fatgothgf · 4 months
welcome to the way too many people who followed me last night my name is tee i'm 30 ive been on this website since 2010 and you probably saw one of the way too many posts i've made in that time that have way too many notes and continue to get more in this day and age
my true iconic microblogging days are behind me for the most part but feel free to come along for the ride. my original posts nowadays are mostly about my artistic or scholastic endeavors or professional wrestling or gay sex and often all those at once
my url says gf but i'm more of a bf these days, depends on my mood
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mxwormie · 5 years
wizardtwins replied to your post “i absolutely recommend that everyone download the chrome extension...”
do u have a link / name of the extension
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Met some icons today @wizardtwins (left) and @lescretia (right). sorry I’m so awkward thanks for being nice to me
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chiqitadave · 7 years
okay but y’all have seen this video right?
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terezis · 6 years
@wizardtwins replied to your post: “I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT BIG GULP. They did it I think right after...”:
yes it was a liveshow where they showed a large group of people (i think at maxfuncon) literal vore fetish videos, unedited, uncut, literal physical vore fetish videos in front of their eyes, and then analyzed them
holy fucking shit
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armrry · 7 years
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Happy Halloween from the irpe crew! Thank you @wizardtwins for the idea; I have never even looked at an overwatch before so this was a trip to make, Also lucretia is in the back because she wouldn't want to speak up about not getting in the picture. Which davenport took. Natch.
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godsofhumanity · 3 years
Baldr: The best part of an oreo is the black cookie part and not the frosting part. Deal with it.
Freyr: Darkness without light is an abyss. Light without darkness is blinding. You cannot have a coin with one side.
Tyr: Yo socrates, it's a fucking cookie.
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onemadhatt · 7 years
Some super sappy (and somewhat dark) 2017 reflections under the cut! (TW: Suicidal Thoughts) TL;DR version: I love you all and I hope 2018 treats you well. 💜
So as 2017 ends, I just want to say, it really sucked. I’m sure I’m not the only one with this sentiment. I should have graduated this year, and have grown to dislike my major anyways. I don’t talk about it a lot, but I have been in college since 2012. All I need to graduate now is an internship that I still have yet to secure. This is not including all the money problems I won’t get into. The point is that I had a mental breakdown in August that lasted almost 2 weeks culminating in me seriously considering ending it. Thanks to the support of my father and me swallowing my pride and actually reaching out to someone, I was able to slowly pull myself out.
Since then, I have been trying to reach out and talk to more people both on Tumblr and in real life, I have begun writing, I started working out, and I have a fragile plan for my future (which is more than I have had for years). It hasn’t been enough to save 2017 for me, but I have made sure that its fire will light my way into 2018. 💜
Now I’m gonna gush about some people:
@gettothehousecarl: You likely won’t see this cause you don’t really use Tumblr anymore, but you are my best friend (and I’m only partially saying that because you are taking me to see Hamilton). I keep making jokes that we should be roommates again, but it was by far the best time in my life. Having you and Jonny to talk to just about whenever was incredibly helpful, and I miss the random 3am pizza we would have. This year living with my Dad, as much as I love him, has sucked. I honestly hope we find a way to room together again.
@luckyredclover: I have mentioned this before, but you are easily one of the best friends I have made on Tumblr. I guess it has been a few years since I first followed you (it was the Yang cosplay😂). Crying about video games at 3am (for me) has been fun and was absolutely needed with the stress of this year. And I won’t forget that when I had an incredibly bad breakdown over the absolute dumbest thing you were there to help and made me feel better for even being upset. I’m glad you seem to be in a better place now than in previous years. Hopefully someday soonish I’ll visit Ireland and we can actually hang out! And thanks for not unfollowing me when I became obsessed with wrestling 😂😂😂 (though I think you don’t mind it for...aesthetic reasons👀)
@homega: I’m honestly not sure what I can say here that I already haven’t told you. Your pure passion has helped me see what I can become, and the light you shine in this world has helped illuminate my path. Our conversations never fail to make me laugh, and it means so much to me that you are willing to listen to me vent about my problems. It’s is also super fun to see what random thing we are/were both fans of. I don’t know what 2018 will bring you, but I know you have the strength to meet any challenge it brings!
@managingthechaos​: We have only really started talking recently, but I can’t believe I have met someone almost as dramatic as I am. You helping me through my really dumb feelings has been a godsend. Also, statistically speaking, you are probably the only person who has seen my best selfie, cause you are the only person I have ever started a streak with. I know things can seem hard, but I believe in you and your ability to kick 2018’s ass. Peeps will still suck tho.
@gayipre @themindofcc @blizardstar @anonymousalchemist @troofs-and-goofs @boomjob @kippdom @inkedinserendipity @wizardtwins: TAZ Writer friends! I love you all! You all have inspired me to write more! I’m sorry I basically never use the discord anymore but it has gotten way too much to catch up on. But the few weeks I was active in it and seeing all of your fics and TAZ posts have helped to give me motivation to write. (And I promise I have TAZ related WIPs lmao)
@applejuicewerewolf @dangermichael @tarava316: We don’t talk a lot, but I wanted to shout you guys out. I feel like I reblog or like a good 80% of things you all post. I hope you all have a great 2018!
It is almost 4am the night before New Years and I am sure I am forgetting people and I am sorry. I know there are a lot of mutuals who I have only become mutuals with within the last like 30 days. All of you have helped me keep my mind of my problems. Happy New Years All 💜
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fatgothgf · 2 years
am i still mutuals with any big adventure zone fans?
i went to a live show ages ago and got these cool postcards w/ art from the person who drew the comics and i've just had them on my wall for like 2-3 years. theyre postcards. so like. i could send them?
does anyone want a taz postcard from ex tumblr user wizardtwins ... yea me neither whyd i ask
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@wizardtwins said she was a wizard and an elf And so I drew that. Also it’s transparent!
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terezis · 7 years
@wizardtwins replied to your post: anonymousalchemist replied to your post: ...
UHHHH YEA we’re def the holy trinity of vore now sorry
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mxgnusburnsides · 7 years
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Ty I appreciate
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Dunsparce: The best part of an oreo is the black cookie part and not the frosting part. Deal with it.
Virizion: Darkness without light is an abyss. Light without darkness is blinding. You cannot have a coin with one side.
Emolga: Yo Socrates, it’s a fucking cookie.
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incorrectfeaquotes · 7 years
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Submitted by nmn3r3
Chrom: The best part of an Oreo is the black cookie part and not the frosting part. Deal with it. Gaius: Darkness without light is an abyss. Light without darkness is blinding. You cannot have a coin with one side. Chrom: Yo Socrates, it’s a fucking cookie.
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flipwizardmcgay · 7 years
when someone cool follows u and ur instantly get v intimidated
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