#gd sibling scenarios
winches-ter · 7 years
Dagger (part 2)
AU: Mafia
POV: Reader
Rating: PG-13 (For the violence and occasional language)
Pairings: A wee bit of Reader X Seungri, and that subtle GDYB.
Summary: As the sister of the leader of the most dangerous gang in Seoul, you’ve done a pretty amazing job at maintaining a low profile, and not letting anyone know what family you belong to. Your life is normal, despite your brother’s intimidating, yet respected, image. But what the people don’t know, is that you’re Big Bang’s secret weapon, their Trump Card.
Part 1 | Part 2 |  Part 3 | Part 4(end)
“It was about you. He thinks this is too dangerous for you. He asked me to tell you to quit.”
Someone hit me with a bag full of bricks.
No, I thought, that would hurt less.
If I had been told Jiyong and Youngbae were about to get married, adopt three children and name them after different types of pasta, that would be more believable. “I have been with you people since before I could even say my own name. It’s where I belong, oppa. I don’t do anything else. I don’t want to do anything else.” I said, coming to a standstill.
“You need to understand, y/n, none of us wanted this life thrust upon you. All we want to do is keep you safe. And what we do, it is as far from safe as is possible to be. If anything were to happen to you, do you think I would be able to live with myself, knowing that it was all because of me? That it was my fault I could not protect my own baby sister? Even after I was warned so many times, even when I almost saw you die today?”
I could understand. I did understand. But he had to understand I had a choice too. For eighteen years this man had worked tooth and nail, not being able to afford three square meals for himself, but making sure I never went to bed hungry. I was his responsibility. And now that I could, I wanted to repay him. Even if it was with my life. I wanted to watch his back, make sure he returned home every night, and bury anyone who dared to ruin what he created with his blood and sweat.
“Do I not get a say in my own life then? I need to make decisions on my own now. I’m not your six year old in pigtails anymore. Why can’t you see that?” I really did not mean to yell, or sound ungrateful, but that, somehow, was how things turned out.
“I suppose I should. I’m sorry for trying to do the right thing. I’m sorry for trying to protect you.” The pain in his eyes killed me over and over again. He just walked on, without a word, crestfallen.
I wanted to go after him, but something held me back. It took some time to register it was not my feelings, but was indeed a person, holding my arm.
“What the hell? Let go of me.”
The person, who was being referred to as ‘perv’ inside my head, showed no intentions of doing that.
“Right. Now. While I’m still asking nicely.”
“Well I’ll treat you right, love.” He sounded positively drunk. His breath only confirmed the same. “Don’t bother running after that coward of a man anymore, who doesn’t even know what he’s leaving behind. I know what girls like you want. And I’ll make sure you get what you des-” He was cut off by a punch landing square on his nose, causing blood to drip down.
Pulling me behind him, Jiyong growled, “If you so much as breathe within a thousand miles of my sister again, I will slice you into so many pieces, they will have a lot of trouble burying your useless ass.”
“Think you’re so tough, huh?” The guy said, wiping the last of blood from his face, visibly offended. “Hey guys, I think we need to teach this stiff douchebag and his little bitch here some really solid lessons.”
“I’m going to do you a favour and tell you to back the fuck off before you and your peasants have to be scraped off the floor in the aftermath.”
“You son of a bitch-” He cursed and tried to punch Jiyong, who stealthily dodged it, caught a hold of the guy’s hand, stretched it out, so they looked more like a couple doing salsa than two extremely angsty dudes fighting for dominance, and used his elbow to hit the back of the perv’s head repeatedly.
Meanwhile two men, presumably the ‘guys’ ganged up on me, as I backed away from Jiyong. “Well this is hardly fair gentlemen.” I said, sarcastically. “An exhausted girl who is not in the mood for your bullshit, versus two scrawny rodents hell-bent upon making her loose her temper. The odds seem a bit off to me.”
“Shut up, bitch. You’re only making it more difficult for you.” One of them said as both the men lunged at me at the same time.
Ducking out from their reach, I grabbed both their wrists in the process, and exactly as Daesung had taught, turned suddenly, jerking their arms, then folded them against their backs, inviting gasps of pains from both.
“I told you, I’m not in the mood for your bullshit” I say as I kick the first one from behind, then the next making them fall on their knees. Before they had the time to comprehend what their free hands were going to do, I elbowed one of them from the back, with enough force to knock him unconscious, strong enough to send jitters up my arm, and then kicked the other one to the floor and again knocked the living daylights out of him; with the heel of my foot, gently caressing his face.
When I turned around Jiyong was already done with the guy who was bundled up on the ground still mumbling curses at both of us. He still looked extremely hurt from our argument earlier, and something in me broke.
“I’m sorry.” I blurted out, as tears began to well up in my eyes. “All you’ve ever done is risk your own life to keep me safe, and I am so, so grateful for that. I wanted to be with you guys, not for adrenaline kicks to fulfill my wild teenage fantasies of punching assholes into the sunset, but so I could maybe try to do the same for you, as you have done for me. Watch your back, make sure you don’t die doing something stupid like taunting people with grenade launchers aimed at you, maybe also make sure you came back every day. Take care of you, in the only way that I know.”
Jiyong simply walked up to me and wrapped his arms around my whimpering body. In an instant I did the same, as if clinging onto him for dear life. As my head rested on his shoulder, his hands gently played with my hair. There was a comfortable silence, interrupted only when we heard one of the guys that I had knocked down slowly come to his senses. We ran then. Not because we couldn’t take them in a fight again, hell, we would still emerge victorious if they called in multiple reinforcements. But, because none of us wanted to ruin the effects of the moment that had just passed.
As we came to a stop in front of our house, out of breath and pumped on adrenaline, one of the guards opened the door before we even reached in and both of us bowed to thank him. I was about to make my way up the stairs when Jiyong half whispered half yelled, “Y/n, I’m so sorry.” Puzzled, I turned around to see him; he looked like he had committed the most heinous crime in the history of heinous crimes, and was severely regretting it. “What’s wrong? Why do you look like that?”
“I shouldn’t have left you alone like that. That filthy guy and his minions could’ve done anything to you, and again, it would have been my fault. I’m so so sorry, y/n, I promise, I’ll never leave you alone like that again. Never.”
It was my turn to initiate The Hug, and so I did.
“It was mostly my fault, you know. I should have caught up to you. If not that, then at least I should have been the one to punch his nose off his face. I should’ve done something, but I dint. Let’s call it even.”
“You know,” He said, tightening his hold on me, “When I say ‘never’ I also mean the times when I’m out kicking ass. I’m not letting you out of my sight again.”
“So, I’m not being shoved out of your super cool ninja clan then, G Dragon-sama?”
He just laughed and breathed a light no somewhere in between. “Now go to bed, Naruto, you have school tomorrow.”
The next day Jiyong and Youngbae had a very heated discussion about me and what’s best for me and eventually, both of them decided it was best indeed, that I do stay with them, lest I shall be harmed in their prolonged periods of absence.
While they were in there, discussing my future, I was in the kitchen, making a very healthy double cheese chicken lasagna for my hungry self. As I was too busy drooling over the cheese that was bubbling in the oven, my surroundings became void and all that mattered anymore was the wall of time that stood between the food and my esophagus.
Out of nowhere, two fingers pressed down on either side of my waist, making me jump up in surprise. What was more embarrassing was the inhuman sound I made in the said process. Taking the first thing I found on the shelf I turned towards the attacker in a poise of self-defence.
“Whoa, y/n, you’re going to decapitate someone with that lethal spatula, girl.”
