#i meant to put these first i hope any blacklists still catch the
onemadhatt · 7 years
Some super sappy (and somewhat dark) 2017 reflections under the cut! (TW: Suicidal Thoughts) TL;DR version: I love you all and I hope 2018 treats you well. 💜
So as 2017 ends, I just want to say, it really sucked. I’m sure I’m not the only one with this sentiment. I should have graduated this year, and have grown to dislike my major anyways. I don’t talk about it a lot, but I have been in college since 2012. All I need to graduate now is an internship that I still have yet to secure. This is not including all the money problems I won’t get into. The point is that I had a mental breakdown in August that lasted almost 2 weeks culminating in me seriously considering ending it. Thanks to the support of my father and me swallowing my pride and actually reaching out to someone, I was able to slowly pull myself out.
Since then, I have been trying to reach out and talk to more people both on Tumblr and in real life, I have begun writing, I started working out, and I have a fragile plan for my future (which is more than I have had for years). It hasn’t been enough to save 2017 for me, but I have made sure that its fire will light my way into 2018. 💜
Now I’m gonna gush about some people:
@gettothehousecarl: You likely won’t see this cause you don’t really use Tumblr anymore, but you are my best friend (and I’m only partially saying that because you are taking me to see Hamilton). I keep making jokes that we should be roommates again, but it was by far the best time in my life. Having you and Jonny to talk to just about whenever was incredibly helpful, and I miss the random 3am pizza we would have. This year living with my Dad, as much as I love him, has sucked. I honestly hope we find a way to room together again.
@luckyredclover: I have mentioned this before, but you are easily one of the best friends I have made on Tumblr. I guess it has been a few years since I first followed you (it was the Yang cosplay😂). Crying about video games at 3am (for me) has been fun and was absolutely needed with the stress of this year. And I won’t forget that when I had an incredibly bad breakdown over the absolute dumbest thing you were there to help and made me feel better for even being upset. I’m glad you seem to be in a better place now than in previous years. Hopefully someday soonish I’ll visit Ireland and we can actually hang out! And thanks for not unfollowing me when I became obsessed with wrestling 😂😂😂 (though I think you don’t mind it for...aesthetic reasons👀)
@homega: I’m honestly not sure what I can say here that I already haven’t told you. Your pure passion has helped me see what I can become, and the light you shine in this world has helped illuminate my path. Our conversations never fail to make me laugh, and it means so much to me that you are willing to listen to me vent about my problems. It’s is also super fun to see what random thing we are/were both fans of. I don’t know what 2018 will bring you, but I know you have the strength to meet any challenge it brings!
@managingthechaos​: We have only really started talking recently, but I can’t believe I have met someone almost as dramatic as I am. You helping me through my really dumb feelings has been a godsend. Also, statistically speaking, you are probably the only person who has seen my best selfie, cause you are the only person I have ever started a streak with. I know things can seem hard, but I believe in you and your ability to kick 2018’s ass. Peeps will still suck tho.
@gayipre @themindofcc @blizardstar @anonymousalchemist @troofs-and-goofs @boomjob @kippdom @inkedinserendipity @wizardtwins: TAZ Writer friends! I love you all! You all have inspired me to write more! I’m sorry I basically never use the discord anymore but it has gotten way too much to catch up on. But the few weeks I was active in it and seeing all of your fics and TAZ posts have helped to give me motivation to write. (And I promise I have TAZ related WIPs lmao)
@applejuicewerewolf @dangermichael @tarava316: We don’t talk a lot, but I wanted to shout you guys out. I feel like I reblog or like a good 80% of things you all post. I hope you all have a great 2018!
It is almost 4am the night before New Years and I am sure I am forgetting people and I am sorry. I know there are a lot of mutuals who I have only become mutuals with within the last like 30 days. All of you have helped me keep my mind of my problems. Happy New Years All 💜
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oh-boy-me · 3 years
I just read both the australia and museum post and the chaos levels are top tier, but like imagine the chaos that ensues if lord diavolo discovers about amusment parks and immediately just buys tickets to disneyland. Lucifer is basically the dad trying not to loose his children(lord diavolo included). Lord diavolo wanting to ride a loopy rollercoaster and just having the time of his life! (Also I highkey see diavolo ordering lucifer to make a disneyland in devildom tbh) Also mouse ear headbands!
This..... this took forever
Hey there anon!  Sorry it took literally a year to answer this!  If you’re still into Obey Me, I hope this was a pleasant surprise.
Also for the first time ever a scenario post is being put under the cut for length purposes.  This scenario is 2.6k words Jesus
Please note that the last time I went to Disney was in 2015, so anything that’s newer than that is taken from the extensive reading of Disney advice blogs I read in preparation for this post.  Anything older than that is likely from experience.
Also, I tried my best to keep this spoiler free for the attractions that can be affected by it.
So the Devildom DOES have the concept of amusement parks.  I slept on this ask for so long that we’ve learned about Devil’s Coast.  It seems to be more akin to a smaller-scale theme park, though.  Small-ish.  I’m used to NYC idk what constitutes as small.
Something like Disney World is on such a larger scale!!  When Diavolo heard about that, he knew they had to go.
They are going to Disney World in Orlando because it’s the only one I’ve been to.
Lucifer is REALLY getting tired of these field trips, but there would be no weird animals, and there would be no sobering lessons on global extinction events at a family-friendly amusement park.  He.  He can handle this.
Solomon has actually been banned from all Walt Disney theme parks.  We’re talking blacklist-level banned.  He’s barred from ever entering any Disney park ever again.  However, this was back in 1976, so this must be, like, his son or something, right?  There’s no way this is the same guy.  Thought the security guard who let him in.
What did Solomon do to get banned?  When asked, he only gave a curious hum.  “Yeah, I wonder.”
The place is split into four parks, so they’ll spend one day in each.
Barbatos continued to flex his power as the only one in the group with a brain cell, being sure to get them all fast passes.  He even set time back just for the passes while they were booking the rides they wanted to cut the lines for, so if they don’t get used he’s going to be very snippy.
Also for convenience sake this is taking place in an AU where everything is the same but COVID doesn’t exist to shut down some rides and attractions.
Day 1: Hollywood Studios
MC and Simeon basically have to coerce Lucifer into letting everyone run free instead of making them all line up with a walking rope all day.  He relents on the condition that everyone checks in periodically so he can at least know they haven’t killed anyone.
Nobody will check in except for maybe Beelzebub and those at Purgatory Hall.
Levi immediately gathered his fellow Star Wars fans (which basically meant calling over Mammon Belphie and Asmo and then pulling in two unsuspecting people suddenly given the title of “Star Wars fan”), and made a beeline for Galaxy’s Edge.  There’s a LOT to do there and damn it if he wasn’t going to hit all of it.
First up for their group is the interactive Millennium Falcon Smuggler’s Run.  They fail the mission.  Levi’s pretty pissed, but everyone agrees that it was fun nonetheless.  They really felt like they were doing a mission in the Falcon!  Plus, the gameplay element was totally up the alley of most of this group.  Simeon does feel a little nauseous from Luke’s jerky steering, though.
Did you know that Diavolo loves Toy Story?  He does.  He’s very much enjoying the Slinky roller coaster with Barbatos.
Barbatos would rather be spending time at the shows and performances, but oh no god forbid we don’t get an autograph from Doc McStuffins.  Lucifer please come find him and save him.
Lucifer somehow wandered into the Frozen Sing-Along Celebration.  He wants out.  Barbatos please come find him and save him.
In general, Lucifer isn’t a fan of these sorts of places, so honestly he’s just hiding from the others and waiting for today to be over.  Barbatos told him that there are parks that don’t revolve around rides and characters, and he’s holding out for those.
Luckily for them Diavolo wants to do LITERALLY everything, and that does include the shows, so Barbatos and Lucifer can have at least some fun today
Levi, Asmo, and Beel are about to start their relay for getting character autographs when Satan shows up out of nowhere and starts dragging everyone over to the Tower of Terror.  Solomon bars all attempts to flee on a certain Avatar of Greed’s side.
The line to the Tower is so long, and honestly?  Satan feels like the ride didn’t live up to the literal hour they waited to get on.  Like yeah it was fun, but way too short.
He voices those thoughts, and Levi, who Satan knows is afraid of heights, is pretty fucking livid and drags him to Rock n Rollercoaster as revenge.  Satan hates roller coasters.
As for the others, Asmo and Luke have a lot of fun on the thrill rides.  Mammon and Simeon do not.  Beel is a little spooked by them but still manages to have fun, while Belphie and Solomon think they’re alright.
Eventually, Simeon gets too sick to move, and they assign him to Luke.  They say it’s because he’s too short to ride some of the rides (even though he’s literally not, screw you guys.)
Barbatos messes with time a lil bit so they can enjoy the Fantasmic Show and Fireworks to wrap the day up.
Levi is very jealous of Diavolo’s Doc McStuffins autograph.  Somehow Asmo has Buzz Lightyear’s number.
Day 2: Animal Kingdom
Satan is vibrating
He literally instantly sprints to the Kilimanjaro Safari.  And good for him; that’s something best done while the sun isn’t high up.  The whole gang actually agrees to check that one out, and while Satan isn’t thrilled to be within 50 feet of Lucifer, he’s glad Simeon is there because he remembers how his presence lured animals out in Australia.
Simeon also finds himself pulled along the trails by Satan and parents watch in horror as a gorilla gives him a friendly pat on the back.
If you didn’t know, Animal Kingdom is divided into the two continents of Asia and Africa, as well as the secret eighth continent Avatar (2009).  Diavolo heard great things about the Flight of Passage ride, but he totally forgot to tell Barbatos about it, so they’re stuck on a three hour wait line now.
Levi takes Luke on the Everest roller coaster because Simeon saw it in the distance and looked like he was about to cry.  Levi wouldn’t shut up about how the yeti effect needs to be fixed and Solomon had to explain that the effect literally couldn’t support itself.
Simeon, having escaped a roller coaster for the first and only time on this trip, grabs lunch with Lucifer and Solomon and they enjoy the Lion King performance together.  Solomon’s the only one of them who’s seen the movie, but the others still found it fun.  Solomon keeps making up random plot points that don’t exist, though.  Remember when Simba was captured by pirates?
Mammon found the Bugs Life show very scary.  Normally Asmo would laugh at him, but he’s afraid of any bug he’s never seen before and at least Mammon was afraid of the things that were supposed to get you.  They agree that bugs are still not their friends.
Satan has many things to say about the Dinosaur ride and most of them aren’t good.  Belphie thought it was pretty ok, though.  Lucifer can’t believe there was a sobering lesson on a global extinction event at this family-friendly amusement park.
Diavolo is still in line.  Barbatos abandons him.  He accompanies Luke to the kiddie fossil thing and actually finds it more tolerable.  Oh yeah that’s the other secret ninth continent, Dinoland.
Beel and Belphie spend most of the day together at the various petting zoos.  Belphie comes back knowing more than he ever wanted to about conservation.  He thought Rafiki’s Planet Watch was going to be about watching other planets, not this one!
Asmo gets very interested in the costumes of the performers, as well as the parrots in the bird show.  He could probably make some really colorful designs with those as inspiration.
Nearby, Mammon runs into Kevin and squawks in surprise.  The zoo staff spend the next two hours trying to find the bird that escaped.
Diavolo says the ride was worth it, don’t worry.
Honestly this park has a lot of stuff that wouldn’t translate well to a funny scenario post so this part might be a little short compared to the others.  I can only talk about a zoo for so long.
Anyone remember the Honey I Shrunk the Kids 4D show?  Apparently it closed in 2016 to make room for more Star Wars stuff.
Anyway, at the center of it all there’s the Tree of Life, which is really pretty all day.  Lucifer is thrilled to have a decently obvious meet-up place, too.  They get to catch the brief awakening show at night.
They’re very bummed to learn the Rivers of Light show isn’t happening anymore, so Levi pulls it up on his phone so they can watch it in spirit.
Then Satan learns about the Wilderness Explorers badges and the others spend the rest of the time preventing too much collateral damage over the fact that nobody told him.
Day 3: Epcot
Finally, Lucifer thinks.  Boo, Luke thinks.
Beel didn’t expect this park to be that interesting to him (he’s much more into the wonder and immersion of Hollywood Studios and Magic Kingdom), but then he learned about the restaurants.  China, Norway, France, Mexico, Germany, Morocco, Italy, Japan, Canada--Canada?  Huh.  Canada.  There’s so many different restaurants from so many cuisines to try, and yeah he knows that it’s definitely not the same as going to the place and it’s overpriced (sorry Lucifer), but it’s all right there.  He makes certain to take MC on a deluxe Epcot restaurant tour.
Oh yeah MC.  That’s the first time we’ve heard from them in a while.  They’re doing whatever you want them to I guess.
Levi buys so much from the Japanese gift shops that he has to go back to the hotel for a bit to drop his bags off.
Satan and Diavolo aren’t much better, but their stashes are more varied.
Also, Diavolo found Mouse Gear, and bought everyone a pair of ears.  Lucifer says that everyone has to keep them on because it’s what Lord Diavolo wants, but he is by far the most upset about them.  Mammon snaps a picture and Lucifer throws his DDD into the lake.
Asmo and Belphie decide they’re gonna take it easy this day, and they nab Solomon and Barbatos for some exhibition hopping.
Luke finds Mission Space and please father no Simeon thought he was safe he thought he was safe here no please
Aside from that, though, Luke honestly finds this part of the park boring.  He’d have been more interested in these attractions elsewhere, but as a kid he’s in Disney for roller coasters and Mickey Mouse.
Simeon is very grateful that Luke doesn’t have much that he wants to do, because it means that he can enjoy the Gran Fiesta and Living with the Land boat rides and have a single moment where he doesn’t feel like he’s about to be sick.  He’s not even afraid of the rides; he just gets motion sick easily.
Asmo makes sure to see the Chinese acrobat show, and Mammon catches that with the show-hopping gang since there isn’t much he wants to do here either.
Epcot has alcohol and Solomon hasn’t been able to drink in ages so he really wants to spend some time doing that with MC.  No demons allowed, thank you very much.  He doesn’t hold his liquor as well as he’d like you to believe, but he just gets really talkative when drunk so it’s ok.
Epcot is a nice day to take a breather and Lucifer and Barbatos definitely needed a breather before tomorrow.
Day 4: Magic Kingdom
This is the day Diavolo has been waiting for.  The crème de la crop, the best park for kids and kids in a future king of the Devildom’s body.
Also I feel like now is a good time to mention that this probably isn’t a reasonable order of events because I don’t remember the map layout of these places idk Disney city planning
This time.  This time, Levi, Asmo and Beel are gonna get those autographs, dammit.  Levi doesn’t even know who half of these characters are but hell if he’s not getting their autograph.
Mammon actually really loves the mascots too, but he’s embarrassed about it so he’ll only try to get one if he can use the guise of MC wanting one.  MC, please help him out
Belphie isn’t big on rides, but he does have a soft spot for the more retro ones like Dumbo and Seven Dwarves.  And like I said before, Beel loves Magic Kingdom for its wonder.  So Belphie is perfectly happy being led (read: piggybacked) around by Beel today, because their favorite attractions match up pretty well here.
Actually, Beel’s favorite Disney movie is Lilo and Stitch, but.  RIP Stitch’s Great Escape ride 2004-2018
Diavolo and Lucifer take a moment to enjoy the Carousel of Progress, and they reflect on how much the Human World is always changing and how much about it they still don’t know.  It really does make them think, like.  Grandma found the VR games at Christmas!  The Devildom doesn’t have grandmas!
Mammon is terrified of the Haunted Mansion ride, and Satan has literally never felt so much schadenfreude in his life.
Mammon’s afraid of most rides to be fair, but he likes water rides, so Levi eventually takes pity on him and they go on Splash Mountain together more than once.
The Peter Pan ride broke down
Luke wanted to go on Space Mountain and Simeon was the only one around, so.  RIP Simeon ????-2021
Diavolo was That Guy.  If you know, you know.
Beel accidentally spun the teacups way too fast.  Not even Solomon got out of that one unscathed.
Following that, Solomon manages to drag Barbatos onto the Jungle Cruise while Lucifer is busy.  What is Lucifer busy with?  Riding the Buzz Lightyear shooting ride over and over until he hits every single target and gets a perfect score at a Disney ride, something that is normal to want and possible to achieve.  Anyway, Barbatos finds it really charming and Solomon finds it a nice break that he didn’t know he needed.
While looking for a food place that sells water for a reasonable price, a kid runs up to Asmo asking for a picture and autograph.  He’s kind of confused, but goes along with it to make the kid happy.
Turns out, Asmo’s so naturally charming that they mistook him for a prince.  Other groups see that family and follow suit.  Mammon eventually catches wind of it and shows up to charge a fee.  The parents are pretty sure Disney doesn’t charge fees like that, but their kids really want a pic with Asmo so they hand over the two bucks.  (“Oh it’s so low” come on Mammon’s not a dick to children.)
And that’s the story of how Mammon and Asmo ended up in Disney Jail.  You’re very much not allowed to pretend to be a cast member and then charge money for it.  Lucifer has to bail them out as their “guardian,” and as punishment they aren’t allowed to opt out of It’s a Small World.
Small World isn’t that bad imho, and those like Diavolo, Satan, Simeon, and Levi would like it a lot.  But Lucifer has been playing parent all day, Belphie does not like the noise, and Solomon has literally been on this ride at least fifty times.  Very mixed feelings on this one, but it feels fitting to end with that and a fireworks show.
All in all though this wasn’t the worst trip Lucifer’s been on (cue everyone applauding for some reason).
Barbatos by far had the least fun of them all because for four days he was stuck in a park where the mascot is a fucking rodent and he wasn’t allowed to annihilate Mickey Mouse where he stood
“Disneyland Devildom when” “Lord Diavolo, no”
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hopelesshawks · 4 years
Official Acounts Part 34- Falling 18+ NSFW Version
Summary: (y/n) was perfectly happy remaining anonymous, even if her best friends were all pro heroes and she worked under THE Hawks. Handling the technical aspects of hero work from the background suited her just fine, thank you very much. That goes out the window when suddenly her twitter blows up thanks Denki and the famed no. 2 hero is asking her to run his own official twitter as a result
If you don’t want to see Official Accounts content blacklist #hopelessoa
This version is 18+ so minors DNI. There is a SFW version available here for you
Warnings for mention of reader having a vagina, fingering, wing kink, feather play, and graphic description of unprotected sex
It’s been awhile since you’ve done this sober. You should probably be terrified. Actually you should definitely be terrified, you just walked off a building with all the confidence of someone wearing a parachute while actually having nothing but an evening gown and heels. Yet as you stare up at the night sky, wind rushing past you as you fall, you’re not scared at all.
Keigo will catch you.
You repeat it in your head like a mantra. Even as time seems to stretch on, you close your eyes and remain unafraid.
Keigo will catch you.
Images of the past several days living together float into you consciousness like dreams. The tear filled confessions, the quiet moments shared over mugs of tea, the good, the bad, the ugly, all of it. Each one a cherished memory and each one reinforcing what you already knew in your heart and with every fiber of your body.
Keigo will catch you.
He will catch you and maybe then he will understand that you’ve meant every word you’ve ever said to him. Maybe then he will understand that your reassurances aren’t empty. You tell him he’s better than Endeavor could ever hope to be because you know beyond any shadow of a doubt that it’s true.
For the second time in his life Keigo watches you disappear from view off the side of a building. Once again his blood turns to ice in his veins. Once again he wonders how it’s possible for someone to so confidently put themselves at such grave risk. Once again he is blindsided by it even if he probably shouldn’t be. But there are also a few notable differences this time around:
One, the two of you are much higher up
Two, there is no Bakugo to catch you
But three, and this is important, he has his wings.
So this time, when his heart seizes in his chest and his muscles twitch on instinct, he isn’t frozen in place. Quite the opposite actually. He shoots forward and then down to race to catch you. There’s no missing your bright red gown and within moments of spotting you he’s grabbing you out of the air. He quickly redirects the two of you until you’re soaring back upwards. With your arms wrapped around his neck and his around your waist he makes sure he has a good hold of you before doing a quick appraisal to make sure you’re alright. “Are you absolutely insane! You could’ve died! I swear to god (y/n) you’re going to give me a heart attack,” he rambles as his eyes roam across your form to make sure you’re alright. He’s so focused on making sure you’re ok that he doesn’t even notice at first that you’re laughing. “How are you laughing right now? Are you aware you could’ve died? I’m not even-“ It’s your turn to cut him off with a kiss.
You hadn’t necessarily planned to do it. As of that morning you still hadn’t been sure if you’d ever pursue something romantic with Hawks again. But watching him fret over you just now, needlessly you might add, you had been filled to brimming with just how much you loved and trusted the man in front of you. You couldn’t possibly have hoped to contain it all so you had surged forward to share it with him. He deserves to know he is loved, you realize, and the more you’ve gotten to know him the more you think he’s blind to all the love he is surrounded by. His father and then the HPSC may have denied him that growing up but now Keigo’s life was filled with so much love. From Mirko, from your friends, and from you. So much from you. You need him to see that like you need oxygen to breathe so you kiss him with all of that love and you make it a promise. A promise that you’ll start with this but it’s only the beginning.
Just as you had been that first date, Keigo is thrown at first when your lips meet his. It doesn’t take him long to catch up with the program though and soon he’s kissing you back just as earnestly. It’s almost overwhelming how much emotion he feels in that one kiss. He wonders if this is how you felt back when he had kissed you on that first date. He ends up dismissing the thought almost as soon as he’s had it. No this kiss, the love he feels in it, is genuine in a way he couldn’t be back then. It is unreserved and authentic and real in a way he couldn’t give you back then. He finds himself glad, in the end, that you had ended that first romantic relationship. It would have forever been marred by the circumstances from which it arose. Now the two of you are meeting as equals, vulnerable to each other by your own choosing. It is a love born not from guilt or suspicion, but from a deep and understanding friendship and that makes it all the more precious.
The two of you stay that way for what feels like an eternity, kissing above the city lights, until finally you have to break for air. As the two of you lock eyes you can’t help but laugh a little. “I knew you’d catch me,” you whisper into the stillness between the two of you. “How?” he asks with a quiet reverence for your faith in him. “I trust you,” is your simple response. “I trust you too,” he replies immediately with so much wonder in his voice that your heart swells all over again.
