nattoppet-dj · 6 years
Hi it’s me elf stitch ears poster, please consider “ohana means nobody lays a fucking finger on my brother”
ohana means i’ll cut a bitch
also hi boom ilu and your stitch ears post
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bastionkeeper · 7 years
It ain’t a request but I’ll suggest something! How abouuuuuuuut Angos first day of school?
“Did you remember your lunch?” Taako asked.
“What about your knife?” Magnus added.
“I have all your textbooks here, and a few journals for note-taking,” Lucretia said, handing Angus a pile of books and journals almost as tall as him. Magnus added a knife to the top of the pile while Taako took this opportunity to add a few more cookies into Angus’s lunch.
“Guys I-”
“If the other kids bully you, look them right in the eye and say ‘I’ve killed before and I will again’,” Lup said, giving a serious nod.
“Please don’t,” Barry sighed.
“No, definitely do,” Kravitz backed Lup up. “Make them fear you, then they’ll leave you alone...well...I mean... it works sometimes,” he coughed looking sideways at Taako.
“Guys I’m going to be fine!” Angus piped up. “And I can’t take a knife to school that’s a big safety code violation.”
“Then don’t bring the knife. Wink.” Magnus winked.
“Listen,” Taako pulled Angus aside and knelt before him, “if you need to come home at anytime you just call me. But you know, I know you won’t need to cause you’re gonna kick ass.”
“Thanks, sir,” Angus smiled. 
“Alright now group hug before the nerd escapes!” Taako yelled, and all the adults in the room ran to embrace Angus.
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Barry is banned from the kitchen cuz he keeps hanging Lucretia’s sketches on the fridge. There’s so many of them. Where does he keep finding these magnets. Barrold we cant even open the door anymore- yes they’re lovely Barry but I need to make din- no I know she’s a great artist please Barry I need to get the meat out of the freezer if I want it to thaw on time, could you maybe hang some on the wall instead somewhere? Yes we can get you some frames- I don’t know ask Magnus he’s the wood worker!
Lucretia is crying silent tears and no one can tell if its from despair or appreciation
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onemadhatt · 7 years
Some super sappy (and somewhat dark) 2017 reflections under the cut! (TW: Suicidal Thoughts) TL;DR version: I love you all and I hope 2018 treats you well. 💜
So as 2017 ends, I just want to say, it really sucked. I’m sure I’m not the only one with this sentiment. I should have graduated this year, and have grown to dislike my major anyways. I don’t talk about it a lot, but I have been in college since 2012. All I need to graduate now is an internship that I still have yet to secure. This is not including all the money problems I won’t get into. The point is that I had a mental breakdown in August that lasted almost 2 weeks culminating in me seriously considering ending it. Thanks to the support of my father and me swallowing my pride and actually reaching out to someone, I was able to slowly pull myself out.
Since then, I have been trying to reach out and talk to more people both on Tumblr and in real life, I have begun writing, I started working out, and I have a fragile plan for my future (which is more than I have had for years). It hasn’t been enough to save 2017 for me, but I have made sure that its fire will light my way into 2018. 💜
Now I’m gonna gush about some people:
@gettothehousecarl: You likely won’t see this cause you don’t really use Tumblr anymore, but you are my best friend (and I’m only partially saying that because you are taking me to see Hamilton). I keep making jokes that we should be roommates again, but it was by far the best time in my life. Having you and Jonny to talk to just about whenever was incredibly helpful, and I miss the random 3am pizza we would have. This year living with my Dad, as much as I love him, has sucked. I honestly hope we find a way to room together again.
