#gbf luna
dailyfigures · 8 months
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Luna ; Shadowverse ☆ FuRyu
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trippercrazy · 5 months
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Evanna Lynch aka Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter
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Meine Top-Einträge im Jahr 2022:
I mentally rewrote the scene where that Italian Moron kissed Ámbar at the Day of the Dead Party and added a scene, where she punches him in the face and kicks him in the most sensitive body part of a men.
@assim-eu-sou @putonmyfavoriteshow @weirdthoughtsandideas
8 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 12. September 2022
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I think it’s absolutely hilarious that there were actual comics based on these shows.
@assim-eu-sou @putonmyfavoriteshow @weirdthoughtsandideas
9 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 21. Oktober 2022
The main difference between Ludmilla and Naty, Ámbar, Delfina and Jazmin and Carmín and Mara is that others were actually friends. The friendship between Ludmilla and Naty was toxic, but they were friends. Ámbar was a control freak and her selfishness was the reason why Delfi and Jazmin eventually ditched her, but they became friends again at the end of the series. Carmín and Mara were never friends, Mara was just Carmín’s assistant and Carmín treated her like crap, but she eventually realized her mistake and changed her ways. Unfortunately Mara’s resentment and jealousy caused her to become an even bigger Bitch than Carmín ever was.
@assim-eu-sou @putonmyfavoriteshow @weirdthoughtsandideas
9 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 12. Oktober 2022
Here’s an Idea. Instead of Nina breaking up with Gaston and dating Eric. Nina and Gaston just put their relationship on a break and Eric becomes Nina’s GBF (Gay Best Friend)
@weirdthoughtsandideas @putonmyfavoriteshow @assim-eu-sou
11 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 12. November 2022
Meine #1 des Jahres 2022
I’m still waiting for someone to do an Edit of Ámbar and Luna with the audio being What Else Can I Do from Encanto.
Ámbar is Isabela and Luna is Mirabel.
@weirdthoughtsandideas @putonmyfavoriteshow @assim-eu-sou
14 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 12. November 2022
Hol dir deinen Tumblr-Jahresrückblick 2022 →
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zaynieshdieh · 1 month
si luna lang ata gbf na di ko kinaiinisan HAHAHAHAH
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Can a horse dream of the future?
And You got me thinking...
The first appearance or canonical mention of Orologia is Arulumaya (Light)'s fate episodes (as I've been told you know how hard it is to get reading for fate episodes when you have 300 ish unread), because the time dragon mentions how he gives people nudges in the right direction - that includes giving people visions (Like he implied in the event) to people like Arulumaya and Magisa who can see the future
Matikanefukukitaru is also a supposed clairvoyant with a crystal ball who supposedly can see into the future
However the Uma musume collab implies that tracen is in a different world as the horses need to be dragged out by edem and turn out to be dreaming, this is unlike the priconne collab where Landsol is implied to be a large island floating in the sky and priconne's collab with Shadowverse and GBF which implies Djeeta and Luna go a school in Japan like Yuuki, but for some godforsaken reason Arisa isn't allowed to exist and Ames HAS to mention that she isn't real despite Luna being real
I have thusly concluded that Matikanefukukitaru cannot access Orologia's visions and any fortune telling she offers you is no better than anything Patrick Jane can offer you, she's a charlatan horse
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adhdvane · 4 years
i’m calling this gw cheese team: 5 goth girls and their sacrificial himbo delinquent
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cinnbar-bun · 5 years
Promise (Lucilius x OC)
Pairing: Lucilius/ Luna
Warning: Kinda spicy in the beginning, nothing too crazy happens, but please be aware before reading. 
He fumbled for the door knob to open her bedroom, but such a simple task was made more complicated by her body being pressed up against it. His other hand was running through her hair as their lips connected in a messy and clumsy way.
He finally managed to open the door and the two held on for dear life as he kicked it close.
“L-Lucilius-“ she whispered, but was silenced by his lips on her again as he tangled his hands in her soft hair. “W-What if someone walks in?” She managed after they separated.
“Then I-“ she desperately gripped his face to pull into hers. “I take responsibility.” She moaned quietly as he stroked her body prompting him to attack her neck.
“Bed-the bed.” She struggled, before he lifted her legs against his waist and carried her to her bed. He didn’t say a word as he resumed to hungrily kiss her again.
“Gods I’m so hot-“ Lucilius groaned as threw off his white robe, leaving him in a black skin suit beneath it. “I’ve dreamt of this for so long.” The way he said it made Luna clench her legs tighter as he began trying to undo her dress. Her ribbons and button made him struggle to reveal her, and the lack of contact made her desperate. She again wrapped her legs around him and trapped him closer to her, where she proceeded to kiss his neck.
It was a rather sensitive area for him, so he quickly was reduced to panting and moaning.
“L-Lun-ahn!” He cried. His hands were erratic as he tried to undo the ribbons in every which way without a clear mind. At last, he finished the final one and he eagerly pulled it down, revealing her chest. He planted himself to it immediately, nuzzling his face into her cleavage as she pulled him closer.
Wanting more contact, he fumbled with the back of her bra before the jingling of the door knob alerted them. The door swung open and the couple froze. Their breaths were stuck in their throat as Sol stepped in, with a few documents in hand.
“Luna I-“ he turned to where her bed was, and froze. The couple could barely make out his facial features with so little lighting in the dark room. But they knew it was not going to be an easy situation to recover.
“What are you two doing?” He asked, his voice lowering from his normal pitch. Luna flung up and tried to cover her chest as best as she could, shaking in fear as she held out a defensive hand.
“M-master I apologize I-“
“It was my fault.” Lucilius cut her off. Luna gasped as Lucilius stood up and bowed his head to Sol. “I forced her into it. She kept saying she didn’t want it and I let myself have my way. I apologize for taking advantage of your creation.”
Sol did not move, but Lucilius leaned his head back up and saw Sol’s red eyes darkened and were laser-focused on him.
