#daesung mafia au
winches-ter · 7 years
Dagger (part 4)
AU: Mafia
POV: Reader
Rating: PG-13 (For the violence and occasional language)
Summary: As the sister of the leader of the most dangerous gang in Seoul, you’ve done a pretty amazing job at maintaining a low profile, and not letting anyone know what family you belong to. Your life is normal, despite your brother’s intimidating, yet respected, image. But what the people don’t know, is that you’re Big Bang’s secret weapon, their Trump Card. But when an old, forgotten rival suddenly rises, things start to get complicated.
 Part 1 |  Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 (end)
“Two broken ribs, one dislocated shoulder, extensive loss of blood, dehydration, an alarming drop in the blood glucose levels and lots of internal bleeding.” The nurse tore her gaze from the chart and stared up at me, then at Jiyong. “Car accident, you say?” she said, raising an eyebrow.
“She was stuck in there for a long time.” Daesung replied, in a matter of fact tone, that only made the nurse more suspicious. She proceeded to leave the room, but not before giving all five of them the dirtiest look she was capable of. “I’ll come back to check up on you later, dear.”
As soon as she left the room, I burst into laughter, and soon, all six of us were in fits.
“You guys can go home.” Jiyong said after a while, turning to the rest of them, “it’s been a long day. Get some rest.”
“If you think, for even a second, that we’re leaving her, or you, alone with that shady nurse, you need to rethink our entire relationship, Kwon Jiyong.” Taeyang said, patting Jiyong on the shoulder, and then making himself comfortable on the couch in the VIP room, followed by the rest of them nodding and finding places for themselves on the rest of the couches.
Although he pretended to be annoyed, all of us knew he was actually grateful for their presence. But unlike the rest of them, he sat on a chair next to my bed.
“They said they’ll let you go tomorrow, it’s just a precautionary admission.” He said, somehow managing to sound relieved and worried at the same time.
“I suppose that’s good then, I don’t think that nurse is very fond of you guys.” I replied, with mock concern in my voice.
“I don’t think she’s fond of any guys with the way she was looking at you.”
“I don’t blame her. I’m practically irresistible.” I joked, but something dark stirred in me then. “Midnight certainly seemed to think so.”
“Don’t even…” His voice trailed off. “I’ll never let him take you again you know that right?”
“He’s like double my age. It’s just… disgusting.”
“Yeah well, in his defence… oh who am I kidding it makes me want to throw up.”
“Tell me about him.”
“About midnight, why did he capture dad?”
He let out a sharp breath. His hands were on the side rail of my bed, clutching it so hard, his knuckles went white. “Midnight’s was the biggest company at that time.” He began, “I was eighteen then, and you were barely eight. Our company was doing really well too, and dad was very happy about it. But Midnight wasn’t. He was threatened by us. So, at first he started warming up to dad. Pretending he cared about our company, advising him on his business ventures, playing golf together, the usual bromance. Then, one day he offered to buy our company. When dad refused, he showed his true colours. He sent threats to dad, about the company, about us. We knew nothing about Deathstroke then. But then one night, he took dad. His men would’ve killed us too, had the guys not been there with me.” He paused, looking at the four dorks. Three of them were throwing pillows at Seungri, who was running around the couches in self-defence, with hands protecting nothing but his face. “We knew that would not be the last time he attacked us, so we started preparing for it. We found out about his minions, trained, got to know about his hideouts, trained, made plans, trained, and when we knew we were ready, we attacked.
“It took him by surprise, so we got the advantage. But finding dad took a lot of time. And when we did, it was too late.” He said looking down, grief evident in every inch of his posture.
“Midnight and his right hand were the only people who escaped from the building that day. And the fact that he’s still alive, that is the single greatest regret of my life.” He said, with hatred I had never heard in his voice before. “But, it doesn’t matter now. I’m going to drive a stake through his heart this time.”
“Can I break his limbs first?” I ask, only half joking.
“Be my guest.” He smirked.
“Yah Jiyong-ah, let her sleep. Come here, we need to plan the next moves too.” TOP shouted from the couch, dodging a pillow from Seungri.
“Rest”, he said, as he got up to go to the others.
Sleep was a sweet luxury, and it came almost too easily.
I was ten when Jiyong had given me my first dagger. It was beautiful, and I had sworn in that moment, that I would never use it unless the occasion was befitting enough. It laid on the side of my right thigh now, the cold metallic sheath rendering it passive, like a beast in its cage. For two weeks we had been planning, working, staying up till the early morning hours, trying to tie any loose ends. And now, finally, as we stood at his front gate, Midnight was going to get what he deserved.
“So, like every intelligent person in any action movie would say, we’re going to split up. But, we’re not going to meet at the door; we’re going to meet in his office.” Jiyong said, for the final time. “Y/n, you’re obviously with me, TOP hyung with the panda, Tae with Dae” He paused, “And guys, let’s meet again in one piece. Split.”
With that all of us shuffled in the different passageways of the building. Our guns were held against our chest, ready to empty out on anyone who dared to stop us, but our minds were set on one goal, and one goal only. Kill Midnight.
The two of us walked back to back, Jiyong looking out behind us, while I watched the front. There was uncanny silence in the first few hallways, even as we proceeded to the upper floors.
“So either they’re really good at camouflaging themselves, or there’s actually no one here.” Jiyong said, with a flicker of doubt in his voice, which did not help the anxiety in the pit of my stomach.
“Let’s at least go up to the office, recollect, then plan our next course of action.” I answer, hoping we were not walking straight into a trap.
“Since when did you get intelligent?”
“Zip it, jerk.”
I have to admit, it did make me feel better.
Eventually, we made it to the top floor, without encountering a single guard on our way. Something felt wrong. Very wrong, and I could see it in Jiyong’s eyes that he felt it too. As he pushed the door open to the final floor, there were hundreds of simultaneous clicks, as an intimidatingly large crowd of guards turned towards us, weapons at ready, and we froze. About a second later, Taeyang and Daesung entered the floor from some other stairway, and half the guards turned towards them, when I realised, TOP and Seungri were already there.
“All of you, put your hands where I can see them” One of them, presumably the alpha shouted from the door of Midnight’s office. “Don’t make this harder than it has to be.”
“Alright, listen up, douche bag.” Jiyong shouted from next to me “We don’t take orders from wannabees who hide their asses among their human shields. Now, I suggest you go and tell Midnight, none of you are going to leave this building alive tonight. Not even him.” And he fired the first shot at the guy right in front of us.
Soon, the silence of the building was engulfed in gunshots and gasps as an intense gunfight commenced. But as the guards fell one by one, and we dodged almost too many bullets aimed at us, the dwindled hope was rekindling somewhere in the back of my mind.
Given the lack of bullets, we had to make our shots count, and our years of training, ensured that we did. When there was only one bullet left in my gun, and a lot less men than they had initially begun with, I used the gun as an extension of my arm, as I grabbed a man, kicked him in his abdomen which made his head bow, and hit him on the back of the head with the butt of the gun. There were still bullets being fired around us, but I dodged them as I grabbed another man by the arm, twisted it and then walked him in front of me as a shield. From the sound of the punches behind me, I could tell Jiyong was out of his ammo as well, and was almost right behind me.
In front, TOP and Daesung were somehow fighting as a unit, back to back, and I winced as I saw blood on the side of Daesung’s face. Seungri and Taeyang, who were each on opposite sides of the corridor, were still firing, with each fired bullet burying itself in a person. They were careful, unlike the rest of us, to not exhaust their bullets sooner than necessary.
As the door came closer, the man who was standing in front of it became more and more frustrated. And when there were less than three steps between us, I knocked out the guy who was my shield.
“I don’t suppose you’ll simply step aside peacefully?” I say, taunting.
He replied with an attempted punch, that was blocked with my palm, But I couldn’t get a hit either as he dodged my attack. I tried another uppercut, which too was dodged with a smug, annoying grin. Determined to not give him the satisfaction, I kept hurling punches at him, some hitting the mark, others, not so much, until my still wounded shoulder decided it had had enough. Then, it was his turn.
I tried to move as stealthily as possible, hoping to not reopen any old wounds, but also to not gain any new ones. I could see Jiyong out of the corner of my eye as he picked the lock to the door, while I dodged a kick the guy threw at me. “Jesus, not the face asshat” I said, and in that exact moment, Jiyong flew the door open that drew the guard’s attention, and I used the opportunity to kick him in the gap created by his legs, and then knocked him out.
As I walked in after Jiyong, the first thing my eyes captured, were the chains in the back wall. The blood, still on the floor, though it had all dried up now. A strong wave of hatred crashed through me as I turned to the other side where Jiyong was engaged in hand-to-hand with a man double his size, barely familiar, but my attention was behind them, on Midnight, who stood smug as ever, his piercing eyes taking in my form, and I suddenly felt rage tingling through every inch of my skin.
“Couldn’t stay away from me, could you, Princess?” He said, without any hint of regret.
“Yeah, how could I possibly stay away, knowing you still had all of your limbs intact?”
He wheezed again, that horrible, infuriating sound made my blood boil to the point of vaporising out of my veins. “I’m all yours, Princess.”
I dint need the cue as I lunged at him, throwing him off balance as I grabbed him by the throat and pushed him against the wall behind.  “Brings back memories of our good times, doesn’t it” He spoke, as well as he could in his current state, but that grin never left his irksome face. I tried to punch him with my free hand, but he blocked it and gripped my hand that held his throat, and pushed it away from his neck. Every time he touched me, it made me want to jump out of my skin.
Jerking my hand free from his grasp, I used my elbow to hit his nose, hoping to stimulate the tear ducts to blur his vision. Blood flew out from his nose and I noticed the slightest break in his expression. Yes, success.
He swung his arm at me with impossible speed, and I barely managed to duck out of it, when I felt its impact with the metallic taste of blood in my mouth. Using his temporary blindness to my advantage, I grabbed his arm before he could retract it from the punch and brought the other hand down on his forearm in a slice, followed by the satisfying sound of his radius cracking, and him screaming out in pain. “Now these are the memories I’ll never forget.” I said, as he backed away from my reach, holding his broken arm with the other. His haughtiness gave way to desperation and fury. With an animalistic roar, he charged towards me flying punches and kicks as I tried hard to keep up and land my fair share of hits. In the heat of the action, I pulled out the dagger from my belt, and swung it in a clean slice, cutting his cheek as blood poured out.
“Bitch.” He breathed as he tried to take control of my weapon bearing hand. “Whatever happened to ‘princess’, dickbag? I was almost getting used to it.” I replied, determined not to lose hold of the dagger. I rotated the weapon in my hand so the metal faced him and raised the arm to hopefully stab him. But in that moment, he captured my wrist, and forced it to turn against me, the blade centimeters away from my chest, as I fought against it.
With no better option available, I head-butted him, as he fell backwards, and the knife cut the skin in my chest in the momentum. I then grabbed him by the collars, and crashed my knee into his, satisfied, as I felt it dislocate and he went down. I took his unbroken arm and twisted it behind his head, inviting another scream of pain, and finally, I take a look at Jiyong. The man he was fighting, looked strong, nevertheless, Jiyong had landed some pretty strong hits. There were still guns firing and people fighting outside, as I knelt down behind Midnight, his broken form making every bone in my body buzz with mirth. I picked up the dagger, and brought it to his throat, and dug the edge into his neck, painfully slow, barely enough to let some blood flow.
“You don’t have the guts, do you, princess?” He asked, trying, and failing to sound composed.
“I wouldn’t try me if I were you, bitch.” I said as I took out my gun with the other hand, aimed at the man who now had Jiyong in a headlock, and shot the last bullet into his heart. The man collapsed with a thud, and silence fell, both inside and outside.
“I had him.” Jiyong said, mockingly.
“I know. I needed the help.” I reply, with fake helplessness that made him smirk.
“Hey dickhead, remember me? I beat your ass last time too.” Jiyong said, talking the knife from my hand as four figures appeared behind him.
“Just do it already.” Taeyang said, and flashing a victory smile, Jiyong brought down the dagger like a hammer, and it went straight through his rib cage.
Blood poured out of Midnight’s mouth and as I let his arm free, he collapsed to the ground. Dead.
“Can we go get tacos now?” I asked, innocently, looking up at the five men around me, grinning, as a familiar adrenaline rush coursed its way through my system on seeing them all together.
“Anything for you, princess.” Jiyong teased.
“I still have another bullet left you know?” I taunt back, mocking.
“I have a dagger. Bring it on.” He said, still smiling so wide, his eyes shrunk completely.
“Jerk.” I cursed.
“Bitch.” He said, putting an arm across my shoulders, as all of us headed out into the night.
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Hatred and Love(ft. G Dragon) Mafia AU
Part 1
When you get abducted, your captor is someone you would never have expected.
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(I don’t own any of the images used. All credit goes to the original owners.)
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I only write on this blog on tumblr, so if you see my work on any other platform, please let me know immediately.
Okay, so this is a mafia AU. It has appearances from Daesung, Taeyang, TOP, Mino and Hanbin. It will also feature EXO’s Kai in the later chapters. 
Warnings: Violence, Death(not main character), Eventual smut, Sexual abuse, Abduction, Guns and Knives 
Jiyong. G Dragon. GD. The same person. Such drastically different sides. A living legend. A pathbreaker in kpop. A trendsetter in fashion. Just all round incredible. For more reasons than one. The man had a side job. He was the head of a mafia gang. It was a well-kept secret, but there was no denying that Jiyong, the mafia boss, was a terrifying man. He had absolutely no emotion when it came to running the gang, and that’s what made him terrifying. There was no appeal either his gang members could give him, or his victims could give him that would work, because he would never empathise with them. The whole image of Jiyong being a shy, cute guy was a clever front for his side business. Whatever deals he made, he never went back on, so he quickly became the best in the business. It wasn’t for nothing that he became the richest kpop star, you know.
He was sitting in his room, leaning back and just about to close his eyes when he got a call.
 “Is this Mr.Jiyong?” 
With his eyes still closed, Jiyong responded. 
“And if this is him, what do you need?” 
This rather frantic sounding voice replied saying, 
“I have a job for you. I need you to abduct someone.”
 Jiyong finally opened his eyes. So this was a serious call after all. Jiyong’s tone icy as ever, he asked,
 “Are you aware of my rates?”
 The same frantic voice answered, sounding a little irritated.
 “I’ll give you as much money as you want. I don’t care about the cost. Just get the job done.” 
Jiyong started to get annoyed. Was this client implying he wouldn’t be able to get the job done? Jiyong didn’t bother reassuring him, because Jiyong never reassured people. He simply said, 
“Anything else you want me to do?”
 The man’s voice dropped.
 “Abduct her. Torture her. Send a video to her father. I need him to sign some papers, and he keeps refusing. He won’t refuse if his daughter’s life is on the line. If he still doesn’t sign,”
 he paused, 
“kill her.” 
Jiyong nodded, jotting down the details. This was standard stuff. Must be some business partner’s daughter. This client didn’t sound like it was his first time asking the mafia for something. Maybe this girl was also part of a mafia family. The client sighed.
 “I wouldn’t have gone this far if my brother had just signed the damn papers.” 
Jiyong froze. Even to a beast like him, family was family. There were some of his family and friends he would do anything for. He felt disgusted for a second, but shook it off. Business was business.
 “Okay, we will be able to do that. Send me her details and where to find her.”
You had only gotten to Korea a few months ago, barely settling into your new job. You were struggling a little with the new place and the new culture, but you were enjoying the freedom from your family. At home, things were always complicated. Your father and his brothers were constantly fighting over money and property, and somehow, being around that negative environment was never good for you. You knew your uncles. You knew they were in the wrong. You knew how they were constantly coercing people and blackmailing people. You knew how they constantly cheated people. You knew how they ill-treated your grandparents. You knew your father was fighting for the right thing, but it was exhausting to be around. Which is why when you got a new job in Seoul as a PR rep for a company, you jumped at the chance to go. Your father was very worried about sending you away, but you never fully understood the worry, confident that you’d be fine in a new place. As you sat in the trunk of a car, gagged, cuffed and blindfolded, you finally understood why he was worried.
When they finally removed the cover off your head, you were sitting, tied to a chair, in the middle of a dimly lit, crowded room. There was a man sitting a few feet across from you, legs crossed and staring at you. As you blinked to adjust to the light, you slowly started to make out the features of his face. You recognised those features. You were a fan, or at least, you used to be. You couldn’t help the gasp that escaped your mouth when you saw him. Some of his men at the back laughed when they saw that, but his expression remained unchanged. Unflinching, uncaring, intense. After that though, you clamped down on yourself. You made up your mind to refuse to speak. You father had enough and more problems on his hands. You were not going to be one of them. You were certain you’d survive this. You didn’t know why you had that implicit faith, but you just did. You had to.
Jiyong looked at you, trying to gauge you. He was expecting more fear or even anger in your eyes, but he was not expecting a stubborn obstinacy to be there. A determination that was rare in such situations. His eyes slowly raked over the rest of you. His men and their looks, comments and whistles had already established that you were attractive, but he surprised himself when he looked at your face and found himself thinking you were stunning. He had abducted plenty of women before, and a good number of them were attractive, and he had never thought that before, but somehow, the sight of you sitting there, your hair dishevelled, your white shirt crumpled, your shorts torn and your eyes glaring at him with that insane determination did something to him. Constantly maintaining his poker face, in his low, cold voice, he said, 
“Call her father.” 
There was a slight pause. 
“Daesung, torture her. Nothing too serious. Just enough to make her scream. Don’t touch the face though.” 
He paused to smirk lightly. 
“She’s a pretty thing.” 
At that moment, you looked up at him and decided that you loathed the man.
Jiyong held the phone while they dialed your father’s number and Daesung stepped forward with a whip. You bit down on your lip determined not to scream. You knew they wanted to make your father hear you scream. You knew that if he heard you scream, he would go insane with worry. And so, as the first lash hit you, the pain searing through your thigh, you kept quiet, even though your body felt like it was on fire. They expected you to give in and scream with the first three lashes, but after you still hadn’t screamed with 10, they switched it up. You were crying from the pain, and your lips were bleeding from how hard you bit them, but you felt oddly exalted. You weren’t screaming. Daesung undid the ropes tying you to the chair and picked you up, and began punching you in the stomach, and although you desperately wanted it to stop, and you could feel the metallic taste of blood in your mouth, you held on, not screaming. Finally, Daesung took out a switch blade. Jiyong felt a slow sense of panic rise in him, and just as he cut the call, and said, 
 Daesung stabbed you in the stomach. It wasn’t too deep a cut, but as you watched the blood stain your shirt, you felt the need to laugh. Jiyong, still maintaining the poker face, said,
 “Everybody out. Hanbin, Youngbae and Daesung stay.”
 They, along with Mino and Seunghyun hyung, were part of Jiyong’s inner circle. They weren’t just his men. They were his friends. They were his family. They knew something was off by the way Jiyong said that. Still maintaining the poker face as the leader, Jiyong said, 
“Hanbin, get the other room ready. She’ll be kept there. You will be in charge of getting her food and water. Tell the boys that no one is to touch her.” 
He turned to Daesung and Youngbae.
 “Put pressure on the wound and stop the bleeding. Bring her up to my room.” 
And he left for his room.