@luckyredclover: I have mentioned this before, but you are easily one of the best friends I have made on Tumblr. I guess it has been a few years since I first followed you (it was the Yang cosplay😂). Crying about video games at 3am (for me) has been fun and was absolutely needed with the stress of this year. And I won’t forget that when I had an incredibly bad breakdown over the absolute dumbest thing you were there to help and made me feel better for even being upset. I’m glad you seem to be in a better place now than in previous years. Hopefully someday soonish I’ll visit Ireland and we can actually hang out! And thanks for not unfollowing me when I became obsessed with wrestling 😂😂😂 (though I think you don’t mind it for...aesthetic reasons👀)
@homega: I’m honestly not sure what I can say here that I already haven’t told you. Your pure passion has helped me see what I can become, and the light you shine in this world has helped illuminate my path. Our conversations never fail to make me laugh, and it means so much to me that you are willing to listen to me vent about my problems. It’s is also super fun to see what random thing we are/were both fans of. I don’t know what 2018 will bring you, but I know you have the strength to meet any challenge it brings!
@managingthechaos​: We have only really started talking recently, but I can’t believe I have met someone almost as dramatic as I am. You helping me through my really dumb feelings has been a godsend. Also, statistically speaking, you are probably the only person who has seen my best selfie, cause you are the only person I have ever started a streak with. I know things can seem hard, but I believe in you and your ability to kick 2018’s ass. Peeps will still suck tho.
@gayipre @themindofcc @blizardstar @anonymousalchemist @troofs-and-goofs @boomjob @kippdom @inkedinserendipity @wizardtwins: TAZ Writer friends! I love you all! You all have inspired me to write more! I’m sorry I basically never use the discord anymore but it has gotten way too much to catch up on. But the few weeks I was active in it and seeing all of your fics and TAZ posts have helped to give me motivation to write. (And I promise I have TAZ related WIPs lmao)
@applejuicewerewolf @dangermichael @tarava316: We don’t talk a lot, but I wanted to shout you guys out. I feel like I reblog or like a good 80% of things you all post. I hope you all have a great 2018!
It is almost 4am the night before New Years and I am sure I am forgetting people and I am sorry. I know there are a lot of mutuals who I have only become mutuals with within the last like 30 days. All of you have helped me keep my mind of my problems. Happy New Years All 💜
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hattedhedgehog · 7 years
boomjob replied to your post: Literally no trope emotionally fucks me up faster...
Hi if ur actually looking for a show or media with this I’m gonna def recommend the adventure zone podcast cuz like, there’s quite a bit of this. Death is a character. We cry a lot here in this viewership
I was crying my eyes out in my lunch break during that finale and it was the best. I’m listening to the whole thing for a second time at the moment :D 
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usaboomjobs-blog · 6 years
Get to work
Are You Ready To Work ? We offer Multiple Works For You !The Best Part,It’s Free. Provide Your Name,Email,Phone Number and You are ready to work|Get To Work
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malevolentmango · 7 years
@boomjob get fukt
Of all the things those assholes in Wonderland took from him, Taako thinks, his dexterity has got to be the worst.
It's the hardest to get used to, for sure. Vitality, who cares? He's an elf, he's going to outlive all of the legends people are currently writing about him anyway. And he can live without being a flip wizard. But all he really wants is to stop tripping over his own feet. It's undignified. Not that he had much dignity to begin with, but the illusion was nice.
Kravitz, veritable saint that he is, manages not to comment on his sudden lack of grace until the fifth time he sees it happen. Considering Taako actually tripped into his arms, he supposes he can't hold it against him.
“My hero,” Taako drawls as Kravitz helps him upright again in the hallway outside his Bureau of Balance dorm. Another thing Taako can't wait to be rid of, now that he has his memories back.
“Taako… forgive me, but I've noticed you've been a bit…” Kravitz hums, searching for the right word.
“Clumsier than Magnus after a bottle of Merle's ‘wine’?” Taako snorts. “Yeah.”
“I just want to make sure you're alright. After everything that happened…”
“Nah, Bones, no Hunger involved in this one,” he says. “Cha’boy did this to himself.”
At Kravitz's confused look, Taako rolls his eyes and drags him into his room, kicking the door closed behind him. Kravitz perches on the edge of the bed and watches as Taako begins throwing clothes into the row of bags lining the wall by the door. He keeps packing and unpacking, simultaneously sick of this place and afraid of what awaits him down on the surface, where he's going to go. Kravitz doesn't bat an eye; the room is in a different state of “packed” every time he comes over. He just waits for Taako to speak.