“Do you take me for a fool, Lucilius?” He asked.
“No, sir.” Lucilius closed his eyes.
“Then why do you lie to me?”
“I’m not lying, I did-“
“Silence!” Sol yelled. Luna covered her mouth and forced herself to stare. “Do you think I’m blind, as if I would not see how you’ve been distracted by her presence? I took you in to mentor you, not for you to fool around with my creation!”
“I understand sir, and I thank you for your-“
“I’m not finished. This little tryst will never happen again. From this day forth, your apprenticeship is through, Lucilius.”
“What?!” Lucilius snapped.
“Master please-“
“Quiet you! Haven’t you done enough?” Sol chastised Luna. She fell back onto her bed and Lucilius angrily pointed at Sol.
“You cannot do that to me! The Council made you take me under your wing!”
“The Council also doesn’t approve of Astrals pursuing relationships with Primals, Lucilius. By all accounts, I have plenty of reason to let you go.”
“You wouldn’t dare-“
“Would I? I see no reason to keep you around if you’re going to betray me.”
“I have done nothing of the sort! I have helped you daily for hundreds of years! I worked hard and have developed new technologies for the High Council! I have done exactly as you asked!”
“No. I told you to stay away from her, and look at you- now you’re too clouded with lust and focused on her flesh.”
“She is more than just ‘flesh’, Sol.” Lucilius retorted. “She is not one of your wives that you bed and leave. She is more than that!” It was the last straw for Sol.
“Do not test me, boy! Remember, I own you! Whatever I say, the Council will do! Knowing you were trying to ‘love’ a primal will get you thrown out to the Earth! I have the power here, Lucilius, not you. If you wish to remain here, then prove your loyalty!”
Lucilius shut his mouth before sighing. He nodded his head slowly as Sol smirked.
“Y-yes...Sir...” he weakly said, as Sol placed a hand on his shoulder.
“Good. You are not too far gone yet. Do not ever, ever trust this.” Sol placed a hand on Lucilius’ chest where his heart lie. “This is for fools who do not have a brain. You can create what you need. And those creations can enact your will. Power is more euphoric than anything her body can provide you.” Sol moved away from Lucilius and walked out the door. “Change. You still need to prove your loyalty to me.”
Lucilius did not respond and glared as the door shut. With a tired sigh, he turned around to Luna, who shamefully looked away from him.
“I’m sorry.” She tearfully whimpered. “I...you really shouldn’t be with me.”
Lucilius frowned before walking to her and nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck.
“No. Don’t apologize. He can’t keep you away from me.” He softly pressed his lips to a bruise on her neck and stroked her back reassuringly. “You’re more to me than just something to sate my lust. You are my love, my only love. I can’t create the love you give me. I can’t have anyone else give it to me. So whatever he does to me, I won’t care.”
Luna pulled him closer and sobbed.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I love you but I- I don’t want you getting hurt. I’m not worth you getting hurt over.”
Lucilius tenderly grabbed her cheeks and pressed his lips onto hers. Compared to the irregular contact from earlier, this was much softer and passionate. He separated for a second before going back again, pressing himself closer to her, as if this were the last time he could ever do this. Perhaps it was. But he didn’t care. In this moment, it was just them. 
“I love you.” Another kiss. “I love you.” Another. “I love you so damn much.” He reluctantly broke the kiss and stroked her cheek gently.
“I love you too, Lucilius.”
“Wait for me, Luna. When I’m strong enough, I’ll come back. We both can have our own paradise together. I’ll make it for us. And he, nor anyone else, can stop us.” He stated, throwing on his robe. Luna nodded.
“I will. And when you return...I’ll make sure to thank you for all you’ve done.” She smiled gently. A small grin formed on his face as he adjusted his robe and walked to the door.
“And...I’m sorry. I’m sorry I’m not strong enough to protect you. One day...” he trailed off, before awkwardly coughing and shutting the door.
The darkness and silence overtook the room, and Luna stared at the door. She placed a hand on her chest and felt her heart slowly relax. Lucilius’ words came rushing back, and she couldn’t help the tiny grin on her face.
“Thank you, Lucilius. One day, I hope I’m strong enough for you too. So you don’t have to feel alone anymore.” She whispered.
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thebronzetrio · 3 years
About Me
Hi, the name's Mullin! I've been writing on and off for several years now, but this blog will basically be my dumping ground for any inspiration or aesthetics that fit my original characters. Please feel free to ask any questions, I'd be happy to answer!
The Bronze Trio is a work of fiction that's been my baby for about six years now. It follows the story of a modern day magical world, where those granted with Immortality live in somewhat peace. Rose, Bold, and Italic are some of my very first OCs and I love them to bits. Christian and Nui are also one of my favorites.
Character tags and ship tags are below! If you have any OCs that I know of, let me know and I'll start a tag list for them!
Tag List
The Bronze Trio (TBT).
rose appleton: small town girl (r. appleton)
bold font: old fashioned lover (b. font)
italic font: golden boy (i. font)
nui brightsson: orange is the new black (n. brightsson)
sylvia ashton: pen and paper (s. ashton)
trivelyn violette: lilac and violets (t. violette)
christian redwood: sweet whiskey (c. redwood)
nalani diamas: judgement day (n. diamas)
TBT ships.
christian/nui: hotheaded judgement
rose/bold: souls come together
sylvia/trivelyn: TWO moms?
Other OCs.