Daesung helped you up while Youngbae applied pressure on the wound. You were wary of them, especially Daesung, but he was surprisingly gentle when helping you, almost apologetically. They left you in Jiyong’s room, Youngbae giving you instructions on how to stop the bleeding, and Daesung slowly whispering, 
 before leaving. You looked around you, wincing from the pain and the smell of blood. You were just about to sit when Jiyong entered the room. He looked different. His blazer was gone and his sleeves were rolled up. He was holding a first-aid kit. He looked at you, and said, 
You were annoyed with the man, but you were curious. Was the same man who ordered them to torture you going to give you first-aid? In the same detached tone as him, you replied,
He gestured to your wound.
 “That needs to be taken care of.” 
You looked at him, trying to figure him out. You also had a feeling he wouldn’t answer any more questions, so you just shrugged and slipped out of your shirt. He slowly walked over to you, and started disinfecting the wound. He was being surprisingly tender. He had never done this before. This wasn’t like him. He found himself looking at the lashes and the bruises, and feeling sad, which was definitely not like Jiyong. He never sympathised with the victims. He also couldn’t look up, because already, without looking at your face, there was a slight blush across his face from seeing you like that. He dressed your wound in silence, and after dressing it, he just walked out of the room, leaving you alone there to wonder what exactly was he thinking until Hanbin came to get you.
After that, things changed a little. You were moved to a room of your own. Granted, it had no windows, and all it had in it was an old couch and a study table, but it was still an improvement. At least it had an attached bathroom. Although they kept you locked up in there, Hanbin, on Jiyong’s orders, removed your gag, blindfold and handcuffs. It was much better for you this way, and you were doing okay. Jiyong had your phone with him, and you were dependant on Hanbin for pretty much everything, but it was better. You liked Hanbin. He was a nice guy. He would talk to you and check in on you even when he didn’t have to. From talking to him, you gathered that he was a nice guy. More sensitive. Always got attached to people when he shouldn’t have. Jiyong had warned him about that countless times, but Hanbin, being the sweetheart that he is, always did anyway. It was late in the evening the next day, and you were just peacefully relaxing, when you heard someone opening the door. You knew it wasn’t Hanbin, because he always knocked, so immediately, your guard went up. It was a man you didn’t recognise. He came in and smiled at you. It was a menacing smile. It made you nervous. Trying to keep your voice steady, you said,
 “What’re you doing here? You’re not supposed to be here.” 
His smile grew wider. He came closer to you, until his face was only a few inches away from yours. In a second, before you could even react, he caught your hands, and held them painfully tight above your head. He pushed his knee between your legs, holding your legs in a vice-grip. He leaned in, close to your ear, and said, 
“Look at you. Who do you think you are, you little bitch?” 
He slapped you. 
“You think you’re in a position to order me around.” 
He laughed. 
“Well, you’re not, and all you managed to do is make me angrier.” 
He pushed his lips onto yours, forcing his tongue through your lips, and running his hands all over you body, groping you. He was just about to unzip his pants, when the door slammed open. It was Jiyong. As usual, he had his poker face on, but immediately, that man dropped your hands and stepped away from you, trembling. He knew Jiyong didn’t like being disobeyed. Jiyong slowly reached for his gun. He looked at the man.
 “Joongi. Stay there.”
 Joongi could only nod, trembling in fear. Jiyong took out his gun and pointed it straight at your forehead. He moved closer to a shocked you. He handed you the phone and said,
 “Call your father. Tell him you’re here.”
Jiyong had been bothered by how he stopped them from torturing you all day. It wasn’t like him. It was more like him to send a picture of you, all bloody and bruised to your father. He didn’t like this new found vulnerability. He didn’t like the uncertainty of emotions. He thought about it all day and finally decided to make you call your father and tell him. He had no idea why you were being so stubborn, but he was sure he could make you crack. He couldn’t afford to disappoint a client, after all. He walked down to your room, feeling oddly nervous about what he was going to do. All of that disappeared though, when he noticed your rooms was unlocked and the lock had been picked. He started to feel worry rising in him. Hanbin wasn’t careless enough to make that kind of a mistake. He walked into the room to see Joongi kiss you and grope you while you tried to fight him, but failed. Jiyong felt this anger boil in him. He had killed many people in his career, but he had never felt this intense a desire to make someone feel pain and suffer. He would deal with Joongi later. For now, he had to make you call your father. He held a gun to your head, and told you to call your father.
You were shaking from what just happened, and you were scared because of the gun to your head, but you were determined to sound normal for your father. You called him. He answered on the first ring. 
“Hi Sweetheart. How are you? How is the job?”
 You took a deep breath. You looked at the gun and shrugged. If it was your time to go, you would. You looked straight into Jiyong’s eyes and decided you weren’t going to give in to this kind of pressure.
 “Hi Dad. Everything is okay. I’m just getting used to things here.”
 And just like that, with a gun to your head, you lapsed into your normal conversation with your dad. You smiled and continued talking to your dad as usual while staring into Jiyong’s cold eyes the whole time. Your dad suddenly asked something unusual.
 “So, did you get to see your favourite kpop star? That Green dragon guy?” 
You smiled. Jiyong’s eyes changed slightly. 
“Dad, G Dragon. Not Green dragon. And yes, I did see him.”
 “Why do you sound so disappointed Darling? Not as handsome as the pictures?” 
You paused for a minute. Still looking into Jiyong’s eyes, you said,
 “No Dad. He’s every bit as good looking as the pictures, it’s just his personality and values. I’m disappointed.”
 And something in Jiyong just went off. He grabbed the phone from you and cut the call. Within seconds, he moved his gun to Joongi’s direction and without even looking away from your eyes, shot him straight in the middle of his forehead. He grabbed your face and pulled you closer until you were only an inch away from him. Teeth gritted, he asked,
 “Why’re you disappointed in me?” 
Refusing to back down, you replied, with your eyes blazing. 
“Because I used to like you. I used to admire you. But now, I hate you.”
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istandwitness · 7 years
Perilous - Teaser
Part I - Part II - Part III
Su Ji is the younger sister to Seung Hyun - world renowned mafia boss - and heir to his fortunes. She was taken from her home at age ten to live with him and their late grandfather, yet has been kept in the dark and away from the truth. Seung Hyun has done everything in his power to keep his little sister safe, but he can’t keep his profession a secret forever. On Su Ji’s eighteenth birthday, she walks in on a scene she wasn’t supposed to see, and is suddenly swept into a world that was underneath her the entire time.
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Seoul was beautiful. The skyscrapers held their heads proudly as they towered over the bustling streets, and the shops that were laid out on each side of the roads glittered brilliantly with vibrant, neon lights and other fixtures. It was currently two o'clock in the morning, and the city was vibing with life. Adults paraded the streets, and every now and then you would see a group of girls stumbling out of a bar, giggling over trivial things. But, this was downtown. Nobody knew what happened elsewhere.
In the darkest parts of Seoul, no one stirred. The streets were empty and everything was shrouded in darkness, for not even the street lamps were lit. Every now and then you would hear the sound of a gun firing off, but everyone was so familiarized with it that not even a soul whispered a word. If there was one word to explain this part of the city, it would be perilous.
A black charger rolled down the street, it's headlights shining brightly as it lit the way. The car passed a park and then a few apartment complexes, before coming to stop in front of a small house situated in between a fishing store and meat market. A tinted window rolled down, and a boy barely older than sixteen peered out of it. His gaze fluttered as the driver's door opened, and out stepped a man dressed in all black, his dark hair gelled back. A black SUV pulled up behind them and once it parked, men similar in appearance to the first exited the vehicle. One of them opened the back door to the charger and it was the teenager's turn to climb out of the car. His hands slimmed out the black suit he was wearing, straightening his velvet mauve tie in the process. He looked up at the homely looking abode ahead and sighed. Now or never.
The house was dark and not a person stirred, but once the eldest man's knuckles rattled against the door, a lamp was turned on in the living area. Shuffling was heard from inside and soon enough the creak of the door opening was heard. A woman in her middle-ages appeared, black hair tied neatly into a bun. Her almond eyes widened when she saw who was at her door and as if on instinct she bowed. "Mr. Choi, I wasn't expecting you this late. I thought you were going to pick her up tomorrow?" Her voice was a hushed whisper. Her head turned as she looked at the bundle of blankets on the sofa, a small child curled up underneath them. "I'm sorry Jae Hwa, but as of now our time is limited. We must take her now." Mr. Choi, a man in his mid-fifties, spoke as clear as day. A soft whine was heard from inside the house. The woman known as Jae Hwa twisted the floral skirt she was wearing nervously, her attention shifting in between Mr. Choi and inside the house.
"Halmoni, who is it?" A small voice spoke from inside. A pair of tiny hands curled around Jae Hwa's skirt and out from behind her peered curious eyes. Mr. Choi kneeled down and smiled sweetly at the girl, reaching out to pat her head. The girl shied away from his gentle gesture, her attention shifting down to her bare feet. "It's alright, Su Ji. They're here to take you to your new home." The child's face brightened and she locked gazes with Mr. Choi. "Are you my appa?" She asked in a quiet voice. Jae Hwa hissed and went to swat at Su Ji for saying such a thing, but Mr. Choi stopped her and chuckled lightly. "No, my sweet girl. I'm your grandfather. This here," He stood up and patted the teenage boy standing next to him on the back, forcing him forward, "is your brother."
“Hey there pretty bird,” It was the boy's turn to kneel down in front of the girl, a grin gracing his lips. “I'm Seung Hyun, but you may call me oppa."
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alex-baebae · 4 years
Pieces of Honor
Chapter 14
We are now moving to the capital as quickly as possible, we covered him better with a throw Lu Feng had in the luggage compartment. “We have some people at the capital, do you want them to buy anything for the baby?” he offers “yes, please” I ask them to buy everything Ahmed will need in two days and for the travel.
Seunghyun has been holding him all the time, he appears to be happy with his job “are you gonna change his name?” Lu Feng asks “no, it will be Ahmed, in memory of his mother” Lu Feng smiles and then looks at the baby’s face “he’s gonna be handsome as Uncle Feng” I laugh hard at his words “Uncle Feng?” I ask jokingly “of course” he says with a proud smile.
“Is him gonna be the son of you both or...?” I chuckle “no, we are still very immature, don’t you think?” Lu Feng nods “just a little” he says. “I think my father will not disagree about Ahmed being my brother” Lu Feng caress the cheeks of the baby a little “Boss Zhao will accept, I’m sure, Mr. Zhao has a big heart” he says, then his phone makes a ring sound “oh! the korean messaged me, he has found all the things you need” he says looking at his phone’s display “Daesung?” I ask, he just nods “I can’t pronounce his name very well” he admits, so Daesung has been at the capital all this time.
Seunghyun and I have been taking care of Ahmed in these days, we took him to a pediatrician, he said Ahmed was too small due to he had not been eating properly, but he will be okay. “I think someone has just soil himself” Seunghyun said in a sweet tone to Ahmed “Let’s change your diaper, big boy” he knows better than me how to take care of a child, he commented on the night we arrived at the capital he used to take care of the babies of his father’s sister.
Lu Feng entered in our bedroom “who’s here? my handsome Ahmed!” he was cheerful “Feng, are we leaving now?” he nodded “in five minutes” Ahmed was laughing all the time while being pampered by us  
“By the way, my sister is with a child, maybe he’s the same age as Ahmed, she can give him some breast milk” I smile at him “thank you, it will be the best food for him”.
“Dad!” I hug him as soon as I step into the house “where’s my mother?” I ask him, I look at his face “she’s sleeping” it is a little bit strange but, I say nothing about it “where’s Seunghyun?” I hesitate to tell him he’s with Ahmed. I decide to tell him first the whole story. After many minutes I end my story about how do I found Ahmed, my father takes it well “where’s him?” he asks me referring to Ahmed, now he is going to be my brother, Ahmed Zhao, his name is a little interesting, isn’t it?
Seunghyun enters after I messaged him, Lu Feng is behind him. My father takes the little baby in his arms “you know how to take care of children” he points out to Seunghyun, my boyfriend smiles proud and nods “he’s the best option for you” my father winks at me.  
Me and Seunghyun blush hard at his words. My mother comes from nowhere, suddenly she is just looking at Ahmed, she seems not well, like she has been sleeping a lot or not sleeping. Her hair is a mess, she is not even wearing makeup, which is rare, but she appears to not care about this, neither the guys in front of her.
“Look, sweetheart, this is our baby” my father tells her “our baby? my baby?” my mother asks deeply lost in Ahmed eyes, she hurries to carry him, smiling sweetly. I feel something is wrong. “Yes, your baby” my father stays by her side, he is worried about my mother’s current health I can see it in his eyes.
Whatever, we went to do our normal things this afternoon, except for my mom she has been holding Ahmed all this time. We are having dinner, my mom even doesn’t look to Seunghyun, most of the time she usually glares at him but now it is different she barely notices our presence.
My dad and I go to talk after dinner time, maybe is about my mom...
“so... she had a miscarriage?” I ask, I can’t believe it, I barely can think what to say next “yes, she has been tensed because of that” I felt my heart heavy, I suddenly felt a kind of strange sadness “I...” I try hard to find words but there’s nothing and nothing again “I know, daughter this is hard for her, she was pretty happy when she discovered she was pregnant, I’m trying to be strong for her, but at some points it gets difficult” my dad takes a seat, so I do.
“You should have seen her when you left, she was holding Ahmed like he meant everything to her” I smile to this, I remembered when his mother did the same, now she can rest in peace, he will have a mother who will love him, some tears menace to fall from my eyes but I hold them all. “I’m happy, she will be happy with Ahmed” I finally speak “we, we are going to be happy, as a family”. So, my mom has been tensed for this... now I can’t blame her for reaction in such a rude way.
Me and my lover are in my bedroom now, holding each other close “why didn’t you take Ahmed as your own child?” he asks “of course, I was planning to take care of him with you” he added “gosh! Seunghyun you really like children, don’t you?” he chuckles “well, I do not feel prepared, you know?” he nods understanding my feelings, then he kisses my earlobe “in the future?” he asks with a begging pout in his lips “yes, in the future...”
“How will we name them?” he asks holding my waist while he mimicking a slow dance with me around my bedroom “I don’t know, have you thought about it?” he nods “of course, my lady, if is a girl I would name her as you, if is a boy you will chose it” I chuckle “so, you have planned our whole life, haven’t you?” I cup his cheeks “yes, all of it” he furrows his eyebrows in admiration “you are so beautiful”.
I check my clock it is 2 am, and we can’t sleep, we used to be awake at this time, well... we were alert all the time. I can hear Ahmed crying in the hallway, I get up “is that Ahmed, honey?” my lover asks. Him walking behind me, I open the door and take a peek, my father is there singing a lullaby for Ahmed to calm him “dad?” I ask walking through the hallway “oh, did he wake you both up?” he asked “no, we can’t sleep” he keeps rocking Ahmed.
“Oh, I see, sorry. I didn’t want your mother to wake up, she’s very tired” he explains “so, I thought it will be better if we weren’t in the bedroom” I nod “dad, you’re not doing it right, let me help” I carry Ahmed in my arms, rocking him in a special speed “oh! so, you are telling me I can’t calm my own son” he says crossing his arms, faking his annoyance “Dad! I’m not saying so!”
We were whispering for not waking up my mother “I’d carried you many nights, and you always fell asleep in my arms, so, don’t tell me how to do it” we were faking a fight “well, I’m sorry dad” I chuckle “he is clean I checked” my dad says again now talking more seriously “maybe he’s hungry” Seunghyun comments.
“Oh, right! where’s his milk?” my father asks “dad, you’re pretty tired go to sleep” he seems unsure “dad, please go to sleep, we will take care of him” he makes a face of fake disappointment “well, but, if you need me you will wake me up, okay?” he both bow “goodnight, little angel, you sister is gonna take care of you” he kisses Ahmed’s forehead and then mine “goodnight, son” he says to Seunghyun, he bows again.
Now we are in the kitchen, my lover is making the milk while I sing for my little brother “see, this is the right temperature” he lets fall some drops of milk in the back of my hand “here you go, big boy” he says. We stayed there for minutes, Ahmed was hungry, then my lover pats a little Ahmed’s back so, he won’t puke. “What about triplets?” he asks suddenly, while I finish cleaning our mess of milk “we barely can handle it with one you need more?” I ask while smiling “more fun”
Hello there! I hope you are doing well
Stay healthy!
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lady-une · 7 years
Alternate Ending
My final post for the story, it’s been fun everyone! Moodboard by me lol.
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l’amnte dei serpenti
The daughter of one of the largest mafias out of the US sent over to South Korea to monitor her father’s operations there. You were sure this was going to be boring and wished you didn’t have to leave your home and friends, little did you know this new adventure would be anything but boring.
Word count: 886
Theme: Mafia a/u
Rating: Fluff
Pairing: Choi Seunghyun x Sofia (original character)
Master List
                                                   5 years later
The sun was beaming down on me as I laid the white flowers on the burial mound. Standing back I did a bow before standing back up. Even after all these years it was still hard to understand that I was here and they weren’t.
“I hope you two know how much I miss you. Not a day doesn’t go by that I don’t think of you. I hope you are both watching down on me and seeing all the good I am doing. I have been working to change things and to make sure that this never happens again.”
The tears in my eyes fell as I said my goodbyes and turned to Seungri who was standing back letting me have a moment to myself. Smiling he came up and placed a hand on my shoulder to comfort me. Turning we made our way back to the car wanting to head home.
Arriving back to the house Seungri parked the car and the two of us got out before going into the back seat and grabbing the bags. Seungri reached for them all and told me to just get the door from him, shaking my head I laughed at him he was always trying to show off his strength. Opening the door I held it for him to cross over the doorway before I shut it and followed him up the path to the house. Just as we were reaching the door a squealing little thing came rushing out of the house and leapt into my arms wrapping her legs around me. I let out a hoof as she giggled and held onto my neck with a death grip.
“Sanchu save me!”
Seungri laughed and shook his head as he walked past me into the house probably wanting to rid himself of the heavy bags. Walking with her in my arms I entered the house as a frazzled looking Daesung came running around the corner.
“Jihoo, you know you aren’t supposed to be running around let alone leaving the house! Your father is going to be very upset.”
Setting the giggling Jihoo down so that Daesung could grab her little hand I followed the two of them into the living room. Just as Daesung and Jihoo reached the table that held her abandoned crayons and coloring books Youngbae came out with some drinks and treats.
“Jihoo I hope you aren’t giving Daesung any trouble.”
“I just wanted to play.”
I took a seat next to her and listened to her explain her drawing, it was a picture of the house with all of us together and two angels in the sky. She pointed to everyone and called out their names, “This is you and Ri sanchu, this is Dae sanchu, this is mommy and daddy, and this is..”
She stopped what she was saying just as the door opened up and walked in a very upset and pregnant Sofia.
“Jiyong I swear to god if you park that close to the door again I don’t care if I ding your shit. I cannot be waddling around in this state trying to squeeze through the small space you left!”
“Mommy, daddy!”
Jihoo jumped down from her chair and ran to Seunghyun who swooped her up in his arms and spun her around in a circle causing her to giggle. Once he stopped Jihoo leaned down and gave her mamma a kiss on the cheek. Sofia waddled her way to the couch before slowly lowering herself into it. Seunghyun put Jihoo down and went to his wife lifting her feet and placing it on the coffee table before leaning down and placing a kiss on her lips.