“Gave up my sweet flips,” Taako says eventually, speaking to the bright green t-shirt in his hands more than to Kravitz. “In Wonderland. Just gotta get used to it, I guess.”
He tosses the shirt indiscriminately into one of the bags and goes back to his closet.
“I see,” Kravitz says, and try as he might, Taako can't find pity anywhere in his tone. “Did you… lose anything else?”
Taako begins throwing clothes over his shoulder in the vague direction of the bags. “Taking inventory on your broken boy?”
Kravitz scoffs. “That hardly makes you broken.”
“You're right. It's just all the other stuff that does.”
He flings a neon pink skirt over his shoulder. The sound of it hitting the floor doesn't come, and then Kravitz is behind him, wrapping his arms around him, the skirt clutched in one hand. He folds it carefully, hooking his head over Taako's shoulder so he can see what he's doing, and then drops it gently onto the pile in front of the nearest bag.
“What else, Taako?” he says quietly, and damn him, but Taako can’t help but sink back into the circle of his arms, tension he hadn’t noticed fading away under the low timbre of his voice.
“Oh, not much. Some vitality, as they called it. Who needs hit points anyway, you know?” Taako shrugs. “Already saved the world, that’s my whole adventuring thing done, it’s cool.” He takes one of Kravitz’s hands in his, plays idly with his fingers. “That’s about it, really. Besides that fuckin’ fridge they dropped on me, or whatever it was.”
Kravitz goes rigid behind him. “The what?”
“Hackles down, Mr. Reaper. They’re already dead anyway.”
Taako’s not sure this is a convincing argument, but it achieves his goal, which is keeping Kravitz’s solid presence at his back.
Kravitz sighs, tightening his hold on Taako. All he says is, “Of course.”
“So, you know, all-in-all, not terrible. Could’ve been worse. At least I’m not just a head, right? That would be lame.” Taako rests his head against Kravitz’s. “Really, just… lost the flips, and the HP, and the--”
He presses his lips shut over the words that crawl bitterly up his throat. He tries a few times to start again, to expertly change the subject like he always does, but he can’t quite manage it.
Kravitz doesn't respond for a moment. And then he moves, nudges Taako’s shoulder gently to turn him around until they’re facing each other. Taako searches frantically for a joke, for a way to laugh the whole thing off. But Kravitz is staring at him so softly, not pitying, never pitying, just concerned and affectionate in equal parts, as if all he cares about is Taako’s well-being.
Taako’s starting to realize that maybe that’s just… it. That Kravitz actually does care about him in a way very few people ever have. And that, more than anything, is what prevents his mouth from opening, from making light of the serious conversation he suddenly finds himself in.
Kravitz reaches a hand up to Taako’s face and rubs his thumb fondly across his cheekbone before cradling Taako’s face gently in his palm. He can feel them, Taako knows, all those imperfections under the glamour, and he doesn’t flinch or pull away or do anything but pull Taako closer.
“I meant what I said that day, Taako,” he says. “I love you. All of you, just as you are. Whatever you think is missing from you… if you want to get it back, I’ll help you do that. But just, you know, remember that.”
Kravitz leans in and presses a kiss to Taako’s forehead, and that’s just about the point where Taako’s last shred of pretense fades away, leaving something almost like the truth in its wake. A flick of his fingers, and the glamour fades away. Kravitz positively beams at him, which is the opposite of what any sane person would do, but Kravitz hasn’t stopped surprising him yet. Taako’s beginning to doubt he ever will.
“Krav,” Taako murmurs in lieu of an answer, because he’s never been further from one of those. Instead, he throws himself into a kiss that Kravitz offers willingly, eagerly, lovingly, perfectly. Someday, he thinks, he’ll be able to match the intensity of Kravitz’s adoration. He’s already saved the world; he needs a new goal anyway.
When they part, Kravitz says, “We should move in together.”
