 months
Hiiii there!!! Can I request for a Levi × y/n, where the reader is a figure skater while currently dating Levi and Levi would go support her in every practice but in one of her performance she used Red Swan from AOT and he's just mesmerised by the reader🥰🥹
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Red Swan
Levi x fem!reader
Modern AU, fluff, romance, established couple, supportive Levi.
After lots of practice, you finally enter an important competition. You give your full heart to your performance and dedicate it to the love of your life, Levi.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @nbinairyn @bts-spnlvr12 @darkstarlight82 @notgoodforlife @demonic-bird
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Anxiety was rolling off you as you sat next to Levi. No matter how much you tried to calm yourself, it wouldn't work. However, a sweet and delicate touch from Levi made your heart slow down a little. The soft gaze of his steel blue eyes made you so deeply happy and loved. Everything you worked for was building up to this moment.
You smiled sweetly at Levi. "I'm glad you are here with me. I don't think I could have made it without you." You leaned over and kissed him. "I love you."
Levi's cheeks burned. "I love you too."
You rose to your feet and let out a long sigh. "Okay, it's time." You glanced back to Levi. "This is dedicated to you, Levi."
"I...I'm honoured."
Levi took your jacket and gripped it tightly as you walked to the rink. He held his breath as you moved to the middle. Every inch of Levi hoped everything went perfectly and you weren't hurt. Music was important in this moment. Even though you looked gorgeous, the music needed to play perfectly so you could perform.
As the music played there was a sense of relief from Levi and your coach. Silence came over people watching because you were so graceful and beautiful. Levi could not stop watching you as you twirled and danced.
There was something about the music and the way you danced that just moved Levi. He was lost for words as his heart fluttered in his chest. He had watched you countless times on the ice, but this dance and music was a surprise. You had practiced this without him knowing and you both knew everything about each other.
Tears filled Levi's eyes as he felt so moved. The love you had for him was rolling off you and flowing into him. A blush covered his kissable cheeks when you skated by and smiled so lovingly at him. He held his breath when you picked up speed, he knew you were going for a big jump and spin.
He gripped your jacket tightly and saw you throw yourself for a dangerous move. He rose to his feet as everything seemed to slow down around him. His eyes widened when you landed it and posed causing and eruption of cheers for you. Levi was so proud of you.
The song slowly came to an end and you gave it one last pose. Levi felt like he could just cry, you were a dream. He hurried to the edge of the rink and gripped the edge tightly. A smile spread on his lips as you skated over to him with a shy smile.
You climbed off the rink and panted. "How was it?"
Levi yanked you against him and kissed you with all the love and passion in his heart. He didn't care that people were watching you both, or that cameras were on you. The only think that mattered was you and his love for you.
He pulled back and panted. "You were like a goddess."
You hugged Levi tightly. "I'm glad you liked it."
He lifted you up making you squeal with laughter. "I am so proud of you."
"Thank you, Levi. I don't care if I get an award. All I want is for you to be happy and proud of me."
"I am incredibly proud." He kissed you again before leading you to a seat."You want something to eat and drink?"
You gazed at him with loving doe eyes. "Please."
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panicattheattic · 2 years
Lilith = MC
AU Headcanons
Getting to know you again
Lucifer was the tough-love older brother.
...With everyone except for you that is.
After vowing to always love Lilith and then almost killing you more than once...
He felt more than a bit guilty.
So expect to be coddled.
You had spent your only alone time before this whole Lilith thing came to light drawing.
Just doodles and sketches.
The only one that had noticed before was Mammon since he was practically your babysitter.
But now Lucifer had noticed too.
And nothing you could do would stop him from displaying your drawings proudly on the walls if you ever gave him one.
He also liked to spend time with you listening to his record collection.
Chilling in his room while listening to music together, him working while you were drawing, was your go to bonding activity.
But don't expect this to mean he won't lecture you.
He's definitely lecturing you.
Especially now.
"Do you know how unsafe that is?"
"Never go there by yourself again."
"Get down from there MC, you'll break something."
"Do not make me repeat myself. You are not allowed to drink Demonus... I do not care if it does not affect you."
But still you were the only one who could get away with pranking him, so there was that.
He was already over protective of you before finding out you were his sibling.
Now he acts like your personal guard dog.
But don't make the mistake of calling him 'Cerberus' again.
He was not pleased.
He buys you so many things at first that you start to wonder whether he's sick or something.
Eventually he calms down and stops.
In reality he got his credit card frozen again.
But still he'd do anything for you.
He won't admit it, but he loves you so much he couldn't even put it into words if he tried.
He loves the person you've become and he's so proud of you.
He's also always helping you out whenever Lucifer is about to lecture you.