“Seungri? Dude, I would actually have decapitated you. Don’t sneak up on me like that. I have killer reflexes, you know.” I smirk.
“I’d love to put that to test someday. Let’s see, next weekend? My place?”
“Did you think that was smooth, Lee Seunghyun?”
“Is that a no?”
“Do you like lasagna?”
“Yes. It’s a yes. Now, would you like to have lasagna? It’s almost done.” Talking about relationship stuff made me uncomfortable, and so, in the worst, most weird way that I could, I changed the topic.
“Some other time, princess. I need to go meet your brother first.”
“Cool. More for me then.” Princess? What?
“Watch the calories though.”
“Watch the calories though.” I mimic in a mocking tone as he smirks and walks away.
What a beautiful pain in the ass.
By the time the guys were done, it was evening already, and I did not realize that I had fallen asleep on the kitchen counter. Only managing to eat half the lasagna before my screwed up sleep schedule demanded to be acknowledged.
I woke up to the sound of Jiyong munching down the lasagna, sitting across from me on the counter.
“So Seungri asked you out?” He said, when he realized I had woken up.
“What? How do you know?”
“He called me this morning to ‘confess’ his weird feelings for you. He dint want to do it behind my back.”
“And you agreed?” I ask, visibly taken aback.
“Well, might as well. He knows what’s going to happen if he fucks it up.”
I snorted, and took a bite out of the lasagna as well.
“How did you make this?” He asked, making a disgusted face, “It tastes like damp socks.”
“It definitely does not. It’s better than what that good for nothing girlfriend of yours used to make.”
“Oh but she was good for something...” He says looking up at the ceiling, as if he was nostalgic. A smug smile on his face.
“You’re disgusting Kwon Jiyong.” I say, hitting his shoulder lightly. “Also, let me sleep. Go away.  Shoo. Do whatever deep dark stuff you do locked away in your deep dark room.”
“No, y/n, listen to me. This is important. It’s about that gang that’s after us.” He said, in a serious tone, which indicated we were down to business. “They’re called ‘death stroke’. Almost ten years ago, they were our biggest rivals, when dad’s company was about to go bankrupt and I had just ascended in his place. But, we beat him. After which they went underground. Now, I believe it was because they could not bear being defeated by a sexy eighteen year old, but according to Seunghyun hyung they were just ‘laying low’. Now that they believe it is us who screwed them over, their leader is blinded by revenge to extract vengeance from my majestic self. Even if we tell him it wasn’t us, he won’t believe it because, despite what TOP hyung says, he hates my guts. Now we’ve got to be careful, because who knows how many upgrades he has gone through over the years.”
“Upgrades? Oppa, this isn’t a video game villain.”
“Sister, he is called Midnight.”
“Ok first of all, I want that title. Second, why was this guy such a big rival of dad’s company?”
“Because apparently he had some beef with dad. He’s the reason the company fell in the first place.”
“Then let’s kill this bitch.”
Over the years, I always wanted to know why such a big company had reached such a low within almost no time. Who was the catalyst that favoured this downfall? I never asked my brother, because I was afraid he’d blame himself for it. But now that the son of a bitch had a face, and not to mention a cool ‘stage name’ that I required, I wanted nothing more than to paint his walls in deep, permanent red.
Over the course of the next few days, the guys all did their digging on this ‘Midnight’ and his ‘death stroke’, while I doodled in the back of my notebooks because whatever the teachers were saying in classes, was either never going to help me, or was just plain boring. As it is I was able to maintain good grades and an average image in class, so I could afford to doodle. I had earned the right to doodle. And so, I shamelessly doodled.
Fridays were the worst. Teachers gave extra homework, we had PE as the last period, and the instructor loathed my mere existence. Also, you never knew when the principle would come over and hand you more things to do, because of which, more often than not, we had to stay back after school hours.
This time, we were supposed to make paper cut outs for the first graders’ classrooms because they had a ‘Bring your mother to school’ day. I always hated these days, and anything to do with them.
“Never have I ever seen someone cut up golden stars with that much hatred in their eyes. You ok y/n?” My best friend asked me.
“Yeah well, when you have been personally victimized by your PE Instructor and then have a ‘decorate-a-classroom-for-mothers’ shoved in your face like a big ‘fuck you, you motherless git’, it sort of sucks the fun out of your peachy day.”
“Whoa slow down there sunshine. Here, have some chocolate.” She said, handing me a Hershey’s Kiss.
“Never leave me girl. What would I do without you?”
“Curl up in the fetal position and sob endlessly.” She said indifferently, as she pulled out a chocolate for her own self and ate it.
We finished the work sooner than I expected.
“A hundred starts and a double hundred chocolates later, the salty bitches finally emerge victorious!” I say, stretching my arms and got up.
“Speak for yourself, Cinderella. I happen to be a sweeter bitch.”
Both of us made out way out. Glad, the headache assigned to us was over. There were people in the class who looked at us with envy, and that made leaving even more satisfying.
We were out the school’s gate when it suddenly struck me, “Oh! I almost forgot, Seungri asked me out.”
“WHAT!! And I’m hearing about this NOW?! I feel betrayed. Did you find someone else to tell this to? *gasp* Are you CHEATING ON ME?”
“Calm down, you’re going to go into cardiac arrest. Who else would accept this eternal void of darkness except for you? I’ll tell you about it later, I want to go home right now, and sleep in a tub and hopefully drown in there for a couple of days.”
“Gimme a call when you come back from the dead, or if you die for good, ask Jiyong oppa to do it. We’ll support each other through the tough time. Then get married and name our firstborn after you.”
“Gross. Officially too gross. Oh the mental image. That’s it I’ve been scarred for life. I’m going to leave and pretend this never happened.” With that I turned, and walked away, already dreaming about essential oils soaking away all the torture I valiantly withstood today. And honestly, my body ached from head to toe, fingers about to spasm because of constant use of scissors, legs screaming out in protest, my eyes watering from the dire need for sleep. I was literally a wreck.
The sky was a dull yellow grey, clouds gradually blanketing all the blue and the setting sun not making any attempts to put up a fight either. There was a cool wind sweeping the streets, and weather like this meant a storm was on its way. A gentle breeze hit me, making me uneasy to the core. Ever since I was a little girl, I had noticed, on days like this, something always went wrong. And somewhere inside, that little girl wanted nothing more than to go cuddle up inside Jiyong’s blankets, because she was scared to be left alone.
Without second thoughts, I broke into a run as soon as I saw my house up ahead. I desperately wanted to get away from the rumbling clouds, slowly setting the stage for something more terrible to take over.
As soon I made it through the door, I took out my phone and called my brother.
“Oppa?” I gasped, too tired to hide the nervousness in my voice, still breathless from the unnecessary running.
“Oppa where-” I was cut off as a large hand blocked my mouth. I wanted to retaliate, to protest, but my body refused to respond. Someone hit me on the back of my head, and I fell, barely conscious. I could feel hot blood drip down my head, as I made out a figure bending down to pick up my phone.
“G-Dragon, It’s been a while. I hope you haven’t forgotten me? Not that it matters right now. You see, I have something you want, and you have something I want. What do you say we discuss it over tea sometime? If not, then forget about seeing this little cheesecake again. I can’t say would mind that. I can imagine a few things I could do with her. When you make up your mind, call me on this number.”
If Jiyong argued, threatened or even yelled at the man, I couldn’t make out. I knew I had to do something to save myself, and I had to do it fast.
