taakofromtaz · 7 years
kiera!! for twins week: “In my defense, it seemed like a brilliant idea at the time.”
for twinsweek! thanks tess!!! it’s literally all banter and short and incredibly vague but it was fun and i wanna keep the ~mystery~
day 1: favorite twin (or both!)
sticky situation
words: 259
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“In my defense,” Taako says, giving Lup a sheepish smile, “itseemed like a brilliant idea at the time.”
“You are the biggest idiot I’ve ever met.” Lup sighs andshakes her head, pinching the bridge of her nose.
“Are you going get me down or not?”
“I should leave you there.” Lup glares around her hand andhe shrinks back a little. “I should leave you there and make you think about how and why you got your assstuck in this situation to begin with.”
“You wouldn’t do that to me, would you? Your best and onlybrother?” Taako bats his eyelashes at her and puts on his most pathetic face.
Lup is entirely unfazed. “Uh huh. Try that on someone who didn’t teach you everything you know.”
“You taught me?” Taako scoffs indignantly. “Puh-lease. If anyone perfected the art ofthe puppy eyes, it’s me. I’ve honedit down to a science. I’m the master.”
“What makes you think that?”
“No one else can look this pathetic!” Taako cries, shovinghis nose into the air. Lup unsuccessfully stifles a snort and Taako pauses. “Oh,wait, uh. That didn’t—that didn’t come out right, uh.” Lup starts laughing forreal and his face colors a bit. “Oh. Yeah. Laugh it up, Lup. See if I ever help youagain.”
“Taako. Babe. I love you so much,” Lup says between belts ofbreathless laughter.
Taako rolls his eyes and allows himself to smile too. “Yeah,alright, right back at cha’. Now. Are you gonna help me or not?”
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nattoppet-dj · 7 years
once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. then you have to send this to ten of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)!
i’m fucking crying ilu love your blog,,,,,,,,
1. i’m good at coloring! i’ve always been into colors and stuff, and i pride myself in how i color things most times
2. i’ve got heterochromia iridum-- my left eye has two different colors, it’s split almost down perfect
3. i’m growing my hair out, partially for some cosplays (like taako bc i’m a ween) but this is the most safe i’ve felt in a long time. my goal is to the knees
4. i’m a little shy with it but i think i’m a pretty good writer! i don’t post many things publically on here but i’ve got..... rp blogs........ and i have a lot of fun with them. i’ve been told they were good too.
5. i can be a good listener! i’ve been getting confided in for a good portion of my life, and i like listening. sometimes my advice isn’t poop
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onemadhatt · 7 years
Some super sappy (and somewhat dark) 2017 reflections under the cut! (TW: Suicidal Thoughts) TL;DR version: I love you all and I hope 2018 treats you well. 💜
So as 2017 ends, I just want to say, it really sucked. I’m sure I’m not the only one with this sentiment. I should have graduated this year, and have grown to dislike my major anyways. I don’t talk about it a lot, but I have been in college since 2012. All I need to graduate now is an internship that I still have yet to secure. This is not including all the money problems I won’t get into. The point is that I had a mental breakdown in August that lasted almost 2 weeks culminating in me seriously considering ending it. Thanks to the support of my father and me swallowing my pride and actually reaching out to someone, I was able to slowly pull myself out.
Since then, I have been trying to reach out and talk to more people both on Tumblr and in real life, I have begun writing, I started working out, and I have a fragile plan for my future (which is more than I have had for years). It hasn’t been enough to save 2017 for me, but I have made sure that its fire will light my way into 2018. 💜
Now I’m gonna gush about some people:
@gettothehousecarl: You likely won’t see this cause you don’t really use Tumblr anymore, but you are my best friend (and I’m only partially saying that because you are taking me to see Hamilton). I keep making jokes that we should be roommates again, but it was by far the best time in my life. Having you and Jonny to talk to just about whenever was incredibly helpful, and I miss the random 3am pizza we would have. This year living with my Dad, as much as I love him, has sucked. I honestly hope we find a way to room together again.