If anyone can reason with Lucifer in those cases, it's him.
You keep asking him to serve as a reference for your drawings.
Posing characters in drawings is hard , ya know?
But he's an expert at modeling.
And he's not going to say no to spending more time with you.
After all, he's the first one who made a pact with you so
"I'm obviously the best big bro, right?"
He drags you into childish prank wars.
You were pretty sure he let you win though.
Probably because when he did win, your other brothers would glare at him for days.
"Can you draw Ruri-chan in a flower field?!"
"Can you draw the characters of TSL?!"
He'd pay you of course.
Unless it was a present or something.
You kept staying up watching anime late a night.
You missed school a couple of times because you ended up sleeping in.
And whenever you would watch a really good anime together the amount of cosplays Levi wanted to make for you was ridiculous.
Not that you minded.
Roleplaying anime and manga characters was so fun.
You could basically spend days locked together in his room or yours without getting bored or even noticing the passage of time.
And don't even ask about videogames...
If you start a good video game, no one else will see you both until you beat it.
Levi also helps you whenever you get pain from drawing too much.
Being a gamer, he's experienced similar types of pain.
He's got you covered.
You also casually mentioned taking him to Comic Con in the human word once.
Now you have to do it.
He'll "die" if you don't.
Expect to win first place at any cosplay contest in the future.
Levi won't accept anything less.
"You aren't dressed as Henry."
"You ARE Henry."
He was the most relaxing of your brothers to be around.
He found you relaxing to be around too.
He enjoyed telling you all about Lucifer's embarrassing secrets and about all the pranks he'd pulled during the years.
You also were there for each other whenever you felt self conscious about not being your own person.
You both liked sitting in the library in silence.
He read while you drew.
It was very peaceful.
One time you got really bored and started sketching him.
Then you got even more bored and added cat ears.
He saw before you could hide it.
He was speechless.
He was understandably flustered.
But he loved it.
He loved it so much.
You gave it to him and you're pretty sure he keeps it safe with his favorite books.
He's also the one you go to when you can't sleep for random reasons.
He doesn't mind you waking him up.
That just means he gets to read you a bed time story.
No, he doesn't care if you feel childish.
He will tuck you in and read to you and you will like it.
Give me your hand.
I'm painting your nails.
Whether you liked it or not, you were going to look your best.
Asmo would not allow you to feel like anything less than royalty.
You were his little sibling.
And considering his other little siblings would never let him...
He needed someone to dress up and put makeup on.
He designed so many outfits for you that it made you feel bad for Levi, knowing he'd have to be the one to sew them together.
You pretty much had your own "original Asmo" clothing line wardrobe.
And he also loved all your drawings.
Especially the really cute ones.
"Ooh~ Draw me next!"
He believes everything about you and your appearance is perfect.
He will not allow you to shame yourself in any way.
He will go as far as dedicating entire days to making you feel good about yourself.
And if anyone ever dares insult your looks or your body...
They dead.
Asmo will find them.
Took him a while to explain why he was acting weird around you.
You had almost forgotten that he blamed himself for Lilith's death.
Honestly, you didn't blame him.
The Lilith part of you never blamed him either.
He was still upset.
So you asked Lucifer for money and took him out to eat.
He still wasn't acting like himself, but at least this gave you an opportunity to talk to him.
You reminded him that you would have made the same decision had you been in his place.
And your were happy he made that decision.
You wouldn't be you if he hadn't.
Slowly but surely, he loosened up.
And then proceeded to eat the restaurant's entire stock.
Whenever he started feeling bad again you would hug him and try to take his mind off of it.
You couldn't help the way he felt, but you made sure he knew you didn't agree with him beating himself up about it.
He brings you food all the time.
If you say your aren't hungry, he'll still bring you food.
If you insist, then he'll sit beside you and he'll eat the food.
You love sharing giant bowls of lava cake and ice cream, even if Beel ends up eating most of it.
Of course it was all still very awkward.
Belphie was still coming to terms with how different you were from Lilith.
And the times you acted exactly like Lilith threw him off.
You'd think you would spend most of your time together sleeping, but actually most of your time together is spent making art.
You gave Belphie one of your drawings as a show of good will.
You didn't want what had happened in the attic to shape your relationship.
(Even if it was still hard to let go...)
Once Belphie realized that you liked to draw he figured it could be a good bonding experience to draw together.
You do your best to cheer him on.
You didn't think his drawing was that bad despite what the others had said.
He also started teaching you how to make plushies.
As you grew closer, he also grew clingier.
It wasn't too much of a bother, but you could see him pout whenever you hung out with someone else.
Those nights he would inevitably cuddle with you to sleep.