I tried to get up from the floor, but my arms betrayed me. And I fell with a thud that bounced off the walls and drew all the attention towards me.
“Knock that bitch out for the love of God. And put her in the car.”
The last thing I heard was Jiyong’s muffled cry, seethed with pain and anger, then it all went dark.
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gayvangeance · 4 years
Hey there! If your requests are open, could I please have sibling headcanons w/ Fuegoleon and Mereoleona as children? I imagine they were a handful but I still love them ❤️💕
Awhh! Of course anon. Enjoy!! 💞
Chaotic children! They never had any serious fights growing up. If anything they were all playful and related towards who was stronger. That being said, I can see them being similar to Asta and Yuno (except asta v. asta because they're both loud af lmao) when it comes to challenges. Thumb battles? oh HELL yeah. Who Can Run Around The Whole Country In Less Than 10 Minutes™
Fuegoleon probably wanted to hang more with Mereoleona growing up. She would often go to the woods and train even as an 8 y/o and sometimes he'd follow her out of curiosity.
Although the day he found her skinning a bear, I don't think he had the gut to follow anymore.
poor servants needed fireproof vests for these two
*tiny baby Fuego getting up in the middle of the night for big sis Mereo to help him open a bottle of water*
Okay but in all seriousness I bet they had a very heartwarming sibling bond. The series is all about competing and being better than the other, but they probably had cute lil nights where they'd read scary stories under the covers. Probably turned into a challenge of who can last longer without getting scared but in the end it was one of those bonding moments.
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ygboysygbby · 4 years
Mino/Song Minho Scenario
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Request: Hi!! I hope it’s okay with me requesting this as it’s based on a fanfic I’m writing and just want to see how it would play out and that requests are still open. Could I request a Mino headcanon or Winner headcanon with Mino secretly dating Jiyong’s older sister (just by a year) who’s also a Kpop idol, actress and fashion designer? Thank you.
you know what? the request made me inspired, I’m gonna make this a short story with my own interpretation instead! let’s see how it goes! :D  (note: I made the sister as the reader instead of an OC)
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Never once had you regretted starting a career as an actress. While you knew you also had a passion in fashion designing, and even went to college for it, acting was just another level. Experiencing a whole different life through acting, controlling your own emotions, it was a challenge and a fun experience in one package. 
So instead of pursuing the career in fashion world, you decided to audition as an actress. It did not take you a long time to make your debut, because as much as you wanted to deny it, the power your little brother, Kwon Jiyong, has, was a huge impact. But, it was still your very own hardworking self that made you a rising star that you were known as.
After your latest drama hit, you were suddenly in much demand for reality shows, that your entertainment literally had to refuse a few of the offers. One of the show they accepted in particular, was to make you show off singing skills, just because again, you were related to G-Dragon. Hearing this, you hoped so badly that your brother would refuse the offer, with him being all busy, but much to your dismay, he accepted.
It wasn’t like you didn’t like your own brother, he was a very kind and caring person towards you in your whole life, but him in a recording studio? that was a whole different person. You had heard stories from his band members how strict and perfectionist he could be while recording. Once, Daesung had to repeat a part in their song fifteen times, before he decided it was the right one to put into the song. The horror in Daesung’s face when he told the story was still lingering in your head.
Jiyong being the extra guy he was, he decided it would be great to add a surprise element to the song, with a surprise feature from another YG artist. At that time, he was thinking of another male rapper. And also at that time, Mino from Winner was available.
That brought you to the current situation. You standing up in front of the mic, for what you could recall, almost an hour in time, and your brother on the other side of the room, frowning. 
“Could you maybe, sing it again but this time, lower your voice a little bit?”
You wanted so badly to protest and start a fight with your sibling, but your eyes went to the man sitting next to him. Song Minho, you didn't know the guy that well. Heck, the only conversation you had had with him prior, was when you accidentally met him at an award show. Both of you only shook hands and said names, that was all. You couldn’t embarrass yourself in front of him by lashing out at your brother. Even though you were so hungry because your stupid self forgot to eat breakfast...
“You know I’m not a singer, right?” You tried to complain in a calm voice.
“I know, that’s why we have to have a good pre-recorded for you when we are on stage later.” 
Sigh. That clearly did not work. What did you even expect? For the almighty G-Dragon to go easy on you just because you were his sister??? Pfffft.
“You~ the breath of fresh air, the—” 
“Stop, stop.” Jiyong shook his head and began to instruct you the tone that he wanted. “The breath of fresh! You need to take the ‘fresh’ part to—”
“Ji,” You called, sounding a little bit like pleading.
“Did you forget to eat breakfast again?”
If the ground could swallow people, you would be begging it to consume you whole. The sound of your stomach rumbling, in full speakers, while someone you barely know was also present inside the room. Your first initial move was to look at Mino’s reaction. He was looking away, but you could see his cheeks lifted, you know he had at least a grin on his face. He was clearly trying his best not to burst out laughing. Great, just great!
“Let’s just continue this tomorrow, I have to meet up with some management from Nike in a bit anyway.” GD said. “Minho-ssi, can you help me a little bit with the auto tune on verse one?”
“Ah, if you’d let me...” Mino replied, in an unsure tone. “Would that be okay?”
“Yeah, I trust you, I know what you can do.” Jiyong smirked. “And Y/N, make sure to eat, I don’t want you to get sick.” He said as he packed his stuff.
“Sure...” You said, still standing up frozen in front of the booth door. “Can I eat with you?” 
“No, cause I’m gonna go right away, the place is quite far... Just eat downstairs, they serve good food, you know?” He smiled at you. “Bye!”
“Bye...” You sighed.
As Jiyong left, you were left feeling terribly awkward. Should you just leave? Should you say something? Was the sound of your empty stomach that bad? UGHHH!!!
When your eyes met, Mino immediately smiled at you, his eyes almost closed, he looked so cute. Wait, what?
“Y/N-ssi, have you tried eating in our cafeteria before?” He asked politely. 
“Uh, actually I haven't...” 
“If you don’t mind, I’m also a little bit hungry.” He smiled. “Do you want to eat together?”
“O-Of course!” You smiled awkwardly. 
Here you thought you were great at controlling your emotions with your whole acting experience, one smile from Song Minho, now you were stuttering.
And that was how it began. A smile, a friendship, then feelings that blossomed through the way. 
The show went amazingly well. It helped you with more exposure to your public, which of course meant, more offers, and in return, Jiyong and Mino got some royalties. Even though you had to stand through your brother’s perfectionism for quite some time, you also got to spend your lunch time afterwards with Mino, secretly. 
That wasn’t the only thing that you both ended up doing secretly behind your brother’s back. You exchanged numbers and began texting with each other. You began to frequently visit YG, bringing your brother food and stuff, in camouflage to secretly meet someone. 
After almost a year of doing many things secretly, both of you then began dating, yet again, secretly. Not only because both of you being in eyes of public and all, but there was one thing a little less if not same, scarier than public’s opinion... your brother.
There actually was not really a concrete reason for both of you to fear him acknowledging the relationship. Jiyong had never once scold you for dating despite of you being a public figure, nor had he once said that he disliked Mino. But the thought of him knowing that you, his older sister, dating his colleague who is younger than him, was just a little bit overwhelming. 
Mino on the other hand was scared as Jiyong was someone he looked up to and respect. He didn’t want him to think that some younger and incompetent dude was messing around with his sister. He was afraid that if Jiyong were to ask him what could he offer to his sister, he could not answer. Compared to the well known G-Dragon, Mino felt like a grain of dust.