“Thank you darling.”
“Anything for you.”
I let out a laugh, “Can you two stop please.”
Sofia stuck her tongue out at me as Seunghyun sat down with his daughter and turned to me.
“How was it, are they keeping the mound clean?”
“Yes, it was so nice up there. I know my mom would have loved the view and all the fresh air.”
Seungri came into the room and sat down next to me taking my hand in his. I looked down at our joined hands and then back to his face and gave him a smile, I was so lucky to have him in my life. Turning to see everyone else I couldn’t help but think how happy I was. All my friends were here and starting their own family. I was happy that my mother had last long enough to see this, but sadly her cancer came back and hit her hard. She was gone within 6 months and my father followed after her a few months later. He had always said he didn’t want to be on this earth if she wasn’t. Ever since I took over the family I made sure to contribute to the cancer society and paid for more research to be done in hopes that someday this world would be rid of cancer. Even with the passing of my parents I was still the happiest I could be with having my friends here with me, to have them walking this earth because I know that things could have been different and it would have been all my fault.
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xxprincessjewelsxx · 7 years
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Kwon Jiyong/Mafia!au
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narika-a · 7 years
~ Main Masterlist ~
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Scenarios/One Shots/Drabbles:
T.O.P/Choi Seunghyun
✽ Mafia AU Come With Me
✽ Mafia AU You Can’t Keep Doing This (Writing Prompt)
✽ College AU If You Go Anywhere Near them, You’ll Have To Deal With Me! (Writing Prompt)
P.S. If you don’t see your request done here, I’m not ignoring it. I just need time to catch up with all of them.
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kpop---scenarios · 4 years
Bound To You
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Commissioned by: @skittlez-area512
Genre: Mafia! Arranged Marriage! AU
Warning: Smut, Launguage
Word Count: 5.7k
If you had the slightest choice of the family you were born into, you absolutely would not have picked the one you got. 
Growing up your father drank, alot. He yelled constantly, always slapping your mother when she politely asked him to keep quiet as he was scaring the children. 
"Fuck them kids." Was his response. Your father never told you he loved you, never told you he was proud of you for graduating top of your class in highschool despite him being such a piece of shit. As stupid as it sounded, and as much as you hated the man, you wanted the validation from him. You wanted to know if he had any kind of bond with you, even the smallest. 
But that never came. The only time he was even remotely nice was when he needed something. When they were out of money and you were working so you had to support his drinking and gambling addictions, or he'd raise his hand to you. Your brother, who was 4 years older than you also still lived at home. He did his best to protect you and your mother from your father's fists but he worked a lot. He was responsible for paying the bills since your father refused to work, and wouldn't allow your mother to work, because in his mind she would cheat on him. 
You hated it here, but even at the age of 23, you couldn't leave. Even when he hit you, you couldn't leave your mother alone with him. Your father would kill her. There was no doubt in your mind. 
You sat on the couch, the house was quiet. You could hear your mother weeping in the kitchen, your father nowhere to be found. He had freaked out on everyone, slapping your mother before taking off out the front door. 
His absence was extremely welcomed.  You turn your head focusing on the show playing on the TV, when you hear yelling outside, that seemed to be coming closer. The front door of your house swung open, your dad being shoved to the floor of the entrance. 
"Where is she?" A voice snaps. 
"Ayn! Get over here!" Your father spits from the floor. Slowly you rise from the couch, reaching for your mother who came from the kitchen."Ayn!" He yells again. 
"What?" You snap, standing above the drunk man. 
"This is her." He huffs. 
You look over to the large men accompanying your father,  who are now looking at you carefully. 
"Will he approve." A deep voice says. "Taeyang, grab her." The man says. 
"Thank you! Thank you!" Your father gravels at the man's feet.
"Your debt is cleared. Do not return." He snaps, leaving  To walk out the door. The other man grabs your arm tightly, Yanking you towards him following the other man of the door. 
"What the hell are you doing!?" You snap, trying to fight the man off.
"You didn't warn her?" Taeyang scoffs. 
"Why should I? Useless bitch." Your father laughs. 
Without hesitation, the tall man swiftly kicks your father in the stomach, resulting in the sound of ribs crunching. 
"Your father sold you to Kwon Jiyong, to pay off his gambling debts." He tells you. "You will marry Jiyong in one month." 
"Do I not get a say!? This isn't even his life! It's mine! You can't use me as your payment!" You scream. 
"I can and I did." Your father coughs. "Take her." 
The man throws you over this shoulder, knowing you wouldn't go easily. You fought as hard as you could, but it didn't work. You were stuck, your fate was unknown and you were terrified. The door shut behind you, and all you could hear were the sobs and pleas of your distraught mother fading away as you're put into a van and taken away. 
"Please don’t kill me." You sob. You just knew that was your fate, and absolutely something your father would do. The wedding they had mentioned earlier couldn't actually be true. 
"What?" Taeyang laughs. "You're not dying."
"Although, you will probably wish you were dead." One mumbles. 
"I mean you're not wrong, Daesung." Taeyang smirks.
"Enough. You know GD has microphones in here." The tall one snaps. 
"Right." They both sigh. 
"But I can't actually get married." You scoff. 
"You are. One month." Daesung says. 
"I'm only 23! I haven't even had my first love yet! I wanted to travel and do so much." You cry. 
None of the three men say anything as the van pulls into a gravel driveway, stopping in front of probably the biggest house you had ever seen. 
Taeyang pulls you from the back of the van, holding onto your tied hands behind you back, guiding you inside. 
You walk through a grand entrance, painting littering the walls, sculptures against the walls. It smells of stale cigars and whiskey as you walk deeper into the house, passing through a nosy living room before stopping in front of a pair of grand double doors. 
Daesung pushes the doors open, revealing a man standing there, his back facing you. 
"She's here boss." The tall one says. 
"Thank you, TOP." He snickers, turning around. 
You had never seen someone as beautiful as the man who stood before you. He was wearing a dark blue suit, a neck tattoo visible. His fingers held a few rings, while his face was just.. perfect. 
"She'll do." He says, smirking at you. "Take her to her room." He finishes, turning back around. 
If that was who you were marrying, maybe this wouldn't be too bad. 
Oh how you were so wrong.
That night he lay in your bed, in an unfamiliar room, your eyes staring at the ceiling as the events of that day flooded through your head. You wanted to know what exactly was going on and none of his men would tell you anything. They just tell you to wait for Jiyong, but when was that going to be? 
 Taking the initiative you get out of your bed and open the large door leading to a hallway.  Quietly you sneak down the staircase heading towards the double doors you had stood in front of earlier. Taking a deep breath, you gently place your hand on the door knob Quietly turning it until you slightly pull the door open, without a sound.  You peak your head inside, a gasp coming from your mouth without thinking about it. 
You see a sweaty Jiyong, his hands gripped on a woman's hips as he harshly pounds into her, moans slipping from her mouth. With your eyes wide you look away, closing the door before you're caught, tiptoing back to your room, feeling quite dumb. You had wanted to talk to him, but you seem to forget what type of man he was. He's a mafia boss, the most ruthless. You needed to just stay in the shadows unless asked for or spoken too. Much like living in your parents house. Not to be seen or heard. 
You fell asleep that night actually sort of missing your house, mostly just your mom. 
It was a few days before you actually saw Jiyong, mostly just hangout in your room, with meals being brought to you until he returned from wherever he was. 
One morning, you're woken up to the sound of clapping. It was a struggle to open your eyes, but when you did you saw Jiyong standing there, looking good in a tight fitted suit. 
"Did you enjoy the show last night?" He asks, cocking his head to the side. 
"I.. uh.. what?" You ask, not sure if you should just fess up to what you had witnessed. 
"I know you saw. I'm asking if you enjoyed it. Yes or no, that's not a hard question to answer." He says. 
You get up, swinging your legs over the edge of your bed, your head hanging low. 
"Im sorry. I just had some questions. I didn't see much." You whisper. 
"I have nothing to hide." He smirks. "Anyways, that's not why I'm here. I'm here because of this." He pauses, pointing up and down your body. "Is not going to work." 
"Kim." He calls out. A woman walks in, her face serious as she pulls you off your bed, standing you in front of them both, before forcing off the large t-shirt you slept in that night. 
You stand there, stunned as they circle you, talking to each other about what needs work and what will do. 
"Hair cut and colour, make up. Body is fine. Do something with those nails." Jiyong says. "Have her ready for the engagement party. Tonight." He says, walking out of the room. 
"Lets go." She says, pulling your arm towards the door. 
"Um. Can I put on clothes first?" You ask, looking down at your bra and panties. 
"Oh. Sure." She says, letting go. 
You go to your closet, picking out the easiest thing to put on, a sundress, already dreading what the day had in store for you. 
Five hours later, you tiredly walked into your room, looking at a person in the mirror you didn't even recognize. Your hair was completely different, you never actually envisioned yourself with that colour. Your skin was glowing after being pummeled and smoothed, the smell you radiated reminded you of a bakery your mother used to take you too. 
The glow you had was hard to miss, but you kind of liked it. You smiled at yourself, but we're almost blinded by the whiteness of your teeth, it was almost too much. Your stomach drops, you don't know who this person standing before you is. You try anything to make yourself feel like yourself, but it doesn't work. This was your life now. You had appearances to keep up, better get used to it now. 
You hear a knock at your door before it opens immediately after. "Miss." A man calls out. "You have 20 minutes until it's time to go." He says, making you remember that tonight was the night you announce your engagement to everyone Jiyong knows. 
With a forced smile on your face you slip into the strapless dark satin dress that hugged your curves, as well as showed off your legs with a long slit up the sides. You stared at yourself in the mirror, in a dress that was the most flattering thing you had ever seen yourself in. You may not know who you were, but damn you looked good. 
You slid on your heels, strapping them on before heading out the door, meeting one of Jiyong's men outside your door. 
"He's waiting at the bottom of the stairs." He tells you. 
Without a word, you take a step down, heading towards your fiance that you knew nothing about. 
You see him standing there, adjusting the cuffs of his suit before looking up, a small smile crossing his face before it goes back straight. 
"That looks much better. You look good." He says, walking away leaving you trailing behind him. 
"Thanks." You whisper, rolling your eyes. 
The entire car ride to the party was spent with Jiyong telling you what not to say, so when you finally pulled up to the venue, you were more than ready to get out and talk to anyone else. But before you could go in, he handed you a beautiful and large diamond ring to slide onto your ring finger for your engagement ring. 
You walked into the grand building, everything was so elegant. Waiters circled the floor with the most expensive champagne, waitresses with finger foods, the ceiling sparkled from the chandelier and the lights, gentle music played in the corner of the room. 
It truly was beautiful. 
However, you didn't get to take a lot of time to take it all in. Within seconds there were people coming up to you and Jiyong, introducing themselves, asking to see your ring and how the wedding planning was going. It was all a lot to take in. 
"Excuse me." You smile at the people who circled you and Jiyong, whispering in his ear that you were going to go to the bathroom. 
You needed a few minutes to yourself, to calm down and ease your anxiety. This was just a lot. 
When you finished in the bathroom, you were making your way back to Jiyong when you were stopped by a man. 
"Hello there beautiful." He says, stepping in front of you. 
"Hello." You respond with a small smile. 
"My my my, just how did Mr. Kwon pull someone like you?" He asks. 
"I'm sorry?" 
"I just want to know how he managed to get someone like you? You look like you'd be a much better fit for someone like, oh I don't know, me." He smirks, reaching over to touch your arm. 
"Isn't that a shame, Jackson that she is in fact mine, and not yours." Jiyong spits, walking over to stand beside you. He effortlessly slides his arm around your waist, pulling you in close. 
"Ahh, I suppose. But she could be mine. If she so chose." Jackson winks. 
"I'll pass." You smile. "I'm happy where I am." 
"You sure, sweetheart? I could make you happier." He offers. 
"I don't think you could." You say, turning your head to give Jiyong a kiss on the cheek. 
"I believe the lady has spoken." Jiyong says, clearing his throat. He had not been expecting that from you, but he liked it. 
You give Jackson a small smile before Jiyong guides you away, placing his glass down on the bar before you and he exited the building before getting in his car. The ride was silent, you spent most of it playing with your fingers with your head down, not knowing what you should say or if you should say anything. Jiyong kept one hand locked on the steering wheel, staring straight at the road, but the one thing you noticed was that his knuckles were white as he gripped the wheel hard. Something had made him mad, but what? 
When the two of you arrived back at the house, Jiyong stormed from the car and towards the house before stopping in his tracks. 
"Don't get it twisted." He began. "I don't fucking want you, but you're still mine and I don't share." He spits before going into the house, heading to his office and slamming the door. You stood outside the door for a few minutes, debating on whether you should knock or not when you heard him yelling. 
"Don't you ever disrespect me like that again!" You hear him yell. "I'll pull all my fucking connections from your crew Jackson, don't fucking test me." He snaps before slamming down the phone. 
Over the next few days, you had spent your time wandering around, reading, watching shows, but also getting close to some of his men. Specifically Taeyang and Daesung. They made you laugh so often, sometimes you'd catch Jiyong staring at you as you laughed, or watching you when you walked past him. You tried not to over analyze it but your brain couldn't help it. This was the man you now had to spend your life with, you wanted him to feel something, anything. 
The night before the wedding, you couldn't sleep. You were terrified to get married to a mafia leader, especially one as terrifying as Jiyong. You had heard the rumors of what he had done and what he was capable of and part of you was scared that if you did anything to make him mad, he would make you disappear. 
Tired of tossing and turning, you got out of your bed, going to look at the backyard that had been set up for your wedding. The lights, the flowers, decorations, the way the chairs were set up, everything looked beautiful. If you had been marrying a man you loved you would have felt giddy and excited for this but instead you were nervous. 
"Looks good, doesn't it?" You hear from behind you. 
Turning your head, you see Daesung standing there, with his arms crossed. 
"It's beautiful." You whisper.
"You should get some sleep. You've got a long day tomorrow." He says, nodding his head towards the door. 
"I know." You sigh, heading back in with him trailing you. 
"Try to get some sleep." He says, standing at the bottom of the stairs, right across from Jiyong's office. Before you could say anything or go upstairs, you hear a female giggle from inside his office. 
"Aren't you getting married tomorrow?" You hear the girl ask. 
"Yeah, but it's strictly for business. Bitch means nothing to me." You hear Jiyong say before the woman giggles again. 
"Ayn.." Daesung starts but you don't stick around yo hear anymore. You run up the stairs, slamming the door to your room before crawling into your bed. 
This life was going to be hell. 
You fought back tears the entire day of your wedding. You held them back while your shitty father walked you down the aisle to the man who wanted nothing to do with you. 
You held them back as you were announced man and wife by the minister, and Jiyong pulled you in for a kiss while everyone cheered. 
You held them back as the DJ announced Mr. And Mrs. Kwon Jiyong, and your first dance as a married couple. 
You barely touched your food, your smile was forced during pictures, especially the ones with Jiyong. You knew you could see the sadness and hurt in your eyes but everyone chose to ignore it. 
"What's your issue?" Your father asks during the forced father and daughter dance. 
"I didn't want this." You growl through your teeth. 
"Be grateful anyone wants you, but especially a man like him? You should be worshipping me for doing this for you." He spits. 
"Im in this shitty situation because of you! Like hell I'd ever thank you." 
"Ungrateful little fucking brat." Your father sneers. 
"Im done." You say, ripping your hands from his grip before walking away, even though you still had more than half the song to go. 
"You okay?" Daesung asks, sitting beside you at your table while Jiyong mingled. 
"I guess. Shitty husband, shitty father, shitty life. It is what it is." You sigh, watching Jiyong walk over to you with a smile and his hand held out for you, wanting you to dance. 
"My wife." He smiles. You force a smile, placing your hand in his, letting him lead you to the dance floor but you knew it was just for appearances. On what should be your special wedding night, you knew he would likely end up with his dick in someone else, like usual. 
As the night came to an end, you were exhausted as you crawled into your new bed. Now that you were married you had to keep up appearances, according to Jiyong. He has moved you into his room now, incase of any surprise visits or anything. Nothing could look suspicious, or not like the two of you weren't actually married. 
As you rolled over to face the wall, you felt the bed dip beside you. Honestly, you had expected him to work in his office or do whatever, but definitely not come to bed. 
When you woke up the next morning, he was gone, not really a surprise to you. However, what was a surprise was that for the next week, he ended up in bed with you either when you went to bed or a little bit later. He never said anything to you, just crawled in and went to sleep but a part of you liked it. You enjoyed having someone to sleep next too. 
A few weeks later, you said good night to Taeyang and Daesung, giving Jiyong a small smile before heading for the stairs. Your heart fluttered when you looked at him. As much as you tried to stop it, you fell for him and you hated yourself for doing so. It was a little earlier than you normally went to bed but you were bored. 
"Wait." Jiyong calls out. "Where are you going?" He asks. "Not to bed right?" 
"Um, well yeah, I was planning on going to bed." You say, avoiding eye contact. 
"We have that opening. You have to get ready." He says. 
Fuck. Taeyang had told you about it weeks ago and it had totally slipped your mind. "Right." You sigh. "I'll get ready quickly." You say, running up the stairs. 
You finished your makeup in record time, opting for a subtle but dark look to go along with your short dark dress with a slit up the side. You quickly slip on a pair of heels before descending down the staircase where you hear a small "wow" slip from Jiyongs lips. A smile quickly washes over you before it disappears, not wanting him to know you heard that. 
You walk with Jiyong to the car, where he opens the door for you, allowing you to slide in before he goes around to the drivers side, taking off quickly. 
"I have a meeting when we get there at first." He explains. "Say your name at the bar and he won't charge you, just hangout for a bit until I'm done and then I'll come get you." He says, giving you a small smile. 
You nod your head, letting him know you understand as your stomach fills with butterflies.
Jiyong gives you a small wave as he walks away from you, leaving you in a crowded club by yourself. You walk over to the bar, ordering a few shots before giving him your name. 
"Under Kwon Ayn." You say, slightly enjoying the look of terror on his face when he realized who your husband was. 
The man gave you your four shots of tequila, which you took all in a row, standing there for a minute while the liquor worked its magic. Just as you felt it kick in, one of your favorite songs began playing, drawing you out to the dance floor. Without any hesitation you walked to the dance floor and began moving your hips, swaying to the beat of the song. 
It didn't take long for you tk feel a pair of hands grip your hips and someone to push themselves against you. Honestly, you had thought it was Jiyong, but when you leaned your head back and you saw it was a man you had never seen before. You felt your body tense up as you tried to move away from him but his grip tightened, not letting you leave. 
"What's the rush, baby?" He whispers in your ear. Maybe it was the tequila, or maybe it was the fact that your husband didn't want you, but it felt nice to be touched, to be wanted. You wanted someone, you had needs too that weren't being met. 
You turned around, sliding your arms around his neck, whispering in his ear. "Im Ayn." 
"Suho." He beams, pulling you in closer. 