Both of you can’t help but laugh both in wonder and in disbelief. This wasn’t what either of you was expecting from this night but you’re so, so glad it came to this. You feel as if you could vibrate out of your skin at any moment as you take in the incredible man in front of you. “You said you trust me right little dove?” Hawks suddenly grins at you. “I did,” you reply without hesitation. “Good,” is all he says before suddenly you’re both plummeting. You shriek in surprise but it quickly turns into a laugh as you see the stupid grin on his face. You hold each other tightly as the world streams past. Only after dropping several stories, including past the banquet hall the two of you are supposed to be in, does he re-engage his wings and send the both of you back to the rooftop. “I’m starting to get why you like jumping off buildings so much little dove,” he laughs. “You didn’t before?” you ask. “I never much liked falling.” “That’s because you didn’t have someone to catch you before.” “Are you saying you’ll catch me little dove?” “Every time,” you promise. “I’ll catch you every time too,” he promises in return.
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Hawks had flown you both home almost immediately after your promises to each other. He needed you. All of you. Endeavor and the HPSC be damned. So he had flown back to your apartment at break neck pace, delighting in every shriek and giggle you emitted as he let himself be just a little bit more reckless than normal in his flying. By the time the two of you were landing on the balcony you looked just as wild and windswept as he did. Your eyes are shining so, so brightly he feels he could get lost in their (y/e/c) depths. So he kisses you like he’s a man drowning and you’re the only oxygen in the room.
You don’t even fully remember how you got from the balcony to your room but it’s hard to care about that when Keigo’s lips are on yours and he’s pressing you tightly against him. You can feel him hardening through his suit pants and you’ve never wanted anything more so you let him walk you back to the bed as you fumble with the buttons of his shirt. You run your hands over his bare chest and then finally push his shirt and suit jacket off all at once, his hands leaving your waist so it can slide off and onto the floor. As your hands go to his belt, his go to the zipper on the back of your dress. The two of you are almost frenzied in your actions. There will be a time for slow, a time when Hawks will unwrap you like a precious gift and appreciate your every inch but not now. Now is about desperation. Now is about making up for lost time. By the time your dress has hit the floor your bra is joining it and your panties aren’t far behind.
Only once you’re both nude does he push you onto the bed. The moment your back makes contact with the mattress he’s back on you, his bare erection pressing into your hip as your mouths once again connect. The kiss is greedy and demanding, both of you aching for the other in a way you didn’t even know was possible, your hips grinding up to meet his to give you both a taste of what you’re truly craving. He takes one hand down to tease at your folds, moaning into your mouth when he realizes how wet you already are for him. Your mouths part as you cry out his name and his fingers wander to your sensitive clit. Your hands reach for something, anything to latch onto and you end up grasping onto some of the feathers at the base of his wings. “Fuck!” he groans loudly as stars explode behind his eyes and he has to carefully cant his hips away from yours to stop from spilling right then and there. As it is you can feel a damp spot on your hip where his precum had gathered. “I didn’t know they did that,” you pant breathily. “Me neither,” he admits, equally out of breath as he tries to regain his composure. You experimentally give them another pull and the way Keigo’s hips jerk instinctively and he moans is absolutely sinful. “Watch it, kid,” he growls. “Or what?” you smirk. You gasp as he roughly inserts two fingers at once inside you and begins scissoring you open. “Don’t start something you can’t finish,” he warns as two of his feathers begin to travel slowly up your torso and one makes its way up your inner thigh. “Kei what are you-“ you don’t finish the thought, instead gasping again as the two that had been running up your torso begin circling your nipples and the other provides sweet friction to your swollen clit.
“Oh god Kei, please. Please. I need you,” you beg as the stimulation continues to take you to new heights of pleasure. “Going to need you to be a bit more specific than that little dove,” he teases as he bends his head down to nip at your neck and begins to pump his fingers in and out. “I need your dick inside me. Now,” you groan unabashedly and it makes Keigo curse under his breath and his erection throb as more precum beads at the tip. “I can do that,” he finally pants as she shifts to line his penis up with your entrance. He carefully removes his fingers and you whine at the feeling of emptiness but he shushes you soothingly. “Don’t worry you won’t be empty for long,” he assures you before slowly pushing his thick cock inside of you. It takes a moment for you to adjust to his girth but he’s oh so patient. In all honesty he isn’t convinced that if he had shoved it all in at once the fun would’ve ended as quickly as it began. So he slides into you slowly under the guise of teasing you but actually is making sure to compose himself as he feels your tight walls clenching around him. After what feels like an eternity he is fully sheathed inside of you, your hips flush together and his feathers having finally paused in their ministrations as well. “You ok?” he asks. You nod. “Can I start moving?” “Please God do.”
His thrusts start out nice and slow, easing you into the pleasure, but it doesn’t last long. The first time he manages to hit the one spot inside of you that has your head falling back and the most beautiful of moans falling from your lips is also the last time he manages to keep it slow. Each successive thrust after that is progressively faster and faster as you wrap your arms around his shoulders and hang on for the ride as he delivers thrust after thrust exactly where you want it inside you. He continues to pound you into the mattress but shortly afterwards his feathers are going to work on your nipples and clit again and from there it’s a rapid ascension to the peak of your pleasure. It’s like every one of your nerve endings is triggered as you get closer and closer to climax. “Keigo I’m gonna-“ “Yea? You gonna cum for me baby? Go ahead do it for me.” You don’t need to be told twice. Finally your orgasm comes ripping through you with all the force of a hurricane as you let out a silent cry. You grab hold of his feathers once more as you ride out the most intense orgasm of your life. That and the feeling of you clenching around him is enough to send Keigo right over too. He moans into your neck as his hips stutter to a halt and he pumps you full of his seed, finally claiming you as his.
It takes a little while but eventually the highs finally fade and Keigo collapses into your bed next to you, both of you sweaty and out of breath. “Fuck,” is all he says. “I agree,” you laugh. He reaches over and pulls you in to cuddle against him as his feathers do the work of moving your blankets and then tucking the two of you in. “I trust you,” you tell him. “I trust you too,” is his immediate response. It’s too early for “I love you”. You both are well aware of that. Somehow though “I trust you” means just a little bit more in this moment.
Author’s Note: Sorry this took so long but I hope it was worth it!!! Enjoy ❤️
Taglist [open]: @cathy8taffy @katzurras @grumpyfroggies @captaincyberqueen @itskindofafairything @420-uwu @someweirdshitman @oliviasslut @the-adzukibean @a-fucking-sero-kinnie @ladyzayismultifandom @pixelwisp
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letterstomilen · 4 years
i discuss the classification of igneous petrology as you fall asleep during my lecture (PART 2) (ASMR)
Childe/Zhongli, Alternate Universe  When Childe's younger sister tells him about the volunteer at the library, he does not make the connection between that and his new favorite ASMR YouTuber, Rex Lapis.
Childe’s unfortunate love life starts at the age of eight. He, of course, did not call it “love” when he’s eight. When he was eight, he plucked a couple of weeds and sunflowers from his neighbor’s garden before he went to the park and handed them over to a classmate he doesn’t remember the name of now.
Handed over is an understatement here, seeing that she fell over from him shoving the flowers towards her chest before declaring, “Please marry me!”
In hindsight, storming over with the delicacy of an elephant with two left feet was not the best idea. But as somebody who recently discovered that watermelons could not grow out of your stomach no matter what, he was not the brightest. (Lumine now would argue that this is still the case. Unfortunately.)
She, as all eight-year kids would when faced with a loud boy that shoved you to the ground, started bawling. It didn’t help that Childe wasn’t aware of the fact that some worm wriggled in with the weeds and sunflowers he uprooted, with said worm now wiggling on the glittery, cursive ‘i’ in ‘Magical’ on her t-shirt.
This promptly resulted in her mom heading over and a long talk over dinner that night on why you should not ask girls to just marry you at your age.
“So I can ask boys then, right?”
Pleased with the loophole he discovered at age eight, Childe toothily smiled at his mom, who sighed and shook your head.
“You can’t ask anybody to marry you when you’re eight. And please don’t throw flowers at them too.”
The stolen flowers resulted in him being on his neighbor’s blacklist for the next couple of years; this in itself was fine, seeing that Childe was always a bit of a troublemaker and it was bound to happen at some point. However, the crying girl left a big impression on him even as he got older.
It did help that the older he got, the more silver-tongued he became, but this resulted in short-term relationships and a famous incident that once got dubbed ‘Tartaglia’s Shakespearean Slipup.’ (It involved a drunk retelling of Macbeth, several dumb questions, and a shirt that could never get the stain washed off of it.)
So in short, Childe’s love life is, to put it bluntly, a travesty. It has been downhill ever since he was eight years old, and nearly two decades later, he’s sure that he finally hit rock bottom.
“Tonia,” he begins, wondering how his little sister could be so cute yet so cruel at the same time, “what did you not tell Zhongli?”
“Hmm… Oh, I didn’t tell him about your obsession with his channel!” And cue the self-satisfied smile before she took another sip of his coffee.
Oh lord, she learned it from him.
“Anything else?” he presses, wondering what kind of image he has of him now — definitely not a good one. No amount of smooth talking or knowledge about petrology could save him from his past mistakes. He’s sure that Zhongli would not take kindly to the plethora of times that his insobriety has made him infamous among certain groups of people.
And he’ll admit just to himself, he was wholly unprepared for this. He couldn’t even be lulled to sleep by his voice last night — which is unfortunate because the series where he discussed the inspiration behind Tao Yuanming’s work just came out and if there’s one thing Childe likes, it’s poetry — because he couldn’t stop himself from thinking that he knew who he was.
Except not as Childe. As Tartaglia, his younger sister clarified, ever so proud of herself that she taught somebody how to say his birth name correctly, never mind that it stumped even the most persistent of professors.
“Not really! He said he likes listening to me brag about my older brother! ‘Cause he’s an only child and everything. Actually… he mentioned that you’d like to hear your stories sometime. Sweet, right?”
“My stories,” Childe echoes slowly. “The ones I told you when you were a kid? The fairytale rip-offs?”
“Including the one where the kids locked the evil queen up and used her Magic Mirror to cheat on their tests?”
Admittedly, he was a bit lazy with that one. But Tonia was just eight and Childe was half-awake, trying to remember the difference between Hudibrastic and hija. So, like any good literature major with a bone to pick with their academic advisor, he decided that he’d very subtly rehash Snow White and make it all about cheating. (On tests of course.)
“Yuup. They got in trouble, right?”
They didn’t, but his mom would have his head if he said otherwise, so he smiles at her, ruffles her hair, and says with the attitude of a picture-perfect older brother, “Of course. The evil queen immediately sent them to the dungeon. So don’t cheat, okay?”
She nods, rewarding her compliance with another sip of his coffee. The library is fairly close to their apartment, as all things in Liyue are. A tightly packed city by the sea where you were sure to know everything about your neighbor and their neighbor. Which meant that the tenants next door still remembered when Childe first moved in and spent a week high on ambien, only to invest his time in writing a paper about how Snowpiercer was the sequel to Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. (When they spoke for the first time, they asked politely if he could please turn down the volume, because it was difficult to sleep when your neighbor watched the two movies consecutively with the volume all the way up at three in the morning, don’t you think?)
(The paper ended up being legible to only the most dedicated of readers anyways.)
Deciding that they’re an appropriate distance from the entrance of the library now, Tonia stops walking and drags her brother towards the benches. “Now, before I take you to meet Zhongli, I just want to ask you one thing.”
He looks at her expectantly, wondering if she’s going to ask if he remembers what Lumine said. Don’t embarrass yourself, don’t act shady, and before you do something—think ITWTWW? (A.K.A Is This What Tsaritsa Would Want? A joke that arose after a particularly hellish class last year after the professor’s attention towards Childe was a source of debate—did she hate him? Did she think of him as her son? Did he—a suggestion brought forth by Aether—remind her of annoying neighbors that’d spend all night partying? To this day, he still doesn’t know.)
“What is it?”
“Did you bring your library card?”
It turns out, Childe learns five minutes later with relief that his long-forgotten library card was collecting dust in his wallet, that Zhongli has a limit on books he can check out because he’s always forgetting them. And his overdue fees are quite an impressive sum—both for a library volunteer and anybody that’s frequented a library for the past decade.
But to the library’s great relief, he’s only checking out books nobody has ever checked out in the past so by default they belong to him now. (No harm no foul—unless you’re the occasional poor individual that has to research an incredibly specific and niche topic only to find out that the book is not in the library at the moment.)
Tonia sounds immensely proud of herself as she informs him of this while they wait for him to finish help somebody find a book. Help is an understatement, Childe realizes, as he watches Zhongli talk, smiling as he ensnares the visitor in an answer to a question where “yes” or “no” would have sufficed.
It’s ridiculously cute. Really. Tonia seems used to this sight as she drags Childe closer to the two. Zhongli must’ve realized that he slipped into a tangent because he apologizes and points to the nonfiction section before opening his book once more.
“Oh… I forgot.” Tonia purses her lips the same way Lumine does as she sighs, lowering the hand that she was enthusiastically waving moments earlier.
“He won’t notice us. Ah, Zhongli,” she says melodramatically while they watch him flip through pages in a book, her tone every bit the longing princess in books they poured over when she was younger. “Why can’t you see us? Isn’t my wonderful big brother enough to catch your attention?”
He’s very flattered. Really. He knows that compliment was partially influenced by letting her have a lion’s share of his drink and Lumine’s sarcasm, but he takes it in stride, squeezing her cheeks. Tonia rolls her eyes in response, and heads over to Zhongli, chatting him up quicker than Childe can respond.
“And this is my older brother,” she introduces, gesturing her hand towards Childe, who smiles brightly, hoping he looks every bit the composed person he doesn’t feel like right now.
Zhongli is just as charming in person and it doesn’t help that just the realization he’s standing right here makes Childe’s pulse race, contributing to his increasingly forced smile that he reserves for uncomfortable situations. Oblivious to that, Zhongli smiles at him—one that is ingrained in his memory from days of watching it on loop —and says, “You must be Tartaglia, right? Tonia told me a lot about you.”
Oh fuck. 
His first thought: of course she told him about him. He knew beforehand, the dread of being characterized through his sister’s dramatizations of Childe’s mistakes. It’s partially why he could only get up this morning through two cups of coffee and dunking his head in the freezer for several minutes.
But also his name— 
Childe’s torn between asking why the hell his sister told him his real name or excusing himself to go read a dictionary to cool his nerves. Even though he’s well aware most of his family calls him Tartaglia still—mainly his parents when he’s in trouble (which, to be fair, is most of the time)—most people in Liyue call him Childe for two reasons.
One, Tartaglia is a mouthful and two, after many questions about how his name was pronounced only to get it butchered on several occasions, he’s stopped. (Scaramouche, Tsaritsa, and Signora are the only ones who call him that at this point, really; but he’s convinced Scaramouche does it just to vex him.)
“Yes,” he chokes out. “That’s me. Tartaglia.”
Childe decides that if Zhongli would just say his name and nothing else, he would die happy. Which is a mortifying thought but maybe a little bit of an upgrade from falling asleep to listening him talk about rocks. Isn’t it?
“You can call him Childe,” Tonia offers. “My brother doesn’t like it when people call him Tartgalia.”
His mouth forms an ‘o’ out of realization and sheepishly says, “My deepest apologies, Childe.”
“N-no—” Childe starts, his sister’s expression burning into the back of his head. “It sounds really nice when you say it. Call me Tartaglia—anything you’d like, really.”
“Oh, yeah. I forgot.” Tonia smiles mischievously, implying that she never forgot all along as she raises a finger to her chin in mock thought. “You watch his ASMR channel, don’t you?”
“You do?”
They both turn to Childe, who’s sure this is turning into an interrogation; their burning gazes, the expectant silence, and a question he’s reluctant to answer.
“Yeah. I’m a huge fan,” he confesses brightly. “My favorite series of yours is the petrology one. It felt really nostalgic.”
He never thought he’d remember high school clearly ever again, but the videos made his classes a little less lazy. And the heat of the sun on the back of his neck as he slept in class would follow, lulled to sleep by a lecture he couldn’t quite remember. But he recalled his friends’ amusement clearly when they asked how he managed to sleep nearly every class, only to get a cheeky smile as an answer.
“Is that so? May I interest you in some books then? There’s quite the collection here, although I’m not sure which would interest you the most then. Any preferences?”
Ohhh, his expectant look was so cute. But Tonia looks bored at the prospect, so he clears his throat instead.
“Actually, I came here to check out Legend of the Lone Sword so I could follow along with your newest video,” he finally says. “Could you show me where it is?”
“Hmm… We do have two copies but unfortunately both have been checked out. One has just been checked out by Xingqiu and the other… ah, it’s still at my house. We’re having difficulties with the video unfortunately because Venti said… now what did he say?” Zhongli asks himself, humming as he takes out his phone and reads out loud.
“’Find somebody that’s willing to record the video and help you set up b-c’… er, before Christ?”
“Because,” Childe clarifies.
“Thank you. ‘Because I can’t do it without laughing’,” he finishes before sighing. “Also several crying emojis followed by a wine emoji and a suggestion for me to find Diluc…? There are also several other texts that I would not be able to read out loud but that’s the gist of it. As soon as I manage to find somebody, I’ll be able to return the book so you can check it out. My apologies.”
Diluc? All Childe remembers about him is what Lumine once said about him.
‘I was convinced him and Kaeya hated each other until I found out they were siblings.” A pause. Then: ‘I’m still fairly sure they hate each other. They’re at each other’s throats a lot. Diluc more so.’
He had not considered him to be a rival in love. Granted — that’s limited information from several years ago but it’s not as if Childe knows that many people outside of his own department. But still. 
Eager to save any chance of a love life, Childe says, “Why don’t I help you record?”
“That’s a great idea! Then my brother can read the book while he stays over. Right?” Tonia presses on, smiling far too brightly for his taste as Zhongli muses, considering the possibility.
“Are you sure that wouldn’t be too much trouble?”
Childe nearly stumbles at the sight of his relief. Really, his smile isn’t good for his heart—neither is the look he gives him, as if he hung over the moon that very moment. “None at all.”
“What a relief… I’ll tell Venti immediately that I can record the ‘ASMR: Boyfriend Reads to You’ video.”
Zhongli looks up from his phone after he texts his friend and tilts his head slightly in confusion, his earring brushing against his shoulder.
He looks adorably concerned and maybe a little bit aware that he’s responsible for Childe’s reaction. “Is there something wrong?”
“N-no. Nothing. That’s great. Good. I’m excited to be your boyfriend.”
Tonia lets out a little giggle and he’s sure that there’s somebody at the library silently praying for his downfall as he hurriedly corrects himself. “For the video, of course. Should I give you my number so we can set a date?”
Not deterred by Childe’s flustered expression, Zhongli nods as he hands him his phone. Maybe this is what he expected—that’d most likely be the case if most of his prior knowledge about Childe came from Tonia, who delights in both embarrassing and complimenting her brother like there’s no tomorrow. “Of course. Please give me your number.”
So with the shame of a college student that never managed to shake off his competitive streak from high school, Childe types his number in and promises himself that this won’t happen again.
(His younger sister lords it over him anyways on the way home, a skip in her step as she recalls it.)
Childe 2:34 i got his #
Twin 1 2:35 for the video recording*
Twin 1 2:35 u also embarrassed yourself. tonia told me all about it lol
Ugh. Of course she did. Childe peeks his head into his sister’s room, hearing her recount the library incident with a few more exaggerations poking fun at what he did than he’d like. Aether must be having the time of his life, which should make them equal considering that Childe made him think that Scaramouche was the best TA ever and would be even nicer if you made him an apple pie. (He hated apples.)
Well. They’re even now, aren’t they?
Childe 2:38 ya but he didn’t notice so its ok. BTW neither of u told me he was that airheaded
Twin 1 2:38 itd be funnier that way
Childe 2:39 oh yeah it was really cute
Twin 1 2:41 didn’t need to know that. anyways u do know how to work a camera right?
Childe 2:41 yea…? who do you think takes all of tonia’s pictures
Twin 1 2:42 no i mean like actual professional cameras used to record
Hm… That was a bit of an oversight on his part, wasn’t it? He texts a quick ‘yeah’ because it couldn’t be that bad and he’ll watch several videos on how to work a camera later, won’t he? There should be three buttons max. Easy.
Not to mention he took an elective on film and he’s watched Zhongli’s videos more times than he can count at this point. So really, there’s not much to worry about. The only problem is that he needs to build up immunity.
If he looks like a “blushing maiden”—Tonia’s words, not his—every time Zhongli looks at him, wouldn’t that be trouble? It’s bad enough that he embarrassed himself in front of his twelve-year-old sister but to look like a fool in front of the same guy his sleeping schedule depends on would be debilitating in more ways than one.
Deciding that he won’t let himself lose this time around, he sends a quick text to Zhongli saying ‘Saturday at 4:00 PM, right? See you there :)’ to psyche himself up before deciding a plan of action. There must be something that’ll impress him—no, completely sweep him off his feet.
More aware than ever that he’s fitting the image of a lovestruck idiot his sister painted him as, Childe watches his phone as it pings with a single ‘OK’ and ‘I am looking forward to working with you’ trying to convince himself that his erratic heart rate and the heat rushing to his face is just a side effect of working with somebody that he greatly admires. (It is, by all accounts, infatuation — but he’ll try to ignore that for now.)
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possiamo-andare · 4 years
Midsummer pt. 2: JJ Maybank
JJ x Reader
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word count: over 6.8k (I went a little overboard lol)
a/n: first off, I'd like to say holy moly you guys are amazing I never thought I'd get over 600 notes on anything let alone something I wrote. Your kind words have bee so motivating so I definitely had to write a part 2 for everyone. Second, I just want to thank everyone who has messaged, reblogged, liked anything I've written. It's so fulfilling to know someone enjoys my stuff. You guys are he best <3
The last time JJ was interested in one girl at a time, was back when his only example of what a woman was, was in an inappropriate magazine. It's not like he never tried to like one girl at a time, but when he tried, something better always came along to distract him. JJ was curious by nature to put it lightly. The saying 'never judge a book by it's cover' was not true when it came to JJ. Usually, whatever you judged about him was right. He had been around obx with many Pogue ladies and flaunted it. He was proud being a bachelor that got around and rarely anyone held that against him.