Both of you were happily cuddling on your couch, watching a movie together. You were comfortably resting your head on Mino’s shoulder, while his fingers played with your hair softly. It was a very chill and relaxing time for both of you, before the sound of your phone ringing suddenly came interrupting.
“It’s my brother, he’s outside...” You said, eyes widened in shock.
“WHAT?!” Mino jerked up. “Should I hide???”
“In my bedroom, quick!” 
You opened your front door, hoping Jiyong wouldn’t notice the nervousness in your voice. “Ji! Why didn’t you tell me first before coming?”
“What? I’m always like this what do you mean?” He lifted one of his eyebrows, looking at you. “Oh, you were watching Mulan?” He asked as walked and saw your TV.
“Is it good?” He said as he sat down on the sofa, taking one of the popcorn on the table. 
“Nah, it was shit!” You laughed. “It doesn’t matter though, I don’t mind watching bad movies as long as I have good company...” You widened your eyes as you realized what you had said.
“You had company?”
“No! I mean, I always say that to you! Unlucky me, just when I decided to watch alone the movie turns out to be awful, huh?” You laughed nervously. 
“Hmm.” Your brother crossed his legs, he seemed unsure with your answer.
“Why are you here anyway? My break time is very precious, you know? I’d love to spend it wisely.” 
“Oh, yeah that.” Jiyong put his index finger up as he remembered something and opened his backpack. “You remembered my friend who is a model? The guy we met two weeks ago?”
“Ahn Seojun?”
“Yeah, him.” He said as he took out a box of chocolate with a black ribbon on top of it. “He was overseas and he recalled you saying that you like this chocolate.”
“Uh... Tell him I said thanks, I guess?” You said, eyeing your brother weirdly. “That was nice of him, in fact, way too nice?”
“Maybe he likes you.” Jiyong casually shrugs.
“Yeah... he’s nice and all, but I’m not interested.” You chuckled.
“You are single anyway, why not?” 
“Uh, I’m still not interested...”
“Or are you not?” Jiyong looked at you sternly. 
“Come to think of it, you used to talk about so many crushes to me... Ugh, you even used to have a crush on TOP hyung!” He laughed.
“Well, maybe I grew up! Besides, crushes are just crushes, I never had any deep feelings towards them! Unless you think I could develop feelings towards Chris Evans???” 
“You must be in love now...” He broke into an evil grin. “Come on, who’s the guy?”
“Okay, you’re not making any sense here, if that’s all, then you should go home. I want to continue spend my break without my brother pestering about my love life.”
“Alright, alright! Geez! No need to get so defensive...” He rolled his eyes. “So, you sure you are single?”
You cleared you throat. “Uh uh.”
“Then, if Seojun asked for your number, should I give it?”
“What?! I thought we are over this???”
“Yah, Mino-ssi!!! Come on out!” Jiyong suddenly yelled out with a huge grin still plastered on his face.
“If you don’t show yourself now, I’m going to tell the producers to postpone your solo album!” He said, almost singing. He definitely was enjoying this way too much. 
A few seconds later, you heard your bedroom door opening and closing very quickly. Mino stood in front of your bedroom for a while before walking up towards both of you. His eyes was looking down to his feet the entire time.
“There you go!” Jiyong clapped. “So, tell me again, my beautiful sister, you sure you are single?”
“Ji, if you’re going to scold us, then please scold me as I—”
“Whoa! Who said I’m gonna what?! I’m just mad you never told me!”
“Wait, so you’re okay with this?” You said, pointing back and forth to both yourself and your boyfriend. 
“Of course I am! Who am I to tell you what to do anyway?” He folded his arms. “Besides, this guy...”
“Y-Ye?” Mino jerked his head up, almost like he was in military. 
“He’s a good guy, as far as I know.” He smiled and patted Mino’s shoulder. “Calm down, your solo album is safe!”
“Ah... yeah, thank you very much, hyung-nim...” Mino bowed.
“Yah, yah, put your head up! Geez, you do know you’re dating my older sister. right? Technically, you’re in higher position than me now.” He laughed. 
“I promise I’ll never hurt her!” Mino suddenly said out loud. 
“Shut up...” You nudged your boyfriend, blushing.
“Alright, I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone now.” Jiyong said, looking very amused. “Next time, if you’re planning on hiding your boyfriend, make sure his brand new released adidas shoes ain’t in your shoe rack first.”
“Dammit!” You cursed.
“Oh come on, I’ve known since you started visiting me so frequently in YG! This is just a lucky coincidence.” He said as he grabbed his bag and walked towards the front door. “I’ll see both of ya later!”
“Go away! Stop interrupting me!” You stuck your tongue out playfully. 
“Yeah, yeah.” He laughed. “Mino-ssi,” Jiyong stopped and nodded at him before finally closing the door behind.
Mino nodded back, but you could tell he was really nervous as little beads of sweat was visible under his bangs.
“Phew!” You shouted as you threw yourself on the couch. “That went well, huh?”
“Y-Yeah...” Mino said, sitting down next to you.
“See? You have nothing to worry about!” You took his left hand, still laying down beside him.
“Still, who am I compared to your brother?”
“Mino,” You said as you repositioned yourself to rest your head on his lap. “I don’t care about neither your money or fame, you’re you. You’re the best person I’ve ever met in my entire life, and you dare ask who you are?”
“Okay, that was cheesy, I totally wasn’t prepared for that...” The guy laughed but his cheeks were reddened. 
“Shut up! Said the guy who was practically yelling to my brother, saying he’d never hurt me, like he was in Japanese drama or something.” You giggled.
“Hey, missy, how about you shut up before I kiss you.” Mino grinned, now face only inches away from you.
“In that case, I would never shut my mouth then...” You smiled as you close the gap in between.
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yayyy!!! I hope I did the author justice by this! :D sorry I didn’t make the reader as an idol as well, I feel like her not being an idol helped the plot nicely hehe 😅
the author that requested this is @genuinestyles​ btw! check em out! 💖
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azula-never-lies · 4 years
Hi! I’m a 17yo nb studying science and hoping to enter the space/aeronautic industry with a strong background in martial arts (krav maga and aikido). im slytherin, i love animals, im very introverted and quiet but extremely loyal to close friends. im also super passionate about social justice and me and my fam involve ourselves in a lot of protests and aid! i would absolutely love an atla character you are doing gds work here my friend 💖🥺 thank u sm
Hi, thank you for sending me your ask! I came up with the following, hope you like it! Feedback is also always appreciated :) @kaspchai
You were born in the small village of the island of Kyoshi in a humble fishing family. Your parents worked hard to support you and your many siblings, leaving you mostly in the care of your grandmother who was one of the oldest villagers on the island. You lacked the ambition to catch fish for a living yourself. You would rather spend all your time reading every book you could get your hands on. Since Kyoshi was such a small island, that number of books never became large. So you searched for different sources of knowledge and turned to your grandmother. When she wasn’t looking after her grandchildren she would weave beautiful tapestries depicting scenario’s from history all over the world. She told you many stories and each new fascinated you more then the one before. You always wondered how she knew so much, since she never left the island due to her fear of drowning. She would always smile sadly when you asked her and said; 
‘’When I was young, I met a young man who visited our island. He had traveled all over the world and would tell me his stories from all his findings. I listed just as eager to him as you do now. That man became your grandfather, but he was not one to stay in one place. The sky was the limit, he would always say. So he left and went looking for his limit.’’