For the next few minutes, you couldn't help the giant smile that was plastered on your face as you and Suho danced, while he whispered in your ear. It felt nice to have someone be close with you and make you feel things and want you. You were tired of your one sided love, it was nice to have some sort of feeling returned. 
It was nice while it lasted. You happened to look up, the smile on your face fading as you saw Jiyong staring at you with Suho, his fists squeezed into balls at his sides while his face looked right pissed. 
You quickly try to pull away from Suho but he just laughs, and pulls you in closer. Your eyes widen as you watch Jiyong walk down the stairs, pushing his way through the crowd until he stands behind Suho. He taps him on the shoulder, and Suho turns around. When he does, Jiyong's fist immediately connects with Suho's face, knocking him to the ground. 
"Get your fucking hands off my wife." He spits, grabbing your wrist, pulling you towards the bathroom. 
Jiyong pulls you into the men's bathroom, closing the door behind you. "What the fuck was that?" He spits. 
"It was nice to be touched." You say, shrugging your shoulders. "A girl has needs too, you know." You say, that fucking tequila making you braver than you've ever been. 
"And what kind of needs do you have?" He asks, walking closer to you until you're pinned against the door. 
"I need to be touched, and wanted.. fucked." You breathe, Jiyong's face inches closer to yours. His hands reach down to touch your thighs, slipping his fingers under your dress as you spread your legs slightly for him.
“Touched like this?" He asks, gliding his fingers across your clothed pussy.
You shudder at the feeling, your knees buckling. Jiyong grabs your hand,  bringing you to the counter where he puts his hands on your hips, helping you hop onto the counter. Uoj spread your legs causing your dress to ride up. He pulls you closer to the edge before moving your dress up fully and out of his way as he groans at the sight of your already dripping pussy. 
Jiyong spreads your lips with his fingers, leaning forward to give you a few kitten licks on your clit, just light enough to tease the fuck out of you. 
You let out a small gasp. "More. Please" you beg. The second those words left your mouth, Jiyong quickly dived in, licking you all the way up with the flat of his tongue, moving it up and down. Your hands grip the edge of the counter tightly, your knuckles turning white. Jiyong's hands hold onto your thighs as he suctions his lips directly around your clit, sucking harshly, making you grind yourself on hks face. 
"I'm.. shit. I'm gonna cum." You cry, circling your hips as your orgasm washes through your body. 
“This is going to have to be quick baby" Jiyong smirks, standing up and unbuckling his belt, while you have a few seconds to recover. He slides down his pants just enough to allow his cock to spring free. Your mouth waters at the sight of it, his thick, large cock dripping pre cum already. 
“Please fuck me." You groan, spreading your legs more. Jiyong lines himself up with your entrance, ramming his cock inside of you, making you scream. He quickly pulls back out and thrusts back in, giving you no time to adjust to jis large size. 
"Yeah baby, let everyone know you're mine. Who's making you scream." He grunts as he thrusts himself in and out of you. 
Jiyong had himself angled at the perfect position to be able to have your clit rub up against him as he fucked you on the counter. Your tits had fallen out of your strapless dress, making Jiyong lean forward, taking one in his mouth, sucking on it while never slowing his pace. 
“You gonna cum again?" he breathes. His words build your orgasm, the knot getting tighter and tighter with every harsh thrust.
“Fuck." You cry out, grabbing onto your breast, squeezing as your eyes roll back into your head, the sensation of your second orgasm overwhelming. 
“Cum in my pussy." You cry out, wanting to feel him fill you up with his juice. 
Second later, Jiyong grunts as he releases himself into you, coating your walls with his cum. He pulls himself out of you, pulling his pants up before helping you off the counter. 
"Let's get you home and clean up." He murmurs, taking your hand and leading you through the club where you tried to avoid many looks from people who definitely knew what you had just done in there. 
The ride home was quiet. You had a million things you wanted to ask hkm, like what did that mean but you chose to stay silent. You didn't want to ruin the high of your very good mood, in case the conversation didn't go the way you were hoping it would. 
After you got home and took a shower, you crawled into bed next to Jiyong who was facing your way instead of out into the room. You laid down, facing him, your eye closed, not wanting to look at him. 
"Listen.." je begins. You open your eyes. 
"I get it. You don't have to say anything. That was a one time thing. It's fine." You whisper. 
"What? Why do you think it's only a one time thing?" He asks. 
"I overheard you the night before our wedding." You breathe. "Bitch means nothing to me." You quote. 
"That was then. This is now. Over the last few weeks of watching you, being near you, your energy, your smile, everything about you, I'm falling. Hard." He tells you. "Look at me." 
You open your eyes, looming into jis pleading eyes. He wants you to believe him, to see that he's telling you the truth. 
"I am too." You whisper, a smile creeping up on your face. 
That night you fell asleep embraced in Jiyong's arms, finally everything felt like it was going to be okay. But that's just life isn't it? Making you believe things are finally working out when in reality, everything is about to fall apart. 
The next morning you woke up and stretched while Jiyong's hold on you tightened. 
"Good morning." You whisper. 
"Mhmm." He answers, reaching under your shirt to cup your breast. "Yes it is." 
You stick out your ass into his crotch, his hard cock poking you. "Tease." He moans. 
"Me? I never." You gasp, wiggling from his grip. You roll him onto his back, pull the covers from jkm before you pull his boxers down and you allow his morning wood to spring free. 
You move yourself between his legs, gripping his shaft with your one hand before opening your mouth and wrapping it afound hks cocm. 
"Oh god." He moans, his hands resting behind his head. 
You bob your head up and down, sucking harshly while also moving your tongue around the tip of his cock, making him moan.
"Fuck that feels amazing." He groans as you cup his balls, gently playing with them. 
You force yourself down as far as you can, his cock sliding down your throat. "Please ride me." He moans, bucking his hips. 
You let go of his cocm with a pop, getting up and standing over him. You bunch up the bottom of your shirt, as you lower yourself down, sinking down onto his cock. 
"Oh my god." You cry as he stretches you out. Without any hesitation you begin bouncing on his cock, your hands resting on his chest. He brings his hands to your sides, moving your hips to go back and forward. 
"Shit baby." He groans, moving you faster on his cock. You slow down the pace, dragging yourself against him, rubbing your clit against him, building your orgasm faster. 
You lean yourself forward, bouncing hard on him, craving orgasm, needing to feel it spread through your body again. 
"Cum for me." He moans, his hands still on your hips, now helping you move faster. 
"I'm gonna.." you begin before your orgasm hits, making your body shudder as your eyes roll bzcl. Jiyong keeps his hands on your hips, keeling your bouncing on his cock as he chases his orgasm while you ride through your high. 
"That's it baby." He grunts, moving you faster. "Just like that.. just like.. ahhh." Hr yells out, his cum spitting inside of you. 
"Shower?" He asks, helping you slide off his cock. A small giggle escapes from your lips as you nod your head, making your way to the shower before him. 
A few hours later while Jiyong, Taeyang and Daesung had business to attend to, you relaxed on the couch with a good book when your cell phone rang. Looking at the contact you saw it was your mother and you knew she never called unless it was an emergency. 
"Hello?" You answer. 
"Ayn.. please.. help." She whispers into the phone sounding terrified. "Please." She begs before the line goes dead. 
Without a second thought you snuck into Jiyong's office and grabbed the first pair of keys you saw, before speaking to the garage without alerting T.O.P. You couldng risk him coming along and something happening. You got in the car and started it before opening the garage door, speeding out of there as soon as you could, leaving T.O.P behind who had pulled out his phone, no doubt to call Jiyong. 
Forty-five minutes later you made it to your old house, taking the keys from the car you quickly ran inside the house, which was far too quiet for your liking. 
"Mom?" You call out. 
You can hear her whimpering from the kitchen. You go there and see her huddled on the floor, her head in her hands. 
"Mom. Are you okay?" You ask, walking towards her. 
"Im sorry Ayn.. i'm so sorry." She whispers. 
"Sorry for what.." before you can complete your sentence you are grabbed from behind, and taken outside by two men you had never seen. You see your father standing there, a smile on his face. 
"What the hell!" You yell trying to struggle out of the grip of the men. 
"You are his now." Your father says. "He paid me a lot of money for you." He chuckles. 
"What? You already gave me to Jiyong to settle your debt." You say. 
"Yes and now he wants you and already paid a large sum, so you're his." He says. 
"Who is he!? Let me go!" You yell. 
"Hello beautiful." You hear. Looking up you see Suho standing there with his head cocked to the side and a smile on his face. 
"You." You breathe. "Please let me go." You beg. 
"Nah. I wasn't too impressed with your husband last night and now your father has so graciously sold you to me. So you're mine now." He smirks, nodding his head to the side. The men who were holding you, take you to the van, tossing you in there without a care while your father ignores your pleas for help and walks back into his house. The van drives off, leaving you crying, banging on the window begging for someone to save you, hoping Jiyong would save you.
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winches-ter · 7 years
Dagger (part 2)
AU: Mafia
POV: Reader
Rating: PG-13 (For the violence and occasional language)
Pairings: A wee bit of Reader X Seungri, and that subtle GDYB.
Summary: As the sister of the leader of the most dangerous gang in Seoul, you’ve done a pretty amazing job at maintaining a low profile, and not letting anyone know what family you belong to. Your life is normal, despite your brother’s intimidating, yet respected, image. But what the people don’t know, is that you’re Big Bang’s secret weapon, their Trump Card.
Part 1 | Part 2 |  Part 3 | Part 4(end)
“It was about you. He thinks this is too dangerous for you. He asked me to tell you to quit.”
Someone hit me with a bag full of bricks.
No, I thought, that would hurt less.
If I had been told Jiyong and Youngbae were about to get married, adopt three children and name them after different types of pasta, that would be more believable. “I have been with you people since before I could even say my own name. It’s where I belong, oppa. I don’t do anything else. I don’t want to do anything else.” I said, coming to a standstill.
“You need to understand, y/n, none of us wanted this life thrust upon you. All we want to do is keep you safe. And what we do, it is as far from safe as is possible to be. If anything were to happen to you, do you think I would be able to live with myself, knowing that it was all because of me? That it was my fault I could not protect my own baby sister? Even after I was warned so many times, even when I almost saw you die today?”
I could understand. I did understand. But he had to understand I had a choice too. For eighteen years this man had worked tooth and nail, not being able to afford three square meals for himself, but making sure I never went to bed hungry. I was his responsibility. And now that I could, I wanted to repay him. Even if it was with my life. I wanted to watch his back, make sure he returned home every night, and bury anyone who dared to ruin what he created with his blood and sweat.
“Do I not get a say in my own life then? I need to make decisions on my own now. I’m not your six year old in pigtails anymore. Why can’t you see that?” I really did not mean to yell, or sound ungrateful, but that, somehow, was how things turned out.
“I suppose I should. I’m sorry for trying to do the right thing. I’m sorry for trying to protect you.” The pain in his eyes killed me over and over again. He just walked on, without a word, crestfallen.
I wanted to go after him, but something held me back. It took some time to register it was not my feelings, but was indeed a person, holding my arm.
“What the hell? Let go of me.”
The person, who was being referred to as ‘perv’ inside my head, showed no intentions of doing that.
“Right. Now. While I’m still asking nicely.”
“Well I’ll treat you right, love.” He sounded positively drunk. His breath only confirmed the same. “Don’t bother running after that coward of a man anymore, who doesn’t even know what he’s leaving behind. I know what girls like you want. And I’ll make sure you get what you des-” He was cut off by a punch landing square on his nose, causing blood to drip down.
Pulling me behind him, Jiyong growled, “If you so much as breathe within a thousand miles of my sister again, I will slice you into so many pieces, they will have a lot of trouble burying your useless ass.”
“Think you’re so tough, huh?” The guy said, wiping the last of blood from his face, visibly offended. “Hey guys, I think we need to teach this stiff douchebag and his little bitch here some really solid lessons.”
“I’m going to do you a favour and tell you to back the fuck off before you and your peasants have to be scraped off the floor in the aftermath.”
“You son of a bitch-” He cursed and tried to punch Jiyong, who stealthily dodged it, caught a hold of the guy’s hand, stretched it out, so they looked more like a couple doing salsa than two extremely angsty dudes fighting for dominance, and used his elbow to hit the back of the perv’s head repeatedly.
Meanwhile two men, presumably the ‘guys’ ganged up on me, as I backed away from Jiyong. “Well this is hardly fair gentlemen.” I said, sarcastically. “An exhausted girl who is not in the mood for your bullshit, versus two scrawny rodents hell-bent upon making her loose her temper. The odds seem a bit off to me.”
“Shut up, bitch. You’re only making it more difficult for you.” One of them said as both the men lunged at me at the same time.
Ducking out from their reach, I grabbed both their wrists in the process, and exactly as Daesung had taught, turned suddenly, jerking their arms, then folded them against their backs, inviting gasps of pains from both.
“I told you, I’m not in the mood for your bullshit” I say as I kick the first one from behind, then the next making them fall on their knees. Before they had the time to comprehend what their free hands were going to do, I elbowed one of them from the back, with enough force to knock him unconscious, strong enough to send jitters up my arm, and then kicked the other one to the floor and again knocked the living daylights out of him; with the heel of my foot, gently caressing his face.
When I turned around Jiyong was already done with the guy who was bundled up on the ground still mumbling curses at both of us. He still looked extremely hurt from our argument earlier, and something in me broke.
“I’m sorry.” I blurted out, as tears began to well up in my eyes. “All you’ve ever done is risk your own life to keep me safe, and I am so, so grateful for that. I wanted to be with you guys, not for adrenaline kicks to fulfill my wild teenage fantasies of punching assholes into the sunset, but so I could maybe try to do the same for you, as you have done for me. Watch your back, make sure you don’t die doing something stupid like taunting people with grenade launchers aimed at you, maybe also make sure you came back every day. Take care of you, in the only way that I know.”
Jiyong simply walked up to me and wrapped his arms around my whimpering body. In an instant I did the same, as if clinging onto him for dear life. As my head rested on his shoulder, his hands gently played with my hair. There was a comfortable silence, interrupted only when we heard one of the guys that I had knocked down slowly come to his senses. We ran then. Not because we couldn’t take them in a fight again, hell, we would still emerge victorious if they called in multiple reinforcements. But, because none of us wanted to ruin the effects of the moment that had just passed.
As we came to a stop in front of our house, out of breath and pumped on adrenaline, one of the guards opened the door before we even reached in and both of us bowed to thank him. I was about to make my way up the stairs when Jiyong half whispered half yelled, “Y/n, I’m so sorry.” Puzzled, I turned around to see him; he looked like he had committed the most heinous crime in the history of heinous crimes, and was severely regretting it. “What’s wrong? Why do you look like that?”
“I shouldn’t have left you alone like that. That filthy guy and his minions could’ve done anything to you, and again, it would have been my fault. I’m so so sorry, y/n, I promise, I’ll never leave you alone like that again. Never.”
It was my turn to initiate The Hug, and so I did.
“It was mostly my fault, you know. I should have caught up to you. If not that, then at least I should have been the one to punch his nose off his face. I should’ve done something, but I dint. Let’s call it even.”
“You know,” He said, tightening his hold on me, “When I say ‘never’ I also mean the times when I’m out kicking ass. I’m not letting you out of my sight again.”
“So, I’m not being shoved out of your super cool ninja clan then, G Dragon-sama?”
He just laughed and breathed a light no somewhere in between. “Now go to bed, Naruto, you have school tomorrow.”
The next day Jiyong and Youngbae had a very heated discussion about me and what’s best for me and eventually, both of them decided it was best indeed, that I do stay with them, lest I shall be harmed in their prolonged periods of absence.
While they were in there, discussing my future, I was in the kitchen, making a very healthy double cheese chicken lasagna for my hungry self. As I was too busy drooling over the cheese that was bubbling in the oven, my surroundings became void and all that mattered anymore was the wall of time that stood between the food and my esophagus.
Out of nowhere, two fingers pressed down on either side of my waist, making me jump up in surprise. What was more embarrassing was the inhuman sound I made in the said process. Taking the first thing I found on the shelf I turned towards the attacker in a poise of self-defence.
“Whoa, y/n, you’re going to decapitate someone with that lethal spatula, girl.”
“Seungri? Dude, I would actually have decapitated you. Don’t sneak up on me like that. I have killer reflexes, you know.” I smirk.
“I’d love to put that to test someday. Let’s see, next weekend? My place?”
“Did you think that was smooth, Lee Seunghyun?”
“Is that a no?”
“Do you like lasagna?”
“Yes. It’s a yes. Now, would you like to have lasagna? It’s almost done.” Talking about relationship stuff made me uncomfortable, and so, in the worst, most weird way that I could, I changed the topic.
“Some other time, princess. I need to go meet your brother first.”
“Cool. More for me then.” Princess? What?
“Watch the calories though.”
“Watch the calories though.” I mimic in a mocking tone as he smirks and walks away.
What a beautiful pain in the ass.
By the time the guys were done, it was evening already, and I did not realize that I had fallen asleep on the kitchen counter. Only managing to eat half the lasagna before my screwed up sleep schedule demanded to be acknowledged.
I woke up to the sound of Jiyong munching down the lasagna, sitting across from me on the counter.
“So Seungri asked you out?” He said, when he realized I had woken up.
“What? How do you know?”
“He called me this morning to ‘confess’ his weird feelings for you. He dint want to do it behind my back.”
“And you agreed?” I ask, visibly taken aback.
“Well, might as well. He knows what’s going to happen if he fucks it up.”
I snorted, and took a bite out of the lasagna as well.
“How did you make this?” He asked, making a disgusted face, “It tastes like damp socks.”
“It definitely does not. It’s better than what that good for nothing girlfriend of yours used to make.”
“Oh but she was good for something...” He says looking up at the ceiling, as if he was nostalgic. A smug smile on his face.
“You’re disgusting Kwon Jiyong.” I say, hitting his shoulder lightly. “Also, let me sleep. Go away.  Shoo. Do whatever deep dark stuff you do locked away in your deep dark room.”
“No, y/n, listen to me. This is important. It’s about that gang that’s after us.” He said, in a serious tone, which indicated we were down to business. “They’re called ‘death stroke’. Almost ten years ago, they were our biggest rivals, when dad’s company was about to go bankrupt and I had just ascended in his place. But, we beat him. After which they went underground. Now, I believe it was because they could not bear being defeated by a sexy eighteen year old, but according to Seunghyun hyung they were just ‘laying low’. Now that they believe it is us who screwed them over, their leader is blinded by revenge to extract vengeance from my majestic self. Even if we tell him it wasn’t us, he won’t believe it because, despite what TOP hyung says, he hates my guts. Now we’ve got to be careful, because who knows how many upgrades he has gone through over the years.”
“Upgrades? Oppa, this isn’t a video game villain.”
“Sister, he is called Midnight.”
“Ok first of all, I want that title. Second, why was this guy such a big rival of dad’s company?”
“Because apparently he had some beef with dad. He’s the reason the company fell in the first place.”
“Then let’s kill this bitch.”
Over the years, I always wanted to know why such a big company had reached such a low within almost no time. Who was the catalyst that favoured this downfall? I never asked my brother, because I was afraid he’d blame himself for it. But now that the son of a bitch had a face, and not to mention a cool ‘stage name’ that I required, I wanted nothing more than to paint his walls in deep, permanent red.