But now, he was done for. By a Kook no less. A stupid Kook that JJ had met once a long time ago.
It was a stupid crush. Nothing he couldn't handle. His number of crushes spanned a long and thorough list. To say he was a pro at getting his crushes interested in him was an understatement. Then he saw you with Rafe and everything he felt for you disappeared. Disappeared might not be a good word. More like, he suppressed every feeling he felt for you the day he met you at the station until he could feel nothing at all. It was truly a tragic day for JJ when he found out you were dating Rafe. Then, JJ did what he did the best; he found another girl to distract himself with.
Just when he thought he was getting over the tragic situation, you had shown up at the Midsummer party. He hadn't thought about you, or your gorgeous smile or your pretty hair for a few weeks now and just as he thought he was turning a corner, you stood in front of him and demanded two sodas. You had not recognized him. He could tell. You knew who he was, of course, after you rudely told him what you thought of him, but you didn't remember your run in at the station months ago. He knew that if you were ever gonna remember him this time, he had to pull out all the stops. That meant he had to be extra charming and extra funny.
JJ wanted to slap himself. He couldn't believe he had put himself in this situation. He wished that you meant nothing. Every other Kook girl meant nothing to him (except Kie of course, but that's different), so why were you different?
He couldn't think too much about it. If he did, he would have to self analyze and that's something he rarely did. So, he just acted like an asshole to you. Being difficult with girls always worked. JJ knew the less you cared about their existence, the more they chased. And that might be true for the other girls JJ liked but definitely not you. He felt like he was always losing a battle whenever he spoke to you. You were super defensive the entire time he tried to talk to you. He couldn't get a word in edgewise and it didn't help that your image of him was already tainted.
So, he tried another approach. He tried to be himself. This would be anyone's first choice but we are talking about JJ. He's had to put up so many barriers so people don't see the real him, it was hard to keep track of which one to use. There was the lady's man JJ, the Pogue JJ, the obedient son, the annoying friend, and even the protector. JJ was just never truly himself. Of course his friends knew this and they accepted any form of JJ, but he knew you wouldn't. So, he just was himself.
And the next thing he knows, you're kissing him. Technically, he leaned in first, but you definitely closed the gap between you two which had to count for something.
Maybe it was because he liked you so much, or maybe it was because of the gin he downed before dancing with you, but your kisses made him feel like he was in fifth grade. Every kiss felt like the first one. He felt things he'd never felt before; by a Kook nonetheless.
And then, too soon, the moment was interrupted by a busboy. Gerald and his ability to cock block. But he had agreed to meet with you again, as if you were thirteen meeting at a tree house, and he couldn't believe it. You wanted to see him again. You knew who he was, you had learned things about him, and still wanted to see him. Never, and JJ means never, had a girl seen this much of him and still wanted to stay.
That night, JJ couldn't sleep. Even though JB had told him where the gold was and how they were gonna get it, he still would've been able to sleep if it were not for his mind racing with you. He even let his dad yell at him that night. He was in too much of a good mood.
That is, until JB was pushed off a ledge and was rushed to the hospital. Sarah was with him when it happened and JJ had been in the car, waiting for his friend. JB was JJ's family, along with the rest of his friends. JB had let him sleep over countless times when JJ's dad had been especially violent. He had helped JJ in every situation possible and JJ knew he could never repay him. So, to see JB asleep in the hospital with a cast, made his blood boil. And when he found out it was Topper's fault, he wanted to kill Topper himself. The only thing that held him back from doing so was staying in the hospital and waiting for JB to be alright. If JB had woken up any time before, maybe JJ would've had time to beat Topper's ass.
Kie, Pope, and JJ all waited together in the waiting room until there was an update on JB. They knew it wasn't as serious but they were determined to stay until their friend woke up. If it meant staying the whole day, then that's what they'd have to do. And so they did. They stayed well into the afternoon, with Sarah. She was in and out of the hospital room he was in and giving Kie, Pope, and JJ updates every time she did. They even got to talking and, even though Kie and Sarah barely spoke, Sarah was nice to them. She was one of the only Kooks that was nice to them.
The topic of Kooks made another memory resurface. JJ promised you he'd meet you at Sarah's house to "grab his keys" but, when JJ had checked the time, he was already late. He cursed at himself. He had unintentionally stood you up. You were for sure not gonna want to speak to him ever again and he had basically ruined any chance he had with you. He didn't want to tell his friends but they had noticed that once JJ was aware of the time, he had gotten more restless.
Kie had tried to ask him what was wrong but JJ was too upset to answer.
He felt like such an idiot.
Until he saw you enter the waiting room. He almost gasped but held it in, not to draw too much attention to himself. You barely looked at him as you walked in.
You wore black ripped jean shorts and a yellow tank top. You had your hair brushed into a loose braid and you had makeup on. You had done all of this because you were supposed to meet JJ but he had bailed on you. You had waited at Sarah's house for over an hour but, 20 minutes after he would've arrived, you knew he wasn't coming. You felt like an idiot. You had fallen for the oldest and dumbest trick in the book. Then, you got news of what happened to John B. and you realized that's probably why JJ got held up. You were still upset, but at least JJ had a good reason.
When you saw him sitting down in the waiting room, your stomach felt like it was in your throat. Seeing him in daylight was very different to seeing JJ in the dark. At least in the dark, you didn't see the extent of his scars. Now that you did, you felt like crying for him. You can't believe someone did that to him. In the dark, you didn't have to see him completely and you could get away with not looking in his eyes, since that always made you nervous. But now, you could see JJ completely and he was even more gorgeous in the light.
As you went to comfort Sarah, you pretended he wasn't there. You could tell, even with your back turned to him as you hugged Sarah, he was watching you. You felt his eyes burn into your back. But you were here for Sarah, that's it.
"Thanks for being here." Sarah said to you, letting out of your for a moment and looking to the hallway. "I should go and see how he's doing."
You nodded. "Yes, of course. Let me know if there's anything I can do."
Sarah smiled. "You being here is enough." And with that, she was walking back to John B.'s room.
You said hello to Kiara first. You had known her before today and you had always been polite to each other, even though Sarah and her didn't get along. When they did, all three of you hung out and had so much fun. You missed having her as a friend.
"Hey," you said, opening your arms for a hug. Kiara got up from her place in the chair and hugged you for a moment. Things were still a little awkward. "How are you?"
Kiara shrugged. "We just want to make sure John B. is okay."
I nodded. "I'll stay and maybe we can catch up?"
You knew she had a little resentment towards you and you didn't blame her. Sarah believed wholeheartedly that Kiara was the one that called the police on a party she had thrown a while ago and that's one of the reasons they're not friends anymore. Once Sarah let it slip that Kiara called the cops, Kiara was basically blacklisted whenever there was a party. Now, you were hoping to put that all behind you if it meant being Kiara's friend.
Kiara smiled but you could tell she was trying to suppress it. "I'd like that."
You then looked to a boy you knew was named Pope. You knew Pope's dad because he had once brought some groceries to your house at the last minute. It had been one of your mom's charity events and she had run out of a couple items. It was a Saturday night and Mr. Heyward was probably with his family but he got the items for her and delivered them to your house very quickly. Pope had been in a club you used to be in before you quit because Rafe said it took up too much of your time (you wanted to roll your eyes as you remembered all the shit you did to make him happy). Pope has always been nice to you when you were still in that club and when you voiced an idea, he always tried to back you up. You didn't know him that well but you knew him enough to give him a hug. He gladly accepted it, mumbling a hello as you hugged him.
"How are you? I haven't seen you in awhile." You stated, letting go of Pope and looking at him.
He struggled to meet your gaze, a bit embarrassed. You didn't know why but you figured that was just Pope's personality. "Not too bad. I'm president now."
You smiled. "That's so good to hear."
You couldn't believe he remembered that. Although he probably did remember it because the club was filled with Kooks and whenever they tried to pick on Pope, you always called them out. Even though you were grateful for his support, he was just as grateful for yours.
Pope nodded at you, smiling again. You could tell Kiara and Pope felt awkward. Mostly because you were one of the only Kooks that treated them nicely. Which was sad because you didn't understand why Kooks and Pogues didn't get along. Other than the fact that most of the Kooks (you're thinking of Topper and Rafe when you say most) are greedy, selfish assholes. You wanted them to like you really badly. One of the reasons was because they were Sarah and John B.'s friends. The other reason was because of the boy beside Pope, who was standing as well, and watching you closely.
JJ hadn't said one word to you since you entered the waiting room and you knew why. He wasn't sure if you guys should act like you know each other or not. To be honest, you weren't sure either. He had blown you off, for good reason, but then again, he could've gotten a message to you that he was in the hospital. You didn't have to find out from Ward, who drove you to the hospital. You had been waiting outside for an hour once Ward had pulled into the driveway. You asked him where Sarah was and he explained what had happened to John B. and offered you a ride. He had to pick up clean clothes for John B. since he was waking up soon.
You instantly knew why JJ never showed up but he could've easily asked Sarah to call you to let you know why he never arrived. The only explanation for not asking Sarah was because he didn't want anyone to know about what happened. This annoyed you.
When you had gone to bed the night before, you fell asleep to thoughts of JJ and what it would be like to be his girlfriend. Now, you had a rude awakening. He didn't want anyone to know that you had kissed. He was embarrassed to like a Kook.
So, being the salty teen you were, you decided to give him a taste of his own medicine. You were gonna pretend as if you had no idea who he was.
You stuck out your hand, waiting for him to shake it. He looked down at it, perplexed, and slowly extended his hand to shake yours. Once your hands had shaken, you spoke, "Nice to meet you. What's your name?"
JJ's brows furrowed but he answered you. "JJ."
He knew for sure that you were pissed. Before, he had only a small inclination that you were pissed but he now knew for 100% certainty, you were upset. He knew he should've at least tried to call you. He knew Sarah had your number and he knew it would be easy to ask Sarah for your number to call you but he got scared. He didn't know if you wanted anyone to know you guys were macking and he didn't want to embarrass you. He thought it wouldn't be the proudest thing for people to know you kissed JJ Maybank. For a Kook, you could get made fun of for that. So, he played it safe and didn't do anything. But now, he suffered the consequences. You were pissed. If he could only get you alone to explain.
"Cool." You said, smiling at him the way you would a stranger.
JJ looked to Pope and Kie, both of them looking back and forth from between the two of you. You could tell they thought this exchange was funny. You said nothing to JJ after that and just sat down in the chair across from Kiara. The both of you started a conversation as JJ and Pope stayed silent. You did talk about school but you mostly spoke about your summer so far. She had said it had been pretty uninteresting while you said the same. Although it was not over yet, you figured now it would be just like all the summer's before. Granted, you had thought it might be different now that you had met JJ but currently he was an idiot and you rather not spend a summer with someone who was embarrassed to be with you (even though that wasn't the case).
In the middle of your conversation with Kiara about the new documentary she was watching, JJ had gotten up from his place in the chair and mumbled that he had to go to the bathroom. You paid no attention to what he said but Pope and Kiara both nodded, telling him they could care less. You had continued your conversation with her for a minute more before your mind trailed to what JJ was doing. Obviously there was the option that he actually had to go to the bathroom, but then why would he announce it like that? You wondered whether or not he actually had to go to the bathroom or maybe it was a way of telling you he had to speak to you.
You decided the only way to figure out what the answer was, was to wait outside the men's bathroom to see if JJ actually wanted to talk to you or not. Granted, this was about the creepiest thing you could ever do but it was JJ and you were sure he had no reservations about you waiting outside the bathroom for him. In a weird way, it kinda comforted you to know anything weird you had done, JJ had probably done something weirder and would never judge you.
"I'm gonna go get some coffee," you announced to Kiara, who had finished speaking and was waiting for your response. "Want some?"
Kiara shook her head. "Nah, already had some."
You looked to Pope and raised your brows. He shook her head. "No, I already had some too."
You nodded and got up from your seat. "Well, I'm getting some. I'll be back in a second."
And with that, you were out of the waiting room and making your way to the men's bathroom. There was a sign that pointed you in the direction of the bathroom so you figured that it wasn't that far away. You passed a couple of hospital rooms and were not surprised to see most of the doors closed. They probably didn't want a nosy teenager peeking in anyways.
You always hated hospitals. You had to get a cast once when you broke your arm when you were younger and ever since, you hated the smell of hospitals. It smelled too clean. You also didn't like the idea that a floor beneath you, a woman was giving birth and a floor above you, someone could be dying.
As you passed the janitors closet, you were too deep in your thoughts to realize that the closet door was a little open. And when you passed it, a hand came out of the door and grabbed onto you. You didn't even have time to scream. The hand pulled you into the closet and closed the door behind you before you even had time to react. The closet was dimly lit and filled with cleaning supplies such as brooms and chemicals. The smell inside wasn't as bad as the smell outside though. You were about to fight back when you saw the person who had grabbed you.
It was JJ. He was smirking at you as he watched you catch your breath.
"What the hell?" You whisper - yell, scared that someone you know this time could hear you.
"We should really stop meeting like this." He said, the stupid smirk you liked so much still on his lips.
You had to remind yourself you were upset with him. "We didn't meet like this. You kidnapped me."
JJ rolled his eyes, the same stupid smirk on his lips. You had to admit, he looked so hot right now. He had a black shirt on with gray swim trunks. His hair was a fluffy mess and his scars were still apparent. He looked like a mess but you still wanted to kiss him. You wanted to scream. You asked yourself, what was wrong with you?
"You can leave any time you want." JJ countered, pointing towards the closed door.
You looked to the door, then back at him. "Tell me what you want and then I will."
JJ nods, finally feeling like he might have a good chance in explaining his stupid actions. "I know I didn't call you and I'm sorry. I didn't know if you wanted everyone to know about us or not."
You felt a smile on your lips. You wished he could be more mean. You liked JJ too much. Still defending yourself, you acted difficult. "You're right. We shouldn't tell anyone until we figure this," you said, motioning between the two of you. "out."
JJ nodded, this time, his smirk turning into a full smile. "So there is something?"
You roll your eyes, still acting a little difficult. "I never said that."
JJ steps forward, closer to you, and looks down at your lips. "I think that's exactly what you said."
You shook your head. "Stop." You didn't mean it. JJ smirks, biting his lip. You wanted to scream again. What the hell was this boy doing to you? In seconds, you could go from completely angry at him, to wanting to kiss him. No one ever made you feel like this. Yet again, you were so surprised to find yourself liking JJ Maybank. A boy that 72 hours ago, you didn't even care about.
"Stop what -?" JJ was about to ask you something and be annoying but you weren't in the mood.
In seconds, your arms were wrapped around his neck and you were pulling him closer to you. The second your lips touched, it was as if no time passed at all. You were no longer worried about fighting with JJ and pretending you were mad. You got lost when you kissed him. And it still felt so wonderful, even after all that's happened. When you kissed JJ, it was as if there was no one else. It was just you and him. He made kissing, even in a janitor's closet, the best thing to ever happen to you.
JJ's arms snake around your waist as he pulls you closer. Now, you're chest to chest. You can feel his heartbeat through his chest and you're sure he can feel yours too. It comforts you to know he reacts the same way to you kissing him.
You break away for one second, trying to catch your breath. JJ doesn't give you a chance to breathe though because the second you break away, his lips are on your cheek, kissing his way down to your neck. Your knees go weak. This gives JJ the opportunity to push you up against the wall. There's a bunch of equipment in here but you guys make it work. His hands rest on the sides of your waist as his lips travel to your collarbone. You tilt your head back and close your eyes again. And you thought kissing JJ on the lips was the best thing ever.
Although you loved this, you wanted to feel his lips on yours again and desperately cupped his face and moved it away from your neck and back onto your lips. Right before your lips touched his again, you kissed his jaw once. You could tell this had a huge effect on JJ because his hands instinctively came up to cup your jaw. Once your lips touched, your hands moved to his chest again and they rested there as you continued to make out.
He still tasted good which surprised you the most. You rarely had a good story of a Pogue kissing someone and them saying they tasted like mint so this only made you kiss him deeper.
Finally, you both had to break away. You both were running out of air. You were breathing too heavily but didn't notice until JJ pulled away first. As you both caught your breath, you looked at eachother. You were both smiling so wide, your cheeks were starting to hurt. This reminded you of last night, when you both were smiling like madmen after your first kiss. And still, after so many other kisses, it still felt like the first time.
"Is it always like that?" JJ asked, quieting chuckling. He was wiping the gloss he had on his lips, something you had on your lips before they were wiped off.
You shook your head. "Never."
JJ smirked. "I'd say I'm the best kisser you've had."
You rolled your eyes. It was the truth but you would never admit it. "I haven't kissed many people."
JJ raised his brows, creases forming on his forehead. "How many people have you kissed?"
You bit your bottom lip. They were still tingling from JJ's kisses. "None of your business."
JJ rolled his eyes. "Don't you wanna know how many I have kissed?"
You did. But you couldn't let him know that. "No. I have my own guesses."
JJ smiled. "Yeah? What's your guess?"
You shrugged. "Like one hundred thousand or something."
JJ laughed aloud. You didn't care if anyone heard this time, you loved hearing him laugh. "Nice try. It's actually one million."
You knew he was joking just by the tone of his voice. "Ah, makes sense."
JJ raised his brows again. "So, your saying I'm a good kisser?"
You rolled your eyes. "I just meant you have a lot of practice. Doesn't mean you're good."
JJ nodded, a sly smirk on his lips. "If I'm so bad, why do you want to kiss me?"
You smiled, your arms coming up to wrap around his neck. "Someone's gotta teach ya."
You leaned forward and kissed him once again. He instantly kissed you back, his hands wrapping around your waist. The kiss only lasted five seconds but you savoured it. JJ was a good kisser, even though you didn't want to admit it. He was passionate and strong, something you had never experienced with anyone you kissed.
Once you pulled away from him, he spoke again. "Can I come by your house at, like, seven?"
You squint your eyes at him. "Yeah, sure. Why?"
JJ shrugged. "We can't go out together. I just kissed you in a janitor's closet. You deserve some food at least."
I smiled. "Okay. I'll wait for you at my house at seven. Do you know where I live?"
JJ nodded. "I mowed your lawn in May."
You pushed your brows together. "Seriously?" How the hell did you not remember this?
JJ nodded. "I don't expect you to remember. You were hanging out with Sarah and it was only for one weekend."
You shrugged, frowning at him. "I'm sorry. I'm sure I would've said hi."
Although you said this, JJ and you both knew that this was not true. You barely acknowledged his existence until last night so it wasn't a surprise to either of you that you forgot he mowed your lawn.
"It's okay. I got an amazing view of your bedroom window from where I was." JJ joked, snickering softly.
You gasped, slapping him on the chest. "Perv!"
JJ continued to laugh, clutching his chest. "Sorry!"
You shook your head laughing along with him. Once your laughter died down, you spoke, "I'm gotta go. Kiara and Pope are probably wondering where I am. See you soon."
JJ nodded. "See ya."
You both looked at each other and smiled one more time, before you opened the closet door and ran back to the waiting room. For the second time since you met JJ, you made sure not to say goodbye. It wasn't goodbye yet.
John B. had woken up soon after you entered the waiting room. Kiara had asked you where your coffee was and you made up an excuse , saying you drank it on your way here. You hoped it didn't look too suspicious as JJ returned only moments later, saying there was a line to get onto the bathroom. You wanted to slap him for coming up with such a lame excuse but yours wasn't any better.
Once John B. was woken up, Kiara, Pope, and JJ visited him while you waited outside for them to finish. Although you knew John B. was a nice guy, you were still nervous to meet him. After they exited his room, it was your turn.
Your first encounter with John B. was excellent. Even though he was still groggy, he was polite and super enthusiastic about meeting you. Apparently Sarah had said such nice things. And the way John B. and Sarah looked at each other, you knew that they were in love. You were so happy for her. You told John B. that if he needed anything, you were there for him but apparently that wasn't necessary. Ward had decided to foster John B. which meant he was going to start to live with Ward, Sarah and their family. You had known about John B.'s predicament with the foster care system so you were relieved to hear this.
Once John B. was ready to be discharged, Ward got John B. and Sarah into the car before asking if you needed a ride. Ward was like your uncle so you, of course, said yes.
When we dropped you off at your house, your parents still weren't home. You had an older sibling who was probably out with their friends so you had the house to yourself. This meant you had hours to spend stressing about when JJ would come. You planned your outfit and makeup before anyone got home because you were really nervous. You wondered what food he would bring, what he would want to do in your room, and just about everything down to the last detail. It was friday night, so your parents wouldn't be home until midnight. Friday nights were their date nights.
Your older sibling would probably be in their room all night so at least you didn't have to worry about them. All you had to worry about was yourself.
You rearrange your room about five times. At first, the stuff on your cabinet was too messy, then it seemed too clean. You didn't want JJ to think you had gone through all this trouble to clean for him. Then you messed it up too much. You made your head, then messed it up to look like you had been sitting in it all day. You threw all of your stuffed animals from when you were a child in your closet. You would die of embarrassment if JJ saw any of your stuffed animals. The teasing would never end.
You busied yourself with TV and reading until 6pm rolled by. You decided one hour gave you enough time to get ready. You took a quick shower and did some simple makeup. You didn't want to put too much effort in. You over thought everything. You changed your top from the tank top to a long sleeve grey shirt but you kept your black ripped jean shorts. The sun was setting and it was getting chilly. You dried your hair and kept it down and you sprayed yourself with ungodly amounts of perfume. You were stressing too much.
Finally 7pm rolled around. And JJ was five minutes late. A small voice in your head told you that he had bailed on you for real this time but you chose not to listen to it. He would be here.
Just when you were about to believe that small voice, you heard a knocking on your bedroom window. Confused, you ignored it but when the second knock came from your window, you decided to check it out. What you saw made you laugh. JJ was climbing up your wall, a backpack around his shoulders. You were gripping the bones growing from your house to pull himself closer to your window. When he looked up to see you, he smirked.
You opened your window and reached out your hand. He was close enough for you to take it and you pulled him up. You could only get him halfway through the window. Your arm was aching and you had to let him go. It didn't matter because after you let go, he pushed his way through.
Finally, when he got all the way through, you spoke, "Are you alright?"
JJ shrugged. "Only a little internal bleeding."