When you became older your parents hoped that your scholar ambitious would be a childhood phase and that you would focus on the real world. This was not the case, which caused a lot of arguments between you and your parents. You grandmother, secretly, decided to help you with your actual dream; getting enrolled at the university of Ba Sing Se so you could further pursue knowledge. After gettin accepted, your grandmother arranged a boat, some supplies and money so you could travel by yourself to the capital. Tearfully, you said your goodbyes as you set foot into your new life.
A few months later you received a message from your mother accompanied by a book. It was an apology from both of your parents, saying that they now full supported you. Along with this message, which brought you joy, came the second halve of your mothers letter; your grandmother had passed away in her sleep peacefully. On her last day, she told your parents where you were and asked them to send you this book. It was a book about ancient air bending philosophy and stances. There was note in it from your grandmother saying ‘’Find your limit, if it is not the sky’’. Confused by her last words, you began reading the book and as time passed by you found yourself wanting to try some of techniques mentioned in the books. 
On a cold autumn night you said under a tree in a park in the middle of the city and meditated. You lost count how long you were there, since the most exciting thing happening was a pygmy puma finding a sleeping spot next to you. When the sun started to rise again, you felt like a fool and sighted the loudest sight you had ever sighted. With an intense force, the air coming out of lungs blew the sleeping pygmy puma away. Tears with joy overcame you as you came to the conclusion; you were an air bender and the sky would be limitless for you.
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Hello!! This may be an odd ask but since child units aren’t in Three Houses, I decided I would adopt Lysithea (as someone who’s picking the golden deers) as my own! Can I ask for a scenario where Byleth brings a baby/little Lysithea to work that she found and decided to care for? Who would be best with her/who would be not so great out of the GD students? Byleth didn’t mention she had adopted a daughter so it would be funny to see them come in with her strapped to her chest one day thank you!!
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It wasn’t uncommon to see young children around the monastery. I mean, just look at Flayn and Cyril for examples.
Although, babies were another case.
It took the Golden Deer by surprise when they came into class one day and found a little white-haired little child sitting on their teacher’s desk, without any supervision (because yes, Byleth leaves a baby on a table unwatched, She’s not irresponsible! Lysithea is in a short high-chair).  
It was Raphael who reacted first. 
Heading towards the desk and picking the little brat, he cradled her gently, making sure not to accidentally crush her with his strong, protein filled muscles. If anything, she reminded him of his little sister. It had been a while since he last saw her, hopefully she was doing well. 
His eyes softened as he looked into little Lysithea’s own. It was a side that most of the Golden Deer had never seen before. It was actually kind of touching. 
Claude came up behind Raphael, quietly peering curiously at Lysithea. Wondering why Professor Byleth would’ve brought this child to their class. Would it be to teach them the value of life? How to be responsible for little kids? I mean he knew they weren’t the easiest to teach at times but were they that bad?
He wasn’t expecting to have Raphael turn to him and hold out the little kid to him. Making sure Claude held the girl properly before stepping away. 
It had been awhile since he last held such a small human in his arms. His younger siblings had certainly surpassed their baby phase. 
It wasn’t an unwelcome feeling either, though. He rather enjoyed the feeling of such a warm potato being so close to him, it had been a long time since he felt this calm. It didn’t help that the kid was pretty cute, round pink eyes and rosy cheeks. 
He was practically wrapped around her little finger as his full attention was on her. Not noticing when Ignatz moved beside him, standing on the tips of his toes, trying a get a look. 
When Claude leaned in for the shorter boy to look, Ignatz stepped back, quickly moving towards his sketchbook. More inclined to sketch her from afar than get to close. 
It was then when Claude finally looked around at his classmates. Hilda was sitting down, looking uninterested as ever, although she couldn’t hide the fleeting glances she would send towards the baby. 
He also didn’t miss the way Marianne stood the farthest away, arms clasped as she whispered things to herself. No doubt some form of prayer or perhaps her trying to convince herself to approach the white-haired girl. A baby couldn’t be too different than the animals that she liked to be around. 
Moving closer to where he stood, he found Lorenz and Leonie, both trying to look like Hilda and not stare at the baby in his arms. Although, Lorenz looked a bit more conflicted than he really should be. 
“My Lord… perhaps you should put the child down. We don’t want to incur the wrath of our Professor.”
Lorenz was probably right. 
Their professor wouldn’t want them to harm the kid and it would probably mean a month’s worth of detention cleaning out the stables or something of the sort if he was caught but there was something that made him want to keep holding her… even just a few seconds longer.
“I didn’t know you were so good with kids, Claude,” a voice said from the door. 
It was Byleth, standing cross-armed against the door frame, staring intently at him. Was seemed at first to be a look of curiosity and examining the scene closely but there was another element to it. Only hidden in her eyes were the look of a mother bear, protecting her offspring. Even if the baby looked nothing like her in the slightest. 
Sighing, Byleth walked towards him, taking the small girl out of his arms. Not even looking at him in the process, her eyes, solely on the child. 
“Lysithea. That’s her name… I found her during the last mission with my father’s mercenaries. She was alone… so I adopted her… Archbishop Rhea knows, along with the rest of the staff don’t worry,” she muttered, as if in a trance. 
Looking closer, the Golden Deers could tell that their teacher was tired. The bags under her eyes and the slight slouch in her posture. She had probably been up the past nights taking care of Lysithea. 
Placing her down gently, Byleth turned to the class, instructing them to turn to page 394 to begin their history lesson. Although, Claude remained standing as the sound of pages flipping filled the room. 
“ You’know teach, if you ever need someone to watch Lysithea for a while, you always have us.”
Looking him dead in the eye, Byleth smiled gently.
“That’d be wonderful. Thank you for you offer, Claude.”
“Now please sit down, we have a lot to cover this class.”
~ Mod Mercie
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narraboths · 6 years
i maintain that the gd tier storyline for Alex and Kelly would’ve been the “my hot one-night stand from last week is suddenly a suspect/witness in my new investigation” route but alas the SG writers are committed to “the everyone dates everyone else’s sibling, parent, great-great-great-great grandmother, and then some” scenarios
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pigstepmp3-moved · 6 years
I just saw your art for your oc's, can you tell us more about them? I understand if you're not comfortable doing so, though!
boy howdy, i would Gladly tell yall abt my babes!!