@luckyredclover: I have mentioned this before, but you are easily one of the best friends I have made on Tumblr. I guess it has been a few years since I first followed you (it was the Yang cosplay😂). Crying about video games at 3am (for me) has been fun and was absolutely needed with the stress of this year. And I won’t forget that when I had an incredibly bad breakdown over the absolute dumbest thing you were there to help and made me feel better for even being upset. I’m glad you seem to be in a better place now than in previous years. Hopefully someday soonish I’ll visit Ireland and we can actually hang out! And thanks for not unfollowing me when I became obsessed with wrestling 😂😂😂 (though I think you don’t mind it for...aesthetic reasons👀)
@homega: I’m honestly not sure what I can say here that I already haven’t told you. Your pure passion has helped me see what I can become, and the light you shine in this world has helped illuminate my path. Our conversations never fail to make me laugh, and it means so much to me that you are willing to listen to me vent about my problems. It’s is also super fun to see what random thing we are/were both fans of. I don’t know what 2018 will bring you, but I know you have the strength to meet any challenge it brings!
@managingthechaos​: We have only really started talking recently, but I can’t believe I have met someone almost as dramatic as I am. You helping me through my really dumb feelings has been a godsend. Also, statistically speaking, you are probably the only person who has seen my best selfie, cause you are the only person I have ever started a streak with. I know things can seem hard, but I believe in you and your ability to kick 2018’s ass. Peeps will still suck tho.
@gayipre @themindofcc @blizardstar @anonymousalchemist @troofs-and-goofs @boomjob @kippdom @inkedinserendipity @wizardtwins: TAZ Writer friends! I love you all! You all have inspired me to write more! I’m sorry I basically never use the discord anymore but it has gotten way too much to catch up on. But the few weeks I was active in it and seeing all of your fics and TAZ posts have helped to give me motivation to write. (And I promise I have TAZ related WIPs lmao)
@applejuicewerewolf @dangermichael @tarava316: We don’t talk a lot, but I wanted to shout you guys out. I feel like I reblog or like a good 80% of things you all post. I hope you all have a great 2018!
It is almost 4am the night before New Years and I am sure I am forgetting people and I am sorry. I know there are a lot of mutuals who I have only become mutuals with within the last like 30 days. All of you have helped me keep my mind of my problems. Happy New Years All 💜
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jewishangus · 7 years
3, 21, 23, and 24!
3. favorite line/scene i wrote this year? 
“At least you’ll have today to remember too, today when you questioned your anger even though the Oculus was right. You don’t know any better, and I can’t deny the truth of that, but there’s something about naiveté that’s powerful. Untouched. Maybe, just maybe, it’s a part of yourself both of us can learn from.”
idk - there’s just something about the power of naiveté that i love about writing wordless dav and just about my life in general? i love sneaking in life lessons theres something gratifying about it
21. most memorable comment/review?
shit….. every single comment i get is fantastic? how could you make me choose
tbh the comment ive appreciated most in the moment was one i got on muscle memory that went in really good detail??? they talked a bunch about how i created an autonomous dav and how they liked that aspect of him - that the ability to be able to do things and be bored and discover and laugh is important, and theyre right tbh!BUT. every comment that goes “eden im crying” renews my heart with life
23. fics i wanted to write but didn’t?
ive been wanting to write a scene with angus and dav for the longest time….like. the scene where they go to look for lucretia in her office in s&s, and angus is still recovering from the shock that dav would be willing to let his world die and dav is still recovering from the shock that he’s been wordless for 10 years and yet they still have to work together. that shits intense?
aLSO! ive been wanting to write a taako and lucretia post s&s confrontation fic bc that shit’s like. a rite of passage,but can i write taako? nah
also i have a wip in the works thats like? luster au where lucretia meets roswyth before she makes the bureau and our shitty friend patrice gets enthralled by the bulwark staff and kidnaps wordless dav for leverage but i dont think ill ever finish it sadly? maybe someday
24. favorite fic i read this year?
lol probably rise
fuck though tess? you could ask me to pic a favorite from just your fics and id be sitting here for hours?
i’ll start listing some though (ill link them all later but i gtg in like -5 minutes SO) :
-rise has a special place in my heart bc??? since when are people inspired by me what the fuck-same with layla’s magnus and lup fic bc w o w people write stuff based off of my suggestions that does Not happen-also!!!! myles’s feral liches fic!!! wtf!!!! its so good!!!!
-um… i loved luster, your lup losing it drabble gave me Emotions, all your fics are good so jot that down, someone wrote a fic where the ipre mourn s&s losses the jewish way and Ouch, a gnome and his boy is fantastic, bury the lead is ofc amazing, remedial chaos theory is the most underrated fic on the planet, every and all group chat fics, the bureau library, a promise kept, body and soul, all of albee’s dav content, how monsters are made is fantastic and so is all of iz’s stuff and so is umbrella term and so is interview transcripts and oh shit wait
ok i have a top five but in no particular order?