You rolled your eyes and quickly slapped his shoulders. "What the hell were you thinking? Don't you know how to use the front door?"
JJ laughed. "I thought climbing through your window would make me look cooler."
You shook your head. "It made you look dumber."
JJ dropped his backpack on the floor. "You can never say I didn't almost die for you."
You rolled your eyes. "Now I'm wishing I didn't pull you up."
"Ah," JJ chuckled, bending over and unzipping his backpack. "then you wouldn't have this." He then pulled out a brown bag, waving it in your face.
You quickly grabbed it from him. "What is it?" You answered your own question by opening the brown bag and pulling out Chinese food. Inside were containers of noodles, chicken balls, and rice. Your mouth watered. You felt like you hadn't eaten all day.
JJ chuckled. "Someone's hungry."
You placed the food on your desk, moving your papers and laptop to the side. "That's the only reason I wanted you to come."
You moved across your room to get a second chair for JJ and once you gave it to him, you both sat down to eat.
JJ pulled out the plastic forks and knives and gave one set to you. You took it eagerly and opened up the first container with noodles. You both started to eat.
JJ scoffed at your response. "You only wanted me here so I could bring you food?"
You nodded, your mouth filled with noodles already. Once you swallowed, you spoke. "Of course."
JJ shrugged. "Honestly, I only came here to get laid. I knew Chinese food was the way to your heart."
You scoffed, setting down your fork to slap JJ on the shoulder again.You knew he was joking so you played along. "Asshole. Now you're definitely not getting laid."
JJ rolled his eyes, but said nothing. He shoved another fork of noodles in his mouth and you did the same. You both talked throughout the meal. Whenever your mouths were empty, you responded to each other and spoke. You spoke about so many things. You talked about school, your families and eventually got to the subject of John B. and how he was holding up in Sarah's home. JJ joked about how jealous he was but you knew he was serious. You told him not to worry and one day maybe he'd have a big house like Ward's. He said nothing for a while after that and you knew why. He didn't believe he'd ever get out of the situation he was in now.
You wanted to make him feel better but you didn't know how. So, you kissed him. It was slow and passionate and it made you feel light as a feather. You couldn't believe kissing someone could feel this good.
Once you broke away from each other, JJ spoke first. "I'm guessing one."
You knew this was a way to divert from what you were talking about before but you were still confused. "What?"
"I'm guessing you've only kissed one person." JJ clarified, placing his fork down and reaching up to brush some hair out of your face.
The two of you were still sitting beside each other at your desk but your eyes instinctively made a glance at your bed. Once you looked back at JJ, you answered him. "You're wrong. It's actually two."
JJ snickered. "That's adorable."
You pinched his arm and you smiled when he yelped out in pain. "Ass."
"This is where you ask me." JJ pointed out, his hand resting on your knee.
You rolled your eyes. "I seriously have no idea."
JJ shrugged his shoulders. "It's ten."
You furrowed your brows. That seemed so low. "Ten?" JJ could tell you were confused.
"I don't really kiss many people. Makes me feel weird." JJ shrugged again, picking up his fork and taking the last bite of a chicken ball.
"Weird?" You questioned.
"Yeah," JJ nodded before swallowing and continuing. "I have to really like someone to kiss them."
You blushed, looking away from him. That meant he really liked you because all you had been doing was kissing. Your throat felt so dry. JJ really was making you nervous.
"You really like me?" You asked, looking back at him and leaning forward.
JJ smirked, leaning forward to kiss you quickly. "Yes."
"What was your first kiss like?" You asked, grabbing his hand.
He looked at where your hands touched, then looked back at you. "I was like twelve. It was Kie's cousin visiting from Canada or something. She was my age. I was shitting my pants." JJ smiles as he retells the story. You leaned forward, very interested. "I never thought about girls before that and then we were just goofing around and she asked me if I kissed anyone. I said no and then she just kissed me."
"Aw," You cooed, smiling softly. "That's adorable."
JJ shrugged, smiling. "Not really. The poor girl never talked to me again. Said I had bad breath."
You giggled. "I know what she means."
JJ gasped. "Really?"
Before you had time to react, JJ stood up and leaned on top of you, his hands instantly going to your sides to tickle you. Your legs shut up and you dashed across your room but he soon caught up to you and grabbed a hold of your sides. You screamed in terror and demanded he let you go. He couldn't completely understand you though because you were laughing so hard. You kicked his shin and made a run across your bed but before you could get to your door, he tackled you, pushing you onto your bed.
"JJ!" You laughed, JJ continuing to tickle your side. You kicked and screamed but it was no use, you were stronger.
"Say I'm the best kisser!" He only laughed, loving that you were so ticklish.
"You're the best!" You screamed, laughed hysterically. "Stop!"
Finally he stopped and lay on his back. He was laughing so hard and you were out of breath from the screaming. Once you caught your breath, you turned onto your stomach and let a hand rest on his chest.
"That wasn't funny." You frowned, a smile showing through.
JJ shrugged. "Got you to admit the truth though."
You leaned closer to his face. "Whatever."
JJ instantly closed the gap, kissing your lips. This time, your legs were intertwined as you kissed. JJ's hands cupped your face as you kissed and your hands made their way to his waist. You just lay there, kissing each other. This was so easy. Being with JJ was so easy. You couldn't believe that this is what you were missing. This time, although he tasted like mint, he smelled divine. You didn't know what it was until you parted. Once you did, you realized it was sea salt. Ye smelled like the ocean. Your mom was always telling you that you smelled like the ocean and how bad it was but now, you had found someone who was the same.
This made you want to kiss him again. You never got a chance to because JJ spoke, "what was your first kiss like?"
You smiled, touching your lips. JJ watched you for a moment, smiling at you. Your lips felt as if they were on fire.
"I was like ten and some boy at my summer camp dared me to kiss him. Worst three seconds of my life. Yours was so cute."
JJ smirked, raising his brows. "He dared you to? He must've really liked you."
You shrugged. "I can never turn down a dare."
JJ smirked. "Really?"
You nodded, a mischievous grin on your lips. "Yeah."
"Well then," JJ smirked. "I dare you to kiss me again."
You rolled your eyes. "I would've done it anyways."
And with that, you kissed him again. You don't know how long that kiss lasted because right after that one, JJ kissed you again and again. He kissed you like you guys had all the time in the world. And you felt like you did.
You knew you had all the time in the world to discover this new feeling with JJ.
taglist: @dolanfivsosxox @obxrush @bellakellyrose03 @belledutchess @sexualparkour @lueurglow @itsriasblog @maries110911 @ebonyyyy-e @teamnick @tangledinsparkles
515 notes · View notes
Welp, this fic i thought i wasn’t even going to continue is now longer at 17 chapters than War in Hermittown which was 26 chapters. And I’m not done here yet! (WiHT ended with 56,719 words. SF was at 55,597 last chapter, and this one is over 3k words, putting it to at least 58k total)
tagging time! @petrichormeraki and @helleborusangel are you guys proud of me?
Xannes and Tommy turned their weapons on Theseus. “How’d you find this place bitch?” The hels copy just rolled his eyes before gesturing over to Dream. “What, you were tracking him?”
“He’s an admin using a console. Find the console, find the admin.” Theseus replied, which confused Tommy. “Right, you wouldn’t know about that, would you.”
Tommy glanced back to Xannes. “Any clue what he’s talking about?”
“Yes. Before command blocks, datapacks, plugins and autofill commands, a lot of admins would default to consoles. These days most people tend to ignore them, but there are some benefits. Though the negatives usually make it seem like the worst option.”
“Why’s that?”
“Admins have better control over everything else. A console is more powerful and capable of much more, but it’s disconnected from the admin. It tends to be stationary in the world and needs to be hidden, and while there are ways to make them moveable, it’s usually not worth the hassle.”
Theseus smiled. “Oh look who’s not as much of an idiot as they seem. Another question then. Why are you still getting in the way? You want those scraps of metal? Take them. He’s the one I’m after.” And he pointed at Dream.
“You haven’t fucking told us why though.” Tommy crossed his arms.
“You didn’t really need to know.” Theseus said before sighing and taking off his mask. “But if that’s the only thing that’ll make you let me through, fine. Nightmare’s dead in my world. I killed him myself. Used up his three lives.”
“You guys still have the three lives system? I thought everything in hels was… y’know, worse?” Tommy asked.
“Oh it is. Exactly why I want Nightmare back.”
There was silence save for the continued sound of weapons banging off each other. “You… you want to what?”
Theseus shrugged. “The bitch never really got what was coming to him. Sure it’s the NSMP, and it’s technically named after him, but his name is based on a concept. He’s not the one in charge, he just made a place where nightmares can become reality. He just never got that chance because he’s dead. And with how hels works, he can’t come back. That is… unless I can bring Dream back with me.”
“That seems like the worst idea I’ve ever heard.” Xannes spoke up. “There’s no guarantee how that will work, especially since he was an admin. You’re setting yourself up for a disaster for both your world and this one.”
“And so what? I die? If I can’t do this right, why bother sticking around.”
“Then I might die too bitch!” Tommy yelled at his copy. “And I definitely don’t want to go out just like that.”
“Plus there are other people linked here.” Xannes spoke, pulling up commands. “Now, you’re going to want to stop, or I’m going to have to attack.”
“Oh please, what can you do?”
“My brother is known as the best admin of all time. Which meant I needed to be the best hacker.” Xannes smiled behind his mask. “And with Prof and NPG around, I haven’t gotten to try anything out in a while, so I’m going to really enjoy this.”
Tommy could almost feel the danger that was Xannes before he moved. He swung his sword once, and even though Theseus was more than ten blocks away, it was like the blade had hit him. He then pulled out a crossbow along with his sword, managing to duel wield the weapons. And then even though the second weapon kept being fired, it seemed to always be filled with ammo, not giving Theseus any rest from attacks, not to mention the fact that it was also multishot.
Tommy used that as a chance to run over to the bots. “Alright you two, I don’t care what the fuck’s been going on with you two, you need to fucking stop before you kill each other.”
“He deserves to die!” Jrum shouted, not looking away from his brother. 
“Jrum, I’ve told you about the guy that kinda isolated and manipulated me? The one Big G compared to Sam?”
“Yeah, and Grum’s just as bad!” Jrum said before attempting to attack again, instead just getting pulled back by Tommy.
“No! No he isn’t! That guy Grum’s been stuck with? That green bitch right there? That’s the fucker who was messing with me! And now he’s been doing it to Grum.”
“Yeah right.” Jrum crossed his arms, and Tommy slapped the back of his head, wincing as pain coursed through his body from damaging the vines. It caused the teen to flinch back, making the bottles in his inventory clank together.
Hearing the bottles made Tommy remember what he had on him. He had no clue how well the water worked, but right now it was better than nothing. He pulled them out and smashed them on top of Jrum’s head like a water balloon, the water covering Jrum and getting into his mechanics. It caused a short circuit and it seemed to fry the vines from within, but also Jrum. As the circuitry within him sparked, it damaged the vines, causing even more damage to Jrum, until it killed him.
“NO! JRUM!” Tommy yelled, freaking out about having just killed someone in his family. Beside him, Grum just stared at the place where Jrum had been standing a minute ago, the body having dissolved into smoke. 
Life Counter active. Entity Check Jrumbot. Death: canon. Life counter: 1 life remaining. Commence respawn. Respawn complete.
Teleport Requested. Assessing. Assessing. Allowing Teleport. Entity Jrumbot Teleported to Deathpoint coordinates.
Just like that, Jrumbot reappeared. He wasn’t completely covered with the vines, but he still retained the single vine around his antenna and his screen was still a red color. “Oh thank goodness, I thought you might have had a single life left.”
“Well now I do, no thanks to you!”
When Tommy had yelled, Xannes looked away from his fight. Theseus was able to finally close the distance and attack Xannes without the helsmit protecting himself, but he didn’t need to, the hacks keeping him from taking damage. “He’s using a console…”
Theseus tried attacking Xannes again. “Yeah, we covered that already. Why’s it soooo surprising now?”
“Because the console is Grum.”
That made Theseus scoff. “Wasn’t it obvious? It’s a computer that’s always near Dream. It’s essentially a console with fewer drawbacks. Even more powerful than a regular console too.”
When Theseus said that, Tommy turned his anger on Dream. “Ohhh, I can’t fucking believe you. I mean, that is an absolute child. At least with me, I was older, practically an adult, but he hasn’t even had a birthday and you decided to mess with him! As if you didn’t have a death wish already! I mean, guess that’s why you got everyone blocked. What if I just asked Grum to unblock everyone, what then?”
“And what? Just let Phil and Techno back in? What would that help with?”
“Oh please, you know their dad would be the first one in. Doesn’t that scare you?” Tommy asked with a smirk, though it fell in a few moments. “Wait do you actually not know who their dad is?”
“Just because he’s supposed to be another one of your brothers doesn’t mean anything. They’re hardly something I can’t deal with.”
“Can’t deal wi- Dream! Their dad is Grian! You know, the guy who literally has the name Dreamslayer? Like that’s part of his legal name at this point.” Tommy could tell when it got through to Dream, because he pressed back in his invisible prison just a bit and started looking for some possible way out.
He ended up snapping his fingers at Grum. “Hey, get me out of here.” And then Grum processed the information and teleported Dream a couple blocks to his left, freeing him from the barrier blocks.
“Oh shit. Xannes! He got o-” Was all Tommy was able to say before he was pressed against a wall, feet no longer touching the ground and him left struggling for air.
“You know, I could kill you right here. It would be easy. But for all I know, you come back as a ghost. So I’ve got a better idea. Just to make sure that if you do come back, it hurts even more. Grumbot?” He looked over at the robot, who immediately made its way over to Dream’s side. He handed it a netherite axe with the word ‘Nightmare’ etched into the metal. 
“No, c-come on Grum. You c-can’t do th-this.” Tommy did his best to get the words out. “Pl-Please… c-can you l-let everyone in a-at least.”
“Oh come on. He’s loyal to me. Why would you think-”
“That command is protected and requires a password to access.”
For a moment, Tommy lost all hope, but in a moment of clarity, he realized that Dream didn’t know Grum would say anything. If that were the case, there wouldn’t be a password. Yeah, Tommy could be wrong, but there was still a chance. “M-Mumbo for Mayor…” He choked out, and immediately Grumbot started processing the password, then accepted it.
“Blacklist disabled.”
“Kill Tommy!” Dream yelled in anger. And then Tommy was hit by the axe. Once. Twice. And then a third and final time.
Life Counter active. Entity Check TommyInnit. Death: canon. Life counter: no lives remaining. No respawn applicable.
Commencing Respawn. Respawn complete.
Teleport Requested. Assessing. Assessing. Allowing Teleport. Entity Tommy Teleported to Coordinates X-3, Y-3, Z-3. Returning inventory contents.
Tommy was holding his chest, panting to catch his breath. He was so sure he was dead. But no. Here he was, away from Dream and still with all his gear. That had probably been Xannes saving him, and healing him as well based on his current level of health.
For a moment, Tommy wanted to rush back in there, but then he remembered. The blacklist had been disabled. People could get in. He pulled out the communicator and sent a message to Grian, hoping it wouldn’t take too long. Then he put it away and tried to go back over to the bots, but his legs were shaky, and in just trying to take one step, he fell to the floor.
Even though he wasn’t close to death, he could still feel himself fading while at the same time it felt like everything was happening at once. Every sound seemed louder, what little breeze there was felt like pins and needles. And he just felt tired. As his vision went in and out, he saw Jrum rush off. Then Theseus stopped fighting and went after Dream. Then the three of them were gone. Then he was up in the air, something picking him up.
Finally, he felt the buzz of his communicator, and everything went dark.
The moment Grian got the message from Tommy, Grian made a Watcher portal straight to the SMP. The others nearby were slightly surprised that it was to let them follow along, but they weren’t arguing. Tubbo was the first to go through, Phil and Techno following behind. Grian was about to be right behind them, but was stopped by a hand. “You’re not keeping me from going Mumbo.”
“I know that. I wasn’t going to.” The redstoner spoke before taking Grian’s hand. “You’re the one always jumping into things, and that’s mostly a good thing. But this is something I don’t want to be left out of, so whether you like it or not, I’m coming with.”
“What? Did you think I was going to leave you behind? I wasn’t going to close the portal behind me. I was hoping you would come too, I was just letting you decide.”
“Good. ...So, do we want to…?” Mumbo started to say before he was yanked towards the portal as Grian ran through it, dragging him along.
When they arrived on the other side, Phil was the only one nearby, sitting down next to the portal. “Hey. Before you ask, I volunteered to wait while the other two went off in their own directions. That was only a few minutes ago. Haven’t heard anything back from them.”
Grian nodded. “I’m going to try contacting Tommy. Mumbo, those coordinates Tommy forwarded to me before? Can you check them out?”
“Definitely.” Mumbo nodded, pulling out his own communicator and checking the coordinates and which was to go to reach them.
“I’ll see if I can find anyone who could give us information.” Phil offered before immediately leaving, leaving Grian alone.
Alright, if I were one of the kids or Tommy… where would I be?” Grian asked himself, looking around before spotting something red in the distance. “Oh hello there. What’s that?” He quickly got into the air, flying over instead of trying to cross the rough terrain. “Tommy did send something about Jrum and red plants, didn’t he?” Grian bent down to try and touch the stuff, but was surprised when it seemed to move away. 
A voice spoke and then Grian was left looking around, trying to spot who had spoken. “What do you mean don’t touch it? I’m trying to find my kid and the best lead I have right now are these things.” Then he was left looking around again. “Oh, if that’s the case, then why not ditch the invisibility potion and meet me face to face?” Another short bout of silence and then Grian growled slightly, clenching his fists. “Then maybe I will.” And he started following the moving plants, the vines moving to almost create a path as they parted near him.
They snaked into an underground room and then down a thin tunnel. Grian had a little trouble getting through with his wings, not wanting to shift them away in case he ended up needing them suddenly. When he finally reached the end, he was greeted by what was obviously two teams of people fighting. One group was all in purples meanwhile the other group had a mix of colors, but there were a lot of reds and whites.
When it didn’t look like anyone noticed him, Grian moved forward a bit, cleared his throat, and then shouted. “HEY!” Immediately everyone froze and looked over at him. “Excuse me, I’m sure you’re having a lovely war and all, but I’m looking for my kids. The two of them are about… these heights and are adorable little robots.”
“Are you saying you’re one of Jrum’s parents?” Someone in a black and white cloak said, and Grian nodded at them.
“Yeah. Is he here? Or do you at least know where he is?” Grian asked, before the person attempted to attack him. Immediately his wings moved to act as a quick shield. “I’m guessing that’s a yes, but you don’t want me around.” Grian pulled out his sword. “Eh, I was expecting an ambush anyway.”
But before another attack could happen, the voice from before spoke, seemingly to the cloaked person. “So what?! He abandoned his kid! If that were true he would have shown up!”
“Hey, I tried getting in. Your admin just found a way to keep me out until now. Now, are you going to listen to your friend and tell me where Jrum is, or are you going to fight?”
The incoming sword worked as the answer to Grian’s question and he blocked it with a shield before attacking back. The person tried moving behind some vines hanging from the ceiling, but Grian just sliced them to the ground, clearing the area. “Wait, how are you doing that?!” The person asked before Grian flew up to bash their head with the end of his shield and knock them to the ground. 
“Nooo! What are you doing!” A voice yelled out and Grian turned around to see a familiar robot running over.
“Jrum!” Grian landed, arms open for a hug, but he just pushed past his dad to run to the person now on the ground. “Wh-what?”
“Are you okay?”
“Nggh… yeah. Wait, now where have you been?”
“I got kidnapped and Grum was there and he attacked me! But now I’m fine!”
Grian looked between his son and the person he had been attacking. He had no clue why this was happening, so he looked over as some of the other people nearby, who weren’t sure how to answer him. “Oh come on, no one had any idea?” And then the invisible person spoke. “I mean I guess? He was built before the turf war, but he didn’t really take part in it. Why? Look, I just want to get my kid and leave. My resistance days are pretty much over.”
There was quiet before Grian sighed and his wings shifted away. “Fine, I’ll play along, but you better hold up your end.” And when he opened his eyes, they weren’t their normal color, nor even just bright purple from using his watcher powers. Instead, his iris and pupils seemed to be missing, replaced by grayish-purple sclera.
“Well at the very least it was a house.” Xannes grumbled as he attempted to brush off the layer of dust on the bed sitting in the corner for him to then put Tommy on. It was tough with him having to carry the unconscious teen and only really about to use a leg as a duster, which was just spreading the dust around. “Can this be any harder?!”
A door opening behind him made the helsmit groan. “That’s wasn’t a fucking request! What the fuck do you-” He turned around and saw someone familiar and thankfully wearing a red tie. “Fine. This works. You take the kid.”
Mumbo was handed Tommy and Xannes finally was able to just pick the covers up off the bed and shake them off. It left Mumbo coughing and Xannes instantly regretting it as an alert on his screen warned him about his filters, but he put the blankets back down. The redstoner set Tommy down on the bed while Xannes worked on cleaning out the dust that was now in his helmet. “What happened to him?”
“He got killed, but respawn brought him back. It didn’t seem to be the best respawn because it hit hard. From what I can tell, he wasn’t supposed to. Is this a hardcore world?”
Mumbo shook his head. “Tommy said something about them having three lives, but they only counted if they were important.”
“So he essentially just got revived instead of normally respawning. That would explain it. You should have seen the three that got revived this season.”
“That’s right, you permakill someone if they don’t return for a season, don’t you.”
“Yeah. Of course they can still exist elsewhere, but it's a type of ban in a way.”
Mumbo nodded before finally looking away from Tommy and over to Xannes. “H-Have you seen either of the boys?”
“Yes, though they’re not doing so well. You know what a console is, right?”
“Yeah.” Mumbo nodded again. “I had to use one when I was first starting out so I didn’t break everything when working with redstone. Came in handy a few times, but I’m glad not using one anymore. Is there one being used here?”
“Yeah. The admin here decided to have fun with one since he found a way to make it mobile thanks to your redstone.”
“My red- wait!” Mumbo jumped up from kneeling on the floor next to the bed. “Are you telling me he’s using one of the boys?!”