(granblue fantasy OC) capt. mullin: believer of the blue skies (c. mullin)
(as miss beelzebub likes OC) adriel argess: rose tinted glasses (a. argess)
(xenoblade chronicles OC) estil: the raven (estil)
(monte cristo OC) fox tremblay: merchant's luck (f. tremblay)
(tiger and bunny OC) luna cooper: white fox (l. cooper)
(atelier ryza OC) astrophel: constellations misaligned (asta)
Other ships.
mullin/rackam: the captain and the helmsman
luna/kotetsu: the fox and the tiger
estil/bolearis: the insomniac and the lieutenant
asta/empel: the explorer and the scholar
Misc tags.
general: catchall tag that doesn't fall under OC content
story thoughts: themes that are present in my stories
art ideas: art prompts and ideas, like draw the squad
ask games: OC ask games for anyone to submit questions
answered: for answered asks
oc hour: introduction posts for my many OCs!
tbt tag: tag for The Bronze Trio related content
the journal: tag for The Journal of Captain Mullin, my gbf fic
more tba :>
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ruakichan · 3 years
State of Roo Gaming conglomopost:
Alchemy Stars (summer event):
120 pulls no Fleur. I has sad. Got trolled by two 6* in the same element even.  Outlook bleak. This is gacha life. Game took a look at my A3 water team and said I didn’t need him. Game doesn’t understand thirst. : ( I need him.
That said, I am here for the energy of Fleur and Brock as Those Two Guys, even more so as Those Two Guys Who Absolutely Should Not Be Left Alone Unsupervised.
Summer story’s pretty interesting, though I did get bored with a lot of the beach-life stuff as I do in every gacha that does summer events sans GBF.  I don’t particularly feel anything toward Beryl, unlike Eve; she’s very passive so we haven’t seen any of her personal thoughts or feelings about much.  Hell, half the reason I’m so salty about Fleur is cause he actually got more development than Beryl did so far, which made me like him more than just a pretty face!
Humor beats are still pretty spot on though. And at least this game really knows how to make events feel like events.
3 more days and I’ll be done with Stage 4 for Regal, THANK GOD. The dispatches are such an annoying time-gate. I have a ton of energy packs saved up so I should be able to clear out Stage 5 much more quickly. Looking forward to getting my first Eternal Silent Hunter!
I ran out of characters I feel like A3ing so now I’m just grinding to level up equipment.
I don’t know if I should get Barton (who I do not have) or Nemesis (who I need one more copy of to max breakthrough and thus have her skill set to pre-emptive) from the free ticket they give. This is one of the few times where both would technically be dick picks, but one would be useful for meta (Nemesis is one of my core Thunder units) while the other I don’t have but would like to. DECISIONS!  At least the ticket doesn’t expire. i’ll end up forgetting about it most likely
GBF (lotto drama):
Man that lotto drama whaoooo.  I’m mostly retired/seasonal in GBF these days (and my loss of reliable/fast internet in a week will just compound that due to ping/racing/refresh) so I don’t really care, but just whao.
That said, I think with this being people’s last straw shows that some people really don’t know how to give things up on their own and don’t realize it’s okay to fall out of love with something you once enjoyed or spent a lot of time/effort/money in.  I saw a lot of complaints about X or Y no longer having magic/fun etc for them any more, and they still stick around cause they keep hoping that it’ll come back, and I can tell you—it rarely ever does if you stick around.  It’s okay to move on. That sunk-cost fallacy just does harm until only bitter feelings are left.
As for me, I did come out with a T3. Picked Nehan cause I always go dick picks in gacha and I was clamoring for a Nehan unit back during SoR’s original run. Used the second one to go meta with G.Narm though since there was nothing left for me to really get, but I dislike Narmaya so she can just sit there in my inventory with all her other versions CAUSE SHE WON’T LEAVE ME ALONE I guess.
Did literally nothing else though; just no real time to play grindblue lately.
Exos Heroes (director’s notes):
Hahaha, the devs noted they were nervous about how people would react to the first Memorial Saga and I BET IT WAS DUE TO THE TWIST LOL but anyone who has used Rachel or came from Exos Saga weren’t gonna be shocked. Regardless, the translation referred to the story as from “Ramge and Rachel’s youth” and I laughed cause IT TOOK PLACE A WEEK BEFORE THE MAIN GAME’S STORY????
Hope the 2nd MS ends up actually giving rewards for side quests.
Thank god though that they are going to implement a give up section for tag battles. I no longer have to set up [my absolute most hated character in this game] as a sacrificial character any more and can set up some more proper teams.
Infinity Core is still shit but at least now they will be showing what you’ll be facing the entire week instead of day-by-day reveals. Half of the issue is playing a guessing game on what FCs you need to hoard in case their theme comes up and thus purposely limit yourself from actually achieving higher stages.  Still wish they’d just allow you to keep the stage you’re on if you already cleared it in a previous week. Why the hell do I have to redo the stage(s) every week if I already passed it? At least quick battle will be implemented to a limited degree.
Glad they acknowledged the biggest problem in the game: inability for new players to catch up.  The gap between vets and newer players never ever narrows due to all the time-gating elements this game has.  I’ve been around the block in a lot of games and the ones who have this gap never has good player retention and ends up shrinking just to a core base of cliques until the game dies. Too bad no solutions offered.
I was disappointed Blue Kaya doesn’t buff HP for support units, then remembered HP is the biggest problem in PVP so yeah, no, nevermind, good on them for realizing that. Didn’t roll for her since I went ham on the summer banners and defense scales poorly in this game due to the HP inflation.
... oh man, I got momentarily excited when I saw Saint West was getting SF3. Then remembered Rachel, while from Saint West, is the heir to Saint West’s throne, and is basically labeled as Saint West in everything else in the game, is actually the general for Lenombe. Fuck me. When will they buff him. I’m tired of facing SF3 nations and seeing my nation’s gimmick being told to pound sand cause they refuse to buff his nation even though he’s fallen way off the meta a long time ago. i think i will literally blow a fuse if greenland gets sf3 before lenombe
In non director’s notes news, I linked up Shadowbane to Lenombe. Luna and Garlond are pretty fun to use and I hope to eventually slap them onto my WR team for tag week to see how that works out, but they worked really well in Infinity Core. Glad I finally have a viable Frost unit I can use since who is Bathory? She doesn’t know me.