ok! so! ryland elias and kylee elizabeth. aka the carlton twins. i first made kylee in about 2014, and ryland came into an existence about a year later, so they r my actual gd kids (fun fact, when i First made ryland, he was kylees twin sister named catherine ryland. honestly? ryland the way he is now has only been in existence for nearly a month). born and raised in southern colorado, theyre the youngest siblings of the carlton family, ryland being just a few minutes younger than kylee. they have two older siblings, the oldest being their brother, lucas, and the second oldest being their sister, jennifer. the twins both have mad daddy issues cause their dad? is shit. but between the two, ry’s got Far more issues, mostly stemming from their father constantly comparing him to kylee. growing up, kylee was always the more popular one that, like, Everybody liked and, when they were kids, they looked almost exactly the same, which resulted in ppl mixing them up a LOT and being super disappointed when they realize theyre talking to ry (more often than he’d like to admit, someone would come up to him and start talking to him, and hed get super excited until he turned his head just enough for the person to see his birthmark. when they’d walk away from him, like, right away, the disappointment? crushing)
now. im gonna go into a lil more detail abt each of em individually. kylee? a total bitch. an absolute heathen. shes a bitchy, egotistical jock. shes always been one of those Popular Kids who would make fun of anyone and everyone (basically, just think of like. a slightly more muted regina george). shes been a huge jock ever since she was a little kid. basically, think of a sport that schools have teams for, and i guarantee you that she played them. as a super little kid, she was a huge tomboy—she had short hair, constantly wore sports jerseys, an absolute goddamn rough and tumble bratty kid. as she grew up, tho, she got more in touch with her feminine side. she grew her hair out, dyed it pink, threw out her wardrobe, and started wearing more feminine clothes. she’s far happier now that she’s let herself be more feminine, and its also a nice ego boost when she kicks the ass of some dude who underestimated her for being so feminine. basically, she is the most cutthroat bitch you will ever meet, even if she doesn’t seem like it. she’ll ruin your life if you get on her bad side, or if you fuck with ryland. she straight up cares more about starbucks than most people. but if you crack down her defenses enough, shes secretly a very sensitive sweetheart who would die and kill for the people she loves
now, ryland? completely different than kylee. hes an absolute goddamn angel. a flirty as shit bastard angel, but an angel nonetheless. as a kid, his dad gave him a lot of shit for being “too girly,” when in all actuality, ry was just an emotional kid who just really liked the color pink and playing dolls with his sisters. he absolutely loves love though. the thought of Actually falling in love scares the shit out of him bc hes afraid of being in a relationship similar to the one his parents have (whether he would be his mother or his father in that potential scenario, he doesnt know. and he doesnt know which would be scarier for him). but hes just the biggest sucker for seeing romance. hes the type of guy who, when hearing about someone getting engaged, hes Gotta know all the details—was their a speech? did anyone cry? how romantic was it? hes a complete and utter cheeseball. despite all that, hes got a major fear of intimacy, and ends up flirting and sleeping around just to avoid his Feelings (basically, just picture parts of him as buck 1.0 but like. less of a fuckboy, but same amount of dumbass, yknow?). despite always being second best to kylee, he still loves her with all of his heart and soul. and despite all the heartache and trauma hes gone through, hes still got a soft heart thats full of love for all of his siblings
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smuttyfairy · 7 years
Fic Answer Tags/keywords
Here is a list of submitted fic answers and keywords by our followers/readers to help you search for any sort of scenario or story you’ve been looking for or wanting to read!
A/N: these fic answer tags start from around May so anything beforehand submitted are unfortunately only tagged as fic answers.
7 deadly sins |
a new life | acedia | airport | angel in the darkness | apologies | arrangedmarriage!au | arrangedmarriage!bts | artist!au | artist!jungkook | assassin!au | assassin!hyungwon |
babysitter | babysitter!reader | bad at sex | badboy!au | badboy!jimin | badboy!taehyung | bad habit | baekxing threesome | baseballplayer!au | baseballplayer!jungkook | bestfriend!au | bestfriend!jimin | bestfriend!kai |  bestfriend!jongin | bestfriend!jungkook | blow job | boxer!taehyung | boy meets temptation | break up | brother!au | bts gamer server
camboy | camboy!jungkook | camboy!hoseok | camboy!jhope | camboy!jimin | ceo!namjoon | cheerleader!reader | childhoodfriend!kai | childhoodfriend!jongin | choregrapher!au | club!au | cock ring | college!au | college!bts | crossdresser!jimin | crossdresser!yoongi | cupcake | cypher academy |
dance practice room | depaysement | dirty talk | divorce!au | dom!jungkook | drag me down to hell |
enemies to lovers | engaged!au | engaged!jimin | exo china line | exo fivesome | exo threesome |
face sitting | facetime!au | fiance!au | fingers | fingering | friends with benefits | fwb!au | fwb!jimin | friendswithbenefits!jimin | fuckboy!au | fuckboy!jimin | fuckboy!jungkook | fuckboy!taehyung
gamer!au | gamer!bts | gamer!jimin |  gang!au | gangbang!au | gangbang!bts | gangbang!exo | gangster!au | gangster!bts | gangster!got7 | gangster!jimin | gangster!yoongi | gd smut |
hairclip | hanahaki | hanahaki!au | hanahaki!suho | hanahaki!junmyeon | harrypotter!au | headstudent!jin | headstudent!seokjin | heartbreak chronicles | highschool!au | hogwarts!au | homme de radio | host!au | hybrid!au | hybrid!yoongi |
i got you on my mind | i wont stop you | idol!reader | ill make you feel better | inexperienced!bts | invisible man |
jealous | jealousy games | jealous!au | jealous!taehyung | jimin teach jk how to pleasurea girl | jinyoungsbum | jiwon smut | john tucker must die
kookie crumble 
la douleur exquise | laundry room | laws of motion and attraction | lazy morning sex | little bird | lust and errors
maid!reader | mafia | mafia!au | mafia!bts | mafia!got7 | mafia!jungkook | masked | masquerade | metaphorical cupcake | mine | mirrors | mixtape | model!jimin | monsta x blogs | my answer |
nanny | nanny!reader | neighbor!au | neighbor!hoseok | nerd!hoseok | next time | no strings | not much of a sex god
one good purr | oracle | overdose |
pass out | patient!jin | patient!seokjin | photographer!jungkook | pillow humping | play thing | playboy!jungkook | please remember me | polyamourous | poly!bts | polyrelationship!au | porn site | prince!au | prince!bts | prince!jungkook | psycho!taehyung
radiodj!jimin | radiodj!yoongi | revenge | rich!jungkook | roommate!au | roommate!bts | roommate!reader | royal!au | royal!blackpink | royal!bts | royal!exo
seven deadly sins | seven steps to hell | sevendeadlysins!got7 | sextherapist!suga | sextherapist!yoongi | shameless | sharing | shifter!au | shifter!taehyung | shy!member | shy!namjoon | sibling!au | sibling!jimin | singledad!au | singledad!jungkook | singledad!namjoon | sleepwalking to you | socialite!au | socialite!bts | socialmedia!au | socialmedia!bts | soulmate!au | soulmate!bts | soulmate!jungkook | sounds of you | stalker!sehun | stepbrother!au | stepbrother!jungkook | stepsibling!au | sticky | stripper!au | stripper!reader | sub!jimin | sub!jungkook | suga daddy | sugarbaby!au | sugarbaby!taehyung | sugardaddy!au | sugardaddy!jungkook | sugardaddy!yoongi | supernatural!au | supernatural!bts | sweet inedible things | switch!au | switch!jungkook |
teachersassistant!jimin | teachersassistant!reader | terminal love | therapist!reader | try again | two rotten apples |
unkempt | until next time
vampire!au | vampire!bts | vampire!hoseok | vampire!jungkook | vampire!taehyung | vampire!yoongi | vibrator |
wake me up | wedding!au | werewolf!au | werewolf!bts | werewolf!hoseok | werewolf!jhope | werewolf!jimin | werewolf!jin | werewolf!jungkook | werewolf!namjoon | werewolf!seokjin | werewolf!suga | werewolf!yoongi | what if | wolf!au | 
you never walk alone | your owner |
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sh-nhyo · 7 years
rules: tag 10 followers you wanna know better (lol not tagging 10 but whatever) I was tagged by @attackonsujuu and @allofmylovelove! The questions were different so I just added them all together! <3 love you guys <3
name: Ivy  nickname: Ermmm none gender: Female star sign: Pisces height: 164 cm hogwarts house: Slytherin dream trip: dgkfaodkvj I have sooo many plans yet no money lmao, but rn I’m living one of them which is Taiwan! average hours of sleep: before I moved to taiwan, 5 lmao... now idk yet bc why i made a tumbr: was probably forced lolol dog or cat person: BOTH!! when i made my blog: 23 Jan 2014 rip I have no life reasons for my url: It sounded cool lmaooooo but I’m thinking about changing it :O What color are your eyes? brown Do you wear contacts and/or glasses? noo Do you wear braces? noo What is your fashion style? tbh I buy whatever I like..  When were you born? 22 feb! How old are you? 19! Do you have any siblings? two brothers What are your favorite subjects? language, art and music! What are your favorite movies? erm fave studio is ghibli! What are your favorite pastimes? i really enjoy singing even if i’m not very good at it lol <-- same Ella lol Do you have any regrets? Many What is your dream job? Yoga teacher, which I am so yay! Would you like to get married? let me get a boyfriend first :)) Do you want kids? how many? let me get married first :)) How many countries have you visited? too many to count :)) What was your scariest dream? i keep dreaming about this scenario where I’m with a few friend on a boat and we have to jump into the water and swim to land and its just so weird, not even that scary but like,,, I’ve dreamt the same dream so many times I’m scared of the meaning behind the dream,,, Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/significant other? no forever alone :)) Put your playlist on shuffle and without skipping list the first 15 songs 🎶 Bermuda triangle - fanxy child misunderstand - Gikwang Island - the xx (I CRIED SO MUCH AT THEIR CONCERT I LOVE THEM) Come back home - 2ne1 Raised my wolves - U2 Cedarwood road - U2  Save me - bts Crystalised - the xx you and I - Crush seks hjerter - bisse (danish artist yesss) Bullshit - GD  Danger - highlight  Retrograde - James blake Madeleine - Brother su Pink + white - Frank ocean (guilty white girl pleasure) I’m not tagging anyone! but feel free to say I tagged you if you wanna do it <3 
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maamlet · 7 years
Glassheart 1-45. =)
kylea the absolute madman
Does your character have siblings or family members in their age group? Which one are they closest with?