“Yeah, Grumbot. He’s extremely out of it, but Tommy was able to get him to remove the blacklist and I’m pretty sure he’s the one who revived him, so it’s not a completely lost cause. Meanwhile the other one got infected with something like crimson nylium. I’m not sure how bad your land war went, but ours got out of hard fast.”
“We had a bit of trouble near the end, but the minigame battle near the end kept things from getting too far.”
“Well, hopefully it doesn’t end up like helscraft. Most of us ended up possessed by the different nyliums for a good portion of the war. And looks like Jrum is in the same situation.”
Alright, I’ll let the others know and hope Grian notices the message.”
“How many came along with the two of you?”
“Same group that we visited with. They came from here in the first place anyway, so they’ve got a better chance finding what we need.”
“Hello? Ranboo? Are you in here?” Tubbo asked, carefully stepping into the house. They had been planning to set up the second floor for Michael when he disappeared, so hopefully Ranboo would still be living there at least a little, unless he had taken the ziglin elsewhere. 
The place was dark, all the windows closed and no torches or lanterns there to light the place up. It left Tubbo fumbling around, trying to feel his way around and wishing he had brought something for light. He tripped on something and fell to the ground, rubbing his head and hoping he hadn’t damaged anything. Then suddenly, something lit up, and Tubbo froze.
He had looked behind him to try and see if he could tell what had tripped him. He could barely make out the outline of a foot. Following up, it led up to a glowing screen with a smiley face plastered on it. Just behind that, Tubbo could also see two glowing magenta eyes from an enderman standing behind the robot. 
Before Tubbo could ask any questions, a voice came from elsewhere in the dark room. “You know. As far as everyone knows, you're dead. How about we keep it that way?”
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 years
i just wanted to let you know that your response to my m//emori meta was really refreshing since it sometimes felt that i was the only (or at least one of very few) people who saw it that way... or maybe didn’t see it that way is the better phrase here. anyway!! i also just wanted to say how much i envy you for not watching the later seasons. oh, to be able to scrub my mind of some things. i actually didn’t know that you didn’t watch the latter seasons! in hindsight, i would have probably wanted to stop after season 5 — it had good murven moments, a hopeful ending, and no worm holes or weird time travel plots. past me: you should have known when to quit. anyway (times two) just wanted to say hi and that i appreciate you in the fandom. <3
also just reaching out to say that i am still writing and though i was (am?) in a bit of a writing slump i am pushing through am and so excited for the stories i get to publish for you! you picked some fun ones.
I totally get that. I don't hate them as a pairing but I would say I'm neutral-cool on them and, from my pov at least, they seem like one of the most popular pairs in what's left of the fandom. So it can be a little awkward to not be as keen on them. I also do have some ships I hate that are very popular side pairings and it's always a real pain to have to read around them or skip out on fics that feature them or blacklist them on tumblr... Anyway, I think my main reason for not loving this pairing is that I feel like we missed out on the getting-into-the-relationship part--it was a little tell-not-show in terms of why they became a couple imo--but I agreed with your points about how they were often incompatible in practice. I feel like TV does that a lot tbh: puts two characters together who seem like they work at first glance, without putting any work into depicting a functional relationship. They're just "meant to be" and we should accept that.
Yeah, I stopped watching in late S4 because I was really upset about Jasper's death. Like REALLY upset. I needed to take a break and separate myself from the show for my own well-being, but I did think I'd eventually come back. But the time skip and the separation of the mains into different groups just created a situation that was super uninteresting to me. I kept waiting for the desire to binge and catch up as S5 aired but it never came. Still hasn't! I did watch the Dark Year ep or whatever it was called, for the cannibalism, but the only part I liked was Diyoza. I don't know many people who watched all the way through S7 without regrets tbh. It's kinda sad how many people in this fandom haven't seen the whole thing or wish they hadn't seen the whole thing. It's the first fandom I've been in that's self-sustaining in that way: everyone's here (for those who are still here) for the characters/general world or for actual friendships they've made with other fans, rather than because all 100 eps were stellar. Sort of a shame honestly.
Don't worry about the writing! I just hope you have fun with the prompts! My to-read list is still way too long anyway, and I'm trying to bring back some of my own very old writing projects, so I totally get how it is.
Thanks for saying hi!! I appreciate you too!
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supernovadragoncat · 5 years
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Thunderstruck Outtake: Sally Cancels the THOT in Sandor’s Dressing Room (What happened after Chapter 14)
Dedicated to @jennusdemenus who asked for a glimpse into what happened directly after Chapter 14 (aka what happened to that THOT in Sandor’s dressing room, you know the one!) 
Read on below the cut to find out! 
You can catch Thunderstruck here on AO3 and here on FF.net! Only two chapters left!  
Back to the door, Sally watched the venue thin out. This bit was always the same. The city or the venue didn’t matter. Groupies and drunks, they were always the last to go. The drunks would plant themselves in an empty floor and wail for another encore well after the band left the stage and the crew started clearing off the gear. The groupies would flock to the door Sally had planted himself in front of and wield their feminine wiles in hopes of sneaking past.
As it stood, neither the groupies nor the drunks got too far, and Sally occupied himself with self-indulgent daydreams. He was usually hungry right about now. Having scrambled for scraps earlier, tonight was no exception. While Cannibal Star was likely on the prowl for booze and women, Sally had one thing on his mind.
Soft and sweet. Heaven on his lips. He’d savor every moment.
I shouldn’t.
He’d already had two cupcakes, but then also that beer and he wasn’t a twenty-something anymore, metabolism burning through every bit of bullshit he put in his body. His gut could prove it; the wobbly bits that hadn’t been there two years ago and showed no signs of slowing down now.
What’s a third cupcake when you’ve already had two? Sally reasoned with himself.
Catering got the kind he liked; the icing wasn’t too sweet and melted like butter on a hot July day in his mouth. Not that he ever let it be known. This shit wasn’t about him and he was just grateful no one had told him to pound sand yet. If anything, Cannibal Star had become some of his closest friends, the crew like family. They took care of their own and catering got the cupcakes he liked. That must count for something.
A flurry of activity snapped Sally out of his daydream. The crew all appeared absolutely addled as a roadie hurried across the stage, hollering about something or another that beckoned the others to gape in saucer-eyed wonder. The roadie jumped down to the floor and rushed to Sally.
“Shit’s going down. Sandor and his girl,” the kid panted and nudged his way past Sally and through the door that led to the hall.
“Oh my God!” Sally damn near punted the roadie out of his way and bolted down the corridor. He caught of glimpse of fiery red hair blazing towards the back door and Sandor looking like the world was crumbling around him.
Sandor turned to Sally, at a loss and out of words, any stray bits of explanation he could manage. That all fled the man now and he tore into his dressing room like a tornado, fury quick on the heels of emotional ruin and it was a wonder the flimsy door wasn’t ripped off the hinges.
“Trouble with the little lady?”
Sally hovered outside the dressing room and recognized the voice emanating from the other side. Mona the Monster’s ludicrous attempt at sultry banter was embarrassing even in the best of times and now solidified her place squarely on the blacklist of shame.
The men of Cannibal Star didn’t spook easy and certainly put up with their fair share of crazy if it meant getting laid at the end of it. It took a lot to get added to the blacklist.
“Get the fuck out!” Sandor’s shouts exploded into the hall and he bounded towards the doorway, wrangling Mona by her upper arm as he went.
“If you think I’ll tell you twice, you’re stupider than I’ve always known you to be.”
The woman’s feet barely had the opportunity to the meet the floor before her mostly naked ass was being tossed into the hall for Cannibal Star, the crew, and all of God’s green creation to see.
Ankles buckling, she stumbled and barely caught herself when her arms shot to the cinderblock wall.
“I’m actually very intelligent—” she fired back, equal parts furious and haughty even now, mostly naked and looking haggard in the harsh fluorescent lights beaming up above.
Anger like Sally had never seen consumed Sandor. Wide-eyed fury, fists curled, chest heaving, and face burning red—if Sally didn’t know any better, Sandor was teetering on the precipice of quite literally exploding.
“You’re trash! That’s all you’ve ever been,” he seethed in a commendable show of restraint, so much so the man was shaking. He pointed a trembling finger at Mona the Monster.
A crowd had gathered in the corridor, the message having spread like wildfire. By Sally’s estimate, the entire production now lined the hall to watch this holy terror finally get taken to task. Mona the Monster had a reputation all her own—an ungodly abomination of self-righteous entitlement and paper-thin self-esteem.
Sandor shifted towards her in a quiet step and a faint smirk Sally knew to be the calm in the storm. The fury roiled beneath the surface but next came the exacting cruelty that Sandor wielded better than anyone Sally knew.
Mona seemed to know what was coming too. Her eyes scanned the hall of faces all watching in twisted delight at her impending downfall. Her arms crossed over her chest in a laughable attempt at modesty.
“In all these years you’ve been around, spreading your legs for anything with a guitar and a pulse, I’ve never gone for you,” Sandor began, voice a deep rumble, but his eyes still flashed with rage. “I haven’t even looked at you twice. I find a girl who’s leaps and bounds better than you in every conceivable way, the first girl I’ve ever loved, and that’s when you think I’m going to hit it? Tell me again how intelligent you are. You’re nothing. You’re old, your tits are saggy, you reek of cigarettes and booze. Even at your youngest, all you could ever offer anyone was a lousy lay and now you’ve defined new levels of disgusting and that’s the only distinction you’re worthy of.”  
Snickering and quiet encouragement rolled over the crowd. Mona’s eyes darted up and down the hall, desperate to find a sympathetic gaze to latch onto. For some absurd reason, her eyes landed on Sally.
“Don’t look at me!” Sally barked. “You’ve done it now, you nasty bitch.”
“Like you’ve ever amounted to anything,” Mona snapped. “You’re a nobody!”
All at once, the members of Cannibal Star hurled themselves from their perches throughout the hall, peeling away with congruent fervor to be done with Mona the Monster.
“Done! You’re done!” Sandor bellowed and lurched towards her, settling in next to Sally’s side. “If I ever see you at one of our shows or practices, you even breathe the name ‘Cannibal Star’ in this city, you’re getting a Stratocaster shoved so far up your ass, you’ll be choking on the strings for the rest of your shit-filled life.” Sandor leveled irate eyes at Sally. “Take out the trash.”
Sandor turned on his heel without another glance and disappeared in his dressing room. Silence blanketed the hall.
After all these years, the shame finally caught up to Mona and, when it came, it came like an avalanche. For the rest of them, justice came just as mighty and sugary sweet. Tears rolled down Mona’s cheeks in a river of jet-black mascara. In one last ditch effort, she reached for Thoros, tits now exposed for all to see.
“A bridge too far. Get the fuck out,” he grumbled and eyed her in a way no groupie ever wanted to be regarded. Sandor had the right of it—disgust. This woman was worthy of nothing more than that.
Mona stumbled towards Harwin, probably seeking out the softest of the bunch, the one most likely to toss her stray bits of sympathy. Sally held his breath and said a little prayer that the kid would keep his wits about him.  
“You heard the man,” Harwin sniped with usual iciness. “You’re done. Get out.”
In a few more faltering steps and gasping cries, Mona eased down the hall towards Bronn. Sally fell in after her, blocking her path should she try to flee the other way. Mona blubbered a plea and Bronn crossed his arms tight over his chest.
“This was a long time coming, sweetheart. We all stand behind his decision. Get gone.” Bronn motioned to the door at the end of the hall leading to the parking lot.
Sally remembered now that’s where that sweet little Sansa had disappeared, and he hoped like hell that girl still wasn’t out there. Or maybe it was better if she was—she could witness Mona’s fall from grace, though she probably wouldn’t enjoy it as much as the crew was now.
A wave of applause rolled down the hall, growing louder as Mona continued towards the doors with Sally close behind. At the end of the line, no rope left to cling to, Mona turned to Sally.
“Can I at least get my clothes?” she pleaded on a quivering breath.
In only heels and a thong, Mona tried in earnest to cover herself. Sally reached around her and pushed open the door. A blast of chilly air swept through.
“No, should’ve thought about that when you took them off in his dressing room.” Sally shoved Mona through to the other side and followed after. She shivered against the night air. “I mean, he came here with her. How fucking stupid are you? What exactly did you expect?”
Mona lifted her eyes from the ground and glared at Sally but must’ve thought the better of mouthing off. As it stood, she was the one humiliated for all to see and standing outside naked. Sally scanned the parking lot for Sansa and thanked the man upstairs that she wasn’t here. Hopefully, she was safe and okay.
Sally spotted a flattened cardboard box perched against the fence on the other side of the lot. He motioned his head towards it. “You can cover yourself with that.”
She had the audacity to scoff. The offended breath escaped her thin, ugly lips that snarled at him. Sally prodded her shoulder with his finger and stepped to her, forcing Mona to shuffle backwards.
“Now you listen here, and you listen well, you tramp—Sansa is beautiful, and kind and she loves him. You’re not even in the same Universe as her. You have nothing to offer him. And if you think she’s some lovesick hanger-on, I’ve known that man far longer than you have, and I’ve never seen him like this. He loves her too.
“Nothing’s coming between them. Not a tour, not distance, not time. Nothing. Mark my words, they’re it for each other and they’ll figure this out. And you’ll still be a dried-up, bitter hag.
“Like he said. You’re done. I’m putting the crew on notice. If anyone catches a whiff of your skanky ass, you’ll leave here missing more than just your clothes next time.”
“Bye now!” he taunted with a wave before pulling the door shut.
On the other side, the hall had cleared out, both shows of the night now over. Sally retreated to the catering room and poked his head inside. The stars aligned in a rare formation and by some celestial miracle one lone cupcake sat pristine and unaccounted for on the table. Sally plucked it from the spot on the plate and admired the swirl of white icing on the top.
Back down the hall, he cradled the cupcake in his hands but the little flush of joy he felt was short lived as he passed Sandor’s dressing room door, wide open now. Inside, Sandor dwarfed the chair he sat in, elbows to knees and his forehead cradled in the palm of his hand.
Sally hovered beneath the doorframe, almost certain Sandor was aware that a presence had joined him. His shoulders tensed and his breathing shallowed, but the man remained resolute in his abject misery that kept him rooted where he was.
“Anything I can do?” Sally ventured.
Face still obscured, Sandor didn’t move other than the faint shake of his head. It was a wasted courtesy anyhow. What exactly could he do? Anything he could think to offer would be like tossing fistfuls of dirt into a gaping chasm that’d been created in Sandor’s life. The futility was absurd, and the man was so clearly already suffering the loss.
Sally’s gaze drifted to the cupcake in his hand—the last one, but he’d already had two, so the right choice was glaringly obvious. He paced into the room in shuffled steps and stopped in front of Sandor.  
“Here. Take this.” He held out the cupcake and Sandor finally lifted his head from his hand. Sally saw clear enough what he’d been trying to hide. Sandor’s eyes glistened with tears.  
“Those are your favorite.” Sandor shook his head and settled back in the seat. “Why do you think we tell catering to get them?”
“Always assumed it was a coincidence,” Sally shrugged. “Then it sounds like there will be plenty of cupcakes in my future. Take it.”
He jabbed the cupcake towards Sandor who took it from Sally and set it on the table next to him.
“Thank you,” Sandor murmured on a voice almost as deflated as he looked.  
A cumbersome silence fell between them and Sally took it as his cue to leave. He retreated to the door but stopped beneath the frame.
“If you’re curious, after handing her ass to her, I told her touring, distance, time, a tramp in your dressing room—I don’t honestly believe any of that is going to come between you and Sansa.”
“How do you know that?” Sandor countered and a deep crease of contemplation settled between his brows.
Sally could’ve laughed. It was obvious. Everyone that met Sansa tonight commented on it in one way or another and it all distilled down to the same damn thing—something shifted in Sandor with her around. She quieted him in a way, the stillness of peace for a man so accustomed to a life uprooted and unsettled; one who prided himself on being grounded and Sansa rooted him in a different reality—one where he was worthy of love and she was more than willing to give it.
Sandor had no family, nothing much to call his own, except now her and it scared the poor bastard in a way that meant he understood the gravity of what he’d been given. In some ways, Sally couldn’t blame him; the guy had been given the keys to the kingdom and bore the responsibility of not fucking it up.
“Just a feeling,” Sally said because how the fuck was he supposed to explain all this? The man would figure it out one way or another. “When you know, you know. You know?”
Sandor expelled a quiet laugh. “Yeah, I do know,” he said, shouldering the tremendous weight of regret. Sally had been there. The lessons of age came with more than just a few extra pounds and some things were heavier and harder to carry.
“Was she out there?” he asked and, when his eyes drifted from the floor to Sally, Sandor looked caught in a tangle between devastating sadness and foolhardy hopefulness.
“No, man. She’s left.”
Once more, Sally glimpsed the way Sandor’s eyes glistened when his gaze returned to the floor. Sandor bit his bottom lip hard and nodded.
Sally offered what paltry advice he could, and it wasn’t about placating the man. He and Sandor had an honest understanding, one that meant they could speak freely with one another and Sally took that liberty where he could and right now Sandor needed it.
“She may have left, but that doesn’t mean she’s gone,” Sally offered. “And you may not be able to get her back tonight but, one of these nights, you will. You just wait and see.”
It was a call to faith and Sally didn’t know much about what Sandor believed in and in some ways it didn’t matter. Certain things superseded the superficial constructs of belief and love was one of them. And if there were ever two people desperately, stupidly in love with one another, it was Sansa and Sandor and sooner or later they’d figure it out.
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croonerboy1965 · 4 years
As Many Forms of Love...
by croonerboy1965 and librarian-von-sassypants
Eddie stared out the window at the sprawling countryside as it moved like an abstract painting of green outside the carriage window, and hoped.
He hoped that this move was the right thing for his son. Christopher hadn’t flourished in the city as he thought he might. 
He hoped he was making the right choice in uprooting their lives and letting a house in the country, miles and miles from the smog and the dirt.
He hoped he would find a nice wife quickly, without too much effort, who would be good to Christopher, who would love him as much as Eddie did.
And more than anything, he hoped he could find the peace he so desperately craved. The ravages of war left little cracks in Eddie that festered, and grew, and his mind itched for a balm, something to make it all just a little bit less. 
He hoped to find that here. That peace, that so many people promised the countryside would provide. 
Twilight painted the sky in soft pastels of orange and red hues which tugged at the coming of night, and it’s blanket indigo fading into purple. They’d been on the road for hours, it seemed, and Christopher had long since fallen asleep, despite the rumbling of the carriage. Eddie could never quite get himself to sleep under any set of circumstances of late, still haunted by visions of his time in the militia. Too many tense transports during the war, where he was never sure if, when he fell asleep, he would ever wake back up again. 
They’re close now, just another hour or so and they’ll be at their new manor. It will be a relief after their long travels to have the comforts of a downy bed, and the distinct pleasure of a household staff to meet their needs. Eddie could certainly use a nice hot bath and a cup of tea to warm his tired and chilled through bones. 
The horse whinnying was Eddie’s first clue something was wrong, followed by the sudden jolt of the carriage as they ground to a halt.
Immediately, he put a hand out to stop a sleeping Christopher from tumbling onto the carriage floor. 
“Kingston?” he called out to his driver. 
“My lord--” Kingston started, but was cut off, and Eddie began to take inventory of what he has in the carriage to use as a weapon. The night often carried the unscrupulous wants of undesirable men. He considered Christopher’s walking cane,then thought the better of it. He realized he packed the only weapon he had, his pistol, was packed and sent on ahead. ‘Dammit all the Hell!’, he thought to himself. 
“Good evening!”, the voice that greeted them from outside the carriage was almost cheerful. Eddie instinctively grabbed his son’s cane, still keeping low and out of sight. The man who stepped into view looked young, younger than him, with a black mask obscuring the top half of his face. Dark and tattered clothes and high black boots completed the brigand look, but he was grinning, a smile so bright it looked very out of place. Now the only thing clearly visible in the dimming light.
Beside Eddie, Christopher was beginning to stir. Eddie muttered a series of foul words under his breath, a habit he’d broken for the most part, since Christopher was born. 
He looked up groggily at his father, and Eddie put a finger to his lips. Even in his slightly sleep-addled state, Christopher understood, and nodded.
“Don’t worry!” the chipper man continued. There was very definitely a pistol in his hand, pointed directly at Eddie. “All I want is your valuables. Jewelry, money. No need to panic.” 
The thief made the request in a tone so casual, as if he were discussing the weather over afternoon tea. 
Eddie raised his head and stuck it out the window.
“Sir…” Eddie started, but the man held up a gloved hand.
“I assure you, my lord, I have no problem using violence to get it.” The tone was kept light, and somehow that was worse. “But I prefer to be civil if possible.”
‘Where the hell were his footmen? Why hadn’t anyone tried to… divest this brigand of his weapon already?’, Eddie wondered.  
There were other low voices, indistinguishable but present, giving him the answer. 
“As do I,” Eddie raised both hands in playcation. “There’s no need for violence.” 
The brigand’s grin seemed to perk up a little. Night hadn’t quite settled in, and the sun’s light cast a ruddy glow on the pale skin that peaked around his outfit. 
“Then if you would be so kind as to exit the carriage, sir, we can get this charade over and done with.”
Eddie looked over at Christopher automatically. It wasn’t easy, getting him in and out of carriages, nor did he want to place his son in the way of some bastard’s pistol, but he didn’t want to risk enraging this man any further.
Eddie had seen the careless way highwaymen such as this had treated children in the past, and it made his blood cold. 
“I need to carry my son,” Eddie said, slowly reaching over toward Christopher. He took care to make  no sudden movements.
“Papa?” Christopher said in a hushed tone, looking up at him with trust laced with trepidation.
“It’s okay, my boy,” he said softly. “We’re just going to do what the nice man says.”, he reassured him. 
Christopher’s small arms wrapped around his neck, and Eddie grabbed him by the waist with one hand, maneuvering to open the door of the carriage with the other.
It was a bit of a drop to the ground, but he finagled it with ease, one hand raised to show he was unarmed. The cane sat uselessly on the carriage floor, and he wished like hell he could grab it, but didn’t want to risk it, not with Christopher in the line of fire. 
The look on the brigand’s face noticeably changed when his gaze landed on Christopher.
“What’s wrong with him?” the man asked, and Eddie was surprised that there seemed to be genuine concern in his voice, rather than the slight distaste he got from most everyone else. 