Dunno who I’d put in Rudley’s spot since I use him so that my Lenombe team has at least more than one chance to kill these tanky SF3 nations. Zeon is just useless now due to the prevalence of Misty and I tried out Misty and she’s okay, but she’s not the best synergy with Lenombe. I wish A.Zeon would get his FC already so I can pair him with Schmid to get the Vagabond SF bonuses... (but I’m thinking the outcry against the genderbends pushed that back RIP...)
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tonidshipper · 4 years
Somehow, people still follow me so I'd like to reintroduce myself.
Tonie here! I used to be bluebloodedphantom. I first started my tumblr a couple of years ago, because of the Soul Eater fandom. I've moved from Soul Eater to Carmilla to pretty much a gay, mess of a blog. Right now, I'm very into yuri, Love Live and vtubers - more on Hololive vtubers tho, but I like the other companies too.
I make stories (that I write when I have the time and focus for it), and I draw stuff.
Here are some of my drawings lol
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Very inconsistent art style, no? (also @nitonitoniii_ is my art twitter/instagram handle so that's why I sign my art as that... I've no followers lmao)
I'm a Filipino, working as a writer for a game developer company. Nothing big tho... just making small (nsfw) games *panic hyperventilate mode: on*. Tumblr had trained me to be unfazed by NSFW contents looool.
Ships? NICOMAKI and YOSHIMARU. Well, mostly WLW ships. Holstein, Clexa, Bechloe, Wayhaught, Edeleth... stuff like that.
I like to listen to random music genres. I love Jpop, Kpop, OPM (sometimes), jazz, blues, classical, rock, R&B, Twenty One Pilots (because they're their own genre for some reason lol), reggae, rap, EDM, lol so you see, a variety of music genres.
Games! I play a lot of gacha games... Arknights, GBF... and some rhythm games like Love Live games, Bang Dream, Revue Starlight... I also like FPS games but I suck at them. I've been so into Fire Emblem: Three Houses tho. Like consumed by it.
Vtubers... I ABSOLUTELY ADORE AKAI HAATO/HAACHAMA. Watame. Hololive's 5th Gen. The HololiveEN. Coco. Luna. Matsuri. Korone. Okayu. A few more of them but yeah, too many to mention. I recently got into watching Lyrica's video. Lyrica the Ph Vtuber. We call her Lola (grandma) lol. She's really adorable.
Anyway, Idk why I made this. I guess I kinda just wanna say hi to y'all.
No one will probably read this anyway but if you made it this far, thanks for wasting your time on me hahaha
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Sorry you’re getting shit on your recent post. People like that are why I just say I eat plant based. I don’t want to be associated with scum like that.
It’s not recent actually. I think that was about a week ago. Also not all vegans are like that. Evanna Lynch (who was Luna Lovegood in “Harry Potter,” Mackenzie Price in “GBF,” Emily in “My Name is Emily,” and most recently played Runt on stage in Enda Walsh’s play “Disco Pigs”), identifies as a vegan and follows a vegan lifestyle. She’s actually discussed that there ARE judgey vegans out there, vegans who say that you’re bad if you eat meat and are like the people that were bitching about my post. 
But she’s one of the counterexamples, as I believe most vegans are (the judgey ones seem to be more prominent because they’re louder and more aggressive). She believes that veganism, at its core, isn’t about perfection; it’s about eliminating suffering and it’s about compassion not just for animals, but for yourself.  It’s about going vegan at your own pace and forgiving yourself if you accidentally slip up. She said she went vegetarian at age 11 and it wasn’t until 2013 that she discovered her lifestyle was inconsistent with what she believed in. In fact, she’s said that it took her about two years before she became fully vegan.
I do like the taste of meat and it’s where I usually get my protein from as I’m Gluten and Casein intolerant (though sometimes I do eat dairy, I kinda like Reese’s and cake (but because I ate a lot of Gluten/Casein filled cake in college, I feel like GFCF cakes tastes much better now, especially cupcakes.)). However I also love animals. 
And as we’re kinda on the topic for it, I kinda wanna share how I go about this; for the most part I’ve avoided dairy most of my life because I get kind of a stomachache if I eat it. I do eat chicken, beef, and pork. However I have promised myself that I will never eat veal or lamb because I personally believe it’s cruel to eat a baby animal. I also don’t want to eat rabbit, I don’t eat duck, and I don’t really eat fish.
But however you identify is up to you and if you choose to identify as plant-based, more power to you.
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shalebridge-cradle · 6 years
How about GBF? Plus it has Sasha Pieterse and Natasha Lyonne in it from PLL and But I’m a Cheerleader
(I am personally very disappointed in Luna Lovegood.)
They think it makes sense that the popular girl from one show is fighting a bunch of others for prom queen (and not in hiding after a murder attempt), but they don’t understand why any would want a gay best friend. They ignore the fact that they are all gay best friends. 
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buckbarne · 8 years
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Here are some LGBT movies I’ve watched !!
Top picks (in alphabetical order)
Big Eden (2000) Gay artist Henry moves from NYC to small hometown to take care of sick grandfather. A really sweet, heartwarming story. Bonus points for no homophobia (!!) plot line & a gay native american man, Pike, who is adorable and crushes on Henry.
Brokeback Mountain (2005) Who hasn’t seen this? Two shepherds and their tumultuous love story over the years. 
But I’m a Cheerleader (1999) Girl gets sent to a boot camp meant to alter her sexuality. Funny and aesthetic and really cheesy but worth the watch.
Carol (2015) A young woman in her 20s, Therese Belivet is a clerk working in a Manhattan department store and dreaming of a more fulfilling life when she meets Carol, an alluring woman trapped in a loveless, convenient marriage. 
First Girl I Loved (2016) Girl falls in love with the most popular girl from her school. Bonus points for a nuanced and realistic portrayal of teenagers.
The Way He Looks (Hoje Eu Quero Voltar Sozinho, 2014) Brazilian coming-of-age drama about a blind boy who falls in love with his classmate. Based on a short film called “I don’t want to go back alone”, which you can find on youtube.