He still slipped up and called you Lilith sometimes, but you always tried your best to wave it off.
You weren't as close as him as your past life had been, but you were getting closer.
Lucifer talks a lot about his family in general when he's alone with Diavolo.
But when it comes to you?
Oh boy, has Lucifer told him everything.
Diavolo has started regarding you his little sibling as well.
You're constantly being invited over for tea.
(Which makes you terribly anxious but you agree nonetheless.)
He dotes on you so much it's like having a second Lucifer... Who's the complete opposite of Lucifer.
He refuses to go into detail about your rebirth and has told Barbatos to not tell you anything either.
Diavolo also sees you as the embodiment of what he's trying to accomplish.
You're a human who was once an angel and has 7 demon brothers.
If that's not proof of how well the three realms can coexist, he doesn't know what is.
Of course, he's the once preparing the tea whenever you come over.
He also seems to be aware of how uncomfortable social situations like those make you.
Diavolo remains oblivious to your discomfort, but Barbatos always comes to the rescue.
To be completely honest, Barbatos still scared you a bit.
And you swore he knew.
And you SWORE he was enjoying it.
He'd come up behind you and start speaking.
You'd nearly jumped out of your skin a few times.
Maybe it was just a coincidence, because you were naturally jumpy.
But you were also usually on alert because of that fact, so him being able to sneak up on you so consistently without actually trying to was suspicious.
You didn't believe it.
You were keeping an eye out for him from now on.
The difference before and after he found out you were Lilith was minimal.
He still babies you terribly.
He will unapologetically steal you away from your brothers.
If you didn't know any better you'd think he was trying to claim you as his sibling instead.
You were with Levi when you both found out that it was Simeon who wrote TSL.
In the midst of Levi's fanboying he blurted out that you'd made fan art.
"Tons" of it.
You were planning on killing him for that later, but now you had to deal with Simeon pestering you about wanting to see your art.
You were not going to show him your art.
Did he want you to die of embarrassment?
You couldn't just show the creator of TSL your fan art.
Specially not anything relating to ships.
But then he had to go and say: "It's a shame. I have been looking for someone to illustrate the special edition of the books that's releasing for the anniversary..."
You saw evil behind that innocent smile of his.
You were so grateful when he actually liked your art.
(You still weren't showing him the ships. That was not happening.)
You couldn't help but feel he definitely had better choices for an illustrator than you, but he insisted that wasn't the case.
You spent a lot of time with him just gushing about how good his writing was and trying to figure out how he seemingly wrote about events that hadn't happened yet.
But he wasn't planning on revealing that anytime soon.
That was a closely guarded secret.
Any pent up frustration you get from having your brothers overly doting on you gets directed into Luke.
Luke is going to get the best big sibling whether he wants it or not because dang it you need to pay the love forward somehow.
You buy him stuff.
You send him recipes.
You even help him bake.
But when you do help him bake is when the sibling roles seem to flip.
Luke is obviously nearly a master at baking so he's in charge when making sweets.
But then again, he'd probably reprimand you for eating raw cookie dough regardless of his authority over you.
"MC! You'll get sick!"
When your brothers start calling him a chihuahua you defend him.
"Guys, he doesn't like it when you call him that."
This is one thing they don't seem inclined to listen to your opinion on, however.
You can't completely blame them.
You have to stop yourself from calling him that too.
Not to mess with him, but because you think it's cute.
You may or may not have drawn a lot of Luke chihuahuas in your sketchbook though...
When you finally managed to evade your brothers and go hang out with Solomon he had so many questions.
You answered all you could, but there were things you couldn't answer like the exact "how?" of you being Lilith.
You told him he'd have to try to ask Diavolo and by the mischievous spark you saw in his eyes you knew he would.
You didn't want to be unfair to the other people in your life, but you loved spending time with Solomon.
It wasn't necessary better than spending time with anyone else, it was just different.
It gave you a weird tingly feeling.
And Solomon clearly liked spending time with you too, given the fact that he was usually the one asking you out.
As friends, you know.
You felt really calm around him.
You felt like you could be yourself completely.
Probably an added effect of having him know your dreams.
It was imposible not to feel closer to him after he saw the products of your subconscious mind and he still accepted you.
And you were honestly fascinated by him.
He had so many stories of the human world.
He knew a lot of history too.
It was almost as if he had been around back then...
Whenever you implied that, however, he would always deflect and change the subject.
He'd also been avoiding telling you his age, which was suspicious enough in itself.
But then again, your older brothers were demons so maybe you weren't in the best position to be calling people out for being suspicious.
You'd always been really open to trusting people and seeing the best in them.
That was probably something you retained from your time as Lilith.