Eddie really wanted to tell this gun weilding man to take a flying leap and fuck off, but he tightened his grip on Christopher instead, and said,
“His legs don’t work well. He’s… different.” 
Different meant insane, in most people’s context. Different meant sanitariums and social blacklisting, and Eddie had worked so damn hard to shield Christopher from all of that. 
“I’m sorry.”, said the brigand.
Eddie fought the urge to raise his brow in surprise, because it sounded like he meant it. Eddie very much wanted to follow up with “Sorry enough not to rob us blind?”, but didn’t want to push his luck. 
“Father?” Christopher looks over at the man in black, and then back at his father. “Who is that?”
“Just look at me, Chris,” Eddie whispers, which is a useless thing to say, of course an inquisitive nine year old isn’t going to look away from the stranger, but fear is starting to whisper things into Eddie’s brain now.
The man very deftly slips his gun into the holster at his hip, and shows Christopher his empty hands, smiling softly now at the boy.
“Don’t worry,” the man says, “Your dad and I are just going to talk for a minute. Is that okay?”, and Christopher nods. Eddie is mistrustful on one hand and almost impressed on the other, at the way the robber handled his son, asking his permission and what not.
The man nudges his head to one side, silently asking to talk to Eddie alone.
“Kingston?” he called out to his driver, but then looked warily over at the brigand. “Could you…?” 
The man nodded, stepped back, gesturing for the driver to climb down. Eddie could see the other two now, though not enough to make out distinguishing features. Both wore black, as this man did, guns trained on the driver and Kingston. 
Kingston’s movements were unsure as he stepped toward his master, gathering Christopher up in his arms, with a quiet, “Come along, young master.” 
“We’ll keep this as brief as possible,” the man says, but as soon as Christopher is away, his gun is back out again, trained on Eddie. 
“If you would be so kind?”, He held out a burlap sack and gestured. 
“Would you kill me --in front of my son?” Eddie asks, locking gazes with the man. In the dying light, his eyes look almost ashen. 
“No,” he admits, smiling softly. “But I might knock you and the rest of your staff unconscious, and that would still be unpleasant for him.” 
Eddie stares at him a moment longer, debates with himself very briefly if maybe he could overpower this man, take out his two associates before either of them got a shot off, decided that no, it was unlikely, and began stripping the jewelry from his personage. 
Cufflinks, family crest ring, broach that was a gift from his father. All of the money he had on his person. 
One of the men began to unload the other bags, and Eddie, doing his best to retain what little dignity he has left, says indignantly, “You can search the luggage but you won’t find anything.” he looks up at the two small suitcases they have strapped to the top of the carriage. “We sent everything ahead. That’s mostly clothes.” And what he said was true. The bags were filled with various sundries, and had little resale worth. No value to anyone but he and his son.
“We’ll be the judge of that, the other man said as he and his cohort began to rifle through all of their personal belongings. They tossed the items haphazardly, scattering them on the ground.
Christopher was wearing the only thing of value. His mother’s necklace, a small teardrop pearl, set on a gold chain, dangling clear as day on the outside of his jacket. He hadn’t taken it off since she died. 
Eddie watched the lead man look over at Christopher, at the necklace, which was catching the last of the sun’s rays and glinting a little, and then turned back to Eddie.
“Grab the boy.” the brigand said, keeping his gaze locked with Eddie’s. One of the henchmen attempts to snatch Christoper from Kingston’s arms with some amount of force. 
“Papa!”, Christopher shrieks.
Kingston puffs up his chest, clutching the boy firmly to him and admonishes the man saying, “How dare you touch him you sniveling little--”, but the curse is cut short by the cocking of a gun’s hammer. 
“No!”, Eddie screams, as he starts to rush the man in black, hoping to shield Kingston. 
As he does so, he is yanked backward by the larger of the two thugs, the brute, thumping him on the head, bringing Eddie to his knees. The brigand dismounts and approaches Eddie, as the henchman drags him to his feet. 
The masked man sticks the barrel of his pistol up under Eddie’s chin.
Their faces are close enough that when he speaks, Eddie can smell the faint whiff of anise on his breath. And at this range can see the true color of his eyes, crystalline blue like icy sapphires. Something in him stirs and his face flushes, but it is not so much anger as a kind of embarrassment. A long moment passes, and the brigand sees something unspoken, almost desirous, in Eddie’s eyes. 
“Are you certain you are carrying nothing else?”, the thief asks as he uses his free hand to rifle through Eddie’s pockets. And in doing so, brushes against something hard, like the grip of a gun. He grasps at it and pulls more than once before realizing his error. Eddie grunts in a way that makes the man restraining him slightly consternate. He looks at his gang leader, who Eddie sees has gone flush in the face, himself. The brigand coughs as he pulls his hand from Eddie's pocket and turns to mount his horse. 
 Nodding to his henchmen to release the captives, he tries to end the encounter curtly, saying, “Then we shall send you on your merry way, sir.”, he said, replacing the gun in it’s holster. 
Eddie blinked. And blinked again. He opened his mouth for a moment, thoroughly confused, but then closed it again, gesturing for Kingston to help Christopher up into the carriage.
Eddie stared at the man, unsure if this was a ruse, wondering if he might indeed shoot them after all. 
The man in the mask looked down, a grin spread across his face, as he shook his head, and then looking up at Eddie again, said in a hoarse whisper,  “We don’t steal from children.”, his hand held up alongside his face, as if not wanting his companions to hear. “There is still at least some honor amongst thieves.” And then gives Eddie a wink. 
He backs away, gestures for his companions to mount up, and in the time it takes Kingston to get Christopher back in the carriage, they are galloping away across the open field, toward the woods. It’s no use attempting pursuit. Even if Eddie were armed, unhooking the horses would take far too long. Already, they were becoming distant smudges in the twilight.
“Everyone okay?” Eddie asks. The footman and Kingston both look rattled, but nod, get back onto the carriage.
The rest of the trip is uneventful, and night covers everything like a thick cloak as they pull up to the front of the manor. 
After tucking Christopher snugly into his bed, Eddie kissed him on the forehead, brushing away the curls from his face.
“Papa, will the bad men come back and try to hurt us?”, Christopher asked. 
“No my love...he can’t hurt us anymore. We’re safe.”, Eddie said, not really sure if the statement was completely truthful. 
“Why did they let us go?”, he asked. 
“Because you are incredibly brave.”, Eddie assured him, touching the tip of his index finger to Christopher’s nose. And your mother was there watching over you.” Eddie traces the chain around Christopher’s neck and rolls the pearl hanging there between his thumb and forefinger.
“I miss her.”, said Christopher. 
“I do too.”, Eddie says, smiling to hide the pang of sadness welling within him. 
“How about you get some sleep, and tomorrow we can go into town and find some ice cream for tomorrow's dessert?”, he said, seeing Christopher’s face change to one of excitement. 
“Can we get chocolate?!”, he pleaded.
“Anything you want, now close your eyes, and dream of all the new places we’ll see when you wake.” Eddie pulled the covers up and closed Christopher’s eyelids gently with his fingertips. 
This made Christopher giggle softly. Eddie got up and went to the door, leaving it open just a bit as he left the bedroom, letting in just enough light for Christopher to see, in case he should wake in the night. 
“Good night my sweet boy.’, he whispered, and made his way to his own bed chambers. 
Today was a long day, and he was bone tired. And tomorrow has its own weight to bear.
A new town, and a party to plan and a bevy of eligible ladies to court. Eddie stripped off his traveling clothes and washed with the basin of water at his dressing table. He thought again of the brigand and a tingle of excitement ran through him. He toweled off his face and  climbed under the sheets. The last thought he had before drifting off was of the thief...and those pale blue eyes.
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sunkissedpages · 6 years
We’re Only Kidding Ourselves- Part Twelve || Tom Holland x Reader
A/N: sjadslikjdl it’s between teaser and full chapter length but I wanted to get it out before like 3am :/ 
Prompt: Enemies to lovers au (from @marvelellie‘s 1k writing challenge!!)
Summary: You work as a production assistant for the Spider-Man: Far From Home crew, or rather as Tom Holland’s handler. The two of you don’t get along very well to say the least, but you won’t quit and he can’t fire you so you’re stuck with each other.
Warnings: swearing, angst 
What I listened to while writing: Pray For The Wicked by Panic! At The Disco
Word Count: 1.5k
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven
Tom’s lips were softer than you expected.Warmer too. For a fraction of a second you let yourself get lost in the kiss, closing your eyes and tilting your head ever so slightly. You even brought your hand up to his head and nearly let your fingers graze his curls before you remembered how pissed off you were at him.
You pulled back and pushed him away with a little more force than you intended, causing him to stumble backwards. “What the fuck was that, Tom?” you demanded, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand.
“I-I’m sorry,” he stuttered, already turning red. “I didn’t mean-“
“You what? Thought you could just shut me up by kissing me?”
“It sort of worked.”
It took everything in you not to backhand your boss into next year. “I’m putting my resignation in tomorrow morning,” you stated flatly and started walking ahead of him, despite not knowing what direction you were supposed to be headed.
“Wait, y/n,” he called after you. “I really am sorry!” When you didn’t turn back he jogged to catch up with you. You kept your pace and refused to look at him. “Please don’t quit, I’m begging you.”
You stopped again. “Why shouldn’t I? You obviously don’t respect me. And relax, Watts isn’t going to be that pissed at you.”
“It’s not just that!” he protested. You raised your eyebrows, waiting. “No one can do this job better than you.”
“You’re the one who said you didn’t need me.” 
“We both know that’s not true, though,” he admitted. “Please don’t leave.” You were surprised by how genuinely upset he looked. “Please.”
“...I’ll think about it,” you replied softly.
Tom relaxed visibly and started walking again. You trailed behind him now, lost in thought. Everything still felt fuzzy. You could still feel Tom’s lips on yours and you wondered if he could taste your rose flavored lip balm when he kissed you, if he knew you’d noticed his fingers brushing your hip, if he had sighed into it on accident, if he really wished he could take it back.
You watched him walk with his hands in his pockets and wished, for the first time ever, that you could go back to hating each other like you had a few weeks ago. Everything was easier when you couldn’t stand the sight of him. Now it was so much more complicated.
Tom really had to fuck everything up for you, didn’t he? You weren’t just thinking about quitting because he was an asshole, you were also worried that someone had seen him kiss you. If anyone found out, Marvel would make sure you never worked in the film industry ever again and you didn’t think you could handle that. You figured that at least if you quit before they fired you, maybe they wouldn’t get the chance to blacklist you.
Walking in to a mess of a hotel room only added to how overwhelmed you already were. Tom’s clothes and your dress from the night before were still on the floor in heaps. Clutter was everywhere. You stood helplessly in the middle of it all and felt tears well up in your eyes. They inevitably spilled over and began to run down your cheeks and you didn’t do anything to stop them. You’d reached a breaking point.
Tom turned his head at your sniffling, but didn’t move to comfort you. At least, not in a traditional manner. As if he could read your mind he began straightening the room up wordlessly, putting pillows back on the bed and clothes into suitcases. You joined him, stuffing things you weren’t even sure were yours into your suitcase until the floor was spotless. Once the room was clean you both sat on the floor, breathing hard, but not speaking.
Tom showered first, then you. You got ready for bed robotically, going through the motions without thinking about what you were doing. It wasn’t that late, but neither of you felt like being awake anymore. Without any discussion Tom took the armchair again while you climbed into bed alone.
The two of you hadn’t lain awake in silence for One Whole Night, but it was just as uncomfortable as it had been before, if not more. You could hear Tom’s steady breathing from beside you and wondered if he was still thinking about the kiss like you were. 
Part of you wanted to tell him to stop being ridiculous and just get into bed with you, but the other part of you understood why he hadn’t already. Ironically, he was even closer to you in the chair than he would have been on the bed since they were right next to each other. You could reach out and touch him if you wanted to.
At some point Tom drifted off, but you never did. You stared at the ceiling wondering what you should do. Stay? Go? Even if that kiss had meant nothing it could ruin everything just like that. Your dreams would be snatched out of reach in the blink of an eye.
You rolled over to look at Tom who was sleeping peacefully in the chair. You wondered if he was dreaming. You were jealous he was able to sleep at all.
Morning came, but you barely noticed because you were still lying on your back consumed with doubt. Your body was exhausted, but your mind hadn't let you rest for even a moment. The sunrise had slowly filled the room with light and you were sure it had been beautiful, but you hadn’t paid attention.
When Tom’s alarm went off you rolled over and shut your eyes and hoped he’d buy that you were sleeping. You weren’t ready to talk to him yet. He got up from the chair and started moving around the room quietly. You listened as he changed and brushed his teeth, getting ready to go to the gym, going about his routine as if nothing had happened. You heard the movements stop for a few seconds and thought he might be checking to make sure you hadn’t woken up, but you couldn’t tell. 
When he left, you rolled back over onto your back with a sigh. It was going to be a long day.
You were out of the room before Tom came back and made your way down to the lobby instead. You figured if you were going to avoid him you could at least take advantage of the continental breakfast. They had a waffle maker, but it didn’t work very well. It burned the edges while leaving the center gooey and under cooked. You still ate them anyway.
Nothing on twitter indicated that someone had seen you and Tom last night so you were in the clear- for now. You couldn’t even imagine what would happen if a picture of a girl in a yellow sweatshirt kissing Tom surfaced on the internet. Not only would you be fired, blacklisted, and probably sued, you would probably have to change your name and never show your face in public again.Your life would be over. Just the thought made you lose your appetite.
People had started gathering around the check-in desk, getting ready to go to set so you hurried and finished your breakfast so you wouldn’t look pathetic eating alone. You already sort of had that reputation anyway, there was no need to add to it. 
Tom was early this morning and everyone tried not to act surprised as he made the rounds and said his good-mornings before ending up next to you. You handed him a copy of the day’s schedule and he traded you a cup of coffee in return.
You sipped it and were surprised when it tasted perfect. “How did you-”
“I asked Haz,” he replied before you even finished the question. “So you’re staying?”
“I don’t know yet.”
“You didn’t sleep last night.”
You made a face. “Yes I did, what are you talking about?”
“You were faking this morning.”
“What are you talking about?”
“God it’s a good thing that I’m the one lying about sleeping around because you’re shit at it. And come on, you weren’t even snoring.”
You looked at him in horror. “I snore?”
Tom smirked. “Gotcha.”
“Oh fuck you!”
“I knew it!” he exclaimed, pointing a finger. 
“Just because I was faking this morning doesn’t mean I didn’t sleep at all.”
“But you didn’t, did you?” he asked, smile falling away to reveal a look of concern.
You brushed him off. “Doesn’t matter.”
He looked a little hurt. “It does matter. But if you don’t want to talk about it-”
“Tom, I could get fired,” you interrupted, finally saying what was really on your mind. He blinked in confusion, caught off guard. “You’re the one who said if anyone found out we were even sharing a room I’d be fired and blacklisted, and that’s without any proof of anything happening! What do you think would happen to me if anyone saw what happened last night?”
“What happened last night?” a familiar voice asked from behind you and you and Tom both whipped around to see Harrison standing there, eyebrow raised and jaw clenched. You were fucked.
It’s been...a week to say the least, sorry again that it’s so short. Imma try and make it up to y’all before next week :) Tom is still an asshole, what’s new lol. Anyway lmk what you think, I always appreciate feedback!!
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bytheangell · 5 years
This Is the Coda That Never Ends... Part 13
(Read on AO3) (read from the start)
“I’ll keep you updated,” Alec assures Magnus, giving his husband a kiss goodbye before picking Clary up off of the sofa and carrying her through the portal. When he steps through into Lorenzo’s mansion it looks almost the same as it did a year ago when he was last here. The little constants are nice, especially considering how much the world around him has changed in such a short period of time. 
Alec immediately moves towards the sofa but Lorenzo stops him. 
“Can you carry her upstairs?” Lorenzo asks him. “We can put her in a proper bed this time until she wakes up, I’ll conjure up something for her to eat, too, the poor thing must be drained.” 
Alec tilts his head for a moment, caught off-guard by the extra measure Lorenzo considered to keep Clary comfortable. He hasn’t dealt with Lorenzo very much in the past year, not since his move to Alicante and Isabelle’s appointment as Head of the Institute in his place. Of course, during his visits and time catching up with Underhill with a night out here and there, he’s heard his fair share of the subtle shifts in the High Warlock of Brooklyn’s attitude from the man who once blacklisted Magnus from the warlock community. 
On the outside he still puts on a show of being above caring about trivial matters and people who serve him no purpose, especially during official meetings and council sessions, but this is a taste of the Lorenzo who Underhill and Isabelle have been telling him about. Alec almost didn’t believe them before seeing it with his own two eyes; Underhill is one thing, Alec expects him to be kind to his boyfriend, but he has no reason to go above and beyond for Clary. 
“That sounds good, yeah.” Alec shifts Clary’s weight in his arms before turning towards the stairs. 
“Up the stairs, take a right, second door on the left.” Lorenzo says before turning and heading off somewhere. 
Alec’s second surprise - being allowed to wander Lorenzo’s home freely. He expected the other man to follow him around, or maybe offer yet another tour of any new acquisitions from the past year, but instead Lorenzo vanishes out of sight before Alec is even up the first set of stairs. 
He finds the bedroom easily enough. It’s clearly a spare for visitors, and even though it isn’t dusty or anything it’s also obvious it hasn’t been used in quite some time.Alec shifts the covers enough to lay Clary down and pull them over her, leaving the door open on his way out and back down the stairs.
Alec is about to call out to find where Lorenzo went when he hears sounds coming from a room down the hall and follows them to find Lorenzo not actually conjuring something up, but gathering ingredients out of the cabinets and fridge to cook with. A lot of ingredients. 
“How many people do you plan on feeding?” Alec asks, eyebrow raised. 
“Assuming your entire hoard of Shadowhunters are likely about to invade my home to speak with Clarissa when she wakes back up, at least half a dozen.” Lorenzo doesn’t even look up from what he’s chopping as he speaks. 
“Oh,” Alec says, not quite sure what else to say to that. Lorenzo doesn’t seem angry about it, more resigned to the inevitability… and entirely willing, just as he was in offering Clary a proper room, to go the extra mile. Maybe he can sense how tense this entire situation is for them. Maybe he just wants to be the better person after that jab at Alec for keeping this secret, the same way he had the Soul Sword. “Thanks,” he adds. “I know you don’t want to be doing all this.” “What can I say, Bane set quite the precedent for Shadowhunter tolerance,” Lorenzo shrugged. 
“Mmhmm,” Alec hums, smiling slightly. “Though it seems like you’re doing a bit more than tolerating Underhill these days.You’ve been together the whole year since the wedding, haven’t you?” Alec hears Underhill’s side of things occasionally, but it’s rare he has a moment alone with Lorenzo that isn’t focused on some sort of official business of another. 
“I suppose so,” Lorenzo confirms. “I suppose,” he continues in a would-be-casual tone. “Not to jinx it, but things are going rather well these days. Andrew is quite the charmer when he wants to be.” 
Alec stifles a laugh. “Good. I was afraid after earlier-” 
Lorenzo cuts Alec off with a sigh and a wave of his hand. “We’ll talk it out. We always do; this isn’t the first time he’s put his duty as a Shadowhunter before our relationship. I’d probably do the same if our roles were reversed.” 
Alec shakes his head. “But you shouldn’t have to, and neither should Underhill. Ordering him to keep this a secret, I never should’ve done that. It was a bad call, and it goes against all of the transparency I’m trying to create in the Shadow World. How are you ever supposed to trust me and the rest of the Shadowhunters if we keep running around keeping secrets?” 
“If you think you’re the only ones keeping secrets, Mr. Lightwood, you’re more naive than I thought,” Lorenzo states simply. “This isn’t something that’s going to stop overnight. You’re doing good work, but you’ve barely begun. You can’t undo years of systematic oppression and self-preservation with a law or two.” 
He wonders if Lorenzo knows something he doesn’t, openly admitting that there are other secrets being kept in the Shadow World. Which, Alec reasons, could be almost anything. But the tone that their conversation shifts to is much more serious than it began, and he has to consider if it isn’t more of a veiled warning than a casual statement. 
He doesn’t get a chance to ask before Alec’s phone rings, Isabelle’s name flashing across the screen. 
“Hey Iz, what’s up?” He asks, already knowing the answer. Magnus filled her in on where he is and what’s going on, and she wants to know what the next move is. 
“Honestly, I’m not so sure anymore. You didn’t see her when she suddenly remembered Magnus… if we bring everyone here it might be too much for her all at once…”
Lorenzo looks up at that. “If I just chopped up that many fresh carrots for nothing-” he starts, falling silent when Alec holds up a finger to shush him so he can hear his sister through the phone. 
“What? No, nevermind about the carrots. Listen, I know he’s going to kill me for it later, but tell Jace to stay back for now. If you and Simon want to come, that’s fine. But until we know how her memories are affecting her, and why they’re coming back, I don’t want to risk anything that’s already triggered her.” Alec pauses, listening again. “Take your time, see you when you get here.” 
He hangs up, turning back to Lorenzo. “What do you think? Should I even let those two come?” He asks, curious to hear the warlock’s opinion. 
Lorenzo looks shocked to be asked. “Why are you asking me?” 
“Because I meant what I said earlier. I can’t fix this on my own, and if I’m being honest I’m more than a little biased here, so I’d like a second opinion.” Alec says, opting for honesty this time around. 
“I don’t think it’s a terrible idea,” Lorenzo admits. “But I can’t say for certain, and neither can you. First you’re trying to keep her away from the places she’s remembering, then you’re asking her all sorts of leading questions back at Magnus’, and now you’re trying to keep her away from it again. You’re just as clueless as I am in this unfortunately unprecedented situation.” 
Alec hates how right Lorenzo is, cursing his intuitive outlook and the fact that he really doesn’t shy away from telling things like they are. Alec’s trying to play the diplomat here, while balancing his personal history with Clary, and failing miserably at both. He thought for a second back there he was covering it well enough but clearly that isn’t the case. 
“If there’s one thing you learn being immortal,” Lorenzo continues after Alec’s prolonged silence. “It’s adaptability. Make a plan, but don’t be afraid to change it when something new comes up and it stops working. Don’t just stick with it because you said it an hour ago.” 