-bad luck-unreliable narrator-rise-a gnome and his boy-remedial chaos theory
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foxy-alien · 7 years
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This is for my fantastic friendo @gayipre who wrote the blessed debate team au, end of an era You should all check i out! support your local writers yall!
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corvigae · 7 years
1, 12, 27 ? ♡
1 - Favorite fic you wrote this year?
Definitely Tall, Dark Roast, and Handsome. It was the longest fic I’d ever completed and it was so much fun to write; the scenes about how stressful working in a coffee shop can be literally pretty much wrote themselves.
12 - Favorite character to write about this year?
Hm, probably Kravitz because you can take a lot of liberties with him, and also he’s just a fun character to flesh out. He’s a fun balancing act of “sweet gentleman” and “petty asshole.”
27 - Favorite fanfic author of the year?
Oh man this one’s hard bc there are SO MANY great authors in the TAZ fandom, and I’ve met so many more through the Discord? But I’d have to say some great ones I can think of off the top of my head are @zestycheck, @anonymousalchemist, @inkedinserendipity, @gayipre, @lexicals, and @karfuckingstrider.
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Jesus Christ your writing??? I can't believe you're only 17 it's fucking incredible thank you for sharing with us!
AAAAAHHH ANON THANK YOU SO MUCH THIS MADE MY DAY THANK YOU FOR SHARINGIf y'all are interested in 17 year old geniuses then check out @qanter-queen and @gayipre, they’re amazing and also able to do multichap fics unlike me
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jewishangus · 7 years
1, 3, 28, and 34!!
1/3: what inspires you?/what motivates you?
i think im going to answer these questions in one???? its kinda easier
for the inspiration - and oh fuck this is going to sound egotistical but i swear im being honest - i most of the time go back and read my own fic? it helps to have a work you’re proud of because it gives you a goal you know you’re capable of reaching! that’s mostly true for writing style or like. writing specific characters thoughsometimes it does come from other places though - the discord inspires me a bunch, because talking out your ideas is always fantastic, and so does other fic (you can totally, 200%, blame seren for the feeblemind saga ive got in the works), and my first ever taz fic was me just trying to parse through my canon-induced emotions - but most of my ideas come from hc’s i think of while writing other fic, or hours and hours of shower/about to sleep/bored in math class thoughts!
as for motivation, that tends to come sporadically as fuck.
im maybe the worst example? because for me it’ll be when im on break and lucky enough not to have writers block and feel like it at 1 am.but when i need to get myself motivated, i’ll listen to music to get myself in the mood or just? force myself through it? im bad at recommending music because most of the time i connect songs to characters not through lyrics but through like. composition so to others my music recs make no sense BUT!! music helps!!! and ill definitely share if you’re downself-enforced deadlines help too!!!
28. any scene/line you wrote that you didn’t expect to write/that surprised you once it was written?
ironically??? the titular line in eulogies threw me off so much after i wrote it
“Whatever gets published from this two-month trip will be the result of the life’s work of my whole family, and what we all rely on to make our hard work known. The person who I end up picking for this would have to be one I trust to do it well; and if I’m trusting them to chronicle this journey, then I sure as hell would trust them to write my eulogy.”
fuck like. now that im thinking about it all of eulogies threw me off after i wrote it - it was one of those few fics where i had no idea what i was going to write before i sat down????? like most of the time i have one or two ideas floating in my head to grab at any given moment, but this was me laying in my bed like shit fuck i need a fic by tonight and idfk what to write
but that line especially stuck with me - that’s why its the titular line - because like. that was honestly the first time i ever managed to answer the question of why davenport would need a chronicler to begin with???like. you’d think after all this dav and lucretia fic id figured out why he hired her in the first place but nahit also like!!!! cemented what dav and lucretia’s relationship really was to me!! and ive never put that into words before!! so i wrote that and then looked at it and was like.  w o w
(as a bonus: the scene also in eulogies where davenport reads all the eulogies/cries after lucretia dies is something i wasn’t expecting either for the same reasons!!! i hadn’t thought about when davenport forgives lucretia until that moment)
34. a scene/paragraph you wrote that you’re proud of
“Lucretia?”“Yes?”“I-I-“She paused, letting him take a minute to finish his sentence.“Y-you said. N-not to. to listen.”“To the relics?”He nodded. “But. I-it’s loud.”“Hey, that’s okay.” Lucretia smiled softly. “It’s loud sometimes.”“O-okay.”They sat a little bit, in silence - he seemed deep in thought, and so did she - before Davenport spoke up again.“I-it said. I should be. I should be angry.” He took a breath. “Why?”
in hindsight one of it’s loud sometimes’s biggest flaws to me is that davenport says too much - its unrealistic and creates the plothole of “why the fuck doesn’t he talk to everyone else then” - but fuck if im not in love with this bit because it sums up my wordless dav so succinctly and perfectly and i fuckin???? love it???? that last line kills me every time and i fucking wrote it how the fuck do i stan myselflike. the combination of the world being too loud and him not knowing why to be angry is fantastic and im in awe that that came out of my own brain
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foxy-alien · 7 years
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Poor Krav, never got a secret name.