Over the course of the next few days, the guys all did their digging on this ‘Midnight’ and his ‘death stroke’, while I doodled in the back of my notebooks because whatever the teachers were saying in classes, was either never going to help me, or was just plain boring. As it is I was able to maintain good grades and an average image in class, so I could afford to doodle. I had earned the right to doodle. And so, I shamelessly doodled.
Fridays were the worst. Teachers gave extra homework, we had PE as the last period, and the instructor loathed my mere existence. Also, you never knew when the principle would come over and hand you more things to do, because of which, more often than not, we had to stay back after school hours.
This time, we were supposed to make paper cut outs for the first graders’ classrooms because they had a ‘Bring your mother to school’ day. I always hated these days, and anything to do with them.
“Never have I ever seen someone cut up golden stars with that much hatred in their eyes. You ok y/n?” My best friend asked me.
“Yeah well, when you have been personally victimized by your PE Instructor and then have a ‘decorate-a-classroom-for-mothers’ shoved in your face like a big ‘fuck you, you motherless git’, it sort of sucks the fun out of your peachy day.”
“Whoa slow down there sunshine. Here, have some chocolate.” She said, handing me a Hershey’s Kiss.
“Never leave me girl. What would I do without you?”
“Curl up in the fetal position and sob endlessly.” She said indifferently, as she pulled out a chocolate for her own self and ate it.
We finished the work sooner than I expected.
“A hundred starts and a double hundred chocolates later, the salty bitches finally emerge victorious!” I say, stretching my arms and got up.
“Speak for yourself, Cinderella. I happen to be a sweeter bitch.”
Both of us made out way out. Glad, the headache assigned to us was over. There were people in the class who looked at us with envy, and that made leaving even more satisfying.
We were out the school’s gate when it suddenly struck me, “Oh! I almost forgot, Seungri asked me out.”
“WHAT!! And I’m hearing about this NOW?! I feel betrayed. Did you find someone else to tell this to? *gasp* Are you CHEATING ON ME?”
“Calm down, you’re going to go into cardiac arrest. Who else would accept this eternal void of darkness except for you? I’ll tell you about it later, I want to go home right now, and sleep in a tub and hopefully drown in there for a couple of days.”
“Gimme a call when you come back from the dead, or if you die for good, ask Jiyong oppa to do it. We’ll support each other through the tough time. Then get married and name our firstborn after you.”
“Gross. Officially too gross. Oh the mental image. That’s it I’ve been scarred for life. I’m going to leave and pretend this never happened.” With that I turned, and walked away, already dreaming about essential oils soaking away all the torture I valiantly withstood today. And honestly, my body ached from head to toe, fingers about to spasm because of constant use of scissors, legs screaming out in protest, my eyes watering from the dire need for sleep. I was literally a wreck.
The sky was a dull yellow grey, clouds gradually blanketing all the blue and the setting sun not making any attempts to put up a fight either. There was a cool wind sweeping the streets, and weather like this meant a storm was on its way. A gentle breeze hit me, making me uneasy to the core. Ever since I was a little girl, I had noticed, on days like this, something always went wrong. And somewhere inside, that little girl wanted nothing more than to go cuddle up inside Jiyong’s blankets, because she was scared to be left alone.
Without second thoughts, I broke into a run as soon as I saw my house up ahead. I desperately wanted to get away from the rumbling clouds, slowly setting the stage for something more terrible to take over.
As soon I made it through the door, I took out my phone and called my brother.
“Oppa?” I gasped, too tired to hide the nervousness in my voice, still breathless from the unnecessary running.
“Oppa where-” I was cut off as a large hand blocked my mouth. I wanted to retaliate, to protest, but my body refused to respond. Someone hit me on the back of my head, and I fell, barely conscious. I could feel hot blood drip down my head, as I made out a figure bending down to pick up my phone.
“G-Dragon, It’s been a while. I hope you haven’t forgotten me? Not that it matters right now. You see, I have something you want, and you have something I want. What do you say we discuss it over tea sometime? If not, then forget about seeing this little cheesecake again. I can’t say would mind that. I can imagine a few things I could do with her. When you make up your mind, call me on this number.”
If Jiyong argued, threatened or even yelled at the man, I couldn’t make out. I knew I had to do something to save myself, and I had to do it fast.
I tried to get up from the floor, but my arms betrayed me. And I fell with a thud that bounced off the walls and drew all the attention towards me.
“Knock that bitch out for the love of God. And put her in the car.”
The last thing I heard was Jiyong’s muffled cry, seethed with pain and anger, then it all went dark.
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Hatred and Love (ft. G Dragon) Mafia AU
Part 3
You think you start to understand Jiyong, but you’re wrong.
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(I don’t own any of the images used. All credit goes to the original owners.)
If there is anyone else who would like to be tagged, you can comment or leave me a message :))
I only write on this blog on tumblr, so if you see my work on any other platform, please let me know immediately.
Okay, so this is a mafia AU. It has appearances from Daesung, Taeyang, TOP, Mino, Hanbin and EXO (mostly Kai). This is the chapter where we’re introduced to Kai :)))
Warnings: Violence, Death(not main character), Injury, Blood, Eventual smut, Abduction, Guns and Knives, language.
You tangled your hands in his hair as you pulled him closer, both of you desperate for each other. He held your waist with one hand while the other slowly moved to unbutton your shirt. You had your hand on his belt buckle, and you were just about to remove it when the phone rang. Both of you pulled away, panting. He continued to look straight into your eyes as he answered the phone, 
 It was your phone. When he heard the reply, he cursed at it, immediately getting angry. 
“Y/N, who the fuck is this guy and why does he keep calling you?”
 You were also annoyed by whoever the caller was, so when you looked down at the screen, your eyes widened in surprise. It was Jongin, your co-worker. You sounded quite taken aback when you said, 
“That’s Kim Jongin. My co-worker and the office flirt.”
 Jiyong was already glaring at the phone for having interrupted you, but when he heard that, the glare intensified. From the phone, you could hear Jongin saying, 
“I am not the office flirt! Y/N, I literally only flirt with you!”
 Without meaning to, you started smiling. Jongin was the first sort-of friend you had. Yes, he flirted with you, but he never put any pressure on you. That was just his way of trying to make you laugh. 
“Jongin, you flirt with literally every woman you meet.” 
He gasped in mock outrage.
 “That is not true Y/N!!” 
Immediately, he became serious. 
“Y/N, where are you? You haven’t come to work in weeks. All your stuff is still in your apartment. You’re not answering your phone? What’s going on?”
 You made eye contact with Jiyong, not knowing what to say. You had been abducted, but you were kind of falling for the man who abducted you. Also, you did not want your dad to know. You didn’t know what to say, but Jiyong solved that problem for you. Responding in the iciest tone you had ever heard him use, he said,
 “Don’t worry, she’s safe here. And she’s happy. That’s all you need to know.”
 He cut the call and looked back at you, with a light smirk. 
“Now where were we?”
 You gave him a light smile and you climbed off him, struggling to not laugh at the way his face fell. You stood up, buttoning your shirt.
 “Jiyong, you’re injured. It isn’t good for you to indulge in… strenuous activity like this.” 
You paused to smile at him. 
“We can continue this once your injuries are better. Goodnight.” 
And you shut the door behind you as you entered your room, leaning against the door to try and calm yourself down, because it took you great strength to walk out of there and let him recover when you wanted nothing more than to let him fuck you senseless. You tried to go to bed, but as you tossed around in the sheets, you couldn’t think of anything other than the way his tattoo peaked out from under his shirt, or the way his lips felt against your, or the look in his eyes when he looked at you. After trying to sleep for a while, you finally sat up, shaking your head. You knew it was going to be a long night.
Although you barely slept, when you woke up the next morning, you couldn’t help but be in a really good mood. You kept thinking back to the previous night, the kiss, his eyes, everything. You knew you weren’t the only one who cared about him. The looks in his eyes and the way he kissed you proved it. And he told Jongin you were safe. He said you were safe here. That meant he wouldn’t harm you. You weren’t in danger. You had no idea how things were going to pan out, but you were sure that things would work out alright. You were annoyingly happy that day, just waiting for him to come and see you in the night. Which is why you were surprised when Hanbin came into your room in the evening carrying a rope, looking very upset. He couldn’t meet your eyes when he said, 
“Y/N, I’m going to need you to come down with me for a bit.” 
Although this was making you feel a little uneasy, you let Hanbin tie you up with the rope and lead you downstairs. Maybe you shouldn’t have, but you trusted Jiyong. You knew he wouldn’t harm you.
Jiyong had been in the middle of a meeting with his men, trying to explain their plan for the next deal so that things don’t go as badly, when he heard a loud, mocking laugh from the back of the room. His eyebrows shot up. No one laughed at his meetings. Ever. He slowly turned around, looking for the person who laughed. His eyes narrowed when he found him. Jaebum. The guy was good at what he did, but he was a bit too cocky. He walked up to Jiyong, his hands in his pocket and his eyes fixed in a deadly stare. 
“Boss, are you sure you want to talk about being ruthless? Because” 
He paused to laugh. 
“We all know you aren’t exactly ruthless anymore.” 
He took a step closer to Jiyong. 
“You have a weakness now.”
 He slowly looked upwards. 
“And she’s sitting right there.” 
Jiyong was hit with a fury he hadn’t felt in a while. How dare he challenge you like this, in front of everyone? How dare they use you against him? More than that, he felt a little scared. Yes, you were definitely a weakness of his. How had he let this happen? He was supposed to be torturing you? How had let you become a weakness? He started to feel angry at himself. But he showed none of it. He just fixed Jaebum with a stare and said,
 “Hanbin, get Y/N here.”
Hanbin slowly led you into the crowded room, trying not to show his fear for you. You however, were still fine. You had faith in Jiyong. He wouldn’t do anything to you. He said you were safe here. Even as Hanbin tied you to a chair, you were fine. You trusted Jiyong. You looked up at Jiyong, meeting his eyes. They were the coldest you had ever seen them. You shivered a little, feeling a little uneasy, but you brushed it off. You were sure it was just because he had to be like that around his men. He slowly pulled out his gun, looking down at it. He gave Jaebum a final look and then aimed the gun at you. Even then, you were fine. You were sure he’d just shoot the wall behind you. Maybe he had to prove a point. Even as he fixed you with a glare, you felt okay, because you trusted him. He aimed the gun and he shot. It was only when you felt the bullet graze your arm and your body go numb that you realised, he shot you. The last thing you saw was his cold glare, with not an ounce of regret before your head hit the ground from the force of the bullet and you passed out. Jaebum had just opened his mouth to say,
 “Okay boss-“
 when Jiyong turned the gun in his direction and shot him in the head, turning to watch his body fall slack. He slowly put his gun back and looked around. 
“Anyone else has any issues they want to raise?” 
The whole room was silent. Hanbin should’ve been watching Jiyong and waiting for orders, but he had grown too close to you to just watch you there, unconscious with blood seeping through your clothes. He cared about you, and he couldn’t let something happen now. For the first time since he began working for Jiyong, he felt horrified by his boss. He knew Jiyong loved you. How could he shoot the woman he loved? Jiyong sighed, and in a bored voice, said, 
“Hanbin, take her away. Make sure she doesn’t die. She needs to be alive for us to do the job.”
 And just like that, Jiyong went back to explaining their plan for the next deal. Hanbin rushed forward, tearing a bit of his shirt to tie around your wound to prevent blood loss. He picked you up in his arms and shot Jiyong an undecipherable look before rushing out of the room. He knew that taking you to a hospital and explaining what happened might be tough, but he knew he had to do that for you.
Jiyong, on the other hand, although on the outside, he just continued his explanation of their plans, on the inside, he was dying. The moment he pulled the trigger, he hated himself for doing it. Luckily, last minute, he had shifted the gun so that the bullet wasn’t aimed at any of your vitals, but it was your expression when he shot you that wouldn’t get out of his mind. Your look of trust changing to one of surprise, of disbelief. You were the only person who had ever looked at him with that kind of trust. The way that changed… it broke him. He had to change that.
 Hanbin rushed into the ER with you in his arms, desperately shouting for help. He watched helplessly, feeling wretched as the nurses wheeled you away. They had to disinfect the wound and stitch it up. Luckily, the bullet wasn’t lodged in your body, but even for a hospital’s ER, a gun shot wound was no small task. Hanbin just sat there, waiting and waiting, hoping that everything would turn out okay. Luckily, he had the sense to take you to his friend’s hospital, and so, there was no question of police or inquiries. He sat there, thinking back on the way things happened. Was this really the life he wanted? Would he someday turn into Jiyong hyung? Would he become someone who could shoot the person he loved? It scared him. He had always admired Jiyong hyung’s commitment, but now, he was questioning it all. Suddenly your phone rang. It was with Hanbin. He slowly answered the phone with shaky hands. 
It was Jongin. 
“Oh it’s you? Are you the same guy from yesterday? Because if you are, I’m going to find you and kill you. You’ve abducted her, haven’t you? You’re drugging her and keeping her there against her will. You-“ 
Hanbin cut him off. He was too exhausted to fight over someone he hadn’t ever spoken to.
 “No, it’s not the same guy.”
 Jongin paused. He seemed rather sheepish for a minute, but he continued anyway,
 “Who are you? What have you done to her? Where is she?” 
Hanbin paused. Sounding strained, he said, 
“Do you care about her?” 
Jongin sounded taken aback. His voice turned a little softer.
 “Of course I do. She’s my friend. And I like her.” 
Hanbin felt a little better. He knew Jiyong would probably be mad at him if he knew, but he decided to call Jongin to the hospital. He needed someone who could fill in your details. 
“Y/N, is in the hospital right now. She got shot. I’ll text you the address. Come to the ER.” 
And he cut the call, going back to silently worrying about you.
Jongin put down the phone, in shock. He had heard rumours that Kwon Jiyong had abducted someone, but he was hoping against hope that it wasn’t you. Once he heard Hanbin’s voice however, he knew it was the truth. Jongin’s heart sank a little as he started getting ready to go to the hospital. As he strapped the dagger to his thigh and put the gun in his pocket, he seriously contemplated telling the rest of the guys. He was in the gang that was Jiyong’s rival gang after all. He had a responsibility as one of the heads of EXO. But he also had a responsibility as your friend. He knew that once he got the gang involved, there was no going back. After that, it would be between the gangs. No one would care about you, and you would probably get hurt in the process. His chest tightened a little. He couldn’t do that to you. If he had to, he would introduce you to the gang after you said yes to him asking you out. He wanted to keep you as safe as possible. He wanted you to be as far away from all the violence as possible. He didn’t want you to have to find out this way. But he knew one thing. He would make sure you were safe. He would make sure you were happy.  He grit his teeth. He wouldn’t let Jiyong get away with this. Jongin drove to the hospital, as fast as he could, but by then, you had finished getting your stitches and Hanbin had taken you back. He just waited at the reception, clenching his fist a little tighter. His eyes were set. He might have missed you today, but now, he knew where you were. And now, it was war.
 Hanbin and you sat in the car in silence, you still in shock and Hanbin not knowing what to say. You were trembling, still scared from what had happened. Hanbin watched you in silence, knowing there was nothing he could say to make things better. Hanbin slowly reached for your trembling hand and held it, gently stroking it so that you calmed down. It worked. Your breathing was getting steadier and you weren’t shaking as violently anymore. He softly said,
 “I’m sorry.” 
You replied, equally softly,
 “It’s okay.”
 You knew Hanbin had nothing to do with shooting you. Hanbin would never. He was too nice. You were only scared that it was Jiyong. Closing your eyes, you tried your level best to stop replaying his eyes when he shot you in you head and tried to stay calm. When you finally got to the base, your legs were still a little unsteady, and you were tired, as you were on heavy painkillers and you were running a slight fever. One look at you struggling to walk and Hanbin just scooped you up into his arms, feeling terrible at the way you were still shivering a little. He put you down on your bed. You mumbled, 
“Thanks Hanbin. I’ll manage from here.”
 He looked at you like you were insane. 
“Y/N, do you seriously think I’m going to let you stay here alone tonight? Fuck no! I’ll be with you.”
 And turning a deaf ear to all your protests, he went a got some water in a bowl and starting putting a cold compress on your forehead to bring down the fever. Slowly, you also calmed down, letting Hanbin run his fingers through your hair to calm you down. You were glad that through all of this, you got to know someone like Hanbin, because you really valued the friendship you had with him. You were just closing your eyes, trying to relax, when you heard the door open. Hanbin immediately jumped up. 
“Hyung, I really don’t think you should be here.”
 Jiyong ignored him.
You started trembling. You couldn’t get the face he had when he pulled the trigger out of your mind. Jiyong pushed Hanbin away lightly, moving closer to you, desperate to see with his own eyes that you were okay. You were bundled up under the covers on the bed. He sat down at the edge of the bed and slowly pulled the covers back, trying to check on your wound. The thought of having harmed you was driving him insane. He first saw your bandaged arm. It killed him to see it that way, but he was glad it hadn’t been critical. He reached up to tuck some hair behind your eyes, when he felt you flinch. Your entire body was shaking violently from the fear. Only then did he finally look up at your face. For the first time since he met you, those beautiful eyes that were always blazing, full of determination, stared back at him, full of fear.
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kpopstarsreact · 7 years
FXXK IT - Daesung Mafia! AU [Part 2]
Genre: mafia! au / angst
Other Parts: Part 1 / Part 2
Warnings: adult language / violence / mention of voilent death and mutilation / blood
Summary: Daesung finally gets to the wedding chapel after Jiyong’s words trigger a deeply buried memory to pop back into his mind. But things don’t go as smoothly as he hopes once he finally see’s Y/n again
Word count: 2.4k
A/N: It’s freaking pouring outside (which always inspires me to write for some reason??) so finally here is part two for you all!! ^.^ Please let me know if you like it~ [p.s. this part is slightly longer than the first, but I needed it to be for the set up ;)]
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below the cut
Part 2 - The Chapel
“You can’t leave your family Daesung! It’s who you fucking are.”
Everything Jiyong had said to him, screamed at him, felt as if it had taken physical form and were sitting right on top of his lungs.
Daesung scanned the streets instinctively as he walked briskly to the chapel where he was already three minutes late to his own rehearsal dinner. His hands were shoved in his pockets to attempt to bring warmth back into them during the frigid afternoon. The streets were humming with the same people that have lived there their entire lives, doing the same damn thing they did every day.
Sweeping off decks at restaurants, cleaning, baking, hauling fish, everything menial and typical. That was why Jiyong had chosen this spot for the Dragon’s to live and thrive.
The moment even the littlest thing happened, the townspeople would alert everyone to it, not missing the chance to gossip, to be able to forget their routine lives for even a moment to talk bout something strange and new. It was exiting for them. Even if that meant the fishermen had caught a new kind of fish for the restaurants to sell.
“Did you hear? The Gustav’s and the Bellair’s are going to have a heck of a time fighting over who gets that new fish imported from the United States!” Daesung half-listened to the exited old woman rattling on to her friend as he passed as quickly as he could without raising suspicion. “They’re practically killing themselves to be the first to sell it! It will really help the business pick up I’m sure.”
It took every ounce of strength he had to not roll his eyes. They may have the advantage here to hear about any strange new people, meaning any rival gangs venturing into the town to spy on them but...