Holding The Man (2015) In the 1970s, two teen boys in Australia fight all obstacles thrown their way and refuse to renounce the love they feel for each other. Based on Australia’s “most famous gay biography”.
I Killed My Mother (J’ai Tué Ma Mère, 2009)  Biographical drama. Directorial debut of Quebecois actor Xavier Dolan, which he also wrote, produced and starred in. My favourite film by him.
Kill Your Darlings (2013) Biographical drama/thriller. A murder in 1944 draws together the great poets of the beat generation. Peep Daniel Radcliffe and Dane DeHaan.
Laurence Anyways (2012) A drama that charts ten years in the relationship of a transgender woman’s relationship with her lover. Directed by Xavier Dolan.
Maurice (1987) The story of a gay man in the early 20th century. A really sweet film with bonus points for being a gay period drama that - spoilers - has a happy ending.
Moonlight (2016) (see title card) A chronicle of the childhood, adolescence and burgeoning adulthood of a young black man growing up in a rough neighborhood of Miami. First lgbt film (and film with all-black cast) to win Best Picture at the Academy Awards 2017.
Pride (2014) U.K. gay activists work to help miners during their lengthy strike of the National Union of Mineworkers in the summer of 1984. A truly feel-good movie every one should watch.
The Handmaiden (2016) A woman is hired as a handmaiden to a Japanese heiress, but secretly she is involved in a plot to defraud her. It’s been called a “South Korean Gothic Lesbian Revenge Thriller”. Just watch it. Trust me. 
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) A cult-classic and must-watch. Need I say more?
Rest of movies in alphabetical order under cut, with some commentary by yrs truly (me. a gay.)
Italic = Light / funny. (*)=dark, tw needed probably.
This is a bit cluttery. Feel free to ask me about any of these if you want extra info!!
A single man (I mean... if ur feeling melodramatic.)
Blue is the warmest color (overrated)
Broderskab* (Danish. neo-Nazis)
Baisers cachés (”Hidden kisses” French tv-movie)
Breakfast with Scot (liked this one a lot)
Beautiful thing (nice)
C.R.A.Z.Y. (not actually very gay. a little confusing)
Christopher and His Kind (ww2. but nice)
Cloud Atlas (gay couple r a very small part of this honestly don’t bother)
Cuatro Lunas (mexican. bonus points for gays of color)
Dear white people (incl. a black gay man who’s like... almost the mc? it’s been a while since I watched this)
Dope (I didn’t really like this one that much. think it had a lesbian best friend)
Edge of Seventeen (the 1998 one)
El sexo de los angéles (spanish. kinda boring. m/m/f)
Freier Fall (german. kinda... interesting?)
Fucking Åmål (”show me love” swedish. watched this one as a tween. lesbians)
Floating Skyscrapers (polish. Meh)
Front cover (chinese gay men in new york. not a cliché)
Geography Club
Get Real
Gods And Monsters (not very gay in itself. ian mckellen is a +)
Happy together (hong kong. kinda dark but idk)
Les Amours imaginaires (”Heartbeats”. french canadian. By & starring my fave director Xavier Dolan but this is my least fave movie of his)
Howl (if you want a film about allen ginsberg - watch kill your darlings instead. this one was weird.)
Ha buah (Israeli/palestinian romance. clearly biased towards israel)
Hurricane Bianca (really funny. stars rupaul’s drag race alumnus Bianca del Rio)
Imagine me & you (classic lesbian movie. watch itttt)
I love you Phillip Morris (heartwarming in a weird way. quite funny)
I Am Michael (really fucked up this one)
Jongens (”boys”. Dutch. nice)
Just une question d’amour (french.)
Keep the lights on (american but mc is played by a danish actor)
Kawa (gay Maori mc!!!!!!!!! really nice)
Legend (really violent. not /that/ gay, but a nice movie)
Les Chansons d’amour (french. Musical!)
Lilting (quiet. heartbreaking)
Looking: the movie (watch this after you’ve watched s1-2 of HBO’s Looking. It serves as the finale)
Milk (who hasn’t seen this one?)
My Beautiful Laundrette (oldie. could’ve been much better)
My Brother The Devil (gay arab mc. not actually v gay in itself)
Naomi and Ely’s No Kiss List (depends on how you look at it)
Out in the dark* (israeli/palestinian romance. dark. does pinkwash israel)
Patrik 1,5 (Swedish)
Plata quemada (”Burnt money”. Argentine. Heartfelt)
Plan B (spanish-language movie. interesting fo sure)
Prayers for Bobby (saaaaaaaaaad.)
Paris 05:59: Théo & Hugo (aka “theo et hugo dans le meme bateau”. French. really nice. first 20 mins are explicit sex.)
Rent (musical.)
Shelter (heartwarming)
Soldier’s Girl* (trans mc)
Sommersturm (Dutch)
The Kids Are All Right (didn’t really like this one. has that “lesbian cheats on wife/gf with man” cliché)
Those people (really nice. sad though. realistic)
The Normal Heart (AIDS. Really, really sad.)
The skeleton twins (I think this was marketed as a light movie but it was actually pretty deep and sad??)
The Incredibly True Adventure of Two Girls in Love (so cute.)
The Wedding Banquet (ang lee’s other gay movie that wasn’t brokeback mountain. Loved it)
Tom a la ferme* (”tom at the farm”. dir. xavier dolan. daaaark)
Tom of Finland (finnish)
Weekend (overrated.)
Water Lilies (french. not very gay)
You should meet my son! (this one is rly cheesy but it’s also rly funny I watched it like 3 times in 2 days.)
Yves Saint Laurent (french. one of my faves ever even though it got bad reviews?)