Taako blinks. Kravitz freezes in place, wide-eyed, as if that wasn’t what he meant to say at all. Before he can say anything, Kravitz launches into an explanation, looking a bit sheepish, tripping over his words like he sometimes does when he gets nervous.
“It’s just that I know you don’t like being here at the Bureau, and everyone’s starting to leave anyway. And I don’t--I don’t have a place to offer you, obviously, but regardless, I… the idea of spending more time in the Material Plane, and with you especially, is just… nice? It’s nice. I may have thought about it. A lot.” Kravitz looks away, down at the bags at their feet. “You could finally unpack, for real.”
“In a place, with you,” Taako says carefully. “For real.”
Kravitz’s eyes snap back up to stare at him, filled with hope. “...Yes?”
It should be terrifying, Taako thinks, to even consider finding something permanent in this world. But the only terrifying thing is that it’s not terrifying at all. More than anything, it settles in his gut with a rightness, a surety, that he’s been wholly unfamiliar with for the last decade.
This time, the words he wants to say come easily.
“Fuck it,” he says, a grin breaking out across his face, unstoppable. “Let’s do it, babe. You and me.”
The smile Kravitz rewards him with is more than worth what it cost to get here, and he realizes with a startling clarity that what he’s gained overshadows everything he’s lost.
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kravkalackin · 6 years
i was tagged by @lexicals! most of these are either inspiration for AUs or i just generally relate them to taz because i’m Like That
List ten songs you’re currently in love with and tag ten people to do the same.
Way Out There by Lord Huron 
Dear Fellow Traveler by Sea Wolf
Gallows by Shelby Merry
I Found by Amber Run 
Life To Fix by The Record Company
Sinners by Barns Courtney 
Move Like You Stole It by ZZ Ward
The Rabbit, The Bat, And The Reindeer by Dr. Dog
Genghis Khan by Miike Snow
Big Houses by Squalloscope  
uuuh @technicalchaotic @unluckyrose @taztaas @themindofcc @terezis @jewishangus @transdavenport @critical-nein @blizardstar and @boomjob
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justalilgreenbean · 7 years
Angus Has a Nightmare
So I don't, uh, do this very often? But I wrote a drabble for @boomjob because they're a very very lovely person!!
Angus awoke with a start, gasping out a quiet breath. Immediately his eyes swipe across the room to survey possible threats. Nothing stood out to him, but he reached over and slipped on his glasses anyways. All the blurry shapes in his room solidified into what they were supposed to be, and Angus couldn’t find any danger lurking in the shadows.
That didn’t stop him from getting up, though. He wrapped his comforter around his shoulders and crept through the darkness, leaving his room as quietly as he could. He needed comfort right now, and there were only two people on this planet who could do that right now.
The door to Taako and Kravitz’s bedroom was cracked, and Angus pushed it open. By this point his eyes had adjusted, and he could see the two of them cuddled under their own covers. Kravitz was facing the doorway with Taako’s arm swung over his hip loosely. Angus made his way over, and he gently nudged at his father’s shoulder.
“Kravitz? Can you wake up, please?” The boy whispered, and the reaper’s lids slid open at the command. He was always a light sleeper. Angus had long since gotten used to the glowing red of his iris’, how they contrasted with the black sclera surrounding them.
“What’s wrong, are you okay?” HIs voice was thick with sleep but laced with an undercurrent of worry. It made Angus squirm a little.
“I had another nightmare,” this had been becoming more and more frequent lately, despite the Day of Story and Song happening over a year ago. Perhaps it was all catching up to him, that’s the likeliest deduction he could come up with when he’s this tired. “Can I sleep with you two?”
Krav’s gaze softened. “Of course you can, Angus.”
With the confirmation, the boy detective climbed up and over Kravitz’s lap. He settled into the space between his dads, scooting under their blanket so he was under both. Taako groaned, shifting in his sleep to accommodate the new presence. Kravitz settled down, letting Angus get comfortable before doing so himself.