It was all just so damn boring. This was just another reason Daesung wanted to get out of here as soon as possible.
His eyes danced around, taking everything in that he could despite himself. Every day the same but he wasn’t willing to take the chance when-
A glimpse of platinum blonde hair made Daesung stop, causing the young man behind him to hiss out a curse before he continued around him with a dark glare. Ignoring the man, he pulled his hands out of his pockets slowly and discreetly unsheathing a small blade hidden behind his left hand.
If that was who he thought it was... And how could it not be? Everyone here in town had dark brown or black hair except his own gang members. But usually even they stuck to the darker colors. Never bright hair. Never blonde. That was a trademark of the Black Jack clan. Bright hair was one of their calling cards just like the Queen of spades playing card that they left at the scene of every crime they committed.
They loved drawing attention to themselves just as much as they loved pulling ruthless and brutal crimes. They were never ones to be subtle about the power and strength that they had.
“If you make me later than I already am I swear to God...” He grumbled half under his breath as he picked his pace back up. Instead of going straight and heading to the wedding chapel though, he turned the corner a few feet up where the woman with blonde hair had vanished to.
He was already going over the defensive moves in his head to block attacks from his right side as he turned to face the open alley way. Every muscle in his body tensed, his stance steady and his knife ready for any slight advantage he could get.
"How in the hell?” There was nobody there. The alley only was only about seven feet wide, going about six feet back before the brick wall of the neighboring business cause it to end abruptly. “I must be damn crazy...”
It took a moment before he realized the feeling in the pit of his stomach accompanying the heavy feeling pressing down his lungs wasn’t just from what Jiyong had said. It was from the memories of everything the Black Jack’s had done to everyone the members of the Dragon’s loved.
A flash of a leg shredded completely down to the bones, previously stylish clothes now tattered and torn to show thousands of both deep and shallow cuts along exposed rib bones-
“Fuck.” Daesung sheathed his knife again and closed his eyes. All he could do to keep the visions of Hyo-Rin’s mutilated body blocked out of his mind was to press the palms of his hands hard against his eyes and to think. To think of Y/n. Her happy eyes, alight with light and life.
He opened his eyes again and rolled his shoulder back to attempt to relieve some of the tension. He was going to be in so much trouble with her when he got to the chapel. But still, she was there waiting for him.
Even through everything he’d just been through with Jiyong and his paranoia that the Black Jack’s were back in town and had somehow avoided their lookouts, his lips pulled into a half smile at the thought of her.
He had been in a gang for over half his life and had dealt with one of the greatest mafia bosses of all time but his beautiful bride to be was still the one he was scared of the most.
“I should bust into that fucking musty ass pastry shop and tell him that he’d better shut the fuck up and let you be!”
She swung around to face him from the large mirror where her best friend and maid of honor Dalia was attempting to put makeup on her through her rampage. She might as well give up until Daesung left the room, but he admired her dedication as she only muttered “stay still...“ while trying to put the finishing highlight on her cheekbones.
Turns out that she had been late as well. “Dress disaster” She had put it as she kissed his cheek and told him not to worry about it. She’d then asked what made him late and since they’d had a “complete truth” pact ever since he told her he was in the mafia... He’d told her everything.
“He’s such a dick Daesung! You’ve done so much for him, practically have been his slave for 16 goddamn years and this is what he does to you?!” Her dangling diamond earrings swung in small circles as she talked, her light brown eyes wide in fury. Unbelievably her hands were even more animated than her facial features, dark olive toned skin tense behind the strained muscles of her forearms.
“Y/n I want to tell you everything but-”
“But what?” Y/n cocked her head to the side and placed her hands against the silky peach fabric of her summer dress. She always seemed to be colder than the islanders were no matter how warm it got. However, she still refused to give up her beloved sun dresses and shorts despite being so cold that her skin was always covered in goosebumps. Daesung’s smile returned in full force at the exhibition of her unusual characteristics.
She had grown up in one of the warmest places on earth before moving here to escape the controlling government officials who were trying to force her into marrying one of their leaders.
She was full of determination and strength for what she had endured to escape them and to get here but, somehow around the right people she was still able to be sweet and soft. And the exact opposite of every tame mannered, polite, and soft spoken woman in the village.
Daesung had never been so grateful for his own determination to get to know her. He was eternally grateful that she had opened up to him too and was able to share with him her own horrid experiences after he shared his. Him and Dalia seemed to be the only two people she was ever really fond of.
“No seriously! What Daesung? Are you afraid I’m going to find him and snap his neck? Because that’s what I’d like to do!”
He closed his eyes briefly and sighed before his next attempt at calming her down. Her protective instincts were also off the chart on top of everything else. Half the time Daesung felt as if she were the one protecting him, not the other way around. All he wanted right now was for the wedding rehearsal to go smoothly now that they were both here.
“I just don’t want you getting yourself in trouble with someone that could still potentially be our ally if the Black Jack’s come for me.” He quickly put up his hands in defense when he saw Y/n’s disbelieving look, “I still want to cut ties with him, yes! But I don’t exactly want to burn bridges.”
In classic Y/n fashion she rolled her eyes and sighed dramatically. “Okay jagi, but I’m not going to pretend to like him.”
“Since when have you pretend to like anyone?” Daesung laughed heartily, imagining Y/n trying to be fake to anyone. She’d surely fail and end up accidentally telling someone that she hated their attitude and their fashion sense the moment they said something stupid to her.
She returned his smile despite her efforts to stay serious and picked up the pillow on the nearby chair, chucking it in his direction. At this point her maid of honor had finished her makeup and was sitting impatiently on the other side of the room as they finished speaking.
“Okay, okay love. I need to go before your maid of honor throws me out herself.”
“Aww you wouldn’t do that would you Dalia??” She looked over to her friend, the laughter still dancing in her eyes.
Unimpressed with Daesung or Y/n’s cute behavior she only deadpanned in her thick native island accent, “Only if he doesn’t leave soon. We have things to do still Y/n.”
They both laughed a little at that. Her friend wasn’t much of a charmer, but she was always straight forward just like Y/n was. That’s why they got along so well he’d often thought. They both hated everyone else, but somehow got along with each other perfectly.
“I’m just going to leave then.” He kissed her lips softly, placing his hand gently on her cheek to try and avoid messing up any of the work Dalia had just done. “I’ll see you soon.”
“See you soon my love!” Was her response as he left the room.
Daesung was halfway down the hallway when he spotted something on the ground and paused to look down at it.
“A queen... a queen of spades card?”
Daesung went completely and utterly numb in that moment, the card in his hands. The Black Jacks..
The Black Jack’s were here and they’d left their signature greeting as a taunt.
A loud scream burst out from Y/n’s dressing room, the sound of the mirror shattering close behind it.
“Y/n!” He bolted back the hallway, practically running into the door before he got the chance to rip it open.
It wasn’t a Black Jack that greeted him though. It was Dalia. Dalia had tied up the now unconscious love of his life and was pressing a fucking katana of all things to her throat.
How the hell had she gotten a katana past him?
“What the fuck Dalia?!” The words left his lips even though the answer was obvious and right in front of him.
“I’ve lived here my entire life for this, pretending to be one of these horrifically boring villagers while receiving training from a Black Jack recruiter.” Her accent was completely gone, replaced by the smooth precise tone of a cold blooded gang member, “The moment CL found out about you idiots settling down she began training the villager children behind even our parent’s back.” She laughed sharply. “The things we had to go through to hide everything from our parents, those gossiping old croons.” She angled the katana closer to Y/n’s throat, the sword making a thin line of blood escape from her. “That was the most fun part about it all. It’s not like there was anything else to do in this piss poor town...”
She was a Black Jack... Oh god she might a well have been born for this roll. How had he not realized sooner? He had thought that she’d only been born different, not trained to be this way.
“Oh god, just please! stop! Wait a moment!” Daesung didn’t dare move a muscle. He knew how this went. Any Black Jack was trained to kill first, ask questions later. Especially during a stand off with an enemy gang member. Especially with one of the head members of their biggest rival gangs directly in front of her.
“I’m not complaining though Daesung... This gave me the chance to learn everything about Y/n, gain her trust once she got close to you. To get to you. It doesn’t matter what happens to me once I get her to the operatives hiding in this building. You can kill me then for all I care.”
Daesung had only ever seen Dalia smile once his entire life when he had seen her with Y/n at the mall and it had been nothing like this. In that moment at the mall he could almost see that she could be a sweet and kind person. This smile she wore now showed him now that he had never been so wrong in his entire life. It was sharp and wicked, her thin lips pulled together so tightly they almost disappeared completely. “Once they get her it’s over. We finally have what we need to destroy the Dragons fro the inner circle out.”
Daesung’s response was cool and calculated, the training he’d gotten years ago kicking back into place.
He would reason with her. make her see that this wasn’t going to do anything to the Dragon’s, that this would be only him she was destroying. “I will do anything you want me to if you’d just realize that I cut my ties with Jiyong weeks ago. I just want to move away with Y/n. I’ll never come back, I’ll never seek revenge against you of this, It would be like we disappeared I swear.”
Dalia let out another harsh laugh, the katana digging slightly deeper in Y/n’s throat, blood now dripping down the blade in a thin stream. “Once a Dragon always a Dragon Daesung.” The words she spoke hit him in the chest where Jiyong’s similar words still sat like hot lead. “You can’t escape who your family is that easy. We will destroy the Dragon’s completely and utterly, and we’re going to start with the weakest link, the one who’s been throwing a tantrum and disrupting the bond of the family. That means you child.”
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alex-baebae · 4 years
Pieces of Honor
Chapter 9 
“____ Zhao” I said “so, is this your birthday party?” he asked “kind of” I respond “let me tell you that you look beautiful, ma’am” I chuckle “ma’am?” I look at him I laugh, he does the same “call me, ___” I say “then, call me just Vlad” he says. “You have an amazing father, he’s one of the best men I have ever seen” he comments “I can’t remember your father, when he visited us I was a pretty little child” I say “but the amazing things I have heard about him, make me think the same, he’s one of the bestest” I say “bestest?” he chuckles and rises his eyebrows “yeah, bestest” I drink a little of my champagne glass “you sure are funny” he says “I like it” he adds looking at me. 
The party was… boring I don’t like parties. I’m such a boring human being. It was a rainy night, the drops decorated beautifully the glass of the big windows, we were at the top of a high building. I planned to have sex with Seunghyun again when we arrived at home, seeing him in that expensive suit that fitted him perfectly made me feel so horny. I had to see my father first, he wanted to talk with me, ha! After many years he finally wants to talk with me more often, right now when I don’t want to do it so frequently. 
He talked about random things of the party and so on, my mother was there visibly annoyed “then, I need to rest, if you don’t have to mention something else…” my father interrupted me “no, please. Wait a second, this is important” my father sipped his coffee after his words “sure” I say and sit down again “I… well, we were thinking about a marriage” he says, I only nodded looking directly to them encouraging them to continue “you and Vlad, this is going to be really good for the business, just imagine it, so much power all over the world” my mom tells me “ah… I don’t think so” I say. 
She takes a deep breath trying to not yell at me, I know it “see, now, I’m dating someone… and Prince Romanov… I don’t feel attracted to him” I say “the guy you’re fucking?” my mom asks “his name is Seunghyun, and he’s my boyfriend, not just the guy I fuck” I reply my mom only laughs “see, after all... he’s no one, just get rip off him” she tells me “he’s the son of my best friend be more respectful” my father says, my mom is pissed off again “marry Vlad, is my last word” she says “mom, I’m an adult now. You can’t decide for me” I say firmly, my father is in his mind as always “do whatever you want daughter” he finally speaks “you own your life” he looks at my mom, he’s angry 'shit another fight between them' I say to myself “you are ruining your daughter’s future, you know it” that’s the last thing I heard before I left the room. 
Seunghyun's point of view 
Our next mission is going to take place in Afghanistan, I have no more details, but we are going to be there a pair of months, whatever. When we arrived home, ___ told me she wanted to fuck me again, so I had to wait for her inside her room. I was aroused of course, the image of her choking me made me hard, I’ve never experienced this. When I read many articles, expediencies. etcetera, many women liked to be the bottom, and now I know why they like it. It just feels so good being attacked that way, the thought of being roughly fucked by her, simply blew my mind. 
When she entered into the room my heart was racing, I wanted to feel her hands all over me, I wanted to shake violently while she pleased me, I was needy. However, she ignored me.  
“Shit” she whispers “_-__?” I called her “they want me to marry Romanov” she tells me with her hands hiding her face, her elbows on her knees, she is sat in a chair in front of the bed where I am laying over my elbows “w-hat, Romanov?” I ask her, I sit now “yeah” my heart breaks into pieces, I am not able to talk, the pain in my chest exploited all over my body “are you going to marry him?” I stupidly ask, of course she’s gonna do it. 
“No” she tells me “don’t you see I’m so fucking in love with you?” she smiles at me “I love you too” I say, I smile weakly. 
She’s returns to her previous position “but, if your parents want you to marry him, you should do-”. “And then leaving you?” she stands up and takes my hand into hers “I’m not going to do such a thing” I gulp “but your parents know what is better for you” I try to convince her “can’t live properly without you” she tells me.  
See… I know I’m comparison to the little prince of the Romanov I’m… nothing let’s face the truth, she must be with him for this business “marry him” I encourage her “really?” she asks “yeah” she pulls me near to her lips “and what are you gonna do?” She asks me “me?... Uhm, I’m still going to be your lover, you know…” I’m playing with her hands “when the prince is not home, we can fuck” I said timidly.  
“Oh! so you're planning to satisfy me if Romanov doesn’t” she chuckles “yeah…”. “Or maybe you and Romanov at the same time” she comments “I didn’t know you were into threesome” I joke “actually I’m not, I prefer to enjoy everything of a person, his smell, his sweat, his expressions, everything about them” pushes me onto her bed “took off your clothes”. 
“Yes, mommy”. 
After a large foreplay, I was thrusting into her, her legs were wide spread for me, her right hand chocking me tight “ugh, mommy” I say while I feel my orgasm being built, I was close, she was enjoying it too “be quiet” she spanks me, I moan hard “what did I tell you?” she tightens her grip “sorry, mommy” she kisses me now. 
“Wanna cum, little boy?” she says “yes, please” I reply feeling on the edge “you have my permission” she tells me. My mind went blank, I can’t remember how hard I screamed her name, while I was riding my high with a few sloppy thrusts she spanked me, I shivered. I felt something wet in my stomach and around my manhood. “Shit!” she whispered, she was lost in her high when I recovered a little, she clearly went rough on her clit. “You… you squirted” I say “it explains why it felt so different” she tries catch her breath. 
“What is going on?” I whisper softly, I am too tired we are too tired, we slept all the morning of course hugging each other, I kiss Seunghyun's face waking him up with a broad smile “morning” he says rubbing his eyes “let’s go to have breakfast somewhere else” I comment. 
We go to a restaurant inside the heart of the city, we are having some pancakes “your father already told Daesung our next mission” he says while eating some strawberries “really?” I eat a piece of pancake “Afghanistan” he comments “surely my mom selected that place” I say, now drinking all my coffee “there’s a problem with the guns” I roll my eyes “why the goddamn guns? Is someone there trying to spoil us?” I complain 
“I don’t know but it is kind of strange” he tells me “having plans for today?” I ask “not at all” he says. “wanna go to the cinema?” I invite him “sure”. 
 A week passed quickly, nothing interesting took place. In a week we are going to be I Afghanistan, this day is strange, you know, my mother is planning something. “Daughter” my father meets me in the living room “yes?” I say “tonight… your mother… well” he’s trying to figure out how to say it “I’ll see you at the Enterprise, and we’ll discuss this issue there” he finally says “sure”. 
 Seunghyun’s point of view 
I was waiting for ___ in one of the many doors of the mansion, a guy was next to me be seemed to be freshmen in the mansion. Now, I see ___ in the living room with her father “so, you are sleeping with the boss’ daughter” the freshman comments, I just ignore it “c’mon man, she’s gorgeous, and has a nice butt” he is trying to take a look to ____, I push him with my right hand “hey!” I glare at him “don’t be jealous, after all she’s just another whore” this time I can´t control myself, I punch his face once, he’s on the ground, I keep punching his face until his nose breaks “watch your fucking mouth!” I yell at him.  
“Stop it, Seunghyun” it was boss Zhao’s voice, I stand up “please, forgive me sir” I said bowing “I’ve heard about him insulting my daughter many times, I just wanted to see it with my own eyes. Don’t worry, son” he used to call me that way since I was a little child “daughter” he calls ____ ‘s attention now “yes?” he gives her a gun, the family gun. That was really special for they, and only used it when someone deeply offended them as a way to show everyone how you must not behave. 
“On your knees”
Hi there! hope you’re doing great!
Sending ya, lots of love and virtual hugs
Love you.
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bobbyseyesmile · 7 years
Blood Money
Ever felt fear? No, no, not  the fear of a little spider or the fear of a bad grade. The real fear who’s creeping inside your body like a cold and damp feeling... You never experienced it? Well, neither did Allison. She had everything and more and it had really big advantages to be the daughter of a big Mafia boss, but the disadvantages were much bigger... 
GENRE: Angst, slight Horror 
Warnings: Swearing, Violence and later on much Smut   
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                                                       Chapter 1
After three long days without sleep, a shower or a shave, he was still sitting in that goddamn car. Seungri was tired and stroked his, meanwhile stubbly, chin. He was sitting and waiting since three days and observed a Villa, just to find one special person: A 20 year old girl with brown hair and green eyes.
The first 24 hours he spent the time cursing and sulking. He cursed his boss, who ordered him with this babyish task. Seungri didn't understand, why of all the people, he had to fly to L.A. and play babysitter.  For fucks sake, he wasn't a rookie anymore! He was in the mafia since birth, he grew up with the hardest and most brutal surroundings. He knew what he had to do! But however, he also knew his place within the organisation.
His two older brothers stood definitely over him, and when they barked commands, he had to follow them, whether he liked it or not.
As their father died, a few years ago, Jiyong took over the business and since then, he eagle-eyed everything. In usual the oldest son, took over the family business, but Seunghyun, the oldest of the brother-trio, relinquished the lead and passed it to Jiyong.
The second oldest, Jiyong, was known as a cold and merciless ruler. He had built himself an impressive reputation amongst the Asian mafia and was even feared by the Russians. The better avoided too much contact... Jiyong's speciality was the slave trade, which was also the biggest source of income for the family.
He hated it if someone beated around the bush, only facts interested him. And besides this, it was commonly known that everyone, who got ordered into his office, only left it with a hole in the head.
Seunghyun was known as a calm and mediative gentleman, who often advised Jiyong and kept a cool head. But he wasn't harmless at all. There were several rumours about him and that he was a sick psychopath who cut out the hearts of his victims, or people who dared to threaten his family, only with a spoon. Whether these rumours were true or not, nobody knew for sure, but it was commonly known that some customers of Seunghyun were never seen again.
He never wanted to be the boss of the whole organisation. He just wanted to pursue his old business: The trade with rare artworks.  
Taeyang wasn't born into the mafia, he was officially considered as dead since he was twelve, because he got, unintentionally, in touch with some affairs of the mafia.