Saint Laurent (they made 2 movies abt him the same yr. didn’t really like this one)
Quand on a 17 ans (”being 17″ French. Interracial couple. a different kind of movie)
BONUS: some documentaries :)))
L’amour fou
The times of Harvey milk
Elder (short doc) watch it on vimeo
Growing Up Coy
Matt Shephard is a friend of mine
Before Stonewall
After Stonewall
Paris is burning
Movies you shouldn’t watch:
Stand (2014). weird and really bad
respire (breathe) not gay. some people liked it though
Elephant. not gay 
Dream boy. so boring I could only watch like 20 mins
Private Romeo. boring unless u really like shakespeare
UPDATE: here’s a part 2 to this list!
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Josephine: Jo, Josie, Jojo, Lil Green, Fifi, Fi, Roo, Joey 
Xavier: X, Xavi, Zae, X-Man, Xylophone, Ex-aa-ve-er, Xo 
Lexi: Sexy Lexi, Thing One, Cheerio, Lil Sis, Lex, Lexi Lou, Lex-in-Law
Luka: Handsome, Princess, Punzie, Big Bro, Thing Two, Lukey, GBF, Homie Homo, L-Dawg
Luna: Lu, Princess Lu, Lu Lu, Lovegood, Moonpie, Pastel Dream 
Beatrix: Bee, Buzzbuzz, Beebee, Pollinator, Trix, Trixy, Bumblebee,
Brock: Junior Varsity, J.V., Brocky {Boi/Balboa}, Plant Dude, Brock-in-Law
Collin: Collin Holigay, Collin Holiday {With The Good Cake}, Bro’s Loser, Babe, Collie, Lin 
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cinnbar-bun · 5 years
To the Void (Lucilius x Oc)
Pairing: Lucilius/Oc (Luna)
Disclaimer: I really don’t think I need to mention this but due to how this pairing is, obviously some things don’t relate well to canon/would most likely never happen in canon. Lucilius would probably never have a lover. Lucilius would probably have a different motivation for his whole ‘destroy the world’ thing. I KNOW. I KNOW VERY WELL, AND I AM DOING MY BEST TO CREATE A STORY AND BACKSTORY, IT HAS NO BACKING IN CANON BECAUSE ASTRALS/LUCILIUS HIMSELF WAS NEVER FULLY DEVELOPED. PLEASE KEEP THIS IN MIND BEFORE READING. Also, a lot of my other friends’ ocs are in here as well, because I love them lol. 
With that out of the way, please enjoy this???? And also please let me know if you like these things and wouldn’t mind seeing more for Lucilius/Luna, since I have plenty more for them!
Lucilius worked continuously in his lab. Even Belial was starting to get worried about his behavior.
“Listen Cilius, you can’t keep-“
“Quiet you!” Lucilius would snap back, thrusting his scalpel towards the brunette. He was breathing heavily and the bags under his eyes seemed to have gotten worse than before. “I told you I’m busy working!”
Belial clamped his mouth shut and nodded, leaving the astral to continue his work.
Lucilius furiously scribbled notes on a scroll before he growled and snapped his quill in two. He slammed his hand against his desk and cursed loudly.
“Damn it! Damn it all to hell! What good is this world? What use is there to a place where I am denied my dreams? How long must I suffer alone before you give me back my life?!” He yelled to no one in particular. “I don’t care anymore! I don’t care! Useless! Useless! Useless! This is useless!”
He chucked some of his work across the room and screamed into his hands. He was never good at dealing with emotions. Especially not something as intense as grief. Being this hateful, sad, repentant, and guilty had placed a heavy burden on himself.
 Normally, his wife would’ve comforted him. Her sweet words and soothing touches would’ve eased the beast within him, and he found solace in being wrapped in her arms. Then again, if she were here, he wouldn’t be feeling this suffering. 
Tomorrow would be their anniversary. But it would not be a happy celebration. It would not be a joyous occasion spent in each other’s arms and lips. It would be desolate, cold, and dark. It would be a constant reminder of what he had lost, and what he never could get back.
A hundred years have passed by. But they all melded into the same day. It was suffering just getting up to an empty bed, where the soft feel of her lips and her melodic voice would wake him up and tell him good morning. It was exhausting to remember to eat, drink, and clean, all things that seemed trivial and even more meaningless than before.
Existing was hard. So hard, and so painful that he wished to rid of it all. If he had to suffer through the pain of losing his only love, then the others should too. It was only fair.
He saw his children were grieving, but a part of him couldn’t help but feel angered and jealous of them. They looked to her as a mother figure. But they would move on. They had their own lovers and things to attend to. But him? Oh no, he’d be back to being absolutely, completely, utterly alone. They wouldn’t understand the desperation for literally anything to just end his misery, or for his wife to suddenly spring back to life.
 No, they’d cry for a bit before forgetting. Their pain would be temporary. Simply because the bond they shared was completely different from the one he shared with her.
 They already seemed to be getting their lives back together, continuing their work and jobs as if everything were normal. He wanted to scream. They should be in as much pain as he was. It was only fair.
 He gazed up at the clock and noticed it was late evening. He sadly nodded before he crept to his room.
 “Father, there you are, I-“ Astra began, but Lucilius was unresponsive. He couldn’t hear her. He just continued walking. Astra lowered her hands to her side and nodded. “A...alright...”
Lucilius closed his door behind him and struggled to his bed, where he laid down and curled into a pathetic ball. For thirty six thousand five hundred days, he had to sleep alone. People said time heals the pain, but he felt as if he’s gotten more bitter and emotional as time went on.
 He was angry one of the few people who mattered so much to him had to die. He was depressed his wife was no longer there to love him and make him feel whole again. He was numb as he registered that the good times would not come back. He was alone again. This time, it was even worse, he was surrounded by people who just couldn’t understand how traumatizing it was to finally receive the love you craved, only to have it taken away from you.
 He clenched his eyes shut.
 He was not good. He would never be good. He was only good when his wife was there, who taught him how to be like that. But now she was gone, and he was a wreck.
That’s right, I was never good to begin with. Why should I pretend any longer?
In the hundred years he’s been grieving, he’s missed out on a lot of things. His kids would struggle to get him to come out, but after a while, they too gave up when he was practically catatonic. It was like he was a dead corpse.