This comic was inspired by one of the conversations between @gayipre and @timeforlupsopinion on the taz writers discord.  Thank you for this beaut!
lup “hey krav, when it says “name” does it want my real name or my secret name?”
Kravitz : “what the fuck is a secret name?”
lup: ”well thats between me and the paper work, isn't it”
Kravitz: “what does she mean? secret name? Do elves have secret names?”
Taako: “That’s between her and her paperwork then, wtf you can’t just ask people for their secret names.”
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foxy-alien · 7 years
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BEAUTIFUL GIRL TESS!! I love @gayipre so much!! She makes me feel positive about my art daily! She writes the best fics and is the sweetest person I’ve had the pleasure of being friends with!! Go check her out if you haven’t This is a scene from her amazing debate team au end of an era! So here’s my silly take on her scene of taako fucking with Leon
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foxy-alien · 7 years
Reasons I’m glad to be alive!
1. I get 50% off at McDonald’s
2: girls are a thing that exist
3. My beautiful and amazing friend @gayipre
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onemadhatt · 7 years
Angus’ Surprise
Summary: Angus prepares a surprise for the IPRE crew.
TWs: Death, Body Horror (give me a heads up if I should tag other stuff, I’m new to this)
Word Count: 1,318
A/N: This is the first piece of fiction I have wrote in a long time. Shoutout to @wizardtwins for her Angus Angst posts which gave me the inspiration (specifically one anon). Super shoutout to stargirls from the Taz Fic Writers discord for helping me with grammar and proofing it (Her tumblr is: @gayipre !)
Angus was grinning ear to ear. Today was the day. After years of research and preparation, probing Barry and Lup, and keeping Kravitz and the rest of the IPRE in the dark, Angus was ready to begin the Ritual of Lichdom.
Angus had selected some old ruins away from civilization as the spot for his ascension. He wanted to be away from people so that the arcane energies wouldn’t be noticed, and no one could be hurt. He passed through the threshold of what he believed to be an old temple to a long-forgotten god and made his way to the broken altar to began his preparations.
First, he pulled out a goblet, gilded in gold and inlaid with a large fortune’s worth of enchanted gemstones. He gently placed it on the altar, and began to speak the words for the the incantation. As he spoke, the gems around the goblet glowed with magical energy. As the power of his spell increased, he removed a specially prepared potion from his bag and poured it into the enchanted goblet. The liquid, upon contact with the enchantments, began to glow with an eerie pale light. Arcane power began to swirl around him, kicking up dust as the tempo of the spell rapidly increased. In one fluid motion he reached back into his pack and pulled out a large emerald, which he cupped in two hands. He began speaking even faster and louder, his voice carrying a supernatural tremor. As he held the emerald, the gemstones began to discharge their energy into the liquid, creating a mesmerizing prismatic swirl. With a thunderous crescendo, Angus finished his spell and dropped the emerald into the arcane mixture.
Quickly the colors faded, and the liquid calmed. There was a beat, long enough for Angus to fear something was wrong. His thought had no time to complete, as the ritual finished and sent out a powerful arcane shockwave, knocking Angus off his feet and shattering what remained of the ancient altar. Angus rose slowly, thankful that his mage armor took the brunt of the blast, and looked upon the completed ritual. Despite the altar being destroyed, the goblet stayed, floating in place. Angus could sense the powerful energies keeping it aloft. Far above him was the emerald, removed from the concoction, now glowing and slowly rotating.
Nervously, Angus approached the goblet. Doubt began to fill him. What if he somehow messed up the ritual? What if he lost control? Stopping before the goblet, Angus took a deep breath to gather his resolve. He had spent so long making everything perfect. He’d checked every little thing at least fifty times. He had even found a way to ensure his lich robe was green. With renewed confidence, he reached out and grasped the goblet with both hands. He was going to be able to help so many more people with this power.