Angus felt the chill of Kravitz’s skin before it was covered by a corner of the covers, and he curled into his side. He was still a bit embarrassed about this whole situation, to be honest. The first time it happened, Taako was the one to welcome him into their bed. The elf was now pressing closer, and Angus could feel the warmth just radiating off of him.
It was hard to break out of the habit of not asking for help. It was all he knew when he was younger. But when Taako and Kravitz adopted him...they taught him it was okay to ask for help. It was okay to be scared, to feel vulnerable. He was still just a kid.
“Thank you, dad.” He mumbled sleepily, feeling cold fingers pluck his glasses off. He was out like a light after that.
Didn’t even feel the chilled lips press against his head to thin locs. Didn’t see the soft look Kravitz gave him. Didn’t hear the quiet, “You’re welcome, son,” before he settled down himself.
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boomjob · 7 years
Chapters: 1/7 Fandom: The Adventure Zone (Podcast) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Barry Bluejeans/Lup, Kravitz/Taako (The Adventure Zone) Characters: Lup (The Adventure Zone), Taako (The Adventure Zone), Barry Bluejeans, Kravitz (The Adventure Zone), Merle Highchurch, Davenport (The Adventure Zone), Magnus Burnsides, The Director | Lucretia Additional Tags: outfit swap, twinsweek, Its the classic "which twin is which" concept we all know and love, Im rating this general cuz like there /is/ swearing but not a lot, if ur not really down with swearing then idk how you made it thru taz but godspeed to ya Summary:
Taako and Lup are masters of disguise, especially when you have someone with the same face to cover for you. A shirt exchanged, vocal patterns mastered, and they were indistinguishable.
A twinsweek prompt! Expect a new chapter every day thru 1/28 to 2/3 of 2018. Not drabbles/ficlets!
DAY ONE: your favorite twin/both if you can’t decide DAY TWO: sibling bonding DAY THREE: childhood DAY FOUR: free space/headcanons DAY FIVE: taako ship DAY SIX: lup ship DAY SEVEN: post canon
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ao3feed-taakitz · 7 years
Help Me Find You
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2lxEraQ
by Boomjob
The Raven's Roost Karaoke Bar was a second home for most of its patrons. When a normal Friday night brings in a stranger, the lives of our favorite seven are twisted together and reshaped into something new. Modern AU
Words: 3487, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Adventure Zone (Podcast)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Taako (The Adventure Zone), Lup (The Adventure Zone), Julia Burnsides, Magnus Burnsides, Barry Bluejeans, Carey Fangbattle, Killian (The Adventure Zone), Davenport (The Adventure Zone), Merle Highchurch, Greg Grimaldis, Sazed (The Adventure Zone), Johan (The Adventure Zone), Angus McDonald
Relationships: Julia Burnsides/Magnus Burnsides, Kravitz/Taako (The Adventure Zone), Barry Bluejeans/Lup, Carey Fangbattle/Killian, Davenport/Merle Highchurch
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, karaoke bar au, everyones a good singer dont fight me on this, rated teen for swearing but like really thats it, Slow Burn, Secret Identity, Secret Relationship, This thing is gonna have almost like, every ship or at least close to it, well like most canon ships cuz cant overlap on some
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2lxEraQ
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bastionkeeper · 7 years
I heard ur taking Taakitz prompts? How about the day Kravitz learns about Sizzle it Up with Taako? (Going on the theory that he really only found them accidentally and only knew their death count and not their past experiences in life) loveurwritingsandloveyou kickdepressionintheass ❤️
I love u and ur requests thanks for the good vibes and the good hurt/comfort ideas valued mutual
“You have a lot of cookbooks,” Kravitz noticed, gently toeing aside a sequined garment on the floor to get a better look at the stack of books. 
He had thought they were wizarding texts at first, but now he realized that while the majority of Taako’s room was a chaotic mess, his spellbooks and these cookbooks were well separated in an uncharacteristic bit of organization.
“Most of them are garbage,” Taako remarked from the vanity where he was putting the finishing touches on his makeup. He didn’t even look away from the mirror as he touched the handle of the umbrastaff and used a magehand to toss the sequined skirt back over top of the books.