He closed his eyes.
I’m not good. I’ve only ever been bad. Why should I stop now? Who’s gonna stop me?
An idea formed in his head. For once, he thought of nothing. The idea brought him comfort he hadn’t felt in eons, as he went into a dreamless sleep.
As morning rose, he quickly scurried to the middle of the garden where his wife lay. Her casket wasn’t to be buried, and Lucilius was grateful for that. She lay in the crystal coffin, dressed in all white and with a small smile on her face.
Lucilius loved her smile.
He couldn’t help but tearfully smile back at his wife. Seeing her smile almost made it seem like she was comforting even in the afterlife. She always was a faithful and devoted wife. He really wouldn’t be surprised to see her fight out of the underworld. That’s just the type of woman she was, and one that he loved with all his heart.
He rested his head against the glass and closed his eyes.
“My love...happy anniversary… I have a gift for you. You might not like the sound of it. I know, I know. But this is one I wish to give. It’ll be better for the both of us, and the entire world.” He whispered. 
“I’m going to do something so big. For our ‘Big Finale’, if you will. You won’t understand until you see it. And when you do, I will be there by your side once more darling. We will be joined again, and you won’t ever have to feel pain. You will never have to watch anyone suffer. You will never have to bear the weight of my mistakes again. This time, we can have our own paradise as everything disappears. Won’t it be nice?” He cooed. 
The corpse did not answer. But he smiled. 
“I hope you’ll love this gift when it comes to fruition. I will begin working on it immediately. For your sake, and mines, I will complete it. I will allow nothing to stop me. Not even our children can stop this finale. It’s just too important to me. I will make you smile again. Once we are reunited, I will hold you close and never let go. My dream will come true again, and we can live out our days in nothingness.” 
The wind billowed softly against the piles of flowers surrounding the casket, tickling Lucilius’ legs. However, he could not feel a thing, too caught up in the newfound euphoria at this idea. 
“Please be patient for me love. Guide me to that place where I can be in your arms. I will take the world’s evolution into my own hands and start it over from zero.Wait for me, until then, when I am worthy of seeing you and holding you.” 
He heaved a sigh, and droplets of tears flowed down his cheeks. 
“I’m crying but...I feel so happy...is this your doing? Is this your way of telling me not to do it? Gods...I can’t just quit. I can’t quit, not when you and I are merely inches apart. I want your eyes to open again. I want to feel your warmth. My love, don’t you get it? You’re the only thing that can provide me that. Please...don’t stop me. Don’t tell me I’m a good man, that I don’t need to do this. You know very well I am no good. I am not nice. I have never been nice. I have never been good unless I was with you. Please, don’t tell me it’s fine the way it is. Soon you’ll be forgotten and-” He choked out a sob and collapsed against the casket, tearfully hiding his face in his sleeves. 
“-What if the others forget you? What if I forget you? I don’t want anyone else. I don’t need anyone else. I need you, just you. Please don’t deny me that. Please. I can’t continue without you.” 
Lucifer, Stella, and Sandalphon quietly peeked their head into the gardens through the door and saw their father crying and pleading for Luna to come back. 
“One hundred years…” Lucifer murmured. 
“Should we...talk to him?” Stella worriedly asked. 
“I don’t know if that’s the best. He nearly stabbed Belial and I for asking if he was alright.” Sandalphon shook his head. 
“It’s so unfair. He’s...he’s suffering like this. Can’t we do something?” Stella pleaded. 
“Unless you can bring our mother back, he’s going to unfortunately be like this.” Sandalphon grumbled, folding his arms and looking away. 
“Can we get Mari to-”
“I had tried that, my love.” Lucifer sadly answered. “Primals do not have a soul. Only a core. And...it was destroyed.” 
“I don’t believe it.” Stella shook her head. “I don’t believe that’s all we can do.” 
“I want to believe, I really do. But it seems pointless here. Our mother is dead. And Lucilius has to accept it just like we-” Sandalphon choked, heaving until Lucifer placed a hand on his shoulder. “We did. Just like we did.” 
“Sandalphon…” Stella whispered, before hugging both of them. “I know it hurts. I know.” 
“Stella? Sandy? Lucifer?” A tiny voice called out. Aurora tugged on Lucifer’s pant legs as Stella and Sandalphon quickly rubbed their eyes. 
“Yes, Aurora?” Lucifer bent down and smiled as best as he could to his baby sister. 
“Have you seen papa? I’ve been looking everywhere, but everyone’s been avoiding my question.” She pouted. 
“Oh he’s-” Lucifer cut himself off before he smiled again. “I think he’s coming in soon. He’s just taking a small walk.” 
“But I think someone’s behind you-” She tried to peek but Lucifer held her down by her shoulders. 
“Heh, no, it’s just Sandalphon and his bad allergies. Here, how about us four go and make some tea?” 
“Oh! Yes please!” She grasped onto his hand and followed him, with Sandalphon and Stella sharing a worried glance back at Lucilius before they walked in. 
Lucilius had stopped his crying and tried to calm his breathing. 
“My love. I’m sorry. This is one of the times I cannot do as you say. Please, understand, this is for the better. Our children will not have to learn of suffering any longer, and we...we can be together. You can hate me all you want after that. I don’t mind. You can curse me, make me feel pain, I don’t care. I just want to see you one last time before we disappear.” 
“I want to return to the Void with you.” 
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thepriceofsurvival · 8 years
LGBT movies I recommend!
Brokeback Mountain 
(I really hope you have already seen this tho, its a classic. Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger plays two shepherds falling in love in 1960 Wyoming)
(Dutch, two teenage boys fall in love and deals with it) 
Freier Fall  (German, two police officers, one with a baby on the way, develops feelings for one another. One of my favourite movies of all time) 
(Following a young man from childhood to adult life, struggling with his identity and family life, and dealing with the hyper masculinity in todays society)
4th man out
(comedy, a gay man comes out to his straight bros)
Un Amour à taire // A Love to Hide (French, a gay couple during ww2) 
Cuatro lunas  (Spanish, four different men in four different parts of their life (young teen, young adult, adult, senior) dealing with four different problems connected to their sexualities) 
Mannen som elsket Yngve  (Norwegian!) 