Angus drank the entire potion without a second thought. There was no taste, just the sensation of his entire mouth becoming frostburnt. He let go of his newly created phylactery, which simply hovered in place and grabbed his throat. The pain was unlike anything he had ever felt before. He could feel frost forming over his body. He could feel his body dying. Angus hadn’t expected this, but he tried to focus on his thoughts, his memories he had collected over the years. He thought of his grandpa, who gave him his first Caleb Cleveland books and fostered his lifelong passion for discovery.
But you never got to say your goodbye.
An unfamiliar voice pierced through the pain, assaulting Angus’ mind.
By the time you were finished with the incident on the Rockport Limited, he was already dead. After all he did for you, you left him alone.
It was true. After dealing with the authorities, Angus rushed to his grandpa’s side, but by then it was already too late. Angus was saddened, but knew his grandpa would be proud of him for catching a murderer. But did this voice know something he didn’t?
The emerald ceased to rotate and shone a brilliant beam of green energy onto Angus. The magical beam lifted him into the air and forced him into a crucifix position. The energy set his brain on fire, the pain somehow increasing. He tried again to focus on a positive memory; this time of Lucas Miller, whose curiosity and mind rivaled Angus’ own, and whose school Angus taught at. They shared many intellectually satisfying discussions, and…
He only cares about your contribution to his work.
The voice came again, somehow more familiar.
His school’s prestige increased with you, and he had so many breakthroughs with you at his side. What has he given you? A job you could have gotten on your own? Face it. He knows how much smarter you are than him, and he purposely holds you back so he can receive the glory.
The voice struck a nerve Angus didn’t know existed. He never really thought about it, but now that he had he realized it was all true. There were many times Angus dropped everything to help Lucas with a new theory, but he could not think of a time Lucas helped Angus on a case.
The emerald’s light increased in intensity. While the burning in his mind stayed, the cold began to subside. Angus was thankful at first, until he saw flakes float by. To his horror, he realized his skin was slowly being burnt away. The ashes drifted towards the emerald and began to orbit around it. The reality of what was happening struck Angus, and in desperation he thought of Lucretia. Lucretia had been Angus’ number one fan ever since he joined the Bureau of Balance. Lucretia would have the resolve to do this, and Angus sought to rely on that.
Ah, but that resolve cost her dearly.
Once again the voice eroded Angus’ will, only now Angus could almost place it.
She ripped the memories from the people she was closest too, then failed to rectify her mistakes and had to manipulate those same people she claimed to care about. And after all of that, she was still wrong.
How could he not have seen it before? Madame Director was never a bastion of strength and willpower. She simply had a superiority complex and time.
Angus was nothing but bones now, held together by necromantic energy. The emerald’s beam faded, and begun to spin again. This time it spun at a rapid pace, slowly absorbing the ash cloud. After all the pain and self-doubt, Angus could feel his mind begin to crack. In a desperate attempt to stay sane, he thought of his found family. Taako, who taught him magic. Magnus, who taught him true strength. Merle, who taught him compassion.
Taako, who stole and lied to you. Magnus, who was only ever nice to you out of pity. Merle, who treated you as an annoying child.
Angus was expecting the voice this time, but he didn’t expect to realize why it was so familiar.
Taako only taught you magic because you became useful to you. They never truly cared about you. All your life, people were only nice to you so they could use you. Manipulate you. You were a child, and they treated you like a tool. Now, you have the power to pay them back. To throw off the yoke of your so-called friends and make them your tools.
The voice was right. It had always been right. Angus never should have tried to doubt the voice. After all, it was his own.
Having absorbed all of Angus’ flesh, the emerald shattered into a fine dust. The dust swirled around Angus’ skeletal form, creating a deep green cloak and completing the transformation. He floated in the air a moment, before collecting his phylactery.
The others are going to be so surprised.
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foxy-alien · 7 years
yooo angus, petals to the metal, and reapers!!
Angus: Adoration might be hidden – describe a time you felt loved or appreciated.
When I went to art camp! We had a super supportive environment and we all lifted each other up and it was really special!
Petals to the Metal: Sometimes we need to let loose – when have you done something you shouldn’t have because it made you happy?
lol I do a lot of things that I shouldn’t cause it’ll make me happy, but I’d have to say cutting my hair really short and keeping it short! My mom hates it, but I just enjoy it so much that I refuse to grow it out!
Reapers: “ARE YOU AFRAID?” / “Merle, it’s me, Pan” / Also! Greg Grimauldis–“ – do you have a flair for the dramatic?
Like you would not believe!  People think you’re a lot funnier if you are more dramatic about it, so I am all about that!
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