“Do you cook often?” Kravitz asked.
“Often enough to know those books are garbage,” Taako snorted. 
“You should cook for me sometime,” Kravitz suggested with a smile. It seemed like something Taako would enjoy, showing off and staying in where it didn’t matter how much you had to drink or how little you were wearing.
“No!” Taako said suddenly, startling Kravitz. During his outburst Taako had accidentally smeared lipstick across his cheek, and he growled with frustration before licking a finger and wiping it off. “No, I don’t cook anymore.”
“Why not?”
“Long story, food and magic don’t mix blah blah blah,” Taako groaned. “Look are we going out or not? I think I’ve made perfection happen here.”
Taako stood and twirled to show off his makeup and outfit. Kravitz did enjoy the sight but he was more concerned with Taako’s behavior.
“What goes wrong with food and magic?” he pressed.
“Look, it’s not really my favorite thing to talk about okay?” Taako said. “I just...”
“No, you’re right I’m sorry I shouldn’t push,” Kravitz sighed, feeling a bit guilty. Still, he was concerned. What happened to Taako?
“No, no it’s chill. I mean Ango already knows so I may as well let the cat out of the bag one more time, right?” Taako sat on the edge of the bed with a sigh and fixed his eyes somewhere that wasn’t Kravitz. “I used to have a cooking show. Real big deal, tons of fans. Until my last show. Because uh...during my last show...uh...I kinda...well I mean I guess I did just learn it wasn’t really my fault...but it still kinda feels like my fault I mean...”
“Taako.” Kravitz knelt before him and took his hands in his. “It’s okay. Calm down. Start at the beginning.”
So Taako told Kravitz about jilted Sazed and the deaths at Glamour Springs, and how even after learning his magic and cooking had nothing to do with the accident he was still reluctant to make food again. Kravitz listened politely the whole time, stroking Taako’s hands with his thumbs. 
“Well, you know you can cook for me, right?” Kravitz said.
“No, I mean I know it’s safe, my guy that’s what I just said-” Taako began, but Kravitz cut him off.
“No I mean literally I can’t die. I’m technically already dead. You could cook for me without worrying about what would happen.”
Taako blinked for a moment, considering the new information. “Shit...you’re right...”
“It might be good practice for cooking for others again,” Kravitz said. “If that’s something you want to do of course. I’d love to try your cooking I’m sure...I’m sure it’s as amazing as you are.”
Taako beamed, and then faked a scowl and waved his hands by his eyes as he started to tear up. “Do you know how long I spent on this makeup? Now we definitely can’t go out so you HAVE to eat what I make you, bone daddy.”
“I can’t wait.” Kravitz kissed Taako on the cheek.
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lescretia · 7 years
ive been seeing a bunch of good tags on my painting of hoops and my favorites by far have been, “#UR TELLIN ME THIS IS NOT A PICTURE WITH A FILTER #THIS IS A GOOD PAINTED JUICE?? #J E S U S #THATS A GOOD ASS JUICE” all courtesy of @boomjob
thank you so very much these are the highest of compliments and greatest of tags
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july-19th-club · 7 years
@boomjob not anymore!
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spacemancharisma · 6 years
Tumblr media
this post by @boomjob reminded me that Angus is canonically missing two teeth because of Taako, so here’s my reminder to the rest of you
(click for transparent magic)
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sparkledragons · 6 years
Post the last sentence you wrote and tag as many people as there are words
tI got tagged by @raychleadele (thanks! never been tagged in a thing like this before)
“ It was sorta my fault it got ruined."”
This isn’t a thing i’m gonna publish but gotta follow the rules right? (also made me realize i gotta work on that thing i *am* gonna publish)
Let’s see @tansyfandom @jewishangus @boomjob  @kippdom @transdavenport  @emily-the-almighty @malevolentmango @hysterical-random-things sorry if i didn’t tag you! I kinda just tried to go with the people i met irl recently cause the numbers fit. : D
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