Alec isn’t sure how he feels about getting leadership advice from Lorenzo Rey of all people, but it’s good advice.
Alec catches himself staring at the yellow magic that Lorenzo uses, remembering the short period of time he had it at his own disposal. He thinks about that more than he cares to admit, the feel of it just under the surface of his skin, the power at his fingertips… 
“Have you considered using it again?” Lorenzo asks, and Alec sees his gaze watching him watch the magic. “The alliance rune?” 
Alec shakes his head. “No. I mean, yes, plenty of times. But not seriously. Not after the pushback it gave the first time, and the price Clary paid for it’s creation… the Angels clearly didn’t want that to exist. I can’t ignore that a second time, not considering the potential cost for using it again.” 
Lorenzo nods thoughtfully. “Do you think your Angels will allow it now, if they’re returning Clary and all of her powers back to our world?” 
Alec pauses to consider that. He hadn’t thought about it before, but… maybe, just maybe… 
He refuses to get his hopes up. 
“Let’s worry about one thing at a time,” Alec suggests instead of pursuing that line of thinking, though now that it’s in the back of his mind he knows it’s going to stay there for quite some time. He clears his throat to refocus. “Alright. So we stick with the plan for now and change it if we have to-”
“What plan?” Clary’s voice sounds from the doorway, causing both men to jump slightly at the unexpected sound. 
“You didn’t leave,” Alec observes, pleasantly surprised. When he left her alone in that bedroom, no wards holding her in or person to keep an eye on her, he half expected her to flee the moment she woke up. He has to admit he’s pleasantly surprised to see her still here. 
“I told you, I want answers, too. And it looks like you guys are the ones who have them.” She glances around. “Where’s Magnus?” 
Alec and Lorenzo share a look of concern. Clary seems okay at first, but the longer she thinks about him, trying to remember the warlock and what happened before, the more Alec sees the discomfort grow in her expression. 
“He isn’t here. We didn’t want you to be in any more pain if we could help it. The remembering hurts, doesn’t it?” Alec asks, knowing it’s a stupid question but wanting to hear the answer from her just the same. 
Clary nods. “The first time is the worst. If it’s just a piece of something I can mostly ignore it. But if it’s something big, or all of it at once… well, it sucks. I mean, you saw me, did I pass out again?” 
Alec stores that knowledge away while Lorenzo cringes a bit from behind a boiling pot on the stove. “Ahhh, actually, Miss Fairchild, that was my doing. I… incapacitated you before the pain could. Both times.” 
“Oh,” Clary says, and Alec’s afraid she might actually run at that news. “Thanks, I guess?” 
“You really do trust us, don’t you?” Alec asks, amazed and confused but also more than a little grateful for it. 
Clary nods. “I do. I shouldn’t, but… here we are. Me in a house with two strangers who have ‘incapacitated’ and kidnapped me twice now. If I don’t end up on some procedural cop show a year from now it’ll be a miracle.” 
There’s the unmistakable sound of a portal in the living room and all three of their heads turn towards it. 
“What’s that?” Clary asks, immediately taking a step back. 
Alec looks at her with a cautious grin. “How do you feel about meeting a few more old friends?” 
“Do I have a choice?” Clary says, taking a deep breath. 
Alec considers this, and then nods. “Yes. You do. Say the word and they’re gone.” 
Clary hesitates. There are voices now, calling out for Alec. A girl and a guy. 
Alec watches Clary carefully as the initial fear fades to the stubborn determination he remembers her so well for; a flash of the old Clary if he ever saw one. 
“No… it’s fine. I’m fine,” she says with a resolute nod, and Alec is positive she’s trying to convince herself more than him, but lets it go. “Let’s do this.”
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castcharmperson · 6 years
Taakitz: Crossover
What up!! It’s November!! Literally my only note to myself when writing this story was, and this is a direct copy-paste from my google doc, “For the love of god i gotta keep this one short or I’ll lose my mind.” AND NOW I HAVE 9k+ WORDS SO???
A thousand thank you’s to the folks behind @taakitzweek - participating was a joy and a privilege and gifted me this AU that I’m pretty sure will live in my heart forever. To be posted in six parts over the course of the next week. Please enjoy part one of Speed Trap, a b99 styled, white collar inspired, non-magical modern au where Taako does a crime and Kravitz absolutely does not get paid enough to deal with it. Warning for a paraphrase of the ‘tentacle your dick’ quote.
It wasn’t Taako’s fault that he got fired. The product was damaged, some kid was clumsy in the back of the shop, so the manager told Taako to throw out it. Sure, the eyeshadow palette was cracked, but other than that it was perfectly fine. Some pigment from the blue crossed into the green, but honestly, Taako had several outfits that would be amazing with that unique shade of teal. So the product was supposed to go in the trash, instead it ended up in Taako’s pocket. There was almost no difference between the two, especially when he changed out of his work uniform and into his black skinny jeans that were all but threadbare.
But then he was in the parking lot, sitting on the hood of his car and nowhere near the store, when his manager thought it’d be a great time to remind him that smoking would be the death of him. Seriously, Taako was off the clock and even if he wasn’t, his manager wasn’t his mom, don’t tell him what to do.
“Hey, why do you have one of our palettes in your pocket?”
So now Taako didn’t have a job. Again. He’d been lucky to score that easy gig, to have some sort of start at paying off his loans, but now he was blacklisted from the entire mall. And it wasn’t like he could work in any of the restaurants nearby because his asshole ex-boyfriend had literally soured every contact they had in the food industry.
Taako had three degrees to his name. He was an engineer and a chef, but even before his credibility was destroyed, the only thing his fancy education brought him was a bank account perpetually in the red.
“Hey Koko, you’re home early.” Lup shrugged off her uniform jacket and went directly to the fridge. Living with his sister was the best thing to happen to him since coming back from the nightmare Paris had turned into. She had a steady job, a dangerous one, but she was never late to pay rent like he always seemed to be. She was so patient with him, it almost felt unfair. She really should have kicked him out by now; instead, she constantly reminded him that his luck would change any day now. He’d catch his break, or there was always a job for him at the station.
He appreciated her offer, he really did, but Taako he knew he wouldn’t survive a day being a police officer. The idea of him being in uniform and competently saving lives was laughable. He barely managed to handle the stress of knowing his sister was putting her life on the line for this shitty city.
“Uh, yeah.” And he could not handle the stress of her knowing he got fired again.
“Everything okay? I know you’re manager’s a jerk but maybe-“
“They actually got fired today.” What? No, stop. He was not lying to his sister, she’d see right through him. Instead, Lup turned around grinning. “Yeah and um, I’m the new manager. Regional position, actually, pretty nice.”
“Taako!” She was hugging him and he felt sick. “That’s amazing! I told you things would turn around!” What happened to twin telepathy? Why did she believe him? Why was he lying to her??
She said something about a date with Barry, but Taako was barely listening. Now that he was thinking about it, it wasn’t surprising that she believed him; they didn’t keep things from each other, she had no reason to suspect anything.
Home alone again, the smart thing to do would be to tell her the truth. Text her. It would maybe ruin her date, but at least the fall out would be buffered until she got back home. Besides, date night with Barry meant the two of them were shopping for Mr. and Mrs. suitcase sets or some other gross couple-y nonsense. There wasn’t much to ruin. She’d be mad, but in time, everything would be fine.
Just sitting on the couch, phone in hand as he hovered over the digital keyboard, he was already nauseous from her imagined anger. Getting fired again was bad enough, but lying to her? Why did he say that?
The smart thing to do would be telling the truth. But the Taako thing to do would be to make the truth. He said he got promoted, new job, new hours, new money. All he had to do was find that job.
Next morning, he was out of the house before she even woke up. Note on the fridge, something vague about new hours for manager training and a breakfast pastry waiting for her, and she wouldn’t suspect a thing. Taako wasn’t sure where he was going to find this new truth of a job, but it had to be out there. The mall by the house wasn’t an option, but there were other malls and he had gas to burn after swiping that seemingly unlimited gift card off of some rich asshole a few months back.
Speeding down the highway, Taako forced himself to be hopeful. It was the tail end of fall, places would be hiring. The kids to help with the summer rush all had classes again and stores wanted to start preparing for the holiday rush. Lup was right, even if she didn’t know the whole picture. His luck was turning.
But maybe that luck was taking a smoke break as he heard sirens behind him. Glancing in the mirror, a cop car tailed him down the freeway. “Bullshit,” Taako cursed as he pulled over. Everyone sped down this stretch, why was he being pulled over?
He rolled down his window and was treated to someone glaring at him through a large pair of aviators. “Sir, do you know how fast you were going?” Ridiculous sunglasses matched with an equally ridiculous accent. No way that was real.
Taako couldn’t help himself, losing the fight against the grin taking over his face. “Blimey, officer, I ain’t sure.” It’d been over a decade since his and Lup’s high school stardom in a rather strange retelling of Oliver Twist but Taako’s accent was still more believable than the officer’s.
The officer’s brow twitched and then the glasses came off as though Taako’s joke might have somehow been a trick of his lenses. “Excuse me?” The accent was faltering worse now, but without the glasses, Taako was able to fully appreciate the man’s face.
“Oh wow, if all the cops were as handsome as you, I’d maybe be tempted to follow all the laws.”
The handsome man’s face twisted further in confusion. “What is wrong with you? I’m giving you a speeding ticket and you’re hitting on me?”
Taako just shrugged, but then the threat of a ticket finally sunk in. “Wait, shit, a ticket? Come on, I couldn’t have been going that fast.”
“I’ve certainly seen faster on this street, but eighty in a fifty five still isn’t great.”
Taako did the math real quick, facts and figures from Lup’s studying for the academy still fresh in his mind even though she’d graduated years ago. There was no way he could afford a ticket for going that high over the limit. “Okay hold on, hot stuff. Can’t you cut me a break? First time offense and all?”
“Not five seconds ago, you admitted to me that the lack of attractive police force was contribution to your history of crime.” His tone was turning amused now, seeming to enjoy the way the conversation had slipped back into his control. His smile was unfairly charming, even if the accent was still disastrous.
Taako couldn’t afford to be distracted though. “I’m not a criminal! Dude, come on, I will give you everything in my wallet if you don't ticket me.”
“Bribing an officer? I do not want to deal with the paperwork for that. Just stay here.” He started back to his squad car and Taako leaned out the window to holler after him.
“Come on, hot stuff, don’t be like this! At least lemme get that name, I’m about to suck your dick for free if I can’t do it to get out of a ticket!”
The officer ignored him, coming back to throw a slip of paper through Taako’s window. His sunglasses were back on, covering some of his face but not enough to hide the blush from what Taako had been shouting at him. “Do me a favor, Mr. Taako? Be a criminal in some other district because I would love to never ticket you again.”
At least the piece of paper gave Taako a name: K. Queen. Not that it meant anything with one of the most common last names in the city. Besides, Taako couldn’t exactly try to hook up with someone if he got arrested for overdue fines. Long after the officer drove off, Taako sat in his own car on the side of the highway. The price mocked him from the piece of paper, like it knew he’d never afford it and rent at the same time.
Another car zoomed past him, easily going over the eighty Taako had been caught for. If only he could pull over that guy, charge him in order to pay off his own ticket. It’d be fair- there were drunk drivers and reckless assholes all over this stupid city. They should be getting ticketed, not him!
Wait… That wasn’t a bad idea.
[Part Two]
Please come scream at me in my ask box about this AU because even after I post all of this fic I might write little bonuses for it. And thanks so much for reading! I know I am well past the taakitz week deadline for posting this. If you want to, check out my charmedwords tag for more taz fics!
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tokyohseok · 7 years
“a guy like you? liking a girl like y/n? get real.”
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Mark knew what others would say if he admitted he had a crush on you:
“A guy like you? Liking a girl like y/n? Get real.”
So he kept it to himself and just admired you from a far...well, from around a meter because you sat in front of him in class. Before you moved to the city, Mark never showed interest in popular kids: he thought they were noisy, reckless and incapable of holding a conversation of any depth. His opinion on you was exactly the same when you naturally migrated into the group of said hooligans. However it didn’t take too long after getting to know you that he realised he had for once in his life been very wrong.
“Mark,” your tutor called him just before he could leave to go home for the day. “Can you take these to the teachers office for me on your way down? I have somewhere to be and I’m already late,” she asked, gesturing to the pile of homework books piled on the desk. He nodded silently and she rushed off mouthing a thank you in relief. 
Mark slid open the door to the office and searched for the tutors desk. He noticed a teacher in the far corner of the room and went to ask where her desk was, but he stopped when he noticed that teacher was preoccupied talking to a student. 
“Your parents just want us to check up on you considering the circumstances at your last school,” the teacher stated concerned, as though the pair were squabbling before Mark appeared. Mark turned his back, pretending he wasn't listening.
“We’ve gone through the effort to move away from it all, I don’t want to drag all this back here,” a female voice responded. “I’m settling in fine here, but how much longer can I use the excuse that I’m new to keep having these one-on-one catch ups with the guidance counsellor. I appreciate your concern, Sir...but I just want to live normally now.”
The teacher nodded and sighed understandingly, at this gesture the girl stood up and Mark almost dropped the books he was holding when he saw you walk past. He turned the other way in case you turned around and saw him peeping.
Mark, for a second, didn’t notice the guidance counsellor looking at him expectantly as if asking him what he wanted using just the muscles in his face. Mark made an almost inaudible ‘ah’ sound before continuing to ask where he should leave the books.
“How much of that did you hear,” you suddenly asked the moment Mark waltzed around the corner. He jumped back and placed a hand on his heart and began breathing as though he were stifling a sneeze to calm his heartbeat. You looked at him almost concerned, “Are you okay?”
When Mark realised what he was doing, he tried to shake it off immediately. “I didn’t hear anything,” he insisted when he had overcome his pulsing heart and raging embarrassment.
You took a breath, knowing that he had heard enough to be curious and so you were scared of what he would do with the information. You had sensed that Mark didn't mesh very well with your friends, and by association you were blacklisted too. “I know you don’t owe me anything...But I’m begging you not to tell anyone about what you heard. And if it’s okay, I really don’t want to fill in the gaps of what you didn’t hear.”
For some reason, Mark had expected you to threaten him or something of the sort to keep quiet; instead he noticed how hesitant and fragile you were whilst talking. “I won't say anything,” he said in a small voice.
Your expression softened, giving him a half smile as a thanks. “I’m sorry you overheard, I hope the burden of having someone’s secret on your shoulders isn’t too heavy.”
He shook his head in disbelief. Was this a mind game? Were you being passive aggressive or were you really just that nice? What kind of person apologises to the person who eavesdropped on an important, private conversation? So many questions swarmed into Mark’s head at one time he didn’t even realise you had already said goodbye and left to go home. Mark could easily complete exams made for a students above his year and get a perfect score, but how is it that you rendered him completely clueless.
Since that day, you had waved him hello whenever you saw him, you would make sure that no one would copy his homework the day it was due. One time you kicked a boy in the shin for taking Mark’s glasses while he was trying to read. In return, Mark would help you whenever he saw you staring blankly at the writing on the whiteboard: he even lent you lunch money when you left your purse at home. The friendship you had was indescribable and peculiar but something about it was special. Though, after some time, something in Mark shifted and he no longer looked at you as a friend: you would think someone as smart as Mark would catch on sooner that he was completely head over heels for you.
A few months after Mark’s first encounter with you, he was walking to the library to find a book that you had been mentioning lately. He rummaged through the shelves to look for the only copy of the book the library had. It took him nearly the whole of his lunch break but eventually he found it. With more than just a spring in his step, he approached the classroom where he knew you would be because you and your friends always spent lunch in there. Just before he reached the door, he slowed down, hearing a bellow of voices of all different pitches and tones erupting from the other side. Hesitantly he pushed the door open, not wanting to be slap bang in the middle of another one of the hooligans rowdy moments. The chatter became clearer once he set one foot through the door.
“It wasn't like that,” he heard you cry. You were stood alone at the back of the room while an intimidating group of classmates huddled together like a pack of wolves cornering a deer.
“Are you sure your cousin told you the right story?” Mark heard one boy question a girl he didn’t recognise.
“Yes!” She emphasised. “He said that y/n was a total sleaze at her old school. She slept with like ten guys, some of them had girlfriends!”
It didn’t take long for Mark to catch on. The secret you had been trying so hard to keep had finally caught up to you.
“Please believe me,” she pleaded helplessly. Those three words triggered a response in Mark. He stormed over to you and hid you behind him. He had never looked nor felt so tall in his life.
“Were you there?” He spat, staring daggers at the unfamiliar girl who leaked the false information. “Did you see her do those things?”
The girl cowered for a split second before pulling herself together again, feigning confidence in what she was saying. “Everyone in her old town knows about her, you don’t get that kind of reputation for just breathing.”
“So what you’re saying is you weren't there?” He pushed. “You are making statements as though they're facts because your cousin told you it was true? Do you believe everything your cousin says? Is he God?” Mark’s constant bombarding left the girl speechless. He used the opportunity where everyone was quiet to add to his argument, “you all have studied with her, eaten with her, laughed with her for months now. In the short time that each of you have known her, she has managed to help you all in one way or another. Whether it be staying late to help you clean up, sharing her lunch with you, even putting your stupid broken lipstick back together...” These were all things Mark witnessed you doing for others and he hated that the gratitude they showed back then, has now fizzled into making you feel like you were just a piece of gum on their shoe.
Mark felt a sense of satisfaction seeing the pack of wolves cower in guilt. “Do you think it’s any of your business even if the rumours were true? You should try returning the kindness y/n has only ever shown each of you when she, your friend, is going through a hard time.” Feeling as though he had said mostly everything he wanted to say, Mark tugged on your hand that he never let go and pulled you out of the room, afraid that his speech wouldn’t have the reaction he hoped it would.
“You believe me?” You asked with blurry eyes.
“You once apologised to me when I eavesdropped on a private conversation you were having,” he laughed. “I don’t peg you as the type to steal another girls boyfriend. If one part of the rumour is fake, its likely that none of it was true to begin with.”
All of a sudden you felt a surge of emotions and you let go of his hand and wrapped your arms around his torso. The gesture rendered Mark clueless for only the second time in his life. His arms hung awkwardly in the air, not knowing where to put them. He was just glad that you couldn’t see him being so ungraceful after pretending to be cool back in the classroom. However, seeing his hands float in the air made him realise he was still holding the book he brought back from the library for you.
“Um,” he tapped you with the tip of his index finger, again, not knowing the ‘cool’ way to get your attention. You understood what he meant nonetheless and pulled away from him. Your gaze automatically fluttered to the book he was holding. Mark was too busy looking away, scratching the back of his neck, he missed the look of utter excitement that replaced your originally dull expression.
“You knew about this?” You beamed. “I didn’t think anyone cared when I spoke about it! How did you find it?” You smiled in awe at the book, but you were beginning to wonder if these pleasant feelings were because of the book or because of the person behind the book. For a minute you thought you were going to cry. Mark noticed your eyes becoming increasingly waterier.
“What’s wrong?” He worried immediately. “I didn’t get the wrong book did I? I was sure I picked up the right one – I’ll go back and look again, wait–”
You cut him off, holding his hand to keep him still. Quickly, before you lost the courage to do it, you placed a peck on his cheek. Mark’s cheek flushed a flaming red colour.
“I’m sorry, was that not okay?” You began to worry when he continued to say nothing and just stare blankly ahead, his whole face pale apart from his warm cheeks.
As discreetly as he could, he used his unique breathing techniques to stop his heart pounding out of his chest. You chuckled at his habit.
“Perhaps I shouldn’t do that again if this is the effect–”
Your sentence was cut short: something soft and warm blocked the next few words from coming out. As quickly as he had approached you, Mark withdrew his lips from yours.
At first you stared blankly at him and he gulped down his nerves...then you smiled brightly, putting your thumbs up at him, “that was cool,” you approved. Mark let out a huff of amusement mixed with relief.
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hopelesshawks · 4 years
Official Accounts Part 34- Falling (SFW Edition)
Summary: (y/n) was perfectly happy remaining anonymous, even if her best friends were all pro heroes and she worked under THE Hawks. Handling the technical aspects of hero work from the background suited her just fine, thank you very much. That goes out the window when suddenly her twitter blows up thanks Denki and the famed no. 2 hero is asking her to run his own official twitter as a result
If you don’t want to see Official Accounts content blacklist #hopelessoa
It’s been awhile since you’ve done this sober. You should probably be terrified. Actually you should definitely be terrified, you just walked off a building with all the confidence of someone wearing a parachute while actually having nothing but an evening gown and heels. Yet as you stare up at the night sky, wind rushing past you as you fall, you’re not scared at all.
Keigo will catch you.
You repeat it in your head like a mantra. Even as time seems to stretch on, you close your eyes and remain unafraid.
Keigo will catch you.
Images of the past several days living together float into you consciousness like dreams. The tear filled confessions, the quiet moments shared over mugs of tea, the good, the bad, the ugly, all of it. Each one a cherished memory and each one reinforcing what you already knew in your heart and with every fiber of your body.
Keigo will catch you.
He will catch you and maybe then he will understand that you’ve meant every word you’ve ever said to him. Maybe then he will understand that your reassurances aren’t empty. You tell him he’s better than Endeavor could ever hope to be because you know beyond any shadow of a doubt that it’s true.
For the second time in his life Keigo watches you disappear from view off the side of a building. Once again his blood turns to ice in his veins. Once again he wonders how it’s possible for someone to so confidently put themselves at such grave risk. Once again he is blindsided by it even if he probably shouldn’t be. But there are also a few notable differences this time around:
One, the two of you are much higher up
Two, there is no Bakugo to catch you
But three, and this is important, he has his wings
So this time, when his heart seizes in his chest and his muscles twitch on instinct, he isn’t frozen in place. Quite the opposite actually. He shoots forward and then down to race to catch you. There’s no missing your bright red gown and within moments of spotting you he’s grabbing you out of the air. He quickly redirects the two of you until you’re soaring back upwards. With your arms wrapped around his neck and his around your waist he makes sure he has a good hold of you before doing a quick appraisal to make sure you’re alright. “Are you absolutely insane! You could’ve died! I swear to god (y/n) you’re going to give me a heart attack,” he rambles as his eyes roam across your form to make sure you’re alright. He’s so focused on making sure you’re ok that he doesn’t even notice at first that you’re laughing. “How are you laughing right now? Are you aware you could’ve died? I’m not even-“ It’s your turn to cut him off with a kiss.