Beautiful thing 
(two teenagers from Britain falls in love in an unsupporting environment)
(two women in 1950′s New York)
–capital games 
(two men compete against each other for a high ranked job. A crazy night with love and hatred happen, changing their lives for better or for worse)
(comedy. Olivers father figures out he has terminal cancer and is gay about at the same time)
Dog day afternoon
(this is a classic. Comedy, a man attempts to rob a bank to pay for his transgender partner’s sex surgery)
–my beautiful laundrette
(1985 movie. An interracial gay couple opens a laundromat in London)
–happy together 
(1997 Hong Kong romance)
(being black, butch and maybe a lesbian isn’t easy)
Prayers for Bobby (With Parrish from teen wolf, Ryan Kelley as Bobby coming out to a conservative, homophobic family)
(an aspiring street artist who has to act like a father to his nephew, bonds with a returning childhood friend over surfing. And kisses him)
(French. Ten year old Laurie moves and tells their new friends their name is Mickael)
–tropical malady 
(A romance between a soldier and a country boy, and also Thai folk lore and a shape shifting shaman)
–fair haven 
(a teenager returns to Massachusetts after being in gay conversion therapy)
–touch of pink 
(a gay man lives happily with his boyfriend until his religious mother comes to find him a good muslim wife)
(some people say this is an offensive film. I completely disagree. It brings up the negative sides of the Gay Best Friend trope. Basically deals with homophobia from “accepting” white straight girls, conservative christians, typical straight boys and also closeted gay men. Luna from Harry Potter,  Shane from Faking it, Allison from Pretty Lil’ Liars and Nicky from OITNB)
–summer time 
(Carole and Delphine falls in love in 1971 America countryside)
Were the world mine 
(a gay teen uses a potion to make all his straight classmates gay. Also Shakespeare)
–boy meets girl 
(follows a 21 year old transgender girl and her adventures, and being met with the pressure of being a “real woman”)
The normal heart
(Mark Ruffalo and Matt Bomer and the AIDS crisis) 
Fucking åmål  (Swedish. Two teenage girls in a small town in Sweden. Elon is popular and bored with life. Agnes is friendless and secretly in love with Elin)
–better than chocolate 
(two lesbians, a transsexual, and of of their conservative mothers)
–last summer
(Luke and Noah are high school sweethearts and spend one final summer together)
But I’m a cheerleader  (Nicky from OITNB goes to gay conversion camp after she gets informed that she’s a lesbian)
Angels of sex 
Bruno loves Carla and their relationship is great until Rai comes, sees and conquers)
The war boys 
(three vigilant border patrolling men realise there are more borders than between Mexico and USA)
(Two childhood friends develops feelings for each other, but their relationship soon gets cut of by one of their fathers. Ten years later they reunite)
The ten year plan
(one of the few REALLY GOOD comedies out there. Its so good. Two best friends swear that if they’re single in ten years they’ll get together. Cheesy and cliche filled, but since its a gay couple instead of a straight its awesome)
–the skinny 
(five black university students, one lesbian and four gays, reunites in NYC)
(Randy struggles with his sexuality in a conservative town, oh and also his mother blames him for his sisters disappearance)
(A perfectly stabilised woman living peacefully is about to undergo sex surgery when she gets told that she is the father of a 17 year old troubled boy)
–hedwig and the angry itch 
(a transsexual punk rock girl from east Berlin)
Christopher and his kind  (Matt Smith being gay in WW2. Also Douglas Booth and Imogen Poots) 
J'ai tué ma mère (I killed my mother) 
(French. Hubert is gay and hates his mother)
Do começo ao Fim // from Beginning to End
(Half brothers, French. Might not be everyones cup of tea to some cause of the incest thing but a beautiful movie in conclusion) 
Hoje Eu Quero Voltar Sozinho // The Way He Looks
(Portuguese, a blind kid and a new kid falls in luv) 
Geography Club
(two high school boys deals with their feelings for each other in the middle of football and a secret gay club)
–the curiosity of chance 
(a confident out and gay teen deals with bullying at his school)
–first girl I loved 
(Anne falls in love with Sasha, and a stupid ass boy tries to ruin it)
A escondidas (hidden away) 
(Ibrahim is 14 and Moroccan and about to be deported. Rafa is 14, Spanish, and makes fun of Arabs with his friends. A wonderful movie about prejudice and first love)
–another gay movie 
(four friends make a pact to lose their virginities before college. Stupid, cringy and hilarious) 
–is it just me? 
(a gay man tries to find mr right)
(After his lover rejects him and marries a woman, Maurice tries to find new love and accept his sexuality. With Lestrade from Sherlock, Hugh Grant from every British comedy ever, Ben Kingsley from Iron man and Jungle book
–soldiers girl
(a young soldier falls in love with a transsexual night club performer)
(a ton of comedy actors play in this. two men enlist in the army. best line? “Are any of you homosexuals?” “We are willing to learn”)
So this is my collection! The “-” means I have not seen this movie, but it’s on my to do list. Ive included a very short summary of the movies, just because I hate seeing these lists and googling every single ones. The summaries are bad but like, it gives you an idea. 
Bolded text means I highly recommend them. If you have others you’d like to add, please do so in the replies or reblog! I have seen many more than these, but many of them I don’t like, or have forgotten. If you want my personal opinion about a specific movie, send me an ask! 
Just to remind you, many of these movies have a lot of potential triggers like slurs, suicide, self harm, murder, all that good stuff. If you have any triggers please do research before watching. And lastly, I have no idea where to watch these. Some are on Netflix/viaplay etc, some are on pirate pages and some seems to have disappeared from the surface of the Earth. 
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