Unofficially, he was the right hand and Jiyong's best friend, completing him perfectly. What Jiyong missed, due his cold-hearted attitude, completed Taeyang through his calm, yet emotional, style. It wasn't unusual that he managed tricky situations and saved Jiyong's ass several times.  But not only did he save his boss's life, no, even important business partners, who had sometimes looked doubtfully at Jiyong, he had saved their head and thus important sources of incomes.
Daesung had nothing left to lose in life, making him a particularly dangerous person. At the age of twelve he saw the corpses os his family, who got brutally slaughtered in a robbery. Since then, it was said, he was a unpredictable killer who was in one especially thing a natural talent: To make people disappear. Forever.
He was the sniper if the team and could swap personalities within a millisecond, making him laugh at a joke in one moment, and in another he had already killed a whole SWAT-Team.
And last but not least, there was Seungri himself. He was the youngest if the family and the five-men team, but at the same time he was Jiyong's favourite weapon.
He was known as a naive and funny little fellow, but the appearance deceived. He spoke seven languages fluently and managed at least five different martial arts.
The secret behind it was, Seungri was neither naive nor nice, and that's what he utilised. The people underestimated him, but had to learn the opposite in a painful way.
And although Seungri was fantastic in his job, Jiyong had sent him to America to kidnap a fucking girl.
He was annoyed, no, he was fucking pissed and sighed deeply. There were hundred others that Jiyong could have send, but no, it had to be Seungri... At first he thought it would be easy cheesy lemon squeezy:  He flews to L.A., takes the girl and would soon be sitting in the plane heading back home.
But now, more than 72 hours and less than five hours of sleep, he realised it was actually difficult difficult lemon difficult...
The problem with the whole thing was that this girl never left the house. Never. Guards stood everywhere, and once in an hours, the guards changed positions and where placed at the big panorama windows on the upper floor. Then they were looking with binoculars for potential intruders.
Just as Seungri tried to think of a plan, his phone rang and he answered without checking the display before.   He should regret it in the next second...
"Yes?" he murmured tiredly into the phone and heard an amused snorting, which he could have recognised everywhere. Jiyong. Damn it! What should he tell him? He couldn't report any progress!
"Seungri..." the soft voice of his brother on the other trunk. "I was not expecting you to take so long..."
"Neither did I." Seungri admitted and stroked his stubbly chin again.
"Then where's the problem?"
"This chick is guarded day and night, no one can enter the house just like that, and most of all she doesn't leave it, she doesn't even look out of the windows! Whose house is that anyway?!"
This was the question he wanted to ask Jiyong for such a long time, but he didn't dare because his brother did not like it when something he instructed was placed beyond question.
"You know the name Elias Marino?"
Seungri thought about it for a moment. Yes, he had heard the name several times before, but couldn't refer to it.
He didn't have to, because Jiyong continued in the context: "Elias Marino is busy in the drug scene in L.A. You know the De Santis, don't you?"
"De Santis? They're the biggest shark in the drug scene here in Los Angeles! They deliver us too!" Seungri raised an eyebrow in astonishment as he slowly understand everything.
"100 points." his older brother replied sarcastically. "Elias Marino is the boss of them and his daughter is Allison Marino, whom you will kidnapp."
The air was pressed from Seungri's chest as all the puzzle pieces where assembled.
He should WHAT?! He should kidnap the daughter of one of the most brutal Mafia bosses here in America? Just like that?!
"J-Jiyong... You know I always follow your orders blindly and trust you, but THIS is sick shit!"
Seungri never had to worry about anything, he grew up in the most powerful and dangerous family of Asia. The people feared the Kwons so much, no one even dared to think of a conspiracy. No one doubted the authority of Jiyong, Seunghyun nor Seungri. No one would ever dare to plan a plot against them, even the Russians knew that and feared Jiyong's sick and relentless revenge.
Jiyong hasn't responded to Seungri's argument. He knew that his little brother would do the job, no matter what. Seungri on the other hand, was about to start the car and back the fuck off very very fast. Never in his life could he kidnap this girl!
The Kwons were powerful, yes, and had very good connections to the Chinese, Japanese and partly good connections to the Russians. But the American one, well this was complicated, to say the least. And a much bigger problem was that the Marinos not only ruled half of America, no, on top of that Elias Marino himself was Italian and his family was one of the most powerful in Italy.
"Seungri, just do what I told you to do and don't think about it. You never doubt my judgement before, did you?"
"No, but now I'm wondering if you still have one at all... Are you drunk or just completely insane?!" Seungri knew that he would regret those words soon enough and would probably get a bloody nose from Jiyong when he returned, but right now he couldn't care kess. He sat on a different continent and would free his mind.
Jiyong sighed once. "Should I send Daesung to do the job?" The voice of the older one sounded dangerously low.
No, that wouldn't be good. Daesung would whip his ass in order of Jiyong and there would be a bloodbath in the Marino Villa.
"Good, and now listen: You're a Kwon and shit your pants because of ridiculous Americans? Maybe you're still too young to take over your own branch..."
Seungri knew what Jiyong was talking about. He has asked him for his own branch. Just as Jiyong was responsible for the slave trade and Seunghyun for art, the youngest also wanted his own.  
"All right, all right... I'll be back in Seoul by tomorrow night..." Seungri sighed and then hung up.
He had absolutely no idea how to do it... how he was supposed to kidnap Allison Marino from her fortress. It was probably easier to lure the President out of the White House...
Just as he was about to curse Jiyong again, he saw a pizza deliverer passing by on a bicycle, and an idea came to his mind. Probably the most ridiculous one he ever had, but his options were limited.
Ten minutes later, the little pizza-boy was lying behind a bush and dreamt of pizzas and unicorns, while Seungri dressed himself with the work uniform. The boy would have a mild concussion but he would survive it and that alone was more than generous of Seungri, right? Daesung wouldn't have been so nice to him.
Seungri had never worked in his life before, at least not a job like that, so he had no clue what to do and decided to improvise.  
When he stood in front of the giant iron gate and rang the bell (yes, he rang, he had manners after all), it only took a few seconds before a muscle packed guy opened the gate and eyed the pizza-man.  
"What?" he barked at Seungri who was at least three heads smaller.
"Uh... Hi! I'm here for the pizza!" he stammered and was pretty proud of his acting. Meryl Streep 2.0.
"Finally! What took so long? I thought you Chinese were fast after all."
Asshole. Seungri smiled trough the anger and followed the giant into the house. Well, that was easier than expected. In the kitchen, he set the pizza off the kitchen counter, while the guy looked for his wallet and then at Seungri with an raised brow.
"How much?"
What did a pizza cost normally? He bad no idea.
"10 Dollar, Sir."
"Hmpf..." the gut grumbled and gave him exactly a 10 Dollar bill. "And now leave."
That was Seungri's keyword: He pulled his gun and shot the guy straight into his chest.
"Hmm, was probably not enough tip, asshole."
He gave the gut, who sank to his knees, a bump and he crashed to the ground while Seungri took all his weapons. Just as he wanted to leave the kitchen, he turned around: "And for the record: I'm Korean."
Surprised that no other securities had appeared, who could have heard the shot, he crept through the house and looked around. When he happened to see the clock in the living room, he knew why nobody was there: It was midday. All the people had lunch break. Good for Seungri, bad for Allison Marino.
He ran for minutes trough the huge house, until he finally found the staircase to the upper floors. Allison Marinos room had to be upstairs when the panorama windows where guarded like crazy, there was no other explanation.
Seungri was expecting several securities on the upper floors, but he only met two. Both of them stared at him with wide eyes, as they saw a pizza-boy with a gun.
"Sorry, nothing personal." he muttered and shot them between their eyes, before they could even reach for their guns.
Seungri was fortunately blessed with impressive reflexes that made him not only a fantastic shooter, but also an impossible target to hit. Even in his tiredest state, he could have simply beat Robin Hood.  
Completely unaffected he walked past the two corpses and looked around. There were at least ten doors on this floor, which, for fucks sake, led to the room of this goddamn girl? He could have checked every door, but he was too tired and fucking annoyed, so he changed to plan B and shouted her name. Either he lured more of these Schwarzenegger's, or not, it was a 50/50 chance. He heard a door open, and in fact, two more of these Hulks came out and reached for their guns when they saw Seungri.
Well, he really wanted to do this without a bloodbath, but his patience slowly ran outta stock. He just wanted to grab this girl, put her into his private jet and fly back to Korea.
The guards were perhaps about 6 ft. tall and 100 kg heavy, but they had reflexes like a snowman. It was easy to eliminate them.
Too easy... thought Seungri to himself and went straight to the room from which the muscle pigs came out.  To his surprise, there were no other snowmen, but a pretty brown-haired girl, lying on the bed and listening to music. Only when Seungri stood right next to her, she noticed him and widened her eyes.
"Hi." He gave his most handsome smile, hitting her with his gun against the head before she lost her consciousness.
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winches-ter · 7 years
Dagger (part 3)
AU: Mafia
POV: Reader
Rating: PG-13 (For the violence and occasional language)
Summary: As the sister of the leader of the most dangerous gang in Seoul, you’ve done a pretty amazing job at maintaining a low profile, and not letting anyone know what family you belong to. Your life is normal, despite your brother’s intimidating, yet respected, image. But what the people don’t know is that you’re Big Bang’s secret weapon, their Trump Card. And when an old, forgotten rival suddenly rises, things start to get complicated.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 (end)
 The first thing my mind registered was pain. Severe brain numbing pain that, ironically, was what woke it up. Then there was the distinct metallic taste of blood in my mouth, compelling me to open my eyes. As I tried to lift an eyelid, I was greeted with a similar ace that almost made me yell out in agony. It took a lot of effort to peel open my eyes, and once I accomplished the feat, there was the strenuous task of adjusting to the room’s uncanny brightness, which sent jolts of pain from my eyes all the way to the back of my head.
There was a man standing dangerously close to me. As I took in his form, I realised he was dressed in unusually expensive clothing. A satin tuxedo, that made him seem like a 90’s movie gangster, which, on second thought, he probably was. His right knuckle had blood on it. My blood.
“Oh look, princess Kwon is finally coming around. Two days is a lot of sleep, you know?” He said, as if inspecting me, “I’ve always been impressed by the Kwon genes, honestly. But you? You’re a work of art.” He said, running a finger down my cheek then grabbing my chin with unnecessary force and pulling it up so that I could face him.
I swung my arm to punch him in the face, when the shackles that bound me to the wall behind made themselves known. Thankfully, they were long, and I did manage to get a hit, square across his face. “Keep your filthy hands off of me if you ever want to feel your limbs again, dickbag.”
The man wheezed, which made me want to punch him again. But he just touched his cheek, and looked at me. An evil grin on his lips, that sent shudders down my spine.
“I don’t believe we’ve been introduced properly, y/n-ssi. I’m Midnight.” He said, stepping closer to me until we were face to face, and then whispered, his lips almost touching my ear, “and I’m used to getting what I want.”
Suddenly, he dug something sharp, deep into my shoulder that made me cry out in agonising pain. Before I knew it, his hands were on either side of my face, and he pulled my head down, making me bend, before my forehead banged against his rising knee, followed by repetitive hits to the abdomen, that made me lose my balance. I would’ve fallen down, but he grabbed me by the throat and shoved me against the wall. The impact made me want to yell but his grip was so tight, no voice came out.
“The more you struggle, princess, the worse this is going to be for you, and the more I’ll feel bad for hurting such a masterpiece.” Another hit to my face, and I was bundled up on the ground, while he simply turned, wiped his hand on a handkerchief, and walked away. “Don’t turn off the lights in this room.”
 You are weak.
You are incapable.
You’re a disgrace.
Throughout the night, the thoughts kept me up more than the lights did. And when I’d had enough, I channelled all the strength I had to my hands, trying to get out of the chains. Struggling with all the might I could muster. My shoulder begged me to stop, my limbs threatened to give way and my conscious was ready to walk out the door. The metal retaliated by bruising my wrists, mercilessly, and still, through the agony, I kept trying.
I woke up to the sound of someone whispering my name.
“Y/n get up! We don’t have time, we need to leave.”
As I adjusted to the light once more, a familiar face popped up in my vision. White hair messed up by the wind, big, soft eyes staring at me with concern and mouth set in a stern line, indicating urgency.
“S-Seungri? Wha- How? Am I hallucinating? Is this some sort of sick trick?”
“Y/n-ah, I’ll explain everything later, we need to leave right now. Before they realise something’s wrong.”
“Yes, let’s go, Lee Seunghyun. It’s not like I’m tied up to a wall or anything.”
“Sarcasm? Now? Really?” He sighed and took out a weird looking key, then, with some effort, unlocked the chains from my wrists. The air felt cool against the warmth in my hands as blood rushed to the places it had been cut off from. A tingling pain rose from the sore, bruised skin but I ignored it as I got up to my feet and ran for the door with Seungri, even though my body was still screaming out in revolt. Realising the state I was in, he placed one of his hands on my waste, enabling me to maintain balance, and in the other, he held a gun.
As I sneaked a look at the ‘prison’ I was held captive in, pure scorching rage flew through my entire system, threatening to vaporise the blood in my veins. I was not kept in some dungeon, away from human reach where no radar could ever locate me, no. I was kept on display in his own office like a trophy he intended to show off to the world.
“He’s going to regret this so much.” I breathed.
“I know, I’ll be there to ensure that.” He replied, and we head out into a dimly lit hallway.
Stealthily, we manoeuvred through the building, one dim hallway after another, dodging patrolling guards and scanning eyes. Muffling our footsteps to the best of our ability, we finally made it to the ground floor. Somehow through it all, I was aware of the way he held me, protectively, like I would disappear if he loosened his grip even slightly, and I hoped that the bruises on my face hid the blood rush in my cheeks. I was instinctively about to go for the front door when he pulled my arm in the other direction, “We’re going through the backdoor, genius.”
It took a lot of effort to stifle the scream that was about to tear its way through my throat, as stabbing pain shot up from my shoulder. I felt something hot trickle down my arm onto Seungri’s hand that made him turn back, just in time to catch me as the floor slipped from under my feet.
“Y/n! Are you conscious? Can you hear me?” He said, concern dripping from every word he pronounced.
“It hurts so much…” I whisper, getting back on my feet.  He used both his hands to balance me this time, keeping the other one carefully on my shoulder, hard enough to stop the bleeding and keep me upright, but soft enough to not cause too much pain. “What have they done to you..?” He said half enraged, half sympathising, as we reached the door, ready to fly it open to my freedom.
“Let’s just get out of here. I can’t stand being in this place.”
“Aww princess,” said a voice that made the hair on the back of my neck rise, “you break my heart.”
“Who the fu-” Seungri turned, pulling me behind him, and in the process, I opened the door and both of us shuffled out.
The night air was welcoming. But the bullet that almost blew Seungri’s brains out wasn’t. Stopping dead in our tracks, we turned around to see Midnight at the door. A man next to him had his arm out, with a gun in his hand.
“You’d choose this guy over me? Your taste in men is really poor, princess.”
I felt Seungri stiffen next to me at the last word.
“I can’t say the same for your taste in women, Midnight. Or in adversaries, for that matter.” The distinct, too-proud-to-be-subtle voice echoed from one of the alleyways that surrounded us. A smirk sneaked its way to my lips.
“G-Dragon. Come to witness your friend’s murder, I assume? Or is it for your sister’s giving away?” Midnight yelled, at apparently nothing, because he still hadn’t made out where exactly Jiyong was. In the silence of the night, a tiny grenade rolled towards Midnight’s feet. He ducked behind the door just in time, but the man who shot at us, was not so lucky.
As soon as the grenade exploded, Seungri’s hands were on my back, more for direction than for balance, and we were running.  Soon, we were in one of the many alleys, and I could see the headlights of a car in the distance.
Summoning up strength I did not even know I had, I made a full sprint and spotted Jiyong waiting outside the car, looking up at the sky, worried. Hearing the footsteps, he immediately changed his composure into a fighting stance, but as soon as he saw me, his expression changed into relief and I ran right into him, burying my face in his chest.
“You’re okay.” He said, more to himself than to me. “Oh thank God you’re okay.”
“Okay is kind of an overstatement, hyung. They’ve hurt her too much.” Seungri said, a little breathless, and Jiyong pulled me away from himself, examining me. The condition of my face, the bruises on my skin, the blood dripping down my arm, one by one, they all came to Jiyong’s attention, and I could almost feel the anger in his feline eyes, because the same was burning in mine.
“Y/n-ah!” I heard Daesung shout, as he ran towards me from behind the car. “Oppa!” I reply with similar enthusiasm, grateful that I get to see them again, after I was so convinced the cage would be the death of me. He stopped just meters from me, his hands about to hug me, but froze midway, as he took in my form. His expression changed so drastically, it was almost hard to believe. Without a word, he opened the backdoor and sat me in it, facing out towards him, and got the medical kit, as Taeyang and TOP ran out from the dark, and like Daesung, they too froze as they saw me.
TOP was sitting in the passenger’s seat in the front, looking at me like I would fall apart if Daesung moved even a finger wrong while tending to one of my many wounds. Taeyang was next to Daesung, helping him, and flinching every single time Dae dabbed the ointment, like my wounds hurt him too. Seungri was pacing back and forth behind them, obviously tense, still contemplating all that had happened, and Jiyong was leaning against the car next to me, with his hands folded across his chest, eyes fixated on Daesung’s hands, but somehow distant.
“So, how did you know I would be in there?” I ask Seungri, breaking the silence that was about to crush me to bits. He stopped suddenly and stared at me like he had never heard my voice before.
He just blankly stared in without answering, when I realised TOP was also staring at me, with even more pain in his eyes, Daesung hand had stopped dabbing the ointment, and Taeyang’s gaze had fallen from the medical kit, to his feet.
At last, Jiyong shuffled uncomfortably next to me, “It’s where he kept dad,” all eyes darted towards him now, “eleven years ago, that’s where he died.”
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Hatred and Love (ft. G Dragon) Mafia AU
Part 4
Jiyong decides on what you mean to him.
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(I don’t own any of the images used. All credit goes to the original owners.)
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Okay, so this is a mafia AU. It has appearances from Daesung, Taeyang, TOP, Mino, Hanbin and EXO (mostly Kai). This continues with the EXO storyline, but I feel like I should clarify that I have nothing against EXO :)) I love them, but I had to use someone for the plot
Warnings: Violence, Death(not main character), Injury, Blood, Eventual smut, Abduction, Guns and Knives, language, emotional breakdown.
Jiyong froze for a second, unable to comprehend the sheer amount of fear in your eyes. Without saying a word, he got up and slowly left. He shut the door behind himself and slid to the ground, holding his head in his hands. He needed to think for a while. He needed to get his priorities straight. He needed to think about what you meant to him and what that meant for his business. He needed to figure out a way to protect you, even from himself. He was, however, interrupted from his thought process by Hanbin angrily walking into his room. Glaring at Jiyong with ice cold hatred, Hanbin said, 
“Hyung, I told you to leave her alone.” 
Jiyong was equally shaken. For once, he didn’t get mad at Hanbin for questioning him.
 “Hanbin, what else was I supposed to do? Jaebum challenged my authority. I couldn’t just let that go.”
 Hanbin squatted down to his level, eyes pained.