None That He Knows About :3c
What is/was your character’s relationship with their mother like?
Extremely good, he was a huge momma’s boy before she died
What is/was your character’s relationship with their father like?
its a Mystery
Has your character ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed them? If so, does anyone else know?
On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?
assorted coins, shed raven feathers from ilharast
Does your character have recurring themes in their dreams?
since dedicating himself to the raven queen, he’s started having dreams of exploring the shadowfell (her realm)
Does your character have recurring themes in their nightmares?
same as above
Has your character ever fired a gun? If so, what was their first target?
for glassheart Classic: Guns Aint Happen Yet, for spellpunk glassheart: Nah
Is your character’s current socioeconomic status different than it was when they were growing up?
he grew up in a wizard tower until he was 15 and now he basically lives on the road
Does your character feel more comfortable with more clothing, or with less clothing? 
More Absolutely, he feels uncomfortable without his coat
In what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been?
not including stuff from his backstory, 100% when roq got possessed by that ghost
In what situation was your character the most calm they’ve ever been?
i’ve always pictured glassheart having this moment in the two years between him being a criminal and him meeting the rest of the party where he was out in nature and looking up at the moon, and thinkin about Life
Is your character bothered by the sight of blood? If so, in what way?
he’s uh, Desensitized after all the fighting he’s done
Does your character remember names or faces easier?
names, absolutely, names were very important when he was a burglar
Is your character preoccupied with money or material possession? Why or why not?
not particularly, the only reason he keeps having so much gd money is because he doesn’t really spend it
Which does your character idealize most: happiness or success?
What was your character’s favorite toy as a child?
his mom once gave him one of her old wands and he would spend hours practicing cantrips by the river outside her tower
Is your character more likely to admire wisdom, or ambition in others?
ambition, i dont got a reason this just sounds like him
What is your character’s biggest relationship flaw? Has this flaw destroyed relationships for them before?
he’s mortally terrified of commitment, and Fuck Yes, all of them
In what ways does your character compare themselves to others? Do they do this for the sake of self-validation, or self-criticism?
there is literally not a single moment where glassheart isn’t criticizing himself for not being as good as others (not as strong-willed as roq, not as good at magic as crimson, not as devout as elias or argent, not as Mysterious as sen, etc. etc.)
If something tragic or negative happens to your character, do they believe they may have caused or deserved it, or are they quick to blame others?
What does your character like in other people?
he’s fond of sincerity, having had such little interaction with sincerity before (outside of his mother)
What does your character dislike in other people?
selfishness, he’s had bad experiences
How quick is your character to trust someone else?
literally not at all the people he trusts most dont even know his Name
How quick is your character to suspect someone else? Does this change if they are close with that person?
he’s wild paranoid, But, if he’s close with someone his paranoia goes Down
How does your character behave around children?
he doesn’t have a lot of experience but i think he’d act kinda like a Fun Cool Uncle
How does your character normally deal with confrontation?
he either outright avoids it or goes into full fight mode
How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation?
it depends on his company and the situation (for example, it took him forever to get frustrated enough to stab that drow when elias wanted him not to)
What did your character dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true?
he wanted to be a sorcerer like his Mom (he uh, Did Not end up doing that but warlock is,,,,,Close Enough)
What does your character find repulsive or disgusting?
i mean the usual stuff (outside of blood, which again, he’s desensitized to), but particularly the undead
Describe a scenario in which your character feels most comfortable.
chillin in the woods drinking wine straight from a bottle
Describe a scenario in which your character feels most uncomfortable.
any situation where he’s dealing with the undead (so, uh, A Lot)
In the face of criticism, is your character defensive, self-deprecating, or willing to improve?
defensive outwardly, willing to improve inwardly
Is your character more likely to keep trying a solution/method that didn’t work the first time, or immediately move on to a different solution/method?
glassheart is wild stubborn but his criminal background taught him how to be versatile
How does your character behave around people they like?
warm, inviting, offering drinks
How does your character behave around people they dislike?
warm, inviting, offering drinks
Is your character more concerned with defending their honor, or protecting their status?
he could not care less about either
Is your character more likely to remove a problem/threat, or remove themselves from a problem/threat?
remove himself from it
Has your character ever been bitten by an animal? How were they affected (or unaffected)?
not any proper animals but he does have a scar from that vampire biting him
How does your character treat people in service jobs?
i have a feeling he would treat them well, but be overly friendly if he wanted something
Does your character feel that they deserve to have what they want, whether it be material or abstract, or do they feel they must earn it first?
he feels he has to earn things, but he also feels that he can’t do enough to earn them :)
Has your character ever had a parental figure who was not related to them?
Has your character ever had a dependent figure who was not related to them?
only if his bird counts
How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it?
Difficult, and Big Yes
What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?
glassheart knows that his soul likely already belongs to the raven queen, which means he’s going to be working for her possibly forever, which he is,,,,Neutral about
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thelegendofclarke · 7 years
how do you think a jon and sansa endgame would end up being if it happened? i saw something saying that it seems like people don't think about what the side effects of them getting together would be long term and i am wondering what you think?
Hey Anonny!
Oh man haha, this is such a LOADED question honestly. Because I feel like it all kind of depends on the context of both the tone of the post, and whether it was referring to the books or the show or both.
As far as responding to the post… Since I don’t know what it is or what it said or the tone of it, I can really only kind of attempt to guess and then base my responses on my guesses?