You hadn’t necessarily planned to do it. As of that morning you still hadn’t been sure if you’d ever pursue something romantic with Hawks again. But watching him fret over you just now, needlessly you might add, had filled you to brimming with just how much you loved and trusted the man in front of you. You couldn’t possibly have hoped to contain it all so you had surged forward to share it with him. He deserves to know he is loved, you realize, and the more you’ve gotten to know him the more you think he’s blind to all the love he is surrounded by. His father and then the HPSC may have denied him that growing up but now Keigo’s life was filled with so much love. From Mirko, from your friends, and from you. So much from you. You need him to see that like you need oxygen to breathe so you kiss him with all of that love and you make it a promise. A promise that you’ll start with this but it’s only the beginning.
Just as you had been that first date, Keigo is thrown at first when your lips meet his. It doesn’t take him long to catch up with the program though and soon he’s kissing you back just as earnestly. It’s almost overwhelming how much emotion he feels in that one kiss. He wonders if this is how you felt back when he had kissed you on that first date. He ends up dismissing the thought almost as soon as he’s had it. No this kiss, the love he feels in it, is genuine in a way he couldn’t be back then. It is unreserved and authentic and real in a way he couldn’t give you back then. He finds himself glad, in the end, that you had ended that first romantic relationship. It would have forever been marred by the circumstances from which it arose. Now the two of you are meeting as equals, vulnerable to each other by your own choosing. It is a love born not from guilt or suspicion, but from a deep and understanding friendship and that makes it all the more precious.
The two of you stay that way for what feels like an eternity, kissing above the city lights, until finally you have to break for air. As the two of you lock eyes you can’t help but laugh a little. “I knew you’d catch me,” you whisper into the stillness between the two of you. “How?” he asks with a quiet reverence for your faith in him. “I trust you,” is your simple response. “I trust you too,” he replies immediately with so much wonder in his voice that your heart swells all over again.
Both of you can’t help but laugh both in wonder and in disbelief. This wasn’t what either of you was expecting from this night but you’re so, so glad it came to this. You feel as if you could vibrate out of your skin at any moment as you take in the incredible man in front of you. “You said you trust me right little dove?” Hawks suddenly grins at you. “I did,” you reply without hesitation. “Good,” is all he says before suddenly you’re both plummeting. You shriek in surprise but it quickly turns into a laugh as you see the stupid grin on his face. You hold each other tightly as the world streams past. Only after dropping several stories, including past the banquet hall the two of you are supposed to be in, does he re-engage his wings and send the both of you back to the rooftop. “I’m starting to get why you like jumping off buildings so much little dove,” he laughs. “You didn’t before?” you ask. “I never much liked falling.” “That’s because you didn’t have someone to catch you before.” “Are you saying you’ll catch me little dove?” “Every time,” you promise. “I’ll catch you every time too,” he promises in return.
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Author’s Note: This was a difficult part to write, partially because I hadn’t anticipated writing it and partially because we’re so close to the end of the line now. There will be a NSFW version but the only difference between the two is an 18+ scene after the tweet so dw minors you aren’t missing out too much. I’ll be posting the 18+ version later tonight!
Taglist [open]: @cathy8taffy @katzurras @grumpyfroggies @captaincyberqueen @itskindofafairything @420-uwu @someweirdshitman @oliviasslut @the-adzukibean @a-fucking-sero-kinnie @ladyzayismultifandom @pixelwisp
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angstymarshmallow · 7 years
Kindled Flame - Kaitlyn x MC Fanfic.
Kindled Flame – Kaitlyn x MC, The Freshman Fanfic
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[A little note:  I’m not the best at portraying a Kaitlyn x MC relationship  and I’ve had to put some of them on hold recently. But I kept thinking about this scene between her, Zig and MC. It was one of the most intense scenes in the book so far and honestly it was glorious angst. I couldn’t let an opportunity like this pass me by but I’m not unsure if I can quite put on paper how it played out inside my head. In any case here it is! Thoughts? Criticisms? Hope you enjoyed it!]
[Summary: A fight breaks out in the mosh pit and stirs more trouble than anyone expects, revealing to Kaitlyn and MC that everyone’s a little broken on the inside].
“She was beautiful, but she was beautiful in a way a forest fire was beautiful.”
Sparks. That was what I called them.
The electric impulses my brain sends. The quirky giddiness inside my stomach. The warm fuzziness inside my chest. They were all sparks.
She gave me those.
She brought the scorching heat to my world. Something I never knew I craved until I met her. And at first it scared me, really scared me. I was afraid of getting seared - burned if I stumbled too close, like Icarus did when he came too close to the sun. In a cliche way; I was her moth and she was my flame. It wasn’t instantaneous; I had to push myself. I told myself I had to be brave. 
The more time we spent together, the more I could make sense of it. For the first time in a long while, I didn’t spend time worrying about what other people thought about us. It only mattered to me what she thought. Somehow, we found our own voice together, our own courage.
We held hands in public. We spent a lot of nights bonding over zombie flicks and cliche horror movies. She made me feel fearless. She kissed my frowns away. She had the most adorable laugh. She made me feel safe.
I didn’t know how it was possible but with her I could finally show everything; even the pieces of myself I had never liked. She became the most important thing in my world. Her dreams became my dreams. Her fears were my fears. 
Months flew by with this. She knew me better than most, and it wasn’t a surprise that we often hung out by ourselves while the rest of the world passed us by. When we weren’t in each other’s rooms, collapsing on top of each other after a long day, we were spending time at the local arcade and shopping for vintage leather jackets. But each season brought its own set of troubles, and its own set of rules. 
Suddenly Spring wasn’t a season for love anymore.
Suddenly spring meant more concerts and band-mate bonding and less time with me. She cancelled our last three move nights to hang-out with Natasha, our visits at the coffee-shop became a Rachel and Kaitlyn thing instead of an us thing, and whenever we finally had time to be alone, she was too tired to go out. Suddenly, she wasn’t the same Kaitlyn I fell for at the beginning of freshman year. 
She was constantly changing, shifting like the fire I was once afraid of touching. She was never quite on the same page as everyone else. On some nights, it felt as if she was in an entirely different book, separate from myself.
The Kaitlyn I loved was still there - in bits. Little pieces that I could see whenever we were alone; whenever we were lying face to face with each other in bed, a tangle of sweaty bodies and thin sheets. I saw her every time she laughed at something silly or whenever her dark eyes sparkled after waking up and seeing me right next to her. I saw her in the little kisses I trailed along her neck, when she would arch her back and moan the moment my hands went in between her thighs. 
But that wasn’t all of her. Parts of her were new too; and with every season I learned a little more about Kaitlyn Liao. 
Some of the new pieces hurt; little arguments here and there until she was fed up enough to grab her jacket and storm out of our dorm. I flung her words back at her too; but somehow we always managed to find our way back to each other by the end of the night - sometimes no words were even necessary because our impatient hands acted on pure instinct, pure urgency. Other times, it wasn’t easy. It hurt so much, that it was beginning to feel like some kind of irreversible disaster - because that’s what the night became. An irreversible disaster.
From the moment Zig threw that first punch, the fear I thought I had gotten rid of took hold. Fresh and potent; almost as if he had punched me in the stomach, it knocked me off my feet. I tried to stop what I saw coming – his fists as they flew towards the guy that had accidentally bumped into me. But I was too late; the room erupted into chaos. 
This was wrong.
This was all wrong.
I could barely hear the rhythmic sounds of Kaitlyn’s voice over the rest of the crowd. My attention had been so focused on the mosh pit that I didn’t give it the proper attention it deserved. Eventually, I heard her screaming over everything else. My eyes flew towards her and panic rose to my chest as I saw the flash of confusion from her eyes. She was so plugged in that she hadn’t realized what was happening at first.
Confusion was replaced by shock and then anger. The crowd wasn’t just a crowd anymore, it became a battlefield as people armed with their fists came in contact with one another, blow after blow until a few stragglers crashed into me. The pain stole my breath and nearly knocked the wind right out of me. But I didn’t care. None of that mattered. All I could think about was maneuvering myself from most of the fighting while the rest of my attention was focused on her spotlight.
I watched her cheeks turned red and those pretty lips I remember so fondly had turned into a snarl as she continued yelling to get everyone’s attention back on stage. I couldn’t hear all of it as I kept trying to move out of the way; and the rest of my friends followed suit as we stumbled as far away from the mosh pit as possible.
Eventually I could see the exit and I felt Kaitlyn’s eyes trained on me before she hopped off stage and headed towards us. I felt her cool hand grab mine as we ran towards the exit. 
Usually, the simplest of gestures helped to ease whatever stress I felt. Kaitlyn could shoot an innocent smile in my direction and my shoulders felt a little less heavy, and my heart a little lighter. But when her hand touched mine, that feeling was missing. Her grip was so tight that it almost hurt. 
By the time I felt the cool air brush against my cheeks, I doubled over to catch my breath. The chilly midnight air comforted me a little from the overbearing crowd we were wedged in moments ago. However, the rest of me was a bundle of nerves as I checked behind me. 
Everyone else had made it out too. I saw relieved faces all around, except from beside me. When I glanced down at her; my girlfriend looked like she was ready to rip Zig a new one.
Her eyes were practically daggers digging into his flesh the way he winced away.  “Kaitlyn – ” I stopped short as she dropped my hand and gestured angrily for Zig and I to follow her. Glancing apologetically at the rest of our friends; I told them I’d meet them back at our dorm before I followed meekly behind her.
I watched the way her shoulders kept ramrod straight and her shaky hands turned to fists as we edged away from everyone else.When we were finally out of earshot, she whirled angrily towards us. “What the hell was that?” She hissed. “Naomi, how could you do this to me?!”
I was floored. 
What was I supposed to say? 
I felt guilty, but that wasn’t the only thing I was feeling. I admit that the night had driven us further apart instead of closely together. But surely she didn’t think I was responsible for everything that happened. “Kaitlyn - it was an accident.”. I tried to keep my voice calm. I tried not to let the panic show but I was having a hard time keeping it together when I could almost feel her pulling away. 
Her eyes were distant when they stared back at me. It’s the same distance that I deluded myself into thinking wasn’t real. But I couldn’t fool myself anymore when it was staring right at me. It was like a rain-pour of tension that had shrouded us for the past few weeks. I forced the panic back. I had to reason with her; I had to show her it wasn’t my fault - that it was no one’s fault.
Don’t shut me out. 
The words were there but I couldn’t get them out. They refused to budge and a lump formed in my throat.  She kept staring at me, waiting for me to say something, so I tried to show her how much her words were scaring me instead. Instinctively, I moved closer until I could my hands could touch her. They were shaky as I brought my fingers to brush her soft cheeks. “Kaitlyn, please…” 
Her eyes snapped into focus, but instead of affection that I was used to seeing, they burned bright with fury. She shrugged off my touch and slid her hands inside her pockets.
My stomach dropped as my hands fell uselessly to my side.
“Is that what it was?” Her tone was mocking. “An accident?” She rolled her eyes, “You brought your friend – the one with the short fuse to ruin my concert didn’t you?”
It felt as if she had slapped me. She might as well had with the venom I heard inside her voice. “It was an accident.” I repeated weakly, “Zig got a little out of control – ” I gestured helplessly to him, hoping he’d help. 
“A little?” She scoffed, “From where I’m standing he’s the reason it all happened!”
Zig’s jaw clenched before he spoke. “Look, I’m really sorry-” He began but Kaitlyn interjected.
“Shut up!” She pointed a finger at him, “I don’t want to hear any excuses! My band might get blacklisted from this venue because of you!” She turned back to me, “Is this some kind of punishment?” She demanded. 
I blinked at her. “For what?” I croaked out hoarsely. Don’t say it. Please don’t say it.
“For me not being home as much as I used to to?” The accusation was loud and clear. “For spending more time with other people that finally get me!” She threw her hands up in frustration, “Well congrats - you sure showed me.”
I flinched. “That’s not what this is!” I glanced down at her in surprise, “How could you even think that?!” I couldn’t hide the hurt I felt - it spilled out in short bursts until I could feel tears prickling from the corner of my eyes. “Can’t you see your band is tearing us apart!” I shook my head in disbelief, “If it’s not Natasha always trying to put herself in the middle of our relationship- it’s Rachel hauling you away from the rest of us!”
“You’re really that jealous?” She laughed bitterly, “How many times have I got to tell you that Natasha’s just a friend!”
“Does she know that?!” 
She avoided answering my question. “Is it so hard for me to just have my own thing for once without anyone else butting into it!”
“I’m not just anyone else Kaitlyn! I’m your girlfriend!” I gestured angrily in between us. “I’m the one you come home to at the end of every night.” My voice was starting to shake but I couldn’t help it, I had to keep going. It was like I had been holding all of this back for weeks and it kept spilling over. “I’m the one that knows about all the secrets you had as a kid, the one you finally introduced your parents to!” I took a deep breath, “I’m the one that always wants to be there because that’s what you do when you love someone. You’re always there even when the other person doesn’t realize it or even acknowledges it.”
She shook her head sadly at me.
And for the first time in our relationship, I felt stuck. Her eyes weren’t looking at me the way they usually did, t felt like she wasn’t really seeing me -  but seeing through me the way most people did. The way I thought she never could. “You know what I don’t even know why I’m surprised. You’ve never liked the idea of me being in a band. You’ve never really supported me.” 
Her words hurt.  They feel like venom, poisoning the good that we had, all the happy memories we built over the past couple months. They felt tiny little knives without repent, sinking into my flesh.
“Kaitlyn..” I wanted to stop her as she backed away from me. I wanted to cross the distance between us and kiss her until we both could forget this night had ever happened. I really wished it never had. “I love you, but it feels like you’ve barely had time for me lately.” My breath hitched. “And sometimes when you’re here, you’re not really here. Aren’t you still interested in me?” Don’t you still love me? The expression on her face made her seem as if she wanted to protest but I wasn’t finished yet. I had to get this off my chest before it consumed me. “It feels like the more time you spend with them, the less you want to be with me. I know how important it is for you, to finally feel like you belong somewhere but you belong with me too.” I searched her eyes for the familiar Kaitlyn, the parts I intimately knew. 
She shook her head sadly at me, “But that’s the thing Noami, all the time we’ve spent over last semester - you’ve always been in it.” She sighed, “I feel like you’re always so wrapped up in my life…when I came out…when I tried to make new friends..” She trailed off as she looked away from me. “I love you but I need time to figure me out. To figure out who I am.”
Why can’t we figure it out together?
This was it. This was that funny feeling of fear I had in my stomach. It wasn’t a little feeling anymore. It was an overwhelming fear, nauseating me. It took a lot out of me not to cry, not to break down right then and there in front of her. I closed my eyes and inhaled sharply a couple of times, waiting for it to hurt a little less. When I opened them back again, I could see unshed tears in her eyes too. “We’re all a little broken Kaitlyn, a little lost. Some more than others but most of the time we’re all the same - ” I widened my arms in the air for emphasis “- just some people trying to figure out where they belong in the universe.”
I forced the tears back, blinking rapidly and told myself to be strong. I willed myself to hold it together; at least until I could make it out of here. My anger was almost forgotten as we stood in silence, knees slightly bent together and our hands in our pockets. We were so close - a few inches away from each other and yet we had never felt so far apart.
I knew the words before she said them. They were written in the way her shoulders sagged, the way her eyes wouldn’t meet mine and her unwillingness to touch me.
“Maybe it’s time we figure that on our own. Separately.”
My breath caught inside my throat. I nodded numbly even though the rest of me was screaming to run to her, to envelop her inside my arms. 
She was the flame that I had been drawn to. The only flame that had gotten close enough to sear me. It was a risk, and some part of me knew all along that I wouldn’t mind so as long as she was the one leaving scars. 
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fyrapartnersearch · 7 years
Pokemon, Mystery Dungeon, Original Fantasy, or... Interdimensional Reality TV, I guess
Name: N (nickname)
Availability: Completely available, but only over email, with a preference for gmail. Find me at [email protected]
Gender: Male, but I have a multitude of characters of different species and genders and, according to others, I play them well.
Age: Above 18, but less than 30. I absolutely must roleplay with somebody that is older than 18; beyond that, so long as you’re good at roleplaying, who cares?
Seeking: It would be really nice to have a roleplayer that can reply at least once a day, and ideally multiple times a day if we cross paths in terms of online time.
Smut is optional, but I’m perfectly fine with doing smut. If we’re doing a “serious” roleplay, the amount of smut should be limited, though. Like, maybe once every chapter, at the maximum. It should also be “in character,” though that won’t be too difficult for some of my characters. (Typically, chapters are between 50 and 150 replies combined, depending on the density of what happens per reply. I like to keep things mildly organized and paced.)
Frequency: I’m online every day, and I reply every day. Minimum. If I’m online and I see I have a new roleplay reply, you’re gonna get a reply within half an hour, at the latest, unless something else is going on.
Medium: I’ve tried many different formats, but the only one that works for me is good ol’ email. Bonus points if it’s gmail, as then we can use the Hangouts function for ooc discussions and chat as necessary.
Writing Style: It’s always third person, paragraph format, and I typically work with third person omniscient, but limited to “hovering” around wherever my or your characters are. But I am guilty of lapsing into third-person-internal from time to time, i.e. a character’s thoughts briefly become narration, etc. But I typically keep it to the ‘hovering’ style.
Timezone: In my time, I’m mostly available from noon to midnight, or from 12 PM to 12 AM, but it can go as far as 10 am, all the way to 2 am. But mostly 12 to 12. I live in Hawaii; as a reference, this is roughly two to three hours BEHIND California depending on the time of year–if it’s 6 pm in Cali, it’s 4 pm in Hawaii. If we can cross paths for at least a few hours, I’m happy.
Roleplay Background: I’ve been roleplaying since middle school (badly, back then) and have since developed a few solid, long, and unique plots depending on the setting, all based on a book series that I’m writing and hope to get published one day. I would not call myself a literary genius (especially after seeing what that actually means in formal English courses. I’m not James Joyce.) But I am experienced enough to know what works and what doesn’t, while still experimenting on new things and flexible enough to allow different things to happen to the same plot, roleplay by roleplay, partner by partner. That’s the whole point, right? To see what goes differently.
Themes of Interest: So I’ve been around the block when it comes to roleplay “genres” and settings and the like. In the end, I’ve settled down into two preferred settings, and two experimental settings that I haven’t actually done yet, but want to try.
The first of the tried-and-true settings? Pokemon Mystery Dungeon! I adore these games, and I adore the roleplays based around the concept just as much–no humans, all pokemon, treasure hunting, rescue teams, and some set of artifacts and/or forces that cause some cosmic chaos along the way. Yeah, that’s fantastic. I’m most comfortable with the region based off of Sky, but I’m down for any of the others, or even an original region altogether!
The second setting is an original fantasy setting, based entirely off of that book series I mentioned before. It’s way more complicated than PMD, though, but it’s also been worthwhile between me and my roleplay partners for those who are able to catch on. But if you want to start things off “easier,” the PMD roleplay is leagues more accessible. I also have a plot for both, but if you want to have/incorporate/add your own plot, I’m fine with that, too. I’ve done it before, and it worked out amazingly! The fantasy setting has a focus on element-like magic, dragons, shape-shifters, and cosmic forces, but has modern technology.
Now, the first experimental setting! This one is smut-focused and dangerously furry, so skip to the next paragraph if you’re not looking for that. This setting is also pokemon, and on a “main game” region, or an original region in the same style. The 'plot’ focuses on your character/s filling out the pokedex, but with a focus on mating rituals, etc. I think you know where this goes from there. Optionally, your character/s can be 'cursed’ to become a pokemon, if you’d rather have that, and the only way to undo it is to fill out said 'dex.
Second setting doesn’t need smut to work! And it’s arguably the most obscure and experimental of these four options. Are you familiar with Big Brother? Or perhaps Survivor, or other 'reality shows’ where it’s a bunch of contestants together, being eliminated one by one until there’s a winner? Well, that. But, interdimensional! Your characters and mine, from various different worlds, are brought together, memories wiped (temporarily until the game ends) and are put together to compete. It’s not meant to be a serious, life-or-death game or anything–just a reality show across dimensions. Competitions and so on will likely be played out D&D style, with characters and relevant stats, and dice rolls.
Theme blacklists and Limits: Okay, so. If you’re the type of person who has this insatiable need to have THE strongest character, this isn’t for you. For both plot-related reasons, and simply due to the sheer volume of characters that I have for either roleplay, it’s not realistic for your character to be the strongest–at least at first. There’s always potential for growth to BECOME the strongest, but no way will it be possible for them to start off as a Goku and remain as such throughout the story.
Additionally, I may be interested in smut, but I’m not interested in smut that involves death, pain, non-con, or things of that general nature. I’m fine with (and sometimes interested in) the weird stuff, so long as it’s not *unpleasant* or is a variation that isn’t lethal or painful, so to speak. I can give you a more comprehensive list of this stuff (likes and dislikes) if you’re interested in doing down this path of sin.
Misc: Don’t feel obligated to play more characters than you’re used to. One of my current roleplays right now has just a single character on his side, while I play my 20+ characters. Works out just fine! We just have to make sure his single character is involved in the major scenes, and the same would hypothetically go for you.
Also, expected length of the roleplay as a whole? Depending on your reply size and “event density” per reply, chapters tend to be between 50 and 150 replies–in other words, between 25 and 75 replies from you, per chapter. My replies tend to be between one and three paragraphs, with a strong bias toward one and two. The PMD setting (usually) has four “seasons” which are comprised of ~5-8 chapters each. The fantasy setting (usually) has 10 seasons, typically comprised of ~6-10 chapters each. There are “escape routes” to end the roleplay sooner if one wishes, but the *full* roleplay plots are long indeed.
Also, I’m very passionate about answering questions that my partner has while the roleplay is going on. Especially for the fantasy setting, when they want to learn more so they can craft a character based around its properties, and so on. So, never be afraid of asking me about those details! I’ll be sure to avoid spoilers as much as possible while divulging that information.
Ending thoughts: I’m always open for a new roleplay, and it’s so exciting when I get to start a new one–and so fulfilling when there’s good chemistry between the two of us! I hope that I can get somebody from all this. 
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