And your fascination with the human world in general seems to have been another thing you retained as well.
You really wanted to keep getting to know the world through Solomon's stories.
And maybe get to know him along the way too.
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madraleen · 1 year
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Attack on Titan - Hajime Isayama Vol.1-5: A “I LIKE IT A NORMAL AMOUNT, OKAY?!” commentary (that is a lie, I am losing my mind).
Disclaimers! -I have not watched the anime. -I knew absolutely nothing going in, except two names and that this story has Titans.
-Oof, the first page is chilling.
-Eren has captured my heart in two pages I think.
-I don’t know what it is, something about the words combined with the images, but I keep getting sniffly and teary-eyed, it’s a visceral reaction.
-I am crying for Eren’s mother, wth.
-This is haunting.
-Oh, Eren and Mikasa aren’t biological siblings?
-Oh? Oh? Dr Yeager injections?
-Did the Titan eat Eren’s leg?! I’m still on Volume 1, right?!
-Ajdfjkd, Eren is so badass, look at him saving Armin from the Titan’s mouth, whaaaat
-Dude, every panel is like a punch in the gut, what
-Eren’s arm too?!?! Is Eren even surviving Volume 1 at this point. I know he does, protags are gonna protag, but argh! (I was under the impression for no particular reason that a Levi was the protag, ehe.)
-I can’t tell who I like and who I don’t yet, but Armin is such a rich character.
-The way they fly down the roofs to protect from the Titans, zoom zoom, so epic.
-Seeing Mikasa shine.
-Mikasa is the only Asian alive?! :O
-Lil Eren is a killing prodigy huh
-They’re such rich and complex characters, gee. Eren, right? He’s so nice and protective and kind and idealistic and motivating and driven, and so ruthless and stubborn and careless, AND IT’S ONLY VOLUME TWO!
-For God’s sake, is Eren alive or not? WAIT. Is Eren the Titan?! (*took me long enough, lmao. IN MY DEFENSE, I’d gone down a speculation path of “Maybe the injections made Eren invulnerable or gave him regenerative abilities so the Titans can’t harm him.”)
-The way Armin links his hand with Eren’s when they find him, my heart.
-Me: I’m just gonna read a couple of chapters, this is too intense for binge-reading. Also me: *reads an entire volume in one sitting*
-Levi! He’s here!
-I want to Google name pronunciations, but I’m so scared of spoilers, that I’m just making up pronunciations at this point.
-I like Levi. He seems aloof, competent and dry and I like his face, he’s checking the marks.
-Dude, I can’t wait to hear these people’s voices in the anime. It’s gonna be brutal.
-I really like how the characters’ postures, gestures and mannerisms are drawn. They’re so natural.
-This how Armin sees himself vs how his friends and allies see him, nnnnggggh, so good, good writing.
-I wanna squish them, I hurt for them.
-Armin is something very personal to me.
-A “light-hearted” moment in this manga qualifies as any moment that no one’s screaming.
-I love reading manga, btw. I’ve loved reading the manga that I’ve read, but this one was an experiment - reading a manga without having been introduced to it through the anime first. And the conclusion is, I love reading manga.
-I also really like how streamlined and efficient the world-building and the exposition are in this story.
-It’s Levi! Omg it’s Levi it’s Levi, omg! What an entrance! What a pose! Why am I fangirling! I don’t know! It’s Levi!
-He’s wiping off his faith in humanity because of Mikasa/Eren? Lmao, what, Jean is so dramatic.
-I keep mixing up Jean and Reiner.
-Yeah, Levi, please take responsibility for Eren, I want you around.
-Ha, everyone has a surname in the cast page and then there’s just “Levi.” A legend.
-Look at how much Mikasa trusts Armin, even in the face of Levi beating the shit out of Eren. If she didn’t, he genuinely wouldn’t be able to restrain her just by grabbing her arm.
-Lmfao, Levi flopping onto the couch next to Eren.
-Levi is so... Levi. His movements are so Levi, his eyes are so Levi. He’s so Levi! I am captivated.
-Eren is so damn likable! He’s strong and stubborn and willful and resolute, but at the end of the day, he looks SO vulnerable on some panels that you just want to hug him real tight and give him cookies and milk.
-Okay, but how cool is to have a castle as a setting in the context of this world
-I relish every moment of humor and levity because they’re so rare.
-Oh no, our first expedition, I’m excited and terrified.
-Yes, thank you, I unironically did want to know more about the horses.
-I am just SAYING that if Eren can turn into a Titan, all the people whose whereabouts we don’t know could potentially be intelligent Titans! All of them! And what about Eren’s father, hmmm? HMMM? Where he at?!
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