If the post was saying like “no one thinks about what would happen if they got together because no one thinks about them getting together/no one thinks they will get together” then I mean, I can only speak for myself, but I can certainly tell you it’s not true because I think about it ALL THE TIME. I probably spend faaarrr more time than I should thinking about Jon and Sansa getting together lol. I have actually always thought that Jon and Sansa had good canon potential, it’s one of the thing that drew me to the ship in the first place. They are both characters I care about and want good things for, and I think they would be both good to each other and good for each other. To me, that’s part of the appeal. I wasn’t always vocal about it yeah, but that was more due to a lack of having anyone to talk to (aka screech and flail at) about the particular possibility of them getting together until like a year ago than anything else. I mean, canon isn’t by any means a necessary part of shipping, but I do think it’s pretty normal to a certain extent (said extent NOT including shipping wank and wars and anon hate and telling people to kys and all that ridiculous bs). I feel like wanting to get to see your ship make out on screen/in print is a pretty common occurrence and I don’t get discounting or dismissing or ~poo-pooing~ it really, if that’s the direction the post was going in. It goes both ways too, people are just as free to think that canon doesn’t support a ship as they are to think it does. Canon and speculation and the like are just as much a part of shipping for some people as fanfic and fan art, they can put just as much time and effort and dedication into meta, speculation, ect. ect. as fanwork. And tbh I really don’t see anything wrong with that in general. To me it’s fun- I like thinking and speculating about what might happen. Like so many things in life, I am usually The Worst at it, but I love it all the same.
If the post was saying something more like “obviously no one thinks about this because they would realize it should/shouldn’t happen, or it is and/or isn’t going to happen” I pretty much disagree with that too. Shipping, fandom, and media consumption in general is sooo subjective. When people say something “clearly” is or isn’t going to happen, what they are really saying is that it’s clear to them. And what is clear for one person isn’t always the same as what is clear to other people. Different people have different life experiences and different dis/likes which gives them different biases. As a result, no one is going to read a story the exact same way as anyone else. People aren’t going to like and dislike the same characters, and they aren’t going to value or interpret relationships between those characters in the same way. Things that stick out to me may have never occurred to some of my friends, and vice versa. That doesn’t make either of us wrong, it just makes us different. Like I said above, shipping something canon or endgame isn’t a necessary part of shipping. And even if someone does ship a pairing as having canon potential, they aren’t required to think about every single possible outcome. A ship isn’t a thesis statement, you aren’t writing a 500 page paper on it that you are going to have to defend in front of a panel. If people want to focus on the good possible outcomes and not the bad ones, they are allowed to do that. In fact, I think its more than natural that people would want to focus on the good and not the bad imo. Fandom is supposed to be fun, people are going to go about it in whatever way is fun for them. This might just be me, but thinking about how terrible it would be if my ship ends up together isn’t necessarily all that fun for me.
If the post was just like an ~innocuous~ “here’s what I think what do you think?” type thing then again, I feel like that’s such a natural part of shipping. “Endgame” is such a pervasive and present part of shipping culture. I don’t see why this fandom would be any different, especially after all the Jon/Sansa content from s6. I am a big proponent of letting people do something they enjoy in whatever way they enjoy it ya know? And largely I think it goes both ways, people are just as free to discuss why they think canon doesn’t support a ship as why it does. Not everyone does things the same way as I do, or like the same things or ships or characters, and I’m cool with that.
And as far as what I think ~A Canon Jon/Sansa Relationship~ would look like, I can say I have definitely given it a lot of thought. Most of my thoughts revolve around the book series, but I feel like a lot of them could be relevant to the show as well.
One thing that I do think is easy to take for granted is that “canon” or “endgame” means “happy ending,” but I don’t necessarily think that would be the case for Jon and Sansa. Instead of a happy ending, I see it as more of a hopeful one. Both these characters have been put through the gd ringer and the story isn’t even close to over yet. Not only will they be recovering from all the trauma they have been through and they family they have lost, but they will also be dealing with Jon’s new identity, which they could both see as a loss in itself. Jon always wanted to be a Stark, and finding out his true parentage is going to be an hugely emotional blow. And even though they were never close in their childhood, Sansa could see it as her loosing another sibling. For them to not only have to be dealing with their new relationship as cousins, but with a new relationship of husband and wife, is going to be rough. Of course there is a chance they got find happiness, there is the hope that they could find love and form a partnership like Ned and Cat did. But GRRM in all his evil Santa, ridiculously trolling glory has promised us a bittersweet ending, so the chances of us actually ever getting to see that hope for happiness become a reality is like, slim to none.
But it would also be just like GRRM to pull something like this, because in a way it would be just his brand of asshole irony. Both characters would be getting exactly what they wanted in the last way they ever expected. Sansa always wanted to marry a prince, but I bet the last place she thought to look for one was her bastard brother. And Jon always wanted to be a Stark and to be Lord of WF, and now he would potentially be getting that through his marriage to Sansa. Another thing is that a potential marriage between Jon and Sansa would be able to keep them both in the North permanently and pretty much ensure they wouldn’t have to leave again. All the Starks’ narratives have been about going home. If Jon is going to also be dealing with an identity crisis, then it could be huge relief for him to not also have to worry about loosing his home and family as well. And that’s the other thing that has been so important in the Stark’s narrative: the importance of family bonds and the strength of the pack. A marriage between Jon and Sansa would be giving them both the promise of a family that they have both yearned for.
One think that I personally don’t think will be part of a Jon and Sansa endgame if it happens is that they would actually be in love when they married. Yes, this is just completely me speculating; but I don’t think that Jon/Sansa makes sense in a scenario in which they end up together because they fell in love first. First of all, it’s way to happy for ASoIaF- if Jon and Sansa were to fall in love first, then I think they would end up being separated, because its GRRM and that’s how he rolls. Secondly, I think that Jon and Sansa getting together would be more a marriage of politics and convenience (at first) than one of actual love. I don’t see both being part of the equation. And thirdly, due to some pretty heavy mental and emotional baggage, I just don’t know if either of them will be in the right headspace to fall in love right away. I think there will be a lot of emotional tension, but that’s parting of what makes it such an intriguing possibility. 
A very, very general overview of how I see a Jon and Sansa marriage going down is that it would a political move to unite the north and south and/or the realm. I think Westeros is going to look very different after the BftD, mainly in that there isn’t going to be an Iron Throne anymore. BUT that wouldn’t necessarily do away with the need for political alliances. In fact, during such a time of uncertainty and instability and upheaval, alliances would likely be more important than ever. If the Starks and Targaryens want to solidify an alliance between them, marriage would likely be the way to go. Both Jon and Sansa will likely be less than pleased and more than a little crabby about this. Jon will likely be dealing with his own identity issues, and Sansa will likely be resentful about yet another man who is marrying her for her name and her claim. I feel like it would probably take a hot sec for them to work through their personal issues before they even ATTEMPT to start working through their issues together. I also feel like there could be a fair amount of guilt involved on both sides, especially in the even that they DID end up starting to have feelings for each other. All that angsty tension just adds another layer to the story that makes it even more interesting, it’s why I am such a big fan of Angsty Assholes in an Arranged Marriage Au Fics. But in the end, both Jon and Sansa are fundamentally good characters and we want good things for them. They are both characters I care about and I think they would be both good to each other and good for each other. To me, that’s part of the appeal. So I think seeing them having the hope for happiness, even if we are never going to see the happiness itself, would be enough. 
No, I haven’t thought of every single out come or detail, and I make no claims to have done so. I haven’t compared the likelihood with every other possible pairing, and I know there are pairings for both characters that have just as much, if not more potential for happening. I haven’t thought about what the endgame for all the other characters in the story would be if a Jon/Sansa endgame relationship were to occur. I haven’t accounted for every single solitary variable and I’m not claiming to speak with any type of authority. I just think that in all its ironic glory and twisted romanticism, that this is an ending that is a definite possibility. 
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