 “Hyung, you shot the woman you love.” “I don’t love her!” 
Hanbin rolled his eyes.
 “Oh, for fuck’s sake hyung, are you going to lie to yourself now? You have literally never behaved like this around anyone else. And you’ve been with plenty of women. If she had been anyone else, you would have killed her by now. You would never have put her before a job if you didn’t.” 
Jiyong stayed silent, trying to understand what was going on in his mind. Hanbin continued. 
“You could’ve killed him for questioning you and then made sure that everyone knew she was important to you. That way, no one would’ve dared attack her. How many people do you think would dare attack her if they knew that she is Kwon Jiyong’s girlfriend?” 
Jiyong opened his mouth to try and explain how that would’ve made her a target for his enemies, but Hanbin cut him off again. 
“You think she isn’t already a target for our enemies? This is the longest you’ve taken to complete a job. And walls have ears. They would’ve figured out by now that she means something to you. Now, by shooting her, you’ve just hurt her without protecting anything.” 
Jiyong continued to remain silent. Hanbin got up and gave Jiyong one last look and said,
 “I’m going to go stay with her. Don’t come near her. You’ve done enough.”
Hanbin opened the door to your room, not surprised to find you still trembling. He hated the way Jiyong had made you. He went to the cupboard, got out another blanket and wrapped it around you. He slowly wrapped his arms around you, constantly checking if it were okay, and ran his fingers through your hair, lightly massaging your scalp, knowing that it was the quickest way to calm you down. Slowly, you stopped shaking and your breathing became steady. You looked up at Hanbin.
 “Hanbin, why? Why did he lie? Why did he say I was safe?” 
Hanbin didn’t know how to respond. How could he tell you that Jiyong was just that ruthless? You continued, staring up at him with big, mournful eyes.
 “Hanbin, he kissed me last night. He used to help me. He told me to find him if I was scared.” 
You paused again, tearing up a little. 
“Hanbin, I’m scared of him now. Where do I go? Who do I turn to?” 
Hanbin didn’t know how to answer that. As your friend, of course he realised you liked Jiyong, no matter how hard you tried not to make it obvious. The only reason he hadn’t warned you beforehand was because he thought Jiyong felt the same way. But since he could bring himself to shoot you, clearly, he didn’t.
 “Hanbin, I fell for him.”
 You gave him a shaky smile.
 “I’m an idiot, right? I should have known that it was all business for him. Maybe he was just trying to gain my trust to finish the job faster. Or maybe,”
 your voice cracked,
 “he was just looking for a quick fuck and I happened to be around.”
 You laughed again.
 “Clearly, I was the idiot who thought more of our ‘relationship’, if we can even call it that.” 
Hanbin had no words for you. He just continued to play with your hair until you finally fell asleep. He felt conflicted. He hated that Jiyong had made you doubt everything that had happened between the two of you, but he couldn’t exactly blame you for thinking that way. He was furious with Jiyong, but even then, even through all that, he knew his hyung cared about you. He might not be the best at showing it, but Hanbin knew how much you meant to him. He saw Jiyong’s face when he realised you were scared of him. He knew Jiyong was going to be way harsher on himself than anyone else would be. That night, Hanbin fell asleep there with you, holding your hand so that you knew you weren’t alone.
Jiyong never got up off the floor after Hanbin left. He was supposed to be thinking and trying to get things in order, but all he could see was you shaking in fear of him, over and over again. He looked down at his hand. It was shaking from the realisation that he made you that way. He stared in his hands in shock. Those were the same hands that pulled the trigger. He just wanted to get rid of those hands. He wanted to remove all traces of having harmed her, but he couldn’t. he couldn’t believe himself. He had lost the one person who trusted him blindly and made her scared of him. He had to make this up to you. He had to get your forgiveness. He knew he would never forgive himself for it, but he knew he had to beg for your forgiveness. You were the only person he would beg for, over and over again. He didn’t even know why. He just knew you were special. For a small second, he paused to think that you deserved better than this kind of world. This kind of life. He knew if he asked you out, and you agreed, you would have to deal with everything that came along with him. He wanted you to be safe. He sighed. Maybe he should just let you go. Let you get far away from this life. But then, Hanbin’s words came back to him. He had already made it too clear that you were important to him. His enemies would be out to get you. His head snapped back up. He would have to protect you. He was the one who got you into this mess anyway, so regardless of whether you forgave him or not, he had to protect you. He paused to think back to the previous night, your beautiful face when you looked down at him. What did you mean to him? What did he want to be to you? You were his safe space. You were the one person he didn’t have to be strong around. Your glare or your smile; it kept him going. You made him reconsider his life choices, and that is saying something. Hanbin was right. He loved you. Who did he want to be to you? He wanted to be your safe space, but he knew that wasn’t possible. He just wanted to be someone you could curl up with at the end of a long day. He wanted to be someone you could rely on. He wanted to be the reason you smile. It scared him that he felt that way. He had never really felt that way about anyone before, but he shook the fear from his head. It was his fear and inability to accept tings that led to him shooting you in the first place. And Kwon Jiyong never made the same mistake twice.
The next morning, he called a meeting. Everyone was there except for Hanbin, who was still with you and therefore, was there on speaker phone. Jiyong was sitting, eyes closed, thinking. Once everyone was there, he slowly opened his eyes.  He stood up, kicking the chair back and he started pacing. He slowly took out his dagger and started twirling it around, watching the way light was reflecting off of it. He was making them wait for him to talk. Without looking up from his dagger, he started.
 “You all remember what happened yesterday. With Y/N and Jaebum.” 
He paused to look around. The room was deadly still, just the way he liked it. 
“Jaebum was wrong. I’m still ruthless and I don’t think I have a weakness, but I will say this much. The woman sitting up there, she means everything to me. And I will go above and beyond for her.”
 He paused before a table, slamming the dagger in. He turned and glared at everyone, challenging them to say something.
 “And so, you should know, anyone who messes with her messes with me.” 
He looked up. He looked around, and he smiled. A smile that sent shivers down the spines of everyone who saw it, because it was a threat. The smile of a madman once angered. You sat back down, crossing his legs.
 “You all may leave now. Youngbae, Daesung, Seunghyun hyung, Mino and Hanbin; stay back.” 
Before anyone could leave though, one of the men jumped in front. Jiyong recognised him as Minhyuk, Jaebum’s friend. Sounding mad with grief, he screamed, 
“If he was right, then why’d you kill him?”
 Jiyong’s eyes turned deadly. He looked at Minhyuk, deciding not to kill him because he was probably grieving. It hit him that the old Jiyong would have killed him right there, but after meeting you, he had changed, and he didn’t hate it. He slowly walked up to Minhyuk, going so close that his face was only an inch away. He leaned in and whispered in Minhyuk’s ears,
 “He was wrong, she’s not my weakness, but that isn’t why I killed him. I killed him because he tried to humiliate me by questioning me in front of everyone. No one gets to do that. No one.” 
And he backed off, gesturing for everyone to leave. When the rest of his men had left, he turned around to speak to his friends. They were just waiting for him to say something, because they had all figured out he liked you before he did. Jiyong turned and sighed. “
Okay, so I need to up her security. Hanbin, you’re still in charge of her general health and well-being. Daesung and Mino, I want you guys to take care of her safety. I know you guys have a lot of stuff going on to take care off, but I need you to put your best men on the job.”
 He then turned to Youngbae and Seunghyun. 
“I need help. I need to cancel our client’s request. We can’t not complete an order, but I can’t allow this one to happen. Seunghyun hyung, can you take care of her uncle?” 
Seunghyun stood up, stretching his neck. In his low deep voice, he said, 
“Do you think just threatening him will do the job? Or should I…” 
Jiyong shook his head.
 “Just threaten him. She won’t want us to kill her uncle, no matter how much he wanted to kill her.” 
Youngbae was watching all of this silently. He was the only one among them who was married. He wanted Jiyong to have the same happiness he did, because, as the one closest to Jiyong, he knew that it was what Jiyong craved the most. Before they all left, Youngbae stopped and put his hand on Jiyong’s shoulder. 
“Jiyong, don’t lose her.”
 After that, Jiyong never really left his room, constantly waiting by the door to check whether you needed anything. Hanbin had to go back to work after a while, so he couldn’t be with you all the time, but Jiyong was always waiting behind the door separating the two of you, ready to help at the slightest notice. He had some odd work, because Jongin of EXO kept calling for a private meeting with him. When he first saw the request, he scoffed. If Jongin thought he would really meet him, he was an idiot. He just waved it off, telling Hanbin, who had given him the news to attend it instead. He never noticed how Hanbin paled a little when he saw the name Jongin. Hanbin was in denial. It couldn’t possibly be the same Jongin. But even though he was lying to himself, he decided that if it was, it was good that he was the one meeting him, and so, on the day of the meeting, Hanbin armed himself more than usual and set off, feeling vaguely uneasy about it.
Hanbin got to the place Jongin had chosen, a rather unusual choice for a meeting place, that is, a café. Hanbin sat down across from the only man with rather suspicious bulges under his clothing, denoting hidden weaponry. Jongin put down the book he was holding and smiled. It was not a warm smile.
 “Hanbin, what a pleasure to finally meet you.” 
Hanbin’s eyes darkened and his glare deepened. He just responded with a nod and a curt, 
Jongin leaned back in his chair, and still smiling, he said,
 “Why the animosity?” 
Suddenly, his eyes darkened. 
“After all, you’re not the one who had someone important to them abducted.” 
Hanbin didn’t say anything and just stared at Jongin, trying to read him. Jongin continued. 
“Where is she? Why was she shot? Who shot her?” 
Hanbin still didn’t answer. Hanbin slowly lifted his eyes. 
“We’re not going to give her back.” 
Jongin slowly took out his phone and placed it on the table. He struggled to smile and said, 
“Well then, I guess it’s official. I’m going to have to speak to the others now.”
You were in the room, just lying down, thinking about everything that happened. You felt like an idiot for it, but you couldn’t get Jiyong out of your mind. Yes, you were terrified of him, but at the same time, you missed him. You missed the times when the two of you would just sit in silence. You couldn’t stop thinking about the night he held you, comforting you because of the storm. You couldn’t stop thinking about the way he tried to joke to make you worry less. You couldn’t stop thinking about how things just didn’t add up. Why would he behave that way if he was going to shoot you? You couldn’t understand. the two images of the saw he looked at you that night and the way he looked at you when he shot you were driving you insane. You sighed and rolled on the bed when suddenly, you noticed a shadow that didn’t belong to you. You looked up, hoping that it was Hanbin, or even Jiyong, but it was a man you didn’t recognise. He was just standing there staring at you, waiting for you to notice him. When he realised you had, he started smiling. A deranged smile.
 “Hi Y/N.” 
You stood up, trying to hide your fear. If there was anything your time there had taught you, it was to never show your fear. They thrive off it. 
“And who are you?”
 He started laughing, and it was terrifying.
 “Me? I’m just the friend of the guy he murdered for you.” 
He extended his hand in a hand shake. 
“I’m Minhyuk.” 
 You slowly tried to reach for the torch near your bed. Anything to hit him with. To distract him, you asked, 
“What do you want from me?” 
Again, he laughed.
 “Nothing Y/N. I just want you dead. Or maybe I should take you to EXO. I hear Jongin is looking for you.” 
And he took out his gun and aimed it at your head. 
“Move any closer to that torch and I shoot.” 
You froze. You slowly stood up and put your hands up, trying to think of how to get out of the situation. He came closer and you backed away further.
 “Y/N, stop hiding. I just want to have fun.”
 You were terrified. That guy had to be insane. Your back hit a wall and his smile became wider.
 “Looks like you’re trapped Y/N.”
And he stopped moving and pulled the trigger. You closed your eyes, thinking it was the end, when you felt a pair of strong arms pull you away. Jiyong quickly pulled you away and turned you around, so that your head was buried in his chest. His voice deadly serious and the angriest you had ever heard him, he said, 
“Y/N, you might want to close your eyes. This is not going to be pretty.” 
And he took out his gun. Before he pulled the trigger, he covered your ears with his other hand and leaned down to plant a kiss on your forehead. 
“I’m sorry, but I swear, I’ll keep my word now. You’re safe.”
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alex-baebae · 4 years
Pieces of Honor
Chapter 8 
“Help me” Lu Feng asks Daesung, they almost carry Seunghyun, they walk into a house. I enter as well, here is the doctor he quickly checks Seunghyun’s bloody leg. Many minutes passed, now the doctor is suturing his skin. “I have finished, you have to take this medicine so it won’t get infected” he tells Seunghyun. “Please, sit here” he tells me, I sit in a red chair “you have many small injueries in your arm” he says “yeah, but it is not a big deal”. “Lu Feng are you injured too?” the doctor asks “just a little, nothing to worry about” Lu Feng tells him. 
We are back in the SUV, Lu Feng is driving, Daesung is sat down next to him, me and Seunghyun in the back seats. “How do you feel now?” I ask him “okay, I’m okay” he smiles “is your arm alright?” he asks me “yeah”. I hug him, then he lays in my lap he lost so much blood. He falls asleep immediately while I caress his hair “what you looking at?” I say to Lu Feng who was watching us through the mirror “nothing” he smiles and looks ahead. 
I look at Daesung, he is lost in his phone or looking through the window or talking with Lu Feng, the night sky covers the path. We arrive at Hanoi, my father gives us two days more for resting, then I guess we will return to China. Lu Feng told him what I have done, what we have done. He told my father we were pretty good, and of course that I showed no mercy… he told my father what I did to the man that hurt Seunghyun, he was proud. 
We are at an expensive hotel, not like the one in Ho Chi Minh City. Seunghyun and I are talking while making out “hey” I whisper “yes?” he said “why did you laid on my lap?” I ask “I guess... I was just tired” he explains “don’t you were embarrassed?” I ask again “about, what?” he asks back “about, the guys seeing you that way” I tell him “no” he didn’t hesitate to respond “why... do I have to?” he caresses my lips “some men are like… you know, I forgot for a moment you are not like them” I answer “I’m your property, I’ll behave the way you tell me” he looks into my eyes “if you don’t like too much PDA then, I won’t do it” he looks kind of sad at his last words “no, it’s okay” I kiss his lips.  
He shuts his eyes opening his mouth, it is almost that I know what he wants. I slide my tongue inside his mouth. he moans. I’m starting to be in control, I didn’t know this could be so good, I touch all over his member, he moves his hips against my hand for more friction. 
“___” his eyes are full of lust, I smile “tell me, what do you want?” I put my fingers into his mouth he sucks and licks them while closing his eyes enjoying the sensation. I remove my fingers; I rub my nipples with those coated fingers by his saliva, he looks at me carefully. “Tell me, what do you want?” I squeeze his neck softly, his getting harder. He blushes “are you embarrassed?” I chuckle “I’ve never seen you like this” he bites his lips “I really like it” he adds.  
I climb onto him, my legs at each side of his hips, I rub my pussy against his cock he caresses my arms while I squeeze his neck “fuck my face” he says, I smile while biting my bottom lip “you are such a bad boy” he smiles “I guess you’ll have to punish me” wow! I never thought Seunghyun could be such a bottom, I guess is good to be both, top and bottom. 
I have never been so aroused, so I put my underwear off, “you like what you see?” I ask while my pussy is dripping over his face, he nods. “Then enjoy it” I grab the bed’s headboard to help my balance then, I sit on Seunghyun's face, he groans and licks my clit, I moan hard “that’s so nice, baby boy” I move my hips increasing my pleasure. “Suck it” I order, he instantaneously sucks my clit, that makes my legs shake “oh yes!” I scream I push down my hips trying to get more stimuli, he tries to suck the harder he could. 
I notice, his face is now red “sorry” I say, he was barely getting oxygen, his mouth was coated with my juices he licks his lips “you always taste so good” he comments with that raspy voice of him. 
“Look at the mess between your legs” I said, he smiles shy, noticing his precum dampening his underwear. Someone called the door “shit, I cover myself quickly with Seunghyun’s shirt, wich covers well my body.  
“Yes?” it was Lu Feng and Daesung “ah… your father wants you both to return to China, he has a surprise for you” Lu Feng says “we-we have to return this night” Daesung comments, he looks to the floor maybe it’s kind of erotic seeing me like this “sure, we'll see you at the lobby at…?” Lu Feng nods “10pm” he says “have fun” Lu Feng comments before leaving, I only chuckle he obviously knew what he interrupted. I close the door, I return to the bedroom just to see Seunghyun touching his cock “who said you could touch yourself?” I put the shirt off “sorry, mommy” he says. “Mommy?” I question “a-ah if you don’t like…” I kiss him “I like it”.  
I start to massage his cock again “then, tell me why did you touched yourself?” he looks at me innocently “it is just that mommy’s nipples look so good thought the fabric” I smile, my nipples were hard and visible maybe that the reason of Daesung's embarrassment “wanna suck them?” I ask, he nods looking directly into my eyes, his mouth a little open “you have my permission, baby boy” he looked to my hard nipples, he licked both for a minute, then he sucked my right nipple I hummed. 
“Stop” he was so concentrated in my chest “I say stop it” I pull his head back grabbing his hair, I go for my necktie which was inside the closet “hands on your back” I command, I tied up his wrists then I guided his face to my chest “continue” I say. 
While he licked and sucked my all over my chest, I caressed his hair and face, I was delighted... at some point I removed his t-shirt, “lay on the bed” he just lets his body fell his chest was going up and down waiting for my next movement, I take his cock into my hands, lots of precum are covering it. I suck the tip, he only whimpers. 
“Please…!” I have been teasing him a lot, he finally dared to speak “please, make me cum” I like to see his expression when I take him to the edge. Then I move my hand vigorously he throws his head back, more moans escape from his throat, I continue sucking the tip, his hips jerking. “I’m gonna…” a load groan filled the expensive room, he is still shaking 'what if…' I continued moving my hands.  
“Ah-agh...waaait” he now, is almost convulsing, he can barely speak, his lips wide open as his eyes shut, his hips thrusting. His moans are the loudest I have heard until now, soon tears are rolling down his face, his seed can’t stop flowing, I stop, he looks into my eyes... that innocent eyes again I take some of his cum and I put it into his mouth “swallow” he obeys me, he was still enjoying the little spasms of his high. 
That night we returned to China, my father congratulated us, he said he made a party for us. I had to wear a stupid dress, I mean dresses are not my style, I feel dresses don’t fit me. 
“You look beautiful” Seunghyun tells me “you always tell me so” I chuckle “it is because every day you look stunning” he hugs me from behind kissing my neck, I caress his arms and hands “we’re late” I say. 
“Welcome, my daughter” my father says, my mother is there too, she’s not as happy as him, the presence of Seunghyun seems to piss her off. The party is full of luxurious stuff, I was used to it, although I don’t like it. “Hey!” someone calls me, Seunghyun is talking with Daesung at the other side of the big room, probably another fucking mission is gonna take place. “Hello” I say politely to a white guy, he’s maybe as tall as Seunghyun, red haired, beautiful eyes “I’m Vlad Mikhailov” yeah... I knew him he was like me, the son of the boss of the Russian Mafia he was better knew as ‘Prince Romanov' so cliché for being a Russian! 
Hello there!
Have a nice day, rest a lot!
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